Stay organised with Edco’s diary, organiser, progress-tracker and record-keeper all in one!
Updated to allow teachers to plan for the New Primary Curriculum
Dual pace to allow for the Junior end and the Senior end of school to plan in the same planner
Combined Fortnightly Plan and Cuntas Míosúil:
comprehensive four-page format includes Learning Objectives/Learning Outcomes for all subjects
Updated Monthly Overview Planning Page
Twice as much space as other planners: for extensive and efficient planning, notes, records and observations
Term Plans and up-to-date Integrated Learning Plan Templates
Custom templates designed specifically for the Irish classroom
Revised Special Education notes
Quick Reference Calendar
Coloured tabs for quick access and ease of navigation
Convenient plastic pouch which can be used to store permission slips, notes, etc.
Order early to avoid disappointment!
To place an order, please contact your local representative or Edco directly on Ph: 01-4500611, Fax: 01-4607330, Email: info@edco.ie, Website: www.edco.ie
To place an order, please contact your local representative or Edco directly on Ph: 01-4500611, Email: info@edco.ie, Website: www.edco.ie