Maths and Me Second Class Progress Assessment Booklet

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Second Class

Assessment Booklet

First published 2024

The Educational Company of Ireland

Ballymount Road


Dublin 12

A member of the Smurfit Kappa Group plc

© Claire Corroon, 2024

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Progress Assessment Book

The Educational Company of Ireland

Mia Jay Lexi Dara Monty Mia Jay Lexi Dara Monty

For pupils


In this book you will get the opportunity to show what you know and have learned. You will also get to show what you think of maths.

You will need your pencil, eraser and colours.

Your teacher will read out the questions for you, so listen carefully.

There are often lots of different ways to get the answer, so choose whatever strategy suits you.

Remember to show what you know. Use sketches, words, and/or numbers.

For teachers

To find guidance and suggestions for how to administer, score, record and analyse these assessments, please go to:

4 2nd Class Introduction
My Strategy Wall
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 +1 +10 +6 T O 1 9 + 1 7 3 6 1
Contents What I Think About Maths – Start of Year Survey 6 What I Think About Maths – End of Year Survey 7 Assessment Section 1 8 Unit 1 8 Unit 2 9 Unit 3 11 Unit 4 12 Assessment Section 2 13 Unit 5 13 Unit 6 14 Unit 7 15 Assessment Section 3 17 Unit 8 17 Unit 9 18 Unit 10 20 Unit 11 21 Assessment Section 4 22 Unit 12 22 Unit 13 23 Unit 14 24 Assessment Section 5 26 Unit 15 26 Unit 16 27 Unit 17 28 Unit 18 29 Unit 19 30

What I Think About Maths – Start of Year Survey

Listen to your teacher read out these statements. 3 whether you agree, are not sure or disagree.

I agree I’m not sure I disagree

I like maths.

I like doing maths with others in a group / pair.

When I make a mistake, I try again.

I like playing maths games in school.

I like talking about and sharing my maths ideas.

I like to sketch / draw my maths ideas.

I like coming up with my own strategies.

I use maths outside of school.

I get help at home with maths.

You can ring more than one of these words.

I think maths is… interesting boring fun hard important easy useless

6 What I Think About Maths – Start of Year Survey

What I Think About Maths – End of Year Survey

Listen to your teacher read out these statements. 3 whether you agree, are not sure or disagree.

I agree I’m not sure I disagree

I like maths.

I like doing maths with others in a group / pair.

When I make a mistake, I try again.

I like playing maths games in school.

I like talking about and sharing my maths ideas.

I like to sketch / draw my maths ideas.

I like coming up with my own strategies.

I use maths outside of school.

I get help at home with maths.

You can ring more than one of these words.

I think maths is… interesting boring fun hard important easy useless

7 What I Think About Maths – End of Year Survey

1. Count how many.

2. Which has more? Put >, < or = in the circle.

3. (a) 3 ones and 6 tens = (b) 9 tens and 0 ones =

(c) 0 ones and 8 tens = (d) 1 ten and 7 ones =

4. Write the numbers in order, starting with the smallest.

5. 3 all that are correct. 59 is:

(a) 50 tens and 9 ones

(b) 4 tens and 19 ones

(c) 5 tens and 9 ones

(d) 5 ones and 9 tens

8 Assessment Section 1 Unit 1

6. Round each number to the nearest ten. Draw number lines to help you.

(a) 52 ➜

(b) 96 ➜

(c) 34 ➜

(d) 75 ➜

Unit 2

7. There were 80 apples in the shop. 20 were sold. 30 more were delivered. 3 the number sentence that would get the correct answer.

(a) 80 − 20 – 30

(c) 80 + 20 – 30

(b) 80 – 20 + 30

(d) 80 + 20 + 30

8. How many apples are there in the shop now?

9 Assessment Section 1

9. Use the branching bonds to show these.

10. Show the fact families for each.

10 Assessment Section 1
(a) (b)
= + = + = – = – = – = – = = + = + = + = + = – = –= – = –300 300 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+ =

11. What fraction is red, and what fraction is not red?

12. Which one of the shapes is less than half red?

13. Complete these patterns.

(a) 0, 1 2 , 1, 1 1 2 , 2, , , ,

(b) 0, 1 4 , 2 4 , 3 4 , 1, 1 1 4 , , , ,

red not red

red not red

red not red

11 Assessment Section 1 Unit 3


Hot dinners sold in the canteen

Key: = 10 dinners

14. Fill in the pictogram to show that 65 dinners were sold on Friday.

15. How many dinners were sold on…

(a) Tuesday? (b) Wednesday?

16. How many more were sold on Monday than on Wednesday?

17. Draw tally marks to show the number of dinners sold on Thursday.

18. True or false? 3 or 7

There were less dinners sold on Monday and Friday than on all of the other days of the week

12 Assessment Section 1 Unit 4
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

19. Colour those that are shorter than a day red. Colour those that are longer than a day blue. month seconds year minutes week fortnight hour season

20. How many minutes in…?

(a) an hour?

(c) a quarter of an hour?

(b) a half hour?

(d) three quarters of an hour?

21. (a) How many months have 30 days?

(b) This month has 31 days and is in winter:

(c) This month has 30 days and is in summer:

22. Fill in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the boxes.

13 Assessment Section 2 Unit 5
Car Race time Place 47 seconds 51 seconds 48 seconds 50 seconds

23. What time is it?

Unit 6

24. Fill in the missing labels in the boxes. Choose four of these: curved sides straight sides 4 sides or more equal sides unequal sides 3 sides or less 4 sides or less 3 sides or more

14 Assessment Section 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
_______________ _______________ _______________

25. A B C D E

Which shape…

(a) has the most vertices?

(b) has no edges?

(c) has 1 circular face?

(d) can roll, stack and slide?

Unit 7

26. Which has more? Put >, < or = in the circle.

15 Assessment Section 2
(c) (d) 100 100 10 10 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1
(a) (b)

27. 3 or 7 each one. 130 is…

(a) 130 tens and 0 ones

(b) 1 hundred, 0 ones and 3 tens

(c) 1 hundred, 2 tens and 10 ones

(d) 130 ones 28. Write the number. 29. Round the number to the nearest ten.

(a) 1 hundred and 8 tens

(b) 10 tens and 7 ones

(c) 6 tens and 1 hundred

(d) 1 hundred and 15 ones

30. Round the number to the nearest hundred.

31. Write the numbers in the green boxes in order, starting with the smallest.

16 Assessment Section 2

Solve these, using (a) the column method and (b) a different way of your choosing.

32. (a) (b) 38 + 57 =

33. (a) (b) 87 – 45 =

34. (a) (b) 26 + 67 + 35 =

35. How much more is a monster quest than a ? answer =

36. How much for 2 ? and 1 monster quest ?

17 Assessment Section 3 Unit 8
€37 €29 T O 3 8 + 5 7 T O 8 7 – 4 5 T O 2 6 6 7 + 3 5

37. True or false? 3 or 7

(a) The shape in D3 has a line of symmetry.

(b) The shape in B4 has no right angles.

38. Write the grid reference for a shape that…

(a) tessellates (b) does not tessellate

18 Assessment Section 3 Unit 9 4 3 2 1 A

39. Monty is facing Dara. Who will he be facing if he makes…

(a) a quarter turn to his left?

(b) a half turn anti-clockwise?

(c) a full turn clockwise?

(d) three quarter turns to his right?

40. How was each pentomino moved? Write the correct word for each. slide turn flip

19 Assessment Section 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)

41. How long is each item?

42. Put ‘L’ beside the longest item and ‘S’ beside the shortest item.

20 Assessment Section 3 cm cm cm cm Unit 10
(a) (b) (c) (d)
cm cm cm cm

43. Continue the pattern and write the rule.

Pattern Rule

(a) 90, 80, 70, 60, , , ,

(b) 22, 24, 26, 28, , , ,

44. Ring the core of the pattern and continue it. (a)

(b) (c)

21 Assessment Section 3 Unit 11

45. Solve this, using (a) the column method and (b) a different way of your choosing.

(a) T O 8 7 + 6 8

(b) 87 – 68 =

Write a number sentence. Show how you solved it.

46. There were 127 people on a train. 50 got off. Another 30 got on. How many people were on the train then?

47. Dinky the pony weighs 123kg. Fred the pony weighs 145kg. How much heavier is Fred than Dinky?

22 Assessment Section 4 Unit 12

48. Match each image to its most likely capacity.

(a) Order the boxes from least to greatest weight. < < least greatest

(b) If B weighs 5kg, what might A and C weigh?

A: kg

C: kg 50. = + + =

If the holds 1 4 litre, what is the capacity of the ? litre(s)

23 Assessment Section 4 Unit 13
litre 1 litre litre 2 litres 4
C A B C 1 4 1 2

(a) How much do the animals weigh altogether? kg

(b) How much heavier is the heaviest animal than the lightest? kg Unit 14

52. Show the times on the clocks.

(a) midnight (b) quarter past 7 in the morning (c) nine thirty at night (d) quarter to 3 in the afternoon

53. Write ‘a.m.’ or ‘p.m.’ below each of the digital clocks above.

54. Which time comes 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in the day? Fill in the boxes.

24 Assessment Section 4 51.
kg 15 kg 25 kg 4

Complete the timetable and answer the question.

(a) The train arrives in Sligo 2 hours later.

(b) The train arrives in Cork 2 and a half hours later.

(c) The train arrives in Galway 2 and a quarter hours later.

(d) Mia got on the Galway train. She got off at her stop an hour later. At what time was that?

25 Assessment Section 4 55. Train
Dublin to: Leaves Arrives Cork 4:00 p.m. Galway 4:15 p.m. Sligo 4:30 p.m.

56. Draw €0.75 in coins.

57. Write the totals.

58. Put <, > or = in each above.

I had: 59. I bought: 60. My change was:

26 Assessment Section 5 Unit 15
(a) (b)
(a) €1.00 + = c c (b) €1.50 + + + = c c = € = € = € = € 25c 30c 35c

61. Fill in the block graph to show that…

(a) the purple team scored 60 points.

(b) the red team scored twice as many points as the blue team.

62. Answer these.

(a) How many points did the yellow team score?

(b) The team scored 20 more points than the purple team.

(c) How many points were scored in total by the bottom 3 teams?

(d) How many more points were scored in total by the top 2 teams than by the bottom 3 teams?

27 Assessment Section 5 Unit 16 Title: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 green yellow blue red purple
School Sports Day points

63. What is the area of each shape?

64. Use >, < or =.

28 Assessment Section 5 Unit 17
(a) (b) sq units sq units (c) (d) sq units sq units
(a) (b)

65. Jay drew a plan of his garden. Each square represents 1 square metre. Work out the area.

A is sq m.

B is sq m.

C is sq m.

D is sq m.

E is sq m.

Unit 18

66. True or false? 3 or 7

(a) 22 = 15 + 17

(c) 19 + 7 ≠ 19 – 7

(b) 20 – 3 = 23

(d) 24 ≠ 20 – 4

67. There were 158 people in a museum. 26 people left. 42 more came in. 3 the number sentence that represents this.

(a) 158 – 26 – 42 =  (b) 158 + 26 – 42 = 

(c) 158 – 26 + 42 =  (d) 158 + 26 + 42 = 

68. Work out what  stands for in the correct number sentence above.

29 Assessment Section 5

69. Solve this using (a) the column method and (b) a different way of your choosing.

Write a number sentence. Show how you solved it.

70. There were 112 people in a shop. 48 left. Another 56 came in. How many people were in the shop then?

71. Dad is 184cm tall. Mam is 157cm tall. How much taller is Dad than Mam? (b) 137 – 97 =

30 Assessment Section 5 Unit
(a) H T O 1 3 7 – 9 7

Second Class Progress Assessment Booklet

The Educational Company of Ireland

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