1 minute read



To be like you detached like the soap that slips with the ease of a fish between rice stalks. Confident like the blind in the metro or the child that lets himself be led by strangers in order to find the urinal. To walk clumsily or no disorganized with the reckless calm of window washers who, suspended on a scaffold, forget about their rags and eat, thinking about whatever. As for me I’d like to let myself go at times Pancho unruffled like cartilage that gives way. with the good sense of oranges that lose their balance in the rain. Let myself go without making faces with the coherence of something in process not hanging back or of something broken that lets go like that man who tranquilly abandons the narrow security of his certainties and unkempt begins to water the garden though he intuits that all is sustained by other roots that don’t exist.

—Translation: Lee Gould