VOYAGER Vol. 22 2019 F/W Ever Rich昇恆昌機場誌第22期

Page 41

V TO P I C | 主 題 企 劃

永心鳳茶 Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar

高雄市苓雅區中山二路 404 號

No. 404, Zhongshan 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City


11:30am ~ 09:30pm


KAOHSIUNG: Chic and new Taiwanese-style teahouse 4 年前高雄知名臺菜餐廳「老新台菜」第二代執行長薛舜


臺灣茶,決定成立全新品牌「永心鳳茶」,把「喝茶」包裝成 一件沒有距離感的日常事項。如今除高雄外,永心鳳茶的足跡

也邁向臺北、臺中,全臺總計 5 家門市,空間設計主要為新舊 混搭的概念,隨地點不同門市細部設計也會有所變化,據地域 性再佐上在地特有的風格元素。


改建的 3 層樓空間中,透過品牌標誌的藍、黃兩色,混搭霓虹


茗好所在。店內現供應有 12 款臺灣茶,品飲方式僅限冷泡或

熱沖 2 種,茶種大致分成烏龍茶、紅茶 2 類,其中主力茶種

「烏龍茶」依照烘焙程度,風味從清爽、花香、果香一應俱全。 另一項特色茶飲⸺奶茶,經多次測試取得的絕佳比例,喝得 到恰到好處的奶香、茶香,每日新鮮現煮之餘,按門市所在地

客人偏好的口味,甜度也會有些微差異。餐點擺盤力求展現細 緻,每道菜色都有專用的承裝器皿,不管視覺還是味覺,都希

Four years ago, Shun-Ti Hsueh, the second-generation CEO of Old New Taiwanese Cuisine, was lamenting that westernized youngsters fond of coffee overlooked the beauty of Taiwanese tea and became determined to found Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar, a new brand that re-established tea drinking as a daily routine ordinary in today’s modern life. These days, in addition to its Kaohsiung locations, Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar can be found in Taipei and Taichung, with five bars currently. The interior design adopts the concept of mixing and matching new and old with various styles and components designed specifically for each bar. For example, the first bar on Zhongshan 2nd Rd., situated in Sanduo Shopping District, was renovated from an old three-story building, decorated with the brand signature colors: blue and yellow blended in neon lighting and conventional home furnishings, and added with elaborate plants, ultimately building a retro but edgy tea tasting venue. Twelve Taiwanese teas are offered in cold steep or hot steep only. The types are mainly Oolong and black tea. The signature Oolong fired at various grades renders the taste from a fresh, floral scent to a fruity aroma. Milk tea, the shop’s specialty brewed with a perfect proportion thanks to various trials and errors, creates the best-matched milk aroma and tea aroma. In addition to daily fresh tea steeped on site, the locally preferred taste has resulted in a sweetened variation. Elaborate plate setting is essential, so each dish is placed on a specific plate. When it comes to the senses, hopefully every guest can enjoy a perfect journey full of fancy enjoyment when dining and tea tasting at the bar, just like its name in Taiwanese: Wholehearted Tea Serving.

望能讓人進到店裡用餐品茗時,體驗到的是一次完美享受,恰 如品牌名的臺語諧音⸺用心奉茶。

1. 以高腳杯品茗的創新冷泡茶喝法,顛覆傳統刻板印象,替臺灣


茶注入時髦品味。2. 架上擺設的茶罐貼有替茶葉新起的命名,由

來取材東方文化、與茶有關的故事,替店內增添摩登氛圍。3. 永 心鳳茶的人氣甜點⸺千層蛋糕,口味多元,可視個人偏好的茶

味為濃厚還清爽自行挑選。使用茉莉綠茶加上紅心芭樂水果泥的 「茉莉芭樂千層」口感清爽,喜歡奶茶的人,不妨試試茶味偏重 的「臺東紅烏龍奶茶」一起享用。

1. Iced tea in a goblet turns the stereotype of tea tasting on its head but brings a chic taste to Taiwanese tea. 2. The tea canister is labeled with the new name inspired by the oriental culture and tea-associated tales to add a modern touch. 3. It is strongly recommended to try the Crepe Cake, a signature sweet with many flavors available pursuant to the light or strong tea taste personally preferred, while the milk tea lover can try Taitung Red Oolong Milk Tea with a strong tea taste along with fresh and light Jasmine Green Tea Guava Crepe Cake made with jasmine green tea and guava puree.

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