Words of Wisdom - A selection of 56 quotes of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin on the occasion of 56th Milad

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Words of Wisdom

Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS

A selection of 56 quotes on the occasion of 56th Milad Mubarak

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Words of Wisdom

Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS

A selection of 56 quotes on the occasion of 56th Milad Mubarak

‫وكانت احلكمة تنطق على لسانه‬ Wisdom speaks upon his tongue This was the phrase used to describe Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali AS by his companion Diraar b. Damrah. Our Mawali Tahireen possess divine wisdom and knowledge that is safeguarded and propagated through the uninterrupted succession of Imam after Imam, and in his seclusion, Dai after Dai. Today, our beloved Aqa Maula Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS is heir to the knowledge and wisdom of our Mawali Tahireen. He expounds true philosophy and knowledge in his waaz sermons, as well as his weekly Wisdom Seminars (Majalis al Hikma) in Dawat ni Zaban, English, and Arabic. In these Majalis he declared: Today your Dai is Taher Fakhruddin, I am the keeper of the Imam’s knowledge. I have taken barakaat of this knowledge from Syedna Burhanuddin, the 52nd Dai, and my mufeed, my father, the 53rd Dai Syedna Qutbuddin. Ingrained in my heart are the true doctrines of the Imam’s knowledge.

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Wisdom speaks upon his tongue; he guides Mumineen towards living a purposeful, pure, and virtuous life whilst gathering provision for the eternal Hereafter. He addresses Mumineen with sincere care, advising them with wisdom and good counsel. He says affectionately: I give you sincere counsel, always, and pray that my words find a place in your hearts. This is a humble effort to present 56 English quotes and sayings from the vast treasure trove of His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin’s TUS sermons and discourses on the auspicious occasion of his 56th Milad Mubarak. May Allah Ta’ala preserve Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS until the Day of Judgement. May we listen to his wisdomfilled words with our hearts so that they shape our words and deeds.

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God Heartfelt Worship Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Worship God, remember Him with your heart. You will be comforted with the thought that God is remembering you, your anxieties will be lightened.


God Allah’s Blessings Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Even if you have sinned, or lost hope, made mistakes, always remember this: that Allah’s blessings are larger than our mistakes and sins and never lose hope.


God Gift of Life Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

A Mumin should know who he is, what he is, and why he is. Before Allah created him he did not exist. Life, the biggest gift of all, is the gift of Allah Ta’ala.


God The Divine Craftsman Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

The divine craftsmanship all around us — the Earth, sky, mountains, sun, moon, the trees, the rivers, the humans who populate the Earth — necessitates the existence of the divine craftsman.


God Beyond Comprehension Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Minds cannot comprehend God, that is beyond their reach. Recognition requires some kind of affinity between the recognizer and the thing recognized. If there is no affinity, no link, then recognition is outside the realm of what is posssible.


God Peace Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

The more time you spend remembering the Almighty and worshipping Him, the more peaceful your heart will become.


Our Saints

Our Saints Peace Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

It is through God’s revelation that the Prophets have laid out the divine laws, so that both body and soul can flourish and peace prevails in society.


Our Saints Qur’an Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Rasulullah SA came bringing for you a celestial treasure trove: the Qur’an.


Our Saints Maulatuna Fatema AS Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Fatema’s AS virtues are a vast ocean without a shore.


Our Saints Rememberance of Husain AS Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

When a Mumin remembers Maula Husain AS and accepts Allah’s will and decree for him, ridha bil qadr, his life will be one of tranquility and peace.


Our Saints Trust in Ta’yeed Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Mumineen, each Dai places his trust in Imam-uz-Zaman’s flowing ta’yeed and inspiration, that is why he always looks ahead with courage.


Our Saints Loving Care Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Maulana Burhanuddin RA used to pray for Mumineen always, and he would say that this is not a favour I am doing for you, it is my duty to do so.


Our Saints Strong Spirit Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Bawajisaheb’s [Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA] courage was incredible. Others would derive courage by just seeing his courage. This is the strong spirit of our Mawali.


Our Saints Never Alone Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Mumineen, you should know that even though it may seem like you’re alone, you are not alone! You are never alone! God and God’s angels are with you. Imam-uz-Zaman’s ghulaam and Dai, MamlukoAal-e-Mohammad Taher Fakhruddin, is always with you. In every moment I am remembering you in my prayers. 14

Our Saints Divine Knowledge Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Adam Nabi SA brought knowledge to the Earth. The Prophets inherited that knowledge, that knowledge is with Nabi Muhammad SA and his descendants the Imams. Today when the Imam is in seclusion the keys to that treasury of knowledge are in the keeping of his Dai.



Intellect The Permanent Hereafter Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

This worldly life is temporary, we know that. The intelligent person prioritizes what is permanent — religion, the Hereafter, Paradise — and chooses to follow that path.


Intellect Creation Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Everything that humans do, they do for a reason; then surely one who believes in the Almighty should believe that there is a reason for this Creation.


Intellect Absolute Certainty Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

How does one attain certainty? You attain it by recognizing the true guide that Allah Ta’ala has sent to this world to call people to the true Dawat, because this true guide shows us the truth with proofs that the intellect can grasp.


Intellect Beyond the Physical Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Humans have intelligence, their minds can penetrate the physical world to go beyond it.


Intellect Intelligent Perception Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Many things that are not perceived by the eyes can be perceived by the mind.



Purpose Piety Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

The pious attain the best end.


Purpose Eternal Life Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

The purpose of life here is to achieve eternal life in the Hereafter. The path to it is to answer the true Dawat.


Purpose The Hereafter Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Mumineen, be minded toward the Hereafter and you will find the strength to endure whatever comes in this world.


Purpose Going in Circles Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

You need to have a goal in your life, a direction, a purpose. Otherwise people go in circles, crushed by the world’s millstone. What is the benefit in that?


Purpose Death Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Death is coming, will you prepare for it or not? The purpose for which you have been created on this Earth, will you achieve that or not?



Dawat Foundation Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Misaaq is the foundational pillar of religion, and Dais uphold that pillar.


Dawat Deep Meaning Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Holy days in religion are not revered for no reason. Empty rituals would be like a body without a soul, meaningless.


Dawat One Truth Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Languages may be different, but the meaning is one, the truth is one. We teach this single truth in our bayan.


Dawat Eternal Bliss Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Being a Mumin is the greatest and truest source of happiness. Because of his faith, a Mumin is going to obtain eternal happiness.


Dawat Shari’at Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

The worship mandated by Shari’at: worship by deeds, namaaz, prayer, fasting — our kitaabs say these physical rites of worship serve to purify you, to raise you from a physical to a spiritual being.


Dawat The Most Important Commitment Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Misaaq achieves eternal life, eternal bliss, salvation. It is a commitment to obeying Allah and his appointed representative. To achieve anything in life we need to make a commitment and this is the most important commitment you’ll ever make in your life.


Dawat Misaaq Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

When a person gives Misaaq to the Imam and Dai, a spark of light from the Imam’s light is inscribed in their soul. This happens in the spiritual realm. As he acquires Dawat knowledge, performs good deeds, the light spark expands, increases in brightness, illuminates his soul further and further.



Character Arrogance Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Do not become one of those who when blessed with luxuries in life sit astride the horse of arrogance.


Character Gratitude Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Giving thanks makes you focus on the positive. You move away from sinking into a negative mindset. Then you can see the road ahead, the fog clears, and you can find a solution to the problem and find contentment.


Character Shun Vices Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

In order to cultivate virtue you must shun vices: anger, harshness, falsehood, fraud, deception, arrogance, greed, envy, laziness, oppression, injustice, ungratefulness, ignorance, tyranny.


Character Change for Good Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Many people say, “I have been born like this” — that’s another modern day phenomenon. “I am the way I am, this is my personality.” Why? Nothing should stop you from changing yourself, your personality, if the change is for the good.


Character Love Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Love is such a wonderful spiritual force. Generally, humans are focused on quid pro quo exchange — if you do something for me, I will do something for you. That is how business is done. But when love enters into the equation, then this self-centered attitude gives way to sacrifice.


Character Be Pure Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

In order to live in the realm of angels, the pure realm, it is necessary to first become pure. And for that, a high moral character is a compulsory requirement.


Character Self Assessment Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Take yourself to task. Selfcriticism is very important, you should always criticise, always critique and assess yourself.


Character Mumin Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

You are a Mumin, your character should be worthy of a Mumin.



Life Consistency Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Success comes from consistency.


Life Good Deeds Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Perform good deeds: help Mumineen, foster warm relations with your family, pray for each other, wish each other well.


Life Wings Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

We worship God with knowledge and deeds. These are two wings with which you can soar high in the sky of piety.


Life Knowledge Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Always seek to earn the sustenance of Dawat knowledge which is even better than wealth.


Life Balance Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Avoid extremes in everything — in business be balanced and careful in your approach.


Life Be Active Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

A Mumin is always active and occupied. Make efforts, don’t sit back and throw up your hands.


Life Seek Aid Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Ask Allah for aid to worship Him. If you ask for aid you will recieve aid, but it is up to you to ask.


Life Noble Intentions Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Keep your intentions noble and you will certainly gain success.


Life Gratitude Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Live a life of gratitude which will bring you peace and prosperity.


Life Choices Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

In life, choices constantly present themselves. You choose the right path by remembering Allah’s Awliya and asking yourself how they would behave in such a situation.


Life Courage Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Sometimes in life one may have a setback, in those situations do not lose heart. Remember Allah’s countless blessings and give thanks and you will obtain courage.


Life Positive Mindset Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Many people when they are struck with calamities sink into despair, they think of themselves as victims. Then it’s hard to come out of that condition. It’s important to break out of that mindset. Look ahead and keep going, otherwise you will fall.



Supplication Worship Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Supplication is worship, it is the best form of worship.


Supplication Allah’s Promise Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

Allah Ta’ala has made the promise that pray to me and I will answer you. So remember that He will answer you.


Supplication Prayer Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

A Mumin should know that his ability to pray to Allah Ta’ala is itself one of Allah’s biggest blessings.


Supplication Confide in Allah Syedna TUS Words of Wisdom | FatemiDawat.com

There are many things that you cannot tell anyone, but with Allah you can speak of all things.


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[1] Majalis al Hikma, 6th Video, “How can you get peace of mind in times of difficulty?” [2] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?” [3] Majalis al Hikma, 17th Video, “Why do we worship Allah?” [4] Majalis al Hikma, 1st Video, “Where is God?” [5] Majalis al Hikma, 41st Video, “What is the true way to declare God’s oneness, tawhid?” [6] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?” [7] Majalis al Hikma, 9th Video, “Why do humans need a divine guide? And who is he?” [8] Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS Waaz Mubarak, Milad un Nabi 1443H (2021) [9] Majalis al Hikma, 11th Video, “What is the meaning of Lailatul Qadr? And what is the best way to pray in it?” [10] Majalis al Hikma, 20th Video, “How can you attain true happiness?”

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[11] Majalis al Hikma, 53rd Video, “How do you always live with courage?” [12] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?” [13] Majalis al Hikma, 53rd Video, “How do you always live with courage?” [14] Majalis al Hikma, 8th Video, “Why is Ramadan honored over all other months of the year?” [15] Majalis al Hikma, 7th Video, “Why are we broadcasting Majalis al Hikma?” [16] Majalis al Hikma, 14th Video, “What is Jihad?” [17] Majalis al Hikma, 2nd Video, “Do we have free will?” [18] Majalis al Hikma, 61st Video, “How do you believe with conviction?” [19] Majalis al Hikma, 2nd Video, “Do we have free will?” [20] Majalis al Hikma, 1st Video, “Where is God?”

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[21] Majalis al Hikma, 53rd Video, “How do you always live with courage?” [22] Majalis al Hikma, 20th Video, “How can you attain true happiness?” [23] Majalis al Hikma, 25th Video, “Why should you be patient in adversity? And how should you practice patience?” [24] Majalis al Hikma, 3rd Video, “What is the purpose of life?” [25] Majalis al Hikma, 21st Video, “What is the meaning of death?” [26] Majalis al Hikma, 13th Video, “What is the meaning of Misaaq, the Pledge of Allegiance? [27] Majalis al Hikma, 12th Video, “What is the meaning of Eid? What is the wisdom in it?” [28] Majalis al Hikma, 7th Video, “Why are we broadcasting Majalis al Hikma?” [29] Majalis al Hikma, 20th Video, “How can you attain true happiness?”

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[30] Majalis al Hikma, 17th Video, “Why do we worship Allah?” [31] Majalis al Hikma, 13th Video, “What is the meaning of Misaaq, the Pledge of Allegiance? Why is it compulsory to give Misaaq to the Imam and Dai?” [32] Majalis al Hikma, 13th Video, “What is the meaning of Misaaq, the Pledge of Allegiance? Why is it compulsory to give Misaaq to the Imam and Dai?” [33] Majalis al Hikma, 18th Video, “What is the best deed? And how can we become better in every way?” [34] Majalis al Hikma, 53rd Video, “How do you always live with courage?” [35] Majalis al Hikma, 19th Video, “Why is virtue compulsory?” [36] Majalis al Hikma, 18th Video, “What is the best deed? And how can we become better in every way?”

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[37] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?” [38] Majalis al Hikma, 19th Video, “Why is virtue compulsory?” [39] Majalis al Hikma, 38th Video, “What is the benefit in cultivating good habits?” [40] Majalis al Hikma, 19th Video, “Why is virtue compulsory?” [41] Majalis al Hikma, 38th Video, “What is the benefit in cultivating good habits?” [42] Majalis al Hikma, 8th Video, “Why is Ramadan honored over all other months of the year?” [43] Majalis al Hikma, 7th Video, “Why are we broadcasting Majalis al Hikma?” [44] Majalis al Hikma, 30th Video, “How do you earn a living?” [45] Majalis al Hikma, 28th Video, “What is the Wisdom in Walking the Middle Road?” [46] Majalis al Hikma, 53rd Video, “How do you always live with courage?”

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[47] Majalis al Hikma, 38th Video, “What is the benefit in cultivating good habits?” [48] Majalis al Hikma, 30th Video, “How do you earn a living?” [49] Majalis al Hikma, 5th Video, “What is the philosophy of Dawat ul Haqq?” [50] Majalis al Hikma, 14th Video, “What is Jihad?” [51] Majalis al Hikma, 30th Video, “How do you earn a living?” [52] Majalis al Hikma, 53rd Video, “How do you always live with courage?” [53] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?” [54] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?” [55] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?” [56] Majalis al Hikma, 54th Video, “How do you supplicate God with sincerity?”

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His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Saheb Leader of the Dawoodi Bohra Community His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Saheb is the Leader of the Dawoodi Bohra Community, the 54th Dai al-Mutlaq and successor to Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb and Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin Saheb. Syedna Taher Fakhruddin combines in-depth knowledge of Islamic traditions and their applicability in today’s world with acute business acumen. In these turbulent times, his sage leadership promises to be a grounding force for the larger Muslim community as a vocal advocate of plurality and tolerance; and a beacon for Mumineen, steering them on the true path of conviction and faith, and guiding them to a life of peace, prosperity and happiness in this world and in the Hereafter.

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