Dawson Trail Dispatch April 2018

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018

The Cannabis Harm SAC Spring Break Camps a Huge Hit Prevention Act Comes Into Force in April

The Steinbach Arts Council is thrilled to report that another successful spring break camp has taken place. It was a full house when the Steinbach Arts Council invited kids throughout southern Manitoba to join them for Summer Break Out! Camp. This year’s spring break camp took place from March 26 to March 29. There were two separate camps, one for 5 - 8 year olds and one for 9 - 12 year olds. Children participated in activities that included drawing, painting, crafting, dancing on the studio floors, exploring other cultures, have fun in the theatre costume closet, theatre games, experience improv, sports and games, special community guests, clinicians, and adventure out on a community scavenger hunt. Camp students also have a chance to explore music, play some instruments, and meet some musicians. SAC is already busy planning the next opportunity for children to have fun during summer break camps. For more information on programming and to register early contact 204-346-1077 or online at steinbachartscouncil.ca. Limited spaces are available.

In preparation for the Federal legalization of recreational cannabis, the Manitoba government is moving forward with further legislative amendments that would responsibly regulate use of the drug in public places and on roads. Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Kelvin Goertzen said the changes build on The Cannabis Harm Prevention Act passed last year, which prohibits smoking or vaping of cannabis in enclosed public places, indoor workplaces and other areas, with the exception of designated rooms in a hospital palliative care unit or an end-of-life hospice. Those amendments will come into force on April 1, said Goertzen. “Ensuring the health and well-being of Manitobans is of utmost importance to our government in moving forward with this legislation,” said Goertzen. “We also have concerns about ‘normalizing’ this activity in public places, as it could encourage children and youth to use cannabis.” The amendments show the government’s commitment to protecting the public health and safety of Manitobans as they address the federal government’s decision to legalize recreational cannabis. Changes to The Non-Smokers Health Protection and Vapour Products Act are consistent with the approach taken to alcohol consumption under The Liquor and Gaming Control Act. Once proclaimed, the bill would prohibit smoking and vaping cannabis in outdoor public places once recreational use of the drug is legalized, including streets and sidewalks, parks and beaches, school grounds, restaurant patios and decks, the grounds of healthcare facilities and any additional places that may be specified by regulation. Meanwhile, The Impaired Driving Offences Act responds to the impaired driving provisions in the Federal government’s Bill C-46. It introduces new provincial sanctions for drivers who fail oral fluid drug screening devices and for drivers who commit one of the new Criminal Code offences outlined in Bill C-46. The Impaired Driving Offences Act would establish tough provincial sanctions meant to ensure no one gets behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming cannabis. Proposed amendments to The Drivers and Vehicles Act and The Highway Traffic Act include new administrative driver’s licence suspensions for impaired driving. Novice drivers would also be prohibited from driving if they fail a roadside drug-screening test.

April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Annual Family Hockey a Hit in St. Malo For a few days in March, the community of St. Malo was transformed with a family friendly competition for the 28th annual Family Hockey tournament. The family friendly event, which took place on March 14 to 18, is hosted by the Boards of the St. Malo Arena and Chamber of Commerce, with the assistance of numerous volunteers. Four teams went home with bragging rights after being declared the winners in their level. Families battled their way to the top of the competition with the Forest family declared the A side winners after an exciting game and shootout against the Tetrault Family. The Collette family was named the B side winner in an unexpected turn of events due to a goalie injury and the game was cut short. The Go-Nards Family was named C winners. Twenty eight years ago, local residents and thenChamber President Bill Remenda brought forward an idea about a family hockey tournament, which he had heard had been successfully running in Saskatchewan. He thought it would be a great idea to start a similar tournament and it has run successfully every year ever since.

Collette Family are the B-Side Champs.

The Forest family is the A-side winners of this year’s Family Hockey night in St. Malo.

The Go-Nards took the C-Side championship.

Gosselin Family are the D-Side winners.

Sno-Riders Offer Scholarships The South-East Sno-Riders in conjunction with the Eastern Region Snowmobile Association are looking for three graduating students to present scholarships to at the end of the year. According to Duane Boutang, the snowmobile clubs have banded together to offer three scholarships of $500 each, to club youth from the region. “The funds are expected to aid in the expenses associated with post secondary education,” Boutang explained. “We are excited to be able to help our young members succeed in their future endeavours.” All youth between the ages of 12 and 21, and who has been a strong member of the club within the region are invited to apply. Students must be enrolled as a student in a college or university and an active club member. The South East Sno-Riders is a family friendly community of dedicated people who create and maintain snowmobile trails while promoting safe and enjoyable riding in southeastern Manitoba. Applications or inquiries can be forwarded to duane@boutang.ca or call 204-9903773.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018

Falk Voices Disappointment in Federal Budget Provencher MP Ted Falk says that Trudeau Liberals’ recent budget is a failure to deliver for Canadian families. “Instead of getting their spending under control, they plan to borrow even more money from hard working Canadians, adding billions more to the national debt,” Falk accused after the Federal government rolled out this year’s budget. According to Falk, the deficit for this fiscal year is $18 billion, which is three times higher than what Justin Trudeau promised during the 2015 election. With the budget not projected to be in balance again until 2045, these additional deficits would add $450 billion to Canada’s national debt over the next 27 years he said. He went on to say, that under the Trudeau Liberals, government spending has increased by 20%, which is three times faster than the rate of inflation and population growth combined. Over 90% of Canadian families are already paying more in taxes under the Trudeau Liberals and, after this budget, they will be paying even more, Falk added. As for the effects on Provencher residents specifically, Falk noted that the budget calls for $173.2 mil-

lion in 2018-19 to support claims processing and improve services to the increased number of people seeking asylum in Canada. “We all remember last year’s illegal migrant crisis at the Emerson border,” Falk stated. “The Liberals are spending money to manage and care for the people coming in illegally, but not to stop the serious national security/public safety problems posed by illegal immigration.” Falk so noted that new Liberal Values Test means funds will not be available for many students in Provencher under the Summer Jobs Programs even though the budget calls for $448.5 million over five years to double the number of placements. Finally, the budget ignores agriculture and rural infrastructure almost entirely, Falk added. “While there are several elements within this budget that are positive, the extension of parental leave, expansion of rural broadband capability, a win for credit unions and the possibility of national pharmacare plan, overall, it is another disappointment from this government that time and time again focus their spending on symbolism rather than governing responsibly,” said Falk.

Mobile Program Brings Music to Rural Communities If you want to learn how to play an instrument or sing, a new business provides an opportunity for rural students to access an affordable music program. Sound Lab Manitoba in Otterburne is a mobile music program exclusive to the rural southeast Manitoba, founded by Season Kirkwood. Sound Lab is set up to accommodate a group of people in small communities to experiment, learn, explore and play musical instruments. Participants get to play not only drums; they experience the guitar, bass, piano and voice. They can also learn how to use computer and music app programs. “Do I teach? Yes, there are many elements being shown and taught throughout the long term programs,” explained Kirkwood. “Each person learns in their own ways. I do my best to make a connection with the participant and customize their lesson to their ability.” This unique experience is currently being offered in Niverville, St. Pierre-Jolys, St. Malo and Ste. Agathe. Plans are in the works to offer drop-in programs and workshops. Sound Lab Manitoba wants to help make learning music afford-

able and convenient. They always accept all types of music books and instruments for the lending library. Participants are encouraged to perform and be proud of what they are discovering and come to realize all the things they are learning aside from music making. The project aspect of Sound Lab is the creation of a soundtrack from music and sound created by the players. This means that participants get to play a part in the creation of songs. With this in mind, Kirkwood has put out a call for musicians wanting to help create dialogue, and discuss the history of the Métis people in southeast Manitoba in a project called The Heartbeat of a Métis Nation. “I am currently looking for people of all ages and abilities to join in on this project, you can invest as little or as much time as you would like,” Kirkwood explained. “We will be creating songs together and using everything we can access to see our project reach its maximum potential.” Anyone wanting to try an instrument or participate in The Heartbeat of a Métis Nation can contact soundlabmb@gmail.com.

April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Made in Manitoba Political Squall The first we heard that things were not all well in Manitoba was when all but one of the Manitoba Hydro Board resigned “en masse”. That’s eleven members out of a possible twelve. Only one member of the government the PC MLA for Emerson remained. To the average Manitoban, this was the first we heard that Manitoba Hydro had more malaise than what was widely assumed. Hydro has many ways to shock. The catalyst for this upheaval was the Premier nixing a board agreement to pay out $67.5 million dollars to the MMF (Manitoba Métis Federation), to keep the peace on potential future demands and delays to transmission lines and such. The Premier called it “hush money”. This embarrassed the Hydro Board and warped the MMF’s ego. MMF will now go to court to attempt to enforce the deal. The main question is, does it need the Premier’s signature or was the board’s signature sufficient? Battle lines are set; rhetoric and muddling will follow until the courts decide. Then some will squirm. The public will soon weigh in and sooner or later, the court will pronounce. The decision will please some but not all will be happy, as is usual in such cases. It would put things in clearer perspective if we knew of the amount of compensation the MMF board members received. Are we dealing with integrity or with greed? Or enough of each sentiment’s to muddle the conclusion. I can safely say that not everybody thinks that all future hydro infrastructures should enrich the MMF. I would venture to say that many Manitobans who have some indigenous blood do not agree with all of the MMF demands past and present, and in all likelihood the future. It is self evident that a Canadian birth rite gives us all freedom and equality upon first breath and obviously individual responsibilities are the quid pro quo. I for one think that my personal shortcomings if any (the jury is still out) could not or should not be blamed on my Huron or Iroquois genes and therefore feel the need to be compensated by a public purse.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

No More Mother or Father - Mr. or Mrs. Recently, Service Canada employees were directed internally to stay away from terms such as Mr., Mrs., Father and Mother and to “use gender-neutral language or gender-inclusive language.” Really? Here’s my question to any constituent or Canadian that has had to deal with Service Canada, CRA or any other government agency lately. Are the gender pronouns used really the problem? Is this really, what the Federal Government of Canada should be prioritizing? I think most Canadians would agree that long wait times, leaks of personal information and the inability to get a person on the phone are of far greater concern than being called Mr. or Mrs., Mother or Father. Hard working public servants, like those of Service Canada, should not have big brother government continually looking over their shoulders making sure they don’t call someone Mr. or Mrs. As Christie Blatchford wrote in the National Post recently, “The last thing they, or the rest of us want, or need, is more gendered language instruction and social engineering from this strangely obsessed government.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to stop his obsession with identity politics, stop his virtue signaling both here and on the world stage and actually get something done for Canadians. Andrew Scheer Offers Canadians Hope on the World Stage Recently, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer visited the UK. You probably didn’t hear much about it. He didn’t dress up in any costumes. He didn’t insult his hosts and he didn’t invite any convicted murderers and terrorists to

any of his events. Hard as it is to believe in the Trudeau era, this Canadian leader’s foreign trip wasn’t about saris, socks or even selfies; it was about trade. Andrew Scheer went to Britain to build relationships with British leaders and to begin laying the groundwork for a post-Brexit Canada-UK free trade deal. This is a very smart move considering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has alienated us on trade at every turn. The only major trade deals he has been able to sign were the Trans Pacific Partnership and the European Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement - both of which were negotiated by our previous Conservative Government. But then what can one expect from a Canadian Prime Minister who can’t even get goods like grain and oil flowing between his own Provinces? Justin Trudeau and his team have failed to re-negotiate NAFTA. They failed to secure any meaningful trade deals with the world’s two largest economies, China and India. Justin Trudeau also set back any potential deals with these two trade giants with his smug and insulting behavior - but then what do you expect from a guy who to tries to lecture the Pope. While Mr. Trudeau remains focused on his pipe dream of a free trade deal with his friends in Communist China, Andrew Scheer is focused on achievable results. Great Britain is our friend and our largest European trading partner. Securing a bilateral free-trade deal with Great Britain should and will be a priority for the next Conservative

Government. Andrew Scheer is an example of how a Canadian leader ought to conduct business on the world stage. He and his team did their homework before they left so there would be no surprises. He went in with a specific goal. He had constructive meetings with several key members of the British cabinet including Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, Trade Minister Liam Fox and Prime Minister Theresa May. Moreover, he restrained himself from telling his British counterparts how to run their country and from insisting they must adopt his personal values into any potential trade deal. No surprises, no snubs, no international incidents, and as a result, no need for any excuses upon his return. There is hope for Canada on the world stage once again. The world has stopped taking Justin Trudeau seriously, but they’re starting to take notice of Andrew Scheer. And he did it all without changing costumes. For more information on this or any issue, please feel free to contact my office toll free at 1-866-333-1933 or at 204-326-9889. Visit me on Facebook. com/TedFalkMP. You may also write my office at 76 PTH 12N, Steinbach MB, R5G 1T4, email me at ted.falk. c1@parl.gc.ca or visit my website at tedfalk.ca.

Fixing Our Future The spring session of the Manitoba Legislature is well underway. Our government remains committed to strengthening and sustaining our province’s future. We are continuing to fix the finances, repair the services and rebuild the economy. Since I became an MLA in 2011, the most common issue constituents have each spring is the condition of PTH 15. It is a heavily traveled highway serving several local, growing communities, as well as traffic headed for the Whiteshell Provincial Park. I agree that it is in need of repairs, and on Friday March 9, I was proud to be in Dugald with Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler to announce the reconstruction of a 34 km section of PTH 15 from PR 206 in Dugald to the Brokenhead River. Work will consist of resurfacing the entire 34 km with fully paved shoulders (2.5 metres wide) from Dugald to Anola at PTH 12 and partially paved shoulders from Anola to the Brokenhead River. An open tender for this roadwork will be issued this month with work starting this summer. Many constit-

uents, along with myself, are looking forward to the start and completion of this project. On March 12, our government delivered Budget 2018. This budget is a step towards continuing making Manitoba the most improved province in Canada. Budget 2018 reduces the provincial deficit by $319 million, as we keep our promise in making consistent progress towards a balanced budget in our second term. We are also returning more than $ 230 million from the cabinet table to the kitchen table with a $2,020.00 increase in the basic personal exemption on income tax by 2020. This will remove more than 30,000 Manitobans from the tax rolls. Budget 2018 delivers on our commitment to repair and improve public services. We will be further reducing ambulance fees by $85, to $340. Fees have been reduced by 32 per cent in just two years, and we are on track to reach our target fee of $250 next year. We are hiring sixty new full-time positions for paramedics and we have added more than 700 new and newly funded

childcare spaces. Communication in times of emergencies is important for those dealing with these events. For years, the previous NDP government ignored the safety of Manitobans by not replacing the provincial Fleet-Net System- an aging and obsolete public safety communications network used by emergency service personnel. Budget 2018 is making a historic investment to replace it. Budget 2018 contains a lot of great news for Manitobans. I would suggest you go online to Manitoba. ca/budget2018 and read the Budget Speech to see for yourself how we are keeping our promise to fix the Finances, Repair the Services and Rebuild the Economy. As always, I look forward to hearing from you with your questions or concerns. I can be reached at my constituency office at 204-424-5406, my legislature office at 204-9454339 or at dennis.smook@leg.gov. mb.ca. Thank You.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018

AMM Welcomes Planning Act Changes

On March 19, the Manitoba government introduced new legislation that would modernize The Planning Act and ensure fair opportunities for economic development in rural municipalities. Municipal Relations Minister Jeff Wharton said the province has worked extensively with municipalities and industry to see how improvements could be made to existing regulatory framework. “This new legislation strengthens our government’s commitment to providing a fair say for municipalities on matters that affect their local community,” said Wharton. In addition to modernizing the current municipal zoning bylaw review and approval process, Bill 19 The Planning Amendment Act (Improving Efficiency in Planning) would enhance ‘fair say’ by giving municipali-

ties the option of setting a threshold for conditional use hearings for livestock, according to local needs. AMM President Chris Goertzen is pleased with the province’s decision to give municipalities more control over matters that affect their communities. Municipalities are orders of government that are capable and certainly want to see additional powers given to them when it comes to land use,” Goertzen told media. The new legislation stipulates that there would need to be a minimum of 25 objectors to a land use change, in order to force a hearing or review by the municipal board. Currently, if one person objects from within the City of Steinbach, a hearing or review is triggered. “We obviously want to be efficient as municipalities, we want to reflect the public need in our municipalities

and these changes will allow us to be more effective and efficient,” Goertzen continued. The legislation also expedites the zoning bylaw approval process by increasing the minor variance threshold from 10 to 15 per cent; and allowing municipal officials authorized by council to grant variances on zoning bylaw requirements such as square footage, height and parking spaces without holding additional council hearings. “[The province] is seeing very clearly that municipalities are capable and are willing to take these responsibilities seriously and are able to be granted more flexibility and more clarity when it comes to dealing with land use issues.” The bill also introduces the option for members of the public attending planning hearings to opt to receive notice by e-mail.

The province plans to strengthen environmental protections by introducing a technical review process for aggregate quarry proposals. As per livestock regulations, the Bill 19 requires municipalities to review their livestock operations zoning bylaws within one year. It is also “enabling producers to upgrade existing

Once approved, the Bill 19 will affect conditional use thresholds for livestock operations.

Child Care Spaces a Priority On March 8, I had the opportunity to deliver a speech to the Manitoba Legislative Assembly in honour of the remarkable one hundredth birthday of a Dawson Trail constituent, Albertine Lagassé, my grandmother. Albertine Grégoire was born on June 15, 1918. She married Armand Lagassé in 1944. They lived in Barrie, Ontario for a time, after which they settled in St. Adolphe. Armand Lagassé served in the Second World War and Albertine wrote a letter to him every day until his return. Together, they raised nine children in St. Adolphe. Albertine was considered a domestic engineer; she would get up at five o’clock in the morning to milk the cows and then come in, get the lunches made and send the kids off to school. Albertine suffered many challenges over the years, caused by five major floods. They also lost their house to a fire in 1967. The volunteer help they received at that time from friends and family proved how much they were loved and respected in the village of St. Adolphe. They were also saddened by the death of their son, Ron, in a car accident in 1969. Albertine was very involved in her community as a member of La

Ligue des Femmes Catholique and the Club Amical. She never had a driver’s license, never drank or smoked, and is in very good physical health. These are the reasons why we believe she will reach her 100th birthday very soon. Today, she is loved and cherished by 21 grandchildren, and 41 great grandchildren, some of whom were able to be present in the viewing gallery at the Legislature that day to help celebrate her incredible milestone. I’m also pleased that our Progressive Conservative government is delivering strongly for Manitoba families within our 2018 provincial budget presented in March. We are increasing the Families Department’s budget by $60.5 million over last year, with $3.3 million to fund more than 700 childcare spaces as well as funding for construction in schools and communities across Manitoba. I’m particularly proud that we are delivering funding to subsidize existing childcare spaces in our constituency. On March 5, I helped to announce that 47 of these spaces will be funded in Dawson Trail. The local early learning and childcare centres receiving funds are Garderie Ile des Chênes Daycare Inc. and Les Boutons d’Or Inc. in Ile des Chenes.

The family of Bob Lagasse was present at the Manitoba Legislature to recognize the 100th birthday of Albertine Lagassé.

facilities and clarifying this reinvestment does not require a new approval from council,” to improve animal safety. The government is also dissolving the Interdepartmental Planning Board, which held its last meeting in January 2014. The Bill is expected to be approved later this year.

These spots are separate from the 90 funded spaces that I recently helped to re-secure for St. Adolphe in early March. Budget 2018 has also provided $700,000 for the Children’s Therapy Initiative and has introduced the Child Care Centre Development Tax Credit to stimulate the creation of licensed childcare spaces at private workplaces. Stay up to date by following me on Facebook. If you have questions or comments, I can be reached at 204807-4663 or by e-mail at bob.lagasse@leg.gov.mb.ca.

Albertine Lagassé at her 100th birthday celebration.

April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ste. Anne Aces Claim CSHL Title

The Ste. Anne Senior Aces claimed the Carillon Seniors Hockey League Championship on March 25 winning their third championship in a row.

The Ste. Anne Aces and Grunthal Red Wings played 60 minutes of scoreless hockey Sunday afternoon and the tournament ended in less than 60 seconds of overtime to put an end to the 2017-2018 Carillon Senior Hockey League season. Tanner Harms scored 58 seconds into overtime to seek the victory against Grunthal 1-0, ending the best-of-seven series with four wins and two losses. Aces Captain Steph Pattyn told media that it was a weird game and they just got lucky in overtime. The Ste. Anne Aces are the first team in the 15-year history of the Carillon Senior Hockey League to win three championships in a row. In previous years, the Mitchell Mohawks, La Broquerie Habs, Steinbach Huskies and Red River Wild all captured back-to-back championships but never the third. Having claimed their fourth CSHL win, the Aces, joined the other champions the South Eastern Manitoba Hockey League Carman Beavers, Tiger Hills Hockey League Gladstone Lakers and North Central Hockey League Grandview Comets at the provincial competition which kicked off March 31 at Bell MTS Iceplex in Winnipeg.

St. Pierre-Joly’s Annual Sugar Festival Kicks Off Spring By Marianne Curtis Those craving a sweet adventure are invited to St. Pierre-Jolys for this year’s annual sugar festival. The Sugaring Off Party is taking place April 7 and 8, from 10 am to 5 pm in the Cabane à Sucre, at the Musée de Saint-PierreJolys Muséum.

Each year, nearly 500 visitors per day from all over the province attend the festival, which is designed to celebrate the tradition of tapping Maple trees for sap to make syrup and maple butter. As part of the celebrations, visitors to the Cabane Sucre are shown how to properly tap a Maple tree, then the dehy-

The trees around the museum grounds were tapped during the last week of March in preparation of the upcoming Sugaring-Off Festival in St. Pierre-Jolys.

drating process, followed by sampling of the finished sweet product. The weekend schedule is full of activities, including taffy on snow, an interpretive centre demonstrating the production of maple syrup, horse wagon rides, museum tours, traditional FrenchCanadian dining and local entertainment. There is no admission fee. Prior to the actual public event, over 800 students will tour the grounds and participate in activities from April 4 - 6. The annual Cabane a Sucre goes back to the spring of 1986, when Armand Desharnais ventured out to tap a few Manitoba Maple trees on the museum grounds. Much to his delight, clear maple water dripped out, producing fine syrup. With the help of volunteers, this slowly expanded into an annual Sugaring-Off Festival in April. As this community festival grew, so was the need for a larger sugar-shack. In 1998, local artist, Réal Bérard, designed the “Cabane à Sucre” and it was erected on the museum grounds. This unique building makes for an excellent gathering place. In June 2000, the smaller, original sugar-shack, located adjacent to the main building, was named “Cabane demon uncle Armand” to recognize the founder’s enthusiasm and perseverance. To more information and to volunteer at the festival contact Mireille 204-712-7058 or Rolly 431777-6149.

Staggered Campground Bookings Make Reservations Simpler The Manitoba government once again is offering staggered opening for campground reservations, which is designed to address wait times when the reservation system opens. “With the staggered opening days, we’ve been able to spread out the demand and make our reservation system more efficient and that’s better for everyone,” Squires said. “Manitobans love provincial parks and we’re glad to accommodate their efforts to spend time in the great outdoors this summer.” To accommodate the expected high demand on the opening day of the parks reservation system, online and call centre services will begin at 7 am at prs.gov.mb.ca website, or by calling 204-9483333 (in Winnipeg) or 1-888-4822267 (toll-free). Check the website for call centre hours on other days. The Manitoba Parks Reservation Service will start accepting bookings in three phases. On March 19 at 7 am, reservations were open for cabins, yurts and group use areas as well as Birds Hill Provincial Park campground. On Monday, April 2 at 7 am campsite reservations were open for Winnipeg Beach, Betula Lake, Big Whiteshell, Brereton Lake, Caddy Lake, Falcon Beach, Falcon Lakeshore, Nutimik Lake, Opapiskaw, Otter Falls, West Hawk Lake and White Lake campgrounds and on April 4 at 7 am campsite reservations were open for all remaining provincial park campgrounds. Walk-in reservations and in-person payment arrangements can be made at 200 Saulteaux Cres. in Winnipeg and will be available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Annual provincial park entry passes can once again be purchased online through Canada Map Sales at canadamapsales. com as well as at retail outlets or provincial park offices.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Falcon Resort Earns Enterprise of the Year Award

Barb Hamilton, Craig Christie, Emily Christie, Caleigh Christie, and Brooke Christie from the Falcon Trails Resort accept this year’s FEX Manitoba’s 2018 Family Enterprise of the Year award.

By Marianne Curtis On March 15, Falcon Trails Resort was named as this year’s winner of the 2018 FEX Manitoba Family Enterprise of the Year Award Recipient by the Family Enterprise Xchange (FEX). The Manitoba Family Enterprise of the Year Award (FEYA) recognizes families who have shown dedication to their community and strengthening the family business footprint in Manitoba. “Manitoba family-owned businesses continue to be key employers in Manitoba and represent critically important drivers of our local and national economies,” said Bob Spriggs of Vector Construction, Chair of FEX Manitoba. Started in 1996, the family-operated Falcon Trails Resort was founded by and continues to be owned and operated by the Christie/Hamilton family. Located on the shores of Falcon and High Lake in the Whiteshell Provin-

cial Park, the resort has thrived under the direction of the adventure loving family. The ski hill at Falcon Lake was always a hub for locals and one of the few points of interest that drew people to this tourism-based area in the winter months. The little ski resort, tucked away in the woods provides amazing outdoor recreation, including a year-round resort with handcrafted lakefront cabins on two lakes as well as playing host to numerous sporting events, skiing, adventure races, mountain biking, business conferences, weddings, yoga retreats, an artist-in-residence program and, along with local community partners, an award-winning music festival. With the provincial recognition under their belt, Falcon Trails Resort is eligible for the national Family Enterprise of the Year award, presented by FEX at the Family Enterprise Xchange Symposium on September

26, 2018 in historic Niagara-onthe-Lake, Ontario. FEYA recognizes significant achievements made by a Manitoba Family Enterprise. The Award celebrates the successes of family businesses, ones that can inspire others. To be eligible for the award, applicants must be a “family-owned business”, defined as a private or public company, organization, or holding company that: is Canadian, multi-generational and employs more than one family member. The Family Enterprise Xchange (FEX) is an independent association of business families and family enterprise professional advisors. The organization is dedicated to ensuring that they will receive a unique blend of shared wisdom as well as experience, and the world’s best, leading-edge thinking and knowledge.

ROC Wins Provincial Recognition for Helping Local Kids ROC Eastman recently received a high provincial honour after the organization was named this year’s winner of the President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement at the annual 22 Recreations Connections Manitoba recreation conference awards banquet. Nominated by the Recreations Connections Manitoba Board of Directors, the award recognizes that Recreation Opportunities for Children Inc., more widely known as ROC Eastman has been transforming children’s lives through recreation for over eight years. “We are incredibly honoured to be recognized for what we do in the homes in Eastman,” Loewen told media. “This is a large body of people saying that we are doing a good thing.” In their nomination, the board praised the program’s rich history, which started in 2009 as a pilot program through the Government of Manitoba. Since then, ROC Eastman has grown into a registered Canadian

charity serving over 175 children and their families living in poverty. In partnership with caring referral sources, ROC Eastman connects with families to help reduce barriers to participation by assisting with the costs of activity registrations, addressing transportation needs, and

securing equipment and supplies. The organization works with each family in their home to provide a unique and a personal learning program that promotes self-esteem, a sense of belonging, independence and fun.

ROC Eastman was well represented when they were presented with the President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement. Photo submitted by Moni Loewen

April 2018

April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Ste. Anne Woman Earns Claiming Medical Expenses on Your Taxes Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers Medical expenses can be used to help reduce your personal income taxes. Any medical expenses, (according to CRA’s list, which is extensive) that you pay all or part out-of-pocket, can be claimed as a non-refundable medical expense credit. Why is it called non-refundable? You don’t save taxes (and get a possible refund) if you are not paying income taxes. For example, if you are a senior earning less than $18,000 taxable income or a couple, who are both 65+, earning a combined $36,000 or less, you likely are paying no taxes. There are so many other credits to help reduce taxes payable (basic, age, pension) that may already offset your taxable income. So claiming medical expenses may not help you. If you do not have any taxes payable (line 435), medical expenses do not provide a refund. Except in one situation, there is a refundable medical expense credit for those with some employment or self-employment income. The employment income needs to be at least $3,000. You could receive some refund without having any taxes payable. This needs to be a combination of low taxable income and high medical expenses. For most taxpayers to claim medical expenses, it does need to exceed 3% of your net income. For example if your income is $30,000, the medical expenses need to be more than $900. Families can combine their medical expenses and claim on one of the spouse’s tax returns. Often it’s the spouse with the lower tax return (but only if that spouse has taxes payable). Here is a shortened list of some of the more common medical expenses we ask our clients about: Premiums paid for a health plan -This can be paid as a deduction from your regular pay, or from your monthly pension plan, or direct from your bank account. We need proof of what you paid. Get a receipt if it’s direct from your bank account. If your premiums paid are a deduction from your regular pay, it should be on your pay statement (keep your last pay statement of the calendar year). If it says “group insurance”, that is not enough, because it may include life insurance and disability insurance. We can only use the health and dental plan portion. You need to get a letter from your employer that confirms how much you paid for the health and dental plan. Medical Travel - Keep your 2017 wall or pocket calendar. Use a medical log sheet to record the date, doctor’s name, name of clinic or hospital, and number of km (must be more than 40 km one way for a service you cannot get locally). We can provide you a medical log for you. If you didn’t keep track of all your medical appointments, you can call Manitoba Health and get a printout for the year. If you have to travel more than 80 km, you can also claim parking, accommodations and meals ($17 per meal). Prescriptions - Go to your pharmacy and ask for a detailed list for 2017. Easier than keeping all those little receipts! Ask for one for each member of your family. Out of Pocket - If you have a health plan, you can claim the amounts the plan does not cover. You may have a yearly deductible of $25 or more, plus the 10, 20 or 30% the plan does not cover. If you have a Health Spending Account (HSA), then we can only claim what you cannot claim in your HSA. Other Medical Expenses - There are so many possible medical expenses, dental, dentures, orthodontics, chiropractor, physiotherapy; eye exams and prescription glasses, travel health insurance, portion of your rent if you are in senior assisted or supportive housing, laser eye surgery, incontinence pads, hearing aid batteries and hearing aids, medical marihuana, gluten-free products. Moving expenses - You can claim reasonable moving expenses to move a person who has a severe and prolonged mobility impairment, or who lacks normal physical development, to housing that is more accessible to the person or in which the person is more mobile or functional, to a limit of $2,000. Tutoring services - If they are additional to the primary education of a person with a learning disability or impairment in mental functions and paid to a person in the business of providing these services to individuals who are not related to the person. Home Accessibility - Certain home renovations can be claimed such as grab bars, wheelchair ramps, walk-in bathtubs and showers. What we cannot claim - Some common ones are massage therapy, acupuncture, blood pressure monitors, personal response systems like Victoria Life Line, vitamins and supplements (except B12 that can be claimed), over the counter medications and organic food. If you have medical expenses that you could have claimed on your 2017 taxes or in the past ten years, we can adjust your previous tax returns and get you some additional refunds. Just ask. Anni Markmann is a financial advisor and tax professional working, living, and volunteering in our community. Contact her at 204-422-6631, Anni@SteAnneTaxService.ca or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne.

Governor General of Canada Julie Payette presents Christine Beaumont, from Ste. Anne with the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers.

By Marianne Curtis A Ste. Anne woman was among 45 remarkable Canadians recently recognized for their excellence, courage or exceptional dedication to service with an award presented by the Governor General of Canada. On March 21, Governor General of Canada Julie Payette presented Christine Beaumont with a Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers during a special ceremony at Government House in Victoria BC. Beaumont was recognized for her contribution to the vitality of the Francophone community in Manitoba as past chair of Francofonds, which funds economic development initiatives and projects throughout the province. More recently, she co-launched Tailored for Suc-

cess, a program that provides new or gently used career clothing and accessories to disadvantaged men and women who are entering into the workforce, preparing for a job interview, or training program. The Governor General of Canada presents honours on behalf of all Canadians in communities across the country to help share inspiring stories, celebrate the tremendous contributions to our society and connect with Canadians. Nominees range from community volunteers to scientists, actors to members of the military or from scholars to everyday citizens. Beaumont received her medal amidst others recognized for their excellence, courage or exceptional dedication to service with either the Order of Canada, the Order of Mer-

it of the Police Forces, Meritorious Service Decoration (civil division), Decoration for Bravery, the Polar Medal or the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers. The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers recognizes the remarkable volunteer achievements of Canadians from across the country in a wide range of fields. As an official Canadian honour, the Medal pays tribute to the dedication and exemplary commitment of volunteers. Created in 1967, the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest civilian honours, recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation. Close to 7,000 people from all sectors of society have been invested into the Order.

Ste. Anne Library Saved from Closure On March 21, a plea went out from the Ste. Anne Library, requesting that residents speak up at council or risk losing the facility. “The library is in danger of closing!” stated the notice issued by the board. At recent Town of Ste. Anne and RM of Ste. Anne meetings, the board presented an already tight budget of $71,000. A shortfall of $8,000 due to a funding cut would have potentially closed the library. “We need patrons to advocate with their local governments asking that they approve an additional $4,000 in yearly grants from both the RM of Ste Anne and the Town of Ste Anne,” said a library representative. “We cannot continue to operate like this, as we will be going into a deficit every year to the tune of $8,000.” It was noted that while operating costs have steadily increased, funding grants from both the town and the municipality have not increased in over eight years.

The Ste-Anne Library has been providing library services to Ste-Anne and the surrounding community since 1990.

The RM of Ste. Anne has since announced that they will increase their annual funding to the library from $10,000 to $15,000 for 2018, and 2019 with the plan to review the matter again in 2020. “We realized that 42% of the patrons are from the RM of Ste. Anne,” admitted Reeve Art Berg-

mann. At one time, the RM paid $50 per household, for about 200 residents who used the library. Now about 250 residents use the facility, so the municipality agreed to pay more. The Town of Ste. Anne is expected to announce their decision at the first council meeting of April.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018

ROC Takes Over Annual Book Fair By Marianne Curtis Following the shocking news last month that the Bethesda Book Fair would no longer take place, Recreation Opportunities for Children Inc (ROC) Eastman decided to carry on the legacy under their umbrella. “I’m super excited to tell you that the Bethesda Auxiliary is allowing ROC to carry on their legacy with the Book Fair at Clearspring,” said Moni Loewen. “After a difficult decision to shut the Auxiliary doors, many of their members were heartbroken to say goodbye to the highly

successful Book Fair. We couldn’t let this amazing community event and fundraiser drift away into history.” Loewen said they spent several weeks learning about the event and organization before making a decision. “We’ve had such a good time learning from the Auxiliary and are so grateful that many will stay on to help us continue the Book Fair.” The recent sale that took place on March 21-24 was the last for Bethesda Auxiliary; the next event will be in support of ROC Eastman.

“If you or anyone you know loves books, sorting them, pricing them, helping customers find the right one while helping our ROC families, please let us know!” Loewen invited. “With a bit more help, this well-oiled machine will keep right on trucking!” Since 2009, Eastman Recreation Opportunities for Children takes a hands-on approach with families to come up with a workable recreation plan and provides more that financial support for sports and physical activities. Activities include photography, music or singing lessons, gardening, dog obedience classes, dance, Kung Fu, Special Olympics, clay making, swimming lessons, soccer, creative writ-

La Broquerie Reeve Opposes Tax Increase On March 29, the RM of La Broquerie Council chambers were overflowing with residents in opposition of a proposed 1 mil tax increase announced in 2-2018 being a By-Law to Levy Taxes. Despite the objections of over fifty residents, backed by the municipality’s Reeve, the increase was approved. According to the budget, residents with a $250,000 valued home would have to pay $110 extra in taxes which equals a .975 increase and the LUD of La Broquerie resi-

dents would have to pay an extra $44 or a .391 mil increase. When the matter went to second reading, all Council members except Reeve Lewis Weiss, voted in favour of the increase. “I campaigned on keeping the taxes down and that is one of the things I was working for,” said Weiss. “I side with the people.” The last time the RM of La Broquerie increased taxes significantly was back in 2015, when residents with a $250,000 valued home saw

a $23.29 increase. Taxes decreased in 2016 by $112.28 and rose slightly by $.45 in rural areas in 2016. The cause of the increase was cited to be a joint venture with the RM of Ste. Anne to fix additional miles of Loewen Boulevard. Capital projects such as paving Carriere Road from St. Joseph to St. Roch, paving a portion of Gerard Tetrault and Martel Roads, as well the tertiary project, purchase of Zamboni, dehumidifiers for the ice surface, public works mower, construction of rural walking trails, new generator for lift station #2, and a play structure at the Marchand Community Club.

Caisse Branches Closed in Southeast As of March 1st, Caisse Populaire members from South Junction and Richer will have to travel further to conduct their banking after the organization closed the doors to branches in those communities. According to Caisse Financial Group Board Chairperson, Real Dequier, a decision to close several branches across the province was made last fall due to the low volume of activity. Since then eight of 27

Caisse Financial branches are closing or have already closed, including Letellier, St. Joseph, Marquette, Haywood, Rathwell and St. Leon. “The decision to close a branch is a difficult because Caisse truly feels part of the communities we service and we do our utmost to serve our members needs to the best of our ability; however, this decision was deemed necessary due to the low volume of activity at this branch,”

Dequier, said in a letter. Going forward, all client accounts will be managed by the full service branch in Ste. Anne, 115 km away from the Piney area. Other nearby Caisse Populaire locations are in La Broquerie and St. Pierre-Jolys. The branch closure did not effect memberships, cheques, debit cards, or access to online or telephone banking services. Clients can also continue to upload or deposit at any Credit Union AccuLink ATM in Canada, free of charge.

Food Truck Fair Returns to Steinbach Streets Part of the excitement of summer, is the presence of food trucks and carts. This summer, the City of Steinbach is once again endorsing this tradition by hosting a Food Truck Fair. The Food Truck Fair will take place at the new Community Plaza, every Thursday during July. Residents are invited to grab lunch between 11 am – 2 pm from a participating food truck and enjoy it at Steinbach’s

newest outdoor gathering place. “This is a great summer event that encourages people to have lunch, connect with others and enjoy our beautiful new community plaza,” said Mayor Chris Goertzen. The plaza, located downtown in front of the T.G. Smith Centre, boasts benches, tables, trees, shrubs and green space. Food trucks will be parked on the T.G. Smith Cen-

tre parking lot along the sidewalk beside the Stony Brook Creek leading into the plaza. Food truck operators interested in participating can contact the City of Steinbach or visit the website at steinbach.ca/steinbachs-foodtruck-fair. Applications are available on-line. Business licenses are required to participate at a cost of $100 for residents or $300 for nonresidents. The Food Truck Fair is expected to operate rain or shine.

ing and more. ROC Eastman works with children throughout the region, with current clients in St. Malo, St. Pierre-Jolys, Steinbach, Niverville, Blumenort, La Broquerie, Pine Falls and Beausejour. For more info on ROC Eastman, please visit roceastman.ca.

Local Business Directory


April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

In Whose Name Do You Serve? A person becomes a Christian by believing and personally accepting and receiving the fact that Jesus Christ died and shed His blood to pay for our sins. When this transaction takes place in your life, or you rededicate your life to Christ (if you were already a Christian), there often is a burden or a deep desire to do something for God. So the question that needs answering today is “What can a Christian do for God?” Present day Christian teaching would tell us the field of service is wide open. You might be a pastor, a pastor’s wife or a missionary. You could be a faithful church member in your local church. Churches are always in need of Sunday school teachers, special music, repairs and maintenance personnel, deacons, piano or organ players. The opportunities are unlimited. When God made you, He gave you talents and abilities and it is a normal desire for a Christian to want to use those talents in God’s service. But, in spite of popular opinion, the Bible teaches that we can do nothing for God in and of ourselves. We often quote the verse in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.” If you do a word study in the King James Bible on the word “through”, it means in this verse, that Christ does all the work in us and through us. We are to be willing vessels, yielded to God’s will, so He can carry out His will in our lives. Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” If we think we can do anything of value for God, Isaiah 64:6 deflates that idea. “All our righteousness’s are as filthy rags.” A Christian can be the best Sunday school teacher or song leader in Manitoba, but if the work was theirs and not God’s, the Bible says it’s as a filthy rag. I Corinthians 1:29 says, God has ordained His work to be done by Him so, “that no flesh should glory in his presence.” When a Christian stands before Jesus Christ one day, he will receive rewards (I Corinthians 3:12-15). They will either be gold, silver, precious stones or wood, hay and stubble. If we submit to God and let Him do the work through us, then the rewards will be gold, silver and precious stones, but if we do the work ourselves, then the rewards will be wood, hay and stubble. God is looking for humble submissive servants today who will yield to Him and let Him decide the work done, how and when it gets done, so He gets the glory. 1. Are you God’s child today? 2. As God’s child, are you willing to let Him lead and guide you in His service? Psalm 127:1 says, “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

Escalated Canada Revenue Agency Scams Reported The Steinbach RCMP are once again getting a high number of calls or personal attendance at the Detachment from the public reporting concerns about receiving calls from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) about unpaid taxes that must be paid immediately or a warrant for their arrest will be issued. The caller will ask you to pay using different methods such as a Money Transfer via Money Gram, Western Union, your own financial institution, through the purchase of iTunes cards, Visa or MasterCard credit card and lately via Bit coins. If you receive such a call, immediately hang up. A voice mail may also be left on your phone asking that you contact them immediately and provide you with a contact number.

Do not call them back. The public should be assured that the police will never make an arrest for unpaid taxes. If anyone actually owes Revenue Canada money, contact will be by mail with a notice of payment. If you have suffered a financial loss, you may report this to the police. If you have not provided personal information or suffered a financial loss, you can report the call directly to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501. To verify a call or email, you should contact the CRA directly at 1-800-959-8281 or login into the CRA’s website with the My Account Service.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018


Grace - Grace Marvellous Grace

Bethesda Auxiliary Hosts Final Book Sale By Marianne Curtis It was the end of an era when the Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary hosted their 25th and final book sale this past month. From March 21 to 24, books collected and sorted by Auxiliary volunteers were sold in support of the organization. The event gave book lovers one last opportunity to pick up gently used books at rock-bottom prices while supporting the Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary.

According to Bethesda Health Care Auxiliary President Phyllis Toews, this was the final book sale fundraising event. “We had to make this tough decision because the current sorting and pricing space will no longer be available, and a lack of individuals willing to step up into a leadership role,” Toews explained” She noted that the sale has grown substantially over the years outgrowing their current space and moving seemed more work than the group could

handle. Since 1980, the Bethesda Hospital Auxiliary has hosted several successful sales, which have raised well over $616,580 for medical equipment necessary for patient comfort or safety but not funded through Manitoba Health programs. The very first project was $1,934 for commode chairs, and 2 resuscitation machines. A Gamma Probe ($42,500), Hydrotherapy Room ($45,000) and Resuscitation Unit ($40,000) are among the most expensive items purchased by the group.

Matthew 27:45-46 45) From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. 46) About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) (NIV) You and I cannot forget the Easter season. We cannot forget how Jesus challenged His people when He approached Jerusalem. He knew that He was about to be crucified, but the love He had for us, and the lost citizens of the whole world, He could not hide. The depths of Christ’s love so wanted to draw together all humankind to the cross; but most say, “No! We do not want you.” Somehow, you and I can feel the pain in Christ’s heart. The extreme anxiety, the rejection, the hurt; but also, the patience of God is there; after all, people in His day and today, still reject Christ and most of the messengers that God has sent. But we can also see the love of God and the patience of God. He did not give up. He did not throw them off like a dirty piece of cloth. His love is immeasurable, unlimited as He puts up with our sins, and our rejection of His invitation. Did you know that Jesus cannot force us to accept His message of salvation? That decision rests with you and me. We must make that choice. Sometimes I think that it is an awful responsibility, we can either accept or reject Christ’s invitation. Christ will not force His way into our heart; His only weapon, if you want to call it that, is His outstretched arms as He pleads with us to come to the Cross. One more thought that just popped into my mind; is the development, the work in progress that is behind sin. We look on Jesus in all His passion, in all His splendour and then we go ahead and refuse His invitation. Yes! The sad part is that our heart has no handle on the outside. We must open it from the inside. That means sin is a deliberate rejection of Christ’s invitation if we refuse to open the door to our heart. How about if we pause for just a moment and read our Scripture Text? Ask yourselves these questions. Can we penetrate Jesus’ thoughts here and gain access to His inner being? Can we feel the anguish of His heart, His passion as His soul is laid bare for us? Is it possible for you and me to understand fully or comprehend Jesus’ heart and mind as He hung on the cross, as he became the sacrifice for the sins of the entire world, hanging between heaven and earth? He became the stairwell coming down from God in heaven to our heart so that we might be saved. But as Christ was hanging their God forsook Him for a moment. Why would God do that? The reason was that as Jesus was hanging on the cross, during those awful three hours, and as the darkness became impenetrable… He took all our sins. Jesus gave His own soul as an offering for all our sins and God the Father was pleased with that sacrifice. Christ was suffering! He cried like a wounded helpless person, maybe it did not even sound like a human cry, but like nothing, you or I could imagine as our sins were pushed down on Him. Then that awful mob and spectators increase His suffering, by laughing, shouting, and shaking of heads. “He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver Him, now let God deliver Him if He is the Christ,” they shouted. Then the Pharisees sat down and watched the Lord Jesus Christ die. One must really be spiritually dead to do that! I do not think a person can get any lower than that! But what did Jesus do… Luke 23:34: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Christ asked forgiveness for their sin. And a centurion who oversaw the execution was saved. Is it possible that we cannot totally understand all that happened between God and Jesus that day? I know that is true in my case. But my heart still overflows with praise when I think of the amazing grace that Jesus should end His life on the Cross, with a prayer that God should forgive “US” because we did not know what we were doing - that is amazing grace. We were lost and spiritually blind, but He taught our hearts to hear His still small voice, and He encouraged us that we would heed that voice, so He could enter our hearts and lead us through all our trials and struggles. Amazing! Truly amazing! Me a sinner; that he would forgive a sinner such as me! No wonder our hearts cry out, “To God Be the Glory Great Things He has done!” Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have peace in my heart. I really want that peace, joy, and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honour to Your Name.” Amen.


April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Local Rural Athletes of the Week Named By Marianne Curtis

This past month, two local basketball stars, one from Niverville and one from Ste. Anne joined the ranks of those named Powerland Rural High School Athlete of the Week in Manitoba. Parker Davis from Niverville Collegiate was named Rural High School Athlete of the Week after the 5’11” guard led the Panthers to their first Provincial Basketball Championships in 40 years. According to his Coach Richard Toews, Davis averaged 18 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists, 5 steals, 7 deflections, and 1 block a game. At the end of the tournament, he was named Zone 13 regular season MVP and a provincial all-star. “Parker’s work ethic and focus are unmatched at practice and in all that he does. He holds himself to a very high standard and challenges himself to do his best every time he participates in any sport,” said Toews. “This also challenges his teammates to improve as well. His leadership is seen whenever he is on the court. Parker has been a privilege to coach. I count myself blessed to be able to work with a team with such great character and skill as I had this year.” The grade 12 student maintains an 89% academic average, while also participating in volleyball, soccer and track & field.

Parker Davis from Niverville Collegiate.

A few weeks earlier, Alex de Jong was recognized after the 6’4” forward led the Ste. Anne Collegiate Lynx to their first Zone Championship since entering the AAA category last season. He scored 35 points and had 22 rebounds in the championship game. “Alex is a selfless player that puts the team success before his own. He has contributed to the positive culture of the team and pushes his teammates to get better each and every time they hit the court,” praised his Coach, Tom Lewis. When not playing volleyball, badminton and baseball, the Grade 12 student maintains an 88% academic average.

Alex de Jong from the Ste. Anne Lynx is airborne while making a winning shot.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018


Ile des Chene Teen Wins ‘Bot Battle By Marianne Curtis An Ile des Chenes teen has once again been named among the top thirteen winners of the 23rd Manitoba Robot Games. Fourteen years old, Joseph Bernardin and his robot were among 204 robots registered from schools across the province when the event took place at Tec Voc High School on March 24. After a tough battle of the ‘bots, the teen took home first place in The Line Follower competition. Joseph started building robots for competition with his father, Pat after attending the Robot Wars for the first time, as a spectator four years ago. The father and son team named their team Bernardin Robots and this year he entered two robots named Linus Maximus and Linus Followous. Bernardin is the only youth from southern Manitoba to compete in the event and the only winner not represented by a public or private school. The Robot Games are designed to encourage students to look for ca-

Fourteen years old, Joseph Bernardin and his robots were along 209 participants when the event took place at Tec Voc High School on March 24.

reers in Science and Technology. Participants in each division have different tasks to complete which teach electrical, mechanical and technical abilities, while teaching teamwork. They then battle it out in thirteen events including Autonomous Line Follower, Mini Sumo tethered (various levels), Mini Sumo Autonomous, Lego Challenge, Prairie Sumo Autonomous and Tethered, Super Scramble Light, Tractor Pull and Robocritters. Out of the thirteen events, he competed in The Tethered Sumo and The Line Follower competitions. The Line Follower requires the operator to program their robot to follow an 18 mm wide black line around each of four progressively harder arenas. The object of the Tethered Sumo is for two robots to try to push each other out of the ring. Although he won many battles in the Tethered Sumo, he failed to place in the event. The Manitoba Robot Games takes place annually in an effort to encourage students to build skills as mechanics, engineers, software designers, makers, and technicians, and consider turning their skills into a future career. It is a project of Science Council Manitoba, which is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting Science and Technology to Manitoba’s youth.

The little winning ‘bot Linus Followous.


April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Lighter Thief

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Stolen Snowmobile Found on Trail

On March 14 at approximately 7:44 pm, Ste. Anne Coop on Main St in Steinbach advised that they had a theft of $200 worth of Zippo lighters. A man in a black jacket and grey cap was observed taking the lighters and walking out without paying for them. Steinbach RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance in locating those responsible. If you have any information regarding this incident you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452, CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477, manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

On March 12, Sprague RCMP received a report of a damaged snowmobile left on a groomed trail southwest of Piney. The investigation revealed that the snowmobile had previously been stolen from Sandilands. Sprague RCMP is requesting information from anyone who may have witnessed this accident or assisted the operator. The accident is believed to have occurred sometime between March 8 and 9. If you have any information regarding this incident, you are asked to contact the Sprague RCMP Detachment at 204-437-2041 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Providence College Names Athletes of the Year

April 2018


RCMP Files Women Arrested for Stabbing Driver On March 20 at approximately 10:05 pm, St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP received a report of a man who was stabbed on Main St. in Landmark. When officers arrived, the victim had already been transported to hospital and the suspect was lying on the side of the road. Investigation determined that the female suspect was intoxicated and asked for a ride from Winnipeg to Landmark. The 46-year-old male victim, from Winnipeg, was heading in that direction and agreed. When they arrived in Landmark, the women stabbed the victim in the upper body. A struggle ensued, and the man was stabbed several more times. He was eventually able to remove the women from the vehicle. The victim received serious, but non-life threatening injuries. The 30-year-old woman from Winnipeg was taken to hospital and was found to be uninjured. She was then taken to the RCMP Detachment and charged with Aggravated Assault. She remains in custody.

Julika Phommarath was named Female Athlete of the Year and Lucas Pappel took home the Male Athlete of the Year award during the Providence Pilots Awards Banquet recently.

On March 23, Providence College athlete Julika Phommarath was named Female Athlete of the Year and Lucas Pappel took home the Male Athlete of the Year award at Providence Pilots Awards Banquet held on the Otterburne campus. Scott Masterson, Director of Athletics at Providence and head coach of the men’s volleyball team, said that both Phommarath and Pappel are exemplary student-athletes. “They give practical examples of the kind of athletes and people, we hope all our athletes work to become,” he said. To earn the recognition, Phommarath scored 17 goals and added

5 assists in the 2017-18 outdoor season before tallying 22 times on the futsal court and was honoured with Pilots Women’s Soccer Most Valuable Player. She also won the prestigious National Christian College Athletic Association Game Plan 4 Life award and named a NCCAA All American, NCCAA Div. II All American and member of the NCCAA Div. II All-Region and All-Tournament teams. The Manitoba Colleges Athletic Conference appointed her to their outdoor and indoor All-Conference teams and named her Female Athlete of Week 15. Pappel played all but one set for

the Pilots men’s volleyball team in 2017-18 and led the MCAC with 608 assists. His 65 digs were good for 10th in the province and his 24 kills and 37.5% kill rate made him first among MCAC setters. He was Player of the Game in the Pilots’ MCAC play-off semi-final, named Male Athlete of Week 19 and appointed to the All-Conference Team. Also recognized during the banquet were LaDawn Friesen, Female Rookie of the Year, and Jorge Vilchis, Male Rookie of the Year. Women’s volleyball player Jillana Groening was named Pilots Scholar Athlete of the Year.

Steinbach RCMP Investigate Hold Up On March 24 at approximately 11:30 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a theft at the A&W Restaurant on Brandt St in Steinbach. It was reported that a female employee was closing up when a man dressed all in black, wearing a mask and a toque, entered the restaurant and stole an undisclosed amount of cash. The employee was unharmed and was not threatened. No weapon was presented during the hold-up. The man is described as 5’8” with a slim build, light brown or hazel eyes and he was wearing gloves. He was carrying a black drawstring gym bag. Steinbach RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance in locating those responsible. If you have any information regarding this incident you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-3264452, CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477, manitobacrimestoppers. com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Armed Man Arrested After Barricaded in House It was a full house during this year Providence Pilots Awards Banquet.

Books Closed with Surplus for Summer Games 2016 The Chamber of Commerce is happy to report that hosting the Manitoba Summer Games had a positive economic impact on the community. According to the Chamber, representatives from the Manitoba Summer Games host committee recently presented the results of the economic impact assessment for the 2016 Power Smart Manitoba Sum-

mer Games held in Steinbach. “The economic impact assessment revealed that the Games, which cost the community $989,000, actually brought a small surplus of $8,400 into Steinbach,” according to Trish Enns and Cheryl Peters of the Games host committee. They also noted the combined spending of out of town athletes, family members, spectators and

other visitors in combination with the expenditures made by the host society totalled $1.9 million, supporting $2.6 million in economic activity in Manitoba, including $2.3 million of economic activity in Steinbach.” In addition, the Games left behind numerous recreational facility improvements valued at approximately $400,000.

On March 15 at around 1:45 am, the Steinbach RCMP received a call from a 32-year-old woman, who advised her 60-year-old common-law partner was threatening to burn down the property situated near Highway 1 and Provincial Road 207 and that he had made threats to harm the police if they were to respond. The woman, who was calling from another residence, also advised officers that she was aware that he was in the process of burning her personal belongings, that he was alone, and that he had numerous firearms in the residence. The RCMP’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) was deployed to the scene. Police determined that there was no threat to public safety. At approximately 7:40 am, as ERT approached the 60-yearold man immediately exited and surrendered to custody without incident. Once officers secured the residence, they located numerous firearms. The accused remains in police custody at this time and will face numerous firearm related charges as well as Uttering Threats and Arson. There were no injuries reported and the investigation continues.


April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Beware of Chuck! For years, I have enjoyed the humorous ‘facts’ about Chuck Norris. These absurd ‘facts’ are often in regards to Chuck Norris’ tough attitude, strength, manliness and his virility. While my wife does not understand why I laugh so hard when I read these, I hope that many of you will read the following and enjoy yourselves. For your reading pleasure and laugh-outloud enjoyment, I give to you some of my favourite Chuck Norris ‘facts’. – Chuck Norris can recite pi backward. – Chuck Norris goes to the gun range so the targets can practice running from him. – Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but imitation of Chuck Norris will only get you flattened. – Chuck Norris is the first person on the Ghostbusters’ speed dial. – Edward and Jacob are on Team Chuck. – Area 51 is where Chuck Norris keeps his pets. – Chuck Norris knows that a man has been on the moon because Chuck Norris was the one who threw him there. – Tony Stark made an iron man suit for Chuck Norris, but Chuck Norris has never used it because it only slows him down. – When Chuck Norris was on Noah’s ark, the dragons scuffed his snake-skin boots. That was all it took. – Before Chuck Norris came to Middleearth, Hobbits were twelve feet tall. – Chuck Norris’ tears cure cancer, too bad he has never cried. Ever.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Fatal Collision With Cement Truck On Friday, March 16 at 12:20 pm, officers from the Steinbach RCMP responded to a two-vehicle collision at the intersection of Highway 52 and Industrial Road in the City of Steinbach. Police determined that an eastbound vehicle, driven by a 46-year-old man from Kleefeld with his 20-year old son in the passenger seat, was making a left-hand turn onto Industrial Road when it was struck by a westbound cement truck, driven by a 50-year-old man from La Broquerie. The occupants of the vehicle were taken to local hospital where the 20-year-old succumbed to his injuries. The driver of the cement truck was not injured. Alcohol and speed are not considered factors in the collision and seatbelts were in use at the time.

– The light bulbs in Chuck Norris’s house are replaced every day because nobody wants to run the risk of getting stuck in the dark with Chuck Norris. – The light at the end of the tunnel is Chuck Norris’s fist rushing towards you. – Chuck Norris once made it rain cats and dogs just to take care of a mouse problem. – When Chuck Norris compares apples to oranges, they are equivalent. – Chuck Norris is who won first place in the Monopoly beauty contest. – When the boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris. I hope that you’ve enjoyed these ‘facts’ about Chuck Norris and that you’ve laughed loud enough for the people nearby to wonder why you are laughing. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

MHV Executive Director Retires Barry Dyck, the Executive Director of the Mennonite Heritage Village (MHV) recently announced his retirement for the end of 2018. The Board of Directors thanked Mr. Dyck for his leadership and service at the museum over the past nine years. Dyck said he looks forward to pursuing various other interests in his retirement. MHV has appointed a succession committee to undertake the recruitment of a new Executive Director. Committee members consist of Allan Kroeker, Jeremy Peters, Willie Peters, Reg Toews and Bev Unger. Reg Toews will give leadership to this team. The search will begin immediately. All Interested applicants should contact Reg Toews at regtoews@mymts.net.

Garage Break In Between the March 8 and 9, an individual gained access to a garage of a house on Carlton Dr. in Steinbach. Once inside the individuals rummaged through vehicles taking a carton of cigarettes, keys and loose change. Police say the investigation is ongoing. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Thieves Steal Tools from Truck On March 24 around midnight, Steinbach RCMP responded to a report of theft from a vehicle on Hospital St in Steinbach. The owner of the Dodge Pickup reported that culprits got away with a Makita Jigsaw, air stapler, porter cable and a toolbox full of drill bits and screws. Steinbach RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance in locating those responsible. If you have any information regarding this incident you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452, CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477, manitobacrimestoppers. com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Pedestrian Dies After Being Hit On March 18 at approximately 2:20 am, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a pedestrian struck on Highway 52, approximately eight km west of La Broquerie. A 42-year-old male pedestrian from La Broquerie was pronounced deceased on scene. It is unclear at this time whether alcohol was involved in the collision. The 60-year-old female driver of the vehicle, from Sandilands, was not injured and was not intoxicated. A RCMP Forensic Collision Reconstructionist is assisting with the ongoing investigation.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018


Spring Home Renovations Minimizing Dust While Renovating Your House can be done outdoors to keep dust outside. • Open a window. If weather permits, an open window can provide ventilation. Another idea is to create an air vacuum in the work area. Picking a window at the far end of the work area and mounting a window fan blowing outward can suck dust out and away from other areas of the house. • Clean up daily. By keeping on top of dust, including sweeping and vacuuming the work area frequently, dust will not accumulate and migrate elsewhere.

Dust is a common side effect of home renovation projects, but it can be minimized.

“Beware of silica from drywall, lead, asbestos, paint particles, and even waste from bugs or rodents.”

Dust is inevitable while renovating, but it’s possible to minimize its prevalence and impact. Whether a home is new or old, numerous substances can be stirred up when removing walls, refinishing floors, removing tile, or expanding living spaces. Beware of silica from drywall, lead, asbestos, paint particles, and even waste from bugs or rodents. Homeowners who want to remodel with minimal construction debris floating through the air – both for

Demolition inevitably causes dust.

health purposes and general cleanliness – may find these proactive steps helpful. • Prepare dust-containment plans. If a contractor is involved, it is often his or her responsibility to minimize dust. Do-it-yourselfers must make dust containment a priority. Protecting the floor and keeping the dust confined only to work areas can be achieved with plastic sheeting and other barriers. • Designate an entrance and exit. The experts at This Old House say it is best to choose one doorway as the only means in and out of a work area. Ideally, this doorway should lead to the outdoors. All other doorways should be sealed on both sides.

• Remove extraneous items. It’s best to remove clutter from the room, including any furniture that can be taken out of the space. This helps items from becoming dirty and hazardous particles from settling into nooks and crannies. • Close vents and registers. If forced air systems are part of the home, it’s best to divert air away from the work area. Block vents and

intake registers so that dust does not clog the system or transfer to other rooms. • Cut items outside. Design advice site Houzz says that some power tools have vacuum extractors to suck up dust at the point of contact, removing 90 percent of dust where it is generated. For those who do not have access to these tools, cutting and sanding


April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Spring Home Renovations Add Value and Style to Your Home

Made-to-order window coverings are like a well-tailored blazer — they instantly add timeless luxury and professional sophistication.

Updating your home can make the space more livable and beautiful. But giving your home a refresh can also boost your property value. Here are some ideas to consider for your next improvement project, big or small. • Layer the lighting. The secret to making a room look like it came straight out of a magazine is layered lighting. Set the tone with ambient lighting at every height. Try experimenting with wall-mounted sconces, pendants, chandeliers or foot lamps for a brighter space and increased functionality. • Customize your window treatments. Made-to-order window coverings are like a well-tailored blazer — they instantly add timeless luxury and professional sophistication. Opt for a classic look with clean lines that’s always in style, like Vignette modern roman shades from Hunter Douglas. Unlike other roman shades, they can open from the top, from the bottom, or somewhere in-between for the perfect balance of privacy and light. Choose from an array of luxurious textures and colours to transform your windows. • Stage like a pro. Even if you’re the only one who will be seeing your home this weekend, style the place like a designer would for an open house. Start with your coffee table — combine one large statement piece like a vase or bowl and stack art books or candles for fashionable flair. Other meaningful touches are fresh orchids, plumping the pillows and draping a throw across the couch. • Modernize your kitchen. Few renovation projects offer a better return on your investment than a kitchen upgrade. This key room is the heart of the home and is often the first place guests look. Even small updates can make a big difference. Try swapping out a dated sink or an ancient microwave for a new energy-efficient model, or painting the cabinets and replacing knobs and handles with a stylish metal like brass. Article courtesy of www.newscanada.com

Renovating? Some DIY projects to avoid Unless you have technical qualifications and a lot of experience, there are some projects and types of work that you are better off leaving to the pros. These are the ones that involve safety risks for you and your family, and it is better to let a professional to do the work. 1. Plumbing, electrical and gas repairs and installations. Depending on provincial regulations, a licensed contractor may be necessary by law. Make sure you know the rules where you live. For the sake of your family’s safety, work involving electricity and/or gas service should only be done by a qualified and licensed contractor. Because this type of work can result in a safety hazard if done incorrectly, permits are usually required.

2. Roofing or other exterior work involving heights. These projects require proper safety equipment that must be correctly used. If you don’t have such equipment and know how to use it properly, don’t take chances — hire a pro. 3. Asbestos removal. You should always use a professional for this tricky project, and provincial laws likely require it. Don’t risk your health by doing this work on your own. The Canadian Home Builder’s Association offers free information on how to hire a contractor the smart and safe way. Find more info at www.getitinwriting.ca. Article courtesy of www.newscanada.com

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018


Pro Tips for Larger Renovation Projects Major remodels and overhauls are complex renovation projects that can involve a lot of disruption to your normal daily routines. Contractor and design professionals stress the importance of discussing these impacts and planning for how best to deal with them before the work begins. Some renovations and additions, such as converting a bungalow to a two-storey home, will require you to move out of your home during much of the construction. There is simply no way to get the work done efficiently if you are living there. Other projects, such as an addition above an attached garage or a refurbished kitchen, may allow you to live with the building project, but there will be inconvenience and disruption that you’ll have to plan for. A professional contractor will be able to tell you what to expect and when, so that you can work together to minimize the disruption. Be realistic about the time a project will take to get started and complete. Consider its full costs, including at least a 10 per cent contingency fund for changes and unexpected conditions, as well as the impact the project will have on the daily operation of your household and family activities. If your project is likely to last more than a few weeks, it’s wise to discuss your project with neighbours. In addition to unavoidable noise and dirt, there will be vehicles parked on the street, disposal bins in the driveway and truck deliveries. Most neighbours will be understanding and accommodating, especially if notified first. Include a requirement for daily clean-up in your contract so that your home, street and nearby lawns don’t end up resembling a construction site. Many professional contractors are part of RenoMark, the national program that aims to set the real pros apart. Find one in your community at Knowing what to expect and having a plan for coping with the inevitable but temporary inconveniences that renovation involves can make a www.renomark.ca. Article courtesy of www.newscanada.com real difference to your renovation experience.

How Much Deposit Should You Pay for Your Renovation? Whether you’re remodelling your entire kitchen or adding in a new deck for summer, you want to make sure your project is done well and by the appropriate professional. Some contractors will charge an advance payment or deposit for their work, but how much is reasonable? For small projects that will be completed quickly, professional contractors may not require a deposit or pre-payment at all. Their contract or work order may simply specify payment in full on completion of the work. If they do ask for a deposit, it should not exceed 10 to 15 per cent of the estimated total cost of the job. For larger projects and those where the work will take place over weeks or months rather than days, a similar 10 or 15 per cent deposit is normal. For these projects, the contract will likely lay out a payment schedule that links installments with specific construction milestones. For example, if an addition is being built, a progress payment might be linked to successful completion of the structural inspection.

It’s important that payments correspond with work milestones so you know you are paying for work that has been completed. There are exceptions to the 10 to 15 per cent deposit rule. If your project requires custom materials or products — items the contractor cannot return if you change your mind — it is reasonable for them to ask that you pay for these things when they are ordered. This could involve custom countertops or replacement windows that are not stock sizes but would be custom-made for your home. These special order items and the payments required should be identified as such in your contract. Looking for a professional contractor who does business the right way? The Canadian Home Builders’ Association offers free information on how to hire a contractor the smart and safe way. Find more information at www.getitinwriting.ca. If your project requires custom materials or products it is reaArticle courtesy of www.newscanada.com sonable that you pay for these things when they are ordered.


April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

C ommunity E vents Dugald Mixed Doubles Curling League - On Tuesday Nights at 9:15 pm or Sundays at 1 pm at the Springfield Curling Club. Format will be regular Canadian Guidelines. Cost $130 per person for a minimum 20 eight end games. Contact Cam Magura at 204-771-0029, ckmagura@gmail.com.

Chase the Ace Lottery – On Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:30 pm., draw at 8:45 pm at Dawson Trail Motor Inn Bar. Come, support this very much needed complex, at the same time have the chance to chose the Ace of Spade, and win the grand prize jackpot. Hosted by the Community Complex Fundraising Committee.

Prairie Voices Toastmasters – On Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the Springfield Library.

New Horizons Seniors - Play cards, Scrabble and more. Drop in Tuesdays 1 - 5 pm at Foyer Notre Dame Lorette, 12 St. Amant Ave. Contact Iris 204-878-3552.

Falcon Lake Alcoholics Anonymous - Whiteshell group meets every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 pm in All People’s Church, Falcon Lake. Come and meet with us or call 204-349-2374. We can help. Friedensfeld Spring Fundraiser Dinner – On Sunday, April 22 at 12 – 2 pm at the Community Hall. Pulled Pork to an Ice Cream Bar and more. Come hungry and help support your local Community Centre. Cost Adults $15 and Kids (6-12) $7. Pay at the door. Contact Charlene at friedensfeldcc@gmail.com or call/text 204-381-1835. Hadashville Circuit 30 - Mondays and Thursdays at 7 pm, in the Rec Centre .Alternate aerobic and weight exercises, with cool down and stretch exercises. Wear comfortable clothing, clean runners, and bring a bottle of water. Cost $2/class. Contact Wendy 204-348-2433. Tae Kwon Do - Every Wednesday at 6 pm at the Hadashville Community Club (Reynolds Recreational Centre) from 6 years old to adults. Pursue a black belt or learn new skills, great stress release and have an excellent workout at the same time. Cost after registration fee is $40/month per person. Ask about 2 week free trial. Contact Shelly at 204-426-5266 or KSTA. academy@gmail.com. Ile-des-Chênes IDC Seniors Group – All Activities at the Trans Canada Centre Indoor walking - Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 – 10 am Yoga - Mondays from 10 – 11 am Pickleball - Wednesdays and Sundays from 1 -3 pm, Water Colors - Thursdays from 9 – 11 am Block Therapy - Fridays from 9:30 - 10:30 am Taekwondo – On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 – 8 pm at the Ecole Ile Des Chene School. Cost $40/month, family rates available. Contact Kangs.mb.ca, Master Bill Tam 204296-8217. Story Time in Pyjamas - Every Thursday evening at the Ritchot Library Ecole Regional Gabrielle-Roy at 6:30 pm. Ages 2-8 however all ages are welcome. Our Lady of the Roses Prayer Group – Meets on the first Saturday of every month, at 6:30 pm to recite the Rosary and learn about Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers and receive Blessed Rose Petals and other Sacramentals from Blessed Mother’s place of miracles. Contact Corinna 204878-4908 or email her at corinnaswetz@hotmail.com for more info and register.

Ritchot Senior Services Foot Care Clinic - On Wednesdays by appointment. To reserve contact Janice 204-883-2880. With Cheryl Palmer, foot care nurse. Niverville GriefShare - If you or someone you know has experienced the loss of a loved one we wish to help, you get support and learn about the grieving process. Contact 204-381-1155 to register or go to Nivervillegriefshare.com. Moms N’ Tots Playgroup - Moms with children up to age six. Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 am located in the lower level of Fourth Avenue Bible Church (62-4th Avenue S.) Free drop-in program with coffee and snacks provided, along with a large open space for the kids to play while the moms visit. Contact Karen at klenzrpeters@hotmail.com.

Sarto Ukrainian Dance Club – On Mondays from 7 - 8 pm at the Sarto Hall. Join the Sarto Polevnyi Ukrainian Dance Club for the season! You do not need to be Ukrainian to dance! Boys & girls, ages 3 to adult, no prior experience required! Cost starts at $150/year.

Otterburne Annual Healthy Communities Conference – On Tuesday, May 1 from 8:45 am – 4 pm for Our Roots Bear Fruit at Providence University College, Reimer Student Life Centre, 10 College Cres. Cost $50 registration fee (includes lunch & nutrition breaks). Contact for conference highlights visit southernhealth.ca.

Sprague Sprague & District Historical Museum - Open by appointment from June – September 30. Explore life as it was in the early days. Free Admission. Donations Accepted. Contact 204-4372210, 204-437-2209 or 204-437-4686.

Pansy Paving Pansy Road Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser – On Saturday, April 14 from 5 - 9 pm at the Hall. Advance Tickets Only! Spaghetti, Sauces, Salad, Bread Sticks, Dessert and Beverages. Doors Open at 5 pm, Supper at 5:30. Quilt and Pie Auction, 50/50 and Silent Auction. Adults $20, Children (7 - 12) $12, 6 and under free. Contact Carla at 204-434-6767 or Olga at 204-434-6660 for tickets. Everyone Welcome! Paradise Village Paradise Squares Dance Club - On Tuesdays from 7 – 9:30 pm at the Paradise Village Rec. Hall. Modern Square Dancing is fun and a great social activity. Couples and singles are welcome. Contact Larry 204-422-5424. Pinawa Whiteshell Toastmasters – On Tuesdays at 11:30 am at Whiteshell Laboratories, 1 Ara Mooradian Way. Sign in required. Prawda Circuit 30 - Alternate aerobic and weight exercises, with cool down and stretch exercises. Wear comfortable clothing, clean runners, and bring a bottle of water. Cost $2/class, Mondays and Thursdays at 7 pm, in the Reynolds School Gym. Contact Wendy 204-348-2433. Busy Bodies Playgroup – Every Wednesday from 9 - 11 am at the Reynolds School Gym. Free to parents and children. Snacks provided. Contact Cassie 204-793-8290.

Community Playgroup - For parents, caregivers and children up to age 5. Activities include time for playing, stories, songs and snacks. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Kleefeld Rec Centre. Contact Irene Ascough 204-377-5013.

Randolph Empowering Women in Business invites you to Businesses in Bloom open house on April 21 from noon to 5 pm at the Historic Neufeld Garage in Randolph. Are you a woman in business from southern Manitoba? Perfect opportunity for networking and “fertilizing” your business. Admission is $5. Cash bar. Everyone welcome. Show off your business and book a table. Rates $10 per half table, $15 for full table (includes admission). Bring samples (no sales allowed). Contact Shirley Barca at shirleybarca@gmail.com for more info.

Lorette Lego Club – On Wednesday, April 18 and Thursday, April 19 from 6:30 -7:30 pm at the Bibliothèque Taché Library, 1082 Dawson Rd. Join us to build, create & explore! Drop-in, no registration required. Introductory Bible Art Journaling - Saturday April 21 from 9 am – 1 pm at the Notre Dame de Lorette Parish Hall for a workshop with Tish Hildebrand. Cost $30/person, includes lunch and supplies. Class size limited to 10. Bring a Bible (with wide margins), or a piece of heavy letter sized paper, or a notebook with heavy paper. Focus is on the process of connecting with the Word of God. Bible art journaling is a meditative and prayerful way in which we allow God to speak to us through scripture. Contact Maryanne 204-878-3901, mnrumancik@mts.net. Game Night – First Wednesday of the month 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the Tache Library, 1082 Dawson Rd for ages 13 and up. Join us for monthly board game nights, cards, chess, Crib, Settlers of Catan and many more! Feel free to bring your own. Junior Youth – Every Wednesday from 7 - 8:45 pm at Seine River Church, 1464 Dawson Rd (east of rink) for ages 9 - 12. Free. No registration required. Non-denominational. Contact lorettejryouth@gmail.com, 204-260-9304.

Richer Recovery AA - Group meets Monday from 7:30 - 8:30 pm at LUD Hall in Richer. Contact Paul at 204-422-7673. Monday Night Bingos - To raise funds for Stacey Pchajek Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating grades 8 and 12. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult to be on premises and must play bingo. Doors Open at 5:30 pm at the Young at Heart Club, 22 Dawson Rd. MGCC License # BI/BO4164. Contact Doreen Pchajek at 422-5243 or doreen@spmf.ca.

Kleefeld Annual Community Garage Sales – On Saturday, May 19 starting at 9 am rain or shine.

La Broquerie Seine River Services for Seniors- Health Centre/Centre de Santé from Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm. Services and programs for seniors. Income Tax help, Lifeline, mobility equipment, foot care, hair care, transportation, home maintenance, yard maintenance, Telecheck, E.R.I.K. program, puzzles and games. Contact Community Resource Coordinator Juliette Rowan, 204-424-5285 or labseinerss@gmail.com. Shopping Trips to St.Vital Mall every first Thursday of the month, leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach Clearspring Centre last Thurs of month, 10am-1 pm. Cost $10.

Adult & Teen Challenge Concerned Persons Support Group Join us Thursday evenings at 7 pm, in the Richer Fellowship Church, 50 Southeast Drive. If you have a relationship with someone who has a life-controlling problem, join us for this nine-week Living Free course. Receive encouragement and support in a safe setting, and learn practical ways to best help your loved one. Contact Pastor Ben Funk at 204-326-2254 or phone the church at 204-422-5308.

Richer Local Métis Federation – On Thursday, April 26 from 7- 9 pm, at the LUD Hall by the Fire Hall. Come and discuss with us new information for our members especially for our seniors. We would like to hear from our members any concerns or information you may have. Young at Heart dinner and Dance – On Saturday, April 21 from 5 – 11 pm at the Young at Heart hall monthly Dinner & Dance. Cash bar at 5 pm, supper at 6 pm followed by Dance with live entertainment Mosaic. Cost $20. Contact to reserve ticket Irene at 204-422-5932 or Marie at 204-422-3052. Local Métis Federation – On Saturday, May 5 from 11 am – 3 pm at the Young at Heart Hall. Local Métis Federation and Regional MMF office will host and process Citizenship, Harvester, card replacement or card renewal. Cost $10. All children must obtain their own membership card. Also processing, Métis Conservation Trust Fund stickers and Big Game Tag. Cost $25. Each Harvester must return used and unused past year’s tags, bring their harvester card with them and complete a questionnaire once at the hall concerning Big game hunt. Cash only accepted at this hosted event. Contac visit the MMF website for needed documents, mmf.mb.ca.doc. Richer Community Club Chase the Ace! - Every Saturday at the Richer Inn from 5:30 - 7:45 pm. Tickets only $1 each. Jackpot is growing! Door prizes on random Saturdays ranging from glassware to Jets tickets and jerseys! Bud, Spud and Steak Special and more! Check out and like Richer Community Club Facebook page for updates. LGA License #1392RF.

St. Adolphe Monthly Mood Disorders Meeting – On Thursdays at 2:30 pm at Ritchot Senior Services 457 Main St. Topics includes depression, bipolar, recovery, shame, resilience, mindfulness, meditation, coping and self-soothing skills, interrelationship skills, seniors’ issues, distress tolerance and peer to peer support. Everyone is welcome. Old Tyme Dance at Pioneer Hall in St. Adolphe on Saturday April 14 from 7-11 pm. Cost is $15 includes lunch. Music by Patti Kusturok. Call to reserve tickets Rae at 204-883-2440 or Denise at 204-883-2429. Garden to Table Share and Learn: Tuesday April 17 at 10 am. Ritchot Senior Services will be working with St. Adolphe school this year to better use our community gardens located at the school. Join us for a discussion about Garden to Table Share and Learn, we will be sharing tried and true gardening tips and tricks with the students to instill a love for growing food in a younger generation. We are also having a seed share… if you have any seeds collected from last years flowers or veggies bring them along and trade with others. Seniors Housing… Where do I start? Come learn all about the different types of seniors housing available and the cost associated with each. Guest Speaker Steven Neufeld, Niverville Heritage Centre Chief Officer for Community & Development. Also learn the 4 plagues that seniors face as they age and how they can take control; Loneliness - Boredom - Helplessness & Lack of Purpose. Tuesday, April 24 at 10 am at Ritchot Senior Services, 457 Main Street St. Adolphe. Bus trip to St. Vital mall on Tuesday April 10. Vital Transit bus will be leaving St. Adolphe at 10 am and returning back to St. Adolphe at 2 pm. Get some shopping done, grab some groceries at Walmart or have lunch with a friend. $5 per person. Please call to reserve a seat Janice 204-883-2880 Lunch Program & Bingo – Every Thursday at the Le Club Amical, 344 Main St. Call ahead for take-out or eat in. Cost $8. Contact 204- 883-2491. Pickleball - Thursday evenings from 6 -8 pm at St. Adolphe School, 444 la seine street. C.H.I.L.D program – On Wednesdays from 9:30 - 10:30 am at Ecole St. Adolphe School. Children’s introduction to learning and development. Contact sas@srsd.ca or 204-883-2182. Fitness Program – Until May 31 every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday includes cardio, muscle and yoga inspired classes all designed especially for everyone 50+ at 457 Main St. Cost: 10 classes for $40 and receive 1 extra class free, 5 classes for $20 or $5 drop in fee. St. Malo Chase the Ace – Every Wednesday, at the St. Malo Hotel, hosted by the Fire Department and the St. Malo Arena. Purchase tickets from 7 - 10 pm, draws take place at 10:15 pm. $2/Ticket. License#: LGA 3748-RF-26461. The fire department is raising money for their Wildfire Program. The arena is raising funds for a new Zamboni. So please come out for your chance to win and support these organizations that are an important part of this great community of ours. Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba - On the last Monday each month at 7 pm at St. Malo Church. For persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns; individual and support groups. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. St. Pierre-Jolys Stay and Play Group – Every Monday from 9:30 – 11:30 am at YFC Cinema. Snacks, coffee served, and childcare available.

The Knights of Columbus - The St-Pierre Carillon Council – On the first Thursday of the month at 482 Jolys Ave. W. Contact 204-433-7633. Ste. Agathe Zumba – On Wednesdays, April 4 – May 23, from 7 – 8 pm at the school gym. Cost $60 for the full session (8 classes) or $10 drop in fee with Janice Jablonski, certified Zumba Fitness Instructor. Contact 204-712-6265. Card Games – On Tuesdays from 1:30 - 4:30 pm at the Community Centre, 183 Pembina Trail. Cost Membership $10 a year. Bring a friend Day. Contact 204-882-2180. Taekwondo - Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:15 - 7:30 pm at Ecole Sainte Agathe hosted by Kang’s Taekwondo Academy. Cost $40/month. Family rates available. Contact Jason Barnabe, jason.barnabe@gmail.com or 204-802-3458. Ste. Anne Creation Ministries - On Saturday, May 5 starting at 2 pm, Club Jovial 157 Centrale Ave. Four different talks in total. Richard Fangrad will be sharing every 2 hours on a different subject about creation. Free will offering. Junior High Students to adults will find this easy to understand. Contact 204-3716657 or creation ministries.com. Need Help Dealing with Abuse of Any form - On Wednesday, May 9 from 10 am to the evening. Attend the talk with Joanne Langford from Bolivia at 47 Centrale Ave, to share her insights on this subject. Space limited please reserve your seat. Contact Lucille at 204-371-6657. Seine River Services for Seniors – Services and programs for seniors. Income Tax help, Lifeline, mobility equipment, foot care, hair care, transportation, home maintenance, yard maintenance, Telecheck, E.R.I.K. program, puzzles and games. Shopping Trips to Winnipeg’s St.Vital Mall every first Thursday of the month, leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach’s Clearspring Centre every last Thursday of the month, from 10 am - 1 pm. Cost $10. Contact Juliette Rowan at 204-424-5285 Community Resource Coordinator for local services or e-mail labseinerss@gmail.com. Ste. Geneviève Library Night – On 2nd Tuesday every month, at the Community Centre from 6:30 - 8 pm. Large selection of books in both French and English, for children and adults. Special requests can be made to the librarian, e-mail btl@srsd.ca or 204-878-9488 or in person. Come for a visit and see what we are all about. Steinbach Gardening Workshop - On Monday, April 9 at 6 pm, at the Mennonite Heritage Village. Successful Gardening - What You Need to Know to Begin Your Gardening Journey. Seasoned gardeners will be on hand to be your garden mentor as you develop your own plan for a vegetable garden or a flower garden or a container planter. All novice gardeners welcome! No charge. Preregistration required. Contact 204-326-2396 or sagardenclub.com for more information. Steinbach & Area Garden Club - On Monday, April 9 at 7 pm, at the Mennonite Heritage Village. New Trees & Shrubs for Your Residential Landscape with Philip Ronald, Jeffries Nursery Ltd. Explore new proven and favourite varieties for our region along with the challenges presented by insects and diseases. Everyone welcome. Door prizes. Refreshments. $5 for non-members. Contact sagardenclub.com for more information. Agape House Wooden Sign Nite – On Tuesday, April 10 from 6:30 – 11 pm. Join us at the Frantz for a fun filled night and leave with a beautiful wooden sign you will paint yourself. $20 from each sign goes to Agape House. Cost $60 per sign, lots of designs to choose. Just a handful of spots left. Etransfer to hold your spot sprucecornerbyerin@gmail.com. Family Movie Night - On Friday, April 27 from 7 – 9 pm at the Jake Epp Library. Join us for our bimonthly Movie Night. Admission and popcorn free. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Gardenton Ukrainian Museum Dinner Fundraiser – On Saturday, April 28 from 6 – 8 pm at the Frantz Inn the annual dinner fundraiser. There will be a silent auction, grand prizes auction, and 50/50 draw. Cost is $22/person. Everyone welcome. Contact Kelvin at 204-425-8197 or Helen at 204453-4041. District Schools Heritage Association Dinner Fundraiser – On Saturday, May 5, 5: 30 – 7:30 pm at the Frantz Inn. Annual fundraising dinner fundraiser. Silent auction, 50/50 draw. $22 per person. All are welcome. Contact Helen Feniuk at hfeniuk@hotmail.com or at 204-453-4041 for tickets/further info. Breast Feeding Group – On Fridays at 10:30 am at the Steinbach Family Resource Centre for a support group, current information and a variety of presentations. Contact 204-3460413. Toddler & Me Story Hour - Classes offered three times a year for a 10-week session in Fall and Winter and a 5-week session in Spring. Classes are free. Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes, literacy and parenting tips, crafts and snack for parents and their children ages 1-3. Advanced In-person registration is required. Limited space available.

Drop In Book Club – 2nd Tuesday every month at 7 pm in the Jake Epp Library. We’ll post the book for discussion that month and if you’d like to join us please stop by. If you want to start your own book club instead, you can always take advantage of our Book Club collections. No sign up required. Just read the book and come hang out. Knit-Wits Drop-In Club for Adults - Every 4th Monday of the month, from 6 – 9 pm at the Jake Epp Library. This is for anyone interested in fibre handcrafts such as knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, needlepoint etc. This is not a class but a casual knitting circle for all skill levels. Please bring your own items/supplies. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – On Wednesdays, from 8:45 - 10:30 am at the Royal Canadian Legion. Cost $2/ week. A weight control support group that helps take off pounds sensibly and keep off pounds sensibly. Contact BettyLou Toews at 326-6397. Eastman Immigrant Services - Many events and activities to support and help you make new friends. Volunteer to help at our community events. Every Day English All Levels - Every Wednesday 1 – 3 pm. Reading & Writing – All Levels on Monday and Wednesday from 10 am – 12 pm. Pronunciation All Levels - On Monday and Wednesday from 7 – 9 pm at D4-284 Reimer Ave. Classes are free. Southeast Entry Program Online: Learn about Health Care, Employment and Laws. To register for this 4-week online program, contact Josie@eastmanis.com, 204-346-6609 or email lois@eastmanis.com. Eastman Safety Upcoming Programs - Located at 385 Loewen Blvd. Register online at eastmansafety.ca or contact 1-204371-1595. Creativi-Tea Time Adult Colouring Group - Twice monthly on the 2nd Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:30 pm and on the 2nd Friday from 1 - 3 pm at the Jake Epp Library. Cost Free. Join us for a time of relaxation, tea and colouring. Tea and supplies are provided but you are welcome to bring your own! Games Day & Games Night – Every 1st Saturday of the month from 12 – 5 pm and the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6 – 8:30 pm, at the Jake Epp Library. Come down to play strategy games. Bring a friend, your strategies and games. Test your skills and have fun. Ages 14 and up unless accompanied by an adult. Contact 204-326-6841, programs@ jakeepplibrary.com. Royal Canadian Legion - On 1st Tuesday every month until June at 8 pm and Ladies Auxiliary meets 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Steinbach Legion Community Hall, 294 Lumber Ave. Steinbach Girl Guides - Every Tuesday at the United Church of Steinbach, 541 Main St. Registration for girls 5-17. Develop personal values and well-being, self-respect and respect for others; promote fun, friendship, adventure and challenges through new experiences; develop leadership and decisionmaking skills; give service to the community; value the natural environment. The Steinbach Rotary Club - meets every Monday at noon except when Monday falls on a long weekend at the Chicken Chef, 365 Main Street, visitors are welcome. Contact Cornie at 326-3155. Mental Health Information and Support sessions - for family and friends of people with mental health issues are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7 – 8:30 pm at the Eden East building, 21 Loewen Blvd. Contact Kim at 371-0824 or email eastmanmss@mts.net MS Monthly Self-Help group meeting - for people living with multiple sclerosis. The group meets on the second Thursday evening of each month from 6 - 7 pm at Fernwood Place apartments. Contact Nadine Konyk, Rural Client Services Coordinator at 1-800-268-7582 or email nadine.konyk@ mssociety.ca. MS Lunch Group- On 4th Thursday of every month, from 12 – 1 pm at All D’s Restaurant 320 Main Street. Contact Stephanie Bevacqua 204-988-0904, Stephanie.Bevacqua@mssociety.ca. Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba individual and support groups - Meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 1:30 – 3 pm at The Eden East Office, 21 Loewen Blvd For persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. The Bethesda Regional Healthcare Auxiliary - meets on the first Tuesday of every month except for the months of July and August at the Bethesda Hospital. We welcome anyone interested in auxiliary work. Contact Verna Thiessen at 3263028. Steinbach and Area Lions Club - Meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at the Helping Hands. Contact Henry 204-392-7750 if you are interested in attending or joining. Carillon Toastmasters - Meetings open to adults who want to improve their leadership and communication skills. Thursdays at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Public Library 255 Elmdale St. Contact Sheryl at 204-326-7628 or Irene at 204-424-5737.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

C ommunity Al-Anon Program – Meets on Mondays at 7:30 pm at the Cultural Arts Centre back door, downstairs. Contact Lloyd 204326-4365. Al-Anon 12 Step Recovery Group - Meets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm at United Church, 541 Main St, front door, ring doorbell. All are welcome. Young moms to be - Bi-weekly support group starts at 4:30 pm at Steinbach Family Resource Centre B-11, Hwy 12N. Contact 204-346-0413. Whiteshell Herps Safari – On Saturday, April 28 from 10 am – 12 pm at the Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary. Become a citizen scientist and hike along with a Park Interpreter as we search for the reptiles and amphibians. Cost Free. We will upload our findings to the Manitoba Herps Atlas with the Go Wild! mobile app. Be sure to stick around afterwards for hot chocolate and to roast marshmallows around a campfire. Contact office 204369-3157 or ParkInterpretation@gov.mb.ca. Star Gazing – On Saturday, May 19 from 9 – 10:30 pm at the Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary. Join our guest speakers from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada as we gaze at the stars and hear stories from the astronomers, while looking through their high-powered telescopes. Join us afterwards inside the Visitor Centre for hot chocolate. In case of cloudy skies, program will be rescheduled for Sunday, May 20 Contact office 204-369-3157 or ParkInterpretation@gov.mb.ca. Woodridge The Mobile Clinic – Is onsite on the third Thursday of every month from 9 am – 4 pm at the Community Club. Contact for appointments 1-855-644-3515 or southernhealth.ca. General Free Monthly Bus Trips to the Casinos of Winnipeg- On Tuesdays, April 10, May 1 and June 12. Join us for a fun filled day. Tour from 8:30 am - 7:15 pm. Begins at 8:30 am, pick-ups in Steinbach, Ste. Anne and Paradise Village. Must be 18 years of age or older. Prizes and cash giveaways every trip. Bingo played on the bus. Contact Marilyn at 204-326-4939 for information and reserve a seat.

Email your community events to us at editor@dawsontrail.ca for inclusion each month!

RCMP Satellite Office Needs Clerk The Town of Niverville is looking to hire a Municipal Employee Clerk to work directly with the St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP detachment in their respective municipal policing satellite offices. The position offers twenty hours per week, in Niverville. The position was filled about a year ago, which reopened both the Lorette and Niverville offices until recently. The successful applicant will provide local administrative support to the St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP Detachment for community policing services with the satellite offices serving as a recognizable entry point for accessing the RCMP. Once the satellite offices are operational, staff will accept citizen inquiries, complaints, provide information and address concerns, dispatch the necessary information to on-duty officers in response to calls for service, initiating and creating files, maintaining databases and conduct Criminal Record checks. Due to working in an office associated with RCMP functions, there is a bilingual requirement. Preference will be given to Niverville residents. Interested applicants should submit a resume along with a cover letter indicating the position they are applying for and their qualifications to Municipal Employee Clerk, Town of Niverville Box 267, Niverville, Manitoba R0A 1E0 or email humanresources@ whereyoubelong.ca. For further details on the job description, visit whereyoubelong.ca.

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018


Campers Wanted for Bereavement Camp If you know of a child or teen that would benefit from a camp designed to help them deal with grief and bereavement, applications are currently being accepted to join this year’s Camp Bridges. Southern Health and Prairie Mountain Health are currently organizing the thirteenth annual Camp Bridges weekend, a weekend camp for bereaved children and teens. The goal of Camp Bridges is to support children and teens through activities designed to help share grief and honour memories in a caring community environment. This year Camp Bridges is taking place at the Circle Square Ranch near Austin, Manitoba from May 25 to 27. According to Heidi Wiebe, Regional Director Seniors & Palliative Care, the Camp will provide a safe, supportive and fun environment where grieving children and teens learn that they are not alone and are free to share their thoughts and feelings with peers who are going through a similar experience. “This camp is intended to complement existing bereavement services for children and teens by providing a weekend of ‘caring and sharing’,” said Wiebe. In 2017, Camp Bridges was held at Camp Wannakumbac and hosted 38 children and teens between the ages of 7 and 15. The camp and services takes place with the help of donations that

cover the cost of camp rental, meals and activities, so that youth may attend at no cost. Anyone wishing to donate to Camp Bridges or seeking more information may contact their regional Palliative Care representative. Donations can be made or camper applications can be obtained online at southernhealth.ca or from regional contacts. Submissions will be accepted until May 1.


April 2018

Pat Porter Active Living Centre offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for mature adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come out (all ages are welcomed) and pay us a visit and consider participating in some of our programs and events. News and Activities Volunteer Opportunities: All ages are welcomed. We are looking for 3 volunteers. One volunteer with electrical background, one volunteer with plumbing background and one volunteer with receptionist background. If this is of interest to you please call Lynda 204-320-4603 for more information. Rentals: Book your next function/event at our Centre. We can accommodate Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Showers, Meetings and Family Gatherings amongst others. Call Lynda 204-320-4600 for more information and to book. Upcoming Events: New Connections 2 – Thursday, April 5 at 3:30 pm featuring Dementia presentation by Leona Doerksen. Folk Dancing Class - Thursday, April 26 from 7 – 9 pm. A Free class with instructor Hugo Moule. Potlucks – On Thursdays at 6 pm, April 12 featuring Prairie Soul Dancers and May 10 featuring the PPALC Choir. May 10 is a Mother’s Day celebration. RSVP Reception a week in advance, so we can prepare the appropriate quantity of meat. Price $6 per person. Old Time Country Dance - Friday, April 27 the Fraser River Band from 7 – 11 pm. Advance tickets $11 for members, $13 for nonmembers and at the door $16. Buy your tickets early for a discount. Potluck-Movie Time - On Monday, April 30 at 12 pm, Thicker Than Water and on Monday, May 28 at 12 pm, Gus. Call Lynda 204320-4603. Join us for a potluck and a movie. Please bring a lunch dish to share. 50s 60s 70s Dance – Friday, May 25 the Cracked Egg Shell from 7 - 11 pm. Tickets advanced $11 for members and $13 for non-members and at the door $16. Buy your tickets early for a discount. New Programs: Beginners Pickle Ball - Starting Monday March 5 from 1 - 3 pm every week. If you would like to learn Pickle Ball at a slower pace, we welcome you to join this group. Regular activities: Make sure to check out our quarterly Newsletter. Activities may be cancelled or re-scheduled due to other events. Please check with Centre. Note: All Programs, Activities and Events at the Centre are open to any age. Our programs are aimed for Senior’s however, we welcome any age. All Programs/Activities have a fee of $2 for members/ $4 for non-members to participate, unless otherwise

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

stated. Fitness Class -Tuesdays from 10:45 – 11:45 am. Tai Chi – 24 Posture/Exercises – Every Thursday, from 1 - 2 pm with Instructor is Walter Kohut. Ho Model Railway Project: Wednesdays 9:30 am - 3:30 pm. Out with Friends: Next outing March 16. Please see under events. Movie Time: 4th Monday of every month 1 pm. Floor Curling/Floor Shuffle: Wednesdays 1:30 -4 pm. Pickleball: Monday, Thursday and Fridays 9 - 11:30 am and Tuesdays 9 - 10:30 am. Beginners Pickleball: Mondays 1 - 3 pm. Drop in Billiards: Monday - Friday 9 am – 4 pm. Cards: Monday - Canasta; Wednesday - Cribbage. All card games are from 1 - 4 pm. Choir: Wednesdays from 10 am - 11:30 am. All ages welcome to join. Computer Classes: Wednesdays from 9 am - 4 pm. One-on-one, 1hour appointments. Old Time Country Jam: Wednesdays from 7 - 9 pm. New Connection: 1st Thursday of each month 2 - 3:30 pm. Need to make a new connection (friends) or new to the community or new in your living arrangement, come join us. Call Lynda 204-320-4603. Free Programs: Walking Program: 8:30 -9 am and 12 - 1 pm, Monday – Friday in our Auditorium. Free to the public and any age. Enjoy Free Coffee or Tea after! Crafty Corner: Every Friday from 2 - 3:30 pm. Bring your craft, anything goes – knitting, scrapbooking, woodwork, etc and have some good conversation, coffee and share in learning from each other. Cozy Corner Coffee Time: 10:30 every morning for FREE coffee, tea, and a cookie. Meet new people and staff in a friendly and inviting atmosphere. Buddy Up: This program is designed to touch base daily (short phone call) with a buddy to act as a safety net. If you live alone or spend part of your week alone this would be a program for you! If you are interested, please contact Lynda 204-320-4603 for details. Other Programs/Services Provided/Misc. Information: Noon Meals: Available Monday through Friday Cost $6. Come join us for lunch. Call Kitchen at 204320-4605 the day before or by 9 am that day to reserve your meal. Foot Care Clinic: 3 Foot Care Nurses are available different days throughout the month. Call Reception at 204-320-4600 to book your appointment. For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities, drop by the Centre Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4 pm. Call Lynda at 204-320-4603 or reception desk at 204-3204600, Fax 204-320-9098 or visit www.patporteralc.com.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

RCMP Respond to Residence and Locate Two Deceased

On Saturday, March 31 at approximately 2 pm, Steinbach RCMP responded to a residence on Parkwood Cove in Steinbach. On arrival, officers located the bodies of a 54-year-old male and a 25-year-old male, both from Steinbach, within the residence. The deceased are father and son. The deaths are considered suspicious, however, the RCMP is not searching for any other individuals or suspects related to this matter. There is no threat to public safety. Steinbach RCMP, Major Crimes Services and Forensic Identification Services are continuing the investigation.

Strike Three Thieves Arrested Again On March 7, Steinbach RCMP attended a residence on Parkview Crescent where two occupants fled upon arrival. Kaitlyn Fehr was arrested after a short foot chase and arrested for property related crimes. With the assistance of Cpl. Henderson, and Police Dog Enzo, Tyler Barkman who had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, was located and arrested. A backpack, formerly belonging to a player who wore # 6, for the Eastman Selects, was located in Barkman’s possession, and Police would like to speak to the former owner. Previously Fehr and Barkman had been arrested on February 10, and released from custody on the February 12. They were then arrested once again on February 24 and released from custody on the 27. Once again, they are in custody. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

SAC Shines Spotlight on March Success

Turnip the Music performed by the Youth Council did not disappoint with thanks to The Middle Coast and Luke Jacob for the jam and to White Owl Bus Lines, Steinbach Taxi providing shuttle services to an amazing space at the Neufeld Garage.

Southeastman Arts Council (SAC) Fringed Family Day held during spring break was a success on March 27. Local actors gathered to perform a Backyard Theatre Company’s, Young Company with visitors, White Dog Ontario Drama Club, Malcolm Roulette, Jeremy Plett and Cameron Penner.

On Stage at SAC Fringed Family Day, spring break edition.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

April 2018


Top 10 Reasons You Should Send Your Kid to Summer Camp By Brian Presley For most people, summer camp is just something they did for a couple of weeks as a kid but for many it was much more than that. As someone who has experienced summer camp as both a camper and a counsellor, I can tell you that it will not only give the parents a rest but can also change a kid’s life for the better. It gave me the confidence to be a stay-at-home dad and to self-publish a book based on the games and activities that filled my summers. A website was created to promote the book but What To Do With The Kids is now a big part of my professional life and reaches people from around the world. Summer camp was a great experience for me as a kid growing up in a government town and has created some life-long friends and memories. With that in mind, here are my top 10 reasons why you should send your kid to summer camp: 1. It gets them out of town - For kids living in a city, there aren’t many parks and the parks that are there are not very big and are usually crowded. If you’re lucky, there’s a swimming pool or splash pad nearby and for those living in a house, the backyard can get boring and if you live in a new house, chances are your backyard is the size of a postage stamp. Kids in smaller towns can also get bored with the limited amount of activities available. Most summer camps are located outside cities and surrounded by trees near lakes or rivers. The air is cleaner and the noise is all-natural. It’s a nice change for kids whose only exposure to wildlife is squirrels, pigeons and maybe the odd rat. 2. It gets them away from their family - Yes, you love them, and the kids love you too and it may sound cruel but everyone can use a break at least once. Being away from home can also give kids an appreciation of what they have. 3. It gives them a sense of independence - For most kids, this will be the first time they travel anywhere without their parents and that can be exciting for them. There will be rules to follow but it’s different when mom and dad aren’t around. They’ll be with other kids and chances are the counsellors are not that much older since they are most likely high school or college age, so it won’t feel like they’re at home with their parents. For many kids it’s like being paroled from the routine of home and school. 4. It exposes them to different

people - Most summer camps attract kids of different races, religions and economic standing from different parts of your city and even from different cities all together. It provides an opportunity to meet and discover other kids regardless of what their background is, what school they go to and where they’re from. 5. They can be themselves - At school and with their friends, a lot of kids can feel the pressure of acting like everyone else but a good camp program lets kids be themselves. They can be who they are and the only acting they’ll have to worry about is during the campfire skit! 6. They can learn new skills - The most important thing I ever learned at summer camp was to swim and that’s a skill that every kid should learn. Learning to swim allowed me to learn other skills such as canoeing, a bit of sailing and how to keep safe near water. The field sports program that I ran as a counsellor introduced kids to sports that they may not have had a chance to learn at home such as volleyball, basketball, badminton and softball just to name a few. For many, it was the first time they ever got to play and learn about a different sport. One of the more popular areas of a summer camp program is the crafts. Some camps still make the traditional key chain and bracelet but a lot of programs teach drawing, painting and sculpting that they may not get to try at home or would want to admit to be interested in to their friends. For a lot of kids, it’s a chance to discover their artistic abilities. 7. Learn life skills - Life skills are something that many kids learn without realizing it. Simple daily procedures such as cleaning their cabin or tent, making their bed, setting the dining table for a meal and cleaning up afterwards are habits that can carry on after they leave camp. The kids will learn teamwork and cooperation since they’ll be participating in a group or as “a cabin.” The “all for one and one for all” philosophy works wonders at summer camp and can help make your kids become more confident and out-going. They may also pick up a few good habits as well. A number of parents have told me that their kids would start helping to clear the table after meals and make their beds, at least for a little while. 8. It gets them active - Summer

camp is filled with activities that involve running, swimming, hiking and of course playing. There are also times in the day where kids can just relax but the sign of a good camp experience is when the kids are tired but happy at the end of the day. 9. Everything is low tech: The majority of summer camps have a “no electronics” policy that may be harsh for some kids but is a great way to help them realize that they can live without it for a little while. If the kids ask, tell them that all camp activities are in “real-time” and are “interactive.” There is no “delete” or “return” button so they may have to try doing something again and again. Announcements are made in the dining hall live and in person. There are no texts, emails or Snapchats so messages are passed on to each other by actually speaking to another person. The only hi-tech item they should have is a flashlight. 10. It creates memories - As a camper and as a councillor, I learned a lot of new skills and a lot about myself and others at summer camp. There are people that I can picture exactly how they looked over 30 years ago and moments that have helped make me who I am today. It’s great to meet up with old friends and a real treat to be recognized by a former camper who can recall a fun moment so many years ago. It’s also quite special when these campers are now adults, speak fondly of their time at camp and a gives me a great feeling of knowing that I was a part of it. There are a lot of private camps and camps that are operated by churches or non-profit groups who can help you send your kids regardless of your financial situation. As a camper, my fees were subsidized so my parents could afford to send me but when I was up there, I was just one of the kids. Specialty camps are very popular and day camps in the city are fun but getting out of town and going to a traditional summer camp is an experience that every kid should have once. They may not come back with all their socks and towels but they will have memories that can last a lifetime. Brian Presley is a former camper, counsellor and program director at Camp Minwassin located near Eganville, Ontario. He is also a semiretired stay-at-home dad and the owner of whattodowiththekids.com, the website that adults go to when they want to know what to do with the kids.

Gala Event - Save the Date. Purchase Your Table Today On Friday, April 6, get your tickets for the ‘Celebrate the Arts’ Jewels & Jeans Gala Fundraiser. Homegrown Quintessential Country Entertainment, a fine art auction, a Jewelry Tombola, Martini Saloon, Jailhouse Bail Out, delicious food and dancing and a Live Artist on site! Table $850 and Individual Tickets $120. Canvas & Cabernet is back at SAC with Arlene Enns! On Wednesday, April 18 – at 6:30 pm, Sea Life. Only $35 for supplies, appies and beverages. Create your own masterpiece and check the paintings at steinbachartscouncil.ca New Canvas & Colas & Coffee - An Afternoon of Delight Wednesday, April 18 from 4:30 pm. Fireflies. Paint Parties for all ages with Arlene Enns. Come with your parent, guardian, aunt, uncle, grandpa, or grandma. Only $25 for supplies, snacks & beverage. Koncerts for Kidz Series Bubbleman on Friday, Apr 13 at 6:45 pm, SRSS Theatre. Cost $14 each. Giant encasing bubbles, exploding bubbles, bouncing and somersaulting bubbles. Bubbleman’s soapy wizardry will magically transform bubbles from simple shapes to insects, carnival rides or fire! Thanks to our series sponsor Steinbach Credit Union. Backyard Theatre Company’s Final Showcase - The Greatest Show Ever! Don’t miss an evening of local theatre talent from The Backyard Theatre Company on Wednesday, April 18 at 6:30 pm, SRSS Theatre. Various adventures from camping trips, super heroes and forest friends will be explored. Ticket Family Special 4 for $30, Adults $12 and child/student $6. Call 204-346-1077 or buy online. Calling all Musicians for KR Concerts in the Park Looking for singers, instrumentalists, groups and performers to perform in the park during June/July. Download application forms online. Thanks to our Sponsor Barkman Concrete. Early Bird Registrations Summer Arts Day Camps Early Bird Registration - Join us this summer for our camps filled with music, dance, drama, visual arts, field trips, community outings, recreation and more! 2 Camps for ages 5 - 8 and ages 9 - 12. Sign up Monday, April 2 – Friday, May 4 and receive 10% off. Arts4Tots Preschool Program Early Bird Registration - Why are we unique? The most creative way to learn for ages 3 - 5 with specialists in dance, music, drama and visual arts! Sign up Monday, April 2 – Friday, May 4 and receive $50 off. The Backyard Theatre Company Early Bird Registration - We want you! Experience scripts, improv, character building, perform on stage and build your confidence for ages 5 - 17 and New Young Company for age 17 plus. Sign up Monday, April 2 – Friday, May 4 and receive 15% off. Summer in the City is Calling You! Come and check out the main stage featuring local and guest performers. Get creative and spend some time with artists in the Artists Tent featuring Paint Parties on Main, banner painting, piano painting, artwork exhibit, pottery demos and so much more! Volunteer for this great community event. Fill out the application online at summerinthecity.ca. New! Resin Art Workshop with Arlene Enns On Saturday, April 14 from 10 am – 12 pm. Back by popular demand, Arlene Enns brings the resin pouring medium back to SAC. Come join her to create a serving board with beautiful swirled resin art - the perfect gift, or a conversation starter for your home! $25 for the workshop, $25 for materials! New Spring Programs at SAC! Creative Wellness Pilates – Prop It Pilates, Core Basic Pilates, Pilates Core Intermediate, Pilates On the Ball, Foam Roller Pilates, Lunch Hour Pilates, Secrets a Strong Back and Chair Pilates for Seniors. New Belly Dance - 3 Workshops. Cooking - Cake X-Travaganza Workshop Visual Arts - Digital Photography, Beginner Watercolor Painting, Beginner Oil Painting, Abstract Acrylic Painting – Beginner and Intermediate and new Contemporary Acrylic. Upcoming SAC Gallery Exhibit Featuring local artist, Cheryl Nickel - The Joy of Colours will be featured in our Hall Gallery at from Wednesday, April 11 – Thursday, June 7. Opening exhibit ceremony on Wed, April 11 at 7 pm. New! Southeast Centre for Music New! Guitar Lessons available on Thursdays with Nathan Dyck. Call us if you want to study with some of the best teachers in the southeast at 204-346-1077. Darryl Friesen – Piano, Hannah Humphries – Violin, Natalie Dawe – Cello, Candice Hamm - Piano & Theory, and David Klassen - Voice. Call 204-346-1077 for more details. View events and purchase tickets online steinbachartscouncil.ca.


April 2018

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Providence College Showcases Expressions of Justice On March 27, Providence University College students hosted their eighth annual sociology fair, entitled “Expressions of Justice”. This event featured social justice-themed posters designed by students taking Introduction to Sociology II. For the first time this year, students and visitors experienced Canadian history from an Indigenous perspective through a Blanket Exercise called Canadian History Uncovered. A Blanket Exercise asks participants to stand on blankets representing the land, while a narrator guides them through historical periods of pre-contact, treaty making, colonization and resistance. The Exercise has been revised, through theatrical and visual elements, to appeal to older teenagers and young adults. Val Hiebert, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Providence explains that the ceremony explores

post-contact Indigenous history in a way that is relevant and accessible. “This is a way better way to experience emotionally what we actually did to Indigenous populations. We have so much to say sorry for,” said Hiebert. She added that many university students begin post-secondary education without knowing much about Indigenous history, something she says is key to understanding before social justice and eventually reconciliation can be achieved. “You always, always have to start with awareness. All social change begins with awareness. It’s always the first step down the road toward justice,” she explained, adding that Canada has not done a good enough job educating its next generation of civic participants, politicians and religious leaders. “We’re not going to eradicate the racism that’s present in Canada if we don’t sensitize

Rural Food Advocates Investigate Shop and Buy Local Initiative Local food advocates in the RMs of Stuartburn and Emerson-Franklin want to find out how many families in the region would support producers close to home if they had an opportunity to on a regular basis.

According to Janet Kroeker, from Shepherd’s Dream, the group also wants to hear from local producers who may want to expand their sales, both for food and related products, like health and body care.

ourselves to what’s happened.” tends to such issues, and does so visible on our campus as something Hiebert said it is important for visibly. “Our students are only going we care about,” she concluded. Providence to be a school that at- to recognize this as an issue if it’s

New this year was the powerful Blanket Exercise, an interactive learning experience that took students through historical periods of pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization and resistance from an Indigenous perspective.

“Interest in buying local continues to grow as consumers understand the benefits for local economies, community building, personal health and the environment,” noted Kroeker. “The Vita farmers’ market and signs along roadways offering eggs, greenhouse plants and honey are a great start,” she added. But the group wants to know if they can expand on this even further. “Our hope is that we can offer opportunities for buying locally year round,

at a central distribution point,” Kroeker said in a statement. The group wants to hear from both buyers and producers about holiday promotions as well. “If you would like to sell non-food items at special times like Christmas, Easter and other holidays, we value your thoughts, as well,” she noted. While completing the short survey, consumers are asked if they would shop locally if the products were made available in a convenient location. Producers are asked questions such as, “Would

you like to promote and sell products to residents of the Stuartburn and Emerson-Franklin municipalities,” and if they are interested in selling products at a local food market, distribution centre. To find the survey, RM of Stuartburn residents can go to rmofstuartburn.com and for residents of the RM of Emerson-Franklin, visit emersonfranklin. com before the April 30 deadline. Residents who do not have internet access can call Janet at 204-427-3524.

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