OHS: Form 1 Curriculum Overview

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Form 1: Curriculum Overview


• To read Common Exception words.

• To read the First 100 High Frequency words.

• To read simple CVC, CVCC and CVCC words.

• To learn and review set 1 and set 2 phonics sounds.

• To leave spaces between words.

• To use the cursive script.

• To write a sentence with a capital letter and a full stop.

• To use conjunctions.

• To use adjectives.

Next Steps

Ideas for Home

• Read classic fairy tales out loud to your toys, as if you are putting on a show.

• Discover information books and read out loud with an adult.

• Discuss stories with an adult and ask questions.

• Draw a picture from your favourite character from the story.

a picture of a character from your favourite story.
simple sentences about stories you have read. Use descriptive language to describe the characters.


• To develop an understanding of chronology and a sense of time, by identifying and describing similarities and differences between their childhood, and that of their grandparents.

• Comparisons will be made between toys, homes, shops, and schools of the 1950s and 1960s and the present day.

• Children will use role play to demonstrate an understanding of school life, in the era of their grandparents.

Next Steps

To know and understand where people and events fit within a chronological framework.


• To describe the places that we go often and rarely, and what we see on the way to school.

• To understand what is near to school, far away from school and to gain a sense of place.

• To use and understand a simple plan of the classroom.

• To understand and use a local area map.

• To identify the destination of our field trip and recall the journey to get there.

• To be able to remember a local journey and the stages in order.

Next Steps

Walk around their local area describing what is around them, near to them, and far away.

• Visit the Museum of Childhood or another toy museum.

• Use the internet to research how and why toys have changed.

• Interview a grown-up about the toys they played with as a child.

• Investigate and make a toy e.g., cup and ball.

• Find different ways to sort your games and toys.

• To imagine you are a child in the olden days and write about what you would play with.

Ideas for Home Ideas for Home

• To design a 3D model of the classroom.

• To draw their own map and include a key.

• To design a map and show directions to a physical feature within their local area.

To buy a local map and navigate their way to a physical feature within that local area.

To write about their most recent field trip.



Place Value

• Count objects from a larger group.

• Represent objects.

• Recognise numbers as words.

• Count on from any number.

• Less than, greater than, equal to.

• Compare numbers.

• Order objects and numbers.

• The number line.

Addition and Subtraction

• Part-whole model.

• Write number-sentences.

• Fact families - addition facts.

• Number bonds within 10.

• Addition problems.

• Subtraction problems.

• Subtraction on a number line.

Geometry: Shape

• Recognise and name 2-D and 3-D shapes.

• Sort 2-D and 3-D shapes.

• Patterns with 2-D and 3-D shapes.

Ideas for Home

• Count out loud using a number line.

• Count out loud using a number square.

• Line up your toys and count them out loud.

• Make a pattern using counters or toys.

• Measure objects using cubes.

Next Steps

Write numbers up to 20 using colour pencils.

Draw and create a pattern using colour pencils.

Draw 2-D shapes using chalk.

Make 2-digit numbers using the dienes.

Add and subtract numbers using counters.



• To understand what animals need in order to grow.

• To know where birds live and what they need to survive.

• To identify a variety of animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

• To identify a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.

• To learn about the 5 senses.

• To identify the basic parts of the human body.

• To learn about changes in your body since you were a baby.

• To understand the importance of taking care of your body.

Next Steps



Ideas for Home

• Children to make a body using different materials and label the body parts.

• Go on a walk and see what different animals you can find and put them into their correct animal group.

• Make a list of the foods you have eaten during the day and put them into the correct food group.

• Take a walk to your nearest pond and make a list of the different plants and species you can find.


at baby pictures and discuss the changes that have happened with an adult.
pictures of animals and insects, that you may spot in your garden.
a list of all the animals you can think of. Visit the local farm. Visit the museum. Visit the aquarium.

• To learn about colour and use colour to represent different emotions in my artwork, inspired by “The Colour Monster book”.

• To improve drawing skills on line and texture.

• To learn about the colour wheel and primary and secondary colours.

• To learn and create wet on wet watercolour techniques.

• Seasonal crafts and artwork / Christmas card project - Children will create a piece of artwork for the annual Christmas card fundraiser.

Religious Studies

• To make a creation.

• To understand how Christians believe the world was created.

• To understand what happened on each day of the creation story.

• To understand how God wants Christians to look after the world.

• To know what a celebration is and how it makes us feel.

• To understand the meaning of Hanukkah.

• To understand and sequence the Christmas story.

• To understand different faiths such as Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism.

To use a variety of texts to explore conventions and learning conventions in drama:

Art/Design Technology Drama Music

• role play

• improvisation

• mime

• working collaboratively

• use of the voice



To be exposed to simple French phrases, seasonal and cultural vocabulary through songs, games, and story books.

• Paris landmarks.

• Greetings.

• Days of the week.

• Fruits.

• Seasons.

• Colours.

Exploring pulse and rhythm

• Music games exploring pulse and rhythm.

• Music and movement: responding to tempo changes in movement.

• Composition work on untuned percussion with emphasis on steady beat.

• Link to western notation.

KS1 Christmas Celebration

• Learning songs to perform together for the Christmas concert.

• Focus on clear words and confident pitching.


Computing PE/Games

Creating media - digital painting.

• Pupils develop their understanding of a range of tools used for digital painting. They then use these tools to create their own digital paintings, while gaining inspiration from a range of artists’ work.

Programming - moving a robot.

• Pupils will explore using individual commands, both with other learners and as part of a computer program.

• They will identify what each floor robot command does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs.

• Pupils will also be introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms.


• Orchard House School Values.

• To understand the rights and responsibilities as a member of the class.

• To understand that everybody has different views.

• To celebrate and accept that people are different.

• To learn about inclusion.

• To understand the term ‘bullying’ and to know whow to help if somebody is being bullied.

• To use kindness as a way of making new friends.

Games for Understanding:

• Each week children will learn the fundamentals of a variety of different sports.

• Ball skills in different sports, including using feet and hands.

• Learning the difference between attacking and defending principles.

• Tactical awareness and game play.

Health Related Fitness

• What does my body feel like when I exercise -physiological changes?

• Why is exercise important?

Range of activities to focus on:

• cardiovascular endurance

• speed

• agility

• balance

• coordination

• competition



• Practise hand eye coordination skills through catching and throwing with soft balls.

• Introduction to roles of attacking and defending.

• Understand how to shoot in a simplified game.

• To be able to play small-sided games.

• To be able to move and pass to another team mat.


• To practise ball mastery skills, including dribbling, kicking, stopping and shooting.

• To be able to show this in small-sided games.

• Introduction to attacking and defending in football.

• Practise shooting.

• Play a small-sided game and understand basic rules.

Orchard House School 16 Newton Grove, Chiswick London , W4 1LB

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