i quaderni di Energheia_Speciale greeNordesT 2011. Green Communities

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I quaderni di Energheia

I quaderni di Energheia


Questioni aperte Le questioni aperte riguardo l’accessibilità e l’uso dei fondi sono molte e complesse. Riguardano le condizioni istituzionali, gli assetti organizzativi, le vocazioni territoriali, la dotazione di risorse necessari all’innesco delle procedure costitutive della comunità e alla sua sopravvivenza. Rimangono forti dubbi anche su come $1.-#$5%0".($(3&77.##$(3:$(C:0'$($-#.3#0".('0( titolarità del diritto d’uso dei beni comuni e quali regole adottare per la gestione. <-5-.=(3."9.(09."(%B$0"$(7'$(3#":6.-#$(1$( ".7&'0@$&-.(.(53%0'$#X(01.7:0#$(01(:-(sistema multilocale e i criteri per assicurare eque politiche redistributive delle risorse generate dalla comunità, soprattutto le modalità per "0??&"@0".($'(%0A$#0'.(3&%$0'.(.(51:%$0"$&;

The opportunity, offered by the European Union, to turn funds for goals into funds for territories shall not pass unnoticed by the administrators. Europe, in fact, has a direct dialogue with the regions that must meet the challenge of integrating funds. However, the gap between local and European funding makes it difficult to intercept the financing options, because of the lack of a strategic document to manage this relationship. Communities must take ownership of the concept of sustainability, by addressing from this perspective the main managing problems that administrators face. How can we redistribute wealth in the area? How can we solve distribution conflicts that arise? How can we strengthen the role of social capital? How to deal with budget planning?

Available tools for Sustainable Communities Speaker: Elio Manti, Ministry for the Environment and Land and Sea Protection Policies for the territories must be sustainable from a climate and energy point of view. When authorities come together to implement effective environmental policies, they need to consider the relationship between local and rural communities, which is fundamental for their development. In the program of cohesion policies, investments on climate and energy will receive the most funding by the European Union. Regional and national energy programs are modeled on the European FAS Funds, as demonstrated by several examples in Southern Italy. In the management of structural funds, unfortunately, a lot of contributions are not spent and return to Europe.

The tools available to the sustainable communities mainly focus on energy efficiency, which allows to reach higher goals at a lower cost with a specific call for projects developed by cities with less than 15 000 inhabitants. For this purpose the Kyoto fund was created. The “Deposits and loans” will support energy efficiency measures asking only 0.5 of interest. A fund of 600 million euros in cash to facilitate the link with the territory. The Renewable Energy and Energy /'()*!")%&012 2007-2013 The Inter-regional Operational Plan (POI) for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is the result of intensive consultation between the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, the Italian Ministry for the Environment, the Italian Regions Objective “Convergence” and large economic and social partnership. It is funded by EU and national funds. It aims to increase the share of consumed energy from renewable sources and to improve energy efficiency, promoting opportunities for local development, integrating the incentive system provided by the ordinary policy, emphasising the relationship between renewable energy production, efficiency and social and economic aspects of the territories. The program operates on the Objective “Convergence” Regions (Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily). The 699 accepted projects spontaneously clustered, providing an example of sustainable communities. These are examples of public structures run in network with the objective of efficiency, through the management of heat / cold or public lighting.


articolano in cinque punti: Attività 1.5 - Interventi di promozione e diffusione di piccoli impianti da fonti rinnovabili nelle aree naturali protette e nelle isole minori con 69.000.000 euro 1$(5-0-@$06.-#&(#&#0'.F Attività 2.2 V(<-#."9.-#$(1$(.?5%$.-#06.-#&( .-."7.#$%&(1.7'$(.1$5%$(.(:#.-@.(.-."7.#$%B.( pubbliche o ad uso pubblico con 230.000.000 euro 1$(5-0-@$06.-#&(#&#0'.F Attività 2.3 - Interventi di promozione e 1$??:3$&-.(1.''>.?5%$.-@0(.-."7.#$%0(-.''.( aree naturali protette e nelle isole minori con 50.000.000 euro di finanziamento totale Attività 2.5 - Interventi sulle reti di distribuzione del calore, da cogenerazione e per teleriscaldamento e teleraffrescamento con 100.000.000 euro di finanziamento totale. Attività 2.6 - Interventi di animazione, sensibilizzazione o formazione con 76.000.000 euro 1$(5-0-@$06.-#&(#&#0'.;

“Convergence” Regions - Calabria - Campania - Puglia - Sicilia 3!"!()*4#*!. - Local Authorities - Public bodies - Businesses (activity 2.5)

procedures. It can benefit public and private bodies, as specified in the program documents. The conditions relate to clustering, integration, emblematic aspects, possibility of replication and persistence. The goal of the project is to support the creation of formal and informal networks that can bring value to the economic, environmental, energy and knowledge assets of a territory, in the perspective of sustainability.

Action Areas: I. Renewable energy production - total funding EUR 779,396,176 - Activation of supply chains - Support development of innovative entrepreneurship - Support renewable energy production for public buildings and utilities - Innovative use of geothermal sources - Promotion and dissemination of small plants in protected natural areas and smaller islands

Actions of the Ministry for the Environment The management structure of the program and the overall budget are up to the Ministry for the Environment for a total of 525,000,000 euros. The activities and assets can be divided into five points: Activity 1.5 - Actions to promote and spread of small renewable energy plants in protected areas and on small islands with 69,000,000 euros of total funding; Activity 2.2 - energy efficiency measures in public or public use buildings and utilities with EUR 230,000,000 of total funding; Activity 2.3 - Actions to promote and spread energy efficiency in protected natural areas and smaller islands with 50,000,000 euros of total funding Activity 2.5 - Actions on the heat distribution networks, cogeneration and district heating and cooling with 100,000,000 euros of total funding. Activity 2.6 - Animation, awareness raising and training actions with 76,000,000 euros of total funding.

225&&/"!#$%&!'()*!")%&4"6&,+7*8*.47*,"&,'& the energy system - total funding EUR 764,390,176 - Support for entrepreneurship linked to energy saving - Energy efficiency of public buildings and utilities - Promotion and dissemination of energy efficiency in protected natural areas and smaller islands - Development and upgrading of transport networks - Actions on the heat distribution networks - Local animation, awareness raising and training III. Technical assistance and support measures - total funding EUR 64,000,000 - Improving program management and addressing ability and its strategic communication; The 2007-2013 budget, therefore, is about 1.6 billion euros, 50% of which co-financed by the European Union - ERDF. Access to financing is possible through public calls and procedures, and through negotiation

Open issues The open issues related to funds accessibility and use are many and complex. They involve the institutional conditions, organisational structures, territorial vocations, the allocation of resources needed for the constitutive process of the community and its survival. Strong doubts remain on how to identify the most appropriate subjects for the ownership of the right of use of common goods, and how to rule their management. Finally, a clear vision of regulations and taxation tools appropriate to a multilocal system is needed, and so are criteria to ensure equitable redistribution of the resources generated by the community, especially ways to strengthen social and trust capital.

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