易拍好2018迎春拍賣會 圖錄

Page 137

ABSENTEE BID FORM 金仕發委託競標單 書面委託競標

金仕發2018台北迎春拍賣會 KINGSLEY 2018 TAIPEI NEW YEAR AUCTION 2018 / 01 / 28(日)14:00 Sunday, Jan 28, 2018 14:00

The absentee bid forms must be delivered to the Customer Service Department at least 24 hours before the auction The bid forms may be faxed to +886 2 2546-8495 or Email to kingsley.auction@gmail.com

Absentee Bid

電話委託競標 Telephone Bid

Phone Bids No.


委託競標單須於拍賣24小時前送抵客戶服務部門,請將此表格郵寄或傳真到 +886 2 2546-8495或 Email到 kingsley.auction@gmail.com

線上競標 Online Bid

BIDDER’S INFORMATION 投標者相關資料 (Circle one) Mr. / Ms


Name 姓名

ID/Passport No. 身分證字號/護照號碼

男性 / 女性

E-mail 電子信箱

Address 地址

Telephone 電話

Home 住宅

Cell Phone 手機

Office 辦公室

Fax 傳真

BANK INFORMATION 銀行訊息 Name of Bank 銀行名稱

Address of Bank 銀行地址

Bank Telephone No. 銀行電話

Name of Account 銀行帳戶名

Account No. 銀行帳號

Name of Account Officer 銀行連絡人

DECLARATIONS 委託申請人必讀事項 1. I agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of business. 本人同意接受此圖錄內列明之拍賣規則及交易條款。 2. I hereby request that Kingsley tenders the bid on my behalf for the following auction items within the bidding range described hereunder. 本人委託金仕發拍賣就下列編號之拍賣品於下列競標價範圍內進行競標。 3. I understand that Kingsley provides such bid service for the convenience of customers and Kingsley shall not be held liable for any failure to execute a bid. 本人亦明白,金仕發拍賣乃為方便顧客而提供代為投標之服務,金仕發拍賣不因怠於投標而負任何責任。 4. If identical written bids are received for the same lot, the first bid received by Kingsley will take priority. 倘金仕發拍賣就同一項拍賣品收到相同競標委託以最先收到者優先辦理。 5. I understand that if my modern and contemporary art bid is successful; for hammer price higher then NT$16,000,000 the first NT$16,000,000 should be calculated at 20% and the rest of the amount should be 12%.

本人知悉若現代與當代藝術競標成功,本人應支付之購買價款為最後落槌價加上服務費,落槌價於新台幣壹仟陸佰萬元以下(含新台幣壹仟陸佰 萬元)以20%計算,超過新台幣壹仟陸佰萬元之部分以12%計算。

6. Interested buyers should provide Kingsley with their current bank and/or other relevant material prior to the sale to ensure all bids will be accepted and the delivery of the auction item will not be delayed. 有意競標者應向金仕發拍賣提供往來銀行或其他適當之參考資料,該資料應及時提供以便拍賣前著手處理完成。

Lot Number 拍賣品編號(按數字順序)

Lot Description 名稱

Bid Price 競標價

(excluding service fee) (未包含服務費) (Phone Bids do not need to fill in) (電話競標無須填寫)

NT$ NT$ NT$ NT$ NT$ Signature 簽名

Print Name (IN BLOCK LETTERS) 姓名(請用正楷)

Date 日期 /

(We must have your signature to execute this bid)(本公司須取得閣下之簽名後方可接受競標)



10545 台北市松山區復興北路233號1樓 1F, No.233, Fuxing N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan T:+886 2 2719-6555 F:+886 2 2546-8495 E:kingsley.auction@gmail.com 現代與當代藝術 MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART


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