Jéssica and the caramuri

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and the

Jéssica Albuquerque Romão

and the

Copyright © Jéssica Albuquerque Romão All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without the express permission of the author. All content of this publication is the whole responsibility of the author. Editora Schoba Rua Melvin Jones, 223 - Vila Roma - Salto - São Paulo - Brasil CEP 13321-441 Fone/Fax: +55 (11) 4029.0326 | 4021.9545 E-mail: atendimento@editoraschoba.com.br www.editoraschoba.com.br Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) Angélica Ilacqua CRB-8/7057 Romão, Jéssica Albuquerque Jéssica and the caramuri / Jéssica Albuquerque Romão. -- São Paulo : Schoba, 2013. 56 p. : il., color. ISBN 978-85-8013-244-1 1. Crianças 2. Memórias 3. Fantasias I. Título CDU 028.5 13-0182 CDD 028.5 Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Literatura infantil


my mother, who encoureged me to write this book. VALDIVINO SILVA, my father, my supporter.

ALEXANDRE, my brother, who always rooting for me.

SERGIO ROMテグ, my love.

One more day of snow in Canadá! That’s what Jessica thought when she woke up and looked through the window. She looked for the snowman she had made the previous day but didn’t find it.


She was still looking outside when her dad entered the room and said: “Look what I have found!! These are pictures of my visit to the Amazon.” “What can we find there? Is there any snow?” – asked Jessica eagerly to know all about it. “There’s no snow or any snowman, but there’s the largest river in the world, and a forest full of unknown animals and plants.” – answered her dad. “What interesting things did you find in the Amazon, dad?” – retorted the girl.


“I found the caramuri which is a typical Brazilian fruit of that specific forest. Caramuri trees have fruits only every four years and it is really hard to find them. Some things can be found only in the Amazon forest and nowhere else in the world.” – said her nostalgic dad.

“And how do you know all this?” – asked the girl. “While I was there I met Mr. Chico, and he taught me everything I know about the forest. Do you want to see the pictures and hear the stories?” – asked her dad. Jessica and her dad spent the rest of that day looking at the pictures and talking about the weather, animals, fruits, indigenous people, the Amazon Theater and many Amazon legends.


At the end of the day, Jessica fell asleep while the snow was still falling down outside.


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