The Loop - Nevada (July 2024)

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As we move into the latter half of the year, we are thrilled to share some of the incredible events that have brought our community together and made a lasting impactoneveryoneinvolved.

First, a huge thank you to everyone who supported our Alumni and Spiritual FellowshipFireworksBoothfundraisers!Yourenthusiasmandgenerosityhelped both entities raise essential funds that will directly support our ongoing projects and outreach efforts both within and outside of the Nevada programs. Both booths profited between $5,000 and $10,000, respectively. On the 4th, it was a joy to see the sky light up at the Women & Children’s Campus (WCC) as both groups providedfireworksfortheclientsandchildrentoexperience.

In the spirit of giving, we're also excited to highlight the recent "Sharing the Love" event,wheretheSubaruCorporationmadeasubstantialdonationoflargefurniture and a check for $10,000 to WestCare Nevada. This contribution will significantly enhancethecomfortandresourcesavailabletothoseinneedwithinourcommunity. It’sheartwarmingtoseesuchastrongpartnershipinaction,drivingpositivechange andsupportingthosewhoneeditmost.

We are proud to announce our participation in the 2024 Healthy Marriages and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) Biennial Conference WestCare Nevada was,includingMs.IrmaMagrdichian,



This event is a cornerstone for professionals and organizations dedicated to advancing research and innovative solutions in the field. We look forward to sharing our insights and learning from others as we continue to push boundaries and make meaningful strides in our mission.

WestCare Nevada would like to welcome our new employees in Pahrump, who have already made a significant impact in rural Nevada/Nye County. The number ofclientsservedatthatoutpatientlocationhasalreadymorethandoubled,anditis apleasuretohaveyouaspartoftheWestCarefamily.

Iwanttopersonallythankeachofyou,ourreaders,forbeingapartofthisjourney with us. Your continued support and involvement make all the difference. Let's continue to keep the momentum going as we work together to create a brighter futureforallwhileUpliftingtheHumanSpirit

Leo Magrdichian, LCSW, LCADC, Vice President

Mr. Victor Resendez.

Subaru Shares the Love

On July 26 and 27 in the dazzling city of Las Vegas, an event unfolded like none otherattheMandalayBayConventionCenter Thiswasn’tjustanyconventionbut Subaru’s annual National Business Conference, packed with passionate car dealers and dedicated employees from across the globe This year, a heartwarming twist awaited as Subaru had chosen WestCare Nevada as their nonprofit Charity of Choice for their “Share the Love” initiative that was launched 16 years ago Share the Love emphasizes Subaru’s dedication to making a positive impact in the communities they serve across the world, proving their commitmenttobemorethanacarcompany

WestCare Nevada’s leadership team, including Leo and Irma Magrdichian, as well as Rhonda Davisson-Rhames, attended the event in our custom-branded booth to share our mission of Uplifting the Human Spirit. We highlighted the positive impact of their support and discussed our vision for the community Our organizationwashonoredtobeatthecenterofthisinitiativewhereLOVEwasnot justasentimentbutacalltoaction!

The Subaru team, inspired by our passion, rallied behind our cause and contributed a $10,000 check to our WestCare Nevada programs, but that was just the cherry on top and the beginning of this fruitful relationship Subaru revealed that they would be donating all of the Wayfair furniture and plants that filled the convention center for the conference to the programs of WestCare Nevada! This generous gift will help us furnish our facilities and bring a smile to so many strugglingwithbasicneedslikefurniture

Aftertheconference,SubaruorganizeditsannualSharetheLoveVolunteerDay whereover100enthusiasticvolunteerscametogethertolendahandtounload10 semi-trucksloadedwithfurniture,plants,andamyriadofessentialitemsthatwere present at the conference This demonstration of love supports the families we serveandfostersasenseofstabilityandhopefortheonesindireneedofsupport andresources

Volunteers from all walks of life including Subaru’s executive team, local community members, families, and other nonprofit organizations, all gathered at thebreakofdawn,readytorollupoursleevesandmakeadifference Theimpact of this day will resonate long after the volunteers have gone home as the families who are overcoming significant challenges can enjoy this nurturing environment thatwecreated.

Not only did we benefit from the multiple donations from Subaru, but we also forged lasting relationships through our collaborative efforts with the many volunteers and dealerships The networking and connections we established throughout the day underscored the importance of teamwork, as working side by sidefosterstrustandcamaraderieamongusall

The Share the Love Volunteer Day was a resounding success, showcasing the strength of community and the importance of coming together to support those in need It serves as a reminder that when we unite for a common purpose, we can createmeaningfulchangeandfosterhopeforabrighterfuture



JenniferbeganhercareeratWestCareasaCADCinternin2018andthenasaCADC in 2021 Now as the Director of Pahrump Outpatient, she leads the day-to-day operations of the entire Pahrump office since 2021 as well as leading individual and group counseling sessions She is currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Clinical MentalHealth


Stephanie is a seasoned leader with experience in leading and overseeing teams in the behavioral health industry She believes healing happens for individuals when the team they are working with is at their best Her passion lies in helping individuals find theirstrengthwithinthemselves


Amber is excited to join WestCare Nevada in Pahrump and is deeply appreciative of this opportunity to serve her community Before 2019, she spent over 17 years in the automotiveindustryasaFinance&InsuranceManager,workingacrossCaliforniaand Nevada She is thrilled to bring her varied experiences and dedication to WestCare Nevadatomakeapositiveimpact!


Deborah, also called Deb, has a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice Her passion has always been centered towards counseling and helping people get through some of their toughest times She finds compassion to be a core component of who she is as a person and it has guided her to become someone who listenscompassionatelyandoffershelpandsupportwithoutjudgement


Vanessa has a wealth of experience in various backgrounds and is fully bilingual in Spanish, all of which she hopes to use in assisting our clients! Some of her previous jobs included being a research assistant for the Army Research Institute in Germany and working in banking in Florida In her spare time, she likes to read and watch historicalandarcheologicalshows,aswellastakecareofherfurbabies.


Antonaria has five years of extensive background experience in Behavioral MentalHealth Shelovestomakeadifferencebyshowingthatthereisalways roomtobecomeourbetterselvesinlifewhileprovidingthetoolstodojustthat


Jennifer has a Bachelor of Science in Health Science, with a focus on health disparities among low socioeconomic communities She is passionate about assisting individuals and communities in obtaining the care they need to improvethehealthoutcomesforunderservedpopulations Shealsoreallylikes cats!


Jaclynhasworkedinvariousbehavioralhealthsettingsoverthepast20years asbothmanagement/leadershipandasaclinician Sheisdrivenbyaprofound commitment to facilitate positive changes in a person’s life She has an extensive background in working with juveniles and adults who struggle with addictionandmentalhealthdisorders


TayloriscurrentlyaCounselorinternwholooksforwardtocontinuedgrowthin the future while serving others With a Bachelor’s in Sociology and an Associate’s in Human Services, she has a heart for helping others, particularly thosestrugglingwithaddiction

WestCare Nevada welcomes new employees at our Pahrump location! The new staff have already been making a great impact on rural Nevada and Nye County residents. Clients served at this location have doubled since this amazing team joined us!
Jennifer Dobbins Finn, Director
Taylor Wolf, CADC-I
Vanessa Cope, Admission Specialist
Jennifer Nguyen, Research Assistant
Amber Ashford, Peer Support Specialist
Antonaria Johnson, Case Manager/Healthcare Navigator
Deborah Bourne, CADC-I
Jaclyn Sutton, QMPH
Stephanie Massey, Program Coordinator

Fireworks Fundraiser Brings Together Community

This year was a great year for the WestCare Las Vegas Alumni Group’sandSpiritualAftercareFellowship’sfireworksbooths Every FourthofJuly,thesetwoalumnigroupscometogethertoraisefundsto supportthemenandwomenofWestCareNevada Thesefundswillhelp provide resources, events, and support for individuals seeking healing andconnection Thisfundraiserisdedicatedtosupportingindividualson their healing journey, providing a space for reflection, growth, and connection Our alumni groups recognize that aftercare is not solely about recovery but also about celebrating milestones and fostering community The fireworks fundraiser serves as a vibrant focal point for thesecelebrationsforindividualswhoareincareandoutofcare

Ittakesacommunitytohelpthecommunity,andIwouldliketothankthe leadership team at WestCare Nevada for their unwavering support and dedication Withoutthem,wecouldneverhavepulledthisoff Ialsowant to recognize all the volunteers and volunteer groups that helped and supported this fireworks booth Thank you for your support and unwaveringcommitment:

CanyonRidgeChristianChurch"CR" ChaplaincyofNevada




Aswecansee,thisisacommunitythatmodelsthesewords:Uplifting TheHumanSpirit Thankyoutoeveryonewhocameouttosupportour fireworksfundraiserthisyear!

Asabonuscelebration,onJuly4th,webroughtfireworkstotheWomen andChildren’sCampusandlituptheskyfortheclientsandchildrento enjoy Thisyear’sfireworksfundraiserisonetoberemembered

Our Connections Fatherhood F.I.R.E. program had the privilege of participating in the 2024 HMRF Biennial Conference held in Washington, D.C. Case Manager Victor Resendez and I delivered an impactful breakout session titled "The Intersectionality of Fatherhood: Nurturing Fatherhood from Within," which garnered a favorable reception from the 794 Office of Family Assistance (OFA) grantees in attendance. The session encompassed a comprehensive exploration of various pertinent topics, including the disruption of patterns hindering fathers, the reform of practitioners' practices impeding fatherhood, and the transformation of culture to optimize outcomes for fathers. The session valuable discourse and provided actionable insights that can immediately implemented, empowering all participants. Our resentation ignited crucial discussions, underscoring the and opportunities within responsible fatherhood. Our commitment and expertise resonated with the audience, contributing to this important event. We are proud of this impact and remain dedicated to supporting and empowering fathers within our communities.

WestCare Nevada @westcarenevada

2024 HMRF Biennial Conference
By Troy Z. Walker, Program Manager, Connections Fatherhood F.I.R.E.
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