Eastern Suburbs Life - Jun/Jul 2020 - Edition 19

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THE CHANGING FACE OF POTTS POINT Potts Point sees charm and character rub shoulders with good old-fashioned business.

news pop along to www.friendsofpottspoint.org to find out more. The app is planned for launch, in test mode, around mid-July and you can join for FREE.

Hugely popular are the small businesses, and with big stars; they even have Elizabeth Taylor! That’s her real name, however this ET is an expert fruitologist and a director of Kings Cross Organic Food Markets.

So, ance you’re a “Friend of Potts Point” you won’t be surprised that you are one of many. Once the most densely populated suburb in Australia it was earlier called Paddy’s Point or Woolloomooloo Hill.

“The easing of COVID-19 restrictions has made a big difference and we are delighted that we can now open on both Saturday and Sunday,” says Taylor. The markets are a great favourite with locals, and, every weekend, draw visitors from all around.

Potts modestly renamed it after himself in 1830 so it now has a history stretching over three centuries, from a time when windmills sat on the corner of Roslyn & Darlinghurst streets, to a time when you can keep up to date with Potts Point news on a phone in your pocket.

This inner-city suburb was named by early landowner Joseph Potts, an accountant with the Bank of NSW, and Macleay Street immortalises Colonial secretary Alexander Macleay. So, the suburb is steeped in history from the very earliest days of Sydney.

To read a more detailed article on the history of Potts Point, by community member, Paula Towers, pop along to the community website where you can download the app or simply click on the Local History tab.

Phil Mace, local web and media specialist, helps local businesses share their story “The lockout laws certainly caused a lot of grief” says Phil, “But it has spawned innovation and encouraged new businesses that bring back the Bohemian atmosphere of the 1930’s”. Asked for examples of people he thinks have adapted well he mentions Athena at AXL Bizarre, Kirsty at Jimmy Liks, Mike Bowen & Craig at 50,60,70 and Douglas at Café de la Fontaine. Potts Point is clearly a place of variety and contrast bringing together a busy mix of residents, businesses, visitors and community bodies. All with something to say about local history, community news, the latest fashions, new eateries, special offers, favourite charities and how best to keep fit and well. Which is why Eastern Suburbs Life is launching a new “Friends of Potts Point” app. If you’re interested to read and share

Kings Cross Orgnaic Food Markets

Springfield House, Woolloomooloo Hill, 1832

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