Chris king schleswig

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Christian V 1678-1699

Christian VI 1730-1746

Frederik IV 1699-1730

Frederik V 1746-1766

Copenhagen to Eckernfรถrde

2 in crayon for 2 Schilling paid

Franco Haversleben

Franco TĂśnning

Franco LĂźbeck

Franco Hamburg

Par Expres

Pr. Occasio

Franco partout

Privat .Sache

Britain felt threatened by the Armed Neutrality Treaty of 1794, which originally involved Denmark and Sweden, and later Prussia and Russia. 

The British fleet attacked Copenhagen in 1801 (Battle of Copenhagen ), destroying much of Denmark's navy. 

Denmark managed to stay out of the Napoleonic Wars until 1807. The British fleet bombarded Copenhagen again that year, causing considerable destruction. They captured the entire Danish fleet so that it couldn't be used by France to invade Britain. 

By 1813, Denmark could no longer bear the cost of the war, and the state was bankrupt. 

Treaty of Kiel 1814: Denmark Lost Norway and Heligoland. Gained Lauenburg. 

The British Navy

Until 1820 mail had to be prepaid to the border of the Danish postal area 

From 1820 agreements were made which allowed Danish postage to be collected from foreign recipients 

Framed postmarks were introduced on overseas mail from 1821 at 11 towns in the Danish postal area to facilitate the return of undeliverable mail 

In the Duchy of Slesvig these were Flensburg, Rendsburg, Schleswig, and Tönning 

1837 - 1853

1841 only

Delivered 22nd February 1845

By 1845, the Danish post office accepted the need for postmarks on foreign mail. ď‚—

103 one and a half cds cancellers were issued, of which 21 were delivered to towns in the Duchy of Slesvig. ď‚—

Schleswig and Holstein were “permanently” united

Holstein was a member of the German Confederation 

Schleswig was not

Danish policy meets German Nationalism

The result was a civil, then international, then civil war again 

Introduced during the Three Years War with circular 11/1849 on March 26th 1849

Believed to be the only example of 4RBS on cover to Holstein from Slesvig before 1st May 1853

6th October 1852, Wrapper and entire letter sent from Christiansfeld to Indiana, USA

2RBS not issued in Schleswig 1 used copy known Only in towns with more than 6000 inhabitants

Not yet seen

Built 1852-54 to link Tรถnning and Husum to Flensburg Built 1845 to link Hamburg, Kiel and Rendsburg

Tønder had fewer than 6000 inhabitants and therefore was not issued with 2 Skilling stamps. Hence 22 Skilling letter, Paid partly in stamps and cash

Frederick VII : 6th October 1808 - 15th November 1863 Countess Danner (Lovisa Christina Rasmussen) April 1815 - 6th March 1874

The War of 1864 began in January .... The Danish Field Post

11th - 14th June 1864 Small piece with 2 Skilling 1854 issue cancelled with three ring mute canceller allocated to the Assens - Als ferry on the Sønderborg - Assens route

Until 20th March in Fredericia 20th April in Strib 29th April in Fredericia 12th May in Strib ... and back to Fredericia when the first armistice was declared

Main Post Office K.D.O.P.A.

Railway Post Office DAEN:POST

The Danish Post Office was taken over on the evening of 23rd February 1864 . Danish Date Stamps were amended by having their Danish Characteristics removed

Parcel Post KON.DAN.O.P.A

The War of 1864 .... The Prussian Field Post

No 4 Not Known

No 15 Not Known

No 16 in Arizona Not Shown

No 30 in Arizona




K.PR. FELDPOST -AMT * GARDE-CORPS * One Missing - In Arizona


Charged 4- Silbergroschen (= I O¢) to Aachen, (2 due to Denmark and two to the German Austrian Postal Union), 20¢ to New York, 5¢ to California, making 35¢. in all. Equal to 54¢ in depreciated US currency.

The Ribe post office was operated by the Prussian administration in Schleswig from 14th July until 14th October 1864 with a Prussian two ring cds canceller using the German name Ripen. The Danish Post Office was re-established on 1st October 1864.

Danish Date Stamp And canceller

This stamp replaced the Danish 4 Skilling stamp, using the same currency. Note Danish postmarks. The rate to Denmark remained the same. Prussia was in charge of the Duchy

Mixture of Danish and Prussian Cancellers

The period without postal agreement between Denmark and Schleswig lasted from 4th March 1864 to 1st August 1865.

17â…“ Schilling Courant (= 13 Silbergroschen) rate for a letter to California. 1 Sgr. Schleswig-Holstein postage 2 Sgr. Prussian share, and 10 for the foreign element.

The Postal agreement of August 1865 (Circular 11/1865) introduced a border postal rote of I Âź Schilling between Kolding, Skodborghus and Ribe on the Danish side and Christiansfeld, Hadersleben, LĂźgumkloster, and Tondern on the other.

Prussian stamps were allowed in the Duchies from 2nd February 1867 until their replacement by North German Confederation stamps on 1st January 1868.

1st - 31st March 1864

2½ Schilling Registration Fee

The Danish post office in L端beck closed on 31st April 1868 leaving no Danish postal service in the Duchies and Hanseatic Cities south of the River Eider for the first time since 1624.

Usage of stamp and canceller was possible only during the bathing seasons , 1st July - 30th September 1867-1872 .

Inscribed in Danish 'Vedfolgend I hare' Enclosed or attached, one hare. Kolding and Woyens were included in the reduced border rate agreement on 19th May 1866.

Second weight class letter sent from Apenrade in the Duchy of Schleswig, via the more expensive Trieste route, and Singapore to Hong Kong. Franked with 5 Groschen small shield type, 10 Groschen and 1 Groschen large shield type. Cancelled with PER APENRADE. Marked 15½g for the weight, 16 for the postage and Weiterfranco 14 for postage carried forward.

From Hoyer via London, Southampton and Adelaide to Hindmarsh in South Australia. Correctly franked with Âź Groschen, 2 Groschen and 5 Groschen small shield type, cancelled with Prussian Double cds HOVER. Arrival mark on reverse for HINDMARSH October 18th. Marked PD (Port paye jusqu‘a Destination) Paid to Destination, and 5 being the British share in pence.

Sent PP (Paid to Port) via Paris. St Nazaire. and LIGNE B PAQ. FR. No1 on the Martinique on 20th July 1872 arriving in Veracruz on 17th August. Charged 2 Reales for onward delivery to Guanajuato. an overland distance of 600 Km. 2 Reales was the letter rate for a journey of 75 Km or more. The 11Âź Groschen manuscript marking is the postage paid and 7Âź is presumed to denote the French share of the postage.

Postal stationery card P I up-rated with I Groschen large shield type, making the reduced rate to Denmark.

The rate for a letter under 15g was 60 Pfennig. 120 Pfennig paid

60 Pfennig paid: 40 Pfennig second weight class letter rate between 15g and 250g, and registration fee of 20 Pfennig.

40 Pfennig correctly paid for a 15gm letter 1st July 1875 – 31st March 1900.

The Danish-German border rate of 1st April 1880 did not include postcards, so the postcard rate was higher thon for a letter. Thus this phenomenon, franked with the letter border rate, but, is charged postage due since postcards could be sent only the at full UPU postcard rate of 10 øre.

marked 2d F.B. in London, deleted, and with 4 and T and four cents postage due charged.

The Flensburg private local post was established on 2nd February 1897, and ended on 31st March 1900.

Six adhesives were issued. Flensburg was the only city in the Duchy with a local private postal service .

War was declared on 1st August 1914 and the Sønderjyde. the Danish population of north Germany were quickly conscripted.

“Nach Aufhebung des Militärischen Verbots der Anwendung Fremder Spracht abgesandt” The prohibition against the use of Danish language was not lifted until September 1914,

Censorship of incoming mail from Denmark

The airship base at Tondern

SPIONAGEABWEHRSTELLE SCHLESWIG *IN FLENSBURG* Schleswig Counter-Espionage Establishment in Flensburg .

B. S. 4. Arbeitskompagnie der Festungsgefangnise

(Fortifications Prison Work Camp Company).

KRIEGSFANGEFORSENDELSE (Prisoner of War Correspondence) and cachet Internierungslager „Hald“ bei Viborg auf Jütland Dänemark.


VISÉ Depôt Spécial des Prisonniers de Guerre  Aurillac .

COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL SLESVIG from the stampless period to 25th January 1920.

CIS Officials

Zone 2

Zone 1

Zone I encompassed the northern and largest part of Schleswig. Zone I was about 75% Danish linguistically and 25% German speaking, but some towns in the zone did have majority German speaking populations. The referendum for Zone I was held on February 10th 1920, and it voted to become part of Denmark, today, the Danish Province of South Jutland. Zone II was formed from the central part of the province. Zone II was about 80% German speaking and 20% Danish. The referendum for Zone II was held on March 14th 1920, and it voted to remain part of Germany. Zone III was the southernmost part of the province, and it was almost entirely ethnic German. No referendum was held in Zone III, as the outcome was obvious.

Envelope sent to USA correctly franked with registration fee (30 Pfennig) and overseas rate (30 Pfennig) making 60 Pfennig in stamps.

Registered (30 Pfennig), overseas (30 Pfennig) envelope to København with 2½, 7½, 15 and 35 Pfennig C.I.S. stamps making 60 Pfennig in total. Sent from the Secrétaire Genéral COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL SLESVIG Mr C. Brudenell-Bruce.

12th July 1920, Handstamp GENFORENINGSDAGEN DYBBØL 1920

29th May 1920

15th July 1920

24th June 1920




17th July 1920, Postcard to Flushing, New York with SØNDERBORG 1

1st May 1920 - Danish forces assumed control of North Schleswig 1st June 1920 - Danish Government takes control: The Kroner replaces the Mark 15th June 1920 - Valdemar’s day, de sønderjyske landsdele, becomes officially part of Denmark 10th July 1920 - King Christian X crosses the old border, on his white horse, on the road between Kolding and Christiansfeld carrying a small girl

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