Joshua Sherrard | Trailblazing Leaders | Exeleon Magazine

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Joshua Sherrard Troy Vincent: Shaping the Future of the Football Ecosystem IN - FOCUS MAXIMIZING WEALTH FOR WORLD-CLASS ENTREPRENEURS IN - FOCUS An Example of Excellence ANGELA CAUFIELDTHOMPSON David Meltzer: Spreading Happiness Across The World LEADERS TO FOLLOW IN 2022 Trailblazing
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Maximizing Wealth for World-Class Entrepreneurs Josua President&CEOofStrategicNavigatorsInc. Sherrard

Entrepreneurs Sherrard


The Entrepreneurship is a long and unpredictable journey. It is driven by either necessity or lack of opportunity and has the power to inluence people's lives in positive ways. However, it takes courage, grit, and innovation to become successful and create your own career path.

Joshua Sherrard is an unstoppable trailblazer in the entrepreneurial world. As the President and CEO of Strategic Navigators Inc., he thrives on 'thinking outside the box'. He is driven to take the leap to offer unique and signiicant value to his clients.

As a change-maker, Joshua strives to deliver exceptional quality in every aspect of his solutions. “You simply cannot be a trailblazer while being messy or careless in your work. Excellence and eficiency are hallmarks of our business,” he adds.

He believes that adding signiicant value allows you to operate in “blue water” and free yourself from the burden of undue competition. In fact, he also thinks that “if you don't have a signiicantly better offering, you can only hope to steal business from someone else.”

This Illinois-based entrepreneur feels that the world of inance is over-crowded with amateurs who claim to offer the 'next best ix'. However, for him it's a matter of responsibility to offer genuine and specialized inancial services consistently.

He also feels that it's important for him to shore up operations and return to the basic principles of professionalism to offer irst-class service. This was possible due to his strong background in operations which further helped him to understand the value of systems and eficiency.

He believes that true wealth transcends just money. It includes things that are more valuable like respect and time. “Everyone enjoys irst-class, so that's all we deliver. Simply showing up, having integrity, and pressing into the opportunities before you can set you apart from the sea of those who are clamoring for business,” he adds.


Joshua had an inclination for business from a young age. In fact, he started his irst substantial business at the early age of 12 and was consistently inding ways to offer services throughout his teens and early twenties.

“I was exposed to inance as a teenager when I interned at a large inancial company in Honolulu,” he says. While his career began in inance through these internships, he found himself devoting his life for a decade to Christian ministry.

During that time, he led organizations with multi-million-dollar budgets and had the privilege of overseeing hundreds of staff. “Not only was this experience rewarding and enriching, but it also gave me exposure to operations, stewardship and communications,” he says.


In 2012, Joshua began to explore transitioning from his role as a full-time pastor to businessman and surveyed several entrepreneurs to ind out their greatest painpoints.

Later, he identiied taxes as a primary concern. This led him on a journey to ind ways to help entrepreneurs be as eficient as possible with their taxes.

“We are commied to not overpromising, being conservave in our esmates and simply delivering what we say we will.”

From Succes to


Succes Sigicnce

“The more I can mgate the lile things that can so easily entangle us, the smoother sailing it will be.”

Today, his company Strategic Navigators Inc. (SNI), provides best-in-class legal, accounting, and inancial coaching strategies to empower business owners. An average SNI client saves 40-60% on their income taxes. The money that his company helps to save becomes “found” money that is later deployed for powerful taxfree wealth generation.

“The sophisticated strategies we offer can save a business from being sold, typically empowers the owner to retire comfortably, while being generous and still leaving a signiicant legacy. This multilayered approach is something that brings me great joy to present,” he says.

Additionally, his experienced team is dedicated to providing solutions and help achieve both personal and business goals. Moreover, he credits a huge portion of his success to them, “Part of what has allowed me to lourish has been gathering a best-in-class team around me and offering services that are unique to our clientele,” he says.


Over the past years, Joshua and his company have expanded their offerings to include nationwide accounting services, in-house estate planning and an in-house inancial planning irm.

As the face and voice of the organization with regards to sales, promotion and vision, he found that many of the businesses that he worked with were using antiquated accounting principles and strategies.

“Even though the owners have desperately sought out ways to save money on taxes, when we step into the conversation with them, they are relieved and generally wish they had met us 10 years ago,” he adds candidly.

Currently, Joshua's role in the company has transformed drastically. Earlier, like most startups, he wore several hats and handled everything. But now, he has a team of skilled people that makes running SNI a fun, collaborative and lawless process.


As a Business Family Coaching boutique, Joshua has distinguished himself in the inancial industry by making integrity as one of his highest values and the only formula for his success.

“We are committed to not overpromising, being conservative in our estimates and simply delivering what we say we will,” he shares.

Born and raised in Hawaii, Joshua brings his rich global experience to the inancial industry. He works with wealthy business families and successful business owners –those who take home gross income of over $500,000 a year.

He, then, elevates their success and maximizes it to accommodate tax-free income in retirement, personal inancing, lending needs, philanthropic passions, and legacy desires. “Signiicance is doing all of this while continuing to drive on as an entrepreneur,” he says.

He is continuously inspired to help

entrepreneurs make a bigger splash with their family, their friends and their community. As a business coach, he empowers these business owners to save more money, be free from future worries and guide them to follow the rules to be compliant with the IRS.

He also believes that building strong relationships is at the heart of client satisfaction. “Being empathetic as a fellow entrepreneur and identifying the giftedness of each client has helped to maximize a camaraderie with the clientele,” he fondly adds.


Joshua realizes that the journey of an entrepreneur is a unique rollercoaster ride. It is riddled with challenges – losing sleep every night, waking up with a sense of uncertainty, bearing the burden of making sure salaries are paid and the lights stay on, yet with these challenges he awaits greater joys.

Invariably, he loves the fact that he has the luxury of not working for anyone and gets to enjoy great lexibility after reaching a level of success.

“Being able to identify with these experiences has helped me coach business owners through challenging situations, business sales and business transitions, with the success to signiicance mantra in mind. Beyond simple relationships, we deliver, period. Do what you say and say what you do,” he concludes.

However, over the course of the


Viion for e Fure

Joshua's hope for Strategic Navigators Inc. is to steadily increase his company's impact. He also plans to shore up and stay efficient. “I feel we have built out our various branches and sister companies, but would like to expand our client base significantly,” he adds.

From the beginning, he envisioned building a nonprofit that would be a significant beneficiary of his success. Today, he has built that non-profit and it has had a global impact in the areas of Christian Ministry, Humanitarianism and Education. “My dream is to

deploy more and more into these causes in the years to come,” he adds.

He also believes his company is a gift that he has received and hopes that it will flourish during his lifetime and be something that he can pass onto the next generation.

“I plan to be very selective with future hires and partnerships and want to experience maximized joy in the journey. The more I can mitigate the little things that can so easily entangle us, the smoother sailing it will be,” he shares.

years, he had partnerships that went sour and hired individuals that simply didn't work out. But he takes these experiences as lessons and says, “Hindsight is 20/20 and I don't like to look back with regret.”

“I believe all of our experiences are baked into us and help render the character and persona that we have. While the journey has been dificult at times, I can't say that I would trade it for another,” he adds.

He also feels that one of the greatest enemies of success is disrupted focus. As a result, he has tried to keep his eye on the ball, but has admittedly been distracted from time to time. “If I could keep the partnerships at bay, maximize strategic relationships and focus better, I believe SNI would be further along,” he candidly shares.


Joshua believes in the many pieces of wisdom that we all hear sporadically —use other people's money judiciously, don't spend more than you make and pay yourself irst.

In addition to these, he inds that it is important to add proper structure to your business and keep a balanced budget. “There are strategies out there that can be a game-changer as you start to be proitable,” he adds.

He also shares that humility and integrity are rare gems in the inance and tax space. The balance between them, along with aggressive growth and creativity is a sweet spot you should strive to ind sooner than later. “I am a big advocate of listening to those who have gone before you,” he says.


Exeleon Magazine features some of the leading players in business and shares their journey of excellence to inspire aspiring leaders across the globe.

We Embrace Excellence!

FRAN MAIER The Journey of

FFrom co-founding Match. com

to spearheading TRUSTe, from being a trailblazer in women entrepreneurship to advising some of the most promising startups, from building BabyQuip to pitching the brand on Shark Tank, the journey of Fran Maier has been nothing less than inspiring.

A serial entrepreneur who has spent close to three decades of her life building companies and brands, Fran is rightfully considered a pioneering leader.

In an exclusive conversation with Exeleon Magazine, Fran Maier discusses her journey, reveals how she evolved as an entrepreneur, and gives advice to women leaders on how they can pave their own

pathway towards success.

What according to you makes one an inluential leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership?

In my mind, leadership is about inspiration and follow-through. Setting the vision isn't enough. You have to work with the team on the more speciic goals and strategies so that they are engaged and also can be held accountable. And follow-through means that you as the leader are also accountable, you need to make and meet your commitments.

At BabyQuip, we have company and brand values. These were developed as a team and include being “Family First,” “Clean, Safe &

Accountable,“ and “Going Above and Beyond.” These values serve as touchstones for dificult decisions.

Talk to us about the idea of BabyQuip. What were the pain points that you wanted to address through this brand?

In early 2012, I left my last position (at the time President and Chair of TRUSTe, - now TrustArc) and bought a three-story home in the Potrero Hill area of San Francisco. As it happens, it was in Airbnb's neighborhood, and everyone was talking about it. Before long, I was renting two rooms on the third loor of my home on Airbnb. I quickly realized that this could be a great money-maker and give me the time to think about what I wanted to do next.


Because of my vacation rental side hustle, as well as the emerging ridesharing businesses, I began to think about how travel and work (gig economy!) were changing. Change is always a great catalyst for new companies. What new companies could emerge and take advantage of these changes?

I came across a baby gear rental business, and it clicked for me almost immediately. I remember how dificult it was to travel with my sons when they were small. I've seen how dificult it is for parents at airports. And as a vacation rental host, I didn't have the gear families needed (nor did I want to buy and store it).

And with the emerging gig economy, I was conident that we'd ind people who would be eager to rent gear and help families enjoy a better vacation.

We launched in 2016 and found that we had tapped into a large untapped market!

Having built multiple startups over the years, how different was the journey of BabyQuip since its formation in 2016?

My irst start-up was, in the mid-90s, a very different time! Some big differences include:

Ÿ There is much more support for founders, including female founders . Back then there were no accelerators. Very few founder-centric services. And very little support for female founders - now there are a range of accelerators, investment funds, coaching services and so


much more. I wish I had had that then.

With Match, we tried to get press, with BabyQuip we try to get Inluencers! (Press is good too). The whole inluencer economy is so powerful and took me by surprise.

Ÿ Everything is a subscription now. Then there were no AWS, you had to buy servers! Now a big part of our operating budget is paying subscriptions for cloud services, email services, mapping services and more.

Ÿ Advertising is much more concentrated . Back then, we used display ads and bought on a number of different media sites. For our irst years, we only spent ad money on Google search.

Ÿ Community matters more . We said we had a community at Match, but I know we have a vibrant community at BabyQuip with our Quality Providers (the independent contractors, mostly moms, who rent and deliver the baby gear that they own). We have a private Facebook group where they share ideas, deals on baby gear, pics of how they pack their car and more. This factor is key to keeping our Quality Providers working on the BabyQuip platform.

What hasn't changed is building a trusted brand and understanding what needs drive your marketplace.

Both Match and BabyQuip are marketplaces, and trust is critical.

At BabyQuip we work hard to deliver “Clean and Safe” to parents

just like we delivered “Safe, Anonymous and Fun” to Match customers.

What was the experience for you going to Shark Tank and pitching your product?

Going on Shark Tank is on every consumer-focused entrepreneur's Bingo card because it drives so much brand awareness. What you don't see is that it is a rigorous process and it's never guaranteed that you will be selected, that you will be ilmed, or that even your ilmed segment will air! So, it's a big bet.

What was especially fun for me was that I did this with my son, Joe Maier, BabyQuip's CTO. We worked together for months improving our pitch and making sure we were ready. He procured the Pack Mule (a live animal we had on stage) so we could say “You need a pack mule to carry all that bulky baby gear.” What an experience to share with your adult son!

Good news is that we rejected a low-ball offer from “Mr. Wonderful,” Kevin O'Leary. Bad news is that our segment aired on March 6, 2020, and rather than getting tons of new orders, we got cancellations and few new orders due to the onset of the pandemic.

Nonetheless, it helped our brand, and I wouldn't have passed on it for the world.

What would be your advice for aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs to building a startup in today's changing environment?



Harness the change! As noted earlier, change is the catalyst for new businesses.

Early on, as you're forming the business I typically recommend:


Be Sure You're Solving a Real Problem with a Large Market. Ultimately, you need to be solving a big enough problem that will generate customers, payments and orders, and even proits! Try to igure out your target market and the attributes of your target consumer/customer. Listen and understand their needs and make sure your solution uniquely solves their problem.


Being hyper focused on this is critical!

Make a business plan and assess the need for funding . Not every business needs venture capital to scale. If you decide to go that route, develop a robust business plan that outlines when you need capital and how much you need. You may ultimately change the plan, but it's always good to have a clear plan and pitch.

invest and connect you to others who can help.

Where do you see the future to be for women entrepreneurs and women in business?


Participate in an accelerator program to ine tune your idea and get helpful feedback from other entrepreneurs and advisors. Many accelerators will

I'm happy to share that BabyQuip's investors are mostly women or female-focused funds (such as How Women Invest). These funds were not around years ago and make such a big difference. However, they recognize that women often understand market needs more and that these companies, from marketplaces like BabyQuip to companies focused on women's health, are likely to succeed. WWW.EXELEONMAGAZINE.COM 27

That said, women still only get just over 2% of venture capital and that metric has been way too obdurate. In addition, women's companies often get lower valuations despite that research has shown that women-led companies generate higher returns!

So much has to change to help women entrepreneurs succeed including more successful female entrepreneurs with large exits (so they in turn can invest in other start-ups), more women venture capitalists writing large checks, and more female role models. I'm so tired of seeing that the primary visual of an entrepreneur is a youngish guy wearing a hoodie!

Being a serial entrepreneur and advisor with multiple hats, how

do you ensure work-life balance?

Well, it's easier now that my children (two sons) are grown. Looking back, I know I chafed at the goal of work/life balance, it seemed to me, to be condescending to women. How often were men asked about it? In my view, you can't get it right all the time, each day or even each week. But if you're focused you can ind the time you need to take care of your children and family and yourself (which is often the person most neglected).

My company is remote with mostly women. During the pandemic, almost all had children at home, from babies to teenagers, and it was super hard on everyone. I had to leave it up to them how best to manage their work and home

responsibilities. There was no choice, I had to trust that we knew our goals and that we would work toward them together, the best we could. We emerged from the worst of the pandemic in early 2021 and have been growing rapidly since.

The lexibility we extended to our team during the pandemic might be the future of work for everyone.

What has the journey been like for Fran Maier over the years? Looking back, what would you have done differently when starting out?

Despite being an entrepreneur since Match in the mid-90s, I didn't always have the conidence. For example, and this was a big mistake, we sold Match in 1998 way too


early for way too little money (less than $8M). Had I had more conidence, and more support (which women don't usually get), I know now that I could have raised the money, taken my fair share, and taken it to the next level (Match was sold a year later for more than $70M). Good news is that I got a doover when I transitioned TRUSTe (now TrustArc) from non-proit to for-proit in 2008.

So, it's all about Conidence . As I share with women founders, you know your market and you know your solution. Believe that you can do what you are setting out to do. That's more than half the battle. With conidence you are more likely to ask for help, persevere, and continue to take risks. That will ultimately lead to success.

What does the future look like for BabyQuip? On a personal front, where do you see yourself standing in the coming years?

BabyQuip is growing very rapidly. We had our irst month with over $1M in bookings in March and we recently added our 1000th Quality Provider. We just closed a funding round of $3.4M! We've already added some key players to our team, especially in business development, to form new partnerships with other hospitality brands. And we've opened a few cities in Mexico.

So BabyQuip's now in its growth phase, which is very exciting, but also comes with new challenges. Biggest challenges are keeping the growth going more eficiently,

taking advantage of our position to expand into new markets and new services, and making sure the demand/supply lywheel is spinning.

My role becomes more focused on building out the team and ensuring a positive working environment and looking outward to help form partnerships and alliances and building the BabyQuip brand.

Personally, I'm getting ready for my irst international vacation since 2019. I'm going to Morocco! I need a break from the day-to-day, some time to just think, and great Instagram pictures of my own!

Photo Credit: Billy Zagger


Troy Vincent | EVP of Football Operations | NFL

The deinitive mark of a great leader is humility. Inspiring entrepreneurs may stand irm on their core principles, but receptive leaders are also good listeners who heed the opinions of all stakeholders and do the right things for the right reasons.

As the Executive Vice President of Football Operations at the NFL, Troy Vincent is a shining example of fair, irm, selless, and consistent leadership. Always open to new ideas and approaches towards management, Troy believes that integrity and mutual respect form the cornerstone of football and life. As a highly inluential igure in the NFL, he uses his position to notice and cultivate the unique abilities in people by pushing them to do their best, both on and off the ield.

Troy is revered as a “servant leader,” who treats people just like he himself desires to be treated. His style of leadership empowers others to be all that they aspire to be, by providing them the support they need. “Every opportunity for excellence can be achieved through humility, smart work, serving others, and assisting those around you in their path to success,” says Troy.


Since his days as a young athlete,

football became the purpose of Troy's life and shaped his beliefs. First and foremost, football enabled him to attain the premier education that is crucial to living a fulilling life. Moreover, playing football imparted a plethora of skills and values that have stayed with Troy, that he has subsequently imbibed in his life as a professional leader. In high school and beyond, Troy's experiences on the ield have inspired him to remain a “lifetime learner.” He claims, “There are many life lessons to be learned in sports, such as work ethics, perseverance, time management, and healthy competition. Sport has a way of teaching authentic inclusion.”


Even after hanging his boots, Troy has been living and breathing football. Over the years, he has kept a keen and watchful eye on the developmental leaps in his sport. Today, Troy notes, “Football athletes are becoming stronger, faster, smarter, and more athletic with each passing year. The game itself is evolving through rule changes, greater use of technology, player protection, novel techniques, and improvements in player health, resulting in improved quality of life.”

At NFL, Troy's primary responsibility is to protect the integrity and competitive fairness of professional football, and to steer its future

growth in a measurable and responsible manner. According to Troy, this two-pronged future comprises several aspects: “Establishing a culture of clarity, consistency, and credibility among players, coaches, clubs, and fans, in order to develop the future player, along with preserving and innovating the game itself.”

Beyond these immediate improvements Troy envisages, his long-term goal is to provide “a world-class game-day experience for players, coaches and fans by innovating and proactively meeting the demands and challenges of football.”

To Troy's delight, football as a professional space is becoming more inclusive by the day, presenting opportunities that beneit everyone, both inside and outside the turf.


Troy's experience of playing professional football in the NFL molded his outlook as an athlete as well as a person. As a “lifetime learner,” he learned something new every day and constantly improved his understanding of the world around him. He realized that the greatest joy is derived from helping those who really need some form of support.


In the locker room, the boardroom, off the ield, and in relation to the larger community, Troy's goal has always been to work for the greater good, “whether it is a young man or woman who needs that extra bit of encouragement to attain a goal, that player who wants to get better at what he does, or a former player who plans to transition to his off-the-ield career eficiently.”

Furthermore, Troy has utilized his position and inluence in a wide array of philanthropic activities and afirmative social work.


For the past 25 years, Troy has tirelessly advocated against domestic violence and sexual assault. His awareness of the rampant nature of these social ills pushed him to self-examine “who we are and what we stand for.” Realizing the popularity of football as a sport and the power of his voice and actions as a former NFL hall-of-famer, Troy learned the importance of education, policy, and process in football, with regard to its impact on society.

Along with his wife Tommi and their children, Troy has organized several outreach programs through their Love Thy Neighbor foundation, in partnership with various organizations, including school systems, food suppliers, and resource providers. “Our goal is to impact local economies while resourcing a range of community needs, such as education, school supplies, youth character, leadership development, safe zone activities, and nutritious meals for individuals and families throughout the year,” Troy states.

The Vincent family has established a generational legacy of giving back through social service and a longstanding commitment to improving the lives and potentials of fellow humans. Troy proudly asserts, “It is an integral part of our faith walk!”


Having been a decorated premier athlete, a community leader, a family man, and serving as the current Executive Vice President of Football Operations, Troy is far from ready to call it a day. He imagines a future where he still has much of the race to run. He admits, “Personally, my goal is to continue being a transformational leader who preserves the tradition and values of football while

facilitating its evolution culturally, socially, and economically. I feel a tremendous amount of responsibility to everyone who has coached the game, worn the uniform, owns a team, and is a season ticket holder. It is humbling to be an active contributor to a sport that galvanizes communities, brings people of all backgrounds and races together, and has such an impact on our country.”

Going forward, Troy wants to realize his vision of growing the game of football in a measured and responsible manner by maintaining its integrity and values while expanding its global footprint. “It is exciting to be a part of the NFL family, to bring a player's perspective to the business, and to assist in shaping the future of the football ecosystem,” he concludes.



To say human life has come a long way would be an

understatement. We have achieved things that other species can't even think of. We have made strides in industrial development, understood our chemistry, connected our planet with communication, unfolded the mysteries of outer space, and made advancements in other uncountable things. However, we also had to sacriice many things to achieve this profound success. And one of the things that got severely affected in the process was the 'values' that made us humans, that made us happy.

That's why the role of life & business coaches, therapists, motivational speakers, amongst others have become more than important today. These esteemed personalities help us to not lose our humane values and encourage forward momentum by establishing positive goals both in our personal and professional life.

David Meltzer, CEO of David Meltzer Enterprises and Cofounder of Sports 1 Marketing, stands tall among these personalities. The pioneering leader and serial entrepreneur feels that being 'interested' in the process is more important than being someone who is perceived as 'interesting.' Aware of his talents, he puts all the lessons he teaches into practice, never fails to ask for help, does not cater to the desires of his ego, and ensures that he adheres to the routine as closely as possible to his instructions.

And for the modern, fast-growing world, there is only one

thing that gets David out of his bed in the morning; he wants to empower over one billion people to be happy. In an Exclusive Interview with Exeleon Magazine, David Meltzer shares his inspiring story and philosophies.

What according to you makes one an admired leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership?

The world's best leaders are intelligent followers, people who are more interested than interesting, as they work to become their highest self. I'm very aware that I'm still practicing all of the lessons that I teach, including asking for help and not feeding the needs of my ego, but I ensure that I am practicing them every day.

What prompted you the inception of David Meltzer Enterprises?

I believe that the world today has a happiness problem, with higher rates of unhappiness and suicide than ever before. That is why I've made it my life's mission to empower over 1 billion people to be happy and create a collective consciousness of happiness throughout the world.

As for our company are a values-based organization that operates based on the principles of gratitude, empathy, accountability, and effective communication in order to make a lot of money, help a lot of people, and have a lot of fun.


What has the journey been like for David Meltzer over the years?

It used to be that I was known as “someone else's guy”, and so the past few years I have put a focus on building my own personal brand as part of my life's mission to empower others with the values that have brought me happiness and success. One of the biggest changes came when I wrote my irst book, Connected To Goodness . I had wanted to write an evergreen business book, like Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich , and codifying the values and stories in it has given me a platform to connect with others and provide as much value as I can.

Looking back, what would you have done different when starting out?

Be radically humble and not lose sight of my core values by letting my ego get in the way. There was a time when I felt like Midas and that everything I would touch turned to gold, but when you lose your connection to things like humility and gratitude, that is when you are going to have to pay a heavy price to relearn those lessons.

Being a keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur, business coach, best-selling author, and so on, how do you maintain a work life balance?

I might be a little unique due to the fact that I don't believe in “work”, I simply believe there is activity we get paid for and activity that we don't get paid for. When you take this perspective, you are looking to maximize the activities that you get paid for as well as placing your


intention on making the most of the activities that you do not get paid for. Sleep is a great example of an important activity that we don't get paid for, and one that can impact every other area of our life if we don't give it enough attention.

I'm also a believer that you need to have two routines, one for when you are at home and an adaptable routine for when you are traveling, or your typical routine is disrupted by other factors.

What has been the biggest driving factor for you as a leader and entrepreneur? What would be your advice for aspiring and emerging leaders?

I want my legacy to be the collective consciousness of happiness I've created, impacting more than 1 Billion people and empowering them to enjoy the consistent and persistent pursuit of their potential. That mission is a part of everything I do in my business and my life, and it is why I spend so much of my time each day serving others and providing as much value as possible, unconditionally.

My best advice for aspiring leaders would be to study human nature, because that is one aspect of life and business that never changes.

What approach do you follow when offering your training and consulting services? How do you ensure optimal client satisfaction?

Anybody that I work with is on a month-to-month basis and I guarantee every month that I'm a proit center for you. That means if I don't make you more money that I cost each money, just ask and you'll get your money back. I also offer many things for free, including my books, training guides, and the Friday Training sessions I hold for thousands of people each week.

Talk to us about your mission of empowering OVER 1 BILLION people.

The project that I'm most excited about, and the one that drives me every day, is my mission to empower at least 1 billion people around the world to be happy. The world today has a happiness problem, with more people who are stressed and suicidal than ever before, and I want to be a part of the solution to that

problem. Some people may say that this is an unrealistic goal, which is why I've broken it down. My irst goal is to empower 1,000 people with the skills and strategies to be happy and successful, then to empower every member of that group to empower another 1,000 people, who will each then empower another 1,000 people to be happy.

What has been the biggest roadblock during your journey? What has been your biggest learning?

After declaring bankruptcy and losing over $100 million, including the house I had bought for my mom, I had one


single day where I felt like I was at rock bottom. But I was able to rebound after I took stock of my values and what mattered most to me, leaning on the things that my mother taught me (gratitude, empathy, accountability, and inspiration) in order to excel.

Where do you see yourself standing in the coming years?

It's hard to say, especially after the sweeping changes that have happened over the last year, but there is one thing I know for certain. I want to focus on being happy

where I am, angle towards where I think I want to be, and have the faith that I will end up somewhere better.

Finally, what do you think is the most important trait for an entrepreneur and why?

The top performers in all walks of life have one thing in common: they have a desire that they must be what they can be. They consistently (meaning every day) and persistently (without quitting) enjoy pursuing their potential, no matter what area that potential is in.



Jordan Cullen INTERVIEW


What according to you makes one an innovative leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership?

Innovative leaders are not afraid to challenge the status quo and break new ground. They also have profound humility, which allows them to empathize with others and understand their needs. This combination of qualities enables innovative leaders to motivate teams and create lasting change.

In my own leadership, I strive to create an environment where people feel comfortable taking risks and thinking outside the box. I also work hard to cultivate humility to continue learning from those around me. By creating a space for innovation, I encourage others to push boundaries and ind new ways of doing things. Ultimately, it is this spirit of innovation that will help us achieve our goals and make a positive impact on the world.

What was the idea behind Cullen Jewellery.? What was the pain point that you wanted to address?

The idea behind Cullen Jewellery came when I was looking for engagement rings for my iancé in 2018 but did not ind any reputable companies that offered premium lab-grown gemstones. I wanted either a moissanite or lab-grown diamond


ring as I sought to avoid mined diamonds, given their catastrophic social costs. The process of mining for diamonds generally requires a lot of water and electricity, which can put a strain on local resources. In addition, the mines themselves can produce large amounts of waste and pollution and cause the displacement of communities and natural habitats. Furthermore, the workers who mine for diamonds often do so in dangerous conditions and are paid a pitiful amount.

Knowing all this, I was determined to get engaged with a ring that embodied my values. The companies that did offer lab-grown gemstones were either unaffordable, sold mined diamonds as well in a sign of their opportunism, or greenwashed their product range with unsubstantiated claims. I decided I wanted to do things differently, and I have been

rewarded by a loyal customer base that appreciates Cullen Jewellery's product range and values. Beyond using only lab-grown gemstones and our social initiative angles, Cullen Jewellery also has a commitment to reducing waste by using recycled precious metals and not mass-producing jewellery.

How does the brand stand out? What measures are taken to ensure optimal quality in your jewelry products?

Our brand stands out because of our commitment to technology, ethics, and quality. Cullen Jewellery is digital-irst, so while we have a showroom, we underscore digital channels and social media. In fact, our new state-of-the-art website was just launched to popular acclaim. Additionally, every piece of ine jewellery on our website is handcrafted by our skilled artisans

using only the inest eco-friendly materials. We take great care to ensure that each piece meets our high standards for craftsmanship and design. We likewise offer a lifetime warranty on our ine jewellery products, so our customers can be conident that their purchase will last a lifetime.

Furthermore, our quality commitment is increasingly important as an abundance of inexperienced jewellery companies are attempting to enter the market — at the expense of the standards and quality the customers should be able to expect. They insist on cutting corners, unlike us, as we genuinely care about our customers and upholding a positive legacy.

For example, when it comes to moissanite, we only use branded stones and reputable suppliers because there is signiicant


variance and no centralized authority to uphold the standards in the industry. We also emphasize research and development, which means we constantly test our gold alloys to ensure the best durability and longevity. Put this in contrast to many of our competitors, who might instead focus on diminishing the ring's thickness over time — no optical difference, but a serious one on longevity.

As the Founder, what role do you play in the day-to-day proceedings of the company?

As the Founder of my company, I play an important role in its day-today proceedings. I am responsible for providing supportive leadership and strategic direction, so the company remains on track to achieve its goals. In addition, I am responsible for maintaining a close relationship with our clients and

partners and ensuring that they are satisied with our products and services. Additionally, I work closely with our team of experts to ensure that our products are of the highest quality and meet the needs of our customers. By playing an active role in my company's day-today operations, I can provide the supportive leadership and strategic direction that are essential for its success.

Looking at your journey, what would you have done differently if you were to start again?

With hindsight, I would have hired qualiied people to help me with the business sooner. Unfortunately, I made the misstep of thinking I could do everything myself, so I left a lot of growth and company improvement on the table. With help from qualiied team members, I would have avoided some of the

oversights I had in the early days of the business. In addition, I would have been able to focus on more critical tasks, such as marketing and product development. As it stands, I am proud of what I have achieved, but if I were to start again with the sweet beneit of hindsight, I would make sure to build a strong team from the outset.

What would be your advice for young and emerging entrepreneurs trying to build a successful startup?

When it comes to building a successful startup, focus is key. Trying to tackle too many problems at a time will only lead to scattered resources and a lack of progress. Instead, identify one speciic area you want to focus on and put all your efforts into that, allowing you to differentiate yourself against larger and more experienced


competitors. Then, once you have made signiicant headway in one area, you can start branching into other areas. Another piece of advice for young entrepreneurs is to always be learning. The business world is constantly changing, so it's important to always be on the lookout for new opportunities and ways to improve your business.

Finally, what does the future look like for Cullen Jewellery? On a personal front, where do you see yourself standing in the coming years?

The future looks very bright for Cullen Jewellery. In the coming years, we plan to continue operating sustainably while also achieving steady linear growth. We are constantly working to improve the customer experience, and we are conident that our products will be popular with couples looking for ethical and premium moissanite and labgrown diamond engagement rings.

On a personal front, I see myself leading the company and helping it grow in a sustainable and responsible manner. I will not necessarily make all the decisions but just ensure that the best decisions are being made for the customer. I see myself continuing to surround myself with the right people and reinforcing that our goals are beyond inancial. In that regard, we intend to continue supporting local and international charities and communities that are dear to our hearts. Our ultimate aim is to make a positive impact on the world, one gemstone at a time.


An Example of Excellence Exc e enc e

For Angela Cauield-Thompson, it was

always about being her own boss. She didn't envision herself in a speciic industry or with a particular fancy title, instead being her own boss was all she dreamt of becoming. And so she did!

Today, as her own boss, Angela helps entrepreneurs and executives improve their eficiency and generate more income. A thought leader, business consultant, corporate trainer, speaker, and a mother, Angela is an example of excellence for women leaders.

In this exclusive interview with Exeleon Magazine, Angela Cauield-Thompson talks about her journey, ideas about leadership, and her vision going forward.

What according to you makes one a transformational leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your


Transformational leaders are not just aware of the need for massive change. They understand that dismantling and disrupting the current structures and system our society was founded on is critical, imminent, and necessary. These leaders are the button-pushers, the pushbackers, and the people that stand between 'what has always been' and what will be. Transformational leaders do not sit on the sidelines waiting for someone else to make the irst move. They do not go with the grain, and they do not sit down and stay silent when things get hard.

True leadership goes beyond sharing strategy, practices, and procedures. True leadership is standing in your power and expressing your truth, even when your voice shakes.


Talk to us about your growing up years. What is your earliest memory as a leader /entrepreneur that you can remember?

We start asking kids what they want to be when they grow up very early in the United States. Preschool and Kindergarten is typically when we start asking about future career decisions. The imaginations of children are incredible, and they truly believe they can do and be anything. Can you imagine what it would be like to carry that belief into adulthood? Most kids can remember telling their friends and family what they wanted to be, even if it isn't what they end up doing in the future.

I never had a speciic industry or title I wanted to hold. I just knew I wanted to be my own boss one day.

That's it. I want to be my own boss! It was a pretty vague concept and even now I'm giggling over how it must have sounded to a teacher or my parents.

I never dreamed I would end up where I am, but that really is the beauty of life, isn't it?

What prompted your interest and subsequently your foray into the coaching and consulting space?

Since I knew I always wanted to be my own boss and I knew that I am passionate about teaching and developing others, coaching seemed like an easy transition. I followed my instincts while I was at my corporate job and became a certiied Holistic Health + Nutrition

Coach. From there, my practice grew and morphed, and I knew I was meant to share my expertise on a larger scale.

I began brainstorming and birthing ideas for marrying my love of development with the experience I'd gained through my education and corporate career. At that point, I began doing many more speaking engagements, writing, and working with business owners on how to evolve their own organizations and expand their concept of leadership.

It's a combination of what I love and what I'm skilled at. Passion meets purpose!

What is the approach/process followed by you in order to ensure optimal client satisfaction?

Optimizing the client experience is something very important to me. As an entrepreneur, adding a signature touch to interactions and transactions can be what sets you apart from others in your industry (notice I did not say competition).

Being open and receptive to feedback is critical. Gather client/customer surveys. ASK your clients what it is speciically about working with you that keeps them coming back.

The resources for these questions are at your ingertips. Get creative and remember, optimizing the client experience does not have to be expensive or time consuming. A handwritten thank you card goes a long way.

As a women entrepreneur, what

would be your advice for young and aspiring women leaders?

The current systems in this country were not created with our success, equity or safety in mind... Especially women of color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalized groups of women.

We are thought leaders. We know that moving wealth into our hands means creating the power to enact massive change.

Do not sell yourself short. Do not underestimate your impact.

What does a day in your life look like? How do you ensure worklife balance?

A day in my life is crazy if I'm being completely transparent! I have children, dogs, a home and a large extended network of family and friends. I am a woman, human, mother, partner, friend among many other things.

Work-life balance is something I do not strive to achieve. The concept I strive for is 'work-life integration'. How can I shape and create the life I dream of living? What is my version of success? The answers to these questions help me build my business into my life, rather than build my life around my business.

Some days various things will need more attention and others will fall by the wayside. There is no judgment. It just, is.

Do not take too much on. Delegate whenever possible and do not live your life being a martyr. It's ok (and necessary) to ask for help!


Looking back at your journey, what would you have done differently when starting out?

I appreciate and fully believe in seeking help, community, and advice throughout the process of starting and running a business. However, my biggest piece of advice is do not let the voices of others drown out your own or keep you from listening to your intuition.

You will be told what to do, how to do it, how not to do it, where and when to do it or not do it (it being speciic to your business). This can

drive a wedge or disconnect you from your ideas, thoughts, and mission.

You started this business for a reason. As my wonderful mentor Dr. Melissa Bird PhD says, "with purpose, on purpose." Don't let anyone take that from you.

Finally, what does the future look like for you, both personally and professionally?

The future is hopeful. It's prosperous and I see myself sharing my knowledge, skills, and wisdom

with an audience I never could have imagined. The future holds publishing a book and speaking on stages in front of massive audiences. The future looks like passionately developing the leaders I hope to see in the world.

My family and I love to travel. I see us all over the world. If there is anything the last few years has taught us, it is that time is our most precious resource. The little moments are the big moments. I look forward to sharing many more of these with the people I love.

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