The Event at TerraNova / TerraNova Dressage II - Program

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October 21-23, 2022

The beautiful place we call home

From picturesque horse country to pristine beaches, an alluring lifestyle awaits on the Suncoast.

For 46 years, independently owned Michael Saunders & Company has been dedicated to the local luxury real estate market, connecting with customers around the world to consistently deliver exceptional results.

Nowhere but here.

Discover what makes us different

Thanks for joining us!

ank you for joining us at e Event at TerraNova hosted at TerraNova Equestrian Center.

Our aim is to give all our competitors and guests a world-class experience. We have been hard at work adding new amenities to the facility and are excited to share them with you! Since last year’s Event at TerraNova, we built the rst of several planned permanent exhibitor barns, the new VIP pavilion and more.

Also new this year, Events at TerraNova will host a juried art show, presented by ArtCenter Manatee, featuring the work of top regional artists. Kids can take in Tiny Town and let your dog take a spin around the dog park. Enjoy the boutique shopping and wide array of fun food truck fare. Join us in our e ort to be green! Fill your Green is the New Blue water bottle at one of our many drinking water re ll stations. Stop by the pavilion to learn more about e Estates at TerraNova and make a donation to one of the three worthy community charities our event bene ts.

We continue to keep our Myakka community and all those a ected by Hurricane Ian in our thoughts and prayers as Florida recovers from the devastating impacts of the storm.

We are excited to have you join us and thank you for your support and interest.

Zach Ketelboeter

Hannah Herrig Ketelboeter

Starter Level through CCI4*-S 01THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022


TO TERRANOVA Equestrian center

TerraNova Equestrian Center is a new equestrian competition venue located in the beautiful countryside of Myakka City, Florida. Our mission is to provide the ultimate equestrian experience for competitors, spectators and horses in a family-friendly atmosphere.

e facility o ers six all-weather arenas built with top-notch footing with easy access and elevated viewing for spectators. All arenas are oversized and fenced with EquiSafe fencing allowing a large numbers of horses to compete safely and comfortably. e expansive cross-country course has custom irrigation and drainage to provide the most ideal footing in any weather. In addition to providing top-quality equestrian amenities, the venue highlights Southwest Florida’s natural beauty with its large oak trees and untouched woodlands.

When you have had your ll of the countryside, TerraNova Equestrian Center is just a short drive to some of the nation’s top beaches, resort hotels, shopping, highly-rated restaurants and attractions in the Sarasota/Bradenton area. We truly have the best of both worlds! purity of sport harmony with nature commitment to excellence



e Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial in uences.

1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. is includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation.

2. Horses and Athletes must be t, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. is encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids.

3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. is involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and tness of the horse for onward travel a er the event.

4. Every e ort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention a er they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. is covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement.

5. e FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise.

e Long version of this Code can be obtained from the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telephone: +41 21 310 47 47. e Code is available in English. e Code is also available on the FEI’s website:



Event Officials

Shelley Page – Event Organizier

Max Corcoran – Event Sta

Jaymie Klauber – Hospitality - 941-705-3884

Event Secretary – Rick Dunkerton

General Inquiries –

FEI Officials

CCI4*/3* Technical Delegate: Patricia Cli ord (GBR)

CCI2*/1* Technical Delegate: Gale Fox (USA)

Sara Kozumplik – Rider/Sponsor Ambassador

Ainsley Hayes – Sponsorship Advisor

Crissa Gillette – Sponsorship/VIP

Anne Caroline Valtin – Philanthropy

FEI Assistant & Horse Trial Technical Delegate: Sharyn Antico (USA)

CCI4*/2* President of the Ground Jury: Robert Stevenson (USA)

Ground Jury Member: Debbie Adams (USA)

Ground Jury Member: Amanda Miller (USA)

CCI3*/1* President of the Ground Jury: Robyn Fisher (USA)

Ground Jury Member: Christian Landolt (SUI)

FEI Vet Delegate: Dr. Nancy Carr, DVM

FEI Treating Vet: Dr. Angie Yates, DVM

FEI Chief Steward: Beth Davison

FEI Stewards: Dana Diemer, Marjorie Malloy, Travis Page

FEI Safety O cer: Rusty Lowe

CCI4* Cross-Country Dourse Designer: Mark Phillips (GBR)

CCI3*/2*/1* and Horse Trial Cross-Country Course Designer: Mogie Bearden-Muller, NC

FEI and Horse Trial Show Jumping Course Designer: William Robertson

XC Course Designer - CCI4*/3*-S: Capt. Mark Phillips (GBR)

XC Course Designer - CCI2*/1*-S, I, P, T, N, BN, Starter: Mogie Bearden-Muller, NC

SJ Course Designer: William Robertson


Horse Trials President of the Ground Jury: Marilyn Payne

Dressage Judge: Charlotte Trentelman

Prize Money

CCI4*-S: $17,500

CCI3*-S: $10,000

CCI2*-S: $7,500

CCI1*-S: $5,000


All HT Divisions will receive $1,500 in prize money to be divided between the top three placings.

Ribbons through 8th place for FEI divisions. Ribbons through 8th place for HT divisions.

Horse Show Office

Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI)

United States Equestrian Federation (USEF)

United States Eventing Association (USEA)

31625 Clay Gully Rd

Myakka City, 34251


Schedule of Events
















Other Activities



Pavilion Opens – 7 a.m.
– FEI and Horse Trial
Pavilion Opens – 7 a.m.
– Starter, Beginner Novice, Novice, Training
Prix Gala Freestyle Dressage & Dinner – 6 p.m.
Pavilion Opens – 7 a.m.
Jumping – Starter, Beginner Novice, Novice, Training Awards Ceremonies – a er the completion of each division Non-Denominational Worship Service – 7 a.m. – Rider's Lounge in the VIP Pavilion
Tiny Town (kids’ zone)
Juried Art Show, presented by ArtCenter Manatee Boutique Shopping Food Truck Fare
Courses – Open at 3 p.m. * COMPETITORS ONLY Scan formore info! 6
Jumping – FEI, Preliminary and Intermediate
Country – FEI, Preliminary and Intermediate
BBQ & Band – 6 p.m. – for competitors, o cials and volunteers 06 THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE

special awards

Best Turned Out Award

Selected by the Ground Jury and presented during the award ceremony upon completion of the winner’s division.*

*Riders in FEI divisions only

Groom’s Award

Awarded to the groom of the best turned-out horse to honor their contribution to the success of their horse and rider. Chosen by the Ground Jury, the winning groom will receive $500.

TerraNova Award

An annual award presented to a competitor or volunteer who displays the TerraNova Equestrian ideals of:



community involvement

e TerraNova Executive Team will present the award during the award ceremony upon the completion of the winner’s division.

Sara Kozumplik Young rider Sportsmanship Award

e Sara Kozumplik Young Rider Sportsmanship Award is selected by the Ground Jury and presented to a young rider (21 and under) in the FEI divisions who exempli es the ideals of sportsmanship and horsemanship.

e award is presented during the award ceremony upon the completion of the winner’s division.


THe Ultimate guide To eventing


best described as an equestrian triathlon, The sport of eventing originated as a cavalry test and is compriseD of three phases: dressage, cross-country and show jumping.

e rst phase – dressage – shows the graceful partnership of horse and rider through a sequence of movements on the at.

e next phase – cross-country – challenges the pair's bravery, tness and determination as combinations navigate a series of solid obstacles and varied terrain.

In the nal phase – show jumping – the pairs must again prove their precision as they clear a course of delicate fences.

Competitors accumulate penalty points in each phase, and at the end of the event, the horse-and-rider combination with the lowest score takes home top honors.

Eventing tests horse and rider pairs more thoroughly than any other equestrian sport.



Dressage is the rst of three phases in eventing competi tion. e French word meaning "training," dressage was created to show the horse's submission and ability to perform intricate movements required for cavalry exer cises. Today's dressage still consists of an exact sequence of movements, but now they are ridden in an enclosed arena and scored by judges. e goal remains very similar that the horse should demonstrate balance, rhythm, suppleness and most importantly, obedience based on the rider's cues or "aids."

Dressage is the fundamental training of the sport on which the other two phases are built as it develops the strength and balance for the rigors of cross-country and the preciseness of show jumping. Dressage showcases the ultimate partnership as the rider uses his or her seat, legs and hands, known as the "aids," to com municate silently, making the test look like a seamless performance.

e most tactful of riders can harness and direct that energy into a polished and powerful performance. Each movement is scored on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest and 10 being the best. e sum of these scores is combined with the overall collective marks, gaits, impulsion, submission and rider for a total score. at score is then subtracted by the number of total possible points, multiplied by 100 and subtracted by 100. e resulting scores are penalty points or the points that the pair could not earn in the dressage phase. Penalty points carry onto the next phase, cross-country.



e cross-country phase typically occurs on the second day of competition but always a er the dressage phase. Cross-country is the cornerstone of eventing and proves the horse's speed, endurance and jumping ability over varied terrain and solid obstacles.

Carrying forward their penalty points from the dres sage phase as their score, the riders' goal is to nish with the fewest penalties possible by jumping every fence on the rst e ort and completing the course within the given time limit or optimum time.

Cross-country features solid fences as well as nat ural obstacles such as water, ditches, drops and banks. e phase is ridden at a gallop with exact speed benchmarks varied depending on the level of competition.

Horses and riders must be at peak physical condition to complete the cross-country phase. Riders condition their equine part ners for months to reach the tness required for this ultimate test. Horses must be bold and brave, while riders must carefully control the pace to nish the course in time without expending too much of the horse's energy.

Mistakes on cross-country are costly to a rider's nal score. If a horse stops at a fence, known as a refusal, or runs past a jump, known as a run-out, the pair earns 20 penalty points. A second refusal or run-out at the same obstacle is an addi tional 40 points and a third results in elimination. Penal ty points are also earned for every extra second over optimum time.


Show Jumping

Show jumping tests the precision of a horse and rider over a series of colorful fences made of lightweight rails which are easily knocked down. is nal phase tests the stami na and recovery of the horse a er the very tiring cross-country phase.

Consisting of 12 to 15 jumps in an enclosed arena, show jumping requires accurate riding as the slight est bump could cause a rail to fall, resulting in four penalty points.

Like the cross-country phase, scoring is objective ly based on a horse's ability to clear each fence on course, though, unlike cross-country, the light weight show jumps can fall easily. Knocking a rail, having a refusal or run-out results in four penalty points. e show jumping round has a time limit, and every second above that time adds penalty points.

Riders carry their penalty points earned in the dressage phase and those accrued on the cross-country course into the nal phase. is show jumping nale can be an exhilarating and heartbreaking experience for spectators as one single rail down could change the nal standings dramatically. e horse-and-rider combination with the lowest score at the end of the competition earns the victory gallop.

For a non-denominational worship service, Sunday at 7 A.m. in the Rider's Lounge in the VIP Pavilion All are welcome, come as you are..Join Us! 20 22 Official Show Photographer See photos at 13

#W eCare A TerraNovat

Events at TerraNova, in partnership with the Terranova Equestrian Center, is committed to integrating a culture of community support through strategic partnerships with local non-pro t organizations.

Our vision is to create a positive impact in the local community while engaging our team, competitors and the public at large. is philosophy aligns with our core values. Whether you compete at the Amateur or the 4* level, your ride will make a di erence!

All eventing and dressage competitors in our event had the opportunity to select and ride, representing one of our three partnered nonpro t organizations. is process was done on a rst-come, rst-served basis. Riders that did not have a preference were randomly assigned a charity by the Events at TerraNova management team. To ensure fairness, we guarantee that each of the nonpro ts was assigned the same number of competitors.

How does it work? Scoring of the charity rider competition will be calculated through all riders' combined scores at the end of the weekend.

For eventing, the lowest combined score will take top call. Final scoring will deter mine the grant received by each nonpro t – rst place will receive $25,000, second place $20,000 and third place $15,000.

For dressage, the highest combined score will take top call. Final scoring will determine the bonus received by each nonpro t – rst place will receive a $5,000 bonus, second place $3,000 and third place $2,000.

New this year, the TerraNova Equestrian Foundation gave each of its nonpro t partners the opportunity to participate in a donation matching challenge, matching every dollar raised up to $10,000, leading up to the end of the weekend.


Show You care

Focusing on Impact: $100,000 will be distributed through this year’s event. We will share the impact of the funds at work with competitors following the event.

Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee provides nutrition and caring, supportive services to assist individuals in Manatee County to live independently. Sarasota Manatee Association for Riding erapy improves the quality of the lives of our SMART families through therapeutic horseback riding. Southeastern Guide Dogs transforms lives by creating and nurturing extraordinary partnerships between people and dogs.

Interested in learning more about or donating to the #WeCareAtTerraNova initiative?

Anne Caroline

Valtin at

Bringing Sarasota to terranova

Siesta Key Beach Lifeguard Stands

Dotting the crystal sand of the Siesta Key Beach sit four lifeguard stands painted in red, blue, green and yellow. Originally painted this way for safety reasons, they are now also well-known icons that have captured interest from all over the world.

Our cross-country course features four jumps

modeled a er all of Siesta Key Beach’s lifeguard stands.

The John Ringling Causeway

John Ringling Causeway is a bridge that extends past the Sarasota Bay, from Sarasota to St. Armands Key and Lido Key. e 65-foot-tall bridge, built in 2003, is named a er John Ringling, one of the founders of the Ringling Brothers Circus and resident of the Sarasota area.

Riders and spectators alike love this jump modeled a er this iconic Sarasota landmark on the crosscountry course.

Find them on course then snap & share a pic!


TerraNova Equestrian Center BarnB BarnA Park Tent Volunteer Tent Volunteer Parking Check-in Tent Campground & Volunteer Entrance Dressage Dressage Warm-up FEI Jump Schooling by Appointment Eventing Eventing Eventing Eventing Warm-up P P BB BB Boutique Water Complex Show O ce Bar Art Show Dressage Eventing Food Truck / Cash Bar Restroom Trailer Tra c Bleachers Spectator Tra c Picnic Tables Shuttle Stops Boutique Trailer Horse Shade Longeing Area Competitor Info Tent Kid’s Village Parking B P EVENT MAP KEY The Fountain Main Entrance VIP Pavilion FEI Eventing Dressage Warm-up Cross Country Area Cross Country Area
Equestrian CenterTM 17THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022


TerraNova Tiny Town

Take a stroll through TerraNova Tiny Town

Little ones can imagine wonderful meals at Primrose Cafe (named a er TerraNova's own Primrose, Hannah and Zach's chocolate lab) or prepare an at-home meal in the farmhouse kitchen. ey can also pick up a few pretend necessities from the Old Miakka Market, "lease" a hobby horse from the stables to enjoy the jump course, explore all the tack at Zach's Tack (named a er the one and only Zach Ketelboeter), and, for all the make-believe veterinary needs, appointments are available at All Creatures Great and Small Veterinary Clinic. Parents must supervise children at all times, but will have a great view while relaxing at the picnic tables while our volunteers ensure all TerraNova Tiny Town visitors have a lovely visit.

18 The Event at TerraNova | 2022
J AN 25-2 9 , 20 23 SARASOTA-MYAKKA CITY, FL SPLIT ROCK Sarasota Jumper Divisions from .75m through FEI CSI2* level Young Horse Divisions Junior and Amateur Divisions FEATURING C SI2* Split Rock Championship Series 19
LOEWEN.COM 4184 Tamiami Trail N. Naples, FL | 239.331.2390 20

TerraNova Equestrian Center


“Horses are the most beautiful form of God’s creation. I feel a spiritual connection with them, and I bring forth their true personality, through color, through action and through boldness in my technique..”

Join us for a live painting demonstration during the Saturday evening Grand Prix Gala Freestyle Dressage & Dinner. Artwork will be auctioned o with proceeds bene tting one of TerraNova’s charity partners.
23 4 weeks of FEI 2*/Level 4 jumpers & A-rated hunters Spend your winter at TerraNova Equestrian Center! Competition highlights each week include hunter derbies, jumper classics, equitation divisions and grand prixs. Many competitor amenities: • Beautiful, new permanent competition barns • 225 acres of hacking and ride out • Six all-weather arenas with gold-standard footing • VIP Pavilion overlooking the TerraNova Grand Prix and TerraNova Hunter arenas • Ship-in parking • Dedicated competitor parking • RV/camper and trailer parking • Campers available for rent *Pending FEI Approval


Stop by our delicious, gourmet food truck vendors! 24

On 'Main Street' Saturday + Sunday

On 'Main Street' Friday, Saturday + Sunday


By the Barns,

through Sunday with an

rotating menu

On 'Main Street' Friday, Saturday


On 'Main Street'

expanded +
Friday, Saturday + Sunday 26 THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022

More Shows.

More Choices. Fair for All. Safety and Welfare First. WHY USEF? For more go to USEF Competition Name: USEF#: Competition Division(s) and Rating(s): 27THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022

Get to Know Madeleine Scott

Madeleine Scott hails from British Columbia. During her youth, she participated in Pony Club at Topline Stables which led her to the sport of eventing. She has been a working student for two-time Canadian Olympian Nick Holmes-Smith and now Kyle and Jen Carter in Ocala.

Her four-star partner is her own Crosby’s Gold, a bay oroughbred gelding (Bright Valor x Circle of Flags). e pair has competed at e Fork, Jersey Fresh, Red Hills, Stable View and more.

Melanie Smith

Melanie Smith is based out of Moreland, Georgia and is a professional whipper-in for the Bear Creek Hounds. Recent competitive accomplishments with her oroughbred gelding Shakedown Street (Sur vivalist x My Dear Rose) include rst place in USEF Fourth Level 3* dressage at Poplar Place Fall Dres sage Series II, rst place in the Stable View Summer Horse Trials - Advanced and many other top-10 nishes.


our 4 * - S RIDERS

Jennie Jarnstrom-Dennis

Jennie Jarnstrom-Dennis is originally from Stenungsund, Sweden, and is the owner of Class Act Farm in Apopka, Florida. She was short-listed for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the 2000 Sydney Games. Jennie has competed throughout the country and is a six-time competitor at the Kentucky ree-Day. She will compete in the four-star with her own Flower Girl, a Holsteiner mare (Futurist x Ain’t Misbehavin). Together, they have recently competed in four-star events at Jersey Fresh, Stable View and Red Hills.

Jacob Fletcher

With his interest in horses starting at a young age, Jacob Fletcher was 6 years old when he ran his rst event. It was not until Fletcher started training with Mike Huber that his hobby transformed into a passion. Fletcher’s accomplishments include winning both team and individual silver at the NAJYRC CCI2*, being named to the U25 list multiple times, training under Australian Olympic rider Kevin McNab and winning the Adequan Advanced Gold Cup Final at the American Eventing Championship aboard Atlantic Domino. He placed 13th in the Preliminary division with his mount Fabian, a 12-year-old bay Dutch Warmblood gelding (Ineke x Up To Date), during e Event at TerraNova in 2021. e pair won their rst CCI4*-S this spring at Tryon and returns to e Event at TerraNova again this year to compete with the same horse in the CCI4*-S.

29The Event at TerraNova | 2022

John Michael Durr

John Michael Durr has been competing successfully in three-day eventing, show jumping and hunters for over a decade, developing horses to the upper levels and achieving top results. As an ICP Certi ed Instructor, Durr enjoys training riders and horses of all levels. He was the youngest to ever do so when he earned his Level 4 ICP Certi cation. Durr is also an FEI Eventing Level 2 Course Designer and USEF S Eventing Course Designer. is expands his reach into many di erent aspects of the sport. John Michael remains active in upper-level eventing while also competing in world-class hunter and jumper arenas. He is also an accomplished clinician, bringing an educated and well-rounded perspective to his lessons.

Anna Loschiavo

Anna grew up in Bradford, Vermont where she fell in love with riding from the moment she was rst placed on the back of a horse at three years old. Over the years, Anna has learned from the best equestrians. Starting as a working student through high school with area professional Jane Hamlin, she later moved on to a position with Olympian Phillip Dutton and then based herself at Huntington Farm working under Grand Prix Dressage rider Deb Dean-Smith riding, training and selling Ann Kitchel's Huntington bred world-class Oldenburgs. In addition, she has

been training since 2015 with Olympian David O'Connor who has continued to re ne her accuracy and development in all three phases. Now working full-time out of Chase Hollow Farm, Anna enjoys training, teaching and challenging herself, her students and her horses to reach their highest potential. Anna Loschiavo Eventing is located in Bradford, Vermont from mid-May to mid-October and is based out of their southern farm in Ocala, Florida for the winter months.


Lucienne Bellissimo Scout Eventing, LLC’s entries Tremanton (Grafentoltz x Trevia), a 10-year-old oroughbred cross mare and Dyri (Diadaro x La Calera), a 10-year-old Holsteiner gelding. She will run the CCI2* aboard Easter Star, a seven-year-old KWPN mare (Estrello x Bonheur).

Lucienne Bellissimo is a 38-year-old British interna tional event rider based in the United States since 2018. Bellissimo has been producing event horses for sale for more than 20 years. She has been competing at the 4-star level since 2007. Recent results include seventh in the 4-star and second in the 3-star at Rebecca Farm, rst in the Virginia Horse Trials 3* and rst in the 3-star at Tryon International Eques trian Center.

Bellissimo will tackle the CCI4* track with Horse

Mary Bess Davis

Mary Bess Davis comes from an equestrian family who placed her in the saddle as a toddler and who had her competing and foxhunting as a small child. While Davis’ true passion is ree Day Eventing, she is a true “horsewoman.” She has participated in a multitude of disciplines including Pony Club, Hunters and Vaulting. She successfully managed horse farms while receiving a college degree in Biology from the University of Georgia, all the while building her Triple Creek Eventing business training, selling horses and coaching students. Some of Davis’ highlights include National Champion Young Horse at the Maryland 5-Star, CCI3*-L, a sixth place nish in the CCI3*-L at the Maryland 5-Star and was named to the 2008 United States Eventing Developing Rider List among many other top nishes.


Dana Cooke

Dana Cooke arrived in North Carolina, from British Columbia, Canada, in 2008 to take a work ing student position with fellow Canadian Rebecca Howard at e Fork Stables in Norwood, North Carolina. Dana rode and groomed for Rebecca all over the world including the 2011 Pan American Games Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, and the 2012 Olympics in London, England. Dana has success fully competed through the 4* level in eventing and was a member of the Canadian Bronze Medal team at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima,

Peru. Dana now resides at King sher Park Equestrian as their Director of Equestrian Activities, situated on 200 rolling acres of farmland in Mooresville, North Carolina.

Sydney Elliot

Sydney owns and manages Elliott Eventing, LLC (formerly Conley Stables), a 10-acre equestrian facility giving personal attention to each horse on a daily basis. She is continually looking for ways to improve and is proud to have trained with some of the best in the business including Sir Mark Todd, Captain Mark Phillips, former US Team Coach David O’Connor, Karen O’Connor, Buck Davidson, Sally O’Connor, Will Faudree, Becky Holder, Boyd Martin, Clayton Fredericks and Regis Webb. Sydney has also worked with Mike Huber and Heather Morris with

Gold Chip Stables. Some of her other advanced level rides have included competing Sa ario at CIC 1* level, competing Can’t Deny It at CIC 1* level and competing Ranita at Preliminary Level. Elliot and Cisko A were named to the 2014 USEF Eventing High-Performance Training List. Sydney was also named to the USEF 2012 Developing Riders List.


Sara Kozumplik

Sara Kozumplik is an “A” Pony Club graduate and ve-star eventer, who bases out of Overlook Farm in Berryville, Virginia, and Mardanza Farms in Micanopy, Florida. Kozumplik rst competed at Kentucky ree-Day in 1999 aboard As You Like It, her o -track Pony Club mount, and the pair went on to complete Blenheim, Bramham, Burghley and Badminton in England.

In the four-star, she’ll compete Rubens d’Ysieux, a gray Selle Francais gelding (Balougran Z x Orenda d'Ysieux), owned by the Rubens d’Ysieux Syndicate LLC who she nished second aboard in 2021 at e Event at TerraNova. Kozumplik will also pilot Rock Phantom, a bay Irish Sport Horse gleding (Spirit House x Ballycroy Rose) owned by Edith Rameika around the four-star track.

TERRANOVAEQUESTRIAN.COM INFO@TERRANOVAEQUESTRIAN.COMFor More Information Join us for equestrian events at TerraNova Equestrian Center® Jan. 4-15, 2023 Air Show Jumping Winter Classic at TerraNova Split rock Sarasota CSI 2* Jan. 25-29, 2023 March 31 - April 2, 2023 TERRANOVA DRESSAGE I intro - grand prix April 13-16, 2023 The Event at Terranova CCI4*-S TERRANOVA HUNTER/JUMPER Feb. 15-19 & Feb. 22-26, 2023 Mar. 15-19 & Mar. 22-26, 2023 FEI 2* JUMPERS | Level 4 jumpers | A-rated hunters Pending FEI Approval
33 34 THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022 We focus on your risk so you can focus on your dreams. A LONG STRIDE BEYOND THE EXPECTED EQ M E D I A THE FULL-SERVICE AGENCY WITH AN equestrian focus

Purity of Sport. Harmony with Nature. Commitment to Excellence.

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New 5+ acre custom estates with barn from $2 million

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Discover TerraNova and get ready to rethink what you know about Florida horse country. Visit to learn more and schedule a tour.

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Licensed agent has ownership interest in the property.


Good Luck



Madeleine Scott, Crosby’s Gold (Madeleine Scott)

Jacob Fletcher, Fabian (Fletcher Farms)

Jennie Jarnstrom-Dennis, Flower Girl (Jennie Jarnstrom-Dennis)

Lucienne Bellissimo, Tremanton (Horse Scout Eventing, LLC)

Lucienne Bellissimo, Dyri (Horse Scout Eventing, LLC)

Anna Loschiavo, Fernhill at Guy Jack (Gayle Davis)

Mary Bess Davis, Imperio Magic (Mary Bess Davis)

Sydney Elliot, Commando D’ Osthuy (Carol Stephens)


Samantha Tinney, Cutty Sark (Samantha and Terry Tinney)

Samantha Tinney, Glenbrook Cooley (Samantha Tinney)

Kiera Kenny, FE Black Ice (Kiera Kenny)

Jennie Jarnstrom-Dennis, Splash Dance (Jennie Jarnstrom)

Pedro Gutierrez, California Mail (Pedro Gutierrez)

Sonya Crampton, Bonmahon Flash (Pedro Gutierrez)

Candace Elizabeth Bell, Fernhill Philm Star (Candace Bell)

Bethany Hutchins-Kristen, Geluk HVF (Bethany Hutchins-Kristen)

Katie Malensek, Landjaeger (Katie Malensek)

Joe Meyer, FE Chiara Mia (Brooks Searcy)

Haley Curry, Belmonte Do Cahim (Haley Curry)

Leslie Law, Castle Howard Romeo (Jackie & Steve Brown)

Ava Wehde, Bonaire (Paul Wehde)


Robin Walker, Cappog Ferro Royale CDS (Susan Martin)

Erin Wages, Semisonic Rembrandt (Erin Wages)

Gabrielle Ruane, MHS Mufasa (Gabrielle Ruane)

Dana Cooke, FE Glamour (King sher Equestrian Park)

John Michael Durr, Blue Rodeo (Dr. Bill Hay)

Sara Kozumplik, Rock Phantom (Edith Rameika)

Sara Kozumplik, Rubens D'ysieux (Edith Rameika)

Melanie Smith, Shakedown Street (Melanie Smith)

Elisa Wallace, Sharp Decision (Susan Day)

Travis Atkinson, Don Darco (Travis Atkinson)

Dana Cooke, Harlequinn (Harlequinn Syndicate, LLC)

Jonathan Holling, Juczt My Style S (Team Rebecca, LLC)

Sara Kozumplik, Devil Munchkin (Edith Rameika)

Jamie McAllister, Army Ranger (Jamie McAllister)

Alina Patterson, Flashback (Alina Patterson)

Sydney Rovira, Oakdale (Kim Cheek)

Karl Slezak, Hot Bobo (Karl Slezak)

Karl Slezak, Chevalier (Carol Wiley)

Ronald Zabala-Goetschel, Pats Jester (Ronald Zabala-Goetschel) Ronald Zabala-Goetschel, e Apprentice (Ronald Zabala-Goetschel)

Leslie Law, Countess Cooley (Craig McCallum)

Natalia Neneman, True Belief (Sandra Powers)

Courtney Lucas, Titan (Becky Lucas)

Gabrielle Ruane, RHS Obora’s Goldwing (Ruane Eventing Syndicate, LLC)

Alexander O’Neal, Koraline (Sally Cox)

Michael Nolan, Carrabeg Hulla Balou (Alyssa Cairo)

Joe Meyer, El Platanito (Joe Meyer)

Michelle Mercier, Tullibards Chance Taken (Michelle Mercier)

Michelle Mercier, Shirsheen Fun For All (Michelle Mercier)

Rory Frangos, Citigirl (Rory Frangos)

Zachary Brandt, MGH Lalique (Kyle Register-Hanshaw)

Zachary Brandt, Flagmount’s Nightcap (Prestige World Wide)

Zachary Brandt, L’Angel of Poppes 24 (Zachary Brandt)

Haley Hughes, Igor S (Haley Hughes)

Jesse Reagin, RCA Society Law (Jesse Reagin)

Lucienne Bellissimo, Easter Star (Horse Scout Eventing, LLC)

Elisa Wallace, Tullymurry Fi (Rick Wallace)

Jade Anderson, Brig’s Swi Arrival (Sara Blackwell)

Kalli Core, Falconwood’s Glacier (Kelley Kays)

Kalli Core, Mastermind (Kalli Core)

Kaitln Hartford, Bazillion Bells (Kaitlin Hartford)

Susanna Hearn, ree Cups Wild re (Susanna Hearn)

Jonathan Holling, Fernhill Copain (Team Holling, LLC)

Jamie McAllister, Make Believe (Jamie McAllister)

Benjamin Noonan, First Class (Beatrice Rey-Merme)

Benjamin Noonan, Street Fighter (Benjamin Noonan)

Romulo Roux, Colenomer (Light Speed Equesrian)

Romulo Roux, Cooley On Show (Sharon White)

Elle Strote, Karmic Calling (Elle Strote)

L OVE T H E H O R SE F I R S T B E C OME A M EM B ER SECON D T HREE P H ASE S, T W O PA R TNER S, ONE G OA L # B e tter To g ethe r | w w ev entin g .co m


Ryan Wood, Galway Blazer (Ryan Wood)

Chandler Nance, FE Dollar Royal (Chandler Nance)

Susannah Karatzias, Cassius (Susannah Karatzias)

Katie Malensek, MRF Qwikstep (Katie Malensek)

Katie Malensek, Mister Capri Jr (Katie Malensek)

Joe Meyer, Fernhill Intrigue (Joe Meyer)

Benjamin Noonan, Tout De Suite (Beatrice Rey-Herme)

Kristin Rubash, Capone (Kristin Rubash)

Leila Saxe, Cooley Vita (Leila Saxe)

Leslie Law, Fernhill Lottery Jackie & Steve Brown)

Karli Wright, e Diesel Boy (Karli Wright)

Autumn Schweiss, Global Quarrycrest (Julie Schweiss)

Autumn Schweiss, Bamford CF (Julie Schweiss)

Alina Patterson, Flashback (Alina Patterson)

Jennarose Ortmeyer, Primrose (Jennarose Ortmeyer)

Alexander O'Neal, Creative Genius (Elinor MacPhail O’Neal)

Alexander O'Neal, Redtail Achiever (Elinor MacPhail O’Neal)

Michael Nolan, SRS Picasso (Susan Martin)

Joe Meyer, Chilli Dawn (Joe Meyer, Gay Meyer & John Meyer)

Leslie Law, Tullibards on Tour (Craig McCallum)

Natalia Neneman, Crocodile River (RAF Eventing, LLC)

intermediate preliminary training

Chloe Boyle, Cambalda (Nina Gardner)

Erin Wages, Morrison (Erin Wages)

Colleen Tilley, Yourdecisionotmine (Colleen Tilley)

Pedro Gutierrez, Genie D’Auville (Sonya Crampton)

Amy Etheridge, Royal Lu tanzer (Katherine Rivera)

Zachary Brandt, Larcinio Z (Crissa Gillette)

Libby Head, Filly Gumbo (Winston Neal)

Ashley Johnson, Charlton Fame (Ashley Johnson) Kelly Prather, Bunny (Kelly Prather)

William Shirkey, Jasmine (William Shirkey)

Chloe Johnson, Chilli Bean (Chloe Johnson)

Sandra McDonald, Carrick Emerald Diamond (Sandra McDonald)

Alexander O’Neal, VC Faro de la Barre (Alyssa Carbonara)

Rory Frangos, Monty's Tune (Rory Frangos) Dana Cooke, Global Stelllar Bling (King sher Equestrian Park) Jordan Riske, Redemption Song (Jordan Riske)

Karl Slezak, Semisonic Rembrandt (Erin Wages)

Hugh Wrigley, FE Money Made (Hugh Wrigley)

Hugh Wrigley, FE Santos (Hugh Wrigley)

Lee Fairchild, Bustics Buster (Lee Fairchild)

Lea Kilpatrick, Stella (Anna Kjellstrom)

Katie Malensek, Landjaeger (Katie Malensek) Ashley Stanka, Ok Van ‘T Buxushof (Ashley Stanka)

Alexander O’Neal, Hardwired (Jessica Schultz) Sydney Elliot, Cencoria PS (Carol Stephens)

Travis Atkinson, Something (Carly Atkinson) Carson Crowell, Newtown Bailey (George Newton) Kaitlin Hartford, First Around (Kaitlin Hartford)

Jonathan Holling, Zavallo (Devon Treson)

Kimberly Kojima, Cooley Understated (Kimberly Kojima) Jamie McAllister, Greenhall Master Cruise (Jamie McAllister)

Danielle Platt, Kilbunny Close Call (Joe Meyer)

Karl Slezak, DiaMillion (Cemone Rovira)

Aubrey Early, Hanover Lex C (Aubrey Early)

Madlen Lesesne, Itz Happy Hour (Madlen Lesesne)

Stephanie Watko, In Total Elegance (Stephanie Watko)


Good Luck


novice starter

Reagan Walter, Ideal Design (Reagan Walter)

Lucy Walter, Bold Colors (LRK Sportponies LLC)

Vanessa Stevenson, Balboa (Vanessa Stevenson)

Maggie Shuman, Zach Eyed Pea (Maggie Shuman)

Nicole Nair, Jack Run (Nicole Nair)

Wendy Low, Mr. Steve (John Kelly)

Lisa Lorenzo, Ballinglen King (Lisa Lorenzo)

Katie Emerson, It's Gonna Bee Me (Kaite Emerson)

Anna Burgess, String eory (Anna Burgess)

Katherine Rivera, Malmo 54 (Katherine Rivera/Stacey Lynch)

Gillian Ayers, Sawyer (Gillian Ayers)

Sophia Carattini, Artax (Sophia Carattini)

Libby Head, Felix Felicis (Libby Head)

Ashley Johnson, Nijinsky (Ashley Johnson)

Katie Malensek, Valeska (Katie Malensek)

Sandra McDonald, Omard Hawaii Gold (Sandra McDonald)

Shayna Warner-Vahsholtz, Osten Van Het Weidse Hof

beginner novice

Krista Wilson, Stella (Krista Wilson)

Melissa Glantz Protigal, Ballyneety Ardeo Rainbow (Melissa Protigal)

Laughlin Gillette, EPA Clementine (Crissa Gillette)

Susan Cerbone, Seattle Sangaree (Susan Cerbone)

Andrea Burros, BringBacktheMagic (Andrea Burros)


Samantha Torcise, Classic (Samantha Torches)

Terri Miller, Beau Regard (Terri Miller)

Addison Borton, Conway Lad (Alexandra Bautista-Geiger)

Madison James, Riddler (Julie Bitler)

Gabrielle Ruane, Fine Bliss (Vito DelVento and Gabrielle Reitmeyer)

Morgan Cress, Harry Trotter (Kaitlin Hartford)

Evan Heller, O’Cally (Evan Heller)

Lucy Patsko, InANewYorkMinute (Lucy Patsko)

Ashley Allison, Sophie’s Story (Ashley Allison)

Alison Jones, Jack of All Trades (Alison Jones)

Reese Macau, Judge Puttnam (Lauren Akers)

Meghan Abbot, Worktab (Meghan Abbot)

Cynthia Cole, Sir Galahad (Cynthia Cole)

Paiton Keen, NoTroubleAtAll (Paiton Keen)

Reese Macau, Judge Puttnam (Reese Macau)

Shelby Morrow, Aires (Shelby Morrow)

Lucy Patsko, InANewYorkMinute (Lucy Patsko)

River Rogers, Red eld Jim (Mosley Chyrl)

Amber Van Rooyen, Odessa (Amber Van Rooyen)

Dana Cooke, FE Monte Carlo (Stephanie Shepherd ezzo)

Carson Crowell, H Lelantos (Bille Wilkes)

Lulu Malinoski, Top Calypso(Luli Malinoski)

Benjamin Noonan, Kay-O (Benjamin Noonan)

Sade Cain, O&C Toblerone (Sade Caine)

Lee Fairchild, Pineapple Express (Lee Fairchild)

Madison Close, Mystical Essence (Madison Close) Samantha Kiszewski, Bewitched Lexa Weaver, Ondrus of Oz

Cindy Lay, EPA Cathal (Cindy Lay)

Cinday Lay, Imagine (Cindy Lay)

Cindy Lay, Oliver (Kani Schram)

42 For more information, please visit or call 1-888-524-6332. in their joints. Winning in their blood. CONSULT YOUR Veterinary Use Only. Patent Nos.: 6,979,679 / 7,485,629 / 8,455,458. CAUTION: This device is restricted to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. WARNING: Do not administer to animals that are to be slaughtered for use in food. Keep out of reach of children. Polyglycan ® is a registered trademark of Bimeda, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2022 Bimeda, Inc. Veterinarian trusted with over a million doses administered since 2006 High viscosity solution of Hyaluronic Acid + Chondroitin + Glucosamine Post-Surgical Lavage / Synovial Fluid Replacement / Viscosupplement Patented formulation (Hyaluronic Acid/Chondroitin sulfates C4 & C6/ N-acetyl-D-glucosamine Sterile Solution) THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022

Many thanks to our generous sponsors

Event Partners b eac he s an d be y ond ® Professional Employee Services

to all


Karen Abbattista

Gail Allison

Tristan Allison

Tom Berninger

Deeandrea Burgos

Cassandra Cameron

Carolyn Co n

Karen De Jarnett

Charyl Dick

Abby Di Lecce

Barb Fraley

Danielle Gardos

Margaret Gi n

Dave Greene

Mary Beth Greene

Brooke Greene-Hammond

Susan Greer

Alexa Hornung

Hanna Hornung

Michelle Hornung

Eddy Huertas

Stephanie James Jennifer Jones

Heather Kircher

Kristen Kirton

Martha Koehnlein

Lydia Kolbas

Marion Lutz

Deborah McCabe

Sara Mc Cartney

Milagros Meza Delgado

Dick Owen

Christina Pagani

Claudia Pen


Diane Roach

Robin Roach

Susan Schoettle

David Slagle

Shea Slawson

Donna Sloben

Joan Sussman

JoAnn Tomer

MaKensie Tyler

Mary Whalen

Olga Zarlenga

thank you
check the hurricane relief thermometer display to track how your volunteer hours are raising funds for hurricane ian relief. $20 is donated for each volunteer hour worked at the event!


WARNING – Under Florida law, an agritourism operator is not liable for injury or death of, or damage or loss to, a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location if such injury, death, damage, or loss results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity. Inherent risks of agritourism activities include, among others, risks of injury inherent to land, equipment, and animals, as well as the potential for you to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury, death, damage, or loss. You are assuming the risk of participating in this agritourism activity. History. s. 4, ch. 2013-179; s. 130, ch. 2014-17; s. 115, ch. 2014-150. Note. Former s. 570.964.

Events At TerraNova would like to thank the nighttime security team and all First Responders for their service throughout the Event At TerraNova.


Fifth Third Bank proudly supports The Event at Terranova.

Fifth Third Bank, National Association. Member FDIC.


• Go green! Fill your Green is the New Blue water bottle at one of our touch-free water re ll stations and help reduce plastic waste in our environment.

• Bathrooms are located throughout the show grounds, including an ADA-compliant bathroom near the VIP/Handicap parking area.

• To keep our facility litter-free and to avoid blowing debris from spooking a horse, please dispose of all waste in the receptacles located throughout the show grounds.

• For your safety and the wellbeing of riders and horses, please follow all signage and directions, stay within spectator areas, refrain from sudden, loud noises during competi tion (applause and cheering a er a ride are acceptable), give riders the right-of-way and do not approach any horse without the rider’s consent.

• Silence electronic devices during all competitions.

• Supervise your children at all times and do not permit running or other disruptive behaviors near horses.

• Dogs must be on a leash at all times.

• Volunteers and sta are tasked with courteously reminding spectators of horse event etiquette and safety protocols, please adhere to any recommendations to keep the event safe and enjoyable for all.

Have a question or need assistance?

Please feel free to ask any of our volunteers or sta members.

a few tips to help you make the most of your experience at TerraNova Equestrian Center

Advertiser Index

Al Green Photo - 12

Deb Herbert Art - 22

EQ Media - 34

Fi h ird Bank - 47

Helm Limited - 35

IOA - 34

Loewen - 20

Michael Saunders Realty - inside front cover

Northern Trust - 43

Pamaro Shop - 46

Polyglycan - 43

Sarasota Ford - 40

Split Rock Jumping Tour -19

TerraNova Equestrian Estates - 36

United States Eventing Association - 38

United States Equestrian Federation - 21, 27

Live stream provided by:

Photos by:

EQ Media,

Al Green Photography, Brant Gamma, Shannon Brinkman

Your feedback matters!

Terranova is committed to excellence by continuing what worked, making improvements and implementing new ideas.

Here is a sample list.

• Positive, friendly atmosphere for all

• Top-notch sta , o cials, facilities and volunteers

• Permanent, state-of-the-art stabling and temporary stabling available

• $100,000 for charity competition

• On-site accounting for immediate check distribution

• Luxury bathrooms, with showers available this year

• Improved live streaming

• Improvements to judge’s huts

• Improvements to volunteer meals and cross-country meal delivery

• Improvements to radios

• Pavilion with enhanced VIP services, rider lounges and amenities

• More vendors and enhanced amenities for vendors

• A juried art show by ArtCenter Manatee

• Improved communications

• Improved VIP catering – now featuring Mattison’s catering, owned by local culinary legend, Paul Mattison

• Improved golf cart services

• Children’s area, with improvements

• Sunday sunrise church/prayer service

• Dog park

• O cials’ reception

• Competitor party

• Improved lighting

• Food truck options, including co ee available early

• Water re ll stations in permanent stabling and Green is the New Blue water bottles available

• e TerraNova Equestrian Foundation is matching volunteer hours at $20 per hour to donate to Hurricane Ian relief. e funds will go to

Future expansions if growing entries create a need:

• Additional hospitality pavilion with upstairs event space, indoor shops and catering kitchen.

• Two added permanent barns for expansion to 600 stalls.

• Enhanced campground with a general store, laundry, permanent bathroom and shower house.

• 15 two-bedroom rental cabins.



We hope you’ll join us again for more exciting equestrian competition and a good time in the picturesque Florida countryside. Thank You Jan. 4-15, 2023 Air Show Jumping Winter Classic at TerraNova Split rock Sarasota CSI 2* Jan. 25-29, 2023 March 31 - April 2, 2023 TERRANOVA DRESSAGE I intro - grand prix April 13-16, 2023 The Event at Terranova CCI4*-S TERRANOVA HUNTER/JUMPER Feb. 15-19 & Feb. 22-26, 2023 Mar. 15-19 & Mar. 22-26, 2023 FEI 2* JUMPERS | Level 4 jumpers | A-rated hunters
Events Follow us on social media for information on upcoming events. 52 THE EVENT AT TERRANOVA | 2022
TerraNova Dressage II CDI4*/CDI-W October 21-23, 2022
Built Right or Not at All Your barn is the setting of your horse’s story. We ensure every ride, every bath, every moment is a chapter to remember. 717.687.0292 |

Welcome to TerraNova Equestrian Center

Welcome to TerraNova Equestrian Center, where our focus is the horse's well-being and customer service! We aim to give all our competitors and guests a world-class experience. is is our rst dressage event and we are thrilled to o er all levels and feature the CDI4*/CDI-W. Join us Saturday night for the rst-ever TerraNova Grand Prix Gala!

We have recently added new amenities to the facility and are excited to share them with you! We built the rst of several planned permanent exhibitor barns, the new VIP pavilion and more.

Events at TerraNova will feature the work of talented regional artists at a juried art show presented by ArtCenter Manatee. Fun for the whole family includes the kids' Tiny Town and the dog park. Enjoy the boutique shopping and wide array of fun food truck fare. Let's get green! Fill your Green is the New Blue water bottle at one of our many drinking water ll stations. Learn more about e Estates at TerraNova and donate to one of the three worthy community charities our event bene ts.

We are thrilled to have you and grateful for your support of our rst dressage event.

Zach Ketelboeter Hannah Herrig Ketelboeter



e Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial in uences.

1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. is includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation.

2. Horses and Athletes must be t, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. is encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids.

3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. is involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and tness of the horse for onward travel a er the event.

4. Every e ort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention a er they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. is covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement.

5. e FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise.

e Long version of this Code can be obtained from the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telephone: +41 21 310 47 47. e Code is available in English. e Code is also available on the FEI’s website:


terranova dressage II

Event Officials

Show Manager / Entry Secretary

Monica Fitzgerald

Phone: (954) 647-7940

Fax: (561) 798-8756


Assistant Manager / Secretary

Kathy Grisolia

Phone: (631) 338-6340


International Dressage Director: omas Baur (561) 727-0229

FEI Veterinary Delegate: Dr Kimberly Snyder (561) 234-0771

Veterinarian on Grounds: Dr Angela Yates (317) 474-9912

Farrier on Grounds: Number Posted in Show O ce

Announcer: Nicho Meredith / Noah Rattner

O cial Photographer: Susan Stickle –

CDI Judges

William Warren (USA)

Sandra Hotz (USA)

Cesar Torrente (COL)

Evi Eisenhardt (GER)

Christof Umbach (LUX)

Karen Pavicic (CRO)

National Judges

Charlotte Trentleman

Natalie Lamping

Official Qualifying Competition for:

2023 FEI North American Youth Championships

FEI Stewards & TD

Fran Cross (FEl Ch Steward)

Camille Kopcik (FEI Asst Steward)

Walter Ne (FEI Asst Steward)

Carolyn Vandenberg (USEF TD)

2023 USEF Pony Rider Dressage National Championship; 2023 USEF Children Dressage National Championships

2023 Adequan/USEF Junior & Horseware Ireland/USEF Young Rider Dressage National Championships

2023 Adequan/USEF Young Adult ‘Brentina Cup’ Dressage National Championships

2023 Adequan/USEF Para National Championships

2023 USEF Intermediate I & Grand Prix National Championships

Great American/USDF Regional Championships

Horse Show Office

31625 Clay Gully Rd

Myakka City, 34251


Schedule of Events


Horse Inspection – 3 p.m.


VIP Tent Opens – 7 a.m.

Not to begin before 8 a.m.

• Grand Prix (CDI-W)

• Grand Prix (CDI4*)

• Prix St. Georges (CDI1*)

• Junior Team (CDI-J)

• Young Riders Team (CDI-Y)

• Intermediate II (CDI-U25)

• Pony Riders Team (CDI-P)

• Prix St. Georges (CDI-Am)

Competitor's BBQ & Band – 6 p.m.

For competitors, o cials and volunteers


VIP Tent Opens – 7 a.m.

Not to begin before 8 a.m.

• Intermediate A (CDI2*)

• Intermediate I (CDI1*)

• Junior Individual (CDI-J)

• Young Riders Individual (CDI-Y)

• Grand Prix 16-25 (CDI-U25)

• Pony Riders Individual (CDI-P)

• Children Team (CDI-Ch)

• Intermediate I (CDI-Am)

• Intermediate A (CDI-Am)

• Intermediate II (CDI-Am)

• Preliminary Test – 5-year-old (CDI-YH)

• Preliminary Test – 6-year-old (CDI-YH)

• Preliminary Test – 7-year-old (CDI-YH)

Grand Prix Gala Freestyle Dressage & Dinner – 6 p.m.


VIP Tent Opens – 7 a.m.

Non-Denominational Worship Service – 7 a.m.

Rider's Lounge in the VIP Pavilion

Not to begin before 8 a.m.

• Grand Prix Special (CDI4*)

• Intermediate II (CDI2*)

• Intermediate I Freestyle (CDI1*)

• Junior Freestyle (CDI-J)

• Young Riders Freestyle (CDI-Y)

• Grand Prix Freestyle (CDI-U25)

• Pony Riders Freestyle (CDI-P)

• Children Individual (CDI-Ch)

• Intermediate I Freestyle (CDI-Am)

• Intermediate B (CDI-Am)

• Grand Prix (CDI-Am)

• Test – 5-year-old (Final CDI-YH)

• Test – 6-year-old Final (CDI-YH)

• Test – 7-year-old Final (CDI-YH)

Awards Ceremonies - a er the completion of each division

Other Activities

TerraNova Tiny Town (kids’ zone)

TerraNova Juried Art Show, presented by ArtCenter Manatee

Boutique Shopping

Food Truck Fare Scan formore info!


usdf statement on animal welfare

e United States Dressage Federation, Inc. (USDF), a federation of over 100 independent organizations throughout the United States with a membership of nearly 30,000 members, supports the concept of ethical treatment of animals. Dressage is a classical method of training horses, based upon the horse’s natural responses, as carried out in a gradual, planned program during which the horse’s athletic abilities are improved in a systematic manner. As a result, the horse becomes capable, comfortable, and responsive in partnership with the rider without the use of force. Dressage competition at various levels of achievement is the ultimate test of the training program to determine whether the desired harmony between horse and rider has been achieved. e rules pertaining to dressage competition prohibit the use of arti cial applianc es, training aids, and drugs, which would force the horse to submit. Instead, the emphasis is upon training and a cooperative partnership with the rider. Major competitions are carefully monitored to assure that there is no unnecessary force or harshness displayed. Unlike other horse sports in which horses enter training at a relatively immature state, dressage training is usually not seriously begun until the horse is three or four. e top levels of achievement require ve or more years of progressive training and it is not unusual to see horses in international competition in their late teens. is, in itself, places a premium on good care and soundness throughout the horse’s life. While supporting the concept of animal welfare in its broadest form, the United States Dressage Federation, Inc., also recognizes that it is unrealistic to ascribe human emotions and responses to the horse which in its wild state is a creature of ight, living a hard and precarious existence. Under domestication, the horse is assured of ample food, water, and shelter, as well as protection against infectious diseases and damaging parasites, thus leading a longer and healthier life with a high rate of survival. As an educational organization, USDF has numerous programs, which teach people how to pursue the accepted, humane training methods. A program of certifying instructors also emphasizes protecting the horse’s welfare in pursuit of dressage training.

United States Dressage Federation

4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511

Phone: 859-971-2277, Fax: 859-971-7722 |





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USDF Membership Benefits: USDF is dedicated to education, the recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For details on member benefits, including educational programs, awards, and other opportunities, refer to the USDF Member Guide or the USDF website at

This competition is recognized by USDF for 2022

Membership Requirements for USEF licensed/USDF recognized Competitions: Owners and riders, including foreign riders and owners who are not residents of the US, wishing to participate in a USEF licensed/USDF recognized competition as a rider or owner/lessee, must have either a USDF Group Membership (GM), Participating Membership (PM), or have a USDF Non Member (NM) identification number and pay the USDF Non Member (NM) fee. (Note: USDF Business Members can own horses but cannot compete as riders with their USDF Business Membership.)

Horses competing at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions must have either a USDF Horse Identification (HID) number or a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR). Proper credentials or verificatio n certificates must be presented to the competition secretary.

Riders and owners wishing to participate in a USEF licensed/USDF recognized competit ion, and not able to present the competition secretary with verification of a USDF membership or NM identification, and USDF LHR or USDF HID , must complete a USDF Competition Affidavit Form and pay the $5 affidavit filing fee. A copy of a completed affidav it form from another competition may also be used for verification purposes for up to 60 days. (Exception: Affidavits cannot be used at Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships.)


Horses competing only in Individual Breed Classes (IBC s) at DSHB competitions, sires and dams of horses in DSHB group classes, where those sires or dams are not actually competing in the same competition, horses competing only in breed restricted dressage or DSHB classes at Regular Competitions (e.g. all Arabian, all Friesian, or all Morgan classes), or in USDF Introductory Level tests, pas de deux or quadrille, are exempt from this requirement. Also exempt are horses ridden in leadline, exhibitions, games and races, cla sses for 4 H members, walk trot, academy, and opportunity classes.

Riders and owners/lessees competing only in classes which are e xempt from the USDF HID requirements are also exempt from the USDF NM identification number and NM fee requirements. Also exempt are handlers of horses competing in DSHB In Hand or Group classes.

Memberships Defined

Participating Membership (PM): A membership issued to an individual directly by USDF. The membership year is December 1 through November 30. PMs are available for 1 year ($90), 5 years ($360), or life ($1,800). A USDF Youth Participating Membership (YPM) is available for individuals who have not reached their 21st birthday by December 1 of the current membership year ($ 72). A PM allows the member to compete at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions and to participate as a rider and/or owner /lessee for all Adequan®/USDF Year End Awards and the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championship program.

Group Membership (GM): A membership issued to an individual by USDF w hen the member name and dues are submitted to USDF through an affiliate Group Member Organization (GMO). The GM year begins December 1 and ends November 30. A GM allows the member to compete at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions and participate in the USDF Rider Awards Program and the USDF Regional Schooling Show Awar ds Program

Business Membership (BM): A membership that runs December 1 through November 3 0 and is issued to a business or organization directly by USDF. The USDF BM ($240) offers a wider variety of advertising benefits. BM s satisfy requ irements of horse ownership only.

Non Member (NM) Identif ication Number: For each USDF NM owner/lessee and USDF NM rider there will be a USDF NM fee of $35 per competition that must be collected by the show secretary and submitted to USDF , along with the USDF Report of Fees document and the $5 affidavit fee and Competition Affidavit Form if the person cannot provide a copy of their USDF NM card. Owners/lessees or riders exempt from the NM number requirements are also exempt from paying the USDF NM fee. If there are multiple owners of a horse and all are NMs, only one of the owners must pay the NM fee. If the horse has at least one owner who is a current USDF PM, GM, or BM there is no NM fee assessed. Competition management will be invoiced for all applicable USDF NM fees not received with the USDF post competition paperwork, along with a report listing all USDF NMs. Competition management is then required to submit the NM fees within 30 days to the USDF. An individual with a USDF NM identification number is not eligible for any USDF membership benefits. Once a USDF NM number has been assigned, a USDF NM card can be obtained from the USDF website.

Horse Identification (HID) Number: A one time tracking number for horses ($35). Scores earned by a horse with an HID number will be recorded, but will NOT be counted towards Adequan ®/USDF Year End Awards. A horse with an HID number is not eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying or championship classes. An HID number can be upgraded to a Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) for a fee of $80. If a horse has a USDF LHR it does not need an HID number. An HID number is a one time fee that does not need to be renewed.

Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR): A horse with an LHR ($115) is eligible for Adequan®/USDF Year End Awards, and eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying and championship classes, assuming requirements for the owner and rider are met. If a horse has a n LHR it does not need an HID number An LHR does not need to be renewed.

How to Join USDF

Applications for USDF Participating Membership (PM), Business Membership (BM), Horse Identification (HID) number, and Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) may be found in the following locations:

the USDF website:

can submit the applicatio

form and fax or mail it to the USDF office

by USEF as Dressage Competitions, and Regular Competitions which are open to all breeds.

the show office at USEF licensed/USDF recognized competitions

By calling or writing the USDF office at (859) 971 2277, 4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511

The effective date of membership is the date the form and correct fees are received in the USDF office or, if applying at a competition, the date accepted by the competition secretary, provided the application is signed and dated by the competition secretary, member, and/or horse owner on that same day

 On
n online or download the
 In

Things to Do

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

beautiful botanical garden



Historic Spanish Point

outdoor archaeological and historical museum in Osprey, Florida that is another campus of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.




research facility with a


sharks, stingrays,


State Park


Sarasota and Manatee Counties have an abundance of restaurants from casual to ne dining, complete with a group of over 60 local, independently owned and operated restaurants called the Sarasota-Manatee Originals.

Ringling Museum

oF Art

Spectacular art museum, known for its collection of Peter Paul Rubens, plus beautiful grounds right on Sarasota Bay, the Circus Museum, Ca’d’zan, the palatial waterfront home of the Ringlings, and the Historic Asolo eater. Special events on the grounds are frequent, including a salsa party on the evening of October 22.

you would like information on area golf courses, please see a TerraNova sta member.

St. Armand

s Circle

iconic circle of upscale shops, restaurants, bars, salons, and spas just over the Ringling Bridge from downtown Sarasota.

Nathan Benderson Park

park o ers land and water activities and is conveniently located near our recommended hotels in the University Towne Center area.

b eac he s an d be y ond
in Sarasota & Manatee Counties with insights From the locals! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • Siesta Key – a take-your-breath-away, award-winning, sugar sand, crescent beach • Lido Key – a favorite of the locals, closest to TerraNova and near St. Armand’s Circle restaurants and shopping • Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach, Anna Maria Island and Bean Point – a throw-back to old Florida kind of island • Brohard Paw Park near Caspersen Beach in Venice – Saraosta County’s only dog-friendly beach
e back entrance to the park is located just down the road from TerraNova and Myakka
See Mote
and more. A
the Sarasota
is usually open on the weekends. It is a beautiful park with a lot of opportunities to explore nature and wildlife, including a canopy walkway.
USEF Competition Name: USEF#: Competition Division(s) and Rating(s): 10

2023 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships

A single Regional Dressage Championship program organized by the United States Dressage Federation (USDF), and recognized by the United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (USEF), will be held in each of the nine USDF regions. In addition, Alaska and Hawai i may each hold state championships if an official request from a Group Member Organization (GMO) is received by April 1 of the prior year . The Regional Championship Program Rules can be found on the USDF website at Please refer to the 2023 USDF Member Guide for the comprehensive list of rules and requirements for this program.

Membership/Registration Requirements for Qualifying and Championships

All memberships and registrations/recordings must be correct and current at the time qualifying scores are earned and at the time of the championships.


Must have a USDF Participating* Membership (PM ).

 Must have a USEF membership (Active or Life).


 Must have a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration ( LHR).

 Must have a USEF (Annual or Lifetime) Horse Recording.

 USDF horse registration and USEF horse recording must be in the name(s) of the current owner(s) or lessee(s).

A horse is not required to have breed registry papers.


 Must have a USDF Participating or Business Membership and a USEF membership (Active or Life Membership or Annual or Life Recorded Farm/Business). If the horse has more than one owner, at least one owner must have both active USEF membership and active USDF Participating or Business Membership and must be the owner of record with USEF and USDF. For a business or farm to be the valid owner under this requirement, it must be listed as an owner of the horse with both USEF and USDF.

* PMs are USDF members who join USDF directly. USDF Group Members (GM) are ineligible.

Minimum Qualifying Scores : One set of nationally standardized qualifying scores has been established for all USEF/USDF Regional Championships, for Training Level through Grand Prix, in three divisions: open, adult amateur and junior/young rider. FEI Junior and FEI Young Rider classes have only one respective division.

New for 2023! Combined AA/Jr/YR freestyle classes.

The minimum percentages are as follows:


Training Level (Test 3) 68% 63% 63%

First Level (Test 3) 66% 62% 62%

Second Level (Test 3) 64% 61% 61%

Third Level (Test 3) 62% 60% 60%

Fourth Level (Test 3) 62% 60% 60%

FEI Junior (Team Test) 60%

FEI Young Rider (Team Test) 60%

Prix St. Georges 62% 60% 60%

Intermediate I 62% 60% 60%

Intermediate II 62% 60% 60%

Grand Prix 60% 60% 60%


OPEN Combined AA/Jr/YR

First Level 65% 65%

Second Level 65% 65%

Third Level 65% 65%

Fourth Level 65% 65%

Intermediate I 65% 65%

Grand Prix 65% 65%

Rev 1/31/2022

12 The Walter Group proudly supports TerraNova Equestrian Center. JANET WALTER 941.232.2000 STEVE WALTER 941.809.0907 440 Gulf of Mexico Dr | Longboat Key, FL 34228 941 282 75911 | TERRANOVA DRESSAGE II | 2022

Purity of Sport. Harmony with Nature. Commitment to Excellence.

Love it here?live here.

New 5+ acre custom estates with barn from $2 million

Introducing The Estates at TerraNova Equestrian Center. Build your ideal custom estate or winter farm. Train at a world-class facility. Compete at all levels. TerraNova is convenient to all Sarasota amenities–dynamic arts and cultural events; top-rated beaches, restaurants, fishing, and golf; excellent schools; multiple airports—and less than 4 hours from Florida’s other equestrian hubs.

Discover TerraNova and get ready to rethink what you know about Florida horse country. Visit to learn more and schedule a tour.

Marketed exclusively by Gailey Enterprises


Licensed agent has ownership interest in the property.

KNOWLEDGE. COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE. PROFESSIONALISM. At Leibold Irrigation, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the quality service they deserve, while developing a long-lasting relationship that goes beyond the scope of a project. We believe that communication is vital to the success of a project and our knowledgeable staff is readily available to answer all your questions.. PROUD SPONSOR OF Main Office 18950 County Hwy 5 W East Dubuque, IL 61025 Florida Office 69 Sinclair Drive Sarasota, FL 34240 TM TerraNova Equestrian Center


For your horse’s well-being

BEMER uses PEMF technology to deliver its proprietary signal throughout the horse’s


~ BEMER Stands for “Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation”

~ Leading global innovator in PEMF technology

Founded in 1998 - headquartered in Liechtenstein

~ Over 22 years in business - 13 years in the USA

~ Developing equine products since 2000

~ Multiple international patents


~ Used by leading professional riders worldwide Veterinarian recommended FDA registered medical animal device

~ A+ rating from the BBB

Reduces muscular back pain in horses*

~ Improves functional movement in horses* Improves microcirculation and vasomotion

~ Promotes relaxation and regeneration after exercise

~ Supports parasympathetic processes in the body

~ Increases physical performance and mental focus

~ Optimizes suppleness

Speeds up the recovery process after an injury

~ Improves post-recovery and regeneration after surgery

The BEMER Horse-Set Features:

~ Optimally adjusts and adapts to the size of your horse

Developed and manufactured to medical device standards

~ Cordless operation - integrated battery and control unit

(5/10/15 minutes)

Simple, intuitive operation also works over a sweat blanket without interference

Easy to clean

~ Robust and durable - designed for demanding everyday life in the stable

~ Includes custom, durable travel and storage case


Mary Frances Denton 772 341-5655

The Horse-Set Includes: Horse Blanket:

Our horse blanket is the solution for large-area applications. and permeates your animal. such as the joints.

Also included:


• Stand alone / easy storage

• Heavy duty zipper

• Easy to clean, durable material

~ Charger

• Y-cord adapter

• Charges 2 controllers at the same time

International power adapters


Under blanket to absorb sweat

• Keeps BEMER blanket clean and protected

Can be used as a stand alone cooler blanket

3 Year Warranty

FEI Compliant

Regulation Blanket on Thoracolumbar Epaxial Muscle Pain in Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. doi:

BEMER Horse-Set does not replace treatment and care of an injury or disease by a veterinarian.


the BEMER Horse-Set for any medical

Horse-Set Better Circulation. Better Health. Better Horse.
A veterinarian should
consulted prior to use of

Your feedback matters!

Terranova is committed to excellence by continuing what worked, making improvements and implementing new ideas.

Here is a sample list.

• Positive, friendly atmosphere for all

• Top-notch sta , o cials, facilities and volunteers

• Permanent, state-of-the-art stabling and temporary stabling available

• $100,000 for charity competition

• On-site accounting for immediate check distribution

• Luxury bathrooms, with showers available this year

• Improved live streaming

• Improvements to judge’s huts

• Improvements to volunteer meals and cross-country meal delivery

• Improvements to radios

• Pavilion with enhanced VIP services, rider lounges and amenities

• More vendors and enhanced amenities for vendors

• A juried art show by Art Center Manatee

Future expansions

• Improved communications

Improved VIP catering – now featuring Mattison’s catering, owned by local culinary legend, Paul Mattison

Improved golf cart services

Children’s area, with improvements

Sunday sunrise church/prayer service

Dog park

O cials’ reception

Competitor party

Improved lighting

Food truck options, including co ee available early

• Water re ll stations in permanent stabling and Green is the New Blue water bottles available

• e TerraNova Equestrian Foundation is matching volunteer hours at $20 per hour to donate to Hurricane Ian relief. e funds will go to


• Additional hospitality pavilion with upstairs event space, indoor shops and catering kitchen.

• Two added permanent barns for expansion to 600 stalls.

• Enhanced campground with a general store, laundry, permanent bathroom and shower house.

• 15 two-bedroom rental cabins.

if growing
create a need: TERRANOVA DRESSAGE II | 2022

Wendy Thurlow

Wendy urlow is a Florida-based jewelry designer who has produced one-of-a-kind, awardwinning, limited-edition jewelry for over 20 years. She earned her BFA in metalsmithing from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. urlow enjoys ring up the torch daily to create contemporary art jewelry rich with texture. Her pieces incorporate centuries-old techniques with mixed metals, surface embellishments and high-quality stones to produce jewelry that is both organic and sculptural.

urlow’s work can be found in many galleries and featured in publications and has private collectors worldwide.

See Thurlow’s jewelry, along with other paintings, jewelry and more at the TerraNova Art show, presented by artcenter manatee.

“Many silversmithing techniques used today are the same as those used in medieval times. I love connecting to these ancient traditions in my work.” Wendy Thurlow

Robert Herbenick

Herbenick chose a career in business management instead of attending an art school, even though he had an interest in art from early on. In 2006, he began his career as a representational painter a er retiring from a career working for two multinational electronic corporations.

Herbenick’s artwork represents various subjects close to home. Inspiration for his paintings comes from the abundance of subjects found at local parks, marinas, beaches, farms and Florida landscapes. He enjoys painting outdoors and creating studies from nature. He is an active member of the Professional Association of Visual Artists (PAVA).

"My inspiration comes from being outdoors and is never more than a day's drive away," Herbenick said. "I enjoy the challenge of presenting a subject in a way that tells a story or expresses a feeling.”

See Herbenick’s art, along with many other paintings, jewelry and more at the TerraNova Art show, presented by artcenter manatee.



For a non-denominational worship service, Sunday at 7 A.m. in the Rider's Lounge in the VIP Pavilion All are welcome, come as you are..Join Us!

Real Estate Powerhouse

Real Estate Powerhouse

The Local and Global Impact of Michael Saunders & Company

The Local and Global Impact of Michael Saunders & Company

IF YOU HAVE SPENT ANY TIME ON FLORIDA’S GULF COAST, you surely have heard of Michael Saunders & Company. Its white-on-blue signs hang from swing posts on for-sale properties across Sarasota, Charlotte, Manatee and Lee counties, including the area’s exquisite barrier islands. Its origin story has passed into local lore – how a native daughter and single mother borrowed $5,000 in 1976 to found her own firm and grew it into a multi-billion-dollar business that includes residential and commercial real estate divisions as well as mortgage, title, insurance, relocation and developer services.

IF YOU HAVE SPENT ANY TIME ON FLORIDA’S GULF COAST, you surely have heard of Michael Saunders & Company. Its white-on-blue signs hang from swing posts on for-sale properties across Sarasota, Charlotte, Manatee and Lee counties, including the area’s exquisite barrier islands. Its origin story has passed into local lore – how a native daughter and single mother borrowed $5,000 in 1976 to found her own firm and grew it into a multi-billion-dollar business that includes residential and commercial real estate divisions as well as mortgage, title, insurance, relocation and developer services.

In 2021, Michael Saunders & Company generated $4.79 billion in sales volume, including a record-high $161 million from the commercial division, which vaulted to the number 1 spot in Sarasota. But financial success accounts for only part of the firm’s allure. A collaborative team of over 600 agents and 150 support team

In 2021, Michael Saunders & Company generated $4.79 billion in sales volume, including a record-high $161 million from the commercial division, which vaulted to the number 1 spot in Sarasota. But financial success accounts for only part of the firm’s allure. A collaborative team of over 600 agents and 150 support team

members operate out of 24 real estate offices across the Suncoast – the largest footprint of any local real estate company.

members operate out of 24 real estate offices across the Suncoast – the largest footprint of any local real estate company.

Michael Saunders’ parents named her for an Elizabethan ancestor, English poet Michael Drayton. As a child, she moved with them from Tampa to north Longboat Key, where her father opened a marina. Growing up with sand between her toes in a family of entrepreneurs, she wondered where her vocation lay.

A collaborative team of over 600 agents and 150 support team members operate out of 24 real estate offices across the Suncoast.

A collaborative team of over 600 agents and 150 support team members operate out of 24 real estate offices across the Suncoast.

Michael Saunders’ parents named her for an Elizabethan ancestor, English poet Michael Drayton. As a child, she moved with them from Tampa to north Longboat Key, where her father opened a marina. Growing up with sand between her toes in a family of entrepreneurs, she wondered where her vocation lay. At Florida State University, she majored in history and psychology with a deep desire to attend law school and make a difference. She returned to Manatee County and taught public school for a year to earn money for law school, but found it was difficult to make a true difference in the lives of students. “I had 180 each day. If a student went to sleep in class, I didn’t know whether I bored them to tears, whether they came from an abusive household, or whether they had an early morning paper route.” She then became a probation officer, visiting homes, schools, and churches during dependency investigations, listening, asking questions and forging relationships with families.

At Florida State University, she majored in history and psychology with a deep desire to attend law school and make a difference. She returned to Manatee County and taught public school for a year to earn money for law school, but found it was difficult to make a true difference in the lives of students. “I had 180 each day. If a student went to sleep in class, I didn’t know whether I bored them to tears, whether they came from an abusive household, or whether they had an early morning paper route.” She then became a probation officer, visiting homes, schools, and churches during dependency investigations, listening, asking questions and forging relationships with families.

The entrepreneurial seed began to sprout. Saunders had tremendous people skills, and she thought the Gulf Coast was one the best places in the world to live. Finding the right home “can make a huge impact on your life and your family’s life,” she says.

The entrepreneurial seed began to sprout. Saunders had tremendous people skills, and she thought the Gulf Coast was one the best places in the world to live. Finding the right home “can make a huge impact on your life and your family’s life,” she says.


As she apprenticed with brokers, she recognized the industry’s potential and shortcomings. “It was kind of a good-old boys’ network with part-time agents.” “I wanted a value-based company,” she says.” I wanted agents to dress professionally and be professional.” As an agent herself, she knew agents needed resources and support to be successful.

As she apprenticed with brokers, she recognized the industry’s potential and shortcomings. “It was kind of a good-old boys’ network with part-time agents.” “I wanted a value-based company,” she says.” I wanted agents to dress professionally and be professional.” As an agent herself, she knew agents needed resources and support to be successful.

She had a vision of her own firm, selling what she knew best – the coast, because she understood “all the benefits and joys of living in nature, how it nourishes your soul and nourishes your spirit.” But in 1976, no local bank would lend a woman $5,000 to set up shop without a male co-signer. After a customer co-signed, Saunders informed her broker boss, who advised her to hang onto the nameplate on her desk because she’d be back. While praising her excellent salesmanship, he told her she was “going to be terrible at running a real-estate company.”

She had a vision of her own firm, selling what she knew best – the coast, because she understood “all the benefits and joys of living in nature, how it nourishes your soul and nourishes your spirit.” But in 1976, no local bank would lend a woman $5,000 to set up shop without a male co-signer. After a customer co-signed, Saunders informed her broker boss, who advised her to hang onto the nameplate on her desk because she’d be back. While praising her excellent salesmanship, he told her she was “going to be terrible at running a real-estate company.”

Saunders made her nameplate her shingle and opened her first office on St. Armands Circle in 1976. In the early days, the name “Michael” got her the phone call or the meeting, with people assuming she was a man. But the value statement proved more important than gender association. Saunders surrounded herself with like-minded individuals who shared her drive to make a difference and would stand “shoulder to shoulder” with her whatever the hurdles ahead. “I’ve never had a goal of being a large company. I just wanted to do it better every day. If you do something 1% better every day, think where you will be at the end of the year.”

Saunders made her nameplate her shingle and opened her first office on St. Armands Circle in 1976. In the early days, the name “Michael” got her the phone call or the meeting, with people assuming she was a man. But the value statement proved more important than gender association. Saunders surrounded herself with like-minded individuals who shared her drive to make a difference and would stand “shoulder to shoulder” with her whatever the hurdles ahead. “I’ve never had a goal of being a large company. I just wanted to do it better every day. If you do something 1% better every day, think where you will be at the end of the year.”



Initially, Michael’s son, Drayton, who grew up with the business and, wanted nothing to do with it. Or Sarasota. After graduating from Colgate University in New York, he relocated to Santiago, Chile, where he owned a bagel and coffee shop. In 2003, 31-year-old Drayton moved back to town and started work with Michael Saunders & Company in mortgage and title, rotating through other divisions.

Initially, Michael’s son, Drayton, who grew up with the business and, wanted nothing to do with it. Or Sarasota. After graduating from Colgate University in New York, he relocated to Santiago, Chile, where he owned a bagel and coffee shop. In 2003, 31-year-old Drayton moved back to town and started work with Michael Saunders & Company in mortgage and title, rotating through other divisions.

“I’ve never had a goal of being a large company. I just wanted to do it better every day. If you do something 1% better every day, think where you will be at the end of the year.”

Today, he’s president to his mother’s CEO. Drayton has experienced the unpredictable extremes of real estate, from the recession of 2007 to the Covid-era spike. He maintains that being prepared to face every challenge and opportunity is the hallmark of a strong and sustainable real estate company. As the coronavirus hit cities hard and remote work untethered workers from

Today, he’s president to his mother’s CEO. Drayton has experienced the unpredictable extremes of real estate, from the recession of 2007 to the Covid-era spike. He maintains that being prepared to face every challenge and opportunity is the hallmark of a strong and sustainable real estate company. As the coronavirus hit cities hard and remote work untethered workers from

the office in 2020, Sarasota’s appeal broadened, with more people relocating or acquiring second primary homes on the water.

the office in 2020, Sarasota’s appeal broadened, with more people relocating or acquiring second primary homes on the water.

Michael Saunders & Company’s partnerships with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, Luxury Portfolio International, and Mayfair International extend the company’s reach nationally and internationally. Through this network, we are connected to over 550 LeadingRE member brokerages in 70 countries with more than 136,000 real estate professionals selling more property worldwide than any large national brand.

Michael Saunders & Company’s partnerships with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, Luxury Portfolio International, and Mayfair International extend the company’s reach nationally and internationally. Through this network, we are connected to over 550 LeadingRE member brokerages in 70 countries with more than 136,000 real estate professionals selling more property worldwide than any large national brand.



Michael Saunders & Company has been invested in the communities it serves since the beginning. The MSC Foundation, founded in 2011, engages the company’s agents, staff and leadership team to give back to the communities that have brought the company so much success over its 46 years.

Michael Saunders & Company has been invested in the communities it serves since the beginning. The MSC Foundation, founded in 2011, engages the company’s agents, staff and leadership team to give back to the communities that have brought the company so much success over its 46 years.

Agents and staff fund and run the MSC Foundation (Michael and Drayton match contributions). With two grant cycles a year, the MSC Foundation has raised over $1.1 million, providing grants to 249 organizations in Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte counties that provide “shelter, sustenance, education and a path to self-sufficiency.”

Agents and staff fund and run the MSC Foundation (Michael and Drayton match contributions). With two grant cycles a year, the MSC Foundation has raised over $1.1 million, providing grants to 249 organizations in Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte counties that provide “shelter, sustenance, education and a path to self-sufficiency.”

“We not only want to make the company better; we want to make the community better,” Michael says.

“We not only want to make the company better; we want to make the community better,” Michael says.

Discover what makes us different

Discover what makes us different

“I’ve never had a goal of being a large company. I just wanted to do it better every day. If you do something 1% better every day, think where you will be at the end of the year.”
TerraNova Dressage I intro-grand prix April 13-16, 2023 24

Practice Built With Purpose

We collaborate with the world’s most successful enterprises and entrepreneurs to navigate change, seize opportunities, and overcome barriers to innovation and growth. Within our communities, we work to create better opportunities for the future.

Akerman is a client-driven enterprise, recognized among the most forward thinking law firms in the industry. We are ranked among the top 100 law firms in the United States, with a reach that extends across the Americas and globally. Assembling a handcrafted team for every client engagement, we leverage our more than 700 lawyers and business professionals across 24 o ces.

Our inclusive culture impacts the way we see the world and deliver results. We are a perpetual insurgent, infusing startup agility with over a century of enterprise stability—and we try not to take ourselves too seriously along the way.

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Fort Lauderdale, FL

954 463 2700

700+ Lawyers 24 O ices

Jason L. Margolin

Partner, Litigation Practice Group

Tampa, FL

813 209 5009

©2022 Akerman LLP. All rights reserved.
TERRANOVAEQUESTRIAN.COM INFO@TERRANOVAEQUESTRIAN.COMFor More Information Join us for equestrian events at TerraNova Equestrian Center® Jan. 4-15, 2023 Air Show Jumping Winter Classic at TerraNova Split rock Sarasota CSI 2* Jan. 25-29, 2023 March 31 - April 2, 2023 TERRANOVA DRESSAGE I intro - grand prix April 13-16, 2023 The Event at Terranova CCI4*-S TERRANOVA HUNTER/JUMPER Feb. 15-19 & Feb. 22-26, 2023 Mar. 15-19 & Mar. 22-26, 2023 FEI 2* JUMPERS | Level 4 jumpers | A-rated hunters

Thank You


to our generous sponsors!
27 Event
b eac he s an d be y ond TERRANOVA DRESSAGE II | 2022 ® Professional Employee Services

Advertiser Index

ACCI - 7

Akerman - 25

B&D Builders - inside front cover

BEMER Independant Contractor Mary

Frances Denton - 15

Blalock Walters - 6

Boyd Insurance - 21

Green is the New Blue - 20

Kerkering Barberio - 26

Leibold Irrigation, Inc. - 14

Michael Saunders Realty - 22-23

Robert Herbenick - 18

Susan J Stickle Photography - 19

TerraNova Equestrian Estates - 13

United States Equestrian Federation - 10

Walter Group Realty - 12

Wendy urlow - 17

Live stream provided by:

Photos provided by:

EQ Media, Al Green Photography and Adobe Stock.

Thank You

We hope you’ll join us again for more exciting equestrian competition and a good time in the picturesque Florida countryside.

Follow us on social media for information on upcoming events.


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