ISD 544 Newsletter - May 2024

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Fergus Falls Public Schools Congratulates The Class of 2024!

Area Learning Center

Graduation Ceremony

Thursday, May 23rd

KSS Auditorium, 7pm

Fergus Falls High School Graduation Ceremony

Friday, May 24th

KSS Gold Gym, 7pm

Last Day of School

Thursday, May 23rd

3 Hour Early Out

Volume 3
May 21, 2024


- Jeff Drake, Superintendent

As this school year quickly draws to a close, I want to thank you for placing your trust in us to provide an exceptional educational experience for your children. We are fortunate to work with a group of very nice kids and it is very rewarding for us to play a role in their many accomplishments To the staff I am blessed to work with - thank you for your care and dedication. To our seniorscongratulations and good luck! To our underclassmen - happy summer and we will see you next fall!

Warm Regards,



Spring has been bustling at Lincoln School, starting with our NAEYC Week of the Young Child celebration in April where we come together to celebrate the importance of early childhood education. The week featured a series of special events for our students, including a lively dance party at Lincoln School. Some classrooms have now transformed into campgrounds, where students experienced the joys of nature. There was the excitement of baby chicks hatching, adding a touch of wonder to our learning environment. One classroom also had special celebrations for grandparents, honoring their invaluable role in our children’s lives. We wrapped up the ECFE year in May with the 15th annual Touch a Truck Event, drawing in over 950 attendees!


No luck catching the Leprechaun from

Grades K-1

Beautiful weather means more outdoor classroom time. This kindergartener is working to see two moves ahead, and keep a finger on his piece as he evaluates his move A BIG shoutout to the 544 Foundation for purchasing these boards for McKinley!

MrsRekedal’sclasslearnedhowtomakeasolareclipse viewerasaclass.Studentswentoutsideat2:02whenthe solareclipsewashappeningandpracticed,eventhoughwe couldn'tseeanything

We had many community members, parents, and staff members who came to read during I Love to Read month!



MrsStich'ssecondgraderslearnedaboutgeometry inmathTheycreatedapaperquilt(ChurnDashQuilt)together usingdifferentshapes.

Otter PTO sponsored a trip to Otter Cove for all of our kindergarten students. The Pink Team celebrated Black History Month by learning about important people in history This year, the focus was on Arts and Music. McKinley had a special visitor to celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday! chilly spring trip to the PWLC to observe new life! McKinley!



OnApril19th,ClevelandElementarybrought4teamsandan alternateteamforatotalo





















Greenhouseseasonwith thePrairieScienceClass

EachMarch,thePrairieScience Classfourthgradersstart workingwithJoFritzinthe greenhouse. Fourthgraders begintheschoolyearlearning aboutprairieplantsand harvestingtheseeds,andthose seedsarethenusedinthe greenhouse. Studentsspend45 minutesaweekwithJo,planting theseeds,identifyingthenew sprouts,transplantingtobigger containers,andeventually transferringtheirplantstothe prairie. Studentsreallyenjoy workinginthegreenhouseand beingalargepartoftheprairie restorationprocess. Itisoftena highlightoftheirPrairieScience experience.


Prairie Wetlands Learning Center

Kennedy Kennedy Middle Schoo Middle Schoo

Grades 5-8

Fergus Falls Middle School had an outstanding day at the Tri-College Math Competition held at Concordia College in Moorhead. Fergus Falls competes in the "big school" division, which is the highest division. Two students placed in the top ten for the individual competition, Lydia Uggerud in 10th place and Jacob Warner in 3rd place. Our team of 4 seventh graders (Jacob Warner, Saul Anderson, Max Batzlaff, Lucas Tuel) and 4 eighth graders (Jack Brunn, Luke Warner, Lydia Uggerud, Sarah Ekelund) placed FIRST in the team competiton!! We are so proud of these Otters!


Thisspring,KennedyMiddleSchoolFifthandSixthGraderscompetedintheareaMathMasterstournamentatLakesCountryServiceCooperativein FergusFallsTeamsandindividualsfromaroundtheareaviedfortophonorsinthreedifferentcategories:factdrill,individual,andteamcompetitions


With68individualscompeting,tophonorsfortheFactDrillportionwereawardedtoKaydenKarst(2ndplace),OliverBlashill(4thplace)andJaredStich (9thplace)IndividualcompetitionawardsweregiventoKKarst(2nd),TovaRonnevik(4th),SamuelHaarstad(8th)andLandonMorris(9th)Oneteam composedofKrause,ZekeKummrow,HenningGerstmann,SamuelCaldow,andMorristookhome3rdplaceoutof15teamsintheTeamcompetition; whileanall-girlteamofLaurenSimengaard,LinneaMouser,TRonnevik,ClaraAnderson,andPaisleyNorgrentookhome4thintheTeamcompetition


KennedyMiddleSchoolSixthGraderscompetedatthesamelocationonMarch7,2024Thatcompetitionsawan18-teamfieldwith86participantsThe OttersfacedstiffcompetitionintheFactDrillchallengewithonlyOliviaMolstre(7thplace)andMarenCarlson(4thplace)placinginthetop10FergusFalls hadanexcellentshowingintheIndividualroundwithRhykerSeedorftyingfor1st,OMolstreplacing3rd,PrestonScheisserplacing5th,MCarlsonin6th andChloeCarlsonin8thOneteamconsistingofBenjaminLawson,AndrewLee,PennShol,andRSeedorffinishedin3rdplacefortheTeam Competition

TheFifthandSixthgradestudentsworkedsteadilyforthreetofourhourssolvingproblemsfromavarietyoftopicssuchasmoney,time,probability, statistics,andgeometryItemsaremeanttochallengestudentstousecriticalthinkingskillsandproblemsolvingabilitiesMathMasterswasfoundedin1989 andiscurrentlyheadquarteredinMankato,MNThisyearalone,MathMastershasinvolvedover6,000participantsin4th,5th,and6thgradeacrossthestate ofMinnesota ersCoach,KelliMcGovern

March 8th the 6th grade Maroon team showed their Minnesota History projects that they have completed throughout the year. Each student created a mini museum booth for guests to view They wrote museum labels for each project that included what the project represented in history, the process for making it, and information about their personal touches that they added to each project.

Projects included making plaster petroglyphs Dakota parfleche containers

Ojibwe Shoulder bags

Fur Trade Dioramas 1800's recruitment posters for people moving to the new state of Minnesota

ThankyoutotheRiversideLionsClubforyourcommitmenttosupportingeducation andempoweringindividualswithvisionimpairments,itisinspiringanddeeply appreciated.YourrecentdonationofaniPadandiPadkeyboardcaseyouprovidedwill notonlyenhanceaccessibilitybutalsoopenupnewavenuesoflearningand engagementforourvisuallyimpairedstudentatKSS.Withthistechnology,shewillbe abletoaccesseducationalresources,communicatemoreeffectively,andfurther developherskillswithgreaterindependenceThisdonationexemplifiesthespiritof communityandcompassionthatdefinestheLionsClub.Thankyouforyourkindness andgenerosityYourcontributionwillundoubtedlymakealastingdifferenceinthe livesofourstudents

able to
PicturedfromL-RareIvanHirst-KSSMiddleSchoolPrincipal KathySnook-RiversideLionsClubVicePresident presentingipadtoKSSstudentrecipient,AngieNord-KSSSpecialEducationTeacher CalebHauge-SenioratKSSand LionsClubMember
you to friends,
and KSS
and teachers
WithMuchGratitude, AngieNord History

Anderson, Clara

Anderson, Gabriella

Anderson, Linnea

Anderson, Macy

Berry, Zxy'lla

Best, Caiden

Blashill, Oliver

Brimhall, Liam

Caldow, Samuel

Campion, Berkley

Cederberg, Charlie

Christianson, Leif

Covington, Jonas

DeGroot, Layla

Dillon, Cora

Dillon, Myra

Draxten, Drew

Gallagher, Connor

Gerstmann, Henning

Griebe, Solveig

Grundy, Stella

Haarstad, Samuel

Harris, Beckham

Harris, Bowman

Haugen, Krystanna

Hilde, Sativa

Hintz, Audra

Holding Eagle, Harper

Holmbeck, Jacob

Ice, Carly

Iverson, Ivy

Jensen, Cole

Johnson, Tristan

Jones, George

Kallstrom, Kennedy

Kantrud, Haakon

Karst, Kayden

Krein, Kinzley

Krueger, Martie

Kummrow, Ezekiel

Lammers, Alice

Landberg, Amelia

Lee, Aliza

Leonard, Margaret

Lunde, Ava

Maki, Richard

Mannie, Marianna

Morales, Emma Morris, Landon

Mouser, Linnea

Nelson, Oscar Norgren, Paisley

Olson, Del Peterson, Carson

Petrick, Paizley

Polzin, Avery

Preston, Alexa

Ronnevik, Ingrid

Ronnevik, Tova

Saurer, Olivia

Schlepp, Charlie

Schlosser, Eli

Schneeberger, Jackson

Schnoor, Daphne

Schroeder, Izabel

Schroeder, Kahlan

Schulz, Violet

Severson, Hadley

Shepherd, Isabelle

Simengaard, Brady

Simengaard, Lauren

Skramstad, Kason

Stegeman, Elijah

Steiner, Bentley

Sterns-Atonio, Kerra

Stich, Jared

Stoltenburg, Ayla

Stortroen, Maya

Svien, Tobias

Swenson, Leland

Thielke, Harper

Thysell, Evan Tostenson, Alayah

Truax, Lincoln

Tysver, Josiah

Tysver, Quinn

Wagner, Isaac

Walter, Treven Walters, Ethan Walters, Hart

Walvatne, Ethan Warren, Zoey Weiss, Raylynn

White, Clayten


Aschnewitz, Emma

Audette, Ava

Babic, Raina

Beckman, Aubrie

Bieniek, Brody

Bjerklie, Harper

Borowski, Macen

Bristow, Joshua

Christenson, Madden

Covington, Kenniya

Cyrus, Keira

Evenson, Zachary

Garza, Rolando Jr.

Griffie, Evan

Gundersen, Grace

Hardy, Landen

Hegstad, Savannah

Jensen, Emily

Kantrud, Haakon

Kremeier, Camden

Lilly, Nevaeh

Maki, Richard

McNeill, Layla

Meder, Graham

Moore, Beckhom

Nelson, Merabelle

Newby, Crosby

Obowa, Isabelle

Olson, Etta

Ronnevik, Ingrid

Samp, Sully

Schleske, Tucker

Stanley, Colbey

Stevens, Kayden

Sundby, Lillybell

Ugstad, Vivienne

Wallace, Diesel

Wersinger, Braedan

Widmer, Gavin

Winkler, Lucas

Yeske, Wyatt

Quarter 3

Anderson, Adam

Anderson, William

Bohannon, Jackson

Burrows, Kaylynn

Carlson, Chloe

Carlson, Claire

Carlson, Maren

Casey, Camden

Covington, Victoria

Dingman, Lilly

Duenow, Madelyn

Edgerly, Alexander

Ekelund, Joshua

Ellig, Kinsee

Fear, Norah

Field, Aksel

Fjestad, Daniel

Flatgard, Delson

Fransen, Maura

Fuder, Henry

Garding, John

Gaustad, Logan

Glas, Willow

Gunther, Tressa

Haas, Lynkin

Heins, Nevaeh

Hexum, George

Hildebrandt, Ernest

Hildebrandt, George

Hintz, Shepherd

Hirst, Hannah

Hough, Emberlyn

Johnson, Owen

Jorud, Harlo

Jyrkas, Lizzie

Kempfer, Henry

Kitzman, Benjamin

Knighton, Merideth

Koalska, Rue

Kramvik, Hailey

Krause, Marissa

Kutzke, Rylie

Lawson, Benjamin

Lee, Andrew

Leitch, Elise

Loeffler, Tate

Lubben, Kaitlin

Lyons, Aleigha

Mace, Logan

Mannie, Milania

Mertz, Adelynn

Molstre, Olivia

Morical, Finley

Nelson, Addison

Neubauer, Sophia

Noland, Jade

O'Grady, Elenore

Olson, Colin

Ottenbacher, Luke

Patelski, Alexander

Piper, Philip

Powers, Salvatore

Price, Halle

Rarick, Briella

Rose, Keira

Schiesser, Preston

Schneeberger, Tucker

Schuman, Quintynn

Seedorf, Rhyker

Seggermann, Jon

Shearer, Jude

Shirkey, Lincoln

Shol, Penn

Smestad, Selja

Sorum Anika

Stodola, Isabel

Strande, Emma

Svendsgaard, Ellie

Thompson, Caden

Thompson, Jaden

Thunselle, Landon

Uggerud, Anna

Weisenberger, Brynlee

Westbury, Joshua

Wicklund, Adeline

Wooton, Madison

Wynn, Madison

Zens, Aiden


Aune, James

Austad, Ayven

Baez, Christian

Bjork, Orianna

Briese, Walker

Brown, Christopher

Butler, Jax

Combs, Peyton

Cunningham, Aubrey

Cypher, Aryanna

Eggen, Kylee

Gau, Connor

Gaustad, Daisy

Grabowska, Bristol

Guadalupe, Carlos Jr.

Haarstad, Isaac

Hammer, Carson

Hilde, Brody

Johnson, Kade

Johnson, Kale

Johnson, Taylee

Kapphahn, Kaden

Kettner, Bennett

Lureen, A’Miyah

Mize, Mariah

Morales, Xavier

Murphy, Dennis

Nelson, Breck

Ness, Yanah

Ochoa, Saphira

Pence, Cameron

Peterson, Raelynn

Proffit, Quinn

Reinertson, Kenya

Robertson, Aja

Rodriguez, Landon

Roosevelt, Andrew

Sherbert, Nevaeh

Soliah, Piper

Steen, Isaac

Turchin, Amelia

Wallace, Liam

Wright, Jackson

Zimmerman, Colbie

Quarter 3

Aday, Jayde

Anderson, Jordynn

Anderson, Saul

Arneson, Seylah

Batzlaff, Max

Black, Grace

Brooks, Allee

Brooks, Ashlee

Cederberg, Blaine

Cheshire, Alexander

Christ, Shelby

Cronk, Maci

Ebert, Kai

Ecker, Maegan

Ellerbusch, Oscar

Felstul, Dexter

Fletcher, Tucker

Flugstad, Lucia

Forrest, Emma

Gerner, Natalie

Gerstmann, Aleythia

Graber, Logan

Graham, Morgan

Griebe, Stella

Alt, Cullen

Bjerklie, Coy

Blumberg, Isabelle

Braud, Ava

Burns, Anneliese

Carello, John

Clark, Valerie

DeFries, Kaylee

Drewelow, Hayden

Fletcher, Tucker

Froehlich, Hugo

Gleason, Makenna

Haarstad, Grady

Hauge, Connor

Highland, Lennon

Lill, Carsyn

Lill, Dillyn

Lundby, Jordyn

Martinez, Mia

McConn, Othniel

McDonald, Sarah

Michael, Emma

Miley, Elenora

Miller, Quinn

Moen, Aydan

Nasri, Safia

Nelson, Joel

Noon, Landon

Oland, Lydia

Oliphant, Deacon

Osmanovic, Aaron

Pausch, Brynn M.

Prischmann, Ethan

Proudfoot, Gus

Rogers, Leif

Ronnevik, Lillya

Rott, Elijah

Rud, Katelyn

Schiesser, Bristol

Hansen, Portia

Harris, Brinley

Harrom, Rowyn

Hasbargen, Braden

Hauge, Cora

Helgeson, Edy

Heruth, Hayden

Hill, Breeynn

Jacobson, Xiomara

Jenc, Isaac

Jensen, Katelee

Jensen, Maximillian

Jordan, Zayne

Kjono, William

Klimek, Grace

Klinnert, Grace

Koep, Ashtynn

Kort, Avery

Kunz, Ian

Kwapinski, Ella

LaPlante, Haylen

Lee, Kaitlyn

Lee, Rylen

Leonard, Louis

Schlosser, Beau

Stach, Lilian

Stanley, Charlotte

Stevens, Alexis

Stoltenburg, Avaya

Stortroen, Elly

Stumbo, Holly

Tacner, Izzybelle

Thoma, Marissa

Thompson, Mason

Thormodson, Nora

Tuel, Lucas

Turchin, Jackson

Umlauf, Kai

Valde’s, Stella

Wagner, Emma

Warner, Jacob

Youngberg, Weston


Huckeby, Morgan

Johnson, Cade

Julsrud, Amelia

Kraft, Maggie

Kremeier, Jace

Larson, Bria

Leopold, Owen

Marquette, Maxwell

Midorikawa, Zach Ichiro

Olson, Kourtney

Petersen, Drew

Preston, Ally

Preston, Colby

Rufer, Sean

Sauer, Shaelyn

Schmidt, Grace

Shepherd, Sophia

Sorum, Pearl

Stoltenburg, Avaya

Talley, Sawyer

Trosdahl, Lawsen

Tungseth, Sarah

Tysdal, Brycen

White, Caden

7thGradeAHonorRoll Quarter

Abramson, Cora

Adams, Kaitlyn

Aday, Aubrey

Alaboud, Brady

Anderson, Maria

Brunn, Jack

Bublitz, Serenity

Bucher, Brooklyn

Budke, Olivia

Burns, Michelle

Caldow, Stella

Conrad, Alexa

Cox, Maeve

Dewey, Dakota

Drews, Abigail

Duffy, Claire

Ekelund, Sarah

Fronning, Jeanelle

Fullhart, Eli

Garcia Saavedra, Ruben

Goerdt-Olson, Izabella

Gundersen, Faith

Hanson, Jacob

Haugen, Brayden

Haw Ward, David

Herman, Gianna

Babolian, Keaton

Brunn, Jack

Budke, Molly

Burda, Joseph

Connelly, Abbigail

Daucsavage, Natalie

Daucsavage, Sophia

Davis, Evangelina

Donaghue, Tanner

Draeger, Riley

Erickson, Ethan

Erickson, Jenna

Erickson, Nathaniel

Holding Eagle, Sasha

Holmbeck, Marissa

Ibarra, Noah

Johnson, Brenden

Johnson, Luke

Johnson, Maliya

Jurgens, Emma

Kaderbhai, Adam

King, Madison

Korby, Kaja

Korby, Mackynzie

Krueger, Rhys

Krueger, Van

Landberg, Isabella

Lattin, Aiden

Lawson, Isabelle

Leach, Natalie

Lee, Ella

Leitch, Kali

Lockett, Chardanay

Lysne, Maggie

Mandan, Indigo

McConn, Havilah

McFarland, Maggie

Mertz, Leeland

Meyer, Joseph

Evans, Brooklyn

Gregor, Ethan

Hanneman, Kacyn

Hassoun, Mariam

Holland, Aubrey

Karst, Sophia

Klaksvik, Levi

Kovar, Carson

Krause, Eleisha

Lunde, Braden

Mandan, Indigo

McGuiness, Colter

Nygaard, Brooklyn

Miley, Adelyn

Millard, Signe

Miller, Makayla

Motz, Carter

Nordahl, Gavin

Patelski, Keira

Pesek, Taylor

Petrick, Zoey

Price, Eva

Reitmeier, Kamryn

Rekken, Trysten

Rinke, Alexander

Rogness, Maura

Rustand, Taylor

Saenger, Daegyn

Samp, Sydney

Schmidt, Brynn

Shol, Brinly

Smith, Celia

Steinbrenner, Syler

Stephan, Owen

Stueve, Trent

Sundby, Kendall

Thompson, Connor

Thysell, Kami

Tollerson, Andrew

Tostenson, Jayden

Thompson, Connor

Thysell, Kami

Tollerson, Andrew

Tostenson, Jayden

Trosdahl, Makayla

Trosvig, Anders

Tysver, Titus

Uggerud, Lydia

VerSteeg, Evelyn

Vigesaa, Delia

Votava, Keaton

Walvatne, Ella

Wang, Johannah

Warner, Luke

Warren, Presley

Weber, Amelia

Wolden, Payton

Zelinsky, Graycie

Zender, Kynzie

Zetah, Zayna

Peterson, Cameron

Proffit, Corban

Rasmusson, BrookeLynn

Robertson, Rayleigh

Samuelson, Kennedi

Schroeder, Logan

Schroeder, Maria

Schwartz, Karmyn

Sorum, Levi

Stoa-Kutzke, Natal

Thorson, Lauren

Turhcin, Kennedy

Westra, Haylee

Willson, Elly

Quarter 3



March Award Recipients

5th Grade

Brody Bieniek

Tova Ronnevik

Charlie Schlepp

Jackson Schneeberger

Elijah Stegeman

Lilly Sundby

Toby Svien

6th Grade

Aryanna Cypher

Tressa Gunther

Milania Mannie

Keira Rose

Rhyker Seedorf

Selja Smestad

Emma Strande

April Award Recipients

5th Grade

Liam Brimhall

Charlie Cederberg

Henning Gerstmann

Audra Hintz

Tucker Schleske

Maya Stortroen

Saadya Whitney

6th Grade

Claire Carlson

Aidan DeLong

Ernie Hildebrandt

Shepherd Hintz

Henry Kempfer

Rue Koalska

Hailey Kramvik

Ben Lawson

Mariah Mize

Sophia Neubauer

Briella Rarick

Tucker Schneeberger

Caden Thompson

Addy Wicklund

May Award Recipients

5th Grade

Macy Anderson

Raina Babic

Layla DeGroot

Kayden Karst

Lovetiah Sampson

Bentley Steiner

Hart Walters

6th Grade

Jackson Bohannon

Kylee Eggen

Logan Gaustad

Bristol Grabowska

Gage Hanson

Harlo Jorud

Raelynn Peterson

7th Grade

Hayden Drewelow

Grace Klimek

Ally Preston

Mason Thompson

Jackson Turchin

7th Grade

Maegan Ecker

Max Jensen

Aaron Osmanovic

Katelyn Rud

Emma Wagner

7th Grade

Thea Carlson

Ayden Moen

Elsie Moll

Beau Schlosser

Izzy Tacner

8th Grade

Maliya Johnson

Rhys Krueger

Leeland Mertz

Eva Price

Lydia Uggerud

8th Grade

Joseph Burda

Jeanelle Fronning

Mackynzie Korby

Maggie McFarland

Brooklyn Nygaard

8th Grade

Cora Abramson

Dakota Dewey

Brooklyn Evans

Brayden Haugen

Brendan Johnson

Maura Rogness


“It’s Always a Great Day to be an Otter!”
- Mark Anderson, High School Principal

Mr.ScharnbergandMrs.Christianson'sCollege WritingIIclassestookonthechallengeofwriting theirownchaptersforthecoursetextbookThey workedingroupstochoosethemes,subthemes, andtexts.Theyaddedtheirownquestionsand commentarytomirrorthetextbook'sstyle.This projectrequiredhardworkandcriticalthinking, andtheycertainlyrosetothechallenge!



TheGoldenLoonFineArtsAwardsisacommunityeventhostedbyDailyJournalMediaHighschoolstudents,educatorsanddirectorsofOtterTailCountyarewelcometosubmitphotosand videoclipsofstudentworkSubmittedentriesarede-identifiedandjudgedbyaprofessionalpanelScoresarecompiledandthetopthreehighestscoringentriesarerecognizedineach categoryataredcarpeteventheldatACenterfortheArtsinFergusFallsThe2024GoldenLoonFineArtsAwardshadover100submissions,andcategoriesincludedPerformanceTheatre, InstrumentalSolo,VocalSoloist,Film,CreativeWriting,GraphicDesign,Drawing,Multimedia,Photography,Ceramics,SculptureandPainting21ofthe35finalistsforthe2024eventwerefrom FergusFallsHighSchool8of12BestofShowwinnerswerefromFergusFallsHighSchool

FIRST FRC Team 3293, the OtterBots, representing the Fergus Falls High School will participate in the 2024 Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) Robotics Championship this Saturday, May 4th The students have been working hard the last couple of weeks and are excited to be back on the competition field after an excellent showing at the Great Northern Regional event in Grand Forks on March 9th.

Together with their final tournament alliance made up of teams from Rochester and Minnewaska area, the OtterBots qualified for the MSHSL championship by finishing in first place during the qualifying matches, and a great performance in the final tournament where the alliance would finish in 3rd place overall

This is the 5th time the team has qualified for the MSHSL State Robotics tournament since the inaugural year of 2012 The team qualified in 2012, 2014, 2017, 2022, and now 2024.

Currently, 36 teams qualify for the state tournament. There are about 200 FIRST FRC Robotics Teams in MN Approximately the same percentage of robotics teams qualify for the state tournament as other activities in the state Additionally, there is only one “class” in robotics, therefore the Fergus Falls team must compete with teams from all over MN, including the Twin Cities

Grades 9-12
CrystalKnudson Painting GracePolejewski Sculpture HannahEkelund Sculpture AvaApi Drawing
ThestudentmembersoftheFergusFallsOtterBotsare: LanceJohnson-CaptTreySmithLoganBredenbergBradenBucherAlexandraGrotberg KendalHansonOliviaSwansonTimEkelundMicahMouserEricSwansonAlexisThoma HunterTweed ThementorsfortheOtterBotsare: BillSwansonBobDrakeAaronDemuthDarrinHansonTaylorGeorgesonGryphonLillis GoOtterBots!

Abrahams, John

Anderson, Taelor

Armstrong, Sophia

Arndt, Kalysta

Bernstetter, Olivia

Beske, Chloe

Best, Lauren

Black, Ella

Blondeau, Brynn

Bokkers, Taelynn

Bredenberg, Alexis

Brooks, Haylee

Budke, Levi

Carlson, Gabriel

Chamoun, Rose

Clark, Tally

Covington, Esther

Danielson, Shelby

Dirkman, Ella

Fellbaum, Marshall

Felstul, Nolan

Frank, Noah

Funkhouser, Kellen

Fyhrie, Madison

Greenagel, Margaret

Gullickson, Jonah

Hare, Dane

Heruth, Tyler

Hessling, Meagan

Hirst, Carlee

Horgen, Joshua

Ibarra, Isaiah

Jacobson, Meridian

Jenc, Jacob

Jensen, Olivia

Johnson, Zachary

Jyrkas, Ty

Klinnert, Elizabeth

Knutson, Ean

Korinek, Harper

Krein, Brody

Kuehl, Reece

Kwapinski, Jaden

Lawson, Isaiah

Mathiesen, Anna

McConn, Violet

Meldahl, Evelyn

Michael, Madilyn

Miller, Cooper

Minoza, Mynaa Del

Morales, Kara

Nelson, Brody

Nelson, Chloe

Ness, Kaia

Olson, Mia

Papon, Kassidy

Pearson, Ashley

Picchiarini, Noah

Pierce, Lainey

Price, Madison

Proudfoot, Meggie

Rajaniemi, Anja

Reed, Brecken

Robertson, Allyra

Rogal, Joshua

Rogers, Maeve

Ronnevik, Elias

Ronnevik, Trygvie

Rott, Isaac

Rufer, Sullivan

Salverson, Hayden

Schlosser, Noah

Sem, Anna

Synstelien, Emma

Thielke, Benett

Thoma, Alexis

Thormodson, Owen

Tonneson, Averie

Vigesaa, Eden

Walter, Ashton

Walvatne, Jaden

Welle, Hunter

Wellman, Cassie

Whitcomb, Emma Wick, Adrina

Zender, Kadyn


Anderson, Jordan

Aune, Payton

Bjerklie, Ruby

Bokkers, Akira

Brimhall, Maddison

Burda, Elizabeth

Burud, Lyla

Combs, Andrew

Dahl, Macey

Edgerly, Olivia

Ehlert, Reed

Ewert, Jace

Fronning, Caleb

Gleason, Sean

Guadalupe, Jennifer

Hage, Roric

Hagen, Brooke

Hansen, Sailyr

Harrington, Bella

Heikes, Joseph

Hoff, Ayla

Job, Grace

Johnson, Rylie

Kennedy, Jared

Longoria, Austin

McNeill, Avery

Nelson, Aubree

Neuleib, Grace

Olson, Aubrey

Pence, Brianna

Strande, Ethan

Tolsma, Tempr

Wiley, Zoey

9thGradeAHonorRoll Trimester

Trimester 2 10thGradeAHonorRoll

Abarte, Thirdy

Abramson, Micaiah

Albertson, Hattie

Anderson, Alexa

Anderson, Julia

Anderson, Krishawn

Anderson, Lauren

Anderson, Makayla

Anthonisen Brown, Siri

Api, Ava

Bailly, Elsa

Bergren, Katie

Bergstrand, Jacob

Bokkers, Journi

Brist, Lacey

Brown, Cloe

Carlson, Nadia

Conklin, Jackson

Connelly, Coliey

DeBrito, Rachel

Duckwitz, Atley

Ekelund, Timothy

Ellison, Ruby

Fear, Hannah

Feigum, Emma

Fuder, Ellie

Fullhart, Hattie

Anderson, Lily

Babic, Branislav

Gallagher, Kiarra

Godwin, Aidan

Graham, Zoe

Griebe, Adelaide

Gruber, Kylie

Gunther, Aalexis

Gutzmer, Claire

Hansen, Reece

Holland, Isabelle

Johnson, Abigail

Johnson, Finley

Johnson, Hannah

Johnson, Micah

Jurgens, Olivia

Kaderbhai, Ibrahim

Kallstrom, Katelyn

Katzenmeyer, Shay

Kayaga, Rodney

Kenyon Woessner, Izzybelle

Kubela, Rylee

Lee, Savannah

Lee, Sophia

Leopold, Anna

Lill, Ashtyn

Magnuson, Oriana

Mannie, Cohan

Marquette, Charles

Midorikawa, Zyra Yunezze

Millard, Evangeline

Molstre, Eliana

Narimani, Elsa

Ochoa, Cierra

Ohren, Averie

Petersen, Sofia

Pevestorf, Nadia

Piper, Roman

Powers, Hunter

Prischmann, Alec

Proudfoot, Annie

Roberts, Blake

Rude, Bella

Rustand, Tyler

Saurer, Riplee

Schroeder, Lucille

Schulz, Evelyn

Schuman, Abygehl

Stach, Makayla

Stahl, Kendra

Stenstrom, Holden

Stoltenburg, Alayna

Swanson, Eric

Thompson, Ava

Thorson, Jenna

Tuel, Matthew

VerSteeg, Estee

Votava, Landon

Weber, Lucas

Wedll, Nolan

Wiederich, Cameron

Wohlers, Ashlyn

Zens, Adrianna

Zierden, Brook

Zosel, Layla


Christensen, Cooper

Donley, Mason

Emerson, Hudson

Fronning, Jacob

Harrington, Isiah

Holmes, Isaiah

Johnson, Andrew

Korby, Kyle

Krafnick, Alexis

Krohn, Augustus

Lacheur, Kai

Maack, Isaac

McFarland, Amelia

McGovern, Simon

Metcalf, Joseph

Mittelstadt, Seanna

Nold, Kane

Noon, Ava

Oftelie, Kyler

Oland, Mason

Rogholt, Olivia

Sandoval, Savannah

Scheuerman, Brant

Schmitz, Jaxson

Shol, Atleigh

Sulejmani, Elvede

Thielke, Parker

Trimester 2

Albert, Braden


Anderson, Isabella

Bartholomay, Avary

Batzlaff, Cooper

Bauer, Madelyn

Benjamin, Alexander

Brandt, Catherine

Brandt, William

Bredenberg, Logan

Bucher, Braden

Curry, Adrayella

Eklund, Ava

Ellison, Alex

Ellison, Isaac

Erickson, Liv

Erickson, Thomas

Fear, Mayah

Fransen, Kristian

Funkhouser, Danika

Grenier, Carson

Hajicek, Julia

Hanson, Kendal

Hanson, Lucas

Heikes, Jadan

Horgen, Hannah

Jacobson, Zoelle

Juliussen, Sofia

Kjono, Elisabeth

Klinnert, Andrew

Krafnick, John

Krueger, Ari

Kucera, Andrew

Kugler, Evan

Kunz, Samantha

Larson, Logan

Lewis, Ava

Lindgren, Libby

Maack, Marcus

Mayer, Annie

Miller, Jaden

Nadgwick, AudrieAnne

Neuleib, Hope

Nord, Hope

Papon, Kaylee

Pearson, Luke

Peppel, Clayton

Petersen, Karlie

Prody, Raquel

Ricks, Maria

Roberts, Ella

Robinson, Kadence

Rust, Keyona

Samuelson, Gabe

Scharnberg, Hannah

Schierer, Beatrice

Seedorf, Aubrey

Shern, Aaron

Skramstad, Alexis

Smestad, Siiri

Sternberg, Brynn

Stumbo, Ava

Swanson, Olivia

Tostenson, Marissa

Tungseth, Abigail

Uggerud, Josiah

Walden, Brooklyn

Wellman, Alexis

Whitcomb, Nora


Aguilar, Julia

Baker, Katie

Bethel, Aikhem

Bray, Byron

Eckhoff, Shelby

Ehlert, Robert

Goldenstein, Zavier

Gronwold, Abigail

Hanneman, Peyton

Hastings, Dane

Haw-Ward, Ariana

Hirst, Ryan

Hovland, Logan

Joseph, Malaika

Karsnia, Rome

Kennedy, Adam

Krensing, Myia

Larson, Alexandra

Nam, Dahyun

Olson, Brittney

Schake, Aiden

Schroeder, Anna

Schwartz, Ethan

Smith, Jerzie

Stans, Kaitlyn

Steenbock, Kylee

Sydow, Nathan

Vasfaret, Aubrey

Wagner, Alyssa

Welle, Morgan

Whitney, Macken

Zetah, Carlana

Trimester 2 12thGradeAHonorRoll

Abrahams, Isabella

Adams, Elyse

Anderson, Brandon

Anderson, Hannah

Anderson, Zarina

Babolian, Griffin

Bailly, Alaina

Bauman, Aubrie

Bergem, Natalie

Bergren, Ellie

Beving, Dominic

Bigelow, Isabel

Blondeau, Adrian

Bowman, Evan

Bradow, Annie

Braun, Mason

Bray, Brody

Buckmeier, Leighton

Budke, Madilynn

Butler, Macee

Bye, Hanna

Carlson, Abigail

Carlson, Wes

Chamoun, Joseph Cox, Aisling

Dirkman, Samuel

Dummer, Naomi

Eberle, Karyssa

Ekelund, Hannah

Elliott, Grace

Foreman, Owen

Goepferd, Gavin

Graham, Nathan

Gutzmer, Holly

Haarstad, Hailey

Heikes, Kathleen

Houfburg, Jaiden

Hughes, Katelin

Jensen, Lilian

Johnson, Jacob

Johnson, Lance

Jyrkas, Annika

King, Kylie

Knick, Hayden

Knutson, Kaydence

Korinek, Grey

Korinek, Samuel

Kragness, Malayna

Krein, Rylynn

Lahti, Sonja

Lysne, Jackson

Mathiesen, Elliat

McGovern, Riley

Nadgwick, Daphnie

Nanson, Timothy

Nelson, Ryan

Norgard, Luke

Nuss, William

Oland, Stella

Reitmeier, Kayley

Rundquist, Fiona

Sjolie, McKenzie

Stahl, Ethan

Starzl, Ella

Stenstrom, Kellen

Stephan, Clara

Strand, Abbigail

Thorson, Natalie

Tollerson, Elijah

Wang, Elijah

Welle, Austin

Wells, Gavin

Wiederich, Mitchell

Winter, Emily

Zierden, Shane


Anderson, Luke

Boyd, Isabelle

Briese, Wyatt

Brown, Brooklyn

Carlson, Zade

Christensen, Dylan

Connelly, Kristin

Dillon, Treyson

Ehlert, Ahnaka

Erickson, Kjerstin

Gaustad, Aidan

Jorud, Thor

Kettner, Jacob

Konrad, Nevaeh

Korby, Nolan

Kragness, Marissa

Leitch, Beck

Lien, Madison

Longoria, Isaac

Meech, Megan

Munday, Mikala

Polejewski, Grace

Rott, Logan

Schoon, Jackson

Smith, Trey

Zender-Severson, Jaxon

Area Learning Center

Grades 9-12

MAAP Stars left for state competition in Mankato on Wednesday, April 24. Students competed in several categories that encompass life skills, public speaking, and project-based learning Students competed against Alternative Education programming from across the state. Pictured are the regional award winners from Fergus Falls and their advisor, Mr. Johnson, after their regional competition held in Fergus Falls on April 5, 2024.

Summer School Credit Recovery will be 6 weeks in length for grades 9-12 at KSS. Students' counselors will refer them to register based on completed courses and credits earned. Summer School Credit Recovery dates are:

June 10-14

June 17-21 (no programming on June 19)

June 24-28

July 15-19

July 22-26

July 29-August 2

Additional Summer Programming through the ALC are for students referred by their teachers include: Otter Adventures, current grades K-7

Middle School Summer School (see Mr. Hirst for information)

Fast Track (rising 9th graders)


iQ Academy staff were busy traveling around the state to proctor MCA state testing. This year we had 19 different testing locations around the state! Thank you to all of the iQ staff who helped with MCA testing. A huge thank you goes out to Theresa Gallagher for all of the time planning and organizing state testing for iQ Academy.

iQ Academy had a social event for students, families, and staff on March 8th at the Fergus Falls Community Arena (picture below). We will have our spring social event at the Mall of America on Friday, May 10th.

iQ Academy will be hosting a graduation reception for our iQ graduates, families, and staff before the graduation ceremony on Friday, May 24.

Mr. Bare is planning and organizing a career day for iQ Academy students.

ESTEE VERSTEEGat True Team, 2nd in 1600 (5:16) and 1st in 800 (2:28).

Senior Golfer Annika Jyrkas shot a -5 under par 67 and now holds the girls golf school record for lowest round during a high school meet. Jyrkas also "unofficially" now holds the women's course record at the Territory Golf Club in St Cloud

Congrats to Mayah Fear on receiving the Craig Fredrickson Athlete of the Meet award at the DL Track Meet

Otter Speech Team has been having an impressive season!

Emma and Lucy earned All Conference Honors, Isabelle and Evelyn received Honorable Mention, and Cierra and Nadia qualified for the NIETOC National Tournament in Nebraska this May.

eryone qualifying for n Adapted Bowling

The top 20 bowlers in the state in each division (ASD, CI, PI) were awarded All State Honors Senior Tariq Billings, Junior Evan Kugler, and Sophomore Ian Iverson garnered All State Honors For State:

In singles competition: 10th grader Ian Iverson and 8th grader Tucker Kugler qualified

MCKENZIE SJOLIE, Catcher5 singles, 2 dbls, 4 RBI’s & caught one batter stealing

In Doubles: senior Nate Graham and Zade Carlson qualified to defend their state championship from last year Also qualifying in doubles is James Merz/Jacob Bergstrand and Evan Kugler/Tucker Kugler

In Team competition we have 2 teams qualifying: Tariq Billings/Evan Kugler/Ian Iverson/Joe Polejewski and Nate Graham/Zae Carlson/James Merz/Jacob Bergstrand

Congratulations to the following students who signed their NCAA National Letter of Intent on May 2nd!

a Jyrkas sity of North Dakota

g Wausau Cyclones NA3HL H

American Indian Advisory

Dan Ninham Visit

Dan Ninham spent 3 days in the district. Day 1 he spent with the ALC American Indian Students & the Advanced Foods Class. They made cornbread, Three Sisters Stew, wild rice, and corn tortillas. Day 2 he spent it with the middle & high school phy ed classes. Day 3 he spent with the K-4 phy ed classes! Lots of fun had by all!

Community Education

Roosevelt Education Center

340 Friberg Ave

8:00 am to 4:00 pm (M-F)

218-998-0544, ext 9200

ATV Safety Course (Ages 10-15)


A registration form must be completed at the Community Education office. At that time, you will receive information on how to complete an online course prior to participating in this hands-on class. Students must bring a DOT-approved helmet with a shield or goggles, and wear long pants and closed-toe shoes: boots are preferred - NO FLIP FLOPS!

Date: Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Location: MN DNR (near food shelf)

Instructor: Hanna Woods - MN DNR Fee: $10

Driver Education - (Ages 15-18) Call our office for information.

June #1

June 3-14 - 8:00 to 11:00 am; June #2 June 3-14 - 12:00 to 3:00 pm

August #1 August 5-16 - 8:00 to 11:00 am; August #2 August 5-16 - 12:30 to 3:30 pm

Homework Help


There is nothing like a tough homework assignment or a student struggling with a new concept. If your teen is frustrated or overwhelmed, have them stop in at Homework help in room 2703 at KSS. All students in Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 are welcomed! It is offered before and after school Monday-Friday from 7:30 to 8:10 am, and Monday-Thursday from 3:20 to 4:00 pm.

InterestedingettingyourLifeguardCertification? CommunityEducationhasupcomingclasses.

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