3 minute read


Looking back at the past year, finding the proper words to describe just how much has happened seems to be quite hard. 2022 has been eventful, nonetheless. Starting with the NSC Basel 2022 which has brought not few challenges to overcome.

While the time crunch, we were subject to, did greatly restrict our ability to realise many projects and ideas, we can confidently say, that we are extremely proud of what has been achieved throughout the process. And we worked extremely hard to overcome all obstacles that we were faced with!


Especially once the event is about to start, the anticipation of a tight schedule and the stress of the many tasks at hand can get quite overwhelming. However, as soon as you see the big smiles on everyone’s faces; when the Delegates face off in a dance battle, where the winner is whoever can pull off the ultimate moves; When the Organising Team snuggles together into a small nook by a window of the hostel, for a short round of storytelling and banter; when we look at each other during the Opening Ceremony while the guests are speaking and whisper, “It’s finally happening!”; That is when all of the stress and worries go out of the window and are instead replaced with an indescribable sense of satisfaction; the typical “EYP-Excitement”.

At first glance, one may think that those are some of the most irrelevant things. But to us, they are the proof that not only ours, but every single participant’s effort that went into the creation of the National Selection Conference paid off and made sure that the event was – at least for us – an unforgettable experience.

And we were so fortunate to count on the help of so many amazing individuals, which we would like to thank.

Starting with our wonderful Organising Team – Lily, Nadia, Amélie, Lea, Paula, Elsa, Naomi, Mariana, Antoine, Franziska, Yolanda, Mara, Raya, Stella, Aleksey, Linus, Riccardo, Patricia, Brian, Lucy, Ben. We are extremely thankful for the work they put into the project and are humbled by the bond we have created. The enthusiasm, strength of spirit and resilience they showed along the path always helped motivate us, despite the many challenges we were faced with. And it goes without mention that it is thanks to those traits that we did not only manage to make the event happen, but also exceeded all expectations in making it a memorable experience.

Throughout all of this, we were fortunate to have the support from the Board of EYP Switzerland. Especially the perseverance of our Mia Van Der Merwe and Johannes Hahn and their constant dedication to us, to this entire event and organisation ensured that we could continue organising with as few hindrances as possible. Therefore, we would also like to thank them specially for everything they have done for us.

Overall, we think that we can look back at this year as an eventful one full of amazing experiences shared with our wonderful EYP-peers and even more new friends, and we are more than excited to see where the journey will take us for 2023!

Best regards

Carina and Devis

Head Organisers of the RS Cycle 2023

Regional Sessions 2023

Regional Session Zürich 2023

The regional session Zurich 2023 will take place during the dates of 31st of March to 02nd of April 2023 (with the 31st being CMO day) and is head-organised by Lily Watanabe and Naomi Schwarz. The session will be EYP Switzerland’s first physical session in Zurich since 2020. Zurich is Switzerland’s biggest and most populated city and a central point of the German speaking region.

The session’s theme will be: “Belonging: Finding community within competitive structures”. Zurich being the heart of Switzerland’s higher education and financial centre creates both many opportunities and challenges. Constant pressure to perform causes individuals to feel disconnected which is why building a network of support is crucial. At the same time, Zurich offers immense resources to shape the future in a positive way.

Regional Session Lausanne 2023

The regional session Lausanne 2023 will take place during the dates of 17th–19th of March 2023 (with the 17th being CMO day) and is head-organised by Antoine de Bourbon and Nadia Schnider. The session will be EYP Switzerland’s first venture into the Romandie since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Romandie, being the french speaking region of Switzerland, is home to a quarter of the Swiss population.

The session will follow the theme “Breaking ground in a digitalised world”. In light of new technologies being developed at a record breaking pace and everyday life becoming increasingly digitalised, there is an urgent need for European policy to reflect this change. The RS Lausanne 2023 will welcome young people to develop, share and debate their vision for a modern day Europe.

The Regional Cycle 2023 will consist of two physical sessions, one in Lausanne and one in Zürich in Spring 2023.

The Regional Sessions 2023 offer young people from all over Europethe opportunity to share ideas and develop skills while finding belonging in a welcoming community in order to envision a sustainable future for Europe.

Snapshots of the HO Summit.

We look forward to the upcoming sessions and can not wait to see the results of your hard work,