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Real-life heroes: They took bullets to save their beloveds 30

August 2012

WASHINGTON: They proved their love to their beloveds even under fire. Three young men have become the heroes by laying their lives to save their girlfriends from a barrage of bullets in a US cinema hall on Friday during one of the worst mass shootings in American history. Matt McQuinn (27), Jonathan Blunk (26) and Alex Teves (24) were killed when they shielded their girlfriends from the gunman, identified as James Holmes, as he unloaded a fusillade of bullets into a packed Century 16 theatre during the premiere of 'The

Eye on China, Romney plays India card

WASHINGTON: Terming China a major foreign policy challenge for the US, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said that if elected, he would ensure strong ties with India to counter the Chinese influence. In his address in Nevada on Tuesday, Romney, although acknowledging that partnership with China was necessary for a stable and secure world, accused Beijing of "cheating" the international community over a range of issues. "It's in our mutual interest, of course, for China to be a partner for a stable and secure world. But the cheating must finally be brought to a stop," he said, accusing President Barack Obama of not doing anything in this regard. "The President hasn't done it and won't do it, and I will," asserted Romney.

Dark Knight Rises' in Aurora, Colorado. McQuinn, New York Post reported, dived in front of his girlfriend Samantha Yowler (27), when the gunfire erupted . He was struck fatally by three bullets, while Samantha just scraped with a shot in the knee. His friend Jonathan Blunk tucked his date Jansen Young (21) under the seat, before he was shot to death. "He took the bullets meant for me," Young told NBC. The third hero Teves of Phoenix used his body to cover girlfriend Amanda Lindgren , his grandmother told the Post.

Al-Qaida is on the road to defeat: Obama

WASHINGTON: Asserting that alQaida is on the road to defeat, US President Barack Obama has reminded Americans that before his election in 2008 he had pledged to kill Osama bin Laden and he achieved that. "I pledged to make it a priority to take out the terrorists who had attacked us on 9/11. And as a candidate, I said that if we had Osama bin Laden in our sights, we would act to keep America safe -- even if it meant going into Pakistan. "Some of you remember, at the time, that comment drew quite a bit of criticism," Obama said in a foreign policy speech in Reno Navada. "Since I took office, we've worked with our allies and our partners to take out more top al-Qaida leaders than any time since 9/11. "And thanks to the courage and the skill of our forces, Osama bin Laden will never threaten America again, and al-Qaida is on the road to defeat," Obama said in his address to the

113th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "I pledged to finish the job in Afghanistan. After years of drift, we had to break the momentum of the Taliban, and build up the capacity and the capability of Afghans. "And so, working with our commanders, we came up with a new strategy, and we ordered additional forces to get the job done. "This is still a tough fight. But thanks to the incredible services and sacrifices of our troops, we pushed the Taliban back; we're training Afghan forces; we've begun

the transition to Afghan lead," he said. Taking on his critics who were against a timeline for troop withdrawl from Afghanistan, Obama said: "Again, there are those who argued against a timeline for ending this war or against talking about it publicly. But you know what, that's not a plan for America's security either. "After 10 years of war, and given the progress we've made, I felt it was important that the American people -- and our men and women in uniform -- know our plan to end this war responsibly.""By the end of this summer, more than 30,000 of our troops will have come home. Next year, Afghans will take the lead for their own security. "In 2014, the transition will be complete. And even as our troops come home, we'll have a strong partnership with the Afghan people, and we will stay vigilant so Afghanistan is never again a source for attacks against America," he said.

pings about the mass shooting by James Holmes that left 12 people dead. In Southern California, a man at a Sunday afternoon showing of the film was arrested after witnesses said he made threats and alluded to the Aurora shooting when the movie didn't start. Moviegoers said the 52-year-old Clark Tabor shouted, "I should go off like in Colorado." They said he then asked: "Does anybody have a gun?"Separately, moviegoers in Sierra Visa, Arizona, panicked when a man who appeared intoxicated was confronted during a showing of the movie. The Cochise county sheriff's office said it caused "mass hysteria" and 50 people fled the theater.

The United States warned Syria on Monday not to even consider using chemical weapons after Damascus raised the possibility of employing its stockpile of unconventional arms in the case of an outside attack. "They should not think one iota about using chemical weapons," Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters. The White House said on Sunday that the United States would "hold accountable" any Syrian official involved in the release or use of the country's chemical weapons. 'Civil war if Assad is illegally ousted' Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Monday of a protracted civil war in Syria should President Bashar al-Assad be "unconstitutionally" removed.

LANSING: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on Tuesday declared an energy emergency in the state due to temporary shortages of gasoline and diesel fuel in parts of the Upper Peninsula caused by the shutdown of a pipeline in Wisconsin. The emergency declaration suspends state and federal regulations that limit hours of service for motor carriers and drivers transporting gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel to address the shortages, Snyder said in a statement. The West Shore pipeline that carries 70,000 barrels-per-day of refined products from Chicago to Green Bay in northern Wisconsin was shut for several days after a gasoline leak was found on July 17. The pipeline was restarted Saturday night. The

In separate incidents, 3 held over 'Dark Knight' threats

WASHINGTON: At least 3 men accused of making threats during or after watching the new Batman movie have been arrested in separate incidents, underscoring moviegoers' anxieties and heightened security in the wake of a Friday's mass shooting at a Colorado theater showing the film, Maine's Timothy Courtois was arrested when he told authorities he was on his way to shoot a former employer a day after watching 'The Dark Knight Rises', Maine state police said. Courtois had been stopped for speeding, and a police search of his car found an AK-47 assault weapon, four handguns, ammunition and news clip-

Twelve crosses comprise a makeshift memorial near the Aurora, Colorado, movie theater, scene of last week’s mass shooting

Don't think of using chemical arms: US

Romney raps Obama for Osama raid info leaks

WASHINGTON: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney moved on Tuesday from his attacks on Barack Obama's handling of the struggling US economy to a charge that the president sought political gain by leaking classified details of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Romney planned to make the accusation on Tuesday during an address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention. In excerpts of the speech released by his campaign, Romney called the alleged leak "contemptible", saying such action betrayed the national interest and compromised US troops. He demanded an investigation. Aides said the former Massachusetts governor would use the speech to outline his view that Obama has relinquished American leadership around the world.

Michigan governor declares emergency over fuel shortage

pipeline, which is operated by Buckeye Partners LP , carries gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel and the closed section of the line started about 10 miles northwest of Milwaukee. The leak spilled about 1,000 barrels of unleaded gasoline, according to a report the company filed with the National Response Center. Michigan noted that the pipeline supplies gasoline and diesel fuel to service stations through the western and central sections of the Upper Peninsula above Wisconsin. "This energy emergency declaration is necessary to ensure that petroleum supplies will remain sufficient and to assure the health, safety and welfare of Michigan residents and visitors," Snyder said.

Trust between US and Pakistan very low: Feinstein WASHINGTON: The trust between the US and Pakistan is very low, a top American Senator has said, ahead of the crucial visit of the new head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to Washington. Noting that the relationship between US and Pakistan is very important, Senator Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that she would like to see an improved relationship between the two countries. "I

think it's very important. I would like to see an improved relationship. I'd like to do anything I possibly could to help that improved relationship," Feinstein said in response to a question as the World Affairs Council-Washington. "I think there is a new head of the Pakistan intelligence unit. I think we have made very clear to Pakistan what our concerns are. "And the Pakistanis agreeing to reopen the GLOCs, which are the routes in which equipment comes

into Afghanistan, I think that's a very good sign," she said. "We now have another problem with attacks coming

from Pakistan directly into Afghanistan, and so there is a real need there for Pakistan to step up. This will be a test. Will they step up? Will they stop these attacks? And we need to develop trust. The trust is very low between the two countries. So these are some of the things that I think need to get done," she said. Feinstein said that there's no question that Osama bin Laden raid into Abbottabad created friction with Pakistan. "But it's very difficult for most

of us to believe that Osama bin Laden can live in a relatively large compound in a military-related community for over five years and that community does not know that he's there," she said. "So this was a very important take-down because this was the head of the movement to kill Americans, 3,000 of them, on 9/11 in those great buildings in New York City. "And that was a mission really very carefully and very well carried out," Feinstein said.

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