Endeavour Magazine March 2018

Page 13

repositories of human knowledge around

the atmosphere, such as mining resources,

- a free-flying spacecraft designed to

the Solar System. Lastly, hidden away

tourism and, of course, improved research,

deliver both cargo and people to orbiting

and engraved on a circuit board reads the

increasing the payload size that is possible

destinations. It is the only spacecraft

message “Made on Earth by humans” – just

per launch greatly reduces issues such as

currently flying that is capable of returning

in case anyone out there needs to know!

cost and pollution. Space X’s dreams are

significant amounts of cargo to Earth, and its

So what’s so great about this Falcon

even greater: ““Falcon Heavy was designed

first manned test flight is expected to take

Heavy rocket? Space X describe it as: “the

from the outset to carry humans into space

place later this year.

most powerful operational rocket in the

and restores the possibility of flying missions

world by a factor of two. With the ability to

with crew to the Moon or Mars.”

lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb) -

Whilst images of a red sportscar cruising past the Earth have had people excited,

The Falcon Heavy’s first stage is

Musk and his companies have received some

a mass greater than a 737 jetliner

composed of three Falcon 9 nine-engine

criticism and backlash for the launch, with

loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and

cores, whose 27 Merlin engines combine

opinion columnists in papers and newsites

fuel - Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice

to generate more than 5 million pounds

such as the UK’s Guardian suggesting that

the payload of the next closest operational

of thrust at liftoff, equal to approximately

it was the work of a “wasteful billionaire

vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the

eighteen 747 aircraft. According to Space X,

playboy” who should be spending his money

cost.” These sorts of achievements could

only the Saturn V moon rocket, last flown in

on crises such as Syria, instead of indulging

mean big change for space-based industry;

1973, delivered more payload to orbit.

in sending his car to space “for the fun of

with many start-ups looking into space-tech

As well as delivering large payloads, it

it”. Any stunt that attracts media attention is

and the possibilities waiting for us beyond

can also carry Space X’s Dragon spacecraft

bound to provoke some outrage, and for the Endeavour Magazine | 13

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