DGO Magazine September 2023

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Setting sights on starry strains

Weed did it first September 2023



DGO’s Blaze and Puf answer your weed questions you are too embarrassed to ask anyone else.

Come one, come all with your silly, embarrassing, or just plain weird questions about weed, weed-related issues, and whatever else you can dream up. We’ll do our best to answer them in the best way possible And here we go.


Editor Angelica Leicht aleicht@bcimedia.com



Ryan Brown rbrown@bcimedia.com


4 Let’s get historical

From its first recorded mention in ancient pharmacopoeias to its modernday legalization, let’s journey through some of the most significant milestones in cannabis history.

11 Living legend...ary strains

When it comes to the world of cannabis, few things have stood the test of time quite like these legendary strains (you know, the strains you heard whispered about from our parents’ generations… or our parents’ parents’ generations… and so on)..

DGO Magazine is published by Ballantine Communications Inc., P.O. Drawer A, Durango, CO 81302



September 2023 | 3

DGO Magazine
Weed history
Cannabis and
A new
Canna-gear for
Legendary leaves
Ask a couple of
Cover story
Weed reviews
Unleash your inner canna-lover
Dispensary listings
/dgomag dg @dgo_mag /dgomag Volume 6 Number 09 September 2023 What’s inside
time to consult the
design: Ryan Brown for DGO Mag Cover art: Matt Clark for Lil Bud Designs
us what you think!
something on your mind? Have a
idea or just something that the
know? Send
Megan Bianco Amanda Push Reader Services 375-4570 Chief Executive Officer Carrie Cass V.P. of Advertising Jamie Opalenik Consulting the cannabis cosmos
spirituality 7
plant-based frontier 8
cannabis landscape in CO 9
the shy smoker 11
(and buds!) 13
potheads 14-17
joke or a story
world needs to
everything to editor@dgomag.com 14
Are you ready to explore the cosmos in a whole new light? Well, you should be. We’re here to take you on a journey to uncover the hidden connections between your zodiac sign, personality traits, and the cannabis strains that can elevate your journey to unprecedented heights.
DGO is a free biweekly publication distributed by Ballantine Communications Inc., and is available for one copy per person. Taking more than five copies of an edition from a distribution location is illegal and is punishable by law according to Colorado Revised Statute 18-9-314.

A weedy history lesson

» 7 pivotal moments in history for the plant

Cannabis has a rich and diverse history that spans thousands of years, with its uses ranging from medicinal to recreational. As we delve into the annals of time, we encounter pivotal moments that have shaped the perception, legality, and acceptance of cannabis across different cultures and societies.

From its first recorded mention in ancient pharmacopoeias to its modernday legalization, let’s journey through some of the most significant milestones in cannabis history.

1. First known mention in pharmacopoeia, circa 2800 B.C.

The story of cannabis begins in ancient times, reaching back to approximately 2800 B.C. Emperor Shennong’s pharmacopeia, the Classic of the Materia Medica, stands as one of the earliest documented instances of cannabis being listed as a medicinal substance.

This historical text, originating from China, acknowledged cannabis as a potential therapeutic agent among the ranks of other herbal medicines. The ancient recognition laid the foundation for the plant’s ongoing relationship with healing practices.

2. First arrest under Marihuana Tax Act, 1937

The cannabis journey takes a dark turn in the 20th century with the enactment of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 in the United States. The act levied heavy taxes on the cultivation, sale, and distribution of cannabis, effectively criminalizing its possession without proper taxation.

The first arrest under this act took place — somewhat ironically — in Denver, Colorado, a state that would later become a trailblazer in cannabis legalization. This arrest marked the beginning of a long and complex relationship between cannabis and the criminal justice system, one that persists in various forms to this day.

3. First U.S. medical cannabis patient, 1976

Amid the legal battles and prohibitions,

a glimmer of hope emerged for medical cannabis advocates. In 1976, Robert Randall made history by successfully arguing for the medical necessity of using cannabis to treat his glaucoma. The landmark case resulted in Randall becoming the United States’ inaugural medical cannabis patient.

This event paved the way for further discussions around medical cannabis, ultimately leading to the creation of the FDA’s Compassionate Investigational New Drug Program. This program aimed to provide experimental cannabis treatments to patients in need, setting the stage for a more compassionate approach to medical cannabis use.

4. First state medical cannabis law, 1996

The late 20th century saw a significant shift in attitudes towards medical cannabis, with a groundbreaking milestone occurring in California. In 1996, Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act, was approved by California voters. This act allowed for the legal use of medical cannabis with a physician’s recommendation, marking a turning point in the national conversation. Proposition 215 not only provided relief to patients in need but also served as a model for other states to enact similar medical cannabis programs, catalyzing a movement that would spread across the United States.

5. Colorado’s landmark legalization, 2012

As the 21st century dawned, the cannabis landscape experienced a seismic shift that would alter the course of history. In 2012, the state of Colorado made waves by becoming one of the first jurisdictions in the world to legalize cannabis for adult recreational use. This groundbreaking decision marked a turning point in the global conversation surrounding cannabis, sparking debates, discussions, and a wave of policy changes.

On November 6, 2012, Colorado voters approved Amendment 64, which legalized the possession and sale of cannabis for adults aged 21 and older. The landmark initiative not only allowed adults to pos-

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sess up to one ounce of cannabis for personal use, but it also paved the way for a regulated retail cannabis market. The decision to regulate cannabis similarly to alcohol was a bold step that challenged long-held perceptions of cannabis as a dangerous substance.

The impact of Colorado’s legalization was profound and far-reaching. The state quickly saw the emergence of licensed cannabis dispensaries, giving consumers a legal and regulated avenue to purchase the plant. This move also initiated a new source of tax revenue for the state, with cannabis sales contributing to various public initiatives, including education and healthcare programs.

Colorado’s success in implementing a regulated cannabis market sent ripples across the United States and the world. Other states and countries began to closely observe the outcomes of this experiment in cannabis legalization, seeking insights into the potential benefits and challenges that came with such a transformative policy change.

Beyond the economic and legal implications, Colorado’s legalization also played a significant role in shifting public perceptions of cannabis. The state’s experience demonstrated that regulated cannabis markets could operate safely and responsibly, dispelling many of the fears associated with legalization.

In the years following Colorado’s pioneering move, several other U.S. states followed suit, legalizing cannabis for adult recreational use. The “Colorado model” became a blueprint for others to follow, providing a framework for regulation, taxation, and responsible consumption.

As we reflect on the moments that have shaped cannabis history, Colorado’s decision to legalize cannabis stands as a watershed moment. It not only demonstrated the potential benefits of embracing a regulated approach to cannabis, but it also paved the way for a broader global conversation on drug policy reform, personal liberties, and the power of well-informed, evidence-based decisionmaking.

6. First country to legalize adult-use cannabis, 2013

The wave of cannabis legalization reached a crescendo when Uruguay

became the first country to legalize the cultivation, sale, and possession of cannabis for adult use in 2013. This historic move challenged traditional drug policies and set a precedent for global cannabis reform. Uruguay’s decision paved the way for other countries and regions to rethink their stance on cannabis, with an increasing number opting to explore alternative approaches to regulation and enforcement.

From its ancient roots in traditional medicine to its modern role as a subject of legislative change, cannabis history is a tapestry woven with diverse threads. These moments, spanning millennia, reflect the dynamic interplay between culture, policy, and science, showcasing how this humble plant has shaped and been shaped by humanity’s journey through time.

As we move forward, it’s clear that the story of cannabis is far from over, with new chapters of exploration, discovery, and transformation waiting to be written.

7. The domino effect: Cannabis legalization spreads across states

Colorado’s bold move to legalize cannabis in 2012 sparked a domino effect that reverberated throughout the United States. In the years that followed, a wave of states joined the ranks of those embracing cannabis reform, leading to a significant shift in the nation’s approach to cannabis policy.

One of the first states to follow Colorado’s lead was Washington, which also legalized cannabis for adult recreational use in 2012. This joint effort marked a historic moment in which two states simultaneously broke new ground in the cannabis legalization movement. With Colorado and Washington setting the precedent, other states began to take note and consider their own paths toward legalization.

Oregon joined the fold in 2014, legalizing recreational cannabis through a voter-approved initiative. Alaska followed suit the same year, further expanding the

map of legal cannabis territories. The momentum continued to build, and by 2016, California, Nevada, Massachusetts, and Maine had all voted to legalize adult-use cannabis.

The pace of change only accelerated from there. As of [knowledge cutoff in September 2021], more than a dozen states had legalized cannabis for adult recreational use, with many others allowing for medical cannabis access. Each state’s approach varied, reflecting local values, demographics, and existing regulatory frameworks.

These legalizations not only reflected changing societal attitudes toward cannabis but also had a profound impact on criminal justice reform, public health, and economic development. The revenue generated from legal cannabis sales offered a new source of funding for essential public services, and the criminal justice system began to shift away from disproportionately targeting individuals for cannabisrelated offenses.

Additionally, the adoption of cannabis legalization policies in more states contributed to a growing body of evidence on the potential benefits and challenges of regulated cannabis markets. This evidence-driven approach helped to demystify many of the fears and misconceptions associated with cannabis use and distribution.

The story of cannabis legalization in the United States is a testament to the power of public opinion, policy innovation, and the ability to learn from both successes and setbacks. The journey from Colorado’s pioneering step in 2012 to the evolving landscape of cannabis policy today highlights the importance of open dialogue, evidence-based decisionmaking, and a commitment to understanding the broader implications of drug policy reform.

As more states continue to explore cannabis legalization and its potential impact, the ongoing story of cannabis history is a reminder that society’s relationship with this plant is fluid and continually evolving.

September 2023 | 5

Cannabis and spirituality

» Ancient practices in a modern world

Cannabis is known for its multifaceted history, and the plant has traversed a path that transcends its traditional roles as a recreational substance and a medicinal remedy. Its use in the spiritual realm dates back thousands of years, interwoven with the practices of diverse cultures across the globe.

Beyond its physical effects, cannabis has been heralded for its potential to open doorways to altered states of consciousness and profound spiritual experiences. In this exploration of the link between cannabis and spirituality, we dive into the historical origins, delve into modern applications, and examine the nuanced considerations that shape this ancient practice in our contemporary world.

Ancient origins of cannabis in spiritual practices

The tapestry of history reveals that the integration of cannabis into spiritual practices is far from a recent phenomenon. In ancient India, where cannabis was often referred to as “soma” or “bhang,” it played a central role in religious rituals aimed at connecting with divine energies and achieving transcendent states of consciousness. The Vedas, ancient Hindu texts, extolled its virtues as a conduit for spiritual awakening.

Similarly, in ancient China, texts dating back over two millennia mention the ceremonial use of cannabis to facilitate communication with spirits and to attain deeper insights into the mysteries of existence. Indigenous cultures across Africa, the Americas, and Oceania also incorporated cannabis into their spiritual rituals, believing it to be a portal to ancestral wisdom and a means of bridging the gap between the material and the spiritual worlds.

Cannabis in modern spiritual practices

As humanity evolves and its collective spirituality takes on new forms, the connection between cannabis and the sacred has adapted to fit modern sensibilities. For many, cannabis has become a tool for inner exploration, self-awareness, and heightened consciousness.

Meditation and contemplation: Proponents of using cannabis in meditation assert that its properties can help quiet the mind and enhance focus, allowing for a more profound inner journey. By calming mental chatter, individuals may find it easier to slip into a state of deep introspection and heightened awareness.

Mindful exploration: The modern mindfulness movement aligns seamlessly with the potential effects of cannabis. Those who approach cannabis mindfully and in

moderation report that it can amplify sensory perception, fostering a sense of presence and a deeper connection to the world around them.

Creativity and inspiration: Artists, writers, and musicians often turn to cannabis to break down creative barriers and access new realms of inspiration. Its capacity to dissolve mental constraints can lead to innovative thinking and the uninhibited flow of artistic expression.

Connection and unity: The sensation of interconnectedness, a hallmark of spiritual experiences, is often cited by cannabis users. The plant can induce a profound sense of unity with nature, the universe, and fellow humans, aligning with spiritual philosophies emphasizing the inherent oneness of existence.

Challenges and considerations

While the marriage of cannabis and spirituality holds promise, it is not devoid of challenges and ethical dilemmas. The legal status of cannabis varies widely, adding a layer of complexity to its use in spiritual practices. Moreover, its potential for misuse or overuse can lead to psychological distress, rather than spiritual growth. Relying solely on cannabis to facilitate spiritual experiences might also hinder genuine introspection and authentic growth.

The physiological response to cannabis varies from person to person, making responsible use and self-awareness paramount. Recognizing the potential pitfalls is crucial to ensure that its integration into spirituality is a conscious choice, made with due consideration.

The story of cannabis and spirituality is a narrative that stretches across epochs and cultures, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern aspirations. While historical practices laid the foundation, the relationship has evolved, adapting to the shifting sands of time and societal evolution. As seekers of truth and higher understanding navigate this intriguing intersection, it’s essential to approach the union between cannabis and spirituality with a balanced perspective.

To embark on this journey with respect for tradition, a mindfulness of the potential benefits and pitfalls, and a commitment to personal growth is to pay homage to the wisdom of the past while charting a course for a harmonious coexistence between the sacred and the modern. Whether as a key to self-discovery or a doorway to the cosmos, the exploration of cannabis and spirituality remains a profound expedition of the soul.

6 | September 2023

A new plant-based frontier in dermatological therapies

» Exploring the therapeutic benefits of minor cannabinoids for skin health

pressing skin inflammation, which further emphasizes the potential of cannabinoids as therapeutic agents.

A glimpse into the future: Cannabinoids in dermatological therapies

The researchers speculate that the targeted interaction between cannabinoids and skin receptors and enzymes might hold the key to mitigating the effects of skin aging. In this regard, topical applications of cannabinoids could potentially offer a novel approach to addressing the visible signs of aging.

From research to reality: Implications for dermatological care

In recent years, the world of medical research has witnessed a burgeoning interest in the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids, the active compounds found in cannabis plants. A groundbreaking study titled “Therapeutic Potential of Minor Cannabinoids in Dermatological Diseases—A Synthetic Review,” published in the journal Molecules on August 20, has now shifted the spotlight onto a group of cannabinoids that have been traditionally overshadowed by the well-known THC and CBD.

Researchers Emilia Kwiecień and Dorota Kowalczuk from the Medical University of Lublin and chemistry lab, A-Sense, delved into the myriad pharmacological activities exhibited by these minor cannabinoids and their potential to revolutionize the treatment of various dermatological conditions.

The spectrum of benefits

Kwiecień and Kowalczuk’s study underscores the remarkable versatility of minor cannabinoids in addressing dermatologi-

cal diseases. These compounds, including CBDV, CBDP, CBC, THCV, CBGA, CBG, and CBN, as well as CBM (cannabimovone) and CBE (cannabielsoin), have been found to possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and anti-itch properties. This rich array of benefits has ignited interest in their potential as innovative therapeutic agents for skin-related ailments.

Targeting specific dermatological diseases: A tailored approach

One of the most significant findings of the study is the cannabinoids’ capacity to target specific dermatological conditions. For instance, CBDV, known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, emerges as a potential solution for alleviating symptoms associated with atopic dermatitis and acne. Similarly, cannabinoids such as CBM, CBE, and CBC exhibit promising anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that could provide relief for conditions like psoriasis and acne.

THCV: A multi-faceted solution

for acne

THCV, another minor cannabinoid, has garnered attention for its impressive potential in combating acne. By reducing sebum production, THCV tackles one of the fundamental factors driving acne development. Additionally, its antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties contribute to reducing inflammation and countering bacteria responsible for acne. Interestingly, THCV’s benefits aren’t limited to dermatological health; studies in mice have even suggested its efficacy in addressing metabolic and neurological disorders.

Endocannabinoid system: A key player in skin health

The study highlights the pivotal role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in maintaining healthy skin. The ECS regulates various biological processes within the skin, including immune responses, cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Through its potent anti-inflammatory effects, the ECS plays a crucial role in sup-

The findings of Kwiecień and Kowalczuk’s study resonate strongly with the ongoing shift toward holistic and natural approaches to skincare. With over eight million people in the U.S. affected by psoriasis, more than 16.5 million adults dealing with atopic dermatitis, and an annual occurrence of acne in over 50 million Americans, the potential impact of cannabinoid-based therapies cannot be underestimated. As the journey from research to regulation unfolds, the dermatological community could witness a paradigm shift in treatment approaches.

A balanced approach to dermatological care

While the potential of minor cannabinoids in dermatological therapies is tantalizing, Kwiecień and Kowalczuk’s study also acknowledges the need for further research, regulation, and a balanced approach. The intricate interplay between cannabinoids, the nervous system, product quality, and ethical considerations must be thoroughly explored.

As we navigate this uncharted territory, the goal remains clear: harnessing the therapeutic promise of minor cannabinoids to unlock innovative solutions for dermatological diseases, while minimizing potential health and societal risks.

September 2023 | 7

The changing cannabis landscape in Colorado


The cannabis industry in Colorado, once a beacon of hope and profit, is now grappling with a series of challenges that have emerged in the wake of the global pandemic. A recent report from The Denver Post sheds light on the evolving landscape of Colorado’s cannabis market, painting a picture of declining sales, shuttered businesses, job losses, and shifting consumer preferences.

In recent years, Colorado’s cannabis industry reached impressive heights, boasting a peak of $226 million in combined recreational and medical cannabis sales. However, the current reality is starkly different, with a considerable decline in sales and a surge of small businesses struggling to stay afloat.

Medical cannabis, which was once a steady revenue stream, has since experienced a significant drop in sales. February saw a record low of $15 million in medical cannabis sales, the lowest collection since the inception of retail sales in 2014. And, while March witnessed a modest uptick in medical cannabis sales, reaching approximately $17 million, this figure was still $5 million lower than the same period the previous year. Recreational sales for March this year amounted to $122 million, but even this seemingly substantial figure was a $17 million decrease from the previous year’s numbers.

The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has left a lasting impact on numerous industries, and the cannabis sector is no exception. Despite the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declaring the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, cannabis business owners continue to grapple with challenges stemming from oversupply, decreased demand, plummeting prices, and a lack of cannabis tourism.

Colorado is not alone in facing these challenges. The legalization of recreational cannabis in neighboring states such as Montana, Arizona, and New Mexico has introduced stiff competition. This increased competition has not only drawn potential consumers away from Colorado but has also intensified the struggle for market share.

Vangst, a prominent cannabis job company, recently published its 2023 Vangst Jobs Report, revealing a 2% decrease in

cannabis jobs nationwide. Colorado was hit particularly hard, ranking second in the list of states with the highest cannabis job losses. The state also found itself in the sixth position for states with fewer cannabis job opportunities compared to the likes of California, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, and Massachusetts.

The challenges faced by the cannabis industry extend to both small and large businesses. Curaleaf, a significant player in the industry, made the strategic decision to close down its offices in Colorado, California, and Oregon, attributing this move to the thriving competition posed by the black market.

The struggles within the cannabis industry are not confined to the businesses themselves; they are also impacting the real estate market. The National Association of Realtors noted a decline in commercial property purchases by marijuanarelated businesses and a corresponding rise in leasing activity.

Entrepreneurs like Renée Grossman, who have been part of the industry for years, are now facing the brunt of these challenges. Grossman, who founded

multiple retail storefronts and expanded into cultivation and manufacturing, voiced her concerns about oversaturation in the market to the Denver Post. She highlighted the influx of stores, cultivation sites, and products as contributing to the industry’s current woes.

Grossman’s sentiments echoed the sentiments of many investors who are now awaiting the right time to enter the market.

Even the promise of cannabis tourism, which was once a driving force for Colorado’s cannabis industry, has dwindled. The proliferation of recreational cannabis in various states has diluted the allure of traveling to Colorado for cannabis-related experiences.

Native Roots Cannabis Company’s vice president of marketing, Buck Dutton, pointed out to the publication that sales for 4/20 decreased compared to previous years, as fewer people felt the need to travel for such occasions.

Truman Bradley, the executive director of the Marijuana Industry Group, likened Colorado’s current situation to a glimpse

into the “ghost of Christmas future.”

The initial excitement that surrounded Colorado’s pioneering status as the first state to legalize recreational cannabis has been replaced by a more somber reality.

Bradley stressed the need for the industry to become leaner and for state legislators to reassess the framework of legalization, acknowledging that the industry’s landscape must evolve to ensure its survival.

While it’s unclear what will happen in the future, what is clear is that the cannabis industry in Colorado is navigating a complex and challenging post-pandemic landscape. Declining sales, increased competition, oversupply, and shifting consumer preferences have combined to create a difficult environment for both small and large cannabis businesses.

As the industry looks to the future, it will require adaptation, innovation, and potentially legislative changes to regain its former momentum and secure a sustainable future.

8 | September 2023
Declining sales, shuttered businesses and shifting preferences are negatively impacting the state’s weed industry

The complete cannabis gear list for the shy smoker

» Elevate your experience with discretion and style

Cannabis culture has evolved significantly over the years, shedding its taboo status and gaining acceptance as a therapeutic and recreational option for many. For some enthusiasts, the act of consuming cannabis is a social experience, shared openly with friends and fellow enthusiasts. However, for others, particularly those who identify as shy or introverted, cannabis is a personal journey best enjoyed in the tranquil realm of solitude. If you find yourself in the latter category, this comprehensive cannabis gear list is tailored to elevate your experience with discretion and style, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the world of cannabis while maintaining your sense of pri-


Sleek and stealthy vaporizer: Vaporizers have revolutionized the cannabis consumption game, offering a discreet and efficient way to enjoy your favorite strains without the lingering odor associated with traditional smoking methods. Choose a compact and stylish vape pen that fits comfortably in your hand and pocket. Many vaporizers even resemble everyday items like pens or inhalers, allowing you to indulge without drawing unnecessary attention.

Product recommendation: PAX 3 Vaporizer

Known for its discreet design and advanced technology, the PAX 3 offers precise temperature control, a sleek aesthetic, and compatibility with both dry herb and concentrates. Its compact size makes it easy to carry and use discreetly.

Odor-neutralizing storage solutions: For the shy smoker, keeping your

cannabis stash discreet is of the utmost importance. Invest in airtight containers or stash jars designed to lock in the fragrance, ensuring your living space remains odorfree. Brands like RYOT and TightVac offer a range of stylish and functional storage options that blend seamlessly into your environment.

Product recommendation: TightVac Vacuum Sealed Container

The TightVac containers come in various sizes and are designed to keep odors sealed in. They’re airtight, moisture-resistant, and incredibly effective at preserving the freshness and fragrance of your cannabis.

Smokeless alternatives: Not every shy smoker prefers vaporizers, and that’s perfectly okay. Explore smokeless options like cannabis-infused edibles, tinctures, or capsules. These discreet alternatives offer a precise and subtle way to enjoy cannabis without the need for traditional smoking ac-


Product recommendation: Dialed In Gummies

These gummies offer precise dosing and come in various flavors. They’re conveniently packaged and perfect for onthe-go consumption, providing a discreet and tasty way to enjoy cannabis.

Low-key accessories: When it comes to accessories, choose items that don’t scream “cannabis enthusiast.” Opt for a minimalist grinder that doubles as a stylish keychain, or a discreet pipe that looks like a piece of modern art. Accessories that blend seamlessly with your personal style ensure that you’re enjoying cannabis on your own terms without any added anxiety.

Product recommendation: Jane West Compact Glass Pipe

This cool and compact glass pipe is designed by cannabis advocate Jane West. Its modern aesthetic and discrete design make it a stylish accessory for any shy

September 2023 | 9


Personalized aromatherapy: Aromatherapy can be a game-changer for shy smokers who want to enhance their cannabis experience while creating a soothing environment. Essential oil diffusers or scented candles can mask any residual odors, creating an ambiance that enhances relaxation and enjoyment.

Product recommendation: URPOWER Essential Oil Diffuser

This diffuser offers both aromatherapy and ambient lighting. It can help mask any cannabis odors while creating a soothing atmosphere in your space.

Noise-canceling headphones: Sometimes, immersing yourself in a personal cannabis experience involves enjoying your favorite music, podcast, or guided meditation. High-quality noise-canceling headphones can transport you to a world of sound and relaxation, allowing you to fully embrace your time with cannabis without being interrupted by external noise.

Product recommendation: Sony WH-1000XM4 Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones

These headphones offer exceptional noise cancellation, superior sound quality, and comfortable design. They’re perfect for immersing yourself in music or meditation while enjoying cannabis.

Thoughtful reading material: For many introverts, cannabis offers an opportunity for self-reflection and intellectual exploration. Curate a collection of books or magazines that align with your interests, whether that’s art, philosophy, science, or personal development. These reading materials can complement your cannabis experience and help you engage with your thoughts on a deeper level.

Book recommendation: “The Doors of Perception” by Aldous Huxley

This classic book explores the author’s experiences with altered states of consciousness, including his experimentation with mescaline. It’s a thought-provoking read that can enhance your cannabis journey.

Comfortable seating and lighting: Creating a cozy and inviting space is crucial for a shy smoker’s journey. Invest in comfortable seating, whether it’s a plush cushion or a supportive chair, and choose

soft, warm lighting to set the mood. Dim lighting can help create a sense of privacy and relaxation, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment.

Product recommendation: Urban Shop Faux Fur Saucer Chair

This cozy and stylish chair provides a comfortable place to relax and enjoy your cannabis experience.

Mindful breathing exercises: Cannabis consumption often goes hand in hand with deep relaxation. Consider practicing mindful breathing exercises before or after consuming, helping you to stay present and fully engage with your experience. Breathing techniques can enhance the effects of cannabis and promote a sense of tranquility.

App recommendation: Calm

The Calm app offers guided breathing exercises and meditations that can help you stay present and centered during your cannabis sessions.

Reflective journaling tools: Consider keeping a journal specifically for your cannabis experiences. Document your thoughts, feelings, and insights as you jour-

ney through different strains and consumption methods. Reflective journaling can be a therapeutic outlet, allowing you to track your progress and gain a deeper understanding of how cannabis impacts your life.

Product recommendation: Moleskine Classic Notebook

A high-quality notebook for documenting your cannabis experiences, thoughts, and insights. Moleskine notebooks are renowned for their durability and timeless design.

Remember, the world of cannabis is vast and diverse, catering to a wide range of preferences and personalities. Whether you’re an outgoing socialite or a reserved introvert, there’s a place for you in the cannabis community. By curating a thoughtful and discreet cannabis gear list, you can embrace your identity as a shy smoker while enjoying the myriad benefits that cannabis has to offer. So go ahead, create your sanctuary of solitude, and embark on a journey of self-discovery through the lens of cannabis.

10 | September 2023

Legendary leaves (and buds)

When it comes to the world of cannabis, few things have stood the test of time quite like these legendary strains (you know, the strains you heard whispered about from our parents’ generations… or our parents’ parents’ generations… and so on). Starting in the early days of ganja culture, these iconic varieties have been woven into the fabric of cannabis culture, each with a unique history, aroma, flavor, and effect profile.

From the storied hills of Afghanistan to the innovative labs of modern breeders, these strains have left an indelible mark on both the recreational and medicinal aspects of the cannabis world — and have shaped, and will likely continue to shape, the landscape of the industry.

1. Skunk #1: The trailblazing hybrid

One simply cannot explore legendary cannabis strains without mentioning Skunk #1. Developed in the 1970s, this hybrid strain is renowned for its pungent aroma and exceptional genetic stability.

A crossbreed of Afghani, Mexican, and Colombian landraces, Skunk #1 introduced the world to the concept of hybrid vigor, displaying a remarkable balance between indica and sativa genetics. Its unmistakable skunky scent and potent effects have influenced countless strains that followed, making it a true cornerstone of cannabis breeding.

2. Northern Lights: The tranquil indica

When relaxation is the goal, few strains can rival the soothing embrace of Northern Lights. This pure indica strain emerged from the Pacific Northwest and quickly gained a reputation for its tranquilizing effects and impressive resin


With its earthy, sweet aroma and dreamy euphoria, Northern Lights has become a go-to choice for those seeking relief from stress, pain, and insomnia. Its genetics have also played a pivotal role in the creation of numerous other potent indicas.

3. Haze: The energetic sativa

In the realm of sativas, Haze stands tall as a true icon. Born in the 1960s, Haze strains are celebrated for their uplifting and energetic effects, making them favorites among creative minds and daytime users. These strains often boast a complex flavor profile that blends earthy, citrusy, and spicy notes.

While Haze varieties require patience

due to their longer flowering times, their potent cerebral effects and unique taste have cemented their status as a staple in the cannabis world.

OG Kush: The West Coast legend

From the sun-soaked beaches of California comes OG Kush, a strain that has captured the hearts of cannabis enthusiasts worldwide. Its exact origins are shrouded in mystery, adding to its allure, but its unmistakable pine and citrus aroma, combined with a potent yet balanced high, have made it a cherished classic.

OG Kush has given rise to numerous phenotypes and crosses, each with its own twist on the original’s distinctive characteristics.

5. GSC (The strain formerly known as Girl Scout Cookies): The modern marvel

As the cannabis industry evolved, so did the genetics of legendary strains. Girl Scout Cookies, or GSC, is a prime example of this modern innovation. This hybrid strain masterfully blends OG Kush and Durban Poison genetics to create a tantalizing blend of sweetness and earthiness.

GSC’s remarkable flavor profile, which often includes notes of mint and chocolate, is matched by its wellrounded effects that combine euphoria with relaxation. GSC’s popularity has led to the development of countless spin-offs and crosses, showcasing the ongoing creativity of cannabis breeders.

6. Sour Diesel: The gasoline powerhouse

Few strains possess the diesel-fuel aroma that announces the presence of Sour Diesel. This sativa-dominant hybrid has gained a devoted following for its invigorating effects and signature sour, citrusy scent.

A cross of Chemdawg, Northern Lights, and Skunk strains, Sour Diesel delivers an uplifting and cerebral experience that’s favored by those seeking a boost in energy and focus. Its influence has led to the creation of many “Sour” offspring, showcasing the enduring appeal of its genetics.

7. Blueberry: The fruity delight

When it comes to strains that tantalize the taste buds, Blueberry takes the crown. Created by breeder DJ Short, this indica-dominant strain offers a sensory journey with its distinct aroma and flavor of fresh blueberries.

September 2023 | 11
» These 10 cannabis strains have shaped the cannabis landscape for decades on end

Beyond its delectable taste, Blueberry induces a calm and euphoric high that’s perfect for relaxation and stress relief. Its genetic lineage has paved the way for numerous berry-flavored strains that continue to enchant cannabis enthusiasts.

8. Jack Herer: The activist’s choice

Named after the famed cannabis activist and author, Jack Herer, this sativa-dominant strain pays homage to its namesake’s dedication to cannabis advocacy. A cross of Haze, Northern Lights #5, and Shiva Skunk, Jack Herer boasts a complex flavor profile that mingles spicy, pine, and earthy notes.

Its effects are equally multifaceted,

providing users with a creative and clearheaded high that’s ideal for daytime use. Jack Herer’s legacy mirrors the ongoing fight for cannabis legalization and awareness.

9. AK-47: The potent hybrid

Bearing the name of a powerful firearm, AK-47 lives up to its reputation as a hard-hitting strain. This hybrid blend of Colombian, Mexican, Thai, and Afghan genetics offers a balanced experience that combines relaxation and euphoria.

With a diverse terpene profile that includes earthy, floral, and spicy notes, AK47 is celebrated for its uplifting effects that can spark creativity and conversation. Its enduring popularity has solidified

its place among the cannabis elite.

10. Pineapple Express: The cinematic sensation

Thanks to its pop culture debut in the eponymous movie, Pineapple Express has become a strain that’s synonymous with fun and adventure. This sativa-dominant hybrid exudes a tropical aroma with hints of pineapple and cedar, delivering a high that’s both euphoric and mellow.

Created through the combination of Trainwreck and Hawaiian genetics, Pineapple Express is favored by those looking for a joyful and lighthearted experience that can melt away stress and encourage social interactions.

The world of legendary cannabis

strains is a rich tapestry that weaves together genetics, history, and cultural significance. From classic varieties that have laid the foundation for modern breeding to contemporary hybrids that reflect the latest trends, each strain has left an indelible mark on the cannabis landscape.

Whether you’re drawn to the relaxation of indica, the stimulation of sativa, or the harmonious balance of hybrids, these legendary strains offer a window into the diverse and ever-evolving world of cannabis culture. And, as the industry continues to grow, these strains remind us of the enduring power of the cannabis plant to captivate and inspire.

12 | September 2023

Ask a couple of potheads

I’m a big-time pothead, but it’s time I lose all the weight I gained from the munchies. Are there certain weed items I should avoid if I want to do this?

Puf: Umm, if you find them, please let us know what they are. Last night I woke up at 11 p.m. after passing out on edibles and ate an entire second dinner. No shame in my munchie game, I guess. I don’t even know anymore.

I guess the only real advice I can give you is that you should probably stay away from heavy indicas. I say that from personal experience and NOT from scientific reasoning. All I know is that anecdotally, I tend to eat a lot — like so many gummy bears — after smoking an indica. When I smoke a hybrid or a sativa I tend to get much less hungry.

That said, I freaking love indicas so you can pry them out of my cold, dead, bloated-with-gummy-bear hands, I guess. Let me live my damn fluffy life already, shit.

Also, I’m being pretty unfair to indicas with my answer. There are plenty of indicas that probably won’t give you the munchies, but what they are, I don’t know. The thing about weed is that it affects everyone differently, and what gives me the munchies may not give you the munchies. Anything with THC in it runs the risk of giving you a serious case of hunger, so know that before you imbibe. It’s really trial and error for every person. So try different strains, different percentages of THC, and different edibles and tinctures if you’re into that. Find what makes you less hungry and stick with it. That’s the only way to really get the right answer to this question.

One other thing you may want to try is to choose a strain with high CBD and less THC. The cannabinoid CBD typically doesn’t induce the munchies the way that a high dose of THC typically does, but it also won’t make you as high. If you can handle that, you may have some success going that route.

Now go out and try it. And don’t forget to report back, thanks. Our fluffy butts could use it.

Blaze: When you figure out how to drop a bunch of weight while still being a stoner, let me know. Please. Because I need to do this as well, though I’m not too sure I can do both

at the moment. See, when we ingest cannabis, it attaches itself to then activates our bodies’ CB1 receptors. These can be found in the brain AND stomach, which is why marijuana gives us the munchies or, as I like to say, turns our stomachs into black holes in which no amount of chips or brownies can quench.

I tend to buy cheap pipes to smoke weed out of. Inevitably, they always end up breaking, getting lost, or end up getting gross enough to where I don’t want to clean them. Is that a bad way to use weed?

Blaze: Cheap pipes for life! Did I just discover a new band name? As I used to do the same thing, I personally don’t think it’s a bad way to ingest weed, but it’s not so great for the environment to keep buying and throwing away cheap pipes. If it’s becoming a real problem or you’re feeling guilty or you’re constantly having to replace your hardware, consider going the edible route (much harder to lose) or buying an expensive vape that will inspire you to not lose or break it.

Puf: I mean, no offense, but the way you’re

using weed sounds pretty bad, to be honest. Stop using cheap pipes! It’ll change your damn life. There are so many affordable rigs or pipes out there that are worth every penny — and they don’t take many pennies to afford.

If I were you, I’d save up for an entrylevel dry herb vape. They aren’t great, and the parts aren’t always the most sturdy, but good god, it’s a lot better than having to scrape sticky resin out of the bottom of a glass one-hitter. I’ve tried that time and again, and NONE of the tricks on the internet work. I’ve dumped them into glasses of alcohol. I’ve used dish soap. I’ve used special soap. Nothing works.

What does work is baking that weed like an oven in a dry herb vape. When you’re done, you just dump out the brown, baked weed and call it a day. So easy. So, I highly recommend that route.

What I do not recommend is smoking out of whatever is cheap. You don’t want to end up smoking out of something that isn’t great for your lungs or your body, and you run that risk when you cheap out. The manufacturer of that cheap pipe

could have drilled out the holes in the glass, which doesn’t just weaken it — it also leaves behind glass dust or other contaminants in some cases. And that isn’t shit you want in your lungs. I promise.

If you really can’t afford better pieces, roll a joint and call it a day. At least you know what you’re smoking out of when you do that — and you can replace a pack of Zig-Zags way cheaper than you can replace a pipe. So, I guess that’s a win-win.

I’m having some lady troubles - when it’s that time of the month I get the worst cramps and just feel terrible. Can weed help with that?

Blaze: Oof, you have our deepest condolences. First off, we highly recommend you consult your physician first. I know looks can be deceiving, but Puf and I are unfortunately not doctors. BUT we can give you a few recommendations based on scientific studies.

Secondly, we need you to read this entirely useless study that was done on the subject in 1847.

Thirdly, while not a lot of studies have been done specifically on cannabis’s effect on menstrual cramps, there is plenty of evidence to show that marijuana has a potent impact on pain. In 2017, a study was published in the Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. studying this very subject, and in 2015, The Journal of Pain published a study on the safety of people using cannabis as a pain management substance.

Puf: Weed. Can. Help. With. EVERYTHING. I’m not sure how long you’ve been reading our weed-y rants, but I’ve noted a couple of times in some early reviews that I suffer from a little thing called upper-bowel Crohns. I know you want to know about my guts and all, but it is what it is.

Anyway, it’s not the same as hormonal cramps, but it does suck a big ol’ butt when it flares up. I can’t eat. I can barely function. And it’s not uncommon for me to be stuck in the emergency room for fluids when it gets really bad. I have learned to live with it, but you know what? Weed helps a metric shit ton (pun intended), and I will not let anyone pry it out of my cold, dead hands for that reason alone.

When my body freaks out, all it takes is a joint or a puff of a

On page 23

» From losing the munchie weight to cheap pipe probs, here are your burning questions for DGO’s resident stoners
September 2023 | 13

Selecting the starry strains

Navigating the cosmos of cannabis based on your zodiac sign

So sit back, relax, and prepare to let the universe guide you to your perfect cannabis companion.

Are you ready to explore the cosmos in a whole new light? Well, you should be. We’re here to take you on a journey to uncover the hidden connections between your zodiac sign, personality traits, and the cannabis strains that can elevate your journey to unprecedented heights.

Just as the stars and planets influence our destinies, they can also guide us toward the perfect cannabis strain. It’s like discovering a celestial roadmap that aligns your zodiac sign with the ideal cannabis strain — enhancing not only your high but connecting you with the energy of the cosmos in a whole new way.

From the earthy stability of Taurus to the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius, each sign’s unique traits harmonize beautifully with specific cannabis strains, creating a synergy between the celestial and the earthly. Whether you’re an intuitive and watery Cancer, a passionate and fiery Leo, or an analytical and airy Gemini, there’s a cannabis strain written in the stars, waiting to be discovered by you.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Ideal zodiac strain: Green Crack Aries, the fiery trailblazers of the zodiac, embody boundless energy, adventure, and leadership. With an ever-burning enthusiasm for life, Aries requires a strain that can keep up. Green Crack, a sativa-dominant cultivar, mirrors Aries’ dynamic spirit, offering an invigorating burst of energy and a boost in creativity to match their insatiable curiosity.

Erupting with the energy of a thousand suns, Green Crack is a strain that ignites the spirit of adventure within Aries. Like a cosmic shot of espresso, its invigorating effects infuse vitality into every cell, unleashing waves of creativity and drive. With a symphony of citrus and earthy flavors, this strain propels Aries into a whirlwind of inspiration, a true cosmic companion on their dynamic journey.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Ideal zodiac strain: Granddaddy Purple Taurus, the grounded earth sign, finds solace in comfort and stability. Practical, patient, and appreciative of life’s pleasures, Taurus needs a strain that provides gentle relaxation. Granddaddy Purple, a well-loved indica, offers a sense of tranquility and calm that aligns perfectly with Taurus’ desire for earthly bliss.

For the steadfast and grounded Taurus, Granddaddy Purple beckons with

its regal charm. As the indica-infused clouds envelop the senses, a gentle wave of relaxation sweeps in, cradling Taurus in a cocoon of serenity. Lav ender hues and grape-like sweetness weave a sensory tapestry that em braces Taurus’ love for life’s pleasures, offering a cosmic invitation to pause, unwind, and savor.

Gemini (May 21June 20)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: Blue Dream

Gemini, the adapt able and commu nicative air sign, thrives on variety and intellectual stimulation. Curi ous and quickwitted, they seek a strain that matches their multifaceted nature. Blue Dream, a harmonious hybrid, grants both the euphoria that fuels Gemini’s curiosity and the relaxation that soothes their restless minds.

Gemini’s insatiable curiosity meets its match in the versatile embrace of Blue Dream. This hybrid is a multi-dimensional master piece, mirroring the multifaceted nature of the air sign. A dynamic dance of euphoria and calm, its berrysweet flavors lead Gemini on a sen sory exploration, igniting the imagina tion and inviting conversations with

Cancer (June 21 - July

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain:

Cancer, the sensitive and nurturing water sign, places a premium on emotional connections and introspection. Empathetic and deeply intuitive, they need a strain that fosters their emotional depth.

Cotton Candy Kush, with its mood-elevating and introspective properties, resonates with Cancer’s desire for a sensory journey into their own emotions.

As Cancer’s moonlit emotions swirl and twine, Cotton Candy Kush emerges as a tender embrace. This strain’s enchanting aroma carries notes of nostalgia, like a whisper of childhood memories. With its soothing and introspective effects, it’s a cosmic guide for Cancer’s journey within, as they navigate the labyrinth of emotions and find solace in the cosmic currents.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain:

Leo, the charismatic and bold fire sign, embodies creativity, leadership, and a magnetic personality. Their presence demands attention and social interaction. Sour Diesel, an energizing strain, aligns with Leo’s radiant qualities, stimulating creativity and encouraging social engagement.

For the celestial showstopper Leo, Sour Diesel takes center stage. This strain’s energizing essence pairs perfectly with Leo’s radiant charisma, sparking a symphony of ideas and social interactions. Sour citrus and diesel undertones create an explosive bouquet, a vibrant representation of Leo’s magnetic presence that lights up any space they grace.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: ACDC

Virgo, the analytical and detail-oriented earth sign, craves clarity and precision. Practical and methodical, they need a strain that enhances relaxation without sacrificing mental clarity. ACDC, a CBD-rich strain, soothes Virgo’s nerves and helps them unwind while allowing their analytical mind to remain sharp.

Virgo’s precision finds its ideal counterpart in ACDC, a strain that harmonizes relaxation and focus. As the cosmic waves of calm wash over, Virgo’s analytical mind remains razor-sharp, navigating thoughts with precision. It’s a celestial elixir that provides the earth sign with respite, while allowing their brilliance to shine through.

Libra (September 23October 22)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: Harlequin

Libra, the diplomatic and sociable air sign, seeks harmony, balance, and beauty in all aspects of life.

With an innate ability to see multiple perspectives, they require a strain that encourages open-minded connections. Harlequin, a wellbalanced hybrid, complements Libra’s appreciation for beauty and their desire for harmonious interactions.

Libra’s quest for harmony meets its match in the kaleidoscopic wonder of Harlequin. This strain paints the world with a vivid palette of euphoria and tranquility, allowing Libra to bridge the gaps between perspectives and weave connections like cosmic threads. The strain’s symphony of flavors mirrors Libra’s love for beauty in all its forms.

Scorpio (October 23November 21)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: Black Magic

Scorpio, the enigmatic and intense water sign, delves into the depths of emotions and transformation. Intuitive and passionate, they require a strain that reflects their need for introspection and metamorphosis. Black Magic, an indica strain known for its profound effects, resonates with Scorpio’s quest for self-discovery.

The depths of Scorpio’s mystery are reflected in the captivating embrace of Black Magic. This strain delves into the cosmic abyss, guiding Scorpio on an introspective journey of transformation. Like a potion of shadow and light,


Star-aligned smoking gear

The cosmos have always held an inexplicable sway over human destinies. Just as each zodiac sign is said to be influenced by specific traits and tendencies, so too can your preferred cannabis gear be aligned with the stars to elevate your smoking experience. Whether you’re an adventurous Aries or a dreamy Pisces, there’s a perfect piece of cannabis gear out there to complement your cosmic essence.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): The Daring Trailblazer

Fiery, independent, and always ready to take on the next challenge, Aries individuals need a cannabis gear that matches their bold spirit. The ideal companion for Aries is a durable and innovative portable vaporizer that can keep up with their on-the-go lifestyle. Look for features like temperature control and sleek designs that echo their dynamic nature.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): The Earthly Epicurean

Taureans are known for their appreciation of the finer things in life. As sensual beings with a deep connection to nature, a beautifully crafted wooden or crystal pipe would suit them perfectly. The tactile experience of holding such an exquisite piece adds an extra layer of pleasure to their smoke sessions, allowing them to savor every moment.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): The Curious Communicator

Gemini, the social butterflies of the zodiac, thrive on interaction and communication. For them, a dual-purpose vaporizer that offers both group-friendly sessions and solo exploration is a must. This gear allows them to effortlessly switch between sharing stories with friends and enjoying introspective highs during moments of solitude.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): The Nurturing Soul

Home-loving Cancers need cannabis gear that evokes comfort and security. A stylish and intricately designed bong with soft, soothing colors would align perfectly with their nurturing tendencies. Plus, the water filtration of a bong ensures a smooth and gentle smoke, catering to their sensitive nature.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): The Radiant Leader

Leos love to bask in the spotlight and show off their regal nature. A flashy and eye-catching gold-plated one-hitter or a show-stopping designer rolling tray will resonate with their desire to stand out. These accessories not only enhance their smoking experience but also let them shine like the true leaders they are.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): The Analytical Perfectionist

Detail-oriented Virgos appreciate functionality and efficiency. A precisionengineered grinder with multiple chambers for different herb consistencies aligns perfectly with their analytical nature. This gear not only grinds the herb to perfection but also ensures they have complete control over their smoke.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): The Charming Harmonizer

Libras are all about balance and aesthetics. A beautifully designed, hand-blown glass bubbler that combines form and function will be their cannabis gear of choice. The gentle bubbling sound as the smoke percolates through water will appeal to their love for harmony and beauty.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): The Mysterious Intensity

Scorpios are drawn to the deep and mysterious aspects of life. A sleek and discreet vape pen with variable voltage settings will align with their enigmatic aura. The ability to adjust the intensity of the vapor mirrors their innate control over the intensity of their experiences.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): The Adventurous Wanderer

Sagittarians have an insatiable wanderlust and a thirst for adventure. A compact and portable glass blunt that can be easily packed and smoked anywhere will resonate with their free-spirited nature. It’s a gear that allows them to explore new horizons while enjoying their cannabis journey.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): The Ambitious Achiever

Capricorns are driven and ambitious, always striving for success. A highquality, technologically advanced vaporizer with smart features will appeal to their desire for efficiency and advancement. This gear allows them to enjoy their cannabis rituals without compromising their busy schedules.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): The Visionary Innovator

Aquarians march to the beat of their own drum and are often ahead of their time. A modular and customizable smoking apparatus that encourages experimentation and creativity will pique their interest. This gear complements their unique perspective and encourages them to explore new ways of consuming cannabis.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The Mystical Dreamer

Pisceans are known for their dreamy and intuitive nature. A decorative and ethereal water pipe with intricate designs will resonate with their spiritual side. The soothing sound of bubbling water enhances their connection to their inner world, making their smoke sessions a deeply introspective experience.

16 | September 2023

it unveils hidden insights and unfurls the layers of Scorpio’s enigmatic soul.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: Jack Herer

Sagittarius, the adventurous and philosophical fire sign, embarks on a constant quest for expansion and knowledge. Optimistic and openminded, they seek strains that fuel their exploration. Jack Herer, a sativa strain, ignites Sagittarius’ wanderlust, promoting creativity and a yearning for new horizons.

Sagittarius’ quest for expansion finds its ally in Jack Herer, a strain that awakens the explorer within. Its sativa-driven spark ignites fires of creativity, propelling Sagittarius into uncharted territories of thought. Like a compass for their intellectual wanderlust, the strain’s earthy and pine notes become the soundtrack to their cosmic exploration.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: Durban Poison

Capricorn, the disciplined and ambitious earth sign, values hard work, achievement, and structure. Determined and practical, they need a strain that boosts their focus and motivation. Durban Poison, an energizing strain, resonates with Capricorn’s drive for success and their desire to reach new heights.

For Capricorn’s tireless ambition, Durban Poison is the elixir that fuels the climb. A cerebral sativa, its effects elevate focus and motivation to celestial heights, awakening Capricorn’s unyielding pursuit of success. As its earthy flavors linger, the strain becomes the driving force that propels Capricorn ever upward.

Aquarius (January 20February 18)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: Blueberry Haze

Aquarius, the innovative and unconventional air sign, thrives on progressive thinking and humanitarian ideals. Visionary and independent, they require strains that enhance their creative insights. Blueberry Haze, a strain that elevates perception and creativity, complements Aquarius’ unique perspective and desire to revolutionize the norm.

In the imaginative embrace of Blueberry Haze, Aquarius finds a conduit for their visionary ideals. This hybrid strain lifts the veil between worlds, enhancing creative insights and offering a cosmic perspective. As blueberry sweetness dances on the palate, Aquarius embarks on a journey to reshape the fabric of reality with their innovative thoughts.

Pisces (February 19March 20)

Zodiac-compatible cannabis strain: Northern Lights

Pisces, the dreamy and empathetic water sign, is in touch with their emotions and the world around them.

Imaginative and compassionate, they seek strains that provide solace and introspection. Northern Lights, an indica strain that induces relaxation and deep thought, aligns with Pisces’ need for dreamy serenity and their empathetic spirit.

Pisces’ ethereal dreams find a haven in the embrace of Northern Lights. This indica strain blankets the senses with a sense of calm, leading Pisces to explore the depths of their own cosmic sea. Like a lullaby from the stars, its relaxing effects guide Pisces’ imaginative musings, inviting them to drift through the astral currents of their inner world.

As the zodiac signs dance through the cosmos, their distinct personalities find harmony with specific cannabis strains. Just as the stars guide our paths, these strains enhance our experiences, offering an exquisite symphony of sensations that resonate with each sign’s unique essence. Explore this cosmic symphony and discover the cannabis strain that aligns with your celestial self.

September 2023 | 17

Getting down and dirty with NYC Diesel

I’m going to need everyone to buckle up, because today we’re dipping into the fast-paced world of the NYC Diesel cannabis strain from Prohibition Herb. And, if you’ve ever dreamed of taking a stroll through the streets of the Big Apple without actually leaving your couch, this strain might just be your magic carpet ride.

If you aren’t familiar with this strain, here’s what you should know. This strain is a hybrid that leans toward the sativa side of things, meaning it’s a little racy, a little cerebral, and a lot of gasoline all tucked into bright orange and green nugs. It stinks to high hell of diesel fuel — and if you grab it, you’re in for a ride from the moment you open up that little container o’ weed in your cold, slightly dead hands.

No, seriously. This strain is a trip from start to finish.

Picture this: A nugget of NYC Diesel that looks like a miniature skyscraper, coated in a sparkling layer of trichomes that glisten like the lights of Times Square. That’s what I found when I stuck my face near a nug of this strain after snagging it from the dispensary, anyway.

And, the vibrant orange hairs of this strain that were winding through the forest green backdrop were reminiscent of the city’s chaotic, occasionally greentinged and vibrant vibe. Super weird, but also super cool.

Oh, also. If the streets of New York had a signature scent, one mixed by an ancient old perfume-maker (there has got to be a real name for that) in some bourgeois perfumerie, NYC Diesel would be it. Imagine a mix of diesel fumes, tangy citrus, and a hint of earthiness all rolled into one.

It’s like hailing a cab while eating an orange and standing next to a flowerbed. The stench of this one is strangely invigorating, just like the city itself.

And, the first toke is like a metaphorical subway ride to Flavor Town. YES, that’s a Guy Fieri reference. Deal with it. I’m pretty sure he’s from New York so it fits. Anyway, one drag and you’re hit with a burst of zesty lemon and grapefruit, followed by a subtle diesel undertone. Oddly enough, though, it didn’t leave me coughing like a tourist lost in the smoke. Diesel strains tend to do that to the old

lungs, but not this strain. It was smooth and mellow, kind of like sipping on a trendy artisanal cocktail in some abysmal Manhattan lounge, but in plant form.

But that’s about the only thing that’s mellow about this strain. Need an energy boost to navigate the urban jungle? NYC Diesel has got your back. My god. A few hits were like the shot of espresso you regret not getting before some big dumb meeting, except without the jitters.

I felt stoned, but I also felt creative as hell — ready to like, I don’t know, wear some dumb junk on the streets of the city or do an interpretive dance to try and hail a cab. I do that anyway in NYC, but this would be on purpose. Not because I’m

a noob who can’t seem to get that New Yorker movement down.

From there, it was a rush of euphoria. Rather than feel embedded in my couch, I felt happy, awake, and ready to go on the hunt for a hot dog vender that wouldn’t give me the bubble guts. And my brain, you guys. It was spitting out ideas left and right, seemingly channeling the insane hustle and bustle of the city.

The only problem was that I didn’t have a pen and paper to write them down. So, my advice to you is this: When you smoke this strain, make sure that a.) it’s not prior to your bedtime, and b.) you have some sort of writing utensil on hand so you can write down your brilliant brain jolts, like

the need for a taxi that also serves delicious tacos.

Here’s the gist of it: NYC Diesel stands out like a Statue of Liberty in a cornfield. It’s the perfect companion for creative minds — as long as it’s not near your bedtime. I’ll keep smoking NYC Diesel when I need a jolt of energy or, like, 14 espressos or something — but I’ll only smoke it before bedtime once. That was the only mistake you can make with this strain. Otherwise, it’s a wild ride and you should buy a ticket for it. Like, now.

18 | September 2023
» This strain is like a metaphorical subway ride to Flavor Town. Yeah, we said it and we aren’t sorry.

Return of the mac...rib

Oh, hello there, my fellow herb enthusiastss. Today, we’re diving headfirst into a strain that’s as mouthwatering as it is mind-blowing — the Mac Rib cannabis strain from The Green House Durango. This indica-dominant hybrid is an unusual one for us — neither Blaze nor I have had the opportunity to review this before, but I drew the good straw this time — so I guess you’re stuck with my take on it. Sorry for your loss (of your sanity, obviously).

And yes, there will be plenty of terrible BBQ references in this here review. Just freaking brace yourself, I guess.

Anyway, let’s get to it. So, here’s the deal. If you’ve ever wished your stash could transport you to a backyard BBQ without having to actually light up the grill, this strain might just be your smoky savior.

But before we get to that, let’s discuss the looks of this one, shall we? When I flipped the lid off the canister o’ weed,

what I found was that the Mac Rib buds are a sight to behold, glistening like glazed ribs fresh off the pit. With hues ranging from rich saucy reds to earthy greens, these buds might just make you feel like you’ve stumbled upon a hidden BBQ treasure trove. Or, like an excellent version of Micky Dee’s McRib. I guess the best thing is to be prepared for the insatiable urge to grab some napkins as you admire these beauties.

And, when I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, what I found was that I was greeted by the nostalgic aroma of a summer BBQ, complete with sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and a hint of hickory smoke. I suppose that’s why they call it the Mac Rib? I don’t know.

But buyer beware. Indulge in this and you might find yourself craving ribs or a juicy burger without having to fire up the grill. Or, maybe some weird mystery meat from your local drive-thru. Either or.

I’ll tell you, though. I wasn’t really

expecting it to look or smell like that, despite the name. And to be honest, I didn’t expect it to taste like that, either — but it did.

When I inhaled my first puff of this magic strain, what I was met with was a symphony of flavors that were reminiscent of a cookout. Kind of like ribs-meetsweed-meets-summer. I don’t know. It is what it is. I’m pretty sure there were notes of tangy BBQ sauce and a dash of that secret spice rub in there too.

And, what was also interesting is that I kind of felt like I was at a lazy summer BBQ, too. The indica calm went straight to my head after a few hits, and I was a giggly, stoned mess shortly after. Just the way I like it.

But I didn’t stay a giggly mess for long. What started as a major head high turned into a mellow and content feeling mixed with slight euphoria, and this strain proceeded to melt away stress and tension like a well-cooked rack of ribs sliding off

the bone.

If you’re going to smoke this one, prepare for a peaceful mental voyage with a side of giggles, followed by an inevitable food adventure as you raid your fridge in search of culinary treasures. My stash of Flaming Hot Cheetos is definitely in need of replenishment after this one.

So, if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to combine your love for BBQ with your affinity for cannabis, Mac Rib is here to make your smoky dreams come true.

Remember, though – while Mac Rib might spark some serious culinary creativity, it won’t magically turn you into the next BBQ pitmaster. So, don’t expect to suddenly wield a spatula like a samurai sword. But hey, who needs the hassle of grilling when you’ve got Mac Rib ready to take you on a flavor-packed journey? Not me, friends. Not. Me.

Upcycle & Recycle Fashion meets sustainability in the most fabulous way! Save the date: Thursday, November 9 Fort Lewis College Student Union Ballroom Fashion Fusion is a Ballantine Events production. For more information contact Georgiana Hallock, ghallock@bcimedia.com September 2023 | 19
» You’ve had your warning. This strain review of the Mac Rib is a spicy, punny one. And we aren’t sorry at all.

This November Stay tuned


Unlocking your inner cannabis connoisseur

There’s a solid chance that you’re well aware the magic sticky-icky plant known as, well, weed has been enjoyed by individuals around the world for centuries. And, with its diverse range of strains, effects, and consumption methods, it’s no surprise that the cannabis community is as diverse as the plant itself.

But did you know that your birth month might hold a clue to the kind of cannabis smoker you are? That’s right; an intriguing concept, no? Yes. So, let’s get to it and explore what your birth month might reveal about your

smoking style.

January: The Contemplative Connoisseur

If you were born in January, you might find yourself drawn to cannabis as a tool for self-discovery and introspection. You’re the type who prefers a quiet evening with a thought-provoking strain that enhances your creativity and allows you to explore the depths of your mind. Strains high in CBD might be your go-to, as they offer relaxation without the overwhelming psychoactive effects.

February: The Social Smoker

Those born in February tend to be

social butterflies, and their cannabis preferences reflect this. You thrive in group settings and enjoy passing a joint or sharing a vaporizer with friends. For you, cannabis is a way to enhance connections and create memorable moments with your favorite people. Sativa-dominant strains that induce a light and uplifting high are your best companions.

March: The Adventurous Aficionado

March babies are known for their sense of adventure and curiosity, and their cannabis preferences align perfectly. You’re open to trying new strains, methods, and experiences. From edibles to concentrates, you’re eager to explore the full spectrum of what cannabis has to offer. Your adaptable nature makes you the

perfect candidate for experimenting with hybrid strains that blend various effects.

April: The Zen Zephyr

Individuals born in April are often characterized by their calm and collected demeanor. You’re the one who seeks solace in cannabis, using it as a tool to unwind and find peace amidst the chaos of life. Indica strains, with their soothing and relaxing properties, are your top picks. You value the tranquil moments that cannabis brings, whether it’s a quiet night in or a mindful meditation session.

May: The Creative Cannabis Enthusiast

May-born cannabis enthusiasts have a

September 2023 | 21
» What your birth month predicts about the type of smoker you are

flair for creativity. You’re the artist, the writer, the innovator who thrives on the imaginative boost that cannabis provides. Sativa strains with their cerebral effects inspire your artistic endeavors and help you see the world in new and exciting ways. You’re not afraid to let your creativity run wild and let cannabis be your muse.

June: The Balanced Bud Enthusiast

Balance is the key for those born in June, and your cannabis habits reflect this trait. You appreciate the harmony that cannabis can bring to your life, using it in moderation to enhance experiences without overpowering them. Hybrid strains that offer a well-rounded blend of effects are your go-to, allowing you to maintain equilibrium in all aspects of your cannabis journey.

July: The Nurturing toker

If your birthday falls in July, you have a nurturing and caring personality. You enjoy sharing your cannabis knowledge and experiences with others, acting as a guide for newcomers in the world of weed. Your preferences lean toward strains that promote relaxation and foster deep conversations, making indica-dominant strains your chosen companions.

August: The Energetic Puffer

August babies are known for their energy and enthusiasm, and this carries over to their cannabis habits. You enjoy strains that boost your energy and keep you engaged throughout the day. Whether you’re exploring the outdoors or diving into a creative project, sativa strains that offer a burst of motivation and focus are your ideal choices.

September: The Analytical Toke Guru

Those born in September have a natural inclination towards analysis and critical thinking. Your cannabis journey is marked by a fascination with the science and intricacies of the plant. You’re drawn to strains that pique your curiosity and provide a cognitive boost, making hybrid

strains with balanced effects your favorites. You might even find yourself experimenting with DIY cannabis projects.

October: The Chill Cannabis Aficionado

October babies exude a laid-back and easygoing vibe, and this translates into their approach to cannabis. You seek strains that induce a mellow and relaxing high, helping you unwind and find contentment in life’s simple pleasures. Indica strains that offer a sense of calm without being too overpowering are your companions of choice.

November: The Introspective Indulger

Those born in November are often deep thinkers who enjoy delving into the mysteries of life. Your cannabis preferences mirror this introspective nature, as you gravitate towards strains that encourage introspection and self-discovery. High-THC strains with a touch of CBD might be your favorites, allowing you to explore your thoughts while maintaining a grounded presence.

December: The Festive Flower Enthusiast

December babies have a knack for finding joy in the festivities and celebrations of life. Your cannabis habits align with this festive spirit, as you enjoy strains that enhance your mood and make gatherings even more enjoyable. You’re open to trying a variety of strains, but those with a good balance of THC and CBD are likely to be your party companions.

While your birth month might offer some insights into your cannabis preferences, individual experiences and personalities are complex and multifaceted. Your journey with cannabis is uniquely yours, and there’s a vast array of strains and consumption methods to explore, regardless of when you were born.

So, whether you’re a contemplative connoisseur born in January or a festive flower enthusiast born in December, embrace your cannabis journey and enjoy the diverse and exciting world of this herbal goodness.

Helping Cannabis Businesses through digital marketing Utilize our alternative network to reach new customers! GROW Target demographics behaviors content geography and more! Get in touch today! email sales@bcimedia.com 22 | September 2023

From page 13

vape to be able to eat or drink normally. I don’t know why, and I don’t know how, but I know it works. I don’t even really care what the mechanism is, to be honest. It just works and that’s enough for me.

Now, I can’t promise you it will knock out your cramps, but I can tell you that there is a very good chance it will. This stuff works to help cancer patients endure pain or get through chemo and it helps chronic pain patients wean off of dangerous opioid painkillers. Chances are good that if you throw back an edible or puffpuff-pass the next time you have cramps you’ll get some relief. Worth a try, you know?

My dog gets so hyper and I’m trying to find ways to get him to chill out! Can dogs ingest cannabis and is it healthy for them?

Puf: Obligatory “I am not a (dog) doctor” here, but I think I can answer this. So, yes and no. While THC and other cannabinoids can help dogs chill out, you need to be careful about the amount and the type of cannabis product your giving el doggo.

Here’s the issue. Your dog is a lot more sensitive to THC than you are, so if your dog gets high, it gets reaaaaaaaaaal effing high. Too much of a good thing means a stressed out, potentially

MORE hyper dog on your hands and a traumatized pet parent. That is no bueno for anyone or anydog involved.

That said, there’s a chance that THC can also be toxic to dogs, so again, you need to be careful about what you’re giving your pet when it comes to cannabis. Luckily, there are PLENTY of pet tincture options to give your dog to help them chill the hell out. I give my big ol’ beast of a dog a bacon-flavored pet tincture that has just CBD in it and it’s a lifesaver. He goes from 130 hyper horse to calm and relaxed in the blink of an eye.

CBD is also good for his health, which is primarily what I give it to him for. But if you’re planning to give your dog THC? Don’t. Stick with CBD products instead. It’s not worth the potential headache of an anxious, hyper dog or the potential health ramifications. But that’s just really my opinion, I guess.

Blaze: Aw, poor kiddo. And poor you! Luckily, we have a good answer for you: yes! CBD is safe for your precious canine. You can get CBD treats (that will not make your dog high) in the form of dog treats, so your puppers will love them. You may have to experiment with which ones work best for your dog and lifestyle, but rest assured, CBD will definitely calm your dog down.

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» Find out what the cosmos (and the cannabis) have in store for you this month

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This September, Aries, you’re ready to ignite your inner fire. Embrace the creative sparks that come your way and let your imagination soar while enjoying your favorite strain. Remember, just like a well-tended garden, your ideas need nurturing to grow. Find balance between relaxation and inspiration, and you’ll blaze a trail towards success.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, this month is all about indulging your senses. Surround yourself with

soothing strains that enhance your appreciation for the finer things in life. Use this time to explore new flavors and experiences. Remember, like a slow-burning joint, good things come to those who wait, so be patient as you savor every moment.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

September encourages you to explore duality, Gemini. Embrace the social side of your personality by sharing a joint and insightful conversations with friends. How-

Dispensary Durango’s Bodo Park MED 9am - 6:30pm / REC 9am - 9pm 72 Suttle Street Units F & G (970) 259-3674 Grandview MED & REC 9am - 9pm 1013 E. Main St. Cortez, CO 81321 (970) 565-6500 Cor t ez 9am - 8pm; 7 Days/Week 37 County Road 232 (970) 426-4381 *Prices Shown with Tax Included*
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Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, this month calls for self-care and emotional exploration. Utilize cannabis to enhance your connection with your inner self. Create a cozy sanctuary where you can relax and unwind with your favorite strain. By nurturing your emotional well-being, you’ll find the strength to navigate any waves that come your way.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo, September encourages you to let your light shine. Use cannabis to tap into your creativity and express yourself. Whether it’s through art, music, or other forms of self-expression, don’t hold back. Just like sharing a joint, your energy can positively influence those around you, leaving a memorable impact.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Attention to detail is your forte, Virgo, and this month is no different. Use cannabis to relax your analytical mind and explore the bigger picture. Experiment with different strains to find the perfect balance between relaxation and focus. Remember, life is a mosaic of experiences, and each piece contributes to the beautiful whole.

Libra (September 23October 22)

Happy birthday, Libra! September is about finding harmony and balance. Use cannabis as a tool to connect with others and foster meaningful relationships. Whether it’s sharing a joint with friends or sparking deep conversations, your ability to create peace and understanding will shine this month.

Scorpio (October 23November 21)

Intense and transformative energy surrounds you, Scorpio. Embrace the power of cannabis to delve deep into your psyche. Use this time for introspection and personal growth. Just like a phoenix rising from the ashes, you’ll emerge stronger and more resilient as you let go of what no longer serves you.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Adventure awaits, Sagittarius! September is all about exploring new horizons. Use cannabis to enhance your sense of wonder and curiosity. Whether it’s trying new strains or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, embrace the unknown with an open heart and an open mind.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

This month, Capricorn, it’s time to find your work-life balance. Cannabis can help you unwind and recharge after a busy day. Use it as a tool to relax your mind and connect with loved ones. Just like a well-balanced hybrid strain, you’ll discover the perfect equilibrium between your responsibilities and your personal well-being.

Aquarius (January 20February 18)

Aquarius, your innovative spirit is in full force this September. Use cannabis to expand your mind and explore unconventional ideas. Connect with like-minded individuals and engage in stimulating conversations. Your unique perspective, fueled by your favorite strain, can lead to groundbreaking insights and solutions.

Pisces (February 19March 20)

Imagination knows no bounds for you this month, Pisces. Cannabis can serve as a gateway to your dreams and creative visions. Embrace your intuitive side and let your imagination run wild. Just like the ever-changing smoke from a joint, your artistic endeavors will take on a magical and ethereal quality that captivates those around you.

September 2023 | 25

Dispensary listings

» Visit your friendly local budtenders for some weed at these badass dispensaries

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Border Buds, 1929 US-550, (970) 2592639, borderbuds.com

Colorado Grow Co., 965 1/2 Main Ave., (970) 259-1647, coloradogrowcompany. com

Durango Organics, Bodo Park, 2 Suttle St., Suite F & G, (970) 259-3674, durangoorganics.com

Durango Organics, Grandview, 37 Co Rd. 232, (970) 426-4381, durangoorganics. com

Durango Rec Room, 145 E College Dr., (970) 764-4087, durangorecroom.com

The Greenery, 208 Parker Ave., Suite E, (970) 403-3710, durangogreenery.com

The Green House, 730 S Camino Del Rio, (970) 247-2420, thegreenhousecolorado. com

Kinfolk Farms, 83A Davidson Creek Rd., (970) 759-8683, kinfolk-farms.com

LOVA Canna Co –Durango, 1135 S Camino Del Rio, Suite 220, (970) 4228029, lovaco.com

Mammoth Farms Dispensary, 927 CO-3, (970) 422-3282

Mountain Annie’s, 1644 CO Rd. 203, 970-247-2190, mountainanniescannabis. com

Prohibition Herb, 1185 Camino Del Rio, (970) 385-8622, prohibitionherb.com

Rocky Mountain High, 120 E 36th St., (970) 259-4093, rockymountainhigh.co

Santé, 742 ½ Main Ave., (970) 375-2837,


Telluride Bud Company, 3473 Main Ave., (970) 422-8311, telluridebc.com


Chronic Therapy, 1020 S. Broadway, (970) 529-2045, chronictherapy.com

Doobie Sisters, 695 N Broadway, (970) 565-2345, doobiesistersco.com

Durango Organics, 1013 E Main St., (970) 565-6500, durangoorganics.com

The Herbal Alternative, 1531 Lebanon Rd., (970) 529-7007, theherbalalternative.net

LivWell Cortez, 1819 E Main St., (970) 565-9577, livwell.com

Mountain Annie’s, 310 E Main St., (970) 564-5181, mountainanniescannabis.com


High Country Releaf, 102 Railroad Ave, (970) 676-0023, highcountryreleaf.com


The Cultured Cannabis, 385 N Willow St., (970) 533-9931, theculturedco.com

LivWell Mancos, 101 Railroad Ave., (970) 533-9848, livwell.com


The Green House, 270 E Pagosa St., (970) 264-4420, thegreenhousecolorado.com

Advertise in the region’s only free monthly cannabis lifestyle magazine! 130+ outlets in SW Colorado & New Mexico 970.247.3504 sales@dgomag.com dgomag.com 26 | September 2023

Pagosa Therapeutics, 235 Bastille Dr., (970) 731-4420, pagosatherapeutics.com

San Juan Strains, 356 E Pagosa St., Unit B, (970) 264-5323, sanjuanstrains.com

Smoke Rings, 266 E Pagosa St., (970) 264-0942, smokeringsco.com

Pagosa Craft Dispensary, 127 Goldmine Dr., (970) 264-0833,.pagosacraftcannabis.com

High Grade Specialists, 600 Cloman Blvd. #1, (970) 731-3202, highgradespecialists. com


The Alchemist, 115 W Main St., (505) 258-4180, thealchemistllc.com

Distinguished Dispensary, 4601 English Rd., (505) 278-8524, distinguisheddispensary.com

Dreamz Dispensary, 3501 E Main St., SUITE i-2, (505) 258-4680, dreamzcannabis.com

The Grass Station, 928 E Main St., (505) 278-8825, tgs505.com

The Green House, 1901 East 20th St., (505) 258-4752, TheGreenHouseColorado.com

Oasis Cannabis Dispensary, 428 E Main

St., (888) 505-3947, oasiscannabisnm. com

Purlife Farmington, 3024 E Main St., STE A, (505) 695-2360, purlifenm.com

The Reef Joint, 3000 E 20th St., Suite D2, (505) 278-8963, thereefjoint.com

Toke Dispensary, 4339 E Main St., Ste A, (505) 278-8823, ziatoke.com

Ultra Health Dispensary Farmington, 4251 E Main St., Suite D, (505) 2584634, ultrahealth.com/new-mexico-dis-

pensaries/farmington-2/ Farmco, 534 E. Broadway Ave., (833) 777-3276, farmcousa.com


Grady’s Cannabis, 111 N. Main Ave., (505) 333-7456, gradyscannabis.com

Burnin’ Barrels, 2210 W Aztec Blvd., (505) 333-7583

Desert Flower, 111 W Chaco St., (505)

801-0833, desertfloweraztec.com

The Green House, 1405 W. Aztec Blvd., TheGreenHouseColorado.com


Treez, 816 W Broadway Ave., (505) 3335608


Kind Life, 4354 US-64., (505) 716-8774, kindlifenm.com

September 2023 | 27


OCT. 13 - 15

Participants: Vape Durango, Mammoth Farms Dispensary, Durango Organics, Sante Alternative Wellness, Durango Rec Room Sponsorships and participant slots still available. Reach out to Sales@bcimedia.com to reserve your spot!

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