Edwards Deans Circle Report 2020-2021

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Dean’s Remarks Welcome to the 2020-21 Dean’s Circle Annual Report!

otherwise unavailable. Your generosity is rewarding academic merit and spurring tangible educational outcomes.

Friends, colleagues and supporters. I am delighted to provide this update on the inspiring support you continue to make possible for the next generation of nation-building business professionals. Within the pages of this report, you will read descriptions of the remarkable impact of your genuine generosity. I acknowledge your contributions of time, talent and resources in helping Edwards realize its vision of transformative experiences for our students. Thank you for enabling us to proceed, persevere and prosper — especially as we chart a course through the pandemic.

As we plan for a visionary future, I see Dean’s Circle support continuing to provide a platform for student excellence. We continue to engage with our students in new and exciting ways. And through it all, we maintain our values of hard work, authenticity and perseverance. You are leaving a lasting legacy for current and future students.

Your Dean’s Circle generosity was particularly vital through your support of Mitacs Business Strategy Internships (BSI). Early on in the pandemic, Edwards was approached by Mitacs — a nonprofit organization that partners with Canadian universities, private industry and government — to participate in the BSI initiative. Over the course of their 4-month internships, nearly 30 Edwards students analyzed opportunities and provided strategic support to help organizations adapt during the pandemic. Your support provided one-quarter of the funding for these ground-breaking student-industry opportunities. The Dean’s Circle funded the creation of three Indigenous specific business cases. Moreover, you made possible the adaption of the Indigenous Business in Canada course into an online format. This class is now a core course in the B.Comm. curriculum. Your assistance is empowering our students to succeed. Your funding is offering opportunities that would be


I am honoured to be considered your friend and fellow Dean’s Circle member! “Nikanitan Manacihitowinihk” (“let us lead with respect”).

Keith A. Willoughby, Ph.D. Dean and Dean’s Circle Member

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