Epic Kids, August 2022

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AUGUST 2022 EPICKIDS AZ.COM PAGE HOME8 RUN Logan Rose is Stepping Up to the Plate for the Western WIFFLE Ball Classic PAGE BACK4 IN THE DAY Sports Pros Share Their Childhood Memories 15-year-old Logan Rose, the founder of the Western WIFFLE Ball Classic

2 | AUGUST 2022 | EPIC KIDS EPIC KIDS AZ.COM To be considered for this FREE program, students should be between the ages of 8-14 and have a parent’s approval. Please email hello@epickidsaz.com to get started. EPIC KIDS Reporters Program I ntroducing the Epic Kids Reporters Program, where aspiring young journalists can write for Epic Kids. Throughout the school year, Epic Kids Reporters cover issues and topics that matter most to them and their peers, including breaking news, current events, sports, entertainment, school clubs, and kid profiles. Their stories will appear in both print and digital editions of Epic Kids. The resulting news clips are invaluable in growing and developing a portfolio of published work that can help students get scholarships and future educational opportunities.

EPIC KIDS | AUGUST 2022 | 3EPIC KIDS AZ.COM This newspaper is recyclable, biodegradable and contains recycled materials. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be printed or reproduced without the publication’s permission. EG Publishing assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Get In Touch: 2550 W. Union Hills Drive, Ste. 350-9433 Phoenix, AZ 888-313-791685027 Submissions and suggestions: Press Releases: Submit press releases via email to hello@epickidsaz.com. Events Calendar: Submit press releases or event listings including all details to hello@epickidsaz. com. The deadline for the September issue is September 1. Advertising: Contact the sales department by phone at 888-313-7916 or by email advertising@egpublishing.com.at Where to Find Us: Epic Kids is distributed each month directly into the backpacks of children in K-8 charter and private schools. You can also find us placed in racks where kids and their families are out and about. To see a full list of locations, visit our website. Stay Connected: @epickidsazfacebook.com/EpicKidsAZ Staff: Natasha & Brian Beal / Publishers Sondra Barr / Editor Shannon Carrillo / Production & Design Erica Odello / Ad Design Notes: Every effort is made to avoid errors, misspellings and omissions. If, however, an error comes to your attention, please accept our sincere apologies and notify us. EPIC KIDSAZ.COM CONNECT WITH Beginner-CompetitiveRiskFreeTrial » NEW Socially Distanced Curriculum with Enhanced Health and Sanitization 14000 N. Hayden Rd #102, Scottsdale (480)596-3543 | xtremegymnastics.com XTREME GYMNASTICS Beginner Competitiveto Boys & Girls » Ages 3-12 years (480) 596-35 xtr5821 N. 7 tsdale, AZ Ages 3-12Health & fitness while having a blast! day camps (480) 596-3543 • xtremegymnastics.com 14000 N. Hayden Rd. #102, Scottsdale, AZ Move-n-Learn Preschool Ages 2.5 - 5 years Energy into Ambition Ninja Zone Ages 3 - 12 years Ninjas develop lifelong skills like focus and confidence by learning to safely spin, roll, flip and kick through a combination of martial arts and gymnastics training. Ages 6 months - 16 years Move • Learn • Excel Movement + Academics = Success! Full and Half DayRiskOptionsFREE Trial »All Ages 2 week unlimited free trial »limitations apply



school was playing lots of sports with my best friends at recess. I also en joyed

Josh Rojas

Fit Kids BACK TO SCHOOL, BACK TO FITNESS Get in shape for sports tryouts with this fun workout. Getting back to school means getting back to monthly fitness challenges. Some of you may be trying out for sports, like I am this year. With this in mind, I put together a sports conditioning challenge for myself that I’m sharing with you.

Local sports pros share their favorite elementary school memories. Hi, I’m Nicholas, your Epic Kids columnist. I’m a third-grade CEO, and since many of us are going back to school this month, I thought it would be cool to ask some Arizona athletes their favorite memories of elementary school. I reached out to my friends at the Phoenix Suns, Arizona Diamondbacks, and Arizona Coyotes and they were kind enough to share some thoughts from when they were young. Ish adunk.’thethinkhoop).(ofcouldpeoplewas“Indunking.momentaSuns,withWainright,thePhoenixrecallsmemorableofHesays,fifthgrade,IatrecessandaskedifItouchtherimthebasketballIwaslike,‘IIcantouchrim;IthinkIcanIgrabbedball,missedthe first dunk, missed the second dunk, and then I tried one more time. The third time was a charm. And that’s how I started dunking...in fifthAccordinggrade.” to #35 withfact,lifelongwaselementaryfavoritebestbuddiesMantiply,pitcherDiamondbacksleft-handedAll-StarJoemakingwastheofall.“Mythingaboutschoolcreatingfriends;inI’mstillfriendsthem,”hesays.


I also talked to Arizona native #10 Infielder of andweinbehaviorwewaselementaryvoritetellslovedJoshDiamondbacks,theRojas,whofreetime.Heme,“Myfamemoryfromschool‘FreeFridays.’Ifwereonourbestandturnedallourhomework,gotfreetime,playedkickball, with Arizona Coyotes legend Shane Doan. tary learning new things from some great teachers,” says Doan. Join me on my epic journey via Instagram @creationsbynicholas and creationsbynicholas.com


Photo Courtesy ofArizona


four corners, and games like that.” I connected

Step 3: Place a cone 25 yards away. Do 60 jumping jacks while counting them out loud. When you are finished, do a fast bear crawl to the cone. This is one set. Do a total of five sets. After you’ve finished the third step, stop your watch, and record your time. Each time you repeat the above workout, aim to get a faster time. Have ideas for fitness challenges and/or comments about my workouts? Email hello@ epickidsaz and put attn: Linkan in the subject line. Linkan Marler is a 12-year-old fitness enthusiast.

To get started, grab a friend, get three cones, and find a large, grassy field. Make sure you are fully warmed up, stretched out, and hydrated. Once you are ready, set a stopwatch, and start. Step 1: Set up three cones at varying distances in the field. Have your friend point to a cone. Sprint to the cone indicated and touch it before sprinting to the next one your friend points to. Sprint to and from the cones indicated five times. Do the same for your partner, alternating pointing for five sets each.

He raves about recess. “My favorite memory of elemen

Step 2: Take turns doing 10 push-ups for 10 sets, until you’ve each completed a total of 100 push-ups.

In addition to countless hours of physical and occupational therapy, she has undergone more than 20 medical procedures. She has had her Achilles tendons and hamstrings cut and lengthened and a metal extender plate inserted into her femur. She has endured Botox treatments every six months and a serial casting process for her leg twice a year for the last decade. When most people look at Charlie now, they see a confident teenager. She’s an honor roll student, a star softball player who just went to semifinals for state with Northwest Christian high school and a girl who has dreams to get a college sports scholarship. But that wasn’t always the case. Charlie has encountered a lot of adversity in her 15 years. “When I first started going to UCP I was unable to skip, unable to gallop and unable to balance on one leg,” Charlie says. “I spent months learning how to move both arms just to be able to run. These are things most kids take for granted, but for me, these relatively simple movements took months––even years––to perfect in physical “Unitedtherapy.”Cerebral Palsy of Central Arizona will be part of our lives and Charlie’s life forever,” Heather adds. “Without them Charlie would not be where she is Ambassadorstoday.”represent UCP in the public and help create awareness of the organization’s mission to advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of people with disabilities.ForCharlie, being a UCP Ambassador provides an opportunity to use her voice to bring awareness and compassion to children and adults with special needs. She is proud to inspire and motivate others to be their best selves, no matter what challenges they “Thereencounter.was not one second I was ashamed or embarrassed for being different from other people,” added Charlie. “I was taught from a very young age that you don’t have to fit in or look like the person standing next to you. My disability doesn’t define me as a person. I hope my experiences encourage people to never judge a book by its cover because you don’t know the incredible journey and often massive hurdles some people have had to overcome.”

Fifteen-year-old Charlie Duffy inspires people both on and off the field with her perseverance in the face of adversity “Your daughter has cerebral palsy,” may be one of the most frightening things a parent can hear. For Heather and Charles Duffy, receiving the initial diagnosis for their youngest daughter, Charlie, was one of the most confusing, shocking, and scary things they could imagine. “My husband and I had no knowledge about cerebral palsy, let alone how it would affect our daughter and what her future would hold,” says Heather. “In the beginning, we educated ourselves by doing a lot of online research. Charlie’s physical therapist at the time wasn’t familiar with the diagnosis nor did she have any training working with someone with cerebral palsy. That’s when our case manager referred Charlie to United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arizona for physical therapy and family resources, which changed our lives forever.”

Nominating Charlie as a UCP Ambassador was an obvious choice for the 70-year-old nonprofit organization, UCP of Central “CharlieArizona.waschosen as an ambassador because she faithfully came to therapy and made huge strides throughout the years,” says Karla Verdugo, marketing manager at UCP of Central Arizona. “Charlie embodies the “Life without Limits” spirit UCP stands for and is an inspiration to everyone she meets. Her story demonstrates what UCP is all about––that everyone has a champion Whenwithin.”she was just 3, Charlie was diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, which affects the entire left side of her body including her left leg and hip.


Charlie was diagnosed withplasyhemiplegiccerebralatayoungage.

Twice a year for the last decade, Charlie has had serial casting done on her leg. Charlie is now a star baseball player for Northwest Christian high school.

Star Softball Player Named UCP of Central Arizona Youth Ambassador of the Year

Oliver Morrison Jr. is a 14-year-old actor


OdySea Aquarium asked kids 12 years old and under to craft an endangered animal made from recycled materials to celebrate Endangered Species Day and World Oceans Day. This year, 411 kids from across the Valley submitted incredible masterpieces using items such as cardboard boxes, egg cartons, paper towel/toilet paper rolls, plastic milk jugs, bubble wrap, shoe boxes, chicken wire, newspaper, soda cans, and plastic bottles. Every child that entered an art piece received an OdySea Aquarium admission ticket and every work of art was proudly displayed at the aquarium for several weeks between Endangered Species Day and World Oceans Day for all the guests to admire!


Dozens of participatedchildreninthe Phoenix Water Department's "Only Rain in the Storm Drain" bookmark art contest. Of the 93 entries by children ages 6 to 12, Environmental Services staff selected 16 finalists for official judging.Thejudges, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, City Librarian Rita Hamilton, Water Assistant Director Nazario Prieto, and Water Deputy Director Jennifer Calles, gathered at Burton Barr Central Library for the judging. They evaluated each entry for artistic quality, message, creativity, and clarity. When the scores were tallied, Levi Wyatt, age 9, placed first, Chinmayi Adiga, age 12, placed second, and Winston Reed, age 7, placed third. Their artwork was turned into offi cial bookmarks currently available for free at all Phoenix library loca tions, and they received a collec tion of Phoenix Water educational materials and souvenirs. The bookmarks serve as a critical reminder that only rain should go in the storm drain. It's an important message during monsoon season because it's common for people to misuse storm drains by dumping trash and other contaminants in them that can end up in streams and rivers. Phoenix Water urges residents to keep pollutants like litter, grease, oil, pet waste, and fertilizers away from storm drains. Remember, “Only Rain in the Storm Drain!” To learn more about what you can do in your home or classroom, visit Phoenix Water's website stormwater-program.gov/waterservices/envservices/phoenix.

Lights! Camera! Action!


Oliver Morrison Jr. Age: 14 Grade: 9th School you attend: West Point High School When did you get into acting? I got into acting at 8 years old. What was your first acting job? My first acting job was a commercial for Discount Patio. I was a young baseball player jumping on furniture. It was great! What are some of the other pro jects you’ve worked on? I played a young PHX Sun’s basketball player for Stewart Health; a bully (not my fave) on the Netflix movie Wishman, a true story of the founder of Make A Wish Foundation, the late Frank Shank witz. I also played a Coyote fan on an Arizona Coyotes commercial. How do you juggle being a student and acting? Prior to West Point, I attended Valor Preparatory Academy, which gave me the flexibility to act and fulfill my academic responsibilities. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to continue acting and play sports. I aspire to have my own sports/ comedy show. Spotlight on actor Oliver Morrison Jr.

Stormwater Bookmark Art Contest

AnastasiaAsbill,11 Macleod,Connor 5 Navarro,Evvan 7 Petersen,Shane 9

Young Artists Chosen as Winners of OdySea Aquarium’s Conservation Art Challenge

OdySea Aquarium’s Conservation Committee, comprised of team mem bers from every department, chose some true standouts to win top prizes. The aquarium hosted the winners (four of the five winners; one was out of town) and their immediate families as they were recognized for their hard work and effort! Each winner received a priceless, one-of-a-kind animal painting from either an OdySea African penguin or a California sea lion! The lucky winners were then surprised with a very special visit from Holly, an out going African penguin (an endangered species) that calls OdySea home.

Autumn’s mother: To have someone Autumn can have as a role model outside of the home. We don't really have family besides who's in the home. What has your participation in Big Brothers Big Sisters added to your life? Grace (Big Sister): Being a part of the program and having Autumn as my Little Sister has allowed me to experience so much joy. We always have so much fun together and she reminds me what it's like to just live in the present moment.


Autumn’s mother: Autumn gets to do things that she wouldn't get to and gets some time away from the house just for herself with someone who is caring and a great person. What’s your favorite thing about being involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters? Grace (Big Sister): My favorite part of being involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters is just getting to spend time with Autumn and getting to know her family. Autumn and I have so much fun together and I get to be a partner with her parents to share positive guidance and support for Autumn. We also have a great program specialist who supports our match and who is incredibly helpful to the success of our friendship. Autumn’s mother: Having someone that is there for Autumn and gives her the attention she deserves. Autumn always comes home happy and has a great time with Grace. Autumn loves seeing Grace and has a blast when they are together! To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters, visit sistersparents-corner/big-brothers-big-epickidsaz.com/

Pop Top Challenge

Giving Back

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central and Northern Arizona is a “homeaway-from-home” for families who must travel to the Valley for medical care for their children. Every day, the house provides a place for families to stay together and close to the medical resources they need in times when they need each other most.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Unites Children and Teens with Positive Adult Role Models

A Big Brother or Big Sister spends time with the Little Brother or Little Sister with whom they've been matched. In this CommunityBased Program, this means that the Big Brother/Sister will pick up the child from home two to four times a month for a couple of hours or more at a time. In the Site-Based Program, it means that they will spend 60 minutes together once every other week after school during the school year, in a group setting. In both types of programs, time spent between a child and their Big means that they will engage in meaningful conversations in which the Big is encouraging the child in pursuit of his/her goals and sharing helpful life perspective. Epic Kids sat down with Grace, who’s a Big Sister to 8-year-old fourth-grader Autumn, and Au tumn’s mom to learn how the program works for them. Why did you get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters? Grace (Big Sister): I got involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters because I believe in the mission of what we are doing. I believe that lives can be changed for the better through one-to-one mentoring. I have also always loved working with children and knew that being a Big would be a fun and positive experience.

Annual friendly competition between local schools benefits Ronald McDonald House Charities.

The Pop Tab Challenge rallies students and schools from across the state together in support of the families Ronald McDonald House Charities serves. Collecting pop tops shows students how small actions can have a significant impact in their community. Proceeds from recycling the tops support Ronald McDonald House’s mission of providing a resource for families in need. Last year, 16 schools and over 10,7000 students participated in the challenge. To participate in the 2022-23 Pop Tab Challenge, schools must submit a registration form. The contest runs through May 1, 2023, with bragging rights going to the school that collects the most pop tops by weight and the school that collects the most pop tops per student. For more details and to download a registration packet, visit pop-top-challenge.epickidsaz.com/parents-corner/ GraceAutumnand

Big Brothers Big Sisters brings children and teens together with caring, positive adult role models through professionally supported one-to-one mentoring friendships. Together they clear a path to success by breaking soci etal barriers, closing opportunity gaps, and overcoming adversities.

8 | AUGUST 2022 | EPIC KIDS EPIC KIDS AZ.COM Student Logan Rose is Stepping Up to the Plate Again for the Third Annual Western WIFFLE Ball Classic. Cover story Logan intoWIFFLEpassionturnedRosehisforballapopularScottsdaleevent.


“I was inspired to start the Western WIFFLE Ball Classic after creating a four-team Wiffle ball league in my backyard during the summer when the COVID-19 pandemic first hit. Playing Wiffle ball on those hot summer days brought a lot of joy to those players, including myself, so much joy that we were all disappointed when the season came to an end. The success of the season called for something bigger and better, the Western WIFFLE Ball Classic at Scottsdale Stadium,” says Logan, who had help in starting the tournament from someone near and dear. “My dad was a major help in starting this tournament through his experience in starting various events. It was very helpful to learn from him and hear his input on the event,” says Logan, a sophomore at Phoenix Country Day School. For those who don’t know what the sport is, Logan explains: “Wiffle ball is essentially mini baseball with a plastic ball that can curve, drop, rise, etc., way more than a regular baseball. For the most part, rules and the overall format are very similar to baseball. However, some key differences include the field size and dimensions scaled down, a smaller and skinnier plastic bat, using a plastic Wiffle ball, and pegging runners with the ball.”

Among the skills Logan developed by starting the Western WIFFLE Ball Classic is time management. “I’ve learned the importance of how you use and balance your time,” the young entrepreneur says. He explains that while putting together the tournament has been challenging, it’s felt anything but. “I’ve found myself working on Wiffle ball-related stuff for hours and hours without ever realizing it because it’s fun for me. If you’re doing something that you enjoy, you can achieve so much more than you can imagine.”

“These past two years have been amazing. It has been so great to see so many people get involved in the tournament,” says Logan, who’s always loved sports and pictures himself involved in that arena when he grows up. “My goals for the Western WIFFLE Ball Classic include growing it to be the biggest Wiffle ball tournament in the world,” he says. “I think having over 50 teams participating one day would be awesome. Among my goals for Big League Wiffle Ball are to get a bigtime feature by a sports network such as ESPN and to grow to over 100,000 total followers across social media.”

The 2022 tournament begins at 9 a.m. on Sat., Oct. 29 and will allow for up to 42 teams to enjoy a competitive championship tournament. All fields will be set up on Scottsdale Stadium’s main field, home to the San Francisco Giants spring training. Teams will be comprised of three to five players, each team guaranteed to play three games each. Games will last 35 minutes or four innings, whichever comes first. Then, 16 teams will advance to a single-elimination tournament. All ages are welcome and encouraged to participate in the tournament. The winner and runnerup will be awarded the Western WIFFLE Ball Classic trophy.

To learn more, visit blwwiffleball.com.

Following the success of the last two Western WIFFLE Ball Classics, its founder, 15-year-old Logan Rose is excited to bring back the popular event for a third year. Logan, a Paradise Valley resident, began his journey in the sport by creating Big League WIFFLE Ball in July of 2019. In less than three years, Logan had grown such a dedicated following that in 2020 he decided to host a tournament for all ages at the Fenway Park of spring training, Scottsdale Stadium.


What advice would you give to a kid who wants to have a similar career? It takes some hard work to get here. Sometimes it can feel like the finish line will never come. But do not stop. Keep going and keep pursuing this if it is your dream. It is worth it. One fun fact NOT about your job? I have a twin sister!

First, you must be a licensed dentist, which takes about eight to 10 years of training after high school. I am both a dentist and have my certificate in public health as well. It also helps if you’ve taught others about dental education prior. I did this through work as a faculty member at Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health. Finally, I actually got my start as a dental assistant, which helped me really understand oral care from every angle.

As Arizona,DentalfordirectordentalDeltaofDr.Schneiderattendseventstoadvocatefororalhealth.

Dr. Heather Schneider with a patient. Dr.SchneiderHeather

What’s your favorite part of your job? It is a tie between connecting with people to inspire them to be proactive in their health and helping everyone gain access to care. We actually make goodie bags and provide them to hospitals and medical centers statewide with free oral health assistance for new mothers and their babies, and we support dental care at places like shelters where there is a major need.

Dr. Heather Schneider teaches kids and adults about oral health.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? A chemist!

What type of training do you need to do your job?



Dr. Heather Schneider Profession: Dental Director at Delta Dental of Arizona Age: 39 What do you do for a living? As dental director for Arizona’s largest dental benefits provider, I am not only a dentist, but I advocate for good oral health among all Arizonans. This essentially means that teaching kids and adults alike how to take care of their mouths and teeth is my jam. How many kids and adults? We have about 1.2 million Arizona residents under our care!

A Scottsdale-based program makes keeping kids safe a priority. a police car] and suggested it to our team as a potentially fun idea to do in conjunction with some of the events we do out in the community,” Hawkinson says. Before the initial pandemic shutdowns, the officers tested the event concept at two events, and it was a hit. “The smiles from everyone involved have been so worth it,” Hawkinson says. “Officer Katzaroff transferred into crime prevention during COVID and had been chomping at the bit to get out and interact with people in-person. As soon we got the blessing from upper staff, he started planning on how to get this program rolling again and started incorporating it with school safety visits. Once the weather cools off a bit, I’m sure you’ll be seeing a bunch more of these events.”

EPIC KIDS | AUGUST 2022 | 11EPIC KIDS AZ.COM CA Insurance #0E87143 The Forbes Top Women, Best-in-State Women and Best-in-State Wealth Advisor rankings are developed by SHOOK Research and are created using an algorithm that includes both qualitative (in-person, virtual and telephone due diligence meetings; client impact; industry experience; review of best practices and compliance records; and firm nominations) and quantitative (assets under management and revenue generated for their firms) data. Certain awards include a demographic component to qualify. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. These rankings are based on the opinions of SHOOK Research, LLC, are not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience and are based on data from the previous calendar year. Forbes magazine and SHOOK Research do not receive compensation in exchange for placement on the ranking. For more information: www. SHOOKresearch.com. SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with plaque design) in the U.S. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2022 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Not FDIC or NCUA Insured | No Financial Institution Guarantee | May Lose Value Ameriprise Financial is proud to recognize Renee A. Hanson for being named #1 in Arizona by Forbes Best-in-State Women Wealth Advisors for 2022. Thank you, Renee, for your dedication and commitment to helping your clients feel more confident, connected and in control of their financial lives. Renee A. Hanson CFP®, CEP®, CDFA®, CFS®, ChFC® Private Wealth Advisor Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® Affinity Wealth Advisory Group A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC 602.923.9800 7010 E Chauncey Lane Suite Phoenix,200AZ 85054 affinitywealthadvisorygroup@ampf.com affinitywealthadvisorygroup.com Safety By Michelle Talsma Everson Photos Courtesy of the Scottsdale Police Department Keeping kids safe is a top priority and the Hands On Safety program, ran by the Scottsdale Police Department (PD) Foothills District Crime Prevention Team, was created to do just that. “The Hands On Safety program is designed to engage with children to help them make decisions about their safety,” says Officer Rob Katzaroff. Inspired by a similar program, Hands On Safety is focused on educating children at community and school events. “Kids are given information on safety by officers to cover both fire and police matters. They are taught about calling 911, fire safety, bike safety, gun safety, car safety, water safety, and stranger danger. As a pledge to stay safe, the kids are given an opportunity to place their handprint on a police car and get their picture taken with an officer, and if supplies last, are given a coloring book to reinforce the message,” he explains. The program was started by former Scottsdale Police Department Officer David Kamleiter and current Police Aid Sherri Hawkinson. “One of our officers had heard of something like this being done at another agency [placing handprints on


As the Hands On Safety program gets back out into the community, it is available to Scottsdalebased schools and community organizations upon request and availability.

“The Hands On Safety program is designed to help foster positive relationships between the community and police department in a fun, interactive way while, at the same time, helping to keep our kids safe,” says Katzaroff. “As crime prevention officers and police aides, our goal to form partnerships with our communities and help reduce Therecrime.”is no official website for the program, but interested schools and organizations can request more info by shawkinson@scottsdaleaz.gov.rkatzaroff@scottsdaleaz.govemailingor

12 | AUGUST 2022 | EPIC KIDS EPIC KIDS AZ.COM kindWhatoftreefitsinyourhand? just for fun JOKES AND FUN FACTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. Tides in oceans on Earth happen due to the force of gravitation between the Earth and the moon, which pulls up water in oceans and even in lakes, due to its gravitational force. Why was the strawberrybabycrying? What did one plate say to the other plate? 31 Brain Play 2 A brainhumanisabout60%fat. make us chuckle! Email a joke or far out fact, along with your first name, age, and the school you attend, to hello@epickidsaz.com 1.Becausehermomanddadwereinajam.2.Apalmtree.3.Dinnerisonme. A group of parrots is known as pandemonium.aBabyelephantssucktheirtrunksforcomfort.Justlikebabiesandyoungchildrensucktheirthumbs,babyelephantsdoitforcomfort,justlikeahumanbabymightsuckapacifier.Scientistsestimatethatweshareabout60%ofourDNAwithbananas.

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EPIC KIDS | AUGUST 2022 | 13EPIC KIDS AZ.COM THE WORLD ACCORDING TO HUMPHREYAUTHOR: Betty G. Birney GENRE: Middle-Grade Fiction AGES: 8+ RATING: AAAAA SYNOPSIS: You can learn a lot about life by observing another species. That’s what Humphrey was told when he was first brought to Room 26. And, boy, is it true! In addition to having fun- fun-fun in class, each weekend this amazing hamster gets to sleep over with a different student, like Lower-Your-Voice-A.J. and Speak-Up-Sayeh. Soon Humphrey learns to read, write, and even shoot rubber bands (only in self-defense, of course). With lots of friends to help, adventures to enjoy, and a cage with a lock-that-doesn’t-lock, Humphrey’s life is almost perfect. If only the teacher, Mrs. Brisbane, wasn’t out to get him!

MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS BOOK: Humphrey’s adventures with the students! I loved seeing what they got up to each weekend when Humphrey wasn’t at school. MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THIS BOOK: Humphrey! He brought so much fun to Mrs. Brisbane’s classroom.

FANS OF THIS BOOK MAY ALSO LIKE: "Lulu and the Dog from the Sea" by Hilary Mckay, "Alone in the Night" by Holly Webb, "Rain Reign" by Ann M Martin. Avery, 16, is an avid reader and book reviewer. When not reading, you can find her playing volleyball, hanging out with friends, or with one of her pets! Follow her on Instagram and TikTok at @readbyfin.

MY FAVORITE QUOTE FROM THIS BOOK: “You can learn a lot about yourself by getting to know another species. Even humans.”

For parents seeking delicious family-style meals and pizza, Grimaldi’s Coal Brick Oven Pizzeria is not to be missed. With seven convenient Valley locations, they’re hard to miss. We visited the Park West location, which was wonderful. The menu is consistent across all Valley locations and offers tasty options for the entire family. To kick off the meal, try out one of the appe tizers or salads. Personalize the bruschetta trio to your family’s tastes. Choose three of the four following: marinated mushroom and roasted red pepper, classic tomato and basil, marinated artichoke, or roasted red pepper and ricotta. Salad options include a simple house, traditional Caesar, lemon arugula, spinach, or Mediterranean. As their name suggests, pizza is the star of the show. The entire concept of Grimaldi’s is built around their signature, coal-fired brick oven pizza, which lends a unique flavor and crisp crust. You can either buildyour-own pizza with a variety of meat, cheese, and vegetable choices, or opt for one of their chef’s selections including the prosciutto arugula pizza, a classic white pizza topped with sliced prosciutto, a shaved cheese blend, and fresh arugula or the Don, topped with Italian sausage, meatballs, and pepperoni. The garden pesto is also a standout with artichokes, red onions, and ricotta cheese drizzled with basil pesto sauce. Gluten-free pizzas are available, as well as cauliflower pizza. Grimaldi’s also serves a huge calzone, hand-tossed dough stuffed with ricotta and mozzarella that’s big enough to share. Although doubtful, if you have room for dessert, options include cannoli’s, cheesecake, and tiramisu.

PIZZA, PASTA, AND MORE PizzaEVO.at bruschettaGrimaldi'strio. Grimaldi'sTheDon.

14 | AUGUST 2022 | EPIC KIDS EPIC KIDS AZ.COM Eats Family-friendly Italian dining options.

By Gretchen Pahia Mama Mia! There are some great spots for delicious Italian food and pizza here in the Valley. We got the chance to check out a couple of tasty spots recently to share with readers. EVO – Italian Cuisine 4175 N. Goldwater Blvd., Scottsdale (480) evoscottsdale.com265-9814 Located in South Scottsdale, EVO is quite possibly one of the best Italian spots we’ve had the privilege to sample. Starting with the restaurant décor itself, EVO is spot-on with its delectable Italian flavors and vibe. Starting your meal off with a focaccia rustica is the way to go. As the name suggests, it’s an amazing focaccia bread with crème de brie, taleggio, marsarpone, honey, extra virgin olive oil, and salt. Simple but so delicious and, while it sounds “fancy,” the kids will eat it up! As for a main dish, you can’t go wrong with any of your choices. The portions are gener ous and showcase ultra-fresh ingredients. If you’re into pasta, there are plenty of options, all with pasta made fresh in-house. There’s a traditional Bolognese with basil and ricotta, all the way to a summer garden pasta with mafaldine, summer squash, roasted bell pepper, tomato, haricot vert, grilled radicchio, garlic, shallot, and parmesan. In the mood for pizza? EVO has some of the best around, and the pizza is big enough for sharing. Options include the margherita, featuring a thin crust perfectly dressed with fresh mozzarella, basil, San Marzano tomato, and garlic. While the kids may want a traditional pepperoni (yes, they have a delicious version), parents may want something spicier like the Calabrian, complete with Calabrian chili, mozzarella, prosciutto, arugula, and Calabrian honey. Looking for something a little meatier, albeit on the pricier side? Try the melt-inyour-mouth prime filet. More of a burger fan? The 8-ounce EVO burger is prepared with cheddar, onion, aioli, tomato, and romaine, served on a buttery brioche bun and served with crispy fries. EVO wouldn’t be an Italian place without chicken parmesan and their version does the restaurant proud. Finish off your meal with an amazing dessert such as a butter cake or cheesecake. Grimaldi’s Coal Brick-Oven Pizzeria Seven Valley grimaldispizzeria.comlocations


WHERE: LEGOLAND Discovery Center, 5000 S. Arizona Mills Cir., Tempe WHAT: Join Wu’s Ninja Training Camp and take on the exciting and rewarding new missions in the dojo on a quest to level up your Ninja skills in the virtues of courage, generosity, honesty, wisdom, balance, and curiosity.

WHERE: Theater Works, 10580 N. 83rd Dr., Peoria WHAT: Theater Works’ Youth Works’ production, Junie B Jones Jr. The Musical, based on Barbara Park’s beloved book series, ex plores childhood friendships and imaginations. Directed by Meribeth Reeves with musical direction by Elize Kurbat and choreography by Cydney Trent, the production features Junie B Jones, Daddy & Mother, Mr. Scary, Herbert, and Lucille, Junie’s former best friend.

INFO: https://bit.ly/3PHEr5b BOUNCE AROUND WHEN: Aug. 27 WHERE: Bell Bank Park, 1 Legacy Dr., Mesa WHAT: Experience an indoor family fun-filled inflatable bounce park! The Bounce Around: Indoor Inflatables Park Experience features over 30 inflatables with a bounce area for all ages from toddlers to teens. For the parents, there will be a beer and wine garden and one beverage or snack is included in adult admissions.


WHEN: Through Aug. 28

INFO: starlightcommunitytheater. com

WHEN: Sept. 22–Oct. 2

WHERE: Mesa Arts Center, One East Main St., Mesa WHAT: Disney The Lion King JR tells the story of Simba, a young lion who is to succeed his father as King of the Pride Lands; however, after Simba's paternal uncle Scar murders Simba’s father, the young lion is manipulated into thinking he was responsible and flees into exile. After growing up in the company of the carefree outcasts Timon and Pumbaa, Simba receives valuable perspective from his childhood friend, Nala, and his shaman, Rafiki. He then to returns to his pride to challenge Scar and end his tyranny and take his place in the Circle of Life as the rightful King.


INFO: mesaartscenter.com

INFO: com/arizonalegolanddiscoverycenter.


On Deck: September

Give your child a brain boost. New group music lessons for kids are enrolling TODAY! FREE MUSIC LESSON CLASSES INCLUDE Keyboard Solfege Singing Movement Ensemb e, Reading & Music Apprec ation North Phoenix: npyamahamusic.com East Valley: evyamahamusic.com Yamaha Teachers have mus c degrees and are specially trained by Yamaha (480) 926 4441

REPTILES UP CLOSE WHEN: Aug. 14, 21, & 28 WHERE: Butterfly Wonderland, 9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale WHAT: In this interactive experience, enjoy an educational talk with Butterfly Wonderland’s Reptile General Curator Lindsey Meder. Learn about the many reptiles and amphibians that share the rainforests with tropical butterflies. Watch as she feeds the Cuvier’s Dwarf caiman and learn about their behavior and diet.

2022 What's

WHERE: Herberger Theater Center, 222 E. Monroe St., Phoenix WHAT: Immerse yourself in the world of Dr. Seuss characters, including Horton the Elephant, The Cat in the Hat, lazy Mayzie, and a little boy with a big imagination–Jojo. The colorful characters trans port us from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus to the invisible world of the Whos. A fantastical, magical, musical extravaganza, Se ussical will be sure to bring a smile to the faces of children of all ages.

INFO: bellbankpark.com

WHERE: Starlight Community Theater, 1611 W. Whispering Wind Dr. Suite 9, Phoenix WHAT: The Island of Dr. Libris brates the power of imagination with an action-packed adventure that harnesses the creative power of live theater. Billy’s spending the summer in a lakeside cabin that belongs to the mysterious Dr. Libris. But some thing strange is going on. Besides the security cameras everywhere, there’s Dr. Libris’ private bookcase. Whenever Billy opens the classic books inside, he can hear sounds coming from the island in the middle of the lake. Before long, Dr. Libris’ island is populated by some of the most famous characters in all of liter ature: Hercules, Robin Hood, Maid Marian, The Three Musketeers, Tom Sawyer, and Pollyanna.

August Happening

INFO: herbergertheater.org


INFO: theaterworks.org

INFO: odyseaaquarium.com

PLAY DAY—1980S RETRO WHEN: Aug. 27 WHERE: Chandler Museum, 300 S. Chandler Village Dr., Chandler WHAT: Bring your family and play with classic games and toys. Brush up on the classics or explore something new! Each month features a different set of games and toys. Outdoor games and activities will be available in the courtyard, weather permitting. Register and drop in for a day of play.


SEUSSICAL WHEN: Aug. 12 - 28

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