Brazil connect magazine ano 3 volume 2 fevereiro 2016

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Nova exposição no Espaço Cultural Canvas com homenagem a David Bowie

todas as minhas telas, que representam átomos e nos rementem a um universo interligado”, completa. Para comemorar a exposição Primeiros Passos, o Canvas Bar & Restaurante propôs o “menu do artista”, que será oferecido durante o período da mostra. Adepto a uma alimentação leve, D’Xavier San inspirou um menu saudável e saboroso, elaborado pelo Chef Moreno Colosimo, recém-chegado ao hotel, e que buscou imprimir algumas paixões do pintor como queijos, frutas secas e pudins. A entrada é composta por carolina recheada com legumes assados, creme de queijo gana padano e damascos. O parto principal reúne sabores marcantes com brasato piemontês (ou de novilho) no vinho tinto e especiarias acompanhado por purê de batata trufado. A sobremesa é representada pelo pudim de leite com terra de chocolate amargo, praliné de amêndoas e caramelo salgado. O menu completo é oferecido por R$ 99. É possível também desfrutar do cardápio harmonizado com uma seleção de vinhos por R$ 199. O Restaurante & Bar Canvas oferece menu especializado em comida contemporânea e ambientação de estúdio de arte, com detalhes que remetem ao tema como o cardápio artesanal em tela. Além disso, o cliente pode desfrutar de uma selecionada carta de vinhos nacionais com mais de 170 rótulos de produtores de regiões como Serra Gaúcha, Catarinense, Campanha Gaúcha e também do Vale do São Francisco.

Serviço: Exposição: Primeiros Passos Até quando: Até 08 de abril Gratuita Espaço Cultural Canvas Endereço: Av. das Nações Unidas, 12.901, Torre Leste – Brooklin Novo Reservas e informações pelo telefone: (11) 2845-0055. Conheça o cardápio e a carta de vinhos do Canvas Bar & Restaurante no site


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Jeff Chase President














Florella, while also visiting the orphanage. They were hosted by Noel Fernando, Skal Member, Past President of the Colombo Skal Club and Foundation Trustee, and presented him with banners from the Orlando Skal Club and the New York Skal Club where Joe Neary was Past President, while also receiving two Colombo Skal Club banners in return. "It was a wonderful experience to see how well organized everything is and how happy and well taken care of the children are," DeMeyer explained. "They even sang and danced for us."

Jeff Chase President

Past President of the Colombo Skal Club and Foundation Trustee, and presented him with banners from the Orlando Skal Club and the New York Skal Club where Joe Neary was Past President, while also receiving two Colombo Skal Club banners in return. "It was a wonderful experience to see how well organized everything is and how happy and well taken care of the children are," DeMeyer explained. "They even sang and danced for us." Managing Trustee of the Joseph T. Foundation is Skal International Orlando Member and Skal International USA Past President Bill Pullen. In the last few years, Pullen and his late wife spent a week visiting the project sites and meeting with representatives of other organizations in the country with potential for providing future assistance. "I am very excited about Joost and Iris' visit," said Pullen. "Not only do they represent Skal Orlando but the entire spirit and support of Skal International. When we started the Foundation at the International Skal Congress in Colombo in 1990, the original intent was to support the children at the Bethlehem Creche daycare center really without any thought to the long range future. So it certainly has gone a lot further than any one of us could have imagined back then. It is very much a source of great pride." Skal International Orlando was voted Skal International Club of the Year 2006-2007 and North American Club of the Year in 2007. For more information, go to For membership information, contact Dennis BeMent, Membership Development Officer, Skal International Orlando, at Photo Captions: Banner exchange photo -- From left, Joost DeMeyer and Noel Fernando; Large group photo -- Noel Fernando at left and Joost DeMeyer, center, join the Sisters and children; Noel and Joost Photo with the Sisters in Charge -- From left, Noel Fernando, Sister Fatimanayaki, Sister-in-Charge of the orphanage, Joost DeMeyer and Sister Florella, Sister-in-Charge of Bethlehem Creche.

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