Magazine pro #1

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A CARRIER YOU CAN TRUST â„–1 Jan - feb 2018

3 company’s news 4 staff 10 about transport 12 interview

contents 18 office 22 projects 26 photos 28 infographic

company’s news



Dear partners and employees! This New Year has already brought about positive changes in the work of our company. The R Group brand now encompasses four companies: RISING LLC, RutransLogistic JSC, Festina-Invest JSC, and the all new RACE LLC. We have established a new entity — RACE LLC — a Russia-based company that has become a new member of our close-knit family. In order to select the name for the new entity of R Group, we conducted a contest among our employees. We challenged them to make up a name for the future entity. The contest proved to be quite popular: we received 32 names and chose one. What does “race” mean? It is the English for “gather speed” and “dashing movement”. So there will be lots of routes, roads, and discoveries ahead. Happy holidays!








he debut of an all new category — Top 5 associations with R Group. Every Tuesday we will post a new article about what R Group means to you. We remember about the company even when we are at home, when we are on a bus, or when we walk around the city. And this is why! Associations of Anna Dudar, 3. I “check” whether people I see HR division: will be able to fill in vacancies in our company 1. The Voice Quite often when I talk to people The Voice is one of the most in transport, shops, or in a café, I exciting and favorite music shows. I’d inadvertently note and assess their watched it before I came to work for professional qualities and imagine R Group. I remember I’d been looking whether the person will fit in our forward to Fridays to watch a new company. Some of them I would grab episode:) Now this show is a pleasant and bring to our office:) My colleagues reminder of our R Voice contest, which refer to this habit as my professional we organize as we celebrate the Day of deformity. But for me it is an indication Motorist. Whenever I watch this show, that I’m in the right place. I think about the company and imagine our contest grow in its scope! 4. Song DNCE – Kissing Strangers 2. Green I guess everyone who has worked for the company at least for some time has this association, and it’s cool! The color green is eco style in our office, our vehicles. For instance, green had never evoked any response, but since September, it has become sort of a traffic light signal. If I happen to see something green, I always notice it!

Whenever I hear it, R Group comes to mind. I see the exciting act by our girls from R Voice, and of course I wish to sing along. This song never fails to bring a smile to my face. 5. As for my fifth association, I’m sure I will have one soon! The more you work for a company, the more great and pleasant memories you have. Number five is ahead, and I’m sure I’ll have many more.




THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHOBIAS: WHAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED TO SCARE YOUR COLLEAGUES We spent most of our time at work. That is why it is important not only to cope with our obligations, but also to know the people around us. Indeed R Group is more than just freight transportation company. Today, we start the column titled “The Encyclopedia of Phobias”, where our employees will share ridiculous, awkward or really personal stories happened to them and related to their fears. In so doing we will know, who need to be comforted before a flight, who will never open a sparkling wine at a corporate party, or who is unable to decorate a photo zone for a party since he is afraid of blowing up balloons. The first heroine is Tatyana Bobko, the Chief Accountant in R Group. She handles large amounts of information, variety of figures and accurate data, at it requires reliability, scrupulousness and attention to details. But even the best professionals may have a workrelated fear. As for Tatyana, she is afraid of failing to meet the deadline since accounting records shall be done by the certain time established by the law. - Since we have never failed to complete the work by time, such fear is insignificant. There are hard-working

and competent specialists in our team. And together we make every effort to meet the deadline. But the most important phobias in her life are opening bottles with sparkling wine and blowing up balloons. - When I blow up a balloon, I am always afraid that it will blow out right in front of my face. I blow up them myself only to a certain size. And I have never opened sparkling wine in my life. And I don’t want to. When I was a student, I was on a visit, when somebody opened the wine. The cork did not leave the bottle yet, but I had already fallen of a char. I did not notice, when the fear arose. But such fears do not bother me much, so I don’t plan to manage such fears in any way. Someone may consider such phobias strange, but even the fear of balloons has its own name – globophobia. See the fears of our colleague from Moscow office in the next column. So, check for updates!







"Only a warm heart and trust in success will ensure a great result!" is the slogan that R Group came up with when chartering a new route towards refrigerated transportation — an all new service! Today we are going to meet Maria, who started promoting this new business for the company 18 months ago. — Maria, why did you come up with the idea to promote refrigerated transportation? What is the outlook for this business? — I chose this line for a reason. Refrigerated transportation is increasingly in demand in the market for transportation services. Pharmaceuticals, food, and clothing are vital commodities, which are always in demand. In other words, the office is never out of job, and there is no seasonality. Furthermore, it is always appealing and prestigious to become an originator of a new business for the company. Each refrigerated trip is unique, because you encounter unconventional situations and stand on a path of constant self-development. — Transportation of goods in a special temperature regime envisages the need for highly specific knowledge. Which programs are being implemented in this respect? — First off, R Group has implemented a project for many-stage specialized staff training, which ensured that our business exercises a professional approach to the organization of transportation of this level. We train managers who are responsible for informing and consulting customers with regard to transportation phases. The same applies to drivers, who have special knowledge concerning refrigerated

transportation and use new vehicles to guarantee the safety and maintain the quality of goods in transit. In June 2016, we were issued a GDP certificate as a confirmation of the high quality of our transportation services for pharmaceutical products, meaning that we operate according to European transportation standards, which is another advantage of RGroup’s as you select your transportation company. — What are the benefits of working with R Group in the refrigerated transportation segment? — R Group is a big team of highly qualified specialists, all of whom take care to ensure that your cargo is safe. We are willing to take up any challenge and transport any kind of goods to a variety of destinations, which makes us a versatile and flexible refrigerator transportation operator. We guarantee the provision of complete information for our customers about the progress of transportation with online monitoring of temperature inside the truck. The technical characteristics of our vehicles enable loading in two independent levels and maintaining the temperature regime from minus 20 °C to 30 °C with an accuracy of up to +/- 0.5 °C of the required value; whereas the reliable locking system ensures maximum security of cargoes. R Group’s refrigerated transportation — new cold vehicles and our warm heart that inspires us to implement the most

challenging projects! Contact our manager to discuss refrigerated transportation of commodities by R Group: +375 17 543 29 99; frigo@rgroup-cargo. com



about transport


The transport industry affects many aspects of our lives. Transport provides freedom of movement, comfort, even the number of food products in stores. This industry engages millions of people around the world, which make a significant contribution to the world economy. However, despite the advantages and convenience, road transport faces a number of problems. According to the World Organization of Road Transport ( they are: • Obsolete and worn down vehicles, which pollute the environment. • Unreasoned planning and insufficient development of transport, which causes the risk of accidents and danger to drivers and passengers. • Lack of coordination between key organizations – the road police, public authorities and organizations of the IRU rank, which makes it difficult to develop effective solutions to these problems. The IRU, together with the UN, have established the Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport project, which addresses the environmental issues in transport industry. "GPST is an influential partnership that can transform our vision of providing affordable, coherent, efficient, reliable and sustainable services and an infrastructure for all modes of transport" – explains Umberto de Pretto, IRU Secretary General.



ACING TODAY'S TRANSPORT INDUSTRY The GPST program encompasses three key areas: • Dissemination of best practices – providing the businesses with the tools and information necessary to improve their day-to-day operations. This also includes the promotion of the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. • Initiation of discussions – any changes begin with mutual understanding. We strive to engage governments and businesses in the discussion of sustainable development issues and come up with specific solutions. • We aim to collaborate with other work groups and our partners, which will help us bring forth substantial changes. R Group supports campaigns aimed at protecting the environment. Our vehicles are compliant with Euro 5 emissions standards. These standards are aimed at preserving the environment from harmful emissions from vehicle exhaust systems. They establish the limits for the following diesel fuel quality parameters: sulphur content, cetane number, viscosity and density, oxidative stability, content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. They apply to both engines and gasoline. The choice of an environmentally friendly car is not only an obligation, a social responsibility, but also a sincere desire of our company. *This material has been prepared with the use of information provided at website.





The lack of drivers worries even IRU. One of the solutions is to draw ladies to the profession and increase its prestige. For the time being, out of the total number of employees who drive trucks in the transport sector only 22% are women. However, transport companies in the CIS countries are adopting the experience of their European colleagues in providing equal opportunities for males and females. Women demonstrate that they are skillful not only at running a large company, but also at masterfully driving a vehicle. There is one bold, warm-

hearted, cheerful female truck driver working at R Group, and her name is Elizaveta Khlebodar. This is a new, positive experience for the company. After all, the lady driver is very competent and shows high results of work. Our Lisa is able to excel a male driver with her diligence, calmness on the road, and good time organization. She has more than 2 years of experience in cargo transportation. What does a female truck driver like about the job? Why a trip is a vacation and how is she perceived on the road? The most honest answers to the most important questions.


VETERINARY DREAM AND DRIVING A TAXI Elizaveta wanted to become a veterinarian. Her dream was gone together with her childhood, but she never ceased to take care of animals. She volunteers at an animal shelter. And she manages to communicate with animals even on the road. “During a working trip, a kitten fell out of a car in front of mine. In winter, animals often get into cars to warm up, but when the vehicle drives off, they can’t hold on and fall out. I stopped to help it. I found another kitten in Kazakhstan, near the border. He was lying there frozen – I took it with me. I cannot pass by a defenseless animal. In Minsk I find new owners for them and do sterilization of animals.” Before coming to cargo transportation, Elizaveta worked as a music instructor at a kindergarten. And then she became a taxi driver. “At the age of 14, I saw Luc Besson’s movie Taxi and got keen on becoming a taxi driver. While working there I realized that it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. So, the time had come for transportation.” SOMETHING TO PROVE TO THE OTHERS Why truck driving? Long distances, constant communication with new people, freedom – no clear and fixed schedule. “Probably I even try to prove something to myself or to others. Sometimes drivers would say unpleasant things only because I am a girl. A girl supposedly cannot drive a car like a man. I never argued, just smiled and said, ‘Whatever floats your boat.’ I understand that there are different situations: a person can be tired, he could have been offended by other drivers on the road. So they lash out


at others. But you get used to it. With time, you become tolerant to what they may say about you.” In Europe, there are more girl drivers, but Elizaveta has seen only around ten over two years of her work. We were interested in how the female truck driver finds common language with colleagues from R Group. “I communicate with the company’s drivers: there are a lot of good people. Sometimes they are skeptical about me at first, but when we communicate more we find common topics for conversation, and the opinion changes. If there is such a stereotype about female drivers, I’m ruining it. Not on purpose, of course. I joined the profession only because I like everything about it. And if you work in such a sphere, you have to share all its ‘severities’ with men. You cannot just say, ‘Could you dismantle my trailer for me please? I can’t do it, I’m a lady.’ If you know that you can do it yourself, you must do it. Asking for help is normal, but only when it’s necessary.” GOING TO WORK FEELS LIKE GOING ON VACATION A driver who transports goods for long distances is not a romantic kind of profession. One may think that a truck driver gets to see many countries, stay alone with him- or herself, or, on the contrary, communicate with locals in roadside cafes that look like the ones shown in American movies. There might be some truth in this, but for most drivers cargo transportation is the safety of cargo, filling out of documents, and adaptation to weather conditions. Elizaveta says that she takes her work as a vacation. Why? “When I come home and get occupied with animals, their sterilization, it is




quite stressful. It takes a lot of nerves and strength, because I’m very emotional over it. Whereas on a trip I am on vacation. This is a sort of work for those who are fond of driving, roads, cars. Don’t give it up only because someone says that you will fail in it. In the matters of choosing a profession public opinion shouldn’t play any role. Such traits of character as patience, determination, courage will come handy here as well. You won’t last long here if you come here for money only. You have to love this profession. You have to fall for all its pros and cons.” One of the cons Elizaveta mentions is vehicle breakdowns. But with the new R Group fleet, there are hardly any stops for repairs on the road. Bad roads and winter frosts are much more disturbing. In general, if you organize your leisure and arrange your time properly, you will always have a desire to go on, in spite of all the weather conditions and the quality of roads, Lisa believes. MORE RESPONSIBILITY – FEWER FINES Filling out of documents seems to be the least favorite duty for drivers. Some don’t want to learn how to fill them out, some are overconfident and never double check them. This causes mistakes to happen. Thus, a document filled out

incorrectly falls on the shoulders of such a driver. “Even minor errors may bring a lot of fines. This applies mostly to Polish permits. They have fines starting from 2,000 € for any box left unfilled. It seems like a trifle, but errors happen. When it comes to documents, you can call the manager, double check everything, and only then set on your way. I’d rather spend a few hours and review the documents to leave all my worries behind.” FATALISM AND SIGNS “I must have books in my car: when I travel around Europe, I have time to read. There’s nothing else special that I feel obliged to take with me on the road. And I don’t believe in talismans or signs at all. I can say: ‘My last trip,’ when other drivers would say ‘latest trip’ in contrary to the logic. But if I have 1532 km left to go, I would say the distance completely, not 1530. It’s not a superstition, but rather a habit. I’m a fatalist: if something is meant to happen, it will. I’m not afraid of any roads or weather conditions. While, on the road I often nod to trucks. Not to drivers, but to vehicles. I greet them: I treat them as living beings.” Our drivers are part of a large family. And let the R Group be the start of a great journey for new professionals: both men and women.




Dakar 2018 prize winner, MAZSPORTauto team captain, Sergey Vyazovich told R Group about the cooks at the rally raid, the return to MAZ and how they passed Stage 11.

THE DREAM COMING TRUE Sergey has always had a love for cars, since his very childhood: “Dad gave me “rides” in his lap, both of us imagining it was a real car, and he taught me how to drive it”. Later on, Sergey was professionally engaged in cycling and highway ring racing. As he was 16, he got a motorcycle, then – a Zaporozhets. But it was only after college, that he obtained a driver’s license. At this time, his racing career had not yet started, as Sergey had to work and study. 2003 till 2009, Vyazovich worked in the Motor Transport Department at MAZ. Then, he decided to start a business to earn money for participation in the rally. In the late 2010, when Sergey was 30, he bought a real sports car, Subaru Impreza, and went to his first rally raid where he immediately became the national champion. This would not have happened without the financial support of his friends, as motor sport is expensive. – The cost of covering 1 stage driving the car I drive now, is 5,000€. Participating at ones’ own expense is very difficult. Financial support is really important in sports: it helps to prepare the car before the race, and to cover car maintenance during the race… RETURNING TO MAZ Early 2012, Sergey saw that MAZ was participating in Dakar in South America. – As early as in February,

I went to the factory team managers and requested to be taken on as driver. I can clearly remember the day I was given this position, it was June 5, 2012. This is how I got on board the MAZ-SPORTauto team. As any other driver, Sergey Vyazovich has his own driving style. – I have always liked to attack, to push to the maximum limit. It took several years for the team to rebuild the car and adjust it to my driving style and my requirements. However, this process is still under way. THE HARDEST TRACK Vyazovich says that he has never seen a track more difficult than that at the last Dakar. There was no single easy special stage, from start to finish. – We used to come to Argentina and have a smooth road to drive on. We even called it a tram, or “cruise control” race. Now, we have faced special stages where our average speed did not exceed 60 km per hour. And all this – for off-roaders, “monster” vehicles! It was impossible to go fast. And this happened each and every day. We came to Bolivia with a hope that the road would be smooth. But we got no luck with the weather – the road was muddy because of the rain. If the team thought some stage the hardest one day, another stage turned out to be even worse the next day. Even the last stage that many hoped to cover slapdash, at 120




km per hour, was not what it seemed to be. – We were taken to such a mountainous terrain that the truck reversed repeatedly as it just missed curves among all those stones. At this moment, we understood that we were one foot on the winner pedestal, and the tensions grew. The Dakar kept us on tenterhooks till the very last kilometer of the special stage. This has never happened before. Last time, the track was about 2,800 km, this time it was 4,000 km. The participants covered almost twice as much distance. PULLING THROUGH STAGE 11 Sergey Vyazovich drove through stage 11, which he called the most difficult to pass, for the first time. In 2016, the team was off the track before it reached this stage. That’s why, at the start, no one knew what was in store for them. It was good that the team members got a chance to speak with KAMAZ-master team. They warned that there was going to be no roads at all, just soft sand, from start to finish. – The first sandy hill made me understand that we would not pass. I started to turn back. But the 9-tonne truck just fell over. Two lower wheels touched the road, and maneuvres helped us to get back to all

wheels. So, we pressed on! Were it not for that, we would have lost at least 3 hours there. The winner pedestal would have been out of the question then, we wouldn’t even have got to the Top Five. Once we knew we had won at this special stage, we felt more confidence and responsibility. We felt it would be a shame not to bring home victory. We changed our tactics and went slower, just to hold out through the rest of it. Technically, we outplayed our opponents tactically. Though we were weak in terms of speed, speed isn’t the one and only factor for success. Strategy is equally important. COMPETITIVE MAZ Sergey felt confident driving the MAZ. As the team captain, Vyazovich takes every opportunity to influence the vehicle’s technical development, and troubleshooting processes aimed at eliminating weaknesses that could cause discomfort in certain track conditions. – The truck that Alexey Vishnevsky and I drive during competitions is very competitive. It is equipped with electronic speed limiters, it has a simple and informative steering wheel, a hydraulic drive gearbox, and an air conditioning system that enabled us to drive all the way through


the Dakar rally with closed windows, thus keeping the dust away. The driver puts less effort into driving and pays more attention to his own condition. – Record weights that I lost are between 8 and 14 kg, now it’s around 3-4 kg. Our physical state allowed us to maintain the high pace throughout the rally. PERSONAL COOK OR CANNED FOOD? The organisers offer food at the campsite, but not all of the team members are always eager to eat it. Each country tries to impress with their national cuisine. And it is obvious that Belarusian and South American cuisines differ significantly. – In Argentina, the national dish is beef, and the locals cook it very tasty. This is probably the only thing I like there. Though I never eat beef in Minsk. For several years, the Belarusian MAZ-SPORTauto team has b een partners with a canned food supplier that provides the team with porridges, pâtés and meat. – We cooked our own food combining canned products with cereals, at least for breakfast. Now, we have paid special attention to nutrition. But still, teams with large budgets bring their own cook along, who cooks dishes that all the team members can eat. KAMAZ-master (Russian Federation), Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan), Peugeot (French Republic) had such cooks. The team has to have a car to go shop for food when travelling between cities. And then, this food must be cooked. More than one person is needed for all that. And, at the moment, the limited number of people at the rally does not allow us to replace a mechanic with a cook, for example. DISAPPOINTMENTS AT DAKAR To win, one first has to make many mistakes. There is not a single athlete who wins having not faced any obstacles.


There are disappointments in each pursuit. And this is especially true for sports. – I was disappointed with Dakar many times, when we lost good positions there because of just one day. In other sports, some sets of medals are won each day. Athletes may have many starts throughout a year – some successful, others not. Our race is organised once a year and includes 14 stages. One failed day, and you won’t get to the Top Ten. And a whole year of an athlete’s life is gone. At such moments, disappointment washes over you. You do not present any competition for your opponents in a rally raid, if you do not have a good team. THE WORST FEAR – The emotions you get at the Dakar are just unmatched. It’s a whole lifestyle. That’s why my worst fear is that no Belarusian team would be present at the Dakar or that I wouldn’t be there. Generally speaking, all drivers have the so called “Dakar syndrome”: if you’ve been there once, you just won’t find it in you to leave it. Rally raids are difficult and dangerous sports. But for a racer, it is the most valuable crown jewel of all motor sports competitions. – I believe that the silver medal is a historic moment for Belarusian motor sports. It will not be easy, even for us, to reach these heights again. Sergey Vyazovich thanked R Group for support and wished us the same confidence in driving, and expansion for the geographical coverage of our transportation services.





PRO Moving to a new office is as exciting as it gets. We used to have lunch sitting on stools in the future lobby thinking what sort of chandelier to choose to make the room bright, vivid, yet minimalistic. Click on the pics and our video on YouTube to see the results. We used olive and milky-white perforated panels to change the mustard colour of the building’s façade to warm and light colours. The panel patterns are unique and are not repeated anywhere. Some of the windows are framed in CORTEN panels that highlight different parts of the façade

february exceptionally well. This is very stylish and neat. It took only 2 months to make all the necessary changes to the façade: by the beginning of 2017, all the works had been completed. The result is the design based on the best European traditions! R Group strives for sustainability; therefore, the eco style had been picked for the design of the new office. We got a large panel picture and pictures made of plants. We used live materials for decorating the walls, columns, openings, and even the corporate logo. This is how easily design articles turn into



office eco art objects. In our phyto-compositions we combine a few types of reindeer lichen, as well as exotic plants — eucalyptus and amaranth. Decorative moss is what you get when you impregnate natural moss with special liquids that stabilize it. Moss does not spoil; it keeps its natural properties. It is soft and very pleasant

to touch. Furthermore, it is a perfect sound insulator. Decorative moss is robust, it serves for a period of 5 to 10 years, so the merger of nature and art will stay in the office longer than just a couple of years. The decorations on the office walls appeared just in 1 day. We have placed a real solid oak table

PRO with metal supports in the large meeting room. It had to be transported to the office piece by piece, and mounted to form an integral unit only once all the parts were there. The rest of the furniture in the public areas includes pallet sofas and chairs. Cheerful cushions of spring colors and hues made the office even cozier. The eco-style does not envision voluminous chandeliers; therefore, we used smaller lamps, as well as ceiling lamps that fit in the concept in terms of their shape and materials. The breakout rooms with glass walls ensure European transparency: there are no secrets in the office; we are open and expect

february the same openness from you. Eco- style is not just a trend to use for the interior, but the application of environmentally friendly materials and the atmosphere of spring and nature that fills the office. Natural components ensure spring spirits at any time of the year. Only singing birds are missing to complete the picture. Environmentally-friendly decoration techniques are used not only in office and residential design, but also in everyday life. A few words about our office in the Your City show on Belarus 1 TV channel.




Mining with R Group: mining industry equipment Date: February 2018 Route: Germany-Novokuznetsk

It took 11 days to deliver an important cargo for the extraction of minerals from Germany to Russia’s Novokuznetsk — mining industry equipment. The consignment consisted of two oversized and two regular cargoes. Two open platforms and four standard trailers were used for the delivery (read more about the R Group fleet here).



The convoy of six vehicles set off in February, during a “bout” of frosts in Russia. Nevertheless, the delivery went perfectly well — it was highly professional and of top quality. The cargo was delivered right on time. Note the two vehicles carrying oversized cargoes with protruding widths: 3.4 x 4 meters.

*Picture is for illustration purposes

We work fast, we are reliable, and we slash costs. And we always aim for more! Contact us for transportation of oversized cargoes if you need customtailored service, guaranteed quality, and reliability. Our contacts: rising@R +37517543 29 99




JANUARY TRANSPORTATION DIGEST Oversized cargo going to Kazakhstan Type of transportation: oversized cargo Route: Czech Republic – Kazakhstan Distance: 3,700 km Period: 10 days Cargo: 3 chassis (8300*2500*3300 mm, 14,500 kg) ∙ To transport the chassis, we used the open JUMBO platforms. It is a reasonable choice when you transport machinery. ∙ he chassis were loaded using our own removable ramps. The cargo ascended to and descended from the platform on its own. This method allows cutting transportation costs and time in travel due to loading and unloading operations in the countries of consignment and destination. ∙ Package supply was organized: simultaneous transportation on the route, including one-time border clearance, which cut costs associated with the customs clearance of the cargo. Delivering emotions Type of transportation: regular transportation Route: Poland, Germany – Russia Distance: 3,300-3,700 km Period: 20 days Cargo: carousel and water park slides ∙ We used five vehicles to transport the cargo: four regular semitrailers and one megatrailer. ∙ The loading scheme was developed in association with the consignor, who ultimately approved it. ∙ The vehicles came in groups — two or three at a time. This way we cut costs associated with customs clearance. Sparkling trip Type of transportation: refrigerated transportation Route: Italy – Kazakhstan Distance: 7,000 km Period: 11 days Cargo: champagne ∙ Peculiarity of the cargo: fragile, big weight, express delivery. ∙ For this job we chose a vehicle with the least weight, which enabled us to transport the entire batch required by the customer in a single vehicle. ∙ A special loading scheme was developed for safe transportation and to achieve allowable axial load.



the best photos f


from the drivers





Rankings of European countries: which country has the cheapest diesel fuel in Europe? Rankings of European countries in terms of diesel fuel prices as of early 2018


Gasoline and diesel fuel prices have been growing across Europe, most significantly — by 20% — in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Nevertheless, as of early 2018, Kazakhstan had the cheapest diesel fuel, available at BYN 1.29 per liter (prices converted to BYN). Kazakhstan shares its leading position with Belarus, with the same diesel fuel price. Russia ranks second with BYN 1.41 per liter. See the infographics compiled by R Group with the company’s priority destinations!

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R Group | International Cargo Trucking

R Group Cargo Trucking

Chief Editor - Alena Medvedeva

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