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Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

Adam Grant

Pauline R. Peyton

The co-authors of this book discuss teamwork and how best to manage it. 50 years ago, the workplace was somewhere you would show up to and leave without collaborating much with other people; you would just complete your tasks and head home. Now the workplace is changing and teamwork is encouraged more than ever. We are collaborating more with one another. We are working with people and their circumstances. We are dealing with the jumbled feelings that we all unconsciously bring to the workplace. Which is why it is so important for us to pay more attention to our own emotions and to learn how to express them more effectively.

This book deals with how, through Big Data and Google searches, we can create a new sociological study. A fresh look at research that goes beyond the traditional methods for collecting data about society. The author reveals a new way of understanding people and really discovering what they do and how they think: analysing Google searches. People tell Google things that they wouldn’t tell their friends, families, husbands, wives, surveys, doctors, etc. It's like they confess their secrets to Google, with Google acting like a "digital truth serum". When you see the Google data, you realise that people differ greatly from what they say. By cross-referencing and analysing search data we can see that Google provides us with more realistic results than surveys. Google is simply more predictive and dependable.

Everybody knows that hard work, good fortune and talent play a part in our working lives. In his seminal book, Adam Grant shines a light on the importance of a fourth and increasingly critical factor: that the best way to climb to the top is by focusing on bringing others along with you.

Bullying in the workplace has become a recognised problem and a significant cause for concern. It can damage the self-esteem, health, and even the careers of the victims. Organisations that do not strive to put an end to this behaviour jeopardise their productivity, profits and good reputation.

This book puts forward a new model of success based on our relationships with our colleagues, clients and competitors. Grant argues that nice guys don’t have to finish last. He shows us how intelligent contributors (the givers) can avoid being walked over and why this kind of success is capable of transforming not only individuals and groups, but whole organisations and communities.

This book stems from the many years of experience that the author has accumulated working with organisations of all sizes and levels. It puts forward indispensable practical guidelines for organisations that want to fight bullying in the workplace, as well as psychologists and professional counsellors who work with these organisations.

Work environment

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