Protein Producers Winter 2022

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PROTEIN producers


2022 Volume 10 Issue 4

EDITORIAL TEAM: Brandi Bain, Darcy Howard, Lisa Taylor

SPONSORS Thank you to all sponsors for supporting PAC & Protein Producers.

Animal Health International Bimeda, Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Daniels Manufacturing Co. DOCTalk Huvepharma Inc. Kemin Animal Nutrition & Health – North America Lallemand Animal Nutrition Merck Animal Health Micro Technologies MS Biotec, an Axiota company Neogen Newport Laboratories Norbrook Virbac Zinpro Corporation Zoetis FRONT COVER PHOTO CREDIT Thank you to Dr. Nels Lindberg for the photo from Edwards County, Kansas.

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Sunbelt Feed Yard Hugoton, Kansas Rick Sander, General Manager

Photo Credit: Dr. Nels Lindberg

We want to showcase unique photographs from our readers here! Please submit your photographs to protein.producers@

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WELCOME Welcome to the winter edition of Protein Producers! We think we have pulled together another valuable set of articles that can help you and your business meet the challenges that you face daily. Speaking of challenges, what a crazy world we live in. Drought is shifting where feed is available, both commodity and outside markets struggle to understand supply and demand, there are major legal cases dealing with issues close to ag, and global trade continues to be unpredictable. The impact of the drought is interesting to me and could fundamentally shift livestock production in the US. While the west is struggling to find feed, there is a glut of grain in the east with low river levels limiting export shipping, leading to an inversion of grain basis compared to historical patterns. If the drought persists, will livestock have to move east to utilize grain that is no longer able to be efficiently exported? I don’t know but, as it always is with ag, it seems that change is afoot. I have had the opportunity with the lifting of travel restrictions to again work with producers and veterinarians from around the world over the last year. I forgot how much I missed seeing how the rest of the world produces food (and how terrible flying is!). There are so many ways to raise livestock to produce milk and meat. While we tend to focus on our differences, pig are pigs and cows are cows and, most importantly, farmers are farmers wherever I visit farms around the world. For all our challenges here in the US, we are extremely fortunate to live and farm where we farm. Our markets are transparent, our customers value quality and price, and the market determines what we produce. Dr. Tom Noffsinger and Shane Morrissey’s article is a must read. For all our good fortune in the US, we are always on the cusp of slipping off the edge and having production practices imposed on us like the European and Australian producers face daily. Our commitment to long-term stewardship of all our resources, but especially our animal resources, is critical in maintaining our customers’ confidence that we are doing the right thing. McDonalds Corporation has just experienced pressure (including changing board members) from Carl Icahn, an activist investor, to change how they buy pork based on sow housing. They, because they had confidence in the American producer, fought the challenge and committed to their existing supply chain. We, not just pork producers but everyone involved in the livestock industry, cannot afford to lose that trust or we will start to feel like European farmers! THANK YOU We are thankful that each of you give us a We want to thank the industry partners, publications and little time to be part of your day. Spring will associations who have pro vided content to Protein be here before we know it! Producers. Also, a big thank you to our readers for sup Jim Lowe, DVM, MS, DABVP (Food Animal) Production Animal Consultation Mahomet, Illinois

porting us, offering content and helping us improve each issue. We could not do any of this without all of you! Disclaimer: The views, opinions, and information expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect Production Animal Consultation's policy or position.

contents WINTER 2022-2023 6 Welcome Jim Lowe, DVM, MS, DABVP (Food Animal)

42 PAC Member Highlight: Quinn Courtney, DVM


51 Risa entre dientes desde Oz

52 Newest PAC Members Chuckles from Down Under



Parable: County Road 58

62 PAC Member Highlights: Austin Domek, DVM Cameron Hall, DVM


10 Understanding Learning and Teaching




The Pot Roast: French Dip Sandwiches

Calving Systems

18 Developing Replacement Heifers to Be Productive Cows




24 What Do You Need to Let Go Of?


36 & 48

28 Pain Control at Castration and Dehorning

32 Feed Mixing Basics

36 Getting the Weight Right: Better Treatment Outcomes and Reduced Medicine Waste 24




– administración de animales

Entendiendo el Aprendizaje y la Enseñanza


– corrales de engorda

Obteniendo el Peso Correcto: Mejores Resultados de Tratamiento y Reducción del Desperdicio de Medicamentos


13 PAC Veterinarians and Their Influence

42 PAC Summit Meetings

67 28

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UNDERSTANDING LEARNING AND TEACHING By Shane Morrissey, Morrissey and Friends Livestock Services, and Tom Noffsinger, DVM, Production Animal Consultation


eedlot supervisors and consulting veterinarians have the opportunity and obligation to educate caregivers to provide improved cattle health and performance. Cattle and people are similar in that if they do not go where we intend, they have not been told correctly.

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By nature, people are followers and respond to positive conversations about expectations. Understanding the relationship between confidence and true competence should be a guide to conversations between managers and caregivers. Interview questions about experiences, training sources, and caregiver expectations can help build positive relationships. Caregivers do similar tasks day after day. Mediocrity becomes common unless we eliminate repetition without reward. Caregiver reward comes in terms of supervisor support, sense of accomplishment, and increased caregiver competence/skill. We want to encourage caregivers to think while working and to learn continuously, as illustrated in Figure 2. When caregivers are in the right frame of mind while working, cattle tend to also be in the right frame of mind. ▲

We believe that people are the most important part of our industry. Managers and supervisors often say that caregivers have no interest, no focus. What some caregivers actually have is no training, poor supervision, and little understanding of their jobs. Effective leadership requires understanding people. Controlling ego, developing the ability to listen, and teaching people to self-motivate are critical leadership skills for individual and team growth. Veterinarians and caregivers have various degrees of self-confidence and competence/skill. The DunningKruger effect can help us understand the relationship between caregiver confidence and true competence/skill. This information is the result of a 1999 study at Cornell University conducted by a psychologist and graduate student. The result of the study states that sometimes the least competent people rate themselves as being very competent. People sometimes do not realize what they do not know. The Dunning-Kruger effect is an unconscious cognitive bias where people with low experience tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge. Knowledge gaps prevent people and businesses from seeing their mistakes. This unconscious error in thinking is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 2 Knowledge & skills to be gained

Decision point: change or stagnate

Figure 1

Start learning again Previous experiences & existing knowledge


“I know everything about this” “Trust me, it’s complicated!” “It’s more complicated than I thought”

“It’s starting to make sense” “I’ll never understand this!”

Competence Source: Morrissey and Friends Livestock Services 12 animal stewardship

By nature, people are followers and respond to positive conversations about expectations. People develop trust in leaders that are non-threatening and will ask for guidance. Response to guidance that is requested is the epitome of voluntary caregiver improvement. Sincere trust and curiosity to understand can lead to goals and visions shared mutually by caregivers and management.

Shane Morrissey is well established in the red meat industry with a lifetime of commitment, the later 30 years all being in leadership, management, and mentoring type roles, hands on and with cattle, horses, and people. Shane is an avid reader and researcher who is continually on a quest to improve his knowledge base through researched, practical, and lived methods, to share and deliver through training and consultation. Shane places focus on understanding animal behavior and how caregivers can understand the why of the livestock/human relationship. Training methods are founded on “getting your people right to get your cattle right”. Practical stockmanship, horsemanship, and team development are Shane’s specialty, with particular emphasis placed on animal welfare, safety, and productivity, all contributing to the development of high performing teams and profitable businesses.

Dr. Tom Noffsinger is a founding partner of Production Animal Consultation and an expert in low-stress animal handling and staff development. He received his DVM from Colorado State University and completed the Beef Production Management Series at the Great Plains Veterinary Education Center. He is a member of American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Academy of Veterinary Consultants, American Veterinary Medical Association, and Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Tom has received multiple honors, including the 2001 AVC Consultant of the Year, the 1999 NVMA Distinguished Service Award, and the 2008 AABP Merial Preventative Medicine Award for Beef. He and his wife Diane reside on their ranch outside beautiful Benkelman, Nebraska.

This article has been translated to Spanish on page 44.


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CALVING SYSTEMS By Grant Dewell, DVM, MS, PhD, Iowa State University


alf diarrhea, also known as scours, is the second leading cause of death in cow-calf herds after reproductive losses (late abortions, still births, and dystocia). Scours prevention focuses on two key areas: the health of the calf and cleanliness of the environment. Optimal calf health is achieved through proper care of the cow prior to calving and ensuring adequate intake of colostrum at birth. The pathogens that cause neonatal diarrhea are transmitted by fecal oral contamination. One of the easiest routes of transmission is from contaminated mud/manure on the cow’s udder that is ingested by the calf when it nurses.

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The calf scour pathogens are normally present at very low levels in the mature cows. However, as the calving season progresses, the number of pathogens increases exponentially as young calves become exposed, infected, and begin to shed large numbers of pathogens. This cycle is particularly evident when cows are calved in a single calving area. Generally, there are no problems with diarrhea early on, but pathogen numbers slowly rise and then explode to a major disease issue. Calves that are 7 to 14 days older than newborn calves can be a major source of pathogens. Although many operations may get by with calving in the same area all the time, eventually most will suffer a severe outbreak with up to 10% calf mortality. Rotational calving areas, such as the Sandhills Calving System, control calf diarrhea by limiting the buildup of pathogens in the environment where the most susceptible calves are.

Sandhills Calving System Managing the flow of cows and calves through the calving season can play a major role in controlling diarrhea. Typically, calves born early in the calving season do not have calf scour problems. After several waves of

calves have been born, pathogen levels reach an infective threshold and calf scours can become a major problem. Separating groups of calves by age will not only decrease pathogen loads in general but protect the most susceptible newborn calves from being exposed to pathogens shed by older calves. A method to manage pathogen/disease exposure is to implement the Sandhills Calving System, which incorporates use of multiple calving areas on pasture. Cows are calved in a calving area, and after 7-10 days, the pregnant cows are moved to a new area to calve and the pairs are left behind in the area in which they calved. The next group of cows calves in a fresh, clean environment for 7-10 days and then moves on (Figure 1). This management system prevents older calves that may be shedding higher levels of pathogens than cows (even though they may not have clinical diarrhea) from exposing young, at-risk calves. The 7-10 day movement is foundational to the system as the most common pathogens for calves (rotavirus, coronavirus, and Cryptosporidium) typically affect calves that are 7-14 days of age, so the movement effectively breaks transmission to new calves.

Figure 1

Schematic of the Sandhills Calving System in the fifth week of the calving season. During Week 5 cows are calving in the 4th pasture and calves born in the previous pastures remain behind in age-related groups. From Smith et al. 2003. 16 cow-calf

After several waves of calves have been born, pathogen levels reach an infective threshold and calf scours can become a major problem. Separating groups of calves by age will not only decrease pathogen loads in general but protect the most susceptible newborn calves from being exposed to pathogens shed by older calves. Besides breaking the transmission of pathogens, the Sandhills system also has other advantages for the cow herd. Generally, it is less stressful on both cows and people to move pregnant cows to a new pasture than it is to sort off pairs. Leaving pairs in the same area where they were born will let calves develop social interactions with calves of similar age and feel safe in their surroundings. Exposing young calves to new environments and diverse herd interactions may add stress and exposure to other diseases. Additionally, it is easier for caregivers to observe and interact with these neo-natal calves in smaller groups. Although the Sandhills system has been shown to be very effective at controlling calf scours, it may not be easy to implement in operations that do not have large land base to utilize. This system requires 6-8 calving areas to move to and may not be practical to implement in smaller farms or operations that lease ground and cannot justify expenditures for water supply, shelter, and other costs.

Modified Sandhills System A modified Sandhills system can be implemented that can help prevent calf scours outbreaks. A modified system should have three calving areas available. Calving areas can include calving barns, drylots, and pastures. Movement of pregnant cows to the next calving area can either be timed or in response to disease. A set timed move should happen every 20-30 days. Although this does not protect every calf from exposure to disease, it often breaks the cycle enough that a scours problem can be managed instead of getting out of control. The other option is to use your primary calving area until calf diarrhea starts and then move your pregnant cows to a new calving area. With this management system, you may be able to calve some years in the same place all season

without problems. If problems with scours arise, you have planned options for where you will move your cows to protect the calves that are yet to be born.

References __________________

Dewell GA, Cooper VL. Control of Calf Diarrhea in Midwest Beef Cattle Farms. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. PMR 1019, February 2016. Smith DR, Grotelueschen D, Knott T, Ensley S. Managing to Alleviate Calf Scours: The Sandhills Calving System. The Range Beef Cow Symposium XVIII. Mitchell, NE. December 9-11, 2003. viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1069&con text=rangebeefcowsymp

Dr. Grant Dewell received his DVM from Colorado State University in 1993 and was in a primarily beef cattle practice in central South Dakota for two years. Besides obtaining a Master’s degree in Agriculture Economics and a Ph.D. in Epidemiology from CSU, he was a clinical instructor at University of Nebraska’s Great Plains Veterinary Education Center in Clay Center, Nebraska. Since 2008, he has been the Beef Cattle Extension Veterinarian at Iowa State University. Dr. Dewell’s research interests are health management of cattle, animal welfare and economic considerations for beef production operations. winter 2022-2023 |


DEVELOPING REPLACEMENT HEIFERS TO BE PRODUCTIVE COWS By Jacques Fuselier, D.V.M., D.A.C.T., D.A.B.V.P., Technical Services Manager, Merck Animal Health


eplacement heifers are the future of your herd. Whether buying or raising replacements from within your own operation, their success and contribution to the herd depends on a sound development program. Ultimately, the goal is to get replacement heifers ovulating earlier and contributing to the operation as healthy, productive brood cows sooner.

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Reproduction is the most influential factor contributing to the profitability of a cow-calf producer. Replacement heifers can be difficult to manage because they have greater nutritional and management needs, so one of the biggest mistakes is blending them in and managing them like the mature cows. Without more intensive and specific health and care protocols, heifers may not get the feed, especially if competing with mature cows, and attention needed to reach their genetic potential or reproductive maturity at the best time for your operation. Longevity of the heifer as a brood cow often is influenced by a successful first breeding season, so it pays to work with your veterinarian and consider appropriate vaccination, nutrition, parasite management and reproductive tools.

Vaccination If purchasing replacement heifers, it’s a good idea to test heifers before or on arrival for persistent bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) infection or buy certified-free replacements. You should also have a record of the vaccines and health protocols provided up to the point of purchase. In order to properly start priming the immune system, all calves should receive foundational calf vaccines and boosters as part of their weaning protocol, beginning around 60 to 90 days of age. Prior to their being AI’d or exposed to a bull, they should receive another modified live vaccine (MLV) to provide immunity toward pathogens that could cause loss of pregnancy. Use a product that’s shown effective against the common pathogens that cause respiratory disease, fetal infection and pregnancy loss, and reproductive disease, such as infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine 20 cow-calf

virus diarrhea virus (BVD) Types 1 & 2, bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), parainfluenza3 virus (PI3), Campylobacter fetus (vibrio) and leptospirosis. Timing of vaccines is important, relative to breeding. Administer vaccines at least 30 days prior to breeding season to help minimize any negative vaccine effects on fertility, as well as embryonic losses due to infectious reproductive diseases.

Nutrition Getting calves off to a good start and gaining efficiently is an important component of a successful reproductive career. Heifers should be fed separate from mature cows to get the proper nutrition they need without competition. Feed replacement heifers a quality, well-balanced ration that supports the appropriate growth rate to reach puberty and sexual maturity in the right time frame. Too fast of growth and too much fat accumulation is not good for reproductive development. Overfed or over-conditioned heifers don’t cycle well, are not as fertile and can have calving difficulties. The typical growth rate goal for heifers is an average daily gain (ADG) of 0.75 to 1.25 lbs. At the time of first breeding, you want a body condition score of six and the heifer to be at least 60% to 65% of her mature body weight.

Parasite management Managing parasites is important for optimal immune function and reproductive health. Reducing the parasite load helps heifers get the nutrients they need to grow at the proper rate for reproductive development. Research shows that a parasite burden doesn’t need to be large before it negatively affects pregnancy rates

and calf health. Deworming before pregnancy or at the start of the breeding season is proven to result in healthier calves with better survival rates. A good rule of thumb is to deworm heifers at the time of weaning or on arrival and again prior to breeding them. Deworming cattle doesn’t have to be labor intensive. Using feed and mineral forms – such as range cubes, dewormer blocks or mineral – require relatively little time and labor. A valuable tool to implement with deworming is to work with your veterinarian to do fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) to determine the effectiveness of deworming. It is important that 20 samples are taken both at the time of treatment and 14 days post-treatment. A successful deworming must result in a 90% or greater reduction in parasite eggs in feces.1 You can now request a free FECRT kit from Merck Animal Health at External parasite control is also important and often overlooked. It has been shown that 200 horn flies on an animal reduces performance, including reproductive performance. A pour-on, broad-spectrum, long-lasting residual insecticide for control of lice and horn flies is a great option. Also, repellant ear tags, used alone or in conjunction with a pour-on insecticide, are another good option.

Enhancing reproductive performance Tools like reproductive tract scoring can be performed six to eight weeks before the start of the heifer’s first breeding season to determine 1) the percentage of heifers that are actually cycling, 2) those that are close to having their first cycle and 3) those that are too immature to breed. This tool helps indicate the reproductive readiness of beef heifers. After heifers reach the proper size and weight to enter the pubescent period and sexual maturity, a simple heat synchronization program can help them to come in heat. The use of prostaglandins is another cost-effective way to promote ovulation in pubescent heifers. A study 2 comprised of non-cycling heifers looked at the effects of giving one group of heifers a shot of cloprostenol (a type of prostaglandin) prior to bull turnout. The second group was not given anything. The cloprostenol group had a significant increase in the number of heifers that were successfully bred. Prostaglandin brought those heifers into cyclicity sooner 22 cow-calf

and allowed them to be bred in an earlier time in that breeding season. Ideally, heifers should be bred four to six weeks prior to breeding the mature cowherd. If they don’t settle at first breeding, they have an opportunity to conceive on the next cycle and still calve around the same time as the mature cows. Heifers that do settle on their first cycle will calve early in the calving season, which provides them more time to recover before the start of the next breeding season. Heifers conceiving early will also have increased lifetime production.

Summary A thorough and comprehensive developmental program for replacement heifers will ensure the success of your operation today and the stability of your herd for years to come. Work with your veterinarians and nutritionists to ensure you’re building in the right nutrition, vaccination, parasite management and reproductive health protocols for proper development.

References __________________ 1. Dobson R, Jackson R, Levecke B, Besier B et al. Guidelines for fecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT). World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) (2001) Proceedings: 23rd International Conference of the World. 2. Leonardi C.E.P. et al. Prostaglandin F2a promotes ovulation in prepubertal heifers. Theriogenology 78 (2012) 1578-1582. Dr. Jacques Fuselier is a technical services manager in the cattle group of Merck Animal Health. He consults on beef production management topics both to cattlemen and veterinarians. Dr. Fuselier owned and worked in a mixed animal practice for several years before teaching at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Fuselier earned a DVM from LSU School of Veterinary Medicine and is Board Certified in Food Animal Practice and Board Certified in Theriogenology.

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO LET GO OF? By Nels Lindberg, DVM, Production Animal Consultation


believe most humans have a desire to make their mark on the world in some manner or another. Some want to become president of a nation, CEO of a large organization, or a wellknown expert in their field. Others want to be known as the most helpful neighbor, one of the best high school science teachers possible, or maybe the best caregiving cowboy in a feedyard. Stating this belief from another angle, I would say that most people do not go through life with the goal of being the worst at what they do or aiming to fail miserably with their family.

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As you read this and reflect on your own life, the key is to make sure you maintain persistent focus on simply pursuing making yourself and what you are involved in better. As I approach 50 years of age, I reflect on my own life and leadership cycle. The cycle can be broken down into three segments, and each segment has its own pitfall. In our 30s, we can get caught up in proving ourselves to someone else (one person or a group of people). In our 40s, we may be trying to prove something to ourselves. In our 50s, we can start thinking, “What do I have left to prove?” Personally, I was egotistical enough in my late 20s and early 30s that I was set on proving something to somebody. It was not necessarily a bad thing that I wanted to be one of the best veterinarians around. However, I eventually realized that while I was working to prove myself as a veterinarian, I was failing at leading people in a business, I was failing at being the best husband possible for my wife, and I was failing at being

26 leadership

the best dad to our newborn twins. I have not spent much of my life proving something to myself, but I do tend to fall back on asking, “What do I have left to prove?” As you read this and reflect on your own life, the key is to make sure you maintain persistent focus on simply pursuing making yourself and what you are involved in better. The three-decade leadership cycle may not hold true for you identically, but each phase will likely fit you at some point in your past, present, or future. One memorable lesson I was taught while I was caught up trying to prove myself to others in my 30s came from my dear friend and mentor Dr. Doug. We were talking on the phone one day and somehow got on the subject of ego. Of course, as you can imagine and would likely agree, most veterinarians have an ego and most of us feedlot consulting veterinarians have an even bigger ego. As Dr. Doug talked about what ego meant, the challenges of an ego, and losing an ego, I began to think about mine. You see, before then, I had never really considered that I had an ego. I worked on being humble while having pride. I worked on getting better at life. But after our conversation, I really worked to reflect on his words. I was fortunate that a very wise man took the time to discuss the topic of ego with me in a way that caught my attention. I think that, just maybe, he was having a purposeful intentional conversation with me in a somewhat gentle manner, hoping to plant a seed in my brain. The more I reflected, the more I realized I had an ego that I needed to get over! I realized there were situations in which I would hold on to things when I needed to let them go and get over myself. Our ego, which is our sense of self-esteem or self-importance, can often get in the way of our own self-progress.

For you personally, is there something you need to get over? Is there something you need to let go of? Another way to look at it is, do you feel the need to be right all the time? Maybe particularly with your spouse?! When you are engaged in a discussion with differing thoughts or opinions, do you ever admit when you are wrong? Are you willing to back down? There is nothing wrong with having an ego. We just need to make sure it is healthy and not overly abundant. When do you need to back down? Where do you need to admit you were not right, or maybe even wrong? Think about what it is you may need to let go of or get over. I will never forget that conversation with Dr. Doug and the awareness it brought to me. It was one of the single most impactful conversations with a mentor I have ever had. The power of letting go of an ego is equivalent to setting oneself free. It is also a step toward simply pursuing making yourself and what you are involved in better. This simple step will likely keep you and your ego in check! I know I have to remind myself of this simple step routinely!

Dr. Nels Lindberg is a people coach, team coach, business coach, and keynote speaker, available virtually or in person. If you have any interest in these opportunities, please reach out to his office at 620-792-1265 and visit with his right-hand lady, Jill.

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PAIN CONTROL AT CASTRATION AND DEHORNING By Michael D. Kleinhenz, DVM, PhD, DACVCP, Kansas State University


hen it comes to processing cattle through the chute, castrating bulls and dehorning are two tasks that are often on the list of things to accomplish. We work hard to move cattle to the chute using low stress techniques and follow best management practices for implanting and vaccinating. Ensuring pain control following castration and dehorning should be on that list.

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Why provide pain control? First, it is the right thing to do for the animal. I think we can all agree that just because cattle don’t say ‘ouch’ doesn’t mean they can’t experience pain. Pain is evident in the way cattle stand (head down), back off feed, and are reluctant to move following the procedure. There are benefits to the animal (newly formed steer) when administered analgesia at the time of the procedure(s). In a recent publication in the Journal of Animal Science, steers administered pain medication at the time of castration tended to have improved average daily gains and improved clinical illness scores compared to untreated controls. Other research has found lower stress biomarkers, lower pain scores, and higher dry matter intakes. Second, consumers are becoming more aware and concerned about the welfare and well-being of animals raised for food. Yes, it may not readily cross their minds as they select a steak for dinner or order a cheeseburger for lunch. If asked if that steer should have been given pain control when castrated, I am sure many would say yes. These consumer attitudes increase pressure on beef suppliers to ensure cattle entering their systems are provided such benefit. These market forces have resulted in the various animal audit programs and verifications.

Working with your veterinarian is key! Currently there are no drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pain control following castration and/or dehorning. There is one product approved for pain control in cattle, but it is only 30 feedlot

for pain associated with foot rot. However, your veterinarian can prescribe analgesic medications under the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) of 1994. Under this law your veterinarian, with a valid veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR), can prescribe drugs approved for other uses to control pain. Furthermore, the FDA has repeatedly stated that providing analgesia under AMDUCA is within the purview of a VCPR. At the present, there are several options for your veterinarian to prescribe. Each analgesic option has benefits and constraints, and these should be discussed with your veterinarian since each operation is unique. Working with your veterinarian will ensure you are prescribed the best drug(s) for your needs. In full respect of the VCPR relationship, I will not comment on specific drug choices for pain control in this article. I highly encourage (and want) you to discuss this topic with your veterinarian! Since these medications are used in an “off-label” manner, appropriate meat (and milk) withholding intervals will need to be followed and prescribed by your veterinarian.

What can you do to provide pain control? Currently there are limited options for pain control available in cattle. The most ideal time to perform castration and/or dehorning is as early as possible in the animal’s life. Knowing some reading this article are purchasing cattle, this is most likely out of your control. Alternatives to castration such as immunocastration have been investigated. Although effective, the lack of product approvals in the United States, the need for

repeated injections, and human health risks have stymied its implementation. Thus, there are no viable alternatives for castrating bulls, and we must keep refining our techniques. What do I mean by refining our techniques? It is making sure castration tools are clean, sharp, and in overall good working order. It is providing pain control using your veterinarian’s directions.

What the future holds The research in this area is constantly evolving and being updated. I hope that an FDA approved drug (or multiple) will be available in the not-so-distant future. Until then, future research is needed to better define the amount of time animals experience pain after painful procedures, for development of pain mitigation strategies that last multiple days, and for drug regimens that are economical and practical. As a researcher in the field, we are always looking to better understand pain in animals as well as refine recommendations for alleviating that pain. So, stay tuned for more information and further developments.

Dr. Mike Kleinhenz an Ohio native. He earned a BS in Animal Science and DVM from The Ohio State University. After vet school, Mike practiced in Ohio before completing a dairy production residency at Iowa State University. He completed his PhD in Pharmacology at Kansas State University and is a board certified Veterinary Clinical Pharmacologist. He is an assistant professor in food animal production medicine and member of the Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University. His research focuses on the assessment and therapeutic management of pain in food production animals, uses of industrial hemp and cannabinoid pharmacology in cattle. Mike lives in Manhattan, Kansas, with his wife Katie and their two daughters.

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FEED MIXING BASICS By Dan Loy, PhD, Iowa State University


t has been said that there are four rations in the feedlot. The first is the one that is formulated by the nutritionist. The second is the one that actually goes into the feed mixer. The third ration is the one that is delivered to the feed bunk. And the final ration is the one the steer actually consumes. Our goal should be for the ration the animal consumes to be as close to the one that is formulated as possible. Software that integrates with the scale head provides a measure for comparing and improving the precision of the formulated ration with what is loaded into the mixer.

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Right size Feed mixers are sized by density. Most mixers work best at 80-85% of capacity. For example, a 500 cubic feet mixer would mix well with 400-450 cu ft. So, you should know the density of the feedstuffs you are feeding. If your average ration is 35 lb./cu ft, then the optimum sized batch would be around 14,000 lbs., or 7 tons. Table 1 lists estimated bulk density of some common feedstuffs. ▲

Table 1 Bulk Density of Some Common Feedstuffs Feed

However, what the animal actually consumes depends on the effectiveness of mixing to provide uniformity of the feed mix throughout the load.

Types of feed mixers There are three basic types of feed mixers. Horizontal auger mixers generally work best for concentrate or high grain feedlot rations. Reel mixers are a popular option that combine an auger with a reel and offer more flexibility in feed types. Vertical mixers are popular with dairies and backgrounding yards that feed higher levels of forage. Longer stem forages and wet coproducts offer unique mixing challenges. Your dealer can help determine the best option based on the types of feeds you typically feed. Mixers may be pulled behind a tractor, truck mounted or stationary. Pull-type mixers are common with farm feedlots as they offer the flexibility to use the tractor for other farm-related duties. Truck-mounted feed mixers are quite common in many mid- to large-size feedlots. Stationary mixers offer more precision loading and batching options that separate the mixing from feed delivery. These are more efficient options for larger feed mills and yards. 34 feedlot

Density (lb./cu ft)

Corn silage


Shelled corn


Rolled corn


Ground ear corn


Steam flaked corn




Wet distillers grains


Ground forages


Other factors that can affect the mixing ability of a feedlot ration are loading sequence, mixing time and mixer maintenance. The optimum for all of these will differ depending on the ration and specific mixer. The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of your mixing protocol is by doing a mixer test.

How to do a mixer test The standard procedure for performing a mixing test is to take 10 representative, uniformly spaced ration samples from the beginning to the end of the load. Then test each sample for nutrients that differ between the ingredients. For example, a fiber test will indicate how well the forage was mixed. Other nutrients that represent individual ingredients include starch for corn, protein for your protein supplement or distillers grains, and calcium or other major mineral for your mineral mix. Some of your feed additive company representatives may have a service where they will provide the assays for their products. Once the feed analysis is complete, calculate

the mean (average) and the standard deviation. Both of these are common functions on Excel. The coefficient of variation is the standard deviation divided by the mean. A goal for a good mix in a feedlot ration is for the CV to be less than 10%. This can be a relatively expensive test to do frequently. Even the most economical feed analysis packages will run over $20 so a single mixer test may cost over $200. While this is still recommended periodically, one option for testing more frequently and economically is to use a particle size test. Often when there are issues with mixing, it is related to feeds that differ in particle size. Sometimes called the shaker box, the Penn State Particle Separator can be used for this. It is a tool that has a series of trays or sieves that have holes of 0.75, 0.31 and 0.16 inches. By shaking the trays, the feed is separated into particle sizes larger than the holes in the sieves. This test is often used to measure the physically effective fiber in a ration. By weighing the feed in each tray after following the shaking procedure, the percentage in each tray can be calculated. If this is done with 10 evenly spaced samples in a mixer load, then the

coefficient of variation can be calculated. Once again, less than 10% is a good goal. If the variation is more than desired, consider changes in loading sequence and mixing time and look for wear or maintenance issues with the mixer. With dry rations, a ration conditioner may improve the mix. Dan Loy is a University Professor in Animal Science at Iowa State University and Director of the Iowa Beef Center. He has also served as an Extension Beef Specialist for Iowa since 1982, giving leadership to ISU’s program to the cattle feeding industry. His research interests have focused on applied feedlot nutrition and beef production and management systems. He is also an instructor for an advanced Beef Systems Management course and a popular guest lecturer. Dan has a B.S. from Western Illinois University and a Ph.D. from Penn State.

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he first thing the nurse does when you go to the doctor’s office is measure your body weight prior to taking a history or performing a physical exam. I usually take off my boots and empty my pockets prior to this event! Body weight fluctuations might be included as part of the clinical signalment as rapid weight loss or weight gain can be a sign of something not right. Cattle are not different from us in this regard; as the old saying goes, “Sick cattle don’t eat and cattle that don’t eat get sick.”

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We decided to research if we were over-dosing or under-dosing cattle at the time of treatment in the feedlot hospital.

For many years, we have guessed cattle weights on pasture. In feedlots, if we do not have a scale under the chute at processing or in the doctoring barn, we give a dose based on the estimated average body weight for all the cattle in the home pen from the yard sheet. This calculation is determined by the arrival weight of the cattle and subsequent feed deliveries to the pen, adjusting for caloric density of each ration offered to the group. So, when we doctor a calf that we pull to the hospital and we have no scale under the chute, we use a dose for the average-weight calf in the pen at that time. A few years ago, this question was raised by a doctor at one of the yards I was providing service. So, we decided to research if we were over-dosing or underdosing cattle at the time of treatment in the feedlot hospital. Individual body weights were recorded at the chute when cattle were doctored. Subsequently, average body weight for all cattle in the calf’s home pen was recorded to compare against the actual measured weight. The two weights were observed and recorded for over one hundred pulls. Results indicated that cattle

pulled to the chute for treatment were 75 pounds lighter than the pen average body weight on that day. In other words, we were over-doctoring cattle by 75 pounds. The good news was that we were treating at the recommended dose or higher most of the time. However, the bad news was that we were injecting extra volume of antibiotic into the calves that was not needed. How much does it cost to administer an extra hundredweight (CWT) dose of modern antibiotics? Then, we wondered about cattle that we under-dose because they weigh more than the average animal in the pen. Years ago, Elanco conducted an “unintentional” dose titration study.1 The researchers observed and recorded individual weights on cattle at arrival processing. The data was then compared to observe health outcomes when treatments of cattle were under-dosed or over-dosed at the time of arrival to simulate dosing based on the pen average body weight rather than administering labeled dose. Cattle that were administered a dose less than 90% of the labeled dose for tilmicosin experienced 150% the death loss compared to cattle given 100% or more of the labeled dose (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Impact of under-dosing cattle with tilmicosin on case outcome (death loss).

Source: Unpublished research, Elanco Animal Health 38 feedlot

Comparatively, cattle treated on the pen average that received more than 100% of the labeled dose actually had improved death loss compared to cattle that received 100% or less of the labeled dose of tilmicosin (Figure 2). This ultimately led to the flexible dose of tilmicosin (Micotil®) at the time of metaphylaxis. In the end, scales pay. They help us from wasting money on over-dosing antibiotics to cattle at the time of processing or treating. Scales also improve our case outcomes by assuring we get the right dose of the product to the cattle. The investment for chute scales is small compared to the potential improvement in clinical outcomes.

References __________________

1. Variability in Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Arrival Truckload. Elanco Animal Health Bulletin. Micotil® Research Brief 3. 2010.

This article has been translated to Spanish on page 48.

Dr. Dan U. Thomson is a third-generation bovine veterinarian from Clearfield, Iowa. Thomson is an owner/partner in PAC veterinary and research services which oversees the veterinary care, health and well-being for 20% of the U.S. cattle of feed. He is recognized internationally as a leader in animal welfare, beef cattle production, and cattle health management. Dr. Thomson’s research program has been granted over $35.3 million with $16.0 million of those funds coming with him as the primary investigator. Thomson is the founder and host of Doc Talk, a nationally aired beef cattle health veterinary show on television. He has hosted over 550 episodes of the show in its 11th season that reaches over 45 million homes world-wide. Dr. Dan is married to his wife Cindy. They have four daughters: Kelly, Katelyn, Tory, and Sarah. They enjoy hunting over bird dogs, fishing in southwest Iowa, and traveling.

Figure 2 Impact of metaphylactic administration of different levels of tilmicosin related to label directions on case outcomes in feedlot cattle.

Source: Unpublished research, Elanco Animal Health 40 feedlot


QUINN COURTNEY, DVM T Cross Veterinary Service, Inc. Logan, New Mexico Veterinary medicine is a true passion for Dr. Quinn Courtney of T Cross Veterinary Service, Inc. “The most gratifying thing for me about veterinary medicine is observing the difference you can make in a cattle operation’s bottom line from conception to the plate and being a part of that decision making process.” Dr. Courtney graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1989 and practiced in Texas for almost 20 years before starting T Cross Veterinary Service, a mobile bovine veterinary practice based in Logan, New Mexico, in 2008. Dr. Courtney now travels nearly 60,000 miles each year, providing service across four states for some of the country’s smallest and largest cattle operations as well as for a weekly livestock auction. He strives to provide sound, science-based herd health recommendations that make sense and are tailored to a particular operation, backed up with excellent customer service. While Dr. Courtney recognizes that practicing rural veterinary medicine may not be for everyone, it has been picture perfect for him, fitting him like a fine pair of deerskin leather gloves. He shared, “You have to be careful what you dream of because it can become reality. My dream did, and I wouldn’t change it. If you like the outdoors and interacting with some of the most amazing people the country has to offer, plus you don’t mind a big dose of manual labor from time to time, there is not a better life to have.”

••••••••• SNAPSHOT•••••••••

42 member highlight

ENTENDIENDO EL APRENDIZAJE Y LA ENSEÑANZA Escrito por Shane Morrissey, Morrissey and Friends Livestock Services, y Tom Noffsinger, DVM, Production Animal Consultation Traducido por Jose Valles, MS, Production Animal Consultation


os supervisores de corrales de engorda y los veterinarios consultores tienen la oportunidad y la obligación de educar a los cuidadores para mejorar la salud y el rendimiento del ganado. El ganado y las personas son similares en que si no van a donde nosotros pretendemos, no se les ha dicho correctamente.

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El entendimiento de la relación entre la confianza y la verdadera competencia debe ser una guía para las conversaciones entre gerentes y cuidadores. Las preguntas de entrevista sobre experiencias, fuentes de capacitación y expectativas de cuidador pueden ayudar a construir relaciones positivas. Los cuidadores hacen tareas similares día tras día. La mediocridad se vuelve común a menos que eliminemos la repetición sin recompensa. La recompensa del cuidador viene en términos de apoyo del supervisor, sentido de logro y mayor competencia/ habilidad del cuidador. Queremos alentar a los cuidadores a pensar mientras trabajan y a aprender continuamente, como se ilustra en la Figura 2. Cuando los cuidadores están en el estado de ánimo correcto mientras trabajan, el ganado también tiende a estar en el estado de animo adecuado.

Creemos que las personas son la parte más importante de nuestra industria. Los gerentes y supervisores a menudo dicen que los cuidadores no tienen interés y no se enfocan. Lo que en realidad tienen algunos cuidadores es falta de capacitación, supervisión deficiente y poco entendimiento de sus trabajos. El liderazgo efectivo requiere entender a las personas. Controlar el ego, desarrollar la capacidad de escuchar y enseñar a las personas a auto motivarse son habilidades de liderazgo críticas para el crecimiento individual y del equipo. Los veterinarios y los cuidadores tienen varios grados de confianza en sí mismos y competencia/habilidad. El efecto Dunning-Kruger puede ayudarnos a entender la relación entre la confianza del cuidador y la verdadera competencia/habilidad. Esta información es el resultado de un estudio llevado a cabo en 1999 en la Universidad de Cornell realizado por un psicólogo y estudiante de posgrado. El resultado del estudio afirma que a veces las personas menos competentes se califican a sí mismas como muy competentes. La gente a veces no se da cuenta de lo que no sabe. El efecto Dunning-Kruger es una inclinación cognitiva inconsciente en la que las personas con poca experiencia tienden a sobrestimar su capacidad o conocimiento. Las lagunas de conocimiento impiden que las personas y las empresas vean sus errores. Este error inconsciente en el pensamiento se ilustra en la Figura 1.

Figura 2 Conocimiento y habilidades a obtener

Punto de decisión: cambiar o estancarse

Figura 1

Empezar a aprender de nuevo Experiencias previas y conocimiento existente

“Se todo sobre esto”


“¡Créanme, es complicado!” “Es mas complicado de lo que pensaba”

“Está empezando a tener sentido” “¡Nunca entenderé esto!”

Competencia Fuente: Morrissey and Friends Livestock Services

46 administración de animales

Por naturaleza, las personas son seguidores y responden a conversaciones positivas sobre expectativas. Las personas desarrollan confianza en líderes que no son amenazantes y pedirán orientación. La respuesta a la orientación que se solicita es el paradigma de la mejora voluntaria del cuidador. La confianza sincera y la curiosidad por entender pueden conducir a metas y visiones compartidas mutuamente entre los cuidadores y la gerencia.

Shane Morrissey está bien establecido en la industria de la carne roja con un compromiso de por vida, los últimos 30 años en roles de liderazgo, administración, y tutoría, en practica y con ganado, caballos y personas. Shane es un lector ávido e investigador que continuamente busca mejorar su base de conocimiento a través de métodos investigados, prácticos y vividos, para compartir y entregar a través de capacitación y consultoría. Shane se enfoca en entender el comportamiento animal y cómo los cuidadores pueden entender el por qué de la relación entre el ganado y el ser humano. Los métodos de capacitación se basan en “hacer bien a su gente, para hacer bien a su ganado”. La ganadería práctica, la equitación y el desarrollo de equipo son la especialidad de Shane, haciendo hincapié en el bienestar animal, la seguridad y la productividad, todo lo cual contribuye al desarrollo de equipos de alto rendimiento y negocios rentables.

El Dr. Tom Noffsinger es socio fundador de Production Animal Consultation y experto en el manejo de ganado de bajo estrés y el desarrollo de personal. Recibió su doctorado en medicina veterinaria (DVM, por sus siglas en ingles) de la Universidad Estatal de Colorado y completó la Serie de Manejo de Producción de Carne en el Centro de Educación Veterinaria de Great Plains. Es miembro de la Asociación Americana de Veterinarios Especialistas en Bovinos, la Academia de Consultores Veterinarios, la Asociación Americana de Medicina Veterinaria y la Asociación de Medicina Veterinaria de Nebraska. El Dr. Tom ha recibido múltiples honores, incluyendo el Consultor del Año de AVC del 2001, el Premio de Servicio Distinguido de NVMA de 1999 y el Premio de Medicina Preventiva Merial de la AABP para la Carne del 2008. Él y su esposa Diane residen en su rancho en las afueras del hermoso pueblo de Benkelman, Nebraska.

Este artículo está disponible en inglés en la página 10.

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OBTENIENDO EL PESO CORRECTO: MEJORES RESULTADOS DE TRATAMIENTO Y REDUCCIÓN DEL DESPERDICIO DE MEDICAMENTOS Escrito por Dan Thomson, PhD, DVM, Production Animal Consultation Traducido por Jose Valles, MS, Production Animal Consultation


o primero que hace la enfermera cuando va a un consultorio medico es medir su peso corporal antes de tomar un historial o realizar un examen físico. ¡Yo normalmente que quito las botas y vacío mis bolsillos antes de este evento! Las fluctuaciones del peso corporal pueden incluirse como parte de la indicación clínica, ya que la pérdida de peso rápida o el aumento de peso pueden ser una señal de que algo no está bien. El ganado no es diferente a nosotros en este sentido; como dice el viejo refrán, “El ganado enfermo no come y el ganado que no come se enferma.”

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Figura 1

Pérdida por muerte, %

Impacto de la subdosificación de tilmicosina en el resultado de caso (pérdida por muerte).

% de Dosis de Etiqueta, Micotil Fuente: Investigación no publicada, Elanco Animal Health

todo el ganado en el corral de origen del becerro para compararlo con el peso real medido. Los dos pesos fueron observados y registrados durante más de cien animales que se sacaron de su corral por motivos de enfermedad. Los resultados indicaron que el ganado que se llevo a la prensa para recibir tratamiento pesaba 75 libras menos que el peso corporal promedio del corral ese día. En otras palabras, estábamos sobre evaluando y tratando ganado por 75 libras. La buena noticia fue que estábamos tratando con la dosis recomendada o más alta la mayor parte del tiempo. Sin embargo, la mala noticia fue que estábamos inyectando un volumen adicional de antibiótico que no era necesario en los becerros. ¿Cuánto cuesta administrar una dosis adicional de un quintal (unidad de peso de 100 libras = CWT, por sus siglas en ingles) de antibióticos modernos? Luego, nos preguntamo sobre el ganado que subdosificamos debido a que pesaron más que el animal

Figura 2

Pérdida por muerte, %

Durante muchos años, hemos adivinado los pesos del ganado en pastoreo. En los corrales de engorda, si no tenemos una báscula debajo de la prensa en las instalaciones de procesamiento u hospital, administramos una dosis basada en el peso corporal promedio estimado para todo el ganado en el corral de origen listado en las hojas de registro. Este cálculo es determinado por el peso de llegada del ganado y las posteriores Impacto de la administración metafiláctica de entregas de alimento al corral, diferentes niveles de tilmicosina en relación con ajustando la densidad calórica de cada las instrucciones de la etiqueta sobre los ración ofrecida al grupo. Entonces, resultados de caso en el ganado de engorda. cuando evaluamos y administramos tratamiento a un becerro que llevamos al hospital y no tenemos una báscula debajo de la prensa, usamos una dosis para el becerro de peso promedio en el corral de origen en ese momento. Hace algunos años, esta pregunta me la planteó un médico de una de las operaciones de engorda a las que yo le prestaba servicio. Entonces, decidimos investigar si estábamos sobredosificando o subdosificando al ganado al momento de tratamiento en el hospital de los corrales de engorda. Los pesos corporales individuales se % de Dosis de Etiqueta, Micotil registraron en la prensa cuando el ganado era tratado. Posteriormente, se registró el peso corporal promedio de Fuente: Investigación no publicada, Elanco Animal Health 50 corrales de engorda

promedio del corral de origen. Hace años, Elanco realizó un estudio de titulación de dosis “no intencional”.1 Los investigadores observaron y registraron los pesos individuales del ganado durante el procesamiento de llegada. Los datos después se compararon para observar los resultados de salud cuando los tratamientos del ganado fueron subdosificados o sobredosificados al momento de llegada para simular la dosificación basada en el peso corporal promedio del corral en lugar de administrar la dosis indicada en la etiqueta. El ganado al que se le administró una dosis menor del 90% de la dosis indicada en la etiqueta de tilmicosina experimentó un 150% de perdida por muerte en comparación con el ganado que recibió el 100% o más de la dosis indicada en la etiqueta (Figura 1). Comparativamente, el ganado tratado en base al promedio del corral que recibió más del 100% de la dosis indicada en la etiqueta en realidad tuvo una mejoría en la pérdida por muerte en comparación con

el ganado que recibió el 100% o menos de la dosis indicada en la etiqueta de tilmicosina (Figura 2). Esto finalmente condujo a la dosis flexible de tilmiconsina (Micotil®) al momento de la metafilaxis. Al final, las basculas pagan. Nos ayudan a no gastar dinero en sobredosificar antibióticos al ganado al momento de procesamiento o tratamiento. Las básculas también mejoran los resultados de nuestros casos al asegurar que administramos la dosis correcta del producto al ganado. La inversión en básculas para la prensa es pequeña en comparación con la posible mejora de los resultados clínicos.

Referencias __________________

1. Variability in Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Arrival Truckload. Elanco Animal Health Bulletin. Micotil® Research Brief 3. 2010.

El Dr. Dan U. Thomson es un veterinario de bovinos de tercera generación de Clearfield, IA. Thomson es propietario/socio en servicios veterinarios e investigación PAC, grupo de consultoría que supervisa el cuidado veterinario, la salud y el bienestar del 20% del ganado en alimentación en los EE. UU. Es reconocido internacionalmente como líder en el bienestar animal, la producción de ganado de carne y el manejo de la salud del ganado. El programa de investigación del Dr. Thomson a recibido más de $35.3 millones de dólares y $16.0 millones de esos fondos llegando con el como el investigador principal. Thomson es el fundador y presentador de Doc Talk, un programa de televisión veterinario enfocado en la salud del ganado de carne que se transmite a nivel nacional. Ha presentado casi 550 episodios del programa en su undécima temporada que llega a más de 45 millones de hogares en todo el mundo. El Dr. Dan está casado con su esposa Cindy. Tienen cuatro hijas: Kelly, Katelyn, Tory y Sarah. Disfrutan de la cacería de aves con perros de caza, la pesca en el suroeste de Iowa y viajar.

Este artículo está disponible en inglés en la página 36.

RISA ENTRE DIENTES DESDE OZ ¿Sabes cómo lanzan la pelota a la multitud después de ganar un juego? Eso no está permitido en el boliche. ¡Ahora ya lo se!

Traducido por Jose Valles, MS, Production Animal Consultation

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CHUCKLES FROM DOWN UNDER An old guy was out driving when he accidentally drove into the back of an expensive sports car. The furious car owner jumped out and demanded he pay him $10,000 cash immediately to cover the repair costs. The old man answered, “I don't have that kind of money, but I'll ring my son who trains dolphins. He'll know what to do.” When the man's son answered, the angry car owner grabbed the phone and yelled, “Listen here, dolphin trainer, if you don't bring $10,000 before 15 minutes is up, I'm going to beat your father to a pulp!” Exactly fifteen minutes later, an enormous jeep pulled up and ten men wearing camouflage gear got out and wrestled the car owner to the ground. Meanwhile, the son said to his father, “Dad, I've told you a hundred times, I train NAVY SEALS, NOT dolphins!” Courtesy of Alison Kelly You know how they throw the ball into the crowd after they win a game? That's not allowed in bowling. I know that now! 52


his past March I had the good fortune to spend a frigid Sunday morning spaying heifers for the quarter circle shedding water, down spear connected, slash ranch. It is always energizing and refreshing to spend quality chute time with young,


By Doug Ford, DVM, Production Animal Consultation & Greg Quakenbush, DVM, Geissler Corp.

ambitious, trend-setting producers like the Mollahan family. Our spay project came to a close about 11:30am, just in time for bowed heads, a word of thanks, and a traditional country lunch topped off with apple crisp and whipped cream. We said our goodbyes as I did a final pre-flight inspection of the chute tie downs, ball, and hitch. Almost as an afterthought, I asked Ty if it was closer to go south to Akron or north through Sterling to get back to Brush, Colorado. His response came as a total surprise. He boldly exclaimed, “Neither!” He described in great detail a short cut that would knock off 20 miles and 30 minutes from my trip home. Being a lifelong Colorado native, I had convinced myself I knew every short cut, back road, and cow trail in Morgan, Logan, and Washington Counties, but I was apparently mistaken. winter 2022-2023 |


First thing, I was to head south one mile to County Road 58, then turn west for three miles to the cedar row at the old Otis highway. Then eight miles west to the dead-end T road. As part of his instructions, he cautioned of a dangerous blind four-way intersection on a steep hill a couple of miles before the turn. At the turn, I was to proceed two miles north to County Road 60 by the site of the historic Summit Springs Indian Massacre. Then turn west past the Don Koester place to Highway 63 (the old Akron highway). Finally, go five miles north to Atwood and Interstate 76 west to Brush. Ironically, the Koesters were some of my dearest friends back in my Northeastern Junior College (NJC) days. Back in the day, we used to shoot pool and spotlight jack rabbits every Friday night. The bounty was $0.25 a rabbit. Ammo and college beer money, right? During my two-year tenure at NJC, I never took the opportunity to venture east of the homestead. It was a revelation to finally know what was east of the old bright red Koester calving barn. Since my college days, I have been fortunate to learn that the Heavenly Father mysteriously and methodically connects dots in our lives but always in a time of due season. My wife Jan says the design is always in the detail. So true. God is the Master of design and detail. That sunny March Sunday afternoon, I had no idea that church service was about to be held on that lonely dirt road in the cab of my F-250. I suddenly became acutely aware that I was again about to experience another revelation on life’s sobering journey. Patience, persistence, perspective, acceleration (time regained and 56 parable

reclaimed), and restoration are part of the blueprint. For me, gaining 30 minutes and saving 20 miles was to be real-life tangible proof, highlighting the principle of acceleration and restoration. In that moment, several personal real-life examples came to mind. In the tornado of 2017, Jan and I were markedly devastated, discouraged, and broken. It seemed like everything we had worked for all those years had been pretty much destroyed and would never be the same. Certainly not in the immediate future. Eighteen months later, God miraculously restored what the locust (tornado) had eaten (Joel 2:25-26), plus He added the double portion blessing mentioned in the book of Job (Job 42:10). Though our experience was depressing, emotionally debilitating, and seemingly hopeless, today all the details of the disaster are a blur. One of our darkest nightmares is now a trophy to God’s goodness (acceleration and restoration).

“I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you.” – Joel 2:25-26a And the LORD restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before. – Job 42:10 I also thought about the 15 years I felt I had wasted in a pointless job working for the telephone company

and in college. For years, it seemed I had given up so much while everyone else was moving forward with their lives. I felt stuck and left behind. Looking back, what I thought was a pointless job paid for my entire college education and taught me real-life diagnostic skills that I have used my entire career. As it turns out, the principles of troubleshooting a broken telephone apply to diagnostics and medicine. That investment of preparation in college and a perceived futile job has accelerated me to the core of the best profession on earth, doing what I love every day with friends like the Mollahan family. When you belong to the Creator of the universe, you learn that in due season there will be acceleration, restoration, and a bountiful harvest. A few examples of this spiritual principle are found amid difficult times of divorce, adverse health, perceived wasted years in the wrong career, broken relationships, addictions, loneliness, loss of loved ones, loss of a job, and the list goes on. Challenges and loss are part of life, but advancement always comes in that due season and you never come out the same. God always restores his children back to their place and purpose. He brings beauty for ashes, life

for death, peace for unrest, and promotion in the face of our mistakes. 1 Peter 5:10 says, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” God’s Kingdom always connects the dots of design. Hold on, you are only one conversation, one phone call, one acquaintance, one relationship, one friendship, one hour, one day, one week, one year from God’s joy, peace, abundance, prosperity, and restoration. Stand firm! -----------------------------------

Digging Deeper What comes to mind when you hear the word “restore”? For the guys, an old classic pickup or vintage tractor might readily come to mind. For most ladies, the word restore or restoration might evoke thoughts of remodeling the kitchen or bathroom or of reupholstering their favorite but worn-out chair. The list any of us might have for restoration projects is likely endless. Restoring involves renovating or returning something back to what it was originally and is an everyday event, especially for

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those involved with agriculture. Rural folks might be the very best at mending, repairing, and rebuilding. Surprisingly, restoration is a major theme in the Bible and is mentioned 133 times (NASB). The key difference is that Biblical restoration goes way beyond the standard definition. “The biblical meaning of the word ‘restoration’ is to receive back more than has been lost to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition.” 1 Restoration in the Bible includes not only material things, but people and, in some situations, time itself. Considering the above Biblical definition, who or what was impacted and exactly how much was lost or damaged? The short answer is “all of creation” (man, animals, the environment) and “everything”. In theological terms, this complete trainwreck of all of creation is known as “The Fall of Man”. The result of Adam and Eve choosing Satan and his lies over God, His perfect plan, and absolute truth. As a result of their decision, God cursed all of creation resulting in Adam and Eve dying spiritually at the very moment they partook of the forbidden fruit. Physical death, which would follow later, was also part of the curse. Adam and Eve went from living in Paradise to total ruin, resulting in the loss of their close and personal relationship with God. This resulted in a change in their leadership and the new management was brutal and had a terrible compensation package. Trouble and suffering were to be the new normal for all creation and earth itself. If we were to stop here, the situation for all of creation looks hopeless. It appeared that Satan had won; however, God was not about to be outsmarted by a being He created. His blueprint for such a rebellion had been present from the beginning as He sent Jesus to restore what Adam had lost. As you have likely heard, the repair came at a very high cost. Man is the only aspect of God’s creation that was fashioned in His image (Genesis 1:27). Of all of God’s incredible creations, man is His masterpiece. Because of sin, we all became damaged goods. Therefore, restoration is needed by all to return us to our original intent or “image”. As one author stated: “In thinking about restoration as something needed only by those who stumble, we miss out on the full picture. The full picture is that restoration is God’s heart, and God’s plan, for all of us. We are all targets of God’s restoration. We are all in the middle of His restoring work in our lives.” 2 The pinnacle of restoration is demonstrated when we become followers of Jesus Christ. In this instance, He forgives us of our sins and restores the spiritual life within

us as well as the promise of an eternal physical self. The relationship with God that Adam lost is now possible again. People who have gone from spiritually dead to spiritually alive (“born again”) are noticeably changed in their attitudes and actions. Heaven has replaced paradise lost and believers are restored to their original intent and condition. Other personal examples of God’s work of restoration may be seen in His healing of our sicknesses and disease. It may show itself as a hopelessly broken and dead marriage that returns to life, even better than before, or as a fractured relationship with a loved one that is healed after not speaking for years. God may well restore your financial situation from disastrous to overflowing. The possibilities are endless. One thread that runs true is that for those who belong to Jesus, some of the greatest wins or successes in our lives have flowed out from some of the lowest and most dismal of times. That is the beauty of restoration – watching God take us from brokenness to significance both in the short term (here and now) and the long term (when we join Him in heaven for all of eternity).

Restoration Hall of Fame Here are a couple of examples for you to consider. •

Jerusalem/Israel: In 70 AD, the Roman Army completely destroyed the city of Jerusalem. The city was reduced to rubble with not one stone being left upon another (Matthew 24). Many Jewish

people were killed during this war and the end result was the nation of Israel was erased. God’s restoration came in 1948 when following the Jewish Holocaust of WWII, Israel became a nation again for the first time in almost 1900 years. Consider the definition of “restoration” where the final situation gains back more than what was lost. Israel’s economy in 2021 was ranked 19th globally and rising. In comparison, Canada was ranked 20th and Great Britain 22nd. Additionally, Israel is a world leader in high end technology, second by most accounts only to the U.S. All of this from one of the smallest nations on earth who has only been around (this time) for the last 74 years. In due season, they went from brokenness to tremendous significance all while surrounded by their enemies. •

The apostle Paul: A high-ranking Jewish scholar, lawyer, and zealot, Paul was active in persecuting the early Christian church and actively sought the imprisonment and death of its followers. In the midst of oppressing the young church, Paul had a life changing encounter with the risen Jesus. His subsequent restoration resulted in a complete 180˚ as he became arguably one of the greatest disciples in history. Of the 27 books in the New Testament, Paul wrote 13 of them (4 of them from prison). If the book of Hebrews was written by Paul, that number would be 14. winter 2022-2023 |


The list of God’s work of restoration is endless. David, Job, Peter, and Mary Magdalene all have incredible stories of pain, trouble, and suffering. Their stories also have an encouraging message as all received back more than what was lost and were used by God in amazing ways. In the story of your life, what chapter are you currently writing? Have your losses exceeded your wins? Which of the two management programs noted above are you presently under? One that offers lies, empty promises, spiritual death, and separation as Adam experienced? Or

are you under the one that offers “beauty for ashes” (Isaiah 61:3) where hope reigns supreme and the trials and suffering you experience are replaced in time by abundant blessings, a tangible relationship with your creator, and life everlasting?


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Genesis 1:27 (ESV) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

*** Psalm 51:12 (ESV) Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

*** John 3:16 (ESV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

*** Doug Ford, DVM is the owner of Beaver Creek Veterinary Clinic in Brush, Colorado. Doug earned his DVM degree from Colorado State University. Brush, Colorado has been his home since graduating from Colorado State. Doug’s practice has been remarkably diverse over 40 years of veterinary medicine. Dogs, cats, cow/calf, feedlot, two sale barns, and spaying thousands of heifers for grass. The last 20 years of practice has been 50% large western dairies and 50% beef cattle (spaying, cow/calf, and feedlots). In 2005, Doug was given the privilege to become one of the six founding members of PAC. Doug and his wife Jan ranch in their “spare” time. They are also heavily involved in a wetland’s development project on the South Platte River near Snyder, Colorado. Doug’s dad used to say, “Get your grades up. Do you want to grow up to be a ditch digger?” Doug had no idea how much fun it would be to play in the dirt with dozers and track hoes. He feels truly blessed and believes that the best days are yet to come.

Greg Quakenbush, DVM is a 1978 graduate of Colorado State University and spent 16 years in large animal practice in Porterville, California. For 19 years, Dr. Q worked for Zoetis (Pfizer) and was Director of the US Cattle Technical Services team. Since 2013, Dr. Q has worked with the Geissler Corporation assisting in the development of new veterinary diagnostic technologies. Dr. Q enjoys Bible study, shooting sports, fly-fishing, and being a part-time farmer growing citrus and nuts in the central valley of California.

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AUSTIN DOMEK, DVM Blue Mountain Veterinary Service Wibaux, Montana Dr. Austin Domek started Blue Mountain Veterinary Service in April 2014 as a mobile veterinary practice based in Wibaux, Montana. “In the beginning, I concentrated on cattle, but out of necessity, I was willing to work on just about anything. I did draw the line at de-scenting a skunk however.” Today, Dr. Domek enjoys staying busy and serving his clientele, whether it’s ultrasounding from sunup to sundown during the fall, Bangs vaccinating throughout the winter, or semen testing bulls in the spring and summer. His practice oversees roughly 50,000 head of mother cows and the horses associated with them, located mostly within 70 miles north and south of Interstate 94 from Dickinson, North Dakota, to Miles City, Montana. They are in the process of constructing a new facility in Wibaux with the goal of transitioning from an ambulatory service to a complete animal hospital in the coming years. Dr. Domek was enthralled with cattle medicine from an early age and credits Dr. Terry Hall with helping him throughout his life and career. For aspiring rural veterinarians, Dr. Domek has two pieces of advice: “Rural vet medicine is a very rewarding path. Having an ‘I can do that!’ or at the very least an ‘I am willing to try!’ attitude is the major quality to ensure success. People are willing to allow you to fail, but you better try your hardest and come prepared. Also, depending on the size of the practice, you will be called upon at all times of the day and year. Becoming overwhelmed with your veterinary life is a very common problem in small practices. It is absolutely essential to have friends and family that allow for the dissolution of stress.”

CAMERON HALL, DVM Beef Production Services, LLC Mokane, Missouri Dr. Cameron Hall’s favorite part of beef practice is the producers he gets to spend time with. “I have tremendous respect for their dedication to their animals, their land, and their way of life, and I love being able to play a role in their success.” Dr. Cameron Hall has been practicing veterinary medicine since 2011 and founded Beef Production Services, LLC in Mokane, Missouri, in August 2019. He now serves cow-calf and stocker clients in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa. Education is a passion for Dr. Hall and a core value of his practice. He strives to have the heart of a teacher and is quick to convey to his new clients, “I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and continually expanding my knowledge. Decisions mean nothing without follow-through, and follow-through will only occur if everyone involved understands the decisions made.” Dr. Hall’s commitment to improving his knowledge and skills for the benefit of his clients has influenced many decisions throughout his career, including building relationships with stand-out mentors, participating in the Executive Veterinary Program in Beef Health Management, and joining PAC. 62 member highlight

Ingredients • 3 lb. rump roast or round roast

• 1 bay leaf

• 1/2 c. soy sauce

• 1 tsp. dried thyme

• 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

• 3-4 peppercorns

• 1 beef bouillon cube

• 1 tsp. garlic powder


Pete Anderson spends most of his time assisting cattle feeders in his work for Midwest PMS. When he gets a little free time, he likes to cook beef or the occasional lesser species for friends and family. Pete and his wife, Denise, live in Loveland, Colorado. They have three carnivorous kids that are all grown. For more recipes and some fun, check out

French Dip Sandwiches Instructions Combine all ingredients in slow cooker. Add water to almost cover meat. Cover and cook on low for 10-12 hours. When done, remove roast from cooker and shred with forks. It will fall apart. Place shredded meat in serving bowl and spoon some of the juice from the slow cooker over the meat. Load up some buns or good crusty rolls with the meat and serve little bowls of the jus on the side. Broil the rolls with cheese if you would like, and garnish as you see fit. Sauteed peppers and onions are good; cilantro, crema, pickled onions, ranch dressing, etc. are all good; or you can eat them naked (the sandwiches, I mean, but who am I to tell you what to do in the privacy of your own home). If you need something that cooks while you are outside, this is a great option. A few minutes of prep time in the morning and by supper time you will have great food. This is so simple a college student with a B average can make it. It is great game day food. Plus, it makes the house smell good all day. You can make these instead of brisket on those sad days when your smoker is in a snowbank. Enjoy!

If you have a recipe that you would like to feature in The Pot Roast section of Protein Producers, email us at

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