VOYAGER Vol. 24 昇恆昌機場誌第24期

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018 V SELECT 風格選物

透過時尚開拓新視野,用風格實踐妳的自信觀點,培養 010


Fashion opens your eyes. Styles shape your ideas. Mindfulness nurtures your taste.

006 V SPOT 熱點推薦

022 V TREND 持妝秘訣




Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you!

010 V BADGE 大勢品牌

為滿足品味旅人們的需求,昇恆昌致力搜羅每件值得納 入珍藏的高端精品,以及風格獨特的設計師品牌。

To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to high-end collections and designer brands.


VOYAGER 特別分享戴口罩的超實用美肌對策,在新型 VOYAGER would like to share some extremely practical beauty care ideas at the time of COVID19 outbreak as wearing face masks became essential.

026 V VIEW 名家視野

Five Metal Shop 負責人陳靖雯、三頁文藝術總監顏伯

駿,兩人擅長將色彩的能量運用在物件上,不僅能達到 有效溝通,更能呈現設計師的個人魅力。

Chen Ching-Wen, the person in charge of the Five Metal Shop, and Yen Po-Chun, the artistic director of Yen Po-Chun Design,

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

vol.24 2020

are skilled in the application of using the energy of colors in objects, which not only accomplishes effective communication but also displays the charisma of the designers.

032 V TOPIC 主題企劃①─台灣色彩


真性情,透過紅、綠、黃三種日常色彩,提供讀者重新 檢視自己生長的環境,會發現比原本想像的更加繽紛有 活力!

Have you observed the vitality represented by the colors of Taiwan? The real temperament and culture of Taiwan are displayed through the three everyday colors - yellow, red, and green; we invite our readers to reexamine their own developing environment.

048 V TOPIC 主題企劃②─桃機二航空間再進化

桃園國際機場第二航廈 C 區空間,經過重新規劃,以視


Glenfarclas product launch of the precious whisky collection “The Beauty of Taiwan” Series was especially held at Dihua Street, that is full of nostalgic vibes, to remember the good old days and show respect for the land.

084 V CAMERA 旅行途中

金黃沙漠、炙紅火山、寧靜藍海…,在旅行途中記下色彩鮮 明的一幕,成為腦海永不褪色的回憶。

Golden desert, flaming volcanoes, the tranquility of blue ocean…all these encompass the bright-colored scenes and allow visitors to cherish the memories that will never fade.



Zone C in terminal 2 at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport is re-organized, based on the fashionable design of visual transparency. Combined with the artistic works that are resourcefully displayed in every corner, the travelers’ desire for innovation is stimulated.

Publisher: Simon Chiang


056 V FOCUS 漫遊離島

Published by Ever Rich D.F.S. Corporation 發行人:江松樺


Supervisory Manager: Samuel Wu, Kevin Chiang, Sandy Chang 總編輯:張勝傳

Editor-in-Chief: Markus Chang 責任編緝:陳瑋鑫

Project Editor: Worf Chen


地址:11494 臺北市內湖區新湖二路 289 號


11494, Taiwan, R.O.C.


The scenery of Taiwan’s offshore islands always makes you feel relaxed. To attract more guests, our Golden Lake Hotel and Discovery Hotel introduce a new eco-tourism package to ensure the best travel experience.

066 V TAGS 流行關鍵字

論品味養成必得先了解流行,既然如此,以下整理出的 關鍵字、“IT”items,絕對得好好留心一番。

Trendspotting comes before sophistication. These keywords and key items are essential for any fashionista.

080 V SCENES 品酩記事

Glenfarclas 格蘭花格「台灣之美」珍稀酒款,特別選擇 在具有懷舊氛圍的迪化街舉辦發表會,帶出本系列對土 地的敬意。

Address: No.289 Shin-Hu 2nd Road, Nei-Hu District, Taipei 客戶服務電話:0800098668 Service Line: 0800098668

網址 編輯統籌:黑潮文化股份有限公司 Editorial Coordination: Kuroshio Culture Co. Ltd. 主編:黃映嘉 Managing Editor: Eika Huang

設計統籌:謝喬伃 Design Coordination: Joy Chiao-Yu Hsieh 編輯:王翎珊 Editor: Kirstie Wang

英譯:蔡雅婷、黃志建、劉楚珺 Translator: Ya-Ting Tsai, Chee-Kin Wong, Chun-Chun Liu

攝影:洪上鈞、莊智淵、李翔、柯玟曲、Din wu Photography: Uliz Hung, Chih-Yuan Chuang, Wen-Chu Ko, Din Wu 英文校稿:謝志明 Proofreader: Anatoly Semenov

本刊編輯內容之版權為本刊所有,非經本刊同意與授權不得作任何形式之複製或轉載。 Use of editorial content without permission is strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved.


EDITOR’S NOTE 6 月, 隨 著 全 球 肺 炎 疫 情 的 趨 緩, 在 大 家


《VOYAGER》能夠重新點燃大家對於「旅行」的 熱情。


As the global pandemic slows down in June, we hope

that this issue of Voyager may rekindle your passion for “travel” while we gradually get back to normal life.

Though we still can't travel to international destinations at this particular time, we bring the simplicity and

beauty of the world to your eyes through the lens of

travel photographer Zhang Yifan. We also use the


concept of colors to refocus Taiwan’s daily life in the


Wearing facial masks for a long time really bothers

到您的眼前。此外,我們也從那些臺灣日常的生 長時間戴口罩而產生的肌膚問題確實讓大家

相當苦惱。「口罩美人養成術」教你怎麼在這個 非常時期,依舊能維持亮麗好臉色。

eyes of tourists.

everyone and may cause skin problems. “Face masks:

beauty tips and secrets” teaches you how to stay beautiful at this unusual time.

Though the global travel has been suspended, the improvement of the airport environment cannot be


stopped. Together with the U.K. Design Solution team,

計 團 隊, 為 桃 園 國 際 機 場 第 二 航 廈 免 稅 空 間 帶

Airport. These changes have been recognized by

能 停。 昇 恆 昌 攜 手 英 國 The Design Solution 設

來全新的時尚風貌。這項改變更獲得今年 DFNIFrontier 亞太旅遊零售業獎─最佳新開幕商店獎的 肯定。

臺 灣 一 直 是 個 充 滿 快 樂 人 民 的 國 家, 而 我

Ever Rich brought a new fashion style to the Duty-

free space at Terminal 2 of Taoyuan International DFNI-Frontier and received the “2020 Best New Shop Opening Award” in Asia Pacific tourism and retail industry category.

Taiwan has always been a nation of happy people, and we have so many reasons to believe that the better

們 相 信 更 好 的 日 子 終 有 回 歸 的 時 候, 昇 恆 昌 及

days will come back. Voyager and Ever Rich will always


confident we will soon meet again.


greet you at our Duty-free shops around the island and guide you through the wonderful journey. We are

總編輯 張勝傳

Markus Chang, Editor-in-Chief


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哪裡有好看、好吃、好用、好玩的?哪些新鮮貨、新鮮事不可不知? 千萬不能錯過的精彩熱點,一次搜羅給你。

Looking for a place which is great for visiting, eating, and having fun, or something new and undiscovered? You should check out these exciting hot spots which we have selected for you! Text by 黃映嘉 Eika Huang Translated by 黃志健 Wong-Chee Kin


昇恆昌免稅店邀請紙雕藝術家成若涵,將台北松山 機場、桃園國際機場、臺中國際機場、高雄國際機 場,四大機場的景物與生活樣貌,藉由傳統與創新 融合的紙雕藝術,將其印製在春節限量提袋上,優 雅又充滿祝福氣息,不論送禮或收藏,都是最美的 回憶。

Paper Cutting Art Ever Rich Duty-Free Shop has invited paper cutting artist Cheng Jo-Han to bestow some fresh and lively appearance to Taipei Songshan Airport, Taoyuan Int’l Airport, Taichung Int’l Airport, and Kaohsiung Int’l Airport. By integrating traditional and innovative craftsmanship, artistic works of paper cutting are printed on the limited Spring Festival carrier bags. Elegant and full of blessings, these bags are ideal for gift-giving or collection to create the most wonderful memories.


春天即將來臨,JO MALONE LONDON 也隨之推出新的限量版系列。提振精神的柚子,散發香氣撲鼻的活力芳香。 質樸純淨的睡蓮,則捕捉了花園池塘中花環般的明珠之美。桂花古龍水巧妙糅合甜美的杏桃與溫暖的香調。合歡花 古龍水封存了花開時分讓人怦然心動的香氣。品牌標誌性的花卉香氣──橙花,則以特別版香氛工藝蠟燭與藤枝擴 香組之姿,完美回歸。

New limited edition collection Spring is upon us, and with it comes JO MALONE LONDON’s new limited edition collection. Invigorating Yuja, fizzing with the fragrant flavour citrus, and pristine Waterlily, capturing the beauty of the garden ponds. Joining these Colognes are a duo of muchloved Blossoms fragrances: Osmanthus Blossom with an apricot sweetness alongside deep, warming notes; and Silk Blossom with the scent of a tempting bloom. The brand’s signature floral scent, Orange Blossom, makes a comeback in a special-edition Home Candle and Diffuser.



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V S P OT | 熱 點 推 薦



酥 脆 外 皮 上 印 製 了 Hello Kitty 的 模

樣,而裝載餅乾的鐵罐,也繪製了繽 紛可愛的圖樣,洋溢著下午茶時間到

來的悠閒氣息。內餡共有三種口味, 分別是香草、草莓、巧克力,柔滑細 緻的口感總是叫人停不下來。 Lovable Relish



看到台灣藝術家 Gary Tu 的水彩作品,將大自然瑰寶的蝴蝶與花卉, 使用時尚插畫呈現,以代表台灣精神的藝術之道。而 Gary Tu 獨特難

In addition to the image of Hello Kitty printed on the crispy crust of mini gaufres, a snack that combines the advantages of both traditional Japanese and French pastry, it’s packed in a lovely tin box and is perfect for afternoon tea. It comes in 3 flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. The silky and delicate texture is impressive and irresistible.

以複製的水彩渲染技法,讓他筆下的女人都能擁有美麗化身,是他最 受好評的作品。 Way of Art

Exclusively for red-eye flight travelers! On the external roller blinds of the shops located in the central area at Terminal 2 of Taoyuan Int’l Airport, one can see distinctively unique watercolor paintings of flowers and butterflies, which present the spirit of Taiwanese art of local fashion illustrator and artist Gary Tu; the women in his paintings possess a beautiful incarnation, which has also become the painter’s most wellreceived work.


Hello Kitty 迷你法蘭酥禮盒 Hello Kitty Mini Gaufres


用象徵性的雕塑作品,描述人與人在感情中的互動,與隨著時間 的演變,關係的變化和各自獨處狀態下的感覺。就像兩個人手上 生長的茂密的花或植物,代表感情的萌芽與熱戀。昇恆昌邀請藝 術家涂皓欽,特別重新創作展出,期待藉由帶有溫暖色調的雕 塑,牽引出人與人之間的溫度與情感。 The Gap in Time Symbolic sculptures are used to illustrate the relationships between people; the interaction, formation and changes with time; and the feelings of being alone. This is akin to flowers and plants flourishing in the hands of two people, from the beginning of a romance to a period where both are deeply in love. Ever Rich has specially invited artist Tu, Hao-Chin to recreate works for this exhibition in the hope that, from the warm colors of the pieces, the warmth and emotion between people can be brought out.

2020/04/24 起

桃園國際機場第一航廈 A9 文化藝廊 007 A9 Art Gallery, Terminal 1, Taoyuan International Airport

BADGE 流行趨勢如光速般更迭,時尚型人的眼光也越來越挑剔;為滿足品味旅 人們的需求,昇恆昌致力搜羅每件值得納入珍藏的高端精品,還有風格 獨特的設計師品牌,讓每一趟旅程、每一場冒險,都充滿獨特的回憶與 自信。

Fashion trends change quickly, fashionistas become pickier. To meet the needs of fashion lovers, Ever Rich is committed to high-end collections and designer brands to ensure special memories and confidence after each journey.

Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang Photography by 洪上鈞 Uliz Hung

Translated by 劉楚珺 Chun-Chun Liu

00 10 10


VV OO YA YA GG EE RRv v oo l . l2. 2 44

V BADGE | 大勢品牌

哥吉拉 65 週年限定錶款

GODZILLA 65th Anniversary Limited Edition Watch

Elegance 系列皮帶錶

Elegance Collection Watch

Heritage 系列鍊帶錶 Heritage Collection Watch

創立於 1960 年,GRAND SEIKO 以純日本製

錶工藝,挑戰瑞士鐘錶界的競賽,於 1968 年脫穎 而出,拿下了最佳機械腕錶獎,並在 1969 年推出

日差正 1 負 2 秒的巔峰之作,讓其品牌與技術聞

SEIKO,即是日本高級腕錶的代名詞,且不斷在正 確度、美感與辨識性上追求更高標準的層次。

為紀念哥吉拉電影問世 65 週年,GRAND SEIKO

名於世。9S 系列機械機芯可謂是世界上最精準的

特 別 打 造 了 搭 載 Spring Drive 機 芯 的 限 量 錶



機械機芯之一,而招牌的 Spring Drive 機芯則為

集結日本職人製錶工藝與日本美學精粹的 GRAND

SBGA405,全球限量 650 只,而臺灣僅配額 50 園國際機場店,一睹它的風采。

商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu /昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store


從 2000 年 開 始 掀 起 風 潮 的 機 車 包, 到 前 衛 的

Triple S 老 爹 鞋, 巴 黎 世 家 BALENCIAGA 自 2015 年 由 Demna Gvasalia 接 手 後 所 掀 起 的 高 街 風 格(High

Street Fashion), 已 在 近 五 年 的 時 尚 圈 成 了 眾 所 皆 知 的 顯 學。Demna Gvasalia 發 揚 了 創 辦 人 Cristobal Balenciaga 在高級訂製服上展現的前衛精神,並融入自

己對千禧世代的觀點,讓巴黎世家成為當前年輕人最受 歡迎的品牌之一。

在許多人眼裡,新一代的 BALENCIAGA 就猶如時

尚圈的觀念藝術大師杜象,總能將看似平價的購物袋、 連帽 T、運動褲和 IKEA 的 Frakta 藍色購物袋搬上伸展

台,甚至成為人人搶購的熱門單品。今年初,昇恆昌率 先將 BALENCIAGA 引進機場,期待讓更多旅客沾染這 股前衛的時尚氣息。



4 1 1. 手機包 Shopping Phone Holder / 2. B 鱷魚壓紋鍊帶包 B. Wallet On Chain / 3. 小型沙漏包 Hourglass Top Handle S / 4. 氣墊復古運動鞋 Triple S Clear Sole

商店資訊 Shop Info 昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store


V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

V BADGE | 大勢品牌



1. Belle Vivier 高跟鞋/

2. Bouquet Strass 花鑽高跟鞋/ 3. Viv Run Strass 休閒鞋


商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store

號稱鞋中之王,學雕塑出身的藝術家 Roger Vivier

在為 ROGER VIVIER 效力十六年的設計總監 Bruno

不僅發明了世界上第一雙細跟高跟鞋,也為 Dior 開創

Frisoni 於 2018 年 卸 下 總 監 一 職 後, 資 深 鞋 履 設 計 師

鞋店,直到 1963 年才成立個人品牌,伊麗莎白二世、

在 去 年 重 新 演 繹 風 行 於 1960 年 的 Belle Vivier 高 跟

了黃金十年。他於 1937 年在巴黎皇家大道開設自己的


芭鐸等知名女性都是他的忠實粉絲,品牌最具代表性的 Virgule 逗號跟鞋以及方扣鞋,至今皆是眾多女性心中的 夢幻逸品。

Gherardo Felloni 承 襲 著 Roger Vivier 的 設 計 美 學, 鞋,並轉化為 Très Vivier 低跟鞋。若想購入人生第一雙

ROGER VIVIER 又擔心無法駕馭折騰腳的細高跟,從矮 跟款的 Très Vivier 下手會是不錯的選擇。


Monogram 腰包 Bumbag


後背包 Backpack


計師 Stella McCartney,父親是紅遍全 球的披頭四成員 Paul McCartney,母

親是攝影師兼動物權利環保人士。15 歲 就 找 到 人 生 志 向 並 進 入 Chritstian

Lacroix 門 下 學 習 的 她, 繼 承 了 父 母 親 的 文 藝 氣 息 與 環 境 正 義 理 念, 走

Logo 肩背包

出 了 一 條 獨 特 的 時 尚 風 格。 從 英 國

Mini Crossbody

頂 尖 時 尚 學 院 聖 馬 汀 畢 業 後 兩 年,

Stella McCartney 就 承 接 了 當 時 老 佛 爺 Karl Lagerfeld 手中的法國時裝品牌

Chloé,年僅 25 歲就晉升為創意總監, 英國有多屆奧運代表隊的服裝也是由 她親手操刀。

Stella McCartney 的設計以柔美、




腰包 Bumbag

秉持友善地球、尊重動物與關懷環境 的精神,一向是 STELLA MCCARTNEY 品牌最重要的 DNA,對她來說,時髦

與環保並行是未來時尚的最大趨勢。到 店上欣賞 Stella McCartney 的設計時,

不妨也看看她是如何利用有機、低破 壞和永續性的原料編織出最符合當代 女性需求的配件。

Logo 托特包 Tote Bag

商店資訊 Shop Info 昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu / 昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store


V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

身為彩妝專家的 M·A·C 以特立獨行的作風和龐大

M·A·C 最知名的即是它的元老級明星產品―「子


彈唇膏」,號稱全球平均每秒就售出 1 支,全系列目

產 品。 品 牌 創 辦 人 Frank Toskan 及 Frank Angelo 各


誇張冶豔的特效妝,你都可以在 M·A·C 找到最合適的

自身兼髮型、攝影及彩妝等專業,1985 年兩人在加拿 大創立 M·A·C 時,即是將品牌定位為專業用彩妝,但

前共有 9 種質地,多達 200 種色號提供選擇,具有持


其平價、創新且高品質的特性,也深深擄獲一般消費者 的心,而 M·A·C 也是彩妝業內第一個讓彩妝師站櫃的 品牌,提供顧客專業的化妝服務。

Powder Kiss Lipstick Trio


商店資訊 Shop Info

昇恆昌內湖旗艦店 Ever Rich Taipei Downtown Store, Neihu 昇恆昌桃園國際機場店 Ever Rich Taoyuan Int’l Airport Store


原味法蘭酥 Gaufres G10S


Petites Gaufres Rich Maccha 5B

迷你抹茶巧克力 法蘭酥禮盒

奶油香脆薄餅 L'espoir L10S

Koi Maccha Palet Au

Chocolat Maccha

歷史悠久的神戶風月堂至今已走過 123 年的歲月,

其招牌的甜點法蘭酥(Gaufres)誕生於大正 12 年(1926

年),是世界各地的觀光客們至日本神戶必買的伴手禮 之一。受法式甜點啟發的創辦人,集結了法式甜點的風

剛出爐般新鮮可口」,成為神戶風月堂法蘭酥知名的忠 實粉絲。

除了熱賣超過 90 年的法蘭酥薄片餅乾,神戶風月


堂也於 2018 年創立了高級支線 L'espoir,其中最不可



創造出這風味獨特的圓形夾心煎餅。酥脆輕盈的脆餅搭 史懷哲 (Albert Schweitzer) 也一試成主顧,大呼「就像

錯過的即是品牌花了 30 年的時間研發而成的奶油香脆

商店資訊 Shop Info 昇恆昌各機場/港口/市區店 Ever Rich Duty Free Shop at Taiwan Airports, harbors, and Downtown Stores


V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4


Text & Styling by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang.Photography by 洪上鈞 Uliz Hung

透過時尚開拓新視野,用風格實踐妳的自信觀點,培 養品味就是要慎重地對待妳的選擇。

Fashion opens your eyes. Styles shape your ideas. Mindfulness nurtures your taste.


PRADA 肩背包 Shoulder Bag /

BURBERRY Horseferry Print 肩背包 Shoulder Bag / SALVATORE FERRAGAMO 平底鞋 Flat Shoes / GUCCI 太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses 0 0 11 8 8

VV OO YA YA GG EE RRv v oo l . l2. 2 44

V VS S EE L LEECCTT | | 風 風格 格選 選物 物

ROGER VIVIER Tres Vivier 低跟鞋 Pumps /

BVLGARI Cabochon 肩背包 Shoulder Bag / ROGER VIVIER 手拿包 Clutch /

MICHAEL KORS Slim Runway 手錶 Watch



GUCCI 相機包 Camera Bag / ROGER VIVIER Gommette 平底鞋 Flat Shoes / MIDO Rainflower 手錶 Watch / CHLOE 太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses

0 02200

VV OO YA YA GG EE RRv v oo l . l2. 2 44

V SELECT | 風格選物

BALENCIAGA Ville 手拿包 Handbag / SALVATORE FERRAGAMO 鏈帶包 Chain Bag / GUCCI G-Timeless 手錶 Watch / CARTIER 太陽眼鏡 Sunglasses



口罩美人養成術,護膚 & 持妝秘訣! Face masks:


品,但長時間戴著口罩,肌膚因為悶熱及摩擦,連帶也衍生 許多問題,像是長痘痘、敏感及脫妝,讓人感到相當苦惱。

beauty tips and secrets

VOYAGER 提供分享戴口罩的超實用美肌對策,在這個非常時 期,讓您依舊能維持亮麗好臉色。

Text by Nina

抗痘控油 1 2

1. CLINIQUE 毛孔神隱 iD 平衡修護奇蹟凝露 Dramatically

Different™ Hydrating Jelly + Active Cartridge Concentrate For

Pores & Uneven Texture / 2. LA ROCHE-POSAY 淨痘無瑕極效 精華 40ml Effaclar Duo[+] 40ml




1 6

2 4


1. ORIGINS Dr. Weil 青春無敵健康光潤機能乳液 100ml Mega Mushroom Relief & Resilience Fortifying Emulsion 100ml / 2. DECORTE

甦妍淨化前導液 300ml Cosme Decorte Vita De Reve 300ml / 3. SULWHASOO 雪花秀潤燥精華 EX- 梅雪之綻 First Care Activating

Serum EX_Gentle Blossom / 4. SK-II 青春露 250ml Facial Treatment Pitera™ Essence 250ml / 5. BIOTHERM 奇蹟特嫩精華 50ml Life

Plankton Elixir 50ml / 6. LANCOME 超極光活粹晶露 250ml Clarifique Refining Enzymatic Dual Essence 250ml / 7. KIEHL’S 金盞花植 物精華化妝水 500ml- 特大裝 Calendula Herbal Extract Toner 500ml







而來。想要讓膚況穩定,除了適時更換乾淨的口罩外, 記得找空檔到通風處拿下口罩讓肌膚稍微透透氣,戴口 罩前使用的保養品最好改換成清爽的劑型,步驟也應化


膚容易長痘痘者,可以搭配抗痘控油類商品,幫助調節 022


炎,建議可以挑選具有舒敏修護的保養品,在戴口罩前 可以先塗擦幫助肌膚保濕,特別是在雙頰、口罩鬆緊帶

處,提升肌膚保水力及防禦力,清潔卸妝後,也可以幫 助舒緩敏感泛紅。

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

V TREND | 持妝秘訣

防疫期美妝挑選 POINTS


① 清爽系保養為首選




油量就會提升,外出前的保養建 議以清爽劑型為佳,如化妝水、


乳液、凝露等,避免過度滋潤的 質地。

② 抗痘及舒敏產品

長時間戴著口罩,很多人的肌膚 都開始出現長痘痘、敏感情形,







1. LANEIGE 水透光提亮隔離乳 SPF41 PA++ Water Glow Base Corrector SPF

41 PA++ / 2. GUERLAIN 極致毛孔神隱妝前凝露 L'essentiel Pore Minimizer Primer 30ml / 3. INNISFREE 無 油 無 慮 礦 物 控 油 蜜 粉 特 別 組 No Sebum Mineral Special Set / 4. CLE DE PEAU BEAUTE 無瑕妝前凝霜 Correcting

Cream Veil 36ml Pre-Makeup / 5. SHU UEMURA 極保濕輕感防護乳 - 膚色

Stage Performer Block: Booster SPF 50 Beige / 6. CLARINS 玫瑰精萃定妝 噴霧 Fix Make-Up Mist


③ 避免上厚重底妝

若有上妝需求者,建議挑選乾式 粉 末 如 蜜 粉、 粉 餅 取 代 液 態 粉

底,能減少彩妝沾附在口罩的機 會,也能避免因悶熱堵塞毛孔, 衍生其他肌膚問題。

1 3

1. WHOO 皇后之吻潤色護唇膏 Mi Glow Lip Balm / 2.

LANEIGE 蘭芝睡美人極萃滋養晚安唇膜 Lip Sleeping

Mask / 3. ESTEE LAUDER 粉 嫩 慾 望 全 效 修 護 唇 膜 Pure Color Envy Lip Repair Potion







作開會時,或與客戶、朋友用餐時,還是會有脫下口罩 罩,許多人還是習慣會上妝。戴口罩化妝最困擾的就是 彩妝品容易沾附在口罩,造成臉上大脫妝,到底該如何 隨時隨地維持好氣色?此時期的彩妝選擇要點,最好能 先避開油脂含量高的質地,像是粉底液、氣墊粉餅,避


脫妝時間。此外,戴口罩時也會容易覺得嘴唇乾燥,建 議可以搭配具有保濕滋潤的護唇產品,降低戴口罩摩擦 造成乾燥不適,拿下口罩後依舊能有好氣色。

免因悶熱造成肌膚出油旺盛、毛孔阻塞。底妝的部分可 限量商品數量有限,實際庫存依各賣場銷售情況為準,售完為止。


Let's see the beauty of Taiwan's mountains this time 這次,請看臺灣山林之美 文 / 黃尹青

第一屆的比賽,如此叩問 :「臺灣美,


美在哪裡 ?」第二屆的比賽,提問聚焦


在:「臺灣的山林,美在何處 ?」

想要表達的種種,而且巧妙不將就,就 是功力。

臺灣是個小島,卻有 268 座 3000 公尺

評審團 大獎

(上圖)社會組「評審團大 獎」得主梁紫祺的「林野芒 花」,結合芒草和山稜,展 現生命的堅韌與情懷。 (右圖)以「Bunban」獲 得社會組「市場潛力獎」的 王皓正,以臺灣國寶魚櫻花 鉤吻鮭 ( 泰雅語:Bunban) 做為臺灣山林象徵,結合溪 流線條,構築其洄游至上游 產卵的場景。

市場 潛力獎

















(左圖)李哖以「穿山」獲得學生組「發展潛力 獎」,創作源自臺灣玉山主峰,利用山脊線融入 穿山甲的線條,呈現出穿山甲穿梭在山林裡的韌 性,希望啟發人們對生命的重視與珍惜。 (右圖)學生組陳映璇以「林中虎」獲得「新銳 設計大獎」。設計結合石虎與山脈,彷彿一隻僅 存的石虎,帶著希望的眼神,盼望人類可以讓牠 留在美麗的臺灣山林中。 發展 潛力獎

新銳設 計大獎























芒 草 翻 飛 如 浪 的 律 動。「BUNBAN」















感的學生組,得到最高榮譽的「新銳 設計大獎」和「發展潛力獎」的作品, 經過評估,被鑲製成實品的可行性也很 高,而且從商業市場的角度看來,都是 有潛力的作品。 臺灣的山林,美在何處?如何被落實為 珠寶?這次的賽事,確實給出了一些答 案,而且是不簡單的答案。


昇恆昌珠寶邀請國際珠寶設計師龔遵慈 ( 右 3)、資深珠寶鑑賞家黃尹青 ( 右 1)、 多媒體藝術家陳怡潔 ( 左 2)、同名品牌設計總監 Daniel Wong( 左 1) 不同領域 專業人士參與評選。

顏色的中立與 主觀性

The neutrality and subjectivity of colors Text by


Chen Ching-Wen

Five Metal Shop 負責人,台大外文 畢業,專長領域為品牌建構與國際行

銷。Five Metal Shop 擅長設計具有 敏感度的企劃,成功替中小型傳產轉 型,開拓市場能見度,並強調市場企 劃與設計並重。著名案例包括:台北 當代藝術博覽會品牌識別、W 春池

計畫整體視覺企劃指導…等等,從事 物本質出發,找到打動人心的關鍵。

用色彩來賦予產品新生命,「五金行日曆」成功重新聚焦大眾的目光。 To bestow a new life on the product by using colors, Five Metal Shop Calendar has successfully recaptured attention of the audience.


及設計轉譯,使得產品有時下的流 行感,卻同時保有潛意識裡看到的

Chen Ching-Wen graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages at t h e N at i o n a l Ta i w a n U n i v e r s i t y and is an expert in brand building and international marketing. While capable of designing projects with high sensitivity, the Five Metal Shop has successfully helped small and mediumsized traditional industries through business transformation and increasing brand awareness. Through emphasizing both market planning and the work of the design, the celebrated projects i n c l u d e t h e b ra n d l a b e l o f Ta i p e i Dangdai, the overall visual planning and direction of the W Glass Project, etc. The fundamental purpose is to identify the key that can stir the heart of people from the core of all things.

曆」 是 Five Metal Shop 從 2016

Translated by 劉楚珺 Chun-Chun Liu




北 歐 潮 流 色, 以 日 曆 這 個 載 體 來

Photography by 陳靖雯 Chen Ching-

Wen、An Rong Xu

年開始的實驗計劃,實驗命題的假 設是:幾乎被時代淘汰的產品(傳

統手撕日曆),是否有能力透過企 劃和設計,再次合理的復活?讓擁


生活的傳統手撕日曆,合理出現在 你我現代的生活環境。

身 為 設 計 師, 在 使 用 色 彩 上

的責任,便是讓它成為表述觀點的 語言,反過來說,色彩使用的決定

定,應該從需要被溝通的產品或意 任 地 決 定 色 彩 的 組 合。 因 此, 在 「五金行日曆」這個計畫中,除了 字型和版型,「顏色」是這個計劃

的重要主角之一。既然從大家的集 體記憶出發,在原始藍、紅、黑這


們當然也要把從台灣土地長出來的 顏色放進去,透過重新排列調整以




歡鬧廟會的螢光綠、暖紅、金和紫 小貨卡的藍

街市阿姨們身上不同色階的紫和大 地色

鳳梨黃、蓮霧粉、稻苗青、稻穗金、 荔枝紅、芒果橙又紅"


色, 全 然 擁 抱 黑 白 灰, 或 所 謂 的 說,怎麼想都不對勁。因為日照角

度不同,在台灣永遠都不會有冰島 帶青的藍色,而近年在家飾產業流

行 的 湖 水 綠 和 灰 粉 橘, 放 進「 台 灣」這個主題,也像穿錯衣服一樣 不自然。然而,若是直接複製貼上

50 年前的花布衫彩,身為一位設 計師,也太過懶惰和一味地消費復

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

V VIEW | 名家視野

古。因此,在「五金行日曆」這個 計劃中,我們拆解記憶裡的符碼記 號、重新排列組合: "萊姆黃和古銅金


烏魚子紅加上花布紫" 實驗計畫到今年第四年,除了

discovery of collective memory is required, “colors” are naturally one of the most important characteristics. In addition to the three colors of blue, red, and black on a traditional calendar, we must include colors that grow from the land of Taiwan. Through rearrangement, redesign, and reinterpretation, symbols that can be seen in consciousness with a sense of fashion are preserved by the products.

The cyan-blue, green, blue, and red colors of the “Ga Ji La” bags. The fluorescent green, warm red, gold, and purple colors of an entertaining temple fair. The blue color of a pickup truck. The color gradients of purple and earth tones worn by the women at the market. Pineapple yellow, wax apple pink, seedling green, rice gold, litchi red, mango orange, and red colors.

意外帶起台灣設計小日曆的萬千市 場,讓大眾開始關注這個已在年輕 世代消失的產品。由於色彩本身是


顏色可以跨越語言的隔閡,在世界各個角落、各種場合,留下設計者想表達的觀點。 Colors can overcome language barriers and provide the views and insight expressed by designers on various occasions in all corners of the world.


似。因此從各種角度來看,顏色的 使用與組合,可以產生不同觀點和


識的表述。正因如此,四年來超過 三十組的色彩組合,透過產品讓這 些顏色在台灣、英國、美國、愛爾 蘭、澳洲的桌上、牆上生活著,它

們安靜或歡鬧地,跨越國界和語言, 表述它對台灣顏色的現下觀點。

Is there a product that allows everyone to have common memories? The traditional tear-off calendar has almost disappeared in our daily life, yet it appears in our modern living environment. The “Calendar Project” is an experimental program that has been introduced by Five Metal Shop since 2016 in the attempt to identify a way to reintegrate the product that has almost been eliminated from our daily life. Colors should be the language for expressing opinions. As a designer, instead of blindly following mine or my client ’s preferences, I should accountably determine the combination of hues from the product or consiousness that needs to be connected and the rationality of the audiences’ living environment. Therefore, “colors” are one of the main characteristics of the “Calendar Project”, besides fonts and layouts. Since the


We have deserted the rich hues that we grew up with and have embraced a complete charcoal grey, the trendy color of Northern Europe, ever since we started the design. Regarding this calendar’s carrier, it is something out of the ordinary. The color of ultramarine can never be found in Taiwan like in Iceland, due to the difference in the lighting angle. When green lake and grey peach colors, the prevalent colors for home accessories in recent years, is applied to the theme of “Taiwan”, it is just as unnatural as wearing the wrong clothes. Therefore, in the “Calendar Pr o j e c t ”, w e r e - c o o r d i n a t e a n d recombine the codes in our memory:

Lime yellow and bronze gold The blue color of a pickup truck blended with fluorescent orange Mullet roe red matched with printed cloth purple colors While entering the 4th year of the project, the experimental program accidentally encouraged the booming market of small calendar designs i n Ta i w a n , w h i c h t h e p u b l i c h a s begun following and has already disappeared with great interest in the younger generations. Like an image that possesses power and influence, the color itself is totally neutral without a distinction of bad or good.

The use and combination of colors will lead to different perspectives and interpretations that become conscious expressions from various views. Because of this, more than 30 sets of color combinations have been developed to experience lives on the walls or tables in Australia, Ireland, America, England, and Taiwan through a variety of products for the past four years. Living either quietly or boisterously, they offer and narrate the opinions towards the colors of Taiwan upon escaping boundaries and languages.




1. 日 曆 多 樣 化 的 顏 色 汲 取 自台灣日常生活,讓每天撕 日 曆 時, 也 都 能 有 不 同 心 情。The diversity of colors on the calendar is drawn from the daily life in Taiwan. People can develop a totally different mood when tearing off a page of calendar every day. 2. 用色彩、字型喚醒大眾對 傳統美食的連結,展現恰到 好處的台灣味。Evoking the impression on traditional delicacies through the perfect display of Taiwanese flavor using colors and fonts.

3. 以喜慶色彩為主視覺,再 加上霓虹招牌元素做疊合,發 揮 品 牌 精 神 底 蘊。Involving the superimposition of neon sign elements into the main visual design and application of festive hues and colors for presenting the spirit and deposit of the brand.


V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

V VIEW | 名家視野

用色彩突破事物 的既定框架 Color breaks down framework Narrated by

顏伯駿 Yen Po-Chun


向產業,最具代表的 28、29、30 屆 金曲獎,為典禮帶來全新視覺印象, 金曲獎 28 視覺系列更榮獲「德國紅

點設計獎」和「金點設計獎」。擅長 挖掘設計的核心概念,展現能夠打動 人心的要點,理性分析要素創造全新

2017 金曲獎主視覺設計。系列作品底色選用單一、且鮮明的色彩,進而產生聚焦感。 The main visual design of the 2017 Golden Melody Awards: Single and vivid hues were selected as the color base of the work of the same collection to produce a focusing effect.

觀點。重要作品包括 2019 桃園全國

運動會形象統籌、2017 金漫獎等等。 As the artistic director of YEN Design, Yen Po-Chun has been involved in works that have crossed over so many fields, and the most representative and contributing work to the related areas was his design of the ceremony bags for 28th, 29th, and 30th Golden Melody Awards Ceremonies. Of those, the visual series for the 28th Golden Melody Awards won him a "Red Dot Design Award of Germany" and a "Golden Dot Design Award." To design such impressive works, he has used his expertise to tell stories through design and has rationally analyzed elements to furnish brand-new perspectives.

Text by 林佳蕙 Vivienne Lin

Translated by 蔡雅婷 Ya-Ting Tsai



師,我們會產出很多製作物,有些 用色可能比較吸睛,因而加強了別


候只是其他產品的用色沒有被別人 注意到罷了。


少 了 反 映 自 身 的 個 性, 我 偏 好 亮 麗、 看 起 來 開 心 或 對 比 強 烈 的 顏 色,喜歡以低彩度、低明度的顏色 配上高彩度的顏色,在大面積的深 沉色塊上,配上一個很亮的點就會 產生聚焦感。多色混雜造成的錯視

感也很吸引我,但也不總是如此。 我對趨勢比較敏感,使用的顏色也 可能隨每一年的流行,有所調整。



設計師,像是紅色讓人感覺燥熱、 勇氣或熱情,藍色則予人平靜的感


性來自我們身處環境所讓我們產生 的既定印象,比形體更容易達成溝 通的效果。


灣」的印象連結,例如我們從小看 到大的學校操場,那樣的綠草紅土 便形成了印象的基點,對我來說那 樣的配色是校園的回憶,也代表了

青春。出社會之後,我覺得台灣的 顏色就是灰色,因為台北街頭就是

灰撲撲的、是許多濁色系的組合, 但這當中又會出現一點亮綠色,因 為高速公路上的路牌都是綠色的,

那就是台灣的味道。此外,黃銅色 搭配花蓮蛇紋石的綠色,再加上深 木頭色,也是一種很經典的台灣配

色,因為台灣的老屋都是這樣,不 管我們怎麼租屋,都很容易租到這 樣的房子,而我外公家以前也都是 這樣的配色。




2017 金曲獎主視覺設計。由於 顏色具有普世價值,以這樣的手 法來操作,可以達成更直接的 溝 通。The main visual design of the 2017 Golden Melody Awards: Possessing a universal value, colors are manipulated to achieve uninterrupted communication.


在「第 31 屆金曲獎」視覺設計中




內容邏輯的梳理分析,在那樣的過 程中,我的心中會慢慢浮現出一種 色彩印象,接下來很可能就照著那 樣的直覺進行色彩規劃。


印象,透過設計我們也可能打破那 樣的既定印象。之前在網路上引發 熱 烈 討 論 的「 台 灣 版 Pantone 色 票」,便是以另一種眼光看台灣,

在我們的在地社群裡,比較常被提 到的會是宮廟文化或是台灣啤酒, 「辦桌紅」、「地瓜球黃」和「麵

攤橘」代表的則是另一種視角,無 所謂對錯,我覺得很有趣。



非常討厭一個顏色被氾濫地使用, 所以也總想找尋新的可能性。例如


所用到的黃色,便是來自台灣反抗 抗印象,轉而成為革命或改革運動 的象徵。在桃園全運會的捷運包車 和 A9 車站中,我們用了大量的黑


很酷炫,畢竟年輕人有年輕人喜歡 的氣氛,要讓國中和國小生看到會 覺得熱血,就應該採用運動品牌會 有的配色想像。我自己則想辦個自 己的生前葬禮,現場可以採用很喜 氣的配色,邀請所有的親朋好友前 來同樂,誰說這樣的場合不能喜樂 洋洋?

People often think that my colors are very special, or that I might prefer certain colors. However, as designers, we work out a lot of products, and some colors may be more eye-catching in order to enhance the impression of others on me. In fact, in many occasions, the colors of other products are just not noticed by others.

I make no bones in telling the truth, that a designer’s choice of colors, to a certain extent, reflects his own personality. I prefer bright, happylooking, or contrasting colors. I also enjoy using colors with a low hue and a low brightness with high-hue colors or employing large, extensive deep colors to go with a bright spot as it creates a sense of focus on the block. While the sense of illusion caused by multicolor mixing is most attractive to me, it is not always the case. Since I'm quite sensitive to trends, I adjust the colors I use according to the changing fashions every year. Compared with concrete and specific forms, I am more sensitive to color. In fact, I feel that I am a rather sensual designer. For example, red makes people feel hot, courageous, or enthusiastic, while blue brings a sense of calm. It is very true that the universality of color comes from the established impression that we are in the environment; therefore, it would be easier for us to communicate through colors than through shapes. Various colors have always given me

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2019 桃園全國運動會團體照。由於主要 訴求對象為國中、國小學生,因此系列設 計作品運用大量的黑色,較能夠跟這個年 紀的孩子有所共鳴,讓他們覺得很酷、很 熱血。

2019 The National Games Taoyuan group photo: A great deal of black color is applied to the design to attract the interest of children as elementary and junior high school students are the target audience of this collection. They are fascinated with these cool and energetic works.

the impression of being connected to "Taiwan." For example, the large school playground we see from the time we are children, as well as the green grass and the red earth, have become the basis of this impression. For me, such color matching can be traced back to the schoolyard and also represents youth. After I started working, I considered the color for Taiwan to be gray, like the streets of Taipei, combined with many muddy colors mixed with some bright green, since all the road signs along the highway are green. As such, these colors provide a taste of Taiwan. Furthermore, the brass and green colors of the Hualien serpentine, plus dark wooden colors, have become classic Taiwan color-matching. Actually, old houses in Taiwan are mostly similar, and no matter what kind of accommodation we rent, it is likely we would have rented such a house. In fact, my grandfather’s house used to have such color-matching as well. When I am working on a design, I re a l l y e n j o y s e t t i n g d o w n t h e "emotions" of things in the hopes that the viewers can feel the atmosphere,

taste, or personality I am conveying through my choice of colors. After I accept a case, I will first read data or literature and conduct a logical analysis of the content. During this process, a color impression will slowly emerge in my mind, and then it is likely that I will follow such intuition to carry out the color planning throughout. Although color renders some definite impression, we can still break loose from this impression through design. As for the "Taiwan version of the Pantone colorticket" that has recently aroused heated discussions on the Internet, we can view Taiwan from another perspective. In our local community, the most commonly mentioned choices may either be temple culture or Taiwan beer. In view of "Taiwanese Outdoor Catering, Red," "Sweet Potato Ball, Yellow," and "Noodle Stand, Orange," all of them represent another perspective; none of them has anything to do with what is right and what is wrong, and I find every one of them interesting. As someone who works in the field of creativity, we are often looking for ways to break loose from the established

color-matching. When I dislike the fact that a color is being used excessively, I always want to find new possibilities. For example, the yellow color used in the visual design for the "31st Golden Melody Awards" is the image associated with Taiwan's resistance strips, as well as the prohibition strip that signals danger, and it has become a symbol of revolution or reform. On the chartered train cars of MRT heading toward Taoyuan National Games and A9 station, we used a massive amount of black color because we want to make the event look young and hip. After all, young people have an atmosphere that they like, and if we want elementary and junior high school students to feel passionate, we must adopt colormatching imagination specific to sporting and athletic brands. Actually, if I could have my own funeral during my lifetime, I would use the happiest and most pleasant color-matching palette at the scene and invite all my friends and relatives to come and have fun. Who says that such occasions cannot be joyous and fun?


紅、綠、黃 台灣日常色彩 你發現了嗎? 台灣色彩所代表的生命力、文化力, 與真性情! 032

Text by 簡宜婷 I-Ting Jian、黃映嘉 Eika Huang.Photography by 莊智

淵 Chih-Yuan Chuang、Din Wu、紅椅頭觀光俱樂部、李翔、柯玟曲 WenChu Ko.Translated by 劉楚珺 Chu-Chun Liu

開發研究色彩的世界權威機構─ PANTONE,

發布 2020 代表色「經典藍」,詮釋冷靜、信心、 永恆不朽,引發服飾界與各種視覺產業,掀起一股 使用藍色的風潮。不過,這也提供我們另一個思考 空間,跟隨世界級機構指標並無不妥,但是能否藉 此檢視自己生長的環境,從這片土地汲取養分,用

心觀察生活中的色彩,將會發現,代表台灣的顏 色,比想像中更加繽紛有活力!

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Red, green, yellow Common colors in Taiwan Do you want to know? Taiwan colors represent the power of life, culture and national temperament!

The world’s authority specializing in R&D of colors, PANTONE, announced its representative color of the year 2020 as “classic blue,” which means calm, confidence, and eternity. It has led the fashion and various visual industries in the trend of using blue. On the other hand, it also allows us some room for thinking. It is appropriate to follow the indication of the world’s authoritative institution, but we will find that the colors that represent Taiwan are wilder and more energetic than we imagined if we only carefully review our own environment, the nutrients from this land, and observe colors in our daily life!


Passionately Share with Travelers

Red Taiwanese Treats!




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表好運、繁榮、歡樂,是重要慶典中最鮮明 的視覺。舉例來說,農曆新年的春聯炮竹、 長輩給的壓歲錢、代表長壽的紅龜粿、壽桃 等傳統糕點、還有傳統婚禮服飾……所有喜 慶的場合都少不了紅色的點綴。而在台灣, 我們對紅色所賦予的熱情、熱鬧有更具體的 詮釋。


的熱情澎派,以及喜愛分享的民族性。辦桌 早期只流行於達官顯貴的圈子,隨著時代更

迭,社會整體經濟能力提升,華麗的飲食也 逐漸庶民化,現今有許多經典台菜,便是辦 桌文化傳承而來。辦桌是鄰里間習以為常的

宴客方式,用更親民的方式可稱呼為「流水 席」,意即將美味佳肴如流水般,一道接一 道上桌的景象。



桌所使用的紅色塑膠椅。桌椅以快速組裝、 輕便攜帶為優勢,讓外燴活動擁有很高的機


食材上與親友分享。近年來,因為衛生考量, 戶外辦桌的形式大多轉移到餐廳飯店等室內 空間,但是跟親友們在戶外棚架下,圍著紅 色大圓桌用餐的熱鬧場景,仍是許多台灣人 親切的回憶。

Red is an important color in oriental culture. It represents good luck, prosperity, joy, and, most importantly, the vivid image of important festivals. For example, the New Year scrolls and firecrackers, the red envelop distributed by elderly family members, red tortoise cakes, the traditional pastries representing longevity, and traditional wedding clothes, all these happy occasions should have red decorations. In Taiwan, we interpret red more physically as passion and bustling. Taiwan’s “roadside banquet” culture symbolizes passion and sumptuousness, as well as people’s natural love of sharing. In the early stage, the roadside banquet was only popular among dignitaries. As times change, the overall social economy is improving, and luxury dishes gradually become more common. Many classic Taiwanese foods originated from roadside banquet culture. The roadside banquet is a common feast in neighborhoods and called “water banquet” by way closer to the people, that is, gourmet foods are served one by one like running water. Furthermore, the most eye-catching sign of the roadside banquet is the big round tables arranged side by side and surrounded by red plastic chairs. Such tables and chairs are practical for fast assembling, allowing the outdoor catering to be highly mobile and relatively low in costs. Therefore, more efforts can be devoted to food materials and sharing with relatives and friends. In recent years, outdoor banquets have mostly been replaced by indoor restaurants due to hygienic considerations. However, the scene of dining around the big red big

1. 丰禾日麗提供的台式辦桌體驗, 不 論 慶 生、 聚 會 都 能 喚 醒 現 代 人




provides Taiwanese-style catering experiences, arousing the reconsideration of the traditional culture of modern people through birthday parties and other gatherings. 2. 大 紅 桌 一 字 排開,展現喜宴熱情,也是台灣文 化的重要印象。Big red tables are lined up for the banquet and this

is an important part of Taiwanese culture.



Destiny to Meet! Red Stool Tourism Club 與辦桌文化形影不離的紅色塑膠椅,有個正式名稱

秉 持「 與 朋 友 相 聚 」 的 初 心, 紅 椅 頭 觀 光 俱 樂 部





街頭巷尾,你可以在老人家泡茶的榕樹下、路邊小吃攤、 庭會將它準備在儲藏室中,以備突然有客人造訪之需, 看得出來紅椅頭是台灣人在與親朋好友相聚時刻,一定 會出現重要配件!


俱樂部,不僅將台南的特色帶出台灣,先後展出於大阪、 東京,更在日本培養一群熱愛台灣文化的鐵粉,讓吉祥

年,每年皆以紅椅頭做為展示台,用簡單又極富創意的 束後,將作為展示台的紅椅頭帶回家,已是活動的特色 之一。「台南漸漸地在日本打開知名度,有很多日本的 書籍雜誌開始介紹我們,這個收穫非常扎實,並且符合

我們的初衷『交朋友』。」紅椅頭觀光俱樂部的發言人, 也是現今台南市副市長王時思用親切又溫和的聲音跟我 們這麼說。


坐在紅椅頭上,品味著台式街邊小吃,是多數台灣人的共同記憶。 Sitting on red stools while savoring Taiwanese-style street food is the collective memory of most Taiwanese people.


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1&2. 將具有台灣意象的物件,包括斗笠、台灣啤酒、夾腳拖、廟裡的籤詩 ... 等等,與紅椅頭做組合,打造令人玩味的展覽。The red stools

are put together with other ubiquitous items such as bamboo hats, Taiwan Beer, flip-flops, and fortune sticks to make an intriguing display of local scene in Taiwan. 3. 紅椅頭系列展覽推廣到日本後引發熱烈迴響,不僅增添台灣知名度,也帶動台灣旅遊的熱潮。The series of red stool exhibitions has elicited enthusiastic response after traveling to Japan, which not only improves Taiwan's reputation but also drives Taiwan tourism boom.

The red plastic chairs have the formal name of “red stool” ( “Iliaoah” in Taiwanese). The red stools are commonplace, you may see them when seniors enjoy tea under the banyan, or at roadside food stalls, temples, and lottery shops. Many families keep them in the storage room for temporary visitors. You can clearly see that the red stools are an important part of reunions for Taiwanese people! To continue this culture, Tainan Cultural Bureau has established a tourism club named after that. This club not only presented an exhibition in Osaka and Tokyo, but has also developed die-hard fans in Japan who love Taiwanese culture, allowing the symbolic red stool to become an international exchange ambassador that represents the culture of ordinary people!

With the original purpose of “reunion with friends”, the red stool tourism club makes friends in the world by introducing the simple passion of the Taiwanese people. The club has held an exhibition in Japan demonstrating the hometown features in a simple and creative manner, and it received many positive responses abroad. “Tainan has become famous in Japan. Many Japanese books and magazines have started introducing us. It is truly a solid harvest and satisfies our original intention of “making friends”, the spokesperson of the red stool tourism club, the deputy mayor of Tainan City Wang Shih-Si explained to us.


Let the Travelers Explore

The Green in Life!



景, 可 以 看 見 許 多 具 有

綠 色 意 象 的 事 物, 路 上 最 常 見 的: 道 路 標 示、

郵 差 的 衣 服、 還 有 聚 會 時餐桌上不可缺少的台

灣 啤 酒 ……, 綠 色 的 輪

廓 不 斷 影 響 著 日 常, 也





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色作為郵政相關設施的代表,在民國建立後沿用之今。 時日轉移至今,在傳統住宅區或是鄉下,常會聽


收的人,若是與郵差相熟,還會再彼此寒暄幾句。正 因為這樣親民又充滿活力的畫面不斷上演,讓這些身



天使」,騎著野狼 125 穿梭在大街小巷,讓綠色成為


啤酒」。從小吃攤到高檔台菜餐廳,都可以在餐桌上 見到台啤的綠色玻璃罐身影,更是點燃歡聚熱情的秘

密武器!若是想在出國離境前,準備台灣風土的伴手 禮給遠方友人,機場餐廳都能買到的綠色包裝金牌啤 酒,也是十分符合寶島意象的選擇。

1. 台灣啤酒的綠色形象深植人心,尤其身在呼朋引伴的熱鬧場合,都會想要來一罐。 The green appearance of Taiwan Beer is profoundly rooted in the hearts of Taiwanese. No one can resist the temptation of drinking one, particularly on boisterous occasions. 2. 野狼 125 的

綠色身影穿梭在巷弄中,成為傳遞訊息的重要意象。 The SYM Wolf 125cc that shuttles back and forth in the alleys and lanes has become an important part of conveying messages.

Daily life in Taiwan has many “green” events and objects. The most common things include road signs, mail carriers’ uniforms, and the indispensable Taiwanese beer on the dinner table; these green contours constantly affect our daily routines and plant the root in people’s minds. One of the most vivid green images is the facilities of Chunghwa Post. The uniform of the mail carrier, the mailbox, post office, and post office sign – everything is green. The origin of the color selection can be traced back to Qing Dynasty, referring to the postal color of France in the late 19th century. Therefore, the green color was selected to represent postal facilities and was adopted after the establishment of the Republic of China.

By now, the yell of the mail carrier “Registered mail for you!” is heard frequently in traditional residential areas, and people who come out to sign may chat with the mail carrier if they are familiar. Guarding the letters, these mail carriers are called “green angels”: they ride a Wild Wolf 125 through the streets and alleyways, turning green into a symbol of expectation and hope. “Taiwan Beer” is also the most traditional Taiwanese green. From food booths to high-class restaurants, the green glass bottle is always on the dinner table and is the secret weapon igniting the passion of reunion! If you plan to bring a Taiwanese souvenir to your friends, the golden beer bottled in green representing the image of Taiwan is available at airport restaurants.



Visit the Forests in Taiwan, Feel the Energy of Life! 綠色代表和平、青春、生意盎然,就像台灣山林

不斷為這片土地注入鮮活的生命力。深受山林感動的 登山攝影師柯玟曲分享著爬山的初衷,「因為無意間

看到朋友拍的高山照片,我便背起相機登上人生中第 一座 3,000 公尺高山,身為台灣人卻不知道台灣有這 麼美的地方,感受十分震撼。」

台 灣 森 林 總 面 積 為 219 萬 公 頃, 森 林 覆 蓋 率 高

達 60%,加上地震帶高低起伏劇烈的地形,縱使森林

面積不大,卻能在短短的幾個小時之內體驗從海平面 300 公尺到 3,000 公尺以上的各種植披。「光是爬一


的針葉林,像是冷山或鐵杉,還有高海拔的高山草原、 稜線上的鮮苔等等,一路上的林相相當豐富。」透過


海拔與物種不同,沿途就像展開一幅綠色漸層的畫作。 對 於 代 表 台 灣 的 綠, 山 林 有 它 更 動 人 的 敘 述 方



建議一般旅客可以從親民的陽明山或象山開始,在交 通方便的台北即可輕鬆享受登山的樂趣以及被綠意包 覆的美景。

Green means peace, youth, and vitality, and it represents Taiwan’s forests. The photographer Ko, Wen-Chu, who was deeply touched by the forest shared her original intention to climb mountains: “Seeing the mountain pictures taken by a friend, I took my camera and climbed my first high mountain with an elevation of 3,000 meter. As Taiwanese, I couldn’t believe that I did not know about such beautiful places in Taiwan and this was a shock for me”. The total area of forests in Taiwan is 21,900 km2 hectares, with a forest coverage rate as high as 60%. Furthermore, the wavy terrain on the seismic belt allows you to experience all the different plants, from sea level to an elevation of 3000 meters within a few hours. “Only by climbing a mountain can you see the broad-leaved forest at low altitude, coniferous forests, such as Pinaceae or Hemlock, at mid to high altitude, high mountain grasslands at high altitudes and fresh moss on ridges; the forest form is very rich”. Through the photos of Ko, Wen-Chu, we too can feel the greenery of Taiwan’s forest. At different altitudes, the journey is like a painting in various shades of green. The green forest of the island is the most attractive way of telling Taiwan’s color story. The only thing we need to do is approach and feel its energy and vitality. For those travelers who can’t challenge the high mountains at the beginning, Ko, Wen-Chu suggests that they start from the easy accessible Yangmingshan or Xiangshan to enjoy the beautiful green scenery in Taipei area.


2 3

1. 行走在玉山後 4 峰的脊線上,兩旁充滿綠色植披的草坡,讓登山者感受到滿 滿的生命力。Walking along the ridge line of Mountain Jade Rear 4 Peaks, the

grassy slopes covered with green vegetation on both sides allow all climbers to

enjoy vigorous vitality. 2. 雪山主峰之字坡的無盡綠意令人心曠神怡,沿途就像一

幅綠色的漸層畫作。The endless greenery of the Zigzag Slope on the main peak

of Xueshan is soothing and refreshing, like admiring the blends and nuances of a green painting along the way. 3. 走入觀霧國家森林遊樂區─檜山巨木群步道,

就像被植物溫柔的擁抱,此步道平整好走,適合全年齡的旅客來遊玩。Hiking along the Cypress Giant Tree Trail at Guanwu National Forest Recreation Area

is like being embraced gently by the plants and trees. The trail is smooth and easy; it is a worthwhile visit suitable for people of all ages.


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式也以炸跟滷最為常見,像是夜市裡販賣的地瓜 球、鹹酥雞、甜不辣、蔥油餅…當裹著麵粉的外 衣經過高溫油炸或香煎,那金黃色的誘人模樣, 光是想像就口水直流。其中,因為高溫所引出的 香氣,穿梭在一家又一家攤販之間,彷彿在為旅 人引路,以味覺體驗台灣夜市之趣味。


夜市常見美食,透過醬油、糖、及店家調配的中 藥材,讓浸潤過滷汁的食材,都能在表面散發金 黃光澤。像是能吸附湯汁的絲滑豆皮、口感清香 的豆干、飽足感滿分的滷蛋…將它們盛起後,撒 上蔥花,最後淋上黃澄澄的香油提味,就是一份 充滿誠意與人情味的經典小吃。


或許能透過招牌來略知一二。閃著搶眼黃底紅字 招牌的攤販,有些可能標榜著「全台灣第一家鹽 酥雞」、有些則是各種家傳秘方滷味,共通點是 看起來懷舊,卻始終大排長龍,在與眾多平價小 吃競爭的夜市中,歷久彌新經營十幾二十年的老 店,肯定是有過人之處,所以若是遇上了千萬別 錯過,跟著排就對了!

Street food has always been a famous feature of Taiwan. Frying and stewing are the most common cooking methods for such food as sweet potato balls, Taiwanese fried chicken, tempura, or scallion pancake. Just the image of the golden snacks makes people hungry. The aroma of fried food is always in the air and it’s something which attracts the tourists to the Taiwanese night markets. Vendors with a big pot of deep brown sauce are also common at Taiwanese night markets. With soy sauce, sugar, and herbs mixed by vendors, the marinated ingredients have a golden look. After ladling out the silky tofu skin, the pleasantly smelling bean curd, and the braised eggs, these mouth-watering classic Taiwanese snacks are served with chopped green onion and yellow sesame oil sprinkled on top. Wondering how to judge which dishes at the night markets worth a try? The sign may give you a hint. Vendors with flashing signs with red words on a yellow background may advertise “Best Taiwanese Fried Chicken in Taiwan”; some may show braised food with secret family recipes. The common part is that they all look like old acquaintances and always have customers in a long queue. Of the various affordable delicacies at the night markets, the old stores that have been running for more than one or two decades must have something that surpasses the others. So do not miss these treasures and just line up as the locals do!


誘人食慾的黃色 042

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V T O P I C || 主 題 企 劃

擁有黃澄澄色彩的夜市小吃,總是能誘人胃 口 大 開, 初 來 到 台 灣 的 旅 客 請 務 必 試 試。 Yellow color foods at the night market

are always appetizing and lip smacking. Tourists who travel to Taiwan for the first time are invited to give it a shot.

True Presentation for Travelers

Yellow Brings Good Appetite!


城市色彩設計——鮮明黃色的招牌藝術 City Color Design - Vivid Yellow Sign

鮮明的黃底紅字招牌十分醒目,用於夜市攤商,有助於吸引顧客目光,引發想要品嘗的念頭。 The bright and vivid yellow signs with red characters are extremely eye-catching, contributing to attracting customer's attention and sparking the desire for savoring the food at night market stalls.

2019 年,國際藝術家賈茜茹在桃園機場的作品在






訊,因為呈現方式與知名批發商「光南商場」的黃色視 是台灣日常風景,不需要特別去排斥,像是早餐店的黃

色桌子、計程車的黃色烤漆、下雨天常見的黃色雨衣, 都是台灣街頭常見的色彩。」



與民宅,大多使用典雅米褐色,襯托著歷史韻味無窮…, 市變立體。或許我們能從中萃取對色彩的敏銳度,並適

當運用在公共空間,或是藝術創作,如同賈茜茹為作品 賦予的直觀感受,她開心的表示,「因為知道大家都很 關心自己的城市,所以才能夠一眼就知道我的創作主題 是甚麼,也達到了有更多聲音討論日常景象的目的。」


體中文,正是台灣獨有的街景文化。其中,對於短暫停 留的旅人來說,如此鮮明直接的招牌視覺,更能為旅途 留下更深刻的城市註解。


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In 2019, the work of international artist Chia, Chien-Ju triggered some online discussions. Exhibition information is placed in the departure corridor, and this presentation method achieves the same goals with different means of the famous “Guangnan Mall” in yellow. The creator Chia, ChienJu explained, “This is the daily scene in Taiwan, against which it is unnecessary to fight, just like yellow table of breakfast stores, yellow paint of taxis, and yellow rain coats on rainy days, common colors on the streets”. Many voices derived from the work also urge us to clarify the look of Taiwan’s streets. Some people consider that the work indirectly presents the mass street view of Taiwan, while others think that an eye-catching and bright yellow sign with Chinese words mixed vertically and horizontally is just Taiwan’s unique street culture. For short-stay travelers, such

1 3

2 4

vivid signs may leave a more profound impression of the city and their journey. Just like many cities have their unique appearance, for example the reddish brown temples and torii in Kyoto symbolizing solemnity and rigor, or the beige churches and buildings of Paris with their local charm, the common yellow signs on the streets of Taiwan make the city stereoscopic. Perhaps we could extract the color sensitivity wherefrom and properly apply it to public space or art creations, like the direct feeling vested in the works of Chia, Chien-Ju. She happily expressed, “Since I know that everybody care about their cities, they can find out what the theme of my work is with just a glimpse, which can achieve the purpose of attracting more voices discussing their everyday views”.

1&2&3. 黃底紅字招牌成為台灣街頭美學之一,若是對短暫停留的旅人來說,這樣鮮明有活力的色彩,或許頗能代表台灣人的熱情性格。The

eye-catching yellow signs with red characters have become one of the street aesthetics in Taiwan. For short-stay travelers, the bright and vivid colors confidently represent the passion of Taiwanese people. 4. 國際藝術家賈茜如於 2019 在桃園機場展出的作品,便以台灣日常風

景為創作素材。 The exhibits created by an international artist Chia Chien-Ju and displayed at the Taiwan Taoyuan Intl' Airport in 2019 are based on daily life scenes in Taiwan.


Terminal 2, Taoyuan International Airport 桃 園 國 際 機 場 第 二 航 廈

重新定義「等候出發」的時間與空間 Redefine the time and space of "waiting for departure" Text by 黃映嘉 Eika Huang・Photography by 莊智淵 Chih-Yuan Chuang・Translated by 蔡雅婷 Ya-Ting Tsai


新規劃桃園國際機場第二航廈 C 區的免稅購物空間,以 視覺通透的時尚設計,搭配各個角落巧心安排的藝術作 品,開啟旅人喜愛新奇的心。

responsibility. As a result, it has produced a visually transparent and stylish design to decorate each of the angles with well-arranged artworks and re-plan the dutyfree shopping space in Zone C of Terminal 2 in the Taoyuan International Airport while launching a brand-new outlook of ambiance for travelers.

The Ever Rich Duty-Free Shop is responsible for interpreting t h e i m a g e o f t h e c o u n t r y, a s w e l l a s i t s c o r p o rat e


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自由不受限 感受引導式動線魅力 Experience the charm and freedom of redesigned shopping space 通過三樓安檢之後,C 區全新規劃的免稅購物空間明亮又寬敞,

除了天花板挑高至 3 米 8,整體空間規範以開闊、無界線的方式呈現。 昇恆昌特別邀請曾經為倫敦希斯羅、新加坡樟宜機場規劃空間的英國設

計團隊─ The Design Solution,導入歐美新建機場最新趨勢―「walk-


的全開放式空間。天花板和地板的流動線條,不僅引導旅客動線,穿 透性的設計讓視覺更豐富。全臺機場首次採用的 LED 圓柱螢幕,360° 環繞效果,也為空間增添時尚前衛的設計感。

Located at post security area on the third floor, the brand-new duty-free shopping space plan in Zone C is both bright and spacious and the ceiling is high as 3.8 meters while the overall space plan is presented in an open and unrestrained manner. Also, Ever Rich has specifically invited The Design Solution, a British design team that planned the space in the London Heathrow and Singapore Changi Airport, to implement the latest trends of the times; a "walk-through" design concept to reduce the number of columns so that the whole open space is more concise and simple while substituting the conventional concept of a single compartment. The flowing contours of the ceiling and floor also guide passengers to their routes, with a penetrating design to enrich the visual sense. Most importantly, the LED cylindrical screen is used for the first time in Taiwan and with its 360° surrounding effect, it adds the most trendy and avant-garde design to the airport space.

昇恆昌攜手英國設計團隊,打破免稅購物空間的動線框架,以更流暢、更自由的方式,來引導旅客遨遊其中。Teamed up with British design team, Ever Rich invites the tourists to wander around the unrestrained duty-free shopping space in a stress-free and relaxed manner.


融合原住民圖騰之美 用霓虹燈裝置跟旅客 Say Hi Blending the indigenous charm Say hi to other passengers with neon-light installations




1. 天花板流動線條,搭配霓虹燈裝飾及趣味文字,讓空間充滿活力。The flowing lines of the ceiling are incorporated with neon lighting

decorations and interesting signs fill the space with vigor. 2. 長 48 公尺的 LED 弧型螢幕,變換原住民圖騰,展現台灣繽紛多元特色。 The variations of indigenous totems featuring the multiculturism of Taiwan are displayed on a 48-meter-long curved LED screen.

其中最引人目光的是,長 48 公尺、45°斜面、Z 型

LED 多媒體螢幕,環繞完整店區。昇恆昌以臺灣特色為


怡潔,以臺灣原住民優雅紋樣為元素,讓作品像條不停 變化的緞帶,繚繞流動於通透的機場空間,從證照查驗 台就能一目瞭然,彷彿在為即將出發的旅人喝采,獻上 最美好的祝福。


穿 605 坪的購物空間,像是「Taiwan 禮物盒」強調 MIT

(made in Taiwan) 絕 對 是 最 佳 伴 手 禮、 香 水 造 型 的 「Queen Bee」是旅人最愛的彩妝香氛專區、「+886」 則是從國外打電話到臺灣一定要加的國際長途區號,提


醒旅人常與臺灣電話聯絡,利用各種細緻設計,引著旅 客漫步在毫無壓力的購物空間。

Ever Rich has resorted to the characteristics of Taiwan as the starting point and has specifically invited the artist, Chen Yi-Jie, who planned the light sculpture exhibition for the Presidential Palace since she engaged the elegant patterns of Taiwanese aborigines to be the foundations and created a Z-shaped LED multimedia screen measuring a length of 48 meters at a 45° angle. With the wonderful design, the shopping area is fully surrounded and attracts the vision of all passengers. The design also performs like an everchanging satin ribbon that flows and curls up around the translucent airport space. As a result of the walk-through concept, the artwork can be seen at a glance from the immigration control zone to cheer the passengers that are

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彩妝模擬試色體驗 再於品酒吧小酌一番 Make-up simulation and color-test experiences Then, enjoy a drink at the bar 昇恆昌在位於桃機二航 C 區的免

稅空間,特別增添幾處具有消費樂趣 的服務,讓這些細節給予旅客賓至如 歸的感受。知名彩妝品牌提供彩妝模 擬試色,精準度相當高的色彩體驗,

不僅能加速消費者判斷購買意願,有 趣的科技互動,更是讓來試妝的消費 者直呼好有趣。典雅的半弧形品酒吧 台,能讓旅客在逛累時稍做休息,同 時了解酒款相關訊息。

3. 流動感空間加上令人會心一笑的設計,讓購物毫無壓力。The flowing space incorporated with entertaining design is the strategy for achieving stress-free shopping.

about to depart as it offers their best wishes. For the open-plan of the 605-ping shopping space, the interior space is decorated with a neon-light design like that of the streets in downtown Taiwan. The MIT "Taiwan Gift-box" is also regarded as the best souvenir, including "Queen Bee" with a special perfume profile at the makeup and fragrance section, which is the favorite among passengers while "+886" is the area codel for international calls if calling from abroad to Taiwan, reminding passengers to make regular contact with their loved-ones in Taiwan. In this area, all kinds of attentive designs are adopted so that passengers can casually walk through the stress-free shopping space.

The duty-free space located in Zone C in Terminal 2 of the Taoyuan International Airport, so that passengers can feel like they are at home with these details. For instance, the well-known make-up brands provide make-up simulation and color-tests so that passengers can attain a bit of coloring experience, which both improves consumer judgment and their willingness to make purchases, whereas the interesting high-tech interactions also assist consumers who test makeup for more interesting experiences. Concerning the elegant and semicurved bar counter for wine-tasting, it offers passengers to take a break when they are tired of shopping and learn wine-related information.


全新候機休憩空間 用創作來活化視野 Relax in the brand-new waiting zone Creativity to activate your vision


阿鴻小吃、親民辣滋味的 KiKi noodle bar,提供旅客滿



迎的的餐廳品牌進駐,更能夠在藝術空間下品嘗美食。 廳,在此提供輕食與飲品,讓旅客能在舒適開闊的沙發 空間,悠閒候機。還有曾登上 2018 台北米其林指南的

「林東芳牛肉麵」、曾連續 5 年獲得米其林一星榮譽的





足口腹的多元選擇。更以藝術家范承宗的創作「訪客們」 飲空間增添自然氣息;藝術家詹雨樹以豐富想像力,及 飽和大膽的用色,拼貼出一幅「樂活樂園」,像是夢境 般的作品,每個畫面都值得品味。

1. 以想像力拼貼出「樂活樂園」藝術牆,值得旅人在路過時留下紀念。The artistic wall collage with the imaginary "Lohas paradise" is like a souvenir for those who pass by. 2. 候機時如果想吃些濃郁香辣的美食,KiKi noodle bar 絕對能滿足你的味蕾。If you crave for something

savory and spicy before the flight, KiKi noodle bar will satisfy your taste buds. 3. 以多彩圓柱的裝置藝術,呈現國際通用的性平符號,標示性

別友善廁所。Colorful art installations representing international symbol of gender equality mark the location of gender-neutral restroom. 4.

曾登上米其林必比登的林東芳牛肉麵進駐桃機,別錯過出境之前最後的品嘗機會。Lin Dong Fang Beef Noodles, a gourmet restaurant listed on Michelin Bib Gourmand. opened at Taoyuan Intrnational Airport. Don't miss the last chance to enjoy the tasty dishes before departure.


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境的旅客,千萬別浪費了寶貴的候機時光,前往玩好玩 滿喔!

The dinner space, "Foodie Table", on the fourth floor has attracted major brands to acquire residence after the expansion and renovation so that customers who love gourmet food can enjoy the wonderful delicacies in terms of both vision and taste. After the expansion of the area, stores now include Starbucks and a Bistro Restaurant that blends Chinese and Western cuisines, and they provide light meals and drinks, permitting passengers to relax in comfortable and capacious space with sofas while waiting for their flights. There are also selections of “Lin Dong Fang Beef Noodles”, which was listed on the Michelin Guide of Taipei in 2018, A-Hung Snacks, which was awarded One-Star for five

consecutive years, and the KiKi noodle bar, which provides both friendly service and spicy meals. All of these new stores accommodate the diversified tastes of passengers. The artwork, "Visitors", created by the artist, Fan Cheng-Zong, has also been displayed in the area that surrounds the zone, and it presents the leaping postures of small animals that are unique to Taiwan, adding a natural atmosphere to the dining space. Furthermore, artist Zhan Yu-Shu has collaged a dream-like picture, "Lohas Paradise", with rich imagination and saturated bold colors, and every part of the image is worth appreciating. The diverse types of novel designs and resourceful arrangements have helped to remind passengers when they depart from Taoyuan International Airport that they should not waste their valuable time and rather explore the facilities and have fun!

「藏山」以文化魅力 點綴機場空間 “Hidden Mountains”, a new cultural attraction in the airport 除了親切的服務,昇恆昌更是邀請臺灣藝

術家來創作,將在地風土特色巧妙融於四周環 境,以深厚人文感動海內外旅客。藝術家范承

宗作品「藏山」,手工裝訂將近 3,000 本線裝

書,參次錯落地呈現山稜線,包含玉山、富士 山等具各地代表性的 8 大山巒,背景燈光也會 依據當地時區變化,為作品增添生命氣息。

In addition to offering friendly service, Ever Rich also invites Taiwanese artists to create designs and blends natural conditions and social customs with the local features within the surrounding environment so that they profoundly touch tourists at home and abroad with reflective humanities. Passengers can find the work, "Hidden Mountains", by artist Fan Cheng-Zong, in which nearly 3,000 thread-bound books are hand-bound to display the undulating mountain ridges, including 8 representative mountains including Yushan, Mount. Fuji, and others. The background lighting also changes according to the local time zone to provide life and vitality to the work.


Explore the islands


澎湖愜意海灣 VS 金門傍湖生態 Sea and sun in Penghu VS Eco-Lake in Kinmen

Special Point

─ 澎 澄 飯 店 ─




Whiskey 101 體驗館,絕對是造訪澎湖不容錯過的選擇。


另 外, 與 Pier 3 三 號 港 購 物 商 場 相 互 連 通, 結 合 了 住



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Text by 傑瑞說到哪・Photography by 昇恆昌 Everrich・Translated by 黃志健 Wong Chee Kin



─ 金 湖 飯 店 ─

Special Point


色也能盡收眼底,最特別的是,飯店還提供室內水彈 PK



店昇恆昌金湖廣場,是金門首間結合觀光、休憩、購物 現優雅款待的度假氛圍,就連太武山、太湖畔等自然景

生存戰的活動場地,和家人、朋友組隊,穿梭於槍林彈 喜愛。


澎澄飯店 Discovery Hotel

坐擁無敵海景、 與花火最近的距離

Infinity Sea View, Incredible Fireworks


境,以及閩南文化海上絲路的藝術古蹟,令人心 神嚮往。而澎澄飯店融入群島的獨特風火及漁洋

特色,也為旅程增添樂趣,以探索發現的視角體 驗澎湖之美,深受家人、朋友團體出遊喜愛。


達 236 間,每間客房不只融入海洋、風帆及閩南 建築窗花等在地元素設計,也都擁有 13 坪以上

的開放式空間和戶外小陽台,還規劃有探索、澎 澄、行館與主題親子房四種房型,讓人盡情享受 渡假時光。


房型的大片落地窗,讓海景成為生活的一部份, 即使進到浴室,也能同時體驗泡澡與絕佳視野的

雙重享受。而最受歡迎的「四季澎湖灣親子房」, 有小木屋設計、親子浴池,都是小朋友最愛的設 施。此外,在花火節時入住高樓層的園景房,晚 上在房內就能看到煙火,讓人眼睛為之一亮。



厝和西台古堡等景點,深入探索這座美麗島嶼, 來趟充滿菊島人文的閩式小旅行。若是不想安排

其他行程,待在飯店與連通購物商場的便利性, 也能吃喝玩購一整天,不怕無聊。



1 2


1. 入住愜意的澎澄飯店,享受夏季夜空最美的花火。2. 鄰近

的二崁聚落不僅保留了人文歷史,同時也是相當好拍照的地 方。3. 入浴也能享受無敵海景,villa 房型是最受歡迎的選擇。

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“親子共樂專屬時光、 前往星探索挑戰 極限!

Special Time with Family, Experience the Go Star Challenge!



美景的高空無邊際泳池、Jacuzzi 按摩池,一旁

還設有兒童戲水池,親子同樂倍增安全;同樓 層的兒童遊戲室,提供 switch、Xbox、積木、 兒童廚房等各式玩具,滿足不同年齡層的休憩 需求。

與飯店設有連通道的 Pier 3 三號港購物商

場,提供吃喝玩樂購的多元化消費體驗!全台 最大、澎湖第一座的室內極限娛樂運動空間―

Go Star Challenge 星探索,575 坪空間包括 9 個不同難度設計的「高空步道」、16 組不同主

題的「趣樂攀岩」、結合 AR 的「互動攀岩」, 以及類似實境節目極限挑戰的「忍者訓練場」, 刺激又好玩。

Pier 3 除了國際精品、潮牌、及免稅必買


大酒廠威士忌的 Whiskey 101 體驗館、in89 豪


跳跳馬等,開放孩子邊看邊玩。而主打潮粵料 理手法的「澄澄全日餐廳」,以創意入菜融合


為主的「Chenchen Lounge」,都是值得推薦。


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金湖飯店 Golden Lake Hotel

“ 入住金門最美風景,湖 景房、獺桑生態主題房

The Best View in Kinmen, Special Theme Rooms with Lake view



湖飯店共有 276 間客房,每間客房坪數從

13 坪至 60 坪不等,既寬敞又舒適。特別

是整面落地窗景,可以飽覽白晝變化的湖 景風光,也是觀賞自然生態、候鳥棲息的 絕佳地點之一,讓人在不受打擾的空間,

盡情放鬆身心,說什麼也要和家人朋友多 拍幾張美照才不枉此行!此外,每間客房 設有專用的「獨立式空調機組」,不與他

房交互流通,更能滿足房客對空氣清淨的 需求。


以金門特有的保育動物⸺歐亞水獺,設 計了勇士、探索和星空情境的「獺桑主題

房」,且客房內更備有小朋友喜愛的主題 帳棚,讓小朋友都能擁有自己的小天地和 獺桑一同身歷其境,體驗充滿趣味的金門 之旅。


戰地水彈 PK、 燒烤啤酒季超享受 Have Fun with BBQ, Beer and Water Guns



場和水彈 PK 場地,能和家人、朋友一同 來參與「王者榮耀水彈 PK 生存戰」,感 受充滿戰地風情的金門,實在是再適合不 過了!


持,想購物、看電影都相當方便。6/30 前 透過官網訂房的金湖房客,飯店加碼活動

「超強檔院線片免費看到飽」,錯過可惜! 就算肚子餓 , 亦可於館內餐廳 , 品嚐各

式料理及飲茶點心;為了迎接夏天 , 餐廳也

即將推出假日燒烤啤酒季的活動 , 趕快和家

人朋友相約吃 Buffet、無限暢飲啤酒吧 !


務,可騎乘自行車環遊太湖擷取自然風光、 享受自然芬多精及漫遊金湖小鎮,尋找在

地趣味的彩虹牆、彩繪公車和 3D 漂浮斑

馬線等最新最夯網紅打卡點,不一樣的金 門之旅現在就開始規劃吧!


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V FOCUS | 漫遊離島







1. 戶外池畔是夏季消暑好去處,推薦來此感受慵懶愜意的假期。2. 與金湖廣

場連通,看電影、購物都超方便。3. 館內餐廳提供優質料理,為旅客提供味 蕾與視覺的驚豔。4. 飯店提供設備完善的健身房,讓旅客在度假之餘也不忘 維持好身材。5. 可愛的彩繪公車已成為當地特色,更是旅客之間最夯的打卡

地點。(圖片提供/傑瑞說到哪)6. 最新的網紅打卡地點─ 3D 漂浮斑馬線,還




論品味養成必得先了解流行,既然如此,以下整理出的關鍵字、"IT" items,絕對得好好留心一番。

Trendspotting comes before sophistication. These keywords and key items are essential for any fashionista. Text by 王翎珊 Kirstie Wang、Nina、Ling Lin



藝術 性格




米奇水桶包 Small Bucket Bag


Envelope Flap


來 臨, 繽 紛 的 塗 鴉、 獸 皮 圖


紋 與 多 彩 的 配色也紛紛躍上


相機包 Camera Bag

包面,又以甜美的花朵元素、 復 古 卡 通 與 富有童趣感的手

繪印花最為熱門。在 DIOR 與 MONCLER 的 引 領 下, 藝 術

化 的 單 色 塗 鴉 讓 柔 軟、 飄 逸

的面料成為最具個性的載體, 而主掌古典風格的 GUCCI 也 大 展 童 心, 讓 歡 樂 的 迪 士 尼 米 老 鼠 擔 任 主 角, 讓 今 年 春 夏 伸 展 台 上 散發俏皮的復古 氣息。


Snapshot 相機包 Camera Bag


Plexiglas 手環腕錶 Bangle Watch

對 多 數 人 來 說, 配 件 一

直 是 整 體 造 型的最後一道手

續, 但 若 你 對 花 俏 的 鞋、 包 或 錶 款 情 有 獨 鍾, 不 妨 大 膽 發 揮 藝 術 性 格, 由 配 件 延 伸 穿 搭 配 色 或 主 題, 將 會 令 妳


Flave 連帽外套 Parka



Mimi 鏈帶包


Chain Bag


Everyday 相機包 Camera Bag 066

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4


大地 色感


V TA G S | 流 行 關 鍵 字


中常見的選擇,也是 2020 年春夏流行趨勢中最不可或缺的色彩,此外,


晉升為 2020 年度代表色的經典藍與檸檬黃,皆是這場大地色趨勢


亮藍色或黃色系包款畫龍點睛,為看似簡約的造型增添亮點;若換上率 性的丹寧造型或飄逸的藍色系單品,選擇帶有焦糖色或暖棕色的皮革包 款,即能為妳營造醒目的復古格調。



GG Marmont 肩背包 Small Shoulder Bag


肩背包 Shoulder Bag


手拿包 The Pouch Clutch



腕錶 Watch


Hutton 肩背包 Shoulder Bag



Centrix Open

肩背包 Shoulder Bag

Heart 自動腕錶 Watch


肩背包 Shoulder Bag






若問在 2020 春夏伸展台上最常見的包款為何?經典又實用的「水桶包」

絕對會是最佳答案。不如一般包袋方正的外型,大容量的水桶包帶有一股不拘 小節的氣息,能與各式風格完美搭配。


典鎖頭裝飾的 CHLOE Aby Bucket 系列,以及 BURBERRY 融入馬術風格的

Peggy Bucket;造型性強的小水桶包,如 ROGER VIVIER 的字母提把裝飾水

桶包、VALENTINO 的 Rockstud Spike,皆是問世以來擁有高詢問度的單品。 如果硬包仍是妳的首選,在明星街拍中擁有高曝光度的 GUCCI 1955 Horsebit


Serpenti Forever 水桶包 Bucket Bag



1955 Horsebit 水桶包


Bucket Bag

Aby 水桶包

Bucket Bag


Rockstud Spike 水桶包 Bucket Bag


Lovely PVC 水桶包 Bucket Bag


Peggy 水桶包 Bucket Bag FURLA

Sleek Plain 水桶包

Bucket Bag

PRADA S/S 2020


Black Combo

水桶包 Bucket Bag 068

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4


個性 鎖鏈




增添亦柔亦剛的中性印象。無論私著或走上紅毯,個性化的配 飾已成為女星們的搭配首選,即使換上風格奢華的禮服出場, 鑲鑽的鎖鏈飾品也能增添星光,讓裝扮維持俐落卻不無聊。

今 年, 輕 珠 寶 品 牌 SWAROVSKI 以 及 APM MONACO

皆有推出鎖鏈造型的配飾,無論耳環、項鍊與戒指都帶來簡 約且多變的輪廓,融入鑲鑽與雙色配色的手法,為中性的鎖 鏈注入女人味,就算配上休閒的洋裝或丹寧褲,都能讓妳造 型更有看頭。


So Cool 別針裝飾長項鍊



Rock 鎖鏈戒指 Ring


Rock 環扣單耳環 Earring SWAROVSKI

Infinity 無盡耳環 Earrings


Rock 窄鍊耳環 Earrings APM MONACO

Rock 鑲酒紅色環扣手鐲



Lifelong Heart

圓鏈長耳環 Earrings



# Trendy

Spring Fragrances 高 顏 值夢幻香氛


瓶身多走向夢幻粉色路線,味道則以花香、果香最 為討喜,高顏值又夢幻的包裝,光視覺就是療癒享 受。不妨用新的香氣來展現自我魅力,或許還能招 來好運氣唷!


DIPTYQUE,近期與數位花藝師聯名推出的 2020

3 1

2 限量版

Limited Edition


4 1. ELIZABETH ARDEN 白茶花綻野玫瑰香水 White Tea Wild Rose EDT Spray / 2. CHLOÉ Nomade 游牧極致淡香精 75ml Nomade Absolu De Parfum 75ml / 3. YVES SAINT LAURENT 聖羅蘭反轉巴黎花耀香水 Mon Paris Intensement EDP 50ml / 4. GUCCI 罪愛 LOVE 女士淡香

精水 90ml( 限量版)Gucci Guilty Pour Femme Love EDP 90ml (Limited Edition) / 5. MARC JACOBS 燦爛雛菊花語女士淡香水 75ml Daisy Eau So Fresh Daze LE EDT 75ml


V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4







慾望。GIORGIO ARMANI 高級訂製淡香水花園系列,首

造呈現出香氛的專屬色彩,不論造型還是香味都讓人愛 最新閨蜜代表香氛 COACH 夢想女性淡香精,前味



Limited Edition


萌限量版,溫暖珊瑚橘的半透明瓶身,香氣調配馥郁的柑 藏。今年春夏最高顏值的香氛清單,在昇恆昌都上架了, 喜愛收藏香氛的旅客,盡情享受購物的樂趣吧!





Limited Edition

10 11 9 6. GUERLAIN 花草水語漫天粉櫻淡香水 ( 限量版 ) Aqua Allegoria Flora Cherrysia EDT 75ml (Limited Edition) / 7. DIPTYQUE 2020 影中之水 淡香水 ( 限量版 ) L'Ombre Dans L'Eau EDT 100ml 2020 Impossible Bouquet (Limited Edition) / 8. TOM FORD 荊刺玫瑰香水 Private Blend

Fragrance Rose Prick 50ml / 9. GIORGIO ARMANI 高級訂製淡香水花園亞歷山大玫瑰 100ml Rose Alexandrie 100ml / 10. COACH 夢想女 性淡香精 Dream EDP 90ml / 11. MAISON MARGIELA 春日公園淡香水 100ml Replica Springtime in a Park 100ml








愛那甜蜜的回味感受,絕不能錯過 BUTLERS 與

GODIVA ! 每 到 愛 爾 蘭 旅 遊,BUTLERS 巧 克 力

是人人必買的伴手禮,也是愛爾蘭最受歡迎的巧 克力品牌。琴酒牛奶巧克力,結合特殊藍色藥罐 的 彈 藥 琴 酒(Gunpowder Gin), 帶 有 清 新 柑


橘味、淡雅杜松子香氣以及珠茶茶香;如果你喜 歡 品 嚐 單 純 的 口 感, 也 有 88% 黑 巧 克 力、98%

黑 巧 克 力 可 選 擇。 比 利 時 皇 家 御 用 巧 克 力 品 牌


力的松露巧克力,每款均注滿入口即融的雙層巧 克力奶油或果仁蓉,配以醇滑巧克力外層,再裹 上可可粉、巧克力碎或香脆果仁作為點綴。口感 細膩柔滑之餘,豐富層次更讓人一嘗難忘。即刻 入手,盡情享受巧克力在口中融化的味蕾體驗,



1. BUTLERS 100g 98% 黑巧克力 Dark Chocolate Bar / 2. BUTLERS 100g 88% 黑巧克力 Dark Chocolate Bar / 3. BUTLERS 100g 琴酒牛奶

巧克力 Gunpowder Gin Chocolate Bar / 4. GODIVA 松露巧克力禮盒 12 入 Cube Truffles Chocolate Gift Box (12 pcs)



2020 日 本 伴 手 禮 千 萬 別 錯 過「QUA 白 色 草 莓 巧 克 力 」 和

「HATADA 金時脆餅」! QUA 白色草莓巧克力會是讓您感到驚喜 的一款點心,以日本原廠首發及世界首創技術製法,將新鮮草莓烘

乾後與白巧克力融合浸入,與一般市面上巧克力裹外層的技術完全 不同,草莓甜酸和白巧克力濃郁奶香一起化開的口感變化,令人一 口接一口。由於人氣不斷攀升,QUA 於 2020 年情人節榮獲網路商

店水果巧克力系列中連續三周排名第一的人氣商品。而由長達 86 年日本愛媛縣老店 HATADA 製成的甜薯金時脆餅也是不可錯過的 伴手禮之一,使用德島縣名產金石甜薯製成的芋粉及紫薯粉,搭配 高級砂糖及德島名糖「和三盆糖」烘焙而成的特級甜點,酥脆的口

感、入口即化,加上芝麻點綴香氣層次提升。對於日本零食熱愛的 您,這兩款皆值得嘗試! 2


1. QUA 白色草莓巧克力 White Chocolate Strawberry 12 入/ 2. HATADA 金時脆餅 Kintoki's Sabu 15 入


V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4


LIFE Beats

Solo Pro 降噪耳機


葛萊美四項大獎新生代創作鬼才怪奇比莉 Billie Eilish 唯一推薦。

搭載主動降噪功能 ANC 阻絕外在噪音。「通透模式」在聆聽音樂時,

依然能掌握周遭動靜,且聆聽時間最長可達 22 小時,還能整合耳罩上 操控鈕,方便播放音樂、接聽電話和控制語音功能。


Galaxy S20+ 具 備 5G 技 術, 支 援 sub-6 頻

段,搭載全新 6.7 吋 O 極限全螢幕、94.2% 螢幕


鏡頭配置,廣角、超廣角、遠距及景 深 鏡 頭, 並 搭載 6,400 萬畫素相機、30 倍超高倍變焦,白天 黑夜捕捉影像皆精彩。提供專業級的 8K 高畫質攝

影,擷取定格畫面亦可轉換成 3,300 萬畫素高解析

SAMSUNG Galaxy S20+ 智慧型手機



搭載 AKG 專業調校音效及雙動態揚聲器,強化高音與低音表現;

內含智慧降噪三麥克風,帶來清晰的通話品質。更擁有 22 小時超長 續航力,且支援 Qi 無線充電,充電 3 分鐘即可享用 1 小時。可自定 義觸控板功能,透過個人化設定,自由操控好上手。

SAMSUNG Galaxy Buds+ 真無線藍牙耳機


擁有 1.2 吋彩色觸控螢幕,採用防刮耐磨的陶瓷錶圈與黑色皮革錶帶搭


上的貼身教練,透過高感 GPS 定位精準判別所在位置,坡度距離建議功能,加 上完善果嶺指向輔助,提升擊球準確度。 Garmin Approach S60 高爾夫 GPS 腕錶尊爵版




新潮 經典




腰包 Belt Bag

媒體上吸眼球的復古 Logo 印花仍是今年配件設計的看點。

回顧這波標誌熱的起源,也可歸功於 GUCCI 的創意總監

Alessandro Michele 的巧思,在不斷創新的同時,他也不 忘將品牌經典的三色織帶、monogram GG 以及品牌字母




亂的設計,往帶有標誌印花的單品或九〇年代風格的經典 款式尋找準沒錯。再更大膽點,就讓復古卡通或電影中的 懷舊角色成為你全身上下最有看頭的造型元素吧。


Ophidia 腰包 GG Supreme Small Belt Bag



Triple S Clear Sole


後背包 Stark Backpack


Tote Bag


Bestiary 肩背包


Messenger Bag

Frankenstein Explorer

GUCCI S/S 2020

0 74

後背包 Backpack

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4


中性 風格




有邊界的風格,也反映出現代年輕人穿著方式。如今,不僅機能運動單品 和工裝能出現在女裝伸展台上,薄紗、裙裝甚至蕾絲與碎花也成了男裝中 常見的元素。


特包、硬挺的側背小包皆能讓你看起來更加時髦,若另一半也喜愛中性的 穿衣風格,選個實用的後背包與運動風小包也能一同共享。





Explorer 斜背小包

Padlock 手環腕錶

Crossbody Bag

Bangle Watch






Shoulder Bag

Ophidia 肩背包 GG

Medium Shoulder Bag






8/31 前完成,多一次中獎機會

第一重 填問卷抽好禮

2020/12/31 前,填寫 VOYAGER 讀者問卷調查並成功送出,即有機會獲得 東方宇逸貴賓室雙人體驗券、EVER RICH × 膳魔師聯名四小英雄保溫杯、 Hello Kitty 旅行袋、昇恆昌 iRich 點數 1000 點等超值好禮。

掃 QR CODE 填問卷

隨機 1 款不挑色

第二重 iRich

Club 會員再加碼

於問卷填寫讀者本人的 iRich Club 會員編號,即贈



( 請至網頁下載昇恆昌 iRich

◉總獎項:東方宇逸貴賓室雙人體驗券 4 名、 EVER RICH × 膳魔師聯名四小英雄保溫杯 8 名、Hello Kitty 旅 行 袋 20 名、 昇 恆 昌 iRich 點數 1000 點 80 名 ◉公布得獎日:2020/09/04、2021/01/05 ◉活動須知及注意事項,請參考活動網頁


V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

台灣稀有動物向世界問好 昇恆昌限量獨賣 格蘭花格「台灣之美」系列 Ever Rich Duty Free Shop launches limited edition Glenfarclas “The Beauty of Taiwan” Series Whisky Text by H.C.T.Photography by Glenfarclas 格蘭花格

農曆年前夕,昇恆昌免稅商店與格蘭花格台灣總代理隼 昌合作舉辦了 Glenfarclas 格蘭花格「台灣之美」系列珍


迪化街,聯結以台灣稀有動物作為瓶標的形象,帶出本 系列對土地的敬意,讓全世界都能愛上這份雋永經典。

On the eve of the lunar New Year, Ever Rich Duty Free held an event to launch the limited-edition Glenfarclas “The Beauty of Taiwan” Series together with the local distributor Falconbrae. In remembering the good old days, Dihua Street was especially selected for this event. Indigenous animals of Taiwan are used on the bottle’s labels, showing the respect of the series to the earth and allowing the whole world to love this eternal classic.

禁 止 酒 駕


未 滿 十 V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

V SCENES | 品銘記事


上也是少數由家族獨立經營的酒廠,歷經 6 代祖傳,讓



台灣的美麗帶向全世界為信念,此次合作希望可以受到 自己國家。此外,「台灣之美」系列酒款均為格蘭花格 私選單桶 (Private Casks),高年份的酒款更是威士忌藏家 不容錯過的夢幻逸品。



並以西班牙傳統雪莉桶陳年的品牌。堅持傳統美好精神 的 100% 雪莉桶熟成工藝,在時間淬鍊下愈顯精湛,加


2 3

其猶如一頁傳奇般存在,同時也擁有許多高年份的單桶 項背的優勢。


市的四款均是超越 27 年以上的高酒齡威士忌單桶原裝。

「長鬃山羊」為 1992 單桶單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌(限 量 627 瓶),有著明顯的葡萄果香與香料氣息,入口柔

和滑順。「黑熊」為 1990 單桶單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌(限

量 246 瓶),除了表現出格蘭花格威士忌整體的辛香調

1. 發表會選擇在有著濃濃懷舊氛圍的迪化街孔雀餐酒館,藉此與此雋永酒款呼應。 2. 本次的商品上市發表會,場地經過巧心佈置,選用臺 灣品種的蘭花、新鮮胎草…等等,空間盈滿優雅氣息。 3. 昇恆昌與格蘭花格首次合作,推出「台灣之美」系列珍稀酒款。 1. The event was

held in the Peacock Bistro located in nostalgic Dihua Street reflecting the richness of whisky. 2. The venue was creatively decorated

with Taiwanese native orchids, waterweed and other plants, filling the space with elegance. 3.“The Beauty of Taiwan” new whisky

collection was launched by Ever Rich and Glenfarclas.

滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 081

性,也可嗅聞出經典雪莉酒桶風格,皮革、可可與巧克 力香氣飽滿誘人。

「水鹿」為 1980 年單桶單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌(限

量 299 瓶),有別於傳統雪莉酒桶風味,散發出清新的 水果香氣,同時也可以嚐出麥芽原酒獨特的清甜滋味。

至於最高年份的「雲豹」,體現了愈是高年份酒款,整 體口味愈是柔和的特性,其為 1978 年單桶單一麥芽蘇

格蘭威士忌(限量 123 瓶),漂亮的琥珀酒液色澤,為 味蕾捎來葡萄果香、奶油清香與柔和辛香料風味。

According to Patricia Wang, Vice President of Ever Rich Duty Free, taking the beauty of Taiwan to the whole world has always been a core belief of Ever Rich Duty Free. This

cooperation is intended to attract the eyes of travelers from all over the world and bring whisky with great originality to their home countries. Furthermore, the “The Beauty of Taiwan” series liquors are all Private Casks, while the aged liquors are dream products that no whisky collector should miss. With a history of more than two centuries, Glenfarclas is one of the few brands that insist on making malt liquor via direct fired still and using traditional Spanish Sherry Casks among hundreds of distilleries in Scotland. The 100% Sherry Cask finished process, in which continues good traditional spirit, becomes more exquisite as time passes. It is also one of few distilleries independently operated by a family with a legacy over six generations and offers many aged single-cask whiskys. These are the advantages that Glenfarclas has over other single malt whisky brands.

禁 止 酒 駕


未 滿 十 V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

V SCENES | 品銘記事

The “Beauty of Taiwan” series will introduce ten aged liquors successively. The first four high-age liquors on the market are all private casks that are at least 27 years. “Formosan Serow”, the 1992 private cask single malt Scotch whisky (limited to 246 bottles) has a rich grape aroma and smooth taste. “Black Bear”, the 1990 private cask single malt Scotch whisky(limited to 627 bottles) has a classic and strong sherry note with leather, cocoa and chocolate aroma, as well as the overall spicy tone of Glenfarclas whisky. "Formosan Sambar", the 1980 private cask single malt Scotch whisky (limited to 299 bottles) comes with a refreshing fruity flavor distinguished from traditional Sherry cask that carries a unique slightly sweet and solid finish of cask strength. The oldest “Formosan Clouded Leopard” features an overall gentle texture of high-year liquor. It is a 1978 private cask

single malt Scotch whisky (limited to 123 bottles). The beautiful amber color carries a fruity aroma, a creamy flavor, and a spicy taste. 1




1. . 雲豹款入口層次豐富,有著舒服的單寧感與辛香味。 2. 昇恆昌與格

蘭花格攜手推出本次的產品發表會,昇恆昌副總經理王平 ( 左二 ) 與隼昌 董事金碙珉 ( 右二 ),為促成本次合作的核心人物。 3. 台灣黑熊款傳遞

經典而飽滿的雪莉桶調性。 4. 長鬃山羊有著葡萄乾、莓果與紅糖氣息,

尾 韻 輕 巧 宜 人。 1. Rich in texture, Clouded Leopard has the flavor of

Tannins and aromatic seasoning. 2. Patricia Wang, Vice President of Ever Rich (2nd from the left) and Jim Cumming, the chairman of Falconbrae

LTD (2nd from the right), facilitated the launch. 3. The Formosan Black

Bear selection delivers the classic and rich essence of Sherry Casks. 4. Formosan Serow is distinct in its raisin, berries, and brown sugar flavor with a pleasant aftertaste.

滿 十 八 歲 禁 止 飲 酒 083

Camera 永遠鮮明的旅遊記憶

Bright and colorful travel memories Text & Photography

張逸帆 Jerry Chang

2004 年一個人到北京工作的緣分,開啟了逸帆的背包旅行攝影

生涯。 因為嚮往世界的純樸與美好,足跡走過七大洲 140 國,

穿梭在飽經歲月刻蝕的印度王朝和西藏高原,更遠征位於阿拉 伯半島上、看似遙不可及的非洲國度。輕巧的捕捉那一抹遞給 陌生旅人的關愛眼神、眨著大眼睛的慧黠男孩、樂天知命的智

慧、和自然不造作的兄弟情誼。成為所謂的攝影旅行者,正是 為了探尋無可預知的未來,帶著最真誠的微笑,就能行走各地, 而攝影成為旅程中,在風景與陌生人之間,記錄及打交道的最 佳工具。

In his search for simplicity and beauty of the world, in 2004 Jerry relocated to Beijing where he worked in solitude, and it unveiled his career of backpack traveler and photographer. He left his foot-prints in over 140 countries around 7 continents, and some of his journeys have brought him traveling through the Indian dynasties and the Tibetan plateau, and even to the not-so-easy to reach Arabian Peninsula. With his camera, he has casually captured the loving eyesight of strangers, the boy with big winking-eyes, the wisdom of serenity in submission to Heaven, and the modest brotherhood of nature. The reason that he has become a so-called travel photographer is sure to explore the unpredictable future. He is always on the road with a genuine smile on his face, and photography is turned into his best tool for recording and building up relationships with strangers and landscapes.

Translated by 蔡雅婷 Ya-Ting Tsai



踏上返家的歸途。照片為逆光拍攝,讓斜射的光投 射人與駱駝長長地影子,並用點測光在駱駝身上, 不將夕陽完整帶入,以免主體成了剪影。

The Sahara Desert is situated at the southeast of Morocco. In the golden light of the setting sun, the Bedouins guide their camels through the dunes on their way home. The photo was taken against backlight so that the oblique light cast a long shadow on the ground, enriching layers of the picture, and it helps to contrast colors significantly.


yellow V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4

V CAMERA | 旅行途中

# 摩洛哥 # 撒哈拉沙漠 # 沙漠行程 # Morocco # Sahara Desert # Desert itinerary

*如何前往:抵達摩洛哥後,一般旅人多為包車到訪 Merzouga 鄉鎮,參加沙漠行程。How to get there: After arriving in Morocco, tourists can rent a car to visit the Merzouga town and partake in the desert tour.



# 衣索比亞 # 阿迪斯阿貝巴 # 地獄之門 # 火山旅行 # Ethiopia # Addis Ababa # Gateway to Hell # Trip of Volcano 地獄到底長的什麼樣子?每個人都很好奇,如果

# 埃及 # 路克索 # 熱氣球行程 # Egypt # Luxor # Hot air-balloon itinerary




(Etra Ale),或許蠻貼近大部分人的想像。拍攝時最



好測光在岩漿亮部,以免照片過曝,找個人來當照片 主體,讓人與火山口有了連結互動感。

帶來不遠處的尼羅河,兩岸綠洲在一大片黃色礫石滿 殿…皆在腳下,這樣的飛行行程更顯得迷人。

Everyone is curious about what would Hell look like? If Hell is like the imagined depiction of magma erupting everywhere, the "Gateway to Hell" in Etra Ale, situated at northeastern Ethiopia on the African plateau, may be fairly close to what most people would have imagined. When one is taking a picture, it is best to measure the light at the bright part of magma to prevent your photo from overexposure. To create a sense of relation and interaction between a man and the crater, try to find someone to act as a subject in the photo.

Luxor in Egypt is known to be one of the most affordable places in the world for hot air balloon tours. When a hot air balloon slowly rises in the sky before sunrise, the unique view of the Nile River with the oasis on one side and yellow rocks on the other becomes clearly visible Then you float over the Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings, and the Temple of Hatshepsut, making it the unforgettable journey of a lifetime.



的方式前往(但需一天半的車程)。How to get there:

體旅遊中的自費行程。How to get there: From Cairo, the

國 內 線 到 Mekelle 默 克 萊 機 場, 或 是 搭 乘 長 途 巴 士

After arrival in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, you can travel by domestic airlines to reach the Mekelle Mek'ele Airport or take the long-distance bus to the area (this takes a day and a half).


或是搭乘火車和巴士前往。可參加當地 Tour,或是團

capital of Egypt, fly to Luxor Airport by domestic flight or head to the destination by train and bus. Visitors can also join a local tour or arrange a self-paid itinerary included in the group tour.

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V CAMERA | 旅行途中


# 玻利維亞 # 烏尤尼鹽湖 # 天空之鏡 # 落日行程 # Bolivia # Salar de Uyuni # Mirror of the sky # Sunset tour



特別是在水面靜止時,人可以行走在水面上,像是置身 於幻境之中,令人驚嘆不已。

tangerine Situated at an altitude of 3600 meters, Salar de Uyuni is known as the mirror of the sky. The shades of the heavens and lakes constantly change in the early morning and at dusk. Particularly when the water is still and people can walk on the waters’ surface, it is as stunning as if you are in a wonderland.


到當地後,建議參加鹽湖行程,別錯過落日團。How to get there: Arrive in La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, by airplane and

transfer to a domestic flight or intercity bus to reach Uyuni Airport. It is suggested that you participate in a Uyuni Salt Flats tour after arriving in the local region and make sure that you do not miss the sunset tour.


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V CAMERA | 旅行途中

# 納米比亞 # 死亡谷 # 紅色沙丘 # Namibia # Death Valley # Red sand dune 寂靜孤獨的沙丘與炎熱的死亡谷(Dead Vlei),它

是位於蘇索斯維利鹽田裡的一片令人驚嘆的白色黏土窪 地的名字。當地領隊說:在 900 年前左右,這裡遭遇嚴


下水慢慢地被消耗一空,原本的樹開始失去了維繫生命 的條件,雨水也不降臨於此。接著樹木慢慢死去,變乾,

毒辣的陽光將其烤焦,使它們的外表變黑。沙丘變成橙 紅色,看起來像鐵鏽了一般。

At the salt field of Sossuslvei, visitors can find an extensive land of white clay with silent and lonely dunes as well as the sultry Dead Vlei. As explained by a local-tour guide, a severe drought affected the area about 900 years ago, so the dunes began to move to this extension of sandstone while blocking the flow of rivers into the land. As such, the groundwater was gradually exhausted, the original trees lost their lifesustaining condition and the rain stopped falling. Afterward, the trees slowly dried and died under the scorching sun so that they turned black. Eventually, those dunes appear orange-red and look like rusty iron.


般觀光客會在清晨從營地出發,趕在沙漠日出前,爬上 45 號陡峭的紅色沙丘;欣賞如夢似幻的景像。然而這裡的樣

貌總是變化不定,太陽光線會讓沙丘顏色不斷改變,而大風則持續堆疊沙丘的形狀。How to get there: If visitors travel

from Windhoek, capital of Namibia, they can join a local 7-day camper trip in Namibia, drive on their own or take a local trip to reach the destination. Generally, tourists leave the camp in the morning and set off before sunrise. Then, they can climb up to No. 45 steep red sand dunes to enjoy the dream-like scenery. However, the scenery here is always varying as the colors of dunes are continually fluctuating because of sun rays, while strong winds are constantly stacking the formations of sand dunes. 089


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# 帛琉 # 牛奶湖 SPA # 邦交國 # Palau # Milky Way spa # Diplomatic-relations country

V CAMERA | 旅行途中

# 加拉巴哥群島 # 厄瓜多 # 與海獅共游 # Galapagos Islands # Ecuador # Swim with sea-lions





奶湖 SPA,水母湖的律動感。



Taiwan’s diplomatic ally, Palau, is made up by a large barrier reef, countless small islands, and smaller barrier reefs. Within the archipelago, a group of verdant green islands appear in sight, with ships wandering through colorful waters and travelers leaping into the depths of water as they converse with the ocean. When these travelers peek into the rose corals of the underwater gardens, they can also find themselves appreciating the Milky Way SPA and rhythmic movement of Jellyfish Lake, totally immersed within the intoxicating views of paradise.


灣旅行社的行程,機加酒,行程再外購也相當地划算。 How to get there: Visitors can fly directly to Palau with China Airlines. Also, Taiwan travel agents can arrange a reasonably priced combined tour (hotel+flight) with additional local tours in Palau.


拍攝,建議使用連拍模式,比較容易抓到快速的瞬間。 Darwin’s Theory of evolution made the Galapagos Islands world-famous. When visitors swim in the Galapagos Islands, there is constantly a group of sea-lions trying to play with you. These cute animals can swim very fast, they pretend to hit you and then turn around magnificently as they rub themselves against you. When taking photos with a waterproof outdoor sports camera, visitors are suggested to use the continuous capturing mode because it is easier to capture fast moments.

*如何前往:搭機前往厄瓜多轉機國內線加拉巴哥群 島,有二個主要機場,建議不同島嶼進出,可不用 走回頭路。How to get there: Visitors can take a flight to

Ecuador and then travel by domestic flight to Galapagos Islands. In the area, there are two main airports and travelers are suggested to get in and out from diverse islands so that they won't have to backtrack.



Shopping Directory A APM 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 B BALENCIAGA 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 BEATS 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 BIOTHERM 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 BBOBBI BROWN 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園/臺中 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 BOTTEGA VENETA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園

BURBERRY– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/高雄 BUTLERS 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

BVLGARI – 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/高雄 C CHLOÉ– 美妝香氛 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 CHLOÉ– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園

CLARINS 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

CLÉ DE PEAU BEAUTÉ 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 CLINIQUE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 COACH– 香氛 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

COACH– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 D DECORTE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 DIPTYQUE 機場免稅商店 – 松山 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 E ELIZABETH ARDEN 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 EMPORIO ARMANI– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 ESTÉE LAUDER 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 EVER RICH JEWELRY 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 F FURLA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 093


Shopping Directory G GARMIN 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GIORGIO ARMANI– 香氛 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 GODIVA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口/基隆港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GRAND SEIKO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園

GUCCI– 香氛 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GUCCI– 腕錶 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 GUCCI– 精品 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園/高雄 GUERLAIN 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 I INNISFREE 機場免稅商店 – 桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 J JO MALONE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 K KENZO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 094

KIEHL'S 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 KOBE FUGETSUDO 神戶風月堂 昇恆昌各機場/港口/市區店 L LA ROCHE-POSAY 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 松山 /桃園 LANCÔME 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 LANEIGE 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 M M.A.C 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 MAISON MARGIELA 機場免稅商店 – 桃園

MARC JACOBS– 美妝香氛 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 MARC JACOBS– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 高雄

MCM 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 MICHAEL KORS– 腕錶 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

MIDO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網

V O YA G E R v o l . 2 4


Shopping Directory MONCLER 機場免稅商店 – 桃園

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SWAROVSKI 市區預售中心 – 臺北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 T TOD'S 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 桃園/高雄 TOM FORD 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 V VALENTINO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 W

RADO 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 ROGER VIVIER 機場免稅商店 – 桃園 S SALVATORE FERRAGAMO– 精品 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 SAMSUNG 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 SHU UEMURA 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山/桃園/臺中/高雄 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 SK-II 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店/金門金湖廣場 機場免稅商店 – 松山 /桃園/臺中/高雄 港口免稅商店 – 金門水頭港口 網路預訂 – 昇恆昌免稅購物網 STELLA MCCARTNEY 市區預售中心 – 台北內湖旗艦店 機場免稅商店 – 桃園

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