The Feast Ermita Bulletin - September 9, 2018

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08.26.18 / 9:00AM Cinema 3, Robin-

09.09.18 SUNDAY 9:00AM | Cinema 3 Robinsons Place Manila

DI I’m sure most of us are intrigued, or if not, have already guessed what DI means — either a Dance Instructor or a Dog Instructor! But both answers are not what I am alluding to with the title of today’s article. I am referring to John the Baptist’s message where he must Decrease and Christ must Increase. We can surely achieve this if only we are willing to give up and get out of our comfort zone to our courageous zone. “The best way to find yourself is to Lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Gandhi Be Blessed, ADRIAN PANGANIBAN

Do You Want To Be Great? I’m pretty sure most of us will answer yes to this question. We are wired to delight in accomplishing great things in life. So push on, improve and hone your skills and talents. These are tools you can use in the process. Go for your dreams, work hard and persevere. From experience, sometimes this can be frustrating especially when things do not go as planned -- like when someone does not return the favor or someone who does not show appreciation. I love that Jesus knows about this, thus, He says, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” (Matthew 16:25 NIV) It’s ironic but it works. Because in the process of losing oneself, you surrender the desire for appreciation or getting back what is due. If you have happiness just by the fact that you are able to give your best, then the recognition or achievement that comes back is an added bonus. You will remain happy even when you receive nothing in return. Now I understand why He further emphasized, “The greatest among you will be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11 NIV)

Today, we will learn to be a great leader by serving first.


READINGS: 1st Reading: READINGS: First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7 2nd Reading Psalm: Second Reading: James 2:1-5 Gospel: Psalm: Ps. 146:7-10 Gospel: Mark 7:31-37

Personal Reflection and Group Shar ing HOW LEADERSHIP IS A SACRIFICE

Talk 2 - Lose …so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and beganto wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. (John 13:4)

How is your leadership — at home, at work, at ministry— like the sacrificial leadership of Jesus? How else can you grow in this kind of leadership?

“No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” (John 13:8 NIV) When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (John 13:12-15, NIV) The greatest among you will be your servant. 12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. (Matthew 23:11)



Written by Krystel Ramos-Tobias

Antonette "Nini" Suyao, 35, businesswoman and student, shares her chain of challenges and how God has been preparing her for an outpour of blessings. When I graduated high school in 2000, my mind was full of dreams. I was looking forward to college life but I had to give it up to send my sister’s children in grade school. Two years after, my sister, Grace, underwent bypass surgery. Then, my father had a stroke. Having two family members in hospital care drained our finances. Determined to earn extra funds and pursue my education, I took part-time jobs. I decided to take a vocational course in Fashion Design. When I completed the course, I built a small dressmaking business. Tough it helped make both ends meet for my family, it only lasted for two years. My sister survived, however, my father passed away in 2006. The Struggle Is Real After my father's death, we faced another challenge. In 2009, my mother suffered from stroke and heart attack. Unconditional love. Nini Suyao makes every day a Mother’s Day Being the youngest of seven siblings, it was hard for me because I grew up largely dependent on her. When I met for her Mommy Teresita. my partner in 2010, the following year I gave birth to my first child. I knew it would be a tough situation. Hence, I decided to resign from work. Fortunately, my partner understood that aside from my baby, taking care of my mother remained a priority. Both of them were God’s greatest blessings to me. Then in 2012, I found out that my mother had a dementia, a condition that includes memory loss and difficulties in other mental abilities severe enough to affect her daily activities. At times, she was wide awake at dawn. She also started behaving like a child. It was exhausting but I constantly reminded myself, "Lord, thank you at naalagaan ko pa ang mommy ko." I'd rather experience the difficulty of taking care of her than to lose her. I made sure she was with me wherever I’d go. I knew that she was going through a hard time too. On rare occasions when I had to leave her, I’d ask my other siblings and relatives to look after her. I offered everything to God. Finding Peace of Mind When I gave birth to my second child in March 2015, another sister, Bernadette, introduced me and my other siblings to The Feast. We all came to hear the Mass and stayed for the talk. After attending for the first time, I already wanted to serve in the prayer community. Attending and serving at The Feast transformed my life. I gained peace of mind. I learned how to commit in giving tithes. I was exposed to new ideas that I could apply in my life. Also, it always reminded me that Mama Mary and Jesus were always here to guide me. Best of all, some of my dreams in Novena to God's Love became a reality. When The Feast Bay Area Audience of One moved to The Feast Ermita, I continued to serve in the Warmth Ministry. I always wanted my kids to serve the Lord and I was more than glad that they were enjoying in the Dance Ministry. Outpour of Blessings My burning desire to have a college degree was reignited when an employer declined my application for not passing the education qualifications. I prayed wholeheartedly. Fortunately, the talk in The Feast was entitled "Rock Bottom" — it was exactly what I needed to hear. It inspired me to be hopeful again. I inquired in different schools. Then, I received a blessing that changed my life. A prominent university granted me a full scholarship to pursue a degree in Marketing Management!

Treasures. Nini, enjoying precious moments with her sons, Deltom Matias Paranal (left) and Augustine Lucas Paranal (right), at The Feast.

Recently, I established a home-based business so I could still spend time with my mother. At night, I’d attend my classes. Next year, I’d be graduating from college. Looking forward to having my mother see me marching on that day. Whatever you are going through, trust God. Lift up your life to Him, He will never abandon you. The trials that you are going through are developmental stages towards a stronger and better version of you.

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Commissioning Rites. The Feast Ermita welcomes the new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and new Lector and Commentator.




“The Lord is asking you to shine and reflect His light by loving others.” - Bro. John Ben Rodriguez

Special Blessing. Fr. Boogie prays over birthday celebrators and those celebrating their wedding anniversaries for the month of September.


Gospel Reading according to Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 “God’s Word is God’s gift to us.” - Fr. Boogie Tacdoro


Let us respond with gratitude not just by listening but by living the Word. We need to understand the difference between human precepts and God’s commandments.

Talk 1 - Light Leadership means influence. The way you live your life affects others. When a leader gets better, everyone gets better.

We are all good. What we say becomes mere lip service and superficial when worship is not from the heart. Let us reveal the Christ in us through compassion, acts of charity, kind words, good deeds and concern for each other.

Clarity of Vision. Effective leaders have clear vision and knows how to help people get from point A to point B. Three Principles to Powerful Vision-Casting 1. Start Smaller. Success happens in stages. Don’t be afraid to start in small steps. Sometimes our ego gets in the way and we want to start big. Whether we are setting up a business, making an investment or forming an organization, we need to learn the ropes first. Four reasons why you need to undergo stages: • Learn important lessons. When you skip a stage, you may miss out on the lesson that could prepare you for achieving your goal. • Learn through failures. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Small failures are more manageable. • Learn to love the process. The process is the destination. Enjoy the journey. • Learn to give as much hope as you can. Hope is a matter of life and death. A vision broken down into stages gives more hope. It prevents psychological indigestion.

2. Dream Bigger. Is God giving you a huge vision for your life? That is God’s way. He will always give you a vision bigger than your resources. 3. Source Higher. Leaders can’t do things on their own. When your vision is bigger than your resources, remember God’s promise: “I am with you always until the end of the age.” He wants to be your resource. Jesus is the greatest leader. A true leader is willing to serve and sacrifice for his people. Let’s put it into action!

Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” How much money do you want to earn every month? What is your Jerusalem amount? Twelve months from now, how much will you be earning? Work on an action plan to achieve your to-the-ends-of-the-earth amount.


God Is A Janitor We always picture God as King, Lord, Sovereign, and Ruler. May I give you new pictures of who God is?

God is a Janitor holding a mop. He cleanses our heart from sin.

God is a Cook wearing an apron. He feeds our soul with His nourishing Word.

God is a Security Guard standing at his post. He protects and watches over us with love.

God is a Driver driving his Jeepney. He brings us Home to where we Belong.

God is a Repairman carrying his toolbox. He fixes us, saves us, and sanctifies us towards perfection.

Today, we’ll talk about how a Leader should lose intentionally so that his followers win. But in the end, everyone wins—including the leader.

Have an inspiring Feast today.

May your dreams come true, BO SANCHEZ

The Builders: Adrian Panganiban • John Ben Rodriguez Council Heads: Mayvin Alejandro Gigi Alvarez Mon Bumatay A1 Feast Bulletin Staff Media Heads: Ryan Alejandro, Joemer Ernn Embernate Editor in Chief: Judee Quiazon Associate Editor: Bethany Dechavez Editorial Assistant: Krystel Ramos-Tobias Writers: Jerome Tobias Chief Photographer: Ryan Carlo Mahinay Photographers: Mcaine Andrei Carlos Layout Artists: Dino Castañeda, Robert Quiazon Art Director: Wilma Cosme Contributing Photographer: RJ Rosario

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