Echo and Buzz, April 2016

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April 2016

Volume 2 Issue 4



Your Local Indie Music Source for the Temecula Valley and Surrounding Communities



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Echo and Buzz Celebrates One Year Supporting a KNOCK-OUT Music Scene! SEE WHO’S MAKING IT HAPPEN!


Photo by Kat Ellis



RHETT S. MILLER Photographer

What is your earliest musical memory? My earliest musical memory was listing and dancing to my parents albums, Ray Charles, Martin Denny, Herb Alpert and the TJ brass, Burl Ives and Peter, Paul & Mary. We also had some Beatles 45’s that were given to us from a friend who’s mom told her, “she was too old for records”.

My favorite musical venues are Baily’s and Viva Vino, both in old town Temecula. Baily’s because they have the grand outside stage when the weather is warm and inside a cozy venue for those cold nights. Viva Vino because of the style of music they feature as well as the small quaint atmosphere.

Who is your favorite local musician/ band? Why?

What music is on your (choose one) phone, mp3 player, cd player, turntable, Jill Morrison is my favorite talent or performer. She cassette deck or 8 track player right now? is a musician, singer, song writer, choreographer and The music on my turntable is “Blow by Blow” by Jeff Beck. It’s a great album. It shows Beck’s versatility.

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why? Super hero power would be to fly. I love the idea of sailing through the sky and occasionally floating in the clouds. I realize we can do that now with a jet pack but it’s not the same.

What’s your favorite thing about Echo and Buzz? Favorite thing about Echo and Buzz is that is exposes me to the local music/art scene. I had no idea Temecula has so much talent as well as so many venues. I also like related articles on musical instrument makers and local music retailers.

What qualifies you to write for Echo and Buzz? I’ve always tied music to my art. I’ve been an artist for most of my life and I wanted to help promote talent. I have shown my photos and paintings in galleries in San Diego, Seattle, and Los Angeles.

What do you write about or contribute to Echo and Buzz?

video editor. She has a beautiful voice and can sing a variety of styles from her extensive repertoire of 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, to contemporary rock/pop. She has a great report with her audience and gets them engaged with the show. She has a golden personality and a true entertainer.

Photo property of Rhett S. Miller.

What more do you want the Echo and Buzz readers to know about you? I am an illustrator, photographer, sculptor and graphic designer. I move from medium to medium, depending on my mood. I always felt that I was an artist. I trained in traditional drawing/painting as well as graphic design and photography at the University of Kansas. I am greatly influenced by Surrealism, 60’s Pop, and the current Lowbrow art movement. I try to create a familiar scene coupled with an added hint of the absurd. With photography, I like taking portraits and architectural images. Illustration, I like traditional as much as digital. My latest venture is a line of cards and prints. They are illustrations that depict a character/s accompanied with a whimsical saying. I can play guitar and I have written some songs. It’s therapy for me just to create. My hope is that Temecula will continue to grow in appreciation for the arts. You can see some work at Always looking for freelance.

Nest by Rhett S. Miller.

I contribute photography and hopefully soon illustration/painting.

How’s the pay at Echo and Buzz? The pay is great. I am part of a great musical/arts paper. It feeds the soul.

What’s your favorite local music venue? Why? Pie by Rhett S. Miller.


Nest by Rhett S. Miller.


Monday Nights! 7:00-10:00pm

March 4, 11, 18, 25

Hosted by Joe Gillaspie


COVE Franklin’s Cove, 40675 Murrieta Hot Springs Road, Murrieta 951-696-2211

Vine by Rhett S. Miller.


LORI STYS Writer, Rock Edition

Echo and Buzz Indie Music Newspaper is a free monthly press. Dedicated to our music scene in the Temecula Valley and surrounding communities, we include stories of what’s happening musically in our area. The newspaper also includes advertising, an events calendar, local press releases, music and concert reviews, critiques, and much more. The editorial direction of the newspaper is guided by a vision of music lovers for music lovers. Our hopes are to bring together the music community and move forward the local music scene through compelling articles and reviews written by writers and fans of music in all genres.

Contact information Joe Gillaspie Publisher Phone: 651-210-9233 Email: Web: Temecula, California

Contributing Writers Pamella Bowen JED Miranda Gillaspie Steven Harding Malissa Miller Brendan Orta Gabriella Pleasant Jaime Lee Purinton Tammy Ryan Jaxx Sessions Simon Sole Steve Steinberg Lori Stys Larry Thompson Chris Whelton

Contributing Artist Rhett S. Miller Catherine S. Snodgrass Rodney Stroup

Editors Miranda Gillaspie Joe Gillaspie

What is your earliest musical memory? My Earliest musical memory was with my family at an outdoor festival by a lake, I believe it was Riverside County somewhere but not positive I was only about 5 or 6 years of age. I was very young but remember admiring all the people dancing and enjoying the music. The outdoor stage seemed huge, although to a child everything was bigger that lake could have been a stream that everyone was jumping in. The biggest impact from that event when I was young was a group of deaf festival goers. There were these big metal poles with a seat which helped them feel the vibrations and they seemed to be moving around to the beat just like everyone else, I was fascinated by it. Music truly is not only heard but felt! What music is on your (choose one) phone, mp3 player, cd player, turntable, cassette deck or 8 track player right now? Oh I am a rock n roll Junkie my player has such an array of rock from The Eagles, Metallica, AC/DC, Alice in Chains, Ozzy, Warrant, Cinderella, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kid Rock, ZZ Top, Great White, and Van Halen to Halestorm, Shinedown and Foo Fighters. But it’s no secret I like to dance so you will find some old school rap and pop in there, a little Snoop Dog, Dre, Bruno Mars and Justin Timberlake. If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why? If I had any superhero power I would say I would want it to be the power to Heal! It seems recently there is so much tragedy, cancer and disease I wish I did have the power to cure and heal the sick, the injured, the brokenhearted and troubled. If I can’t have that then I want invisibility would love to be a fly on the wall sometimes lol. What’s your favorite thing about Echo and Buzz? I love picking up Echo and Buzz and seeing who is playing where, find out about musicians that I may not have been able to catch a show yet or just see what’s new in our musical valley. What qualifies you to write for Echo and Buzz? Wait I had to be qualified? Hmmm I’m fired! No really I have a great interest and passion for music! I try to stay well connected in our music community, support live music venues and artists, support our local young talent coming out of this wonderful valley and try to stay in the know of what is going on around town musically. I like spreading the word to our community or visitors coming into town and encourage them to get out and support local music! I have made a lot a fabulous connections and friendships in this musical community and hope to continue to do so, now if I could just find a job that pays me for that passion I would be set. As far as being qualified as a writer, I had a poem published when I was young, does that count? What do you write about or contribute to Echo and Buzz? Besides sending in calendar dates for my family bands OS Roxx, The Side Project and The End Return, I had the honor of helping out with the Rock n Roll edition! Thanks Joe it was a blast. I believe I rose up to the challenge and had the pleasure of writing about our local Rock Star Erik Turner of Warrant, and a few of our local bands such as Gin Piston and Mrs. Jones Revenge. Enjoyed sitting down with Joe Gillaspie and throwing around article ideas. I still have more ;)

© 2016 Echo and Buzz, Joe Gillaspie. All rights reserved. Printed on recycled paper

Because Music Is Life

How’s the pay at Echo and Buzz?

Photo property of Lori Stys.

knowing you are supporting our musical families. But hey if you want to pay me, I won’t turn it down! What’s your favorite local music venue? Why? I cannot pick just one! I have a few so let’s highlight them. One of my favorites is The Cove, the staff is great, food is awesome, wonderful new stage and just all around great vibe. Next favorites are Lorimar and Miramonte I love the views, being outdoors and the atmosphere. Another is The Shamrock Irish pub, truly has the pub feel, great stage as well. I cannot leave out my neighborhood stop – The Last Stop Shoppe super supportive of music and it feels like I’m in episode of Cheers, everyone knows your name :). Last but not least Temecula Wine and Beer Garden, I love the big mix of people that congregate on the weekends from the tourist walking Old town to the local riders rumbling up on their bikes, the garden is super casual and great on those beautiful days and nights Let’s not forget the people watching can be very entertaining while watching some of your favorite bands. Who is your favorite local musician/band? Why? Really this is not fair how can I truly answer with so many great musicians and bands in the valley! Well you know my answer will not be singular! First off local favorites of mine that I have been watching for years now is Midnight Satellites (Master Splinter) great group of guys with amazing talent! Next would be of course The End Return, young guys with talent beyond their years with just the right amount of funk mixed with rock, plus that drummer kinda looks like me :). The band that really plays to the memories of my youth though is OS Roxx, high energy 80’s rock, screaming guitars, wildly entertaining front man and bass and drums that keep you moving. Okay last artist but in no way last in my line up is the beautifully talented Julia Lucius, have you heard this voice and her lyrics? This young talent makes my heart happy which is good for the soul. What more do you want the Echo and Buzz readers to know about you? I don’t think there is anything that interesting about me that I can tell you all, I don’t sing, I don’t play an instrument, I just love to support music. I can dance, love to go out and hear music. I have two boys, one of which is a drummer for The End Return, the other loves Science and Technology. My hubby is lead singer of OS Roxx and a very hard working man. I sell real estate and do some event coordinating throughout the year. For those that are friends of mine on social media, I do a lot of promoting my family bands and other musician friends and events. I was born and raised in OC and relocated to this valley over 11 years ago. I love our music community and our area in general. If you see me at a show say hello. Thanks Echo and Buzz for the music news outlet, we all appreciate it!

Oh you mean the reward of helping spread the musical news! Our payment is seeing the articles in print and


RODNEY STROUP: Hammering It Home Artist, Lotta Twang

by Steve Steinberg Why use a flyswatter when a sledgehammer will do. So goes one of Rodney Stroup’s favorite sayings about what motivates and inspires his creativity. It is hard to peg down his creative passion. It seems unfair to just call him an artist because he is so much more. A painter, an illustrator, a set designer, an avid reader, a writer, a cartoonist, a singer, a musician and a songwriter are just some of the passions that Stroup carries with him, and he does them all with the same fervor, energy and spirit. And don’t forget the sense of humor. Sarcastic and a bit off center, Stroup’s sense of the absurd and what is funny about the world permeates his work. Some of Stroup’s works can be found on the pages of Echo and Buzz. Look back at the May 2015 issue. That’s his illustration on the cover. His cartoon strip, “Lotta Twang,” can be found in every issue, and illustrates his sense of humor, years in the music scene and insights into the human character. Stroup says all the characters are based on people he has known. “I don’t have to make this stuff up,” Stroup says of the situations in “Lotta Twang,” “I lived it!” Stroup has lived a life of creativity. Born in Redlands, Stroup’s family moved around quite a bit in California with a detour to Arkansas. At seventeen he packed up and hitchhiked across America. Upon returning, he enlisted in the Navy and served two tours of duty in Vietnam with a helicopter squadron. Stroup has also worked in the Naval Graphics Art Department and studied art at Southwestern College. Throughout his young adult life he forged a strong work ethic, a competitive nature and an attention to detail. Stroup attributes these qualities to his father, “My dad taught me about courage and ‘prove them wrong’ when they tell you you can’t do something.” So where did the sense of humor and musicianship come from? “My mother was the funny one,” Stroup recalls, “she was the queen of puns.” “That’s where I get my weird sense of humor, and her side of the family was accomplished musically,” he says. Hard-working, musically gifted, artistic and funny, Stroup embarked on a variety of artistic ventures to merge his talents into a career. He was a staff artist at the San Diego Union Tribune where he produced original artwork to accompany stories and editorials. He was art director and co-owner of a company that provided marketing, graphics, props, and story boards for motion pictures and television. He was a scenic artist at Sea World until he opened his own prop backdrop and special effects company, Stroup Studios. After five years he sold his company and returned to Sea World as Senior Scenic Designer. He then resurrected Stroup Studios as an all-encompassing art, design and graphics company. Over the past ten years Stroup Studios has designed CD covers, promotional materials, book illustrations, logos, and home exterior renderings. Despite his accomplished professional art and design career, Stroup has always made time to play music, and has had some great influences and mentors along the way. “Man, I’ve paid my dues,” he mutters in the tone of a grizzled veteran of the music scene. “I’ve played places like the Cinnamon Cinder,” he says, recalling the notable La Mesa music club, “I remember fights breaking out and people throwing mugs at some shows.” He continues, “some joints were so smokey I would have to put a fan on the floor just to clear the air and get a breath.” One person who influenced Stroup’s performing was Dave Wilson, the former drummer of the Cascades who are known for their hit song “Rhythm of the Rain.” “Dave taught me the difference between performing and entertaining,” he says explaining that there are lots of people who can perform songs, but far less that can entertain an audience with their performance. Another lesson learned from Wilson that resonated with Stroup’s hard work attitude and attention to detail was “clean starts and clean endings. “There was none of this one guy starts and then another until all are in,” he says, “this ain’t the Grateful Dead!”

Photo property of Rodney Stroup.

Another piece of advice that appealed to Stroup’s attention to detail and his art and marketing background was provided by Kenny Rogers of “The Gambler” fame. “Kenny told me you should be able to pick out every member of the band when they are not onstage,” he recalls referring to the dress and appearance. This has stuck with Stroup who is always impeccably dressed for performances, most often in western-flavored sportcoat, vests and boots. “You will never catch me onstage in a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops,” he says unwaveringly. When he is onstage, Stroup says the one thing you can count on is that he is ready to go to work at entertaining. So, don’t be surprised to see the sleeves of that sportcoat rolled up. What is less predictable is what you will see and hear at one of his performances. He is adept at acoustic covers of classic songs. He has a host of original songs, but look out, most of these are laced with his signature sarcasm and wit. More recently he has introduced the audience to Alejando, a ventriloquist dummy he designed from an old animatronic monkey he had designed years ago. Yes, Stroup knows how to do ventriloquism, as well. Stroup is fearless on stage no matter what he is doing. This is where his competitive spirit is most on display. “When I was fourteen I was in a talent contest and got up and performed a number and thought I did pretty good, but the next guy got up killed it.” Since that time Stroup’s motto has been, “Let others go on first, then go do it better.” Look out, here comes the sledgehammer! You can see Rodney Stroup every Sunday night, 6-9 pm at Third Street Live in Old Town Temecula, where he hosts a comedy and music open mic. To learn more about Stroup Studios visit


SOLO ACT Lucky Stone Pub April 2, 4:30-7:30 pm Sorrel Bistro April 15, 6:30-9:30 pm Temecula Valley Cheese Company April 24, 12-3 pm




PAMELLA BOWEN Writer, Music Interest

by Malissa Miller

By summer of last year she began taking donated jewelry and redesigning it into desirable pieces to raise money for various peacebuilding charities. Photo property of Pamella Bowen.

For years, I have been wondering who exactly is Pam (Pamella) Bowen. I’ve seen her at shows, given her hugs, and know that somehow we have a vast catalog of mutual friends. But, in all honesty, I don’t know anything about her. Thankfully, I was offered the opportunity to get to know her this month. The first time I heard of her was about 4 years ago when Jerod Dulaney and I were just friends. He had met Pam and they had talked about Jerod helping Pam put music to her poetry that she had specific visions of developing into a song. I’m not exactly sure as to why they never completed that project, but I’ll wager it had everything to do with life’s circumstance. Pam doesn’t know this, but I had actually read that poem at the time. I remember it was good. Actually, it was great. I also remember the phrasing switched around rhythmically, and I personally had some ideas about it but never spoke up. Since then, Pam has collaborated with several local musicians and has more songs on her soundcloud than I do! She’s obviously been very busy. I have to admit, I was surprised to find that she is a retired teacher. I had always just assumed she was an artist. Come to find out, she is an amateur painter, as well as photographer, poet, and most recently jewelry designer. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that she is a devout Episcopalian because I had particularly always thought of her as somewhat of a mystic or hippy. It’s funny the way we perceive people. She has a particular warmth that’s shrouded in kindness and generosity and when she says she’s coming to your gig, she’s there cheering you on.

that often times her proliferative lyrical content is dovetailed with her spiritual journey. She doesn’t consider herself a “musician” per say because she relies on an instrumentalist to breathe life into her lyrics. If you haven’t yet received the impression that she’s all about making the world a better place, by summer of last year she began taking donated jewelry and redesigning it into desirable pieces to raise money for various peace-building charities. Her company “Beads for Peace” donates 60% of the proceeds and can often times be found at churches and local art fairs. Her next public sale will be at Art Under the Oaks at Dorland Mountain Arts Colony on Sunday, April 24, 2016. In addition to her charity work, she has been writing for Echo and Buzz, and continues to pursue her passion in songwriting. Surely, if you are out and about at a local songwriter expo or supporting local talent, you will definitely cross paths with this wonderful heart. Luckily, she has also been a mother to two undoubtedly beautiful women and is married to an artist named Don. God only knows how many children she has impacted through teaching, and I can honestly say I wish there were more people willing to give as Pam does.

Beyond her encouragement, there is a familiarity that comes with her presence. I have always felt like we were friends, but other than social media, we have only experienced a few encounters over the years. I imagine it is her spirit that has made collaborating with songwriters Dale Crockett, Ed Dunn, D.D. Bain, R.J. Campbell, Gloria Sitz, James Cain, Jesse Andra Smith, Esther Henderson, Joel Reese, Cory McCoy, Kyle Kanan, Kory Cox (and many more) a success. She has a deep desire to help people, support local talent, and promote peace. She has a strong conviction that the industry is killing off music and artistry and that a very clear musical movement is in the making and can only be successful if we all support each other. Her desire for community to be harmonious and make the world a better place is down right inspiring. Her songs highlight the spiritual aspects of her life as well as a humility that is admirable. She says that she works better with “assignments” and has entered various songwriting contests like FAWM and 50/90. In September of 2015, Joel Reese hosted a local songwriting event and Pamella was recognized as the “Artist of the Month.” She credits her songwriting to a powerful access to the Heavenly Muse through contemplative prayer and says


TAMMY RYAN Writer, Kid’s Rock!

ok I was in chorus all 4 yrs. in high school, but mostly to get out of classes when we sang at nursing homes. Photo property of Tammy Ryan.

What is your earliest musical memory? Earliest musical memory is definitely watching my Dads band practice at the house....they would drink beer and eat pretzels from what I can remember....also them playing at some crazy party at a ranch...I remember playing with other kids on bails of hay and some drunk lady took off her bra and tried to catch a horse with Mom took us home shortly after.

What music is on your (choose one) phone, mp3 player, cd player, turntable, cassette deck or 8 track player right now? My Son “Caden Levi” of course….but I took “Midnight Satellites” out to put Caden in!

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why? The ability to be in 2 places at the same time…. one of me would be sleeping the other out a doing what it is I do every day…them we would switch places…oh wait I need one to just be on vacation too!

What’s your favorite thing about Echo and Buzz? The front page! It is always a glimpse of someone or something really great….Still waiting for my picture to be taken for that LOL

What qualifies you to write for Echo and Buzz? Absolutely nothing….I use spell check on every sentence, my grammar is really bad and I usually never know where to put a comma. I just stood too close to Joe one day and the next… I’m a writer?

1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30

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own against the adults! (and I have to say some are even better)

Who is your favorite local musician/ band? Why? Wow well that’s a loaded question….I’m such a hermit except for open mics with Caden…I really love Master Splinters and the Shredders…yes they would be the favorite!...

What more do you want the Echo and Buzz readers to know about you? Well I don’t play an instrument or sing (ok I was in chorus all 4 yrs. in high school, but mostly to get out of classes when we sang at nursing homes) I was in 4-H Club and raised and showed pigs, steers, rabbits, horses…sold my animals at the Fair every year. My Father was a singer and bass player in his band. There was always practice at our house and gigs on weekends. It must have worn off a little because I have a huge passion for the industry. Especially the kids in our area. People who know me know I am the mom who drag their kid’s t open mics every week…I just think it’s important in life to have your shining moment, good or bad everyone deserves to feel special! I grew up riding and showing horses. I had a lot of success, lots of trophies, ribbons, nice horses etc. It gave me confidence and taught me responsibility! Music can be the same way I to a kid I think! I am a clean freak….but don’t look in my closets….I’m not much of a social lite, I go out if I have to or if I have a purpose. I love wine, and good tequila. I always do too many things at once, I’m always side-tracked, I hate the phone and will never answer. Sadly Facebook is my form of communication. If I want something to happen nothing can stop me!

What do you write about or contribute to Echo and Buzz? Well the only way I can write is if I am really passionate about someone or something, then I know I will have something to say. So I especially love my friends who are local artists!

How’s the pay at Echo and Buzz? Wait who’s getting paid?….what did I miss? Joe do you need my address to mail the check? Or can you just do direct deposit? :)

What’s your favorite local music venue? Why? I love the ones that invite the kids to play, I think its really fun to watch them hold they’re

Your Local Indie Music Source for the Temecula Valley and Surrounding Communities

Photo property of Tammy Ryan.




What is your earliest musical memory? My earliest musical memory would be when I got a small Nickolodeon radio alarm clock as a kid. I remember the first thing I heard when I turned it on was Guns n’ Roses Paradise City. My family’s always been a huge listener to rock -Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles, ZZ Top -- but that moment was the first time it really hit me, and I immediately fell in love with the genre. I still remember playing the same Guns n’ Roses cassette in the car each time we went on a big trip!

What music is on your (choose one) phone, mp3 player, cd player, turntable, cassette deck or 8 track player right now? Pretty much everything! And by that, I mean that I have Samsung’s Milk radio app on my phone so I get to listen to whatever I want. Usually it depends on what I’m in the mood for, but my favorite genres are normally rock from every decade, R&B, metal, and electro (for those workout runs).

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why? Photo property of Brendan Orta. I would have the power of flight. Why flight? Because the power to fly is just so versatile that it can pretty much be the answer to any problem you’ve got. Gonna How’s the pay at Echo and Buzz? be stuck in traffic and late to work? Just fly over it! Want to travel somewhere for vacation overseas? Just fly there! Forgot to come up with a plan for a date and I don’t know! I’m actually writing for Echo and Buzz as a non-profit gig and to frantically searching for some sort of eye-popping, original spot? How about hone my skills as a journalist. Once the magazine gains even more popularity literally on top of a cloud, watching the sunset? The possibilities are near endless! (hint-hint; tell your friends about Echo and Buzz!), if we do get a bigger budget then I may start getting paid. Though that fact doesn’t detract from my love What’s your favorite thing about Echo and Buzz? of writing for Echo and Buzz, and I am always looking for editors or other publishers that are in need of more journalistic talent. My favorite thing about Echo and Buzz is that it has gotten me in touch with so many fascinating people. We’ve got musicians who’ve worked in Hollywood. What’s your favorite local music venue? Why? We’ve got entertainers who’ve traveled all around the States, if not the world. We’ve got local owners who are in charge of the venues that a lot of the talent we All the wineries in Temecula. Seriously, you take excellent music, really good write about appear at. Normally, you’d think that you’d have to go to a big city food, and wine constantly being poured, and then slap it all together to get a like Los Angeles or New York to find such a melting pot, but thanks to Echo and vibrant atmosphere almost every weekend. Buzz, I’ve seen that the melting pot is right here in the Inland Valley.

What qualifies you to write for Echo and Buzz? I graduated with a degree in Media and Visual Arts from UCSD. In addition to working on films, documentaries and experimental pieces, I’ve also collaborated on music videos put out by our department, and studied under famed filmmaker Brian Cross, who has produced music videos for the industry. On top of that, I also took guitar lessons throughout middle school and high school during my youth. My biggest strength would be my writing skills, as I’ve had experience writing for magazines in the past. Throughout college, I wrote for the studentrun newspaper ‘The Guardian’, and covered subjects ranging from in-depth pieces on biomedical breakthroughs done by the staff to the social or economical state of the La Jolla area and how it related to students. My goal is to be a professional writer for a magazine or write screenplays for Hollywood, and I continue to work on my craft everyday, with Echo and Buzz providing me a substantial opportunity to hone my skills. I also enjoy writing bio pieces or short advertisements for others, and can always be reached at brendan.orta@gmail. com for commissions or any work!

What do you write about or contribute to Echo and Buzz? I write on dissimilar topics each month. While still in the general vein of entertainment, sometimes I am reviewing a CD put out by a local musician, and other times I am interviewing a band. Much like how I was in charge of a section in ‘The Guardian’ that focused on more elaborate articles highlighting one specific person or event, most of the stories I write for Echo and Buzz put one artist or talented individual in the spotlight.

Because Music Is Life

Who is your favorite local musician/band? Why? I have really taken a liking to Midnight Satellites as of late. Ever since I interviewed Sal Spinelli of the band and received one of their CDs, I’ve found myself listening to it constantly whenever I’m writing something on the computer.

What more do you want the Echo and Buzz readers to know about you? Right now I’m aspiring to join the entertainment/media industry in some form. I’ve worked as a writer, a production assistant, an editor, and even acted on a few occasions. So if you are reading this and are a part of any magazines or TV networks, I’d love to work with you! Or if you are looking for someone to compose some written works or need help creating a production of any genre, contact me at Also, I love Comic Con, music, TV dramas, The Walking Dead, and every Marvel movie made. If you like any of those things, we’re sure to get along great too!

Interested in Writing on the Local Music Scene? Contact Us Today! Joe Gillaspie




Steve Steinberg, The Coach House Green Room.

by Bryan Davis

Writer, The Moment, Ordinary Folk

For the latest in a series of articles written about the “lucky few” plucked from obscurity to contribute to Echo and Buzz, I had the opportunity to interview Steve Steinberg about his musical influences, among other things. Steve writes a variety of articles for the paper, including a column called “The Moment.” Although he is an exceptional writer, Steve is also an artist in his own right. He loves painting portraits of people, and has been known on occasion to do live painting while musicians (such as Robert Rankin-Walker) perform their sets. While he isn’t a musician himself, music has deeply affected him throughout his life and is what inspired him to write for Echo and Buzz. Before we dive in, one thing you must know about Steve is that whenever he takes a true interest in something, it is impossible for him to do it halfway. Anyone who has spent even a little time with the man will concur. He readily admits to his obsessiveness in

areas, music being no exception. Steve was born in Los Angeles but his family moved to New England soon after, and he spent most of his early years there. During this time, he was constantly surrounded by music. He remembers his Mother playing guitar around the house and for the local church group. One memory stands out prominently in his mind: Taking a road trip cross country with his family, with a revolving collection of cassette tapes they would pop in and sing to along the way. These were timeless artists such as the Kingston Trio, Seals and Crofts, Loggins and Messina, Simon and Garfunkel, and The Rolling Stones to name a few. The combination of these two loves, family and music, made for a once in a life time trip, and permanently etched itself into Steve’s conscious. His family moved to the high desert area, of Southern California when Steve was twelve. Up to this time, he considered himself a pretty shy and introverted kid. He was about to come out his shell, however, both musically

and socially, as his world and musical sphere were about to expand. He had already become familiar with harder rocking bands like KISS. “Led Zeppelin was huge at the time. I can remember when Van Halen’s first record came out, and also sitting around in my friend’s room listening to Ozzy Osbourne when his album came out,” Steve recalls. Shortly thereafter, he became aware of the L.A. punk scene, the music his new friends had devoted themselves to. The “tell it like it is” mentality drew him in immediately. He became enthralled by hardcore bands like X, The Blasters, and Rank and File. In true “Steve” fashion, however, it was never enough just to hear the music. With each new experience, he had to know EVERYTHING about the artists he listened to and the music they made. Who were the members of the band? Where were they from? What was their history? What were they writing about and why? Did he own their entire catalogue yet? What kind of underwear did they purchase? Well, maybe not that last one.

Another thing you need to know about Steve is that he only buys whole albums, never just one song. This prompted me to corner Steve by asking him a question nearly impossible for any music lover to answer: “Give me your top three albums of all time, or desert island albums, if you will.” He was quick to respond. First up: Nirvana’s “Nevermind.” When it came out Steve admits he was blown away. “The first time I heard “Nevermind” I knew I’d heard something special. I had a lot of rock roots and I had gotten into punk in the early 80’s, but Nirvana were the best of punk and the best of rock. I can remember listening to it and thinking this is one the best albums I’ve ever heard,” he declares. Nirvana’s original release didn’t have the lyrics printed, so when the EP came out Steve bought it swiftly. “Lyrics were always very important to me. I like bands that have something different to say than most others out there,” he said. To this day, whenever he listens to Nirvana’s catalogue, it still moves him every time. Continued page 10


STEVE STEINBERG Next up is X’s album “Los Angeles.” Though the album came out in 1979, Steve didn’t become aware of it until 1981. Steve considers it a catalyst that shifted his musical tastes toward a harder sound. “Before that I heard mainly refined folk rock and rock, with layered and heavily produced albums. That album, though, was just raw. It had lyrics that I’d never heard before, that spoke about the city where I was born. It was pure Los Angeles. I’d never heard anything like up to that point in my life. I was instantly drawn to it,” reveals Steve. Third, he picks Patty Griffin’s 1996 Album “Living with Ghosts.” Steve say’s this album was instrumental (no pun intended) in bringing him back to his musical roots. “Because she was folk and country inspired, it sent me back to the folk rock stuff that I had listened to with my family.” He first heard the song “Every Little Bit” played on KROQ in Los Angeles, an uncharacteristic song for them to play at the time, Steve recalls. “It’s this driving little acoustic song with this amazing vocalist who’s voice is in one moment innocent and pure, and at other times inspired and full of emotion” says Steve. This led him to

other artists at the time like Michelle Shock, The Indigo Girls, and many others. Steve holds on to all of this music today as well. In the last year and a half he has been into System of a Down, Slip Knot, and Old 97’s. Soon, he’s going to see Patty Griffin. He’s recently gotten into John Moreland, another great singer/songwriter. He is highly encouraged by our local music scene. “We’ve just got some amazing musicians and singer/ songwriters. So when I’m not going to San Diego or L.A. for shows I’m hanging out at Bailey’s, Fazeli’s, or a lot of places down in Old Town just listening to music. Everybody is so respectful and helpful to each other on the scene.” As if presented with a fine wine or good scotch, he has no plans to stop “sipping” up whatever delicious offerings the music scene continues to yield. Steve is hopeful there is a niche for singer/ songwriters, both locally and abroad, to be heard and gain critical acclaim. “Technology has provided us so many immediate channels for music to be shared,” he explains. Ultimately, Steve believes it’s “sky’s the limit” for local artists, and this writer, for one, couldn’t agree more.

42072 5th St, Suite 101 Temecula, CA

(951) 693-9500


by Brendan Orta

As a child, she wrote her first ‘book’ at only seven years old, and that passion translated into a stint as a columnist for her high school newspaper. Photo property of Jaime Purinton.

Many here at Echo & Buzz don’t merely write because it is fun, but because a compulsion drives the hand. Not that there has to necessarily be more motivation than the joy itself! However for many writers, they find a thirst that can only be sated by penning a story, be it fiction or not. It’s as much an addiction as a musician’s urge to compose a song. Such is the case for our very own Jaime Purinton, a contributing writer for Echo & Buzz as well as an accomplished poet who has produced pieces for blogs, papers, and even the San Diego Style Weddings Magazine. Jaime has always loved to write, and that is as plain as day to see when one looks through her past. As a child, she wrote her first ‘book’ at only seven years old, and that passion translated into a stint as a columnist for her high school newspaper. In college, Jaime took a critical thinking writing class that brought her skills to the forefront, leading her towards a life of professional work as a contributor in multiple fields. Jaime adores poetry, especially beatnik poetry, and is an avid fan of Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. They inspired her to create her own poetry; in fact, her ‘Love for Sale’ became her very first published writing in the field. San Diego Style Weddings Magazine, which has over 66,000 readers, picked her up as a contributing writer. With all this experience, Jaime instantly drew the attention of Echo & Buzz.

bands such as Fleetwood Mac and Willie Nelson, so she was saturated in the spirit of rock from the beginning. “In my rebellious teenage years I was heavily into punk rock,” she said in our correspondence. “You would find me blaring The Misfits, Descendents, Guttermouth, or Social Distortion all the time.” It is a substantial influence on her life, to the point that she fell in love and married a musician. Together, they not only enjoy live music, but also own www.hikeitoffclothing. com, a website dedicated to apparel that displays a love of hiking, and the tale of how their business came to formulation cannot be done justice in this article alone. And before you think that Jaime surely must be booked between writing poetry, columns, articles, and managing a personal business, she is also in charge of running the events department for Weins Family Cellars. She’s actively behind the scenes seeing how the concerts people flock to are run. So when she isn’t rocking out to a live band or literally ‘rocking out’ in the wilderness, and when she isn’t organizing the latest wedding or concert will go at the winery, you can bet Jaime will be writing something outstanding.

Jaime found herself being introduced to our publisher and editor Joe Gillaspie at an Open Mic Night in Fallbrook. In an email correspondence with Jaime, she said that “[Joe] was looking for contributing writers for Echo & Buzz and asked me to write a piece. I’ve been writing for E & B ever since and really enjoy being able to combine my love of writing and music.” It is little surprise to find that Jaime absolutely delights in music. She grew up listening to

Photo property of Jaime Purinton.


THE MOMENT with Joe Gillaspie Publisher by Steve Steinberg

“As I am getting older I think less about what I want from life and more about what I have to offer. If I continue to think about what I have to offer then everything I need will come out OK.” Photo by Ken Seals.

“I’m not that interesting of a guy,” says Joe Gillaspie, “I don’t have intimate knowledge of scotch and cigars.” Liquor and smoking expertise aside, there is much to learn about the humble Gillaspie who is the founder, editor, distributor and all around embodiment of the newspaper you are holding in your hands, Echo and Buzz. Those who have followed local music in recent years are familiar with Gillaspie and his music. He moved to Temecula in 2009 and almost immediately was playing local music venues. Smooth guitar playing, effortless covers and original songs that celebrate the world around him have made Gillaspie one of the favorites of music fans and musicians alike. As Echo and Buzz celebrates it’s first year on the Temecula Valley music scene, Gillaspie has agreed to sit down and talk about his music, local music, and the role of Echo and Buzz in the community.

Surprised, Gillaspie responds, “I never knew that!” She reports that her ex-husband was quietly humble like Gillaspie himself, so he never spoke of it. “In high school he had to choose between baseball and the trumpet,” she informs Gillaspie, “he chose baseball, breaking the heart of his music teacher.” Despite his own experience with classical instruments and his father’s penchant for the trumpet, Gillaspie was always drawn to playing a rock and roll instrument. His friend David was the first one in the neighborhood to take guitar lessons, “and that was it, we all wanted to take guitar lessons.” He started his about age fifteen, and after that, according to Gillaspie, “you leave the geeky school band stuff behind since you have an image to uphold.” Gillaspie smiles, puts on false bravado and states, “Little did anyone know I would be the rock star I am today.”

Growing up in the the San Diego neighborhood of North Park, Gillaspie did not start out as the “rock and roll” guitarist he fancies himself to be. Starting in fourth grade he began to trudge his way through more classical instruments “because my mother did not want me playing drums.” First came the violin which “taught me how to suck at music but was easy to carry to school.” Then, there was the cello that “I got to leave at school and my mom could not make me play it for house guests.” At first you might think Gillaspie has issues with his mother, but he says these things playfully since his mother, visiting from Minnesota, is in the room listening to the interview.

Gillaspie bought his first electric guitar at Freedom Guitars in San Diego and took a couple years of lessons. About learning to play, he recalls, “the teacher was really good, he taught some theory but mostly I would tell him what parts of popular rock songs I wanted to learn and he would teach it.” As he reminisces, he comments, “back in our day kids learned tons of songs but only little parts of each. Today, kids learn fewer songs but they learn the whole song.” He seems impressed with the effect technology and the media have played in the development of musicians today.

When asked if anyone in his family is musical, Gillaspie replies “no,” but there is mom to report, “His father was a really good trumpet player.”

Through high school Gillaspie would play with friends and started a couple bands that never amounted to more than friends hanging out playing

Because Music Is Life

music. After graduation, he moved with his family to Hastings, Minnestota, where all of his relatives lived. He reached out to local musicians, played a few gigs, but mostly hung out listening to local musicians. “At some point in my early twenties, I was moving out of the family home and sold all of my gear,” Gillaspie says, “I kept this little acoustic I had, but everything else I sold.” Essentially, Gillaspie spent his twenties shunning music as he searched for a way to make a living. Eventually, he attended a trade school to learn graphic design and computers. When he was about 30 years old he picked up playing serously again. He had been inspired to play after a friend introduced him to the fingerstyle guitar playing of Billy McLaughlin, a popular folk and new age artist from Minnesota. With inspiration and a new guitar, Gillaspie was ready to embark on a new endeavor, songwriting. “As long as I can remember I would try to learn to play things I had never heard before but never put together a complete song,” he says. “I had some favorite chord progressions and melodies that I liked but never really developed a full song until I started attending church in Minnesota.” Gillaspie recalls this as a spiritual time in his life and he had a message he wanted to share. So he started writing songs of worship. “I am not a great guitar player I am an OK guitar player,” he claims, “but I do like words and think they are the most important part of the song. I want there to be a purpose in the song. In worship music it is not for you, it is an offering to God. The song is not for me, it is a contribution to whoever listens to it.” Continued next page.


JOE GILLASPIE He feels the same about his secular songs. “I like songs with positive messages. I like to get a point across and tell a story. I’d love someone to listen to my song one time and then put it on again after time has passed and say ‘oh, I didn’t catch he was saying that before.’ Maybe they get something new from it each time they listen to it. I want there to be a purpose in the song.” Gillaspie was chosen as a finalist at a songwriting contest sponsored by the popular Big Top Chautauqua in Wisconsin. “I was invited to perform,” he recalls, “I had been playing coffee shops but not really comfortable stage guy. This was the first big stage and I sort of crash and burned. It wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t good. I got to meet Johnsmith, a great songwriter, and popular on the folk scene. I met him and Radoslav Lorkovic (noted folk and new age accordion player). It was a fun time. Meanwhile, Gillaspie was doing marketing and graphic design work, and one of his clients was Pachyderm Studios in Cannon Falls, Minnesota. Pachyderm was noted for being the place where The BoDeans, Nirvana, The Jayhawks, Live, PJ Harvey, and a host of others had recorded. “I didn’t do a ton of work work for them, but I learned how the music world works. Everyones trying new things and seeing if anything sticks. It was cool to be there, to see it, to walk in the live room and feel the energy of the people who had recorded there. They offered to mix and master everything on my CD, and, man, they did some things to it to make it sound really good. It was inspiring to be able to hang there for a little bit.” Gillaspie continued to do some marketing and design work for Pachyderm after he moved to Temecula. Once in Temecula he hit the local scene quickly. “One thing that is great about the music scene here is it is easy to get into. It is so cooperative out here.” For the next few years, Gillaspie became a local favorite in the music scene. He is notable because he is one of the few local artists who performs original songs throughout his sets. He also is respected because of his willingness to share the stage with other local musicians, and promote their talents. “I am not looking at self promotion, and I want others to have their notice,” he says. “As I am getting older I think less about what I want from life and more about what I have to offer. If I continue to think about what I have to offer then everything I need will come out OK.”

This is where Echo and Buzz comes in. “I always knew I wanted to do something that was going to incorporate what I do (marketing) with local music. I never said I wanted to do a newspaper, but I noticed there was no publication about music like they have in LA or San Diego. So I decided to find a way to fill that gap.” Gillaspie received his start up funding through Kickstarter, “Now we are a year into and still thinking about the future and what part it will take in the community. I want it to be a mainstay, a place people go to learn about music and where to see and hear music.” With 5000 monthly newspapers distributed at 150 locations in the southern parts of Riverside County and Fallbrook, Gillaspie says his biggest trouble is managing everything. Gillaspie does the marketing, develops content ideas, edits content, does the layout of the newspaper and does the distribution.” Despite his massive efforts to get the paper out there, he humbly acknowledges the writers and artists, “Content is done all by volunteers. Without that we wouldn’t have been able to do what we have done.” Some people have asked him if he was worried about ever running out of content, to which he replies, “in this community there is lots of talent to draw from, we are not going to run out of great musicians to write about. Even today there are a bunch of new artists that were not around when Echo and Buzz debuted.” Looking back at the past year and the role Echo and Buzz has been playing in the music scene, Gillaspie states, “I am proud we are still talking about what we are going to do next and not planning to shut it down.” He has established the Echo and Buzz Spotlight Showcase, an open mic for local artists on Monday nights at Franklin’s Cove in Murrieta. “Our circle is getting bigger and bigger. Its amazing how many people I am meeting. I just want to take little steps at a time. Let Echo and Buzz be what it is going to be for the music community.” That’s not to say he doesn’t have plans for the future, “I have some ideas percolating. Exciting ideas that I don’t think I am ready to share.” Interesting. Very Interesting. To see Joe Gillaspie’s upcoming shows or to see back issues of Echo and Buzz, check out

Music and Wine Pairing Each Sunday on L.A. Talk Radio from 2:00 to 2:50 p.m. Kat Ellis visits a different venue in Southern California and showcase a few of the best and most talented musicians around.


Editor, Writer

Photo property of Miranda Gillaspie.

What is your earliest musical memory? My dad came to my Kindergarten class and played music on his guitar for us. This included the ABC’s and Itsy Bitsy Spider.

What music is on your (choose one) phone, mp3 player, cd player, turntable, cassette deck or 8 track player right now? I have a mixture of Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Rachel Platton, Alanis Morissette, Michelle Brooks, and One Republic. I like songs that are uplifting.

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why? I want the ability to turn invisible at my will. My days of paying for plane tickets, movies, and concerts would be over. I would be able to go wherever I wanted.

What’s your favorite thing about Echo and Buzz? My favorite thing is the community of people that it brings together. They all share a common interest and passion, and that’s really beautiful.

What qualifies you to write for Echo and Buzz? I’ve always loved writing, but I’m probably not qualified. Don’t tell anyone.

What do you write about or contribute to Echo and Buzz? I’ve written album reviews and an artist piece. And my dad makes me edit stuff!

How’s the pay at Echo and Buzz? I’m making twice what I was making last month. It’s quite generous.

What’s your favorite local music venue? Why? I like going to Lorimar in Old Town because it’s a more intimate setting. You can get a seat up close to the music, order a glass of wine, and just enjoy yourself.

Who is your favorite local musician/band? Why? Julia Lucius. I love her voice. I discovered her music while writing an article review on her, ironically. But I find her songs to be passionate and inspiring. She sings acoustically, and it’s both simple and powerful.

What more do you want the Echo and Buzz readers to know about you? I’m an aspiring psychologist, still working on my BA. I also work for Starbucks, so you might see me if you come in to get your caffeine fix. I’ve enjoyed being involved with Echo and Buzz because it gives me the opportunity to explore music from diverse artists.

Kat: Robb: •

Because Music Is Life



Ask the guitar player...He’s a lawyer!

Writer, Marketing

Chris Whelton is the frontman and guitar player for The Barstow Prophets. Chris has also been a lawyer for 25 years and is one of the most experienced Criminal Defense attorneys in the area, representing clients in all Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego county juvenile, misdemeanor and felony courts. We recently caught up with Chris again at Franklin’s Cove and asked for a little guidance on a very touchy topic - Who can Own A Gun in California?

E&B: Chris, I uh....I have a friend....and he wants to know if he is allowed to own a gun and what the rules are. Chris: OK, well, tell “your friend” that there are very thick books written about guns and ownership in California and that I could not possibly list or summarize them. Gun ownership is a very serious right and responsibility. NEVER buy, possess or use a firearm unless you are positive you are doing it lawfully.

E&B: Can you give a few highlights and pointers? Chris: Sure, just remember that this is only a partial list of applicable laws.

• Firearm ownership and use is regulated by Federal law, State law and local laws. As of January 1, 2015, a firearms safety certificate is generally required to purchase or acquire a firearm. A currently valid handgun safety certificate may still be used to purchase or acquire a handgun until it expires.

• The Department of Justice records purchases from dealers (all purchases). Residents moving into California have 60 days to register their firearms.

What is your earliest musical memory?

• Antique firearms are any firearm not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or centerfire ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap or similar type of ignition system or replica thereof, whether actually manufactured before 1898) and also any firearm manufactured in or before 1898 using fixed ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the U.S. and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.

I was around 3 or 4, my dad used to play neil young songs to me.

• It is unlawful to offer for manufacture, sale, give or lend any “assault weapon” or .50 caliber BMG rifle. It is unlawful to possess an “assault weapon” or a .50 caliber BMG rifle unless it is properly registered with the state.

• It is unlawful to carry a loaded rifle, shotgun, or handgun in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated area or an area where firing a firearm is prohibited. Furthermore the open carry of any handgun, loaded or unloaded in an incorporated area has now been banned.

• A machine gun is defined as any firearm, which shoots, or is designed to shoot, automatically, more than one shot, without manual reloading, by single function of the trigger. The term also includes any conversion part, frame or receiver of a machine gun, or any firearm deemed as such by the federal government. Upon a showing of good cause, a permit for possession and/or transportation may be issued by the Department of Justice. It has been reported that the Department of Justice refuses to grant such permits.

• No license or permit shall be required to possess keep, or carry a handgun openly or concealed in one’s home or place of business.

• All firearms sales, transfers, including private transactions and sales at gun shows, must go through a California licensed firearms dealer.

• It is unlawful for anyone convicted of a felony, or who is a drug addict, present or former mental patient, ever committed for mental observation, or acquitted by reason of insanity to own or possess any firearm. People with certain misdemeanor convictions involving force or violence may not possess or own any firearm within 10 years of the conviction. A person who has been adjudged a ward of the juvenile court for certain offenses may not own or possess any firearm until age 30. A minor may not possess a handgun except with written permission or under the supervision of a parent or guardian.

E&B: Dude, that’s a “partial list”? Chris: It’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to regulations. And remember, possession or use of a firearm during the commission of any crime will always be a “gun enhancement” and add extra county jail and state prison time. It’s not a joke, I know that people have very strong opinions about guns but please ask questions and educate yourself before you start owning, transporting and using any firearm.

Photo property of Jaxx Sessions.

What music is on your (choose one) phone, mp3 player, cd player, turntable, cassette deck or 8 track player right now? Soundgardens “Superunknown”

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why? My superpower would rid the world of negativity.

What’s your favorite thing about Echo and Buzz? They support local music and help the younger generation of musicians develop their skills at local events.

What qualifies you to write for Echo and Buzz?

Christopher J. Whelton SBN153696 Law Office of Christopher J. Whelton APC 30033 Technology Dr. #105 Murrieta, CA 92563 (951) 894 6321 Office (760) 815 7984 Cell Search Christopher Whelton on

Whelton Law

I don’t really know, but Joe seems to like what I have to say.

What do you write about or contribute to Echo and Buzz? I write articles on marketing yourself as a local musician.

How’s the pay at Echo and Buzz? They pay with love and kudos, not the candy.

What’s your favorite local music venue? Why?

The hip kitty, unfortunately it’s no longer open…

Who is your favorite local musician/band? Why? Kevin Rose of the band Who’s Clayton, because he is one of the hardest working artists I know. He is constantly out on tour performing with his different bands and he is a sweetheart of a guy.

What more do you want the Echo and Buzz readers to know about you? If they want to know more about me, go to “Love Jaxx”

A Sincere Thank You to Temecula Boxing for the use of their gym for this months cover shot!

Experienced Criminal Defense


Christopher J. Whelton

Office: 951-894-6321 Cell: 760-815-7984


April Gig Calendar

In cooperation with Temecula Rocks

April 1

April 8

OS Roxx Temecula Wine and Beer Garden 7-11 Faultline 8:00 pm - 12:00 am At The Cove in Murrieta Midnight Satellites The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Craig Broombaugh Lucky Stone Irish Pub 4:30pm Joshua Taylor Cougar Vineyard & Winery 5:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM Jason Weber Europa Village 5:30 PM JD Priest Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Ezekiel Morphis Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM Rhonda Parish Vince Mendoza Baily’s Old Town Temecula 6:30 PM Nathan James & The Rhythm Scratchers Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Jasmine Seek Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM Midnight Ride Killarney’s Irish Pub 8:00 PM Spenders Top Shelf Brass Band Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM

Bryan Davis Craft Brewing Company 6:00-9:00 pm Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Living Tea, Oceanside, CA Lifetime Rocker The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Craig Broombaugh Lucky Stone Irish Pub 4:30 PM Jasmine Seek Cougar Vineyard & Winery 5:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM Big Truth Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Danielle Taylor Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM Ruben V. & The Latin Sounds Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Illegal Sweedes Franklin’s Cove 8:00 PM Counterfeits Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM

April 2 Bryan Davis Lucky Stone Pub 4:30-7:30pm Tony Suraci Bel Vino Winery, 1 to 5pm Joe Gillaspie Baily’s Old Town, Temecula 6:30-9:30 The Core featuring Sandi Capel 9:00 pm 12:00 am At Anthony’s Murrieta Finnegan Blüe The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Jeff Johnson Masia De La Vinya Winery 12:00 PM JD Priest Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM Danielle Taylor Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Desert Rose Duo Danza Del Sol Winery 1:00 PM Mrs. Jones’ Revenge Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Jim Gibson Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM DevOcean Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Alien Bees Franklin’s Cove 8:00 PM Tequila Sunrise Killarney’s Irish Pub 8:00 PM Big Truth Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM April 3 The Lookouts The Shamrock, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Dayton Borders Oak Mountain Winery 12:00 PM Astra Kelly Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM JD Priest Monte De Oro Winery 1:00 PM Sal & Brennan Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Sam & Stacy Europa Village 1:00 PM VIB Bel Vino Winery 1:00 PM Shaula Kitan Walko Cougar Vineyard & Winery 2:00 PM Frankie & The Invisibles Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 2:00 PM Killer Dueling Pianos Franklin’s Cove 4:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM April 4 Echo and Buzz Spotlight Showcase hosted by Joe Gillaspie, Franklin’s Cove 7-10pm Karaoke Party Night hosted by Lillian The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm April 5 Live Band Karaoke hosted by Lifetime Rocker, Franklin’s Cove 7-10:30pm Tom the Guitar Guy Tavern Grille 6:00 pm Tony Suraci Welk Resort Dinner & Dance Party, 5:30pm to 8pm Stand Up Comedy Night (adult only) hosted by Johnny Herrera The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Paula Arlich Anthony’s Lounge & Ristorante 6:00 PM April 6 Robert Rankin Walker Teakwoods, Wildomar 7 pm Sham Jam Open Mic Shamrock 7:30-11 pm Hosted by Black Hat Saints Tony Suraci Casa Estrella, Fallbrook 6 to 9pm Trail Mixx Franklin’s Cove 7:00 PM April 7 Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM Tony Suraci Lucky Stone Irish Pub, 6 to 9pm Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Yoga retreat, Vail Ranch Resort, Temecula Thirsty Thursday Karaoke The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm

April 9 Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Oh Berkeley where Hart thou, San Diego OS Roxx Bike Blessing Escondido Moose Lodge 25721 Jesmond Dene Rd 11-2 All Bikes welcome. The End Return Temecula Wine and Beer Garden 1:30-5:30 The Side Project Members of OS Roxx and Gin Piston at Temecula Wine and Beer garden 7-11 The Brick Top Blaggers The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Jazz With Joe Simon and JD Pinckney 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm At Sorrel Bistro Temecula Fandango Masia De La Vinya Winery 12:00 PM Gin Piston Bel Vino Winery 12:00 PM Smoothie Jones Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM Jeff Tucker Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM Jeff Johnson Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Vivien Gaines Danza Del Sol Winery 1:00 PM Lifetime Rocker Lorimar Vineyards & Winery Brandon Zahursky/Rivers Lorimar Loft Old Town Bluefish Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Bad Dancers Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM John Demps Franklin’s Cove 8:00 PM Kepi Payne Project Anthony’s Lounge & Ristorante 9:00 PM Mor Sol Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM Lifetime Rocker Lorimar Vineyards & Winery April 10 Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Solana Beach farmers market, Solana Beach, Ca The Dropkick Mickeys The Shamrock, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Rhandi & Associates Oak Mountain Winery 12:00 PM Izon Eden Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Jimmy Patton Europa Village 1:00 PM David Rosales Monte De Oro Winery 1:00 PM Kanan Road Bel Vino Winery 1:00 PM Don Brennan Cougar Vineyard & Winery 2:00 PM Lindsey Carrier Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 2:00 PM John Demps Franklin’s Cove 4:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM April 11 Echo and Buzz Spotlight Showcase hosted by Joe Gillaspie, Franklin’s Cove 7-10pm Karaoke Party Night hosted by Lillian The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm April 12 Live Band Karaoke hosted by Lifetime Rocker, Franklin’s Cove 7-10:30pm Tom the Guitar Guy Tavern Grille 6:00 pm Tony Suraci Welk Resort Dinner & Dance Party, 5:30pm to 8pm Seniors Gone Wild Comedy Show The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

8:00 pm – 11:30 pm Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM Tim Moyer Tolan Shaw Lucky Stone Irish Pub 6:00 PM Lookouts Anthony’s Lounge & Ristorante 6:00 PM April 15 The End Return Original set at Brick By Brick 1130 Buenos Ave San Diego Tickets $8 adv, $10 at door or contact Crimson Crow Thornton Winery - 6-9pm Bryan Davis Sorrel Bistro 6:30-9:30 pm Hoist The Colors The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Jeff Brinkman Cougar Vineyard & Winery 5:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM JD Priest Europa Village 5:30 PM Bodie Classic Rock Band Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Mike Chartrand Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM Mickie Arnett Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Robert Rankin Walker Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM Cougrzz Rock Franklin’s Cove 8:00 PM Get Down Party Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM April 16 The End Return at The Last Stop Shop 8-11 Crimson Crow Luke’s - 9 to mid Tony Suraci Devilicious Eatery, 8:30 to 11:30pm Shoot 4 Tuezday Bel Vino Winery 11:00 AM Rosewood & Rye Masia De La Vinya Winery 12:00 PM Tim Walsh Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM Counterfeits Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Astra Kelly Danza Del Sol Winery 1:00 PM Byron Abel Lucky Stone Irish Pub 4:30 PM Paula Arlich Anthony’s Lounge & Ristorante 6:00 PM Mrs. Jones’ Revenge Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Cedric Kohler Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM Missy Andersen Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Dean & David Reynolds Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM Guilty Conscience Anthony’s Lounge & Ristorante 9:00 PM Gino & The Lone Gunmen Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM Mrs. Jones’ Revenge Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM April 17 Tony Suraci Old 395 Sports & Spirits, 4 to 8pm Avocado Festival Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Poway Train Fest 1:00 , Poway Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Avocado festival 10pm, Fallbrook Quel Bordel (acoustic set) The Shamrock, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Funk Shui Planet Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM Madison Grooms Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Dustin Jake Leoness Cellars 1:00 PM Xspanse Europa Village 1:00 PM Zach & Bridget Monte De Oro Winery 1:00 PM JD Priest Bel Vino Winery 1:00 PM Will Sumner Cougar Vineyard & Winery 2:00 PM Alaina Blair Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 2:00 PM Bluefish/John Demps Franklin’s Cove 4:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM April 18 Echo and Buzz Spotlight Showcase hosted by Joe Gillaspie, Franklin’s Cove 7-10pm Karaoke Party Night hosted by Lillian The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm

April 13

April 19

Robert Rankin Walker Teakwoods, Wildomar 7 pm Sham Jam Open Mic Shamrock 7:30-11 pm Hosted by The Hunted The Nite Owls 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm At Franklin Cove Murrieta Tony Suraci Casa Estrella, Fallbrook 6 to 9pm

Live Band Karaoke hosted by Lifetime Rocker, Franklin’s Cove 7-10:30pm Tom the Guitar Guy Tavern Grille 6:00 pm Tony Suraci Welk Resort Dinner & Dance Party, 5:30pm to 8pm SHAMerican Idol Comedy Competition with $100 Prize! (adult only) The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Paula Arlich Anthony’s Lounge & Ristorante 6:00 PM

April 14 Open Mic The Last Stop Shop hosted by The End Return 7-10 Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Redlands downtown market, Redlands, CA Open Mic J.Carter’s 8-11pm Thirsty Thursday Karaoke The Shamrock,

April 20 Robert Rankin Walker Teakwoods, Wildomar 7 pm Sham Jam Open Mic Shamrock

Your Local Indie Music Source for the Temecula Valley and Surrounding Communities

7:30-11 pm Hosted by Black Hat Saints Tony Suraci Casa Estrella, Fallbrook 6 to 9pm Sterling Sylver Band Franklin’s Cove 7:00 PM April 21 The Side Project First Bike Night of the season at Temecula Beer and wine with 6-10 Open Mic J.Carter’s 8-11pm Thirsty Thursday Karaoke The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM April 22 Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Westfeild UTC 12-2pm, La Jolla Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Bon Vivant LA 6-9, Los Angeles Swooner Crooner Band Event at Mount Palomar Winery Temecula Quel Bordel (no cover) The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Frankie & The Invisibles Cougar Vineyard & Winery 5:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM James Wells Europa Village 5:30 PM Frank Marter Anthony’s Lounge & Ristorante 6:00 PM Bill Magee Blues Band Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Terry Scheidt Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM Jason Weber D’Canters Wine Bar & Grill 7:00 PM Midnight Satellites Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Harmony Road Duo Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM John Demps Franklin’s Cove 8:00 PM Counterfeits Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM April 23 Tony Suraci Callaway Winery, 1 to 5pm Outdoor Stage Shultz & Hamilton Masia De La Vinya Winery 12:00 PM JD Priest Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Soul Fire Bel Vino Winery 1:00 PM Sean Wiggins Danza Del Sol Winery 1:00 PM Midnight Satellites Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Diego Mondragon Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM JD Priest Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Mary Loyd Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM Big Truth Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM

April 28 Open Mic The Last Stop 7-10 hosted by The End Return Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Bidwell Open Mic J.Carter’s 8-11pm Thirsty Thursday Karaoke The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM April 29 Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Del Mar Library, Del Mar Tony Suraci’s Highway Man Willie Nelson Birthday Celebration, Music Box, 9pm Downtown San Diego - Little Italy The Neil Morrow Band The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM Michael LeClerc Europa Village 5:30 PM Mercedes Moore Band Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 6:00 PM Kenny Hale Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM Cougrzz Rock Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM John Lane Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM Lifetime Rocker Franklin’s Cove 8:00 PM Gino & The Lone Gunmen Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM April 30 Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera FERRO Idyllwild 6-9pm The McNaughstys The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:55 pm Bluefish Masia De La Vinya Winery 12:00 PM Michael LeClerc Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM Michael Dwyer Robert Renzoni Vineyards & Winery 1:00 PM Jeff Brinkman Bel Vino Winery 1:00 PM Tim Cash Lucky Stone Irish Pub 4:30 PM Dustin Jake Lorimar Loft Old Town 6:00 PM Mercedes Moore Band Miramonte Winery 7:00 PM Rum Soaked Raisins Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar 7:30 PM Other Side Lucky Stone Irish Pub 9:00 PM

Gig calendar is FREE. Email your gigs to 80 characters maximum per event. Deadline: April 25

April 24 Bryan Davis Temecula Valley Cheese Company 12:00-3:00 pm Tony Suraci Fazeli Winery, 1 to 5pm De Portola Trail Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Belly up 6 string society 7pm, Solana Beach The Trio The Shamrock, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Tim Cash Oak Mountain Winery 12:00 PM Billy Watson Wilson Creek Winery 12:00 PM Brian Stodart Monte De Oro Winery 1:00 PM Joe Baldino Europa Village 1:00 PM Daring Greatly Bel Vino Winery 1:00 PM James Holland Cougar Vineyard & Winery 2:00 PM Al & Brad Lorimar Vineyards & Winery 2:00 PM Paula Arlich Vail Ranch Steakhouse 5:00 PM April 25 Echo and Buzz Spotlight Showcase hosted by Joe Gillaspie, Franklin’s Cove 7-10pm Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera Drinking with Jesus, Fallbrook Karaoke Party Night hosted by Lillian The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 11:30 pm April 26 Live Band Karaoke hosted by Lifetime Rocker, Franklin’s Cove 7-10:30pm Tom the Guitar Guy Tavern Grille 6:00 pm Tony Suraci Welk Resort Dinner & Dance Party, 5:30pm to 8pm End of Month Comedy Show with National Headliner - Ryan Reaves The Shamrock, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm April 27 Tony Suraci Casa Estrella, Fallbrook 6 to 9pm Robert Rankin Walker Teakwoods, Wildomar 7 pm Sham Jam Open Mic Shamrock 7:30-11 pm Hosted by The Hunted Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera San Diego Swing dance, San Diego Barbwire Franklin’s Cove 7:00 PM

Espresso Lounge Fallbrook 6:30-8:30 (Music 6:30-7:15) The Shift 4/11 Lee Koch 4/18 Dulaney and Co. 4/25 Jessie Andra Smith & Nathan Rivera 4/4

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