Geomechanics and Tunnelling 01/2016 free sample copy

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News Züblin to extend the largest copper mine in the world Züblin International has won a followup order from the Chilean mining company Codelco, the largest producer of copper in the world, for the extension of the El Teniente mine in Rancagua – 80 km south of the capital Santiago de

Chile. Züblin has already performed extensive tunnelling work at the mine since March 2014. With the new contract worth 100 m. Euro, Züblin will become one of the leading firms in underground construction in Chile. The ex-

tension will prolong the life of the mine, which has been in operation since 1904, by about 50 years. At the moment, about 400,000 t of fine copper are produced in El Teniente annually. The mine operates by block caving.

Züblin erweitert weltgrößtes Kupferbergwerk Züblin International hat von der chilenischen Bergwerksgesellschaft Codelco, dem weltweit größten Kupferproduzenten, einen Folgeauftrag für die Erweiterung des Bergwerks El Teniente in Rancagua – 80 km südlich der Hauptstadt Santiago de Chile – erhalten. Züblin

führte bereits seit März 2014 umfangreiche Tunnelbau-Arbeiten in dem Bergwerk durch. Durch den neuen Auftrag in Höhe von 100 Mio. Euro steigt Züblin in Chile zu den führenden Baufirmen im Untertagebau auf. Der Ausbau wird die Lebensdauer des Bergwerks, das be-

reits seit 1904 in Betrieb ist, um 50 Jahre erhöhen. Zurzeit werden in El Teniente jährlich rund 400.000 t Feinkupfer erzeugt. Die Erzgewinnung erfolgt im Blockbruchbau.

German Railways awards the Albvorland Tunnel The DB Projekt Stuttgart-Ulm GmbH awarded the contract for the 8,176 m long Albvorland Tunnel on the new line from Wendlingen to Ulm to the Swiss construction and construction services company Implenia on 18 December 2015. The contract volume is about 380 m. Euro. Eight bidders took part in the European tendering process. This means that the last of the eight large

tunnels on the Stuttgart-Ulm rail project has now been awarded. In addition to the building of the Albvorland Tunnel, the contract also includes the construction of the two links of the new line between Stuttgart und Ulm to the existing Plochingen-Tübingen line. This is the Wendlinger Kurve including a new 494 m long tunnel for new trains on the line from Stuttgart to Tübingen. There

East portal of the Albvorland Tunnel in Wendlingen (graphic: DB AG) Ostportal des Albvorlandtunnels in Wendlingen (Grafik: DB AG)


Geomechanics and Tunnelling 9 (2016), No. 1

is also a connection for goods trains on the route from Ulm to Plochingen including a 173 m long tunnel under the federal autobahn A8. The site facilities and preparatory works were already started at the beginning of 2016. The start of the main construction works is planned for summer 2016. Two tunnel boring machines are intended for the construction of the Albvorland Tunnel.

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