Issue 84 | Family Times Christchurch | Summer 2016

Page 1


The art of compromise Why it’s so important for kids


Sleeping beauties Holiday sleep tips for wee travellers

New Zealand's leading parenting resource


Other parents’ judgement How to back your parenting like a boss


Win Win Win Competitions, giveaways and kids’ games

Win with Us on Facebook

ISSN 2324-450X (Print) ISSN 2324-4518 (Online)

CHRISTCHURCH / ISSUE 84 / Summer 2016


Summer of Fun • • • • • •

Donkey Rides Lemur Encounter Tuatara Encounter Eel Feeding Guided Tours Picnic Areas

• • • • • •

Animal Feeding Great Lunches Kiwi Viewing Baby Animals Monkey Island The Rare Takahe


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Summer 2016

0 12 4 Kids say the funniest things We’ve got a few funnies from littlies to tickle your sense of humour.

13 Grandparenting today

We talk with author Janice Marriot about her new grandparenting book.

5 Kids running summer businesses

14 Holiday sleep tips for wee travellers

6 The art of compromise

15 Resilience for parents

Holidays are a great time to teach entrepreneurialism. Why your kids need to learn compromise from an early age.

8 Summer barbecue recipes

How to holiday successfully while sleep training. Keys to overcoming parenting difficulties.

16 Fun nutrition for kids

Encourage healthy eating the easy way.

Easy, quick and healthy salads and marinades for family barbecues.

17 Summer cycling

Preparing littlies is key to new challenges.

23 Goal setting

11 Getting kids school ready 12 Other parents’ judgement

Snide remarks, unsolicited advice: how to deal with comments about your parenting.



Christchurch is the perfect place to get the family outdoors on two wheels. Help your kids identify and set goals for the New Year.

25 When should your child get a phone?

Hint: it’s more about maturity than age.

33 Science at home

Learn all about the magic of science with at-home science fun.

Special features 26 Mackenzie country

Explore the wild and beautiful Mackenzie country this summer.

30 Family dining

We’ve got the top spots for a childfriendly dining experience.

17 Resource information 9

Spirit of Christmas

15 Help is at Hand 20 Calendar of events 21 Holiday programmes 22 Entertainment 27 Before and after school 27 School term dates 32 Top reads

Kids’ Corner Kids’ Time

18 Puzzles and competitions

Touch, See & Learn


PUBLISHER Robyn Willis DESIGN & PRODUCTION Sally Travis ADVERT PRODUCTION Target Press Production Office EDITOR Vanessa O’Brien CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Food Michelle Kitney, Munch Baby & Toddler Cheryl Fingleson

Nutrition Dr Libby Weaver Parenting Patti Clark DIGITAL TEAM Diane George, Ann Gillies & Jane Madison-Jones MEDIA EXECUTIVES Nicky Barnett, Amy Pawson, Lynda Strowger, Gail Cropp OFFICE MANAGER Raelyn Hay EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Corrin Prebble

Reach us at: Family Publishers (NZ) P.O. Box 36-004, Christchurch 8146. Ph 03 355 9186 Freephone 0800 285 510 Mobile 0274 359 414 Distribution: Printed and distributed quarterly approximately two weeks before each major school holiday. 41,791 are distributed through early childhood centres, primary and intermediate schools, Christchurch City Council offices, recreational facilities, libraries and service centres, selected medical and midwifery premises and McDonalds restaurants.The opinions expressed in this publication are not those of the publisher unless indicated otherwise. No part of this publication may be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the publisher. Family Times is not responsible for unsolicited material. Family Times is funded and published solely through the support of its advertisers. They support us, please support them.

Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch General admission free; donations appreciated Discovery entry: $2 for over 3 year olds.

Just for Kids! 3



Welcome! ’m always excited about our December issue. We get to write about Christmas, summer and barbecues in addition to parenting, and it always helps get me in the mood for holiday season. Throw in a few seed lights and some holly, and I’m a happy camper! I’d like to take a bit of a diversion from my normal editorials this time, though, if you’ll permit. I usually pen my thoughts on Christmas being about family, about our main parenting article and all the exciting competitions we have. This time, however, I’d like to focus on the importance of taking a holiday. When I say holiday, I don’t necessarily mean booking flights and slipping the family away to an exotic European destination. Of course that’s wonderful if it’s in your budget capabilities, but for many kiwi families, taking a break consists of pitching a tent and enjoying a change of scenery wherever they can. For some it’s enjoying a home vacation where they get out and explore around their city and surrounding areas on day trips. It all depends on what’s possible for you and your family. What is important is that you take a break from the mundane, everyday tasks, unplug from the craziness and give yourself a chance to replenish your diminished energies. In a word, rest. Rest can be an enigma to parents,



Just when you’re not expecting it, kids say the funniest things. Here are a few wee tidbits to tickle your funny bone.

especially if you’ve got small children who depend on you 24/7. But someone reminded me recently how necessary rest is to our ability to function well. We all know that it’s impossible to look after others if we don’t first look after ourselves, but few of us are good at actually doing that. Rest isn’t selfish, but it does take some serious planning and vehement guarding to ensure that it happens. Downtime is usually the first thing to go in our busy, over-scheduled lives. But to be better parents, better people, and accomplish our goals, we have to learn that our bodies and souls need rest. There’s no better time to rest than during summer holidays. I’d like to encourage you to think about how to create a restful holiday for yourself and your family. And while you’re on that break, plan a way to incorporate regular rest into your week when you return to all the craziness. In the meantime, I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the staff at Family Times. Enjoy!


Anna, Lyttelton

“Some days are great, others we just have to wing it.”

Real families aren’t picture perfect. They’re messy, playful and so much better.


Role play

I sat down with my 3-year-old daughter who was playing at her dollhouse. I asked her which doll I could be and she replied, “The one that does the dishes.”

Move over Simon Cowell

My 3-year-old son saw Nick Jonas singing on TV and said, “He doesn’t have any friends, does he?”

Ice queen

“C’mon Elsa! Get it together!” My almost 3-year-old said this to her doll who kept falling over.

Little Miss Trust Fund

When my child came home from school on the bus, I paused the work conference call I was on to ask her how her day was. She responded, “Shhh, go back to work. I have a list of things I want you to buy me with the money you’re making.” She’s five.

Confident much...?

My cousin’s daughter’s response to “I love you,” was “I love me too” for the longest time.

Mr Independent

Dropped my son off at preschool and he says, “Have a good weekend, Mum,” as he left the car. Clearly he has plans that don’t include me.

Old-school dissin’

I told my kids that we are no longer saying “shut-up” because it sounds mean and can hurt people’s feelings. So my kids are getting creative with their use of words. My 9-year-old daughter was talking and talking, and my 6-year-old son couldn’t take it anymore and said, “SILENCE YOU PEASANT!”

Grumpy about greens

I was on the phone with my wife discussing dinner plans and my 7-year-old informed us that “salad is ruining my life.”


summer businesses “I

stretch. Sure, you can recommend chores, movie marathons and playing outside, but nothing engages kids quite so much as the chance to make a buck. Summer holidays are the perfect time to bring out the entrepreneur in your child. It may be an old-fashioned lemonade stand, mowing lawns, selling home-made craft or baking, pet-sitting, designing a web empire or starting their own Minecraft YouTube channel, but whatever they choose, setting up their own business teaches them valuable skills and combats boredom. Plus, instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in your children is a proven way to help them grow into responsible and smart adults who will be able to create opportunities for themselves and not rely solely on their jobs for income. They are going to need a little help from you to get them going though. Here are some ideas:


hire the family lawn mower at a reduced rate in order to mow neighbours’ lawns? How much set-up money is involved in a baking or lemonade business and how many biscuits do they need to sell to repay those costs and make a profit? What parental input do they need for their online enterprise? Working out the costs and inputs vs. the profits and outputs is an important step to determining the viability of their business.

’m bored!” is the catch-cry of nearly every school-age child over the long summer holiday

Goal setting Studies show that written goals are more than 80 per cent more likely to be achieved. Help your kids learn how to

identify their goals and write them down. It could be to earn enough money to buy a new tablet or to raise start-up money for a small business. Get your kids to use the S.M.A.R.T system to organise their goals – they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.


Look for opportunities What are the gaps out there that need filled? Do neighbours’ lawns need mowed or watered while they are away? Do pets need fed/walked? Does your child have a special talent they could busk with, or a craft they can create? Are they an online genius with an idea for a start-up? Help your kids identify the

opportunities that interest them.


Research What is the market competition? This will help your child identify if their idea has a unique competitive advantage, or if not, how to market their idea in a way that makes it more appealing than their competition. Can they up-sell their service and sell cupcakes as well as lemonade? Can they sell three home-made bracelets for the price of two?


Planning What does your child need to make their business a reality? Can they


Implementation All the planning in the world is fine, but it’s pointless unless they actually start their business. Get them to choose a start date and stick to it, then roll-out their idea over an identified timeframe. They can extend that timeframe if it’s going well.


Evaluation Get your child to identify what worked well, what didn’t, and how they could do things differently in the future. Remember, failure is just a temporary road block on the path to success, so if it didn’t work out, it’s not the end of the world. They can try something different next summer! 5


The art of compromise The ability to compromise is one of the most powerful skills to foster in young children, and they learn it first from parents. ou may remember your first power battle with your child. Maybe it was over bed time, a cluster bomb of mashed carrots that they launched from their high chair or flatout refusal to wear a green hat because the pink one was in the wash. Whatever it was, a battle of wills begun, and your reaction likely started you on a parenting style that you would unwittingly continue. Are you the parent who dug their toes in to win, whatever the cost, the parent who capitulated for the sake of peace, or the parent who took a moment to consider whether the battle was an important one in the overall war? It’s not a perfect analogy, given that setting boundaries for young children is different to parenting an older child, but it may give you an idea about your own approach to compromise.


Parenting style

Your parenting style is likely highly influenced by your own upbringing. Maybe you had authoritarian parents who believed that their primary job was to bend your will to theirs, or perhaps you had permissive parents who provided few guidelines and rules. Maybe you

had authoritative parents who had high expectations but provided the emotional support to meet them. Whatever your experience, you’re likely to either unwittingly mirror it or consciously decide to parent differently. It’s important, every now and then, to think about how you are consciously or unconsciously parenting. If you find yourself digging a trench around an unimportant issue or avoiding confronting your child, you are teaching them about conflict and compromise. Kids also learn about how to negotiate and compromise in a relationship through their parents’ relationship with each other. The Purdue University Provider-Parent Partnerships Programme advises that if you and your spouse disagree about how to redecorate the house, don’t “start yelling at one another about why wood floors are better than tile and how he just doesn’t get it because he’s closedminded. Instead, show your children that you can disagree respectfully by calmly discussing the pros and cons of your ideas and your concerns with the other’s view of what you want. Then come up with a compromise. Your kids are much more likely to grow up treating others

with respect if they see you doing the same thing.”

What is compromise?

Compromise is the ability to make concessions or adjust your position or opinion to reach a settlement or an agreement. Some parents don’t compromise with

“Kids need to learn that compromise and negotiation do not mean surrendering something immeasurably valuable just to obtain peace.”

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Fred Claus, 15 December Arthur Christmas, 16 December How the Grinch Stole Christmas, 22 December Elf, 23 December

Our friends at Carter Group and the Christchurch City Council are offering two hours of free parking in The Crossing car park between 9am – 6pm during the holiday season.



their kids, ever. But The Parenting Place presenter and author John Cowan says that you’ve got to be ready to negotiate with kids as they get older. “As kids move into the school-age years, rules should be negotiable. If your rules are fair, and you are fair, you won’t mind talking about them. The willingness to negotiate comes from being comfortable with your authority, not weakness.” It is the rule that is being negotiated, not your parental authority, he continued. “It is insecure parents who shout, “Just do it because I said so!” A good response is always, “Convince me”. If they can actually put together some good reasons why your rules could be modified, then why not agree and modify the rule.”

When not to compromise with your kids

This doesn’t mean that everything is up for negotiation. Sure, changing bedtimes, screen time, a chore schedule or when it’s okay to have friends over is okay, but values and principles should be taboo. They may include things such as use of expletives, tell untruths or stealing. In other words, kids need to learn that compromise and negotiation do not mean surrendering something immeasurably valuable just to obtain peace. The way that you model compromise in your relationship with them will help them to know the value of principles as well as their own value.

“If you find yourself digging a trench around an unimportant issue or avoiding confronting your child, you are teaching them about conflict and compromise.”

Teaching compromise

Kids first learn about compromise and negotiation through play, and it’s often sibling rivalry that starts the ball rolling. Your kids both want the same toy at the same time. They cannot agree on which movie to watch. You would like your daughter to dress nicely for a fancy restaurant, but she insists on her jeans. Your son wants to go to the beach, despite the family’s plan for a bike ride. When you get to the car, both want the front seat. These are very common struggles, but knowing that doesn’t reduce the stress you feel. More importantly, you would like your kids to be able to traverse such situations on their own. Personality has a big part to play in how your kids react to conflicting demands. Perhaps your son is confident

and forthright and will argue ‘til the cows come home, and your daughter will give up her toy completely because conflict is uncomfortable for her. Or maybe your daughter is bossy and will tell her brother what game they are going to play and how, and he goes along with it because he’s happy on the path of least resistance. But kids become adults, and adults need to know how, and when, to compromise. Just think of all the obligatory things you do because you “should,” or how hard you find it to say “no” to someone else’s demands. Or think of the pushy people you despise because they are unbending in their demands. That’s why teaching a healthy approach to compromise is essential.

1It’s healthy to argue

We often shut kids down from arguing. Teach kids to argue in a productive way by learning to negotiate their position. They want to stay up late to watch a show? Let them formulate a solid argument as to why they should be allowed. They need to identify what they want, why they should receive it and what they are willing to give in return. If it’s convincing, be negotiable.


This means that both sides need to be prepared to give something up in order to achieve what they each want. Two kids who want the same toy can split

the time or play together with the toy, or the child who chooses the movie today has to sit through their sibling’s movie tomorrow. If only one party sacrifices, there will be ongoing hard feelings.


Kids grow up very self-aware, but developing an awareness of the wants and needs of others takes time. When your kids are in an argument, encourage them to stop and think about the other person’s point of view: how does what they want affect the other? How might the other be feeling? Learning to compromise is a skill that does require practice. Kids need adults to help them remove emotion from a situation so that compromise is possible. Once helped to see both sides, kids are quick to accept mutual concession and then forgive and forget. But what about when there is no adult around, when no mediator serves as the facilitator of dialogue? Do kids respond with closed fists or open handshakes? It depends on how well they learned the art of compromise and internalised its importance. It is often the difference between a child who has lots of friends and is the centre of many social circles and the child who is isolated, angry, and lonely. People want to be around others who are friendly and kind, and who make getting along easy. Ones who can compromise tend to be those people. 7

Easy family barbecue IDEAS

We all like to get the barbecue out and cook outdoors during summer, so having some easy standbys you can whip up with a smidgen of effort is always handy. Here are a few ideas to get you started: PHOTOS AND WORDS BY MICHELLE KITNEY

No-cook chickpea vegetable salad • • • • • •

¼ cup finely minced shallot or onion 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil ½ tsp mustard ½ teaspoon honey or maple syrup Pinch of salt and some freshly ground black pepper

Salad ingredients • 1 large avocado • 1 lemon • 1½ cups cooked chickpeas (rinsed and drained) • ¾ cup cooked black beans (rinsed and drained) • 3-4 handfuls kale, spinach, silver beet or beetroot greens • 1 diced zucchini or scaloppini • Salt and freshly ground black pepper (to taste) To make the dressing 1. Place minced shallot or onion, white wine vinegar, olive oil, mustard, honey or maple syrup, and to taste, a pinch of salt and some freshly ground black pepper


in a small jar with a lid. 2. Seal and shake vigorously until well combined. Let sit for at least 10 minutes. Taste and adjust seasonings to your preferences. To make the salad 3. Cut the avocado in half and discard the stone. Chop the flesh into a small bowl and toss with a squeeze or two of lemon juice to help prevent browning. 4. Finely slice the kale/spinach/beet leaves and dice the zucchini or scaloppini. 5. Just before serving, in a large mixing bowl, combine all salad ingredients together. 6. Pour about half the dressing over the top and toss with salad tongs or a large fork and spoon to thoroughly blend the ingredients and coat lightly with the dressing. 7. Top with a big squeeze of lemon, and salt and pepper to taste. Add more dressing if needed. Serve immediately. Marinating meat can be an effective way to

Easy BBQ meat marinade Dressing ingredients The marinade below should be enough for approximately 1 kg of fresh beef or chicken. You could either prepare these as fillets or cubes for shish kebabs. Kebabs are another great way to add some extra vegetables to your diet. Ingredients ½ cup soy sauce ½ cup of your favourite local honey 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger 2-4- cloves garlic, crushed ½ cup olive oil

reduce the carcinogens produced during grilling and barbecue. It also makes your meat less likely to dry out and easier to digest. This delicious meat marinade is great for chicken and beef, and could even be used for meats on skewered shish kebabs.

Instructions 1. Score meat by making crisscross cuts on the surface on both sides of the meat or cut into cubes for kebabs. 2. Mix ingredients for marinade and pour over meat. 3. Marinate for at least 45 minutes. If there is time you could marinate your meat overnight. 4. If making kebabs, combine on skewers alternating with slices of courgette, capsicum, onion, pineapple and mushroom. 5. Grill as desired.


Spirit of Christmas It’s that time of year to deck the halls and get into all the wonderful festivities that the Christmas season has to offer. Looking for some Christmas activities and events? Here are a few in your area to get you started:

8 December

● Carols By Treelight. A twilight market and performances from award-winning Christchurch City Chorus, St Bernadette’s Children’s Choir and more. From 6 – 9pm at St John of God Chapel, 26 Nash Road, Halswell.

8 December

● Sumner-Redcliffs Community Christmas Carols. Singers Eddie Simon and Yulia Townsend are joined by the Sumner Silver Band. Musical fun for the whole family. From 6pm. Sumner Surf Lifesaving Club, 31 Main Road, Sumner.

8 – 24 December

● Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal. Spread Christmas cheer by filling in the details on a Wishing Tree gift tag and attaching it to a new, unwrapped gift. Gifts placed under a Wishing Tree will be distributed by The Salvation Army. At all Kmart stores.

9 December

● Christmas Twilight Market and Community Carols. Get into the Christmas spirit. Enjoy entertainment, carol singing and purchase treats from the Christmas market. From 5.30 – 9pm at Parish of St. Mary and St. Matthew, 30 Church Lane, Merivale.

10 December

● Lincoln Christmas Parade and Market. Market 9am – 1 pm, parade at 10.30am, starting from Event Centre and travelling down the main street. Entertainment, competitions and Santa’s grotto. Lincoln Farmers Market, 12 Gerald Street, Lincoln.

10 December

● New Brighton Seaside Christmas Parade. Enjoy the parade, shop at the Seaside Market for Christmas gifts and enjoy great entertainment. Meet Santa in his grotto. From 10am – 2pm, 40 Brighton Mall, New Brighton. Email:

11 December

● The Marvellous Mayfield Christmas Market. Enjoy the festivities at this indoor/outdoor market. Fifty eclectic stalls offer suggestions for any Christmas present shopping list. From 9am – 3pm. Mayfield Memorial Hall, State Highway 72, Ashburton.

11 December

● Rangiora Toyota Santa Parade and Christmas Party in the Park. The parade along Rangiora’s High Street starts at 2pm. Join the party in the park for Christmas music, food, amusement rides, craft stalls and family entertainment. From 12 – 6pm. Victoria Park, Percival St, Rangiora.

12 – 24 December

● The Christmas Grotto. Christmas themed display. Open 12 – 15 December, 9am – 3pm and 16 – 24 December 9am – 9pm. Entry by donation. South West Baptist, Corner Lyttelton and Cobham Streets, Christchurch. Visit:

17 December

● A Dark Side Christmas. Darth Vader has joined forces with Maleficent in the lead up to Christmas. Dress up and come along to meet The Red Queen Iracebeth, faeries and a host of other characters. From 11am – 1pm. Conway Lane, 5 Blake Street, Rangiora.

17 and 18 December

● South Canterbury Museum 50th Birthday Party and Christmas Market. Market stalls, live entertainment, heritage tours of St Mary’s Church, competitions in the museum and free refreshments. From 11am. South Canterbury Museum, Perth Street, Timaru.

18 December

● Oxford Christmas Parade and Picnic. Enjoy the parade of floats from the Oxford Town Hall to the A&P Showgrounds. Princess or pirate theme. Bring a picnic lunch, sit back and enjoy. From 12.30pm. Main Street, Oxford.

Calling new Home Based Carers!

22 December

● Lincoln’s Christmas Twilight Market. Get in the Christmas spirit and buy last minute gifts. Enjoy Santa, face painting, hoola hoop fun with fairy Sophie, and the Christmas Choir at 6.15pm. From 4 – 7pm. Lincoln Community Centre, 24 Gerald Street, Lincoln. Visit lincolnmarket.

23 December

● Christmas Market at St Martins School. Opawa Farmers’ Market fresh produce and locally made goodies perfect for Christmas celebrations, as well as some craft stalls. From 9am – 1pm. St Martins Primary School, Albert Terrace, St Martins, Christchurch.

24 December

● YMCA Carols by Candlelight. Celebrate Christmas with a special candlelight event. Bring along a picnic and chairs and enjoy a wonderful evening of carol singing. From 9 – 10pm. Victoria Square, Christchurch. Visit

24 December

● Sefton Christmas Harvest Market. Get your hands dirty digging new potatoes and picking fresh peas. Forty-plus stalls. From 9am – 1pm. Grown, 818 Marshmans Road, Sefton. Gold coin donation. Visit

At Stems, we have gorgeous pre-schoolers wait-listed to begin care in local family homes now! If young children naturally warm to you and you are looking for a new homebased career, please contact us to arrange an interview… we’d love to meet you! Contact us today 0800 78 33 78 or 9

It pays to check your electricity plan Being on the wrong electricity plan can be expensive - make sure your family is getting the best deal.

easy way to reduce your power bill, and with most power companies, you can switch plans once every year at no cost.

Your electricity plan is not necessarily something that springs to mind as a consideration when starting a family, or when your household situation changes with the permanent arrival of grandparents or extended family members. People often don’t realise that a change in circumstances, like any of these, can quickly mean they’re paying too much for electricity. In fact, being on the wrong plan can cost your household hundreds of dollars over the course of a year. Case in point: changes in a Christchurch household’s situation bumped them onto the wrong electricity plan. Eric Del Rosario’s family, out and about during the day at work and school, were on a low-user electricity plan. But when their circumstances changed with the arrival of his parents from the Philippines, their power bill increased significantly. Flick Electric, their power provider, noticed the household’s power bills jump by $22-30 a week, so gave Mr Del Rosario a call. Flick helped him switch to a standard user plan, which dropped the power bill from $100 a week to about $70 a week – a significant saving for a large family! This is just one example of a family whose change in circumstances meant they should also change electricity plans, and it’s not an isolated case. Household situations change, and when that happens, checking your electricity plan might not be the first thing in your list of priorities.

How can you tell which plan you’re on? Check your bill. If your daily charge is about $0.30 per day, then you’re on a Low User plan. If it’s higher, you’re on a Standard User plan. If you are unsure, you should get in touch with your electricity retailer who will be able to help. Don’t be passive. Electricity Authority research found 59 per cent of people felt switching was easy, but the proportion of people who thought it worthwhile to review their current electricity plan was just 37 per cent. Trust us: it’s more than worthwhile to check.

But it’s a great idea to put it at the top of your “to do” list because the way you use your power, and how often, can change dramatically too. It’s not until a huge bill lands in your inbox that alarm bells go off - and even then, you might not put it down to being on the wrong electricity plan. Here at Flick, we’re all about educating electricity users, no matter who your provider is. Most of us choose our user plan when we sign up with our electricity supplier and then forget about it. We think it’s important for all electricity users to be aware that when your circumstances

change, it pays to check whether your plan needs changing too. Ensuring you’re on the right plan for your situation is an

And check out Flick Electric! If you’d like to know more about us (like the fact that we’re a two-year-old startup, New Zealand’s only consumer trusted power company with a 96% satisfaction rating, that we don’t believe in fixed term contracts, and that our customers benefit from the wholesale price of electricity woohoo!), visit or check us out on Facebook.

How do you know if you’re on the right plan? Check this handy table: I live North of Christchurch I live in Christchurch or further South

I use less than 8,000kWH per year

I use more than 8,000kWH per year

Low User

Standard User

I use less than 9,000kWH per year

I use more than 9,000kWH per year

Low User

Standard User


BOXING DAY — 11 FEBRUARY 2017 Interislander Summer Festival offers a great family day at the races with plenty of free kids entertainment, spot prizes and live music. We take care of all the planning so you can just pack a picnic, turn up and enjoy the day — no stress, no worries!




school-ready S




chool is such a big part of a child’s life, and adjusting to a school environment or a new school is a big deal. Some kids will take it in their stride and other kids will be anxious, as with everything in life. Here are some ideas to help make the transition easier: Visit the school in advance. If your child is a new entrant, most schools allow pre-entrants to join the new entrants’ class for a few afternoons a week in the lead up to their starting date. This will help your child become comfortable with their new surrounding, their new teacher and their classmates before they start full time.


Meet the teacher one-on-one. Introduce your child and yourself, and spend a few moments getting to know each other. Your child’s teacher is going to be a big part of their life for the next year.

Your child may be starting school for the first time, moving on to middle school/intermediate or high school, or may be changing schools. How do you get them ready?

Shop for school supplies together. Paper and pencils, erasers, calculators and crayons. Get a stationery list from your child’s teacher and go on a special shopping trip. Let your child pick some of their own school supplies in honour of this new step in their education. Reassure your child. Spend time together talking about what they can expect from school, about what will be expected of them, and about your positive school experiences.


Talk with your child about their course choices if they are starting higher level education. These choices have consequences down the track for future careers. Although your child will likely want to make some independent choices, your wisdom and guidance is especially needed to help them keep future options open.


Go together to fit-out and purchase a school uniform for your child’s new school, and preferably earlier than later. Having the uniform in their room for a while is a good way for your child to get used to (and build excitement for) the idea of a new school.


Brainstorm together for ways to help your child build new friendships, especially if they are shy. Teachers of new entrant classes are particularly good at helping your littlie adjust and make new friends, but not necessarily so for older

kids. Have a chat with your child’s new teacher if they struggle to be outgoing and make new connections, and ask them to facilitate a little.


Stick to a solid home routine, especially for the first few months of your child’s new school experience. While everything is changing around them, it’s essential that they feel the comfort, security and constancy of a predictable home environment.


Go to your child’s school events, get to know other parents and get involved if time allows. Building relationships with other parents can help your child get to know other kids in their class.


Be patient: your child will adjust in time. Expect a few ups and downs, and keep conversation open about how things are going.

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When other people

JUDGE YOUR PARENTING Nothing stings quite so much as your parenting skills being judged, and these days, everybody seems to be a parenting expert.

erhaps it’s the over-abundance of parenting books and programmes available, the blogs and the websites, but everyone (singles included) seem to feel they have a right to tell you that you are too strict, too slack, disciplining the wrong way, praising the wrong way. It may come from parents, in-laws, friends or random strangers, but it seems that you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. So how can parents today deal with this array of unsolicited advice and well-meaning comments, let alone the critical looks and snide remarks? There are some parents who couldn’t give a fig what the neighbours think about their chaotic attempt to pile the kids into the car in the morning with halfeaten pieces of toast dropping crumbs on the way, or your decision not to buy organic milk or fill your kids’ lunchboxes with watermelon shaped like Disney characters. But it’s difficult for most. After all, everyone wants to be a good parent and give their child the best



“Remind yourself that you chose a parenting strategy for a reason, and remain confident in your own parenting choices.”

education, the best upbringing, the best nutrition and all the love and support that they need to grow into productive and confident adults. So it cuts to the core when parents’ methods for raising kids are criticised. There is nothing wrong with high standards: the problem is where those standards come from. Research from Ohio State University finds that having high self-imposed standards can actually be beneficial, while caring what other playground parents think about your choice of stroller can undermine your confidence and up your stress levels. When it comes to unsolicited parenting advice from parents or friends, take a deep breath and a moment to gather yourself. Remind yourself that you chose a parenting strategy for a reason, and remain confident in your own parenting choices. As one parenting blogger put it, “You have to understand that just because something worked for one parent, it doesn’t mean that it’s going to work for you! Every child is different.

Again, you know your own child better than anyone else. Period.” After you’ve calmed yourself, deflect the conversation: respond with “Really? Is that what you did with your child? Tell me more!” Of course this only works if you can do it without sarcasm, but if executed well it serves a purpose. After all, people who give advice are often just looking for the opportunity to talk about their own experience. Give them a chance to do so and the focus is off you and your choices, and onto them and theirs. This is particularly helpful with family and friends that you want to keep the peace with. But then there are random strangers too, who feel it is their duty to point out that your baby isn’t wearing a hat. One way to handle it is to deflect with humour; “Oh, we decided to stop wearing hats when we left the cult.” Your toddler is having a meltdown at the supermarket and you are ignoring it: “This is nothing. You should have seen him the last time the All Blacks lost.” Nine times out of 10, humour will diffuse the situation and you can get back to parenting. Your way.

Being a

grandparent today Author, mother and grandparent Janice Marriott says there’s a lot that grandparents wish their kids knew about parenting. owever, the most important was not which baby blanket to use or how to discipline a screaming toddler. “I think what most grandparents say is, “I wish that parents knew what a short amount of years you have when kids are small, and how fast they go,” said Marriot. “When you’re 50, you blink and look back and wonder where that time went.” Marriot worked fulltime when raising her own son, so she has cherished the opportunity to be a caregiver to her young grandson when he was born and through his preschool years. She relocated from Wellington to Auckland to take on the role and enable his parents to work fulltime. It’s harder for parents today, Marriot told Family Times. They’re much busier and it’s harder to make a living and have the time to enjoy it. This has resulted in changing roles for grandparents. This, coupled with Marriot’s own experience, inspired her to spend a year researching and writing about grandparenting in New Zealand today. Her book, Grandparents


“I wish that parents knew what a short amount of years you have when kids are small, and how fast they go.”

Talk, was published in November. Grandparents Talk contains frank, sometimes astonishing, inspiring and thought-provoking interviews with a cross-section of New Zealand grandparents. From heartbreak to hilarity, the book makes clear just how indispensable grandparents are: whether it’s full-time caregiving, running the school pick up or passing on wisdom. In fact, Marriot said that she – and other grandparents she interviewedfelt so much more confident and capable of parenting with experience under her belt. “I actually think they feel, and I feel, wiser now. I feel better able to look after a baby and a child now than I did then.” Marriot’s biggest surprise when she became a grandmother was not that she would become a caregiver, but just how much she loved her grandchild. “There’s a special bond between grandparent and grandchild,” she said. “Most grandparents will say that you can’t realise how special it will be until it happens to you.”

Marriot chose to focus on ordinary, everyday families in her book, rather than celebrities. But what she found was anything but ordinary: grandparents who up and moved to the UK for a year to build a house big enough to cater for a new grandchild; grandparents who live with the heartache of being separated geographically from their grandchildren, and grandparents who pick up full custody of grandchildren when the parents are not in a position to do so. Mostly, Marriot discovered just how much grandparents wanted to be a part of their grandchildren’s lives. “It seems to me that grandparents have become more and more essential, but it’s not just about being needed. I had one grandparent tell how surprised she was by the strength of feeling she had for her grandchild. “It’s fantastic in your mid 70s to fall in love again,” she told me. “I spoke to so many grandparents who said they really loved looking after their grandchildren, more than they did with their own kids.” GRANDPARENTS TALK WAS PUBLISHED BY BATEMAN PUBLISHING.

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Holiday sleep tips

FOR WEE TRAVELLERS Travelling with babies, toddlers or young children can be tricky when it comes to sleep.

If you’ve stopped feeding in the night, try not to go back to it. If you do need to help them along, do some soothing/ patting/calming. If you need to go back into the room to settle, try sitting at the door rather than staying right there with a hand on him/her.

here are a few things to keep in mind when helping your child adjust to sleeping in new environments and time zones, the first being that every child is different. Some children take it all in their stride and easily adjust. Others need a little more help. Remember, it’s normal for sleep to be a little unsettled, but if you just stick to routines as much as possible while away, you can get things back on track as soon as you’re home.


Time zone changes and new routines No one wants to wake up at 4.30am on holiday! The best tip in dealing with jetlag is to try and adjust your child to the new time zone as soon as possible. If your child usually wakes at 6.30am at home, wake him/her at 6.30am (new) local time on the day you arrive (ideally, unless you all need a day to recover after a lot of travelling.) Nap times will be out a little the first few days. Try and adjust to local times as much as possible. You might have to

endure some grumpiness as your child gets into the new rhythm, so if you need to, top-up some sleep in the pram or car. Make sure not to let him/her nap too late in the day because you want them asleep at usual bedtime (6.30-7pm at home = 6.30-7pm local time).Try not to let your child become over-tired, and make sure they have enough rest while away. A well-rested child can enjoy the

day’s activities, will be better behaved and more adaptable to all the changes a holiday brings. If your little one is only recently sleeping through, you can expect some regression. They’re so little that a new environment is a big deal. The most important thing to remember is to not fall back into old habits or sleep crutches you’ve both worked so hard to get rid of.

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Room sharing If you have to room share with your child while you are away, explain to them that it’s just while you are away and they will be back in their own cozy bed with all their toys in just a few days/weeks. Explaining to them helps make rulebreaking less confusing and helps them adjust more easily when back at home. Take a piece of home with you There’s no such thing as packing lightly when travelling with children. Make sure to add to your list a night-light and some of your child’s books and toys. Don’t forget to take any comforter/soft toy your child sleeps with. BY CHERYL FINGLESON FIND OUT MORE ABOUT CHERYL BY VISITING WWW.THESLEEPCOACH.COM.AU.

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How to be

a resilient parent

The goal of resilience is to thrive, and we all want to thrive, right? esilience has been defined as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Sometimes though, parents don’t feel very resilient and we need some help bouncing back. As primary care-givers, we all know how hard it can be to be “on” all the time: needed to be there as support one minute, but ready to make the hard calls and set boundaries the next; needed to prepare food and nurture at home, but often needed at work as well. We are told that we must be “resilient.” But how? Resilience doesn’t have to be a vague concept. In fact, decades of research have revealed that resilience is ultimately a set of skills that can be taught. There is a saying: “If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” With crying children or a petulant preteen, that is not easy to do. But, there is a process that can start to make a difference; one that creatively transforms thought patterns so they become supportive rather than destructive and add to a person’s resilience. That process is known as Creative Positive Reframing (CPR), and it identifies three key actions that parents can take to develop resiliency: identify, reframe, embed.



Identify negative messages We all have them – limiting beliefs that

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have become embedded in our head. Negative thoughts like, “I can’t do this; it’s too hard!” are self-sabotaging. Practice: Interrupt it! Once you’ve identified those negative messages, shift your focus. Take a deep breath and interrupt your own train of thought.


Reframe the negative with positive statements Negative self-talk can be replaced with deliberate affirmations or questions. This creates new neural pathways and frees you from the negative spiral. Practice: Affirm it! Create positive statements and questions. Affirmations often work, but sometimes questions work better. If your affirmation is, “I can do it. This is easy!” and your brain argues back “No you can’t, it’s too hard!” then

use a question instead. Something like: “What can I do right now to move through this?” Or mix the two in this way: “I am handling this easily and effortlessly. What can I do right now to move forward?”


Embed it! Use creative visualisation to picture the ideal and embed it in your brain This next step takes the previous step and solidifies it; it is a powerful process. Practice: Visualise it! The key to visualisation is to first see what you want, and then create a mindset that you already have it and you believe you deserve it. The more you do this, the more deeply embedded this vision becomes. So, the next time you find yourself falling into a negative spiral about

This Way Up Women spend so much of life nurturing and giving to others that when they find themselves alone―because of an empty nest, the end of a marriage, or the death of a partner― they often struggle with feeling purposeless. This Way Up: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life by author Patti Clark, provides a step-by-step way out of this sense of loss and into a life filled with enthusiasm, creativity, and joy. We have a copy of This Way Up to give away. To enter, please visit the competitions page on the Family Times website. Competition closes 29 January 2017.

yourself and your parenting skills, try using the tools that neuroscience has shown to be effective by reframing your thoughts in positive terms. Use these tools to tackle limiting beliefs, and transform that negativity into something that is supportive rather than destructive. BY PATTI CLARK PATTI IS A WORKSHOP LEADER, SPEAKER AND AUTHOR OF THIS WAY UP: SEVEN TOOLS FOR UNLEASHING YOUR CREATIVE SELF AND TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE. SHE HAS FEATURED ON TVNZ’S BREAKFAST SHOW AND HER WORK HAS BEEN IN PUBLICATIONS SUCH AS THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, THE BOSTON GLOBE AND THE MINDFUL WORD.

HELP IS @ HAND Sometimes you need some information or an answer to a curly question. Why not pick up the phone and call the relative support agency? You’ll find professional caring people ready to assist you. ➜ Autism Associates NZ, provider of ABA services. Phone: 027-910 4020 ➜ Christchurch Resettlement Services. Free social services for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Interpreters are provided. Phone: 03335 0311 ➜ Sudden Infant Death Support Phone: 0800 164 455 ➜ Catholic Social Services No-cost parenting support programmes and family/individual counselling open to all. Usual office hours with late night on Tuesdays to 6.30pm, only by appointment. 336 Cashel Street, P O Box 4237, Christchurch. Phone: 03-379 0012 ➜ New Zealand Speak Easy Association Inc Canterbury is a stuttering support group. We meet at the University Speech Disorders Unit every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. For more information phone Barry Hay on 03338 8628. New Zealand Speak Easy Association Inc, 15


NUTRITION fun FOR KIDS hildren who refuse to eat certain things (or in some cases, most things) can be extremely frustrating for parents who want to ensure their little ones are getting the nutrition they need in their growing bodies. Some version of the words “I don’t like that,” before even tasting a mouthful, are echoed New Zealand-wide by fussy children who won’t be swayed by even the sneakiest vegetable inclusion to a meal. Research has suggested it can take children up to seven interactions with a food before they accept it; many parents are exhausted after the first attempt. So how do we get our little humans to be open to consuming the whole, real foods that fuel their bodies with the nutrients they require and foster a positive relationship with food from a young age? As with most challenges with children, it requires patience, consistency and a whole lot of resilience.




Here are some strategies that can help you get your children over this nourishment hurdle.

the nutritional value to them 1Explain

Children are curious creatures, always wanting to know how things work and the “why” behind them. Instead of suggesting that they eat something because it is “healthy” (a word that has no connotation to most 3-year-olds), explain the benefit of eating a particular thing. Even from a young age, when children start to hear the “so what” – the reason the orange is a good choice for them – they are more likely to eat the food. Link the nutritious food choice to something that they care about, for example, being a good rugby player or dancer.

Involve them in the preparation and cooking 2 process

Children who are included in food preparation and the cooking of meals are more likely to get excited about eating what you’ve created together. It also provides an excellent opportunity to explain to them the nutritional benefit of each ingredient. This may not work

as an “every day” strategy since it may not be a quick process but involve them as often as it works for you. For older children, give them specific tasks (such as washing the vegetables) or assign a night of the week where they plan the menu (with guidance of course) and you cook together.

your language around food 3Change

We’ve been conditioned to perceive foods as either “healthy” or “unhealthy.” Foods aren’t healthy—they are nutritious. Or not. Humans are healthy. Or we are not. It is

more accurate and more beneficial to describe a food as nutritious or nourishing rather than healthy or unhealthy. The older children become, the more they will have created their own perception about what is “healthy.” For some children, healthy and food in the same sentence is a win and something they want to partake in. While for others, they link “healthy” to “yuck.” Through food language and explanations that are meaningful to them, help children to establish a pattern of making nutritious food choices that they perceive as beneficial for their bodies throughout their lives.

Women’s Wellness Wisdom

In this book, Dr Libby addresses the biochemical, nutritional and emotional aspects of women’s wellness, which helps people understand why we emotionally eat, say yes to things that cause us stress and why we believe “if I don’t do it, it won’t get done.” Women’s Wellness Wisdom offers insight, knowledge and practical solutions for a holistic approach to optimal health and happiness. We have two copies of this book, RRP NZ$39.95, to giveaway. To enter, please visit the competitions page on the Family Times website. Competition closes 29 January 2017.

Family biking fun

AROUND CHRISTCHURCH The summer holidays are a long stretch for kids, and for parents too at times.

great way to beat the boredom, utilise their excess energy and get a bit of fitness in for you too, is cycling. There are plenty of fun places to cycle in and around Christchurch, depending on your kids’ age and their confidence level on a bike. Here are a few preparation points before you head out:



Check that your child’s bike is still the right size Kids have a habit of growing! Chances are that on the first ride of the summer you may need to raise the seat or amend the position of the handle bars.


Check that the bikes are road-worthy Check the chain, brakes and gears before you head out. Take a puncture repair kit with you.


Have a quick practice before you go Your kids may have lost a little confidence since last summer, so get them to go for a few rounds of the back

lawn before you pack up and ship out.


Pace yourselves Just because your kids rode 15km uphill at the end of last summer doesn’t mean that they, (or you!), are fit enough to do the same now. Make sure that your first family cycle ride of the year is a gentle one.


Take supplies New Zealand can have four seasons in one day, so make sure that you have a warm jersey and a waterproof layer just in case, especially if you’re heading out for a longer ride. Take some water and snacks for on the track too. Don’t forget sunscreen! Where to go Family cycling along the Avon Did you know that you can cycle city to surf in Christchurch? There’s a fantastic, family-friendly cycle route that goes from Victoria Square in Kilmore Street, all the way to Ebbtide Street, Southshore. The route is composed of low-traffic roads and off-road cycle paths. You can do the whole route, or just part.

1. Spencer Park, Spencerville. 2. Bower Avenue, Parklands. Finish: Same as the starting point. Little River Rail Trail The Christchurch to Little River Rail Trail is a cycleway and walkway that mostly follows the route of an old 19th century railway line between Hornby Junction and Little River via Prebbleton, Lincoln,

Motukarara and Birdlings Flat. You don’t have to ride the whole thing though – there are stages. What’s super cool is that you can download kids’ activity sheets for the trail when you visit Enjoy your family cycling adventure this summer!

Bottle Lake Forest cycle track The mountain bike tracks at Bottle Lake Forest wind through the 1000-hectare pine forest. The terrain is mostly flat but towards the coast, planted sand hills provide some challenge. The two easiest tracks are the family loop ride (approximately 7km) and the coastal ride to Spencer Park (10km round trip.) Family Loop ride Start: Bottle Lake Forest entrance car park, Waitikiri Drive, Parklands. Finish: Same as the starting point. Description: Follow the blue markers towards the coast and return. Coastal ride to Spencer Park Start: There are two starting points: 17


Welcome to Kids’ Time at Family Times. Enjoy the fun activities and competitions. For competitions, enter online by visiting www.familytimes. and click on the competitions link.


Looking for some rainy day activities for your children? Click on the For Kids section on our website for answers and for further activities your children can print out and complete.

Design competition This edition, we want you to design a monster for us. Design, draw, paint or collage your ultimate monster! When you’re done, send us your picture and be in to win one of five Monster Trucks packs! Monster Trucks is rated G, in cinemas 12 January 2017. Three entry age groups: preschool (ages 1-4), 5-8, 9-12. Create your design on an A5 sheet. Post in to PO Box 36 004, Christchurch 8146. Competition closes 29 January 2017. Congratulations to our design competition winners from our spring issue. They are: 5 to 8-years Stella Sharpe from Heathcote Valley in Christchurch 9 to 12-years Celeste Waterman from Wadestown in Wellington.

Something for the whole family Whether it’s for fun with the family, swimming lessons or relaxation, come in and make the most of our heated pools and enjoy the warm indoor environment. ∙ Pre School, After School and Adult swimming lessons ∙ Aquafit Classes for all ages and abilities ∙ 25m Lane Pool for training ∙ Leisure Pool with Lazy River and Toddlers Pool for fun with the kids

Hot Wheels® Sky Shock™ RC

Make it epic with the new Hot Wheels® Sky Shock™ RC and Hot Wheels® Criss Cross Crash™ boosted track set. Perfect for young adrenaline junkies! Mattel is giving four lucky Family Times readers the chance to win 1 x Hot Wheels® Sky Shock™ RC and 1 x Hot Wheels® Criss Cross Crash™ boosted track set. To enter, please visit the competitions page on the Family Times website. Competition closes 29 January 2017.

∙ Hydrotherapy Pool and Spa Pool for relaxing and recovering ∙ Retail store for swimwear and accessories Come and try the paddle boats on Saturdays and inflatables on Sunday from 2-4pm.

Selwyn Aquatic Centre 71 Broadlands Drive, Rolleston 7643 Contact (03) 347 2734

International Antarctic Centre family pass

We have two family passes to give away to the International Antarctic Centre Christchurch Experience: real snow and ice, survive an indoor Antarctic storm, learn about life at Scott Base, and hang out with Little Blue Penguins! To be in to win, please visit the competitions page on the Family Times website. Competition closes 29 January 2017.


Illumination Entertainment presents SING, a musical comedy about finding the shining star that lives inside all of us! To enter to win an amazing prize pack, including movie tickets, please visit the competitions page on the Family Times website. SING is rated G, in cinemas from 9 December 2016. Competition closes 15 December 2016.

ZURU Micro Boats speedy prize pack

Get ready for some epic speed boat racing action with ZURU Microboats! Speed through the water in four directions and do 360° doughnut turns. With micro-robotic sensor technology, hit a wall and reverse. Collect them all! We are giving a lucky reader the chance to win one of these: a prize pack (Micro Boat Racing Playset, includes two boats and Micro Boat individual 1pk, assorted selection). To enter, please visit the competitions page on the Family Times website. Competition closes 29 January 2017.

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Calendar of Events

Finally – the premiere season for fun family events is upon us. So check out these great family entertainment ideas as you soak up those summer days.

November 2016 – March 2017

movies at a 90-minute session. Cost $15 or $25 to share computer. At 1pm, Imagination Station, 113 Worcester Street, Christchurch. Visit

● Summer of Fun: Free community-led events happening across Canterbury this summer – bouncy castles, sausage sizzles, face painting, picnics, sports and more. Check out our facebook page SummerOfFunNeighbourhoodProject.

13 – 30 December

● Oliver Twist. A highly visual interpretation incorporating song and dance, which captures the essence of Dickens’ colourful landscape. Matinees and evening performances. Lyttelton Arts Factory, Oxford Street, Lyttelton. Visit:

9 and 16 December

● Science Snippets Afterschool. A free and fun afterschool science programme presented by Science Alive! in 10 libraries across town. Educators lead children through interactive activities. Visit for more information.

11 December


15, 16, 22 and 23 December

● Cystic Fibrosis Charity Cricket Match BNZ Crusaders versus Olympic Invitational team. Food, entertainment and a cricket academy for 7 to 11-year-olds for $10. From 11am – 3pm. Christchurch Boys’ High School, Straven Road.

11 December

● Stop Motion Animation Sundays. Learn to make LEGO stop-motion animated

● Re:START Mall open air movie theatre. Shops will be open until 9pm for late night shopping, alongside an openair movie theatre and food trucks. Christmas-themed movies start at 6.30pm. Re:START Mall, Christchurch.

21 December

● Leighs Construction CSO Presents: Festive Christmas. This traditional Christmas concert is ideal for the whole family. From 6.30 – 8.30pm. Isaac Theatre Royal, 145 Gloucester St, Christchurch. Visit for ticket prices.

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School Holidays


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For more event and entertainment ideas, visit and enjoy our large, familyfriendly resource.

26 December

● Blackcaps vs Bangladesh. International cricket at its best where being in the crowd is almost as fun as the cricket itself. Perfect Boxing Day entertainment. From 11am – 7pm. Hagley Oval, Riccarton Avenue, Christchurch.

26 December, 7, 21, 28 January, 11, 25 February

● Woodford Glen Speedway. A great night’s entertainment for the family. 7pm, Woodford Glen, Doubledays Road, Kaiapoi. Adult $20, Family $40, Snr $10, Child $5 (5-14yr)

8 January

● Rangiora Harness Racing. All the action of harness racing. Twilight, Rangiora Racecourse, Lehmans Road, Rangiora. Free entry, race book and entertainment.

8 January

● Waikuku Sand Sculpture Competition. Free entry, great prizes and fun for the whole family. From 8.30am, Waikuku Beach outside the Surf Club.

11 January

● Interislander Summer Festival- Rangiora Harness Racing. All the action of harness racing with free kids’ entertainment. Twilight, Rangiora Racecourse, Lehmans Road, Rangiora. Free entry, race book and entertainment.

18 – 28 January

● Jack and the Beanstalk. A daring Jack, Daisy the Cow, and Blunderbore the giant are all part of a show combining slapstick comedy, music and puppetry. Court Theatre, Bernard Street, Addington. Visit

19 – 29 January

World Buskers Festival. This “must do” event will transform the streets and iconic performance venues of Christchurch into The Comic Republic of Busk, with a great line-up of local and international entertainers. Visit

29 January

● Kite Day. Spectacular kites of all varieties and sizes. Create and decorate your own kite or buy one from The Kite


Shop on the day. From 12 – 3pm. New Brighton Beach, south of the pier. Visit


4 February

● Scottish Military Tattoo. On stage, one show only, includes centenary ceremony for the battle of Passchendaele with the Honorary Consul of Belgium. Cost $49. From 6.30 – 9.30pm. Aurora Centre for the Performing Arts, Burnside.

11 February


● Faerie Picnic. You’re invited to the Faeries’ picnic. Loads of games and face painting, giant bubbles and hula hoops. Bring picnic blanket, food and drink. From 12 – 2pm. Malvern Park, Innes Road, St Albans. Visit events/758590280949449.

● Under 5 Fest. Science Alive’s annual Under 5 Fest is back and the popular kids’ science festival will be better than ever. Table Tennis Canterbury, 294 Blenheim Road. Cost $6 per person, under 2s free.

19 February

19 March

● St Joseph’s School Harvest Fair. Come wet or fine, fun for the whole family! At 35 Victoria Street, Rangiora. From 11.30am3.30pm.

25 February

● FMG Young Farmer of the Year Aorangi regional final. Great family day out, TeenAg and AgriKids competitions throughout the day. From 8am – 6pm. Methven A&P Showgrounds, 72 Barkers Road, Methven. Visit www.


21 – 26 March

● The Star City2Surf. A fun event for young and old, serious and not so serious, individuals, corporate teams, schools and families. Fourteen or 6km events suitable for runners and walkers. Visit www.

19 March

● Governors Bay Fete. A family day out with music, stalls, bouncy castle, grass sledging and a display by local Fire Brigade. Entry by donation. From 10.30am – 3.30pm. Allandale Domain, Bamfords Road, Allandale. Email firedragon1309@

Looking for something fun, educational or adventurous for your kids during these school holidays? Check out some of the great programmes available in the following listings: ● Sport Canterbury Sport Canterbury active kids’ holiday programmes promote fun, participation and sporting experiences for 5 to 13-yearolds. Visit On 16-27 January. ● Imagination Station Explore the world of stop motion animation, Mindstorms(R) robotics and building with TECHNIC(R) in our school holiday classes this January. Visit our website for more information: www. ● Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre Bumper boats every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 1-3pm during the school holidays. Cost is $5 plus pool admission. Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre, 9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi. Phone 03-375-5041. ● CASPA CASPA offers a holiday programme experience that your five to 13-year-olds will enjoy. Our programmes are designed to be fun and educational. For peace of mind, call CASPA on 03-349-9260.

● SHARP Trust SHARP Trust provides quality, lowcost, fun, Christian programmes for children aged 5 to 14-years. Enrol now at or phone 03-338-0673. ● M*A*S*H Various programmes around Christchurch, Timaru/Temuka and North Canterbury. May be free - full WINZ subsidy available. “The best fun your kids can have.” Phone 0800-420-520,, ● Kidsbase A fun, safe and caring environment for all kids. Visit or text 027239-7690 for a programme near you. ● Mainland Football Have a ball - join one of Mainland Football’s action-packed holiday programmes in the heart of the city and at Canterbury’s home of football – English Park. Fun outdoor and indoor programmes available. Visit 21


ENTERTAINMENT Summer is here, and it’s a great time to get out and explore the plethora of exciting events and entertainment destinations around the city. Here are a few ideas to get you started, and we’ve got heaps more at ● Kowhai Residential School of Riding ● Arion Farm Education Park Kowhai runs horse riding courses most Exciting changes at going Anna Lee There’s a lot on: pony rides, new weekends and all school holidays Newbaby experienced qualified teachers animals, and holiday programmes, free throughout the year: fully supervised, fun Providing classes forbe dancers fromfor theabays, lucky dip, or a farmer day. Visit and educational. Visit, Sumner to Ferrymead and Lyttelton Facebook for details, www.facebook. phone 03-312-4309. New venues: com/ArionFarmEducationPark.

find your groove

The Historic Ferrymead Lodge Hall and ● Laser Strike soon ● at Willowbank Mt Pleasant Community Centre Wildlife Reserve Come play an indoor, family-friendly, Preschool Advanced Big 5; the tuatara, Visit to Willowbank’s exciting game of laser tag. We also do Ballet,the Hipkiwi, Hop,the Jazzcheeky and Contemporary kea, the mighty birthdays and large groups. Phone 03366-7595.

takahe and the very rare kaka. Visit www. 03 354 6228 or 0274 836 265 ● Weka Pass Railway

● Canterbury Museum Hands on fun at Discovery for children! See, touch and learn about our natural world. Just $2 for over 3s. Visit

Enjoy a fun day out or picnic at Weka Pass ANNA LEE SCHOOL Railway. All weather entertainment. Visit

OF DANCE for details.

● Orana Wildlife Park Experience up-close animal encounters Bay Harbour News x 12.9cm ad at Orana Wildlife Park.9 See New Zealand’s only gorillas, hand feed giraffe, view kiwi, lions and much more. Visit ● Black Cat Cruises Make it an unforgettable experience with Black Cat Cruises and the Hector’s dolphins. Just 90 minutes from Christchurch and best of all, under 5s cruise for free! Visit

● Chipmunks Cranford Street Large play structure, ball gun battle, train and bumper cars, and a great food and beverage menu. At 472 Cranford Street, email, phone 03-352-4476. ● On Your Bike Hire Mountain bike track, bike hire, coffee, ice cream, snacks. Mcleans Forest Park, Mcleans Island. On Your Bike Hire, 03348-1738,

find your groove Monday to Saturday Preschool to Advanced RTS RAD BBO JDNZ NZAMD

Papanui Selwyn District Sumner/Ferrymead




Here are some great holiday ideas designed to keep you and your little ones entertained during the school break. ● Canterbury Museum Explore replica aeroplane cabins at Air New Zealand 75 Years. Experience the future of flying with a virtual reality head-set! Free entry. Visit ● Court Theatre Jack and the Beanstalk, 18-28 January 2017. Slapstick comedy, music, and puppetry combine as a little mistake leads to a giant adventure! Tickets $10$15, book at ● Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre Bumper boats every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 1-3pm during the school holidays. Cost is $5 plus pool admission. Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre, 9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi. Phone 03-375-5041. ● Ferrymead Historic Park Drop-in activities - biscuit baking, heritage games and chores, tram rides etc - no extra charge, Monday to Friday, 16 - 20 January and 23 – 27 January. Visit

After School Clinics Pre-School Programmes Holiday Programmes Sports Days Birthday Parties Sports Club Clinics At Kelly Sports, we give children the opportunity to learn a range of fundamental skills used in all sports such as kicking, throwing, catching, striking, jumping and running. Operating in excess of 40 Schools and Pre-School centres Christchurch wide we can deliver programmes to suit your needs. We also run CYF approved Holiday Programmes at 5 venues across the City in the areas of St Martins, Burnside, Wairakei, Spreydon and Yaldhurst.



OF DANCE Call 03 354 6228 or 0274 836 265

Family Times 127 x 90mm ad

Holiday specials

For more information please contact


M 021 044 6283 E


● Southern Ballet’s Peter Pan Peter Pan presented by Southern Ballet Theatre at the Isaac Theatre Royal, 16 and 17 December, bookings through Ticketek.

Goals: setting your child up for success e’ve probably all heard the old adage that if we aim for nothing, we’re guaranteed to reach it. Well, the same applies for kids. That’s why goal setting plays such an important role in life. You can set your kids up for success by modelling goal setting for them and teaching them how to do the same. Goal setting helps kids to understand from a young age that it’s not just the super-talented who succeed, but those who put in the effort and stay the course. But goal setting doesn’t have to be boring – there are plenty of ways to make it a fun, interactive experience. The most important thing is to keep it simple.


1Choose a goal

5Measurable milestones


You may have goals for your child – like achieving straight A’s – but your child may have a completely different goal in mind, such as becoming an actress or a better rugby player. Discuss various possible goals, then let your child choose and write down the goal.

2Make it specific

Help your child to make their goal as specific as possible, because this makes it measurable. If your child wants to be a better rugby player, does that mean scoring a certain number of tries or conversions, or making it onto the first 15?

Consider pros and cons

In other words, count the cost of reaching the goal and weigh it up against the benefit of achieving the goal. For example, extra drama practices will cut into free time, but achieving a role in the school play makes it worth it.

4Define the three W’s

Who can help, what do you need to do, and when. Help your child identify exactly what it is that they need to do to reach their goal – maybe it’s ball kicking skills or tackling. Then, who can help them? Perhaps yourself, a coach or a friend. Lastly is when: what time/day will they schedule for extra practices?

Identifying measurable milestones makes it easier to see progress and celebrate success on the path to your child achieving their goal. A fantastic way to make goal setting fun with kids is to create a vision board. Get them to cut out words and pictures from magazines and use art supplies to make a visual picture of what they want to achieve. It could be a timeline, a collage, a map or anything their mind can imagine. The real work begins once the goal is set and the vision board made. Kids often underestimate how hard it is to reach a goal and get frustrated or

discouraged when they fall short. Point of the challenges from the beginning. Be encouraging but realistic. Let your child know that you’ll support them in their goal but to expect times of discouragement and setbacks. Remember to applaud effort, not just achievement. Kids who are naturally talented in a certain area are far more likely to achieve their goals sooner. However, people at the top of their field rarely succeed from just talent. It takes

persistence, determination, and a refusal to quit in difficult times. Often the people who succeed are not the super talented, but those who refuse to quit.

“Let your child know that you’ll support them in their goal but to expect times of discouragement and setbacks.”

SCHOOL TERM DATES 2017 primary and intermediate school term dates

2016 - 2017 secondary and composite school term dates

Term 2, 2017 Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July

Term 2, 2017 Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July

Term 3, 2017 Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September

Term 3, 2017 Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September

Term 4, 2017 Monday 16 October to no later than Wednesday 20 December

Term 4, 2016 Monday 16 October to no later than Thursday 14 December

Term 1, 2017 Between Monday 30 January and Tuesday 7 February to Thursday 13 April

Term 1, 2017 Between Monday 30 January and Tuesday 7 February to Thursday 13 April

Remaining public holidays 2016 25 December Christmas Day 26 December Boxing Day

Little Monkeys

Interactive Climbing Sessions Thursday 12pm-1pm (term time only) $6 per child No bookings required

239 Waltham Road Phone 03 377 3000 23

“At this school, my son gets to be who he is” At Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery, children are able to follow their passions and interests and are at the centre of their own learning. Sid is a great teacher. He has just instigated a workshop on gardening, as he wanted to show the children how seeds grow. Sid’s second workshop is on rainbows, so right now, he is working on building some kind of a diorama. Sid, it should be mentioned, is 5-years-old. “This is such a good example of how kids take charge of their own learning,” says Sid’s mother, Rosie. “I believe there are not many 5-year-olds that are given these opportunities. At this school, my son gets to be who he is.” Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery believes that active learning happens when children are self-directed to learn for themselves through their demands to solve authentic or personally meaningful problems. The school actively encourages children to carry out their own inquiries and to lead or opt into workshops or projects that are either initiated by themselves, other children, parents or teachers. “It is important to us that children have the freedom to follow their own passions, with the nuts and bolts of self-managing, literacy and numeracy in place to be able to do so,” says community leader and teacher Melva


Gill. “We encourage a mind-set where children try things that are new and accept that it is okay to make mistakes.” Through the rich and varied learning environment, children are exposed to a large diversity of topics that help them to discover their own interests and passions. The school subsequently offers a fertile ground to develop their passions. Classes are open to a range of year groups so that children can work at whichever level of the curriculum that best serves their needs. Students can advance when they have demonstrated competency in an area, not because the class has advanced. The philosophy behind this concept is simple: as the requirements of the labour market are changing, and smartphones and the internet are transforming the ways in which young people process information, the school’s director Steven Mustor argues that the most important skill a school can pass down to its students is the ability to motivate themselves and to feel and develop a love for lifelong learning. Visit

Shaping the Mind Barbara Arrowsmith-Young shares her personal journey into the world of the brain. Few know more about what goes on in our heads than Canadian Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. Known as “the woman who changed her brain,” Barbara was born with severe learning disabilities. As a child she read and wrote everything backwards, struggled to process concepts in language, and was hopelessly uncoordinated. Through her formidable memory and her iron will she made it to college where she discovered research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to firstly “fix” her own brain and then for students with specific learning difficulties. Barbara will speak in Christchurch on Monday evening 6 March. She will talk about her problematic childhood, her exciting journey of discovery and the life-changing outcomes achieved over her 35 years as a researcher and educator. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us all in everyday life. The transformational principles Barbara started to use on herself in 1978 are now being implemented in 55 schools across Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Seven Oaks School in

Christchurch is the only school running the programme in the South Island. Barbara is a determined pioneer and an inspirational speaker. Starting life with a debilitating set of brain deficits, she now holds a bachelor’s degree in science and a master’s degree in psychology. But most importantly, her work has already given thousands of people the tools to make dramatic change in their lives. Monday evening 6 March, cost $35. At Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre, 341 Halswell Road, Christchurch. Register online at

At what age do you give your child

a mobile phone? The quick answer is that it’s less about age and more about maturity.

mobile phone today is much more than a handy device to make necessary phone calls: it’s a mini-computer, internet trawling whiz gadget. That’s a lot of power in the hands of a child, preteen or teen whose reasoning and deduction capabilities are not yet fully developed. On the other hand, a mobile phone makes it easier to stay in touch and connect in cases of emergency. Here are some things to weigh up when considering buying your child a phone:



Is your child responsible? Does your child arrive to school on time (if they bike, walk or bus) and home on time? Do they communicate with you in advance about going to a friend’s house after school and do they arrive home when they say they will?


Is your child good with personal property? If your child tends to lose things – backpacks, homework folders, books etc – can they be trusted to take care of a phone? Do they look after the technology they already have, i.e. a tablet or laptop computer, or leave it lying around on the floor?


How is your communication? Do you and your child have good, open communication? It’s really important that they can come to you and talk about any contact they receive that makes them uncomfortable, and what is and isn’t okay in terms of texts, photos and videos they’re accessing.

night? Sleep is so important for growing kids and teens, and research shows that mobile phones have dire consequences on learning because of lost sleep and disrupted sleep patterns.


Once again, it’s not about a child’s age, but their maturity level. And that may differ between siblings. So if you think your child’s technological savvy is greater than their ability to use it wisely, pay attention to that gap.

Have you talked about cyber bullying? It’s so important that your child understands what cyber bullying is, and that they can come to you for help at any time, in any circumstance, without judgement. Cyber bullying – and bullying in general – loses its power once its secrecy is blown.

It’s also important that you can ask those questions and regularly keep this conversation open.


Do they need a phone? Want and need are two separate things. Do your kids need to be in touch for safety reasons? Mobile phones can be great if the kids take public transport to school, stay at a friend’s house or if you share custody. Remember, if your child isn’t responsible enough for a smart phone, it’s still possible to get a simple phone without those capabilities.

“Research shows that mobile phones have dire consequences on learning because of lost sleep and disrupted sleep patterns.”


Is your child ready for the social implications? Will your child be able to adhere to the limits you set for minutes talked or parental control over apps downloaded? Will they be able to resist texting in class or disturbing others with their phone? Will they leave their phone with you overnight to make sure they don’t go online or wake up to messages in the 25


IN THE MACKENZIE COUNTRY An easy 150-minute drive from Christchurch

he Mackenzie District has some of the best scenery in New Zealand with snowy mountains, golden tussock-lands and turquoise-coloured lakes. You’ll be captivated by the stunning scenery and exhilarated by the range of outdoor adventures. There’s something to suit every member of the family. • Boating, fishing and golfing. • Walking tracks weave their way throughout the Mackenzie. From gentle lakeshore walks to challenging multi-day hikes over alpine passes, there’s something for every fitness level. • Get on your bike and view fantastic scenery cycling along the Alps 2 Ocean (From Aoraki Mt Cook to Omarama). It is a suitable grade for grandparents and grandchildren alike.


• • • • •

Relaxing soak in the hot pools. Stargazing – one of the best stargazing sites on Earth. Horse riding, swimming and water sports. Explore glaciers Scenic flights – helicopter, glider or small aircraft.


What’s on

Why not check out these events over the summer: • Earth & Sky New Years Eve Cosmic Odyssey, Earth and Sky, State Highway 8, Lake Tekapo, Mackenzie. Saturday 31 December 10.30pm and 11.15pm. • Twizel Salmon & Wine Festival, Twizel Town Centre, Market Place, Twizel, Mackenzie. Saturday 28 January 2017, 12-5pm. TEKAPO SPRINGS IS THE PLACE TO BE THESE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!



Before and after school Looking for a great programme or activity to keep your kids occupied outside of school hours? Look no further – we’ve got some great options for you here, and at ● Busy Bumbles Busy Bumbles is an award-winning OSCAR programme that offers a stimulating, quality programme for children. See for more information.

● M*A*S*H Various programmes around Christchurch, Timaru/Temuka and North Canterbury. May be free - full WINZ subsidy available. “The best fun your kids can have.” Phone 0800-420-520,,

Call your GP team 24/7 for health advice home or away Whether you’re going away this summer or staying at home, there’s only one number you need to call for free health advice – your GP team’s. It doesn’t matter if you’re lying in the sun in Golden Bay, putting your toes in the water in Wanaka, stargazing at Lake Tekapo or relaxing on the deck at home – free health advice will always be available by phoning your GP team. If it’s after-hours, your general practice team’s answerphone will provide an option to press “x” to speak with a nurse. When you press that option you will be transferred to a nurse who can provide free health advice over the phone. If you need to be seen urgently by a doctor, they will tell you where to go and what to do. Even in the wee small hours you can call your usual general practice number

● Imagination Station We run an after school programme on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 3.30-5.30pm. Students can explore stop motion animation, Mindstorms (R) robotics and building with TECHNIC(R). Visit www. to register. EXPERIENCE STOP-MOTION AT IMAGINATION STATION.

● Little Monkeys After school climbing programmes,

and when they’re closed, a team of nurses is available to answer your call. The nurses provide free health advice, and if you need to be seen urgently by a doctor, they can tell you what to do and the best place to go. If your child is unwell, it’s always good to seek medical attention sooner rather than later. It’s best to phone your own general practice team any time of the day or night. If a child does need to have an appointment, most practices in Canterbury have free consultations for those under 13-years. It’s a great idea to save your general practice phone number to your mobile phone – it’s the only number you need to access health advice 24/7. More information is available at www.

Peak Panthers and Rock Stars at YMCA Adventure Centre, ages six to 14-years. Email or phone 03-377-3000. ● CASPA CASPA offers an after-school programme that your five to 13-year-olds will enjoy. For peace of mind, call CASPA on 03349-9260.

12 9

3 6

Make your GP team your first call 24/7 Even after hours a nurse is available to give free health advice. Phone your usual General Practice number 24/7. 27

Super water saving colouring competition Get creative with this neat colouring competition and be in to WIN some cool prizes! First prize: $300 worth of mall vouchers Second prize: $200 worth of mall vouchers Third prize: One term of Swimsmart lessons, worth up to $120! Find out more at Fourth prize: $100 worth of mall vouchers Lucky draw prizes: Win one of 50 pool passes for entry to any Christchurch City Council public swimming pool. Ever thought about all the things you do each day that need water? Heaps!! Life would be a lot less fun without it, eh? We couldn’t drink a glass of yummy cold water, have a shower, squirt someone with a water pistol, go for a swim or brush our teeth! So, in summertime, when there’s less rain and our rivers are running low, we need to watch every drop we use. And it’s not just the adults, kids like you can make a BIG difference by saving water too!

Check out our top 5 tips:


Make sure you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.


Check your home for leaky taps. One drip a second adds up to 10,000 litres a year!


Did you know it’s heaps better to water the garden early in the morning or after sunset? This helps to prevent evaporation.


We know it’s fun to play in a sprinkler, but this uses a LOT of water! How about having EPIC summer fun at one of Christchurch’s public pools or pool parties instead?


If you’re helping mum or dad wash the car (or the dog!), try to use water in a bucket rather than from a hose. And don’t forget to wash it on the lawn if possible. 28

More water saving tips for families Bathroom ✔ Set a family challenge to keep

Word Find Can you find our water words?

showers under 5 minutes!

(Circle these)

✔ Leaky toilet? A fun way to

check is by putting a few drops of food colouring in your toilet tank. If any colour ends up in the bowl, you know you've got a leak on your hands

✔ Instead of a cold bath to cool

down, how about heading to a public swimming pool for epic summer fun?

Kitchen ✔ Rinse dishes in a sink filled

with water, rather than under a running tap

✔ Who doesn't want an ice cold

drink after playing outside? A great idea is to keep a jug of drinking water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap water until cold. You can even add flavour like mint or lemon slices!

Gardening ✔ Choosing drought tolerant

plants for dry areas helps to reduce the need to water as often (cross that job off your pocket-money list!)


Turn off




Pool party Tap


Short showers


✔ Have you tried mulching?

This is an easy way to keep your garden cool and moist

Outside ✔ Using a broom instead of a

hose to clean your driveway can save heaps of H20.

✔ When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water (but not the fishes!) to your plants

✔ Try washing your pets

outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs water. That's fun for everyone!

Water Saving Tip 5

• The colouring competition is open from 1 December 2016 – 31 January 2017. • Entries must be returned to any Christchurch City Library or to the Christchurch City Council reception at 53 Hereford Street by 5pm on 31 January. • The competition is open to kids aged 0 – 12 years • Top four prize winners will be announced on Friday 10 February 2017 • 10 lucky draw prizes will be randomly drawn and announced each Friday between 9 – 23 December 2016 and 13 – 20 January 2017 • All winners will be announced on the Christchurch City Council Facebook page. • All prizes must be collected within 5 working days from 53 Hereford Street. ID from winners or a parent will be required. • Any prizes unclaimed after 5 working days will be reallocated. • Prize allocation is at the discretion of Christchurch City Council. All decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

learn Find out more today.

Give your child a skill for life

Web Phone (03) 377 7690 Email Visit the Swimsmart Office at Jellie Park, Graham Condon or Pioneer

Recreation & Sport Centres 29



cafe and restaurant dining Dining out as a family is a fantastic opportunity to treat the kids to new culinary experiences and take a night off from cooking. We have compiled a list of some of our favourite, family-friendly places to go. MILIEU CAFE

Milieu Cafe is a warm and welcoming cafe located in the heart of Addington. Great for meeting people for a full meal, coffee and cake or even afterwork drinks and nibbles. We offer all kinds of kids’ drinks and meals; it’s a great place for kids and family meals on the weekend. 112 Wrights Road, Addington 03-962-9629


Caesars is a spacious restaurant and bar with fresh, home-style Kiwi food and a section for Mediterranean cuisine. The restaurant offers quality food and beverages for all ages and budgets, including a children’s menu and play area. It’s ideal for birthdays and functions. Promotions throughout the week and Kids Dine Free Mondays (conditions apply). Northwood Supa Centa Phone: 03-323-5420


With a shaded play area and secure fencing, there’s peace of mind for mum and dad and fun for the kids. Relax and enjoy our top-notch coffee or a cold drink while the little ones entertain themselves. Special offer: coffee, muffin, scone or chocolate brownie $7.50 with a free fluffy. Weekdays only. You must prebook. 16A Beach Rd, Waimairi 03-382-8599


Located at Addington Raceway, Spectators is open all day, has ample free parking at the door, a “minor” menu and kids eat free on Sunday. It opens out onto the Lindauer Lawn – the perfect garden spot for kids to run and play while you enjoy the food, views and brews. 65 Jack Hinton Drive, Addington 03 339 7915



Dine with us at the Papanui Lone Star mention this Family Times ad and 1 child on your table will receive a FREE Kiwi Kids meal incl dessert & drink (conditions apply)

Kids Group DEal

Celebrate that special birthday or sports team breakup with us. We’ll feed the wee ones for $1 per year of age. eg 10 x 9 year old kids = only $90

116 Northlands Mall , Papanui | ph 03 352 6653



NORTH CANTERBURY The Waimakariri is summers playground. With diverse landscapes, unique attractions and friendly welcoming locals there are plenty of reasons to visit. This idyllic countryside destination is bursting with recreation opportunities and a host of summer events to keep the kids entertained all day long.


SUMMER ACTIVITIES Never far from the beach, river or lake the Waimakariri District is the perfect location to try your hand at fishing or water sports. KORE hire sailing boats, kayaks and stand up paddleboards on Pegasus Lake and Kaiapoi River. The Kaiapoi i-SITE has fishing rods available for hire at an affordable price. Speed lovers look no further than Jet Thrills. Offering daily jet boat rides up the Waimakariri River, the 30-minute Braided Blast is bound to get the adrenaline pumping!

PLAYGROUNDS & PICNICS Ashley Gorge picnic area is well equipped with toilets, changing rooms, playground equipment and picnic tables. Surrounded by mountain beech forest and the crystal clear Ashley River you won’t want to leave! In that case, camping options are available. Waikuku Beach has an ever popular flying fox and a whale themed paddling pool to safely cool off in the summers sun. The free BBQ facility is ideal for feeding the family. BBQ’s are also available for use in Rangiora’s peaceful Matawai Park. Just around the corner, Torlesse Park is designed to teach children the ‘road rules’ and is a great place to get out the scooter, bike or trike.

The best way to take in the stunning scenery of the Waimakariri is by foot. Whether you are looking for a short stroll, a day walk or an overnight tramp there is something for everyone. KAIAPOI • Kaiapoi 150yr Walkway • Kaiapoi Lakes • Kaiapoi Island- Waiamakariri Regional Park • Silverstream Reserve OHOKA • Ohoka Stream Historic Walkway RANGIORA • Rakahuri Trail- Ashley River Regional Park • Ashley Forest • Northbrook Wetlands • Matawai Park PEGASUS • Tuhitara Coastal Park • Lakeside Loop • Te Kohanga Wetlands • Pegasus to Waikuku or Woodend Beach OXFORD • Mears Track • Ryde Falls • Wharfdale Track • Ashley Gorge Reserve • Mt Thomas Forest Park • Glentui Waterfall/Loop

SUMMER EVENTS DECEMBER: 3-11th Santa’s Grotto 6-21st Christmas Tree Festival 11th Oxford Speedway 11th Rangiora Toyota Santa Parade/Party in the Park 11-18th Christmas Wonderland 15th Oxfords Big Night Out 18th Oxford Christmas Parade and Picnic 17th Dark Side Christmas 18th Christmas at the Races 24th Sefton Harvest Christmas Market 26th Woodford Glen JANUARY: 7th Canterbury Rodeo 7th Woodford Glen 8th Waikuku Sand Sculpture Competition 15th Canterbury vs Central Stags Cricket 21st Woodford Glen 26-29th Muscle Car Madness 28th Canterbury vs Auckland Aces Cricket 28th Woodford Glen FEBRUARY: 6th Kaiapoi Waitangi Day Celebration 10-12th Waikuku Art Exhbition ‘Colours’ 11th Rangiora Harness Racing Interislander Summer Festival

8th January 2017 This picnic meeting with family entertainment. First race approx 1pm Entrances off West Belt & Lehmans Rd, Rangiora



for the whole family! for this seasons race dates visit


Surf Club Sun 8 Jan. 8.30am.

Waimakariri Events





Top reads Picture books Have You Seen Elephant? By David Barrow Gecko Press Paperback $19.99 Hardback $29.99 A boy and Elephant decide to play hideand-seek, which Elephant warns he is very good at. And so it would seem... he’s the “elephant in the room” in every situation, apparently unseen by the picture book characters, while the viewer can clearly see his rumpled bulk. This gorgeously messy picture book is sure to be in demand for repeat readings. Ages 2 to 6-years. The House on the Hill By Kyle Mewburn Illustrations Sarah Davis Scholastic Hardback $27 This spooky tale, told in rhyme, includes some lovely sophisticated language and a refrain. It might be a bit scary for some, but those who like a thrill will enjoy the escalating tension as

two ghosts approach, and then explore, the creepy house. It’s portrayed in sepia inkiness - all shadows and interesting perspectives - with a welcome surprise near the end. Perfect for Halloween. Ages 4 to 8-years. Their Great Gift: Courage, Sacrifice and Hope in a New Land By John Coy Photographs Wing Young Huie Carolrhoda Books Hardback $42.50 This is a thought-provoking picture book in these days when refugees are so much in the news. Told with minimal text, and photographs - some black and white, some colour - which tell stories of people who have left their homes and rebuilt their lives in a new country. Numerous ethnicities are depicted, with parents working hard to ensure a better future for their children. A rich resource to build discussions around.

Junior Fiction The Discombobulated Life of Summer Rain By Julie Lamb Submarine Paperback $25

Crissi Blair lives with her family in west Auckland and spends her time reading and writing, mostly about children’s books. Crissi organised the Storylines Festival of New Zealand Children’s Writers and Illustrators for three years and publishes the useful guide New Zealand Children’s Books in Print, which is updated every year. Visit for more information. Tomboy Rain (12) lives with Pop in his rundown shack, eating road-kill and chicken scraps. When Mrs Macy takes a shine to Pop, Rain tries to stop their romance. She also acts the fool to fit in at school, until popular Juanita tries to be friends. Her unique take on life keeps you laughing through the dramatics as she grows up in the process. Ages 8 to 13-years. The Road to Rattenburg By Joy Cowley Illustrated by Gavin Bishop Gecko Press Paperback $19.99 After their home is destroyed, Spinnaker Rat and his wife Retsina, decide to take their four ratlets to find the utopian Ratenburg. Accompanied by the very annoying Roger, claiming to be a pirate rat, they face many dangers they have never experienced before. They discover how resourceful they can be and work together to an unexpected end. Pen and ink drawings add to this endearing rodent adventure. Ages 7 to 11-years.

Clementine Rose and the Ballet Break-In By Jacqueline Harvey Random House Paperback $17.99 Clementine Rose is in Year 1 at school and there are the usual dramas with difficult friendships and bully boys. But at last she is going to have ballet lessons, along with some of her friends. They practice to perform Peter and the Wolf, complete with costumes, but disaster befalls them and they have to improvise in order for the show to go on. Ages 5 to 8-years.

Intermediate fiction Cool Nukes By Des Hunt Scholastic Paperback $18 Max and Jensen are high achievers who have weekly maths tutoring from Professor Mayhew. But when Professor Mayhew disappears in a very public way, the boys - joined by classmate Cleo - try to work out what has happened, and follow his clever clues to create his cold fusion experiment, with which they hope to win the ExpoFest science fair. Bravery and brains in equal parts. Ages 10+.


NOV 17


DEC 26




DEC 26


We may not have the snowflakes, chimney (well most of us in Christchurch don’t anymore!) or the appropriately attired Father Christmas, but we do have a uniquely Kiwi Christmas. Here are a few science-based facts on Christmas to share with your kids (or colleagues).


Father Christmas would have to fly at 2092.147km a second to deliver presents to every child in the world on Christmas Eve – good thing he has magical reindeer! Rudolf isn’t alone; there are other reindeer that have red noses too (sometimes). The blood vessels in their noses help them to regulate their body temperature.



All of Father Christmas’ reindeer are females – how do we know? Male reindeer shed their antlers around Christmas time, and all the images have reindeer with antlers. In Poland, spiders are decorations on the Christmas tree – their legends talk of a spider that wove a blanket over baby Jesus. Check out this awesome book for even more science Christmas knowledge (it’s hilarious!) – your library is a great place to get Can Reindeer Fly?: The Science of Christmas by Rodger Highfield.




DIY CANDY CANE ORNAMENT What could possibly be more Kiwi than a good DIY project? Let’s make some DIY candy cane ornaments with a delightful science twist! You’ll need: Borax (Easy to get at Bin Inn) Pipe cleaners Dental floss (or nylon thread) Pencils Glass jar Instructions: 1. Create candy cane shapes by twisting red and white pipe cleaners together. 2. Tie the floss to the top of the pipe cleaners, and then tie the ends of the floss together so that you have a large loop. 3. Fill the glass jar with boiling water. Add several tablespoons of Borax powder to the boiling water in the jar, and stir with a spoon until all the Borax has dissolved. Keep adding borax until it won’t dissolve anymore. 4. Lower the pipe cleaner into the Borax – you may need a weight to balance it so it doesn’t fall in (pencils work well).

RED HOT DEALS AROUND A BOUNCE $20 off your next hire (not all castles included in this deal) Phone: 027 42833944

CHIPMUNKS CRANFORD ST Bring in our voucher to receive a free ride on either the Train or Bumper Car. 472 Cranford St Ph 03 352 4476

Family Getaways





15 21 $ 7





Official Sponsors of the Canterbury Rugby Union





Make sure the pipe cleaner is hanging in the solution, without touching the sides or bottom of the jar. Over the next few days, crystals will start to form onto your candy-cane. Once the crystals have stopped growing, remove your candycane from the jar and let it dry. You’re now all ready to hang it up on your tree or window ledge!

We at Science Alive hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday and stays safe – we’ll see you next year with more science-inspired craft activities.



Discover local ‘Deals’. Save money on the latest things to do, buy & see in and around your city. Each ‘deal’ is valid for 3 months.

FERRYMEAD HISTORIC PARK 50% off Child admission 20% off Family Day Pass, on Train days only Annual Family Pass only $100.

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