The Story Garden Premium SB&WB 4

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Story Mariagrazia Bertarini Student’s Book with Activities Premium Gard e n 4 the Risorse digitali Inquadra il QRcode o usa l’App ELILINK • Storytelling • INVALSI activities • Grammar and Phonics • Videos and animations • White Fang Reader • Let’s Practise Il piacere di apprendere EDUCAZIONE CIVICA


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Premium Gard e n 4

Student’s Book with Activities


Audio: traccia audio

Digitale: Video e attività digitale DIGITAL


Attività collegate all’insegnamento dell’Educazione Civica

Attività collegate agli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030

Attività che coinvolgono il pensiero critico

Mariagrazia Bertarini

Welcome Unit

p. 4

I’m… / I’m not…

I like… / I don’t like…

I’ve got… / I haven’t got…

I can… / I can’t…

Revision: colours, numbers, clothes, food, animals, the house and furniture

Unit 1 Around the World in 80 Days

p. 8


Weather: foggy, snowy, cold, rainy, warm, sunny, hot, windy, cool, cloudy

Seasons and months

A ctivity time p. 104

Unit 2 School in Neverland

p. 22


School subjects: science, PE, ICT, geography, music, history, maths, English, art

Days of the week

Adjectives: excellent at, (very) good at, not very good at

A ctivity time p. 110


3 A Day with Tutankhamun

p. 36


The body: get up, have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, do sport, have dinner, go to bed

Parts of the day

Adverbs of frequency

A ctivity time p. 116

Revision p. 50


What’s the weather like? It’s (sunny)!

When’s your birthday? It’s in (December).

CLIL: Science Matter

Living English: Going to school


What time is it? It’s (two) o’clock.

When’s (history)? It’s on (Monday).

Wendy is (not very good at PE).

CLIL: Art Lines

Living English: Kensington Gardens


What time does he get up? At (half past six).

Do you have a shower in the morning?

Yes, I always have a shower in the morning.

CLIL: History Egyptian mummies

Living English: Egyptian art in London

Hello, my name is Mr Green.

Gulliver in Lilliput


Physical description: bald, freckles, wavy hair, spiky hair, straight hair, fringe, beard, ponytail, curly hair, glasses

Descriptive adjectives: young, old, plump, slim, short, tall

Unit 5

p. 66

He’s (young).

He’s got (glasses) and (spiky blond hair).

Has he got (glasses)?

Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

What does he look like? He is (plump). / He has got (a beard). A ctivity time p. 122

Journey into the Earth

CLIL: PE Sports

Living English: A giant in London

Unit 6

p. 80


Personal possessions: helmet, notebook, camera, compass, sleeping bag, magnifying glass, rainproof jacket, trekking shoes, torch, rucksack

Natural places: waterfall, river, lake, volcano, mountain, cave

A ctivity time p. 128

Treasure Island

Axel’s rucksack is green.

Is it Martha’s rucksack?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

CLIL: Geography Volcanoes

Living English: Natural wonders in the UK


Wild animals: butterfly, hummingbird, bat, parrot, iguana, tapir, jaguar, spider, mosquito, tortoise, lizard, frog

Parts of the body: claws, trunk, whiskers, fur, scales, feathers

A ctivity time p. 134

Revision p. 94

Spooky Halloween!

Merry Christmas!

Earth Day

Pancake Day

Happy Easter!

Easter Bonnet Parade

Activity Time Wordlist

What colour is it?

It’s (blue and yellow).

It’s got…

It can… / It can’t…

It eats…

CLIL: Science Animals in danger!

Living English: Oak Island

p. 96 p. 98 p. 100 p. 101 p. 102 p. 103 p. 104 p. 140
p. 52

Welcome Unit

1 Listen and read.

Hello Mia, hello Tim. Here is a new storybook for you. Are you ready for a new year of fantastic adventures?

Hello, Mr Green. Yes, we’re ready. We love stories!

2 Match the pictures and the titles of the books. Listen and check. 3 DIGITAL

A Day with Tutankhamun

Treasure Island

Journey into the Earth

Around the World in 80 Days

Gulliver’s Travels

Peter Pan

Do you know these stories?

Which is your favourite book?

1 3

3 Draw or stick a photo of yourself in the space and complete the map. You can write or draw.


4 Tell a friend.

My name’s Claire. I’m nine. I’m not tall. I like my dog. I don’t like fish. I’ve got a brother. I haven’t got a sister. I can swim, but I can’t play tennis. Now it’s your turn.

OK. My name’s Thomas. I’m ten....

5 Welcome Unit
I like Ihave got Ican
I’mnot I don’t like I haven’tgot

5 Play with your friends.


C 30


It’s a crocodile.

6 Welcome Unit
20 30 40 50 60 70

6 Think about a boy and a girl in your class. Draw and write two riddles.

He’s but he isn’t . He’s got but he hasn’t got . He can but he can’t .

He likes but he doesn’t like .

Today he’s wearing but he isn’t wearing .

Who is he?

She’s but she isn’t . She’s got but she hasn’t got . She can but she can’t . She likes but she doesn’t like .

Today she’s wearing but she isn’t wearing .

Who is she?

7 Play the Who’s Wearing…? Game with your friend.

Who’s wearing a yellow T-shirt? Josh!

7 Welcome Unit
the World in 80 Days 8 Unit 1 1 foggy 2 snowy 5 warm 3 cold 6 sunny 4 rainy

1 Look and tick. I can see… an elephant a jacket a horse

a bird a bear a kite

2 Watch, listen and say. 4 VIDEO

3 Listen and sing. 5-6

What’s the weather… what’s the weather… what’s the weather like today? Tell me children, what’s the weather… what’s the weather like today?

Is it sunny?

Is it cloudy?

Is it windy or hot today?

Is it snowy?

Is it rainy?

4 Play the game.

It’s cold.

You’re in New York.

9 Unit 1 8
9 cool 7 hot 10 cloudy
Is it foggy or cold today? ACTIVITY TIME pages 104-109

What’s the weather like? It’s sunny!

What’s the weather like today?

Number five!

It’s rainy and cold. Right!

10 Unit 1 5 Listen
7 6
. 8 1 4 2 5 3 6 Living Grammar
and say.
Listen and play The Guessing Game

7 Listen and say. 9

spring summer autumn winter

8 Complete. DIGITAL

1 In the weather is usually .

2 In the weather is usually .

3 In the weather is usually .

4 In the weather is usually .

9 Read, think and complete. Listen and check. 10

1 School is closed. I can’t go to school but I can go on holiday with my family. My favourite season is .

3 I can ride my bike and play in the park. I can paint Easter eggs, too.

My favourite season is .

2 I can drink hot chocolate, I can read books on the sofa and I can write Christmas cards. My favourite season is .

4 I can see my school friends every day and I can wear my Halloween costume. My favourite season is .

the World in 80 Days

10 Listen and say. 11

When’s your birthday? It’s in December.

11 Write the months of the year in the correct order. Listen and check. 12 DIGITAL

12 Read and guess. When’s Aouda’s birthday?

Aouda, when’s your birthday?

It’s in autumn, but it isn’t in September and it isn’t in October.

Real Task

Work in groups. Surf the Internet and look for the weather in London, New York, Sydney and in two other towns or cities in different continents. Then make a poster with words and pictures.

12 Unit 1
February January May March September December April August October June July November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Living Grammar

13 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and act with a friend. 13

• When’s your birthday?

• it’s very hot

• from Sydney, Australia

• it’s cold and snowy

• Is it in the garden?

• Hi, Mia!

Mia Hello, Ben. It’s Mia.


Mia Can you come to my birthday party?

Ben Yes, I can.

Mia It’s in December, at my house.


Mia Nooo!

Ben Why?

Mia Why are you surprised?

Ben Because in December.

Mia Hot? Ben... in December

Ben Mia! In December it’s hot and sunny.

Mia Mmm… are you Ben Carter?

Ben No! I’m Ben Robinson

Mia Australia? Oh, dear…

14 Listen and say. 14

Can you repeat it three times?

In March meerkats march to the market.

15 Listen and circle. 15 DIGITAL

1 chick kick

2 chain cane

3 cheese keys

4 chat cat

13 Around the World in 80 Days
G a me

It’s a nice day, today!

Yes, it’s cold but it’s sunny.

You can’t judge a book by its cover.

And it’s windy, too! Look at the trees, Mr Fix.

Mr Fogg! There’s a letter for you!

Thank you, Passepartout.

Yes, it is. It’s from Aouda. She’s in England. The weather is bad.

Is it a letter from England? Bad?

Yes, it’s rainy. Look at the photo!

Aouda is beautiful and that cake is very nice.

What cake?

Look! The cake with candles on the table.

14 Unit 1 16 Watch and listen to the story. 16 VIDEO
1 2 6 3 4 5
15 Around the World in 80 Days 17 Act out the story. 18 True or false? DIGITAL 7 9 8 10 We agree, Mr Green. 1 The weather is cool. 2 Passepartout has got a letter for Mr Fogg. 3 The weather in England is snowy. 4 Aouda’s birthday is in December. 5 There is an Indian behind the window. 6 The Indians want the cake. Help! T F A cake? Where’s the cake? Oh, no! Her birthday is in November. Passepartout, send her a birthday card immediately.
I’m sorry sir, I can’t. We’ve got a problem...


19 Listen to the weather forecast and complete. 17 DIGITAL






and and and and

20 Do a class survey. Interview three friends and complete the chart.

When’s your birthday? Is it in June? Is it in August?

Northern Ireland NAME

It’s in summer.

No, it isn’t.

Yes, it is!

16 Unit 1


21 Read and complete the map.

Hi, my name’s Colin. I’m nine. I love autumn!

My birthday is in September and I like birthday p

I also like October because I like Halloween pa

I like warm colours and in autumn the colours of nature are red, yellow, orange and brown.

I like foggy days and in November it’s usually foggy and cold.

I don’t like rainy days, but there are lots of rainy days in autumn!

I can’t ride my bike, but I can read books.

Oh… and I love winter, too. I love Christmas time and in December I can write my present list!!!

he’s September

he can

he can’t

he likes


weather specialdays

he doesn’t like


22 Write about the boy. Start with His name’s… Then make your own map.

17 Around the World in 80 Days


1 Listen and read. 18

Matter is all around us. The sandwich in your hand, the milk you drink, the air you breathe.

Matter has a weight.

Is rain matter?

Matter has a volume. It occupies a space.

2 Tick what is matter. Listen and check. 19 DIGITAL

Unit 1
orange juice ice love bike rain snow elephant January tree spring light ice cream water air wind

Is air matter?

3 Listen and do the experiment. 20

You need

• a transparent container full of water

• a table tennis ball

• a glass

Put the ball in the container full of water.

Put the glass upside down on the ball.

4 Think and complete. Listen and check. 21 Air is matter because… it is transparent. it occupies a space.

Is water matter?

5 Listen and do the experiment. 22

You need

Push down. What happens?

• a glass full of water

• stones

• a marker pen

Mark the water line on the glass.

Put one… two… three stones in the water.

The water comes out of the glass.

6 Think and complete. Listen and check. 23 Water is matter because… stones are heavy. now the stones occupy the space of water.

1 1 2 2 3 3

Living English

1 Listen and complete. 24 DIGITAL

Going to school

elephant • birthday • bus • friends • yellow • car • father sister • big • school • house • morning

I live in India. My village is on a river, so every I wait for the boat with my . We cross the river by boat and we go to .

I live in a city in Japan. Every morning my goes to work by and he takes me to school.

I live in Thailand. I usually go to school by bus, but today is my and I’m going to school by !!! My is in front of me!

I live in Texas. Every day I go to school by . I wait for the big school bus in front of my . On the bus I meet all my school friends.

Unit 1

I live in Canada. In winter it’s very cold and my brother takes me to school on a sleigh / by snowmobile.



I live in Dublin. Every morning I go to school by scooter / bike. I usually go alone, because the school is very near.

We live in London. Every morning we meet in front of my house and we go to school by car / on foot.

How do you and your friends go to school? Do a class survey and make a chart. Then write a list of the green ways to go to school.

21 2 Listen and choose. 25 DIGITAL
I live in Vietnam. Every morning I meet my friends and we go to school by bike / motorbike.
22 1 science
2 PE
4 geography
5 music 7 maths
8 English


1 Look and tick.

I can see… a girl a boy a dog

a shirt a ball a book

2 Watch, listen and say. 26 VIDEO

3 Listen and sing. 27-28

4 Play the game.

I like geography and art.

I like geography.

I like geography, art and PE.

Unit 2 23 9 art 6
I like science and PE, music, history and ICT. Geography and maths can be great fun but English is number one! ACTIVITY TIME pages 110-115

5 Listen and say. 29

6 Look and complete. Listen and check. 30



7 Listen and play The Time Game. 31

What time is it?

Let’s go. We have maths at half past nine.

It’s half past nine.

A It’s .

B It’s five one.

C It’s ten .

D It’s a quarter three.

E It’s twenty .

F It’s twenty-five .

G It’s half past .

H It’s twenty-five .

twelve o’clock p a st six to eight

I It’s twenty .

J It’s a quarter .

K It’s ten .


O’CLOCK to to
24 Unit 2
ICT art maths science geography English history music PE 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:40 14:05 14:50 15:35 A B F H C E L J D G I K
L It’s five . Living Grammar
What time is it? It’s two o’clock.
25 School in Neverland Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri English science art history 8 Listen and say. 32 11 Now look at your timetable and answer. 1 When’s English? It’s on at . 2 When’s PE? It’s . 3 When’s science? It’s . 4 When’s maths? It’s . 5 When’s art? It’s . 6 When’s geography? It’s . 7 When’s history? It’s . 8 When’s music? It’s . 10 Listen and complete. 34 9 Listen and number. 33 DIGITAL Monday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wednesday Friday 8:30 10:30 Living Grammar When’s history? It’s on Mondays.

12 Listen and say. 35

excellent at

13 Look and complete. DIGITAL

good at

not very good at

Linda is PE. She is maths. She is ICT.

She is history.

14 Listen and check. 36

Real Task

Daniel is PE. He is maths. He is ICT. He is history.

Work in pairs. Choose a country in the world and find out what kids study at primary school.

Make a chart and report the information to your friends.

Linda Daniel


15 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and act with a friend. 37

• It’s on Tuesdays

• worms are disgusting

• Your worms are in the fridge!

• you’re excellent at science

• I’ve got it

• How are you?

Tim Hi Mia, it’s Tim.

Mia Hi, Tim.

Tim I’m angry! I can’t find the school timetable.

Mia Oh, .

Tim When is science?

Mia at ten past eight.

Tim Oh no! It’s terrible!

Mia Terrible? But !

Tim Yes, but I can’t find my project.

Mia What project?

Tim I can’t find my worm collection.

Mia Oh Tim, !

Tim They aren’t in the bathroom… They aren’t in my bedroom…

Mum Tim! Come here immediately!

Mia Ha ha ha ha! Oh Tim!

She is a seashell scientist.

The Sound G a me 27 School in Neverland TIME!
17 Listen and say. 39 16 Listen and say. 38 Can you repeat it three times?
science scientist sceptre scent ship shirt she shell

18 Watch and listen to the story. 40 VIDEO

Today is Monday. We have maths, English and PE.

He who laughs last, laughs loudest.

English is difficult!

I’m good at English.

I’m very good at English. Listen: pirate private property. Pirate private…

English is at eleven o’clock, then we have PE.

Look! Ah! I can fly!

PE is at two o’clock. Now we have maths.

I can swim.

I’m very good at PE. I can do judo!

I can’t count.

I’m not very good at maths.

I’m excellent at maths. Listen: one, two, three…

OK! OK! Let’s learn how to read a clock.

1 2 6 3 4 5 28 Unit 2

Peter, what time is it?

You’re wrong. I can read it.

We know, Mr Green.

Crocodile, what time is it?


I don’t know.

Really? What time is it?

19 Act out the story.

20 Answer.

1 What day is it?

2 Is Peter good at English?

3 Is Captain Hook very good at PE?

4 Is the crocodile good at maths?

5 Can Peter Pan read the clock?

6 What time is it?

Ha ha ha! You can’t read the clock!

It’s lunchtime! Argh!!!

29 School in Neverland
7 9 8






21 Listen to Gary and complete his timetable. 41 DIGITAL

22 Think about a scientist or a sport champion. Imagine and complete his/her school report card. Tell your friend about it.


He/She is at English. science.

His name’s Marcell Jacobs. He is an athlete. He is excellent at...






30 Unit 2
ICT. art.
a phy English a rt science


23 Read and complete the map. DIGITAL

Hi, my name’s Brenda

My favourite day is Wednesday.

On Wednesdays I have ICT, art and at half past two

I have history!

I’m very good at ICT.

I’m good at art, but I’m excellent at history.

Oh yes, my favourite subject is history and

I like ancient Egypt very much. I like pyramids and hieroglyphics. My hero is Tutankhamun.

My grandfather is a history teacher and on Sundays we usually surf the Internet and read about great explorers and archaeologists.

PS: I’m not very good at music. I can’t sing!

favourite day

favourite subject excellent at

very good at good at not very good at

on Sundays with surf the and


24 Write about the girl. Start with Her name’s…

she likes


she can’t

31 School in Neverland

ART Lines

1 Read and write. Listen and check. 42 DIGITAL

A line is a point that moves in a space. There are different kinds of lines: wavy, curved, zigzag and straight lines, horizontal, diagonal and vertical lines, thin, thick and broken lines.

2 Look at the picture and find the different kinds of lines. Check with your friends.

Let’s visit a museum! We like art.

Unit 2
1 9 7 5 3 2 10 8 6 4 zigz a g

3 Look at the two pictures and describe the one you prefer.

It’s a painting by I like it because

I can see lines.

The cold colours are The warm colours are The complementary colours are My title for it is

Real Task

Find a picture by a famous artist from your country and describe it.


Living English

1 Listen and complete. 43 DIGITAL

Kensington Gardens are one of the Royal Parks of London. The park is the setting of the book and it’s full of . Here you find the Peter Pan bronze statue. It’s one hundred years

On the statue you can see squirrels, , mice and fairies.

If you point your at the statue, you can see Peter alive. If you point your smartphone at the plaque, you receive a call from Peter Pan!

2 Listen and read. 44

Kensington Gardens

rabbits smartphone

Peter Pan magic

In the centre of the playground there is a big pirate ship. It is Captain Hook’s ship!

In Kensington Gardens you can find an Indian camp. Princess Tiger Lily lives in one of the teepees.

Unit 2 old can

3 Read and complete. Listen and check. 45 DIGITAL

land families flowers chickens vegetables

British people love gardening, but in London many live in blocks of flats and they haven’t got a place where they can grow or vegetables. In Kensington Gardens there is a community garden where people can rent a plot of and grow herbs and . They can also take care of , but it’s important to respect some rules.

4 Read and complete with Don’t where it is necessary.

Community Garden Rules

waste water. be kind. use fire. sell your products.

bring your pet with you. clean when you leave the garden. steal your neighbour’s fruit or vegetables. plant vegetables in a neighbour’s plot.

5 Read and choose. Listen and check. 46 DIGITAL

The Community Garden is also open / closed to schools who want to learn / teach more about sustainability and growing vegetables chemically / organically. It’s a great way for children to spend time outside / inside and they can discover that it’s difficult / easy to grow healthy, tasty food!

Real Task

Plan a community garden for your school. Choose the seeds and plants for your garden and write a list of garden rules.

36 A Day with Tutankhamun
1 get up 2 have a shower 8 do sport 9 have dinner 4 have breakfast 7 go home 10 go to bed 5 go to school
Unit 3

3 get dressed

1 Look and find. How many beetles can you see?

2 Watch, listen and say. 47 VIDEO

3 Listen and sing. 48-49

Good morning, good morning. It’s half past six, good morning. Good morning, good morning. It’s time to get up!

6 have lunch

I have a shower, I get dressed, I have breakfast, then I go to school!

Good afternoon, good afternoon. It’s midday, good afternoon. Good afternoon, good afternoon. It’s time for lunch.

I go home, I do sport, I have dinner, then I go to bed. Good night!

4 Play the game.

I get up, then I have a shower.

I have a shower, then I get dressed.

37 Unit 3
ACTIVITY TIME pages 116-121

What time does he get up? At half past six.

Is it a boy or a girl?

What time does she get up?

She’s Nefertari.

A girl! At seven o’clock.

Yes, right!

38 Unit 3
. 51 Tutankhamun
Living Grammar
5 Listen and say.
6 Listen and play The Guessing Game
Nefertari Tuthmosis Ahmose

7 Listen and say. 52

in the morning at midday in the afternoon in the evening at night at midnight

8 Think and answer.

1 Can you have dinner in the morning?

2 Can you go to school at night?

3 Can you have a shower in the afternoon?

4 Can you have lunch at midnight?

5 Can you do sport at midday?

6 Can you go to bed in the evening?

9 Write Leda’s routine in order. DIGITAL

She has lunch at midday.

She goes to bed at midnight.

Her name is Leda.

She does sport in the afternoon.

She gets up in the morning.

She has dinner in the evening.

10 Check with a friend.

Her n a me is Led a .

39 A Day with Tutankhamun

12 Ask your friend about his/her Sunday routine and complete the chart.

Claire, do you have a shower in the morning?

Yes, I always have a shower in the morning.

NAME get up at 7:00 play sport have lunch at 12:00 play with friends have a shower

Real Task

Work in groups. Find out about the daily routine of the ancient Egyptians. Then draw a chart.

40 Unit 3
often usually always never sometimes
11 Listen and say. 53

13 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and act with a friend. 54

• Fine, thanks!

• Then I go to bed

• I usually ride a camel

• Because I’m hungry!

• I usually have dinner at five o’clock

• Then I climb a pyramid.

• I usually get up at six o’clock

Aunt Meryl Hello, Tim. It’s Aunt Meryl. How are you?

Tim I’m in Egypt.

Aunt Meryl Oh, wonderful! What do you usually do?

Tim in the morning.

Aunt Meryl At six o’clock in the morning?

Tim Yes, then to the desert.

Aunt Meryl A camel?

Tim Yes, a camel.

Aunt Meryl Wow! Do you have lunch?

Tim Sometimes, but in the afternoon.

Aunt Meryl What do you have for dinner?

Tim Bread and water! , but I can’t sleep.

Aunt Meryl Oh dear… why?


Aunt Meryl Tim… come back home immediately!

Tim Ha ha ha… Aunt Meryl, it’s a joke. I’m not in Egypt. I’m at home. I’m studying ancient Egypt.

14 Listen and say. 55

Can you repeat it three times?

Binotris draws a brown dress.

15 Listen and say. 56

16 Listen and circle. 57 DIGITAL

The Sound G a me 41 A Day with Tutankhamun
1 3 2 brush bread dress drink TIME! CHATTING

17 Watch and listen to the story. 58 VIDEO

We’re in the Egyptian room. Don’t touch the mummies.

You’re an excellent teacher!

Let a sleeping dog lie.

Ancient Egyptians love cats.

True. I’ve got a cat.

Eddy! Don’t touch it! Thank you, teacher!

Ancient Egyptians get up at 5 o’clock in the morning.

Then they have a shower…

A shower? I can’t have a shower!

No! I usually get up when the museum closes.

… and then they go to school!

Yes, right. I like reading and writing hieroglyphs on papyrus!

42 Unit 3 1 2 6 3 4 5

Julia! Don’t touch it!

Good idea, Mr Green.

And in the evening they go to bed. Thank you, teacher.

Josh! Don’t touch it!

No! I do sport at night!

Listen to the teacher! Don’t touch me!

7 10

18 Act out the story. 19 Answer the questions.

1 Where are the mummies?

2 Do Egyptians love cats?

3 When do the mummies get up?

4 Can mummies have a shower?

5 Do mummies like school?

6 Who is angry?

8 9 12 11


Ah, fantastic! The museum is closed. Now I can go and play with the other mummies.

A Day with Tutankhamun


20 Listen and tick. 59 DIGITAL

get up at 6 o’clock at 7 o’clock have a shower in the morning in the evening have breakfast at 7:15 at 7:30 go to school at 7:50 at 8:10 have lunch at 12:30 at midday go home at 3 o’clock at 3:30 do sport at 4 o’clock at 4:30 have dinner in the evening in the afternoon go to bed at 10:15 at 10:30


21 Ask your friend and complete the chart. At seven o’clock.

What time do you usually get up?

NAME get up have breakfast go to school have lunch go home have dinner go to bed

44 Unit 3

22 Read and complete the chart.

Hello, my n a me is Sened.

I usu a lly get up a t eight o’clock in the evening. At h a lf p a st eight I often h a ve a big mouse for bre a kf a st. I never h a ve a shower a nd I never get dressed, but I a lw a ys go to the p a rk a t nine o’clock in the evening. I like climbing on the trees.

I usu a lly h a ve fish for a midnight sn a ck. At five o’clock in the morning I do sport with my friends. At six o’clock I h a ve dinner. I drink milk. I like it. It’s yummy! At seven o’clock in the morning I’m very tired a nd I a lw a ys go to bed in my sm a ll s a rcoph a gus.

Sened’s daily routine


23 Write about Sened’s daily routine. Then make your own chart.

45 A Day with Tutankhamun
get up 8 o’clock usu a lly in the evening

Egyptian history

Egyptian mummies

1 Listen and read. Then match. 60 DIGITAL

Here are the instructions for how to make a mummy.

Wash the body in Nile water. Take out the organs. Wash the organs and put them in canopic jars. Put the heart back in the body. The heart is the centre of intelligence and of the soul.

Cover the body with a special salt called natron.

After 40 days the body is completely dry.

2 Listen, read and write the names. 61 DIGITAL

What are canopic jars?

Canopic jars are special containers for the internal organs. Each canopic jar has a top with the head of a god.

Hapi is the god with a baboon head and contains the lungs.

Duamutef is the god with a jackal head and contains the stomach.

Imsety is the god with a human head and contains the liver.

Qebehsenuef is the god with a falcon head and contains the intestines.

Unit 3
is fantastic!
1 2

For Egyptians, a mummy is the body of a person or an animal preserved after death. Mummification is a step to obtain a happy afterlife.

Wrap up the body in linen bandages. Put lucky amulets under the bandages and say spells to activate their magical powers.

Put the mummy in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus. Then place it in a secret room inside a pyramid.

3 4 47

Living English Egyptian Art in London

The British Museum is the first national public museum in the world. In the museum there is an amazing collection of Egyptian objects. Here you can see the famous Rosetta Stone with ancient hieroglyphics, the enormous statue of Ramses the Great that weighs seven tons (that’s the same as 12 African elephants!), many wall paintings from Nebamun’s tomb and a large collection of mummies and sarcophagi.

Unit 3
1 Listen and complete. 62 DIGITAL This is the . These are . These are from Nebamun’s tomb.
This is the .

sphinxes New York

London obelisk

Walking through you can find many Egyptian antiquities. Along the River Thames there is the famous called Cleopatra’s Needle. The granite stone is 21 metres high and it is between two .

The obelisk has got a twin, another Cleopatra’s Needle. You can see it in Central Park,

Londoners think that a mummy comes alive every night in the old tube station of the British Museum!

Real Task

Is there an important Egyptian museum in your country? Find out and write about it.

2 Listen and complete. 63 DIGITAL
One of the two sphinxes next to Cleopatra’s Needle in London. Cleopatra’s Needle in London.
Cleopatra’s Needle in New York.

1 Listen to the dialogue between Oliver and Rosie. While listening choose the correct answers for each sentence. 64 DIGITAL

1 After school Rosie…

A does sport.

B plays in a team.

C has a cup of tea.

D goes home.

3 Today is…

A Monday.

B Tuesday.

C Wednesday.

D Friday.

5 Today the weather is…

A cold and rainy.

B windy and rainy.

C windy and cloudy.

D cold and foggy.

2 Rosie has football lessons…

A on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

B every day.

C on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.

D on Tuesdays and on Fridays.

4 Rosie’s lesson is from...

A half past three to a quarter past five.

B a quarter past three to a quarter past five.

C half past three to a quarter to five.

D half past three to half past five.

6 After the football lesson Rosie always has a…

A hot shower.

B hot chocolate.

C hot shower and a hot chocolate.

D shower and a chocolate cake.


2 Read what Harry says and answer the questions. Use a maximum of five words.

Hello, my n ame’s H arry Bl ake. I like school.

In my school lessons st art at a qu arter p ast eight

and finish at a qu arter to four.

My f avourite d ay is Tuesd a y.

On Tuesd ays I h a ve art and English.

I’m excellent at art.

After bre ak I h ave two m aths lessons.

Tod ay is Frid ay. It’s cold and r ainy.

At h alf p ast ten I h ave PE and I don’t like it.

But I’m h appy bec ause tod ay I’m ten. Yes, it’s my birthd

1 Does Harry like school?

2 Do lessons start at 8:15?

3 Do lessons finish at 4:15?

4 What’s his favourite day?

5 Does he have English after break?

6 Does he have one maths lesson?

7 Is he good at art?

8 What day is it today?

9 What’s the weather like?

10 Why is he happy?


Unit 4

Gulliver in Lilliput

1 bald 3 wavy hair 4 spiky hair 2 freckles 7 beard 8 ponytail 9 curly hair

5 straight hair

1 Look and tick.

I can see… a sheep an ice cream a pencil

a book a scooter a bird

2 Watch, listen and say. 65 VIDEO

3 Listen and sing. 66-67

6 fringe

Na, na, na, I’m so special. I’m so special. Look at me.

10 glasses

She’s got a fringe. She’s got freckles. Curly brown hair. She’s so rare!

4 Play the game.

He’s got a beard.

He’s got glasses. He’s got a beard. Spiky black hair. He’s so rare!

Number 7.

53 Unit 4
ACTIVITY TIME pages 122-127


Is it a male or a female?

Has he got curly hair?

He’s number 2.

54 Unit 4 5 Listen and say. 68 6 Listen and play The Guessing Game. 69 5 2 6 3 4 8 1 Living Grammar
he has. /
got glasses? Yes,
No, he hasn’t. A male. Yes, he has. Right!

7 Listen and say. 70

8 Match. Listen and check. 71

1 He’s young. He’s tall and slim. He’s got glasses and spiky blond hair.

2 She isn’t young. She’s tall and plump. She’s got wavy black hair. She hasn’t got a ponytail.

3 He’s short and slim. He’s young. He’s got curly red hair. He’s got a beard. He’s got freckles. He hasn’t got glasses.

4 She isn’t tall. She’s young and slim. She’s got brown hair and a ponytail and she’s got glasses.

9 Answer.

1 Who’s tall?

2 Who’s short?

3 Who’s plump?

4 Who’s got brown hair?

5 Who’s got a beard?

6 Who’s got glasses?

55 Gulliver in Lilliput
young plump old slim short tall

10 Listen and say. 72

What does he look like? He is plump. / He has got a beard.

11 Read and match. Listen and check. 73 DIGITAL

1 – Can you see my little brother?

– What does he look like?





– I’ve got a new scooter. – What does it look like?

– Jane is beautiful.

What does she look like?

– My sister has got a rabbit.

What does it look like?

– Mr Dennis is my teacher. – What does he look like?

She’s got blue hair. She’s number 1.

A – It’s plump. It’s got long ears and big feet.

B – It’s yellow and purple.

C – He’s short and thin. He’s got red hair.

D – He’s got a long beard and he’s got glasses. He’s bald.

E – She’s got short black hair and green eyes.


Real Task

Do a class project. Cut out pictures of famous people from magazines and newspapers. Make a poster. Then play Who’s Who?

56 Unit 4
4 1 2 5 8 7 6
Living Grammar

12 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and act with a friend. 74

• I can’t play basketball at all!

• No, she hasn’t.

• she’s an excellent teacher

• she’s got long brown hair and brown eyes

• she’s often got a ponytail

• She’s tall and slim.

Tim Hello, Mia, it’s Tim. Have you got a new PE teacher?

Mia Hi, Tim. Yes, ! Her name’s Jessica.

Tim Oh, What does she look like?


Tim Has she got brown hair?

Mia Yes, .

Tim Has she got curly hair?

Mia No, but .

Tim Has she got a fringe?


Tim Is she Jessica Shepard?

Mia Yes, she is. Why?

Tim Jessica Shepard is a famous basketball champion.

Wow! You’re lucky!

Mia Oh, no!

13 Listen and say. 75 Can you repeat it three times?

The green queen screams for ice cream.

14 Listen and say. 76

15 Listen and tick when you hear a word with the sound R. 77

The Sound G a me 57 Gulliver in Lilliput
1 2 3 4 5 6 straight fringe freckles tree free crown

Oh, no… my royal ship! Help, Gulliver, help!

Don’t worry, Emperor. I’m coming... I’m coming!

Who’s the thief? What does he look like?

Emperor, there’s a message for you!

Mmm… a message?

He isn’t tall, but I can’t see very well…

A heart... Mr Lewis... Blefuscu…

Mr Siwel… the royal ship!

Gulliver, look at this heart.

Open it!

58 Unit 4 1 5 2 3 4 16 Watch
and listen to the story.
It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

Yes, Mr Green. It’s obvious!

Wow! There’s a picture.

Now, let’s go to Blefuscu. Let’s look for Mr Siwel, the thief of your royal ship!

But Gulliver, we don’t know what Mr Siwel looks like!

It’s Mr Lewis. And now? What can we do?

Yes, we do. He’s the opposite of Mr Lewis!


59 Gulliver in Lilliput 17 Act out the story. 18 Think. Describe and
Siwel. 6 8 7 9 He’s slim…
draw Mr

19 Listen and circle. Draw Maggie. 79

girl 1 boy

old 2 young tall 3 short slim 4 plump blue eyes

brown eyes

20 Play The Identikit Game. Describe a school friend.

She’s a girl. She’s got curly brown hair.

60 Unit 4
5 curly red hair 6 straight brown hair ponytail 7 fringe
1 2 3 4 6 5 7
small nice nose 8 small black nose
She’s number 7!

Hello, my name’s Janet Steward.

I’m 10 years old. I’m not very tall and I’m slim.

I’ve got long red hair.

I’ve got freckles on my nose. Terrible… I don’t like freckles!

I’ve got a fantastic fringe, but my mother doesn’t like it.

I’ve got blue eyes. I haven’t got glasses. It’s a pity, because I love glasses. But in summer I always wear sunglasses.

1 Janet is… tall and slim. not very tall and not very slim. not very tall and slim.

3 Her mother… doesn’t like freckles. doesn’t like her fringe. likes her fringe.

2 She… likes freckles. likes his nose. doesn’t like freckles.

4 She’s got… curly red hair. long red hair. short red hair.

5 Janet has got… blue eyes and she has got glasses. blue eyes but she hasn’t got glasses. green eyes and she has got glasses.

61 Gulliver in Lilliput
Read and tick. DIGITAL
22 Think of a friend and describe him or her.

PE Sports

1 Listen and read. Then complete. 80 DIGITAL

court • teams • three • ball • floor • orange

Basketball is a very popular game all over the world. It’s a fast and exciting game! In a game two play on a rectangular . The only equipment you need is a and two basketball hoops. The hoops are placed at metres from the . Traditionally the ball is made of leather and it’s with black lines.

2 Read and choose. Listen and check. 81 DIGITAL

There are six / five players on a basketball team. The aim of the game is to score points by shooting the ball into the opposing team’s basket / bin. Players can touch the ball only with their hands / feet. They can’t walk with the ball in their hands. They must bounce the ball on the floor.


Three individual sports are:

Three pair sports are:

Three team sports are: I prefer... individual sports. pair sports. team sports.

When I play in a team, I prefer… to be the leader. not to be the leader.

A leader in a team is… necessary. not necessary.

4 Read and tick the correct rules. Listen and check. 82

To be a fair team player you must… always be the leader. get angry when your team loses. respect the referee. encourage your teammates. respect your teammates. not listen to the coach. shake hands at the end of a match. stop playing if you make a mistake. respect your opponent. not accept the decisions of your team.

Group work at school is important. Write some rules to work in groups at school.

EDUCAZIONE CIVICA 3 Think and write.
Real Task

Living English

A Giant in London

Big Ben is a symbol of and Great Britain. It is a part of the Palace of Westminster on the River Thames. The is 96 metres high and there are 334 to reach the top. Its official name is ‘Elizabeth Tower’.

Big Ben is the name of the giant . It is 2 metres high and weighs about 14 tons. The Big Ben probably comes from the Commissioner of Works, Benjamin Hall, a very tall and man.

2 Listen and choose. 84 DIGITAL

On the tower there are four / forty clock dials. At the base of each tower / clock dial there is a Latin inscription. In English it means ‘O Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First’. The hour foot / hand is 2.7 metres long and the minute / second hand is 4.3 metres tall / long. Every year, the minute hand travels for about 190 kilometres.

Real Task

Surf the Internet and find out the tallest bell tower in your country. Where is it? How tall is it? How old is it?

Unit 4
name tower London plump bell steps 1 Listen and complete. 83 DIGITAL

3 Listen and choose. 85 DIGITAL

A team of four / five clockmakers look after the clock. The ‘Keeper of the Great Clock’ is the head of the team. He is responsible for all of the clocks / watches in the Palace of Westminster.

4 Read.

It’s 1949. A flock of starlings make their nests on the minute hand. This slows down the movement and sets the time on the clock back by about five minutes.

Little Ben is a small reproduction of the famous Elizabeth Tower. It’s near Victoria Station.

Unit 5

Journey into the Earth

1 helmet 6 magnifying glass 2 notebook 3 camera 9 torch 10 rucksack 4 compass 5 sleeping bag 7 rainproof jacket 8 trekking shoes

1 Look and tick.

I can see… a bottle of water a dinosaur an apple

a pencil a snake

a sandwich

2 Watch, listen and say. 86 VIDEO

3 Listen and sing. 87-88

Oh, oh, oh! On a journey we go. Up in the mountains. Down by the lake. On a journey we go.

Oh, oh, oh!

Now we are ready to go.

Oh, oh, oh!

Now we are ready to go.

We need a jacket, a helmet and a torch. We need trekking shoes, a camera and a notebook.

4 Play the game.

To start the journey, I need a rucksack.

To start the journey, I need a rucksack and a torch.

67 Unit 5
ACTIVITY TIME pages 128-133

Is it Axel’s rucksack?

Is it Captain’s rucksack?

68 Unit 5
. 90
and say.
6 Listen
play The
Otto’s rucksack Julie’s rucksack Axel’s rucksack Captain’s rucksack Martha’s rucksack
No, it isn’t. Yes, it is.
Hans’s rucksack
Is it Martha’s rucksack?
There’s a helmet.


On Axel’s map there is a mountain. There isn’t a lake, but there is a waterfall and a river. There isn’t a volcano, but there is a cave.

Axel’s map is

On Julie’s map there is a mountain. There isn’t a river or a waterfall, but there is a lake. There is a volcano, but there isn’t a cave.

Julie’s map is

Journey into the
7 Listen and say. 91 Read and match.
2 1 3 4 3 2 1
8 Write. DIGITAL waterfall lake
mountain river volcano cave


rucksack is green.

2 notebook is orange.

3 compass is green.

4 torch is green.

5 notebook is blue.

6 compass is orange.

7 helmet is blue.


rainproof jacket is blue.


rucksack is purple.

Real Task

camera is blue.

helmet is red.

rainproof jacket is yellow.

sleeping bag is pink.

magnifying glass is blue.

camera is white.

torch is red.

sleeping bag is red.

magnifying glass is green.

Work with a friend. Use a dictionary and pack your rucksack for a two-day trip to the sea. What do you put in it?

70 Unit 5
10 Look and complete. Listen and check. 92
Axel’s Axel Julie

11 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and act with a friend. 93

• I’ve got my phone.

• I love insects.

• I’ve got my mother’s torch.

• Yes, Granny. I’ve got your magnifying glass.

• I’ve got my brother’s trekking shoes.

• Yes, I’ve got my father’s sleeping bag.

• I’m on a 2-day school trip in the mountains.

Granny Hi, Mia, it’s me. Where are you?

Mia Hi, Granny.

Granny Wonderful! Have you got trekking shoes?

Mia Yes, I have, Granny.

Granny Have you got a sleeping bag?


Granny OK. But have you got a torch for the night?

Mia Yes, I’ve got a torch, Granny.

Granny In the mountains there are lots of beautiful flowers. Have you got a camera?

Mia Yes, I have.

Granny Ah yes… and in the mountains there are lots of interesting insects.

Mia I know.

Granny Have you got a magnifying glass?


Granny Oh, Mia!

12 Listen and say. 94

Can you repeat it three times?

A magnificent gnome on a sign.

13 Listen and repeat. 95

The Sound G a me 71 Journey into the Earth
sign gnu design gnome magnet magnificent TIME! CHATTING

Don’t cross a bridge before you come to it.

14 Watch and listen to the story. 96 VIDEO

Mmm… very interesting.

Look! Julie’s sleeping bag is over there!

Uncle Otto, help me!

I can’t find Julie.

On that tree!

Look, Uncle Otto, there are lots of shoe prints.


They’re Julie’s shoe prints! Let’s follow them.

Oh no!

The shoe prints go on... we must cross the river.

She’s in danger!

Ohhhh, it’s difficult.

Uncle Otto, hold my hand.

72 Unit 5
1 2 6 3 4 5

It’s Julie’s torch.

Run, Axel! Run! Now! Immediately!

Listen! It’s Julie’s voice!

I want my trekking shoes and my rucksack, NOW!

Julie! You’re safe!

It’s a velociraptor. It can run very fast. You can’t catch it!

Give me my rucksack!

Yes, but I’m very angry with this dinosaur!

73 Journey into the Earth 15 Act
the story. 16 True or false?
7 9 8 10 11 T T F F
DIGITAL 1 Axel can’t find Julie. 2 Julie’s rucksack is on a tree. 3 Axel sees lots of shoe prints. 4 They are Uncle Otto’s shoe prints. 5 Axel and his uncle cross the river. 6 Uncle Otto sees Julie’s torch. 7 Julie’s in danger. 8 Julie’s angry with a dinosaur.
That’s a good tip,
Mr Green!


18 Check with a friend.

Are there two ducks in the lake?

Is there a house on the mountain?

No, there aren’t.

Yes, there is.

74 Unit 5
draw. 97


19 Read and tick. DIGITAL

Hi, my n a me’s Jennifer.

I’m p a cking for a school d a y out a nd I need a lot of things.

Let’s re a d my te a cher’s list.

Rucks a ck. I h a ven’t got a rucks a ck, but I c a n use my school b a g.

I need a r a inproof j a cket. Oh, I’ve got three!

I need sungl a sses. OK, I c a n use my brother’s sungl a sses. I need a notebook. I’ve got lots of new notebooks!

I need a bottle of w a ter, fruit a nd two s a ndwiches. OK!

I need a c a mer a . I h a ven’t got a c a mer a , but I’ve got very good eyes a nd a very good memory.

1 Jennifer can use… her rucksack. her school bag. her father’s rucksack.

3 Jennifer has got… sunglasses. her brother’s sunglasses. new sunglasses.

5 Jennifer needs… food and drinks. food, but not drinks. drinks, but not food.

2 Jennifer… has got one rainproof jacket. hasn’t got a rainproof jacket. has got three rainproof jackets.

4 Jennifer… has got one notebook. hasn’t got a notebook. has got lots of notebooks.

6 Jennifer… needs a camera. has got a camera. hasn’t got a very good memory.

20 Think and write. You are going on a desert island for one week. You can put five things in your rucksack. Use a dictionary and write your list.

75 Journey into the Earth

Wow! There are lots of active volcanoes in Italy!

1 Read and match. Listen and check. 98

The word volcano comes from the name “Vulcan”, the god of fire in Roman mythology. There are about 1,510 active volcanoes in the world. 80 are under the oceans. A volcano is a hole in the Earth’s surface, usually on a mountain. Lava, ash and gas erupt from the volcano. There are 3 different types of volcanoes:

1 active

2 dormant

3 extinct

It doesn’t erupt any more. It doesn’t usually erupt, but it can suddenly wake up. It can often erupt.

2 Match. Listen and check. 99 DIGITAL

1 main vent

Unit 5
ash cloud • crater • side vent • layers of lava and ash • magma chamber • main vent 2 4 5 6

3 Make an erupting volcano. Match, then listen and check. 100

Mix half a glass of vinegar and red food colouring.

Pour 3 tablespoons of baking soda into the bottle.

Place a small plastic bottle in the centre of the table.

Pour the mixture into the bottle and… WOW!

You can watch your volcano eruption!

Put the clay or play-dough around the bottle to make the shape of the volcano.

Cover the table with plastic.

baking soda

You need

plastic sheet an empty bottle clay or play-dough red food colouring


Look at this!

1 4 2 5 3 6

Living English

There are no active volcanoes in the UK, but there are fantastic volcanic landscapes.

Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh is a very high mountain peak. From the top of this extinct volcano you can see the city of Edinburgh when it isn’t cloudy, of course!

Castle Rock in Edinburgh is a volcano that has a castle on top of it! The castle is a mysterious place. People believe that seven ghosts live in it! The Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland is the result of ancient volcanic activity. Here, 40,000 basalt columns form a road that enter the sea.

Natural wonders in the UK

Unit 5
1 Listen and match. 101 DIGITAL

Scafell Pike is in the Lake District National Park. It is a very high in .

Today it is an volcano.

Lake Windermere is a huge natural lake in England. There are and canoes and you can enjoy a fun day on the water!

Name two volcanoes in your country. Where are they? Are they active, dormant or extinct?

England waterfalls

inactive sharks caves boats


Lots of families go on holiday in the Lake District. There are beautiful and rivers.

At Kynance Cove there are cliffs, and sandy beaches. And sometimes you can see in the water!

2 Listen and complete. 102 DIGITAL
Real Task

Unit 6

Treasure Island

1 butterfly 10 tortoise 4 parrot 5 iguana 2 hummingbird 7 jaguar 8 spider 11 lizard

1 Look and count.

1 How many eyes are there?

2 How many legs are there?

3 How many tails are there?

4 How many wings are there?

2 Watch, listen and say. 103 VIDEO

3 Listen and sing. 104-105

What can you see?

I can see a spider.

What can you see?

I can see a bat.

Sail to the island, go, go, go!

What can you see?

I can see a tortoise. What can you see?

I can see a parrot.

Can you see the treasure?

Ho, ho, ho!

4 Play the game.

I can see a butterfly.

I can see a butterfly and a jaguar.

81 Unit 6
6 tapir 3 bat
ACTIVITY TIME pages 134-139
9 mosquito frog

5 Write the names of the animals in the correct space. DIGITAL


bat jaguar mosquito lizard

parrot butterfly tapir hummingbird iguana




6 Complete the lists with other animals you know. Then play the game.

Is it an insect?


Yes, it is! Right!

82 Unit 6


claws whiskers scales trunk fur feathers

1 A mosquito has got a trunk.

4 A tapir has got whiskers.

5 A butterfly has got feathers.


9 Look and complete.

My claws are strong. I’m an

3 2

I’ve got brown fur.

I’m a


I’m a

I’ve got scales.

83 Treasure Island
8 True or false? DIGITAL 2 A tortoise hasn’t got scales. 3 A parrot has got claws. A frog hasn’t got fur.
I’m a
My feathers are blue and green. I’m a
I’ve got long whiskers. I’m a
I’ve got a long trunk.
7 Listen and say.

10 Draw an animal and write.

Its colour is .

My animal

11 Now work with a friend. Listen to his/her description and write. Guess your friend’s animal and draw it.


Real Task

Work in groups.

What are the most dangerous animals in the world?

Look on the Internet or in your library. Then make a poster.

84 Unit 6
It’s got
It can
It eats
My friend’s animal It’s a
. Its colour is . It’s got . It can . It eats . It’s a .

12 Complete the dialogue. Then listen and act with a friend. 107

• What colour is it?

• What is it?

• How are you?

• Can it jump?

• What does it eat?

Mia Hello, Mum, it’s Mia.

Mum Hi, Mia!

Mia I’m fine. I’m very happy! I’ve got a new pet!

Mum Really?

Mia Guess! It’s fantastic!

Mum Mmm…

Mia It’s green. It’s got four legs and strong claws.


Mia No, it can’t, but it can swim.


Mia It likes flowers, fruit and leaves.

Mum Really? What is it?

Mia It’s an iguana! Can I bring it home with me?

Mum NOOO! Of course not!

13 Listen and say. 108

Can you repeat it three times?

Six tigers win a prize!

14 Listen and say. 109

15 Guess and circle. I or AI?

Listen and check. 110 DIGITAL

Sound G a me 85 Treasure Island
hippo I AI lion I AI crocodile I AI fish I AI tiger I AI rabbit I AI island spider iguana lizard

The treasure is in the jungle.

is in the jungle.


OK! Let’s go! OK! Let’s go!

Oh, sorry big tortoise!

Come on, Jim!

Look in front of you. It’s defending her eggs!

John… Look at this spider…

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. 3 4 5

’ve got one at home.

Come on, Jim!

Ugh! I don’t like spiders!

86 Unit 6
16 Watch and listen to the story. 111 VIDEO 1 2 6
The treasure What are you doing? Let’s follow my parrot! Come on, Jim. It isn’t dangerous. I

Help, John! Help! There’s a dinosaur in front of me!

Yes, Mr Green. It’s important to be patient.

Oh Jim, don’t be silly! It’s an iguana. Come on!

Hey, John, look at the treasure chest. There’s also a big cat. And it’s eating a bird.

That isn’t a cat! It’s a jaguar and it’s got my parrot!

Poor me!

Run, Jim. Run!

17 Act out the story.

18 What happens next? What do you think?

87 Treasure Island
7 9 11 8 10


19 Listen and choose. Guess the animal. 112

It lives in South Africa / America / South America.

It eats fish / meat / fruit.

It has got a big beak / strong beak / small beak.

It has got short legs / long legs / four legs.

It can swim / fly / run.

It is intelligent / very intelligent / very happy.

It can read / write / speak.

What is it?


20 Play The Animal Quiz Game.

Has it got feathers?

Can it jump?

No, it hasn’t.

Yes, it can.

88 Unit 6

21 Read and answer.

The j a gu ar is a member of the big c a and it lives in Centr al and South Americ

It h as got a long body, about 1 metre and 80 centimetres long.

It is usu ally light brown or or ange with bl

It likes w ater very much and it c an swim very well.

J a gu a rs a re m a mm als and they e at me

The j a gu ar finds prey like fish and frogs in rivers. It c a n also climb up trees to att ack its prey.

Unfortun ately, the j a gu ar popul ation is in d extinction bec ause of deforest ation a

1 What is a jaguar?

2 Where does it live?

3 How long is its body?

4 What colour is it?

5 Can it swim?

6 What does it eat?

7 Why does it climb up trees?


22 Draw an imaginary animal. Invent a name and describe it.

Its name is .

It lives in .

It has got .

It eats .

It is .

It can .

89 Treasure Island

Animals in danger!

1 Read and write the Red List categories in the right place. Listen and check. 113 DIGITAL

The IUCN Red List is a list of species and their conservation status. The Red List is updated each year by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The list categories are:


Near threatened • Least concern

Critically endangered

Extinct • Extinct in the wild

Vulnerable • Endangered

2 Listen and complete. 114

Giant pandas live in China. They exclusively bamboo leaves. But change is causing an elimination of bamboo in their natural habitat.

The IUCN Red List classifies the giant panda as

Conservation status


Unit 6
concern Threatened

3 Read and choose the correct words. Listen and check. 115 DIGITAL

Koalas are a symbol of Austria / Australia. They live in eucalyptus trees and eat eucalyptus leaves. But today their favourite drink / food has less nutrients and every night / day koalas risk their life climbing down from trees in search of food and water. The IUCN Red List classifies the koala as vulnerable / endangered.

Conservation status

African elephants need to drink about 200 litres of fresh food / water a day. Now with climate change, it’s difficult / easy for elephants to get the water they need. The IUCN Red List classifies the African elephant as endangered / critically endangered.

Conservation status

Real Task

What animals do you think are in danger? Find an animal in danger in Europe or in America and make a poster about it.

EW CR EN VU NT EX Extinct LC Least concern Threatened
EW CR EN VU NT LC EX Extinct Least concern Threatened

Living English

Oak Island

1 Listen and choose. 116 DIGITAL

Oak Island is a very short / small island on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. It’s famous for the money / monkey pit where many explorers come to look for a mysterious pirate treasure chest. The legend says that seven / seventeen men must die before finding the treasure. The treasure is still a mystery today.

This is the Scottish pilot / pirate, Captain William Kidd. Some people think the treasure belongs to Captain Kidd.

2 Read, think and answer.

1 Where is Oak Island?

2 Is Oak Island a desert island?

3 Is the money pit a secret place?

4 Who is Captain Kidd?

Real Task

There are other islands around the world where people look for treasure. Surf the Internet and find some examples.

Unit 6

There are women pirates, too!

Anne Bonny and Mary Read are two famous female pirates from the 18th century. Here they are wearing pirate clothes. There are lots of stories about their adventures on the seas.

This is the Golden Hinde. It is a full-size copy of an English pirate ship. The ship is in London and you can explore the decks and imagine you are a pirate!

4 Listen, follow and find the buried treasure. 118

5 Now you are the pirate. Bury your treasure and give your friends instructions to find it!

3 Listen and read.

1 Listen to the dialogue between Alice and Thomas. While listening choose the correct answers for each sentence. 119 DIGITAL

1 Alice sees…

A two tapirs.

B a family of tapirs.

C two families of tapirs.

D five little tapirs.

3 In Thomas’s rucksack there is…

2 Alice asks Thomas for…

A a camera.

B a picture of the tapirs.

C a sandwich.

D a rucksack.

4 Henry...

A a torch, a notebook, a compass.

B a notebook, a compass, two sandwiches.

C a torch, a notebook, a compass, a sandwich.

D a torch, a notebook, a compass, a camera.

5 Alice needs…

A a compass.

B a picture.

C a family of tapirs.

D Henry’s phone.

6 The tapirs are…

A behind a big black rock.

B on a small black rock.

C in front of a big black rock.

D in front of a small black rock.

A has got glasses and curly hair.

B hasn’t got glasses or curly hair.

C has got glasses and straight hair.

D has got curly hair but he hasn’t got glasses.


2 Read the text about Grandfather John and answer the questions. Use a maximum of 5 words.

Hi, my n ame’s S a m. At the weekends, my sister and I often st a with my Gr andf ather John.

He’s my mother’s f ather and he’s got red h and blue eyes like my sister. On S aturd a ys Sund ays, he alw a ys we ars green trousers

brown j acket. He h a s also got an explorer’s h but he never we ars it. When the we ather is w and sunny we go to the river and look for spiders and insects.

He t akes be autiful photos and he h a s a huge collection of insect pictures.

He is excellent at dr awing, so in winter, when it’s cold and snowy we st a y at home and dr flowers and insects.

1 Who often stays with Grandfather John at the weekends?

2 Who’s Grandfather John?

3 Who’s got red hair in Sam’s family?

4 What does Grandfather wear at the weekends?

5 What do they look for at the river?

6 What do they do in winter?


Spooky Halloween!

1 Listen and read. Match. 120 DIGITAL

1 Hello, I’m Kate Robinson. This is my family. We love nature.

2 At Halloween we go to a farm to choose and buy our pumpkins.

3 Then I paint my jack o’lantern with Dad.

4 My sister and my brother paint their pumpkins with Mum.


2 Listen and choose. 121 DIGITAL

The fun doesn’t stop on Halloween night / day. The next day we eat our costumes / pumpkins. Every year in the UK about 8 / 18 million pumpkins go into the rubbish after Halloween. But pumpkins are animals / food and it’s a pity to waste them!

3 Listen and read the recipes. 122

My dad and I use the seeds to make fantastic snacks.

For a savoury snack

For a sweet snack

He mixes the clean seeds with a little oil, salt or honey.

My mum uses the pumpkin to bake tasty crisps.

He puts them in the oven and after 15 minutes… the snack is ready!

She slices the pumpkin.

Real Task

Decide what to reuse from your Halloween and draw the result of your project in your notebook.

She puts the slices in the oven and after 10 minutes... the crisps are ready!


Merry Christmas!

1 Listen and read. Match. 123 DIGITAL

1 Hi, I’m Eddy. My favourite colours are red and green. Red for Christmas and green for Earth.

2 On Christmas morning my sisters and I open the presents.

3 At dinner we have turkey, potatoes and Brussel sprouts. Then we eat Christmas pudding and mince pies with cream.

4 Then we pull Christmas crackers and they go bang!

98 Festivities A C B D

2 Listen and choose. 124 DIGITAL

Every year in the UK about 500 / 50 kilometres of wrapping paper go to landfill.

So, after Christmas, my sisters / brothers and I recycle and reuse all the Christmas paper we find at home. We recycle and put the wrapping paper in the metal / paper bin. But we reuse some paper and ribbons to make eco-friendly cards and gifts for next Easter / Christmas.

Decide what to reuse from your Christmas and draw the result of your project.

It’s a It’s made of


Real Task

Earth Day

1 Read and complete. Listen and check. 125 DIGITAL


protect • house • goal • pollution • year • people

The Earth is our planet and the only we have in the universe. So, every on 22nd of April about a billion around the world celebrate Earth Day. The of the celebration is to our planet from and deforestation.

Start your diary. Do an action a day to help the Earth and draw a leaf for each green action you do.

Ride a bike

Reuse shopping bags. Say NO to plastic bags

Reduce rubbish

Turn off lights

100 Festivities
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Save water
Recycle Walk

Pancake Day

1 Listen and complete. 126 DIGITAL

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast before the start of Lent.

Shrove Tuesday is always days before Sunday. On this day people make pancakes. A pancake is a thin, flat cake. You eat them with golden syrup, lemon juice, sugar, chocolate or fruit.

In the UK, pancake races are an important part of the Shrove Tuesday celebrations.

The most famous race takes place at Olney in Buckinghamshire.

At the official race, only local housewives can participate, but there are also races for girls and .

All the contestants must wear an and a hat or scarf. Each contestant has a frying pan with a hot pancake.

Contestants must toss the pancake times during the race. The first person to arrive at the church is the winner.

Real Task

Work in small groups. Think of ways to reduce food waste.

Easter • three • day • apron • pancake •
47 • boys

Happy Easter!

We love gardening too! We use the eggshells to grow native plants. Native plants are flowers or plants that grow in a particular region. When our little plants are about 2-3 cm, we put them in the garden.

Listen and read.
2 Read and number the pictures. 3 Listen and check. 128 Put soil and seeds in the eggshell. After one week look at your native plants. Water the soil regularly.
Hello, I’m Helen. Each year at Easter my brother and I paint eggs. My grandma helps us!

Easter Bonnet Parade

1 Listen and choose. 129 DIGITAL

Every month / year on Easter Day in New York there are beautiful Easter Bonnet Parades / Festivals. People come from all over the world to show their fantastic cats / hats and schools organise Easter Bonnet contests / parties. The boy or the girl who makes the strangest hat is the winner. Easter bonnets come from Asian / European traditions of wearing flowers on a hat to celebrate spring. It is also a tradition to wear old / new clothes on Easter Day.

Real Task

Design and draw your Easter hat! Recycle things you have at home or at school.

At Easter let your clothes be new, or else be sure you will it rue.


Where’s Aouda? She’s in England.

When’s her birthday? It’s in November.


Time Place

in the kitchen in London in England

1 Put the words in order.

1 cake • is • a • fridge • the • There • in

2 April • is • weather • cool • The • in

3 lives • Rome • grandmother • My • in

4 go • school • summer • don’t • to • I • in

5 India • see • in • You • can • elephants

6 play • in • afternoon • usually • the • I • football

2 Think and complete with more examples.

Time Place

in in

nit 1
in spring in April in the morning GRAMMAR








3 Complete. DIGITAL

1 are you scared?

2 is your birthday?

3 is this girl?

4 is your favourite colour?

5 is the weather like?

4 Write the questions.


A cake? Where’s the cake?

6 is your bike?

7 are you?

8 old are you?

9 is your brother’s name?

10 is my red book?

? I’m ten.

? My school bag is in the kitchen. 3


? That woman is my grandma.

? It’s red and green.

? Jane’s birthday is in April.

? Eddy Robinson.

? I’m fine, thank you.

? It’s a present for you.

? The party is at school.

? The party is today.

? He’s my art teacher.

? It’s in the garage.

105 Unit 1
5 Solve the crossword. DIGITAL 1 3 6 4 2 12 11 9 13 14 7 10 8 5 10 9 13 14 12 4 3 1 2 5 6 7 8 11 Unit 1

6 Complete with the right words. DIGITAL

1 We can make a snowman in the garden. It’s

2 Look, it’s . We can play with my kite!

3 Open the window. It’s !

4 Take your umbrella. It’s .

5 I can’t see. It’s so .

6 The opposite of cool is .

7 Close the window. It’s .

8 We can play in the garden. It’s

9 I can’t see the sun. It’s .

7 What’s the weather like in your country?

1 In spring it isn’t , it’s .

2 In summer it isn’t , it’s .

3 In autumn it isn’t , it’s .

4 In winter it isn’t , it’s .

8 Complete with Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

1 Is it usually cold at Christmas?

2 Is it usually snowy at Easter?

3 Is it usually foggy at Halloween?

4 Is it usually hot on your birthday?

107 Unit 1
rainy snowy hot warm windy cloudy sunny foggy cold

9 Draw a symbol for each season. Then say and write sentences.

10 Surf the Internet and answer.

1 What’s the weather like today in London?

2 What’s the weather like today in Brindisi?

3 What’s the weather like today in Hong Kong?

4 What’s the weather like today in Shanghai?

5 What’s the weather like today in San Francisco?

6 What’s the weather like today in New York?

7 What’s the weather like today in your town?

In I can because the weather is . In I can because the weather is . In I can because the weather is . In I can because the weather is . U
nit 1

12 Complete. DIGITAL

Seasons and Months

1 School starts in .

2 School finishes in .

3 Halloween is in .

4 St Valentine’s Day is in .

Real Task

11 Complete the map. Write the months. Record the weather for one week and make a chart.

5 Spring starts in .

6 Christmas is in .

7 Autumn starts in .

8 The new year starts in .

109 Unit 1
spring a
summer winter

It’s twenty past eleven.

What time is it?

I don’t know.

8:00 = eight o’clock a.m.

1 Read and draw.

20:00 = eight o’ clock p.m.

It’s ten past three.

It’s twenty to eight.

It’s a quarter to two.

It’s half past one.

It’s a quarter past seven.

It’s five to four.

It’s nine o’clock a .m.

1 9:00 6 5:35 2 15:15 7 7:30 3 10:50 8 21:55 4 23:45 9 2:00 5 6:10 10 4:25
2 Complete.
Unit 2 Activity time


On Mondays we have English at 11 o’clock in the morning.

in autumn in November in the morning on Monday at one o’clock at Christmas Today is Saturday. On Saturdays the school is closed.

3 Complete with in / on / at. DIGITAL

1 Scarlet has art Tuesdays.

2 She has history two o’clock.

3 We have PE the afternoon.

4 There aren’t lessons Easter.

4 Complete.

1 I have science lessons

2 I have art lessons

3 My school is closed

4 Every day my lessons start

5 Every day my lessons finish

6 We have break time

7 We decorate the Christmas tree

8 We decorate Easter eggs

9 My best friend’s birthday is

10 I always do my homework

5 Halloween the school is open.

6 ten to nine we have English.

7 Saturdays the school is closed.

8 the evening I have music lessons.

111 Unit 2 GRAMMAR

5 Complete.

I like .

But my favourite subject is .

I like

But my favourite subject is


I like .

But my favourite subject is .

6 Write about the kids.

Sally likes but . Timothy likes but . Claire likes but .

Sally Claire
Unit 2

7 Match. DIGITAL

It’s seven o’clock.

It’s a quarter to ten.

It’s ten past twelve.

It’s half past three.

It’s ten to twelve.

It’s a quarter past five.

1 What time is geography?

2 What time is science?

3 What time is music?

4 What time is art?

5 What time is PE?

113 Unit 2
8 Answer.
1 2 3 4 5 6

9 Write the days of the week in order.

10 Read and complete.

Hi, my n ame’s Timothy.

In my timet able history is on Mond ays at eight o’clock.

English is on Wednesd ays a nd Frid ays a t a qu a rter to eleven. ICT is on Wednesd ays at eight o’clock.

Art is on Mond ays a t a qu a rter to eleven. Science is on ays at eight o’clock. PE is on Tuesd ays a t a qu a rter to eleven. Geogr aphy is on Thursd ays a t a qu a rter to eleven a nd m a ths is on Frid ays at eight o’clock.

Music is on Thursd ays at eight o’clock. a turd ays I don’t go to school.

Tuesday Saturday Friday Wednesday Sunday Monday Thursday Unit 2 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 8:00 10:45

11 Complete. Use: excellent at / very good at / good at / not very good at.

My school report

I’m English. I’m science.

I’m ICT. I’m art.

I’m maths. I’m music.

I’m geography. I’m history. I’m PE.

12 Complete the map about you.

favourite day

favourite subject

I like

excellent at

Mevery good at good at not very good at

On Sundays I

I can’t

Write your ideal timetable.

Unit 2
Real Task

They get up at 5 o’clock.

No! We don’t get up at 5, we get up at 8 o’clock in the evening.


Affirmative form Negative form

I get up…

You get up…

He/She/It gets up…

We get up…

You get up…

They get up…

I don’t get up…

You don’t get up…

He/She/It doesn’t get up…

We don’t get up…

You don’t get up…

They don’t get up…

1 Complete the negative sentences with don’t or doesn’t. DIGITAL

1 Jane have breakfast at school.

2 My cousins play football.

3 My friend Peter like hamburgers.

4 His dog sleep on the sofa.

2 Write the negative form.

1 I get up.

2 She goes to school.

3 Tom and Jane go home.

4 He plays with his friends.

5 You go to bed.

6 We have lunch at school.

7 John has a shower.

8 They get dressed.

9 Emily plays volleyball.

5 We use a tablet at school.

6 They speak English.

7 I go to school by bus.

8 You do sport.

Unit 3 Activity time

Do you get up at 7 o’ clock in the morning?

Interrogative form

Do I get up…?

Do you get up…?

Does he/she/it get up…?

Do we get up…?

Do you get up…?

Do they get up…?

3 Write the interrogative form.

1 You have breakfast at eight o’clock.

2 Sue goes to school on Saturday.

3 They have lunch at school.

4 Tom does sport in the afternoon.

5 He has dinner at ten past nine.

6 You get dressed every morning.

Affirmative short answer Negative short answer

Yes, I do. Yes, you do. Yes, he/she/it does. Yes, we do. Yes, you do. Yes, they do.

4 Complete the short answers.

1 Does Abigale have breakfast on Sundays? Yes,

2 Do Mark and Lia have a snack in the afternoon? Yes,

3 Does your grandfather do sport? No,

4 Do they play the guitar in the school band? No,

5 Does your dog like hotdogs? Yes,

6 Do your friends ride a horse? No,

117 Unit 3
No, I don’t. No, you don’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t. No, we don’t. No, you don’t. No, they don’t.

6 Write the actions in order.

9 dinner 1 go to 5 have a 3 to bed 7 have 10 get 2 breakfast 6 up 4 home 8 sport
5 Complete.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit 3

7 Read and complete. DIGITAL

go home do sport

Hello, my n a me’s Ev a n a nd this is my d a ily routine.

I every d a y a t a 7:45 then I a nd I

I . I love cere a ls.

Then I by bike.

At 12:30 I a t school.

I a t 15:15.

In the a fternoon I usu a lly

I c a n pl a y footb a ll very well.

I a t 7:00 with my f

Then I w a tch TV, a nd I

8 Answer. Use: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

1 Does he get up at a quarter past seven?

2 Does he have a bath?

3 Does he go to school by bike?

4 Does he have lunch at home?

5 Does he go home at a quarter to three?

6 Does he usually do sport in the afternoon?

7 Does he usually have dinner with his family?

8 Does he usually go to bed at ten o’clock?

have breakfast

have a shower get up go to bed go to school have lunch have dinner get dressed

119 Unit 3

9 Write the parts of the day in order.

in the afternoon at night at midnight in the evening in the morning at midday

10 Think about you and write sentences.

1 I always .

2 I usually .

3 I often .

4 I sometimes .

5 I never .

11 Answer about you.

1 How often do you go to bed at ten o’clock?

2 How often do you go to school by bus?

3 How often do you have lunch at school?

4 How often do you play football?

12 Complete and match. DIGITAL

What When Where Why

What time Who


do you usually get up?

A In the afternoon. 2

B At school. 3


do you usually do sport?

do you usually have lunch?

is your favourite subject?

5 is Mr Dennison?


do you like summer?

C Because it’s sunny.

D He’s my teacher.

E At half past six.

F It’s maths.

4 5 6 1 2 3
Unit 3

13 Complete the dialogue with the mummy. Be creative!

What’s your name?

What time do you get up? get dressed? have lunch?

have a shower?

do sport?

go to bed?

121 Unit 3

I’m You’re He’s/She’s/It’s We’re You’re They’re

I’m not You aren’t He/She/It isn’t We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t

1 Complete the negative sentences with ’m not / isn’t / aren’t.

1 I speak English, but I British.

2 That blue bike new.

3 Mrs Smith my teacher.

4 My grandparents at home.

2 Write negative sentences.

1 I’m tall.

2 We’re old.

3 Jennifer is slim.

4 Robert and Mike are plump.

5 My grandfather Thomas is bald.

6 You’re short.

7 My sister and I are tall.

8 He’s young.

5 My brother plump. He’s slim.

6 Max and Logan my cousins.

7 You in my class.

8 My friends and I at the party.

BE Affirmative form Negative form
Unit 4 Activity time
Sam Lucy Mark
Lucy and Mark aren’t tall.

Interrogative form

Am I…?

Are you…?

Is he/she/it...?

Are we…?

Are you…?

Are they…?

3 Write the interrogative form.

1 Your friend is happy.

2 You are in the school canteen.

3 Josh is at the safari zoo.

4 My dog is in your garden.

5 Your parents are teachers.

6 Sam and I are tall.

Affirmative short answer Negative short answer

Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

No, I’m not. No, you aren’t. No, he/she/it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

4 Complete the short answers.

1 Are your aunt and your uncle young? Yes,

2 Are Olivia and I tall? No,

3 Is Mrs Robinson in the classroom? No,

4 Am I your friend? Yes,

5 Is your dog plump? No,

6 Are you hungry? Yes,

Are you short?

Am I old? No, I’m not!

123 Unit 4
6 Write. bald freckles glasses curly hair wavy hair straight hair beard ponytail spiky hair fringe 1 2 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 1 3 2 4 6 5
5 Match and write. DIGITAL
fringe Unit 4
He’s got freckles. He h a sn’t got gl a sses.

7 Read and write the names.

He isn’t old.

He’s tall and he’s slim.

He’s got a beard.

His name is

She isn’t young.

She’s tall and slim.

She’s got curly brown hair.

Her name is

She’s young.

She’s tall and plump.

She’s got a fringe.

Her name is

He’s young.

He’s short and slim.

He’s got curly red hair.

His name is

He’s young.

He’s short and slim.

He’s got curly white hair.

8 Answer about you.

1 Are you short?

2 Are you slim?

3 Have you got brown eyes?

4 Have you got long hair?

5 Have you got a fringe?

6 Have you got curly hair?

7 Have you got glasses?

8 Have you got a beard?

He’s got a tail!

His name is

125 Unit 4

9 Write the opposites.

1 What’s she like?

She tall.

She plump. She old.

She spiky hair. She curly hair.

She a fringe. She long hair. She glasses. She bald.

2 What’s he like?

He short. He slim. He young. He straight hair. He a ponytail.

He a fringe.

He short hair.

He glasses.

He a beard.

1 old / 2 plump / 3 tall /
Unit 4
10 Complete with is / isn’t, has got / hasn’t got.

11 Complete the dialogue with a rock singer.

What’s your name?



spiky hair?

long hair?

a fringe?


Real Task

Imagine you are eighteen years old. Tell your friends what you are like.

Unit 4

He’s got a helmet. She hasn’t got

HAVE GOT Affirmative form Negative form

I haven’t got You haven’t got He/She/It hasn’t got We haven’t got You haven’t got They haven’t got

1 Complete the negative sentences with hasn’t got / haven’t got. DIGITAL

1 No, we a torch.

2 Max a rainproof jacket.

3 I a blue sleeping bag. My sleeping bag is red.

4 Julie a new notebook.

5 That cat a long tail. It’s very short.

6 Mark, you a new compass.

7 Axel and Julie brown trekking shoes.

8 I a magnifying glass. I need one.

2 Write negative sentences.

1 Axel has got a purple rucksack.

2 Julie has got a red helmet.

3 Axel and Julie have got an umbrella.

4 The dinosaur has got a camera.

5 Jane and I have got a sleeping bag.

6 My cousins have got glasses.

7 I have got red hair and freckles.

8 You have got a green bike.

9 She has got new trekking shoes.

I’ve got You’ve got He’s/She’s/It’s got We’ve got You’ve got They’ve got
Unit 5 Activity time

Have you got a torch?

Interrogative form

Have I got…?

Have you got…?

Has he/she/it got…?

Have we got…?

Have you got…?

Have they got…?

3 Write the interrogative form.

1 Julie has got blond hair.

2 Axel has got a brother.

3 Hans and I have got a blue cap.

4 Mary and John have got a camera.

5 They have got big sleeping bags.

6 The dinosaur has got trekking shoes.

Affirmative short answer Negative short answer

Yes, I have.

Yes, you have. Yes, he/she/it has.

Yes, we have.

Yes, you have. Yes, they have.

No, I haven’t. No, you haven’t. No, he/she/it hasn’t. No, we haven’t. No, you haven’t. No, they haven’t.

4 Complete the short answers.

1 Has Mike got a magnifying glass? No,

2 Have Tommy and you got a torch? Yes,

3 Has your mother got blue eyes? No,

4 Have I got a new teacher? Yes,

5 Has that horse got long ears? No,

6 Have your cousins got a helmet? Yes,

Have I got glasses? No, I haven’t.

129 Unit 5 GRAMMAR

They’re Julie’s shoe prints.

This is Uncle Otto’s notebook.


Julie has got a camera. It’s Julie’s camera. Axel has got a torch. It’s Axel’s torch.

5 Transform the sentences. Use the possessive ’s.

1 Uncle Otto has got a rucksack.

2 Axel has got a helmet.

3 Hans has got a notebook.

4 Julie has got a compass.

5 Julie has got a sleeping bag.

6 Hans has got a torch.

7 Axel has got a camera.

8 Uncle Otto has got a magnifying glass.

6 Put the words in order. DIGITAL

1 helmet • is • It • Martha’s

2 Are • notebooks? • Hans’s • they

3 It • compass • Uncle • is • Otto’s

4 Is • rucksack? • Axel’s • it

5 Is • Uncle • it • sleeping bag? • Otto’s

6 helmet • is • Hans’s • It

7 Are • Axel’s • they • trekking shoes?

8 torch • is • It • Martha’s

9 not • It • rucksack • Axel’s • is

It’s Unit 5 GRAMMAR

7 Put the letters in order and colour.

1 a blue MACEAR

2 a green CKSAKRUC

3 a yellow OBTEONOK


5 a purple CHORT



8 an orange TEMHLE


10 a red OSSMAPC

8 Look at the pictures in exercise 7 and write sentences.

1 I’ve got , but I haven’t got .

2 I’ve got , but I haven’t got .

3 I’ve got , but I haven’t got .

4 I’ve got , but I haven’t got .

5 I’ve got , but I haven’t got .

131 Unit 5

9 Find and answer.

Use: Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

1 Are there two rucksacks?

2 Are there two rainproof jackets?

3 Are there three cameras?

4 Are there five compasses?

5 Are there six helmets?

6 Are there eleven trekking shoes?

7 Are there nine torches?

8 Are there five sleeping bags?

9 Are there six notebooks?

10 Are there twelve magnifying glasses?

Unit 5

Real Task

You go with Hans and Uncle Otto to the centre of the Earth. You’ve got the same things they have, but you can add six things. Draw and write what they are.

Unit 5
1 6 5 10 4 9 3 8 2 7
It’s Leo’s c a mer a .
10 Look and write.
Leo Lucy

I can’t move.


Affirmative form Negative form

I can… You can…

He/She/It can…

We can… You can…

They can…

1 Complete sentences with can / can’t. DIGITAL

1 Lizards jump.

2 A parrot swim.

3 A frog jump, but it fly.

4 Butterflies swim, but they fly.

5 My mother drive a car. She’s a racing driver.

6 Jimmy is sorry. He help you today.

7 Yes, I come to your birthday party.

8 Debby has got a new tablet, but she use it.

2 Write negative sentences.

1 I can fly.

2 Jane and I can swim.

3 Thomas and Kevin can jump high.

4 Bryan, you can run very fast.

5 A parrot can walk.

6 That elephant can dance.

7 Monkeys and gorillas can talk.

8 My sister can sing very well.

I can’t…

You can’t…

He/She/It can’t…

We can’t…

You can’t… They can’t…

Unit 6 Activity

Interrogative form

Can I…?

Can you…?

Can he/she/it…?

Can we…?

Can you…?

Can they…?

3 Write the interrogative form.

1 Animals can talk.

2 Your cousins can swim.

3 A spider and a tapir can fly.

4 Your sister can speak English.

5 Eddy can play football.

6 Nick and I can go to the party.

Affirmative short answer Negative short answer

Yes, I can.

Yes, you can.

Yes, he/she/it can.

Yes, we can.

Yes, you can. Yes, they can.

No, I can’t. No, you can’t. No, he/she/it can’t. No, we can’t. No, you can’t. No, they can’t.

4 Think and write the short answers.

1 Can a jaguar talk?

2 Can butterflies sing?

3 Can a lizard and an iguana fly?

4 Can a bat swim?

5 Can a mosquito jump?

6 Can a bear and a jaguar swim?

135 Unit 6 GRAMMAR
Can you swim? Can I speak English? Yes, I can.
136 5 Solve the crossword. DIGITAL 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8 1 4 3 10 7 9 2 1 5 6 8 Unit 6

7 Read and guess. Draw.

It’s got four legs.

It’s got fur and whiskers. It can run and jump.

It doesn’t like fruit.

It’s got claws.

It’s yellow and black.

It hasn’t got a trunk.

It’s got feathers.

It can fly and jump.

It can’t run.

It likes fruit.

It can be all the colours of the rainbow.

It hasn’t got a short tail.

It’s got scales.

It’s got four legs.

It can run.

It likes insects.

It’s yellow or green.

137 Unit 6 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
trunk whiskers scales fur claws feathers

8 Answer.

1 Has it got four legs?

2 Has it got feathers?

3 Has it got scales?

4 Can it fly?

5 Can it run?

6 Does it like fruit?

7 Does it like meat?

8 What colour is it?

9 Is it a mammal?

10 Is it a reptile?

9 Write the questions.

? Yes, it’s got six legs.

? No, it hasn’t got scales.

? Yes, it’s got a trunk.

? Yes, it can fly.

? No, it can’t swim.

? Yes, it likes fish.

? No, it doesn’t like meat.

? It’s green and black.

? Yes, it’s an insect.

? No, it’s not a pet.

Real Task

Make a collage or draw a fantasy animal and describe it.

Unit 6

10 Complete the dialogue with the iguana.

Have you got legs?


Can you jump?

Do you like meat?



Are you a reptile?

What colour are you?

139 Unit 6

Unit 1 Around the World in 80 Days

April aprile

August agosto

autumn autunno

boat barca

breathe respiri

Christmas cards biglietti natalizi

comes out fuoriesce

costume costume

cross attraversiamo

December dicembre

February febbraio

heavy pesanti

I meet incontro

Indian indiano

it’s cloudy è nuvoloso

it’s cold fa freddo

it’s cool fa fresco

it’s foggy c’è nebbia

it’s hot fa caldo

it’s rainy piove

it’s snowy nevica

it’s sunny c’è il sole

it’s warm è mite

it’s windy c’è vento

January gennaio

July luglio

June giugno

March marzo

mark segna

matter materia

May maggio

motorbike motocicletta

November novembre

October ottobre

river fiume

September settembre

sleigh slitta

snowmobile motoslitta

spring primavera

stones pietre

summer estate

table tennis ball pallina da ping pong

upside down alla rovescia

weight peso

What’s the weather like? Che tempo fa?

winter inverno

You can’t judge a book by its cover. (qui) L’apparenza inganna.

Unit 2 School in Neverland

ancient antico

archaeologists archeologi

art arte

athlete atleta

block of flats condominio

broken spezzate

bronze bronzo

curved curve

diagonal diagonali

excellent at eccellente in explorers esploratori

fairies fate

Friday venerdì

geography geografia

good at bravo in

Wordlist 140

He who laughs last, laughs loudest.

Ride bene chi ride ultimo.

hieroglyphics geroglifici

history storia

horizontal orizzontali

ICT tecnologia

lunchtime ora di pranzo

maths matematica

mice topi

Monday lunedì

music musica

not very good at non molto bravo in

PE educazione fisica

plaque placca

plot pezzo di terra

private property proprietà privata

pyramids piramidi

rent affittare

Saturday sabato

science scienze

setting ambientazione

squirrels scoiattoli

steal rubare

straight diritte

Sunday domenica

teepees tende (degli Indiani d’America)

thick spesse

thin sottili

Thursday giovedì

Tuesday martedì

vertical verticali

wavy ondulate

Wednesday mercoledì

What time is it? Che ora è?

worm collection collezione di vermi

Unit 3 A Day with Tutankhamun

always sempre

antiquities antichità at midday a mezzogiorno at midnight a mezzanotte

at night di notte

baboon babbuino

bandages bende

camel cammello

canopic jars vasi canopi

climb scalo

coffin bara

do sport fare sport

dry secco

falcon falcone

get dressed vestirsi get up alzarsi

go home andare a casa go to bed andare a letto go to school andare a scuola

gold d’oro

have a shower fare la doccia have breakfast fare colazione have dinner cenare

have lunch pranzare in the afternoon nel pomeriggio in the evening di sera

in the morning di mattina

intestines intestino

jackal sciacallo

joke scherzo

Let a sleeping dog lie. Non svegliare il can che dorme.


linen lino

liver fegato

lungs polmoni

mummy/mummies mummia/mummie

never mai

obelisk obelisco

often spesso

organs organi

sarcophagus/sarcophagi sarcofago/sarcofagi

sometimes a volte

soul anima

spells formule magiche

sphinxes sfingi

stomach stomaco

twin gemello

usually di solito

What time…? A che ora…?

Unit 4

Gulliver in Lilliput

bald calvo

beard barba

bell campana

bounce far rimbalzare

clock dials quadranti dell’orologio

clockmaker orologiaio

court campo

curly hair capelli ricci

flock stormo

floor pavimento

freckles lentiggini

fringe frangia

glasses occhiali

hand (qui) lancetta

inscription iscrizione

It’s as plain as the nose on your face. (qui) È chiaro come il sole.

leader capo

leather cuoio

minute hand lancetta dei minuti

must devono

nests nidi

old vecchio

opposing opposta

plump grassottello

ponytail coda

reach raggiungere

referee arbitro

royal reale

score segnare

set the time back

impostare il tempo indietro

shake hands dare la mano

shooting tirando a canestro

short basso

slim magro

spiky hair capelli a spazzola

starlings storni

steps gradini

straight hair capelli lisci

tall alto

thief ladro

tons tonnellate

travels viaggia

wavy hair capelli mossi

weighs pesa

young giovane

Wordlist 142

Unit 5 Journey into the Earth

ash cenere

baking soda bicarbonato di sodio

basalt basalto

beach spiaggia

camera macchina fotografica

cave grotta

compass bussola

crater cratere

danger pericolo

Don’t cross a bridge before you come to it.

(qui) Non bisogna fasciarsi la testa prima di rompersela.

erupt eruttano

food colouring colorante alimentare

helmet caschetto

hold afferra

hole buco

lake lago

landscapes paesaggi

lava lava

lay down stendi

layers strati

magma chamber camera del magma

magnifying glass lente d’ingrandimento

main vent condotto vulcanico / camino principale

map mappa

mountain montagna

notebook quaderno

peak vetta

play dough plastilina

prints impronte

rainproof jacket impermeabile

river fiume

rucksack zaino

safe al sicuro

sandy sabbioso

school trip gita scolastica

sharks squali

sheet foglio

side vent condotto vulcanico / camino laterali

sleeping bag sacco a pelo

suddenly improvvisamente

surface superficie

tablespoons cucchiai

torch torcia

trekking shoes scarpe da trekking

vinegar aceto

volcano vulcano

wake up svegliarsi

waterfall cascata

Unit 6

Treasure Island

all day long tutto il giorno

bat pipistrello

belongs appartiene

buried sepolto

butterfly farfalla

chest baule

claws artigli

copy replica

deck ponte

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

(qui) Non dire gatto prima di averlo nel sacco.


endangered a rischio

eucalyptus eucalipto

extinct estinto

feathers piume

frog rana

fur pelo

hummingbird colibrì

jaguar giaguaro

leaves foglie

lizard lucertola

mammals mammiferi

mosquito zanzara

parrot pappagallo

pit miniera

prey preda

reptiles rettili

scales squame

species specie

spider ragno

spots macchie

tapir tapiro

threatened a rischio

tortoise tartaruga

treasure tesoro

trunk proboscide

updated aggiornato

whiskers baffi

wild in natura

vulnerable vulnerabile


apron grembiule

At Easter let your clothes be new, or else be sure you will it rue.

Non indossare un vestito nuovo il giorno di Pasqua porta sfortuna.

Brussel sprouts cavolini di Bruxelles

crisps patatine fritte

farm fattoria

gifts doni/regali

honey miele

housewives casalinghe

it’s a pity to waste them è un peccato sprecarli

jack-o’-lantern zucca di Halloween

mince pies tortine ripiene

oven forno

parade sfilata

ribbons nastri

rubbish immondizia

scarf sciarpa

seeds semi

slices affetta

snacks spuntini

strangest il più strano

spooky spettrale

sweet dolce

syrup sciroppo di melassa

toss gettare

turkey tacchino

wrapping paper carta da regalo

Wordlist 144

THE STORY GARDEN PREMIUM 4 di Mariagrazia Bertarini

Responsabile progetto: Maria Letizia Maggini

Redazione: Valentina Falanga, Giovanni Lucchini, Lisa Suett

Art Director: Daniele Garbuglia

Coordinamento redazionale: Marco Mauri

Responsabile di produzione: Francesco Capitano

Progetto grafico e impaginazione: A come APE Studio di Alessia Zucchi

Illustrazioni: Marco Barone, Mattia Cerato, Claudio Cerri, Marta Comito, Elisa Enedino, Mattia Gaggia, Giovanni Pierfranceschi, Elisa Rocchi, Cecilia Tamburini, Beatrice Xompero

Referenze iconografiche: Shutterstock

Musica: Gianfranco Liori

Arrangiamenti e registrazioni: Samuele Dessì

Noize_Lab Studio

Voci: Zoe Raccis, Mark A. Hill, Jon Dee, Christy Kennedy, Matthew Pilia

© 2023 – ELI S.r.l.

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62019 Recanati (MC)


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ISBN 978-88-536-4002-4

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The Heart and Mind Approach

Il corso che parte dal cuore e arriva alla mente

Ritornano i fantastici personaggi di The Story Garden in versione Premium con tante novità!

• Percorsi di Educazione civica per diventare cittadine e cittadini del mondo appassionati e attenti.

• Introduzione all’Agenda 2030 e alla sostenibilità ambientale.

• La nuova sezione Festivities: alla scoperta delle feste e delle tradizioni inglesi.

• Attività di rinforzo grammaticale e di preparazione alle prove INVALSI.

• Nuove attività divertenti e coinvolgenti.

• White Fang: un libro tutto da leggere in inglese.

• Tante risorse digitali da scoprire utilizzando il QR code e la app ELi Link. Questo volume, sprovvisto del talloncino a fronte, è da considerarsi SAGGIO – CAMPIONE GRATUITO: fuori campo applicazione IVA ed esente da Ddt (Art. 2, c. 3, I.d, DPR 633/1972 e Art. 4, n.6, DPR 627/1978) TheStoryGardenPremium Student’sbook4 ISBN978-88-536-4002-4
quinta La valigetta contiene: · Teacher’s Guide · Teacher’s Kit · 4 poster · 2 CD audio · 1 DVD La valigetta contiene: · Teacher’s Guide · Teacher’s Kit · 4 poster · 2 CD audio · 1 DVD Per l´insegnante Classe quarta Classe quinta ISBN 978-88-536-4002-4
Inquadra QRcode 5 Development Learning to learn INVALSI practice Let’s Practise pp. 48 THE STORY GARDEN PREMIUM Student’s Book with Activities Mariagrazia Bertarini Story Mariagrazia Bertarini Premium Gard e n 5 the Inquadra QRcode Storytelling INVALSI activities Videos and animations Moby Dick Reader Student’s Book pp. 144 Reader pp. 16 competenze dei bambini delle Mariagrazia Bertarini Cittadinanza digitale 4 Let’s Practise pp. 48 THE STORY GARDEN PREMIUM Student’s Book with Activities Mariagrazia Bertarini Story Mariagrazia Bertarini Premium Gard e n 4 the Inquadra QRcode Storytelling INVALSI activities Videos and animations White Fang Reader Student’s Book pp. 144 Reader pp. 16 competenze dei bambini delle Cittadinanza digitale
ISBN 978-88-536-4003-1

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