OHS: Form 3 Curriculum Overview

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Form 3: Curriculum Overview


Autumn 1:

Core text: Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. Children will begin the term by writing a short recount of their favourite part of their summer holidays.

Linking to our geography topic, we will be reading Escape from Pompeii which will be the basis of research for our newspaper writing of the shocking eruption.

Towards the end of the half term, Form 3 will use their knowledge from geography lessons and our trip to the Natural History Museum to create a non-chronological report on earthquakes explaining why and where they occur in the world.

Autumn 2:

Core text: The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo

Linking to our history topic, Ancient Egypt, children will write a set of detailed instructions explaining how to mummify a body following ancient methods. They will move on to writing their own version of The Egyptian Cinderella based on the structure of the story by Shirley Climo.

Grammar and writing transcription:

• Using conjunctions, adverbs, and prepositions to express time and cause.

• Fronted adverbials.

• Commas after fronted adverbials.

• The past tense.

• Writing in the third person.

• Choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion and to avoid repetition.

• Use simple organisational devices [for example, headings and sub-headings].

• Organising paragraphs around a theme.

• Punctuating direct speech.

• Possessive apostrophes.

• Developing a setting.

Ideas for Home

• Accelerated Reader quizzes.

• Use a video, experience, or picture as a stimulus for creative and/or descriptive writing.

• Spelling games - Spellzone is great.

• Daily reading of a range of genres including newspapers, magazines, recipes, non-fiction books and novels.

• Ask questions around the plot, characters, and settings - allowing children to make justified inferences and predictions.

• Continue to develop vocabulary through reading, conversation, and experiences.

Next Steps

Story writing

Myth writing




Ancient Egyptians

• Who were the Ancient Egyptians and when did they live?

• Why was the landscape crucial in the lives of Ancient Egyptians?

• How do we know about the Ancient Egyptians?

• Who built the Ancient Egyptian pyramids and how?

• Who was Tutankhamen?

• What are hieroglyphics?

• What was the legacy of the Ancient Egyptians?

Next Steps

Ancient Greece


Earthquakes & Volcanoes

• What is a volcano?

• What is the internal structure of the earth?

• Why and where are volcanoes located across the earth?

• What are the main three types of volcanoes and how are they different?

• What are some of the effects of the Mt.St. Helens volcanic eruption on the people, environment and animals?

• How and why does an earthquake happen?

Ideas for Home

• Visit The British Museum - Ancient Egypt galleries.

• Explore and make your own papyrus paper.

• Create artwork using hieroglyphics.

• Create a timeline of all historical periods studied so far.

• Read relevant, age-appropriate texts.

• Watch relevant TV showse.g., Horrible Histories.

Ideas for Home

• Visit the natural history museumtectonics area. Experience an earthquake for yourself!

• Build a coloured cardboard model of the internal structure of the earth.

• Build a model showing how the 3 types of volcanoes are different out of clay or plasticine.

• Find out the meanings of some of the key terms about earthquakes.

• Explore the internet to discover what have been the most major earthquakes / volcanoes which have occurred over the last 25yrs and where they are located.



Number & Place Value

• Represent numbers to 1,000

• Flexible partitioning of numbers to 1000

• Find 1, 10 or 100 more or less

• Number line to 1,000

• Estimating on a number line to 1,000

• Compare numbers to 1,000

• Order numbers to 1,000 Count in 50s

• Count in 100s

• Count in 50s

Addition and Subtraction

• Apply number bonds within 10.

• Add and subtract 1s, 10s and hundreds (across tens and hundreds)

• Add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers.

• Complements to 100

• Estimate answers.

• Inverse operations

Multiplication & division

• Knowing multiplying is in equal groups

• Using arrays

• Consolidate 2s, 4s and 8s times tables

• Sharing and grouping

• Inverse operations

Ideas for Home

• Learn/revise times tables.

• Times Table Rockstars.

• Play times table games.

• Practise mental maths daily - quick recall.

• Read maths-based stories.

• Discuss the place value of different digits in this number 3628 - which is greater in value, the 3 or the 8? Why? Prove it/ explain it to me.

• Counting forwards and backwards in different increments (e.g., 10s, 2s, 5s, 100s) from different starting points.

• When shopping, ask your child questions linked to rounding of the price and encouraging them to use money to calculate - including change.

Next Steps

Multiplication and division



Length and perimeter





• Describe how mountains are formed.

• Recognise the difference between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

• Understand what a fossil is.

• Describe what soils are made of.

• Observe rocks, including those used in buildings and gravestones.

• Classify different types of gravestone weathering.

• Identify common rocks.

Animals Including Humans - What Makes Us

• Learn the importance of nutrition for humans.

• Introduction to the skeleton.

• Know about the skeleton - tendons and ligaments.

• Know how to keep healthy through diet.

Ideas for Home

• Visit the Science Museum.

• Create a paper mache volcano.

• Make edible rocks using Rice Krispies.

• Collect and observe interesting pebbles/ rocks/soil.

• Explore and taste different food.

• Discuss healthy food and its’ benefits.

• Observe any x-ray pictures.

• Keep active and talk about it, encouraging healthy lifestyle.

Next Steps

Forces and Magnets


• To learn about collage creating seasonal arts and crafts.

• Christmas card project - Children will create a piece of artwork which will use for the annual Christmas card fundraiser.

• To learn about self-portraiture and facial expressions.

• To learn about artists Edward Hopper and create watercolour seascapes.

• To learn and work with line, texture, emphasis, and value.

Religious Studies


• Understand the roles we play in our environment.

• Understand Hinduism and its origin.

• Know where Hindu people show their faith.

• Know and understand Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the main deities.

• Understand why gods/goddesses are important.

• Describe Upanishads

• Know and understand the importance of Diwali.

• To understand the symbolic meaning of water in different religions

Developing drama skills and exploring texts used in English through:

• Improvisation

• Role play and short scenes

• Exploring characterisation

• Hot seating and conscience alley

• Thought tracking.

• Freeze frames

MFL French/ Spanish

To listen and recognise familiar vocabulary. To say the sound of a few letter strings. To read and recognise key words.

• Classroom instructions

• Greetings and introductions

• European Day of Languages

• Gender in French: indefinite articles

• Classroom items

• Present tense of verb avoir (to have).

• Letter to Père Nöel.

• Know where the Ganges River is and recognise its importance.

• To know what a religious pilgrimage is

Art/Design Technology Drama Computing

Creating Media - animation

Pupils will use a range of techniques to create a stop frame animation using iPads. They will apply those skills to create a story-based animation. The unit will conclude with pupils adding other types of media to their animation, such as music and text.

Creating Media - Word Processing

• Use undo, redo, and make text bold, italic or underline.

• Select text in different ways and change the case.

• Cut, copy, paste and align text.

• Insert and format images and fonts.

Pupils will additionally take part in the International Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge 2023.


Being me in my world:

• Getting to know each other

• Our nightmare school

• Our dream school

• Rewards and consequences

• Our learning charter

• Owning our learning charter

Celebrating differences:

• Families

• Family conflict

• Witness and feelings

• Witness and solutions

• Words that harm.

• Celebrating differences: compliments


Games for Understanding

• Each week to change sports/activity.

• Balls skills in different sports

• Attacking and defending principles

• Tactical awareness and game play

Health Related Fitness

• What happens to the body during exercise (physiological changes)

• Why is exercise important?

• Range of activities to focus on: cardiovascular endurance, speed, agility, balance, coordination, competition.


• Building confidence in the water.

• Improving understanding and technique of all four strokes.

Netball (girls)

• Ball skills- including chest, overhead, and shoulder passes.

• Footwork

• Attacking principles and movement towards the ball

• Defending principles

• Positions and rules

• Shooting technique

• Small sided games and competitive matches.


• To practise ball mastery skills, including dribbling, kicking, stopping, and shooting.

• To demonstrate attacking and defending in football.

• Practise shooting.

Games PSHCEE Music

• lay in a small sided and larger games.

• Understand more complex rules of football.

• Game play against other schools.

*Children will have the chance to play the opposing sports later in the term and in squads along with the opportunity to participate in some matches.

Djembe Drumming

• To learn about the origins of Djembe drumming.

• To learn how to use different drumming techniques, including ‘slap’, ‘bass’ and ‘tone’.

• To develop the ability to read notation and play short rhythms in small groups.

• To develop improvisation skills.

Singing for Performance

• To learn songs for Christmas performances.

• To sing as an ensemble with an awareness of tone, dynamics, articulation, and diction.

Orchard House School
16 Newton Grove, Chiswick
London , W4 1LB

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