Filozoficznik 2018, 1(2) - insert

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Krystian Kubat - Jaskinia Platona - Plato's Cave (2018)

Hey Johnny! Sorry for writing only now, but I had to make sure that what I witnessed wasn’t just some sort of dream , an illusion . We entered the Polis just as expected , not many difficulties along the way. However, as soon as we had reached our hotel , I realised something was off. When we got into our room, I lay on the bed , fired up the TV trying to find the El ClĂĄsico that they played that night . What did I find instead? Hundreds of channels with some guys talking about how to be humble, modest or how to serve the society. Quite interestingly there were only a few of them that appeared on different channels. All in all , I watched the game on my laptop. The next day we made our trip over to visit some interesting places. We even went to the parliament . Can you imagine , that in order to vote there , you have to go through a course of thinking? Sounds like something that would be useful over in Poland , wouldn’t it? And shouldn’t that be odd enough, they told us that in order to participate in election a higher degree in philosophy is required . Quite contrary to‌ you know. During the night I headed over to a bar. There was this chick there , maaan , should have seen her. So I got up to her, tried to start some small talk and what did she do? She asked me whether I thought it was real or an illusion and if that wasn’t bad enough she started talking about some Dekat or Descartes. I pretended to go to the bathroom and just left , ‘cause I had no idea what she was on about. Now I’m in my room again. I don’t even want to go out anymore , ‘cause I feel like an idiot here . I think I’ll book return tickets for tomorrow. Wish me luck!!! Best Regards, Tymek BaĹ„ski

A postcard from Plato's Republic

Map of Thomas More's Utopia by Abraham Ortelius (1595)

Dear Nina, I’m iting to tell you s e ing ab t is place. Firstly, I’m really cĐžfused, I have never been in a place like is bef e, it’s just unwĐžted. As s n as I had got here, I wanted to pay for my hotel, but a receptiĐžist told me at if I wanted a r m, I just had to tell him, because ey didn’t use mĐžey here. I was really shocked, and en he told me ere was no private pr erty. To be hĐžest it wasn't a problem for me, I was really ha y at I didn't have to pay. Later on I became angry, because ey told me at I needed to go to bed at 8pm and wake up at 4am. Who goes to bed like at?. I f nd t at in is place called Ut ia ere are no individuals. Every ing is focused on e c munity, public well-being. No Đže here can waste time on idleness, pe le have to be focused on eir devel ment. The C munity is really well-educated, everyĐže has a profe ion, eref e ere is no unempl ment here. The ing ich I dĐž't like, is e fact at every ing here l ks e same, cities are built based on e same plans, even pe le l k alike, ey wear very similar clo es. I dĐž't get is idea, I ink it is really restrictive. So, is place is really extra dinary, and it’s difďŹ cult for me to say if I like it or not. Even gh e ideal w ld will always be cĐžsidered to be limiting for s e of us. Y rs, Malwina Karolak

A postcard from Ut ia

Portrait of the author of New Atlantis, sir Francis Bacon, by Frans Pourbus the Younger (1617)

Dear Mr. Krupowicz , I am happy to inform you that my visit on an island called Bensalem was marvellous! People here are extremely hard-working and emphatic. As I have learned their most valued statements and laws are in fact “Love God� and “Love your neighbour�. People aim to live in peace, friendship and charity. What is more, they have unique order of society. Philosophers are formed into a college “dedicated to the study of the works and creature of God�. Bensalem has democratically elected parliament with a sovereign head of state, in which exists an organised body of science called “Salomon’s House�. It is dedicated to discover the mysteries of heaven and earth and to charitable purposes. The fundaments for the society are unwritten laws of nature that could be revealed on case-by-case basis study by scientists, like lawyers, to avoid prejudice and influence of dogma, ideology and power. These are key concepts that may interest you! Best regards, Gabrysia Kowalewska

A postcard from Atlantis

Page from Tommaso Campanella's The City of the Sun manuscript (1602)

Dear Marcin I hope you feel as satisďŹ ed with your work as the people here, in the City of the Sun. Everyone is so kind and helpful here, even street sweepers welcome you with a genuine smile, while you are making your way through the streets of the City. I heard from my tour guide, also an astonishingly positive guy, that there isn’t a single person here that has to work for more than 4 hours a day, because the labour is divided so thoughtfully! Imagine having only 4 or 5 lessons each day and then being completely free to do whatever you may desire! I truly believe it is the dignity of work and the belief that every form of it is valuable to the society, which makes the people so happy. Also, as in John Lennon’s “Imagineâ€?, private property is no longer an issue here! Last night I walked into a bar and left my coat on a hanger. Just moments later, I saw another man grabbing it and leaving the place! I tried to catch him, btut I was immediately stopped by some locals and told not to panic, simply pick a new coat from a bunch hanging in the cloakroom! What a strange place, isn’t it? I hope you are doing well in old, good, capitalist Poland :) Yours, Franek Bielowicki

A postcard from the City of the Sun

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FilozoďŹ a jest tajemnicza, obszerna, znana i nieznana – siÄ™gamy do niej, szukajÄ…c odpowiedzi – jednak jest ona rĂłwnieĹź puĹ‚apkÄ…: ustalajÄ…c pewne fakty, zadajemy sobie coraz wiÄ™cej pytaĹ„. BartĹ‚omiej Mazur

Miłość jest przede wszystkim działaniem, a naukowe odkrycia na temat mechanizmów powstawania uczuć mogą przyczynić się do „odsłonięcia� tej „idei�. Adam Šach

JeĹ›li miĹ‚ość jest relacjÄ… wiecznÄ…, metaďŹ zycznÄ…, wĂłwczas dbanie o relacjÄ™ miÄ™dzy dwojgiem ludzi jest zupeĹ‚nie bezzasadne – to tak, jakby podlewać sztuczne kwiaty. Ĺ ukasz Kremky

Jakaś forma miłości rozpoczyna kaşde şycie, dlatego teş juş od pierwszych sekund jesteśmy z nią związani i nie moşemy się jej wyrzec. Agata Słomka

Wolność bywa świadomym poruszeniem rzeczywistości. Adam Šach

Wolność jest zawsze, nawet jak pozornie jej nie ma. Agata Słomka

Absolut jako taki jest postulatem śmiertelności. Šukasz Kremky

Społeczeństwo potrzebuje wiedzieć, co jest „normalne�, niestety często tylko po to, aby uciec od samodzielnego myślenia. Zuzanna Olszewska

Najbardziej zagorzali obrońcy wolności zdają się nie dostrzegać, şe w rzeczywistości domagają się jej ograniczenia. Šukasz Kremky

Dusza w przeciwieństwie do ciała moşe umierać i odşywać wielokrotnie. Mateusz Dąbrowski

Za moralne uznajemy zazwyczaj to, z czym sami siÄ™ zgadzamy. Marta Olchowicz

Pytanie o wolność jest pytaniem o istotę człowieczeństwa. Mateusz Dąbrowski Jako Europejczycy mamy zwyczaj umniejszania cierpienia innych narodów, głównie z tego powodu, şe w większości przypadków to właśnie my byliśmy jego sprawcami. Paweł Dębowski

Śmierć to koniec şycia. Adam Šach

Istotą miłości jest przekładanie szczęścia drugiej osoby nad swoje, gotowość do poświęceń, bezwzględne zaufanie i zawsze umiejętność przebaczenia. Paulina Radomska

Miłość i współczucie są równieş formami egoizmu. Marta Olchowicz

Istnienie miłości jest niepewne niczym istnienie duszy. Mateusz Dąbrowski

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SŁOWO, w ciemnych czasach, podzieliło się

na DWIE odrębne części. SŁOWO, któremu człowiek przydzielił ciało, i SŁOWO, które pozostało bez ciała. Od zawsze więc istnieniu SŁOWA towarzyszy niesprawiedliwość, nieuczciwy układ, w którym posiadający substancję ciemięży jej nieposiadającego.

My, przedstawiciele barbadyla, ogłaszamy początek końca zastanego przez nas porządku, w którym niesłusznie źle traktowane jest


bez ciała. 13 czerwca

Rocznik 98.

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