Philippine saga : a pictorial history of the archipelago since time began

Page 29

73 Tbe Madjapahlt ruler took a keen interest In bls possessions overseas. devislng ways and means of wielding his power by remote control. AoU Madjapahlt colonies were ruled by I'overnors wbo usoally lived at favorable

spots on the coast. and were commissioned wltb the title "sea-lord." Madjapahlt sea-lords had botb troops and ships under tbeir command, for the purpose of resisting foreign invasions and of putting down local insurrections whlcb flared up now and then. However, their most Important function was supervision of the export (rade, and aU other duties were subordinated to tbis.


To inlw-e financial Itabillty for an Madjapahlt _ I o n s ta"eo . were Im .....ed and collected from the Inland population. This important function ..... placed under tbe supervision of a mantri, or minister' for the Interior. Tbe ",,-conceto" aaaiped were ofteu prlesta or mon .... EVÂŁN1IIfO !\IEWll

75 Tbe ruler of I\ladjapahlt knew tbat prlesta

w~re the most qualified for ta,,-collectlon duties because of their tact In dealing with people, But they were forbIdden to Interfere with the nlltive relllrion. bellel'•. Only tbe Sivaite monks were permitted to Pl'C"oI.Ch BrahmaDlatlc doctrin.....

PAGE 217

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