Philippine saga : a pictorial history of the archipelago since time began

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The Influx of mlcratlnc peoples contlnu"" all and on. Then about 1500 ac. down to 500 B. C. the four.h and filth types of people came over from Indo-ChIna. direct to Luzon. The fourlh type were the last alld most advanced of tbe Stone Age Peoples to reacb the Pbllippln~nd some of them went on from bere tar out Into the eaotem Pacilio Islands. The fIItb type were the Bro".e Age folk ",La broua-bt the first metal-workIng art to tbe Pbllippln.... Tbere Is the h1atcrloal posslbWty tbat the DalD8 LIDO'" whlclb "fers' to II neater portion rf the PhUlpplr.e Arohlpelqo "'... derived fronl Chin_.


Th""e people had .. ot yet learned the co-nplleated art of weaving, but had developed the making of bark cloth to a high decree. Their clcthlnc was cleverly decorated wllh designs printed rroID stone or wooden blocks. Arohaeologtsts have found these bark-cloth beaten and priotinc devices at the slles of their ancient .. iliac.... The deslcno were prlmllI.. e and crude but they showed artbtry and beauty In their 0"' 0 bnrbarlc ways. Roots and saps of fruits wCI'1; used to color. Tbls faot lpeaks well of our early anoeaton. WhUe the other early peoples In lome patts of th. world probably .tuck 10 wcarlnr clolhlnr for protectl..e ...... .ona, onl,. tbe early FWpIllOi alread,. boast of an artlab7 III dlatillrulablnr oolor•. ill:VENlNG NBWS


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