October 2, 2001

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Tuesday, October 2, 2001

Sunny High 80, Low 54 www.chronicle.duke.edu Vol. 97, No. 27

The Chronicle

Bring on the Heels The women’s soccer team will play UNC, last year’s national champion, at home today. See page 11


Some black professors cite tough racial climate


Departed faculty question Duke’s commitment By DAVE INGRAM The Chronicle

Despite the University’s prominent attempts to recruit and retain black faculty members, some who have recently left Duke attribute their departure in part to racial tension. Administrators have long said that the hiring ofblack professors is a priority, but they cite several challenges to that goal, including competition with other universities and the failure of many professors to gain tenure. Although administrators also acknowledge problems withracial climate, some faculty members say the University has overlooked the difficulties of everyday discrimination and the unique demands made ofminorities. Monica Green, associate professor of history, said a lack ofresearch support and a poor racial climate have convinced her to leave the University. “I think most ofit is extremely subtle, and it’s not articulated. It adds up and creates a climate where one feels valued or one doesn’t feel valued,” said Green, who is black. “With Duke making exceptional claims that it’s interested in minority retention, I and others have been shocked at how little they have done.” For the next year, Green is on leave researching at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University. She said she will likely resign from her Duke position soon and next year move to Arizona State University. She and other black professors emphasized the added work others expect of them. More than other faculty members, they are expected to serve on University and department committees, mentor students and be a face for the institution, Green said. “It’s just a fairly constant stream of

A Look at the Candidates MAYOR OF DURHAM


students—asking for sympathy, any kind of guidance, a friendly face, a shoulder to cry on—students who, like us, feel their academic potential is not being supported or given guidance,” she said. Former assistant professor ofreligion William Hart echoed that sentiment. He came to Duke in 1994 and gained tenure this spring. Just weeks later, however, he resigned from his position and accepted a post at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Although a majority of the religion department supported his tenure case, Hart said he felt marginalized by a combination of three factors: being a junior faculty member, working in a field of religion out of the mainstream and being a minority.

“I can’t say that I ever encountered any sort ofexplicit or outrageous sorts of behaviors or comments by colleagues,” Hart said. “On the other hand, I will say part of the problem that minorities face, particularly minority intellectuals, is that one’s work is either received in a patronizing sort of way, in that people are surprised you can actually think, or it’s dismissed with hostility. It’s rare that you encounter people who evaluate your work in a serious way.”

Administrative response


Occupation has spent her entire life in Durham. She received her bachelor’s degree from North Carolina Central University in 1979. She considers herself a community activist. In addition to volunteering, Burnette has also served as president and Held vice president of the PTA. Elective Offices Burnette first ran for office in 1983 for an at-large position on the Durham City Council. In 1997 she won a position on the council, one that she still holds.

SfKUffP ollll?

Administrators continue to plan the new wing of the Sanford Institute of Public Policy. They hope to begin construction next year. See page 3

The Chronicle

Coach Mike Krzyzewski may have won one ofthe biggest recruiting coups in the history of the state of North Carolina Monday, landing blue chip recruit Shavlik Randolph of Raleigh.

Several media outlets—including Kurt O’Neill’s Elitehooprecruits.com—reported Monday night that Randolph will announce his commitment to Duke over North Carolina, N.C. State,

Kansas and Florida, at a 4 p.m. conference Wednesday at Broughton, his high school in Raleigh. “I knew for sure this morning,”

O’Neill said.

“The decision had been made and I think he basically called other schools to tell them. I officially heard this morning. I think it’s been done for a while, but I think they decided over the weekend to get it over with.” See RANDOLPH on page 16


CLIMATE on page 6 �

Bren a Burnette Date of Birth

Despite official no-comments, several media outlets have confirmed touted recruit will commit to Duke By PAUL DORAN

Not all black professors have left Duke sharing Hart’s sentiment. For example, many cite failed bids for tenure, offers from other institutions and a simple desire for change. Pamela Jackson, former assistant professor of sociology, praised Duke for its diverse student body, research resources, supportive administration and “very comfortable, very welcoming” atmosphere. She was denied tenure last year, See RACIAL

BASKETBALL RECRUIT Shavlik Randolph works out during his official visit to Duke

Burnette eyes city mayorship This is the second in a five-part series profiling mayoral candidates. By MELISSA SOUCY The Chronicle

Brenda Burnette said she knows most people might not expect a single mother of six to have time to be the mayor of Durham. But the 52-year-old Durham native said it is her experience as a mother that makes her a strong candidate. “People are concerned about growth and

development, but people also want to feel that

you care about them, their personal issues, the road in front of their house, their side-

walks, their children’s safety,” said Burnette. “I’m a mother, so I’m aware of this. That’s the thing I do naturally—the people thing.” A Durham City Council member for four

Citing concerns about speed and structure, the chemistry department removed the professor of Advanced General Chemistry mid-semester. See page 3

years, Burnette sums up her platform with the acronym HELP—“healing our wounded posture, employment for men and women who lost jobs due to economic downturn, leadership with accountability and positive progression and growth.” Burnette hopes to focus on healing the inner city. “We need a gym in my neighborhood,” she explained. “I see those kids just standing there.... They could be in that gym. Someone could be in there with GED classes, they could be shooting pool, they could have a big-screen TV and movies.... They’re [in the streets] because they have nothing else to do.” Burnette also stressed the importance of education as a means to employment and the role of employment in improving the See BURNETTE on page 9 i*

Police arrested someone in connection with a vehicle break-in that took place in the School of Nursing parking lot the morning of Sept. 26. See page 4

The Chronicle




Terrorists strike Kashmir assembly building

At least 26 people died Monday after a suicide squad struck the heavily fortified Legislative Assembly building in Srinagar, the summer capital of the embattled Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. •

Giuliani urges U.N. to combat terrorism

New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani used a rare invitation to the U.N. podium to entreat the countries of the world to abandon neutrality in the battle on terrorism: “You’re either with civilization or with terrorists.” •

Minnesota employees go on strike

Up to 28,000 Minnesota state employees went on strike Monday, brushing off suggestions that the walkout was ill-timed in light of the terrorist attacks and sagging economy. •

Supreme Court rejects racial profiling case

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take on the volatile issue of racial profiling by police, rejecting an appeal Monday from young blacks in upstate New York who say they were rounded up because of their skin color. •

Investigation continues worldwide

Authorities detained three U.S. college students linked to two of the hijackers By LARRY MARGASAK The Associated Press

WASHINGTON Authorities pursued terrorism suspects in Europe and the Middle East Monday, arresting several and searching for a man from the United Arab Emirates who they said could be a key figure in the money trail.

While the arrests and interrogations spread from country to country, three college students were transferred from San Diego to New York for questioning and a U.S. magistrate in Alexandria, Va., ordered a man and woman held without bond. The two in Virginia were charged with helping some of the Sept. 11 hijackers obtain false identification doc-

News briefs compiled from wire reports.



Down 18.34 at 1,480.46


“Everyone who believes in telekinetics, raise my hand.” Kurt Vonnegut -

Investigators believe Atta, who is thought to have been the pilot of one ofthe planes that hit the World Trade Center in New York, may have been sending back unused money from the hijacking plot.

Some $6 million has been blocked and 50 bank accounts frozen as countries around the globe join the U.S. effort to stop the flow of money to terrorist networks, President George W. Bush said Monday. The frozen accounts include 30 in this country and 20 overseas, he said. Showing the magnitude of the investigation so far, the Justice Department said it has analyzed 241 threats deemed serious and credible. Over

the source said.

See INVESTIGATION on page 8 P-

Supreme Court rebukes, disbars Clinton

Pakistani president predicts Taliban demise

All but giving up on efforts to mediate the standoff over Osama bin Laden, Pakistan’s president said a U.S. military strike against Afghanistan appears likely, and the Taliban’s days are probably numbered.

uments. The students were held as material witnesses, suspected of having ties to two hijackers who lived in San Diego last year. In the effort to pin down how the hijackers were financed, U.S. authorities believe they have traced wire transfers from one of the terrorists to Mustafah Ahmed, who disappeared the day of the attacks and is being sought by the FBI for questioning. Mohamed Atta, a suspected leader of the hijacking teams, received $lOO,OOO sent from Pakistan, said a law enforcement source speaking on condition of anonymity. On Sept. 8 and Sept. 9, just days before the attacks, Atta wired money to Ahmed,

By ANNE GEARAN The Associated Press

WASHINGTON The U.S. Supreme Court opened its new term Monday with a rebuke of former President Bill Clinton, suspending him from practicing law before the justices. Clinton was among 18 lawyers nationwide who got the same discipline. The justices gave Clinton 40 days to say why he should not be permanently disbarred from practicing law before them.

A Clinton lawyer said the former president would argue that high court disbarment would be inappropriate. Clinton was admitted to the Supreme Court bar in 1977 but has never argued a case there. Most lawyers admitted there never do, but the right to do so is consid-

ered an honor. The court did not explain its action, but Supreme Court

All Students and Other Members of the Duke and Durham Communities are cordially invited to the

Bap Connotation A Reflection on Duke University's Heritage And A Time of Remembrance for the Victims of September 11 Recognition of Achievements of Employees, Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni (ae)

The Awarding of the Distinguished Alumni Award to

Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. E'47 of Pfizer, Inc.

Trustee Emeritus and Chairman Emeritus

And the Awarding of the University Medals to

Thomas F. Keller T's3 and Susan Bennett King W'62 With An Address By

Margaret Taylor Smith W'47 1996 Recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award Past Chair of the Kresge Foundation


disbarment often follows disbarment in lower courts. The court acted after it was notified by the Arkansas Supreme Court that Clinton’s Arkansas law license was suspended for five years and he paid a $25,000 fine. In the Clinton case, the court followed its standard rules, which include suspending him from practice in the court and giving him a chance to say why he should not be disbarred. On a somber note in the courtroom Monday, Chief Justice William Rehnquist began the 2001-2002 term by asking fellow justices and others in the packed room to remember the hijacking victims and their families, including chief Bush administration appellate lawyer Theodore Olson, whose wife was killed in the plane that hit the Pentagon, Olson removed his glasses and wiped his eyes several times as Rehnquist spoke.


The Chronicle


Duke plans new wing for Sanford Chemistry class Space will allow school to consolidate its numerous programs By KENNETH REINKER The Chronicle

� Turmoil surrounds the newly-created

The University continues to plan an additional wing to the Sanford Institute of Public Policy, just seven years after its construction.

Administrators hope to complete the design this fall and begin construction next year. The new space will hold both the Institute’s programs, as well as other University initiatives. First, it will house the public policy programs not currently located in the Sanford Institute—including the Center for Health Policy, Law and Management and the Center for Child and Family Policy. “I think the best benefit is we’ll be able to have better collaboration by virtue of the fact we’re all under the same roof,” said David Arrington, assistant director of the Sanford Insititute. The space may also serve as the home for several interdisciplinary programs, such as the Center for Genome Ethics, Law and Policy and the Social Sciences Research Institute. “Public policy is one of the most important and growing departments,” said William Chafe, dean of the faculty of arts and sciences. “So they need more space because they are going to be enlarged and because their signature programs need to be together,” he said. Although the new wing will be smaller than the existing one, it will provide 27,000 square feet of usable space, more than double the current amount in the institute. Arrington said the new wing will use its space more efficiently because it will not duplicate the current building’s structure, which includes a common area and the Sanford Deli. Bruce Jentleson, director of the institute and professor of public See SANFORD on page 10 I*

endures chaos Chemistry 21 course following the dismissal of the professor and potential widespread honor code violations on a subsequent quiz. By KEVIN LEES The Chronicle

Students in Advanced General Chemistry are not off to a good start. Charles Lochmiiller, who originally began teaching Chemistry 21—which includes many freshmen—was removed Sept. 14 and Director of Undergraduate Studies Michael Montague-Smith took over the following week, after administrators began to worry about the pace and structure of the course. MontagueSmith began the class again Sept. 17, despite nine previously-held classes.

Furthermore, students said that Montague-Smith, who instituted online quizzes as part of the course, fumed Monday after a number of the 300-plus class members appeared to have cheated on the open-book, online exam. Lochmuller could not be reached for comment. Alex Johnson, a freshman, doubted that the class would catch up, especially after Monday’s events. “Coming into Duke, it’s not been a real good situation,” he said. “It’s obviously taken up a lot of the productivity. I doubt we get in more than half of what the other class is getting in.” Montague-Smith said the change in instructors was an “administrative decision” and John Simon, de-

partment chair, declined to comment. Robert Thompson, dean of Trinity College, however, explained that students and administrators had questioned the tempo of the course. “It was important that the chemistry course as outlined in the syllabus and its association with the corresponding lapse be taught,” Thompson said. “There’s a defined body of information and knowledge in there, and we wanted to make sure that was


THE UNIVERSITY looks to add a new wing to the Sanford Institute of Public Policy. The current facility was built in 1994.

The Oak Room

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happening,” he said. Montague-Smith administered his first online quiz Thursday afternoon. Lindsey Chaney, another freshman, said that Montague-Smith explicitly instructed students not to collaborate on the quiz, a change in policy from Lochmiiller. See CHEMISTRY on page 10

The Chronicle


Car broken into, subject caught fleeing from scene the students off East Campus, and eventually pursued them to a freshman dormitory before making an arrest. At 11:58 p.m. Sept. 29, campus police received a call from the Durham Police Department saying they were in pursuit of three subjects whom they had seen at the corner of Markham Avenue and Buchanan Avenue with alcoholic beverages in their hands, Dean said. When the Durham officer jr asked them to stop, they v^RIMrL started to run toward East

From staff reports At 8:54 a.m. Sept. 26, campus police responded to a report that someone was breaking into a vehicle in the School of Nursing parking lot, said Maj. Robert Dean ofthe Duke University Police Department. Upon the arrival of an officer, the owner of the vehicle caught a subject searching through his vehicle. The subject ran toward the Emergency Department park- p nT ing lot, where the officer eventually located him.




Campus. Twenty-six-year-old Antho- JDl\l.LrS The officer chased them to ny Jerome Gentry of 1609 Sedgefield St. in Durham, was the second floor of Bassett Dormitory charged with breaking and entering a and placed them in custody. motor vehicle Two of the subjects—l9-year-old Gentry’s bond is $3,500 and his sophomore Jonathan Mark Amt and court date is Sept. 27. Gentry could 18-year-old freshman Charles William not be reached for comment. Dielmann—were charged with underage drinking. Bond was placed at $5OO, and the court date is not yet known, Car windows shattered: Three vehicles parked in the dirt Durham police did not charge the lot across from the Alumni House had third subject, who was visiting her their windows broken between Sept. boyfriend. 28 and Sept. 29, Dean said. In all Both Amt and Dielmann declined three cases, nothing was stolen. comment. A visitor reported that between 6:30 p.m. Sept. 28 and 1:35 p.m. Sept. Mountain bike stolen: A student reported that between 29, someone shattered the $224 rear window of her vehicle while it was sometime Sept. 21 and 9:32 a.m. Sept. 29, someone stole her $250 secured parked in the dirt lot. Another visitor reported that beSchwinn Mesa mountain bicycle from tween 6:30 p.m. Sept. 28 and 12:05 the bike rack located at the breezeway p.m. Sept. 29, someone shattered its between Bassett Dormitory and Baldwin Auditorium, Dean said. $233 rear window. A student reported that between Another bike stolen: 5:30 p.m. Sept. 28 and 12:15 p.m. Sept. A student reported that between 9 29, someone broke out the $lBO left front door window and $lOO left side p.m. Sept. 22 and 12 p.m. Sept. 24, door window of her vehicle. someone stole her silver and maroon $250 secured Trek bicycle from a stop Dean said Police believe the incidents are related but do not have any sign post in the area of the traffic circle and Wannamaker Drive gated ensuspects at this time.

Underage drinking charged; Durham police arrested two undergraduates early Sunday morning for underage drinking. Police initially saw

trance, Dean said. Sign, clock taken from library; An employee reported that between


See CRIME on page 10




What Is the Diversity Visa Lottery or DV-2003? Each year the United States diversity immigration program makes available a maximum of 55,000 permanent residence “green card” visas to persons meeting the eligibility requirements. Come find out if you are eligible to “try your luck in this Green Card lottery.”

WHEN? Tuesday October 2, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. WHERE? 139 Social Sciences Building, West Campus (Located next to the Allen Building) ,

Can’t make it? No problem there is an excellent and concise Department of State web site that describes exactly what you need to do. Go to; http://travel.state.gov/visainstructions.html -

Note: in general, persons bom in the following countries are not eligible to apply: Canada, China (mainland born), Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, the United Kingdom and its dependent territories, and Vietnam. Persons bom in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, Taiwan, and Northern Ireland are eligible to apply.

Remember, a lottery, by definition, means you have only the right to enter everything after that point is pure luck, and the only thing to be lost is a little time and a first-class -

stamp! This meeting is sponsored by the Duke University International Office.

Dinner is served Seniors Jason Freedman, chair of the Duke Student Dining Advisory Committee, and Lauren Moore enjoy dinner at the newly-renovated Oak Room.

Council votes to fix bridge between 2 neighborhoods By MATT ATWOOD The Chronicle

The Durham City Council voted Monday night to move toward reopening to vehicles a bridge connecting two neighborhoods with very different racial and economic backgrounds. By a vote of 10-2, the council decided to ask the North Carolina Department of Transportation for as much as $600,000 to replace the Apex Street Bridge, which the state closed to vehicle traffic five months ago because it was in such disrepair that it was considered unsafe to use. The bridge, located between University Drive and Roxboro Street several blocks south of downtown, remains open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The bridge runs between a lower-income, mostly black community to the east side and Forest Hills, a relatively af-

fluent, predominantly white neighborhood to the west. But almost every speaker was careful to note that race was not the central issue. “When I look at this room, all I see is race,” said council member Jackie Wagstaff. “[But] I’m not going to make a

decision based on race.” George McFadden, who lives on the east side of the bridge, said income was a larger factor. “On one side of the bridge, you’ve got $30,000 to $50,000 homes, on

the other side $120,000,” he said. McFadden and more than half a dozen of his neighbors said rebuilding the bridge would be an important symbol of unity between the two communities. “Public streets are public streets,” said Herbert Tatum, a resident. “It’s not fair for a group of people to close off a section of See CITY COUNCIL on page 8



The Chronicle

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The Chronicle


House leaders back compromise bill targeting terrorism By NEIL LEWIS and ROBERT PEAR New York Times News Service


Democratic and

Republican negotiators in the House reached agreement Monday on an antiterrorism bill that would give law enforcement officials expanded authority to wiretap suspected terrorists, share intelligence information about them and seize their assets. But the compromise bill also makes

the wiretap authority temporary and omits or scales back some of the measures the Bush administration sought, notably the authority to detain immigrants suspected of involvement in terrorist activities for an indefinite period without being charged. The administration had been pressing for far more extensive changes in the law and had hoped its proposals would move quickly through Congress with little debate fol-

lowing the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. The proposal for indefinite detention

of immigrant suspects engendered the greatest opposition from civil libertarians both inside and outside of Congress. Under the plan agreed to Monday evening Rep. James by Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., the chair of the Judiciary Committee, and Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the committee’s

ranking Democrat, the government could detain an immigrant suspected of terrorism for a maximum of seven days without bringing charges. The two members of Congress and

their staffs had worked over the last several days to forge a compromise after several committee members last week, both Democrats and Republicans, complained quietly but firmly that the ad See CONGRESS on page 9 I*-

Lange: Some profs have ‘unfortunate attitudes’ on race RACIAL CLIMATE from page 1 and is now at Indiana University at Bloomington. “On the one hand, Duke has a very good program, I think, in terms of recruiting minority faculty, especially junior faculty. But they’re at least experiencing a situation similar to other universities—what’s often called the ‘revolving-door syndrome,”’ she said. The University has historically voiced a commitment to hiring and retaining black professors. In 1988, administrator t seated the Black Faculty Initiative, which called on each hiring unit to recruit at least one black faculty member and the University to double its black faculty by 1993. But Duke did not meet that goal and in 1993 set a new one of doubling the number of black faculty University-wide within the next decade. As of this spring, Duke had raised the number of regularrank black professors from 44 to 79. Provost Peter Lange reiterated the administration’s commitment to faculty diversity, but he acknowledged that racial climate can be an obstacle to retention. “The faculty is a pretty diverse group of people with diverse attitudes to life,” Lange said. “Inevitably, you’ll find unfortunate attitudes, as you do in the general population, 'although here they may be more intellectualized.” Together with senior academic deans and department chairs, Lange uses resources to try to retain faculty members who receive offers from other universities. He said he plans to increase the use of exit surveys for departing scholars to get a clearer picture of their complaints. Maintaining a welcoming racial climate, however, poses a different type of challenge, he said. “A welcoming place means pre-eminently to support their work and to ensure that they have a community of scholars they can interact with easily and that will support them,” Lange said. “That is an important level that the senior administration can play a role in, but ultimately that depends on what they find on the ground, either in their departments or in other units.” Lange and several other senior-level administra'

tors, including President Nan Keohane, personally

attempted to persuade Hart to stay. “I was extremely disappointed when he left. I consider him a friend and I consider him a scholar of exceptional merit,” said Karla Holloway, dean of the humanities and social sciences. Lange and others said they did not know Green intended to leave, and Holloway, who is black,

said Green’s possible departure does not signal a general trend. Every individual has a different experience, Holloway said, describing her own as

“very welcoming,” Hart did not complain about an unwelcoming racial climate during his tenure case, said Bruce Lawrence, chair of the religion department. Lawrence emphasized the complexity of the tenure process, adding that the department supported

year extremely difficult,” Lawrence said. Other department chairs offered mixed approaches to racial climate. Like Lawrence, English chair Maureen Quilligan said she simply tries to treat every faculty member equally. She added that racial and ethnic diversity are still important for

both climate and intellectual engagement. Some, such as history chair John Thompson, said their hands are tied by their lack of direct access to resources and by inherent difficulties in seeing others’ viewpoints. “You do your best to try to persuade [professors who are considering leaving] of their importance to the department, but of course, as a department chair, often the best you can do is make recommendations to the deans and the provost,” Thomp-

Past and present: black faculty recruitment and retention 1966 Samuel Dußois Cook becomes the first black faculty member at Duke.

son said.

Colleagues’ thoughts

Dissatisfaction with the faculty’s racial climate

is not limited to departed professors; some current faculty members describe similar experiences. “You have many people who are very welcoming and recognize the importance of having a diverse student body and faculty, and you have those who see minorities as intruders,” said Professor of Political Science Paula McClain, a highly-touted black hire from last year. “In general, you have some faculty who think that scholars of color, by definition, are not qualified to serve in the faculty.” And Hart is not the only religion faculty member who has openly criticized the University’s racial atmosphere. Melvin Peters, associate professor ofreligion, expressed frustration with race at the University in the January 1995 faculty newsletter, claiming that most people at Duke misunderstand the meaning of diversity and end up marginalizing minorities. Although Peters, who is black, declined an in-

terview, he said the Hart situation only confirmed his feelings. Hart agreed with Green and others that overt incidents of racial discrimination are rare, but that subtle, everyday actions created a racially charged atmosphere. Hart named three colleagues in particular who he said helped create an unwelcoming atmosphere in the religion department: Professors of Religion Kalman Bland, Elizabeth Clark and E. P. Sanders, all of whom are white. Clark declined to comment, but Bland and Sanders said they were cordial to Hart and that any criticism of him was not based on race.

“Speaking from within the department of reli-

gion, I have no doubt in my mind that his work was taken seriously,” Bland said. “I think that it was a supportive environment, with positive and enthusiastic support.” Sanders said Hart may have attributed criticism to race when the intentions of his colleagues were far different. “I took his work very seriously and I commented on it very seriously. It had nothing to do with race,” Sanders said. “If you imagine that everything has to do with your race or gender, then you may attribute everything to your race or gender.” That colleagues present such differing analyses of racial atmosphere may be at the root of the prob-

Hart’s “brilliant” research on Asian religions. “We have people who are Asian, South-Asian, African-American, but there aren’t racial minorities in the religion department. There are religion scholars,” said Lawrence, who is white. lem, Hart said, adding that some system is needed “I am very sad that he left, but I can not say and for professors to have their complaints heard. “One I will not say that his departure was motivated by never got the sense that there were any mechaeither a racialized climate or by a particular view of nisms to avail oneself of concerns about one’s deracial minorities in the department.... I think the partment,” Hart said. “You would think there would burden of being both a junior faculty member and be some sort of infrastructure like this if Duke was an advocate for a subfield of religion made his last serious about retaining minority faculty members.”

1969 After student protests on the lack of support for black studies, the Undergraduate Faculty Council of the Arts and Sciences creates the Black Studies Program as a collection of courses.

1975 Following a series of events, including the resignation of the Black Studies Program’s

first director, students again protest for more faculty diversity and support for the program,

1988 The Academic Council approves the Black Faculty Initiative, calling for a University-wide doubling of regular-rank black faculty and for each of the 56 hiring units to add at least one black faculty member. A deadline of fall 1993 is set.

1991 An ad hoc committee recommends hiring more professors in African and Afro-American Studies and revitalizing the program, which the committee saw as under-supported.

1993 The Academic Council revises the Black Faculty Initiative after little progress has been made. The new goal becomes doubling black faculty over the next decade.

1998 Following 1997 student protests, tenure lines are approved for AAAS —now called African and African-American Studies—effectively elevating the program to departmental level.

2001 Eight years after revising the Black Faculty Initiative, the University has increased regularrank black faculty by about 80 percent from 44 to 79 members.


The Chronicle


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The Chronicle

Police find terrorism links from Europe, Middle East &


4,400 subpoenas were issued and more than 500 people have been arrested or detained, including 145 people held on immigration violations. At the same time, events moved fast in Europe and the Middle East. Anti-terrorism judges in Paris questioned a man in connection with a suspected plot to attack the U.S. Embassy

within the city. Four people suspected of links to global terrorism were arrested in Bosnia over the past few days, including two who were found with box cutters near Sarajevo’s airport, authorities said. Jordanian authorities arrested about a half-dozen people in a second sweep since the terror attacks. The detained included Issam Barqawi, a Jordanian of Palestinian descent who was acquitted of conspiracy charges to carry out attacks against U.S. and Israeli targets during New Year’s 2000 celebrations in Jordan. German authorities said its nation’s intelligence had picked up phone calls

The money trail in the United States has led to Punta Gorda, Fla., where the owner of a mail service business said hijacker Atta and another person bought $lOO-to-$2OO money orders at her store between four and six times from midJuly to mid-August. The man questioned in Paris was Djamel Beghal, a French-Algerian who was extradited Sunday from the United Arab Emirates in connection with an alleged plot to attack U.S. interests in Europe. Beghal was placed under formal investigation, a step short of being charged. French police have linked him

to bin Laden. Beghal, 35, was the second person extradited to France in connection with the alleged plot on the Paris embassy and other U.S. targets in Europe. The students transferred from San Diego to New York were Osama Awadallah, Mohdar Abdullah and Yazeed AlSalmi. They were to appear before a federal magistrate Tuesday. The name and phone number of at least one of the students was found in a Toyota Corolla registered to suspected hijacker Nawas Alhazmi, according to published reports. In Alexandria, Va., a federal magistrate ordered two Virginia residents held without bond pending hearings

by celebrating followers of Osama bin Laden, providing a link in the international investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks. But authorities acknowledged they were unable to pin down earlier contacts by bin Laden operatives to Muslims in Germany. While unrelated to the recent atWednesday. tacks, a man who has been jailed in PakMagistrate Barry Poretz ordered istan since the 1986 hijacking of a Pan Luis Martinez-Flores, 28, of Falls American World Airways flight has been Church, and Kenys Galicia, who works arrested by U.S. authorities and is being in Falls Church, detained followed a returned to face hijacking charges. briefhearing in U.S. District Court. Attorney General John Ashcroft According to an FBI statement unsaid Zayd Hassan Abd Al-Latif Masud sealed Monday, Martinez-Flores was A1 Safarini was arrested by American charged Friday with falsely certifying authorities Friday after he was rethat Hani Hanjour and Khalid Almihdleased in Pakistan. har lived at his Falls Church address. “This arrest demonstrates the comThe certifications were on state regismitment of the U.S. to track down pertration forms needed by the two to obsons charged with having committed tain Virginia ID cards. They were terrorist acts against Americans, no aboard American Airlines’ Flight 77 matter how long it takes,” Ashcroft said. that hit the Pentagon.

Forest Hills residents worry bridge will increase traffic p.

CITY COUNCIL from page 4

the community to the rest of the people.” Several residents also mentioned the historical significance of the bridge, over which black residents used to walk to work in Forest Hills. But more than a dozen Forest Hills residents said the bridge should remain closed to vehicles to keep children safe, since the streets in the neighborhood have no sidewalks. “Since the bridge has been closed, it’s been such a much safer neighborhood,” said Sue Watson, a Forest Hills resident. She also mentioned that leaving the bridge closed to traffic would make it safer to use a nearby park, which she said many organizations from different

racial backgrounds visit. Most council members said the neighborhood’s traffic problems should be solved by measures such as speed humps or better sidewalks, not by leaving the bridge closed. “I don’t think any community, no matter where it is, should tolerate a broken bridge in its midst,” said Mayor Pro Tern Howard Clement. But Mayor Nick Tennyson and council

member Dan Hill opposed the council’s decision, arguing that the costs of the repair would outweigh the benefits since there are other routes between the two sides of the bridge. The council’s decision does not guarantee the bridge will be fixed; the state DOT must approve the funding of up to $600,000, and if that happens, the city must pay for 20 percent ofthe cost of the repairs, which could take up to five years. Stewart Fisher, a Forest Hills resident, said after the meeting that he thought the traffic-calming measures suggested by council members would not provide enough safety, but added that “it would be more important to me to have good relations between the neighborhoods than to have the bridge closed.” IN OTHER BUSINESS: The council unanimously approved a new zoning regulation creating a new category of high-

density residential developments that

would allow up to 80 units per acre, twice as many as currently allowed. The regulation is intended for developments in

the vicinity ofTriangle Transit Authority rail stops.

The Chronicle


Final anti-terrorism bill awaits Senate consideration P CONGRESS from page 6

ministration’s legislative package expanded the government’s powers at the expense of long-established civil liberties. A senior Bush administration official said Monday night that the House compromise proposal was encouraging because it demonstrated bipartisan support for many of the proposals on the White House’s wish list. But the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, also said some of the elements were troubling, especially the “sunset” feature that would force the expiration of the expanded wiretap powers in two years unless explicitly renewed by Congress. Senior congressional aides said Monday that the expiration feature was crucial in forging a bipartisan consensus. One aide said that it was easier for some members to accept potential infringements on civil liberties if they were temporary.

Burnette pushes for quick growth I - BURNETTE from page 1

economy. “Those... things can make kids resilient, and all of us resilient in the face of crime,” Burnette

added. She emphasized illegal drug trafficking as a major crime instigator, stressing that the kids and gangs are simply foot soldiers for an underground economy. “The city must address crime prevention from this perspective,” said Burnette. Neighborhood participation and citizen activism also play an important role in Burnette’s anti-crime agenda. “We need police in our neighborhoods, but we also need people to get involved,” she said. “We need people to know they need to pass out fliers, do newsletters and those types of things.” Burnette also said that she is a stronger supporter ofeconomic growth and development than her


“I was very unhappy when [former county commissioner] Bill Bell announced that he was running,” Burnette said. “He embraces slow growth.... He’s just not the person we need to have. When you have people losing their jobs and basic downturn of the economy, we need to continue to embrace economic development and growth.” In contrast, Burnette cited her support for the new Streets at Southpoint mall being constructed in Durham, noting that this has brought pre-eminent business opportunities as well as $l5 million worth ofroad improvements. Despite Burnette’s vision, Bell and incumbent Nick Tennyson seem to be the front-runners of the mayoral race.

Burnette’s opponents find her focus too narrow. They also question her legitimacy as a candidate given the fact that she has had problems in the past. .For example, she is currently working on repaying hundreds of dollars of unpaid phone bills, accumulated by making personal phone calls on a citypaid phone. While Burnette’s potential to win the election may be questionable, colleagues do appreciate her contributions as a council member. “She is someone I have a lot of respect for. I believe her emotions are passionate, however, I don’t view her as a viable candidate,” said city council member Floyd McKissick. “I have not seen her incite the imaginations of the vast majority of voters, nor has she been able to get any endorsements.” Nevertheless, Burnette remains optimistic about her leadership potential. “I want to do things better. I’m proud of my record. I’ve not been happy with present leadership and I know I could do a much better job,” she said.

Happy birthday, Matt Brumm! You rock the health, the science and the innovations.

Further complicating the administration’s hope to quickly enact a broad-reaching set of changes in criminal law, the Senate is moving along a separate track to fashion its own anti-terrorism legislation, and that bill is not expected to be ready for a floor vote for at least two weeks. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., the chair of the Judiciary Committee, has made it plain he will not be rushed into accepting many of the administration’s proposals. At the same time, Congress is deliberating changes in the anti-terrorism laws, its members are moving swiftly to enact other changes in response to the attacks. Support is building in Congress for proposals to put military personnel on border patrol, to triple the number of agents on the Canadian border, to drastically limit student visas and to spend emergency funds on other moves to tighten immigration rules and proce-

dures in the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Under the anti-terrorism bill that will be formally introduced in the House Tuesday and could be voted on as early as next week, a foreign national could be detained for up to seven days before being charged on “reasonable grounds” of being suspected of involvement with terrorism. The person could then seek a review of that determination in the federal trial court in Washington. The administration had sought the ability to detain people on a lesser threshold of having “reason to believe” the person was involved in terrorism, a designation that, was not designed to be reviewed by a court. The bill would also require that only the attorney general or the commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service could deem an individual a suspected terrorist in order to detain that person.

The Chronicle


Backpack stolen from field Professor threatens to take class to UJB 4 1:15 p.m. Sept. 25 and 3:06 p.m. Sept. 26, someone stole from Lilly Library a $lOO sign reading “Stairs” and a $35 Seth Thomas round black plastic wall clock, Dean said. He added that the theft probably took place during normal business hours.

P CRIME from page

Backpack nabbed: A student reported that between 6:15 and 7:30 a.m. Sept. 21, someone stole his $75 unsecured green Lands End backpack, containing a Duke identification card and keys, worth together $4O, from the fields on Frank Bassett Drive, Dean said.

Emergency phone vandalized: At 12:03 a.m. Sept. 21, campus police responded to an emergency phone activation in Roundtable Dormitory, Dean said. They discovered that someone had stolen the $5O phone receiver.

Campus police request that anyone who has knowledge about those responsible for these and other crimes at the University contact Lieutenant Sara-Jane Raines at 684-4713 or Durham Crimestoppers at 683-1200. Up to $1,200 will be paid for information leading to an arrest, and information can be given anonymously.

New wing estimated at $l2 million SANFORD from page 3 policy, said he feels the wing reflects that public policy is one of the University’s priorities, downplaying its effect on raising the institute’s profile, “Our visibility is high and largely based upon people’s feelings on the quality of the major,” Jentleson said. “I think one of the reasons why this is a priority is precisely because of our importance in undergraduates

and research.”

Public policy is currently the third largest undergraduate major at Duke. Jentleson estimated the cost of the building—from the construction down to the furniture—at $l2 million. Although the University has not selected an architect, there is a strong possibility it will use the same firm that designed the Sanford Institute, Architects of Cambridge. “The current building functions well,”

Jentleson said. “[We] strongly felt you want to have symmetry... [so you] start with thinking about the original building.” Executive Vice President Tallman Trask said construction of the new wing, which is included in the campus’ master plan, has been under consideration since the completion of the Sanford Institute in July 1994. Although administrators hope construction will begin by next fall, many steps in the approval process remain. Once construction begins, Trask estimated that it would take 18 to 20 months to complete the wing. “We’re still in design,” Trask said. “We’re trying to pull the money together... [but] we want to start as soon as we can.” Right now, the wing is in what Jentleson called “the end of the first phase,” which includes creating a sufficient space plan and deciding how the building itself will look.

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CHEMISTRY from page 3 “A lot of people didn’t take it that seriously,” she said. “I don’t know if that was a result of Prof. Lochmiiller or if people freaked out and felt like they had to cheat.” In class Monday and in an email to the students in the course, Montague-Smith said the quiz would no longer count and that he was going to find out how long students had been online taking the quiz and would expect those with short log-in times to explain. Montague-Smith, who did not lecture Monday, said he would replace some of the online quizzes with pop quizzes in class. “You need to be made aware that such behavior is a violation of the honor code at Duke,” he wrote. ‘You also need to be aware that I have no reluctance at all to bring this situation to the dean of Student Development.” Chaney said that since Montague-Smith had taken over, the class was moving fast, and that the new instructor had been very accommodating. “He’s been lecturing pretty rapidly,” she said. “We’re getting ready to cover Chapter 6.1 think he’s pretty understanding that we’re pretty confused and disappointed with the class so far.”

In an e-mail to the class Sept. 16, Montague-Smith introduced himself and said it was vital to get through the specified amount of material, so as not to place people at a disadvantage in Chem 22, organic chemistry courses, on the MCAT or the Engineers’ Certification test. Johnson said that Lochmiiller prepared Powerpoint slides for his lectures and made them available online, so students had little incentive to go to class. “It was going to be an easy class and we all knew that,” Johnson said. In an e-mail to his class, a surprised Lochmiiller acknowledged he was no longer the instructor of the course. “I have apparently failed you in some grievous way not yet made clear to me,” wrote Lochmiiller, adding that Simon was “concerned that I was not doing my job responsibly... “The best thing to do is to treat this as if [l] died or was injured and a very competent ‘replacement’ was called in,” wrote Lochmiiller, who served as department chair from 1982-87 and is an expert in biochemical engineering. “Don’t let whatever has caused this spoil your first semester at Duke,” he wrote.

Read about Duke’s sixth recruit for the class of 2006, six-foot-nine Shavlik Randolph. See page 16


� The NFL and NADA reach a tentative agreement to keep the Super Bowl in New Orleans. See page 14 The Chronicle


� page


Franks looks for easier non-conference matchups By SHAWN NICHOLLS The Chronicle


Following the 31-10 loss to Virginia at Charlottesville Saturday, the Blue Devils (0-4, 0-2) return to Wallace Wade Stadium this weekend to face Georgia Tech, their third straight home contest against a top-25 team. “It’s a difficult start when you are

playing good teams, regardless of where you’re playing,” coach Carl Franks said Monday at his weekly press conference. “I think that is something we need to address in our schedule in the future. I think scheduling is critical for any football program. If you play well and do some good things, it can boost your guys’ morale somewhat. But when you’re in the position that we are that you need to go win a football game, it’s pretty tough.” While Franks said that he didn’t mind playing Florida State the first weekend, he feels that non-conference games and the team’s bye week are areas that need to be addressed. The Blue Devils don’t have a scheduled week off until November, which means they only have two games in that month, something Franks doesn’t see as healthy for the team. In terms of Duke’s non-conference schedule, Franks emphasized the importance of finding good matchups, speaking specifically about the Blue Devils’ matchup against Northwestern. “When that was scheduled, it looked like a pretty good game,” Franks said. “But now they’re winning the Big Ten, and it’s a tough game. If you could get your non-conference schedule in shape where you can win those three [non-conference games], then all you have to do is win three conference games to go to a bowl game.”

Even winning games within the conference is tough given the quality of ACC opponents coupled with Duke’s offensive struggles. Against the Cavaliers, Franks felt that from midfield to the Virginia 30 yard line the Blue Devils made a lot of mistakes, both in terms of penalties and physical errors that thwarted several offensive drives. Despite only leading the team to 10 points Saturday, quarterback D. Bryant showed improvement in the eyes of his coach. “I just think he is a much better leader,” Franks said. “He’s a much more confident quarterback, he understands the offense a lot better, and he certainly gives us a much better chance to win football games than he was able to last year.” Franks also saw third-down defense as a key area for concern, much like it was against Northwestern. Inside linebacker Jamyon Small thinks that it is a good sign that the defense is forcing teams into long third-down situations, but at the same time, he shares Franks’ disappointment in the results. Virginia was able to convert on 10-of-16 third-down conversions in the game. The challenge doesn’t get any easier for the Blue Devil defense. Georgia Tech’s powerful offense, which ranks first in several ACC offensive statistical categories, including scoring offense and pass efficiency, threatens to extend Duke’s 16-game losing streak. “When you’re dealing with losses, the only way you can get to the next level and try and get these wins is to look at the positives,” Small said. “There’s no way you dwell on the past, we’ve got to keep working for the future.



D. BRYANT looks downfield for an open receiver against UVa last weekend

Women’s soccer takes on defending national champs exhaustive road trip for the Tar Heels, this being their sixth match in just 12 Five seniors will get one last chance days. But Duke will not be cutting to defeat their archrivals and first-year' North Carolina any slack considering head coach Robbie Church will get his the history between these two teams. The defending national champs, first taste of the biggest rivalry in college sports as Duke plays host to No. 1 playing in their first ACC matchup of North Carolina at 7 p.m. tonight in the year, handled Duke twice last year. Koskinen Stadium. The first match ended in a 6-1 loss for “It’s exciting,” Church said. “The girls Duke, while North Carolina shut out understand it’s an important game, and the Blue Devils in the second match 4-0 it’s just another ACC game. But, they to claim its 12th consecutive ACC know anytime Duke and Carolina play, Tournament title. Nevertheless, Church it’s very special.” pointed to the team’s health and coheThe Blue Devils have not beaten the siveness lately as a reason -to believe Tar Heels since a 3-2 upset in 1994 in Duke can pull the upset. “We are getting healthier,” Church Chapel Hill. That is the only time Duke has ever beaten North Carolina, but the said. “When were healthier, we get more team hopes to get its second win against options out there. We are able to put what should be a worn-down UNC people in their natural positions. See WOMEN’S SOCCER on page 14 f* team. This will mark the end of an

By FOZAIL ALVI The Chronicle


SARA ZIELSKE (right) fights off Georgia defenders for possession of the ball

ACC helps breast cancer

Niners kick to victory

Javy hurting

40 Bars no more

The ACC announced that,

Jose Cortez kicked four field goals as the 49ers beat the Jets, 19-17, on Monday Night Football. Curtis Martin scored two touchdowns in a losing

Atlanta Braves catcher Javy Lopez will miss the final week of the regular season with a sprained ankle. Atlanta leads the Phillies by two games but plays them three times this week

Philadelphia 76ers guard

for the third consecutive year, some of the proceeds

from the conference’s women’s basketball tournament will go to a local breast cancer organization.

effort for the Jets.

Allen Iverson said that he will not be releasing his rap album. The album was to feature the single “40 Bars,” which had been criticized for its offensive lyrics.

Major League Baseball Pirates 5, Mets 1 Blue Jays 1, Orioles 0 Yankees 8, White Sox 1 Devil Rays 10, Red Sox 3



The Chronicle

Older, goateed Jordan confident he can ‘make it work’ By CHRIS SHERIDAN The Associated Press

If he fails, Michael Jordan will WASHINGTON not regret it. If he embarrasses himself, he’ll shrug it off. If he loses his final game, he’ll live with it. Jordan made it clear Monday his latest comeback isn’t about succeeding in other people’s eyes. It’s about making peace with himself and giving basketball another chance before it’s too late. “It’s an itch that still needs to be scratched here, and I don’t want that itch to bother me for the rest of ■my life,” he said. Jordan, 38, took the stage at the Washington Wizards’ home arena to explain in detail why he was returning to the NBA again, after an absence of more than three years. Sporting a goatee, he answered every question in calm, measured tones, sounding a little defensive only once or twice.

“Everybody was so negative about what I was trying to do,” Jordan said. “IfI read every newspaper about negative things that I was trying to do, I swear I wouldn’t live in America. America’s supposed to be the free will to do whatever you choose, do whatever you want to do. “That’s all I’m doing. I’m not committing a crime here. I’m just trying to play a game of basketball. “What if I’m tired of playing YMCAs or the Boys and Girls Clubs? I want to step into the elite competition. If I can do it, great. If I can’t, that’s great, too. But you can’t take my six championships away. You can’t take


MICHAEL JORDAN says he welcomes the challenge of facing younger stars like Tracy McGrady and Kobe Bryant.

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all the things that I’ve done.” If anyone has a problem with that, too bad. “I’m not walking into this scenario thinking I’m failing. I’m walking in thinking I’m confident, and I’m pretty sure that I can make it work. If I sit here and listened to everyone else tell me that I can’t do it, then obviously I wouldn’t be here,” he said. He characterized his motivation this way: “I’m all about challenges and seeing if I can go out and see if I can achieve something,” Jordan said. “If, at the end of the day, I do it, great. If I don’t, I can live with myself.” He faced about 200 reporters for nearly an hour,

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fielding questions about his legacy, critics, the young rivals who have circled certain dates on their calendars. He was asked about his health, his stamina, his patience, his effect on the game. Though he answered them all, it was clear none of those things really mattered. Playing is the only thing. He said he will try to start slowly, try not to do too much too soon. He said the Wizards should improve on last season’s record of 19-63, but he’d be “surprised” if Washington can win 50 games. The Wizards open training camp Tuesday in Wilmington, N.C. Their first regular season game is Oct. 30 in New York against the Knicks. Jordan won 10 scoring titles and six championships while playing with the Bulls. He left the NBA prior to the lockout-shortened 1999 season, when it became clear the Bulls were ready to break up their dynasty and rebuild with younger players. Jordan was only 35 then but insisted he was at peace with the decision. That was before he discovered how much he missed the game. “When I left the game, I left something on the floor. You guys may not be able to understand that,” he said. Jordan began working out early this summer with an eye toward making a comeback. He shed 30 pounds, held daily workouts against NBA-caliber competition and started to get the feeling that he was not too old or too brittle to resume playing the game. “I’m not walking into the dark. I know what I’m capable of doing. I know what’s going to be expected of me. I know everybody is putting my head on the chopping block,” Jordan said. Jordan said he considers himself 100 percent fit and plans to play in all 82 of Washington’s games. He twice mentioned Kobe Bryant and Tracy McGrady, but didn’t talk about other young players who are undoubtedly looking forward to their chance of going head-to-head with the greatest player ofall time. “I’m pretty sure they’re sitting back welcoming the challenge. Guess what? I’m sitting back welcoming the challenge, too. Everybody was motivated to play against me when I left, so things haven’t changed,” Jordan said.

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Anderson to miss season after tearing knee ligament By PAUL NEWBERRY

with 410 carries and a franchise mark with 1,846 yards rushing as the Falcons captured their first NFC title. The next season, after holding out in training camp during a contract dispute, Anderson was injured in Week 2 against the Dallas Cowboys. He took a handoff, tried to change directions and collapsed to the turf. The Falcons, 14-2 the previous year, slumped to 5-11 without their best runner. Last season, Anderson started all 16 games behind a woeful offensive line and struggled to regain his form. He still managed to gain 1,024 yards—the fourth 1,000-yard season of his career—-

The Associated Press

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. For the second time in three years, the Atlanta Falcons will have to play most of the season without Jamal Anderson. Anderson, an All-Pro in 1998 when the Falcons reached the Super Bowl, learned Monday that he tore a ligament in his left knee against the Arizona Cardinals. He will require season-ending surgery, dealing a major blow to a Falcons team that collapsed in 1999 when Anderson went out with the same injury to his right knee. The other players were stunned by the news as they arrived for a team meeting at the Falcons suburban training complex. “Here we go again,” said comerback Ray Buchanan, who didn’t have time to savor Sunday’s 34-14 victory over the Cardinals. “We’ve got to find away to move on. I don’t want to go through what I did two years ago.” Both times, Anderson tore the anterior cruciate ligament on plays where he wasn’t even touched by an opposing player.

but the Falcons went 4-12. Now, Anderson’s career is in doubt. “Anytime a running back has knee surgery, you worry about it,” Reeves said. “I wouldn’t count him out, because of the dedication he had with the other one. But it’s very difficult. Very few people come back from one. To come back from two surgeries would really be difficult.” The Falcons (2-1), who have won two straight after an overtime loss at San Francisco, believe they are better equipped to deal with losing Anderson the second time around. In 1999, he was replaced by Ken Oxendine and Byron Hanspard, who averaged about three yards per carry and managed only two touchdowns between them. Now both are out of the league. Now, the starting job goes to Maurice Smith, a second-year player who was signed by the Falcons as an undrafted free agent from North Carolina A&T. Smith, who didn’t carry the ball in Atlanta’s first two games, ran for 80 yards and a touchdown on 21 carries against the Cardinals. He also showed

The latest injury occurred during an 80-yard touchdown drive on the game’s opening series. Anderson—on his 29th birthday—was running right on a routine sweep when he planted hard on his left knee and tumbled to the grass for a one-yard gain. The play didn’t even count. Arizona was penalized for being offsides. “I feel bad for this football team, but I really feel bad for Jamal,” coach Dan Reeves said. “He worked so hard to get back to the point where he was 100 percent and playing well.” In 1998, Anderson set an NFL record


JAMAL ANDERSON had only four carries against Arizona Sunday before injuring his left knee. better speed than Anderson, going 79 yards for a touchdown on a short pass. “Assuming Maurice reaches his potential, they are similar runners,” quarterback Chris Chandler said. “But he has a ways to go to get to Jamal’s level.” Anderson rushed for 184 yards in his first two games and caught a 94-yard touchdown pass in a victory over Carolina. He had four carries for six yards in his brief appearance Sunday. Smith had more carries against Arizona than he did as a rookie, when he ran 19 times for 69 yards.

“I didn’t think my chance would come

this early” Smith said. “It’s kind of disappointing to think No. 32 is gone.” Anderson, eighth among active running backs with 5,330 yards, held out hope Sunday that his latest injury was not serious. His hopes faded, however, when an MRI test confirmed a complete tear of the ACL. Anderson, visibly shaken, refused to comment as he hobbled to his car. He will undergo surgery in a week or two.

Paul Kwilecki



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The Chronicle

Super Bowl XXXVI staying in Big Easy By MIKE FREEMAN

New York Times News Service

The NFL has a tentative agreement to keep its championship game in New Orleans. The date will be moved back one week to Feb. 3, ensuring that the postseason will be played in its entirety. Commissioner Paul Tagliabue reached a deal late Monday with the head of the National Automobile Dealers Association, whose convention had been scheduled for Feb. 2 to 5 in New Orleans. The auto dealers would switch weeks with the NFL. But do not make those Super Bowl reservations just yet The reason the deal is not complete is that the president of the association, Phillip Brady, must get approval from his 63-member executive committee. “The commissioner had a very positive discussion with Phil Brady,” league spokesperson Greg Aiello said. “The commissioner also called the mayor of New Orleans and told him that he was confident the NFL was going to keep the Super Bowl in his city.” The league would not be more specific but was cautiously optimistic that the tentative deal would stick. Part of the agreement includes the NFL’s covering many, if not all, of the expenses the auto dealers will incur because of the switch. NFL officials estimated the cost at $lO million or more. Super Bowl XXXVI was originally scheduled for Jan. 27. But the terrorist attacks last month led the league to postpone one week of games and extend the regular season into January. There was uncertainty about the playoff format—reducing the field to eight teams from 12 was discussed—and when the championship game would be played. The league had speculated that the Super Bowl might be moved to a site like the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif, or Pro Player Stadium in Miami. Even Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., was proposed by Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, though it was never a serious possibility, one team owner with knowledge ofthe discussions said.


MARGARET LEA slides for a ball against Maryland earlier this season

Duke aims to hand UNC first loss WOMEN’S SOCCER from page 11 [Lately] it’s starting to flow better. We are playing some pretty good soccer right now.” Duke (4-3) is coming off a 3-1 road win over Old Dominion this past weekend. Duke outplayed the Lady Monarchs for most of the game, but could not put them away until a Sarah Pickens goal in the 83rd minute put Duke ahead for good. The match versus UNO marks the beginning of the bulk of the ACC schedule for the Blue Devils, as they must match up with contenders Clemson, FSU and SEC foe Florida in the next two weeks. With all three teams ranked in the top 15 and all three matches on the road, a healthy Duke team will be looking to capitalize even more on today’s home game versus UNC. “This is a great opportunity,” Church said. ‘We need some quality wins, and any win in the next four games will be a quality win that will help us towards the NCAA tournament.” Meanwhile, UNC (8-0) stretched its unbeaten streak this season with a 2-0 victory over UAB Sunday


Duke Basketball

Blue-White Ticket


afternoon in Birmingham. The match, however, only gives the Tar Heels about 48 hours to return, recover and be ready for tonight’s important ACC matchup. “We understand they’ve played a lot of games in a short period of time and a lot of those have been on the road,” Church said. “We’re going to try and press them early in the match. We are going to have to be very aggressive very early and take some of their legs away from them.” On the plus side for the Tar Heels, they may have finally recovered from all their injuries. Forwards Susan Bush and Alyssa Ramsey have had a few weeks to recover from knee injuries, and UNC was finally at full strength for its games this past weekend. That could spell trouble for Duke, since UNC has held seven of its eight opponents thus far without a goal, outscoring the opposition 34-2 en route to its unblemished record halfway through the season. “It's going to be an important game,” senior defender Crystal Pressley said. “UNC has always been a good team. We just have to focus on us and our hard work in playing for 90 minutes.”

Student Validation and Sale set for October 3rd!

Duke students should come to have their ID validated for the October 27th men's basketball Blue-White game beginning Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:30 am at the Cameron Indoor Stadium ticket office. Tickets will be available on a FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVE basis until they are gone on October 3rd. Students may also purchase with cash or check a maximum of two additional tickets for his or her parents to the Blue-White game for $20.00 each in the student section. A limited number of seats are available, and once they are gone, there will be no other tickets available for sale. We will not guarantee anyone a ticket to the event, whether that be a student or a parent, once the lower level seats in Cameron Indoor Stadium are gone! Contact the Duke Ticket Office at 681 -BLUE for questions or ticket availability.


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Concessions: Griffith Film Theater Concession Stand is looking for people to work Friday through Sunday during Freewater and Quadflix films. The average shift is 4 hours. Flexible schedule. Starting rate; $6.50/hr. Work-study and Non-work study. For more information call Alyce Stark at

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Hioh school student looking for tutor for Spanish 3. Call Kim Atwood at (919) 493-3050.

Independent project work for The Campaign for Duke. The Office of University Development on West Campus is hiring 1 work study student to help with various projects, campus errands, light clerical work, and assisting the Research secretary and Researchers with filing and projects. Very flexiblehours. Casual work environment. Please contact Tim Young at 681-0441.

and graduate students earn $l3/hr. Peer Tutoring Program, 217 Academic Advising Center, East Campus, 684-8832.

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and Retention School Center One, Fort Jackson SC. Candidate must have above average computer skills, excellent oral and written communication abilities, and knowledge of standard psychological research and statistical manipulation techniques. Please fax resume to Mike Flynn, (502)9427458, or mail to P.O. Box 27, Fort Knox KY 40121.

RESEARCH ASSISTANT needed tor project on Teacher Quality and Student Achievement. Duties include empirical work with large data sets, plus miscellaneous related tasks. SAS required; STATA desirable; social science backdesirable. 15-40 ground hours/week. $ll-$l3/hour. Helen Lass (hladd@pps.duke.edu or 613-

Local area church hiring experienced teachers/childcare workers for Sunday a.m., some Wednesday pm. $B.OO per hour. Call Venetha Machock 682-3865, voice mailbox #3l.



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VOICES, the Women’s Center of publications poetry, essays, short stories, art, and true stories is accepting gender-related submissions through October Bth. hsr@duke.edu/684-3897.

The Chronicle


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2, 2001

Krzyzewski lands first in-state phenom i* RANDOLPH from page 1

While Randolph could not be reached for comment, his father, Kenny Randolph would neither confirm nor deny the decision, saying, “certain people had to be called [before the announcement could be made] However, he added that “everyone can make an intelligent guess and that would certainly be an

intelligent guess.” Randolph will join Sean Dockery, a guard from Chicago, Lee Melchiohni, a forward from Lancaster, Pa., J.J. Redick, a guard from Roanoke, Va., Michael Thompson, a center from Chicago and Shelden Williams, a forward from Midwest City, Okla. in the class of 2006—a class that many recruiters consider the best in the history of college basketball. However, NCAA rules limit scholarships to five per year, so Melchionni, whose father agreed to pay for his schooling for a year if Duke found six players it wanted, will now be a walk-on. “I’ve always thought [Randolph] would go to Duke,” Redick said. “Not from what’s he told me, that’s just my gut feeling.” Randolph, who averaged 27 points and 13 rebounds for Broughton last season, is also the first major in-state player in the Krzyzewski era. “The rule is that usually Duke gets the out-ofstate great players and [North] Carolina gets the instate ones,” O’Neill said. “For years, everyone was a North Carolina fan. But Duke has been such a dominating force in the last 10 years that there are just as many kids growing up in Oklahoma that are Duke fans as there are kids growing up in North Carolina that are Duke fans.” The decision to choose Duke over other college basketball powers on Tobacco Road was even more difficult for Randolph. His grandfather, Ronnie Shavlik, was an All-American forward for N.C. State, while Randolph’s mother attended North Carolina. The NBA had also been seen as a viable option for Randolph. One teammate noted that many people at Broughton thought Randolph would either go to Duke or Florida if it was not likely that he would be a top pick in next year’s NBA Draft. Randolph is considered one of the more multifaceted players in this recruiting class. At 6-foot-9, he is known not only for his great outside shot, but also for his versatile inside moves which make him a threat in the paint. His hands are better and he is much quicker than many players his size. However, one major concern for many scouts was Randolph’s play during the summer. He went into this summer’s workout as a consensus top-three player in the country, and due to an ankle injury came out as low as 40s according to some sources.

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The Chronicle

Randolph completes an elite class for Coach K By CRAIG SAPERSTEIN The Chronicle

As the most heralded player from North Carolina since Danny Manning, Shavlik Randolph knows that


� Averaged 27 points and 13 rebounds for Broughton his junior year � Rated the No. 9 prospect in the nation by CNNSI and The Sporting News


� Rated as North Carolina’s No. 1 prospect by recruiting

analyst Bob Gibbons

WHAT THEY SAID It is exciting, but the main thing is not to let it become a distraction but just proof that ail of my hard work over the years is finally paying off. I don’t want it to be anything I have to get over with. I want to make the right decisionand however long it takes for me to make sure it is the right decision is whenever I will make H. Shavlik Randolph at the Nike All-America Camp -

I think he’s going to be playing with a lot of great players. That tells me that his ego wasn’t such that he wanted to be the man all the time. He wants to win. Recruiting analyst Kurt O’Neill -

“I think Shavlik Randolph is one of the best players in the country in high school , this year,” said college basketball recruiting analyst Clint Jackson of Highmajorhoops.com. “I know a lot of people went down on him because he didn’t have a great summer, but trust me when I say that that was only because of his injury.” Randolph’s coach at Broughton, Jeff Ferrell, agrees with Jackson’s assessment. “I did not feel [Randolph dropping in the rankings] was justified,” said Broughton High School basketball coach Jeff Ferrell, who refused to confirm Randolph’s decision. “Many people making that assessment did not have any business making that assessment. In my opinion, he’s still number one.” Evan Davis and Craig Saperstein contributed to this story. #1 Spring Break Vacations! Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas & Florida. Book Early & get free meal plan. Earn cash & Go Free! Now hiring Campus Reps. 1-800-2347007 endlesssummertours.com Break Specials! Cancun & Jamaica From $389! Air, Hotel, Free Meals, Drinks! Award Winning Company! Group Leaders Free! Florida Vacations $129! springbreaktravel.com 1-800-678-6386



CJ Walsh has been officially recognized as “one cool dude” by the Chronicle sports department. Congratulations!

whatever choice he makes for his college selection, he would mean many different things for whichever program he chooses. For N.C. State, Randolph would have represented the rebirth of a struggling program with a coach whose job may be in jeopardy. For North Carolina, the addition of Williams would have signified the first major in-state recruit to sign with the Tar Heels since the start of the Matt Doherty era in Chapel Hill. But for Duke, the likely commitment of Randolph—which is expected to occur at a press conference at 3 p.m. Wednesday—constitutes the final cornerstone of one of the best recruiting classes in college basketball history. “This [recruiting class] would certainly be on par with the Fab Five of Michigan [in 1992] and certainly on par with Duke’s class ofBattier, Burgess, Avery and Brand [in 1998],” recruiting analyst Clint Jackson said. “In fact, it may be a little better than that class. Of course, it’s the type of thing you won’t really be able to judge until four years down the road when they’ve really played. But this class has the capacity to make the impact of the Fab Five of Michigan.” And Randolph, whom many describe as a player with similar skills to Tim Duncan or former Blue Devil Danny Ferry, should be among those making the largest impact for Duke. At 6-foot-9, he will serve as an improving post presence with solid footwork, which he will combine with a deft shooting touch from the perimeter. Along with classmates Michael Thompson and Shelden Williams, both of whom are forwards, Randolph’s frontline at Duke could be more imposing than any in the history of the Blue Devil basketball program. In fact, some speculated that with the commitments of Williams and Thompson, Randolph would be dissuaded from joining am already packed Blue Devil interior. But those who know the lanky high school senior insist that playing time at Duke hardly entered into consideration for Randolph. “Certainly, there’s three frontcourt positions on the floor at one time, and with kids like Michael Thompson, Shelden Williams and Shavlik Randolph, I’m sure they’re all going to be on the court at the same time,” Jackson said. “I don’t think it made a difference for Shavlik, because Shavlik and Shelden are both talented enough to get a lot of playing time wherever they go.” Recruiting analyst Kurt O’Neill, who has also scouted Randolph on many occasions, noted that the highly touted prospect was much more concerned with his team’s success than personal accolades, a demeanor that O’Neill thinks will allow Randolph to fit in well at Duke. “I think he’s going to be playing with a lot of great players,” O’Neill said. “That tells me that his ego wasn’t such that he wanted to be the man all the time. He wants to win.”

Wilson’s Auto


and Frame Service, Inc.


The Chronicle


Blazing Sea Nuggets/ Eric Bramley and David Logan

2, 2001 � PAGE


THE Daily Crossword Edited by Wayne Robert Williams ACROSS

1 Come

to a


6 Use elbow grease 11 6-pointers Nimble 14 15 Coarse, twilled cotton fabric 16 Shoe-box letters 17 Movie fans' preference?


19 Grp. of gridders 20 Writer Ferber 21 Disney World draw 23 Political exile 27 Sousa's forte 29 Chalk remover 30 Stegner novel, "Angle of 31 Sheltered bays 32 Flatfishes 33 Ship deserter 36 Ruckuses 37 Closes



Gilbert/ Scott Adams I'tt A CLONE OF YOUR BOSS?

38 Capital on a





39 Apiece 40 Mirror 41 Con man 42 Time of glacial dominance 44 Dimension

estimators 45 Senses

47 Alternative to pasta 48 Pieces for two 49 Saint's aura 50 Harris and



51 Local



58 In the past 59 In the know 60 Nary a soul 61 Writer Deighton 62 Burpee buy 63 Move in a sudden sweep

oonesbury/ Garry Trudeau


1 Scottish topper 2 Turkish honcho 3 Colliers'


4 Actor Wallach

5 Bridge blunders

6 Act subdivision 7 Aromatic

annual plant 8 Make free (of) 9 One in Madrid 10 Very short jackets

11 Class


12 "Moll Flanders" author 13 Splinter groups 18 German river 22 Individual Apples

23 Story so far, briefly

24 Wear away

25 Electors' 26

27 28 30 32 34 35 37



Various functions Thaws Mimics Wake Uneven cuts Warn Body bulk Thin strip Greek drink

43 Allotted portion 44 Grain

47 49 52 53 54



40 Japanese


41 Repudiates

45 Perfect 46 Jog with the elbow

Deserves Group of gnus Be in debt Miss West At present Vocalize displeasure

56 Lennon's love 57 Slangy okay

The Chronicle What to name the pumpkin Lamb chop: Bono: Sara Lee: DSG traitor, Napoleon: Dave’s abused child; Dumbika: Jamie “I wil ase the LSAAT” Herriot The headline god: Roily Miller:

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Tuesday October 2

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Conference: “Violence in the Life of a Child,” providing a broad perspective on violence in the lives of children and teens. It is designed for nurses, social workers, 12 noon: teachers, law enforcement officers and CDS BROWN BAG LUNCH others with an interest in this topic. To reg- Conversation with photographer Paul ister or for more information, call 684- Kwilecki, in conjunction with the exhibit “Paul Kwilecki; Photographs from Decatur 4293. 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Durham Regional Hospital Auditorium, Durham. County, Georgia," at Duke’s William R. Perkins Library through November 30. The Arherican Red Cross: Open blood donor exhibition of work by Paul Kwilecki, who site. By appointment (684-4799). 11:30 am has lived in Decatur County, Georgia, all to 4:30 pm. Duke Clinic. his life and photographed there since 1960, was curated by Tom Rankin, director of the Center for Documentary Studies, from the Kwilecki Collection held by the Mind/Body Skills Group for cancer pa- Duke University Rare Book, Manuscript, tients, family members and caregivers. and Special Collections Library. Every Tuesday from 12 noon -1 ;30 pm, at the Cornucopia House Cancer Support 2001 Gardner C. Taylor Lecture: “They Center, 111 Cloister Ct., Ste 220, Overlook Overcame Spiritually: Black Women in Building in Chapel Hill. For more informa- Ministry," by Howard University Divinity tion call 401-9333 or see the web site at School professor Delores Carpenter. For www.cornucopiahouse.org. information, call 660-3444. 2:00 pm, York Chapel, Divinity School, West Campus. -

Diversity Visa Lottery 2003 Information Session, Tuesday, October 2, 5:30 pm, 139 Social Sciences Building. -

Freewater Films: “The Decline of Western Civilization II: The Metal Years,” directed by Penelope Spheeris. Tickets are free to Duke students, $4 for Duke employees, and $5 for all others. Call 684-2911. 7:00, 9:30 pm. Griffith Film Theater, Bryan Center, West Campus. The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. Study and recreate the middle ages. Sword-fighting, feasting, dancing, costuming, etc. For information, call 682-0551. Teer House: Smart Women Finish Rich. Nancy Anderson and Andy Scott. To register, call 416-3853 7:00 pm. N. Roxboro Road, Durham.

Community Education Forum: Genetic Counseling for Cancer. This is an exciting time in the fight against cancer. New discoveries about cancer causing genes can help with treatments and screening. Cecile Skrzynya works with the Cancer Genetics Network, and will discuss which types of cancer are thought to be related to genetic changes, and describe the genetic counseling process. 7:00-9:00 pm, at the Cornucopia House Cancer Support Center, 111 Cloister Ct., Ste 220, Overlook Building in Chapel Hill. For more information call 401 -9333. The Self Knowledge Symposium meets every Tuesday at 7:30 pm in 204 Perkins (near the Perk). Be prepared for boisterous discussions on the things that really matter. The curious are always welcome. Cinemateque; “Latcho Drom,” directed by Tony Gatlif. For information, call 6814514. 8:00 pm, Richard White Auditorium, East Campus.


Thf Chronth f A 11L Vl IIVV/i IlvLL









Awaiting the museum


can in many ways be works of art. The new Duke University Museum of Art, however, will not be up for display anytime soon. The facility—paid for in part by a $7.5 million donation in 1999 from Dallas philanthropist Raymond Nasher —should have broken ground by March of this year. Unfortunately, little progress has been made, and the final plans will just now go to the Board ofTrustees. Delays in any project of this magnitude are understandable, but these delays resulted from overzealous planning and lack of prioritization, The University has certainly been able to handle multiple construction projects at once. The Richard White Lecture Hall, the WestEdens Link and the two new genomics buildings are just some ofthe projects Duke has worked on in the past two years. It seems as though the administration has not made the museum a priority. If this is the case, officials should not have proceeded with a rapid timetable. In addition, the University has long-needed the museum, not only for the sake of art but for the space as well. At a time when Duke struggles to find office and class space for many departments—something they will be able to do once the DUMA is vacated—it is important to keep this project on schedule.

Sound economics


over 1,000 majors—one-sixth of the undergraduate population—and many more enrolled in its classes, the economics department’s courses affect many. Over the past year, the department has altered its curriculum in several ways, most recently by requiring a majors follow the sequence ofEconomics 51, 52,149 and 154—introductory macroeconomics and microeconomics, then intermediate microeconomics and macroeconomics. At the same time, the department has consolidated the number of classes, creating larger lectures. Fortunately, most of the changes appear to improve teaching the discipline. Perhaps the most glaring problem in the department in the past was the inconsistency across different sections ofthe same course. Some professors used more rigorous calculus than others; some sections focused upon different schools of economic thought. With standardization of courses, all students will learn the same material and begin subsequent courses on equal footing. Still, the department must be sure that it does not push people away from its courses. The policy could be limiting if non-majors want to take economics classes without going through the four-course sequence. Hopefully, some courses will have specific prerequisite courses instead ofrequiring the entire sequence. Meanwhile, the economics department should also maintain a list of other universities whose transfer credit will be accepted. Under the new plan, Advanced Placement tests and transfer credit will be of little use to economics majors. While not allowing AP credit may be understandable, transfer students should not have to go through the needless hassle ofretaking courses if the ones they took were adequate.

The Chronicle AMBIKA KUMAR, Editor

JAMES HERRIOTT, Managing Editor DAVE INGRAM, University Editor KEVIN LEES, University Editor JOHN BUSH, Editorial Page Editor CRAIG SAPERSTEIN, Sports Editor JONATHAN ANGIER, General Manager PRATIK PATEL, Senior Editor MARTIN BARNA, Projects Editor THAD PARSONS, Photography Editor MATT ATWOOD, City & State Editor CHERAINE STANFORD, Features Editor TIM PERZYK, Recess Editor MATT BRUMM, Health & Science Editor JENNIFER SONG, Health & Science Editor ELLEN MIELKE, TowerView Editor PERI EDELSTEIN, TowerView Managing Editor PAUL DORAN, Sports Managing Editor DREW KLEIN, Sports Photography Editor ROSALYN TANG, Graphics Editor EVAN DAVIS, Sr. Assoc. Sports Editor WHITNEY BECKETT, Wire Editor DEAN CHAPMAN, Wire Editor MEG LAWSON, Sr. Assoc. City & State Editor REBECCA SUN, Sr. Assoc. City <& State Editor MOLLY JACOBS, Sr. Assoc. Features Editor BECKY YOUNG, Sr. Assoc. Features Editor EDDIE GEISINGER, Sr. Assoc. Photography Editor ROBERT TAI, Sr. Assoc. Photography Editor ALISE EDWARDS, Creative Services Manager ALAN HALACHMI, Online Manager SUE NEWSOME, Advertising Director ADRIENNE GRANT, Creative Director MARY WEAVER, Operations Manager CATHERINE MARTIN, Production Manager NALINI MILNE, Advertising Office Manager JORDANA JOFFE, Advertising Manager TOMMY STERNBERG Advertising Manager The Chronicle, circulation 16,000, is publishedby the Duke Student Publishing Company, Inc., a nonprofit corporation independent of Duke University. The opinions expressed in this newspaper are not necessarily those of Duke University, its students, workers, administration or trustees. Unsigned editorials represent the majority view of the editorial board. Columns, letters and cartoons represent the views of the authors. To reach the Editorial Office (newsroom) at 301 Flowers Building, call 684-2663 or fax 684-4696. To reach the Business Office at 103 West Union Building, call 684-3811. To reach the Advertising Office at 101 West Union Building call 684-3811 or fax 684-8295. Visit The Chronicle Online at http://www.chronicle.duke.edu. © 2001 The Chronicle, Box 90858, Durham, N.C. 27708. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior, written permission of the Business Office. Each individual is entitled to one free copy.

No justification for extremism In the wake of Sept. 11, many have asked “Why?” It is disquieting that many have passed off mass murder of 6,000 people as a consequence of U.S. policies, such as support of Israel, bombing of Iraq and Sudan and American arrogance. Some have even said America had it coming or deserved it. These cranium-in-the-rectum justifications are as dangerous as they are obtuse, as false as they are immoral. The terrorists ofBlack Tuesday were motivated by hatred. That there were no demands or ultimatums and that not a single hijacker was Palestinian, Iraqi or Sudanese belies the pretense of grievance. These were not people who lost loved ones in refugee camps or to Israeli bullets or American bombs, but people who were brainwashed into hating us by a

rape and torture emblematic oftotalitarians. Not content with brutalizing their own, they have transformed Afghanistan into a terrorist university, hosting bin Laden and exporting hijackers and bombers. The goal of the Taliban and its ilk is global domination. One may scoff at that, but in 1930, worries of Germanyreaching the cusp of world conquest would have been brushed off. Radical Islamic fundamentalism is the biggest threat to America. In a region of captive minds, unworkable economies and failed states, it conveniently blames America and Israel for its problems but forgets that the forces that have killed the most Muslims in the last 50 years did not belong to Israel or America but the Taliban (to their own people), Pakistan (in Bangladesh), Iraq (in Iran), Russia (in Afghanistan) and Syria (to Lebanese, Kurds and Syrians). This ideology may pose a bigger threat than Nazism—it may lack the institutional power of Germany, but more than compensates with an equal appetite for murder, suicidal fanaticism and

belief that killing themselves and thousands of others was a divine duty leading to Paradise, with countless virgins and sensuous delights to boot. While we have hurt many peoples, do Vietnamese, Cambodians, Zaireans or Chileans (whom America hurt much more) plot mass murder? The glib shadowiness. We must distinguish radical Islamic fundaresponse that they are not able to attack the United States is fatuous: All it took to murder mentalism from the religion of Islam. No one last week were knives, boxcutters, money and equates David Duke or Jerry Falwell with Christianity. However, the Islamic/Arab realm diabolical hate, the essential ingredient. So, let’s stop trying to justify the terrorists’ is at the age (not quite 1,400 years) and stage motives and actions. Those who are kind to at which Christendom was ruled by religious the cruel end up cruel to the kind. To ask what America did to deserve this is as repulsive as asking a rape victim what she did to provoke her attack. America was brutally vioGuest Commentary lated. We must never forget that. It is a terrible irony that the barbarians fanatics and assorted dictators and riven by who attacked America and masquerade as incessant war and brutal repression. the guardians of Islam did nothing to protect Fortunately, secularists in the West slowly Muslims in Somalia, Bosnia or Kosovo. It is separated church from state, marginalized the another bitter irony that those seeking to fanatics and transferred power to the people. blame America for what happened and argue Unfortunately, there is as yet no secular counagainst military action are the same individterweight within the Islamic or Arab worlds to uals who championed U.S. military interventhe fundamentalists, who thus have free rein. tion in those places. Let me ask these indiYes, most Muslims have condemned the viduals, did you question Bosnians or attacks. But while Islamic “clerics” constantly Kosovars about what they did to provoke ethcall on all Muslims to kill Jews and Americans nic cleansing? Or are Americans just more and issue fatwas on various authors, I have deserving of slaughter? Is American blood not heard any Muslim leader state that is the that much cheaper to you? duty of Muslims to fight terrorism. Still, we must know the roots of this So what must be done? Yes, America has hatred. Sun-Tzu stated, “He who knows the injured many peoples, and we must do better. enemy and knows himself will not be in danAnd yes, we laid the groundwork for the ger in a hundred battles.” The root ofthis evil Taliban’s emergence and even trained bin is not foreign policy, despair, poverty, represLaden. But helping to create a Frankenstein sion, nor even terrorism or Osama bin laden. does not militate against fighting it; indeed, The root is fanaticism and disregard for life it behooves us to destroy it. This is a fight cloaked in the mantle of religion: radical against evil; it is immoral to confuse our Islamic fundamentalism. From Nigeria imperfections with the venom that confronts imposing Shar’ia on Christians to Abu Sayyaf us. Credibility does not stem from splitting (funded by bin Laden) beheading tourists in the moral difference between good and evil, the Phillipines, from Kashmiri terrorists so we cannot abandon our friends, beliefs or throwing acid on the faces of unveiled women security. said, Winston Churchill to the destruction ofthe World Trade Center, “Appeasement is like feeding a crocodile hopthere is a powerful segment of “Islamic” ing he will eat you last.” Clarity of purpose fanatics seeking to “kill every American and comes from intellectual honesty and clearJew,” “purify” lands of “infidels,” and compel headed resolve. We cannot afford indulgences others to live their way of life. Their vision for in self-loathing or rationalizing evil. Almost the world is the Taliban, an abomination that 6,000 murders demand a disciplined concennot only barred the frills of modernity (photration of the mind. This will be an arduous tography, music, art, TV) but also banned fight, but the need for struggle is not grounds women’s education, vitiated medical care for for avoidance. Our self-defense is also a fight women, turned stadiums into execution for freedom, democracy, secularism and tolergrounds, taught five year-olds to hate and to ance, the true provocations of Sept. 11. shoot, destroyed architectural treasures and forced non-Muslims to wear yellow stars, in Balamurali Ambati is a cornea fellow at the addition to the usual potpourri of massacre, eye center.

Balamurali Ambati

On the


A lot ofpeople didn’t take it that seriously. I don’t know if that was a result ofProf Lochmuller or ifpeople freaked out and felt like they had to cheat. Freshman Lindsey Chaney, on a chemistry quiz on which many students may have cheated (see story, page three)


The Chronicle


Combatting terrorism Last week, a perceptive student, participating in her seminar on national security policy, wrote about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: “So, does this mean that for the rest of my life, and my to-be children’s lives, America will be in a constant state ofwar?” The answer is a qualified yes. We will combat terrorism on many fronts for the long term, but it will not be traditional warfare. The end of the Cold War had many Americans talking about a “new world order.” For sure, recent events have moved this nation into a new world. Americans will now think, behave and live differently. Over time, we will confront the “new terrorism” as we confront crime—on a daily basis, with a broad,

Ted Triebel and Dick Stubbing Guest Commentary coordinated array of people, agencies and methods. But a “constant state of war?” No. Not in the sense that the country will stay militarily mobilized, that the armed forces will be continuously engaged in combat or that there is a clear end to hostilities. As with crime, the fight will continue, but with a new strategy, means and focus. Osama bin Laden and others of his ilk want to permanently damage the United States, its institutions and culture—the perceived “evil,” thereby forcing us from the Middle East region. To accomplish that goal, symbolic centers of America’s strength were hit and thousands of innocents murdered. We believe that bin Laden desired and expected an immediate, strong military response against Afghanistan. Such a response would do much to solidify his base among Muslims

worldwide, expanding his reach. The Bush administration, though tempted, has wisely not played into bin

Laden’s hand. Yet, the unprovoked and planned killing of over 6,500 civilians demands a strong response, both short and long term. No reaction would condone atrocious behavior and only embolden terrorists to continue their violence. The best defense is still a good offense. Our first objective is to bring bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terror bosses to justice. To achieve this we must work on the political, economic and military fronts. Terrorists do not operate in a vacuum. These groups require support, from food and shelter to money and materials. Regimes that allow sanctuary or provide logistic and economic help need to be strongly pressured to change their ways by international and non-govemmental organizations. If carried through, this

course will produce positive results. We need to get our message out to the Islamic community much more effectively. The United States harbors no ill will toward the world’s Muslims. This fact,

resonating truthfully and convincingly, will do much to keep the fight focused where it should be—on a relatively few fundamentalist Islamic terrorists who commit crimes outside of their true religious precepts. On the military front, we must first pinpoint bin Laden and his cohorts. Coordinated intelligence, including covert help from within Afghanistan and surrounding states, is essential. A successful military attack is possible with real-time intelligence, a meticulously-devised plan, elite troops, in-house support, hi-tech systems and a bit of luck. This action requires a narrow, precise and agile operation. Large forces are not required. A military campaign that starts with punishing the Taliban using extensive air strikes, with the inevitable civilian casualties and con-

demnation throughout the Muslim world, would be counter-productive. At this critical time, Presidential leadership is a must to instill public confidence. George W. Bush has to “show the

way” and ensure that his top security team does not quibble in public but speaks with a single voice. Beyond the immediate crisis, what must the nation do to counter future terrorist attacks, including the stark possibility of terrorists with biological or nuclear weapons? Several actions need to be taken by the president and Congress: Improved intelligence. The recent •

attacks demonstrated a serious failure of intelligence. This is not an isolated instance. Intelligence did not identify a series of other, terrorist attacks on Americans in the 19905. Since intelligence truly is our best defense to prevent future attacks, improvements must be made. More money may help, but the intelligence community badly needs to break the outmoded shackles of its Cold War structure and reorganize under a single authority to meet this “new world” threat. The FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, Customs, Immigration and Naturalization Service, together with the intelligence services of other nations, all need to cooperate effectively—an ideal not yet achieved.

measures. Tighter security Americans love their freedoms. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon shattered our sense of invulnerability. America will now join the rest of the world in imposing tighter security controls for our safety. Airports and airplanes are only a first step. Critical nodes of our economy will require enhanced security. This will include computer networks, major bridges, harbors and utilities. Tourists and students visiting America and people seeking to immigrate will undergo increased scrutiny. All of us will be affected. The new measures will at times come in Conflict with our First Amendment guarantees. A new balance must be struck between security and liberty. Shift militarypriorities. Catastrophic terrorism is the prime national security threat. No other nation poses a serious •

traditional military threat to the United States. More defense resources should go to light, rapidly deployable forces to cope with regional destabilizing situations and to counter terrorist threats. Productive cooperation with the military forces of our allies is also important. Lower priority should go to the traditional weapons of war—tanks, ships, aircraft. The need for a ballistic missile defense rings hollow.

These realignments require no large funding increase. Political and economic initiatives. The current crisis may just provide the rare opportunity to address the root causes of terrorism and to adjust our foreign policy, while considerations of democracy and human rights remain important. Poverty breeds violence; perhaps the United States and other wealthy nations can take additional steps to address this problem. Initiatives to reduce or eliminate festering sores in our relations with other nations —particularly in the Middle East and South Asia. Perseverance and cooperation could lead to resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a spawning ground issue for terrorism. There is some prospect of re-establishing ties with Iran, Syria and Sudan, in exchange for their renouncing support and sanctuary for terrorists. Mutually beneficial ties can also be developed with India and Pakistan—two large nuclear states that remain in confrontation. In closing, let us always remember our glass of future expectations is more than half full. We are a strong and prosperous nation. Our principles of freedom and democracy have carried us for centuries. We have surmounted a number of wars, natural disasters and tough foes and, working together, the nation will overcome the terrorist threat now facing us. •

Ted Triebel is a visiting lecturer at the Institute of Public Policy and


Dick Stubbing is a public policy professor of the practice emeritus.

The campaign for free speech As we continue to cope with our great national loss, we now find ourselves looking forward, working on ways to prevent further attacks. Aside from the ongoing debate about military action, we also are examining ways that we will change our own domestic behaviors. Attorney General John Ashcroft has proposed a long list of changes to wiretapping laws, police examination rights and immigration reform that should pose a major hindrance on the civil liberties of terrorists and those involved in organized crime. He has not, however, proposed limiting the free speech of individuals, Martin nor has he proposed any solution that


would deter discourse between Americans about how our nation should proceed It seems that those curbs have been left to corporate America and White House spokesmen. Bill Maher, host of ABC’s Politically Incorrect, had this to say on his first program after the attack: “We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That’s cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building—say what you want about it, it’s not cowardly.” Two days after the show when the statement aired, Sears and FedEx, key sponsors of Maher’s program, pulled all their advertising. Sears justified its actions in a brief corporate press release: “Sears took this action after reviewing a transcript of the Sept. 17 conversation among Maher and his guests in which the U.S. military was described as cowardly.” FedEx—say what you want about them—did not issue a statement as blatantly misleading as Sears’. Most Americans probably do not agree with Maher’s statement—it’s bold, provocative, politically incorrect and contrary to the rah-rah Americanism that has

echoed since the attack. It’s a statement that is designed to make one think, and it is a sharp rebuke of American foreign policy over the past few years—where our global presence has been self-limited to a squadron of jets and a few aircraft carriers usually destroying armies and enemies, but occasionally knocking out a Chinese embassy and the very people we were trying to protect. (By the way, if you think that the Chinese embassy in Serbia was the only missed target ofthe 1999Kosovo air campaign, you need to look back no further than the Sept. 11 attacks to realize that intelligence has become nothing more than an oxymoron.) A simple reading ofMaher’s statement shows that his comment is not an attack on the men and women who make up our noble armed services. It’s an attack on the politicians who, suffering from delusions of Vietnam, have decided that America’s military might will be reduced to a policy of shoot first, ask questions later. Look at Kosovo. Look at the pharmaceutical factory we destroyed in 1998 after Osama bin Laden exploded a pair of American embassies. Our past responses were tepid. We should have taken out bin Laden and anyone who protected him three years ago. But rather than let this debate flourish, Sears and FedEx decided to throw in the free-speech towel. Why sponsor free speech when you can cower at the behest

ofright-wing radio? Allow me to explain. The most peculiar thing about the protests ofMaher’s show was that they took 48 hours to foment. It also should be noted that no one in Maher’s audience booed or hissed when he made his astute, nonpolitically correct observation. This entire protest is a scheme being manufactured by a right-wing radio maven from Texas. Dan Patrick (not ESPN’s Dan Patrick) is one of your run-of-the-mill, shoot-your-mouthoff conservatives who cherishes his own right to free

speech. On his Houston-based show on KSEV radio, Patrick called on listeners to complain to FedEx, Sears, Disney (the parent company of ABC) and the local ABC station. The local station put it in perspective—in their statement, the affiliate noted that they receive three times as many calls when a soap opera is pre-empted. Houston, we have a problem—the right wing of a conservative town is making decisions for all of America. We may as well let four-year-old children vote in national elections. While Disney insists that it has no plans to pull the show, the Washington, D.C., ABC affiliate has indefinitely discontinued broadcasts of Maher’ show. So have 16 other stations. Yes, Sears and FedEx have a right to spend money freely. And, no, they do not have to sponsor a show they fundamentally disagree with. However, this current protest is a misinformed railroading by a few irate conservatives. Their misinformation even got to the usually cool-under-fire White House press secretary, Ari Fleischer, who commented Sept. 27, “There are reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do, and this is not a time for remarks like that; there never is.” Who says that the Taliban is only overseas? Under the Ari Fleischer version of democracy, we have the freedom to obey right here in America. Office of Homeland Censorship, anyone? I’ve never urged a campaign before in a column, but the campaign for free speech is as good as any. Call your local ABC station, call Walt Disney Co., call Sears, call Fed Ex. Get real loud and tell them that you will not see America silenced. Or ifthey have no sense of irony, just boycott their products. Martin Barna, Trinity ’O2, is projects editor Chronicle and film editor of Recess. —




The Chronicle

iBER 2,2001

AFTER HOURS AT DUMA Lecture, “Art Vision and Violence in Guatemala” 5:30-8:00 pm Duke University Museum of Art $3 Public, $2 Students. •

Dr. William Peck, a Professor Emeritus in Religious Studies at UNC-CH, will speak about the paintings of Rodolfo Abularach, a major Latin American painter twelve of whose works are on currently on view in DUMA. The reception begins at 5:30, with the lecture scheduled for 6:00 p.m.


Griffith Theater,

tap! f Sa* LATCHO DROM

ARTS EVENTS ON CAMPUS This Week; October 2-8,2001 ON TAP! is coordinated by the Duke University Institute of the Arts in cooperation with participating campus arts departments and programs. For more information about performing arts events, call the Duke University Box Office, 684-4444 or view online at tickets.duke.edu. To inquire about this ad call 660-3356.

Bryan Center Lower Level Tickets $l7 General, $l2 Students Performance artist Guillermo Gomez-Pena uses the persona of a spoken-word brujo-poeta to explore such topical subjects as the fear of immigration, the dark side effects of globalization, the digital divide, censorship, and more. He employs multi-lingualism, humor and hybrid literary genres and a high degree of melodrama.

dance group from Rajasthan; Esma Redzepova, “the Queen of the Gypsies” from Macedonia; a 10-member Romanian brass band, “Fanfare Ciocarlia,” and the mesmerizing Antonio El Pipa Flamenco Ensemble from Spain. This rich and varied evening traces the path of the Roma (Gypsy) migration from Asia to Western Europe through joyous song and dance.



Thurs., Oct. 4, 7 and 10 pm in


ALL THE PRETTY HORSES Fri., Oct. 5, 7 and 9:30 in

Buy an

ARTQ Duke students may purchase ArtsCards at the Ticket Office in the Bryan Center.

The Gypsy Caravan features four different Roma groups: Maharaja, a dazzling music and

Tues., Oct. 2,7 & 9:30,


for $25 and save on arts events all year.

Saturday, October 6 at 8 pm Page Auditorium Tickets $26/$22/$l7 Reserved; $5 offfor Duke students


Wed., Oct. 3, Bpm in


(dir. Tony Gatlif, 1994): An odyssey about Gypsy culture. Tues., Oct. 2, Bpm in Richard White Hall, East Campus. Free

DUKE JAZZ SERIES GEORGE BRAITH, FEATURED ARTIST Friday, October 5 at 8 p.m. Baldwin Auditorium, East Campus Tickets $l5 General, $l2 Students/Seniors Multi-saxophonist George Braith will be featured with the Duke Jazz Ensemble, directed by Paul Jeffrey (pictured above).


EVOLUTION Sa-Sun, Oct. 6-7, 7


10 on Sat., 8 on Sunday

SOUTHERN CIRCUIT presents “THE SWEETEST SOUND” (dir. Alan Berliner, 2001), Sun, Oct. 7, 8 pm, Griffith


“Cities Unveiled”, Painting by Vickie Mitchell Louise Jones Brown Gallery, Bryan Center Friday, October 5 from 5-7 p.m. The exhibition continues through October 27

“Three Contemporary Artists in the Classroom” Opens at three venues: Center for Documentary Studies, John Hope Franklin Center, and Durham Art Guild Friday, October 5 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. .

The exhibition continues through October 31

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