The Loop - California (September/October 2024)

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WestCare Family and Members of the Community,

Welcome to a special combined Fall issue of the Loop covering events from both September and October that our organization was fortunate to be a part of!

Every year, September holds a very special place in the hearts of our programs, staff, and the individuals and families that we serve with its observance of National Recovery Month With the entire 50 years that are organization has been in operation being spent providing treatment and rehabilitation services to help individuals and families write a clean and sober chapter in their lives, this particular Recovery Month was made even more special! From pledge signs to recovery quotes shared by our team on social media, we all did our part to get the word out. This special month also serves as host to many amazing community events that promote the mantra, “Treatment works and recovery happens,” including Recovery Happens at the California State Capitol in Sacramento, the Fresno/Clovis Recovery Summit, the MedMark Health Fair, and Community Partners 4 Recovery’s (CP4R) SoberStock XIX event at Eaton Plaza in Fresno. For those who are in recovery, thank you for continuing to serve as a beacon of hope for those that need your light during dark times as they search for a path to a more fruitful life. To those who are interested in giving recovery a chance, please call our team at (559) 251-4800 for information on programs near you.

In October, we continued our 50th Anniversary celebration during the month of our founding with our Spirit Gala This special night brought over 200 attendees together for an evening of reflection on how far we have come as an organization, recognition for four individuals who are making strides in their community to improve lives and uplift spirits, and raise support for Wings Advocacy Fresno, our furniture bank for newly-housed individuals, families, Veterans, and women and women with children who are fleeing domestic violence. For anyone that helped plan this event, bought a ticket, donated a silent auction item, or gave to our cause directly - thank you for helping us make this event one to remember for many years to come!

As we approach the coming months of thankfulness and holiday cheer, we’d like to share our continued appreciation for your support and ask that whenever you can do your part, you too will do your part to Uplift the Human Spirit of those around you!

Thank you and take care,

WestCare California Recognizes National Recovery Month in September

"To me, recovery means life, family, love, and happiness. Addiction has taken away every ounce of love, trust, and caused immense heartache. Every day, I strive to be the change I want to see in the world. Working for WestCare allows me to not only see myself clearly but also to be the person I want others to see - a source of hope and transformation.” - Destiny V., Program Coordinator, MLK Residential

2024 Central California Women’s Conference

In September, our staff attended the 2024 Central California Women’s Conference in Fresno! It was an empowering event that allowed us to do community outreach for our organization and network with other community-based organizations who were also in attendance. We spoke with approximately 300 visitors who stopped by our booth to learn more about our organization. We look forward to participating in this amazing annual event for many years to come!

“I suffered with 12 years of addiction myself, so recovery to me means more than just bouncing back from any setback or hardship. It's a process of healing from those setbacks or hardships. It’s a sense of growth as you work to regain a sense of balance, strength, and well-being. It involves physical and emotional aspects that often require patience, compassion, and support from others. Recovery is different for everyone, but to me at its core, it is about finding ways to move forward with resilience and hope.”

- Trevor M., Facilitator, Belmont Adult Outpatient

While September serves as our annual celebration of NationalRecoveryMonth,anytimeisagoodtimeto chooserecovery!

Ifyouoralovedoneislookingtowriteanewchapter, pleasecall(559)251-4800forinformationontreatment andrehabilitationprogramsnearyou.

Wings Receives Generous Support from the Rotary Club of Fresno!

Thankyouto theRotaryClubofFresnowhoawardedWings AdvocacyFresno,AProjectofWestCareCalifornia,acheckforthe 2024grantyear!

WingsAdvocacyFresno,aprojectofWestCareCalifornia,isrun primarilybyvolunteers,sothisawardwillgoalongwaytowardtheir effortsinUpliftingtheHumanSpiritanddeliveringhopeanddignity tothoseweserve.

CP4R’s SoberStock XIX Celebrates Recovery in Fresno!

At the end of National Recovery Month, Community Partners 4 Recovery (CP4R) hosted Sobertstock XIX at Eaton Plaza in Downtown Fresno. With the help from our WestCare California family of programs, members from our recovery community were able to enjoy themselves at the event with food, live entertainment, a car and bike show, and recovery testimonials. This year’s SoberStock event was once again proof that treatment works and that recovery is possible!

On September 25th and 26th, our San Joaquin Valley Veterans (SJVV) team attended the 34th Central Valley Veterans’ Stand Down event that took place at VFW Post 8900 This event provides a wide variety of resources to local Veterans in the Central Valley that range from medical and mental health referrals, legal documentation, clothing, personal hygiene kits, and free haircuts from Lyle’s College of Beauty We’d like to thank all organizations who are involved in this amazing event that are dedicated to assisting our nation’s heroes!

Our California staff wore of Breast Cancer Awareness 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed lifetime. Early detection is key! Let's continue to spread awareness and support those affected. For more information, please

Incontinuedcelebrationof50yearsofservices,wehostedtheSpiritGalaonSaturday,October12thatThe Grand1401inFresno.Theeventfeatureddinner,asilentauction,andapresentationoftheSpiritAwards AllproceedsbenefitedWingsAdvocacyFresno Inthespiritofservicetoourcommunity,nominationsopenedtothepublicearlierthisyearfortheSpirit Awards, a special awards ceremony for individuals who have made exceptional contributions to our community.Therecipientswere:

The Community Impact Spirit Award: Laura Haga Moreno, Division Chief, Fresno County’s DepartmentofSocialServices,inrecognitionofherexceptionalsupportofhercommunityanda commitmenttocreatinglasting,positivechange.

Resilience & Recovery Spirit Award: Daline David Bill Sr., Cultural Support Specialist, Fresno American Indian Health Project (FAIHP), in recognition of remarkable resilience in overcoming challengesandservingasatestamenttothepossibilityoftransformationandrenewal.

SocialAdvocacySpiritAward:DeanJackson,DirectorofHIVServices,TheSourceLGBT+Center, inrecognitionofchampioningthewell-beingofmarginalizedcommunitiesandcreatingafairer,more inclusivesocietythroughhisadvocacy.

UpliftingtheHumanSpiritAward:BeverlyFitzpatrick,co-founderofWingsAdvocacyFresno,in recognitionofhercontinueddedicationtorestoringhopeanddignityforrecently-housedindividuals, families,andVeterans.(AcceptedonherbehalfbythevolunteersofWingsAdvocacyFresno) Veteran’sValorSpiritAward:Raymond“Nacho”Gonzales,OutreachSpecialist,WestCareCalifornia, inrecognitionofhisselflessserviceandcontributionswithintheVeterancommunity.

The Living Support In Lead-U

With the 14th Annual Fresno AIDS Walk co December 1st at Woodward Park, The Living has been picking up steam with raising support event and their continued services! They received checks from the Imperial Dove Court (IDC) recent Ducal Ball in support of their program AIDS Walk. The following week, their team enchilada fundraiser! To everyone who has thank you, and to anyone else who would like please visit

One of Our Own Serves as Keynote Speaker at the Elijah House Healing Hearts Gala

Ourveryownandnewly-promotedProgramDirectorofSTOP:Area 1, Larry Sanchez, spoke at the Elijah House Foundation's first HealingHeartsGala!Thisgalawastoraisemoneyandgivebackto the community by providing recovery services for those who do not haveinsuranceorotherfunding.

"I was asked to share my life story and who I work for now," said Larry."Iwasabletosharehowwecanaccomplishwhatwesetour mindstoifweseekrecoveryfromallthevicesthatholdusbackto providehopeandinspirationtoallthedonorsattheeventtoseewhat theoutcomescanbeiftrulysought."Amazingjob,Larry!

Raising Awareness and Showing Support on Purple Thursday and Spirit Day

Thursday and Spirit Day! Together, we proudly stand with domestic violence survivors and LGBTQIA+ youth!

From spooky costumes to door decorating contests and pumpkin designing, we had immense fun celebrating the season of Halloween We loved seeing all the creative costumes and celebrations our various programs hosted. What a fun-tastic way to uplift the spirits as we wrap up 2024! Halloween Fun at WestCare!

Our WestCare California staff from various programs wore purple in October on Purple
alifornia Spirit Gala

Staff Recognition

Employees of the Month

DaisyRodriguez, AdolescentCounselor, Youth&FamilyTREE

AlejandraMaldonado, CaseManager, STOP:Area3-Stockton

LuisCortez, MaintenanceTech, MLKResidential

Characteristics of Remarkable Employees

AshleyBaenzinger, Facilitator, CelebratingFamilies!

TimothyJackson, CounselorI, MLKResidential

2025 Improvement Plan

Our WestCare California, Inc. leadership recently gathered and completed our annual SWOT Analysis and Strategic Plan. It’s our pleasure to share with you an infographic detailing our priorities moving forward for the year of 2025 and the goals that we would like to accomplish as an organization! Thank you all for your hard work and continued commitment to Uplifting the Human Spirit!

GabiRodriguez, AdministrativeAssistant, CelebratingFamilies!

BrianRobinson, SUDCounselor, BelmontHealth&Wellness

MichelleAllen, DirectorofContractCompliance, Administration

CaussaundraDominguez, CounselorIII, MLKResidential

StephanWhite, MaintenanceTech, MLKResidential

RochelleSmith, MentalHealthClinician, MLKResidential

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