DGO Magazine December 2023

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December 2023

Cheers to an elevated holiday season







DGO Magazine


What’s inside Volume 6 Number 12 December 2023

Editor Angelica Leicht


High reflections



An elevated New Year’s eve


Stoner books



DIY cannabis crafts



Weed and

375-4551 Design/layout Ryan Brown

DGO Pufnstuf


Blaze Ridcully Reader Services



14-17 Cover story

Chief Executive Officer

18-19 Weed reviews

Carrie Cass


Sail the seven weed seas


Weed-infused cocktails


High horoscopes


A look into the future

V.P. of Advertising Jamie Opalenik


DGO is a free biweekly publication distributed by Ballantine Communications Inc., and is available for one copy per person. Taking more than five copies of an edition from a distribution location is illegal and is punishable by law according to Colorado Revised Statute 18-9-314. DGO Magazine is published by Ballantine Communications Inc., P.O. Drawer A, Durango, CO 81302


High reflections

11 The high life

Thanksgiving is approaching, and this The allure of fresh beginnings and self-improvement is in the air. For those seeking a unique and holistic approach to set positive intentions for the upcoming year, the intersection of cannabis and mindfulness practices offers a compelling journey toward self-discovery and personal growth.

As the countdown to a new year begins, why not elevate your celebration to new heights? This year, consider throwing a cannabisfriendly New Year’s party that will leave your guests buzzing with excitement.

Pothead pages Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our curated list of must-read cannabis books for the new year has something for everyone.

Tell us what you think! Got something on your mind? Have a joke or a story idea or just something that the world needs to know? Send everything to editor@dgomag.com


The high life





ON THE COVER Cheers to another weedy year in the books... Cover design: Ryan Brown for DGO Mag Cover art: Matt Clark for Lil Bud Designs

December 2023 | 3

High Reflections

»» Cannabis and Mindfulness Practices for the New Year Gratitude Journaling

The allure of fresh beginnings and self-improvement is in the air. For those seeking a unique and holistic approach to set positive intentions for the upcoming year, the intersection of cannabis and mindfulness practices offers a compelling journey toward self-discovery and personal growth.

Cannabis can elevate the practice of gratitude journaling, turning it into a reflective and heart-opening experience. Choose a strain that enhances your sense of appreciation, and as you journal, allow your thoughts to flow freely. Express gratitude for the present moment,

The Symbiosis of Cannabis and Mindfulness Cannabis has been revered for its ability to heighten sensory experiences, induce relaxation, and foster a sense of introspection. When combined with mindfulness practices, the synergy between the two can elevate your connection to the present moment, helping you cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your aspirations.

Mindful Meditation Meditation is a cornerstone of mindfulness, and incorporating cannabis can deepen the meditative experience. Begin by finding a quiet space, light your preferred strain, and settle into a comfortable position. As you inhale, visualize breathing in positivity and exhaling negativity. Allow your thoughts to flow without judgment, embracing the gentle euphoria that cannabis can bring. Experiment with different strains to find the one that enhances your meditation practice, whether it’s a calming indica or a creative sativa.

Elevated Yoga Routines Yoga and cannabis share a history deeply rooted in ancient cultures. Combining the two can amplify the mind-body connection, fostering a sense of balance and harmony. Choose a cannabis strain that aligns with your yoga goals – an energizing sativa for morning practices or a relaxing indica for evening sessions. As you move through the poses, pay attention to the sensations in your body and the clarity of your mind. Cannabis can enhance your ability to focus on the present, making each stretch and movement a conscious, intentional act.

Mindfulness Exercises Simple mindfulness exercises can be transformed into profound experiences

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your accomplishments, and the lessons learned. The combination of cannabis and gratitude can cultivate a positive mindset, setting the stage for a fulfilling and purpose-driven new year.

Loving-Kindness Meditation with the addition of cannabis. Try incorporating a strain known for its introspective qualities into activities like mindful walking or mindful eating. With each step or bite, savor the sensory details, allowing the heightened awareness induced by cannabis to deepen your connection to the moment.

Setting Intentions As you embark on this journey of selfexploration, take time to set positive intentions for the new year. Create a ritual that involves cannabis, meditation, and reflection. Use a journal to articulate your goals, aspirations, and the steps you’ll take to achieve them. The calming effects of cannabis can help you approach this process with a clear mind and an open heart, fostering a positive mindset as you step into the future.

Creative Expression Engaging in creative activities, such as painting, drawing, or writing, can become a profound mindfulness exercise when paired with cannabis. Choose a strain that aligns with your desired creative outcome—perhaps a sativa for energizing ideas or an indica for a more relaxed, introspective vibe. Allow your creativity to flow freely, unburdened by self-judgment, and use the heightened sensitivity provided by cannabis to tap into new realms of inspiration.

Sound Bath Meditation

Transform your meditation practice by incorporating sound baths or guided meditations. Use cannabis to enhance your sensory experience, allowing the vibrations and tones to resonate more deeply. Whether it’s the soothing hum of Tibetan singing bowls or the gentle guidance of a meditation app, let the cannabis amplify the auditory journey, fostering a profound state of relaxation and mindfulness.

Nature Immersion Take your mindfulness practice outdoors and connect with nature on a deeper level. Find a tranquil spot, consume a moderate amount of cannabis, and engage in activities like forest bathing, nature walks, or simply sitting in a peaceful outdoor setting. The combination of cannabis and nature can create a harmonious experience, encouraging introspection and a sense of unity with the natural world.

Breathing Exercises Explore the transformative power of conscious breathing techniques with the aid of cannabis. Practices like deep diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana), or breath awareness meditation can be intensified when paired with a cannabis strain that promotes relaxation. Focus on the rhythmic flow of your breath, allowing the cannabis to deepen your connection to each inhalation and exhalation.

Expand your capacity for compassion and empathy through loving-kindness meditation. Consume a moderate amount of cannabis and engage in this practice by directing feelings of love and wellwishing towards yourself and others. The enhanced emotional state induced by cannabis can deepen your connection to the sentiment, fostering a sense of interconnectedness with the world around you.

Caution and Consideration It’s crucial to approach the combination of cannabis and mindfulness with mindfulness itself. Understand your own tolerance, and always prioritize responsible consumption. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions. The union of cannabis and mindfulness practices provides a unique avenue for self-discovery and personal growth. As you embark on the journey of the new year, consider weaving these elements into your routine, creating a tapestry of intention, self-awareness, and positive energy. May the coming year be one of elevated experiences and mindful reflections. —— DGO Staff

An Elevated New Year’s Eve

»» Cannabis Pairings for a Memorable Celebration As the countdown to the New Year begins, many are seeking unique ways to elevate their celebrations and bid farewell to the old while embracing the new. If you’re looking to make this New Year’s Eve unforgettable, consider incorporating cannabis into your festivities. From vibrant strains to delectable edibles, we’ve curated a guide to help you pair the perfect cannabis products with your celebration, whether you’re hosting a lively party or enjoying a cozy night in.

The Socialite’s Soiree: Tangie & Champagne Punch For those hosting a glamorous gathering, the Tangie strain is an ideal choice. Known for its uplifting and euphoric effects, Tangie can keep the energy high and the conversation flowing. Pair this citrusy strain with a refreshing Champagne Punch infused with cannabis tincture for an extra kick. Check local regulations regarding cannabis-infused beverages, and ensure your guests have a sparkling good time. Recipe: 1 bottle of chilled champagne 1 cup orange juice 1/2 cup pineapple juice 1/4 cup cannabis tincture (adjust to personal preference) Fresh fruit slices (oranges, strawberries, and pineapple) Ice cubes Combine the ingredients in a punch bowl, stir gently, and garnish with fresh fruit slices. Serve in elegant glasses for a touch of sophistication.

gone by. Pair it with a rich and soothing cannabis-infused hot chocolate for the ultimate cozy experience. Recipe: 2 cups milk (dairy or plant-based) 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 2 tablespoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup cannabis-infused coconut oil (adjust to personal preference) Whipped cream and chocolate shavings for garnish In a saucepan, whisk together milk, cocoa powder, and sugar over medium heat. Once heated, add the cannabis-infused coconut oil and vanilla extract. Continue whisking until the mixture is smooth and hot. Pour into mugs, top with whipped cream and chocolate shavings, and enjoy by the fireside.

Adventurous Explorations: Pineapple Express & Cannabis-Infused Tropical Fruit Salad For those seeking a more adventurous New Year’s Eve, the Pineapple Express strain is a fitting choice. Known for its uplifting and energizing effects, Pineapple Express can enhance your sense of adventure. Pair it with a cannabis-infused tropical fruit salad to tantalize your taste buds with a burst of exotic flavors. Recipe: 2 cups pineapple chunks

If your New Year’s Eve plans involve a more intimate gathering or a night in with a special someone, the Granddaddy Purple strain can set the perfect mood. This indica-dominant strain is renowned for its relaxing effects, making it ideal for winding down and reflecting on the year

For those who prefer a more introspective New Year’s Eve, the Harlequin strain, known for its balanced CBD-to-THC ratio, offers a mellow experience that promotes relaxation and mindfulness. Pair it with a soothing cannabis-infused herbal tea to create a serene atmosphere for selfreflection and gratitude.

Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Pop a few of these energy bites throughout the night to keep the energy levels high and the dance floor rocking.

Chill Outdoor Gathering: Blue Dream & CannabisInfused Grilled Peach Bruschetta For a laid-back outdoor celebration, the Blue Dream strain, known for its balanced effects, can enhance the easygoing atmosphere. Pair it with a cannabis-infused grilled peach bruschetta for a flavorful and sophisticated outdoor treat.

Recipe: 1 chamomile tea bag 1 peppermint tea bag 1 tablespoon dried lavender 1 teaspoon cannabis-infused honey (adjust to personal preference) Lemon slices for garnish Steep the chamomile and peppermint tea bags along with dried lavender in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Remove the tea bags, add cannabis-infused honey, and stir until dissolved. Pour into your favorite mug, garnish with lemon slices, and take a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the evening.

Recipe: 4 ripe peaches, halved and pitted 1 baguette, sliced 1/2 cup goat cheese 2 tablespoons cannabis-infused olive oil (adjust to personal preference) 1 tablespoon balsamic glaze Fresh basil leaves for garnish

High-Energy Dance Party: Green Crack & Cannabis-Infused Energy Bites If your New Year’s Eve plans involve dancing into the early hours, the Green Crack strain can provide the energetic boost needed to keep the party alive. Pair it with cannabis-infused energy bites for a tasty and uplifting snack that will keep you fueled on the dance floor.

Grill the peach halves for 2-3 minutes per side until they have grill marks. Toast the baguette slices and spread a layer of goat cheese on each. Top with a grilled peach half, drizzle with cannabisinfused olive oil, and finish with a drizzle of balsamic glaze. Garnish with fresh basil leaves for an elegant and satisfying outdoor snack.

1 cup mango chunks 1 cup kiwi slices 1 cup strawberries, halved

Cozy Night In: Granddaddy Purple & Cannabis-Infused Hot Chocolate

Mindful Reflection: Harlequin & Cannabis-Infused Herbal Tea

1/4 cup cannabis-infused honey (adjust to personal preference) Fresh mint leaves for garnish In a large bowl, combine the pineapple, mango, kiwi, and strawberries. Drizzle the cannabis-infused honey over the fruit and gently toss to coat. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Garnish with fresh mint leaves before serving for a refreshing and delightful experience.

Recipe: 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup almond butter 1/3 cup honey 1/4 cup cannabis-infused coconut oil (adjust to personal preference) 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch of salt Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Refrigerate the mixture for 30 minutes, then roll into bite-sized balls.

This New Year’s Eve, elevate your celebration with carefully curated cannabis pairings that cater to various preferences and settings. Whether you’re the host of a lively party or enjoying a quiet night in, these suggestions offer a unique twist to your festivities. Remember to consume responsibly, be mindful of local regulations, and, most importantly, savor the moments as you ring in the New Year in style. Cheers to a memorable and elevated celebration!

December 2023 | 5

High Reads

»» Must-Read Cannabis Books for the New Year bis basics to cultivation techniques and consumption methods, this book is an essential companion for both beginners and experienced users.

As we embark on a new year, it’s the perfect time to expand your cannabis knowledge and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of cannabis culture, history, and science. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our curated list of must-read cannabis books for the new year has something for everyone. From captivating fiction to enlightening non-fiction and educational reads, these books offer a diverse exploration of the green world.

“Inherent Vice” by Thomas Pynchon Genre: Fiction Dive into the realm of cannabis-infused fiction with Thomas Pynchon’s “Inherent Vice.” Set in 1970s California, this detective novel follows Doc Sportello as he navigates a haze of marijuana smoke to unravel a complex mystery. Pynchon’s writing captures the counterculture spirit of the era, making it a unique and entertaining addition to your cannabis bookshelf.

“The Botany of Desire” by Michael Pollan Genre: Non-Fiction Michael Pollan takes readers on a mesmerizing journey in “The Botany of Desire.” This non-fiction masterpiece explores the co-evolution of humans and plants, with a captivating section dedicated to cannabis. Delve into the plant’s intriguing history, from its role in ancient civilizations to the modern-day cannabis revolution.

“The Cannabis Manifesto: A New Paradigm for Wellness” by Steve DeAngelo Genre: Non-Fiction

“Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana” by Dan Michaels, Erik Christiansen, and THC Design Genre: Coffee Table Book For a visually stunning exploration of cannabis, “Green” is a coffee table book that stands out. With breathtaking photography and insightful commentary, this book showcases the diverse strains and the artistry behind cannabis cultivation, making it a perfect gift for enthusiasts and a beautiful addition to any cannabis lover’s library.

“Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana – Medical, Recreational, and Scientific” by Martin A. Lee Genre: Non-Fiction Martin A. Lee’s “Smoke Signals” provides a comprehensive look at the social history of marijuana. Covering medicinal, recreational, and scientific aspects, this book is a compelling read that dives into

6 | December 2023

the cultural and political forces that have shaped the cannabis landscape throughout the years.

“The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herer Genre: Non-Fiction Jack Herer’s iconic book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes,” is a must-read for anyone passionate about cannabis activism and history. Herer’s work played a pivotal role in the hemp movement, and this book explores the suppression of hemp and marijuana throughout history, shedding light on the plant’s incredible versatility.

“Cannabis: A History” by Martin Booth

Genre: Non-Fiction Martin Booth’s “Cannabis: A History” takes readers on a global journey through the ages, tracing the cultural, social, and political history of cannabis. This meticulously researched book provides a nuanced perspective on the plant, dispelling myths and highlighting its impact on societies around the world.

“The Little Black Book of Marijuana: The Essential Guide to the World of Cannabis” by Steve Elliott

Steve DeAngelo, a prominent cannabis activist and entrepreneur, presents a compelling manifesto in this book, advocating for the plant’s holistic potential. “The Cannabis Manifesto” covers the medicinal benefits of cannabis, social justice issues, and the path toward a more enlightened and responsible approach to its use.

“Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible” by Jorge Cervantes Genre: Educational For those with a green thumb or aspiring cannabis cultivators, Jorge Cervantes’ “Marijuana Horticulture” is the ultimate guide. This comprehensive book covers the A to Z of cannabis cultivation, offering practical tips, techniques, and insights for both indoor and outdoor growers.

Genre: Educational For those looking for a practical guide, Steve Elliott’s “The Little Black Book of Marijuana” is a concise and informative read. Covering everything from canna-

“Hemp Bound: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Next Agri-

cultural Revolution” by Doug Fine Genre: Non-Fiction Doug Fine explores the potential of hemp in “Hemp Bound,” offering a captivating look at the plant’s versatility and its potential to revolutionize agriculture. With a mix of investigative journalism and personal anecdotes, Fine makes a compelling case for the widespread adoption of hemp as a sustainable and profitable crop.

“Stoner” by John Williams Genre: Fiction While not directly cannabis-focused, John Williams’ “Stoner” is a literary gem that explores the complexities of an academic’s life, including his relationship with substances. The novel is a beauti-

fully written meditation on the human experience, making it a thought-provoking addition to any cannabis enthusiast’s reading list.

“Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana” by Michael Backes Genre: Educational Michael Backes provides a practical guide to medical marijuana in “Cannabis Pharmacy,” offering valuable insights into the science behind the plant’s medicinal properties. This book is an excellent resource for those interested in understanding how different strains and cannabinoids can address specific health concerns.

“Baked: A Marijuana Cookbook” by Yzabetta Sativa

This cookbook not only provides mouth-

Genre: Cookbook

the art of cooking with cannabis, making

For the culinary enthusiasts, “Baked” by Yzabetta Sativa is a delightful cookbook that explores the intersection of cannabis and cuisine. From sweet to savory, this book offers a range of recipes that incorporate cannabis, providing a delicious and alternative way to enjoy the plant.

it a must-have for anyone interested in

watering recipes but also educates readers on dosing, flavor profiles, and

elevating their culinary cannabis experience.

As you embrace the new year, let these captivating reads transport you into the fascinating world of cannabis. Whether you’re seeking historical insights, practi-

“The 420 Gourmet: The Elevated Art of Cannabis Cuisine” by JeffThe420Chef

cal knowledge, or simply a good story, these books offer a well-rounded exploration of the plant that has captivated human curiosity for centuries. Happy

Genre: Cookbook JeffThe420Chef takes cannabis cuisine to the next level in “The 420 Gourmet.”

reading! —— DGO Staff

December 2023 | 7

DIY Cannabis Crafts

»» Handmade Projects for a High-Grade New Year

As we usher in a new year, why not elevate your cannabis experience with a touch of creativity? Unleash your inner artist and embark on a journey of DIY cannabis crafts that not only enhance your smoking sessions but also add a personal touch to your cannabis lifestyle. From custom stash jars to one-of-a-kind smoking accessories, these projects are not only fun to make but will leave you with a collection of high-grade creations to kick off the new year in style.

Custom Stash Jars Materials: Clear glass or plastic jars with lids Acrylic paint or paint markers

clean and dry before starting. b. Design: Let your creativity flow as you paint unique designs, patterns, or even your favorite strains on the jar surface. c. Dry: Allow the paint to dry completely before moving on to the next step. d. Seal: To protect your masterpiece, consider spraying a clear varnish over the painted surface for added durability. e. Cure: Let the varnish cure according to the product instructions before using your custom stash jar.

Cannabis-Infused Candles



Clear varnish spray (optional)

Soy wax flakes



a. Clean and Prep: Ensure your jars are

Essential oils (optional)

8 | December 2023

Cannabis tincture or oil Heatproof containers (mason jars work well) Steps: a. Prepare Containers: Place wicks in the center of your containers.

Personalized Rolling Trays Materials: Wooden or metal tray

b. Melt Wax: In a double boiler, melt soy wax flakes until liquid.


c. Add Cannabis Oil: Stir in your preferred amount of cannabis tincture or oil. Adjust for desired potency.

Clear varnish

d. Optional Aroma: Add a few drops of essential oils if you want to enhance the scent. e. Pour: Carefully pour the wax mixture into the prepared containers. f. Set Wick: Ensure the wick stays centered as the wax cools and hardens. g. Trim Wick: Once the candle has solidified, trim the wick to your desired length.

Acrylic paint or markers Steps: a. Smooth Surface: Sand the tray to create a smooth surface for painting. b. Design: Let your creativity run wild with personalized designs, cannabis leaf patterns, or your favorite quotes. c. Dry: Allow the paint to dry completely. d. Seal: Protect your masterpiece by applying a clear varnish over the painted surface. e. Cure: Let the varnish cure before us-

Upcycled Cannabis Tin Can Lanterns

ing your custom rolling tray.

Handcrafted Hemp Bracelets

Materials: Empty tin cans


Hammer and nails

Hemp twine Beads in various sizes and colors

Spray paint (optional) Tealight candles or LED lights



Steps: a. Measure and Cut: Determine the desired length of your bracelet and cut the hemp twine accordingly.

a. Clean and Remove Labels: Wash and remove any labels from the tin cans.

b. Create the Base: Tie a knot at one end and start braiding the hemp twine. You can experiment with different braiding techniques.

b. Design: Using a hammer and nails, carefully create a pattern of small holes on the surface of the tin cans. Get creative

c. Add Beads: Incorporate beads into your bracelet by threading them onto the hemp as you braid.

with your designs, incorporating cannabis leaf shapes or geometric patterns.

d. Secure: Tie a knot at the other end to secure the beads in place.

c. Paint (Optional): For added flair, spray paint the tin cans in

e. Adjust: Trim any excess twine and adjust the size of the bracelet to fit your wrist.

vibrant colors. Allow them to dry completely. d. Place Lights: Insert tealight candles or LED lights into the

Herb-Infused Cooking Oils

cans, creating a warm and ambient glow.

Materials: High-quality cooking oil (olive, coconut, or grapeseed) Dried cannabis flower (decarboxylated) Cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer

e. Illuminate: Light up your e. Label: Create custom labels for your herb-infused cooking oils, noting the strain and potency for future culinary adventures.

Glass bottles with airtight lids Steps: a. Decarboxylate Cannabis: Preheat your oven to 240°F (115°C) and bake finely ground cannabis on a parchmentlined tray for 30-40 minutes to activate THC. b. Infuse Oil: Combine the decarboxylated cannabis with your chosen cooking oil in a saucepan over low heat. Stir occasionally for 2-3 hours. c. Strain: Use cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer to strain the cannabis from the oil, ensuring a smooth consistency. d. Bottle: Pour the infused oil into glass bottles, seal tightly, and store in a cool, dark place.

DIY Cannabis-Infused Bath Bombs Materials: Baking soda Citric acid Epsom salts Cornstarch Cannabis-infused coconut oil Essential oils Bath bomb molds Steps: a. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a bowl, combine 1 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup citric

upcycled cannabis tin can

acid, 1/2 cup Epsom salts, and 1/2 cup cornstarch.

lanterns and enjoy a unique and elevated

b. Add Wet Ingredients: Slowly incorporate 3 tablespoons of cannabis-infused coconut oil and a few drops of your favorite essential oils. c. Blend: Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the mixture holds together when squeezed. d. Mold: Pack the mixture into bath bomb molds, ensuring a firm press to create a solid shape. e. Dry: Let the bath bombs dry and harden in the molds for at least 24 hours before carefully removing them. f. Enjoy: Drop one of your homemade cannabis-infused bath bombs into a warm bath and relax into a soothing, elevated experience.

atmosphere in your space

These DIY cannabis crafts offer a delightful and hands-on way to usher in the new year. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just discovering your creative side, these projects allow you to infuse your cannabis lifestyle with a personal touch. Share the joy of crafting with friends or keep your creations as unique, high-grade mementos for a year filled with elevated experiences. Cheers to a crafty and cannabis-infused new year! —— DGO Staff

December 2023 | 9

Cannabis and Relationships

»» A High Love Story for the New Year

The end of the year is the perfect time to reflect on the things that matter most, and for many couples, that means nurturing the bonds of love and connection. In this exploration of cannabis and relationships, we delve into the ways this extraordinary plant can enhance intimacy, communication, and overall wellbeing within partnerships. Get ready for a journey into a high love story for the new year!

intimate moments. For couples looking to spice up their connection, incorporating cannabis into their routine can bring about a deeper sense of presence and intimacy. Consider experimenting with strains known for their sensual effects, such as those high in myrcene and terpinolene. Whether it’s sharing a joint, enjoying an edible together, or incorporating CBD-infused massage oils, the goal is to create a shared experience that fosters closeness and vulnerability.

High Conversations: Cannabis and Open Elevating Intimacy: Can- Communication nabis as a Connection One of the often-overlooked benefits Catalyst of cannabis is its ability to facilitate open Cannabis has long been associated with relaxation and heightened sensory experiences, making it a natural enhancer for

10 | December 2023

and honest communication. For couples seeking to strengthen their emotional connection, a thoughtfully curated

cannabis session can provide a relaxed environment conducive to heart-to-heart conversations. Create a safe space where both partners feel comfortable expressing themselves. Choose strains known for promoting relaxation and creativity, allowing for a free flow of thoughts and ideas. This can be an opportunity to discuss dreams, fears, and desires, fostering a deeper understanding of each other.

Mindful Consumption: Navigating Cannabis Together The key to incorporating cannabis into your relationship lies in mindfulness. Understanding each other’s preferences, tolerances, and desired effects is essential for a positive experience. Consider starting with low doses and gradually exploring what works best for both partners.

Experiment with different consumption methods, from smoking and vaping to edibles and tinctures, to find what aligns with your shared preferences. Mindful consumption ensures that the experience enhances your connection rather than detracts from it.

Joint Activities: Shared Hobbies for a Shared High Cannabis can be a wonderful catalyst for shared activities, creating lasting memories and strengthening the bond between partners. Whether it’s exploring nature, cooking together, engaging in creative pursuits, or even practicing mindfulness through meditation, finding activities you both enjoy while partaking in cannabis can deepen your connection. Consider creating a “cannabis bucket list” with activities you’d like to try

On page 13

The High Life

»» Hosting a Cannabis-Friendly New Year’s Party

As the countdown to a new year begins, why not elevate your celebration to new heights? This year, consider throwing a cannabis-friendly New Year’s party that will leave your guests buzzing with excitement. From infused appetizers to carefully curated decorations, we’ve got the ultimate guide to help you ring in the new year in style, while responsibly enjoying the pleasures of cannabis.

Setting the Scene: Themed Decorations Transform your space into a cannabis wonderland with thoughtfully chosen decorations. Consider a green and gold color scheme to reflect the vibrant hues of cannabis plants. String up twinkling lights to mimic the shimmer of trichomes, and scatter cannabis leaf confetti on tables for a subtle, yet playful touch. Incorporate thematic elements like “countdown cannabis clocks” and “midnight

toke” banners to create an immersive experience that will transport your guests to a ganja-infused paradise.

Gourmet Ganja: Cannabis-Infused Appetizers Kick off the evening with a selection of delectable cannabis-infused appetizers that will tantalize your taste buds and lift your spirits. Infused olive oil is a versatile ingredient that can be drizzled over bruschetta or used as a dipping sauce for crusty bread. For a more adventurous option, try cannabis-infused honey glazed bacon-wrapped dates, where the sweetness of the honey perfectly complements the savory bacon. Don’t forget about the vegetarians in the crowd! Cannabis-infused hummus paired with an assortment of fresh veggies is a crowd-pleaser that satisfies all palates. Be sure to label each dish with the appropriate dosage per serving, en-

suring everyone enjoys their experience responsibly.

Rolling in the New Year: Craft a Cannabis Bar No New Year’s celebration is complete without a well-stocked bar, and a cannabis-friendly party is no exception. Create a designated cannabis bar where guests can roll their own joints or pack a bowl. Provide a variety of strains to cater to different preferences, and consider offering a selection of pre-rolled joints for convenience. Include a “Canna-Cocktail” station featuring mocktails infused with CBD or THC tinctures. A refreshing cannabisinfused lemonade or a minty THC-infused mojito can add an extra layer of excitement to the festivities. Remember, responsible consumption is key, so encourage moderation and provide information about the potency of each infused item.

Puff and Paint: Cannabis-Friendly Activities Keep the good vibes flowing with cannabis-friendly activities that engage your guests in creative ways. Set up a “Puff and Paint” station where attendees can unleash their inner artists with cannabis-infused inspiration. Provide a variety of art supplies, canvases, and easels, and watch as your guests create masterpieces under the influence of their favorite strains. For a more interactive experience, consider hiring a cannabis-friendly entertainer, such as a live joint-rolling demonstration or a cannabis-infused cooking class. These activities not only entertain but also educate your guests on responsible cannabis use.

Sensational Sounds:

December 2023 | 11

Curate a CannabisFriendly Playlist

tering cannabis-infused desserts.

Every memorable party needs the perfect soundtrack, and a cannabis-friendly New Year’s bash is no exception. Create a playlist that mirrors the mellow yet festive vibe of the evening. Include a mix of genres, from reggae and hip-hop to chill electronic beats. Consider iconic cannabis anthems or songs that have become synonymous with laid-back vibes. You might even throw in some classic countdown tunes to keep the anticipation building as the clock ticks toward midnight.

as THC-infused chocolate truffles,

For an extra touch, invite a live band or DJ who understands the art of curating the right atmosphere for a cannabis-infused celebration. Ensure that the music is at a volume allowing guests to comfortably engage in conversations while still feeling the rhythm.

extras. This sweet finale will leave

Cannabis-Themed Games: Playful and Potent Entertainment

As with any celebration, safety

Take your party to the next level with cannabis-themed games that add an element of playful competition to the mix. Set up a “CannaCarnival” corner with games like “Marijuana Pong,” a cannabisinfused twist on the classic party game. Instead of traditional beer pong, use cannabis-infused beverages for a lighthearted alternative. Consider organizing a cannabis trivia contest or a joint-rolling competition to test your guests’ cannabis knowledge and skills. Offer unique cannabis-related prizes for winners, such as custom-de-

Offer an assortment of treats such CBD-infused fruit tarts, or cannabis-infused ice cream sundaes. Ensure that each dessert is clearly labeled with dosage information to help your guests make informed choices. For an interactive dessert experience, set up a “Build Your Own Edible Bar” where guests can customize their treats with various toppings, sauces, and infused your guests with a lasting impression and a satisfyingly elevated end to the night.

Safe Spaces and Responsible Revelry is paramount. Designate a comfortable and well-ventilated “chillout” zone for guests who may need a break from the festivities. Ensure that everyone has a reliable mode of transportation home, whether it’s a designated driver, rideshare signed rolling trays or artisanal smoking accessories.

Cannabis Education Corner: Elevate Minds Alongside Spirits Transform your celebration into an

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

educational experience by setting up a “Cannabis Education Corner.” Provide informational pamphlets, brochures, or even invite a knowledgeable budtender to answer questions and guide discussions about different strains, consumption methods, and the benefits of responsible cannabis use. Encourage guests to share their favorite cannabis experiences or discoveries. This not only fosters an open and inclusive atmosphere but also contributes to breaking down any lingering stigmas associated with cannabis. A well-informed and engaged party is a happy and responsible one.

service, or public transportation.

Encourage open communication about cannabis consumption and set clear expectations for responsible use. Provide information about each cannabis product, including THC and CBD levels, and remind guests to be mindful of their limits. By combining thoughtful decorations, gourmet cannabis-infused treats, a well-stocked cannabis bar, and engaging activities, your cannabis-friendly New Year’s party is sure to be the talk of the


Ghost Walk Durango 12 | December 2023

Midnight Munchies: Sweet and Savory Cannabis-Infused Desserts As the clock strikes midnight, delight your guests with a selection of mouthwa-

town. Elevate your celebration, ring in the new year responsibly, and create lasting memories with an unforgettable cannabis-infused soirée. —— DGO Staff

From page 11

Beyond its impact on the relationship, cannabis can also play a role in individual

together. This not only adds an element of excitement to your relationship but also encourages ongoing exploration and shared growth.

self-reflection and personal growth. Encourage each other to use cannabis as a tool for introspection, providing space for individual development and self-

Seeking Professional Guidance: Cannabis and Relationship Therapy


For couples facing challenges or looking to strengthen their connection, incorporating cannabis into relationship therapy sessions is an emerging trend. Some therapists specialize in using cannabis as a therapeutic tool, helping couples navigate communication hurdles and rediscover the joy in their relationship.

rating cannabis into personal wellness

Whether it’s through solo cannabis sessions for self-reflection or incorporoutines, this approach recognizes that personal growth contributes positively to the overall health of the partnership.

Nurturing Your Relationship with Cannabis

Before embarking on this journey, ensure that both partners are comfortable with the idea and consult with a professional who is experienced in cannabisassisted therapy.

As you embark on this journey of incorporating cannabis into your relationship, remember that the key is intentionality. From creating rituals and exploring

Cannabis Rituals: Creating Meaningful Traditions Infuse your relationship with a sense of ritual by incorporating cannabis into meaningful traditions. Whether it’s a weekly “cannabis date night” where you explore new strains together or a monthly “high vision board” session where you both articulate your dreams and goals, these rituals create a unique bond. Consider crafting personalized cannabis experiences tied to special occasions, anniversaries, or even simple moments of celebration. The act of sharing these moments can transform them into cherished memories that deepen your connection over time.

Mindful Microdosing: A Gateway to Balance Microdosing, or consuming small, controlled amounts of cannabis, is gaining popularity for its ability to provide subtle effects without overpowering psychoactivity. For couples seeking balance and increased mindfulness, microdosing can be a game-changer. Experiment with low doses of THC or explore CBD-rich strains to experience the therapeutic benefits without the traditional “high.” This approach allows you

to incorporate cannabis into your routine more regularly, promoting relaxation and stress relief without compromising functionality.

Cannabis and Mindful Sensuality: A Journey of Exploration Cannabis has the potential to heighten sensory experiences, making it an intriguing ally for couples interested in exploring mindful sensuality. From incorporating cannabis-infused massage oils to experimenting with different strains known for enhancing tactile sensations, the possibilities are as vast as your imagination. Engage in open communication about desires and boundaries, ensuring that both partners feel comfortable and respected. By approaching sensuality with mindfulness and curiosity, couples can embark on a journey of exploration that deepens their connection on both physical and emotional levels.

Responsible Consumption: Navigating Boundaries Together

navigate boundaries and respect individual preferences. Discuss your comfort levels, set guidelines for consumption, and be mindful of each other’s tolerance and pace. Creating a cannabis contract—a mutual agreement on when, where, and how you’ll incorporate cannabis into your relationship—can provide clarity and prevent misunderstandings. This contract serves as a tool for open communication and ensures that both partners feel secure and respected in their choices.

sensuality to setting boundaries and fostering individual growth, cannabis can be a versatile and positive force within your relationship.

Approach cannabis in your relationship with intention, communication, and a sense of adventure. Whether you’re sparking up a joint for a quiet night in or incorporating cannabis into your relationship therapy sessions, may this new chapter be filled with love, laughter, and

Cannabis and SelfReflection: Individual Growth within a Partnership

the shared joy of a well-crafted, high love story. Cheers to a blissful and connected new year! —— DGO Staff

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While cannabis can enhance various aspects of a relationship, it’s crucial to

December 2023 | 13

Celebrate the spirit of cannabis

»» Ring in the New Year with these weed-centric resolutions, which are bound to make you a better person (or at least a better stoner) in 2024 As the clock strikes midnight and the calendar turns to a new year, many individuals embark on a journey of self-improvement and personal growth through New Year’s resolutions. For those who embrace the cannabis lifestyle, 2024 offers a unique opportunity to blend the benefits of this remarkable plant with aspirations for a healthier, happier, and more enlightened existence. So, in the spirit of all things weedy and New Years-y, let’s explore a variety of goals and intentions that can elevate your well-being while celebrating the spirit of cannabis. Mindful Consumption and Dosage Control For many cannabis enthusiasts, finding the sweet spot of consumption involves a delicate balance between relaxation and productivity. In 2024, make it a resolution to become more mindful of your cannabis consumption. Experiment with different strains, delivery methods, and dosages to understand how

cannabis affects your mind and body. Consider keeping a journal to track your experiences and identify patterns that work best for you. By doing so, you can enhance your relationship with cannabis and optimize its therapeutic benefits.

Cannabis and Fitness Fusion Bid farewell to the stereotype of the lethargic stoner glued to the couch. This year, let fitness and cannabis become your dynamic duo. Explore the world of cannabis-infused workouts, incorporating strains known for promoting focus and energy. Whether it’s a yoga session, a trail run, or a weightlifting routine, cannabis can enhance your mind-muscle connection and elevate your exercise experience. Set realistic fitness goals, and let cannabis be the catalyst for a healthier, more active


DIY Edibles and Culinary Adventures Elevate your culinary skills by experimenting with DIY cannabis-infused edibles. From decadent brownies to savory dishes, infusing your favorite recipes with cannabis allows you to tailor the experience to your preferences. Master the art of decarboxylation, learn about terpene profiles, and discover the diverse world of cooking with cannabis. This resolution not only adds a flavorful twist to your meals but also provides a fun and creative way to explore the plant’s many facets.

Cannabis and Creativity Unleash your inner art-

ist by making 2024 the year of cannabisinfused creativity. Whether you enjoy painting, writing, music, or any other form of artistic expression, cannabis can be a muse that unlocks new levels of imagination. Experiment with different strains to find the perfect balance between focus and inspiration. Create a dedicated space for your artistic pursuits, and let cannabis be the key that opens the door to a world of boundless creativity.

Eco-Friendly Cannabis Practices As the cannabis community continues to grow, so does the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Make it a resolution to reduce your environmental footprint by supporting cannabis products

and brands committed to sustainability. Explore DIY cultivation methods, consider composting cannabis waste, and be mindful of your overall consumption. By adopting eco-friendly practices, you contribute to the long-term health of the planet while enjoying the benefits of this incredible plant.

Cannabis Education and Advocacy In 2024, become an informed advocate for cannabis by deepening your understanding of its history, science, and cultural significance. Stay updated on the latest research, legislative developments, and social issues related to cannabis. Engage in open and informed conversations with friends, family, and colleagues to dispel myths and stigmas surrounding the plant. By be-

coming a knowledgeable advocate, you contribute to the ongoing destigmatization and normalization of cannabis.

Mindful Meditation and Cannabis Embrace the power of mindfulness by incorporating cannabis into your meditation practice. Set aside dedicated time for self-reflection, relaxation, and inner exploration. Experiment with different strains, such as those high in CBD or specific terpenes known for their calming effects. Cannabis can serve as a tool to deepen your meditation experience, promoting a sense of peace and heightened awareness. Make it a resolution to prioritize your mental well-being through the combined practice of cannabis and meditation.

Cannabis Travel and Explo-

ration If circumstances allow, make 2024 the year of cannabis-inspired travel and exploration. Discover cannabis-friendly destinations where you can immerse yourself in local culture, visit dispensaries, and connect with like-minded individuals. Whether it’s a road trip through cannabis-friendly states or an international adventure to a country with progressive cannabis laws, the world is full of opportunities to expand your cannabis horizons and create lasting memories.

Community Engagement and Social Justice Acknowledge the role of cannabis in social justice and make it a resolution to contribute to positive change. Get involved in local and national advocacy efforts aimed at cannabis reform. Support organizations working to rectify the harms

caused by the war on drugs, particularly those disproportionately affecting marginalized communities. Use your platform and privilege to amplify voices advocating for equity, inclusivity, and fair representation within the cannabis industry and beyond.

Cannabis Journaling and Self-Reflection Cap off your cannabis-infused resolutions with the practice of journaling. Document your experiences, thoughts, and insights related to cannabis. Track your progress in achieving your resolutions, celebrate successes, and reflect on challenges. Journaling provides a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth, allowing you to deepen your connection with cannabis and understand its role in your life.

Cannabis and Sustainability in Consumption Make it a resolution to explore sustainable consumption practices within

the cannabis community. Consider investing in reusable and eco-friendly cannabis accessories, such as glassware and storage containers. Explore options for sustainable packaging when purchasing cannabis products, supporting brands that prioritize environmentally friendly materials. By incorporating sustainability into your cannabis lifestyle, you contribute to the broader movement for a greener and more conscious world.

Cannabis and Connection Prioritize meaningful connections within the cannabis community and beyond. Attend cannabis events, whether virtual or in-person, to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion. Join online forums, social media groups, or local cannabis clubs to engage in discussions, share experiences, and foster a sense of camaraderie. Use cannabis as a social lubricant to deepen connections with friends and loved ones, creating spaces for open and authentic conversations.

Cannabis and Herbal 16 | December 2023

Companionship Explore the synergies between cannabis and other herbal allies. Incorporate herbal teas, adaptogens, and medicinal plants into your routine to complement and enhance the effects of cannabis. Experiment with herbal blends that promote relaxation, focus, or energy, creating a holistic approach to well-being. By diversifying your herbal companions, you can unlock a spectrum of wellness benefits and cultivate a more comprehensive self-care routine.

Cannabis and DIY Wellness Products Expand your DIY skills by creating your own cannabis-infused wellness products. Experiment with making balms, salves, bath bombs, or tinctures using high-quality cannabis extracts. Tailor these products to address specific wellness goals, such as relaxation, pain relief, or skincare. By crafting your own cannabis-infused creations, you not only gain a deeper understanding of the plant but also personalize your self-care routine.

Cannabis and Cultural Exploration Immerse yourself in the rich cultural history of cannabis by exploring its global heritage. Make it a resolution to learn about the diverse traditions, rituals, and uses of cannabis in different cultures. Attend cannabis-themed events that celebrate the plant’s cultural significance, from art exhibitions to historical lectures. By embracing the global tapestry of cannabis, you deepen your appreciation for its multifaceted role in societies throughout history.

Cannabis and Sleep Optimization Prioritize the importance of quality sleep by incorporating cannabis into your bedtime routine. Explore strains known for their relaxing and sedative effects to promote a restful night’s sleep. Experiment with different consumption methods, such as edibles or tinctures, to find what works best for your sleep needs. Create a sleep-friendly environ-

ment and establish a consistent bedtime routine, leveraging the benefits of cannabis to enhance your overall sleep quality.

Cannabis and Horticultural Exploration Develop a green thumb by delving into the world of cannabis cultivation. Whether you have a spacious backyard or a small balcony, consider growing your own cannabis plants. Explore different cultivation methods, from traditional soil-based gardening to hydroponics. Cultivating cannabis not only provides a hands-on connection to the plant but also deepens your appreciation for the intricate process of bringing it from seed to harvest.

Cannabis and Mindful Tech Use In an age dominated by technology, make it a resolution to mindfully integrate cannabis into your tech-related activities. Whether you’re a gamer, a creative professional, or someone who

enjoys virtual experiences, use cannabis to enhance your engagement and focus. Consider exploring VR experiences, cannabis-friendly apps, or even incorporating cannabis into your digital detox rituals to create a balanced and mindful relationship with technology.

Cannabis and Outdoor Adventures Embrace the great outdoors and make it a resolution to infuse your outdoor adventures with cannabis. Whether it’s hiking, camping, or simply taking a leisurely stroll in nature, bring along your favorite strains to enhance the sensory experience. Connect with the natural world while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, promoting a sense of well-being and connection to the environment.

Cannabis and Journaling: A Visual Approach Elevate your journaling practice by incorporating visual elements. Create a cannabis-focused vision board that represents your goals, aspirations, and experiences. Use art, collage, and multimedia to express the various dimensions of your cannabis journey. This visual approach to journaling provides a unique and creative way to document your relationship with cannabis while serving as a tangible reminder of your growth and exploration throughout the year.

Final thoughts

Unlock the mysteries of the cannabis universe by aligning your strain choices with your astrological sign. Just as the stars influence our personalities, preferences, and energies, so too can cannabis strains complement our individual traits. Consider this cannabis zodiac guide as you navigate the vast world of strains, discovering the perfect match for your cosmic energy in 2024: Aries (March 21 - April 19): Green Crack Embrace your fiery Aries spirit with the energetic and invigorating effects of Green Crack. This sativa-dominant strain is perfect for the adventurous and dynamic Aries, providing a burst of creativity and motivation. Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Granddaddy Purple Taurus individuals, known for their earthy sensibilities, will appreciate the soothing and relaxing vibes of Granddaddy Purple. This indica-dominant strain complements Taurus’ love for comfort and indulgence. Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Sour Diesel Geminis thrive on social interaction and mental stimulation. Sour Diesel, a sativadominant strain, enhances the quick-witted and communicative nature of the Gemini, making it an ideal companion for social gatherings. Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Blue Dream Cancers, known for their nurturing and empathetic qualities, will find solace in the balanced effects of Blue Dream. This hybrid strain provides a gentle lift, promoting relaxation without overwhelming the sensitive Cancer spirit. Leo (July 23 - August 22): OG Kush

Leos, the natural-born leaders, will appreciate the confidence and charisma boost from OG Kush. This hybrid strain aligns with Leo’s bold energy, enhancing creativity and social engagement. Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Harlequin Virgos, with their practical and analytical minds, can find balance with the high-CBD strain Harlequin. Known for its therapeutic properties, Harlequin provides a clear-headed experience, perfect for Virgos seeking mental clarity. Libra (September 23 - October 22): Strawberry Cough Libras, the harmonizers of the zodiac, will enjoy the sociable and uplifting effects of Strawberry Cough. This sativa-dominant strain complements Libra’s love for balance and social connection. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Girl Scout Cookies Intense and mysterious Scorpios can explore their depths with Girl Scout Cookies. This hybrid strain provides a euphoric and introspective experience, perfect for Scorpios seeking self-discovery. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Jack Herer Adventure-seeking Sagittarians can fuel their enthusiasm with Jack Herer. This sativadominant strain aligns with Sagittarius’ free-

spirited nature, providing a clear-headed and uplifting experience. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Northern Lights Capricorns, known for their disciplined and ambitious traits, can unwind with the relaxing effects of Northern Lights. This indica-dominant strain supports Capricorn’s need for rest and rejuvenation. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Blueberry The unconventional and visionary Aquarius will appreciate the creative and introspective effects of Blueberry. This indica-dominant strain complements Aquarius’ unique perspective and desire for innovation. Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Cannatonic Compassionate and intuitive Pisceans can find balance with the high-CBD strain Cannatonic. This hybrid strain provides a mellow experience, supporting Pisces’ connection to their emotions and artistic inclinations. Explore the cosmic synergy between cannabis and astrology, allowing your celestial energy to guide you toward strains that enhance your unique qualities. May your cannabis journey in 2024 be written in the stars!

As we step into 2024, let the spirit of cannabis guide you toward a year of self-discovery, personal growth, and positive change. Embrace the diverse ways in which cannabis can enhance your life, from mindfulness and creativity to fitness and advocacy. By setting cannabis-infused resolutions, you not only celebrate the plant’s rich culture but also contribute to a more enlightened and harmonious existence. May this year be filled with elevated experiences, mindful moments, and the boundless possibilities that cannabis has to offer. Cheers to a high-spirited and fulfilling 2024! —— DGO Staff   December 2023 | 17

Gettin’ Sweet

»» The Sweeties Strain From Prohibition is a Weed Hug to the Brain If you read my reviews (and if so, RIP your sanity), you may be well aware that I am rarely able to properly identify the hints of grass, fruit, and flowers in my weed. Most of the time weed just smells like weed to me, unless it has a super diesel-y or piney scent to it. Blame my deviated septum. It’s annoying, but I just typically can’t do it. Tell me a strain smells like funky old cheese and I’ll probably still just smell skunky, musty weed. The fact that I’m lacking a cannabis connoisseur nose doesn’t particularly bother me. It’s fine. I don’t mind the skunky, musty smell of weed. It takes me back to those carefree high school days when we really were just modern-day hippies smoking doobies on the corner (or in my friend’s childhood treehouse). But it doesn’t exactly give you guys with better noses an idea of what you’re walking (or smelling) into with these strains. Why am I telling you all of this, you ask? Well, it’s because I feel like I have finally, FINALLY managed to conquer that task— at least temporarily. And it all started with a little bit of The Sweeties strain from Prohibition Herb. This strain, which is pretty new on Prohibition’s shelves, is an indica-leaning hybrid strain that was created by crossing White x Tahoe OG with Cookies x Face Off. Complicated, I know, but that’s how it be sometimes. And those complicated genetics are supposed to lead to a balanced high, which is the type of high I love. This batch of bud is also supposed to smell like cinnamon, orange, hops, lavender, and pine, due to it containing terpenes like myrcene, caryophyllene, cedrene, and limonene. I didn’t know this little fact prior to reviewing it, though. Whenever possible, I’ve been trying to go into these reviews with a proverbial blindfold on to give you my unbiased opinion. So I didn’t do any real research beforehand. And that, my friends, is why it’s so surprising to me that the first thing I noticed after I popped the lid off of the container was that The Sweeties smelled incredibly sweet—like a mix of sugar and spice. That’s right, nerds. Rather than smelling good old-fashioned ditch weed, I smelled the terpenes. That’s an A+ job by the plant, I would say. (And maybe just a liiiiitle bit of that credit should go to the

18 | December 2023

growers, too, I guess.) It didn’t stop there, though. I started to tear a couple of the compact, purpletinged nugs to shreds before tossing them into the grinder, and there it was again. The overwhelming smell of spicy, sugary fruits. We were two for two. And the same rang true for the taste. I loaded this bad gal in a dry herb vape, took a hit, and it was sensory overload. I didn’t taste any skunky weed; I just tasted a sweet, herbal mix of flowery, fruity flavors every time I inhaled. In other words, it was fricking AWESOME. So was the high from this strain, which came on quickly and somewhat unexpectedly after a few puffs on the ol’ vape. One inhale, two inhales, three inhales, stoned. How did I know I was stoned that quickly? Well, it’s simple. This strain wrapped around my brain to produce the most surreal feeling of being up in the clouds. I’m not entirely sure how to explain it, but it was like the weed was giving my head a friendly hug. I felt super happy and content, but my brain was also tingling with electricity and felt a little foggy, too. From there, the tingling spread throughout the rest of my body, trickling down limb by limb. My arms were jumping with life, and then my legs, and then my feet. Kinda like the weed was ticking off the boxes one by one. And then the euphoria set in. I was (don’t judge me) conducting this little weed experiment while zoning out and watching the latest episode of “90 Day

Fiance,” which typically just annoys me to high hell, thanks to all the awful people who are featured on it. But it was not that way with The Sweeties. Not at all. Rather than rolling my eyes so far into the back of my head that I went blind, I was bent over laughing instead. Everything that these weirdos did was hilarious to me. And then they were all sweet. And then considerate. And ultimately everything that’s good and nice and not evil in this world. Who knew how endearing they could be? That euphoric feeling lasted for much longer than I expected, too. Those 90 Day episodes are hella long, but the ultra happy feeling persevered through the entire thing—even as I shoveled ice cream and cake in my mouth from the munchies. I will tell you, though, that this feeling eventually tapered off, but it was a slow descent. Between the laughter and the happy smile plastered on my face, I barely even noticed it. And what it left in its wake was the calm, collected feeling of being totally freaking zen. I just felt calm and good and right. Oh, and sleepy. I was also very, very sleepy.

Sleepy to the point that I found myself drifting off while supine on the couch, my brain floating in and out of consciousness on a pleasant cloud. That says a lot, considering this insomniac’s struggles with sleep. So, rather than smoke another bowl and binge another episode of terrible trash panda TV, I opted to take my sleepy rear to bed instead. I laid down and immediately passed out. No tossing. No turning. And no scrolling on my phone. Just pure, blissful sleep. To say that The Sweeties was a surprising strain would be an understatement. I haven’t gotten the same joy that I got from the effects of this strain in a long time. And I certainly haven’t been as lucky at pinpointing the terpenes in my bud, either. I’m chalking this strain up to a huge win. I love it, it’s perfect, and I’m going to buy out Prohibition’s stock of The Sweeties before it gets snatched by the rest of you. Fight me. (I kid, I kid. I’ll leave a little for the rest of you. Maybe.) —— DGO Pufnstuf

WRX 99 in Effect

I’m going to show my age here, but all I can think of when I see the strain name WRX 99 is Wreckx-n-Effect, the late 1980s, early 1990s rap group featuring Aqil Davidson, Markell Riley and Brandon “B-Doggs” Mitchell (and maybe one or two others? I don’t know. It’s been a hot minute since I worked as a music writer).

These masterminds were the ones responsible for bangers (said with serious amounts of sarcasm) such as “Rump Shaker” and “New Jack Swing” — songs that I’m pretty sure I danced my ass off to at every middle school dance I attended. And I did so badly. Very, very badly. Because my brain has inexplicably made this association between weed strain and awful ’90s rap group, I have had the phrase “shake your rump like a rump shaker” stuck in my head for days on end. It is awful. Please send help. But what isn’t awful — and doesn’t deserve such crummy word associations — is the WRX 99 strain from Green House Durango. It’s not the fault of this strain that there’s loose wiring in my brain. That’s just how it be in my noggin’. I don’t know why. As such, I’m going to try and put aside any terrible rap references as I

write this review. It’s going to be tough, but we’ll see how I do. Maybe I’ll surprise myself.

strain to grow thick, purple nugs on a vine — not that tiny, dense, and utterly unimpressive buds that it yields.

Anyway, back to the strain. So while this strain’s name reminds me of the song that shall not be named, there is no association with that band or the buttcentric song of old. This hybrid strain, which is currently on the shelves at the Green House, is named as such because it’s a cross between Cindy 99 and Williams Wonder. I’m not entirely sure where the WRX part comes from — maybe the W from Williams and RX because it’s marijuana medicine? — but where the originates from 99 is obvious.

And when I took a hit off the bowl, the grape flavors were just as apparent. I felt like I was smoking fruit, not weed. Go figure. What came as even more of a shock, though, were the effects.

The result of the cross between these two strains is a strain that produces dense, compact nugs that are covered in resin. Honestly, they’re nothing to marvel at, but it’s not the cover of this book that counts. When it comes to the aroma and taste, they were nothing like what I would have expected from a strain that looks this nondescript. Once I popped open the lid, all I could smell was the sweet aroma of grapes. The scent was so clearly grape, in fact, that I would have expected this

I started to feel like a million fingers were massaging my face in tandem, which is an odd but pleasurable feeling — and that face and head high quickly dripped down to my shoulders. It was like a tiny weed massage was lifting all the tension from my upper half. Shortly after, it became apparent that it wasn’t just my face that was high. I was pretty effing stoned altogether, with my brain feeling light and airy, and my limbs feeling heavy and relaxed. But that didn’t last long. With a huge smile plastered on my face, I went from relaxed and lumpy to chatty as hell, asking all of the questions of the person sitting next to me. Like, we’re not talking about questions that needed to be asked, either. We’re talking about questions that nobody needs to inquire about. In particular, I

wanted to know why cartoon people are only drawn with three fingers and a thumb. I’d never really thought about it before, nor do I care now that I’m sober, but I REALLY needed to know while I was high after a bowl of WRX 99. But my couch mate did not know the answer to that question, of course, because who the heck would. Nor did they know the answers to any of my other questions, either. That didn’t stop me from asking them, though. Nor did it stop me from eating like 405 snacks while doing so. That went on for far too long, if I recall correctly. Luckily, I finally got sleepy and passed out — which was likely a welcome reprieve for the person being subjected to my stupidity. And when I woke up, I still had that one line from “Rump Shaker” stuck in my head. Go figure. So, yeah. That’s WRX 99. The name reminds me of a terrible rap group from the 1990s, but the strain itself is so much more delightful than the music I associate it with. If you’re into being super high and chatty, this one is going to be your jam (pun absolutely intended). —— DGO Pufnstuf

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Open 7 Days a Week, 9 a.m.- 9:50 p.m. 145 E College Dr. Durango, CO 81301 Use of marijuana concentrate may lead to: 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or difficulty distinguishing reality); 2. Mental health symptoms/problems; 3. Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (chi) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting); 4. Cannabis use disorder/dependence. including physical and psychological dependence.

December 2023 | 19

Sail the Seven Weed Seas

»» Cannabis-Friendly Destinations for a Blissful Getaway Jamaica: Reggae Rhythms and Ganja Bliss

As the countdown to the New Year begins, why not break away from the ordinary and welcome 2024 in a cannabis-friendly haven that promises relaxation, adventure, and a touch of the extraordinary? If you’re seeking a unique getaway that embraces cannabis culture, we’ve curated a list of destinations that go beyond the traditional celebrations, inviting you to a world where the green herb takes center stage.

For a tropical New Year’s getaway infused with reggae rhythms and the laid-back spirit of the Caribbean, Jamaica is the ultimate destination. Explore the birthplace of Bob Marley, visit the stunning Seven Mile Beach, and partake in the local cannabis culture. Many resorts in Jamaica offer cannabisfriendly accommodations and wellness retreats, providing a perfect blend of relaxation and celebration.

Amsterdam, Netherlands: The OG Cannabis Destination Amsterdam remains an iconic cannabis destination, offering a blend of rich history, picturesque canals, and, of course, a vibrant cannabis culture. Wander through the renowned coffee shops that line the city’s streets, each offering a unique selection of strains and edibles. Celebrate the New Year with a boat tour through the illuminated canals, as the city lights up in a spectacle of colors.

Denver, Colorado: MileHigh Cannabis Adventure Known as the Mile-High City, Denver has been at the forefront of cannabis legalization in the United States. Embrace the Rocky Mountain high with a visit to one of the city’s many dispensaries, each offering a variety of locally sourced strains. For an unforgettable experience,

20 | December 2023

consider booking a cannabis-friendly Airbnb or hotel, and don’t miss the chance to explore the stunning landscapes of the nearby Rocky Mountains.

Montevideo, Uruguay: South American Cannabis Oasis Uruguay, the first country to fully legalize cannabis, beckons with its laidback atmosphere and beautiful beaches. Montevideo, the capital, offers a unique blend of historic architecture, vibrant street art, and a growing cannabis scene. Take a stroll along the Rambla, relax on the beaches of Pocitos, and indulge in locally grown cannabis products as you welcome the New Year with a South

American flair.

Charm Portland, Oregon: Hipster Vibes and Cannabis Delights Nestled in the Pacific Northwest, Portland is a haven for hipsters, creatives, and cannabis enthusiasts alike. Explore the city’s quirky neighborhoods, from the artsy Pearl District to the bohemian vibes of Alberta Street. Portland boasts a plethora of cannabis dispensaries, each with its own charm and curated selection. For a cozy New Year’s Eve, consider a cannabis-friendly bed and breakfast or a boutique hotel.

Barcelona, Spain: Cannabis Clubs and Catalonian

Barcelona, with its captivating architecture and lively atmosphere, is a hidden gem for cannabis enthusiasts. While public consumption remains prohibited, private cannabis clubs offer a legal and social space to enjoy your favorite strains. Spend your New Year’s Eve wandering through the historic Gothic Quarter, savoring tapas, and then join a private cannabis club for a unique celebration.

Santa Cruz, California: Coastal Bliss and Cannabis Retreats Nestled along the stunning coast-

line of California, Santa Cruz offers a perfect blend of surf, sun, and cannabis culture. Explore the iconic boardwalk, stroll through the lush redwood forests of Big Basin State Park, and indulge in the diverse cannabis strains available at local dispensaries. For a truly immersive experience, consider booking a cannabisfriendly retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains, where wellness and relaxation go hand in hand.

cottage along the coast for a laid-back and cannabis-infused celebration.

Cape Town, South Africa: Cannabis Culture at the Tip of Africa Venture to the southern tip of the African continent for a New Year’s celebration in the vibrant city of Cape Town.

Vancouver, Canada: Pacific Northwest Paradise With its breathtaking natural beauty and progressive cannabis laws, Vancouver is a must-visit for cannabis enthusiasts seeking a diverse New Year’s escape. Take a walk through Stanley Park, explore the vibrant neighborhoods of Gastown and Commercial Drive, and visit one of the city’s many cannabisfriendly lounges. Vancouver’s welcoming atmosphere and stunning views make it an ideal destination to ring in the New Year with a joint and a panoramic cityscape.

Embrace the cultural diversity, explore the iconic Table Mountain, and savor the flavors of local cuisine. While cannabis laws are evolving, the city’s tolerant atmosphere provides an opportunity to experience South African cannabis culture. Join locals at one of the city’s lively beach parties or opt for a cannabisfriendly guesthouse for a memorable celebration.

Seattle, Washington: Emerald City Elegance and Evergreen Bliss Set against the backdrop of the stun-

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Tango, Culture, and Cannabis Exploration

ning Pacific Northwest, Seattle is a city

For a South American adventure with a touch of elegance, Buenos Aires beckons with its rich cultural heritage and passionate tango rhythms. While cannabis is not yet fully legalized, the city is known for its relaxed attitude towards personal use. Immerse yourself in the vibrant street markets of San Telmo, enjoy a traditional Argentine steak dinner, and find a cozy spot in Palermo to celebrate the New Year with a taste of local cannabis.

iconic Space Needle, wander through

that seamlessly blends urban sophistication with natural beauty. Explore the Pike Place Market, and visit one of Seattle’s many cannabis dispensaries. As a


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city at the forefront of cannabis legalization, Seattle offers a variety of cannabisfriendly accommodations, making it an ideal destination for a New Year’s escape filled with both city excitement and outdoor adventure.

130+ outlets in SW Colorado & New Mexico

As you plan your cannabis-infused

Portland, Maine: East Coast Charm and Coastal Cannabis Vibes Portland, Maine, offers a quaint and picturesque setting for a New Year’s escape with a cannabis twist. Stroll along the cobblestone streets of the Old Port district, savor fresh seafood, and explore the vibrant arts scene. Maine’s recreational cannabis market is growing, providing visitors with a variety of strains to choose from. Consider renting a cozy

New Year’s getaway, remember to respect local laws and regulations. Whether you’re drawn to the historic charm of Amsterdam, the Rocky Mountain highs of Denver, or the reggae rhythms of Jamaica, each destination promises a celebration like no other. Embrace the green wave, and let the cannabis-friendly vibes elevate your New Year to new heights!


—— DGO Staff

December 2023 | 21

DIY Cannabis-infused New Year’s Cocktails

»» Toast to a High Spirited 2024

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, why not elevate your New Year’s celebrations to a higher level with some DIY cannabis-infused cocktails? In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey through the world of high-spirited mixology, offering creative recipes that will undoubtedly make your New Year’s Eve unforgettable.

Sparkling water Apple slices for garnish Instructions: Fill a shaker with ice.

Ingredients: 1 oz cannabis-infused simple syrup (see recipe below) 2 oz gin 1 oz green apple juice 1/2 oz fresh lime juice 22 | December 2023

THC, and adjust as needed.


Strain Recommendation:

1 oz cannabis-infused blueberry syrup (see recipe below)

Opt for a hybrid strain like Blue Dream to strike a balance between relaxation and euphoria.

Add cannabis-infused simple syrup, gin, green apple juice, and lime juice to the shaker.

2 oz vodka

Shake well and strain into a glass filled with ice.

Champagne or sparkling wine

Top with sparkling water. Garnish with apple slices. Dosage Guidelines:

Green Goddess Sparkler

Bubbly Blue Dream Fizz

Start with a low dose of cannabis-infused simple syrup, such as 5-10 mg THC, and adjust according to your tolerance.

1/2 oz blue curaçao 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice Blueberries for garnish Instructions: In a shaker filled with ice, combine cannabis-infused blueberry syrup, vodka, blue curaçao, and lemon juice. Shake well and strain into a champagne flute.

Strain Recommendation:

Top with champagne or sparkling wine.

Try a sativa-dominant strain like Sour Diesel for an uplifting and energetic experience.

Garnish with fresh blueberries. Dosage Guidelines: Begin with a low dose of cannabisinfused blueberry syrup, around 5-10 mg

Cannabis-infused Simple Syrup Ingredients: 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 1 gram decarboxylated cannabis (finely ground) Instructions: Combine water and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir until sugar dissolves. Add decarboxylated cannabis and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.

Strain through cheesecloth or a fine mesh sieve.

Ingredients: 1 cup water

Allow to cool before using.

1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons dried lavender flowers

Cannabis-infused Blueberry Syrup

1 gram decarboxylated cannabis (finely ground)



1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Combine water, sugar, and dried laven-

1 cup water

der in a saucepan over medium heat.

1 cup sugar

Stir until sugar dissolves, then simmer

1 gram decarboxylated cannabis (finely ground)

for 10 minutes.


Add decarboxylated cannabis and sim-

In a saucepan, combine blueberries, water, and sugar over medium heat.

mer for an additional 5 minutes.

Simmer until blueberries burst and the mixture thickens.

mesh sieve.

Add decarboxylated cannabis and simmer for an additional 15 minutes. Strain the syrup through cheesecloth or a fine mesh sieve. Allow to cool before using.

Strain through cheesecloth or a fine

1 oz cannabis-infused lavender syrup (see recipe below) 2 oz gin 1 oz fresh lemon juice Lavender sprig for garnish

Add decarboxylated cannabis and simmer for an additional 10 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth or a fine


Allow to cool before using.

1 oz cannabis-infused ginger syrup (see recipe below) 2 oz vodka 1/2 oz fresh lime juice 4 oz ginger beer Lime wedges and mint leaves for garnish Instructions: In a copper mug filled with ice, combine cannabis-infused ginger syrup, vodka, and fresh lime juice. Stir well and top with ginger beer. Garnish with lime wedges and fresh mint leaves. Dosage Guidelines: Begin with a low dose of cannabisinfused ginger syrup, approximately 5-10 mg THC, and adjust to your liking. Strain Recommendation: Choose a balanced hybrid strain like OG Kush for a relaxed yet focused experience.


delightful twist to your New Year’s cel-

Cannabis-infused Lavender Syrup

ebration, making it a night to remember. Cheers to a high-spirited 2024!

Shake well and strain into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with a fresh lavender sprig.

Weed d id it fi


July 202 3

Dosage Guidelines: Start with a low dose of cannabisinfused lavender syrup, around 5-10 mg THC, and adjust as needed. Strain Recommendation: Opt for an indica-dominant strain like Granddaddy Purple for a relaxing and calming experience.

Cannabis-infused Ginger Syrup Ingredients: 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup fresh ginger (sliced) 1 gram decarboxylated cannabis (finely ground) Instructions:

Lavender Haze Lemonade

enjoy the ride. These cannabis-infused cocktails are sure to add a unique and

Fill a shaker with ice. Add cannabis-infused lavender syrup, gin, and fresh lemon juice to the shaker.

Remember, responsible consumption is key. Start with a low dose, be patient, and

mesh sieve.


Mary Jane Mule

Allow to cool before using.

In a saucepan, combine water, sugar, and fresh ginger over medium heat. Stir until sugar dissolves, then simmer for 15 minutes.


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December 2023 | 23

High Horoscopes

»» Cannabis Recommendations Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Step into the cosmic world of cannabis with our latest astrologically-inspired guide to finding the perfect strains and products for your zodiac sign. We’ve consulted with both seasoned astrologers and cannabis connoisseurs to bring you a personalized journey through the stars. Whether you’re a fiery Aries or a dreamy Pisces, we’ve got the perfect cannabis recommendations to elevate your celestial experience.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - The Trailblazer For the bold and adventurous Aries, we recommend trying a strain that matches your fiery spirit. Look for sativas like Sour Diesel or Green Crack to keep your energy levels high. Dive into the world of uplifting edibles for an extra kick during your cosmic exploration.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - The Sensual Stargazer Taurus, your grounded nature calls for a strain that enhances your appreciation for the finer things. Indulge in an earthy indica like Northern Lights or indulge in a

24 | December 2023

luxurious CBD-infused body lotion for a truly sensual experience.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - The Cosmic Communicator As the social butterfly of the zodiac, Gemini, you’ll appreciate strains that enhance your communicative abilities. Opt for hybrids like Blue Dream or Strawberry Cough for a balanced experience. Consider trying a social-friendly vape pen to keep the conversations flowing at your next cosmic gathering.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - The Moonchild Cancer, your nurturing nature deserves a strain that provides comfort and relaxation. Choose an indica-dominant hybrid like Girl Scout Cookies or a calming CBD tincture to soothe your lunar vibes. Create a cozy cosmic retreat with some scented candles and your favorite indica blend.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) -

The Celestial Leader

herbal tea for a truly harmonious high.

Leos, you’re destined for the limelight, and your cannabis experience should match your regal demeanor. Go for a potent sativa like Super Silver Haze to keep your energy up during your cosmic conquests. Consider a bold and vibrant pipe to showcase your royal style.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - The Mysterious Mystic

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - The Earthly Perfectionist Virgos, your attention to detail calls for a strain that aligns with your need for balance. Try a well-balanced hybrid like Pineapple Express or Harlequin for a mellow yet focused experience. Incorporate precision into your cannabis routine with a sleek vaporizer.

Scorpios, your intense nature deserves a strain that matches your depth. Opt for a powerful indica like Blackberry Kush or OG Kush to delve into the mysteries of the universe. Experiment with moonrock joints for an extra potent journey through the cosmic unknown.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - The Adventurous Explorer

Libra (September 23 October 22) - The Harmonious Herbalist

Sagittarius, your love for adventure calls for a strain that fuels your wanderlust. Consider trying a lively sativa like Jack Herer or Maui Wowie for an uplifting experience. Pack a portable vaporizer for your next cosmic expedition and stay lifted on the go.

Libra, your love for balance extends to your cannabis choices. Seek out strains like Blueberry Kush or Cannatonic for a well-rounded experience. Enhance your cosmic equilibrium with a CBD-infused

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - The Cosmic Architect

Capricorns, your disciplined nature demands a cannabis experience that aligns with your goals. Choose a focused sativa like Durban Poison or Lemon Haze to boost your productivity. Incorporate a stylish grinder into your routine for a touch of cosmic sophistication.

Pisces, your dreamy nature calls for a strain that enhances your ethereal experiences. Choose an indica like Granddaddy Purple or a relaxing CBD-infused bath bomb for a tranquil journey through the cosmos. Create a dreamy atmosphere with some ambient music and fairy lights.

Aquarius (January 20 February 18) - The Cosmic Visionary Aquarius, your visionary spirit deserves a strain that enhances your creative flow. Embrace hybrids like Trainwreck or Blue Dream for an expansive and imaginative experience. Dive into the world of cosmic artistry with a unique, handcrafted glass pipe.

Embark on a cosmic journey tailored to your astrological profile, and let the stars guide you to the perfect cannabis experience. Whether you’re an adventurous Aries or a dreamy Pisces, there’s a strain and product combination waiting to elevate your celestial vibes. Embrace the magic of the stars and the greenery

Pisces (February 19 March 20) - The Dreamy Dreamer

of the herb for a truly out-of-this-world experience. Happy cosmic toking! —— DGO Staff

December 2023 | 25

A S K a

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A Look Into the Future

»» Find Out What the Weed Cosmos Have in

Store For You in 2024 Aries (March 21 - April 19): The Trailblazing Blaze Aries, the celestial energies of 2024 ignite your trailblazing spirit and set the stage for

approach becomes a reflection of the dynamic dance within you, a harmonious integration of your twin selves. Embrace the versatility of 2024, Gemini, and let the cannabis strains you

an adventure-filled journey. Picture yourself

choose be the threads that weave together the

embracing the invigorating energy of Sativa-

tapestry of your experiences. Allow each puff to

dominant strains like Sour Diesel or Jack Herer,

be a celebration of your dual nature, a journey of

unleashing a wave of creativity and enthusiasm.

self-discovery through the intricate balance of

These strains become your dynamic companions,

hybrid strains.

propelling you forward on new and exciting ventures. As you navigate uncharted territories, let the cannabis strains you choose be the torch that illuminates your path, making 2024 a year of bold exploration and memorable breakthroughs.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Nurturing Nugs Cancer, 2024 unfolds as a year where your compassionate and nurturing qualities take center stage. The celestial energies invite you to create a cozy and comforting atmosphere, and

! U O Y R O F E IS HER DGO’s Blaze and Puf answer your weed questions you are too embarrassed to ask anyone else.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Grounded Growth

what better companion than indica strains like

Dear Taurus, 2024 unfolds as a canvas for

the classic Bubba Kush or the regal Purple Kush?

your steady and deliberate growth. The cosmic

These strains, with their relaxing and sooth-

energies align to offer you a space for self-discov-

ing effects, become the nurturing embrace you

ery and personal evolution. For a Taurus seeking

need. Imagine a year where cannabis becomes a

tranquility and stability, the embrace of indica-

tool for self-care, a way to strengthen emo-

dominant strains such as Northern Lights or the

tional connections, and a conduit for fostering a

soothing Granddaddy Purple becomes essential.

sense of security. The rich terpenes and calming

Imagine a year where you cultivate an environ-

properties of these strains create a warm cocoon,

ment of peace and serenity, unwinding after a

allowing you to bloom and share your nurturing

day’s endeavors with the calming effects of these

energy with those around you. As you navigate

strains. This is your time to delve into the depths

the tides of 2024, let the cannabis strains you

of self-awareness, grounding yourself in the pres-

select be the aromatic candles that illuminate

ent moment. Allow the rich terpenes and relaxing

your path. Each inhalation becomes a moment

properties of these strains to create a sanctuary

of self-love, a ritual of relaxation that enhances

for reflection, personal development, and restor-

your ability to nurture both yourself and those

ative relaxation. As the seasons change, so too

you hold dear.

can the strains you choose to accompany your journey. Each inhale becomes a ritual, a moment of mindfulness as you cultivate a garden of personal growth. In 2024, Taurus, let the cannabis

Leo, bask in the radiance of 2024, a year

strains you select be the earthy foundation upon

that promises to illuminate your regal spirit and

which you build a year of grounded and fulfilling

creative pursuits. The cosmic stage is set for you


to shine, and the invigorating effects of Sativadominant strains like Green Crack or the uplifting

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Dual-Strain Harmony Gemini, the celestial dance of 2024 beckons

Come one, come all with your silly, embarrassing, or just plain weird questions about weed, weed-related issues, and whatever else you can dream up. We’ll do our best to answer them in the best way possible

And here we go.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): High Majesty

you to explore the intricate balance of duality. As the sign of the twins, you find resonance in the dynamic effects of hybrid strains, such as the ever-popular Blue Dream or the invigorating Pineapple Express. These strains, with their harmonious blend of Sativa and Indica characteristics, become the perfect companions for your versatile nature. Envision a year where you navigate the ebb and flow of contrasting effects, finding harmony in the synergy of opposites. Let

Durban Poison become your royal companions. Envision a year where cannabis becomes the muse that ignites your artistic endeavors, boosting your confidence and enhancing your dynamic collaborations. The vibrant energy of these strains aligns perfectly with your bold projects, making every creative venture a memorable masterpiece. As you take center stage in 2024, let the cannabis strains you choose be the fireworks that light up the sky. Each puff becomes a celebration of your unique talents, a journey of self-expression where you, the creative monarch, reign supreme.

the creative sparks of Blue Dream elevate your

editor@dgomag.com 26 | December 2023

mind while the grounding presence of Pineapple Express keeps you rooted. This dual-strain

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Balanced Blends

Virgo, your analytical mind finds balance in

embracing the thrill of the unknown and letting

the intricate blends of hybrid strains. Explore

cannabis elevate your sense of wonder. As you

the synergistic effects of strains like OG Kush

traverse uncharted territories, let the strains you

or AK-47 to enhance your focus and promote a

choose be the compass that guides you on your

harmonious work-life balance. Use cannabis as

adventurous escapades. In 2024, Sagittarius, let

a tool to tap into your intuitive problem-solving

cannabis be the fuel that propels you towards

abilities and foster a sense of equilibrium in all

new heights of discovery and adventure.

Durango’s Dispensary

aspects of your life. This year is about balancing your drive for success with moments of rest and introspection. Let cannabis be the bridge that connects your ambitious pursuits with a sense of inner calm. In 2024, Virgo, the strains you

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Grounded Ambition Capricorns, your ambitious nature finds

choose become the threads that weave together

grounding in indica strains like GDP (Granddad-

the fabric of your meticulous and purposeful

dy Purple) or Bubba Kush. Use cannabis as a tool


to relax and recharge, allowing you to approach your goals with renewed focus and determina-

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Social Harmony Libras, your love for harmony and social connections takes center stage in 2024. Opt for hybrid strains like Blueberry Cheesecake or Wedding Cake to enhance your sociable nature. Use cannabis as a catalyst for meaningful

tion. This year is about balancing your drive for

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success with moments of rest and introspection.


Let cannabis be the bridge that connects your ambitious pursuits with a sense of inner calm. In

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2024, Capricorn, the strains you choose become the threads that weave together the fabric of your meticulous and purposeful existence.


conversations and shared experiences. This year is all about finding balance in your relationships, both personal and professional, and creating an atmosphere of harmony and understanding.

tive Insights Aquarius, your innovative mind takes center

As you navigate the intricate dance of social

stage in 2024. Hybrid strains like Blue Dream or

interactions, let the strains you choose be the

Pineapple Express will enhance your creativity

glue that binds connections and the spice that adds flavor to your social endeavors. In 2024, Libra, let cannabis be your ally in creating a year of social harmony and meaningful connections.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Innova-

and open new avenues of thought. Use cannabis as a catalyst for unique insights and unconven-

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tional ideas. This year is all about breaking free from the norm and embracing your individuality. Let cannabis be the muse that guides you to

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Intense Introspection As a Scorpio, your intense and introspective nature is amplified in 2024. Dive deep into the transformative effects of indica strains like Death Star or Purple Urkle. Use cannabis as a tool for self-reflection and spiritual exploration.

innovative solutions and uncharted territories. As you explore the realms of creativity and innovation, let the strains you choose be the palette that paints the canvas of your avant-garde thoughts. In 2024, Aquarius, let cannabis be the key that unlocks the doors to a year of groundbreaking ideas and unique perspectives.

Embrace the mysterious and profound aspects of your personality, allowing cannabis to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In the depths of your contemplations, let the strains you choose be the keys that unlock the doors to your innermost thoughts and emotions. In 2024, Scorpio, let cannabis be the silent companion in your journey of intense introspection, guiding you to new levels of self-awareness and understanding.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Dreamy

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Depths Pisces, your dreamy and intuitive nature is amplified in 2024. Explore the depths of your

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creativity with indica strains like Skywalker

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OG or Afghan Kush. Use cannabis as a tool for relaxation and introspection, allowing your imagination to soar to new heights. This year is

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about embracing the ethereal and connecting with your artistic side. Let cannabis be the key

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Adventurous Allies

that unlocks the doors to your most imaginative and transcendent experiences. As you navigate

Sagittarius, your adventurous spirit is in

the dreamy waters of 2024, let the strains you

full swing in 2024. Sativa-dominant strains

choose be the gentle waves that carry you to

like Green Goblin or Lemon Haze will be your

new realms of inspiration and introspection. In

trusted allies on the quest for excitement

this year of dreamy depths, Pisces, let cannabis

and exploration. Use cannabis as a source of

be the companion that enhances your connec-

inspiration as you embark on new journeys and

tion with the mystical and artistic dimensions of

broaden your horizons. This year is all about

your soul.

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