Gr 142 ingles completa web

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Coordination: Francisco Jiménez Richarte (Federación Andaluza de Montañismo). ©Texts: Etapas desde la 1ª a la 8ª en Darrical: Mariano Cruz Fajardo. Etapas desde la 8ª en Darrical a la 13ª: Ramón Fernández del Real. Translated by: Paul Hindson ©Photography: Ramón Fernández del Real, Mariano Cruz Fajardo, Francisco Rojas Luque y Francisco Jiménez Richarte. Alfonso Roldán (fotos págs. 19 a la 24). Cover photo: Calle típica de La Alpujarra en Mecina Fondales. Outlines stage: Ramón Fernández del Real. Maps: Editorial Penibética Datos prodedentes de I.C.A. - Junta de Andalucía. Printed by: GrafiExpress. Dep. Legal: CO-1714/2008 ISBN: 84-607-3904-X Published by: ADR Alpujarra. ATTENTION: The information in this Topoguide refers to December 2008.The walker must take into account that after this date there may be modifications to the itineraries, the signposting and the state of the trail.
















M.I.D.E. (M茅todo de Informaci贸n De Excursiones) METHOD FOR INFORMATION OF EXCURSIONS



The Grand Tour Trail GR-142 is a project promoted by the Rural Development Group of the Alpujarra - Sierra Nevada, under the Community Initiative LEADER II, in which its intention is to undertake a development of a region consistent with the idiosyncrasy of its people and places, opted for a form of sustainable tourism integrated within the environment. In the current framework, through the Regional Program Leader Plus in Andalusia, the publication of this guide completes and updates the Grand Tour Trail MO-142. In this way, and through the collaboration of the Andalusian Mountaineering Federation, which has been responsible for carrying out the work of study, preparation of layout, design and printing the guide, today we can still enjoy the GR-142. The trail introduces travellers, to a healthy and captivating journey of approximately 140 kilometres between Lanjarón and Fiñana, which crosses the valley of Guadalfeo and part of the valley of Andarax, ascending from the east, the Sierra Nevada National Park, visiting unique Alpujara villages immersed in traditional agricultural practices within the exceptional natural environment that supports them. This is a new opportunity to contribute to the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of our region, while promoting the use and enjoyment thereof for everyone. We hope that this guide is a substantial tool for hikers and those who, eager for new experiences and impressions were cut in the GR-142. José Manuel Ortiz Bono President GDR Alpujarra - Sierra Nevada

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


INTRODUCTION A land of contrasts At the foot of Sierra Nevada, facing the Mediterranean, a region that for more than eight hundred years was the residence of the Muslims.This region is the Alpujarra, a small corner of the Kingdom of Granada, which still preserves almost intact the impressions of Islam, a piece of the far East in the West. Cubic whitewashed houses, terraced farming, and villages resting on the sides of the mountains, stunning landscapes and a wide range of leisure opportunities...With a unique character, as reflected in its architecture and lifestyles of its inhabitants, the Alpujarra is a place of contrasts, a strong rural character, yet, both open and friendly and used to receive visitors from far afield. La Alpujarra, the region that enchanted the romantic travellers, and that Gerald Brenan chose as his home. A paradise frozen in time, a region of Andalusia between the s n ow a n d t h e s e a , continues to enamour all the visitors. RĂ­o Chico.

San Juan from Contraviesa.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

To live the Alpujarra one must change the mentality and slow down the pace of everyday life. Listen to the sound of water flowing from a hidden spring, observe the terrace farms, became fascinated by a sunset with the Sierra Nevada as a backdrop, or just sit under the shade without further ado and enjoy the present. It is the timeless charm of the Alpujarra, its landscapes, its villages and its people that takes us back to a time when there was no rush and that simplicity was the rule to follow.

Laundry in Mecina Fondales.

Street in Capileira.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


HIKING Hiking is a non-competitive sport, characterised by crossing on foot, various rural or mountain scenarios in the desire to unite the people and valleys of a region or country using marked trails, preferably following traditional lines of communication. Hiking takes place the natural environment and thus contributing to the conservation and protection of the environment. Hiking contributes to the development of rural tourism and allows us to slowly learn about the country, through ethnographic heritage and discover places where progress has arrived.

Arriving at Notaez.

ORIGIN OF HIKING IN SPAIN Hiking originated in France after the Second Worlf War. En 1972 in the then Spanish Mountaineering Federation (FEDMA today) received a letter from the French Committee of Grand Tour Trails (today FFR randonnée) which called for the continuation through Spain to Gibraltar of a trail that had been marked by France as far as Pucherdá. The following year the Assembly created a committee headed by Joan Cullel and Catalonia assumed responsibility at this early stage. The first activity in Spain was by Dr. Aguadé, of the Catalan federation in 1977, placing the first bands of red and white paint on the G.R. 7 in Tivissa (Spain).


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

At this early stage the reference model was France, due to the similarity of the code of Spanish with the French markings (white and red, white and yellow), and later a group of “Latino marks "was created that included Portugal, Italy, Andorra, Belgium, Netherlands amongst others, whose marks are recognized by all European walkers.


MARKED TRAILS Footpaths that are marked, i.e. they possess signs (landmarks, arrows, panels, paint marks, etc), trying wherever possible to avoid using asphalted roads and vehicle traffic. They are classified in: Grand Route Trails (SGR), these are those over 50 kilometres long, linking distant places and regions or countries far away from each other. These trails can generally be divided into separate stages for the journey. Short Route Trails (SPR), are between 10 and 50 km, and show some specific landscapes or villages, or reach a point of special interest. Can be done in a day. Local Trails (SL). Are up to 10 km in length and of minimal difficulty. When a GR crosses three or more European countries they are classified as an international trail and marked with the letter "E".

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


Who are they targeted? The GR and PR trails are designed for anyone who likes to walk, enjoy nature, and appreciate the landscape. You can also enjoy hobbies such as photography, sketching, and interest in flora and fauna. It is not necessary to have special physical conditions, be of a certain age, or be a member of a club (although it is recommended) and, as the trail is marked, it is difficult to get lost, allowing you to enjoy the experience as a family. The marked trail can be walked in either direction at your own pace. Sometimes there are deviations that allow access to monuments and places of special interest.

TRAIL MARKS Marking the extent of the trail; two horizontal stripes of paint 5 cm wide by 15 cm of average length, one white and one colour for the type of path, 1 cm apart, the white colour at the top. When on a GR trail or a PR or SL add a green or yellow mark as well as the traditional red. Mark indicating change of direction. This signal indicates an abrupt change of direction as indicated by the angle formed by the marks. Parallel lines, white and red (yellow or green). Mark indicating the wrong direction: it consists of an X (cross of Saint Andrew) one of the stripes being red (yellow or green if a PR or SL) and the other white. The white above the colour.

Horizontal Sign. View of the village of Notรกez.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Directional arrow: rectangular plate with one arrow shaped tip. On the tail in a red rectangle (yellow or green) the initials GR (PR or SL), number of trail and a reference of time or distance to a specific point of the route.

GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Equipment To make a successful trip, with the maximum guarantees of safety and without any problems, it is essential to have proper equipment and keep it in good condition. The walker's kit includes three essential items, footwear, backpacks and clothing. If you think there will be overnight stop then you should add your sleeping bag. GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


Footwear 1. It is the most important part of the kit, they must be flexible, robust, durable, breathable, waterproof and of course comfortable. 2. The sole needs to be adherent and give adequate cushioning for the irregularities of the terrain. 3. Its design and construction must provide protection for the ankle and prevent earth, rocks or snow getting inside the boot. Backpack 1. Must be of appropriate size and be useful and practical. 2. It should have internal and external pockets for storage of items. 3. It must be comfortable, strong and resilient. 4.The back and shoulder straps should be anatomical and adaptable. A waist strap will improve the fit. Clothing When it comes to choosing the clothing it is very important to take into account the season of the year and the place you are going. Socks. - They protect the feet, keeping them warm and dry. Sweater. - Better take two thin ones rather than one thick one. Anorak. - It may be fine, or thick. On the market there are many designs made from synthetic fibres that give very effective isolation from both the temperature and wind or water. It is very useful to have a hood. Pants. - Must enable us to walk in comfort and good mobility, shorts are very practical. Other items that we should not forget: kerchief, gloves, hat, sun protection and a change of clothes. First Aid Kit Keep in mind that for major illnesses or injuries, in addition to requiring the presence of a Doctor, medicines and medical equipment, normally, can not be taken on a trip. Therefore, the first aid kit, is necessarily limited, we must keep only those things that can really solve a specific health problem that may happen during a trip:


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142


Sticking plasters, hydrogen peroxide, Betadine, aspirin, antacid tablets sunscreen and little else. Food At the time of planning, the food that we take must be related to the duration of the activity, the time of year, and where we are going. It is preferable to carry more food than we really need to cover possible contingencies. Sandwiches tend to be hard to swallow, it is better to take appetizing food for the nutritional requirements appropriate to the effort required to carry out the excursion. Cookies, chocolate candies, nuts and similar foods are useful and always go down well. Walking The secret of a good walker with a minimum physical effort lies in two factors: Fitness (with training) and technique. To walk well, keep in mind the following rules. 1. It is better to start walking at a slower pace than normal and then continue at a steady pace, without running or unnecessary stops. 2.The rhythm of your pace should be coordinated with breathing.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



3. Long halts should be avoided so as not to cool down the muscles. 4. Walk with the foot flat and with the body vertical, and with the centre of gravity perpendicular to the feet. During descent and ascent in the body will be leaned slightly forward, during the ascent slow down the pace and take shorter steps. A speed of 3 or 4 km. per hour is the appropriate for a route ion the flat, one hour is usually sufficient to overcome a height difference of 300 / 400 meters at a steady pace with few stops. 5. It is important to hydrate, approximately every half hour, with water or isotonic drinks. Food should match the physical effort and not to eat in abundance.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR STAY IN THE COUNTRYSIDE • Do not leave or bury litter. Take it to a collection point. • Never light a fire. Take the food that is already precooked. • Shut the gates, railings, cabin doors, etc. that you come across to prevent animals and livestock entering or escaping. • Respect the trail.The shortcuts only serve to damage the ground by wiping out the original trail. • Motor vehicles are for travel on the roads. Do not use them on the trails. Do not break the peace of the countryside with the engine noise. • Dogs should be on a leash so as not to frighten or disturb livestock or other animals. • Respect and care for the springs, rivers and other waterways. Do not spill soaps, detergents, pollutants or waste. • Leave the flowers so everyone will enjoy them. • Respect and use the camping sites provided.

View of Laujar de Andarax, Mulhacen and the Alcazaba.


GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


Location of Spain, Andalusia, and Alpujarra


Spain Barcelona











Córdoba Jaén




La Alpujarra Málaga Cádiz


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142


Access roads to the Alpujarra From the Costa del Sol, between Salobreña and Motril (100 km from Malaga and 115 from Almeria) take the N-323 towards Granada, this gives two accesses to La Alpujarra. For the first; 15 km from the coast, through Velez Benaudalla and the road to Umbria, after 14 km Órgiva is reached. For the second entry, 29 km from the coast and 40 km from Granada, reaches Lanjarón after crossing the bridge at Tablate and then on to Orgiva after a further 15 km. You can enter the eastern Alpujarra from the north to Guadix by crossing the Ragua pass. Alternatively, from the south, along the coast from the towns of La Rábita o Ejido. Or from the east on the A-348 entering from Alhama de Almería.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

NATURAL PROTECTED AREA OF SIERRA NEVADA Nestled in the central part of the Cordillera PenibĂŠtica, the Sierra Nevada mountain range is the largest of the Iberian mountain ranges. Called by the Arabs of the Middle Ages the "Sierra del Sol, is home to many of the most valuable floras of the entire European continent, and also holds a rich cultural and historical heritage that has been accumulated over centuries.The Tartesos,Visigoths, and the Romans have all left their mark on the Alpujarra region to the south of the range, but without doubt, the most important cultural heritage comes from the Muslim civilization, much of which is still preserved, for example, the sophisticated irrigation techniques. This huge natural fortress was used as a refuge for the Moors until, after many revolts and uprisings; they were expelled in the mid-sixteenth century after the uprising, Aben-Humeya. The romantic travellers of the nineteenth century found in the Sierra Nevada exoticism and adventure, discovery and fascination for this unique blend of high peaks of perpetual snow next to a nearby shoreline. The geodiversity and biodiversity of the Sierra Nevada, along with the spectacular landscape and cultural heritage are the reasons for giving this mountain range the highest awards that can be given to a protected natural area: Biosphere Reserve (1986), Natural Park (1989), National Park (1999), Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA, 2002), European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (2004) and Zone Ramsar-Wetland Padul (2006).

Autumn Landscape.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


SIERRA NEVADA. BIOSPHERE RESERVE At the international level, the global network of Biosphere Reserves refers to ecological zones representing different bio-geographic regions, of high biodiversity, with natural features of great scientific interest, or which represent examples of landscapes in which the interaction of man and nature is exemplified. They are places of great interest for their conservation, which is configured as pilot areas for testing formulas for the conservation and sustainable development of resources, and the results are extrapolated to other more extensive regions. Therefore, the MaB (Man and the Biosphere) of UNESCO is an emerging field of research into the relationship between ecological systems and mankind. There are more than three hundred biosphere reserves worldwide. In 1977 UNESCO declared the first two biosphere reserves in Spain: Grazalema and Ordesa-Viñamala. In 1978 Doñana and Montseny were added. Sierra Nevada was the tenth in 1986. At present, the number of Biosphere Reserves in our country is 15.

AS A NATURAL PARK OF SIERRA NEVADA Sierra Nevada Natural Park was declared by the Parliament of Andalusia in 1989 due to the unique flora, fauna, geomorphology and landscape. Subsequently, the Regional Government proposed its status as a National Park. Sierra Nevada forms a considerable part of the provinces of Granada and Almeria. The Nature Park with an area of 171,829 hectares, of which 86,208 are National Park, includes 60 municipalities in the counties of the Marquesado of Zenete, Lecrín Valley, the western Sierra Nevada, the valley of the Nacimiento River and, finally, the Alpujarras, the largest, and which was the last Moorish stronghold in the kingdom of Granada.

AS A NATIONAL PARK SIERRA NEVADA The Sierra Nevada National Park forms part of the “Red de Parques Nacionales” (Law 3/99 of January 11, 1999). There are 12 parks in Spain. The Sierra Nevada national park is incorporated into the network as a Mediterranean high mountain ecosystems, which so far had not been represented. The declaration of the Sierra Nevada National Park is thus the first to be produced by the Spanish Parliament following the amendment of the Law 4/89 Conservation of Natural Areas and Wild Flora and Fauna, by Act 41/97.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

The Sierra Nevada National Park consists of 86,208 hectares, is a privileged area of Andalusia representing Mediterranean systems of medium and high mountains. There are 15 municipalities from Almeria and 29 from Granada integrated into the park.

Mountain Refuge and Vivacs There are three fully attended shelters: • Refuge Poqueira: at 2,500 m above sea level, is situated at the confluence of the rivers Mulhacen and Seco, in the Hoya del Peñon Negro on the Barranco del Poqueira. It has a capacity of 87 beds. The closest populations are Trevelez and Capileira. • Refugio Postero Alto: at 1.880m above sea level, located on the Loma Enmedio near the town of Jerez Marquesado. Has a capacity of 68 beds. • Shelter of Puerto Ragua: at 2.000m above sea level, located on the A-337 that connects the region of the Marquesado Zenete with the Alpujarras. It has a capacity of 32 beds. There are two unguarded Huts "The Ubeire (Fiñana) and" The Cerecillo (Laujar of Andarax). In addition, there are several shelters vivacs, although some are in poor condition: La Carihuela, La Caldera, Rosales, Elorrieta, Pena Partida, La Cucaracha, El Vadillo, Barranco de Aceral, El Caballo and El Chullo. There are also some natural shelters or caves: Cueva Secreta, Siete Lagunas and the Veleta Tunnel.

CLIMATE AND HYDROGRAPHY In Sierra Nevada, the summers are mild and the winters cold with frequent frosts, especially on higher reaches. From January to August the temperatures gently rises and then decline from September onwards. Its southern position and Mediterranean influence causes dry summers (May-October) where the rainfall is minimal, while in winter precipitation is almost exclusively in the form of snow up from a certain altitude (approximately 2000 meters). The winds help to determine a maximum fall in the autumn on the south side (south-west winds) and another peak in spring in the northern slope due to influence of the North Atlantic winds from the north and northwest). The runoff creates a vast network of rivers and streams, fed by the snow melt water, these have little water in winter and a high flow in spring and early summer. GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


The main rivers are the Rio Izbor, in the extreme south west, which collects the waters of the central Sierra Nevada. Further north, the Genil, which collects the waters from the northern slopes and drains into the Guadalquivir. On the southern side we find the sources of the Guadalfeo, Adra and Andarax rivers. This river network exerts a powerfully influences on the landscape through erosion this is maximal between the elevations of 800 and 2000 m. From this abundance of water we find several of mineral water springs. In the town of Lanjar贸n we find the famous mineral water bottling plant, and a Spa to relax and take the waters.


Star of the Snow, Symbol of Sierra Nevada.

Within this range you find the highest peaks of the Iberian Peninsula, Mulhacen (3,482 m) and Veleta (3,392 m). The whole range shows traces of glacial erosion, with U-shaped valleys, cirques crowned peaks, and lakes that occupy the depressions. The snows remain on highest areas for much of the year and represent a formidable water reserve. There are several unique ecosystems, from high mountain pastures, deciduous forests and Mediterranean bush, all of which make this range a place of high biodiversity. Thus, this site has one of the most valuable floras across Europe, with over 2,000 plants species listed from about the 8,000 that exist in the Iberian Peninsula. Here are more than 60 species of birds, not just typical mountain species (golden eagle, Alpine acentor) but also other wild birds (orioles, hoopoe, choch铆n). Among mammals, is the mountain goat that can be seen more


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

frequently. The invertebrate fauna also becomes important, with more than 80 endemic insects species. One of the most valuable floras across Europe Above 2.800 m (criomeddeterranean level) where soils are poorly developed and climatic conditions are adverse, the meadows are low grade and poorly covered. They are of great interest and are one of the most unique aspects of the Sierra Nevada. These grasslands are composed of a large number of endemic species (up to 40%): Arenaria tetraquetra subsp. amabilis, Artemisia granatensis, Festuca clementei, Hormatophylla purpurea. The “Cascajares" are widespread, and are inhabited by a large numbers of species with adaptations to withstand these environments:Viola crassiuscula, Linaria glacialis and Sempervivum minutum. On the rocky walls one finds the common species that colonize cracks and ledges: Saxifraga nevadensis, Arabis alpina. In the glacial cirques, appear "Borreguiles" higrofĂ­ticos grasslands, as in the previous case, are rich in endemic species: Gentian sierrae, Armeria splendens, Carex camposi, Veronica turbicola and star of the snow (Plantago nivalis) this has been chosen as the symbol that represents the Sierra Nevada. Between 1.900-2.800 m (oromediterrenean floor), the pine and juniper trees grow. The vegetation consists of species of a tree and shrub habit (Pinus sylvestris, Juniperus sabina, J. communis subsp. Hemisphaerica, Prunus ramburii) and a scrub pulvinular (Vella spinosa, Anthyllis Erinacea, Bupleurum spinosum).

Genciana Sierrae. Symbol of Sierra Nevada.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


Soils are moderately developed and Piornal Enebrales grow, forming communities rich in chamaephytes fruticosa hemicryptophytes (Festuca indigestible, Arenaria imbricata). Also abundant are the endemic: Genista versicolor Arenaria pungens, Potentilla nevadensis. In the high altitude limestone areas (Dornajo and DĂşrcal river headwaters), because of the scarcity of soil, thorn bushes grow juniper, thyme alongside Sideritis species listed as carbonellis and Astragalus granatesis. Animal life in the high mountains These are the domains of the alpine acentor (Prunella collaris), the collalba gris (Oenanthe Oenanthe), the common lark (Alauda arvensis) and the blight redstart (Phoenicurus ochrurus). Among the rocks can see the red rock robin (Monticola saxatilis), which owes its name to the red coloration of the male breast, which contrasts with the bluish black of his head. At this altitude we can see flocks of Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) that nest their colonies in caves and escarpments. Soaring among the walls of the gorges and cliffs is the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), which uses this terrain as a hunting ground. We may also spot a griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), and the common partridge (Alectoris rufa), which can be found at up to 3000 m. During the autumn, the mountains can be visited by blackbird (Turdus torquatus), goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis) and groups of kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). Among mammals, the mountain goat (Capra pyrenaica) is the highlight of the park and large herds can be found and be seen

Red Fox.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

grazing on the sides of the mountain. At the same altitude lives the common mole (Pytimis duodecimcostatus), more typical of wetlands at lower heights also the snow mole (Chionomys nivalis), their tunnels in rocky areas, are used by their predators such as the weasel (Mustela nivalis). At altitude, in addition to the endemic plant life, there are over eighty endemic insects. The conditions of mountain life give these animals some specific features: they are generally black, with a hard shell and have lost the ability to fly.

The Mid- Mountain Woodland formations The acerales (Acer granatense, A. monspessulanum) and quejigares (Quercus faginea) are poorly represented by the strong anthropic action. They are found in the wetter areas of the Park, occupying the shady valleys. The melojares (Quercus pyrenaica) in Sierra Nevada, although depleted by fires and predatory logging, are of great interest for their ecological characteristics; they grow in acid soils and are well represented on the north and south valley walls. The oaks are found between 1,300 and 1,700 m, although in some locations they can be found at up to 1900 m. They grow in carbonate soils as well as amongst acid rocks. The oak forest dominated by the oak (Quercus rotundifolia) and, depending on soil type and altitude, are common shrubs such as juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus),Torviscas (Daphne gnidium) Rusco (Ruscus aculeatus), agracejo (Berberis hispanica) and Majuelo (Crataegus monogyna) on more basic soils. At sites with lower elevation are frequently lentiscus (Pistacia lentiscus), Acebuche (Olea europaea sylvestris) and sarsaparilla (Smilax aspera). The oak silicĂ­cola is poorly represented and in addition to the oaks there are junipers, Torviscas and honeysuckle (Lonicera Etruscan). The vegetation that grows on the banks of rivers and streams is greatly depleted, and it is difficult to find stream bank woodland in a good state of preservation. On the acid soils we find alder groves (Alnus glutinosa), willows (Salix atrocinerea) and ash (Fraxinus angustifolia). In basic soils, the vegetation consists mainly of Olmedo (Ulmus minor), Poplar (Populus Alba) and Willows (Salix spp.). The woodland wildlife These woodlands are inhabited by more or less constantly by birds, the (Picus viridis) and (Certhia brachydactyla). With them,

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


we can see some sedentary species such as (Parus major), (Parus ater) and (Parus caeruleus) using the holes in the trunks of the trees make their nests. Perched on branches of the trees we can see the scandalous Jay (Garrulus glandarius) and the common blackbird (Turdus merula). Among the typical spring visitors (Regulus ignicapillis), (Phylloscopus collybita), the warblers (Sylvia atricapilla, S. communis) and Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). On hard and open ground we can come across large specimens of the ladder snake (Elaphe scalaris), smooth snakes (Coronella girona-dica), the Ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida) and common toad (Bufo calamita). Among mammals, the fox (Vulpes vulpes) is common in these parts, although sometimes comes out into the grasslands to hunt. Weasels (Mustela nivalis), rabbits and hares are also found. Badgers (Meles meles) and pole-cats (Genetta genetta), though common, are very difficult to see since they are nocturnal.

Rambla Del Agua in Contraviesa.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Alpujarra valley to valley Two major trails cross the south side of Sierra Nevada touring many of villages: the GR-7 enters the Alpujarra from the Ragua pass and goes through the villages at a higher altitude moving toward the west (1) and GR-142 that goes more southerly, crossing most of the Alpujarra through the provinces of Granada and Almeria to cross the mountains to the north where they becomes more accessible.

Mulhacén and the Alcazaba from Contraviesa.

Other shorter trails also are present, the PR-25 that joins together both GR, joining the village of Cádiar by a path with the village of Mecina Bombarón.There are other marked trails that loop out from GR-142, such as the PR-35, 36 and 37, which goes into the mountains from Laujar de Andarax and PR-32 starting from Cádiar runs through the mountains of Contraviesa. The GR-142 goes through several valleys that the Sierra Nevada waters, the main rivers irrigating the Alpujarra are: - The Guadalfeo. On leaving Lanjaron for Órgiva we cross several rivers that flow into the Guadalfeo (Río Sucio, Río Chico and Río Seco). However, it is further along when we find the major 1 - See topoguía: “A week walking through the Alpujarras, the GR-7”. Project South of the publisher. 1999.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


Roman Bridge at Mecina – Bombarón.

tributaries of the Guadalfeo; these are the Poqueira and Trevelez. The latter is crossed several times by an impressive array of bridges and going from a village on one side to a village on the other, across steep banks of this slender mountain (from Órgiva to Fondales and Busquístar to Notáez), along a paved but crooked pathway. Most of the route runs along the right hand Guadalfeo terrace, Here clinging to the steep slopes are the villages of Notáez and Castares, built like an eagle's nest and, from below, seem inaccessible” (2). Further on Lobras goes down and crosses the river towards Cádiar on northern side, which gives a panoramic view of the 2 - Jean Christian Spahni “La Alpujarra. Andalusia secret”. 1959.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

impressive peaks of the Sierra Nevada, and then shortly after leaves the bed and moves towards its source, to continue towards east. - Rio Grande de Adra. From the village of Cádiar, the trail runs through a gully (a dry river bed, except during the rainy season) covered by vegetation that leads to the river Yátor (the most westerly tributary of the river Adra). After passing unusual villages like Jorairátar, following the river we will find the hidden Cortija of Montoro. Further on in the Canteras, beside the river Ugijar, we will continue along until the river opens into the River Bayárcal. This feeds the Adra river near the dam in Beninar. - The Andaráx. Rises near the eastern summits of the south slopes of Sierra Nevada, and goes on down to Laujar de Andaráx. From this town rich in abundant springs the trail continues along the valley.

Irrigation ditch near Alcolea.

Along the way to Benecos, in front, on both sides of the Andarax, are the picturesque villages of Fuentes, Fondon and Victoria, with a strong historical heritage. Then if we separate a little from its course we cross the villages of Padules and Almócita. As from this village, the trail will again meet up with the river to ascend one of its tributaries, the Río Chico, to Canjáyar and on to Ohanes amongst the vineyards of the famous “Ohanes grapes” (3). These 3 - This is the name of grapes in this region that has a denomination of origin. They are also called “boat grapes” as that since 1752 they were transported in barrels (wooden barrels) to the port of Almeria.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


Guadalfeo Valley: Cadiar and Los Bérchules.

are all are planted on the slopes of the mountain on terraces constructed to enable the cultivation. After Ohanes a forest track crosses the Sierra Nevada. From the top it drops down the north side, between oak and pine forests, to the village of Abrucena. Here one of the irrigation canals follows the street and feeds four mills, the last of them (the same as the one in Cádiar) fortunately is still operational. From there on, among olive trees, and fine stone walls and amongst fields and orchards we reach Fiñana. Just as it reaches the village, we cross the usually dry river bed of the Rio Nacimiento These waters, used for drinking and crop irrigation, rarely reached the Mediterranean” (4). - The Río Nacimiento. It is the main river in north-eastern Sierra Nevada; it collects the abundant flow off waters from the northern side and later, after going around the mountains, joins the river Andarax.These two rivers mark eastern limit of the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada. From all these countless water ways spring numerous irrigation canals. Some irrigate close to the banks of the river, but others make along and tiring journey. They go across the terrain hanging close to the hillsides. They are said to be of Moorish engineering. and they still maintain their use and layout, except for some small canals that were lost because of abandonment. 4 - Jean Christian Spahni “La Alpujarra. Andalusia secret”. 1959.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Until recently Alpujarra was predominantly subsistence agriculture and auto consumption. Predominantly smallholdings where the same farmer usually worked several well separated terraces. Riverside vegetables patches and irrigated fruit groves accompany each village. Viewed from in front, the mountains are illuminated by the white houses and the greenery surrounding the settlements. During the first months of the year we can contemplate the beauty of the Alpujarra almond blossoms, with the backdrop of the snowy peaks of Sierra Nevada. Later all the trees sprout and flourish.The seasons of spring and autumn are the preferred time to visit. It should be borne in mind that in the hot days of July and August it is advisable to start walking very early, and find shade out of the noon sun somewhere comfortable to rest.

Mariano Cruz Fajardo

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Fuente Victoria.

Snow on the Almond Trees. La Contraviesa.

Basketwork in Alcolea.

Ohanes vineyards in the Andarax valley.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

GR-142. SENDA DE LA ALPUJARRA Aproximate length: 144 km. Start: Lanjarón. End: Fiñana. Proposed sections: BETWEEN























































































4 5


11 12 13

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



1 2 2 2

Length of the stage: 7 km Duration: 3 h, Opposite way: 3 h 35´ Difference in altitude: 100 m



900 800




700 600

500 555 455





Ermita Sta.



Distance: 7,1 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Ermita y Mirador Tajo de la Cruz: 30S, x=0458187 - y=4085697 - Venta Los Herradores: 30S, x=0459115 - y=4085868 - Paraje Caña Morada: 30S, x=0460101 - y=4085877 - Cortijo Los Méridas: 30S, x=0460626 - y=4085814 - Río Sucio: 30S, x=0461222 - y=4085517

Altitude Kilometers Lanjarón Ermita Sta. Cruz Venta herradores Collado Órgiva



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

555 745 825 875 455

0 1,08 2,56 3,3 7,16

DESCRIPTION LANJARÓN - ÓRGIVA “In Lanjarón we can see avocado trees, and we are impressed how the chestnut trees live together with other tropical trees. This can give us an idea of the mild climate of this mountain town (the town rises up to 3.150 meters high) and therefore we are not surprised that it is a place for therapy, rest and relaxation. Specifically the water, with its mineral properties, the thermal baths, accompanies this quest for wellness. We encourage you, starting from here; take a deep breath start walking. Slowly as we walk through these mountains we get to know and feel the special identity, the history, the customs and traditions and the nature therein”. We cross the village of Lanjarón eastwards along the long main street, which was the old Camino Real that connected Granada with the Alpujarra, and today is the main road. On leaving the village, after the river Lanjarón we can go a few meters to the left on the “Camino de la Sierra” to take a drink of water from the last of the many springs in Lanjarón. The road, after crossing a few streams leaves the GR-7 and goes on to Cañar, we leave it and climb to the left along a path that is cemented at the beginning that follows the same route used in the pilgrimage to the Ermita on the day of the Cross of May (day 3). We leave the track just a bit further up, after a wide curve. And so we take an attractive cobbled path over the rocks and then, we go up the “Hermita del Tajo de la Cruz”. Lanjarón is one of the Alpujara villages which has most chapels, the Tajo de la Cruz is impressive for its views. “These places were often the scene of witches Sabbaths. For this reason, in the last decade of s. XVIII, a cross was placed on the highest point of the promontor y with the purpose of defending the

Lanjaraón from the Ermita de Santa Cruz.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



The villages of Soportújar and Carataunas in the distance.

pass towards the Alpujarra from the alleged witches meeting places” according to Eduardo Castro. Leaving the Peñon de la Cruz, we follow up the path between the Olive trees without taking detours, to the right; we get to see another beautiful panorama: We can see the valley of Guadalfeo surrounded by steep mountains. To the left we pass another left turn that goes up to the top of the hill, now crowned by the numerous and high antennas for mobile phones. Soon, we reach the track that initially we follow, it crosses over an irrigation canal, and it is the Canal de los Machos that we crossed at the Chapel of the Tajo de la Cruz. Continue up the track, to below the old Venta de Herradores. We leave the various deviations of to one side, now that the height of the vegetation begins to get lower.We are at the highest point of this route. Some eucalypts and acacias are the last few tall trees that stand. Approximately 150 m from the trees that are next to a cattle pen, we leave the trail when it starts to flatten out and just before it branches. Here our trail touches on the GR-7 and above can see the village of Cañar and further on that of Soportújar.We carry on, after seeing the sign post with arrows along a path with a fragrance of lavender and rosemary. After passing some almond trees, on the left we see a fountain and a pipe that brings the water up from the spring and we can see, a little bit higher up, some rushes and a fig tree. This spring is fills a pool along side the road. And here, in this spot called the Caña



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Morada, is the beginning of a gorge.We will see another pool on below, alongside some eucalyptus trees. The water must to be exploited!. From this area of limestone, we pass on the left a farm with animals, we can see Órgiva amid lush valley. We begin to descend ever more steeply towards the village. And so we arrived at the The village of Carataunas in the background. Río Sucio. It is named because it becomes clouded with streaks grey “launa, clay” that is used on the roofs of the houses because of its high degree of impermeability. Further up is a community of “tipis” shops. We go down he left bank of the river, and after about 900 meters you reach the road, near the neighbourhood of Las Barreras. The river goes by the same name. We follow the road to the left, and leave it at a house that claims to “cure warts, herpes, sinusitis, etc...”. A path leads us to Órgiva, after passing through the ruins of a farmhouse, a former oil mill. We can imagine the past splendours of the mills. We only have to cross the Río Chico and go on into the centre of town. HERMITAGE OF THE TAJO DE LA CRUZ Description: A small, rectangular, whitewashed building capped by a peaked slopping roof, there are some small square side windows and a door, both with semi circular arches. There is a wide portico on the facade that is tiled with terrazzo tiles, alongside there are benches made from masonry and at one of the angles there is a wooden cross. On the lateral side that faces the village there is another wooden

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



cross that is clearly older than the other. Inside there is a small altar where mass is celebrated on the day of the cross. Situation: The hermitage is at the Hermitage of the del Tajo de La Cruz. "Tajo de la Cruz" ADR Alpujarra Archive. that rises above the C-333 road at about Km 9 in the direction of Órgiva.To reach it take the paved road on the left a little after a bridge crossing the river and then follow the bridle path on. Historical Aspects: The Hermitage is raised marking the place where there once was a primitive cross placed there between the end of the 18 and the beginnings of the 19 century. According to legend it was placed to repel the alleged practice of witchcraft at the neighbouring "tajo Colorado" Later, in 1895 the cross was replaced by another, it is possible although it cannot be confirmed that this is the cross that is placed on the side of the temple that was built by Jose Lozano Piñar. In his book, Gutiérrez Padial states that a local villager was out hunting in the surrounds, he shot at a bird that was perched on top of the cross and then claimed that the cross started to bleed. Since then the church has undergone renovations such as in 1921 when the porch and a small sacristy was incorporated into the design. Ethnological Interest: Each year, on the day of the cross (3 of May) there is a traditional pilgrimage and that has had a varied following amongst the local people.

Lanjarón Lanjarón, spa-town of the Alpujarra is the first population that we come to out from Granada.

History Although its origins date back to the Middle Ages, its most important era is that of the Arab domination. It was conquered by Fernando the Catholic on his way to Granada. Years later,



Senda de La Alpujarra GR 142

Lanjarón from the Hermitage of the Tajo de La Cruz.

during the rebellion of the Moors of the Alpujarras, he had to personally come to quell the uprisings at Lanjarón due to the ferocity of their defence. The end of the rebellions was the expulsion of the Moors of the Alpujarras, which was repopulated with Christians coming from Castilla. Lanjarón began to re-emerge in the late nineteenth century because of its spa waters and their medicinal properties.

Services of interest Town Hall: Plaza de la Constitución, 29, 18420 Lanjarón (Granada). Phone: 958 770 002 / Fax: 958 770 219. Local Police: Tel: 670 019 375. Guardia Civil: Phone: 958 770 005. Doctor: Phones: 958 779 910 / 958 779 911. Plaza de la Constitución, 29. Pharmacies: • Mayra Jiménez Álvarez. Phone: 958 770 033. C/. Real, 36. • Antonio Sánchez Moreno. Phone: 958 770 943.Avda. de Andalucía, 22. • Purificación Molina Sánchez. Phone: 958 770 906. C/. Expiración, 49.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Means of transport: • Autobuses Alsina Graells. Phone: 958 770 003 (Stop: C/. Queipo de Llano, 43). Taxis: • José González Fernández. Phone: 958 770 097 / 608 849 585. • Santiago Pozo Jiménez. Phone: 958 770 703 / 659 849 768. • Miguel Ángel Miranda. Phone: 958 771 186 / 619 419 174.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural • Spa. Building of Neo-Mudejar style. • Castle.You can still remnants of the Moorish castle built in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. • Church of the Incarnation. Built in the sixteenth century in Mudejar style. • Chapel of the Tajo de la Cruz. s. XIX.

Points of interest: • Neighbourhood Hondillo. • Tello - Ventura. • Cerro del Caballo. • Tagus Expósito. • Spa Lanjarón.

Sleeping and Eating: • Spa Lanjarón. Phone: 958 770 137. Avda. de la Constitución, s/n. • Hotel Spain. Phone: 958 770 187. Avda. de la Alpujarra, 44. • Hotel Alcadima. Phone: 958 770 809. C/. General Rodrigo, 3. • Hotel Miramar. Phone: 958 770 161. Avda. de la Alpujarra, 10. • Hotel Nuevo Palas. Phone: 958 770 086. Avda. de la Alpujarra, 24. • Hotel Nuevo Manolete. Phone: 958 770 773. C/. San Sebastián, 3. • El Sol Hotel Phone: 958 770 130. Avda. de la Alpujarra, 22. • Hotel Andalucía. Phone: 958 770 136. Avda. de la Alpujarra, 15. • Hotel del Castillo. Phone: 958 770 712. C /. Granada s/n. • Hotel Lanjarón. Phone / Fax: 958 770 094. C /. Pérez Chaves, 7. • Bar Restaurant Los Moriscos. Phone: 958 770 877. Avda. de la Alpujarra, 6-8. • Restaurant “Casita de Papel”. Phone: 958 770 028.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Arabic Fortress of Lanjarón. ADR Alpujarra Archive.

• Restaurant Frenazo. Phone: 958 770 191. • Meson El Salado. Phone: 958 770 388. Avda. de la Alpujarra, 43. Gîtes • El Cortijo Aljarafe, Buhío and La Cabaña. Phone: 958 770 377 / 627 540 228. • Cottage for Sale farriers. Phone: 958 770 728 / 620 320 766.

Local Festivals • San Sebastián. Held on January 20. • La Virgen del Rosario. Held in October. • Fair and festivals of San Juan. Ups, is celebrated on June 24. • Día de la Cruz: Pilgrimage held on May 3 at the Chapel of the Tajo de la Cruz. • Fiesta de la Parva. Late July or early August. • Chestnut. Eve of November 1st, the day of the saints in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 17 km Duration: 7 h, Opposite way: 5 h 30´ Difference in altitude: 470 m

1 2 3 3


1075 1075








800 700 600

445 440 460 450















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ar C

Distance: 17 Kilómetros




o in






G ío R




os tij or C











Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Cortijada de los Agustines: 30S, x=0465856 - y=4083415 - Cortijo Cuatro Vientos: 30S, x=0466674 - y=4083711 - Cortijo Valero: 30S, x=0467434 - y=4084292 - Aljibe de Campuzano: 30S, x=0470477 - y=4085244 - Carihuelas y Puente Romano de Fondales: 30S, x=0471663 - y=4086574

Altitude Kilometers Órgiva Los Agustines Cortijos Río Guadalfeo Carril Collado Cruce Río Trevélez Mecina Fondales



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

450 345 450 410 800 1045 1075 830 920

0 4,2 6,75 7,25 11,5 14 14,48 16,2 17


Bridge Puente del Duque.

This day, that will cover a particularly long distance, between the two villages, begins to the east of Órgiva. The trail to Tíjola starts from above the school. Crossing the river Seco and the Hondo ravine, passing through the olive trees and small farms with flowers in their porches and beautiful gardens. The paved road continues up to the Granadino farmhouse.We will follow to past the Cortijo de Augustins. Here we climb up between pomegranates and oleanders in the shade of eucalyptus trees, passing a little to the

Approaching Cortijo Valero.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Merging of the Cádiar and Trevélez rivers.

left a path that enters into a farm, and then, continue along the path that climbs up the canal, acequia de las Ventanas. Following on to the right, amongst the vegetation, crossing over(flagstone makes a bridge) and continue up a path to the Cortijo Cuatro Vientos beside the path. Looking back we can see trees laden with lemons that bring to mind title of best seller book written by Chris Stewart, which describes his life in the area. We continue along the trail, now a dirt track. Passing the farmhouse and the path that goes to the right (this descends towards the confluence of the rivers Cádiar Trevelez - Poqueira). At the next bend we pass through and we enter the valley, this reminds us of those in the High Atlas Mountains. After the farmhouse Crotijo Cenicera,, following a path that climbs up to the left, and, when we arrive at the Duque farmhouse we leave the track to go on to the river. Down between the bamboos we cross, almost without realizing it, the acequia Ventanas, and we approach the bed and climb up 200 meters bearing right. Eight hundred meters further on the two rivers, Poqueira and Trevelez join up and this area is called La Junta. Crossing the river by a curious wooden bridge, we can see the brown stones that colours the iron-rich waters. We continue downstream along a track that goes to the Valero farm, and after, climbs winding along the route of the old Camino Real. Then, climb up a steep rise, among fig trees and almond groves. We then can see a cement base, which formed part of a mining cable car. When we reach sufficient height, to the left we can see, the ruins



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

of Monte Hoya farm situated off the track near shady oak trees, often used by local sheep. And on to the Algibillo Quebrado (Mecina Fondales). On the right are junipers and reforestation. area, known as the Campuzano, until recently, it was cultivated with almond trees and vines. The vineyards were abandoned, according to the owners, because of wild boars. It is said that these grapes produced 800 Bridge and Mill on the Rio Trevélez. arrobas wine. They take water from the Arabic cistern, which we find after the bend.This was fed by a canal which collected the rainwater. Here, we are surprised by a very different landscape (a topographic change called a “Viso” in this region). Opposite, a mosaic of villages adorns the side of the great mountain. At the left, off the road, leaving the ruins of a transformer that used to provide energy for the wagons that carried iron ore from the mines at Conjuro to the station at Rules (to the south) and from there, close to Motril, down by truck to the port. The fact is that this installation was only used only for 13 and half years. From July 1955 until the end of the 1968 when the mining operation was terminated. After this long climb we reach the highest point of the day to at 1.100 m. Further on we leave the track we can see climbing to the left into another path that goes down to the Forestry Corral and the new Corral de Castilla. From here a paved path leads to those villages that we can see right in front. The trail drops in zigzags (called escarihuelas here) between rocks covered with vegetation. The Rio Trevélez is crossed by a bridge which must be seen, the entire base is stone and a mill is beside it where you can see the millstones. On the other side we continue to the left (between the rocks alongside a small pond with some trees), and amongst fields, irrigation ditches, chestnut, acacia and willow trees, beside a spring

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Entrance to Fondales.

we reach the village of Fondales. From here another mule track climbs to the north and from here reaches Mecina where hotels and restaurants for victualling are to be found. Mecina Fondales is the name given to the union of these three villages: Fondales which is below, and Mecina and Mecinilla further up, close to each other. CAMPUZANO CISTERN Description: A small cistern, (3 m high by 3 m wide and 7 m long), with half barrel vault with some engravings on the walls. Located in a historic crossing for farm animals. Location: About 4 Campuzano Cistern (AlmegĂ­ar). Km SW of Mecina Fondales on Solana AlmegĂ­jar. Historical Aspects: Dates from the Middle Ages.The location was a camping area of the Christian troops in their pursuit of the rebel Moriscos. Ethnological interest: It is the only well known in medieval cistern in Taha de Ferreira.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

ÓRGIVA Situated between the Río Guadalfeo and its tributary the Río Chico, Órgiva, is the head of the judicial district of the Alpujarra Alta it is the administrative and commercial centre. It is part of the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, and is located in its southern slope.

History Órgiva has been identified as the Greek colony of Exoche mentioned by the geographer Ptolemy, although the first written references to this town appears in the writings of Al-Idrisi (XII) with the name “Hins Orgiva” a Castle at the heart of Elvira. During Nazari period it was known as Albastch which means “flat” and for centuries was called Órgiva of Albacete. After the conquest of Granada the La Taha region of Órgiva was given to the sons of Muley Hacen and of Isabel de Solís and later to Boabdil, the last king of Granada. In 1488 it was ceded to Don Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba,The Gran Captain, for his loyalty. By provision of the Queen Isabel II is head of the Party since 1839.

Services of interest Town Hall: Avda. González Robles, 20. Phone: 958 785212 / Fax: 958 785 523. Website: Tourist Office of the Alpujarra: Phone: 958 784 484. Doctor: Phone: 958 036 813. Guardia Civil: Phone: 958 785 203. Local Police: Phone: 615 638 092. Pharmacy: • José Carlos Sánchez. C/. Palencia Huerta, s/n.. Phone: 958 785 258. • M.ª Angeles Martín. C/. Granada, n.º 1, Bajo. Phone: 958 784 405. Means of transport: • Alsina Graells. (Stop in Avda. González Robles). Phone: 958 221 888.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Church of Ntra. Sra. de la Expectación.

Attractions • Monuments of historical-cultural interest: • Church of Nuestra Señora de la Expectación. Begun in the sixteenth century has polychrome carvings from the Granada school of the seventeenth century. • Castle-Palace of the Counts of Sástago. Built in XVII centaury on a fortified tower. Belongs to the Counts of Sástago, direct heirs of the Gran Captain. • Hermitage of San Sebastián. • Palacio del Duque del Arco, XVI century. • The ruins of Benisalfe, fifteenth century. • Olia’s Museum: a museum of the Alpujarra. Archaeological sites: • Bronze in the Necropolis of Eva Navas, Luis Cuevas hill. • Source of Teja. • Necropolis and Iberian-Roman settlement in Cerro de la Mora. • Wall of the ancient medieval town (one section is preserved next to the church, of masonry, with a half-point arc). • Ancient pottery of the barriers.

Sleeping and Eating • Hotel-Restaurant Taray Alpujarra. Phone: 958 784 525. Ctra.Tablate - Albuñol, Km 18,5. • Cottage Ajimez. Phone: 918 910 483. Hoya Reyes. Black Hill.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

• Camping Órgiva. Phone: 958 784 307. Ctra Orgiva - Ugijar, s/n. • Camping Puerta Alpujarra. Phone: 958 784 450. Ctra Orgiva Lanjarón. • Cottage Rocío. Phone: 958 784 525. Ctra Tablate - Albuñol, Km 18.5.

Local Festivals • San Sebastian. Held on January 20. • Feria. Takes place in late September and early October. • Atonement of Christ. Held on the Friday preceding the Friday of Sorrows. • Fair: MADE IN THE ALPUJARRA. Tourism Fair, Crafts and Food. Easter. Has been 13 editions.

Street in Fondales.

MECINA FONDALES Mecina Fondales, a grouping of three small towns: Mecina, Mecinilla and Fondales, near the right bank of the Río Trevélez, is part of

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Hermitage of La Virgen del Rosario.

the municipality of La Taha it is characteristic of the towns of the Alpujaras: the unique architecture of the houses, perfectly adapted to the broken terrain and climatology of the area, which are arranged in narrow streets in memory of its Moorish past. Town Hall: Ayuntamiento de La Taha (Pitres). Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1. Phone: 958 766 061. Centre for Sierra Nevada and Alpujarra (CESNID): Plaza de la Iglesia, 3. 18414 Mecina (La Taha). Phone & Fax: 958 064 076. Pharmacy: Plaza de la Alpujarra, 17. Pitres 18414 (La Taha). Phone: 958 766 030.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Sleeping and Eating • A. R.Trance Mora (Mecina). Phone: 958 343 359 / 630 166 169. • Rural Housing and Restaurant-Bar “L'atelier”. C/. Pool, 21. (Mecina). Phone: 958 857 501. • Hotel Shelter Mecina. Phones: 958 766 241 / 958 766 254. C/. Fuente El Barranquillo, 2. (Mecina). • Bar Aljibe. C/. Almendro, 2. Phone: 958 857 312 (Mecinilla). • Restaurant-Bar “La Cueva de la Luna Mora”. C/. Río, 1. (Mecina). Phone: 958 765 202.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural interest • Puente Romano de Fondales. • Medieval Cistern Campuzano. • Church of San Marcos and San Cayetano in Mecina. • Shrine of Ntra. Sra. del Rosario in Fondales. Fiestas and traditions • St. Anton in the whole municipality January 16. • In honour of St. Marcos, in August, and S. Mecina Cayetano in Mecinilla. • Fondales in honour of Ntra. Sra. del Rosario, the first weekend of October.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




2 2 2 1

Length of the stage: 3,7 km Duration: 1 h 30´. Opposite way: 1 h 15´ Difference in altitude: 470 m



1110 1100








900 700





Distance: 3,68 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - La fuente agria: 30S, x=0471741 - y=4087157 - La fuente gaseosa: 30S, x=0472575 - y=4087472 - Baños de Panjuila: 30S, x=0473349 - y=4087140 - Ruinas de la Mezquita: 30S, x=0473182 - y=4087691

Altitude Kilometers Mecina Fondales











La Alpujarra Trail GR 142


Taja de Pitres.

This is a short day, starts with a gentle climbs, that crosses through three villages that are worth visiting and to take advantage of all fountains. The small towns are close together, they retain the distinctive architecture, with houses grouped together and adapted to the steep slopes that retain their traditional rooftops covered with launa. They are surrounded by gardens and fields with a special luminosity which increases its beauty. This trail coincides with another trail that is marked in white and yellow. • Fondales - Ferreirola. These villages fall within the Pitres of Taha (Declared of Cultural Interest in 2007. The Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía has declared 2007 the municipality of La Taha, and many other municipalities Special Cultural Interest in the Historical Site of La Alpujarra and La Taha Media “), formerly called Mecina de Ferreira, for the abundance in this area of iron ore. And so, just outside Fondales to the east, we come to a bitter, iron rich well, whose water has digestive and reconstructive properties due to its mineral content. FERREIROLA Located on the right banks of the river Trevelez this quiet little village of typical Alpujara architecture, whose narrow streets deserves visit.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Passing the well on a small path that winds between the cultivated terraces to the Pool of Lino. An impressive chestnut tree stands beside it This pool receives water from a ravine that we will soon be crossing. Among rascaviejas gorse we come to another gorge near the village and leave on our right a detour to that comes up from the river. We climb up a little and then we enter Ferreirola.

Fuente Agria.

Ferreirola pathway.

• Ferreirola - Busquístar. After drinking some cool water from the well and the laundry near the church, we can see a trail that goes up to the beautiful village of Atalbéitar. We will continue to the right of the well towards the east, along a path that coincides with the medieval ATALBEITAR Of Arab origin, this pretty village certainly lived glorious moments of brilliance. Its name comes from “Haratalbaitar” meaning “of the District of the Veterinarian It was the home of a wise man known for potion, remedies, and natural healing.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

route as far as Busquistar that crosses two ravines: One surrounded by ferns with a well, known as La GASEOSA unique in the Alpujarra for its high concentration of dissolved gas. The first, through which the waters of the GuarFountain and Laundry at Ferreirola. das flow, covered with poplars and chestnut, and the second, with an other well of Paules. Between the two we find the “Era del Trance alongside a chestnut tree. In this area, and as the same as in Cádiar, the cereals are harvested by hand with a sickle or scythe, (which is used to feed the mules). You cannot get mower or threshers. This whole field has not been abandoned and is still tilled by hand and with the help of animals.

Surroundings of the “Fuente La Gaseosa” at Ferreirola.

We continue the path that descends towards the river to a beautiful old mill, “the flour factory.” From this mill we can climb to the now ruined baths Panjuila. From here in front a path and to the left a ditch filled with vegetation thanks to the water that falls down from these ancient baths. We climb up between oak and ash to a rise and on the ridge to ruined mosque. The ruins have important archaeological value

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



ruins are located on a rocky vantage point that provides a beautiful viewpoint. Continuing on our path we reach a track that we follow a few meters and leave it at the bend and thus continue directly to Busquístar, the village 600 meters in front of us. We find ditch next to a mulberry bush and the opportunity to wash our hands, red ineviWalkers at La Mezquita. tably from picking the berries. After crossing a deep, cool stream, between walnut and fig trees, we come to the town of Trevelez.

“LA GASEOSA” Health Spring. The spring waters have high gas content. It has a single outlet, located in a small semicircular fountain, decorated with tiles. Location: East of Ferreirola, following the path that leads to Busquístar. Right bank of the Barranco de los Castaños.

“La Gaseosa” fountain at Ferreirola.

Historical Aspects: Traditionally used since ancient times. The structure is however, relatively recent.

Ethnological interest: Spring waters with significant carbon dioxide content.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

In the heart of the High Alpujarra, between the Rivers Trevelez and Poqueira is located: LA TAHA History

View of Ferreirola.

Pertaining to the municipality of La Taha is a group of small villages: Capilerilla, Pitres, Mecina, Mecinilla, Fondales, Ferreirola and Atalbéitar, whose origins date back to Roman times.

Even today we can still find archaeological remains that tell of the importance of that group of towns during the Arab occupation. During this time the area became well known for the quality of its silk production and for the battles that took place between Christians and Muslims, which was the reason that lead Felipe II to declare as Pitres Villa, for their courage.


View of Busquístar.

Situated at the edge of the cliff formed by the river Trevelez. The town the Berber structure of the streets and houses.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Church of Busquísar.

History Between the XIII and XV centuries pertained to the Taha de Ferreira and indirectly to Granada. In the nineteenth century it was passed from depending under the judicial area Albuñol to that of Órgiva. Busquístar consisted of several farms a large number of houses all densely populated. Its iron mines were in operation until very recent times.

Services of interest Town Hall: Ayto. de Busquístar. C/. Plaza, s/n. Phone: 958 766 031. Doctor: Phone: 958 766 104. Pharmacy: Phone: 958 765 005. Means of transport: • Bus Line: Alsina Graells. Phone: 958 185 480. • Taxi: 958 766 036.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural interest: • Church of San Felipe and Santiago s. XVIII. • Hermitage of St. Pedro s. XIX. • Archaeological site “La Mezquita” s. XIV.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

• Iron Mine. Arqueología industrial s. XX. • Medieval roads “Escarihuelas”. • Medieval irrigation ditches. Gorda ditches, of New Llano. • Traditional Eras. • Recreational Area. Castaño Gordo. • River Road Trevelez.

Sleeping and Eating • Hotel *** “The Citadel of Busquístar”. Phone: 958 858 687. • Rural Housing “The Balcony of Heaven.” Phone: 958 341 135. • Cottage “Sonia”. Phone: 958 857 503. • Restaurant “The Lilla.” Phone: 958 857 440. • Shop traditional “Josephine”. • Supermarket “Margarita”. • Shop “El Molino”. • Bakery traditional “Juan Garcia”.

Local Festivals • Festivities in honour of San Felipe and Santiago, the first weekend in May. • Cultural Week. Second half of June. • Pilgrimage of San Pedro, the last Saturday of June, or chapel of the Holy Castaño Gordo. • Summer Festivals, the first Friday in August.

FERREIROLA Town Hall: Ayto. La Taha (Pitres). Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1. Phone: 958 766 061. Doctor: Ferreirola. C/ Rosario, 8 (Thursday morning only).

Sleeping and Eating • Casa del Agua. Phone: 958 763 336. • Rural Housing and Sierra Mar. Phone: 958 766 171 / 958 857 367.

Attractions Cultural monuments of historical value: • Church of the Santa Cruz. • Hermitage of the Ánimas Benditas.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 7,5 km Duration: 3 h 10´. Opposite way: 1 h 20´ Difference in altitude: 193 m

2 2 3 2



1400 1203

1300 1200

1110 1085






1000 830

900 800 700 600











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Distance: 7,5 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Puente y Molino de las Carihuelas: 30S, x=0474291 - y=4087586 - Venta del Relleno: 30S, x=0474414 - y=4087005 - Notáez: 30S, x=0475342 - y=4085730 - Barrio Alto de Cástaras: 30S, x=0477436 - y=4087487

Altitude Kilometers Busquístar Río Trevélez Venta del Rellano Notáez Camino Herradura Camino Cementerio Cástaras



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

1110 900 1203 830 1025 1030 1010

0 0,8 2 3,9 5,5 6,8 7,5

DESCRIPTION BUSQUÍSTAR - CÁSTARAS • Busquístar - Notáez. The trail exits the town from the lower part. A signpost on the way to the river, with a yellow and white mark shows that the trail coincides with an other PR until it cross road at Venta del Relleno. Nearby, and to the south we Venta del Relleno. find a track that comes from Ferreirola, off towards the west. However, it is worth climbing the narrow streets of Busquístar, taste the water from its springs and fountains. On taking the trail, we find a mulberry tree on down the hill and then another one alongside the Cortijo Cacerias. Unfortunately the fame and glory of the silk produced in the Alpujarra in Arab times has passed but still we can savour the fresh berries from the mulberry tree during the summer months. On the river there is a mill and on left we see the canal taking water that provided the energy to move heavy mill stones. In front we can see a cutting and surprisingly, we find an excellent path.

MILL BRIDGE AT BUSQUÍSTAR Description: Bridge built in stone, with wooden beams, formed by a single track. Location: Southeast Busquístar on the river Trevelez. Bridge and Mill Carihuelas.

Historical Aspects: No dating.

Ethnological interest: Bridge which is part of the Carihuela Busquístar joining the Mine Del Conjuro.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Climb the rise, zigzagging between oaks and brambles, and then, almost at the top we see the cable station that carried ore from the Conjuro mine to the station at Rules. We reach the road after a ditch and pass on the right Venta del Rellano alongside walnut and fruit trees that surround it. In September the flat roof is usually covered with figs and dried tomatoes. From here if we look back, we can see the village from where we started. We leave to the right, the road to Almegíjar and Torvizcón and then further on, to the left that crosses Cerro Conjuro and we climb up towards Trevelez. From here we continue on three hundred meters along the road to Castares.We abandon the road and take a path to the right that will lead us to Notáez. Descending a little, we cross a ditch, to continue on down the hill. In May is full of yellow flowers, as it is all covered with broom bushes. Onwards, passed El Calar, a cliff of limestone rocks, we continue on a path that goes through Olive groves. After crossing a small Trevélez river and Carihuela bridge.

Trevélez valley.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Fountain at Notáez.

ditch we find an intersection, we take the right hand path that will take us on to Notáez. The first thing that we come across is a laundry, in use daily, surrounded by flowers, as are most of the streets. Further on, at the Plaza la Fuente, a stone fountain with four pipes. The village has two-storey houses of unique beauty. • Notáez - Cástaras. To the right of the laundry, The Chorreón of Notáez, is the path to Castaras close by the trail that descends to Busquístar. At first it continues along a well-marked trail, between olive and fig trees Upon leaving the village with its gardens and fruit trees, the path is less clear and arid. We cross a ravine and reach a ridge. From here the trail climbs zigzagging between almonds trees through the hill of algibillo. The climb continues along side scrub oaks, until we see the village of Castaras. We cross over a track and a further on down, a path, both go directly towards the cemetery. And onwards we enter the outskirts of Cástaras by the Punta de la Calle.

View of Notáez.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



The trail arriving at Cรกstaras.

Cร STARAS Forms part of the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, and is located in its southern slope. Castaras has a well deserved reputation for its wine production, and also, its typical alpujara architecture well adapted to Square at Cรกstaras. broken terrain and climate of the area, where narrow streets still bear the memory of its Moorish past. In the outskirts we find the remains of the Mines del Conjuro.

History The history Castaras is paralleled to many other villages in the Alpujarra region which, because of its geographical isolation, has always developed a separate culture, which had its moment of glory in the Arab-Andalusian period, when all Alpujarra agriculture was a major emporium specializing in the production of silk. It was an important town during the time when the Mines Del View of Cรกstaras. Conjuro was in production.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Services of interest Town Hall: Phone: 958 855 533. Doctor: In the square is a medical centre (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). For emergencies depends on Cádiar.

Fountain La Piedra at Notáez.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural interest • Parish Church (coffered Mudejar XVI century). • Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. Points of interest: • Baths of Piojo. • Portichuelo of caste. • Barrio Alto.

Sleeping and Eating • Rooms for Rent in private home. Phone: 958 753 147. Plaza de la Fuente of Caños.

Local Festivals • January 16 the “Boys of San Antón. • May 13 Our Lady of Fatima. • August 15 Festivities of San Miguel.

NOTÁEZ The village Notáez is very interesting because it conserves intact the Alpujarra typology. It has beautiful and flowery gardens. The cars can not travel on their streets. The town retains a good example of the architecture consisting of a town of narrow streets and houses built from traditional materials (slabs of slate roofs of launa) and with great profusion of plants and flowers in their exteriors and balconies. Among these buildings, which reach different heights, are the typical “Tinaos”, walkways that connect different houses at the upper floors.

Services interest Almegijar Town Hall: Plaza de la Constitución, 1. Phone: 958 764 031. E-mail: Pharmacy: Phone: 958 764 175.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 18 km Duration: 4 h. Opposite way: 4 h Difference in altitude: 105 m

3 2 3 3




1030 990

975 840


930 940

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885 887









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Distance: 18 Kilómetros






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Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Chim. fundic. Cerro Mansilla, (Sal. de Cástaras): 30S, x=0478358 - y=4087654 - La fuente del Chorrillo, (Nieles): 30S, x=0479004 - y=4087826 - Acueducto del Cortijo de los Arcos: 30S, x=0479957 - y=4086515 - Era de las Ventezuelas, (Salida de Lobras hacia Cádiar): 30S, x=0481364 - y=4087526 - Cortijo y Venta del Buen Humor: 30S, x=0481579 - y=4085580 - Alquería de Morayma: 30S, x=0483703 - y=4086704

Altitude Kilometers Cástaras Nieles Arroyo Carril Barranco Lobras Pista forestal Cruce GR-7 Cortijada Alquería de Morayma Cruce de carreteras Cruce enlace Cádiar Cádiar



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

985 990 940 935 805 930 940 870 825 975 927 880 925

0 2,25 3,01 4,13 5,41 6,65 7,39 8,21 10,01 12,75 13,31 16,05 18


Nieles en the Guadalfeo valley.

• Castaras - Nieles. Two kilometres of paved road and little traffic separate Castaras from Nieles. To find it go round the church next to the house of Pura, the most famous healer of the Alpujarra. At first path is surrounded by rocks then after a climb you reach a coll through which flows the Canal of Sierra Nevada. The water arrives after taking the canal from Castaras, a long and impressive (for the journey) canal that takes water from the river Trevelez, above the village. From here down, to cross the Guadalfeo and a siphon system that raises the water to the Contraviesa. On the left we see the ruins of a mine where the ore was processed and the pipe of a chimney where they condensed mercury. As you begin to lose height you can see Nieles and 300 meters of the village, across a ravine and in between the rocks, the spring Chorrillo. (A Tomatoes in the Terrao de Niéles. little before we find another, but the water is cloudier as it flows through a pond).

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



• Nieles - Lobras. In a little corner of the beautiful village of Nieles is hidden the fountain ARIBA, under the ivy and fig trees, and the other side a spouts onto a laundry, these pipes each make a different noise as the water runs down to a Bridle path out of Niéles. pond that is adjacent to the gardens.The other spring de Abajo, is near the health centre and to the bar of pensioners. This is also a laundry and from here a path leaves for the village of Lobras. At first along side the cobbled way, we can see the millstones , above is a great and ancient olive mill that pressed olives from all the local farms. The trail descends to the Nieles river. We cross over and go up other side and can see that oaks replace the olives and almond trees. In the spring we will see in the rockrose flower, and the gayumbas and brambles and in summer, smell the oregano and thyme blossom. Leaving the river, and with less vegetation, the incline becomes more gentle until we reach a track. Below this is a buried ditch that we will follow. We lose sight of Nieles as we round a hill and enter into the area of Lobrasán.We pass a pool and come to a dirt track. To the right is the Cortijo Los Arcos. AQUEDUCT OF THE ARCOS Description: Built in masonry, the aqueduct has eight spans still standing and three that have collapsed. The arches are built of bricks. Across these arches runs on the rest of the aqueduct, built Los Arcos Aqueduct. from dry stone, this forms the ADR Alpujarra (Archive) upper surface through which water flowers to the farmhouses in the area. Location: Next to Los Arcos Cortijo, to the east of the town of Castaras. Historical Aspects: It could be from the Arab era. Ethnological interest: Its construction is fully Alpujaran typology, a clear example of the ethnological heritage of the area.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

It is recommended that you go and see the ruins of the aqueduct that passed through the same farmhouse. We follow the trail to the left for 2.2 kilometres to reach Lobras. Down, and passing a couple of detours to the right until you reach the gorge Lobras and then crossing over climb to the village. • Lobras - Cádiar. It is worthwhile take time to visit the streets behind the plaza of the church all decked with plant pots and Irrigation Ditch at Niéles. flowers that give colour to the streets of Lobras.Above, in the neighbourhood of El Chorro we come to a fountain and Laundry. In front of it with a walnut tree we take the road between trees across a couple of groves to reach the threshing place of Fuentezuelas (there is a solitary tree next to it). We continue to the left and reach a first rise, there are fig trees inclined eastwards, we continue in this direction until we reach the next ridge crossed by the Escalona trail. We descend it, and when the trail forks we take the left fork, that passes a cement post. On this path we go down to the Rambla de Albayar, and from here the trail coincides with GR-7, which also passes through Lobras. We will continue to descend along the riverside until it joins the Guadalfeo. Here we come to a road, and we take to the left to cross this river. From the bridge we can se a wind mill and a few solar panels used to power the flow meter that will measure the amount of water in the river at this point. After crossing, we leave the road and climb up to the Rambla del Lagarto.We leave it immediately

Entrance to Alqueria de Morayma.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Almond Blossom beside La Rambla del Lagarto.

going left the Cortijo de Buen Humor, an old olive oil mill surrounded by olive trees. Behind the farmhouse we begin to climb the hill. After a sharp rise we cross a small clearing and entered the oak wood by following a small fire break. This climbs up until the Cerro del Alimz, but we'll leave it and rounding the summit, by taking on the left, a gentler path. We ventured into what is the Mediterranean woodland. As we climb up the hill we find again almonds and figs. We find a path at the threshing floor (and the ruins of the walls of the Cortijo de los Zapateros�). We continue straight along on the track until we reach the ruins of the Cortijo Cayón (the whole hill is known by this name). Here we leave the track to climb a tiny path and further on we come to a dirt track, next to an empty cistern on the left, and a few vines on the right. Taking the track to the right and passing through the typical Alpujarra crops of almonds, figs and vineyards. In front of a fig tree is a junction, we continue straight on, but if we were to go to the left we would come to a vineyard. Above there is an excellent viewpoint of the south side of Sierra Nevada, where we can see ten villages on its slopes. Continuing our journey we have a weather station (we can see the data on temperature, humidity, amount and direction of wind, rainfall, daily on the website: We will reach the A348 road, just at the Agro-tourism centre Alqueria de Morayma, a centre that offers accommodation with a dining area with a remarkable architecture that merits a visit and invites a stroll round the tree-lined farm and chapel. Before reaching the road next to a rustic bus stop, we now say goodbye to Lobras, Juviles and Timar, as we lose sight of these villages behind us. Following along the A-348 road to the left and



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Unloading hay at the threshing floor of Cádiar.

after 5 minutes pass the junction with the A-345 to the right, this leads down to Albuñol and the beach. One hundred meters later we pass the garbage treatment plant. Here the garbage from the surrounding villages is compressed and then sent on to the plant at Benaudalla Vélez. From here we could go 600 meters up the road that crosses a ravine, but we will avoid the asphalt and take a dirt path on the left. This divides, and we continue to the right. Further on, when the path begins to descend you can see on ahead the villages of Bérchules and Alcútar below the Cerros del Peñon (2,754 m) and Cerros del Gallo (2,919 m), and then we take a path on the right.The descent follows a ridge, parallel to the road, initially poorly defined among thorns and Genista (known as Bolinas locally) and then, towards the end, it falls sharply to a ravine. Climb up past a mulberry tree, and a few meters on we turn right and cross over the road. At this point, on the left, we are close to the village of Cádiar it’s worthwhile following the path and later the ditch of Lobreros to enter the village, walking through lower quarter and visit the flour mill that is still in operation on Sundays.

NIÉLES Village dependant of Castaras founded by the Berbers of the High Atlas during the Middle Ages. Here we find a cave of Iberian-Roman origin with inscriptions, human skeletons and crucibles for casting metals.

Fountain Niéles.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



LOBRAS Granada village of the middle Alpujarra.

View of Lobras.

History The origins of this village are very ancient, perhaps mozarabic. In the past known for the mining of mercury but now this has been closed down.

Places of Interest Town Hall: Plaza de la Iglesia, s/n. Phone: 958 768 107. Medical Centre: C/ Acequia. Phone: 958 768 254 Hours: Wednesday from 11 to 14 hours. Pharmacy: Casas de los Maestros in C/ Escuelas. Monday to Wednesday mornings.

Attractions • Acequia de los Castaños. • The dam and the Cerro de los Riscos. • Barranco de los Lagartos. Monuments: • Churches of mudejar style at Lobras and Timar. • Archaeological site of the Roman remains, Peñon Hundido. • Mercury mines and the houses of the Rodríguez Acosta (Timar).



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

• Villages of Lobras and Timar. • Threshing floor Los Llanos in Lobras. • Acueducto Cortijo de Los Arcos.

Sleeping and Eating • Rural Apartments the Garden of Lobras. Pc of the Church s/n. Telfs. 958 205 037 / 958 768 112. • Rural House. Pc of the Church s/n. Phones: 958 851 783 / 620 470 850.

Local Festivals • Festivities of St. Augustine. 28 and August 29. • Lobras Cultural Week from 23 to August 27.


Domingo Mill.

Alongside the valley of the River Guadalfeo between the majestic Sierra Nevada and Contraviesa the township of Cádiar is the geographic centre of the Granada Alpujarra. Described in the words of D. Pedro Antonio de Alarcón in his book on La Alpujarra: “... the large houses surrounded by fields and gardens, their dark olive groves, its river, the flower covered countryside, the poetic mist that refuses to abandon the avenues, the radiant blue of the sky that can not escape from the mist, and the cheerful sun that silvers the nearby snows, gilded buildings, resplendent waters, silver mists that convert the smoke from the chimneys into columns of colour...”.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



History Town of Berber origin, had his moment of splendour in the ArabAndalusian period, when all the Alpujarra was a major agricultural emporium specializing silk. Was the birthplace of Don Fernando el Zaguer, uncle of Aben Humeya who played and instigated the revolt of the Moors in 1570. In the sixteenth century, Felipe II gave it the right of township. At this time the city was divided into 5 districts and 2 attachments with mosques, shops and markets.

Services of interest Town Hall: Plaza de España, 13. Phone: 958 768 031 - Fax: 958 850 506. / e-mail: Health Centre: C/. Pedro Antonio de Alarcón. Phone: 958 768 750. EMERGENCY. Phone: 958 850 448. Pharmacy: Plaza de la Iglesia, 11. Phone: 958 768 066. Means of transport: • Alsina Graells. Phone: 958 185 480. Bus Stop: Avda Pedro Conde. Daily departures to Granada and Almeria. Guardia Civil: Carretera de Granada. Phone: 958 768 032. Financial Entities: • Caja Granada, Plaza de la Iglesia. Phone: 958 768 136. • Caja Rural, Plaza de la Iglesia. Phone: 958 768 068. • BANESTO. C/. Schools. Phone: 958 768 290. Association of Municipalities of Granada Alpujarra: C/. Obrador, 6-1 º. Phone: 958 850 521.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural interest A walk through Cádiar and its environment (Guadalfeo Valley and beautiful rural roads and access to different places and villages), visiting the villages of Narila, or Yátor or La Rambla del Banco and surrounding farmhouses, threshing floors, ponds, flour and olive and wine cellars are to be found in this municipality. Some points to notice: Casa del Ayuntamiento, Plaza de la Iglesia, the Hermitage, La Posada del Cojo, Barrio Bajo, Castillejo in Cádiar, the “Olivo del Moro” in the access to Narila dominated



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

by the Plaza de la Iglesia, the aqueduct, a limekiln, and the location of the house of Aben Humeya, the origin of two route of great interest, towards the Chapel of Santa Rita, or to Fuente Agria, The aqueduct, the Fountain of the Virgin or the Hermitage in Yátor, and of course Pico Bernal or the Hermitage and the Wall of the Rambla del Banco.

Sleeping and Eating • Alquería of Morayma. Ctra C-332. Cádiar - Torvizcón. Phone: 958 343 303. • Apartments - Restaurant Route Alpujarra. Avda Andalucia, s/n. Phone: 958 768 059. • Sitio de Estar El Cadí. C/. Sevilla, s/n. Phone: 958 850 469. • Hostal Restaurante El Cadi. C/. Real, 21. Phone: 958 768 064. • Venta The Ramblilla. Ugijar Road, Km 34. Phone: 958 850 488. • Mesón Frasco Ramón. Ugijar Road, s/n. Phone: 958 760 792. • Apartments and Restaurant Para de la Suerte. Ugijar Road, s/n. Phone: 958 768 900.

Local Festivals • Market on 3 and 18 of each month. • They are traditional, as well as Carnival, Easter and Corpus Christi. • January 5: “Parade of the Three Magic Kings” Cádiar. • January 20: San Sebastian.Yátor. • February 3: San Blas, patron of Cádiar (January 6: Procession from the Chapel to the church). • Thursday before Ash Wednesday: “stew”. • Last weekend in April: Festival of San Marcos ( “Kill the Devil”). • May 3: Día de la Cruz. • May 18: Pilgrimage of San Isidro (May 15: Procession from the Chapel to the Church). • May 22: Santa Rita. Narila. • June 24: San Juan. • July 26: Santa Ana Luminaria. • Weekend next andalusia August 15: “Expocádiar”. • August 16: San Roque. Narila. • The first weekend of October: Fair and Festivals (“Source of Wine”). • November 1: Las Animas.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 9,9 km Duration: 2 h 30´. Opposite way: 3 h Difference in altitude: 195 m

1 2 2 2


1000 900












700 600





Ctjos. de la Virgen y de la Noria.

Ctjo. Higueral

Cuesta de la guitarra

Enlace GR-142



Distance: 9,92 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Ruinas Venta de Cuatro Caminos: 30S, x=0484177 - y=4087657 - Rambla del Repenil: 30S, x=0485022 - y=4087832 - Ramblilla del Agua: 30S, x=0489214 - y=4086907

Altitude Kilometers Cádiar Enlace con GR-142 Cuesta de la Guitarra Cortijo Higueral Ctjo. de la Virgen y de la Noria Cruce Antena Barranco Jorairátar



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

925 880 896 830 760 720 850 760 730

0 2 2,5 3,5 4,88 5,84 7,18 8,5 9,92


Avenue of Repenil.

The route for the day passes along an old Cañada Real. It is also possible to do this by mountain bike, but there is a sharp drop of 150 meters when it leaves the avenue along which this road mostly runs. The avenues landscape is eroded with gullies caused by water and wind Along it we find the sauzgatillo, a shrub that has a beautiful purple flower. And garbancera less frequent and with a spectacular golden-yellow flower, blossoming somewhat earlier than the previous one. It starts from Km 53'2 of the A-348 between Cadiar (1 km) and the Alquería Morayma (a 1'3 km) where it crosses the rambla Porcel, we head east along a track that takes us to the Venta de Cuatro Caminos (of which there are only ruins on both sides of the trail). This actually is a crossroads. Since, on the right starts the PR-32 “Contraviesa Path”, and to the left, the PR-25 “Path Cádiar - Mecina”, behind we have just left Cádiar and to the front, the Rambla del Repeníl that we will be following down to Jorairátar. Almond Harvest.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



View of Jorairรกtar.

Along the avenue we come to a well and a farmhouse, Cortijo de la Virgin, surrounded by olive and fig trees. Further down the avenue opens out as we pass to the right of the farmhouse Cortijo Higueral.We come to fairly unusual landscape, which is called Los Tajos, crowned by the Cerro del Convento. Upon leaving these settlements, we see on the right of the farmhouse Cortijo La Noria, with its paved entrance and a well, the location of the old water wheel Behind the farmhouse there is a path that communicates with the farmhouse Cortijo de las Cipreses (through which a track passes that also leads to Jorairรกtar). On down the avenue we come to a spring and opposite, the farmhouse Cortijo de la Virgin. From here we continue for one more kilometre along the track. After passing some beautiful poplars leave, and take a track that rises of to the right.

House at Jorairรกtar.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

(If we followed the avenue just passed this point appears a dam and the Cortijo de la Huerta de los Naranjos. And in fact in the area around the avenue we can see orange groves that

prosper in this warmer climate The avenue later joins the river Yรกtor and it is possible to walk up to this village). The track rises up the Cuesta Juan Alonso, and it quickly gains altitude so becoming an excellent viewpoint overlooking the south side of Sierra Nevada. Pass a detour out to the left that goes back down to the avenue next to the farmhouse Cortijo Haza Vega. We continue on up to a crossroad, we take a right and we are in the valley dominated by olive trees. Here we join with another track that takes us on down to the Ramblilla del Agua that we follow a few meters and continue parallel to it along a path off to the right. From here it is known as El Arroyo. The first things we see of the village are the towers of the church and its Hermitage. Jorairรกtar means range of mountains, it is worthwhile to visit the Historical Museum of the Alpujarra and the nearby fountain. ERMITA DE SAN GABRIEL Description: Nave in the form of a Latin cross, the nave is so short that it almost appears to be like a Greek cross. Except the nave that has lost its roof, the chapel and transept arms and offer half barrel vaults. At the foot is the portico with a semi circular arch between Tuscan pilasters and entablature, similar to the lateral side of the parish church. Also the tower, alongside the presbytery at the head repeats the outline of the body of the bell tower of the parish church. Of note is the presence of pilasters on the exterior of the transept and the door metalwork. Location: Far W of the population, on the cemetery. Historical Aspects: We found no documentation on this shrine, but its type and the similarities with the tower and the Hermitage of San Gabriel. ADR Alpujarra (Archive). doorway of the parish church allows us to venture a timeline for the second half of the eighteenth century. Ethnological interest: It is one of the largest shrines and architectural quality of the region.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 8,3 km Duration: 3 h 30´. Opposite way: 3 h 20´ Difference in altitude: 260 m

1 1 2 2




730 645


656 615









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Distance: 8,3 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Molino Altero o del tío José: 30S, x=0490359 - y=4087727 - Ruinas del Molino del Medio: 30S, x=0491179 - y=4087249 - Ruinas del Molino del Tuerto: 30S, x=0491608 - y=4087328 - Venta Pampana: 30S, x=0493537 - y=4086610 - Molino del Teniente: 30S, x=0494015 - y=4086757 - Era-plaza-mirador en las Canteras: 30S, x=0496179 - y=4087992

Altitude Kilometers Jorairátar Barranco Molino Altero Molino del Medio Molino Hondero Puente-Carretera Venta Pampana Molino Teniente Los Montoros Enlace de la Canteras Las Canteras



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

730 645 615 585 570 530 522 475 450 410 470

0 0,44 1,24 2,32 6,16 4,2 6,18 6,82 7,72 9,62 10,12


Figs on the Terraos of Las Canteras.

From the square of lower quarter of Jorairรกtar take the road along the river that starts from the bar of the pensioner's home and goes down between orchards. Just after the start we must take care because we come to a crossing. We take the left along a path which initially will be more level and accompanies the irrigation ditch. From here you can see in front, the village of Mecina Bombarรณn. On down, more sharply, passing to the right a detour at one of the bends, we reach the Jorairรกtar stream. From it, further upstream Jorairรกtar draws its drinking water. We crossed a beautiful garden path that rounds the stream and climb up to the front amongst some cactus to reach the crest. Here we Yator river and Cortijo Lozano.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Cortijo de la Federica.

cross under a ditch which is held up by a stone arch. We begin the descent that is fairly busy with donkey and mule traffic, covered by many Carob trees that predominate in this warmer climate. We reach at Molino Altero. Typically when people are older, they are known by nickname of “Tio (Uncle)”. Therefore, this first mill was also known by the name of Mill of Uncle José (or Aunt Amalia). From the river, on the other bank side we see the path that goes to Yégen. The trail climbs up the ravine ahead, then it becomes a track and passes through the Cortijo Colorado Viejo and between large greenhouses. To create these illegal greenhouses huge clearing operations have eaten into the mountainside causing irreversible damage to these hills. We continue along the river, taking advantage of these waterways and channels that have traditionally been used as paths of communication between their farmhouses. We see some gardens surrounded with a low fence to stop the wild boars entering and eating the fruit. The vegetation that accompanies the riverside makes this area is cooler than the surroundings, but in the rainy season is not advisable to do this section due to the accumulation of floodwater in this part of the trail. From where the riverside starts to open out, on the left, we find the ruins of the Molino del Medio. Behind it, there is a path that was used for walking to Ugijar, it climbs up to the Mill rise and continues by the cortijo Blanquizales.To the right there is another



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

path back to Jorairátar, which rejoins the road about 200 meters from the village. Round a bend in the river in a wide extension is the Barrack de los Cerrajones, often without water. On down past the hidden mill, Molino Honderos. At one time, the miller was known as “Juan el Tuerto” and that's why we appear on maps as the “Molino del Tuerto.

MOLINO DEL TUERTO Description: A large mill, the main building consists of several rooms on two levels, the ground floor is partially underground Constructed in powerful stonework with two races, the first inteMollino del Tuerto. grated into the structure, ADR Alpujarra (Archive) sits at 90 ° angle, The second is at the end of the race, going through across an arch with brick supports. The last bucket, a quadrangular, is staged in three sections, being the last round. Both buckets, have a cylindrical opening of ceramic material. Location: right bank of the river Yator under the Road Jorairátar, PK 2.600. Historical Aspects: No dating. Ethnological interest: Base for processing and cereal consumption of the population of Jorairátar and its environment.

The trail fords the River Yátor at the junction with the road that leads up towards Jorairátar. From here, continue along the track, parallel to this road for approximately 300 meters, until you reach the bridge over the road where the trail leaves and returns back towards the river Yátor alongside the Cortijo Rio Bajo. Along the descent we cross from side to side the river, between oleanders. We see a farmhouse on the left, Cortijo de Federica, with its olive trees at the top and beds of canes at the base. And further up above the farmhouse Cortijo Lozano, still inhabited, which has a small canal that comes from the river to raise the water with the help of a motor.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



From here the canyon opens up and on down, several bends to the Venta Pampana. In front is the Cojáyar avenue. Along it runs the old path that goes down to Murtas, crossing the river and climbing up behind the Venta to Ugíjar.

View from Venta Pampana.

In the Venta Pampana lived five families who had a mill that was destroyed by a cloudburst in 1975, the water came down the Rambla de Cojáyar and swept aside the Venta and all that was in front. This massive storm did much damage to the whole region. As we move on along the river, looking back, we can see the village of McNeill. Mecina Tedel is one of the abandoned villages of the Alpujarras, which like others is slowly recovering, located amongst the towns of the Sierras de la Contraviesa de Murtas and Cojáyar. The next mill that we come to, Molino Teniente, was oil and flour mill but now is preserved as a single oil mill. The water comes from the river by a large pipe from Venta Pampana and arrives above the mill, here the canal is divided into two ponds to generate the energy required to drive the mill wheels below. From here the river carries less water and transit along beside it becomes easier. We were suddenly surprised to see a large group of inhabited houses Los Monteros, situated on the slope of the mountain, stepping down to touch the river. We have to turn left to climb up to the village, we can rest the shadow of its Pomegranate tree, in front and we pass the farmhouse Cortijo de las Tapelines, a marvel. We followed by the reeds of the river, it passes alongside orchards, olive trees, poplars. Molino del Teniente.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Optional Tour Signposted to Las Canteras To reach Canteras only takes about 20 minutes. The first thing you see before you reach las Canteras is a farmhouse surrounded by orange and olive trees located on a mound. It has two stories and tile roofs. Here, as the construction of the roof is traditionally flat and then covered with sod, so, the tile roofed cottages were owned by the wealthy. At this point the junction of the river Yátor, by which we have followed from Los Montoros, and the river Ugijar on the left. The riverbed climbs up to Ugíjar. We need to

Las Canteras and River Ugijar.

take the left side of the river Ugíjar for about 200 meters to be able to enter the Cortijo de Las Canteras,. Then we must cross to the right side and leave the riverbed at the dam built to contain the river and then take a bridle path at the greenhouse. From there the path gains height and enters the Cortijo de Corral in Las Canteras. las Canteras close to trail connection that comes from the Cortijo de Montoro, at this point we find directional arrows. The Plaza de las Canteras is a former threshing floor with excellent views, the houses are surrounded by peaches, quince, and mulberry trees,... As we stroll through the village we find fountains for refreshment.

Cortijo de las Tabalinas and Cortijo Los Montoros.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 16,8 km Duration: 5 h, 40´. Opposite way: 5 h, 40´ Difference in altitude: 266 m

2 2 1 3



900 800


712 722 667




600 494



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Distance: 16,84 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Junta de los Ríos Ugíjar y Lucainena: 30S, x=0497324 - y=4086690 - Puente de Cherín: 30S, x=0499643 - y=4090313 - Puente Río de Alcolea: 30S, x=0503755 - y=4092705

Altitude Kilometers Las Canteras Presa Río Lucainena Darrical Lucainena Pte. Cherín Area Recreativa Rambla Cruce-Carril Pte. Río Alcolea Alcolea



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

470 390 380 375 540 667 642 575 635 667 736

0 2,18 2,48 3,16 7,16 9,72 10,36 11,80 13,06 15,80 16,84

DESCRIPTION LAS CANTERAS - ALCOLEA Las Canteras - Darrícal* * WARNING: dangerous crossing in this stretch. Due to a landslide on the slope beside the dam that was built at the junction of the rivers coming from the quarries. Our path climbs over this rise following a very steep old track beside the dam. At the moment this piece of trail has been swept away and the crossing is very complicated.

Starting from the village of Las Canteras and going down the cemented road towards the river Ugíjar we drop down to the river Yátor. Here the canyon is fairly open and amazes us as it passes through the mountains forming beautiful gorges on its slopes. To the left is the farmhouse Cortijo Palomas and below, after one of the bends in the river, on the right side is a path that goes past pine trees to a farmhouse. The gorge is right up against the riverside and there is a huge cliff on the left that we pass by on towards the dam*. After crossing, it passes by some fields and olive groves and then some bamboo canes, we reach the river Darrícal at the point where it meets the river that we are following. A few kilometres on down the river, we reach the Pantano de Benin, named after the village that was flooded by the construction of the reservoir. We cross over the river, now into the province of Almería, and on the left bank down comfortably to Darrícal. At first we see a laundry, now abandoned like many of the houses. The schools have now been closed because of the advanced age of the

CHURCH OF DARRÍCAL Description: Rectangular Nave barrel vault adobe roof lunettes and the arches The chapel square cut and covered with a dome. The vault of the nave conceals the remains of the S. XVIIXVIII structures. The walls are of masonry between rafters and ribbons of brick,

Church of Darrícal and old Olive Mill.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



and the eaves of the nave retains modillions of brick. On the side of the chapel still retains the lime rendering of panels with wall paintings that mimic the traditional designs of drops and hearts. At the feet opens lintled doorway, which is cut directly into the wall, while the tower rises, originally free standing, on the side of the presbytery like a prism of rafters and masonry with brick on the corners to bell platform. It features a half-point arc on each side and is covered with a roof of four quarters. Dedicated to Nuestra Señora del los Dolores. Location: Church defines the bottom of the town square. Historical aspects: In 1556 a neighbour of Darrícal purchased a plot of land on which to build a church, which was completed in 1558. Francisco Rodriguez made the work of masonry and the Moors Alaiçar Alonso, García and García on the Napi Hanon made the bricks. For his part, Juan de Plasencia did carpentry and collaboration with sawyers Juan Gonzalez and Damian. 300 pottery tiles from the kiln of Maria de Robles were used for decoration and a window, by Teodoro of Holland. Faced with the fear of a possible uprising of the Moors, the bell tower was erected as a refuge for the Christians. Access was via a drawbridge linking the tower to the rostrum at the foot of the church. Sacked by the Moors in the rebellion of 1568-1571, the mason Hernando de Azuaga and carpenter Cristobal Espinosa made the repairs in 15871588. In S. XVII century new repairs were undertaken, but the most important work was done in the second half of the XVIII century, with the construction of the existing chapel and the vaulting of the nave. As in Lucainena, the orientation of the temple was reversed. In the late Eighteenth century the cemetery was built behind the chapel. Ethnological interest: It is the only church in the former diocese of Granada that preserves the free-standing tower. population. In what was the house of the teacher is now a doctors, and on to the church, next to an abandoned mill and a plaza with a fountain of two pipes. Optional tour to Lucainena, not signposted. The people from Las Canteras used to walk to Lucainena especially during the holidays in this town, in honour of St Marcos and Santo Cristo.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Panoramic View of Lucainena.

At the entrance of the village of Las Canteras, on the way to Ugíjar, we find on the right a cemented track going down to the river and round the corner of one of the greenhouses which are being built in the valley. We cross over the river and go down a little way past reeds and orchards, until after a few orange and olive trees, take a lane that comes out from the left perpendicular to the river. It goes round the Mill of Calzadilla, which was used for grinding cereals and olive oil (oil and flour mill). Behind it there is a fork in the road that we take to the left. From here you can see the ruins of what was the mill wheel.This mill wheel used to raise the water to what is now a dry cereal field. Above is a massive deforestation of the hillside.We continue the path straight on without making any detours until it ends at a cliff. From here we take the left and climb up between ravines to the impressive arid landscape, with almond and olive trees on the terraces to take advantage of the scarce water, the rest is esparto, rosemary and bolinas, and emphasizes the greenness of the capers.The path reaches a ridge with three olives trees and crosses over. Here we can see simple example of how the terraces halt the erosion of the land by means of small stone walls and planting of fruit trees. After reaching an area of almond trees we come to a ridge. From here we can almost touch Lucainena. We go to the right, down the hill to Lucainena in big zigzags to Poplar trees. Follow the path left until it crosses the river and we come into the town. Darrícal - Alcolea. From the plaza at Darrícal we go down the main street until we reach the road. Here we find a signpost with arrows indicating

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



the direction to take. Continue along the road to reach Lucainena. The village is almost abandoned and lacking in most services.

Landscape of contrasts.

From Lucainena we start the stage to Alcolea. Continue down the road until a crossroad near a bridge. We take the road to CherĂ­n and after about 200 meters take a track on our right. Continue along this track which runs parallel to the new road from UgĂ­jar to Laujar de Andarax. After about 2 kilometres we come to a fork alongside an old farmhouse, take the right fork that goes down to the river. Once there, we turn to the left, upstream, the path continues along the riverside till we come to a long wall on the left that is part of an old mill. At the end of this wall and to the right in direction that we are progressing we continue along path that goes between large excavated cuttings that rises overlooking a majestic landscape that is highly travelled by vehicles. At the top of the hill we came to a crossroads and we continue to the left. At the pass there are multiple paths crossing over, we take second to the left, and the same at the next intersection. From here we can see the village of Alcolea and without deviating from the way we pass a track on the right and come to a coll and a crossroad, we take the right fork in the direction of Alcolea descending rapidly to a terrace with olive trees, the track continues along the terrace between containment walls to reach a vast esplanade marked by a steep slope to our right, then, make a



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

View of Alcolea from the trail.

sharp change of direction to the right and continue along the track dominated by clay embankments and stone walls to reach a concrete bridge over the river Alcolea. Crossing over, the track makes a bend to the right and follows the banks to a large esplanade contained by a concrete wall, from where the track bears of to the left, then immediately makes an abrupt change of direction to the right and climbs up the hill to Alcolea along a cemented path to the church sq

DARRÍCAL The Muslim Darrícal has not changed over time and first described in the fifteenth century. Made up of four districts, and it was repopulated in 1575 with 18 residents mainly from Extremadura. At its foot the river Darrícal that receives melt waters coming

Panoramic View of Darrícal.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



down from the snows of Sierra Nevada and supply the reservoir of Beninar.

ALCOLEA Services of interest Town Hall: Phone: 950 512 000 - Fax 950 512 121. Doctor: Phone: 950 512 199. Carretera, 20. Means of transport: Bus Stop: Main Road. • Alsina Graells Sur SA. Phone: 950 235 168. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242. Pharmacy: Fernández Rodríguez, M. D. Phone: 950 512 160. Oficina Municipal de Turismo: Ermita de San Sebastián. Phone: 950 512 000.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural interest: • Church of San Sebastian (s. XVII).

Chapel of San Sebastián and San Idelfonso.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Panoramic View of Alcolea.

• Darrícal Church (s. XVI). • Lucainena Church (s. XVII). Recreation Areas: • “Las Hortichuelas”. • Pantano de Benínar. • Río Alcolea. • Mirador de la Ermita. • Mirador de la era de la Ermita. • Mirador del Cerro de la Cruz.

Food and Drink • Sol y Luna Restaurant pool. Highway 14. Phone: 950 512 171. • Supermarket Covirán. Phone: 950 512 029. C/. Places, 59. • Supermarket Gaditor. Phone: 950 512 067. C/. Real, 50. • Supermarket Juan Álvarez. Phone: 950 512 059. C/. Plaza, 10.

Local Festivals • January 20th San Sebastián. • From 3 to September 5 Santa Rosa de Viterbo.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




1 2 2 2

Length of the stage: 7,5 km Duration: 2 h. Opposite way: 2 h Difference in altitude: 179 m



1000 900












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Distance: 7,5 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Rambla: 30S, x=504459 - y=4092439 - Venta Mincharra: 30S, x=505077 - y=4092452 - Viñedos: 30S, x=505192 - y=4092439 - Centro Interp. Parque Natural: 30S, x=508556 - y=4093865

Altitude Kilometers Alcolea Pista Forestal Cruce ctra. Laujar Campo de fútbol Centro Interp. Parque Natural Laujar



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

736 800 918 924 915 915

0 1,88 2,8 5,9 6,48 7,5


The Cliffs in Cรกrcavas.

The trail starts from the old road that leads to Laujar. After about 50 meters on the road the trail follows a track between olive trees. It climbs up to the right to gain height and then the road become gentler, following on through olive groves. The road becomes narrower as it ascends, then it connects again with another wider path, we continue along the left and return to the road. At this point, we find ditch with a path that runs parallel to the road that connects with a cement track, on the other side we see a pool on the canal. Continue to the right along the cement road that ends at a chalet, follow the track on between stone walls. Later we go in the direction of the new road and cross over at approximately kilometre 90 to follow the track that leads straight on. Further on we take a less important path to the left passing between almond trees and then walk over a slope built of concrete for the construction of the new road. Later we come to pine trees Embankment and sign post.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



VENTA MINCHARRA Description: Old two-storey building, the facade has eight spans, each with a grill except the entrance door. Location: N. of the town along the road to Laujar.

Venta Mincharra. ADR Alpujarra (Archive).

Historical Aspects: No dating. Ethnological interest: Old Roadside Venta, it lies at the foot of the road to Laujar. Another of its function is a wine cellar. along a forest track, where we find another junction under an electrical pylon. Turn right and go down until you reach the avenue, we leave the path and continue right along the same avenue, parallel to a telephone line to the right of the road. The avenue closes in and we find an other track. We continue to right along the avenue to connect with the road, we cross over and take a path that branches off and turn to the left and follow on, it is a main track that runs through the rich vineyards of Laujar, principal agricultural activity in the area. Without deviating for the first kilometre, we come to a bend to the right and continue down this road, recently paved, taking no notice of the multiple crossings that we pass till we connect again with the Alcolea Laujar road at a gas station. We take a path near the soccer field and parallel to the road. Along here we come to the Visitor Centre of the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, a must to visit. 500 meters later and we're already in Laujar of Andarax next to the bullring. Important town of Almeria Alpujarra where we find all kinds of services. Vineyards of Lauja.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142


View of Laujar with Mulhacen in the distance.

The Village of Laujar Andarax, located in River Andarax Valley opposite the Gádor mountains and foothills of the Sierra Nevada, 69 km away from Almeria. This village was chosen by the last Nazari king of Granada, Boabdil as his residence before the exile. Within the town is a large section of the remaining masonry walls and five towers. In the vicinity of the origins of the river Andarax is an environment that should not be missed.

Services of interest Town Hall: Plaza Mayor de la Alpujarra, 9. Phone: 950 513 103 / Fax: 950 514 248. Web Page: Guardia Civil: C/. Colón, 24. Phone: 950 514 116. Health Center: Ctra. de Paterna, s/n. Phone: 950 514 284. Pharmacy: Pharmacy Pérez Rubio. C/.Villaespesa. Phone: 950 608 014. Means of transport: • Alsina Graells. Phone: 950 235 168. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



• Taxis Rivas. C/. Granada, 4. Phones: 950 513 231 / 670 708 693. • Taxis Vicente Gómez Jordán. C/. Tahal of Andarax 12. Phones: 950 513 981 / 626 485 571. Center for Rural Development: Phone: 950 514 161. Plaza Mayor de las Alpujarras, 2. Tourist Office: C/. Hnos Castañeda, 14. Phone: 950 513 453.

Manor House in Laujar.

Visitors Center of the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada: Ctra. Alcolea-Laujar (A-348), Km 1. Phone: 950 513 548.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural intrest • Church of La Encarnación. • Town Hall. • Convent of San Pascual Bailón. • Chapel of Ntra. Sra. de la Salud. • Chapel of Las Ánimas. • Alcazaba de Laujar de Andarax. • Springs and Fountains s. XVII - XVIII. • Houses s. XVII - XVIII. • Neoclassical buildings. Recreation Areas: • Paraje del Nacimiento. • Refuge and Recreation Area Monterrey.

Sleeping and Eating • Camping Cortijo “La Molinera”. Phone: 950 514 315. Paraje del Batán, s/n. • Hotel Almirez. Phone: 950 513 514. Ctra. Orgiva-Laujar, Km 1600. • Restaurant Nuevo Andarax. Phone: 950 513 113. C/. Canelejas, 27. • Casa rural Cortijo El Piojo. Phone: 950 513 227. Ctra. de Paterna, s/n. • Hostal Fernández. Phone: 950 513 128. C/. General Mola, 4.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

• Casas Rurales Puentes Verdes. Phone: 950 513 438. • Tourist Laujar Villa. Phone: 950 513 027. Paisaje del Calache, s/n. • Mesón La Fabriquilla. Phone: 950 513 510. Paraje Nacimiento, s/n. XVII century balcony. • Restaurant El Nacimiento. Phone: 950 513 276. Paraje Nacimiento, s/n. • Mesón Ruta La Alpujarra. Phone: 950 513 400. Ctra. GadórLaujar, km 45,150. • Alberge Río Andarax (Benecid-Fondón). Phone: 950 514 030. C/. Empedrado, 9. • Restaurant La Marmita de Alham (Benecid-Fondón). Phone: 950 608 133. Paraje del Encinar, s/n. Outdoor activities: • Al-Mihras, S.C.A. C/. Covadonga, 4. Phone: 950 514 149 / 606 771 621. Website: • ADEAL, S.L. C/. Humilladero, 10. Phone. 950 513 400 / 639 655 162.

Local Festivals • Festivities of San Vicente Mártir. 21 and January 22. • Lardero Thursday: Thursday before Ash Wednesday. • Fiestas de San Marcos: April 25. • Corpus Christi Festival: September 19 Ntra. Señora de la salud.

Fountain in the Square of Laujar.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 15 km Duration: 3 h, 40´. Opposite way: 3 h, 30´ Difference in altitude: 170 m

2 2 3 3



1000 890


900 900




955 936


870 894



820 770


740 720 745

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Distance: 15 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Río Andarax (Campin de La Molinera): 30S, x=510387 - y=4094412 - Puente del Vado: 30S, x=513970 - y=4093433 - Rambla de Patrocinio: 30S, x=514193 - y=4093648 - Desvio Horno de Yeso: 30S, x=517517 - y=4095707 - Ermita Virgen de los Desamparados: 30S, x=518517 - y=4095930

Altitude Kilometers Laujar de Andarax Río Andarax Villa Turística Benecid Depuradora de aguas Collado Cerro Capitán Carretera Almócita Cementerio de Almócita Cementerio de Padules Padules



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

890 875 900 845 845 936 894 850 820 740 745

0 0,48 0,7 3,6 5,46 10,3 11,94 13 13,38 14,56 15

DESCRIPTION LAUJAR DE ANDARAX – BENECID – ALMÓCITA – PADULES Take the road to Fondón. Just outside of the town a narrow road on the left leads us to Benecid, we pass near the Camp site of Molinera de Laujar as we cross the river Andarax, whose beauty can be appreciated by walking along any of the marked trails around it, then, shortly afterwards, we pass on left another road that leads up to Villa Turística. Continue to the first multijunction, first on the right and then to the left, at next junction take the road on the right that goes over a house next to an electrical tower.

Trail to Benecid.

We pass a hollow, after which, take the right lane which goes down this route until Benecid it cannot be missed as it is a main road. Cross through the village on the main street and continue along the road to Almócita, follow along till we abandon it at the junction with the road from Laujar to Canjayar, alongside a large bridge.

Benecid (Fondon) and the Mulhacén and Alcazaba Peaks.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



FOUNDRY “LA GRANAÍNA” Description: Foundry contains a beautiful industrial chimney built of red brick. It is in two sections, the lower, is above the oven. At the base are a some masonry roofed buildings that were used for storing coal.These conserve pointed arches of brick at the main entrance and in the communication between halls. In front of the halls is an impressive well dressed in red brick. On a lower level near the bed of the ravine, there is a curious gallery that communicates horizontally with the well. Location: Bridge “Vao”. Historical aspects: S. XIX. Ethnological interest: Remains of ancient smelting lead at Fondón.

Continue straight ahead passed the water treatment plant and the ruins of an old factory. We arrived at the Rambla del Patrocinio, we follow along and after about 100 m there is a path that leads up to the right. Continue on up to a pass and a crossroad, ascend to the left until a second pass from where we can see the Casas de Solana (old abandoned mines), take the left lane leading to flatter pass with another crossing that we take a right until the last pass under Cerro del Captain, overlooking ahead to Almócita, at this point we leave the track of to our left and descend passing some ruins, from here a path winds between bushes and goes down past a lime kiln, crossing a ravine on the other side and down a gully to the trail. Continue to the left without leaving the lan that connects to an intersection, continue along on it for about 1 km until Almócita.We exit Almócita by the road to the cemetery. It is a narrow paved road and after a bend



Houses in La Solana and Sierra de Gádor.

La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Almocita and Beires on the road to Padules.

near a goat farm, there is a crossing that we take to the left. The road descends gently to a fork, stay on the right among the olive trees, further on we come to the end of asphalt road and we find another crossing near a large pond, follow the road straight ahead that passes a small shack 200 meters below. To our right is the cemetery of Padules, somewhat apart from the village, without losing sight of this reference, we continue on down a cement path, which is just a shortcut, take it to return to the main road and end this leg reaching the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

Valley of Andarax.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



FONDÓN Privileged corner of the Almeria-Alpujarra the village is situated between the ridges of the Sierra Nevada and Sierra Gádor in the upper river Andarax. Aggregated are the localities of Fuente Victoria and Benecid. Fuente Victoria as from the the trail between Town hall of Benecid to Laujar. Fondon. C/. Godoy Asunción, 7. Fondón 04460 - Almería. Phone. 950 513 302 / 950 513 313. Links: /

Hotels • Tourist Complex “Ahlam de la Alpujarra”. Paraje del Encinar, s/n. (Benecid). Phone: 950 608 133. • Houses “El Domingo en el valle”. Camino de Benecid, s/n. Benecid (Fondón). Phone: 950 346 913 - 630 978 757. • Camping Puente Colgante. Road to Benecid-Fondón (Fondón). Phone: 950 514 290. ALMÓCITA Almócita, a mountain village of the Almeria Alpujarra, is situated in a v a l l ey b e t we e n t h e mountains of Sierra Nevada and the Sierra de Gádor. The township is included in the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, a View of Almócita. natural paradise, for its rich landscape, flora, fauna and anthropology. The village retains the typical Moorish architecture of the area.

History Village founded by the descendants of Tubal. Its arab origin still survives in the layout of its streets and architecture. Also, it still conserves the Jewish quarter and it is the best preserved urban Moorish architecture in the province.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Fountain in Almócita.

At the Cortijo de los Paces, Hadid's old house, the uprising of the Moors in the Alpujarras ended in 1570 with the agreement between Don Juan de Austria and Aben Aboo, who had murdered the leader of the rebellion Aben Humeya and later who was proclaimed king of the Alpujarra.

Services of interest Town Hall: Glorieta de la Constitución, 2. Phone: 950 510 337. Web Page: Pharmacy: Romero López, M.V. C/. 8 de marzo. Phone: 950 510 405. Means of transport: • Autobuses Alsa. Phone: 950 281 660. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242.

Places of interest Monuments of historicalcultural interest • Mudéjar Church of Ntra. Sra. de la Misericordia. s. XVI - XVII. • Ermita de los Desamparados s. XVII - XVIII. • Calzada de las Fundiciones Reales. • Pilar de los tres caños. • Almócita laundry. • Acueducto Barranco del Bosque.

Points of Interest • At Cortijo and Venta de Cacín. • La Cueva del Agua and Piedra Horadada.

Church of Ntra. Sra. de la Misericordia.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



• El Cortijo de las Cartagenas. • El Barranco del Pilar and the Cerro Francés.

Local Festivals • Festivities: February 3, San Blas. • Fiestas de la Ermita: Sunday 2nd September. PADULES Its name means small lakes, because close to the village there are some springs. Its origin is Hispanic-Roman, though others think

Padules from Almócita.

it is of Arabic origin. The entire area is rich in archaeological remains, a sign of previous assentments. Around Padules is the Sierra of Gádor, this and other mountains are a magnet for mountaineers, hikers, hunters, etc... Padules has a natural environment, which is its most attractive quality. Highlights are the Vega de Padules that has the benefit that others no not have of being rich in water. This is complemented by the natural heritage value of its Mudejar style church, characterized by its austere simplicity.

Services of interest Town Hall: Plaza de la Constitución, 1. Phone: 950 510 001. Pharmacy: C/. Ruiz Ocaña, 20. Phone: 950 510 029. Means of transport: • Autobuses Alsa. Phone: 950 281 660. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Attractions Monuments of historicalcultural interest • Museum of Water: Municipal Laundry, C/. Camino de los Parrales. • Mirador El Faraite. C/ López Prior. • Camino Real de las Fundiciones. • Former Clock of the Church. • Cruz de Reducción. • Balsa de Barjali. • Cuevas - Silos de Faraite. Church of Santa María la Mayor. • Church of Padules. Plaza de la Constitución, 13. • Former Laundry and Balsa.. • Bridge the Barranco de los Hornos.

Sleeping and Eating • Restaurant Abad. Phone: 950 510 004. C/. Avda Alpujarra, 40. • Restaurant Barroso. Phone: 950 510 361. C/. Ruiz Ocaña, 1.

Local Festivals • San Antón. Around January 17. • Santa Maria la Mayor. First weekend of August.

Vinyards on the terraces at Padules.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




2 2 3 3

Length of the stage: 11 km Duration: 3 h. Opposite way: 3 h Difference in altitude: 420 m



960 853

900 800





750 675

645 585









s R








ru a.












aj nt Ve o. bc














Distance: 11 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Ctjo. de Boluñena: 30S, x=520659 - y=4095614 - Bco.Ventaja: 30S, x=523122 - y=4095052 - Río Chico: 30S, x=523027 - y=4097150

Altitude Kilometers





C. de Boluñeva









Colegio Sta. Cruz










La Alpujarra Trail GR 142


Grapes of Ohanes in the Río Chico, valley of Andarax.

The stage from Padules to Canjáyar starts on the road to Canjáyar, we follow it for about 1 km and then take of to the right along another narrower paved road known as Camino de Boluñeba and continue along until the asphalt ends. Pass on through an area with stone walls, in a southeasterly direction, then pass another wide crossroad and continue straight on until a hut, follow the canal beside the track 50 meters on past the hut, cross over the canal and take a narrow path that goes on to the right and coming to the corner of a pond where the trail turns left and descends steeply.We reach a farm amongst some vines and from there follow a clearly marked path up to the crest of a large gully, now

Trail near Ohanes.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



PUENTE DE LOS 7 OJOS Description: A well built Bridge, it consists of seven small arches and one larger arch. Built of mortar, with b r i c k a rc h e s a n d corners, one of the minor arcs is closed, possibly to strengthen their resistance.

Bridge of the Siete Ojos. ADR Alpujarra (Archive).

Location: Camino Alcora. Canjáyar.. Historical Aspects: Since 1860 the county council began studies for the construction of a provincial road that would communicate all the Villages along the Andarax river from Fondon to Gador, in addition to maintaining communication with Alcora, the site of the Royal Lead Mines and foundry, A branch road 4.5 m wide was built, joining Canjáyar to the main road. And on that branch this important bridge was built to cross the river Andarax, at a cost of more than 60,000 pts. The project was undertaken by engineer Trias, in 1866, and was opened to traffic in 1869. Ethnological interest: vital road communication between the two sides of the river.

the trail becomes narrower and steeper going on through a steep gorge marked by a ditch and some vines, follow on until you reach an asphalted road. Continue to the left, straight on without diverting. After about 100 meters arrive at a bridge over the river Andarax along side a clay embankment, from this paved road take a mule track to the left that joins alongside a hut with the road from Canjáyar to Alcolea a few meters above the left to the road and eventually reach Canjáyar.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Río Chico beneth Ohanes.

Entrance to Ohanes.

Along the road from Canjรกyar to Laujar take the trail that starts from next to the School of Santa Cruz. This trail goes along the river Chico for one kilometre along Quebrada de la Culebra, cross the river to the right by a big bridge, on passed a farmhouse the trail rapidly gains height. This road is wide and passable by bicycle, and connects with an other wider track where there is a sudden change of direction on the right, then from a small valley on the right cuts a few meters and returns back to the trail beside a small farmhouse, follow on by the left, passing some ruins we finish the climb and the paths levels out between stone walls, leave the a path for a lane to the left on a sharp bend and after 200 meters, we reach the village of Ohanes.

CANJร YAR History A crossroads and the natural boundary of the region. Its origins are somewhat unknown. While first references to Canjรกyar date from the period of Al-Andalus. The geographer Al-Udri informs us of the yuz Qansayar, political and administrative district of La Alpujarra. In the fourteenth century and under the command of the Nazari dynasty it formed part of the Taha de Luchar. Its system irrigation ditches is mentioned by Madoz, the mid-nineteenth century, for its originality. Before the Moorish uprising (1568-1570) the Taha de Canjรกyar had 690 Muslims and 20 old Christians. After the expulsion it was repopulated in 1574 with 72 villagers.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Views of Canjáyar.

In 1788 the lead factory of Alcora was founded. In the nineteenth century grapes of Ohanes began to be cultivated, this brought important development. In the twentieth century the crisis caused the closure of the export market for the grape. Now immersed in the process of agricultural reconversion of the interior of the province of Almería, new grape varieties and services favour the recovery of the village.

Services of interest City Hall: Plaza de la Constitución, 6. Phone: 950 510 083. Guardia Civil: Calle Santa Cruz, s/n. Phone: 950 511 087. Doctor: Calle Real, 22. Phone: 950 510 126. Pharmacy: Calle Real, 4. Phone: 950 511 020. Means of transport: • Autobuses Alsa. Phone: 950 261 660. Stop C/. General González, 54. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242.

Attractions • Barriada de Alcora. Village 4 km from Canjáyar, with a special charm because of its location and its natural environment. Ruins of old lead mines.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

• Cave of Nieles. To 3 km Canjáyar towards Laujar. • Public Laundry. • Open Museum: History of the Town of Canjáyar. Cultural monuments of historical value: • Church of Santa Cruz del Voto. Romanesque style has a magnificent altarpiece. Built in the sixteenth century it holds a relic of the Holy Cross that was discovered in1611 by the sexton. This was hidden from the Muslim invasion in the wall of the church. Its tower was rebuilt after being destroyed by an earthquake in 1804. • Chapel of San Blas. Situated on the hill of the typical district of the same name. • Temple de la Cruz Blanca. Recreation Areas: • Recreational Area “El Cristal”. • Barranco de Jali. • Fuente del Rosario. • Molino del río.

Sleeping and Eating • Casa Rural Doña Celia. C/. Real, 5. Phone: 950 510 158. • Hotel La Posada de Eustaquio y Restaurante El Canario. Plaza de la Constitución, 9. Phone: 950 510 177. • Restaurant La Tahá. C/. Emilio Estebán Hanza, 1. Phone: 950 510 800. • Hotel - Restaurant "La Piscina". C/. General Gonzalez, 86. Phone: 950 511 050 / 679 277 623.

Local Festivals • Festivities in honor of Santa Cruz del Voto. 19 and April 20. • Exaltation of the Santa Cruz, September 14. It was also celebrated on that day, brought water from the Acequia Gorda. • Fiestas de María Auxiliadora, Alcora in the neighborhood. Last weekend in May.

OHANES Typical Alpujara village, situated at 952 m above sea level in the southern Sierra Nevada foothills. The city centre is a warren around the four parallel streets that cross it from end to end. Separated from the sea by the Sierra Gádor, its climate is very mild, which together with the abundance of water makes it an ideal area for gro-wing grapes, fruit, olives, almonds and vegetables.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Fountain made of slate at the entrance to Ohanes.

Located in the Parque Natural de Sierra Nevada and partly in the National Park it has been able to preser ve its architecture and customs and has escaped free from the environmental deterioration processes and has become the first

ecological municipality in Europe. IIn the Middle Ages was called Yúhanis ie “Juanes”. It was a village of 110 inhabitants, with two bakeries and three flourmills. After the Repopulation, 27 of the 36 people were from Guadalajara. It is famous for the Ohanes grapes, a grape variety which is native to the region and that was the main export product of the eastern region since the end of last century.

Interest Services Town Hall: C/. Church, 1. Phone: 950 510 055. Doctor: C/. Mengemor, 84. Phone: 950 510 777. Pharmacy: C/. San Torcuato, 40. Phone: 950 511 116. Means of transport: • Autobuses Alsa. Phone: 950 281 660. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242. Stop: C/. Mengemor to the edge of town. Municipal Information point: C/. Mengemor, 17. Phone: 659 592 733.

Attractions • Factory of Light in the setting of the Aguilón. • Molino de las Herrerías. Monuments of historical-cultural • Casa de la Torre. Construction of the XVI and XVII of the Mudejar style. • Plaza de Juan Cristóbal. Here we find a statue of Cervantes.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

• Placilla del Altillo. Being in the top of the village is a viewpoint from which one can admire a beautiful view of the town. • Sanctuary of Tices. • Church of La Inmaculada Concepción. Neoclassical tradition and Mudejar elements. • Plaza de Miguel Vizcaino. It is the town with a statue of Bishop Diego Ventaja, natural of Ohanes. Recreation Areas: • Picnic the Collado del Espino. • Picnic in the Río Chico. • Recreational area El Carmen.

Sleeping and Eating • Casas Rurales de Ohanes. Phone: 950 510 055 / 649 496 454. C/. Mengemor, 17. • Mesón Mirador de Polarda. Plaza Altillo, 1. Phone: 950 510 614. • Mesón Alcaraz. C/. Mengemor 13. Phone: 628 329 085. • Restaurant La Orza. Municipal Pool. Recreational Area Located in the El Carmen. Phone: 637 927 303.

Local Festivals • April 25 San Marcos. Held on the nearest Sunday to April 25 days. Before the procession bull run by the young people from the village. • August 15 Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Tices. On this day patron saint is taken from Tices to Ohanes. • September 8 Ntra. Sra. de la Conso-lación of Tices. Festivities.

Tinao at Ohanes.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




Length of the stage: 22 km Duration: 5 h, 30´. Opposite way: 7 h, 25´ Difference in altitude: 649 m

1 2 2 4





1500 1300 1100 900

1514 1250








al rv





















700 500

Distance: 22 Kilómetros

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates: - Collado-Panorámica de Ohanes: 30S, x=522340 - y=4101529 - Bco. de la Atayuela: 30S, x=519951 - y=4104519 - Área Recreativa Serbal: 30S, x=520571 - y=4107525 - Rambla de los Santos: 30S, x=518193 - y=4109540

Altitude Kilometers Ohanes

Bco. de Atayuela Área Recreativa Serbal




La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

960 990 1050 1461 1609 1514 1250 910 940

0 1,52 2,5 6,86 11,5 17,7 19 21,4 22

DESCRIPTION OHANES - Recreation Area SERBAL-ABRUCENA SANCTUARY OF TICES Description: Presents a centralized floor plan, in addition the presbytery and at the foot of the church, an arch and the choir. At the bevelled corners there are four Sanctuary of Tices. arched doors that access balconies. Behind the presbytery is the vestry which is accessed by a double staircase to the left. Surrounding are a series of rooms that continue behind the church with two houses with patios, one for, the hermit and another for chaplain.The towers are not in line with the main façade but oblique to it.The towers, pierced by lintled windows, and square at the base, change slightly at the level of the bells: the corners are cut and placed slightly over the flat faces, each of which opens a vain and crowned by small domes. Between the towers and units attached to the temple is situated on each side of it, a plain porch or gallery, consisting of two arches supported by pillars. The door is framed by two pilasters and lintel in the middle, a figure with an oval anagram of the Ave Maria. Dedicated to N. ª S. ª de La Consolación. Location: At the Cortijo de Tices in the heart of Sierra Nevada and along the road which crosses the Sierra Nevada and communicates with Ohanes with Abla. Historical Aspects: During a pastoral visit in 1797, the Archbishop D. Juan Manuel Moscoso Peralta was plagued by a severe pain and while in Ohanes according to the ledged,

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



he was miraculously relived of the pain by oil from a lamp from the Sanctuary of Tices.Although the archbishop's support was crucial to the ornamentation of the temple, the works were financed with funds drawn from the Treasury of the Factories of the Alpujarra. In 1800 the construction of the sanctuary was approved and the project was undertaken by the architect Juan Puchol, who also assumed leadership of the works, and Francisco Romero was appointed as surveyor. For its part, the stonework was performed by José González. Ethnological interest: It is a good example of neoclassical architecture.

From Ohanes leave by the road towards the Sanctuary of Tices and Abla. Take the path that climbs to the cemetery, and at a level spot next to a coral, the path continues up towards the right, after 200 meters take the track to the left, that starts under a steep embankment and at a bend, connects with Parks Forestry track. It is one of the main tracks of the park, at first there are some short cuts made by the forestry vehicles, then we cross a small pass at 1461 m (610 meters above Ohanes) where the view is well worth the effort, from here there is a path leading to a forestry observation point, we continue on the left to a crossroad alongside a radio repeater station. Carry straight on past the junctions and continue on this dull monotonous track that reaches an elevation of 1610 meters into the gorge of

View of Ohanes and Canjáyar.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Atayuela, from here we descend p ro g re s s i ve ly along the track for 5.5 km and we will arrive at the Serbal Recreation Area, a privileged spot surrounded by a pine forest, before we arrive we come to two Views of the Almería portion of the Sierra Nevada from the trail. crossings close to each other, taking in both cases the right fork. At the secondcrossing there is a sign to the Aula de Natruleza where we can find help in case of need. From here we continue along the track, we leave by a path to the left as we pass through a small valley, continue on climbing, passing on the right a small farmhouse, then the path descends past a trail off to the right but we must continue on the left. Walk along past some bends towards the track’s ending, from this point a well defined trail passes along side of a barbed wire fence, after about 100 meters, it forks, turn right passing a portichuelo from where an old mule track to descends towards Abrucena. At first the descent is along a path between rocky areas and further down, 400 meters from the Cortijo del Coto where the slope is gentler, and although along the track there are many crossings that should not confuse us. We pass through an area between rocks like a ridge where the track is on the right side and down rounding and descending some valleys, past this stretch, the trail traverses across the slope to the left towards Abrucena, carry on down the Rambla de los Santos passing some old farmhouses. Cross straight over to the other side, and take an old mule track with well preserved walls that leads to village of Abrucena.

Rambla de los Santos, Cerro El Castillejo, with the north face of the Sierra Nevada in the background.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



EL CASTILLEJO DE ABRUCENA Description: Remains from the Muslims period and formed part of the border defence system, in the interior is a Roman cistern. It presents a massive, almost square tower (which is the most Castillejo and Abrucena. striking feature). At the western end it is closed by a rectangular tower and to the south, tower of masonry covered with several coats of plaster. The wall continues in standard masonry, at the base is carved there is an opening of unknown origin and function, at an angle to were a ramp, potentially the entrance has its origin. Dominating this part, but towards the interior, there is a hollow tower of mortar with a masonry base and walls of varying thickness. Inside we find a well preserved Roman cistern, it is rectangular, 8.70 x 3.30 m, with foundation walls 0.50 m thick and with a water section of 7.70 x 2.30 m. Is covered by a barrel vault 0.30 m thick. It has lost the original front and back. At its summit there is a wide opening, possibly for water extraction. The remaining buildings are of late medieval Arabic construction. Location: In the Cerro de Piedra Sucia, high in the bed of the river. Historical Aspects: settlements in occupied mainly Almohad era, XII and XIII centuries. In 1982 was found remains of Neolithic pottery. Ethnological interest: The path is considered Roman. In 1969 appeared the remains of pottery, kilns, stones and burial remains.

ABRUCENA Mountain village of beautiful appearance from the distance.

History The town still shows the imprint of the passage of the Arabs, who called it Laurisana and later on, Lauricena.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Services of interest Town Hall: Plaza de Andalucía, 1. Phone: 950 350 001 / Fax: 950 350 201. Pharmacy: Ruiz Aguilera, E.A. Phone: 950 350 021. Plaza de Andalucía, 2. Means of transport: • Autobuses Alsa. Phone: 950 281 660. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242.

Attractions • Barranco de la Mina - Fuente del Espino. • Barranco de las Chorreras. • Pico de Peña Horadada. Monuments: • El Castillejo. Roman origin. Almohade times, s. XII and XIII. • Church of Nuestra Sra. de la Asunción. • Chapel of the Ánimas. • Chapel of San José. • Archaeological site Argar of La Roza. • Tunnels of the Jairola canal. • Viewpoint of the Jairola. Recreation Areas: • La Roza. • Aula de Naturaleza “Paredes”. • Aldeire Refuge.

Sleeping and Eating • Cortijo Rural Ramirez. Phone: 950 350 067 / 689 211 301. • Cortijo Rural Abrucena. Phone: 950 350 046 / 699 979 244. • Equestrian Center “El Serval”. Phone: 950 351 263 / 608 756 519. • Hostería Tautila. Phone: 616 117 750. • Restaurant “Las Chinas”. Phone: 950 350 355 / 617 396 835. • Restaurant La Roza. Phone: 649 986 277. • Café-Bar “Maria”. Phone: 950 350 109.

Local Festivals • Festivities of San José. 2nd Saturday of May. • August: Summer Festival. • July: Fiestas de la Vega. Pilgrimage of Ntra. Sra. del Carmen. • March: The Quintos. • January 16: Bonfires of San Antón. • Easter: Funeral of Judas or “Los Mojigangos”.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




1 2 2 2

Length of the stage: 6 km Duration: 2 h, 5´. Opposite way: 1 h, 50´ Difference in altitude: 90 m










800 700 600



















Distance: 6 Kilometers

Places of interest, reference co-ordenates - Escuchagranos: 30S, x=517071 - y=4112076

Altitude Kilometers Abrucena Escuchagranos Fiñana



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142











DESCRIPTION ABRUCENA - FIÑANA Leave Abrucena by the paved road that leads to the cemetery, at an intersection next to a fountain, we abandon this path and take to the right a dirt track for approximately 100 meters, further on it makes an abrupt change of direction, continuing on by path to the left. It is a road that goes directly to the village of Escuchagranos bounded to the left by long stone walls among olive trees. On reaching the Autovía to Almeria take a service path to the left and crossover by the underpass.

Farming arround Abrucena.

On the other side, we find two paths, take the left path and go straight on to Escuchagranos. After 50 meters there is a path to the right that goes to the National Road 324, turn again to the left, and then on the other side of the road, off to the right passing a large lake. This old road passes between two large farmhouses on either side and ends at a large avenue. Go the left up the avenue and at the first lane to the right that we come to, and onto the historic town of Fiñana which concludes the GR-142, Senda de la Alpujarra.

FIÑANA Fiñana is situated at the headwaters of the Nacimiento river valley 74 km from the capital Almeria. Its main activity is agriculture, small family farms for olives and almonds.

History It is believed that Fiñana was founded in Roman times as a control point to the

Sheep grazing amongst the Olive Trees.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail




road between Guadix-Granada and Almería. This seems to be justified because the remains of a Roman villa from the first o second century were found in Fiñana. It appears that there was mining activity to exploit the resources found in the mountains. During the medieval period, and under the Muslim rule, Fiñana gained a greater economic and political importance due to its strategic position and geographical location. The silk trade, mainly scarves, known as "alfiñame was important. ALCAZABA DE FIÑANA Description: Remains of three rectangular towers built in lime mortar that once surrounded the village. Location: In the upper part of the town. Completely surrounded by houses. A ladder is required to enter into the Citadel across the rooftops.

Alcazaba of Fiñana.

Historical aspects: Built in the X century. Ethnological interest: It was an important medieval fortress which defended the road between Almeria and Granada.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

In the tenth century during the rebellion of the Southeast, the warlord Ibn Hafsun, Abd-Rahaman III, camped in front of the fortress Fiñana. On the night of 28 to December 29 de1489, during campaign for the taking of Granada, Fiñana became part of the Crown of Castile.

Services of interest Town Hall: Plaza de la Constitución, 1. Phone: 950 352 003 / 79. Local Police: Plaza de la Constitución, 1 – 1º. Phone: 652 913 310. Guardia Civil Fiñana: Avda. Juan Aparicio, 1. Phone: 950 352 006. Oficina Municipal de Turismo: Juan Aparicio, 38. Phone: 950 352 079. Doctor: Bulevar de Fiñana. Phone: 950 359 507. Pharmacy: • C/. San Sebastián, 11. Phone: 950 352 034. • C/. Santiago, 23. Phone: 950 352 024. Means of Transportation: • Autobuses Alsa. Phone: 950 281 660. • Etnacar. Phone: 902 422 242.

Attractions Monuments of historical-cultural interest • Church of Ntra. Sra. de la Anunciación: s. XVI. The interior is Mudejar the ceiling highlighting the most prominent feature of this style. There are three naves separated by arches of half point on pillars, of note is the Renaissance retablo. The façade is also renaissance and you can see two pairs of marble columns in Doric style. Also noteworthy are the images of the Christo de la Conquista, Nuestra Señora de los Dolores and the Cristo de la Luz, by Jesús de Perceval. • Almohad-Nazari Mosque: s. XII and XIII. National Monument since 1984. In the mosque you find together in perfect harmony, elements of the Muslim and Christian faiths. What used to be the Mihrad of this mosque is the image of Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno, a beautiful image of the seventeenth century baroque. • Alcazaba: Arabic Fortress, built between the ninth and tenth centuries of which only three towers and parts of the walls

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Squar and Church of Fiñana.

remain. Abd-Rahaman III laid siege to the fortress in the year 913 and was the residence of the allocation during the seventeenth century. • Museum of Sacristía: Recent origin, in 1989, but with important works like the statue Ecce Homo of the Granadina School of Alonso Cano, and a silk chasuble donated by the Reyes Catolico. Also you can see remains of the original retablo that was destroyed in the Civil War, as well as pieces for liturgy and other silver relics and prayer books. • Aljibe-Arab Baths: s. XII - XIV. It is a building with a barrel vault in the shape of a truncated pyramid with skylights. It remains in good condition, but can not be seen at present. • Walled enclosure. • Neighborhood of the Alcazaba. • Barranco El Torno. • Paraje Castañar.



La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

Almohad-Nazarí Mosque. ADR Alpujarra (Archive).

Sleeping and Eating • Restaurant Hemanos Castillo: C/. Cerro Almirez. Phone: 950 352 658. • Restaurant Xiquena: Old National Highway. PK262. Phone: 950 352 541. • Restaurant El Nene: Old National Highway. Phone: 950 352 108. • Restaurant Purita: C/. San Sebastián, 22. Phone: 950 352 297. • Rental houses and cottages. Phone: 637 412 126. www / fiñ • Casas Rurales Mirasierra. Phone: 686 357 156 / 950 257 201. • City Council Fiñana. Phone: 950 352 003 / 79 - Fax: 950 352 039. • Ubeire Shelter: 30 beds. • Shelter of La Dehesa: 12 beds. • Apartments La Estacion: 18 beds. • Apartments La Heredad: 50 beds.

Local Festivals • 19-20 January, San Sebastián. • 15-17 January. Festivities of San Antón and San Sebastián. • January 21. Día de Las Ollas. • Thursday Lardero. Thursday carnival. • May 3. Day lettuce. This is known colloquially the day of the Cross. • From 9 to August 15. Fiestas del Sol in the Sierra. • August 15. Día de la Virgen. • October 19-21. Fair in October.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail



Telephones and addresses of interest RURAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. ALPUJARRA SIERRA NEVADA. • Plaza Mayor de la Alpujarra, 1. 04470 Laujar of Andarax (Almería). Phone: 950 514 161. Fax. 950 514 163. E-mail: • Lora Tamayo, 17 - 18400 (Granada). Phone: 958 784 340. Fax. 958 784 326. E-mail: Web Page: FEDERACIÓN ANDALUZA DE MONTÑISMO. • Camino de Ronda, 101 - Edificio Atalaya, 1 - 18003 GRANADA. Phone & Fax: 958 291 340. E-mail: PATRONATO PROVINCIAL DE TURISMO DE GRANADA. • Plaza Mariana Pineda, 10-2 º - 18009 GRANADA. Phone: 958 223 528. PATRONATO PROVINCIAL DE TURISMO DE ALMERÍA. • Rodrigo Navarro, 17 - 04071 ALMERIA. Phone: 950 267 233. INFORMATION CENTERS OF THE NATURE RESERVE OF SIERRA NEVADA. • Visitors Center “The Dornajo”. Ctra. Sierra Nevada, km 23. 18160 Güéjar Sierra (Granada) Phone: 958 340 625, Fax: 958 340 625. E-mail: Hours: Monday to Sunday from 9.30 - 14.30 h. / 16.30 - 19.30h. • Visitors Center “Laujar of Andarax”. Ctra. Laujar of Andarax-Berja, km 1. 04470 Laujar of Andarax (Almería) Phone: 950 513 548. Hours: Open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 9.00 14.00/15.30 - 18.30. • Point of information “Pampaneira”. Plaza de la Libertad, s/n 18411-Pampaneira (Granada). Phone: 958 763 127. • Point of information “Puerto la Ragua”. Ctra. La Calahorra - Cherin, km 11.6 04479-Bayárcal (Almería). Phone: 950 524 020.


La Alpujarra Trail GR 142

OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL PARK. • Office of the National Park. Ctra.Vieja Sierra Nevada, km 7. 18191 Pinos Genil (Granada). Phone: 958 026 300 Fax: 958 026 310. E-mail: @ sierra.nevada • Administrative Office of Canjáyar. C/. General Gonzalez, n.º 45. 04450 Canjáyar (Almería). Phone: 950 608 312. NATIONAL WEATHER INFORMATION. State Agency of Meteorology. AEMET. Phone: 915 819 810. C. M. T. in eastern Andalucía. Phone: 952 611 725. INFORMATION CENTERS ACCRETEDITED UNDER THE EUROPEAN CHARTER FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM. • Resort El Cercado. Paraje El Cercado - Bérchules (Granada) - Phone: 958 064 023. • The Alacena de Laujar. C/. Villaespesa, 13 - Laujar of Andarax (Almería) - Phone: 950 513 453. • Hotel Finca Los Llanos. Ctra. Sierra Nevada, s/n. Capileira (Granada) - Phone: 958 763 071. • Balneario Lanjarón. Avda Constitución, s/n. Lanjarón (Granada) - Phone: 958 770 137. • Posá del Tio Peroles. C/. Azucarera, 11 - Abla (Almería) - Phone: 950 351 005. • Alquería de Morayma. Alquería de Morayma - Cádiar (Granada) - Phone: 958 343 303. • Hotel Castlillo de Lanjarón. C/. Granada, 1 - Lanjarón (Granada) - Phone: 958 770 712. • Shelter Poqueira. Capileira (Granada) - Phone: 958 343 349.

GR 142 La Alpujarra Trail


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