The Feast Ermita Bulletin - September 23, 2018

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08.26.18 / 9:00AM Cinema 3, Robin-

09.23.18 SUNDAY 9:00AM | Cinema 3 Robinsons Place Manila

Calm Before The Storm I could easily relate and connect this title to the world that I grew up with. For the longest time that I’ve been performing onstage, facing hundreds and thousands of audience, I would usually lock myself in a room and shut off from anything and everything -- from worries or distractions -- and find myself in prayer before every performance. This is an SOP, maybe not only for me but for many artists as well. Before facing the crowd, I need to be equipped and prepared deep down inside to receive God’s leading while on stage. If I may share, the greatest fear of Pinoy’s Champ, Sen. Manny Pacquiao, is not to be on his knees to pray every time he goes inside the boxing ring. Friends, I truly believe that no storm in our life is stronger and greater than the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Be Blessed, ADRIAN PANGANIBAN

Empower Others Several years back, my idea of being great in career was to be the best in what I do. I spent time trying to outdo my colleagues in performance, knowledge and skills. This helped cultivate and hone my skills. I found that this worked well on small projects that I had to accomplish on my own. Problems started showing up when I remained in the same mindset while working with a team on bigger projects. Competing to be the best in a team setting did not work so well. I realized that in a team, synergy is important. The sum of all of the members’ efforts combined would be greater than the individual contributions. Slowly, I shifted my perspective -- I was just part of a bigger whole, that I must strive to connect better and work together with other people. Do you want to be a good leader? Then be a good team player. Because in life, the greater things to achieve can't be done by one person alone.

There is humility in accepting that you can’t do it all and you don’t know everything.

Today we will learn how great leaders are good in linking with others, tapping into their potential and bringing them to their best. In Christ, JOHN BEN RODRIGUEZ

READINGS: 1st Reading: READINGS: 1st Reading: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 2nd Reading Psalm: 2nd Reading: James 3:16--4:3 Gospel: Psalms: Psalms 54:3-8 Gospel: Mark 9:30-37

Personal Reflection and Group Shar ing HOW LEADERSHIP IS A SACRIFICE

Who are the people God wants you to disciple? How can you be a better disciple-maker?

Talk 4 - Link Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. (Matthew 9:35-37, NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20, NIV) But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you (John 16:7, NIV) So God created mankind in his own image… (Genesis 1:27 NIV)


Heartaches? Consult with God.

As told to Jerome Tobias

Jenalyn Gaupo, 37 years old, single mom, shares her struggles and mistakes in relationships and how serving at The Feast reminds her of God’s unconditional love. I am a single mom with two daughters from different fathers. The father of my eldest daughter, KC, was my first love. As much as I loved him, however, getting married was not an option for me at that time. My parents separated and I was living with my father and my step mom. I was then the breadwinner of my family. Thus, I sacrificed my romantic relationship. Despite the hard work, my salary did not suffice to make ends meet so I took a part time gig as a band singer. There I met Noli, our drummer. He was persistent in courting me, but again, it was not in my priorities. One day, my step mom and I had an argument. My father was obviously torn between me and his concubine. I could not believe my own dad could not even defend me! Glad Noli was there to care for me. I finally gave my yes to him. We were so in love and decided to tie the knot. Our marriage was blessed with a baby girl, Jilliane. My hopes of my happily ever after and the man who completes me all disappeared. Our eight years together were the most difficult times in my life. We’d argue and quarrel on many things until he dumped me for a woman whom he met in China. I kept asking myself, “What went wrong?” Tears were the mute witness of my suffering. I couldn’t put my mind to sleep for one and a half months. I repressed my emotions to shield my children from the issues in our family. They deserved a happy and peaceful family. But it took a toll on me and my daughters were affected. After some time, I swallowed the hard pill. The truth was that I wanted to stay with my husband to keep my family whole. It was a selfish kind of love. I fell in love with the idea of falling in love and married him for the wrong reasons. I had the courage to walk away from Noli and brought my children with me. I decided to return to my father. My conflict with my step mom continued and it worsened when I saw her hurting my eldest daughter. We moved out and rented our own place. With the growing needs of my family, I resigned from my job to find better opportunities. Yet all I received were failed job applications. Ah, I didn’t expect it would be this hard. My finances were almost drained. My daughters and I almost had nothing to eat. One of my greatest blessings was being invited to The Feast in 2013. Then the answered prayer came, a co-servant from the Feast referred me to a businessman and I became his personal assistant. Later, I eventually found a job in the BPO industry. Looking back, I would have not learned to love myself genuinely if it not for the people who supported me all the way —my father, my friends from my previous work, and my Feast family, most especially the Dance Ministry. Most importantly, I became a more positive person because of the prayer community. Despite all the challenges, I learned to completely rely on God. Service was my way to share the blessings I received from Him; my medium to spread God’s unconditional love. Since my daughters were members of the Dance Ministry and the rest of the members were children to me, I accepted the role to lead them. We moved to different venues, from Sucat to Aliw Theater to PICC and now Ermita. Wherever we gathered, we danced to worship the Lord. God never gets tired of loving us, why should we? Believe in His love. Whatever happens in life, stay with God. Take Him in your journey. God will strengthen you as long as you have faith in Him. Accept His love. Nothing is impossible!

Girl Power! Jeng with her two lovely angels, Jilliane (left) and KC (right), serving while bonding during a concert for special children.

Awesome Kids and Youth. Jeng is a loving mother and passionate leader to members of Dance Ministry in The Feast Ermita.

“Bring Your Faith Into Focus”

MINISTRY FAIR September 30, 2018

• Learn more about the different ministries • Share your time and God-given talent • Discover where God is calling you to serve

Blessed by the Feast? Share your story and inspire our community. Email to

RECAP FROM LAST SUNDAY It takes a limp for us to lean on God. Lean on Him and He can bless your life.


There are three Gifts of a Limp:

Talk 3 - Limp

who openly admits their weaknesses. Know your limp and confess it.

• Your limp can make you lead others better. Do you want to be a good leader?

People respect leaders

• Your limp can make you love yourself and others more.

Like the story of Jacob, He can work good things through you.

Leaders hard on others are the same on themselves. They're angry at their own demons. When you embrace your own limp, you have the power to embrace the limp of other people.

You attract who you are. You even attract the goodness in people who don't even know they are good.

• Your limp can make you lean on God more.

Obedience is a trust issue. God allows trials for a purpose, for you to learn something. God does not want you to run away from Him. God needs our cooperation.

What is your limp? Be honest, accept it, surrender it to God. Your limp is the opening for God’s love to enter your life. See God embracing your limp.

It’s not about what you can do, but what God can do through you.

Because of your limp, you can lean on the Cross. Embrace

your cross.


No storm is stronger or greater than the name of Jesus. Feasters gather to celebrate God’s love despite the typhoon warnings.

ANSWERED PRAYERS The Gospel According to Mark 8:27-35 Peter Declares Jesus as the Messiah

We ask a basic and profound question, “Who are we?” We are more than our name, profession and educational background. We are God’s beloved. When we get to know Him deeply, we get to know ourselves. An even more important question to ask is, “Whose are we?” Even though we may have sinned, we belong to Christ. - Fr. Paolo Asprer

“Thank you Lord for the approval of my US visa. I can now visit my grandchildren. A dream come true!” -- Vicky Zoleta “For time spent together as family at our daughter’s field trip yesterday. We had tons of fun. For keeping our family safe and healthy. For a new wedding photography booking we got for Puy. We were able to pay one of our loans completely.” -- Puy and Chie Talde “For safety amidst the threat of storm. For the successful, fruitful and learning-filled meetings. For an applicant willing to join Inficom family for audit services. For all the blessings, healing and miracles.” -- Tin and Peng Aguilar “Thank you for everything. For waking me up everyday, new learnings in life, love and blessings, knowledge. I can do all things I need to do. I love you Jesus and I’m greatful for everything.” -- Karla “For all the blessings and provisions, for your faithfulness Lord in taking care of our needs. For your generosity, kindness, mercy, grace and overwhelming love.” -- Butch Naraindas “For the accomplishments of my children at school. For salary received. For the achieved project, safety and good health of our family.” -- JJ Arceo and Family “For all the blessings you’ve given and entrusted to me. For my family, friends, colleagues at work, good health and financial wealth, for rebuilding our house after the typhoon.” -- Gail Madrilejos


You’re God’s Duplicate ONE day, a small boy prayed by his bedside, with his mother and grandmother standing behind him. The boy said softly, “Thank you, Lord, for blessing me today.” Then, he screamed, “And Lord, please give me a new bicycle! Please give me a new bicycle, Lord! Please give me a new bicycle, Lord!” The mother bent down and whispered to him, “Son, you don’t have to shout. God is not deaf.” He whispered back, “I know God is not deaf. But grandma is…” There are people around you who are hungry for God’s Love. And God is not deaf. But sometimes, we are. God wants us to be His palpable Love to His people, but we don’t hear their cry, nor do we hear God’s call. Friend, you are God’s solution to the problems of this world. He created you as His duplicate. You are His Imago Dei. The phrase is Latin for “the Image of God” which means the imprint God placed on you and the rest of mankind identifying us as His special creation. Will you say Yes? Have a life-changing Feast today! May your dreams come true, BO SANCHEZ

The Builders: Adrian Panganiban | John Ben Rodriguez Council Heads: Mayvin Alejandro, Gigi Alvarez, Mon Bumatay A1 Feast Bulletin Staff: Media Heads: Ryan Alejandro, Joemer Ernn Embernate | Editor in Chief: Judee Quiazon | Editorial Assistant: Krystel Ramos-Tobias Writers: Robby De Guzman, Jerome Tobias | Chief Photographer: Ryan Carlo Mahinay | Photographer: Mcaine Andrei Carlos Layout Artists: Robert Quiazon | Contributing Photographer: Dahlia Bagatsing


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