East Tennessee's Mountain Views August 2024 Edition

Page 6

The Tennessee Volunteer Spirit

If you’ve been in Tennessee long, then you’ve heard a lot about our Volunteer Spirit. It’s everywhere. Not only are we called the Volunteer State, but, as you know, the University of Tennessee’s football team is even named the Volunteers (GO VOLS!). But where does that name come from? What is our Volunteer Spirit? And why is it such a big deal around here? Tennessee’s volunteer spirit comes across in numerous ways. For as long as we’ve been a state, we have consistently put ourselves forward to help others in any way we could, even if we didn’t receive anything in return. Throughout our history, Tennesseans have consistently displayed a willingness to fight and even die, not just in defense of their own freedoms, but in the defense of others too, no matter how far away they might be. That sense of determined selflessness has defined Tennessee as a state, and it has also defined us as a people for over two hundred years.

During the War of 1812, after President James Madison declared war on Great Britain, and when British and American forces were about to battle on American soil, the General Assembly sent out a call for volunteers to fight. Soon, over 3,500 Tennesseans answered the call. And as the war went on, even more joined the fight, reaching an estimated 28,000 Tennessean volunteers before the war was done. These men had a huge impact on the remainder of the war. Most importantly, many of them went on to serve under General Andrew Jackson at the last major battle of the war, known as the Battle of New Orleans. Jackson himself later said that his experiences commanding his men, including the volunteers from Tennessee, were some of the proudest moments in his life. Instrumental to American victory in New Orleans, Tennessee had earned the title of “The Volunteer State”.

Years later, when Texas sought its

independence from Mexico, again the call went out for volunteers. And again, Tennessee answered. Shortly after the fighting broke out, the famous Davy Crockett, along with numerous other men from Tennessee, rode from their homes to fight for Texas. These men went on to join the defenders of the Alamo, where they held out against over 2,000 Mexican soldiers for thirteen days before they were finally overrun. Though nearly thirty Tennesseans gave their lives in that battle, the whole country holds them and their sacrifice in high honor to this day. With Tennessee men in key positions of authority (including Sam Houston, a native Tennessean himself and a prominent figure in the fight for Texan independence), it could be said that Texas owes her freedom to the proud state of Tennessee.

As if that wasn’t enough, ten years later, when President James K. Polk honored his promise to annex Texas as a state, tensions flared between Mexico and the United States. Eventually, it was clear that the two nations were firmly set on the road to war. When hostilities began, President Polk (a resident and former governor of Tennessee himself) considered his options. At the time, the regular standing army of the United States had only 8,000 men, not nearly enough to prosecute a successful war against Mexico. With no other options, the President called upon each state for between 2,600 and 2,800 volunteers to join the war effort.

When the President’s call for aid reached Nashville, it was followed by stories of Davy Crockett’s heroic last stand for Texan Independence, along with the awareness that fellow Tennessean Sam Houston was fighting in Texas even then. The Battle of the Alamo was still fixed in the minds of most Tennesseans, and before the week was out, President Polk got far more than he asked for. Instead of the 2,800 men he had requested, over 30,000 men had volunteered, eager to finish the fight so many of their fellow Tennesseans had died for a decade before.

In the war that followed, the Tennessee volunteers proved their worth time and time again, earning a reputation as excellent soldiers and marksmen and becoming highly sought after as a result. More than that, their sheer numbers increased the size of the United States Army to such an

extent that other men, trying to volunteer themselves, often complained that they weren’t even able to buy their place in a militia unit. The army was simply too full to take any more men.

Propped up by Tennessean volunteers, the United States Army took the fight to Mexico. Even under inexperienced or even incompetent commanders, the skills and courage of the men from Tennessee won the day again and again. Even when General Scott decided to march directly towards Mexico City, heedless of supply lines or backup, his quick thinking and the dedication of the Tennessee volunteers under his command again emerged victorious. Despite being vastly outnumbered and finding themselves deep in foreign territory without supplies or reinforcements, they were able to win the war decisively, even with all the world telling them it was

impossible. And without the involvement of volunteers from Tennessee, the world might well have been right!

This volunteer spirit has defined the history of Tennessee for as long as we have been a state, demonstrating an eagerness to serve our fellow man without regard for ourselves. Despite being nicknamed the Volunteer State since 1812, Tennessee never officially adopted the name. Until recently. In 2020, to commemorate the spirit and heritage that has long made us what we are, the state finally passed a resolution officially declaring Tennessee to be “The Volunteer State”. That legacy, and our volunteer spirit, will go on to define us for generations to come.

Joseph Rose is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to East Tennessee’s Mountain Views. Joseph can be reached at pyrose17@gmail.com.

P.O. Box 209, Vonore, TN 37885 • 865-657-3077

Vol. 24 No. 8

August 2024

Welcome to the August 2024 edition of East Tennessee’s Mountain Views. Our publication’s goal is to be the most comprehensive source of information for those that reside in the area as well as those who are looking to relocate to the area. Future articles will highlight the beautiful Smoky Mountain region - its scenery and points of interest as well as its history. We also will provide articles that will acclimate you to the area and give you information that will benefit you personally. We hope you enjoy our publication!

The East Tennessee’s Mountain Views Team

Tim & Kathy Rose, Tom & Judy Irmen, & Meredith Hancock

Serving the Loudon & Monroe lake and golf front communities including Tellico Village, Kahite, Rarity Bay, Tennessee National, Avalon Golf Community, Harbour Place, Tellico Harbor, Foothills Pointe and WindRiver.

East Tennessee’s Mountain Views is published monthly.

P.O. Box 209, Vonore, TN 37885

For advertising information contact East Tennessee’s Mountain Views at 865-657-3077 Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm Website: www.etmv.com

E-Mail: rosekathy@etmv.com

East Tennessee’s Mountain Views does not accept any responsibility or liability for the content of, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products or services offered by third part advertisements contained in this publication. Address corrections are accepted by email or US mail only. No exceptions. © 2001-2024 East Tennessee’s Mountain Views

East Tennessee’s Mountain Views is independently owned and operated.

SAugust Insights From the Publisher

ervice. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. Has service stopped being a priority in our world? There used to be service stations; that’s gone the way of the dodo bird. You call a help line and get someone in another country whom you can’t understand. I think there are some who still care about good service. Our family has been blessed by exceptional service here in East Tennessee on many occasions, but one person stood out. We were served by an excellent young woman at a family restaurant in Lenoir City; she was fast, efficient, cheerful, and anticipated our needs all while the restaurant was extremely busy. When we thanked her for her great service and attitude, she had the best reply. She said, “Thank you! I’m so glad you were happy. You know, God put us on this earth to bless others, so that’s what I try to do when I take care of our guests.” We were all so impressed by that.

She waited on us again a few months later, same great attitude, same awesome service. This time she gave us a handmade card when she presented us with our check. The card said “Thank you so much. Have a wonderful week! God Bless!” She signed it and included a scripture verse: “Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10. That’s exactly what she did, she blessed us.

She got me to thinking about service and serving others. I know a couple who use their gifts of hospitality to bless others by reaching out to people who are lonely and providing them with a “family” and a support system that has lasted decades for some. I’d never thought about this as a ministry before; just something nice. But for this group, they’ve been a huge blessing, and they definitely put 1 Peter 4:10 into action.

We all have gifts we can use to bless our neighbors and make the world a better place. I’m so grateful to know that those small businesses owners who share their stories within these pages feel the same and strive to serve and bless their communities through their gifts. I believe this is what fuels the Tennessee Volunteer Spirit!

August has some great activities that you and your family can enjoy while the weather is still pleasant. Boating, hiking, and all things outdoor are abundantly available. Combine the awesome outdoor activities with the beauty of our area, then add to that the amazing people who live and work here – East Tennessee can’t be beat. And while you’re enjoying that beauty and fun, smile at someone, give a kind word, bless and serve those around you – and show them you really care; you’ll make their world a better place.

Kathy Rose East Tennessee’s Mountain Views


As aggravating as hearing loss can be, at times it can be tempting to avoid treating it. We get it. Treatment for hearing loss can be a big investment and may seem a bit overwhelming. Maybe it just seems easier to raise the volume on your TV and get on with your life. But hearing loss is like any other medical condition. Not only can it affect your physical health, but it can damage your mental well-being too. So, we’re here to ask you a question: is letting your hearing loss go untreated worth the risk?

There are numerous issues that can come from untreated hearing loss. But we’ll list just some of them here:

» Anxiety from not being able to hear a child, or a fire alarm

» Difficulty talking to and understanding family and friends

» Balance issues and increased risk of falling

» Loss of sleep or irritation due to tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

» Depression from social isolation and trouble communicating with loved ones

» Fatigue from sleep loss and the extra effort to follow conversations

» The fear of missing out” by not hearing important parts of a conversation

» Strained relationships

Recent studies show that people with untreated hearing loss are at an increased risk of developing dementia, while treatment for hearing loss can reduce that risk. Whatever your situation, treating your hearing loss can improve your quality of life, sometimes drastically. That’s why at Tellico Hearing Solutions, we are here to help you find out if a hearing device is right for you. Whether in our office or in the comfort of your own home, our cutting-edge technology helps us perform complete and thorough testing of your hearing. After a comprehensive test, we ll not only tell you if a hearing aid is appropriate for you, but we’ll also fit you with the best device for your hearing situation and budget. We can even provide devices to make everyday living easier. These include devices for use with your phone, TV, or other audio equipment. We can help you enjoy the simple pleasures of life again, like a conversation with your family or a good song on the radio. Trust us, you won’t believe what a difference it can make!

We understand that plenty of people don’t even want to think about getting a hearing aid. We really do understand. Robert, our Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist, is a long-time hearing aid wearer himself, so he knows exactly what dealing with hearing loss is like. More than that, he also knows what it s like to feel the joy of getting his hearing back. He wants to help others experience the same thing for themselves. That’s why we can guarantee you’ll receive compassionate, thoughtful care and the best hearing aid available for you.

Untreated hearing loss can have a damaging effect on almost every area of your life, and it will only get worse the longer you leave it alone. With our free hearing evaluation,

Pet Urine, Spills, and Your Expensive Oriental Rug!

You ve hand-picked the perfect Oriental rug for your living space. Then, oops, a spill happens, or you discover a wet spot left as a “special” gift from your beloved pet! Not only can the spill or urine harm the rug, it can also do significant damage to your floor underneath the rug. What do you do?

There are a couple of things you can do. First, before the inevitable wet spot even happens, call Kerry at Superior Rug Cleaning (865-6915686) to have a custom rug pad installed under your rug. It’s important to use a rug pad that protects you, your floors, and your rug. The wrong rug pad can cause damage to the floors, allow the rug to slip, roll, and slide, and might even be toxic. Superior Rug Cleaning installs pads that are waterproof, pet and child friendly, odorless, and are guaranteed washable for the life of the rug.

Second, if have a current spill or pet urine stain that you are dealing with, Kerry recommends you do the following:

1. Soak up the urine or spill immediately or as soon as possible.

2. Spray the area with a product called, Nature s Miracle (Liquid). This is one of the best products I have found for these types of spills. (Available for consumer purchase in stores.)

3. Blot the area and repeat spraying with Nature’s Miracle, if needed

4. Spray the area with water and blot

If these steps don t get the area cleaned, call me at Superior Rug Cleaning

- 865-691-5686. Many times, urine that has been there awhile will not come out with regular cleaning, it must be flushed professionally with special cleaning agents designed to remove the urea salts and ammonia smell. Sometimes even the yellow stain can lighten up. Launched in 1985, for over 39 years Superior Rug Cleaning has focused specifically on pursuing and investing in new, state-of-the-art technology specifically to ensure your heirloom Oriental rug maintains its original beauty and quality.

Call or text Superior Rug Cleaning at 865-691-5686, email them at info@ superiorofknoxville.com, or reach them on Facebook to schedule your carpet and rug cleanings today. Invest in your rug’s true potential and beauty today!

“Quality plus Service equals Superior Value....GUARANTEED”

Superior Rug Cleaning

865-691-5686 www.superiorofknoxville.com

Robert Ferraro,

Our PLACE Walk 2 Remember and Car Show

Welcome back to the Our PLACE monthly update. We hope you are staying out of the heat, especially those families dealing with family members with Alzheimer’s or dementia. This month our article will bring you a personal “Love Story” as we highlight another Moment of Joy! But first, we’d like to share the details on our next Our PLACE fundraiser, our annual Walk 2 Remember & Car Show, on October 5, 2024, from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM, at Lenoir City Park.

The event consists of a 1 or 2 mile walk for teams or individuals, and a classic car show. Registration and donation forms are available at https://www.walk2remember.net/walk. The minimum donation is $50 per person to walk and includes an event T-Shirt; walker registration closes September 23. Children 16 & under walk for free. The Car Show is expected to draw over 100 classic cars; to register for the car show, visit https://www.walk2remember.net/car-show. The cost is $20.

The Walk 2 Remember & Car Show provides opportunities for corporate or individual sponsorships, ranging from $250 to $5000. Sponsorship level details and registration forms are available at https://www.walk2remember.net/walk. Our Walk 2 Remember & Car Show benefiting Our PLACE provides an excellent chance to have a great time while supporting a great cause and our program participants.

Speaking of participants, our Moment of Joy individual is Mary, whose husband Richard calls their life together “a love story.” They met on a blind date after both having been divorced, and both raising children. He had been in the Navy; she had been a nurse in Angola. After marrying in NC, they built a sailboat in their basement, and eventually moved to Tellico Village in 2009. They traveled with an RV to 49 states, 8 Canadian Provinces, Africa and Paris. Mary began to have difficulty walking and was withdrawing from social interactions. Mary attends Our PLACE three days a week, and Richard attends the monthly men’s caregiver group. There he talked with Dr. Kriese from Blount Senior Care Partners, who was able to pinpoint Mary’s specific diagnosis. Medical intervention, along with the socialization she experiences at Our PLACE, have made her happier, more open, and more communicative. A high point for both she and Richard was the day the staff surprised her with a “Hawaii Day,” to let her finally “visit” the 50th and only state she had not been able to see! It is truly a Moment of Joy to see Mary and Richard together;

their smiles communicate without words the love story they share.

Our PLACE is an independent, 501c (3) nonprofit that seeks to improve quality of life by providing a day program of social interaction, enrichment, and therapeutic activities in a safe and nurturing environment for adults living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related diseases. Our vision, supported by you, is to provide the best independent, nonprofit adult day programs in East Tennessee. Please come walk with us on October 5th to help us provide more Moments of Joy in the lives of our participants and their families.

Our Place TN 103 Cheeyo Way Loudon, TN 37774 865-657-7222

How to Spot Fraud, Outsmart Criminals and Protect Yourself from Scams

Criminals are smart. And increasingly sophisticated. With technology and artificial intelligence (AI) at their fingertips, they are constantly finding clever ways to take advantage of honest, hard-working Americans. There are a variety of scams criminals use to steal money, and many are turning to more cunning methods that involve bank accounts, debit and credit cards, and gift cards.

People love gift cards; they’ve been the top requested gift in America for nearly two decades according to the National Retail Federation. But while everyday folks love giving, receiving, and using gift cards, unfortunately so do criminals. Just like other payment methods, criminals use intelligent means of stealing money from gift cardsbut we have some tips for how to spot them, outsmart the scammers and protect yourself.

Here are our top gift card safety tips:

to be true, like a big discount on a gift card, it’s likely a scam or you’re getting a fraudulent card.


» Gift cards can only be used at the company on the card. If you get asked to send money or pay for another service with a gift card, STOP, and contact law enforcement, even if the fraudster tells you not to talk to anyone or that a loved one is in trouble. No real government agency or business will ever reach out and ask you to pay them with gift cards - and you can’t pay taxes or bail money with gift cards.

» Store your gift cards securely and don’t share gift card numbers or PINs with people you don’t know.

If you think you have been scammed or see fraud happening, contact your local law enforcement or the FTC at ftc.gov/complaint or via this toll-free number: 1-877-FTCHELP. You can also report IRS impersonation scams to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, visit their website or call 800-366-4484.

Keener Homes, Inc.

Keener Homes, Inc.

» Check gift card packaging at the store and make sure the gift card hasn’t been tampered with. Look for things like ripped or torn packaging or missing scratch-off material over the top of the PIN number. If something doesn’t look right, pick another card, and show the questionable card to a store associate.

» When you buy a gift card, keep your activation receipt as proof of your purchase.

» Only buy gift cards from trusted sources. If you’re offered a deal that’s too good

The Retail Gift Card Association (RGCA) is the only nonprofit trade organization that represents the gift card industry. We have more than 100 of the world’s top brands on our roster, and together our mission is to promote positive gift card experiences among shoppers. More information about how to have amazing gift card experiences is available at GiftCardSafety.org. You can learn more about the gift card industry at www.thergca.org. Phishing Scams

And while we’re on the subject of scams, ever wonder why many email scams are so full of bad grammar, typos, and foreign speech patterns? Did you know those mistakes and “red flags” are intentional?

Some people don’t pay close attention to the spelling or grammar in every email they open. In fact, many people don’t read each email word for word, so they might overlook typos.

The scammer wants to target the most vulnerable and gullible victim. If you notice these red flags, you probably aren’t their target. They’re essentially weeding out recipients too smart to fall for the scam.

Custom Solutions:

ShelfGenie custom pull-out shelves are the best way to eliminate common frustrations in the kitchen, pantry, and bath. Our design will help fully utilize your space, and our shelves pull out the full depth of your cabinets so you can see, reach, and retrieve items with ease. Custom design, sturdy wood construction, quiet rails that hold up to 100 pounds per shelf, and professional installation – all backed by a lifetime guarantee – will ensure your satisfaction. Your Experience: Getting personalized attention from the ShelfGenie

team is easy. Here’s what you can expect from our custom design process.

» Free Design Consultation: Work with a ShelfGenie designer to create a custom solution to solve your home pain points, eyesores, and trouble areas.

» Custom Solution: Your personal designer will present a design plan built just for you and your needs and show you a 3D-rendered plan of what your future home will look like.

» Professional Installation: We handle it all. After measurements are taken and your products are

hand-crafted, your installer comes to your home and installs everything for you in one day.

Schedule Your Free Design Consultation Today! One of our talented ShelfGenie designers will come to your home and create a design plan customized just for you –no obligation required. Call us at 865.270.5465 or Sign Up at ShelfGenie.com. ShelfGenie® 865-270-5465 www.shelfgenie.com

Call Village Homes at 865-458-6813 for availability, pricing, and home plans.


Have you ever said to yourself, “I would never do this”? Twentysix years ago, those were my words regarding involvement in prison ministry. This journey started at Chino State Prison for Women, Chino, CA. The program was called Match Two - matching me with a woman that had NO visitors (family or friends) from the outside world. Luci was a lifer. She shared her incarceration with two of the Manson women in our presence on a monthly basis as Luci shared her life story with me. The story about Luci is for another time, but the good news is Luci was released from incarceration several years ago and is now a member of society outside prison walls. Kairos Prison Ministry became my passion in 2002.

interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families through the three programs.

In 2002, being called to Kairos Outside, it was clear that women were impacted by their loved one’s incarceration, serving time right along with their loved one (husband, father, mother, children, and other relatives).

The Kairos Outside Weekend is a 2 ½ day program based on a series of talks by volunteers designed to address the pain of enduring separation from the one inside and the judgment of others from their community. Guests hear the talks in small family groups. The program is interspersed with music, prayer, and fun activities. Our churches and community are filled with families feeling shame, and through the Kairos weekend, women feel loved and accepted.

Kairos Prison Ministry is one ministry, three programs: Kairos Inside (men and women incarceration); Kairos Outside (women impacted by incarceration); Kairos Torch (incarcerated youth). Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. (“Kairos”), a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, named a “2023 Top-Rated Nonprofit” by GreatNonprofits, the leading website for community recommendations of charities and nonprofits. We are in 9 countries, and 37 States. Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. is a lay-led,

Women’s Bible Study Coming

An exciting new women’s Bible Study starts in early September called He’s Where the Joy Is. The Women’s Ministry of First Baptist Church of Tellico Village is a place to find joy, encouragement, and fellowship for all women! Our Bible Study and seasonal events with a purpose offer many opportunities for women to join together in Christ-centered friendships.

To kick off the Fall season, FBC Women’s Ministry will be hosting Finding Joy, an event not to be missed! Please join us on September 11th from 11 AM to 1 PM for a catered lunch, open to all women, and will feature singing, delicious treats, and an inspirational message. Our guest speaker is Lacey Fetzer, Program Director of True Purpose Restoration House for Pregnant Women in Vonore. Lacey has been through the 18-month program and is now a director at the home. The luncheon is $10.00 and reservations are available through the church office at 865-408-0110 until September 4th.

We are excited about our Fall Bible Study, He’s Where the Joy Is, by Tara-Leigh Cobble, creator of the Bible Recap. Our study meets for 9-weeks and is open to all women. We will begin on September 18th, meeting every Wednesday from 10 AM to 11:30 AM in the church sanctuary.

The FBC Women’s Ministry theme for this year is Finding Joy in Jesus as We Walk Together in Faith. We have many more events planned, Bible studies, and fun to take place into Spring of 2025. We hope to share the Love of Christ with one another and the community around us.

Here at First Baptist Church of Tellico Village we try to make everyone feel at home. We have always been known as a friendly church caring for the needs of our members and guests. We livestream our Sunday morning Worship Service beginning at 10:30 AM. If you would like to watch our service, simply go to FBCTV.org and click on the livestream link.

First Baptist Church of Tellico Village is a place where you can feel at home! We are friendly and seek to share God’s love with you. If you are looking for a church home, we encourage you to join us as Pastor David Talley shares the life changing message of Jesus. Enjoy a worshipful experience with our worship team that includes choir and instrumentalists. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples. Under the leadership of Associate Pastor Kem Lindsay, we offer several adult Bible study options at 9:00 AM. Sunday Morning Worship Service follows at 10:30 AM. For more info visit FBCTV.org.

First Baptist Church Of Tellico Village 205 Chota Road, Loudon, TN 37774 (865) 408-0110

How is Kairos able to accomplish this?

» By providing a safe place to share

» By offering unconditional love and acceptance in a Christian setting

» By women journeying together in small groups through SWAP (Share, Witness, Account & Pray) and Reunion Meetings

» By fostering spiritual growth and community

» By promoting participation in small groups

» By creating an opportunity for a relationship with God

Then in 2015, Bledsoe Correctional Complex for Women, (BCCX-W) located at Pikeville opened with a population of 300 women. Kairos Inside volunteers went inside doing continuing ministry, reaching out to these women in prayer on a monthly basis. Finally in 2016, the State of Tennessee allowed us to do a 3 ½ day weekend similar to Kairos Outside.

Kairos Inside has really become my new passion. Our volunteers go to BCCX-W twice a month for Monthly Reunion and Prayer & Share. The monthly reunion has brought as many as 83 women on a Saturday night sharing their testimony, praying together, and singing Christian music. There will be as many as 18-20 volunteers coming from the Knoxville and Cleveland areas. We are always looking for men and women volunteers for the program at Bledsoe and Morgan Counties.

Many of you know us as the “cookie ministry”. Our thanks to the area churches for making us a line item in their mission budget. To learn more about us go to the kairosprisonministry.org website or contact Sandy Hagan at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, 865-816-4756.

What Our Customers Are Saying ...

Jamie and her team have been exceptional to work with. We ordered custom draperies, custom bedding, motorized shades and custom window treatments. The quality of the product, attention to detail and the professional installation get 5 stars!! Even more impressive has been the great communication and honesty that you won’t find with many other companies out there! Highly recommended! ~ Ann W., Rarity Bay, TN

A Twist on IRA Tax Planning

Back in 2019, the SECURE Act created a new twist in taxplanning when it took away the ability of most adult children to stretch out their taxable IRA inheritance over their lifetime. Instead, they now have to take the entire account as taxable income within 10 years, losing more of their inherited dollars to income tax.

Here’s an example: a married couple, each with their own $1 million IRA, has named their spouse as primary beneficiary and their kids as back-up beneficiaries. Under the old rules, it was a no-brainer for the surviving spouse to inherit all of the IRA money, keep withdrawing their Required Distribution and then, at the end of their days, pass the IRA to the kids. They’d, in turn, stretch the taxable inheritance out over their lifetimes and everyone was happy.

But under the SECURE Act, this strategy doesn’t always work so well. In the same scenario, if the surviving spouse takes ownership creating a $2 million IRA and then ultimately passes it to the kids, the kids have 10 years in which to withdraw the $2 million and pay

tax on ALL of it. Not such a great tax answer – they’re layering that taxable withdrawal on top of all of their regular wage income and easily pushing themselves into the 32% - 37% tax brackets. There goes over a third of your hard-earned money to Uncle Sam.

Here’s potentially a better answer: it’s called a disclaimer. What happens in this scenario is that the surviving spouse “disclaims” or formally refuses some or all of the deceased spouse’s IRA and lets it immediately pass to the kids as contingent beneficiaries. So now they have 10 years to stretch out one parent’s IRA, and then when the second parent passes, they’ll have another 10-year period to stretch out the second parent’s IRA. A much better tax answer.

Planning has to be done ahead of time:

1. Spouses have to be named primary beneficiaries, and kids have to be named as contingent beneficiaries on the IRA beneficiary form. Your will is irrelevant – it has to be the IRA form.

2. Touch nothing after death! In order to execute a disclaimer, the beneficiaries cannot have “accepted” the property by taking distributions or transferring the account.

3. The disclaimer is a legal document that is executed by a qualified estate planning attorney. It is not a simple

form from the IRA custodian.

4. The deadline for delivering the disclaimer to the custodian is 9 months from the date of death.

So, what’s your tax strategy? Letting the government have more than their fair share because you haven’t gotten around to tax planning yet? It’s time! Hop on my Calendly calendar to schedule a complimentary 30-minute phone call so we can talk about my all-time favorite topic: tax planning! Pick a time at https://calendly. com/yvonnemarsh/connect. Or contact me via email at ymarsh@marshwealth.com.

Marsh Wealth Management, LLC Fiduciary Registered Investment Advisor 504 Ebenezer Road Knoxville, TN 37923 865-622-2162 www.marshwealth.com Financial Planning & Investment Advisory Services are offered through Marsh Wealth Management, LLC (“MWM”), an independent investment advisor registered with the state of Tennessee. Yvonne Marsh is an Investment Advisor Representative of MWM in the state of Tennessee. Marsh Professional Group, LLC, is a TN registered public accounting firm and a separate legal entity from MWM. For a detailed discussion of MWM and their investment advisory fees, see the firm’s Form ADV on file with the SEC at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.

This awesome family home is move-in ready, loaded with

located in a quiet, single-street neighborhood, has no HOA

and low county only taxes! This well-maintained home features a large primary bedroom with luxurious bathroom complete with double vanity and gorgeous walk in shower. On the main floor you'll find an open floor plan with beautiful, coffered ceilings, large windows with lots of natural light and upgraded kitchen with island. Other great features include a full-size laundry room, extra storage, stainless steel appliances, large 2-car garage and professional landscaping. Covered front porch includes a sitting area plus a

back deck leading to a level backyard great for kids (or pets) playing.

gorgeous home located just beyond the

the conveniences of Lenoir City and a

The ABCs of Invisalign

Your New Smile is Waiting!

Deciding to transform your smile is a big step. That’s why I meet with patients on almost a daily basis in order to help them decide the best way to proceed. Up until recently, patients relied on the traditional metal braces that most of us are familiar with. Fortunately, today patients can now take advantage of a brand new technology from Invisalign. These clear aligners from Invisalign represent an all-new and exciting alternative to traditional metal braces. They are:

» Virtually invisible

» Easily removable for eating and drinking

» Easily removable for brushing and flossing

» Comfortable If you’re ready to see if Invisalign is right for you, just call our office to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation consultation. If you’re ready to get started, we will create your very own personalized treatment plan. Your treatment plan begins with a precise digital scan (no goopy putty required). Next, your digital scan is used to create your custom aligners. Your custom aligners are carefully designed to gently shift your teeth in stages to achieve your desired smile. Patients typically wear aligners for a minimum of 20 hours per day and replace aligners at two-week intervals during the treatment period. Because each of our teeth is surrounded by periodontal ligaments that permit controlled movement at the teeth, Invisalign aligners gently realign your teeth by shifting them to the new desired location.

If you’re ready to discover that perfect smile, I encourage you to call Heritage Family Dentistry at 865-816-9211 to schedule your free consultation. Our compassionate and caring dental care professionals can help you achieve that healthy looking smile that you’ve been dreaming of. At Heritage Family Dentistry, we offer every member of your family a full range of dental services, including routine dental care, cosmetic dentistry, crowns and bridges, Invisalign orthodontics, digital radiography, gum treatment, implant dentistry, sedation dentistry, and more.

Heritage Family Dentistry

11121 Kingston Pike, Suite C Farragut, TN 37934




Last week, I was privileged to speak to “The Ladies of the Lake” at Tellico Village Yacht Club, the topic being ferry traffic in this area during bygone days. What an appropriate name for an organization interested in the transportation method which crossed the Tennessee River and the Little T (now Tellico Lake) when there were no bridges to access the opposite side!

One of the more interesting stories is that of Huff’s Ferry, located on the west side of Loudon and crossing the Tennessee River just below the Sugar Limb exit off I-75. In 1940, a huge rainstorm fell on the area, causing the water levels to rise rapidly before ferry operators could react. The primary ferry serving the Loudon wharf was Blair’s Ferry. It was secured by Samuel Blair, whose family operated that crossing from the 1790’s until 1947 when the Highway 11 bridge stopped collecting a toll. The news of a bridge with no toll signaled the end for both the Blair and Huff ferries. Fortunately, the Blairs were able to firmly tie down their craft that rainy day in 1940 before any damage could be done; however, they had to keep it anchored for 36 hours, thus losing three days of income.

Downriver a couple of miles, Huff’s Ferry was not so lucky. The floodwaters swept the ferry downstream before anyone could rescue it. Because the current was moving so fast, the boat sped down the river at a great pace. According to the August 19th Knoxville Journal, two men attempted to catch the speeding craft. They were John Tate, ferryman, and William Dutton, a resident of the area ... paddling a canoe while losing ground... or in this case water. When they could not catch the ferry, they went to a telephone and summoned help five miles downstream. Due to that signal, the ferry was stopped at Cave Creek, just below current day Tennessee National.

An historic crossing took place about 75 years prior during the Civil War. Confederate Lieutenant General James Longstreet arrived from Chattanooga on November 14th, 1863. He was on his way to what would be the Battle of Fort Sanders in Knoxville, pursuing the Union forces camped in Loudon. Attacking the heavily fortified railroad

bridge in Loudon would have been very challenging, so he chose to evade those troops and cross below town at Huff’s. Creating a pontoon bridge, Longstreet crossed at the ferry site with a tremendous detail of supplies, troops and munitions wagons, or caissons. About a mile up the road they were met by the Union Army of Ohio, led by Major General Ambrose Burnside, and they skirmished in a clearing located where you can observe the huge cross beside the interstate today.

Caught by the crossfire was the family of twenty-year-old Lizzie Anderson, who would later marry a member of the Huff family. She kept a detailed diary telling the devastation visited on their farm, home, livestock and belongings by the troops passing through. It is also an excellent day by day account of the movement of troops before and after the army passed through her property. Recently the diary was discovered and acquired by Kate and Jimmy Brewster, who decided to write a book. “Cabbages and Caissons. The Hackberry Diary: A Record of Daily Life and the Civil War at Huff’s Ferry” was just released this summer (available at Loudon Library where Kate is librarian or on Amazon) and is receiving raves for it’s sad yet dramatic depiction of those troubled times during our nation’s most tragic saga.

Bo Carey is a 7th generation Loudon County resident with a passion for local history. He is the owner of Greer’s Home Furnishings in Historic Loudon and is available for lectures or programs for any area group or civic club. Call (865) 659-2300.

bocarey95@gmail.com | office 865-458-2046


For those who are new to this gorgeous East Tennessee Valley, welcome to our distinct change of seasons, which may be part of the reason why you've chosen to join us! You'll hear a sound when you're outside in the late evenings that's very recognizable to those who are native to the area... the cicada, or the "katy-dids" as we East Tennesseans prefer to call them! It's a sound that, to us, signals the ending of summer and the transitioning into autumn or "Indian summer."

Just as the seasons change four times a year, so do our wardrobes, leaving us no time to become bored with the weather or our own closets. You'll still want to enjoy many of your summer pieces are you begin the transition, and with the Lily Pad's selections, you'll find cottons and linens are the perfect wardrobe extenders.

Many of the fabrications available today are seasonless, especially in our area. We have no need for wool sweaters or coats; only light-weight blends are necessary for most Tennessee autumns and winters!

The focus for fall will be strongly on a black color

palette, however; browns and neutrals are still a staple! You can even mix the two for a new and updated look. Grey is coming on strong again also, so you know whichever color you choose, there will be many combinations that compliment your skin tone and hair color.

Browns are extremely striking on redheads, brunettes, and blondes when used with the right accent pieces. Grey works well with any skin tone when the right color is paired with it nearer the face.. think rust, forest green or even red!

Blacks, as we all know, just work! If you don't have at least one great pair of black pants as a staple in your wardrobe, let us help you select them. They are absolutely a must have for every season, and we always have plenty of styles to choose from. Remember our complimentary alterations; a big plus, as many times a simple adjustment of the hemline makes a tremendous difference in the fit.

Enjoy this time of year! There's a calming and a slowing down of a nature, a beautiful season to behold, and a valley that's about to be painted with the colors of fall, both in nature and in your wardrobe!

Elite Tunes Concert Series

Support our wounded veterans with a truly entertaining bluegrass show with lots of singing, toe-tapping music, storytelling and laughs!

We are excited to announce the third concert in the Elite Tunes Series at Tellico Village 2024 lineup. Join us Saturday, September 14th for a fantastic lakeside concert featuring the Little Roy & Lizzy Show with a generous portion of the proceeds benefiting our charity partner, Smoky Mountain Service Dogs. Tickets are on sale now through Eventbrite.com $25-$35 plus tax/fees) for this event to be held outdoors at the Yacht Club of Tellico Village (100 Sequoyah Lane, Loudon) from 7-10pm.

Smoky Mountain Service Dog’s mission is to enhance the physical and psychological quality of life for wounded Veterans by providing custom-trained mobility assistance service and companionship dogs (at no cost to the Veteran).

To learn more, visit https://www.smokymountainservicedogs.org/.

Little Roy Lewis and Lizzy Long are well-accomplished musicians with national multiaward and various Hall of Fame accolades. Little Roy began playing the banjo at age six with his iconic Lewis Family Band and is deemed as a “picker’s picker”, along with his entertaining on-stage presence. Lizzy Long will delight with her vocals and mastery of multiple instruments, most notably with her fiddle. Bringing their talent to the stage with a full band, you can expect a night of amazing bluegrass & country music, storytelling and laughs. Find out more about these elite artists at The Little Roy and Lizzy Show.

This concert is the third of four events in the Elite Tunes Series at Tellico Village 2024 lineup. Our mission is to provide high level musical events in Tellico Village so proceeds can support financial donations to nonprofit charity groups that enhance the lives of East Tennessee communities. For questions, please email elitestunesattellico@gmail.com.

East Tennessee Area Wildlife: WHITETAIL BUCKS

Photographing the beauty of Tennessee, and the

I’ve talked about the whitetail bucks before and how they act during rut, but I wanted to speak on how they grow their antlers in preparation for the rut. August is a great time to see the bucks in their almost full antlers before they shed their velvet. The velvet around the antlers provides protection as the antlers grow as well as blood and oxygen that the antlers need to fully mature. When it begins to dry out, then it’s time to shed it all off to expose healthy bone-like antlers underneath and they do this by rubbing on trees and other vegetation. Most people don’t know that bucks will lose their antlers and start growing new ones in the spring, which start out as little stubs. I love photographing bucks in full velvet in the beautiful green summer grass.

Contact: Kalleybcook@gmail.com



like some

Shedding Velvet - The buck is just beginning to shed, and it often doesn’t take them long to get it all off. To actually see a buck shedding its velvet is rare, so this was an awesome moment for me. Velvet also provides great nutrition so if the buck can reach it, they will eat it.
Pretty Buck in Velvet - This was just a beautiful morning with this buck in full velvet, and one of my favorite encounters with buck in velvet. Velvet feels just as it sounds; it feels very “velvety,” and is made up of a bunch of tiny hairs.
Bleeding Velvet – Yes, their antlers will bleed, but the velvet does have veins in it made of living tissue so it is perfectly normal for bleeding to occur. This also means the velvet is about to start peeling off.
Velvet Bucks - When bucks are in velvet, they typically hang in groups called bachelor groups. They only do this when rut is not in swing yet, but when it is, these guys will then go their separate ways.

Whether you’re reimagining a bedroom or ready to update the entire exterior, your home is our priority.Side to side, top to bottom, inside out, and outside in, CertaPro Painters® is committed to painting every side of life in our community

Professional painters – We arrive on time We work around your needs and schedule We take pride in serving the neighborhoods we live in, too!

Transparent estimates – Schedule your free detailed in-home painting proposal

Color choices made simple – Using our online color visualizer, MyPaintColors, you can easily see how new paint colors can transform your home – before your project even begins!

The Finest Cabinetry for the Kitchen of Your Dreams

Here at Country Carpet & Flooring, we don’t let middlemen, dealers, distributors, or even fancy showrooms or exorbitant prices stand between you and the best designer inspired cabinetry you can buy. All our cabinets are solid wood, high quality, and direct from the factory, made with your choice of colors, hardware, door profiles, and drawers. If you want more specialized items, like dovetail drawers, spice racks, and more, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve served the Knoxville area for over four decades, and, in that time, we’ve earned a reputation as the area’s premiere resource for residential and commercial flooring. It’s a well-deserved one too, if we say so ourselves. But we’re more than that, because you might not know that we also are renowned as one of the best companies to design and install fine kitchen cabinetry in the area. And if you think we charge an arm and a leg like one of those kitchen designer showrooms, you’d be mistaken. We do everything in our power to make sure our prices are both reasonable and affordable, so the kitchen cabinetry of your dreams doesn’t have to be a dream for long.

Thought you couldn’t afford that new custom kitchen? Don’t worry about it. Give us a call at Country Carpet & Flooring, and we’ll help you transform your ordinary kitchen into an extraordinary one. Need new cabinets? We can help. Need new flooring? We’ve got that covered too, with an expansive selection of name brand carpeting, hardwood, tile, and vinyl plank flooring. Whatever you need, we’ve got it at Country Carpet & Flooring.

That beautiful new kitchen you’ve always wanted is only a phone call away.

Country Carpet & Flooring / Cabinets

3107 Highway 411

(Across from Sequoyah High School) Madisonville, TN 37354

423-442-8860 | countrycarpet@bellsouth.net


No, it’s not just you. The mess and mounds of stuff in your garage are often a result of the busyness of life. Without efficient storage and organization solutions, clutter and chaos will continue to plague you.

If your garage looks chaotic, you can quickly regain control with custom garage storage cabinets from PremierGarage. Serving the Knoxville area for over 15 years, PremierGarage will help you find storage space for just about everything. One of the biggest advantages of custom garage cabinets is that they are tailored to your specific space, allowing you to maximize the available storage area. Cabinets are designed to fit around water heaters, electrical panels, doorways, and windows, providing a clean, uniform look throughout your garage without the hassle of piecing together ready-made, do-it-yourself storage units. PremierGarage offers a variety of styles to meet your needs, including traditional cabinet doors or sliding doors for enclosed cabinets in narrow spaces. Cabinets can be integrated with countertops, drawers, and wall-hanging storage systems to further optimize your storage space. Sturdy, one-inch-thick adjustable shelves inside the cabinets are 25 percent thicker than the industry standard and have a load-bearing capacity of 100 pounds, ensuring durability and reliability.

In addition to custom cabinets, PremierGarage provides other innovative storage solutions to help you declutter your garage:

» Overhead Racks: Utilize unused ceiling space with heavy-duty overhead racks,

perfect for storing seasonal or occasional-use items. Overhead racks help keep wall and floor space clear, so cars, bicycles, and gardening tools don’t have to compete for space.

» Locks: Adding locks to doors or drawers provides additional safety precautions, keeping tools and toxic products like paint thinner, radiator coolant, and fertilizer out of reach of children.

» Slatwall: Slatwall with various hooks and baskets is ideal for organizing sports equipment and large tools like rakes, shovels, and hoses. Slatwall helps keep everything off the floor and close to the wall for easy accessibility.

» Customization: Choose from a wide range of styles, finishes, and colors to coordinate your garage cabinets with your home’s existing décor or create a whole new look for your garage.

The perfect foundation for your garage cabinets is a durable custom garage floor. PremierGarage can transform an oil-stained, pitted, or peeling epoxy-coated garage floor into a showroom-quality surface. Using proprietary hybrid polymer technology and extensive industry knowledge, PremierGarage provides a high-quality finish that is chemical, stain, and slip resistant. The warranted coating comes in multiple colors that coordinate with your cabinets, ensuring a cohesive and polished look.

With PremierGarage’s comprehensive storage solutions, you can transform your cluttered garage into an organized, functional space. Never dread going into the garage again. Call us today at 865-947-8686 to schedule your free in-home consultation and discover what’s possible for your garage!


PremierGarage (865) 947-8686


UT Gardens – Plant of the Month

Tall Verbena Attracts Butterflies and Other Pollinators

suBmitted By shalena duRKot gaRden CooRdinatoR at the ut gaRdens, CRossville

Pollinator plants are a hot commodity, and who doesn’t want to attract beautiful butterflies to their garden? While there are many important native species to incorporate, consider mixing in other plants as well. One of my longtime favorites is Verbena bonariensis, and it is a butterfly magnet. Goldfinches also have been spotted feasting on them.

Verbena bonariensis, commonly referred to as tall verbena, Brazilian verbena, or vervain, has pale purple blooms throughout summer up until frost. It stands tall and proud in the landscape, at about four to five feet, but does not overshadow its companions. The strong stems and airy nature make it perfect sprinkled in amongst other plants, especially during the dog days of summer.

Tall verbena is native to South America. It is a tender perennial hardy from zones 7 to 11 but can self-seed, making it work in cooler regions. However, this has raised concerns about naturalization in some southern states and California where seedlings grow more freely.

Plants are easily grown in full sun with average to moist well-drained soil. They tolerate hot dry conditions and have few insect or disease problems other than powdery

mildew. If powdery mildew becomes a problem, they can be cut back. This may also be done if stems are broken to encourage more blooms or to help control re-seeding. However, it is best to leave stems intact if growing in colder regions.

Flowers of tall verbena are quarter inch tubes set in two-to-three-inch rounded clusters. They are perfect for attracting pollinators such as hummingbirds and butterflies. Plant them in mixed borders, meadows, cottage gardens, and cutting gardens. Be sure to check out these dwarf cultivars perfect for container growing and compact space:

» ‘Lollipop’ – grows one to two feet

» ‘Meteor Shower’ – award winner, grows 20 to 30 inches, plants set little seed

» ‘Vanity’ – All American Selection winner, grows to 24-30

Verbena bonariensis can be found at all three UT Gardens locations.

The UT Gardens includes plant collections located in Knoxville, Crossville and Jackson, Tennessee. Designated as the official botanical garden for the State of Tennessee, the UT Gardens are part of the UT Institute of Agriculture. The Gardens’ mission is to foster appreciation, education and stewardship of plants through garden displays, educational programs and research trials. The Gardens are open during all seasons and free to the public.

On Friday the 20th of September 2024, the Niña & Pinta will open in Knoxville, TN. The Ship’s will be docked at Calhouns on the River, 400 Neyland dr. Knoxville, TN, 37902. The Ship’s will be open every day through Sunday October 6th.

The Niña was built completely by hand and without the use of power tools. Archaeology magazine called the ship “the most historically correct Columbus replica ever built.”

Historians consider the “Caravel” the space shuttle of the 15th Century and was used as early as the 13th Century and into the 16th Century.

The general public is invited to step back in time & explore the Niña & Pinta for self-guided tours from 9:00am-5:00pm. No reservations are necessary. Tickets are purchased at the Ship’s location and prices are $10.00 for Adults, $9.00 for Seniors (60+), and $8.00 for Children/Military (5 - 18). Children 4 and under are Free. PRICE INCLUDES BOTH SHIPS.

Teachers or Organizations wishing to schedule a 30-minute guided tour with a crew member during the weekdays should go to ninapinta.org/tour/ html. Group tours require a minimum of 15 people. Please email ninapintatour@gmail.com for any inquiries.

Photo credit: Doug Wertman from Rogers, AR, USA
Replicas of the Nina and the Pinta on display at Fort Smith
Photo by Shalena
Sprinkle the airy purple blooms of Verbena bonariensis among plants to create a pollinator garden that will last through the hot, dry summer.

In the Garden August

This has been a very hot and mostly dry summer so far. I think I have had to water everything in my yard almost every day since the first of June. Even trees that have been in the ground for years have started to droop, and there are cracks in the soil that I can stick my thumb in. Here at Meadow View, it takes three people all day to get everything watered, so I am like a mother hen asking them if they have had enough water themselves!I am sure many of you are in the same situation. You may even notice that your plants’ appearance has changed. When it stays above 90 degrees for several days, many plants shift into survival mode. They may stop growing, and the leaves they do put on may be smaller. Blooms may also be smaller. Wilt may occur even if the soil is damp because the leaves are losing more water through evaporation than the roots can pull up.

That was a long and meandering way of saying that I understand that it is hard to make yourself go out and water or weed or deadhead when the sun is roasting you like a Costco chicken, but your plants need help. If you don’t adequately water your plants to get them through this stage, be prepared to replace them this fall.

Here are the things you need to know and do to help your plants survive:

» Water deeply. If you have a sprinkler, it will need to run for at least 30 minutes every other day. If you have a drip system, put a small container under one section so you know how much water is actually getting into the soil. It should add up to at least an inch per week. If you are hand watering, small plants can drink a gallon per day, shrubs can drink 3-5 gallons, and a tree can drink 10-30 gallons per day. Laying a hose at the base of a tree and letting it trickle for 20-30 minutes will help.

» Black mulch can increase the temperature of your flower beds, so plant and water accordingly. Rock will also increase the temperature and may change soil pH.

» Closely monitor your yard. It is much easier to treat problems when you catch them early. This is also a great time to evaluate what has happened in your yard this year so far. What has done well? What hasn’t? What needs to be moved, removed, cut back, fertilized, treated, or composted? Do you need to add or subtract? It may be too hot for the actual work, but you can dream!

» Can you still plant? Yes, but it requires a little more effort. We still have plenty of beautiful plants, so pull up ugly annuals and replace them with fresh color. Add perennials to sunny or shady locations. You can even plant trees and shrubs as long as you are prepared to water them well.

» Powdery mildew, rust, black spot, and shothole disease are making an appearance everywhere. Your first round of defense is removing infected leaves and making sure they do not remain on the ground. Pruning (carefully) to improve air circulation will help with airborne diseases, and spraying with a fungicide will kill fungal spores.

» Check for bugs, but make sure the ones you are trying to kill are actually bad before you start spraying.

» Leaf damage from insects, disease, and critters does not heal. The plant will push

» Summer is not the time to do major pruning of shrubs and trees. It is simply too stressful. You can take off diseased branches and do some minor shaping, but save the bigger jobs until the plants are dormant. If someone is doing surgery on you, wouldn’t you rather be asleep?

» Cut back perennials and annuals that have gotten leggy. Many will have new growth at the base, so be careful not to cut that off.

» Keep deadheading those annuals! Some of them could use a haircut and fertilizer. Many will perk back up as the temperatures cool, so don’t give up. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to compost them and replace them with new plants.

» Did you plant vegetables? How did they do? If you didn’t enjoy the success you had hoped for, come in and talk to us and let’s see if we can figure out what went wrong. Sometimes the solution is very simple, like plant rotation or installing drip irrigation.

» Isn’t it amazing how fast the weeds can take over? Keep pulling and spraying them and don’t forget to apply a pre-emergent.

» The fall bird migration will start soon. Keep your bird feeders and birdbaths clean and full so that visiting birds can have an Airbnb at your house! Our fall merchandise has started arriving, so stop in and see what is new!

Have you ever entered a home and immediately sensed the personality and style of its occupants? It's l ike every detail, right down to the lamps, reflects the essen ce of the person who lives there. You can have that too. Customizing your home allows you to curate every de tail to your liking, making it a true reflection of your individuality and preferences. By working with a designer, we can help you bring i t all together and take your vision from the idea p hase and implement it. This gives your home character and un iqueness, as it will no longer be cookie cutter as seen in a showroom, or sterile without personality. As design ers we have the access to customize and curate ever y detail of the furnishings in your home to create a one-of-a-k ind space that is tailored to your preferences and needs. For example, with custom upholstery selections we can n ot only select the fabrics and finishes for you, bu t we can also select the style of the arm, back, leg shape, and a wide variety of cushion construction ranging from soft to firm. This is the same for window treatments with hundred s of fabrics, pleats, and variety of solutions for each window, bedding with numerous combinations of layers and co mforts, and even custom-colored rugs are available. The opportunities are endless, and knowing that your ho me and furnishing are designed just for you makes t he whole home feel uniquely yours and catered to your needs and lifestyle.

Personalization is the ultimate luxury, and adding customized elements to your living spaces can enhan ce the overall ambiance, appearance, and feeling of your h ome. Imagine creating something for your home that is completely one-of-a-kind. Give us a call or scan th e qr code today to start transforming your home wit h the epitome of luxury, bespoke pieces that are designed just for you.

Transform Your Home with

The Tailored Closet of Knoxville

Looking for custom and stylish home organization solutions? The Tailored Closet of Knoxville is your answer. Recognized both locally and nationally, The Tailored Closet leads in custom home organization and storage solutions, making it the top choice for homeowners looking to optimize their living spaces.

The Importance of a Well-Designed Closet Closets often get overlooked by home designers who focus on striking elements like floor-to-ceiling windows and gourmet kitchen islands. New homeowners, however, soon realize the need for efficient closet space when unpacking. Poorly designed closets lead to clutter and frustration, highlighting the need for thoughtful, customized solutions.

Customized Solutions for Every Need Closet space is valuable and often feels insufficient. This is where our experts come in. We understand each client’s unique needs and preferences, tailoring designs for walkin, reach-in, and utility closets to maximize functionality and aesthetic appeal. Our range of exclusive add-ons, such as space-saving elements and custom accessory drawers, not only protect your wardrobe but also organize your space efficiently. Cabinets, shelves, bins, racks, and valet rods are incorporated to create a system that maximizes every inch of available space.

Excellence in Custom Closet Design

As a top custom closet organization and design company in East Tennessee, we excel at creating perfect storage solutions for people of all ages. Whether for a child, teen, or adult, our designers personalize spaces and make use of every awkward corner for valuable storage. With a variety of finishes, colors, and hardware available, you can customize your closet to match your style— whether simple and elegant or vibrant and funky. We ensure maximum functionality is always the goal.

Transform Your Walk-In and Reach-In Closets

A walk-in closet without an organizational system can be chaotic and underused. By installing a custom closet from The Tai-

lored Closet, you can utilize every inch of space for both function and beauty. Similarly, a reach-in closet can be transformed from a single rod with inaccessible corners into an efficient storage area. Customized solutions with tiered rods, cabinets with drawers, and stackable storage maximize space and accessibility, making your closet more attractive and functional.

Personalized Details for Ultimate Organization

Custom closet cabinets with open or closed shelving and drawers provide extra storage for shoes, folded clothes, and accessories. Specialty items like tie racks, valet rods, pull-out baskets, hampers, and jewelry drawers can be added to personalize your closet design down to the last detail.

The Tailored Closet of Knoxville is dedicated to helping you create the ultimate closet organization system in the style, finish, and color of your dreams. Transform your home and experience the benefits of a well-organized space with the leading experts in custom home organization solutions. Give us a call at (865) 777-0306 to schedule your free in-home consultation and discover what’s possible for your space!

REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATION The Tailored Closet (865) 777-0306


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