Perfil de ponentes_Congreso Idiomas 2021

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El aprendizaje de idiomas enriquecido con las mejores prácticas de la metodología semipresencial


El aprendizaje de idiomas enriquecido con las mejores prácticas de la metodología semipresencial




Living remotely: Learning and Working in 2022




The role of the student in a virtual classroom

Society has always moved towards the use of technology to its advantage and online or blended courses were not unheard of a few years ago. However, the pandemic has pushed us years into the future and forced us to adapt and innovate. People both study and work remotely and now it is of the essence to fully grasp the difficulties and new set of skills our students need to be successful professionally. ESP has always been a field filled with innovation and this is true now more than ever.

No matter how close we get to going back to face-to-face classes, the truth is online learning is here to stay. It is part of the “new normal”, they say. However, even if being “online” for 18 months now has provided us with invaluable experience and learning, would we be ready to combine both face-to-face and online? For a start, are we clear about the role of our students in each of those environments? What if I asked you what the role of our students has been in your classes for the last year and a half? What would you say?

José Luis Diaz has been Academic Coordinator at CIDUP for over 7 years. He has studied Organizational Psychology and also holds a degree in Education from UNMSM. He has specialized in the development of ESP programs and courses for companies with specific needs. He is also a Cambridge Team Leader for CIDUP in charge of examiner training and monitoring at all levels.

Academic Coordinator of the Academic Quality Area at CIDUP, Sachie Kanashiro is a graduate EFL teacher as well as a Cambridge Speaking Examiner ( KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE ) and a Cambridge Team Leader for CIDUP. She has taken an active part in EMI programs at UP. She specializes in Teacher Training and Exam Preparation. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Organizational Development and Personnel Management at Universidad del Pacífico.

El aprendizaje de idiomas enriquecido con las mejores prácticas de la metodología semipresencial




Learning Styles & B-learning:Will the Learning Styles myth survive? Teachers will always strive to help students with their learning process in accordance with their “preferred learning style”. But, are there really auditory, visual, kinesthetic students as we have been told for years? Most interestingly, will our beliefs outlive the pandemic? Join us for an eye-opening discussion on the learning styles myth and the challenge of B-learning in our times. Doctoral candidate in Education at UNIFE, M.A. in Cognition, Learning and Development from PUCP, B.A. in Education with a major in English Teaching. Ms. Vila is currently Teacher trainer, Pedagogic Consultant and Member of the Research Team at Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacífico. She is Academic Director of International Contacts (test training & foreign applications advisory) and relationship manager for American universities’ MBA admissions officers with International Contacts. She is Speaking Examiner for several University of Cambridge tests, freelance consultant with Universidad ESAN, experienced speaker on diverse English teaching issues for prestigious institutions, and senior international examinations trainer (GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS).




“Hybrid or Blended? An approximation to the Peruvian classroom in 2022” According to UNESCO, many schools all across the globe are either fully reopen or partly open after the closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Peru is still one of the last countries in the region, having the majority of its schools still closed. Thus, with a school reopening pilot currently in the testing, and the Peruvian authorities’ desire to returning to face-to-face classes next year, it is pertinent to ask, “What will the Peruvian classroom in 2022 look like?” In this presentation, participants will explore the key differences between Hybrid Learning and Blended Learning applied to the Peruvian educational context and will reflect on how some of their principles will be pivotal for the Peruvian 2022 school year. Luis Torres Vásquez holds a Master’s in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) and a certificate of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from Arizona State University. He has been an English language teacher for several years. Luis is interested in second language teaching, critical discourse analysis, pragmatics, and second language acquisition. He is currently an Academic Coordinator at CIDUP.

El aprendizaje de idiomas enriquecido con las mejores prácticas de la metodología semipresencial




Lights, camera, action! All it takes to enhance our virtual management skills The attitude we display, the way we look, the materials we use, and the ability we show to prepare presentations and combine images, video, apps and more with a dynamic student-centered approach can make our virtual sessions memorable and meaningful. Everything counts and is key to every virtual session. In this talk, we will take a look at how we can improve our virtual management skills and build powerful sessions. Current Academic Coordinator at CIDUP Miraflores, Yves Salas holds the Diploma for EFL Teachers from CIDUP and has pursued studies in EFL Methodology as well as Hospitality Management and Marketing. He has been awarded “Outstanding Teaching Performance” and “Teacher of the Year” by CIDUP. He has been involved in EFL and ESP teaching for the last 18 years.




Online Teaching and Learning: Staying Connected While Disconnected! Many teachers already teach online in an effort to maintain the communication we value in our classrooms. Social interaction is important, but what true learning requires is human connection. Can we preserve the humanity of learning experiences while dependent on digital technology? Well, when there’s a will, there’s a way! George Kokolas has been working as the Academic Director and Teacher Trainer for Express Publishing for the last 21 years. He has delivered lectures, presentations, and demo lessons to over 1000 institutions/conferences in 89 countries. He is a certified LEVEL 5 TEFL teacher with deep knowledge and vast experience in training teachers. He is also a certified ADVANCED Neurolanguage Coach® practicing Neurolanguage Coaching® professionally or as integration to regular classes. He currently studies Positive Psychology trying to merge ELT into it through different mindsets and activities He also holds a BA in English Literature and he is the co-host and producer of the internationally successful podcast “Teachers’ Coffee”. He has been the Senior Editor/columnist for the Neurolanguage Collective Magazine since 2020.

El aprendizaje de idiomas enriquecido con las mejores prácticas de la metodología semipresencial




Integrando las herramientas de Google con el Design Thinking Los docentes y sus aulas (presenciales, virtuales o híbridas) de hoy deben preparar a los alumnos para las profesiones o desafíos que aún no existen. El nuevo rol docente requiere que se conviertan en diseñadores de experiencias de aprendizaje y dejen de ser solo divulgadores de contenido. Por ello, utilizando las herramientas de Google diseñaremos una experiencia de aprendizaje transversal y significativa tomando como base la metodología del Design Thinking. Pavel Valencia es Licenciado en Marketing, Capacitador Certificado por Google para Educación e instructor de CIDUP. Con su labor desea contribuir a la formación de docentes para redefinir el aprendizaje utilizando diferentes modelos de integración tecnológica en el aula. Considera que la informática sin pedagogía es equivalente a un conjunto vacío, por ende, ha de ser usada creativa y apropiadamente.




Key differences between classroom and online learning With massive digitalization across all spheres, our society is currently in the middle of a debate over online vs classroom learning. Even though there are some key differences between face-to-face and online learning, in the hands of a well-trained teacher, both delivery methods can be used to achieve the same goals. Let’s take some time to explore them, fill up our toolkit and get ready to succeed in 2022. Degree in Education in Foreign Languages. Master´s Degree in “Asesoramiento Educativo Familiar” Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Diploma for EFL Teachers – Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacífico. Speaking Examiner for Cambridge University. Cambridge TKT CLIL. Vast experience in different schools and Language Centres in Argentina, USA and Peru. Professional Coach, Axon Training, Argentina. Certificate in Positive Leadership by Lee Newman. Academic Coordinator of the Outsourcing area at CIDUP since 2015.

El aprendizaje de idiomas enriquecido con las mejores prácticas de la metodología semipresencial




Key guidelines to consider in the selection of e-materials In this day and age, we have a wide range of e-materials to choose from. We get excited to hear about these new tools, apps or interactive webpages that promise to make learning an engaging and memorable experience. But do we know the guidelines that can help us decide on the most valid, relevant, and engaging tools? In this presentation we will explore some of these guidelines that will assist us in the selection of e-materials. Felipe Vela has been a teacher of English as a foreign language for over 20 years. He holds a Master's degree in Education Management and currently works as Academic Coordinator at CIDUP-San Isidro




Rethinking evaluation and assessment as a result of the pandemic When the COVID-19 pandemic started, schools closed their doors but did not stop providing students with lessons. Although the transition to online teaching has met with difficulties, these do not seem as serious as the issue of assessment and evaluation, particularly in the field of foreign language teaching. The effectiveness of traditional ways of assessing students’ proficiency can now be questioned, as administering exams became a highly implausible option. This talk will help us reflect on the changes and new challenges faced, and the possibility that evaluation may be forever changed as a result of these. Mayra Yaranga (1985). Doctor in Education (UNIFÉ). Master's Degree in Media, Culture and Identity (University of Roehampton, London, validated by PUCP). Bachelor's Degree in Education (UPCH) and Licentiate Title in Education - Languages (IPNM). Member of the Research Team at Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad del Pacífico. Director of the Academic Department of Languages and Communication Studies at UNIFÉ. External consultant at different universities in Lima.

El aprendizaje de idiomas enriquecido con las mejores prácticas de la metodología semipresencial




Dos años después: los nuevos retos del aula La modalidad de enseñanza virtual aplicada durante la pandemia ha influido de manera directa en los estilos de aprendizaje, así como en la motivación para aprender de nuestros alumnos. El próximo retorno a las aulas en la modalidad semipresencial hace necesario identificar y analizar aquellos comportamientos, actitudes y expectativas con las que los alumnos volverán. A esta tarea debemos añadir la revisión de la metodología a emplearse ya que en la práctica parecería que el método está separado de la modalidad de enseñanza pues solemos aplicar, tanto en el trabajo virtual como en el semipresencial, la metodología propia de la enseñanza presencial. María de la Lama Eggerstedt, Lic. en Educación, es Directora del Centro de idiomas de la Universidad del Pacífico, tiene una Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada y Bachillerato en Lingüística de la Universidad de California, Davis, MBA de la Universidad del Pacifico.




Virtual Blended Learning: principles and practice Many classroom teachers have recently been forced to transfer their teaching online, at least temporarily. This move has often involved a steep learning curve, with teachers facing an ever-increasing range of options for blending different modes, materials, platforms and technologies. This Keynote talk explores the concept of ‘Virtual blended learning’ where synchronous, online teaching in a virtual classroom is combined with asynchronous work using digital materials. It argues that drawing selectively on the key principles of Blended Learning can help teachers to overcome many of the challenges they face when teaching in this new era. It includes a range of inspiring practical teaching ideas. Attendees will leave with insights into the pedagogical principles underlying Virtual Blended Learning which will equip them to better navigate the current challenging landscape. Director of Pete Sharma Associates Ltd, a consultancy and training organisation: He currently works as a pre-sessional lecturer in EAP (English for Academic purposes) at Warwick University, UK. Pete is a regular conference presenter at IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), BESIG (Business English Special Interest Group) and TESOL (Teachers of English as a Second or Other Language). He is the co-author of Blended Learning (2007) and 400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards (2011) in the well-known Macmillan ‘Books for Teachers’ series. His latest e-books are on ‘apps' (2013) and writing for digital media (2014) and his most recent book as co-author is Best Practices for Blended Learning (Pavilion Publishing and media 2018). Pete has a Masters in Educational Technology and ELT from Manchester University. His dissertation was an evaluation of the Macmillan English Campus.

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