Esperanza academy 2015 annual report

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Annual Report of Giving

Celebrating our10th Year

Esperanza Academy’s Four Core Values

Dear Friends,

As an Episcopal school, integrated into Esperanza Academy’s curriculum and programs are four core values – wisdom, integrity, leadership, and service – that help our students develop exemplary character.

When I came to Esperanza Academy over four years

Wisdom Wisdom means more than

intellectual knowledge and achievement. It speaks of a student’s internal compass - her good judgment and insight, and how she processes right and wrong, truth and untruth, and good decision from bad decision.

Integrity Students with integrity do not

just refrain from lying, cheating, or stealing; they do the “right thing” even when no one is watching. Students who display integrity are able to live in such a way that their interactions with others help and positively influence those around them.

Leadership Using their wisdom and

integrity, leaders learn to harness their own moral compass to lead others to accomplish a common goal. Good leadership is the ability to influence and inspire others for the greater good.

Service Service means helping our families, friends,

community, and society. We serve not because we seek recognition; we serve because we believe that to whom much is given, much is expected. The four values can be conceived of as four concentric rings - beginning with the internal and progressing through the external. Each value augments and enriches the others. These values lay the groundwork for our students’ character and spirituality and are an integral part of an Esperanza Academy education.

ago, I came to a school that was just coming out of its infancy. We had our first two classes of graduates in high school, and many challenges to face every day in providing a first rate education to underserved young women in Lawrence. When I look at Esperanza Academy now, I see a strong, vibrant institution. We are accredited, we have a rigorous academic program and rich athletic and arts opportunities, our graduates are attending wonderful secondary schools and colleges, and they are coming back to work with our current students. Equally important is that we have built the financial foundation for Esperanza Academy to continue to serve many more girls in Lawrence for years to come. This work at Esperanza Academy represents a powerful coalescence of many peoples’ efforts— teachers who give their hearts and souls to our students, parents who partner with the school, and the many benefactors who make it possible for this school to continue to transform the lives of the young women who are lucky enough to attend. This annual report represents a celebration of the power of shared mission over the past twelve months. By now, I trust that you have heard that this will be my last year at school. It has been my pleasure to serve as the head of Esperanza Academy for the past five years; please know how much I am looking forward to spending the next eight months working with you. I am committed to ensuring that the school has a positive and smooth transition to new leadership, and Stephanie and I are eager to continue the many beautiful relationships we have built during our time as part of this community. Sincerely,

Christopher H. Wilson Head of School

Fall 2015 Contents


Focus on Core Values: Service – An Interview with Jim Nichols



Esperanza Academy: The First Ten Years

AISNE Accreditation Solidifies Esperanza Academy’s Identity

10 Benefactors 15

Financial Report


Ask Esperanza Academy students or alumnae about their favorite teacher at Esperanza, and they will frequently mention “Mr. Nichols.” James Nichols, Esperanza

have to engage the problem, and persevere through the difficulties of

the year, I expected most—if not all—of the classes to be good. Now

solving it by remembering and applying the rules to come up with the

after eight years of teaching, I am very disappointed if any class does

right answer.

not move us toward our goals. Q: What happens if a student is resistant to Q: Since that first year

learning math or doesn’t seem to “get it?”

was so challenging, what

Jim: I am relentless. I keep going at them and try

motivated you to persevere? Jim: I had made the commitment and I really loved

math teacher, joined

more important the work I was

2007 after a career in the business world. For Nichols, the road to teaching was not linear, but becoming a math teacher was always part of the equation.

Magnate to Math Teacher

“All Girls Can Learn Math” Q: Tell us about the transition from business to teaching. How did you prepare? Jim: It really wasn’t that great of a stretch. I have a degree in mathematics and both my sisters are teachers, and my plan was to teach after I retired from business. Once I made the decision to retire, I asked a friend who taught math at Shore Country Day School if I could sit in on her classes. So, five days a week for four months, I sat in math classes listening to the teacher and helping kids who were struggling. I loved it.

According to Nichols, his work as a leader of companies was not that different from what he does in his classroom at Esperanza: educating (employees or students), setting priorities, and reaching goals. Nichols’ math mantra is “All girls can learn math!” and nothing makes him happier than proving this to even the most math-phobic students who enter his classroom.

competitiveness and determination to find the answers come in. You

expected to have two successful classes each day and by the end of

Academy’s revered the school’s faculty in

Nichols graduated from Christian Brothers University with a degree in mathematics and for 35 years worked in product marketing, rising to the rank of president at several prominent companies, including Chex Cereal, Beechnut Baby Food, and Ralston Purina Private Label Foods. After retiring as president of a plastic bag manufacturing company in Boston, he hung up his suit and is now following his calling.

As that first year progressed, my expectations increased. Soon, I

Q: How did you come to teach at Esperanza Academy and how would you describe your initial experience? Jim: My wife had heard about Esperanza and so I made inquiries and was invited to come in. That first year was really difficult. The school was still very new and I think both the girls and the teachers were learning their boundaries. I yelled a lot and struggled to the point that if one out of four classes went well, then that was good enough.

the girls and knew how much doing at Esperanza was than anything I had done before. Does it really matter that much if I sell another box of cereal or another jar of peanut butter? This work is about changing girls’ lives. I raised five successful kids of my own and now I am helping our girls at Esperanza learn the critical skills that will help them be successful in life. The ability to think—mathematically

different approaches to see what works for that

I knew how much more important the work I was doing at Esperanza was than anything I had done before. Does it really matter that much if I sell another box of cereal or another jar of peanut butter? This work is about changing girls’ lives!

particular student. I often use their peers to help. Sometimes students learn more from each other because it’s less intimidating. I find at times that the less I talk, the more they learn. The girls really love to present, to go up to the board and show their peers what they know. Q: In your eight years at Esperanza, what is the most important teaching lesson you’ve learned? Jim: Some things in life are harder than others, and math is not easy. Half the battle is getting students to like class and it took me a while to accept that you’re not always going to have 100 percent buy-in. For me, incorporating humor into the lesson seems to work. In every class there

or logically—is a critical skill necessary for success in today’s world.

should be laughter. Math may not be your favorite subject, but if you

Solving real-life problems through critical, logical thinking will help

like being in class, your mental framework is changed and you go

these students achieve success in life.

in with a more open mind. You are receptive to learning if you don’t dread going to class. I cannot express how satisfying it is when I hear

Q: Why does the stereotype persist that girls struggle with

a girl say “I used to hate math and now it is my favorite class.” That is


why I am a math teacher.

Jim: I think generally boys are taught to compete and girls are conditioned to be nicer, so they have to be re-taught to fight for the answer through perseverance. Math requires abstract thinking. You are presented with sets of problems to solve and that’s where that

Esperanza Academy: The First Ten Years...


welve years ago, Esperanza Academy was just a dream – sparked by reaction to the startling fact that Andover and Lawrence had the largest household income disparity between two contiguous communities in the United States, and the high school graduation rate in Lawrence was a meager 41 percent. The audacious idea to open a school that would provide a transformative education to the young women of Lawrence took

shape in a meeting between the vestries of Christ Church Andover and Grace Church Lawrence. This committed group of volunteers knew that the young women of Lawrence needed hope for a brighter future, and the opportunity to reach their potential. Esperanza officially opened its doors to 42 fifth and sixth graders in September 2006. Now in our tenth school year, we invite you to look back on the first decade of Esperanza history.

2004 On June 3, 2004, the Board of Trustees convenes its first meeting at Christ Church. The Board of Trustees applies for nonprofit tax status and incorporates Esperanza Academy. 2002 Christ Church Rector, The Reverend Jeff Gill, calls on his parishioners to reflect on ways they could help the neighboring city of Lawrence.

The Board selects the name Esperanza Academy, after founding member Marty Montañez heard from Lawrence girls that they saw no future for themselves and felt they had no hope. Esperanza means “hope” in Spanish.

The vestries of Christ Church and Grace Church of Lawrence brainstorm a highimpact project in Lawrence: a tuition-free, independent girls’ middle school.

Led by real estate developer Tom Maher, the Board selects 198 Garden Street, Grace Church’s annex building, as Esperanza Academy’s campus.

2003 Christ Church and Grace Church form a joint exploratory committee that conducts a six-month, needsassessment study in Lawrence. Reverend Gill writes a letter to Massachusetts Diocese Bishop Tom Shaw; Bishop Shaw agrees to support the venture.

2005 Esperanza Academy hires Laurie Bottiger as founding head of school, a year before the school opens its doors. In April, the Maher family hosts Esperanza’s first fundraiser, a car wash! A coffee hosted at Essex Arts Center, a reception at Brooks School, and a benefit concert at Topsfield Trinity Church soon follow.

2006 On April 24, 2006, Esperanza Academy holds its first admissions lottery, from which 42 girls are selected. On September 6, 2006, with balloons, music, and many friends on hand, Esperanza Academy opens its doors to the first fifth- and sixth-grade classes. For the following two years, Esperanza added one grade per year to reach capacity.

2008 Esperanza Academy reaches full capacity, with all four grades enrolled.

2012 Esperanza Academy holds its first “Breakfast at Fenway Park” fundraising event.

2009 Esperanza Academy graduates its first class of eighth graders.

Esperanza Academy partners with Life Together to create the AmeriCorps Teaching Fellowships, a two year program in which fellows teach, work for social justice, grow as leaders, and live in community with other fellows.

2011 In July, Christopher H. Wilson, becomes Esperanza’s second head of school. Esperanza Academy launches the athletic program, including interscholastic and intramural teams.

Graduate Support Program Esperanza Academy’s graduate support staff works closely with students and parents to provide guidance and assistance throughout the high school and college application processes. The goal is to ensure that each young woman is placed at a secondary and post-secondary school that will both challenge and nurture her to reach her full potential.

AISNE Accreditation Solidifies Esperanza Academy’s Identity as an

Exceptional Independent School


ince opening its doors in 2006, Esperanza

defined AISNE standards. The self-study report

Academy has built a strong foundation

was then submitted to AISNE for consideration.

and achieved tremendous results, including a 100 percent high school graduation rate and 85 percent college enrollment. While

2015 Secondary School Placements: Austin Preparatory School

Esperanza launches its own healthy school meals program that includes breakfast, lunch, and two snacks. Esperanza, with a plot of land from Groundworks Lawrence, builds and plants its first community garden.

Fryeburg Academy School Kimball Union Academy

Esperanza begins a partnership with the Merrimack Valley YMCA to take the entire school to Camp Nokomis, on Bear Island in Lake Winnipesauke, for a weeklong camp experience.

most powerful endorsement yet. AISNE accreditation solidifies Esperanza’s place among other exceptional independent schools nationwide.

Notre Dame Cristo Rey Pingree School

comprised of teachers and administrators from peer schools, conducted a multi-day site visit that involved observations and conversations with administrators, faculty, parents, students,

working ten-plus-hour days,” said Head of School

and board members, and included a thorough

Chris Wilson. “But what a great gift it proved

examination of all areas of the school’s

to be—providing the Academy, our faculty, and

operations as listed in the eight criteria. The

Trustees with an invaluable opportunity for self-

visiting team then presented its findings and

evaluation, reflection, and institutional dialogue

recommendations to the AISNE Board of

that made us step out of our busy roles within the

Directors, who unanimously granted Esperanza

school to more fully appreciate the work, love,

Academy accreditation.

and dedication that is poured day in and day out

The Visiting Team’s Report stated in its cover letter: “You should be proud of the many ways the Academy has evolved in its first decade. It

Presentation of Mary Academy

The Association of Independent Schools in

echo the sentiment enthusiastically shared by

Sparhawk School

New England provides leadership, education

one faculty member in the opening reception,

services, and strategic advocacy for

‘We get better every year!’”

independent schools throughout New England.

“Accreditation was, at times, a grueling

2015 College Placements:

AISNE accreditation is the process by which a school evaluates itself using eight criteria— mission and philosophy, admission and communications, staffing, program (curriculum and instruction), governance, administration, membership criteria, and health and safety—to

Northern Essex Community

compare its performance over a broad “range


of standards of good practice.” It affirms a

Providence College

school’s strengths while providing structure for

Suffolk University Trinity College

identifying areas for improvement and change. The two-and-a-half year accreditation process undertaken by Esperanza Academy began in

University of Massachusetts

the fall of 2012 with information gathering,

- Dartmouth

research, and investigation of the systems and

University of Notre Dame

procedures in place at the Academy. Faculty, Trustees, and other members of the Esperanza community generated the self-study report, which painstakingly documented the school’s practices, procedures, and philosophy in

Accreditation Report Cover Letter

This past May, a visiting team from AISNE,

What is AISNE Accreditation and Why Does it Matter?

Bunker Hill Community

2015 Esperanza Academy earns full accreditation from the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE).

of Independent Schools in New England program for primary schools—is the Academy’s


2014 Esperanza Academy purchases iPads for all students through a technology grant from the Van Otterloo Family Foundation.

enthusiastic accreditation from the Association (AISNE)—a nationally recognized accreditation

Bridgewater State University Photograph courtesy of the Eagel Tribune.

Esperanza’s credibility, earning full and

Central Catholic High School

Greater Lawrence Technical

2013 100% of Esperanza Academy’s first alumnae class graduates from high school.

these achievements have contributed to


Esperanza Academy is a very special place…our time on campus confirmed that you do truly live your mission.”

is inspiring to hear members of the community

process of in-depth assessment of systems and processes, undertaken by a faculty already

into making Esperanza Academy a beacon of hope in the City of Lawrence. AISNE accreditation has reinvigorated and reaffirmed our commitment to Esperanza Academy’s mission.”



Student Sponsorship

Creating a Relationship - Changing a Life Esperanza Academy’s Student Sponsorship Program provides the opportunity for donors to experience in a personal way the difference that Esperanza Academy makes in a student’s life.

Student Sponsors Lucy and Tom Abisalih*

Christine and Christopher Harvey*

Margot and George Bixby

Sallie Craig and Dr. Douglas Huber

Elizabeth and Andrew Blanchard*

Nancy and Tom Maher*

Denise Bordanaro and David Johst

Amy and Paul Mandragouras

Ann and Dr. Robert Buxbaum

Lisa and Steve Martin*

Susan Casey and Peter Calkins*

Victor Mill, III

Jay Cooke, III

North Shore Women for H.O.P.E.

Fotene Demoulas and Tom Cote

Sheila and Greg Serrao

Nancy and Bruce Dirks

Winnie Swan and Dr. David Greenstein

Christine and Bill Dwyer

Natalie and William Whelan*

Cathy Perron Eaton and Henry Eaton

Dr. Modena and Gary Wilson*

Lynn and David Eikenberry

Susan and Anthony Wilson

The Rt. Rev. Alan Gates*

Rosalyn Kempton Wood*

*Leadership Donors sponsor two or more students or make an additional gift beyond a single sponsorship to the Student Sponsorship Program.

100,000 and Above Diana and Peter Merriam Janet and Michael Rogers Rosalyn Kempton Wood 50,000 to 99,999 Cornelius A. Wood 1969 Charitable Trust Cornelius A. Wood and Muriel P. Wood Fund 25,000 to 49,999 Amelia Peabody Foundation Cummings Foundation Mary Etta and Bob King Therese and Kurt Melden Edward S. & Winifred G. Mosely Foundation Rands Foundation State Street Corporation Matching Gifts Wellington Management Company Yawkey Foundation II 20,000 to 24,999 Fotene Demoulas and Tom Cote Liberty Mutual Foundation Sears & Other Funds The Hamilton Company

15,000 to 19,999 Lucy and Thomas Abisalih Christine and Bill Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart, III Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation Wells Fargo Dr. Modena Wilson and Gary Wilson 10,000 to 14,999 Joseph Antonellis Elizabeth and Andrew Blanchard Ruth and Frank Butler Susan Casey and Peter Calkins The Essex County Community Foundation Gable Family Foundation Tricia Harvey and The Right Reverend Alan Gates Christine and Christopher Harvey Josephine G. Russell Trust Bonny and Caleb Loring, III Mabel Horne Trust Nancy and Thomas Maher Virginia and Herbert Oedel Robert M. Birmingham Trust Natalie and William Whelan

5,000 to 9,999 Anonymous Artemas W. Stearns Trust Margot and George Bixby Denise Bordonaro and David Johst Julie and Thomas Childs Christ Church Andover Church of Our Redeemer Jay Cooke, III Nancy and Bruce Dirks Cathy Eaton Perron and Henry Eaton Lisa and Steve Martin Victor Mill, III Moses Greeley Parker and Mary Greeley Parker Fund Suzie and Gerard Papin Sheila and Greg Serrao Winnie Swan and Dr. David Greenstein The Charlotte Home The Pinkerton Foundation The Ruggles Family Foundation 2,500 to 4,999 Bank of America Matching Gifts Janet and Raynard Benvenuti Ann and Dr. Robert Buxbaum Charles River Laboratories The Reverend Gale Davis and Ernest Frohring Demoulas Foundation Paula and Leif Eriksen Lori and Steve Flora Gartner, Inc. Girard Healy Sallie Craig and Dr. Douglas Huber International Women’s Club of New England Ruth Ann Kupfer Amy and Paul Mandragouras Amy and Ted Maroney Susan and Peter Murley Microsoft Matching Gifts Neal Rantoul Foundation Sue and Jim Nichols Connie and Arthur Page Stephanie L. Brown Foundation Susan and Anthony Wilson 1,500 to 2,499 Yeng Felipe Butler Charles Butler, III Louise and Loring Conant, Jr. Karla and Bruce Cook Rita and Donald DeLollis Patty and Marty Doggett Marybeth and Christopher Doherty Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Emmanuel Church Georgetown Savings Bank Kathleen Grant and Stephen Walther Karen Keenan Teresa Koster Hilary and Stephen Loring Lou Maiuri Merrimack Valley Chapter of UNICO

Parish of the Epiphany Pingree School Carolyn and Alexander Platt Francee and Michael Quinlan Susan Rochwarg Barbara Sadick and Ken Goldman Jeffrey Schroeder The Smith Purdon Fund St. Andrew’s Church, Ayer St. John’s Church, Beverly Farms St. Mary’s Church, Newton Lower Falls St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Weston

Helen and Edward Stewart, III Emily and Paul Sugg Tammy and George Sullivan Bryn Taylor Ruth Tucker Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program The Reverend Daniel Velez-Rivera J. Peter Watt Kimberly Whitworth Stephanie Hanes Wilson and Christopher Wilson

1,000 to 1,499 Peggy and John Adams Pauline Allyn Heidi and John Baxter The Reverend Jane Bearden Louise Bessire Linda Borland Sean Brennan Stephanie Brown Elise and Andrew Caffrey Sharon and Jim Carter Deborah Coates Marilyn Comb Timothy Davis Deluca Family Charitable Trust Liz and Brian Elowe Tracy and Steve Filosa General Electric Deborah and Charles Gray Cathy and Alan Greene John Griffin Krystelle and Ray Griskiewicz Ellen and Mike Harde Tracy Harris and Glenn Newsome Lauren and David Herter Lisa Collins and Steve Ives Jackson Lumber & Millwork Lydia and David Jepsen Keller Williams Realty Stanley Kotowski Audrey and Richard Kradin Pembroke and William Kyle Patricia McCall Andrew McElwee Esther and Clark Miller Kathleen and Robert Mirani Catherine and Barry Nearhos Margaret Prager Paine and William Paine Megan Pietropaolo Planet Aid, Inc. Loel and Arthur Poor Meg and Paul Rokos Christine and Donald Rothman Jane Saltonstall Janet and John Schickling Jeneen and Mark Shipley Carla and Mark Silver Margi and Robert Smith Carolyn Smith and Richard Dabrowski St. Michael’s Church, Marblehead

500 to 999 Anonymous A.T. Kiser and M. Reilly, Co. Ardeshir Falaki Foundation Bain Capital Children’s Charity Ltd. The Reverend and Mrs. Joseph Bassett Shelia and Ed Becker Carolyn and Andrew Bixby Deborah and Thomas Blicharz Lauren and David Bunker Allison Caffrey Elaine Clements Maureen Corrado Dianne Cruz Alexander S. Daley DD Dawna Emma Linda and Eddie Epps Dana Erikson Marie Ferraguto Edward Fitzgibbons Alice and Jon Flint Fabian Fondriest Carolyn Shilling Gill and The Reverend Jeffrey Gill Kali and Mark Girardi Jeananne and Bob Goodhue Grace Episcopal Church, Vineyard Haven Kevin Gross Beth and Steve Gruenberg Helen D’Alelio Foundation, Inc. Rushna and Kevin Heneghan Ronald Hilbink Homesite Group Inc. Kathryn Miriam Hoover Diane and Chris Huntress Frances Jennings Dodson and James Dodson Ruth Morris and Peter Kelly Helen Ann and Ronald Knepper Lyndia and Thomas Lamson Lawrence General Hospital Leslie and Nathan Levenson Patty and Roger Linnemann Jane Mancini Robin and Joe McClanathan Gina and Brent McKenelley Flora and Mark McQuillen Julie Mellgren Metalcrafters Inc. Lucy and Ward Mooney Kate and Walter Morris

Betsy and Gerard Natale, Jr. Sarah and Jeffrey Newton Alison and Peter Novello Ronda and Marvin Nyman The O’Hare Family Eunice Panetta The Papapetros Family Joanne Patton John Plansky Lisa and Spencer Purinton Ellen Reinhalter and Bruce Shain Terri and James Rita Jane and John Roberts Sally and Winston Rose Melissa Rothman Anthony Scavongelli Jennifer Ferguson and Dr. Steven Scherwatzky Kathleen Schoonmaker Edward Shipley Lisa and Murray Smith Nadine and Dr. Alberto Sobrado Mark Spencer State Street Corporation, Global Markets Marie and Russell Stephens Karen and Tim Sullivan Joan Cloherty and Martin Sullivan Patricia Sullivan O’Keefe and Thomas O’Keefe The 1911 Trust Company, LLC Diane and Paul Tower Gay Tracy Ana Couto and Michael Tremblay Trinity Episcopal Church Lucy and Timothy Vaill Louise and Reed Valleau Chris Wagner Daniel Weir Ryan Welch The Reverend Kathryn White and Mr. E. John White Nicholas Wilson Joan and Mark Young 250 to 499 Anonymous Laura Bange-Stephens Kevin Barry Joseph Bartoletta Aixa Beauchamp Michael Bishof Jennifer Blanchette Borislow Insurance Agency Dave Bucharowski Joanne Buck Meredith and Steven Bunker Shelagh and Michael Burke Melissa Hostetter and Peter Campbell Andrea Carlin Arlene Cavanaugh Kathleen Clairmont Jennifer Cann Cheryl Carner

Beth and Bruce Clay Christopher Conkey Robert Connolly Fran Corbett Marion Craighill James Cronan Richard Cryan Julie and Arthur Daniels Karen and Bob DeAngelis Thomas DeGemmis Carter and James Donovan Jackie Drapeau Kathy and Sandy Durland, III Joan Quinn and Dan Eastman The Ensign-Bickford Foundation, Inc. Kathrin Eulers Anna Jedrey and Hudson Evei Tim Feeney Pauline Fernandez Tracy and Jeff Fernandez The Ferraguto and Ferraguto-Rita Families Karen and Ian Finley Olivia Fiore Scott Fiore Stephen Fisher Daphne Firth Scott Fitzgerald Sue Foley Susan and Michael Fontaine Linda and Stephen Fox Mark Francesconi Stephen Francis Ken Frieze Gail and Louis Gallerani Maureen Gibbons Rich Giesen The Reverend Dr. David Gortner Grace Episcopal Church, Newton Gregory Gullickson Margaret and John Hamilton H. Robert Hawkes Cathy Hershcopf Karen and Stewart Hoover Dorothy Hughes Patty and Tom Hughes R. Christian Johnston Susan Yates and Hooks Johnston Mary and Barry Kelleher Suzanne and Charles Kendrick Jackie and Dick Keshian Joan DiBurro-Kopps and George Kopps La Plume and Sons Printing Mary Ann and Matt Lennon The Reverend Kit Lonergan and Christopher Kowaleski Mary and James Lyman Jodi and Kenneth MacDonald Elise Martin Cynthia and William Mayer Robert McGuire Donna Mills Mary and Josh Miner Donna Morgan

THANK You Kevin Moss Monique Nangle-Johnson and Norbert Johnson Stephen Nazzaro John Newberry Lynn and John Nixon Mary and James Pannos Gillian and Jess Petty Diane and Bill Pinakiewicz Mary Pritchard and Matthew Dallett Quaker Hill Foundation Susan and Scott Richardson Adriana Rojas Garzon Ellen and Joseph Rose Catherine and Neville Rosen Helaine Palmer and Joe Ruma Jerome Ryan Anne and Jonathan Sadick Gayle and Michael Schafer Ellen and Keith Shaughnessy Sheri and Michael Helman Kevin Sheehan Errin Siagel St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Newburyport Stevens Foundation Beth Sullivan Michael Thompson Verizon Foundation Matching Incentive Program Nancy and Michael Vogler Brian Walsh Elizabeth Olsen and John Waters Dana and Noel Webster Jennifer Whitcomb Jon Whiting 100 to 249 Anonymous (4) Anne Adams Jennifer and Kip Adams Karen Agredo Renee Aisenberg Merril and David Allen Andover Classic Wines Stephen Andrews Lawrence Ardito and Linda Carpenter Judith Arrigo and Karen Reilly Clarissa Atkinson Sharyn Bahn Steve Baker Emily Barclay and John Hawes Patrick Barrett The Reverend Johanna Barrett Timothy Barrett Christa and Donald Baxter Tom Bieber Carole Bishop Caitlin Bixby Joan Brassil Karen and Michael Bravo James Bryant Ann Byrd Eric Byrd Carola Cadley

THANK You Deborah Caniff Maria Cantillon Bea Caruso and Phyllis Craig Alba Casellas Century 21 - Advance Realty Gretchen and Doug Clarke Michael Clisham Dr. Bruce and Betsy Cohen Sarah and Lance Conrad Erin Conway Amy Cook Don Cooley Sharon and Steven Corben Lisa Coroa-Bockley Valerie Cowan Martha and Robert Cowden Jim Cunningham David Dargie Jean De Jong Richard DeAgazio Barbara and Joseph DeCristofaro Laurel and Craig Deery Karen Degaeta Annette and Anthony DeVito Suzy Dhannessian Migdalia Diaz Joan Dimond Margaret Dinarello Henry Disano Carol Disney and Donald McDaniel John Doggett Susan and Jay Donovan Joan Dougherty Shirley and Douglas Stenberg Benjamin Dower Kathleen and Chris Duble Cathy and Mike Durgin Christina and Marcus Eckert Aricia and Michael Symers-Elmer The Reverend Frederick Emrich Hope Fabiani Brendan Fahy Dianne Fawley and Nancy Anderson Amy Ferraro Melissa and Ray Flynn Patricia and Robert Ford Mary Foster Anna Foy Gary Freeman Anne French Brooke and David Friedrich Kathleen Gallanar Yvonne Garcia Roland Garrison, Jr. Joan and Stephen Gates Kimberly Geiger Donald Gignac Virginia and Harold Gill Elizabeth and John Gilmore Tina and Andrew Girdwood Lane and Philip Goss Sarah and Robert Gould Martha and Ian Gracey Barbara Grant Lena and Peter Grant

Joyce Gray Jen Groeber Carolyn and Jorge Gutierrez Ellen Gutstein Brendan Harrison Ann Harrison and James Starkey Harriet and Christopher Harvey Mary and Kevin Hellrigel Jan and Tom High Trudi Holder Paul Hollenbeck Mary Nell and Dr. Marlin Hoover Robin and Arthur Horgan Laurie and Thomas Hyndman J. Christopher Haircutters, Inc. Holly Jarrell-Marcinelli and Michael Marcinelli Judith Johnson Marti and Jeff Johnson Timothy Johnson Wilma Johnson Joan and Neil Johnston Lee Jones Susan and Richard Kanoff Linda and Michael Keefe Terry and Charles Keilty Lorna Kenly Stuart Kessler Carol Kingston Kiwanis Club of Greater Lawrence Steve Kortanek Polly and John Knowles Kyrsten Koebach Wendy and William Korb Louise and David Kress Renee Laws Diane Lawson Dr. Shari Lecker and Stewart Lecker Lisa Lee Renate Lunn and Josh Lerner Barbara and George Levesque Lynda and William Lightfoot Cynthia and Randal Lilly Betty and Richard Lindsay Robert Liptrot Jill Lorion Kimberly Lydon Mary Ellen Lyons Catherine Mackey-Carter Joe Maclean Wilana Kemp Madden Ann and Robert Maguire Kate and Joel Margolese Dori and Larry Mariasis Noreen and Peter Marton Karen and Ron Matros Paul McCormack Pia McCusker Tracy and Kevin McGovern Paul McGuiggan Jennifer and Blaine McKenelley Cheryl and Timothy McKeough Brian McLoone Pam and Joseph Medeiros, Jr. Lilly and Spence Mehl

Pauline Messer Steve Migliero Robyn Glazer and Thomas Milbury Katharine Mockett and John Oberteuffer David Molinario John Morris Sally and John Morris Joanie and Mick Mullen Gail and John Munro Lori and Keith Murphy Monica Neuman Georgeanne Nicozisin Brett Nizzo Chris O’Connor Frank O’Connor Katherine Ogle Margaret and Glennon O’Grady LiXin Olsen Scott Olson Patrick O’Malley Daniel O’Rourke Ryan Owen Nathan Pagett Kathy and Bill Pasquina Anne and Kenneth Pedicini Bea Pfister Mark Phillips Jane Piatelli Diane and Michael Pizette Jane Polimeno Diane Pound Kathy and George Putnam Loren Lee and Brian Raiche Kevin Ramos-Glew Shelley and Douglas Ranalli Amelie Ratliff Lynn Reynolds Carol Meredith and Reverend David Reynolds Alexander Rheaume Amy Riemer Robert Rifkin Michelle Rigby Katie and Ned Rimer Jeffrey Rizzo Stefanie and James Rogal Eneida Roman-Olivieri Deb and Peter Ruehlman Elizabeth Russell Robin Sarkar Jennifer Scherck Curt Schibli Eleanor Scribner Annette Shipley Teresa Shipley Dr. Shari Lisann and Martin Shore Shore Country Day School Frank Smith Nancy Smith Robin Smith Marlene and Jack Smith Fran Spayne St. Anne’s Episcopal Church St. Paul’s Church, Dedham

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, North Andover Helen and Craig Stanley Christian Stephens Justin Stephens Christine Stokes Mark Tenney Peter Thurmond Anne Tobin Linda and Stephen Todd Lesley Tracy David Trainor Jennifer Tribush Carol and David Tringali Trip Advisor Charitable Foundation Employee Volunteer Reward Senator Sue Tucker and Michael Tucker Anne and John Turtle Emmanuela and Chuba Udokwu Ramon Valerio Alberto Vasallo Natalie Vercateren Laura Viola Douglas Walters Jean and Philip Weeks Maria and James Weiss Carol Westhaver Elaine and Chris White Nancy and John Whiting, IV Stephen A. Williams Ann and Bob Willicutt Thatcher Wine Marion and Robert Wise Jan Wonson Donna and Kenneth Wright Judith Wright Valerie Wyckoff Robert Yee Patricia Zalewski Jill Zeikel Phyllis and Robert Zimmerman Amir Zfira Under $99 Lindsay Abbassian Lisa Almeida Kristen Arakelian Arlene Aubrey Lisa Bain Moraiba Barkowsky Lisa Barrasso Kevin Barry Gerald C. Bateman Jennifer Bechler Joseph Becker Richard Benedict Bob Bertino Caitlin Bixby Joan Blanusa and Mr. Stanley Golub Michael Bravo Frank Britt Karen Brown Marilyn Burke Butcher Boy Market Michael Calhoun B. Carol Calliotte

Melissa Weiksnar and Dr. Jeffrey Caruso Karen Catino Ranjani Chakraborty Tamme Chojnowski Elaine Clements Linda Cohen Linda and Robert Collamore Alex Conn Kevin Connolly Robert Connolly Erin Conway Michael Cousins Sam Covino Douglas Crabree Allison Curley Jodi Dalley Valerie Gurney and Matthew Daniel Damita Davis Jean De Jong Suzanne Defelice Jason Delmonico Micheline Deschaine Joe Desmond Elise Dibella Michele DiRoberto Daniel Doggett Henry Dorkin Gerry Dougherty Jackie Drapeau Dennis Drasco Beverly Duncan Gina and John Dussi Jennifer Dwyer Susan Dwyer William Dwyer Heather Emery Sheila Emmons Siena Epps Anna Jedrey and Evei Hudson Debra Faney Stephen Fernandez Kelly Ferrante Olivia Fiore Rachel Fisher John Flint James Flynn Samantha Fonti Ronald Fortino Anna Foy Robert Frampton Gary Freeman Anne French Jeffrey Ganz Francis Garvin Stephen Garvin Barbara Gaunt Steven Gerbsman Glenn Gibbs Tina Gibson Kathleen Gladstone Nerissa Gleason Ilana Golbin Susannah Goodwin Constance Gourdeau

Susan Gramolini Frederick Greaves Cynthia Grondin Kevin Gross Maren Gube Betsy Haley Paul Harder Hae Hart Linda Hartnett Albert Hauswirth Carolyn Heald Stephen Hecht Mary and Kevin Hellrigel Jaime Hennessey Cynthia Hibberd Diane Hinzelman David Hoak Paul Hollenbeck Robin and Arthur Horgan Donald Howard Betsy Hutchings Richard Hutchinson Atsushi Ishikawa Andrew Karaba Julie Karaba James Keefe Charles Keilty Christina Kemprecos Janet King David Kline Dexter Koopman Marc Kurnick Albert Kyle Sarah Lafond Annette Lasley Jason Late David Lautman Robert Lebar Margot Lindau Joan Lunn Katherine Kasper and Richard Luppy Marian MacDougall Jennifer MacLean Linda Maclean Kiame Mahaniah Leslie Malis Paul Mayo John McCarron Michael McGrail Hugh McGraw Barbara McGuire Patricia McSweeney Mary Beth and Raymond Medeiros Raul Medina Helene Michel Mike Mikson Karen Muise Frederick Mutter Raymond Nazarian Michelle Oates Susanne O’Connell Kate Ogle Juan Joel Palsen Daniel Pellegrom Louis V. Pelusi

Timothy Philpott Timothy Pickard Terri Popken Danielle Prentis Mather Preston Leslie Quigley Kevin Ramos-Glew Gilbert Rebello Judith Richmond Barbara Riggs Jane Riley Michelle Robertson Mark Robinson Anna Romer Patty Rosati Iris Roskell Dyan Ruffen-Maydrey Gerard Rufo Marjorie Russell Jane Salloway Kathy San Antonio Jennifer Scherck Peter Schragle Robin Shea Brad Shear Maria Simonetti John Skelton Erik Slivka David Smallman Hugo Smith Rebecca Somes Frederick Stimson, III Edward Stockbridge David Storer Daura Szymanski Carter Tallman Deborah and Rob Taylor Abby Thomas Michael Tighe Karen Tompros Diego Torres Holly Vietzke Hope Wallace Jaime Ward Randi Werner Carol Westhaver Jim Whitney Kimberly Whitworth Gregory Wiech Mary Williams Leonard Wilson Lisa Wright George Yip Sarah Young Included in this report are donations received between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. If you made a gift to Esperanza Academy during this time period and it is not listed, or listed incorrectly, please forgive our error and call the Development Office at 978-686-4673 x22 so that we can properly acknowledge your gift.

Gifts of Time and Talent Laura Bange-Stephens Heidi Baxter Jane Bearden George Bixby Denise Bordonaro Linda Borland Angela Brown Winthrop Brown Shelagh Burke Charles Butler, III Frank Butler Yeng Butler Allison Caffrey Peter Calkins Andrea Carlin Susan Casey Chyten Test Prep, Andover Dianne Cruz Noemi Custodia-Lora Kimberley D’Alelio Marty Doggett Patty Doggett Christine Dwyer Debra Dyleski-Najjar Linda Epps Siena Epps Juan Espinal Reverend Gareth Evans Hudson Evei Exeter High School Spanish Honor Society Cristen Farrell Anne Feeney Marie Ferraguto Terri Ferraguto Rita Olivia Fiore Sharon Fisher Lori Flora Anne French Evelyn Friedman Mira Fürth Yvonne Garcia Jeananne Goodhue Governor’s Academy National Honor Society

Ian Gracey Deborah Gray Mackenzie Gray Frances Hamilton Margaret Hamilton Sharon Turley Harpin Cynthia Hastings Michael Helman Alexandra Hilario Sara Hinchey Linda Holt Marilyn Humphries David Jepsen Monique Johnson Joan Johnston Karen Jones Susan Kanoff Kappa Kappa Gamma Boston Alumnae Chapter Janet Kern Bob King Dr. Ilda King Helen Ann Knepper Betsy Kramer Lyndia Lamson Nancy Leland Margot Lindau Martha Lindsay The Rev. Kit Lonergan Tom Maher Susan Mandeville Lisa Martin Steve Martin Cheryl McInerney Abigale McKenelley Gina McKenelley Jennifer McKenelley Therese Melden Kathleen Mirani Kathy Moramarco Kate Morris Sue Nichols North Shore Women for H.O.P.E. John Oberteuffler Emily O’Brien

Head of School Christopher H. Wilson Mary O’Hare Frances Payne Cathy Perron Eaton Sandra Piasecki Ashley Pinakiewicz Bill Pinakiewicz Diane C. Pinakiewicz Pingree School Andy Platt Carolyn Platt Kathy Powell Jennifer Priest Mary Pritchard Deborah Reed Fernando Ricart Pamela Richardson James Rita Yahira Robles Christine Rogers Janet Rogers Paul Rokos Meg Rokos Christine Rothman Gregory Rothman Melissa Rothman Sylvia Sasso Jeff Schroeder Larry Schwartz Mark Shipley Carla Silver Margi Smith Frances Spayne Marie Stephens Winnie Swan Diane Tower Albert Valleau Betsy Williams Christopher Wilson Stephanie Hanes Wilson Susan Wilson Rosalyn Kempton Wood Robin Youngman

Financial Report

Board of Trustees


Marty Doggett, President


Susan Casey, Vice President

Revenue recorded during the 2014-2015 school year.

Dianne Cruz, Secretary George Bixby, Treasurer


Laura Bange-Stephens Denise Bordonaro Linda Borland Noemi Custodia-Lora

Annual Fund


Ian Gracey Margaret Hamilton

Foundations & Corporations


Michael Helman David Jepsen Steve Martin



Student Sponsorships


Thanks to retiring trustees Heidi Baxter and Frank Butler for their years of service on the Board of Trustees.

Hours in the school day

11 Months in the school year

Graduates served

68 35 100% High school graduation rate


Trustee Emerita Rosalyn Kempton Wood


College students

Diane C. Pinakiewicz Winnie Swan

Students served

High school students

Cathy Perron Eaton Janet Rogers



Christine Dwyer Marie Ferraguto

Esperanza 2014-15 By The Numbers

Churches & Others


Scholarships awarded to students attending private high schools


College enrollment rate

In-Kind Gifts Lucy Abisalih Andover Animal Hospital Jen Anthony A Yoga Practice Stuart Abelson Sue Bohenko Linda Borland Boston Red Sox Sean Bratches, ESPN Shelagh Burke Butcher Boy Market Patricia Butler Shirley Catella Chyten Test Prep, Andover Sharon and Steven Corben Dorothy Crawford Helen D’Alelio Family Foundation Kimberly and Gary D’Alelio Dino International Furs Jill Dougherty

Bill Dunn John Dussi Christine and Bill Dwyer Michele Edwards Elements Therapeutic Massage Elephant Walk Restaurant Linda Epps Cristen Farrell Lori Flora Flowers By Steve Karen and Ed Fraioli Anne French Mira Furth Margaret Hamilton Sheri and Michael Helman Linda Holt Marilyn Humphries Ipswich Country Club Irresistibles J. Christopher Haircutters, Inc.

Susan Kanoff Keys To Literacy Audrey and Richard Kradin Betsy Kramer J.P. Krueger, Fitness Together Terry and Douglas Kuhlmann Bill Langlois The Liberty Hotel Heather Linehan Gina McKenelley Jennifer McKenelley Cheryl Morrissey Sue and Jim Nichols North Shore Women for H.O.P.E. Laura O’Day Mary O’Neill Interior Designs Peabody Essex Museum Photos by Corinna Pingree School David Rese

Research for Better Teaching, Inc. Nancy Richardson Riemer&Braunstein LLP Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes Janet and Mike Rogers Christine Rothman Sheila Serrao Margi Smith Smith & Wollensky Restaurant Sol Bean Café FrancesSpayne St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Weston State Street Bank and Trust Marie and Russell Stephens Diane Tower Vintage Salon and Day Spa Kimberly Whitworth, Esq. Dana Wilson, Raspberries Catering Susan Wilson Rosalyn Kempton Wood

Many thanks to all of our benefactors who ensured that Esperanza Academy finished FY2015 in a strong financial position.

PRSRT first class mail U.S. Postage PAID Gallery

198 Garden Street Lawrence, MA 01840

Please join us for the following events Christmas Program December 14, 2015 - 3pm Esperanza Academy Science Fair March 22, 2016 - 10:00 am Esperanza Academy Breakfast at Fenway Park May 3, 2016 - 7:30 am Fenway Park, Boston Baccalaureate Ceremony June 5, 2016 - 5:00 pm Grace Church, Lawrence Graduation June 10, 2016 - 5:00 pm Grace Church, Lawrence

Keep up with Esperanza and our girls on social media! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates about what’s happening at school.



Production Credits: Allison Caffrey, Director of Development • Photography: Cristen Farrell, Emily O’Brien, Marilyn Humphries Copy Writing: Lilli Leggio • Design: Margaret Hamilton • Printing & Production: La Plume Printing, Gallery, Inc.

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