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From the 21. September to the 26. September 2023 the National Selection Conference of EYP CH will take place in the canton of Ticino. Under the theme: “Finding strength in (re-)connection”, Ticino 2023 wants to show the strength that lies in collaboration and exchange between diverse groups of society. For only when we discover our commonalities and accept our differences, can we shape a promising future through cooperation and understanding. That is why Ticino 2023 will host a series of unique cultural events, meant to stimulate exchange between the participants and celebrate their diverse backgrounds.

In line with the theme, Ticino presents the perfect location for the Session. Often reduced to a tourist hotspot, we wish to highlight the beauty and diversity of Switzerland’s only fully Italianspeaking canton. As participants physically cross the border of the Alps, get to know different cities and create both intercantonal as well as international connections, the vision of the session becomes a reality.


It is the great honour of both us and our exceedingly passionate as well as capable team of organisers to return EYP to Ticino after over a decade. Every member of our team has been giving it their all to make this session become reality, learning new skills on the way and growing closer as a team. Furthermore we all feel extremely fortunate to be able to welcome Mario Branda, mayor of Bellinzona and Marco Romano, Member of the National Council Center as our first patrons to the session. We are also honoured to be able to call the Università della Svizzera Italiana and the Istituto Studi Filosofici as official partners of the event.

We are more than excited for the next 9 months of organising the NSC Ticino 2023, and can’t wait to welcome the participants from all over Switzerland and Europe!

Excited to see you Ticino, Max Behrendt and Raya Giger