How Do You Know When You're Ready for a Virtual Assistant?

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How Do You Know When You’re Ready for a VA? YOU WERE MADE FOR SOMETHING GREAT! But…simply put, you lack time, talent, and tenacity… TIME (because there aren’t enough hours in the day!) 1. You’re using too much of your time on tasks that don’t generate any revenue 2. You’re spending way too much time trying to manage all your social media profiles 3. You’re spending too much time on administrative tasks 4. You spend more time on administrative tasks than the core business itself • Responding to emails; Your email inbox is getting bigger each day • Scheduling appointments; You’re missing important client requests and big project deadlines • You keep forgetting about your meetings — both in your business and personal life • You’re struggling to meet deadlines • Arranging travel (and then rearranging travel once the schedule changes at the last minute) • Reconciling expense reports and billing (Where did you put that receipt? Did they email the invoice?) • You wish there were two of you 5. You’re spending a lot of time on a certain area of your business and not enough on another 6. When growing your business (or trying to), it often seems like there aren't enough hours in the day 7. You lack of a healthy work-life balance (Assess your workload; Track the time you are spending on your business) 8. You’re a captive to your business 9. You’re feeling overwhelmed and burnt out 10. You’re a driven, hard-working individual wanting to accomplish more but you just don’t have the luxury of time to do so

TALENT (because you can’t be a subject-matter expert in everything!) 1. You don’t have the skills to complete certain tasks 2. Your business needs skills you don't have 3. You’re not proficient or passionate about “necessary evil” tasks that must get done 4. Do you need to seek the help of an experienced marketing VA for your campaigns? 5. Do you need help sourcing speakers for your podcast? 6. You need support, but don’t want (or need) to hire a full-time employee 7. You’re beginning to realize that adapting to changing conditions is easier with a flexible working arrangement 8. You’re learning that you don’t have to monitor and assign a VA to work for eight hours or more 9. You have the option of developing more flexible work schedules to get the most out of your VA’s performance TENACITY (because you’re too busy putting out fires!) 1. Your business is a hot mess 2. You're big on vision but short on execution 3. There's no room to be strategic when you're in a constant state of overwhelm 4. You want to focus on important income-generating tasks but can’t because you’re always in a state of defense instead of proactive offense 5. You're ready to scale - When it's time to scale, you typically need three things: • Systems o To improve productivity and efficiency o To streamline processes, projects, and campaigns • Cash o Can you commit to paying someone? o Evaluate your budget - adding VA services is an investment in your business • People o Are you ready to let go? Redeemed time + increased margin = added value to your life! o Delegating tasks to a capable individual can help you and your brand grow o Let them be great! Allowing a VA to work within THEIR area of expertise can do wonders for you and your business o Get the assistance of a VA to boost productivity. Let them work on areas of your business that free you up to do the things that ONLY YOU can do o Working with a VA can save you time, money, effort, energy and provide you with newfound freedom to do more of the things you enjoy!

When you're ready to hire, here are a few smart ways to find the right VA:  Referral from someone you know and trust  Niche placement agencies  Freelancer platform like Upwork  Executive Help Now, a company specializing in hiring VAs for established business owners and senior-level executives We hope you find this information valuable. If you’d like to learn more about working with Executive Help Now, click HERE to schedule a Discovery Call. We look forward helping you EMANCIPATE YOUR GREATNESS!

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