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‘Everyone should find a good balance between the real world and the Internet. Unfortunately not everyone knows the difference between

the two anymore.’

Fig 1. Misty mood (2016)


- Michelle Clever, Consumer research


A Journey

Emma Bailey


This report will journey through today’s society and the stresses millennials face in their everyday. Peeking into the lives of those who strive for existence without technology and those who cannot live without it. Identifying the two very contrasting lifestyles, in order to seek a balance. Observing successful brands, services and their errors to grasp the appropriate brand ingredients. Inspired by the revived LSN Macro trend originally forecasted in 2012, The New Sublimity takes digital detoxing further by focusing on the consumer who feels disconnected by their digital lives and is on the hunt for a new set of values.




1. Blurring Lines 10-11 2. Flowing with the future 12-13 3. Stress Mist 14-17 4. Digital Natives 18-21 5. Addicted to others 22-25 6. The great wave of Digital Detoxing 26-27 7. Pause for the people 28-29 8. Observing trends 30-43 9. Forming the antidote 44-51 10. Case studies 52-57

11. The brand 58-67 12. The creative consumer 68-85 13. The brands platforms 86-93 14. The launch of Inrsteem 94-101 15. Consumer decision & The future 102-111 16. Conclusion 112-113 17. Referencing 114-121 18. Bibliography 122-129 19. Appendix 130 11

- Technology & the mind

In the core of todays fast moving, demanding and speculative world the lines between humans and technology are blurring. ‘Our brains didn’t evolve for nonstop informationdriven,consumerism-driven, technology-laden societies, so we have to find tools to offload our cognitive load, or sink.’ (DiSalvo, D 2012:online). Thus overtime leading our brains to feel threatened and our emotions to absorb the pressure. The future of technology is unchangeable for the majority of us. ‘Your house and smart possessions will be collectively more intelligent than you by 2020.’ (Priestley, T 2015:online), such as the Ikettle (fig 3.) and NO_ THING an interface turning nearly anything into a device (fig 4.). These evolutionary changes are on our doorstep, therefore our lives and our minds must adapt to these revolutions in order to deal with ever changing society.

Fig 4. NO_THING (2015)


Fig 3. Ikettle The first Wi-Fi kettle (2016)

1. Blurring Lines




‘Unless we wake up to the damage that the gadget-filled, pharmaceutically enhanced 21st century is doing to our brains, we could be sleepwalking towards a future in which neuro-chip technology blurs the line between living and non-living machines, and between our bodies and the outside world.’ (Professor Greenfield, S:2015, p.52). Artist Lucy McRae represents these changes in her creativity. (fig 5.) Adaption is a common skill amongst mankind, although adapting to societies vision on how our future should be, can equally lead to suffering when not living by our own choices and interests. ‘Our devices have vastly extended our attentional choices, but the human attentional capacity remains unchanged. So we must figure out how to make wise choices, so we can use our digital tools to their best advantage and to ours.’ (Levy, D:2016, p.3).

Or suffer Fig 5. Lucy McRae (2014)



Digital stress is a subject that not only captures the interest of professionals but also the general public because of how easily accessible technology is. The Internet especially is where the majority spend or waste their time. The never ending possibilities in which it holds is where many find it difficult to draw the line and take a break from using it. Dr. David Lacocque, a University of Wisconsin psychologist clarifies that “It’s everywhere, it’s wireless, it’s anonymous. People get to be and do things.” (Goldberg, D 2011:online podcast). Thus leading to insights that because the Internet is available whenever and is theoretically invisible, we use it like a drug to take what we want from it as a distraction from our real lives.

3. - Digital interactions


When asking Millennials (See appendix, p.153) if they felt happier after spending longer than 3 hours using technology, particularly the Internet 80% said no. (Fig 6.) Like anything in life too much of one thing will not satisfy our human needs and we need to look beyond to other sources to fulfil these basic requirements of balanced emotions.

80% Fig 6. Technology brain (2013)


Seeking Mindfulness

Fig 7. Thync wearable (2015)

‘When we can no longer find happiness and safety in outside sources we have no choice but to look for an inner sense of faith.’

‘Appreciating the value of quietness, consumers are now more interested in learning the benefits of a quiet mind. As a result, they are learning mindfulness, which improves working memory, from experts such as Andy Puddicombe and his company Headspace.’ (Fig 8.) (LSN, The New Sublimity Report 2012:online) Headspace enables people to tap into a peaceful remote, however they are not truly figuring out their own type of mindfulness such as their passions and interests. On the opposite end of the scale, breakthrough mindfulness technology, such as Californian based wearable technology Thync, (Fig. 7) sends electric currents from the wearable through the brain to give the user both bursts of energy or releases of calmness. Consequently using technology can be highly beneficial to restore the brain back to its simplified working self. However this technology isn’t easily available to everyone and is not as affordable as using something like an app.




Fig 9. A modern day Millennials belongings (2016)

4. This generation has seen technology advance over time; they have advanced as people along with it. Typically they have ‘Spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, video games, digital music players, video cams, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age’ (Prensky:2001, p.9). (Fig. 9)

- Also known as Millennials


Currently aged between 20-35 this generation has been granted freedom; nevertheless many are choosing to stay trapped under societies grasp instead of aspiring to a new set of values. ‘Millennials are accused of being lazy, self-involved, cosseted, politically apathetic narcissists, who aren’t able to function without a smartphone and who live in a state of perpetual adolescence, incapable of commitment.’ (Lyons, K 2016:online).


Fig 10. Digital Detoxing (2015)

This generation has advanced alongside technology therefor they have not had time to step away from it and live without it. During a focus group with 6 Millennials (See appendix p.189), participants were asked if they felt stressed when they had too many tabs open when using the Internet. They clarified that too many open tabs made them feel overwhelmed and felt that they can concentrate and feel more involved with something when it is physically in front of them.



Fig 11. Millennials in their glory (2015)

LSN’s Macro trend The New Sublimity primarily targets digital dieting at Millennials. This generation have come of age and should therefore make time in their daily routine to experience aspects of life without technology, to teach younger generations such as Gen Z the importance of a balanced life. (Fig 11.)


According to senior researcher at the Federal Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Addiction at the Ministry of Health of Russia Lev Perezhogin, “A selfie is essentially a self-portrait. Basically, at face value there is no harm, no foul in taking the occasional selfie. This phenomenon becomes an issue when taking and documenting one’s self portrait becomes a daily routine.” (Horniacek, J 2015:online). Linking both to stress and anxiety researchers have conducted many cases especially amongst the young who have become so obsessed by how they are perceived based on their looks on social media.


During a focus group with millennials (See appendix p.189) feedback showed that not everyone compared themselves to others, although questioned themselves on why they continue to make the decision to post a selfie for all to see if not for attention. One in particular identified “To me it’s just like your Selfie is your best self, I like to show myself off when I think I look good.” We are in the midst of the selfish generation. A time where taking ‘selfies’ has become a normality and almost an addiction. From trend leaders Kim Kardashian and her notorious book ‘Selfish’ to respected adopters of this trend David Cameron and Barack Obama, it seems this global craze isn’t shifting anytime soon. (Fig 12.)


Fig 12. Kim Kardashian selfie (2014)

In this materialistic world we are often in battle with each other to show off our new outfits or new hair do, to make us feel better about ourselves. Consequently for a short amount of time it usually does, therefor people get hooked on the attention received off of others and seek it constantly.


- Social impact

Fig 13. Dead girls are skinnier (2013)

While many are obsessed with taking pictures, the strive for attention, although for their selves is for the benefit and approval of other people, thus meaning selfies are quite the opposite of selfish. By doing this we are not being grateful for ourselves, we are merely looking for an opportunity for others to enjoy us. ‘If you are grateful, you are enjoying the differences between people, and you are respectful to everybody, and that changes this power pyramid under which we live.’ (Steindl, D TedTalk 2013:online) The issue with social media is that the content we invest our time in isn’t always beneficial. Filled with gossip, bad role models and media driven opinions the effects of this on the brain can lead us to feel unfulfilled and unworthy. (Fig.13) According to Dr Michelle Blanchard from Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre in Melbourne “Young people indicate that besides family and friends the Internet is where they go when they are going through a tough time, so it is really important that in the online environment we are thinking about having evidence based good quality content but also tools and applications that help young people improve their mental health and wellbeing.” (Dedyukhina, A 2015:online podcast).




Fig 15. Property of Society (2013)

6. A frequently discussed buzzword ‘Digital detoxing’ represents a healthier lifestyle that many have adapted to in hope for a slower pace existence with less stress. The main benefit of detoxing is taking time out from something that is having negative effects on our mind and replacing them with full concentration on what is real.

Fig 14. Landscape Photography by Elizabeth Gadd (2015)


When we take away technology completely however, we are missing out on the rest of civilisation. “I just feel overwhelmed because I don’t seem to be in sync with the human race. There’s deeper reasons for most of my problems that really didn’t have a lot to do with the Internet they just manifest differently on and offline.” (The Verge 2013:online documentary). Journalist Paul Miller on unplugging from technology for 1 year. Having spent over half of his adult life surrounded by technology Miller realised after unplugging that technology is a part of who he is and that when taking it away completely, he felt more lost and out of sync. ‘Millennials may embrace technology more enthusiastically than non-Millennials, but larger percentages of them also recognize that using technology comes with consequences, explained Greg Bovitz, a senior fellow at the Center for the Digital Future, in a public statement.’ (Lieberman, C 2016:online). Ultimately indicating that for some in this generation, stress levels due to technology may be lower because their brain has fully adjusted to digital mechanisms.


In 2013 Selfridges in London launched its no noise room. Encouraging shoppers to take a quick break by meditating or simply sitting quietly away from the hustle and bustle. Acting as a positive mind booster and distraction, shoppers instantly felt revived. (Fig 18.)

- Discovering alternatives


Fig 16. Vegan food market (2016)

Tokyo, one of the most technology forward cities both represents modern age and advanced futurism that many other countries will soon adapt to. Although highly populated and effortlessly wireless, Japans capital has achieved a digital balance. A 2-minute walk away from the EE phone shop where newly built robot Pepper lives (Fig 17.) takes you to a traditional Japanese temple. Set amongst acres of woodland forests, the booming city becomes hard to hear. Whether it’s temples or vegan food markets, (Fig 16.) the Japanese have discovered a way to incorporate peace and culture with technology. What is interesting to see is how the young generations equally invest time in these traditions as much as the older generations.

Fig 17. Pepper futuristic robot (2016)

Observing the flipside to balance, the Chinese government was the first to identify Internet addiction as a clinical disorder. Web Junkie, a 2013 documentary views the lives of Chinese teens addicted to the Internet and technology and struggle to live a life without it. Referring it as an ‘Electric heroine’ the struggle of loosing something the young have grown up with only makes them want it more. Consequently in our modern day society it is hardly possible to live without technology, especially for the young it may almost be torturous.


Fig 18. Selfridges No noise (2013)

It is therefore important to recognize the connection people feel towards technology and that we almost cannot live without it in our society. Thus indicating injecting alternatives into our daily routines such as Selfridges no noise room is a positive way to take time out from technology even if it is just for ten minutes, to infuse balance into our daily lives.


8. Observing Trends


To help understand the wellbeing market in order of creating a solid and unique solution, various topics have been observed for example fashion, lifestyle, stress and online and offline platforms. To recognize micro and macro trends shaping people’s lifestyles. We now recognise that being mindful is beneficial

Personal tranquillity Brush with Nature Caring for the mind becomes trendy and recognised amongst many

Fighting for fulfilmentment Smart choosing Mind Money The Buddhism injection

Technology will continue to adapt to this trend/ People will be more aware of the mind and what benefits it

Awareness slowly being made in various contexts Mindful becomes a lifestyle choice/ people wanting an escape from societies damage Creative people & brands recognising change needs to happen Taking a break from the internet will become more difficult

Fig 19. Cartogram Moodboard (2016)

The natural seeker The energy supplement

(Fig 19.) Initial researching, observing various sources to indicate the growth and awareness of digital detoxing over time, how and in what form it is appearing and the future of the trend.

The stress relief 32


Brush with Nature Personal tranquillity ‘What makes people happy? The Flower Power generation believed in making love, not war and set the world alight with music and student revolutions. The 80s saw ‘work hard, play hard’ become a motto to live and burn out by. Millennials have seen all this, and want to do things their own way. They have more choice and freedom than almost any generation before them.’ (Tan, L 2015:online report). People are happier generally when surrounded by things they are interested in because they take less pressurised effort and more positive energy is released. Freedom and energy are two attributes that come natural to Millennials, which is why so many opt for pastimes such as travelling and partying. Although the majority of them are glued to their phones, when 6 were asked in a focus group, (See appendix p.189) if they are fully immersed and enjoying something would they turn off from technology they said yes and that they felt that boredom was the main reason for using it, or wanting to capture something on their phone. Thus indicating that we should be filling our lives with more pastimes that capture our attention, feed our interests and act as an escape to provide balance.

‘Researchers in Finland found that urban dwellers who strolled for as little as 20 minutes through an urban park or woodland reported significantly more stress relief than those who strolled in a city centre.’ (Suttie, J 2016:online). Being around nature is possibly the cheapest antidote to free a stressed mind and what most of us have easy access to it, if not large, small quantities. Outdoors brand Peak Performance recently launched pop up shops in remote areas that could only be accessed by going outside. Swedish band John Moose also has pre-released its album via a smartphone app. (Fig 21.) People can listen to it for free as long as they are away from busy areas and are in the woods. Both are keen on encouraging people to live more spontaneously and get amongst nature. Nature can often be forgotten about in our advanced digital lives, however studies have proven its uplifting and powerful effects on our brains. With technology allowing us to obtain any information we want with a click of a button we have become lazier with going out and interacting with our passions. Subsequently brands such as Peak Performance are supplying consumers with opportunities to reconnect to their passions on an intimate level. (Fig 20.) Fig 20. Peak Performance Magic hour (2015)





Fighting for fulfilment

Fig 22. Westwood Climate revolution (2013)

A sense of equality enables us to live happily by our beliefs to some extent. A greater balanced world nevertheless isn’t necessarily created by media trends such as gender neutrality. Although within this trend the media is raising awareness of equality, it is also creating a pathway for vocalists to spread their negative views. Technology has given us the opportunity to exploit our opinions towards certain rights of freedom, instead of enabling people to think, dress and act how they choose in peace. Many designers and brands have created collections based on this trend with their individual and flamboyant takes, nevertheless Zara have recently unveiled their extremely stripped back gender neutral collection (Fig 23.), which received very controversial press, representing how even subtle individual expression can get ripped to shreds by the media’s negative opinions.

Consequently enjoyment of what fulfills our beliefs often receives backlash when conveyed online, stopping people from enjoying them on a personal level. The lack of community support online needs to improve by providing a service that connects people with the same interests together, to avoid criticism and varied opinions.




Fig 23. Ungendered by Zara (2016)

Other causes, such as sustainability and climate change, which affects us all gives our lives a sense of purpose when acted upon. These issues unite our world, rather than a collection of individuals yet is overlooked by many people. From designer Vivienne Westwood (Fig 22.) to affordable beauty company Beefayre however pour their passion into these issues, raising awareness to encourage people to act instead of follow the rest of the crowd. “The more you challenge yourself the less you slip into the routine of 21st century modern life.” (McCloud, K 2015:online documentary).


Smart choosing ‘In this ever increasingly stressful world we have become more materialistic than we ever have and there’s something missing and we feel like we can’t escape but when we connect with nature again we feel refreshed and a bit of that stress goes away.’ (Hewetson, B 2016:interview, see appendix p.185). Stated by Bex Hewetson, the sales and marketing director for the brand Beefayre, a company specialising in wellbeing beauty products. (Fig 24.) The brand focuses on connecting people with nature, to share their view on how important it is. By raising awareness of the significance of the bees and how we wouldn’t be here without them, 3% of each sale goes towards the bee conservation. The brand is a strong example of how buying into a company can be a great example of mindfulness and wellbeing. The products containing nutritional ingredient sourced from nature are also helpful for the environment. ‘60% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed into the bloodstream’ (Georgina 2016:interview, see appendix p.184) informed Georgina part of the sales team at PHB ethical beauty. Many successful natural beauty companies were keen to raise awareness of the importance of putting good quality products onto the skin, to aid our wellbeing. ‘Were all kind of in it together aren’t we so it’s important we take care of the world and keep it going for future generations.’ Being ethical is also extremely important to these two brands and represents how we can help the environment by simply making smarter buying choices. This leading to insights on how connecting to nature can also have beneficial properties on our body and the environment. Connecting ourselves to the natural world has proven health qualities and therefore it is important to make time for it in our life styles as well as just man made technologies.




Fig 24. Beefayre drawing & Bee (2015)


The Buddhism injection Mind money From yoga and meditating to apps such as Calm (Fig 25.) and Headspace the mindfulness trend has been around for a long time, encouraging everyone and anyone to insert peace and clarity into their minds and daily routines. To some it is just another media scam or a time waster, while others have begun to seek out the benefits of this wellbeing revolution.

Fig 25. App Calm (2016)



It is important to understand that although wellbeing and mindfulness are hot topics, the positive effects they have on peoples minds are continuing nations to invest their time and money into it. Not everyone wants to base their life on wellbeing, however with all the products and services on the market it is easy to introduce it into hectic routines.

Fig 26. Statue of Buda Japan (2009)

Understanding what mindfulness really entails is being fully aware of the present moment. The human mind is very easily distracted by the past and future and by giving in to distractions, worrying is easily caused. Because this is a large industry it covers many different sectors from technology to dietary. Today there is near enough a mindful option for everybody, to help stay in control of their emotions and health.

Mindfulness originally founded by the Buddhist religion focuses on connecting all human beings together. By understanding the core of the mind, from this we can all understand our emotions if we invest time into finding peace for ourselves. Everyone’s view on peace however is very different. ‘Most of us know that we should be exercising daily, but to consider a daily relaxation/ meditation is quite an alien concept to a lot of people, even though the benefits are well documented. (People think they’re relaxing by sitting in front of the TV, but there’s an emotional response to what you’re seeing, and although it’s hardly perceptible, there’s always a resulting muscular tension.) In this fast paced, stressful world, it’s imperative to look after your mental health too. Just consider how many physical problems are put down to stress.’ (Griggs, N 2016:interview, see appendix p.188). Yoga teacher Nicola Griggs gives her opinion on the importance of mindfulness.



The natural seeker A big movement within this macro trend is the rise of healthy eaters, dieters and natural and organic skincare. The media constantly informs that having a healthy body will create a healthier mind. This has pushed this lifestyle to become a multi billion industry. Celebrities and bloggers such as Lina Saber (Fig 30.) have crafted artisanal natural foods to show off how a healthy lifestyle supposedly makes them happier people. From pills to 100% organic labels, people are choosing nutrients over toxins. ‘The advantage of natural and organic skincare products is not just about avoiding the use of artificial chemical ingredients or even harmful ingredients, but rather applying a concept of “fully nutritional” and “fully comprehensive” treatment to increase the skin’s healthiness. At the same time, some of these natural or organic plant essence products also offer aromatherapy stress relief, their contribution to which is far better compared to artificial chemical ingredients.’ (Brenchley, S 2013:online) What can be understood from analysing the health industry is that natural is better, however brands will often use words such as ‘natural’ and ‘botanical’ as a promotion ploy without actually providing nutritional ingredients in their products. Consumers are realising many brands are not as transparent as they are claiming and are looking for brands with truth, honesty and good causes. ‘Meanwhile, they are culling bold brash brands in favour of those that are considerate, quiet and intuitive.’ (LSN 2015:online)

Fig 31. Kew Gardens Ylang- ylang (2016)





The energy supplement ‘With projections on wearable tech becoming a $75 billion dollar industry by 2025, the largest sector ripe for cashing in on the wearable craze is healthcare.’ (Basile, D 2015:online). Advancement in technology has paved the pathway for wearables such as WellBe, Being and Spire (Fig 32.). Tapping into this mindfulness trend, technologies claim to acknowledge tension levels by reading breathing patterns, aiming to make exercise as easy as possible and to monitor our reaction levels. Nevertheless looking at the costly side of wearables and the distractions we gain from receiving these signals, we are becoming even more unfocused and our minds will have more data to process.

The stress relief There are numerous platforms from apps and books where we can seek guidance for stress reliefs. Mindfulness colouring books especially have captured many creative’s interests because for a short amount of time they can concentrate on a vivid distraction in front of them. (Fig 33.) The issue is that this relies on people’s creativity and time to want to sit and simply colour in. For a lot of people this does not distract them enough from their problems or technology because of the lack of spontaneity and variation it provides. Positive reviews have nevertheless suggested people fall for the physicality of being able to feel and touch something in front of them, compared to seeing something on a screen constantly, which has perhaps made the books a mainstream trend and a popular mindful choice. It allows people to connect with their innocence and experience their emotions hands on.

Fig 33. The mindfulness book (2015)

The future - A step out of society Fig 32. Spire Wearable (2016)


By analysing the various mindful platforms already on the market they all share common grounds in terms of telling us to be mindful, stating how in order to care for the world and our minds we must buy natural skincare, or sit and colour in. When we are told by companies to be more mindful however we are not living by our own set of rules, instead we are buying into a money trend that the media has force-fed us and the rest of society. Thus indicating there are not platforms focusing on personalization and giving consumers what they are interested in offline.





Forming the antidote

- The big idea



Fig 35. Offline attribute Breezing through Bequia (2015)

Building inner strength

& Offline

The appropriate antidote



Fig 34. Online attribute

To create balanced platforms for the conscious and unconscious stressed consumer. A service that fulfills their interests by exploring nature and the mind. Offering a stimulating alternative to media driven contents, by boosting inner strength before stepping back into their digital routines.

There are numerous online and offline options to inject self awareness and understanding that too much digital data is not good for the brain. Nevertheless brands and services have not identified that the cure for a happier mind, is to make time in our daily lives to surround ourselves with our passions. Interacting with our interests both offline and online is important in the modern age to gain varied perspectives. By identifying how technology is advancing we cannot escape this completely. Therefore it is crucial we try to create a balanced life in terms of experiencing what we love offline and selectively digesting it online. (Fig 34 & 35.)


Creating a brand Inrsteem aims to be a brand symbolizing self-esteem, our inner selves and letting go of stressful steam, inspired by The New Sublimity LSN macro trend. Exploring through its consumers interests being nature and wellbeing it will feature both online and offline qualities in order to give the consumer the right balance. A magazine will be the brands offline aspect. The online experience will consist of a digital platform, notifying consumers when stimulating events relating to their interests will be held in areas near to them offering a personalized service. The platform will also explore topics such as learning how to make natural stress remedies, turning a bucket list into reality, exploring fake agendas and online communicating with people who share similar interests. The experience will act as a way to get people pushing their interests further by learning and will provide positive digital contents based on real lives and people that the consumers can relate to.

‘Consumers are culling bold brash brands in favour of those that are considerate, quiet and intuitive. The New Sublimity is not about abandoning digital life though. Rather than simplY switching off, consumers are mastering new on-off way of being.’ (LSN. 2015:online).




Fig 38. No music no life (2016)


Prefer physical materialistic objects to digital - Gen Y: what is ownership? survey (See appendix p.152)

During a focus group with 6 millennials (See appendix, p.189) they were asked whether they preferred a magazine to be online or offline. They felt that the smell, the texture of having something physical was not something online could capture. While interviewing Bex Hewetson the sales and marketing director at Beefayre (See appendix, p.185) she stated “if you think how many people access a print magazine, I might buy it and keep it in my guest room and they will pick it up and read it so it promotes the brand by enabling people to stumble across it, by flicking through something they can physically hold and get a better sense of what’s in front of them.” (Fig 37.)

A magazine is also very visually thought provoking and can be took anywhere, therefore if the consumer wants a distraction from technology they can open it up and read it whenever, wherever.



Fig 37. Cereal magazine (2014)


The rise of vinyl records has also proven peoples love for owning music physically. ‘Independent record stores accounted for an incredible 45% of all vinyl sold in the US last year. Larger retailers have gotten into the vinyl game as well, but those that love their records still go out of their way to head to indie stores more frequently.’ (McIntyre, H. 2015:online). In this day where we can consume everything immediately online, people are missing going through the motions of taking a disc out of the sleeve and feeling the artists visuals in front of them. Tower Records in Tokyo has 9 floors dedicated to music and print with its outside slogan ‘No music no life’, although the tower records company went bankrupt due to the lack of demand for cd’s, the last standing store is bustling with the consumers who still love the physical basics and has therefore achieved a status of being an independent landmark. (Fig 38.) It can be seen in the bustling store in Shibuya that people still appreciate alternatives to the easiness of owning everything digitally.



Calm App

10. Case Studies

In order to understand the digital detoxing and magazine market it was crucial to analyse key competitors for Inrsteem and innovative products and services. By analysing their strengths and weaknesses and the way they communicate to their consumers to help with the progression of Inrsteem. (See appendix p.174 for case studies).

Dignified self Website

Fig 40. The Dignified self (2015)



Fig 41. Headspace app (2016)

Headspace App

Retreat Magazine

Suitcase Magazine


Fig 42. Suitcase moodboard (2016)

Fig 43. Retreat magazine (2016)

Cereal Magazine



Competitor Analysis





11. Consumer first Aims To provide the consumer with a mood uplifting service. To change perceptions on having to fit into society’s vision and how individuals perceive the media.


To remind the consumer that there is more to life than social media and technology and that it is important to take time out of repetitive lifestyles, by surrounding themselves with their interests.

Objectives Female focussed, Inrsteem is a brand motivating and supplying self esteem. More than just a brand it aims to create a community environment for those who aspire to nature and wellbeing as a positive boost and passion. A physical and digital service aiming to inject a balance into people’s fast paced routines. Expressing a humanized approach to injecting optimism into daily routines. Celebrating the diversities of contemporary minds and inspiring interests. The name Inrsteem enhances the way we feel inside, our unique emotions individual to us. Supporting and fulfilling to those fed up of constant digital consumption. Focusing on taking a breath from the rest of the world and concentrating on the inner goals.

Fig 46. Emma Fineman painting (2014)



1) Offline- Magazine To act as a true digital detox and physically interactive, magazines are a great alternative to technology because they are more visually engaging than books and can be read and interpreted in any way the reader wants. “Impeccable, visceral, emotional reactions we still have to print and that’s why print won’t die.” (Alderson, R,. Firth, P 2013:online interview).

The brand features 2) Online- Digital platform To create a balanced lifestyle in the modern age we mustn’t ignore the fact that it is a hard task to avoid technology as earlier explored it is everywhere and ever advancing, therefore having a digital element to the brand is crucial. By tapping into what millennials use on a daily basis, the digital side will be able to slip in to their unconscious and conscious minds. Thus meaning because using technology has become such a natural thing to do, they will absorb the brands contents even when flicking through automatically such as on a news feed.

3) Emotion Strategy By giving its consumers online and offline involvements it will aim to create a community where individuals feel like they are amongst others that share similarities as apposed to fake Facebook friends and absorbing gossip filled media. Inrsteem will connect to its consumers via providing them with a stimulating and relatable atmosphere where they can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging.



‘Truly effective marketing strategies tend to take advantage of both online and offline initiatives to create a well- rounded, multi- faceted approach.’ (Montgomery, S. 2015:online). 63

Nature rEMEDY

Fig 47. DIY vegan face mask (2015)

The brand vibe

Creative Escape

positivity boosting Fig 50. Smoke and pleasure (2016)

Fig 48. Wandering

Calm & Exploration

Mood exploring Fig 51. Starting the day right (2015)

Free Thinking 65

64 Fig 49. Crashing waves (2016)

Reality is all we have


With the constant ideologies pushed forward of how people should look and what they must do to fit into society we sometimes find it difficult to feel accepted for what we naturally enjoy. Inrsteem will explore real people and their diversity of being imperfect. Encouraging a community of people sharing interests of nature and its wellbeing properties. Striving for a celebration of reality and accepting that a perfect world isn’t achievable.

‘Have fun with your imperfect mind This is where freedom lives’. (Manfredi, K. 2015:online)

Fig 53. The chaos (2015)



The brand DNA -Visually stimulating -Mood uplifting -Digital distraction -Digital alert


-Colourful & expressive

-Informal -Laid back -Creative -Honest -Helpful -Realistic -Nature enthusiast -Silver lining


Internal -Trustworthy


-Quick fix -Advice -Relatable contents & imagery -Affordable




Source of authority

-Sourcing helpful services and products -Supportive -Interesting -Creating a community


12.- The Creative



- fulfilling the digital generations lifestyle



-Archetypes Mindfull of stress

Fig 54. The mind full consumer (2016)

This consumer group is feeling the stress from digital consumption and their every day repetitive lifestyles. Unworthy, constant comparing themselves to others and self-loath is their current state of mind. It is important for Inrsteem to understand this group of people because they feel disconnected from their individual selves and are filled with negativity. A laid back but helpful aesthetic can successfully communicate with them and make them reconnect to who they are.



Mindful & Balance

Fig 55. The mindful consumer (2016)

The mindful seekers have discovered what they enjoy in life and are embracing who they are. They seek for platforms that can improve their mental and physical wellbeing. ‘The British government is already embracing the behaviour for consumer health benefits.’ (LSN. 2012:online). As observed this group of consumers are flourishing and are constantly growing. The healthy and happy benefits of adopting this mind-set will most likely continue to grow and has become more than a trend but a lifestyle choice.


‘When it comes to social issues, Female millennials are, generally speaking, tolerant, optimistic and looking to be inspired. They’re thinking big.’ (Brennan, B. 2013:online)


- Who for? The stressed millennial is someone that is feeling the impact from digital data in their daily routine. Because of the normality of technology investment, they may not always be conscious that they are stressed but are seeking an escape from constant digital overload. The consumer, part of the millennial demographic is someone who uses technology frequently in their lives and often feels overwhelmed and threatened by the overload of data it supplies. This is Inrsteems target consumer, focusing on the female aged in their twenties, who use technology daily and are seeking something enjoyable and beneficial to be easily added in to their busy routines. ‘Women spend 40% more time on social networks than men.’ (Koozai.2013:online). These females have lived with technology over half of their lives and are starting to understand its negative aspects but feel trapped in its mechanism web.



The nature explorer Michelle Clever Michelle loves to paint her own creations inspired by what she finds while exploring in her home country Germany, but mostly adores the beauty of north Scandinavia in Winter with its culture and landscapes. She often lives too much through the camera lens but loves holding things for eternity. Above all she cares about connecting with people who love nature and photography. She writes and sings her own songs. Everything that deals with creativity or being alone in nature makes her happy. She is very self-critical and likes Instagram, however feels like she is drowning in it and taking some distance from the Internet is important to her. She does not currently read magazines but enjoys reading the Flow, she is looking for a more unique magazine to enter the market. She loves spending hours on Etsy discovering peoples creations such as hand made jewelry, for she likes to keep anything that contains a story or craft.

Expressive 76

Fig 56. Consumer moodboard 1 (2015-2016)

Likes a balanced life



The travel keen

Molly Wragg


Molly, a fashion and beauty enthusiast lives for travelling. Her favorite place to chill is on a hot, sunny beach during summer, especially Koh Samui (Thailand). Being mindful is important to her and she has no regrets. Her favorite magazine is Suitcase because of her interest in the environment and nature. Although she feels that it focuses on the rich customer too much and would love a nature magazine aimed at her demographic. Her favourite brand is Urban Outfitters because of their range of travel and bohemian inspired products.

Energetic Fig 57. Consumer moodboard 2 (2013-2016)

Mindful 78


The vegan blogger

Amber Felce

Amber is a vegan enthusiast writing about products she loves, trying out new brands and sharing her love for natural & organic beauty. She thinks that it is easy to become sucked into marketing, whereas there are a lot of small, artisan organic brands where the owner wants to create truly natural and organic products, and that is who she likes to support, such as brands like Beefayre and Ere Perez. Her favourite magazine is Natural Health and she is interested in publications involving travel, beauty and wellbeing. She would like like to prove the people wrong who say ‘natural isn’t better’.

Ambitious Health enthusiast 80

Fig 58. Consumer moodboard 3 (2014-2016)

Selective shopper



Curve of Innovation

Fig 59. Curve of innovation (2016)


These consumers fit into the Early Majority on Rogers Innovation of adopters curve; a way of categorizing consumers based on their reactions to brands and services. They are selective with what new products and services they try out. Depending on their lifestyle or theme of their blog/ Instagram, they are the testers of products and are considered the one to go to for reviews, information and experience of these services. Creative with their design and artistic creations on their networks, they inspire their followers and encourage them to adapt to new methods. These consumers may also fall in to the Early Majority category, for some of their reviews and posts may be less frequent compared to major trend services and bloggers.



Fig 61. Hobbes Ginsberg (2016)

Power of Promotion Delving deeper into analysing both successful and ineffective brands, exploring topics similar to Inrsteem such as travel and society. To understand how they are targeting their consumers and promoting themselves. In order for Inrsteem to create the most effective brand ingredients it is crucial to discover how brands are communicating with their audiences, to identify the best way to connect to the brands target consumers. A new service offering adventurous getaways for affordable prices, Whimsy travel successfully targets its risk-taking audience by promoting exotic and cultured holidays. Unlike other major travel companies, Whimsy uses technology in a helpful way- macro weather patterns to make sure its consumers will not be arriving on a rainy day. The quick and easy process of selecting your home city delivers off-beaten and unique destinations for those looking to try something different to common tourist destinations. (Fig 60.) Whimsy’s success is down to pure exploration and getting people out of their comfort zone. By providing its consumers with offbeat beauty spots, serendipity and adventure is created. By understanding that travel is about discovery, consumers have been left feeling excited and fulfilled from this service. Myanmar, Musandam and Kerala are not places for everyone, however this service has both succeeded in teaching people the wonders of the world and opening their eyes with spontaneity and triggering people to get out of their routines, with impressive imagery as a way to promote. Recently set up partner’s platform, the brand is offering its travellers to share their photography with the brand and in return their next escape will be funded. Showcasing creative photographers and writers the brand is successfully encouraging venturing out of comfort zones and creating a community for people who love travel.


Creative opportunities

Breaking comfort zones



Fig 60. Whimsy offbeat travel (2016)

Victoria Secrets 2014 advert campaign promoting the perfect body represents the media’s opinion on what is perfect. Stick thin models labelled as being what is ideal drove its audience to sign a petition for the brand to change its advertising for every body type, not just skinny. This is a prime example of how the media force feeds society with visions of what we should look like and how people will not stand for it anymore. Nearly 26,000 people signed the petition to fight against perfection labels. Recent magazines such as Dazed and Confused are currently challenging these stereotypes by exposing images of real people with their diverse shapes and flaws (Fig 61.). This photography is being shared on every social media platform in celebration of realism. Victoria Secrets main fault in their advertisement was that they did not understand who their target consumers were and what they wanted from the brand. The advertisement made them feel unworthy and unhappy with their appearances, therefore it is crucial to put the consumer first and create something that the consumer can connect and relate to.

Idealism Media driven


Word of mouth fighting back



Consumer Loyalty

Fig 62. Magic hour (2016)

To create a brand that forms a community, Inrsteem will put the consumer first by helping their personal wellbeing and connecting individuals to their interests. Also providing a platform where the consumers can connect to others like them. Not only will this gain loyalty for Inrsteem but will also trigger word of mouth marketing and emotional marketing, increasing a passionate community. ‘People buy for emotional reasons, but use rational logic to justify it. The emotional aspects of selling are critical to creating a long-term customer and converting that customer into an advocate and evangelist for your brand.’ (Plutsky, G. 2013:online).

Word of mouth marketing is an authentic way of promoting brands and is historically an initial way of marketing. ‘92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising.’ (Whitler, K. 2014:online). This above all is most likely due to the trust they share with those familiar to them; where as majority of brands fail to connect with us on a personal level. Today brands are in battle with each other to gain the most sales, consumers and followers on social media networks. They easily forget that these numbers are people and therefore fail to form relationships with their consumers. The US brand Free People (Fig 62.) successfully connects with its consumer by comprising five travel and wellness retreats spread across the globe. Each retreat promises unique adventures, influential guides and a daily menu of healthy meals, and enables travellers to explore the local culture through the lens of wellness. From working on a farm in the rolling hills of Sonoma to hiking through Yellowstone National Park and learning about natural minerals, the experiences aim to fully immerse travellers in the Free People brand. (Smith, J. 2016:online). The brand signifies the importance of giving consumers a personal experience and making them feel appreciated, in return for their loyalty and gaining lasting interest.


Fig 63. Adventures in fashion with Free People (2016)



13.- The






‘The boundaries between what is marketing, publishing, broadcasting and advertising have blurred. People now consume more media in their daily lives; often using mobile and television, or web and music, at the same time. Global web traffic statistics from marketing data services, such as Neilson BookData, show that consumers seem to be hungry for more. ‘ (Caldwell, C., Zappaterra, Y:2014, p.232). Therefore in order to stand out from all of this Inrsteem will focus on being less media driven and instead will supply the reader with information to make them feel more happier connected to their selves as individuals. After analyzing Inrsteems consumers interests and their connection to print, a magazine was clarified the correct offline antidote. These consumers are highly visual and are magpies for anything creative and natural; therefore it is important to supply them with a tactile document that communicates through the art of these visuals. This will be the magazines primarily focus. To differentiate to Inrsteems competitors such as Suitcase, Retreat and Cereal the magazine will rely on its use of images to communicate to the reader in contrast to large amounts of articles, interviews and long-winded text. Making the contents easily digestible, laid back and informal, therefore creating a more relaxed atmosphere for the reader.

Fig 65. Pacifica vegan perfume (2016)


Platform 1Available for touch

Results from a survey with 55, 16- 70+ year olds an outstanding 93% said that they were fed up of unwanted contents in magazines such as unrelated adverts, therefore Inrsteem will only advertise in its contents pages, such as recommending products. This purpose is to keep the reader fully absorbed and feeling benefits from each page instead of flicking through unhelpful and unwanted pages. Thus making the magazine more of a helpful, visual book to be used anywhere and alongside anything the reader wants, acting as a personal quick fix to energize and inspire. The magazine will not only attract the reader with their interests surrounding nature and wellbeing but will also provide them with product recommendations (Fig 65.), DIY beauty, music to get lost in, ways to control and embrace all moods we feel on a daily basis and pages such as bucket lists and mindful colouring to fully distract the reader from the outside world. Inrsteem overall is a positive distraction that will be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on how the reader is feeling at the time. By guiding the reader through a personal journey to embrace life with a stronger mind. Fig 66. Santorini seeking (2016)


Fig 64. Tina Sosna world (2016)



Platform 2Available





The detox brand that delivers your passions, it’s what your mind needs for a positive uplift. Join the community and feel part of a journey of self-discovery.


Although all social media platforms have similarities of image uploading and messaging they all had very different core meanings to why they started. Facebook for example started as a way to bad mouth a person online for others to see. The negative starting roots still can be seen today with the use of statuses and cyber bullying. Although all social media has its negatives and pave the roads for online abuse, Instagram was created to share your life visually on the go. Since then accounts worldwide have gained successful careers from their unique styles of expressing or captivating photography. The use of hashtags on Instagram has also proven to create a buzz over accounts, topics and brands. Facebook has started charging for marketing therefore making it much harder for upcoming brands to advertise down to budgets and costs. ‘Instagram delivers an engagement rate of 4.21% per follower, a whopping 58 times more engagement per follower than Facebook.’ (Cohen, J. 2015:online). Its simplicity of being only images and videos means that information is absorbed easier and acts as a photographic energizer and imaginative inspirer, therefore instantly engaging. Although not everyone has an Instagram account, millennials especially have become a key audience. Inrsteems consumers use the platform to show off their diverse creativity. When emailing the brands key consumer Michelle Clever aged 22, she stated that Instagram was her favourite social media platform. ‘Definitely Instagram. I met so many lovely souls there and I love to get inspired and share my own passions and creations and the beautiful moments of the world.’ (See Appendix p.195). Inrsteem aims to be highly visual and impactful through its use of imagery, therefore Instagram will be the chosen platform for the online element of the brand.



Music to connect to

D.I.Y encouraging

Promoting creative accounts Fig 67. Instagram Mock up (2016)

The brands Instagram account (Fig 67.), will encourage underground creative’s to express their work online by promoting a variety of accounts that explore topics such as nature and wellbeing. Daily motivational quotes, remedies such as what music to listen to and create your own facemasks are some of the contents that will be used. Helpful advice and upcoming events relating to nature and wellbeing will be picked out to fulfil the target consumer’s desires and interests.


The Spirit of the brand Calming yet Energetic To boost a balanced life it is important that Inrsteem communicates this through its tone. By creating a soothing atmosphere, where one can feel relaxed and distracted from stress but also injecting a mood uplift and energy boost so that the consumer is prepared for stepping back into their routines.

Helpful & Honest


Making sure that the consumer feels like they are gaining support and interesting information from Inrsteem, making their time investments worthwhile. Being truthful and not sugarcoating anything will create an honest touch to a realistic brand.

Enthusiastic & Colourful To make the consumer feel positive, being enthusiastic and colourful will be a huge part of the brands ethos. Thus meaning they constantly feel visually stimulated by thought provoking imagery, revived when investing time into the brand but also more confident about themselves as individuals.

Descriptive yet laid back Contents that is interesting, descriptive and not long-winded will allow the consumer to fully immerse themselves and feel distracted from what’s going on outside. By communicating ways to make the consumer manage their moods with a laid back feel will not patronize the consumer and make them feel equal.

By using hands on ways to communicate to the consumer by getting them to create bucket lists and colour in will allow them to feel connected to the brand on a personal level, for they are creating something unique to them and are adding their own touch onto the brand. Promoting brands, services and people that are easily accessible to them, reasonably priced and are not size 0 will set the consumers minds at ease and fill them with self confidence.



Fig 68. The calm (2015)

Personal and Relatable

Creating a tone of voice and ethos for Inrsteem will enhance its personality and easily allow consumers to develop a relationship with the brand. After analysing the brands consumers and their creative and bubbly personas, it is crucial that Inrsteem embraces this personality type by communicating to match their needs.


14.- The Launch Of Inrsteem




start of the Journey 17th June The opening of The Switch House (The new Tate Modern)

Inrsteem will launch at the beginning of June. The first issue for the magazine will be fairly small consisting of 60 pages. This is to initially test out its success. The theme of Issue 1 will be based upon summer haze and how to embrace life on both moody cloudy days and happier days when self-esteem is greater. The issue will journey through self-discovery and communicate an optimistic outlook. June marks the beginning of summer, therefore allows the reader to prepare for the summer months by Inrsteem releasing at the end of springtime. Fig 69. represents a cultural calendar formed to discover key events happening during this time that celebrate key themes relating to the brands ethos such as mindfulness, creativity, youthfulness and getting outside. Subsequently launching the brand at these key events would attract many potential consumers for Inrsteem who share these themes of interests

Brand ambassadors

3rd-5th June Lunar Spiritual festival Nick Drake, Birmingham

2 6 t h May - 5 t h J u n e Howthelightgetsin Mind & Psychology festival Hereford

Fig 69. Cultural calendar Moodboard (2016)


9th-12th June Gottwood Music & arts festival Anglesey

Gottwood and Lunar festival will be where the brand initially launches. Providing consumers with a pop up event at the festival selling the first issue of the magazine and promoting the brands Instagram page. Contributors of the magazines contents such as Glacier Girl, Tina Sosna and brand Beefayre (See appendix p.142) will be the brands ambassadors at Inrsteems pop up stall. These creative’s and brand are renowned for their inspirational photography or natural products and although fairly underground, they have been credited for their attributes to the environment and connecting people with nature. The launch will therefore act as a way to promote themselves with consumers at the festival but also Inrsteem. Discussions regarding mindfulness and discovering people’s interest will get people interacting with Inrsteem and what it is about. Pictures from the day of the brand ambassadors and potential consumers will be uploaded on Inrsteems Instagram account, marking the start of a journey to create more positive contents on social media but also creating a community where people can relate to and feel part of something encouraging. This launch event will support word of mouth advertising, by creating a buzz both at the festival and afterwards on Instagram. After contacting particular creative Instagram accounts such as Inrsteems consumer Michelle Clever (also known as Daughter of the woods) and brand ambassador Tina Sosna they both expressed their definite interest for Inrsteem, therefore would be perfect to initially test and buy the magazine, later promoting it at the launch event.




Marketing mix Fig 70. Living young

After discussing with Inrsteems consumers such as Amber Felce, Molly Wragg and Michelle Clever their opinion was that they would pay up to £5/6 pounds on a magazine. After analysing Inrsteems competitors such as Suitcase, Cereal and Kinfolk they cost £6+ which is considered a high cost for a magazine. Therefore to compete against these high costs Inrsteem will be priced at £5, which also meets its consumers budgets. The magazine will be Bi-annual (Summer and Winter) for the first year to test out its success. The Instagram account will continue all year round and will promote other alternatives to the magazine such as pop up events for Inrsteem taking place at festivals and arts and creative events throughout the year. Although advertisement pages will not be used in the magazine, form of advertising through product recommendation and brand articles will fund the magazine. Pop up Inrsteem events through out the year will also act as ways of funding the brand through selling merchandise such as mindful quote posters and stationary. Group activities and conversations at the pop up events to release stress tensions and discuss issues, will act as a way of community funding and continuing to form the brands helpful ethos (Fig 70.).

The magazine will be sold in shops such as Urban Outfitters, in the book section. (Fig 72.) Urban Outfitters sells a wide range of books, relating to mindfulness, creativity and nature. Therefore Inrsteem will fit into these topics, however because of it being a magazine with a visual book vibe it will stand out against them and will target those who don’t always like reading. This also has the advantage of it not being compared to its competitors, such as sitting next to them on a magazine shelf, where it will easily blend in and not grab attention. It will also be sold in independent café’s such as Lee Rosy’s in Nottingham, a café that sells over 100 types of loose leaf tea, promoting their health benefits. (Fig, 71.) Therefore Inrsteem will act as the perfect tea table magazine for consumers to read while relaxing in the café. Lee Rosy’s also hosts events, particularly those creatively afflicted, meaning one of Inrsteems pop up event would be provided by a host sharing similar goals of distressing its consumers. Consequently one of Inrsteems pop up events will be held here, in the midlands making it also fairly easy access being in the middle of the country.


Fig 71. Lee Rosy’s (2016)




Promotion ‘According to, business branding involves the process of “creating a unique name and image for the product in the consumers mind’, mainly though advertising campaigns with a consistent theme”.’ (New Familiar Publishing:2016, p.3). Thus indicating in order to gain a loyal relationship with consumers Inrsteems advertising needs to capture their attention foremost. In order to achieve this the brands ambassadors Glacier Girl, Tina Sosna and brand Beefayre along with Instagram and blogger contributors to the magazine will initially advertise Inrsteem on their blogs and Instagram accounts. (Fig 73.) This primarily will create more of a creative community and keep an underground vibe. By tagging Inrsteems Instagram account and encouraging their loyal followers to go buy the magazine. This will act as the main form of advertising. This will be tested out for the first 6 months, however in order for the brand to branch out further, it needs to advertise in well-known areas, appealing to a bigger market. Advertising at Gottwood and Lunar Festival where the initial launch will be held and pop up destinations over the year will also act as vital ways of promoting the brand in both remote and open spaces.


Fig 73. Promotion mock up (2016)






15.- Consumer




& Looking

towards the

Future 105

The beneficial effects of Inrsteem/ feeling more balanced and less stressed Becoming more creative with Instagram/ write to be a contributor in Inrsteems magazine

Initial understanding of how a consumer would interact with the brand can be seen in the form of McKinsey’s decision journey model- a loyalty loop. By pinpointing the crucial acts Inrsteems consumers will make, the overall goal can be seen. This consists of forming a bond with the brand and after investing time into it feeling its benefits. Through the consumer doing this, word of mouth marketing will be used showing brand appreciation and furthering the community.

Feel part of a community alongside others with same interests



d si




Loyalty Loop







Being visually stimulated and the balance Inrsteem can bring





Recommend to friends/ people who share similar interests/ follow the Instagram page



Purchase Inrsteem magazine from Urban Outfitters/ Cafes/ Festivals


The Journey

3] Buys the magazine and follows Instagram page

1] The consumer goes to Gottwood or Lunar festival and sees pop up stall


4] Goes to pop up events to get involved 2] Meets and chats to brand ambassadors

with Inrsteems experiences

and people who share similar interests


LEE ROSY‘S NOTTINGHAM 24TH SEPTEMBER 7-10PM Mindful chats & Visual experiences Fig 74. Consumer journey images (2016)




Join the creative community!


5] Likes Instagram pictures and feels a positive boost


6] Feels happier after time invested in the Instagram account and magazine. Uploads image, using a hashtag to tag Inrsteem,





Future Considerations 6 months 6 months after the initial launch of Inrsteems platforms, a goal of 5,000 Instagram followers will optimistically be met. Mini experience events will he held around the midlands in various outdoor events such as the Clothes show live, Birmingham held in December and Lee Rosy’s café Nottingham. Consisting of a pop up stall selling Inrsteems magazine and merchandise, a Polaroid camera set up where friends can capture the moments together and mindful chats surrounding topics such as nature, digital stress and wellbeing with Inrsteems brand ambassadors. This will gain further recognition of the brand and act as word of mouth marketing.







1-2 years

3-4 years Depending on Inrsteems funds an app will be created to act as an alert informing people how to get the best out of technology, mindfulness advice and an instant anxiety relief. With the new 5g network available from anytime between 20172020 (depending on commercial deployment), this will make using technology for a mindful advantage quicker and easier. Inrsteem will venture out to other countries after gaining approval from various bloggers and Instagram creative’s across the globe (Fig 76.) Thus furthering sales and raising awareness of digital wellbeing.




Fig 75. Blog mockup (2016)

Fig 76. Diffusion (2016)

Evaluation of Inrsteems success will be analysed, depending on the results of success in magazine sales, the magazine will be changed from bi-annual release to seasonal release. Each issue focusing on exploring different topics such as digital stresses, money stresses or over worrying. Each issue will explore remedies and products appropriate for the time of year. Collaboration with brands such as Beefayre to continue the line of merchandising such as anti stress candles and personal cards. Pop up events continue, spreading further across the country to gain more awareness. Official Inrsteem blog (Fig 75.) and shop created, allowing brand ambassadors to contribute naturally forming an alliance of creative’s, making contents more frequent and inspirational.


16. To conclude This report outlined the potential gap in the market for creating a brand idea based upon the digital detox trend. By observing the macro trends and micro trends within it, it was possible to build the right brand ingredients. Primary and secondary researching enabled me to understand this trend and the affect it has on consumer’s lifestyles both in the UK and other parts of the world. By investigating both major and less recognized brands, services and publications it was possible to clarify the gap in the market for a brand to inject more balance into peoples lifestyles. With technology continuing to advance each year, this report outlined the importance of switching off from using it during parts of our day for the welfare of the brain. Understanding that we cannot take technology away from millennials lifestyle completely, without there being withdrawal consequences was a crucial part to forming Inrsteems brand essence; to encourage its consumers to use technology more selectively and creating extra time to immerse themselves with their interests.

Word count 8788 114



Image References

Fig 1. Misty mood (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 2. Ottod’ame Mediterranean colour story (2016) [Own Photograph] Available at: Ottod’ame Mediterranean Lookbook S/S15. [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 3. Ikettle The first Wi-Fi kettle (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 4. NO_THING – An infrared light framework that turns (almost) anything into a device (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 5. Lucy McRae: Blurring The Lines Between Art, Technology And The Human Form (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 6. Technology should make us optimistic (2013) [Online Photograph] Available at: five_great_books_on_technology_and_optimism_partner/. [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 7. Thync wearable device capable of controlling mood through brain stimulation (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 8. Headspace the science behind meditation The EA Headspace (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: http://www. [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]. Fig 9. A modern day Millennials belongings (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 10. Digital Detoxing (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 11. Millennials in their glory (2015) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 12. Kim Kardashian selfie (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 13. Dead girls are skinner (2013) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 14. Landscape Photography by Elizabeth Gadd (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: http://intophotos.blogspot. [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 15. Property of Society (2013) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 16. Vegan food market (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]

Fig 19K. Vegan food market (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 19L. Lina Saber chill (2016) Available at: Fig 19M. This book will make you calm (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 19N. Worry will vanish (2012) Available at: Fig 19O. Sweden Mirror cube (2016) Available at: Fig 19P. Lumio Lamps (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 19q. Green is the new black (2016) [Own Photograph] Available at: Conde Nast Traveller P, 24. Fig 20. Peak Performance Magic hour (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 21. John Moose album (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 22. Westwood Climate revolution (2013) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 23. Ungendered by Zara (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 24. Beefayre drawing & Bee (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 25. App Calm (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 26. Statue of Buda Japan (2009) [Online Photograph] Available at: in/set-72157620934609758/. [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 30. Lina Saber (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 31. Kew Gardens Ylang- ylang (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 32. Spire Wearable (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 20. Peak Performance Magic hour (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 21. John Moose album (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]

Fig 17. Pepper futuristic robot (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]

Fig 22. Westwood Climate revolution (2013) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]

Fig 18. Selfridges No noise (2013) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]

Fig 23. Ungendered by Zara (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]

Fig 19. Cartogram Moodboard (2016) [Online and Offline Photographs] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 19A. Westwood Climate revolution (2013) Available at: tagged/vivienne-westwood. Fig 19B. Lauren Singer quote (2015) Available at: Suitcase magazine Vol.12 P, 31. Fig 19C. John. F Kennedy quote (2012) Available at: Fig 19D. Human Nature Jason DeCaires (2012) Available at: Fig19E. PHB Ethical Beauty (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig19F. Anja Niemi Photography (2014) Available at: Fig 19G. Stockholm mobile warning (2016) Available at: Fig 19H. Driven to Extinction (2016) [Own photograph] Available at: Driven to Extinction: The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (Richard Pearson). Fig 19J. Internet Addiction (2016) [Own Photograph] Available at: Internet Addiction Evaluation Treatmt (Kimberly S. Young).

Fig 24. Beefayre drawing & Bee (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]


Fig 25. App Calm (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 26. Statue of Buda Japan (2009) [Online Photograph] Available at: in/set-72157620934609758/. [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 30. Lina Saber (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 31. Kew Gardens Ylang- ylang (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 32. Spire Wearable (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016]


Fig 33. The mindfulness book (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: adult-colouring-books.html. [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 34. Online attribute [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 35. Offline attribute Breezing through Bequia (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: http://www.fashionmenow. [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 56. Consumer moodboard 1 (2015-2016) [Online Photographs] Available at: http://daughterofthewoods.blogspot. [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 57. Consumer Moodboard 2 (2013-2016) [Online Photographs] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 58. Consumer moodboard 3 (2014-2016) [Online Photographs] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 59. Curve of innovation (2016) [Own digital diagram] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 36. Inrsteem identity (2016) [Own Photograph of watercolour painting by Emma and Val Bailey] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 60. Whimsy offbeat travel (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 37. Cereal magazine (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 61. Hobbes Ginsberg (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 38. No music no life (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 62. Magic hour (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 39. App Calm (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 63. Adventures in fashion with Free People (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: top-stories/adventures-in-fashion-with-free-people/. [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 40. The Dignified self (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 64. Tina Sosna world (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 41. Headspace app (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 65. Pacifica vegan perfume (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 42. Suitcase moodboard (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 66. Santorini seeking (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 46. Emma Fineman painting (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 67A. Instagram Mock up (2016) [Online Photographs] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 67B. Instagram screenshot [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 67C. Pacifica vegan perfume (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 67D. Tina Sosna world (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 67E. Ocean air salty hair [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 67F. Moody clouds (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 67G. DIY scrub (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 67H. Alina Baraz (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 67I. Glacier girl garage shoot [Online Photograph] Available at:

Fig 47. DIY vegan face mask (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 68. The calm (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 48. Wandering [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 69. Cultural calendar (2016) [Online Photographs] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 69A New Tate Modern (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 69B Lunar festival (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: pb.359950377379218.-2207520000.1462121783./979749042066012/?type=3&theater. Fig 68C How the light gets in (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 68D Gottwood festival (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at:

Fig 43. Retreat magazine The Raven group (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: pin/435582595191522988/. [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 44. Sunspel in Cereal magazine (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 45. Misty waters (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 49. Crashing waves (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 50. Smoke and pleasure TwistedLamb (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: search?updated-max=2012-04-13T18:32:00-07:00&max-results=50. [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 51. Starting the day right (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 52. Peaceful (2009) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 70. Living young [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 71. Lee Rosy’s (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016]

Fig 53. The chaos (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 72. Urban Outfitters books (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016]

Fig 54. The mind full consumer (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 73. Promotion mock up (2016) [Online Photographs] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 73A. Glacier Girl blog (2016) Available at: Fig 73B. Inrsteem photoshoot (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey]

Fig 55. The mindful consumer (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 27th April 2016]

Fig 74. Consumer journey (2016) [Online and offline Photographs] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016]



Fig 74A. Lunar festival (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 74B. Living young [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 74C. Instagram screenshot (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 74D. Inrsteem launch (2016) [Own mockup] Fig 74E. Instagram screenshot (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 74F. Tina Sosna happy (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 75. Blog mockup (2016) [Online Photographs] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 75A. Logo (2016) [Digital mockup] Fig 75B. Moody clouds (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 75C. Tina Sosna world (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 75D. DIY scrub (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 76. Diffusion (2016) [Online] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 76A. Map (2016) [Online] Available at: Fig 76B. Map location symbol [Online] Available at: Fig 77. NO_THING – An infrared light framework that turns (almost) anything into a device (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 78. NO_THING – An infrared light framework that turns (almost) anything into a device (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 79. Design moodboard (2016) [Online and offline Photographs] [Last Accessed 26th April 2016] Fig 79A. Tina Sosna (2016) Available at: Fig 79B. Moody clouds (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 79C. Ocean air salty hair [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 79D. Inrsteem identity (2016) [Own Photograph of watercolour painting by Emma and Val Bailey] Fig 79E. Mineral Goethite (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 79F. Misty waters (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 80. Alina Baraz (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: Fig 81. Brand identity (2016) [Digital mock up] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 82. Creative concept moodboard (2016) [Sketchbook Photographs] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 83. Yucca Brevifolia (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 84. Save the Maldives shoot (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 85. Tina Sosna (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 86. Beefayre drawing & Bee (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 87. DIY scrub (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: html. [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 88. A complicated pair (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: post/136329330759/a-complicated-pair-boccaccinimeadows. [Last Accessed 28th April 2016]


Fig 89. Inrsteem Photoshoot moodboard (2016) [Offline and online Photographs] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 89A. Still an innocent (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 89B. Lives change like the weather (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 89C. Hideout (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] Fig 89D. Florence + The Machine [Online Photograph] Available at: https://s-media-cache b1/6175b1faec2811d1c69bd42ce952798f.jpg. Fig 89E. Balmain makeup (2015) Available at: Fig 90. Layout inspiration moodboard (2016) [Sketchbook Photographs] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 91. Trendland moodboard (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 92. Layout moodboard (2016) [Online Photographs of own photography] [Last Accessed 28th April 2016] Fig 93. Binding inspiration (2016) [Sketchbook Photographs] [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 94. Perfect bound books [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 95. Pinterest boards (2016) [Online Photographs] Available at: [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 96. PHB Beauty (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 97. Tokyo Shrines (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 98. Kew Gardens (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 99. Vegan food market (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 100. The Victoria & Albert Museum (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 101. Beefayre offices (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 102. Tokyo Mori Art Museum (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 103. Tate Modern (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey [Last Accessed 29th April 2016] Fig 104. App Calm (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 105. The Dignified self (2015) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 106. Headspace app (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 107. Suitcase moodboard (2016) Fig 107. Suitcase moodboard (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 108. Retreat magazine The Raven group (2016) [Online Photograph] Available at: pin/435582595191522988/. [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 109. Cereal magazine (2014) [Online Photograph] Available at: [Last Accessed 27th April 2016] Fig 110. Focus group (2016) [Own Photograph by Emma Bailey] [Last Accessed 29th April 2016]


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1. Staying in control 134-137 2. The design 138-151 3. Survey reflecting 152-153 4. Pinterest inspiration 154-155 5. Exploring & researching 156-159 6. Big idea generating 160-173 7. Case studies 174-179 134

8. Methodology 180-183 9. Transcripts 184-211 10. Consent forms 212-15 11. Critical path 216- 217 12. Tutorial record sheets 218-226 13. Declaration form 227 14. Ethical checklist 227 135



Staying in control

In order to observe future considerations of potential hazards for the brands success a SWOT has been formed to underpin its elements of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for the future and what could potentially be a threat to Inrsteem.


-Encouraging a balanced life in the modern age -Inspired by The new sublimity which is a current macro trend and is a life choice people are opting for -Different to typical digital detoxing alternatives such as camp grounded and apps such as headspace. -Positive and honest -Targeting millennials in a way they can relate to (realism not idealism) -Helpful guidance -Easily accessible -Mood uplifting -Sense of freedom -Community feel

Opportunities -Room for future growth- what will it do in the future -Collaborating with other brands/ artists or designers -Reaching out to a larger audience/ interests -Collaborating with professionals -Exploring different interests and realistic living in each issue -Tapping into other digital platforms/ social websites -Merchandising -Meet ups (sharing interests/ creating more of a community)

Weaknesses -Won’t appeal to everyone -Doesn’t appeal to everyone’s interests -Some people ignore magazines/ won’t buy them -Might be perceived as too safe/ boring -People have to go out their way to buy a magazine

Threats -Timely now but will it still be in the future? -People’s interests may change -Decline in print -People’s mindsets on taking breaks from technology might change, particularly because of the internet of things and everyday household items connecting to the internet. -Lack of advertising in publication might cause lack of funds


Possible obstacles To identify potential and definite changes in society and the world and the possible affects on Inrsteem that they might have.


Dissatisfaction with inequality is continuing- Idea could get bad feedback for not appealing to/ targeting both genders. - Many major retailers are aiming to reach 2020 sustainability goals Meaning making people aware of nature/ mindfulness is timely


Uk will be fifth biggest economy by 2020 consider to rise jobs growth and younger workforce according to The Guardian- Jobs growth means less money relates stress issues


At the start of 2015 Facebook users were posting 75 percent more videos compared to previous years according to Inc. – Therefore will enough people be interested in making time to turn off from the Internet


Technology is advancing- everyday essentials connecting to the Internet in the very near future such as NO_THING, (Fig 77 & 78.) which is an infrared light framework that turns almost anything into a device. - Might possibly make it harder for people to turn off from it as it is becoming much more easily accessible.

Fig 78. NO_THING Infrared (2015)



Fig 79. Design moodboard (2016)

2.The Design

Colour palette AlaskA Aquatic Urban Flora


Creme of the sun Misty photography/ Watercolour spectrums/ Nature formations/ Calming serenity/ Blurry pixels/ Forward font


Candlelit fIRE

Moss Beneath

Fig 80. Alina Baraz (2015)

Rich Risk

Pastel/ burnt crisp and fluorescent bright


Logo Design

Exploring watercolor effects to create misty settings and textures.

Mineral Evolve

To make Inrsteem form a recognizable image, various techniques were used to form an overall simple yet bold logo. Inspired by watercolor and colour steam textures, the mineral evolve element represents nature and letting off stressful steam. The waves in the logo also represent letting off steam and the ocean, connecting stress and nature together. The broken circle of the logo represents imperfectness. Paintbrush effects were used to create a block pattern of rugged looking splotches. This effect was to represent the flaws that everyone has and communicate the brands colours visually. The colour palette was chosen by dull mysterious navy and grey tones to show the worries we all feel. Contrasting sea tone blues and green represent the optimism that these nature tones can supply us, creating a silver lining result.

Identifying nature’s waves and the uncertainty they bring. Fig 82. Creative concept moodboard (2016)


142 Fig 81. Brand identity (2016)


Fig 84. Save the Maldives shoot (2015)

Instagram: Boccaccinimeadows- Pattern design and illustrator By providing Inrsteems consumers with an Instagram platform, this acknowledges creative and successful accounts and bloggers to be part of the brands community. Therefore contributors for the magazine and Instagram will be creative and distinctive but also fairly underground who fit the perfect consumer archetype for the brand. This will therefore gain recognition for the creative accounts and bloggers, but also will inspire Inrsteems consumers by not patronizing them with fame and media driven idols. This also visually expresses how to get the best out of social media platforms and how they can be used in a positive way for the mind.

Instagram: Glacier996Girl Promoting climate change for the modern generations The range of light wilderness band & creative

Fig 87. DIY scrub (2016)

Instagram :Tinasosna Credited photographer

Blog: Daisily Vegan blogger and product tester Instagram :Trolw Fig 83. Yucca Brevifolia (2016)

Fig 85. Tina Sosna (2016)

Brand: Beefayre Fig 86. Beefayre drawing & Bee (2015)




The Photoshoot The photoshoot for the contents pages of Inrsteems first magazine issue was Inspired by hauntingly beautiful imagery such as Florence + the Machine band imagery, and Vaults, Vultures music video. Both connect to nature in a creative way by expressing strong human emotions captivating the same essence of Inrsteem. Makeup trends were took from the S/S catwalk such as Dior and Balmain with their highly simple peach blended eye, full natural brows and contrasting contouring and the current glowing strobe effect on the higher cheekbone. Giving a more natural effect once captured, yet outlining the models features. Editing effects during post-production such as setting the contrast high to focus on crisp detail and dulling the brightness gave a less luxurious effect, enhancing realism. Black and white and blurring effects were also used to represent different moods and imperfections. The purpose of the Photoshoot was not to promote clothing, rather celebrate the models personal style, while showing connections to nature. The model a millennial is a photogenic yet ordinary girl so that the consumer can relate to her. The photoshoot will be used in the magazine almost as a personal diary showing the models contrasting moods and how to embrace them, showing the emotions behind the person in the imagery, yet creating a pictorial stimulant.




Overlays/ clean travel inspired imagery and misty textured imagery. Bold typography, imperfect style drawings and tracing paper inserts.

Inspirations Trendland Moodboard


Whistles S/S16 lookbook

Fig 90. Layout inspiration moodboard (2016)

Fig 91. Trendland moodboard (2016)


Creating the layout

Simple/ haunting handwriting on photography to take a break from busier contents pages. Tracing paper insert before the page will wake up the consumers senses and provide the mind with change.

Photoshoot of realistic millennial model- showing connecting to nature. Moody style block imagery and overlaying to create a less perfect and bold effect to show a variety of human moods.

Contrasting edited photography representing the different moods we go through in our daily routines.

Clean/ colourful imagery to help clear the mind and to concentrate on the photography. Collage style lay out and lined through text gives a more amateur and personal touch, making it relatable.


Fig 92. Layout moodboard (2016)


Fig 95. Perfect bound books


240mm x 190mm

Creating an aesthetic that is imperfect yet visually communicative through perfect binding and uncoated paper. Creating a balance between a perfectly structured magazine, with a professional and clean look and matte paper with a natural reflected shine to resemble flaws and realism. To define a texture, which is crisp at the touch. The cover will consist of a heavier weight to form a book feel. 240mm x 190mm creates a less bulkier handhold for on the go, yet is still enlarged enough to visually arouse.


152 Fig 93. Binding inspiration (2016)

3. Survey Reflecting ‘Channeling your inner Boho’ 55 responses aged 16-70+

Aim- To gather a broad initial understanding of peoples opinions on digital detox and magazines



Stated that they needed/ wanted more of an optimistic boost in their day

Feel that they have become too dependent on technology


Would like to have an escape from technology more often

93% 65%


Stated they were fed up of unwanted contents such as unrelated adverts in magazines

Don’t think about the Environment

Travel was the most popular magazine contents choice

Stated the welfare of the Environment is important to them


‘Gen Y: What is ownership?’

60 responses Aim- To understand peoples attachments to physical vs. digital things they own and the importance of brands

74% 80% 72% 76% 62% 93% 81% 85%

Stated that the brand they buy from is important to their purchase decision

Stated that they didn’t feel happier after Spending 3+ hours on the internet

Feel like they truly own something in this materialistic world

Prefer physical materialistic objects to digital

Prefer owning magazines physically

Stated that they don’t actually need most things that they purchase

Feel that what they own and buy reflects elements of their personality

Stated that the power of owning something was important to them


inspiration & 4. Pinterest collecting research


Fig 96. Pinterest boards (2016)


5.Exploring & researching-

Places attended and visited Fig 99. Kew Gardens (2016)

Fig 100. Vegan food market (2016)

Fig 97. PHB Beauty (2016)

Fig 98. Tokyo Shrines (2016)



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Fig 104. Tate Modern (2016)

Fig 103. Tokyo Mori Art Museum (2016)


Fig 102. Beefayre offices (2016)

Fig 101. The Victoria & Albert Museum (2016)

Lee Rosy’s cafe PHB ethical beauty store Rough trade LSN A/W15 trend briefing Technology forward phone shop, Tokyo Kew Gardens, London Ideas on paper Beefayre head office & grounds V&A Museum Tokyo Advertising Museum Tokyo Mori Art Museum Tokyo Shrines Vegan & organic food market, Tokyo Tate Modern London Butterfly Yoga Bees pollinators of the world, Northampton


6. Big idea generating Realisations/ key points Highlighting vital points Headers & realisations further detail/ background researching Summarising

Initial brainstorming of interests and how they can be applied to current movements such as The new sublimity.Connecting this movement to various words to trigger ideas and put it into action.



Exploring various ways The new sublimity can be used such as digital detoxing. Important insight to be pushed further. Understanding and brainstorming why The new sublimity is having an impact on people’s choices and lifestyles.

Understanding what The new sublimity stands for, who it targets and its main competitors. Free writing task to generate ideas and express important feelings that may be used or tested.



Further testing ideas, brainstorming various ways it can be put into action. Understanding who the consumer is and how to target them/ what they are like.


Further generating led to an idea on helping millennials stressed minds. Using the word asssociations, oblique strategies and Dan Locton cards to test.


Searching for ways to create the right antidote, choosing magazine to be pushed forward. Analysing and expressing key values and creating the big idea.

Taking steps back to discover more detailed information about The new sublimity. Erasing big idea statement and testing it more. Analysing if a magazine is the right antidote.



Pushing the big idea further by turning it into a brand service. Brainstorming and highlighting decided factors for what the brand will aim to achieve. Testing names/ asking opinions and highlighting chosen name. Summarising exactly what the brand will try to achieve to create the right service for target audience.



Swot prepares the brand for threats and obstacles along the way of executing. Testing of its success points and things that need work on.

Testing to discover the brand ideas strong points and negatives, to trial and improve. Taking steps back to discover more detailed information about The new sublimity. Erasing big idea statement and testing it more. Analysing if a magazine is the right antidote.



Understanding the faults within the brand and improving/ testing further. Summary of idea and looking at various ways different types of people might execute it.


Feedback indicated that the name Inrsteem would be more appropriate for the ethos of the brand, rather than Inrsteam.

Analysing further to make sure it is appropriate enough. Question and answering testing. Pest analysis to understand what is happening in the world and how it might affect it.



7. Case studies

The Dignified Self

Calm begun with where users could set a timer and watch beautiful scenery of nature on their screens. It then released an app where users could follow 7 steps to calm. As the user goes through the steps of meditation, posture and mindfulness in hope to improve the focus of the mind and release stressful tension the instructions become unclear and it gets repetitive in terms of visuals. The typical blue sky used frequently throughout the use of the app is very uninspiring and flat; therefore it doesn’t provide the user with through provoking stimulation.

The dignified self consists of a website and social media pages, making people more aware of the effects technology has and to be more mindful while using it. ‘Adds to the Quantified Self an initiative for the human focused perspective on technologies. It delivers an orientation in a time of digitally driven change of people, society and work.’ (The Dignified Self 2016:online). By focusing on the consumer TDS helps teach way of mindfulness in various environments. The contents on the app and website is very varied making it appealing to a wide audience and genders. Teaches people how to keep a strong state of mind while using technology.

It goes through the stages of meditation without actually teaching the user how to meditate. After the 7 steps are up to unlock more visuals and further contents it requires payment. Although encouraging the user to be mindful and take moments out of their daily routine to be blissful, when using the app it becomes more of a chore to do than actual encouragement. The music however by Kip Mazuy, a big name in the music meditation world has made the app more notorious than other mindful apps such as smiling mind.

Although it has a wide range of contents from drawings, to business articles the images used include mainly an adult demographic, potentially putting off younger consumers. The contents is also typed in a very long winded and almost patronizing way constantly informing the reader to change, which not everyone wants to do and could be interpreted the wrong way. The layout especially makes the website unappealing with unadventurous imagery, colour palettes and form, therefore although helpful information it doesn’t capture the readers attention and is not very well identified or acknowledged.

Calm also has a book which is sold in many major retailers and bookshops. The book journeys through topics such as nature and children and teaches how to be more aware of our surroundings. The visuals once again are very typical and lack creativity. The brand can teach many about mindfulness but its lack of edge and difference wont capture everybody’s attention for long. Key strengths • • • • • • • •

Anti stress benefits Awareness of the present Creates a calmer atmosphere Use of well known voice over Online and offline aspects- creating a balance Some free contents such as the 7 steps Appeals to both genders Attracts all ages

The website itself is time consuming as the information is in depth and not straight to the point, therefore the reader has to put in time and effort to gain the information they want and for people who don’t like a lot of reading, this is unappealing. This is definitely not how InrSteam will display its information because in order for people to get distracted enough it needs to visually control their thoughts and emotions. Overall although clever insights and helpful articles are produced very frequently on this free website and social media service it is unattractive for the colourful and imaginative consumer who wants to be stimulated. Key strengths • • • • • •

Professional findings Thorough research Free Easily accessed on social media platforms A reminder that technology can be draining on the brain Appeals to both genders

Key weaknesses

• • • • • •


Information can be found elsewhere Conventional visuals and typography Book and unlocking all contents is costly Have to make time to use it Lack of difference to typical Buddhism websites Repetitive contents- only so much you can do

Fig 105. App Calm (2016)

Key weaknesses

• • • • • • •

Displayed in a very business driven way Long winded information Uncreative layout & design recipe Lack of innovation Targeting mainly at older adults Information can be found elsewhere Time consuming

Fig 106. The Dignified self (2015)



Suitcase Magazine

Loved by celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, headspace is currently being used in 150 countries and in 2014 was worth 25 million GBS. The idea of injecting a quick burst of calmness into a daily routine with ease of access in app form makes it so popular. Injecting mindfulness in our daily routine is at the core of the brands ethos along with teaching meditation techniques. Although similar to app calm possibly what sets it apart is its unique animated visuals that give traditional calming images a twist. The brands youtube videos have also been successful as they are short, snappy yet promote mindfulness in a laid back and positive way.

Raising important issues such as sustainability, stunning photography and luxurious products, Suitcase magazine helps people prepare for a holiday in style or fills the fashion and travel lovers information surrounding their interest. The physical magazine which comes out seasonally focuses on different places in the world each time. The minimal layout and simplistic advertising is mouthwatering to look at, nevertheless the reading is very in depth and mature. Unless you are well off and have travelled to luxurious places you cant exactly connect with the magazine. Full with designer products, those looking for help with what to pack for Mallorca will need to keep searching. This makes the magazine target only a small audience and stops the travel lover from feeling like they belong.

By encouraging taking a break from our hectic routines the animations act as a bit of fun and are not taken too seriously, especially appealing you younger adults but also both genders. The CEO and monk Andy shares his knowledge with users adding personalization to the brand. It also has a strong sense of community and has advanced into books, blogs and other social media platforms. It is quite possibly the most successful mindful platform because of its laid-back coolness and trends visuals. InrSteam can learn a lot from this brand especially the way it uses short, snappy sentences and fun graphics to communicate with its consumers.

The website beautifully designed is very similar to the magazine and shares information about not the obvious travelling hot spots. The social media pages are perfect for visual inspiration however especially on Instagram. Overall the magazine targets the female consumer very well if they have enough money to buy whatever they want and go to these hidden hot spots. This magazine therefore clarified there is definitely a gap in the market with brands and magazines not targeting those with a cheaper budget or who just want to feel lost in their nature related interests. Key strengths

Loved by a wide audience including celebrities Fun, quirky and unusual Short, snappy and down to the point Positive and uplifting Industry and traditions background knowledge Branched out to offline sources such as books Free trial Quick and easy Logo is recognizable

Key weaknesses • • • •


Costly after free trial Doesn’t target peoples interests/ very broad The app is repetitive after time Visuals wont attract everyone and might be seen as childish to some

Stunning imagery Visual inspiration Minimal look appeals to a range of people Helping people decide what to pack Not overloaded with advertisement & advertisement is carefully picked out People can discover unheard of places and hotspots

Key Weakness • • • • •

Price for the magazine £6 is quite costly Therefore only appeals to a certain demographic People on a budget feel uninvited/ unwanted Text long winded Looks very similar to Frankie/Cereal/Kinfolk

Fig 108. Suitcase moodboard (2016)

• • • • • • • • •

Fig 107. Headspace app (2016)

Key strengths

• • • • • •


Retreat Magazine

Cereal Magazine

Glossy magazine Retreat focuses on delivering the fashionable travel consumer the latest trends, idyllic places and colour palettes inspired by nature. Focusing on more of a mixed consumer it includes trends and beauty products both designer and off the high street, appealing to a wider female audience.

The highly minimal and photographic magazine Cereal is published twice a year focuses on interesting and creative stories and places. Explores culture and expresses them in a very literate way.

Although the content is interesting and candy for the travel lover, the layout of each page is random and looks out of place. There is not a running theme throughout which makes the magazine look unprofessional and unmemorable. This magazine has been an eye opener for InrSteam; to understand not to over busy its pages and make sure a clear design theme runs throughout.

Key strengths • • • • •

Colourful and visual Appeals to people with various budgets Affordable- can view the magazine online and posts frequently online and on social media Glossy trendy imagery/photoshoots Reader gains knowledge from a range of topics

Key weaknesses • • • • • •

Inconsistent design recipe throughout Over busy pages Contents similar to Vogue and other major magazines Not very well known Little engagement online Not recognizable or memorable Fig 109. Retreat magazine (2016)


Overall this minimal effect magazine can be seen in competitors such as kinfolk but cereal takes it to a never level of minimal, leaving some consumers feeling that they are not receiving enough contents and variety. It’s social media platform on the other hand has strong engagement, particularly Instagram leading to insights that imagery really is the best way to draw consumers in. Key strengths • • • • •

Clean, organized feel Breathtaking imagery Strong Instagram engagement Explores creative and unique people, cultures, trends and places Appeals to both genders

Key weaknesses • • • • • •

Very niche in terms of stories Focuses heavily on idealism instead of realism Costly Very similar to competitors such as Kinfolk Minimal layout very overdone Repetitive contents and imagery Fig 109. Retreat magazine (2016)

Fairly new and unheard of to most the magazine offers Issuu users free online access to the magazine but unseen in most magazine retailers. Therefore the brand relies heavily on social media awareness and has a strong online presence. Tapping into the consumer that spends a great deal of time online, sourcing trend information and tips online also. Although the magazine covers a large scale of topics including nature, travel, wellbeing, fashion and beauty it also highly relies on the media and celebrities. This therefore has probably reasoned for lack of recognition of the magazine, also because in theory Vogue, Elle and other major magazines cover topics similarly.

Although the magazine has breathtaking images and interesting contents it is very boring and repetitive in terms of the types of people it discusses. The types of people are often extremists in their fields such as people living in boats and creates a very idealistic picture to people instead of realistic meaning that many cannot connect or relate to them. The utter clean simplicity of it means it targets a niche consumer and it is very costly for a magazine priced at £12.


8. Methodology





9. Transcripts Interview with Georgina. Employee of the small but loyal team at the PHB flagship store in Birmingham. PHB= Pure, Handmade, British and is an award winning Ethical beauty brand. How important is being Ethical to the brand? Oh my goodness, extremely important! I mean it’s all ethically sourced; the packaging is recyclable, it’s all organic, natural, because our main priority is the welfare of our customers skin and the environment, yeah you name it. So do you think that’s what’s important for the world, being Ethical? Oh absolutely yeah, well were all kind of in it together aren’t we so it’s important we take care of the world and keep it going for future generations. How does your products compare to mainstream brands that use chemicals? Well I would say there better, but maybe that sounds a bit bias because I work here, but I’ve used these products for four years and worked here for two and during that time I think its’ clear to say there’s no comparison and the benefits are much better long term. I think there great you know, you don’t get that many beauty brands as ethical or as higher natural ingredients as you do here and also with no chemicals so it’s really good and that’s what sets us apart from mainstream brands.

Interview with Bex Hewetson the sales and marketing director at the natural enthusiast brand Beefayre Why is being ethical so important to the brand? We’ve been trading for 4 years now and well it’s really the reason why we set up Beefayre. Sharon Jervis the artist and founder of Beefayre went to Transylvania in Romania on a sort of art course and to go and study ancient bee keeping traditions, so she did a contemporary fine art course and based it around the plight of the honey bee and when she was on this trip she just got totally inspired by the pristine environment and meadows she was surrounded by because there are no pesticides used on the farming there, also the biodiversity that she saw there. So when she came back to the UK it basically became more than an art project and she started importing honey, pollen and propolis, products from the beehive that have great health benefits, which is what we started selling. This unlimitedly made us realize we need to help fund the bee colony and Beefayre tries to make people aware of that. We use Sharon’s artwork to connect people to nature and that’s when we started moving on to covering candles with nice packaging, which led to our branding. We also hand packaged wild meadow seeds and that’s become a really amazing marketing product. It’s not one that we gain a lot of money out of because it’s very Labour intensive, we literally hand fold the packets of seeds but that’s a great example of a product raising awareness because it promotes the fact that everyone can do there bit to help just by planting a few seeds, whether you live in the city or the countryside everyone can do there bit to help the bees.

Do you think enough people are interested or aware of being Ethical do you think? No. I think it’s grown but I think the word needs to get out there more. The thing is I think a lot of people are aware of what there putting into there body but not what there putting onto there body, because I had no idea until I worked here that 60% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed into the bloodstream. And when I look back at the products I used to use you just think crikey there’s really not that awareness.

Me- I think that’s such a good idea because obviously sustainability is such a vast topic but not everyone feels like they can do much to help it but that just proves you can.

Do you think the younger generations should be more aware? I think there getting more aware naturally because really a lot of the customers we have are the younger generation, not the older generation. It just seems to be the market it attracts. So I think they are starting to listen and change.

Yeah I mean its been quite a learning curve that because ultimately we want the brand to be profitable but well when we started analyzing that through the retailers we stock our products with and so getting feedback with them was really interesting and what we found was we thought we were designing for sort of 40, 50 year olds but actually because the designs are fresh and modern it’s 20 year olds and upwards. It is mainly women but men obviously buy for women and overall it is a female brand. Our products aren’t too expensive so they are accessible to 20 year olds. So while we’ve got this ethical brand ethos were also affordable and using great quality ingredients.

Would this generation be interested in topics relating to natures benefits/issues do you think then? Yes, I do. Now they’re getting more aware it’s becoming a trend that people are slowly but surely catching on to. Which yeah, is great.


Yes absolutely and that’s become Beefayres ethos everyone can do there bit to help. What is the brands target consumer?


Interview with Laura Bennetts past student What magazine did you create for your project and what was it about?

Do you think enough of the younger generation (millennials and Gen z) are aware of sustainability? I think the short answer is no because there always needs to be more awareness made. I think sometimes older people can be a bit patronizing towards the young not being interested, so more appealing ways of shaping that awareness needs to be made. We personally have tried to make our message positive instead of having the approach were all going to die if the bees disappear. What do you think we can learn from nature? Everything really, so I think by just looking and watching and studying animals I think you learn about your place in the world. Sometimes people think that were above nature but were a part of it and look at what David Attenborough does with his programs but you can go into your back garden and see insects crawl around. I always think the bugs tend to get less awareness because we don’t particularly pay attention to them but with out those creepy crawlies we really wouldn’t be here and the eco systems rely on them. It’s all on the doorstep and in this ever increasingly stressful world we have become more materialistic than we ever have and there’s something missing and we feel like we cant escape but when we connect with nature again we feel refreshed and a bit of that stress goes away. Were all in danger of being disconnected from it, especially children who are being brought up with screens and I think if we don’t reconnect with nature were all going to be poorer for it. What magazines have you featured in? Well we got an update from last year and it’s 145 pages worth of advertisement/ press coverage. So it all ranges from Vogue and Mary Claire to House and Garden, Coast and Gay UK. Pretty much any retail magazine you can imagine along with high fashion and lifestyle magazines also trade show magazines, which we go to and sell our products. Local press also which is important to us because obviously shops on the high street have been really suffering so we sell through a lot of independent retailers and it’s important that we can do that through PR and press so getting in magazines is really helpful. Would you say although online magazines are highly used and more often than print today, that it is still beneficial having the print version? Definitely yeah because if you think how many people access a print magazine, I might buy it and keep it in my guest room and they will pick up and read it so it promotes the brand by enabling people to stumble across it by flicking through something they can physically hold and get a better sense of what’s in front of them. I think people still do love the texture and feel of a magazine, especially with a real visual product. I don’t think print is dead at all I think it’s about appealing to a type of consumer that still wants the option of physically owning something. Do you think there is a gap in the market for a magazine on mindfulness for millennials? Definitely yeah because there are a few out there for the older woman but they are normally aimed at a specific demographic and wouldn’t usually appeal to the younger generation so yeah I think that would be great to get people more aware of looking after themselves and the planet.


Ours was called Ebb and Flow and it was a magazine to do with getting to know people offline. The idea came from an LSN trend called the sharded self and it was all about how the digital and physical sort of blend together and that’s how we live now. So our idea was to get people interacting offline again more. The idea was that we would have one interview with one person and it would last the entire magazine but during the interview when they said something that was interesting we would go off and create contents on that, so the contents was created about the person in the interview. Through our advertisement we did integrated and conspicuous advertising where we would advertise products through our photoshoots instead of direct advertising. In terms of social media we had to be really careful because the idea was so against it we decided to advertise ourselves via Instagram because it’s a visual platform but we didn’t have Facebook or anything like that and then the website we had was where you could buy our magazines and that’s literally all we did for advertising. I suppose what you need to think about is with people taking time away from technology, what else are they doing when they’re not online. What are people doing in there spare time like listening to music or exercising. So discover what my consumers want to occupy their time with if it’s not technology? Yeah so if they are in the gym could you have pages about podcasts in the magazine so you are informing them what they could be doing in their spare time? So giving my consumers sensory and offering them interesting things to do relating to their interests? Yeah so you are getting to know them personally. I think you could really push that with your magazine so that your magazine is the balance for people to do in their spare time when they’re not using technology. Yeah that’s what I want to achieve so that maybe it’s because they’re bored or have low self-esteem so they read my magazine almost as an antidote to fix those things Yeah and maybe you could offer like creative and personal things in the magazine for people to do. Because I think a lot of people pick up their phones because it’s boredom and it’s the fear of boredom, people are scared of being bored so they will just scroll on social media to fill the time in. So you could maybe ask people that, why do they use it and I bet they would say because of boredom or they wouldn’t be able to give you an answer. How did your magazine look visually? It was very dark and grungy because we wanted to make it different to the conventional minimal visuals you would expect from our magazine, just to make it different really. So far I have hit a brick wall in terms of how I want my magazine to look. I love the minimal look of magazines such as Kinfolk & Frankie etc. but I feel like using similar layouts to this will possibly make my magazine look too conventional, do you agree? Yeah I think if you make it too minimal like that Norwegian/Switzerland style look it is so popular and almost too overdone and too sweet and nice. I think that’s definitely why we ended up going so dark with ours because we wanted to make it something different. Just keep looking at different inspirational things to get more varied ideas for how you want it to look or how it could look. Let your photographs on the magazine dictate the colour palettes, that way it wont be so white, also try to use more interesting fonts and play around with a lot. I think with a lot of contents in Cereal magazine and Kinfolk they base their contents around idealistic people who are unique and do things like make boats in trees, but that isn’t realistic and we 189can’t connect to that as well, so you could look at mindfulness from a more realistic approach, like real people.

Interview with Nicola Griggs Yoga teacher What University course are you currently studying?

Transcript from Focus group

A degree in Environmental studies, with a focus on Environmental science.

Focus group with 3 Females and 3 Males based upon ownership, physical interaction and digital stress.

How important do you think the welfare of the body and mind is? The welfare of the body is well advertised in the UK, with the health and fitness industry worth billions. However, I think the western world frequently overlooks the importance of a healthy mind. Most of us know that we should be exercising daily, but to consider a daily relaxation/meditation is quite an alien concept to a lot of people, even though the benefits are well documented. (People think they’re relaxing by sitting in front of the TV, but there’s an emotional response to what you’re seeing, and although it’s hardly perceptible, there’s always a resulting muscular tension.) In this fast paced, stressful world, I think it’s imperative to look after your mental health too. Just consider how many physical problems are put down to stress. What do you think Yoga can help teach? The fabulous physical benefits of Yoga are a side effect. Yoga teaches us to live in the current moment. All too often we are mulling over a past event, (even if it’s as small as, “maybe I should have said something different”) or thinking about an upcoming one, (possibly only minor things like, “what shall I wear tomorrow”). It’s rare, and not at all easy, to focus on this very moment. Focusing on the breath, stretching your muscles to enable you to be still, and then relaxing your body and mind, all help to contribute towards experiencing the Now. Is the welfare of the Environment important to you? I think there’s little point looking after the welfare of body and mind if you don’t also consider environment too. That being community environment, local, national, international and global environment too. Do you think enough people are informed about beneficial remedies/activities for their minds? There’s a growing trend towards looking after ones state of mind, but with councils resources stretched to the limit, they have to prioritize physical well-being first, so no, I don’t think enough people are informed. Do you think they should be? Most definitely. The list of stress related illnesses goes on and on. Some caused by stress alone, others aggravated by high stress levels. A healthy state of mind goes a long way towards having good relations too. In a very short time indeed, the world would be a very different place if every 5 year old was taught to meditate now.

Abi- 22, Business student. Megan- 21, Accounting and Finance student. Molly- 26, Works at New Look. Jack- 23, Works at Jeldwens factory. John- 25, Chef at Handmade Burger Chris- 22, Works at Ascoughs restaurant in Market Habrorough Me: When you buy something, what triggers your decision? Abi: Because of how it makes you feel. Megan: Yes that’s what I think! Abi: Say like high-end things like makeup for example it makes you feel like your worth more and like everyone buys into Apple, but why do they buy into it, is it just because it’s a brand? Jake: No I think people buy into Apple because everyone has it. Me: So you think people buy into a product/ brand when it’s trending? Jack: Yeah to be honest when I see someone wearing something you copy them because you know it looks good and you don’t want to be the first one wearing it. Abi: I do! Haha. Molly: I think that we buy into brands to show off, especially when it’s cool and expensive. Me: So do you think you can relate that to why you use technology? Do you do it because everyone else is using it? Chris: Yeah if no one had Facebook I wouldn’t I only use it because other people do. Me: So would you say you follow the sheep?

Do you think the younger market (young adults) are educated enough about the importance of the environment and how to respect it?

Megan: Well yeah because if you don’t have Facebook you’re missing out of communication and things like that.

More and more young adults are now being influenced by more than just family and close friends. The internet has provided the perfect platform for not just educating, but also sharing so I believe that this generation of young adults are not only the best educated in the importance of the environment, but may well be the first generation to have the knowledge and passion to lobby politicians and governments to tackled windling wildlife populations, deforestation,

Jake: Yeah you do and with Facebook people show a certain side to their personality and not their full self. Abi: Yeah because you put up pictures and statuses for people to perceive you in a certain way.

clean water resources, child poverty, rising sea levels, factory farming, pollution, etc, etc.



Chris: Bit weird though how even though it makes you feel better we don’t choose to turn off from it. Chris: I would never put bad things about myself online haha. Me: So you put things online for people’s approval of you? Abi: Kind of but I kind of like it because you can put memories on there and see them throughout the years. Molly: But is that actually for yourself though because if it was you would just keep it on your phone wouldn’t you? John: Yeah it’s because you want people to have a certain view of you. Me: So do you think you only really show the bad things and your bad sides to yourself and when you’re alone? Megan: No i still do because I don’t post over Facebook things I have achieved I keep that with friends and family. Chris: See I would do that to be honest. Me: Do you feel like it’s an addiction being online?

Abi: Yeah I honestly think it’s a society thing though, like if the rest of society hadn’t drilled it in my head that it’s the norm I would never of used it but now yeah it’s an addiction. Me: But do you think if a service were there to make you feel better for yourself and not for the benefit of other people you would invest time into it? Megan: Yeah. Abi: Yeah but when I’m in a bad place I shut myself off from social media and being online in general unless I’m watching a film or something because I find it helps being away from the outside world and other peoples opinions. Molly: Yeah I do that! I have another phone so that I can’t go on social media when I’m sad or stressed. Chris: I don’t know I don’t really think about it I still use it anyway to be honest. Molly: Yeah well I do it so that I’m on my own and I can just focus on myself for once and not other people. Megan: Yeah because you don’t have to find out what other people are doing.

Abi: Yes but only because everyone else is.

John: That’s why I deleted twitter because I was spending way too much time looking at other people.

Molly: Do you know what I spend more time online looking at other people’s profiles or news about them than anything else.

Me: If you are fully immersed and enjoying something would you turn off from technology?

John: Yeah I would definitely say that it’s an addiction to be honest. Abi: Oh yeah It really is and when it comes to like online shopping I do it because it’s easier, I don’t have enough time in my day to go to the shops so shopping online is like an addiction to me. Me: Have you spent a day offline without using your phone and laptop recently? Chris: Yeah I have.

Abi: Yeah I would, but I would probably take a picture of it on my phone. Megan: Yeah I would John: Yeah 100% Jack: Yeah Molly: Yeah I would probably take pictures too though. I think technology is mainly used because of a boredom thing more than anything.

John: Yeah same.

Chris: I wouldn’t bother with the pictures, I would definitely not think about technology if something I enjoy were distracting me enough.

Megan: Yeah I did in wales only because I had no signal though.

Me: Do you take selfies of yourself?

Abi: Genuinely can’t remember the last time I did haha.

John: No not really haha.

Me: Did you feel more refreshed when you switched off from being online?

Chris: Yes of course.

Megan: Yeah 100% but I only did that because I didn’t have a choice, I didn’t have signal but if I did have signal I would of used it because it’s just as normal as eating for me.

Megan: I sometimes just take them to see how good I look haha. Abi: Hahaha.

Jack: Haha yeah I know what you mean I rarely do and when I do it’s not because I’ve chosen to do it although when I do I feel so much better.

Me: If you put them online why do you do that? Abi: Because I think I look good and I want other people to see that.


Chris: I dunno everyone else does it so why can’t I, I guess.


Molly: Well a lot of the time I don’t think I look very good so when I take a good selfie it makes me feel happier and makes me feel better about myself in that moment I guess. Me: But do you think it makes you feel worse in the long run because you possibly compare your selfies to others? Jack: I don’t really care what other people look like or what they think haha. Megan: When I was younger I did it for attention but now it’s not like that, it’s because I feel good about myself sometimes, but then I guess I do still do it for attention because otherwise I would just keep it to myself. Me: But do you feel like you’re under pressure from the media, you feel like you need to take selfies to sort of fit in online? Molly: No because there’s always someone who is going to be better than you. Megan: Yeah you could say I am because I just think if celebrities can do it than why can’t I. Abi: Yeah I guess I try to look the best I can and upload it to show people. Molly: To me it’s just like your Selfie is your best self , I like to show myself off when I think I look good.

Jack: Yeah I feel like when I buy something physically it’s mine but when I’m viewing something online it’s just another open tab. Abi: When you buy stuff online like online music and you drop your phone in the toilet, that’s it, you don’t have it anymore. Me: So say if you lost your phone would that feel like you’re loosing your arm. Abi: Well yeah I have lost it and it does feel like that. Me: But why is that? Molly: Because you depend so much on your phone, you use it for so much like all my photos and everything.

Me: Okay, great. When you buy a product say for example a magazine or music, what do you prefer the physical copy of it or the online version?

Abi: Yeah exactly.

Chris: Online, it’s easier.

Jack: Yeah we do depend on it so much though to be honest.

Jack: Music online because it’s easier but magazines probably physical.

John: I don’t know if I lost it I don’t think I would be that bothered haha.

Megan: Yeah music is easier online because then it’s always with you but when I’m reading something it’s not the same online I like to feel it physically and turn the page.

Me: So when you are online whether it’s to be on social media or to buy something etc. Do you often feel like it’s just another tab open and you are not full immersed in it?

Molly: Yeah magazines are much better in person because I’m creative I love to rip them up and stick them in my sketchbooks or wall or just get a better sense of them visually when they are in front of me.

Chris: Yeah and having all those tabs open really stresses me out.

John: I don’t really buy magazines but I prefer reading books in person because it’s like your alone time away from the online bullshit.

Abi: Yeah it really does my brain goes crazy sometimes haha.

Molly: When it comes to magazines at the end of the day I don’t like reading off a screen I can’t emerge myself in it properly and it just feels like another tab open that I can shut and then forget about it. Megan: Yeah when I do my work I can’t concentrate as much when I’m looking at a screen I concentrate better when It’s in front of me. Chris: Yeah I can agree with that definitely.

Molly: Oh my god yes!

John: Yeah I know what you mean I find it too overwhelming, I have to take a break. Megan: Yeah and with Uni I have to print stuff off a lot like annual reports and I feel like more involved and concentrate on it better than when I’m looking at it on a screen. Me: So you’re saying you feel less stressed when you physically have something in front of you and you feel like you concentrate more and are more involved with it? All: Yes.

Jack: Haha I think it’s just hard to concentrate on my work anyway. All: laugh. Me: What do you think differentiates having something physical and online? Megan: It’s just better because you can really feel it properly and I think it grasps hold of our emotions better that way.


Chris: Yeah I agree with that I guess.


Emails- Bex Hewetson Beefayre Hi my name is Emma Bailey and I am currently studying at Nottingham Trent University. Fashion Communication and Promotion is what I am studying and as part of my dissertation for this year, I would love to create a magazine or brand zine. I am a huge fan of natural products and have enjoyed using some of your products such as your candles and lip balms. If possible it would be great to organise an interview with Bex Hewetson or Sharon Jervis to find out further information about the brand, its editorial background and its future considerations. Hope to hear from you, Emma. Hi Emma Thanks for the below and we would love to see you in the new year. Can you call us again first week of January and we can book something in. Also just a thought but we are exhibiting at the NEC Spring Fair – its a trade show in Feb. We get free tickets so maybe you could come along to that as well so you can see us in action also really good background to look at the marketing at these shows and how brands communicate/ sell their products. Best Bex Bex Hewetson Sales & Marketing Director

The Healing Cafe My name is Emma Bailey and I am currently studying at Nottingham Trent University. For my dissertation I will be creating a publication about Channeling your inner Boho. The contents would include photography, fashion and skincare inspired by nature and advice for living wild and free. It will have a strong bohemian spirit and aims to act as an escape from technology, like a digital detox. The Healing Cafe visited my work recently (Waterloo Farm Leisure) I have since realised you offer great mindful activities that relate and would benefit my research for my project. If possible I would like to send you questions regarding further details of the Healing Cafe and questions relating to mindfulness. Hope to hear from you, Emma. -----------


Michelle Clever

Hi my name is Emma Bailey and I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. For my final year dissertation I have decided to base it on channeling your inner boho for nature enthusiasts like yourself. I scroll through your Instagram daily and it was one of my inspirations for my project. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions to help my project and help give you more recognition here in England. Hope to hear from you, Emma Hi Emma, I would love to help you with your project! Send me your questions and I will send you a reply as soon as possible. Love, Michelle Dearest Emma, Is the welfare of the enviroment important to you? Yes, it definitley is! Nature is so important for me and nowadays we still do not take enough care of it. Nature offers so much beauty and magic and most of the people do not care! I wished there would be more safety for the dying beauty out there! How does nature and travelling makes you feel? -Well, nature is my medicine. It truely is! When I feel sick, sad or anything else dragging me down, I go for a walk into the woods and I feel good again. The silence comforts me and I have this feeling of the nature, trees, flowers, wild animals, send such magical vibes which give my soul a moment of relaxation and peace. Nature became a very important and precious friend of me! Like travelling as well. To go to a new place with new people and culture is making me very excited! I love to explore and I am a very interested person who is open to everything and everyone. Travelling gives me a time out from the everyday life. Not only travelling in reality but also in your dreams and into worlds like books :) What inspires your photography? - Everything which catches my eye! I love to capture the beauty of nature or books, illustrations, paintings, people... my passions! I mostly adore the beauty of the north, winter, scandinavia with its culture and landscapes... often I live too much through the camera lense but I love holding things for eternity! Black heart (cards) Your publication: I would love such a thing! It sounds amazing! There are way to little publications like this! I would love to read and look at something inspired and dealing with nature, natural cosmetic, minimalism, travelling, slow living, country life... etc etc. :) I would pay up to ÂŁ6 for it. Additions: Slow living and enjoying every little thing in life made my life much more precious! I got an eye for the little and beautiful things in life and since then there is beauty everywhere and everyday and with it came happiness! Nature is so important and we should take much more care of it! I like that I found people with the same love for such a life and my passions and interests through my photography! Its hard to find souls who care for nature and a conscious life in a world full of war and hate and stress! If you like to know anything else, please write me! I feel honored to help you! I would be very happy if you sent me your publication or anything else you are using those answers for :) 197 Kisses to you and I wish you lot of fun doing your project! Michelle.

Hi again! To help with my project I would love to know some information about your personal interests to understand my consumer profile. Would you be ok answering these and me using your Instagram imagery? Kind regards, Emma. Of course I would! :) send me the questions, dear! Kind regards, Michelle Darling, I am so sorry that it took me that long to answerI hope it is not too late for your project. Here are my answers to your questions: 1) What is your favourite pastime? Well, it’s hard to pick only one favorite activity, because I love to paint, sing, read or being outside in my sparetime. Everything that deals with creativity or being alone in nature makes me happy in my free time. 2) Do you have a secret talent? Well, I am very self-critical and I don’t think a have a real talent at all. But people say I can sing and they like my paintings, so maybe I am a bit good at that. But talent sounds like something very precious and I don’t think I have something like that. Although I guess I am a good person with a true heart, maybe that’s already a talents nowadays. 3) What is your favourite singer or band? I adore folk-indie music, irish and celtic, and soundtracks... I could hardly pick only one favorite singer. But my favorite song of all times is My Father’s Father by The Civil War, because it is connected to some very important memories. 4) Where is the favourite place you have visited? Well, after I came back from Romania last week it is very hard for me to answer. Before my trip there I would have said Canada, because it was the most impressive journey there, but now I have a a distance relationship to romania and it is a very beautiful country. But still I guess I would choose The Great Slave Lake, where I have been a few years ago to stay with some friends and like 40 dogs in the lonely wilderness. 5) Where is your favourite place to chill? I have a few. First there is a small hill a few minutes from where I live. I love to sit on top of it. But then there is also a small park only a jump from my house where I adore to sit under a big old tree, watching the leaves turning in the wind and playing guitar or read. 6) What is your favourite colour? White I guess. I love white cloths and white seems so innocent and pure to me. But I adore all earth colours by the way. 7) What is your favourite thing you own? My body, because next to all the precious things I own, it enables me to love this life. And the second thing would be love. The love of the people who are everything to me.


8) Do you enjoy using social media, or feel it is draining? Well, I enjoy communicating by social media like Instagram. I am a very active person there because I love to get inspired by others. But sometimes I feel like drowing in it and then I know I have to take some distance to it again. Everyone should find a good balance between the real world and the Internet. Unfortunately not everyone knows the difference between the two anymore. 9) What is your favourite social media platform? Definitely Instagram. I met so many lovely souls there and I love to get inspired and share my own passions and creations and the beautiful moments of the world. 10) What is your favourite song? Like I said before My Father’s Father by The Civil Wars 11) What is your Favourite season? I love every season with its own beauties but I have been born in winter and I always loved snow and cold, sunny days. And I am a lover of the Great North, so I guess I have to choose winter. 12) Is being mindful in terms of being surrounded by your interests important to you? I can say that I became more mindful the last month/year because I changed my look on the world. I developed a look for the little beauties in nature, people, life and that increased my happiness. I would recommend to everybody to change their way of thinking and looking. 13) What magazines do you read? I liked to read the Flow. But at the moment I do not read any magazines, I am looking for more unique one to enter the market. 14) What is your favourite brand? Well it’s not a brand but I love spending hours on Etsy discovering peoples creations such as hand made jewelry. I like to keep anything that contains a story or craft. Please let me know when your work is done! I would love to read it! Michelle

Wild & Free Jewelry Shop Hi my name is Emma Bailey and I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. For my final year dissertation I have decided to base it on channeling your inner boho for nature enthusiasts like yourself. I scroll through your Instagram daily and it was one of my inspirations for my project. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions regarding your lifestyle to help my project and help give you more recognition here in England. Hope to hear from you, Kind regards Emma.


Boho Child Hi Emma, Thank you so much for reaching out and for your sweet words! I would love to answer some questions for you. Just send them over to this e-mail and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!

Hi my name is Emma Bailey and I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. For my final year dissertation I have decided to base it on channeling your inner boho for nature enthusiasts like yourself. I scroll through your Instagram daily and it was one of my inspirations for my project. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions regarding your lifestyle to help my project and help give you more recognition here in England.

xx Corina

Hope to hear from you, Kind regards

Hi Emma!


Here are my answers to your questions:

Hi Emma,

Is the welfare of the Environment important to you? YES! Definitely. I love nature and grew up completely surrounded by it, so the well being of the environment is extremely important to me.

thank you so much for reaching out! Your project sounds amazing and I would love to contribute. Thank you also for scrolling daily and giving you inspirations! That means a lot to me.

How does nature and travelling make you feel? They both make me feel inspired and in love with life. Whenever I am able to escape into nature I remember how beautiful the world can truly be and how insignificant our perceived problems are. Our society often places so much emphasis on external beauty and the pursuit of material items that I think people easily forget that the world is full of wonder and magic. Whenever I’m alone in nature I don’t have to worry about society or other’s judgements and I can truly be myself.

Of course I would love to help and you can send me questions. I am away now until January 3rd, but you can still send me the questions and I will try to answer my best. I don’t usually mix my instagram with my personal life, but I am happy to help! I look forward to your project. When you are done, please send me a link, would love to read it!

What inspires your photography? I think the two things that inspire my photography the most are human movement and the colorful art of sunsets. What inspires you to create things handmade? When something is handmade I feel like it is a gift, especially when you know who made it. Handmaking all my designs makes me feel like I’m sending others part of my life and creativity. I want each item a customer receives to feel like a gift that is truly one of a kind, rather than something that everyone else has. For my project idea I am thinking of creating a publication that is for the female audience like yourself. One who loves travelling, fashion and nature. The contents would include photography, fashion and skincare inspired by nature and advice for living wild and free. It will have a strong bohemian spirit and aims to act as an escape from technology, like a digital detox. Do you think you would be interested in a publication like this? YES! Please do it :) xx


Have a happy new years. Best Regards Alisa Tietboehl Boho Child Is the welfare of the Environment important to you? Yes very important and it is something we should all be concerned about. How does nature and travelling make you feel? Nature is healing to me and so powerful. I feel free and traveling is something I always had within my heart. I am a wanderluster and explorer. Traveling makes me love nature so much more, because different part of the world offer different nature. Getting to know other cultures, people and lands is my passion. What inspires your photography? I want to mention here that it is an inspirational site, but the photography I chose is very simple: Moment. What I feel, see, how it makes my mind and heart feel is what makes my @bohochild account. Beautiful people (that cosmic bond you feel in the image), nature, the ocean. The ocean holds a very special place in my heart.


Dr Rhinalxa Duque- Thus (Kew Gardens) Dear Dr. Rhinaixa I spoke to you at Kew Gardens and you said you would email me your feedback. I am currently studying at Nottingham Trent University. My dissertation will focus on well being, natures benefits and its visual powers. If you will kindly offer your knowledge and opinions to help me with my dissertation I would be extremely grateful. 1) What can humans learn from the study of plants?

Dear Emma, Sorry for the delay in my answer. I got ill with bronchitis and I am just arriving back from my sick leave today. I will answer your query as soon as I can. Best wishes, Rhina Dr Rhinaixa Duque-Th端s DNA Bank and Tissue Collections Curator

2) The role of plants is vital in our world, but in society they are constantly overlooked, such as trees constantly being chopped down without a second thought. Why do you think that is?

Lab-based Collections Science Directorate Jodrell Laboratory

3) How is climate change effecting the world and how is Kew preparing for these changes?

4) Are enough people aware of the benefits of plants. For the mind, skin and body?

5) What must the younger generation, Preferably aged 18-25 do to help protect our environment?

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,

Victoria Buchanan- The Future Laboratory

6) Do you think this generation needs encouragement to rely less on technology and get more involved with nature? If yes, what do you think would motivate them to digitally detox and be more aware of their surroundings?

Hi my name is Emma Bailey. I am currently studying at Nottingham Trent University. For mydissertation I was heavily inspired by the new macro trend The NewSublimity. I will be manifesting this trend to create a publication for encouraging consumers to connect with their minds, wellbeing and nature. I would be extremely grateful if able to gain further details and knowledge about this trend to help with my dissertation. Please let me know who I can contact for this information. Best wishes, Emma Bailey.

7) In your opinion what can people do to feel happier and less stressed each day?

Hi Emma

8) Why is Kew different to other Botanical Gardens?

Hope you are well. Ive attached the original macro trend for you. Hope this is useful. Good luck with your studies! Kind regards, Victoria

9) How crucial is the study of plants and what opportunities does this lead to?

Okay great. Who is the target market for The New sublimity? Are brands targeting specific ages? Thanks for your time,

10) How does Kew currently promote itself and its discoveries?



Thank you kindly for your time.


Hi Emma I have answered the questions below. I hope you like my answers & find them helpful!

Hi Emma I would say its a movement we are seeing across all demographics. It’s probably most pronounced in Millennials though. Also might be useful to have a look at our New Sublimity trend tracker which gives a bit more of an idea of how this trend is progressing since we first looked at the idea: Thanks, Victoria

Amber Felce Hi my name is Emma Bailey. I was recently looking through your blog- It’s fantastic by the way and noticed you work in Market Harborough, this is my home town. I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. For my dissertation I will be creating a publication for those wanting to channel their inner boho like yourself. Topics such as nature, wellbeing and visual stimulation will be covered throughout. I will be acknowledging brands such as BeeFayre in my publication to help people digitally detox and to start helping the world and their own minds. You represent my ideal target consumer and I would love to either be able to meet up to ask you a few questions or have a conversation on the phone with you about your interests regarding nature. Please let me know and keep your uplifting blog going! Emma. Hi Emma Thank you for your emails and kind words about my blog, I truly appreciate it! I’d love to help you with your dissertation but whilst I work in MH, I live in Northampton so I’m unable to meet there. I’d still love to help though so if you’d like to send me any questions over via email I’ll get them answered as best as I can for you ASAP. Kind regards Amber


Kind regards Amber 1) Why do you choose to use organic products over chemical based mainstream products? I choose organic products to use on myself because I only want to use the best ingredients. Who wouldn’t? I think it’s easy to become sucked into marketing and things like that in mainstream products, whereas there are a lot of small, artisan organic brands where the owner wants to create truly natural and organic products, and that is who I’d like to support. 2) Do you think the generation (aged between 18-30) needs encouragement to rely less on technology and get more involved with nature? If yes, what do you think would motivate them to digitally detox and be more aware of their surroundings? I definitely think so. More so the younger generation as I remember when I was younger I would play in the garden and make mud pies with dirt, mud, leaves etc with my sisters and we’d have so much fun. And nowadays, kids are playing on their phones and iPads instead of playing outside. I think 18-30 year olds are in general becoming more aware of wellbeing, especially over the last year and I’ve seen quite a few people taking part in weekly “digital detoxes”. 3) In your opinion what can people do to feel happier and less stressed each day? I am currently taking part in Yoga Camp which is 30 days of yoga via a YouTube channel, Yoga with Adrienne. It’s really relaxing and rewarding at the end when you can see how much you’ve improved. It helps with stress and also I think people could do meditation, or just simply being more mindful and appreciative of things that make you happy. 4) What actions or changes have you made to alter your life (for example switching to organic) and what benefits have you found these have inside and out? I now only use natural and organic makeup, skincare and body products, which has in turn made me look at other aspects of my life where I can be more mindful. I try to eat organic foods where possible and doing simple things like drinking more water and taking care of myself, and the environment can have a big impact. 5) How does nature and travelling make you feel? I do love travelling and a nice stroll around a forest or somewhere similar makes me feel very grounded and connected to nature. 6) Why is caring for the environment important to you? We all live on this world and the amount of damage that has been caused already is quite frankly shocking. Climate change is happening and something needs to be done to slow it down. I recycle all the time and try to buy things as eco friendly as possible.


7) For my project idea I am thinking of creating a publication that is for the female audience like yourself. One who loves travelling, fashion and nature. The contents would include photography, fashion and skincare inspired by nature and advice for living wild and free. It will have a strong bohemian spirit and aims to act as an escape from technology, like a digital detox. Do you think you would be interested in a publication like this? This sound like something I’d definitely be interested in.

3) What is your favourite singer or band? I love a mix of singers and bands, rather than just one in particular. I love Ed Sheeran, Beyoncé, Adele, James Bay & Justin Bieber at the minute. 4) Where is the favourite place you have visited?

8) Is there anything else you would add do it, for example other aspects of your interests? Things like yoga or mindfulness. 9) How much would you be willing to pay for an issue of a publication like this? If it was similar to a magazine format, up to around £5.

New York is my favourite place in the world. I’ve been four times now and would never get bored! 5) Where is your favourite place to chill? At home on the sofa! 6) What is your favourite colour?

10) Does turning off from technology more often appeal to your lifestyle?

Probably blue. Or grey. Grey!

I am constantly on my phone. It’s quite bad and I am trying to not use it as much however a lot of my life is on Twitter etc because of my blog. I don’t really see it as being anti-social much because I am connecting to and talking to my blogging friends and like-minded people, however I do need to focus more on trying to not check it every 5 minutes.

7) What is your favourite thing you own? I have a Tiffany charm bracelet that I bought when I was 16, and I’ve collected a few charms on it since for big birthdays like my 18th and 21st. 8) Do you enjoy using social media, or feel it is draining?

Hi Amber I was just wondering if I could use you for a consumer archetype for my project. Meaning I will use your pictures in my report. You have previously answered some questions for me which is great, I was wondering if I could ask some questions relating to you personally/ your interests and if you are ok with using them in my report.

I love social media, I am always on Twitter. Sometimes it can be a little draining as I have to keep up with sharing posts and staying in touch with brands and bloggers however it is a lot of fun to see what others are up to.

Hope to hear from you, Emma.

9) What is your favourite social media platform?

Hi Emma

Probably Twitter although I am really getting into Instagram a lot now!

Thank you for getting in touch again. I don’t see why not! If you want to get some questions sent over to me I’ll answer them as soon as I have a chance.

10) What is your favourite song? Probably the same answer as the singer/band one. I never really have one favourite but if I had to choose a song right now from the charts it would probably be Zara Larsson - Lush Life.

Kind regards Amber 1) What is your favourite pastime? I love blogging. Writing about products I love, trying out new brands and sharing my love for natural & organic beauty is so much fun. I’ve met so many bloggers and made friends with a lot too, as well as brand owners. 2) Do you have a secret talent? I can hula hoop and actually did it on stage a couple of times when I was younger in competitions. I can’t really do any fancy tricks or anything, just walking and I could keep going for hours without dropping the hoop!


Thank you so much, just one last question do you enjoy reading physical magazine? If yes what are some of your favourites and why? Also what is your favourite brand? Hi Emma Yes I do sometimes read magazines. My favourite is Natural Health magazine and I also enjoy reading home style and décor magazines at the minute as I’ve bought my own house with my boyfriend and we hope to be moving soon! I don’t have a favourite brand but any that are organic, natural and not well known are what I love to buy from.


Molly Wragg Hi Molly I am a very keen follower of your Instagram. I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. For my dissertation I would love to use you as one of my consumers, for you share interests in nature, beauty, wellbeing and travelling which are core subjects involved within my dissertation. If I could ask some questions relating to your personal interests that would be fantastic and if you would be able to clarify your agreement for allowing me to use this information and pictures of you in my dissertation. Hope to hear from you, Emma Bailey.

8) Do you enjoy using social media, or feel it is draining? Yes I do, the only draining thing is reading attention seeking posts and girls that are 10x skinnier with bigger boobs then me (i.e. the whole world). 9) What is your favourite social media platform?

Hi Emma,


I would be delighted to be one of your consumers, you can use my pictures and the information I give you from the questions you ask.

10) What is your favourite song?

Thanks Molly Wragg 1) What is your favourite pastime?

Make you feel my love- Adele 11) What is your Favourite season? Summer

Listening to music and singing to myself

12) Is being mindful in terms of being surrounded by your interests important to you?

2) Do you have a secret talent?


I can sing every word of bed rock and have no regrets

13) What magazines do you read?

3) What is your favourite singer or band?

My favourite is currently suitcase magazine because I am really interested in the environment and nature. Although it focusses on the rich customer too much and i am too poor to buy anything it promotes! so would love a nature magazine aimed at my age.

Currently James Bay and Kodaline, Jack Garratt is close. 4) Where is the favourite place you have visited? Koh Samui (Thailand) 5) Where is your favourite place to chill? A hot, sunny beach, in the sea. 6) What is your favourite colour?

14) What is the most you would pay for a magazine? If I really liked it, ÂŁ4-5 max. 15) What is your favourite brand? I love love love Urban Outfitters because there are so many travel and bohemian style accessories in there and I adore everything related to holidays and summer.

Turquoise 7) What is your favourite thing you own? Singing and dancing to Where is the love, black eyed peas, in my car. Hidden talent of mine.



Trolw- Photographer and band

member of The range of light wilderness

Hi I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. I am creating a proto magazine as part of my dissertation. I am including things from sustainability awareness to daily confidence boosting and it will surround topics such as nature/ travel/ beauty and wellbeing. I love your work it is so inspiring. Therefore I was wondering if I would be able to use your imagery in my magazine, fully crediting you. Although it is a university project it will be shown at my degree show therefore will raise awareness of your great work. Please let me know if you consent, thanks for your time. Kind regards, Emma Bailey. Hi Emma yes it is cool, send me a copy?

Tina Sosna- Photographer and blogger Hi I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. I am creating a proto magazine as part of my dissertation. I am including things from sustainability awareness to daily confidence boosting and it will surround topics such as nature/ travel/ beauty and wellbeing. I love your work it is so inspiring. Therefore I was wondering if I would be able to use your imagery in my magazine, fully crediting you. Although it is a university project it will be shown at my degree show therefore will raise awareness of your great work. Please let me know if you consent, thanks for your time. Kind regards, Emma Bailey. Hi Emma thank you for your message! I’m happy my work can inspire you! I would feel very honored if you use my work for your great project! It sounds really amazing! :) Have a lovely day, Tina

Larryhofmann- Blogger-No reply Zioxla- Blogger and plant artist -No reply 210

HappilyGrey- Photographer and blogger-No reply TheJungalow- Photographer and blogger-No reply IndiaHobson- Photographer and blogger-No reply Anna.Popovic- Photographer and blogger-No reply

Boccaaccinimeadows- Blogger and illustrator Hi I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. I am creating a proto magazine as part of my dissertation. I am including things from sustainability awareness to daily confidence boosting and it will surround topics such as nature/ travel/ beauty and wellbeing. I love your work it is so inspiring. Therefore I was wondering if I would be able to use your imagery in my magazine, fully crediting you. Although it is a university project it will be shown at my degree show therefore will raise awareness of your great work. Please let me know if you consent, thanks for your time. Kind regards, Emma Bailey. Hi Emma, Yes of course! Good luck with your project and I’m glad I can inspire you!:) Thanks for getting in touch! Sara

Molly Waring Moore- Daisily blog Hi I am currently studying Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University. I am creating a proto magazine as part of my dissertation. I am including things from sustainability awareness to daily confidence boosting and it will surround topics such as nature/ travel/ beauty and wellbeing. I love your work it is so inspiring. Therefore I was wondering if I would be able to use your imagery in my magazine, fully crediting you. Although it is a university project it will be shown at my degree show therefore will raise awareness of your great work. Please let me know if you consent, thanks for your time. Kind regards, Emma Bailey. Yes of course:)


Focus group To discover the brands target consumers opinions on Inrsteems design recipe and overall visual feel, a focus group with 5 millennials aged in there twenties was formed. During the focus group a range of questions were asked to discover whether or not they could connect to the brand and what they would alter/ add to make it as visually appealing as possible and representing its ethos. Lauren Laffey- 21 Lucy Smith- 23 Philippa Carr- 21 Katie White- 20 Natasha Davies- 24 1) Is the design recipe visually appealing to you? • Lauren- Yeah it is, I really like the colours used especially the blues and greens, I think that they really relate to your idea and suggest nature and wellbeing. The waves are subtle yet understandable. • Katie- I like the images you have used, the range of colours makes it really nice to look at and speak louder than a load of boring text. • Natasha- Yeah I agree I like the blurry effect on the black and white image and the angle of the model looking away but then I love the use of models they look not overly perfect, • Lucy- I like the way you have put this magazine belongs to because that makes people immediately feel like they own the magazine. The colours work really well together. • Philippa- I definitely prefer Inrsteem spelt that way rather than Inrsteam, because I don’t think that it is as easy to understand what the title means with the steam, where as esteem relates to your idea more. 2) What do you think to the use of images/photography? • Philippa- I think it is good how you have used girls that look normal but are at the same time photogenic and nice to look at. • Natasha- Yeah and the images are really simple but not too minimal which is good. I think they are the right balance between not looking too busy but not being boring and too simple. • Lauren- I think that because everything is so colourful but all the colours work well together and complement each other well. I really like the black and white image because it is interesting and different looking. • Lucy- Yeah I agree and they look professional but amateur as well in a good way almost inviting people to collate their photography together. • Katie- I think that the images are really cool and it would be cool if you could add texture to them to make them like leap off the page.

3) Is the logo easy to understand and looks effective? • Lucy- Yeah I think the colours of the logo flow nicely together and looks minimal, I like it. • Natasha- I like the way it looks simple, I don’t think busy logos look right and think about other brands and magazines there logos are always really simple so it definitely works. • Katie- I love the typography it is different looking. • Lauren- I think that it is easy to understand but at the same way because the name is different and the typography is like personalized I think that everyone would interpret it in their own way. • Philippa- it reminds me of like a stamp with the waves which is good because it gives it that professional feel of being like this belongs to this brand. 4) Do you think that contributing with Instagram creative’s for the contents is a good idea, works well? • Katie- Yeah definitely because if they are your consumers and you want your magazine to appeal to creative people then it works well. I don’t think magazines normally do that either so that’s cool. • Philippa- I like the fact you’ve included a sort of outdoorsy loving girls images and then a climate change revolutionist because that way the contents wont be boring and all the same, there’s a good range. • Natasha- Yeah and like Instagram is so big so people will like the fact they can see the person and then follow them up on Instagram, so it represents your idea of using social media in the right way, like to inspire people and get them more creative. • Lauren- I think their images definitely inspires me. • Lucy- Using them in your magazine is so much more interesting than just longwinded articles, I get so bored when I see them I just flick straight past it but I would be interested in seeing pages on Instagram account, because it is like I can then follow them and get more involved with it. 5) What would you change/add? • Natasha- I wouldn’t necessarily change anything but I would maybe add more things to do in their like colouring pages or something or an interview just so the person can spend more time on it. • Katie- I would add textures or inserts in there so that the reader can like feel their way through it and it would just make it more interesting and overall more attractive. • Lucy- I would add trend pages or something to do with fashion because all successful magazines include fashion related contents. • Lauren- I would add like more drawing in their at the bottom of the pages to make it look more creative. • Philippa- For the front of the magazine maybe have a model facing the camera because if I saw that on a shelf I would be more likely to grab it because it is like looking at me, connecting to me.


212 Fig 110. Focus group (2016)

10. Consent forms





11. Critical Path



12.Tutorial record sheets









13. Declaration form

14. Ethical checklist



e m m a b a i l e y


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