Fired Up - Winter 2022

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The Spirit Of The Composer The Dark Side Of Desensitization Social Media The New Puppet Master FIRED UP FIREDUPMAG.COM Your Source For Spiritual Uplift Volume 2 | Issue 2 | Winter 2023
Letter From The Editor 1 Real Talk Q&A 3 The Balancing Act: Stewardship God’s Way 5 The Rise of the Entrepreneur 7 The Christian Educator’s Dilemma 11 Influence and Our Youth 15 Planting Seeds Of Righteousness 19 Killing Us Softly 27 Rest and Restoration 29 Grapevine, TX: A Hidden Jewel 30 Artist Spotlight: Jermia Cannon 33 Seasonal Recipes 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS 31 13 The Dark Side Of Desensitization The Spirit of the Composer 23 Social Media: The New Puppet Master


Editor-in-Chief Jacquinette Murphy

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Lakisha Walton

Contributing Writers

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Jonathan Colbert Clarence Davis

Alfreda Evans

Tamia Holland Tiara Holland Tahjinae Jackson Tameka Lewis Sharmira Mallard Keyonia Mathis Ashytn McCurdy Deloris Mitchell Colby Onic Aundia Rogers Ralph Sanders Aaronda Smith PAS1 Ania Thacker Shanna Fletcher-Urista Stephanie Wyatt

Copy Editors

Jacquinette Murphy Shawnetta Murray Aaronda Smith PAS1 Janice Wyatt Stephanie Wyatt

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TLewis Photography

Advertising Manager / Finance

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“O h, Be Careful Little Eyes What You See” is a song often taught to the littlest members of our society and carries a lesson that all humanity should consider throughout all the days of our lives. Be aware of what your senses experience, for it can impact your perspective, ideas, and actions.

The world’s first family who dwelled in the Garden of Eden confirms that there are multi-tiered impacts on humanity from unseen societal forces which influence and control the heartstrings and thoughts from birth to death, naturally, emotionally, and spiritually.

This guiding force, information source, or resource shapes our decisions, ideas, beliefs, experiences, and, thus, our life’s journey.

It’s like an invisible puppet master that positions, step-by-step, the positive or successful and even the negative and detrimental. The constant exposure has hardened the heart and brought the mind to make the uncommon, familiar, and thus more readily acceptable.

As you read this edition of Fired Up magazine, do a self-examination. Who or what are you following? What is influencing you and this generation? Who’s like a magnet pulling you their way? Can you still decipher the truth from a lie? Are your actions and response to the invisible stimuli in alignment with the word of God and the Bible? How do you know?

The articles included in this Winter issue expound upon the numbing effect of constant overexposure in the Dark Side of Desensitization, the acceptance of societal practices as moral norms in Influence on Youth, the pipedpiper impact of music in the article Spirit of the Composer, that intrudes in our life song shaping our actions. The cover feature invites the reader to the journey of the evolution of societal puppeteers who shape our society. Remember that we can only have one master puppeteer in our lives.

As you travel through the pages or flip through the online edition, we hope you see yourself and gain insight into your life’s journey. Subscribe, let us know your thoughts, and send a message to

Jacquinette D. Murphy 1 FIRED UP


QI just recently gave my life to Christ, and I am still learning how to please God daily. My pastor said listening to R&B music is wrong, but I am having trouble understanding why. I have asked my new Christian friends, and they cannot explain it. Can you help me understand? I want to honor God with my whole life, but I don’t get it.

AMusic is powerful and appeals to our emotions, impacting our thoughts, actions, and lives. When we become new creatures in Christ Jesus, everything in our life that is not in alignment with the things of God should also change as we grow in our knowledge of God. R&B, also called rhythm and blues, is secular music that glorifies the flesh and its desires. In contrast, sacred music exalts God and edifies his goodness and holiness. This music genre emphasizes the spiritual belief that we should seek to please God. When we focus on Him and worship Him, we enter His holy presence, experiencing the joy of being born again. When we confess our sins and commit to following Christ, we are born again, meaning we’ve given up that old lifestyle and are no longer a part of the world’s sinfulness. Titus 2:12 says, “Teaching us, that by denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, even in this present world. To live holy means we do everything we can to please Him, who has forgiven us so much.

QMy husband and I have attended the same church for the past 17 years. We have prayed together during those times, and God has blessed us in many ways. But now he has decided that he no longer wants to go to church and is pressuring me to follow him. He has even threatened to divorce me and find another woman who will do what he now considers pleasures. I know the Bible says that man is the head of the house, and I am supposed to be submissive to him as my covering, but I love God and do not want to lose my husband and leave my church. My heart is torn! What should I do?

AYour situation is heartbreaking, but your sincere desire to stay with God says a lot about your personal conviction. Often, as Christians, we expect our marriages to align with the scriptures and the wedding vows: “to have and to hold, to love and cherish, til death we do part.” However, there are

times when a spouse decides to no longer follow Christ or His teachings, and we face a tough decision on whether or not to support or follow them.

I Corinthians 7:15 says, “But if the unbelieving departs, let him depart….” Let your spouse know you genuinely love him and want your marriage to work. But, at the risk of losing out with God, there can be no compromise. Explain that everyone must answer for themselves before God as to why they walked away from Him and that serving God is an individual affair. During this season, your faith in God will be the sustaining force to help you navigate this process. Seek His guidance from the pages of scriptures and stand on His word. Hold fast, and God will work everything out for good.

QFor the past two years, I have been seeking God and trying to get closer to Him, but it seems like nothing is happening. I am trying not to give up, but I wonder how I get God to speak to me.

ARemember that time spent seeking more of God is never wasted. You may be closer to Him than you think. Growth occurs over time and not overnight. Learning the ways of God is a process and an adventure. He reveals Himself in so many beautiful ways that we sometimes find it easy to overlook. Keep channeling your energy and time into prayer. Study the Word, keep your heart open, and your expectations high. Soon you’ll have developed a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him than you thought possible.

QI recently visited a friend’s church where people were speaking in tongues. However, I belong to a different denomination where speaking tongues is not taught. Do I have to speak in tongues to be saved?

AWe live in a society where many religions have developed teachings according to their interpretation of scripture, which often fits their needs and desired doctrine. However, the Holy Scriptures tell us that the Bible is not by private interpretation but is the infallible truth of God Himself. What is written in the Holy Bible is there for all to believe and obey. It’s not for certain denominations because Jesus Christ died for the entire world. St. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, Jesus, should not perish but have everlasting life.”


Jesus came to free us from the dominion of sin. Not only that, but He made sure that we could have the power to remain free from the devil and his alluring sinful plans. Thus said, the Holy Ghost was sent from Heaven, empowering the people of God to live just that kind of life. The tongues are not the Holy Ghost, but it’s the biblical evidence that the spirit of God has its dwelling in the person of every born-again believer. It is a transforming experience that no one can deny or explain. It has to be experienced. So just because a church doesn’t teach or believe, it doesn’t make the WORD or the teachings of scriptures ineffective. It’s plainly written for those who want to know the truth.

QI am a father of three teenage children. I go to church, but my wife does not. I am trying to raise them to love God. My wife and I disagree on how this looks in our house. I believe I should bring them to church with me now, but she thinks I should wait until they are old enough to choose for themselves. How do I compromise without losing my children to the world?

AAs parents, we should work as a team to raise our children in a safe and positive environment. We must lay a spiritual foundation for children to grow. If only one parent submits, chaos and confusion can hinder the process.

While you are the head of the household, it is still important to hear your wife’s perspective and ensure that she knows that her opinion matters as you seek to find common ground.

Consider taking them to a Sunday worship service to start their week with peace and tranquility and not interfere with any daily activity or school schedule. During meals, you can say grace and quote scriptures to invoke God’s blessings and favors over the family. Also, throughout the week, you can interject scriptures and use spiritual applications to keep them rooted and grounded in the Word.

God is not the author of confusion. If you seek to do His will, you’ll discover ways to keep harmony in the home and develop a solid and enduring relationship with your wife. As you take a firm stand as the head of the house, maybe your wife will come to appreciate your conviction and recognize the value of having a Godfearing husband. God will reward you for your faithful stance, not only as a natural, wholesome provider but as a much-

needed spiritual one.

QHow do I witness to my family who remembers me and the way I was before I got saved? I have been trying, but they refuse to hear anything I say about Christ. How do I win them to Christ?

AMany of us have faced the intense scrutiny of trying to prove we have changed and are not the same person we were before conversion. Some fear your salvation, as it goes against what they believe. For example, only some people accept that you can live free and separated from sin. And if you have family members who profess Christianity but lack credibility, your salvation will call their religious lifestyle into question.

My suggestion to you is to keep living life. In time, they will see the difference and accept the reality of II Corinthians 5:17, which says, “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.”

Do not worry about those who refuse to accept your new way of life. Let your life be a witness that God can and will change anyone who gives their heart to Him.

I am new to salvation. How do I know if it is me, God’s voice, or the devil in my thoughts?

AThe enemy of our soul tries to use your status as a “babe in Christ” to tempt you to do wrong. As newly saved Christians, we are like babes and may need help clearly distinguishing the source of many voices within. However, you can be sure that the voice of God will never instruct you to do, say or commit any wrongdoing contrary to His word. Thus, as a believer, it is essential not only to be saved but to have the Holy Ghost dwelling within you to be your teacher and a guide and keep you from the tricks of Satan in your infancy as a new convert.

As we mature in Christ, we grow in wisdom and knowledge of the leading of the Spirit. We are in tune with the scriptures and can more clearly see how they empower us to discern what’s right and whose voice we may be hearing. The more of the word of God you know, the better you will recognize His voice above all others.




Simply put, financial stewardship is making wise choices with one’s spending and financial responsibilities.

In our world as we know it today, there is such a great pull or influence to try to maintain a certain status quo. As a result, many people find themselves facing a financial whirlwind, not realizing that by just taking time out to plan or budget for the handling of their finances, they could most likely fare much better than just spending haphazardly! When one’s finances are out of control, then this lends to great ruin in other areas of one’s life.

How Financial Stewardship Aligns with Salvation and Why It Is Necessary

Effective stewardship over our finances starts with a financial plan that, when followed, ensures a successful outcome in our natural lives. Let us consider in general terms, how budgeting lines up with the plan of salvation. The plan of salvation, provided for us by God through His Son, Jesus Christ, affords us fulfilled life. In comparison, we see that both plans allow us to escape degradation and ruin, one naturally so, the other spiritually so. In 3 John 1:2, the Word of God says, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. This clearly means the Lord desires that we prosper both spiritually and naturally, by living a balanced lifestyle. In addition, 2 Peter 1:3 states, According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. Therefore, we have been given what we need to maintain even our spiritual lives, as well as our financial well-being.

Causes of Negative Financial Stewardship

Falling prey to negative influences, such as the proverbial ‘keeping up with the Jones’, lends to financial self-sabotage. When we fail to properly manage our finances, this sometimes causes issues with damage to our credit, an

inability to pay our bills on-time, bankruptcy. Proverbs 21:20 states: There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up. Based on, some of the most damaging money mistakes to avoid as follows:

• Spending money without a plan

• Relying on your own will power to make good financial decisions

• Failing to measure your financial progress and shortcomings

• Absence of real accountability

• Failing to make giving a priority

Consider this quote from R.G. LeTourneau, one of the most successful 20th century inventors and businessmen, who said, “I shovel (money) out, and God shovels it back, but God has a bigger shovel.” This aligns with Luke 6:38, especially, as Mr. LeTourneau gave back 90% of his income to God and continually reaped bountifully.

As a former IRS Taxpayer Advocate, I have had the opportunity to analyze the personal finances of countless persons, in an effort to determine if a viable negotiation or settlement could be reached. It was always very interesting to see how many people did not realize how lavishly they were living while neglecting their primary responsibilities. A couple with great careers and no children but totally out of control with their finances begged me to advocate to the IRS that they were unable to pay their tax liabilities. However, as I analyzed their monthly income versus their expenses for a given time, I discovered they were spending more than $4,000-$6,000 per month eating out, because “they did not have time to cook for themselves.” (So mind-boggling, right!)

According to New York Times best-selling author and financial advisor, David Bach, millionaires rely on an auto-


matic system to manage their finances. One of Mr. Bach’s quote is, “If your financial plan is not automatic, you will fail.”

Establishing automation to our finances, such as direct deposit and automated monthly bill payments could curtail lavish spending, and allow for more self-control, especially with spending. However, financial structure and discipline is key.

Financial Mindset Fix

Foremost, we must analyze the condition of our hearts to make certain that we are lining up with the Word of God, even in the handling of our finances. Matthew 6:21 states, For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

If or when we find ourselves facing financial sabotage, we must make a sincere commitment to analyze our income vs our spending trends. In summary:

• Commit to changing your lifestyle from lavish to fruitful

• Develop a monthly budget and stick to it

• Maintaining a savings account and a rainy-day emergency fund

• Consider investing in other viable wealth-building strategies

• Ensure your tithes are included in your budget, as it is your obligation to God according to Proverbs 3:9-10 and Malachi 3:10.

If this article has tugged at your heart, and you are ready to make a sincere commitment to be a better steward of your finances, then say this short prayer of devotion:

“Father God, thank you for reminding me of my obligation to be a good steward of what you have assigned to me, especially in the area of handling my finances. I desire to make a more conscious effort to please you everyday. In Jesus’ name, Amen”.


Entrepreneurship is the current buzzword in today’s culture. Oftentimes, a plethora of online ads appear on social media where people offer “how to” programs on how they became overnight successes and business moguls. Without a doubt, entrepreneurship requires more than what meets the eye. Just as working a regular “9 to 5” is a full responsibility, entrepreneurship, in most cases, enlists an even greater level of dedication.

What does it mean to start your own business? What are the

benefits of being your own boss?

Most say that owning your own business is a way to have the freedom to create your own schedule. People nowadays often desire to work for themselves to create a greater work-life balance, thus creating a way to spend more time with their families. A recent statistic revealed that in 2022, the number of small businesses owners in the United States reached 33.2 million, making up 99-percent of the nation’s businesses.1

Becoming an entrepreneur

is a journey that involves learning who you are, what your strengths and passions are, and how you can turn them into a profitable venture. It is inspiring to witness someone doing what they love, and that’s exactly what Brandon Emmitt is accomplishing. As the owner of Emmitt’s Catering, Brandon’s journey as a business owner is remarkable. It has garnered him several recognitions as he continues to expand his reach with his delectable cuisines. Emmitt’s Catering offers private chef services, catering, and cooking classes and is


continuing to expand as he is being sought after across the United States.

Like most entrepreneurs, Brandon had a desire to be successful and to do something he was passionate about. His love for cooking began as a child, watching his father cook for their family. This moment in his life sparked his interest in the culinary arts. At age 23, he decided he wanted to pursue a culinary career.

Brandon also credits his upbringing in church as the foundation of who he is and how far he has come in life and business. He says being taught faith at a young age made an impact on how he tackles life’s circumstances. Brandon knows without doubt that “all things are possible to those who believe.”

Brandon Emmitt started his culinary education in 2008 at Remington College. However, it was a challenge because he dealt with some major life changes. But, Brandon didn’t give up. He persevered through it all and today, his

culinary expertise has garnered him features in publications, podcasts, and other media outlets.

Brandon was greatly influenced by his culinary school instructor, Robert Bifulco. Mr. Bifulco took Brandon under his tutelage and inspired him to overcome personal setbacks and challenges as he pursued his culinary education.

“My mother and father divorced when I was 18 years old. So, my dad wasn’t around to guide me. I remember falling on my knees asking God to be my dad and to show me the way,” shared Brandon. “God led me to cross paths with Robert Bifulco while attending college. He stayed on me and kept me grounded. Our relationship was more like father and son. He took me under his wing and taught me skill and personal development.”

Brandon’s response was simple when asked what advice he would offer someone who desires to take the leap into entrepreneurship. “Keep God first. Have a vision. Work hard. Believe in yourself.”

What’s next for Emmitt’s Catering? Brandon has a great vision for the future of his business. He plans to take his cuisines nationwide and do food events throughout the United States to spread love through his delicious food.

Brandon Emmitt gives God all the credit in his success, “God is my CEO. I am the president.”

To learn more about Brandon Emmitt and Emmitt’s Catering, check out his website at www.

Facebook: ChefBrandonEmmitt

Instagram: emmittscatering/ 1 statistics/number-of-smallbusiness-in-the-us

1. Take some time to consider what your passions are and what you enjoy doing that you can convert into a sustainable business. (Example: photography, event planning, graphic design, etc.)

2. Conduct market research in your field of interest to determine if your business idea can be profitable within your specific niche.

3. Create a to-do-list of what you

need to start your business.

4. (Example: business registration, licensing, business planning, etc.)

5. Choose your business structure. (Example: Sole proprietorship, Limited liability partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, corporation)

6. Write a business plan. This is a necessity to apply for business funding or financing.

7. Consider funding sources. This

could be personal investment into your business or other type of business financing, such as crowdfunding, angel investing, or bank financing.

For more information about business and entrepreneurship, check out the U.S. Small Business Administration at or SCORE at


Debt Free

What started

you on your financial journey?

In 2019, my husband and I were shopping for our first home when we realized things would be more affordable if we reduced our debt. We remembered the testimony of two of our friends which sparked an interest for us to consider Dave Ramsey’s financial wellness program. By decreasing our debt, saving up a nice down payment on a new home would be possible. We wrote down our vision and pinned it to our bathroom wall and scratched off each debt item as we paid it off. By the end of 2020, we had paid off a total of $61,355.71! With sacrifice and determination, in 13 months we were able to meet our goal. God truly ordered our steps.

What lessons did you learn on your journey?

Paying off a large debt slowly can seem redundant, but consistency is key. We would look at the balance after throwing a nice chunk of cash on it, and it still seemed like a very far-fetched goal. Over time, the balance kept dwindling and became closer and closer to “0”.

Also, excess spending had to stop and we had to have the determination to keep this mindset. We gave ourselves an allotment of money we could spend every pay period. The rest either went towards debt or in our savings account. This helped us to quickly pay off the debt.

What resources can you share with others wanting to pursue a debt free journey or gain financial literacy?

We followed Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Baby Steps, which helped us out a lot. We did take our own approach and paid off debt that had the highest interest first, but everything else we did was based on the recommendations of Ramsey University.

Paying off debt is achievable, but you must have the discipline to do it. So many individuals get discouraged when the debt doesn’t move quick enough, but you must remember this isn’t a sprint but a marathon. The more debt you have, the more grace you need to give yourself. You have to have a plan. Write out your debt, your goals, your budget, etc. Once you have done that, stick to it. This helped us to quickly pay off the debt.

What started you on your your path to financial wellness?

As a couple, we desire to build wealth and to own things that actually belong to us. Our desire was to also fulfill the scripture, which says owe no man anything but love. We wanted to enjoy life freely, which meant we needed to remove any unnecessary, excessive debt. The Bible says that a good man will leave a legacy to their children and that is our goal.

What lessons did you learn on your journey?

We learned to approach large and small purchases like a fork in the road by asking ourselves one question. “Is this a desire or a need?’

Additionally, we became careful of our wants because they can harm your needs. For example, you get all the stuff you want, then realize that you need money for car repairs or doctor visits, and you don’t have it.

What helpful resources can you share with others who are interested in becoming debt free or becoming financially literate?

Don’t overspend. Live within your means.We didn’t use any sources, like a specific formula or method or program. We used our spiritual resources. We did read books, and different videos, followed advice from other people, but we ultimately obeyed the word of God.

In everything, we put God first, including our giving. For us, giving is not just limited to money, we give our time and also help in the ministry. These are seeds we are planting and they are reaping a harvest for us. (Matthew 6:33; Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38)

CEDRIC & CIERRA WILKERSON Michael & LaKisha Walton

The list describing an educator is grand to say the least: teacher, administrator, counselor, etc. Regardless of which job is in operation, everything an educator does requires one thing - the provision of instruction. So, what happens when the position’s requirements conflict with what one believes, and one’s faith is under attack? There are several issues affecting Christian educators, but the major dilemma is simply being a Christian as well as an educator. The role of politics in education is a familiar one as many laws have been passed to ensure equity and equality for all. Brown vs. The Board of Education resulted in school integration; Engel vs Vitale banned prayers from school; even the oldest of them, the Constitution, implemented the separation of church and state. For the Christian educator, these laws further add to the dilemma Christian teachers are grappling with, but these challenges go far beyond equity or equality. The very identity of the Christian educator is being challenged; therefore, the dilemma is not in politics but the struggle to maintain standards when everything else around wants to strip them away.


Since this is an article about Christian educators, we must first address teaching from God’s point of view. As one of the five-fold ministries discussed in Ephesians 4:11, teaching is vital not just to one’s education, but to one’s spirit. Jesus Himself was known as a Rabbi, a Jewish spiritual leader or teacher. Being a teacher, therefore, means more than a paycheck; it is a God given mandate to nurture his children. The first dilemma Christian educators must settle is that the job is just a job. Teachers minister to the educational needs of the students they serve. Your calling as a teacher is not


separate from your job as a teacher. Consider 1 Corinthians 12:28. The office of a teacher is the third ministry, following the apostles and the prophets. God ordained teachers to be a part of his staff long before the educational system, but many are being forced to curtail their Christian identities in both action and speech. Unfortunately, there are not too many laws in support of sharing Christian ideals that contradict societal or cultural norms. Since they are often reprimanded, many Christian educators choose to remain silent.

Secondly, the changing attitudes of society have increased restraints on what can and cannot be taught, further impacting the Christian educator’s role. Teachers now must deal with gender identity issues, lack of parental support, and the ever changing administrative policies. The job of the teacher has become more complicated and, for the Christian educator, more difficult. Despite this difficulty, it is necessary for them to establish their identity. Yes, Christian educators are considered ministers of the gospel, but when referencing their role, they are ministers of service. There is difficulty in managing the varying facets of the educational system while also maintaining one’s spiritual identity. Juggling several personas is never an easy feat. No matter the changing attitudes of society, it is imperative for the Christian educator to exhibit the same identity to those they serve, Christ.

One final dilemma to address is the choice to hold true to one’s faith. There are many

systemic principles threatening the values and standards upheld by Christian educators. Yes, one must be “wise as serpents” but “harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16), but one must also avoid becoming a passive Christian when God expects boldness. Understand that nothing catches God by surprise. He already knew what type of societal duress educators would experience and the pressure to capitulate to societal trends such as the acceptance of LGBT agendas and book banning, specifically the Bible and the teaching of Christian values. These efforts are attempts to silence both the church and its ministers, but the Christian educator must be willing to eschew wisdom in all of their dealings and get the job done.

Schools are not churches, but they pretty much have the same function-- to instruct and educate future generations to continue building. The role of a Christian educator has certainly become increasingly more difficult, but II Timothy 4:3 warned us of these times when people would select their own teachers and rid themselves of sound doctrine. As a Christian educator, one must hold strong to the faith and be emboldened to stand on biblical convictions. You cannot afford to let go of your faith; you must fulfill your role, and never be ashamed of Jesus! (Mark 8:38) Dilemmas in education will always be challenging, but the dilemma for the Christian educator is whether or not you will continue to stand or cower.


The dark side of desensitization

To desensitize, based on Merriam Webster’s dictionary, is “to extinguish an emotional response-as of fear, anxiety, or guilt-to stimuli that formerly induced it.” The noun desensitization refers to a therapy developed in the 1950s to help people deal with phobias and disorders like PTSD and anxiety. With this definition in mind, one would assume that desensitization is a wonderful thing; however, there is another side to it that has over time proven to be a hidden adversary, especially to Christians.

How desensitized have we become to events like violence, disasters, and other traumatic events constantly being shown to us via the media or directly? Why is this especially dangerous for a Christian, and what can be done to combat it?


Up Close…

What is the last gruesome event that you remember that you have seen in the media and/ or witnessed firsthand and how did you react to it? Remember the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, in May 2022 that claimed the lives of nineteen students and two adults on the last day of their school year?

As horrific as this was, it is nothing new since, according to the New York Times, it was one of over a recorded 500+ mass shootings that happened in the U.S. in just 2022, with nearly 700 recorded the previous year. How about natural disasters like the flooding in Eastern Kentucky that saw water rise to the height of the roofs of houses and resulted in over thirty fatalities? This, again, is nothing new since it’s not the first time the earth has experienced a flood or any natural disaster. In fact, natural disasters have and continue to occur more frequently and have become deadlier. For example, the infamous Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 resulted in quadruple-digit death tolls and billions of dollars in damages.

On Screen…

Did you perhaps see something awful in your social media feed or while playing a video game? Sadly, content that revolves around violence, drama, scandal, etc., are among the media subjects that garner massive attention from viewers. Users even market their own social media accounts using headlines and profile pictures that revolve around these and similar topics. The fact that numerous users are doing this means that this tactic is yielding positive results and is considered an effective self-marketing strategy. We are living in a time when the way in which people respond to violent actions can be compared to that of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). It is not uncommon to watch people passing by a badly bruised man beaten and left to die; the difference today is that people would stop to take pictures or film for their social media accounts. It is as if violence has become entertainment and the value of life is being diminished. This is further proven by violent games that include bloody one-versus-one fighting game, first-person military shooters, and real-world simulators complete with profanity, sex, drugs, and shootings. All these things play a part of the enemy’s plan to desensitize the next generation and

beyond. What one generation embraces, the next generation tolerates. This is especially dangerous to the current and next generation of Christians.

The Danger…

Why is a desensitized Christian so dangerous? Well, let’s reflect on the definition of desensitization mentioned at the beginning.

“to extinguish an emotional response-as of fear, anxiety, or guilt-to stimuli that formerly induced it.”

A desensitized Christian is dangerous because they are made insensitive to the direction that this world is going and see little to no reason to do anything about it. The sin (violence, fornication, deception, etc) that they see around them will not phase them because their emotional, or in this case, spiritual response has been extinguished. Sin is that stimuli that should always induce opposing spiritual reactions from God’s people. If this is taken away, it can serve as a doorway for Satan to enter. Though desensitization itself is not a sin, it can lead to acceptance, an “It is what it is” attitude, and eventually falling into sin. Christians are supposed to be the salt of the earth in charge of slowing down the world’s rotting process, reaching out to the lost and abstaining from even the very appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). How are we supposed to save someone else if we ourselves are ensnared?

Avoiding Desensitization

To avoid falling victim to the negative side of desensitization as a Christian, it is best to not entangle yourself in the cares of this life (2 Timothy 2:4) and maintain a relationship with Christ. Learn to fast in order to get away from, not just food, but the carnality of this life and focus seriously on the Lord. Pray and read His word daily in order to better recognize His voice and maintain an awareness of the coming of the Lord.

When you do these things, you will be able to flourish in more spiritual things and “be made perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”(2 Timothy 3:17)


Influence – The power to direct the thinking or behavior of others, usually indirectly.

In American culture, many influences have garnered the attention of our youth, and the Church is not one of them. Who or what are these influences? They are educators, entertainers, politicians, social and corporate media, big businesses, and the LGBTQIA+2Spirit (LGBT). The list is endless.

This article will focus on the LGBT community and its influences because it is the number one alternative lifestyle accepted and promoted across the United States of America. This lifestyle choice is an anti-Christ agenda intended to cause confusion.

The Definition

LGBTQAI2+2SPIRIT (see definition below): Under this umbrella lies a plethora of lifestyle choices such as Homosexual/Lesbian, Gender Fluid, Pansexual, Bi-sexual, 2Spirit, and the newest one, Minor-Attracted Person (pedophiles), to name a few.

According to the Gallup Poll, the LGBT community makes up 5.6% of the population in the United States.

Even though the LGBT is a very small group, they appear to have the loudest voice. From kindergarten to the land’s highest court, this small group has made great strides religiously, politically, and socially.

and even on the floors of Congress.

Words like woman, man, male, female, boy, girl, etc. are banned and now preferred pronouns are now required such as they, them, their, theirs, themselves, perself, hirself, etc. If the LGBT agenda is to remain supreme in the public square, we must disavow normalcy.

To move this narrative forward in our society, words like diversity, inclusion, equity, intersectionality and tolerance are all used to manipulate the minds of the masses. This manipulation does not exclude the Christian church. A certain level of guilt and virtue signaling to the unaccepting is attached to each one of these terms. There are also words to intimidate anyone who is not willing to accept this narrative as normal and shut down any opposition. Such words are homophobic, trans-phobic, racist, far-right, bigot, hater or H8, Christian Nationalist, and religious zealot.

What’s Happening to Our Children and Who Suffers the Most?

LGBT agenda. Children are taught that they have a choice whether they want to be male or female. In fact, they don’t have to be either; they can be gender-fluid, pansexual, androgynous, or an inanimate object.

It is the youth who has suffered the most. Many teens identifying as LGBT and transgender suffer from anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts.

The Trevor report states that at least one LGBTQ youth between the ages of 13–24 attempts suicide in the U.S. every 45 seconds. According to Pink News (an LGBT reporting site), a survey found that 50.3 percent of transgender teens have attempted suicide, compared to just 23.4 percent of heterosexual teens. Transgender teens are also more than four times as likely to have made a suicide attempt requiring medical attention. Also, 84.8 percent of transgender teens self-reported suicidal ideation while 72.5 percent reported having planned for a suicide attempt. (See Table 1)

Diabolical Narrative

Manipulation of the English language is important in causing the masses to accept the unacceptable. Words that were normal a few years ago are now outlawed in many public schools, colleges, businesses

The Covid-19 pandemic shutdown forced parents to see what their children were learning in both public and private schools. Even some Christians schools have capitulated to these influences, which was quite a shocker. Teaching has morphed into indoctrination. Parents being shocked by what their children are learning in public schools is its own sad commentary; however, many are now engaged in protecting the education of their children.

There is a heated battle between parents, teachers, and school boards because school curricula and libraries are inundated with the

The Perils of the LGBTQ Agenda

This society, from the White House to the schoolhouse, is influencing our youth to accept so-called drag queens and transsexualism as normal. There was a time in the United States when taking a child into a transvestite strip club would be a crime. Nowadays, it is an everyday occurrence with police protection.

Hospitals, with the backing of the AMA, politicians, the NEA, ivy league colleges, corporate media and even the president and vice


president of the USA are outright advocating for the surgical transformation of a child from male to female or vice versa, paid in full by taxpayers. Transgender Health Care is the term used to justify this horrific action. Hospitals are doing Frankenstein-like surgeries on children as young as eight years old to transform them to the opposite sex. They claim the child has realized he or she was born in the wrong body. These surgeries consist of performing mastectomies and hysterectomies on underage girls. A surgery called breast mammoplasty (breast augmentation) is performed on young boys. Bottom surgery is performed on boys and girls. How is this legal?

What must the Church do?

This is a cosmic battle for the hearts and minds of the American people, especially the children. This is a hostile takeover of our society and evidence of spiritual wickedness in high places.

We cannot only blame secular society for the power of wicked influences on our children. Parents place a behemoth of evil in the hands of their children when they give them unsupervised access to cellphones, tablets, smart TVs, and leave them for eight hours at the mercy of teachers with a Cultural Marxist agenda in the schools.

It has been stated that the moral rot of a society is the report card of the Church. It is the Church that should set the moral standards of a nation. For many years that was so, but now, not so much. Secular society has influenced the Christian church much more than the Christian Church has influenced secular society because the love of the world is mesmerizing.

The Church has no choice but to stand. God placed the Church on the earth to be salt (a preservative) and light (to show the way). The salt has lost its savor if there is major rot in society. If darkness is hovering over the nation, there is no light.

This is not the time to be ”woke” Christians. It is time to awaken out of sleep and be about our Father’s business. It is the job of the church to build a biblical worldview in our children. To teach them the principles of the bible and send them out into the world with a solid foundation so they can influence the world.

Deuteronomy 6:6-8 (KJV), 6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

Hosea 4:6 (KJV) 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

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Trading Traditions for Truth

What is one of your most memorable traditions and how has it influenced your life? One of Merriam-Webster definitions of traditions is “an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (such as a religious practice or social custom).” From family celebrations, beliefs, customs, to the process of completing specific activities in a certain way, we are constantly creating new traditions.

One of my most memorable and influential traditions is rooted in my beliefs. My beliefs changed my life for the best. This change did not happen overnight. It was through my grandmother’s life that I was shown the truth of how I should live. Her daily routine, beliefs, morals, and character helped establish me into the person I am today.

I knew something was different about my grandmother. She seemed to always have peace no matter what was going on in her life.I witnessed her go through difficult times that seemed impossible to come out of, but because of her faith in God, she persevered through those moments. It was her prayers that turned those difficult times into blessings. There were times in my life I knew my grandmother prayed for me. Things I knew weren’t supposed to happen came to pass in my life, and this became my first experience witnessing God’s power.

Before I knew what I know today,

I lived a life addicted to sin. There were things that I have done in secret because I knew it was sin. It seemed impossible to get rid of, and I thought it was just the normal way of life. This all changed when God made me aware of my sins by placing my grandmother in my life.

There were times that I wanted to do better. Throughout my childhood, I did everything that I thought I should do to avoid sin. I made sure to pray and repent for all things that might disappoint God. That even included the time that I forgot to do my homework. I wanted to live a life pleasing to God and did everything I thought I should do. Still, something was missing, and I kept finding myself in sin. I knew what I was doing displeased God and that this was not how I was supposed to live. It was through my maternal grandmother’s life that I found the truth. Her life was

to put God first. She was the first person to explain to me what a Bible was. She encouraged me to read my Bible to learn about God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

When I was discouraged, she explained how God is a life changer and that He knows everything about me. When she explained this to me, it brought back all the memories I had of Him. The life I thought was impossible to live, became possible with God.

I later found myself creating new traditions passed down from my grandmother. Through my grandmother’s tradition of putting God first, I’ve seen what God can do. The changes that were made, the answered prayers, and the testimony of her life, influenced my life with God.

My grandmother’s tradition started when she was young. I remember her telling me that my mom was still a baby when she gave her life to God; from that moment, my grandmother has placed God first. This was the start of her beliefs that trickled down to the next generation.

the testimony I needed and the influence that brought about my new beliefs.

My grandmother taught me how to live a life pleasing to God, such as fasting, praying, tithing, seeking God, and going to church. Her daily routine always involved God, from watching Christian television to running errands. She made sure

Now I find myself living the same experiences as my grandmother. In difficult moments, I knew that it was only God that brought me through. I believe in putting God first in everything I do.I understand that this was God’s plan, and it all started because of my grandmother.

My grandmother taught me how to live a life pleasing to God, such as fasting, praying, tithing, seeking God, and going to church.

Planting Seeds of Righteousness

Many children have always heard the phrase “because I said so” when asking a question. But, is this the appropriate response when parenting? I have been guilty of using this term in my younger years towards my children, but when I matured, I realized that these aren’t just my children but also souls given to me by God. I recognized that I had to do more than give commands. I am responsible for teaching them the statutes of God and helping them learn from my experience. I discovered that I had to be the sower who would plant or water the seed of righteousness, and God will give the increase. I learned that I had to teach and plant godly convictions in my children’s hearts so that they realize the words of God are true and not just mere words.

According to the King James dictionary, conviction is the act of convincing a person of error or of compelling the admission of truth. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I began to understand that I have been called to compel not just men to Christ but my own children. I wanted to be that godly example in my kids’ eyes. As parents, we are the walking Bible our children are reading, and God is taking note of how we handle the souls He has given us. More importantly, I understood it wasn’t about what I said to them but about what I did in the sight of my children. It was about being a hearer and a doer of the word of God. Can God trust you with the family He has given you? Are you teaching them to lean on and cling to the word of God? Have you dedicated those little ones to the Lord? Have you taught them to love God with all of their heart?



“How should we order the child and how shall we do unto him?” This was a question that was asked by Samson’s father Manoah in Judges 13. He inquired of this before his wife was pregnant with Samson and received the instructions from the Lord. As parents, it is important for us to request and receive guidance from the Lord regarding the rearing of our children. God will hear our prayers and is concerned about everything that concerns us. He will provide the instructions, but it is our duty to instruct our children in the ways of the Lord.

Proverbs 22:6 states that we are to train up a child in the way that they should go and when he or she is old they will not depart from it. We must prepare our children for society and the worldly influences that exist around them, so that they can decipher truth from a lie according to God’s word. This will equip them with the ability to resist the temptation to do evil when the opportunity presents itself. When training children in the ways of the Lord, parents are preparing them for life’s journey, both spiritually and naturally.


“Many can rule but few will lead,” is what one of my mentors told me when I got saved. A ruler exerts authority by saying “do this and that” and “don’t ask me any questions” whereas a leader influences by example. Parenting is being that leader who directs their children to Christ. While we are living in a time when children are easily swayed by outside forces, parents are still the ultimate influence on their children. God’s word is unfailing, which means it is the key to success and eternal life. Things may fail us, but not God. Teach them the word!


Growing up, I was taught about education, moral principles and what to expect once I turned 18. Yet, I was missing the most important piece of my life, Jesus. Coming to know the Lord in a saving way, I had to unlearn what I thought was right. I had to be honest with myself and God and realize that I needed God in every aspect of my life including raising my children. As a parent, I now understand my responsibility to my children’s souls and refuse to let them grow up without Godly principles. It is not too late to ask God to direct you in your life. My children saw the life I lived before knowing the Lord, and now they see me as a brand-new creature in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). I use those past experiences as teachable moments to let them know there is no fruit in unrighteousness.


We cannot change the past, but we can plan and live now. No matter how you were raised or your life circumstances, you can still be that godly example your children need today. God wants to help all who are willing to come to Him. This includes asking for guidance for how we govern our household. We don’t want our kids obeying us just because we said so. In a generation that desires an explanation, let us instruct in the law and statutes of God. Doing so, gives them a foundation and a reference for discerning the good, resisting the evil and answering questions with confidence about the God of their salvation.


Once you know the truth, you won’t be easily moved by “snake talk” or “moved with every wind of doctrine” (Ephe sians 4:14). We move from belief to conviction. A conviction follows you wherever you go - whether you go to school, work, out of town, or home. When a conviction is present, a parent does not have to be present for a child to do the right thing. This is what we want for our children so they can grow into the man or woman God has called them to be. The seeds we plant as parents grow and blossom into a fellowship and experience with God that no one can take away from our children. The convictions and godly principles we instill in them will help them remain steadfast, immovable, and settled in the word of God no matter what the world has to offer. Give them Jesus!

This is a question that plagues the mind of unbelievers who do not fully understand the nature of God. We live in a society where everything is someone else’s fault but our own. We are the masters of pointing fingers. This sinful nature is not new to just this generation. Consider the very beginning in the Garden of Eden. In short, man and woman and sin; snakes’ fault. But was it? If we take a dive into the scriptures, we see that when God questions Adam, He simply asks, “Did you eat of the fruit?” Adam declares, “the woman you gave me, gave me the fruit, and I did eat.” God then questions Eve, and what did she do? She pointed her finger, saying, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” This is a classic act of “it’s not my fault. They made me do it.” I know this act all too well because, when I was in sin, I made it my mission to blame everyone for my actions but myself. The question is why did they do it? But, the answer is simple, lust

Lust is defined as a strong desire for something. It is often a misconception that lust is only associated with sex. But the scriptures tell us a different story. People lust after money, cars, lifestyles, and so much more. Eve lusted for God’s wisdom. The serpent deceived her, but he did not make her sin. Like many people today, the devil is an influencer himself. He uses tactics to study those who are impressionable, and just like a serpent, he chooses the perfect time and strikes his prey. There was something on the inside of her that saw the tree as desirable. It was pleasing to her eye, and when you mix your lust with enticements, sin is bound to come, ultimately bringing death. (James 1: 14-15). But what does all this have to do with you?

This article is composed in the pursuit

that you may challenge yourself with a few questions. What in your life causes you to lust? Is it the carnal social media influencers that we just can’t seem to get away from? Or maybe the perverse group of friends you hang around? Could it possibly be the ungodly television shows you’re watching? The word of God declares that the devil is cunning and that the only time he shows up is to kill, steal and to destroy (John 10:10). When someone is cunning, they do what is necessary to get what they want. The devil wants your soul more than anything. He desires death for you, an eternity without God and peace. What better way to get you where he wants you than using yourself as the kryptonite?

What You’re Influenced by Determines Your Actions

Often, we try to pretend that our influences are not a large part of our lives. But if we examine our choices, everything we do has been or is dictated by some form of influence, good or bad. Think about the brand of tissue paper you buy. Did you watch a commercial? Did a family friend tell you about it or was there a Tik Tok that “changed your life?” Now, we are not discussing tissue, but do you see how quickly something so small as a commercial can have you running down the isles to try a new product? Either way, in whatever avenue, influence found its way to you, and it sparked your curiosity. So you tried it.

Lust Conceived

Many unbelievers seem to think that the devil is some fictional character who has little red horns and is located only on a hot sauce bottle. But in the word of God, the devil is described as an adversary who walks around as a lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). The devil is not dumb, and he is tactical in his methods

of influencing. A fish does not desire to be cooked and served as your dinner. I believe they rather enjoy living. Regardless of numerous fish caught before them, no fish can resist the bait dangled in their face. Just like the fisherman baits its prey, hooks it, and reels it in, struggle or not, they have accomplished their fishing goal. This is what the devil desires to do with you. He desires to sift you as wheat (Luke 22:31).

When Eve gave the enemy a bit of attention, she wrestled within herself denying what the serpent said to her, while yet, proclaiming the truth that God has spoken “...of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”(Genesis 3:3).

However, the serpent, being cunning as he is, did not stop there. He told her that she would not die but instead become like God, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:1-5). Those danger instincts were increasing in her mind at an alarming rate. Now, she could no longer resist the urge and lust consumed her. What used to be a conviction became an unhealthy fascination.

There is an Escape

In times of despair, the question is often asked, “How did I end up here?” It had to be that sneaky devil, right? He made you do it. It is not you that wanted this to happen; you just couldn’t resist. This means that it’s not your fault, right?. Oh no, but it is! The Almighty God is so gracious and kind that He gives us freedom of choice. God has provided an escape through His son, Jesus Christ. He will give you power to overcome the tempter and your fleshly desires. It is your choice, and God desires that you choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:19).

“How could God allow this to happen?”


The New Puppet Master

From the late 1940s until 1960, there was a television show called “Howdy Doody” that captivated the imaginations of children and adults alike. It starred a marionette, the show’s namesake, who lived in a fictional town called “Doodyville”. The show had a western theme, allowing children and adults to sit in the famed “Peanut Gallery” during the show’s tapings. The show was beloved, and it was watched by millions. It had a great deal of influence on the public and society as a whole. Advertisers used it to sell their products, merchandise was created for sale from the show’s characters and sets, and certain words and phrases became part of the lexicon of our vocabulary (Kowabonga!). The show’s influence had far-reaching effects on our society, and the people controlling the puppets wielded some authority in the marketplace through their appeal. The little puppet, in a sense, had become the master of all who would listen.

The influence of television adds to the strings Lest you think that this article is set to discredit the kids show, please know that is not the goal. The Howdy Doody show had beneficial effects on society and it was wholesome on all levels. Howdy Doody started on radio but with the advent of television, its popularity spread.

Television has been a great influencer of how we think and feel about things in our world because what we see is often more memorable than what we hear. The eye is powerful, and when added to what we hear, it can influence us greatly. The word “influence” comes from the Latin, “influere” meaning “in to flow.” It literally means going with the flow, going along with what is going on, and following.

The Bible styles us as “the sheep of God’s pasture,” and sheep follow a shepherd or master. For years, television has been our main source for information on what is going on in the world. As such, it has influenced how we see not only the world, but ourselves. We are told what to think and how to think, rendering many of the masses as puppets on a string.


Social media, the next phase in puppetry

Although television is still a major player in controlling the masses, a new, more insidious player has entered the struggle for the hearts and minds of the people, Social Media.

Social media started out as a way for us to be more connected with one another and a place where we could express our ideas and beliefs. In its infancy, it was great and allowed us to see life through the eyes of our fellow human beings. It became a nexus of information on culture, cooking, places to go for entertainment and many other useful things. We could see and hear about what people were doing on the other side of the world and it seemed to be a way for us to understand each other better and make the world a better place through that understanding. It was and still is a tool, and as with any tool, its benefit or detriment is predicated on the user.

Another Pandora’s box has been opened

Hundreds of social media sites can be accessed worldwide and each one is competing for our attention. Whether they offer ways to connect with old friends (Facebook) or give us ways to share our life through the pictures we take (Snapchat), we are drawn into the world of social media. It is estimated that fifty-nine percent of the world’s population is on social media. That is over four billion people. From the richest and most industrialized countries to the most impoverished, the siren’s song of social media has claimed them all.

We check in everyday to see what is trending (Tik Tok) or see what our favorite celebrities are doing and saying (Twitter) because we want to be informed about what the world is thinking and doing. The mythical Pandora, because of her curiosity, opened a box that she was not supposed to and unleashed things upon the world that made things more difficult for mankind, as it seems with social media. It has beneficial properties that come with a price. Although the internet opened the door, it is the social media barons who have taken full advantage of this medium for profit and control. Our buying habits, what we consider ethically and morally acceptable, and even our religious beliefs are now being dictated by what is new and trendy.

Greed, the order of the day As stated before, there are benefits that we

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have derived from social media and I do not minimize them, but let’s be clear, social media was started for profit, not world peace. A report by the Business Research Company says that the social media industry is worth $94,830,000,000 as of 2020 and is predicted to reach $308,960,000,000 in 2025. Approximately, 3,000,000 businesses advertise on Facebook alone and Zoom and Skype are the preferred tools for webinars and meetings.

Add to that messaging apps like WhatsApp and WeChat along with Twitter, and you can see that social media is big business.

Staying connected or being controlled Social media has captivated the consciousness of our world and, with it, to an extent, has become its master. I know many of you would take offense to this statement and say, “I am not under anyone’s control. I use social media; it does not control me.” If that is true, why can’t you go twenty-four hours without checking on social media? According to recent data, individuals’ average time on social media is two hours and twenty-seven minutes a day. Over a year’s time, that adds up to thirty-eight days a year on social media. And the entire time we are online, we are inundated with advertisements, pop-ups, requests for our attention, and suggestive information. Yes, we do stay connected but we are also exposed to things we may not want.

The strings desensitize and change your thinking

People have always thought they were in control even in the midst of being manipulated. When Pilate brought Jesus before the people and asked if he should let him go, the people cried, “Crucify Him!” Most of those people gathered before Pilate were from out-of-town and knew little, if anything, about Jesus. Yet, they chose to crucify him because their leaders told them to. They were being manipulated to do the dirty work of the enemies of truth. Social media has the power to do the same thing. Think about the challenges that have come on TikTok and the harm that has come to many who have participated in them. We ignore our morals, ethics and common sense, do the challenges and make fools of ourselves. Fifteen minutes of fame creates something that can haunt our future because anything posted online never goes away.

The new master takes control, but is he new? Social media has created a new vocation, “Social Influencers.” These people spend their time on social media trying to influence us to buy, vacation, avoid, and try things they say are good. They develop a following and get paid by vendors to push their products. They not only get compensated in money but also in luxury hotel stays, vacations, and costly gifts, all because they tell you to go, buy, or do a certain thing. They do the bidding of the puppeteers to control your thinking. This is nothing new because man has always wanted control.

Go back to the beginning and you will see it in the Garden of Eden with the tree. Throughout time, man has always wanted to control that he shouldn’t. The new puppet masters have the same mentality that was present in the garden because the same spirit has influenced them both.

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Heart disease is the most significant health problem worldwide, with 1 in 14 of us known to be suffering from cardiovascular diseases. (MTM Editorial Team, 2021). It is the leading cause of death in America, with one person dying every 34 seconds due to this condition. (Centers for Disease Control, 2022, July 15). Making healthy lifestyle choices can prevent most heart

diseases. This article addresses two nutritional additives and their role in harming our health. They are the seasoning, salt, and sweetener, added sugar.

Another name for salt is sodium chloride. Sodium is a crucial mineral that we all need for the healthy functioning of muscles and nerves and to keep our fluid levels in proper balance. But that fluid level is

very delicate. Overeating salt increases the amount of sodium in the body, which draws in water to keep the sodium at the right concentration. This increase in fluid volume causes pressure against the blood vessels and leads to high blood pressure, overworking the heart. High blood pressure, the long-term force of the blood against the walls of the arteries, can cause a stroke or brain

3 John 2 (KJV) says: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
this scripture to come alive in our lives, we must do our part to attain health, exercise discipline over our bodies, and obey the voice of God when He speaks to us about our health.

bleed, damage to the kidneys and lungs, and premature death.

Excessive salt also contributes to dementia or memory loss, increasing dementia by 600 percent! It is a factor in osteoporosis or weakening of the bones and stomach cancer. It is related to obesity because the more salt you eat, the more food you eat. (Who can eat just one chip?).

What exactly is an excessive amount of salt intake? The recommended amount of salt for most people is 2300 mg. per day, about one teaspoon per day. For those who are salt-sensitive, including most African Americans, should reduce daily salt intake to 1500 mg. per day, which is about 1/6 of a teaspoon! The salt-sensitive group should become actively aggressive in reducing excessive salt intake. Avoiding the worst salt offenders, such as the saltbox, pickles, processed foods, salty crackers, nuts, most cheeses, and canned soups, is a good start. We should eat out less and use spices for flavor rather than salt. Excessive salt must be recognized as the killer that it is.

The second dietary offender we must gain control over is added sugar, the white, crystalline, granulated, processed substance people love. At one time, it was considered a luxury, but today many think they cannot live without it.

There are two kinds of sugar, the naturally-occurring type, which comes from fru it, vegetables, and milk, and the processed type. Naturally-occurring sugar is not


the focus of this article because we need a steady slow supply of blood

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Phil. 4:13

If we say it is impossible to do a thing, we are immediately and ultimately defeated. ALE Amount

sugar to live. The sugar that we must get control over and that is killing us like poison is the type that we will call added sugar. Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added to foods or beverages when processed or prepared. Added sugar is the number one food additive, but did you know there is no physiologic requirement for added sugar? According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the body does not need added sugar to function healthily. All human nutritional needs can be fulfilled without one teaspoon of white, brown, or raw sugar in any food or drink. People eat so much added sugar because we now process our foods, can afford the sugary foods, and love them! Have you ever watched a baby’s reaction to their first taste of ice cream? Yikes!

For some people, sugary drinks have replaced the water we need to live as the preferred drink of the day. Added sugar is likened to poison because it boosts calories without adding nutrients, fills us with empty calories. It is also linked to certain diseases such as tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, and heart disease. Yes, heart disease.

At one time, it was thought that only certain fats and salt were the causes of heart disease, but now research has shown that added sugars are also a risk factor. Added sugars raise the risk for atherosclerosis because it causes plaque to build up in the lining of the arteries, causing the vessels to narrow and limiting the flow of nutrient-rich blood to the brain, kidneys, and heart.

We can stop the scourge of sugar, the sweet poison, to our body’s organs by not putting it in our mouths. If we must eat added sugar, women should consume no more than six teaspoons and men no more than nine teaspoons per day.

So, what are some of the things that we can do to change the way we consume such large amounts of unhealthy additives in our diet? Here is a list that we should all consider:

• Include God in our decisionmaking, praying for His help with unhealthy food desires.

• Increase our water intake and eliminate sugary drinks.

• Monitor the number of times that we eat out and choose places that offer healthy choices.

• Read the labels on all foods, refusing foods with unhealthy levels of sodium or sugar content.

• Increase the use of spices for seasoning rather than salt.

• Get buy-in from all family members to eat more healthily.

of Added Sugar in 12 oz. of Sweetened Drinks
recommended amount of added sugar per day for women is 20 Gms. (6 tsp.) and 36 Gms. for men (9 tsp.).
Mountain Dew 46g Fanta Orange 44g Mug Root
43g Pepsi 41g Coca-Cola 39g Sprite 38g Dr. Pepper 38g
Original 7
Tropicana 100% Orange Juice Pulp
(Frozen) 23g
Tea Lemon
Cool Blue
Powerade Mountain Berry Blast 22.6g Lipton Iced
22.6g Gatorade

Rest & Restoration

What does a typical day of rest mean to you? What actions do you take for self-care on a daily or weekly basis? Can you think of anything that keeps you from attaining the rest and restoration you need? If four to five hours of sleep per night and living in a “burn-out” mode are considerably the “norm” for you, your mind and body are crying out for rest and seeking restoration.

As Christians, it is not GOD’s Will for us to live in a fatigued state, with the inability to function productively. Before the invention of electricity, human beings lacked the luxury of late-night television or laboring for hours in front of a computer screen. Decades have passed, and instead of functioning in a twelve to sixteen-hour society, we’ve progressed into a fully capacitive, twenty-four-hour culture. The majority of us consider sleep and rest to be leisure. Leisure, however, is vital for positive health maintenance. When our bodies shift into a state of “overexertion,” almost everything else is either neglected or deteriorates.

“It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: For so he giveth his beloved sleep.”

Psalms 127:2 (KJV)

In other words, GOD’s will is unquestionable for us to enjoy the peaceful and tranquil benefits of rest and live anxiety-free lives.

The Focus

The primitive meaning of rest is “cease.” GOD modeled the Sabbath day for our spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being. One risks the consequence of suffering when this principle is defied. The purpose of rest is a renewal cycle that GOD provides for us. Rest restores our minds, bodies, and souls. If we avoid the benefits of rest, our bodies become fatigued therefore forfeiting the benefits of attentiveness and robbing our lives of productivity. GOD sanctified and blessed one day of rest for HIS people. May we always revere HIM for such a great principle and keep the covenant of this commandment. Rest is an excellent way to combat stress in everyday life. Stress, according to, is an automatic physical, mental, and emotional response to a challenging event. When one experiences stress more capable of bearing, such will progress into distress. The physical symptoms of distress include lack of energy, profuse sweating, and heart palpitations. The mental or cognitive manifestations include difficulty concentrating, irritability, and paranoia. Emotional symptoms include anxiety, grief, and mood changes.

“And GOD blessed the seventh day and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all HIS work which GOD created and made.”

Genesis 2:3 (KJV)

The Stressor

From 2016 to 2018, I became oppressed by a spirit of extreme busyness that stemmed from emotional distress and grief. My maternal grandfather passed away on December 28, 2014, and my maternal grandmother - his wife, passed away on December 05, 2015. These events, just shy of an entire year, caused challenges to my emotional state of wellness over time. I’d never experienced personal loss on such a scale throughout my life. Without realizing it, I coped with this distress through excessive work, overindulging in church labor, and personal life affairs. While some people isolate themselves when someone close dies, my actions were the opposite. I found ways to keep myself busy to avoid experiencing sorrow and being reminded of who I’d lost within a short period. Years later, I suddenly became so physically exhausted and fatigued that I experienced vertigo or a feeling of being off-balance. Symptoms of vertigo are headaches, dizziness, spinning, and nausea. My battle with vertigo was a “reality check,” which caused me to explore different, positive ways to cope with grief.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

3 John 1:2 (KJV)

The Counteraction of Distress

You may ask yourself, “how do I counteract the negative influences of distress with the positives of rest and restoration?” For starters, commit to at least one hour each day to rest, even if it doesn’t involve sleep. Also, pull away from the cyber world of social media, television, and online shopping and counteract these influences with positive reinforcements such as praying, reading a book, afternoon naps, and connecting with nature. Submit to GOD’s way of rest and restoration as the primary solution to conquering this challenge.

In her wisdom, I stood forewarned by the late Dr. Shirley MurrayFounding First Lady of the Full Gospel Holy Temple Church, Inc., “I don’t know why we think we can outrun JESUS!” Think about it! Take rest, be restored, and be well!

Phillip Smith Sr.


It has been said that “music soothes the savage beast”; therefore, it would not be wrong to conclude that music affects our emotions. Music speaks to everyone regardless of age, culture, or economic status. Often referred to as “the universal language,” it also speaks to the soul. Because of its massive ability to influence people, it bears acknowledging that in the wrong hands, music can be a dangerous weapon. Whoever controls the music is able to manipulate sound to create a desired response. It is the spirit of the composer that possesses the power to infiltrate one’s psyche undetected, never requiring an invitation. Ironically, it can be a silent threat. There is a science behind music, and this aids us in understanding how such infiltration is possible and how the spirit of the composer exercises control.


Sound cannot exist without a conduit: something to travel through. Most sounds we experience travel through air and reverberate off of our eardrums; it is that reverberation that results in hearing. From here, our brains process sounds by association. We connect it to what is familiar.

Music’s impact on the brain is not one-dimensional. “The parts of the brain involved in emotion are not only activated during emotional music, they are also synchronized.” This shows that music can transcend consciousness and impact the entire psyche. Music has been utilized in wars to prepare the troops for battle, in churches to set an atmosphere of worship, in schools to enhance student performance, and in society to influence attitudes. These exhibitions of music’s power to infiltrate the control center of our being further illustrate how, in the wrong hands, music can become detrimental.


The Composer

Latin for “one who puts together”, a composer’s role is to write and create original works using various elements such as “melodies and harmonies, rhythms and dynamics, structure and sensibility.” They take sounds and construct a musical tapestry moving people in both conscious and unconscious ways. Whether willingly or involuntarily, the sounds ignite a surge of responses from the hearer. The music incurs emotional responses that lead to physical reactions. These can be anything from people dancing to people crying to people rioting. Whatever the sound, your ear hears, but your body responds. Consider those involuntarily toe taps, riveting head nods, or back and forth sways. You do not think about moving; your body just moves. The music controls the narrative, but the composer provides the intent. In the Bible, whenever David played his harp, his intentions were always pure, and the results were beneficial. Saul’s torment succumbed to David’s worship, and the savage became docile. The wrong note, the wrong melody, the wrong intent, and this story would have ended another way. The influential nature of the music, therefore, lies in the hands of the composer who possesses the power to move people to act. The more masterful the composer, the greater the influence.

The Instrument and the Composer

Many may believe that music originated during the Paleolithic period, but music existed before mankind ever discovered it. God is the creator of music and the ultimate composer. He distributes talents to whom He will. In fact, Heaven bears the record of the first instrument. He was the most beautiful and unique of angels; the anointed cherub - a being created to allow God’s glory to shine through him. He bears many names, but Lucifer was the name given to him at that time, and he was God’s instrument. Adorned with jewels as a covering and pipes as vocal chords, his role was something many covet in our world today. He was the first ever minister of music, head musician, praise and worship leader, producer, music department head, and lyricist. Nevertheless, he became enamored with the response the angels exhibited as he walked in his purpose as God’s “judah”, meaning praise. Lucifer’s prowess got the better of him, and he succumbed to a spirit of pride. His motives became tainted and his intent rebellious. He desired the glory that was not due him even though God declared, “my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” (Isaiah 42:8) The instrument was now becoming the composer of his own song.

Lucifer allowed his giftings to matter more than his God given purpose, and, as a result, he lost everything. Isaiah 14:12 - 15: says, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” The instrument chose his gifts and his own notoriety over his God and attempted to rob God of His glory. He lost his place in heaven, but the saddest part of the story is that the influence of his melodies cost other angels the same. (Revelations 12:9) This is the greatest example of how the spirit of the composer influences far beyond the sheet music and how easily you can fall prey to its melodies. The instrument that becomes the composer covets music and musicians and tries to use them to sway people against God and His will for man. He does not compose as much as he perverts the medium. Those who create melodies must stay true to music’s original purpose - to glorify God.

The Composer’s Role

The composer’s responsibility is to understand the impact sound can have on others and to be intentional in what they create. Every composer must never ignore music’s ability to influence. In our world, this influence is understood and has become the capital utilized to control the masses. It has led to the destruction of so many generations as many music producers have adopted Lucifer’s mentality in their affairs. Greed, popularity, and fame are the driving forces behind what they do with music, often corrupting many artists. They pull the strings, and the artists surrender full control, and the good becomes bad. Nevertheless, God already left an example of what happens when you take His gifts to acquire your own glory. Today, God, the original composer, is writing a composition, and it reads, “Make sure you do not become an instrument impersonating the composer.”




Where is your hometown?

I was born in Dallas, Texas and Raised in Texarkana, Texas.

When did you start Singing?

My mom said I started singing around the house and at church programs when I was 5 or 6. I started singing officially at age 11.

How long have you been singing?

Over 36 years.

What inspired you to sing?

God is my first inspiration and music is my second. I have always loved everything about music. How it is created, arranged, the beats, the compilation, etc. Music has always been a part of me.

Do you have a favorite artist? How have they impacted you?

There are numerous artists who have impacted my life in some way. However, God has been my greatest inspiration!

How can others locate your music?

My music can be found on all digital music platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, iTunes etc.

What are your hopes for this album?

My hopes for this album is to bring greater awareness of God to the world. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” John 12:32

In what ways do you hope your music impacts listeners?

I hope the music God gave me will influence listeners to serve Him and accept Jesus as Savior. I want to be an encouragement and a blessing to God’s people.

What’s next for you?

I have an upcoming album, soon to be released in 2023 called “Let God Be.” It will be preceded by three singles: “Amazing” released on 02.22.2022, “I Worship” on 05.2.2022, and “Let God Be” on 6/30/2022.

Do you have any additional information you would like to share?

Yes! For booking, contact JC Music at (903) 559-1825. I can also be reached on Instagram (@JCannn45) and on Facebook (Jermia Cannon).

Available now on ALL online digital music stores
NEW Singles

Seasonal Recipes

Gingerbread Muffins (Velma Reedy)

1 ¼ cup whole-grain flour ¼ tsp ground cloves ¼ cup nonfat dry milk ¼ cup skim milk 1 ½ tsp ground ginger 6 Tbsp. applesauce ¾ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ cup molasses ½ tsp baking soda 3 Tbsp. maple syrup ½ tsp baking powder 1 Tbsp. canola oil ¼ tsp ground nutmeg 1 egg white, lightly beaten

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line 12 muffin cups with paper liners. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, dry milk, ginger, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, nutmeg, and cloves. In a small bowl, combine the skim milk, applesauce, molasses, maple syrup, oil, and egg white. Pour over the flour mixture. Mix until the dry ingredients are moistened but be sure that you don’t overmix. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups.

Bake for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the tin and cool on a wire rack.

64 oz of water

One - 3 to 5 oz of cinnamon sticks 5 oz of fresh ginger root, peeled and diced

Combine all ingredients in a large pot. Boil on medium heat for 20 to 30 minutes. Remove from heat. Steep for 10 minutes. Strain into a pitcher. Serve hot. (Optional: serve over ice as a chilled beverage.)

Cinnamon Ginger Tea (Janice Wyatt)


Fit For The Kingdom

Running a race requires preparation, training and exercise. Fighting in a battle requires the right armour and tools for proper and safe navigation. The goal of both of these scenarios is to be a victor. In living a Christian life, what does it mean to be fit for the kingdom? What parts of our life would pass the kingdom fitness test? What practices and behaviors would be deemed pleasing and acceptable unto God? Let’s explore the qualities and challenges to kingdom fitness.



Lord, I am sorry for all the wrongs I have done. Forgive me of all my sins and come into my life and save me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I might live for you forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

That is all it takes, and he will come in and help you find the joy and love you have been missing.


Dear friend, Did you know that God loves you? He truly does and wants you to be with Him forever. I know sometimes we feel all alone and wonder if He really cares because of the things going on in our lives, but I assure you He is watching and waiting for you to talk to Him. In Hebrews 4:16 the Bible says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”. He cannot abide your sins, but he is merciful and will forgive you of them if you ask. You do not have to keep living in sin because His love is forgiving, and His grace covers a multitude of sin. Perhaps this is the kind of love you have been looking for but just looking in the wrong places. If this is you, here is a prayer you can pray, and we guarantee that God will hear you.

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