Dawson Trail Dispatch October 2020

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Rescue on the Island Exceeds Expectations While they may have been small in number, the participants in the seventh annual STARS Rescue on the Island proved to be mighty when it comes to fundraising as the trio of participants broke records by raising more than $223,000 combined. On September 9, Sarah Normandeau Councillor, RM of Ste. Anne/Recreational Services Manager for the Town of Ste. Anne, along with Al Babiuk, President and CEO of Loewen Windows and Doors and Bernhard Teichroeb, Sales and Project Manager for Wiebe’s Steel Structures, Morden were the only three participates in this year’s Rescue on the Island. The three participants were stranded on an island in Whiteshell Provincial Park and to secure their ‘rescue’ and return to civilization, they were challenged to fundraise as much as possible using their mobile phones and personal and corporate networks. Normandeau was recognized as being the top fundraiser after suc- Sarah Normandeau performs an intubation on a simulated patient cessfully raising about $88,377. during one of three Rescue on the Island medical challenges. While the majority of this money Submitted photo was raised through individual donations, larger contributors were the RM of Ritchot at $10,000; the RM of Ste. Anne donated $5,000 which was matched by the Town of Ste. Anne. Throughout the summer a variety of community fundraisers also helped raise over $17,226. To allow the event to proceed during the pandemic, several safety protocols were put in place including a reduction in participants, STARS staff and volunteers taking part, social distancing and the wearing of masks. While stranded on the island, each individual participated in a series of challenges, including a simulated medical scenario and survival challenges. Throughout the day they also had the opportunity to learn more about the services STARS provides to Manitobans and the challenges faced by the STARS medical and aviation crew. Since it began in 2013, Rescue on the Island has raised more than $1.5 million in support of STARS’ life-saving work in the province. STARS brought in a backup helicopter for this event, leaving the active on-duty aircraft mission ready at the Winnipeg base.

October 2020

COVID Alert App Launched in Manitoba The Health Canada COVID Alert app is now available to Manitoba residents and will provide digital COVID-19 exposure alerts once the app is downloaded to a smartphone. “With case numbers currently on the rise, the COVID Alert app is one more tool that people can use to be aware of a possible exposure to COVID19,” said Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen. “The introduction of the app builds on our public health contact tracing efforts to inform people of possible exposures and ensure they are given the advice they need to reduce the spread of the virus.” The national COVID Alert app uses Bluetooth technology to detect when users are near each other. If a user tests positive for COVID-19, they can choose to let other users know about potential exposure risk without sharing any personal information. Someone who tests positive for COVID-19 will be provided a one-time key from public health when they call to provide test results. By entering the key into the app, it will notify other app users who have been within two metres of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes over a 24-hour period within the last 14 days. Subscribers who receive this exposure alert can then assess their risk and seek testing, if needed. The COVID Alert app does not collect personal information or health data, and does not know or track the location, name, address or contacts of any user. All aspects of the app are completely voluntary. The minister noted the COVID Alert app does not replace contact investigations. People who do not have a smartphone or device that will support the app will still receive notification from public health officials if they have positive test results or are determined to be a close contact of a confirmed case. “It’s important for people to remember that we all need to continue to focus on the fundamentals to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 to others,” said Friesen. “Stay home if you are sick, reduce your number of contacts, wash or sanitize your hands often, physically distance from others and wear a mask if you cannot, or as required in your community.” The Health Canada COVID Alert app is available at no cost in the Apple and Google Play app store. For more information, visit canada.ca/en/publichealth/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/covid-alert.

October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Steinbach Chamber Presents Business Awards

Medium Business of the Year - Good N Natural.

The Steinbach Chamber of Commerce recently recognized the top six businesses and one individual from the community during a special COVID restriction friendly event that was presented both online and on the radio. On September 22, the Steinbach Chamber celebrated the nominees and recipients of the 2020 Business Awards. Ten local businesses were nominated for the coveted Customer Service Award, and the award was presented to Viethouse Restaurant who is recognized by pubSupplied photos lic vote for outstanding quality and consistency of their customer Small Business of the Year - Steinbach Primary Care Pharmacy. service. A dozen businesses vied for this year’s Business of the Year Awards which were given out in three categories. Awards were presented to Steinbach Primary Care Pharmacy (Small), Good N Natural (Medium) and Golden West Broadcasting-Steinbach Centre (Large) Business of the Year. Out of four organizations competing for the Community Involvement Award was presented to the Steinbach Pistons. The Large Business of the Year - Golden West Broadcasting - Steinbach Centre. Non-profit Excellence Award was presented to Steinbach Community Outreach. Timo Gerzen was named as Future Leader among a pool of five nominees. Two days later, the Chamber of Commerce held a brief annual general meeting where they presented their 2019 audited financials, year-to-date 2020 financials and heard from Chamber PresiFuture Leader Award - Timo Gerzen. dent Wayne Patram regarding the Chamber’s activities and introduced the Board of Directors.

Customer Service Award - Viethouse Restaurant.

Community Involvement Award - Steinbach Pistons.

Non Profit Excellence Award - Steinbach Community Outreach.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

October 2020

Tache Recognizes Outstanding Volunteers An RM of Tache councillor said it was a personal pleasure for him to deliver and recognize a number of front line workers who live in the municipality. Armand Poirier presented Royal Canadian Mint Recognition Medals to eight individuals and three unnamed police officers. The Royal Canadian Mint Recognition Medal pays tribute to the tremendous contributions of essential workers in all fields across Canada, as well as Canadians who are keeping people safe, healthy and connected as we face the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. “It was a great pleasure to be able to present these medals to so many of our frontline citizens,” said Poirier.

The eight individuals presented with medals include Nicole Sabot Dupuis, who works as an aide in a local hospital and Beverly Schroeder who is a home care nurse. Three first responders, including Gilles Proulx who is a paramedic and flight nurse, Kevin Patton a paramedic with Southern Health, and Kate Gauthier, a paramedic in the Interlake were recognized along with RM of Tache Fire Chief Allan Rau, and firefighter Steve Stein. Three unnamed police individuals were also awarded the medal. “Their identities remain protected, but we still wish to thank them for their continued hard work and dedication through this crisis,”

Poirier added. “I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate each of these outstanding citizens for their continued hard work and dedication to helping keep us all safe during this pandemic.” The Recognition Medal, created by Royal Canadian Mint employees features two different designs, each symbolizing the spirit of the nation as we stand together through these times. The maple leaf and heart as one symbolize Canadians coming together in embrace as we help those in need. The second side represents a grateful spirit. The heart in the centre of the group symbolizes Canadians coming together in appreciation for essential workers.

RM of Reynolds Gets New Lagoon Armand Poirier presented Royal Canadian Mint Recognition Medals to eight individuals and three unnamed police officers. The Royal Canadian Mint Recognition Medal pays tribute to the tremendous contributions of essential workers in all fields across Canada, as well as Canadians who are keeping people safe, healthy and connected as we face the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Supplied photos

Lac du Bonnet MLA Wayne Ewasko with the RM of Reynolds’ council members, Reeve Trudy Turchyn and councillors Kim Zalitach, De-Ann Photo by Marianne Curtis Holmes, Curtis Buley, Harriet Yarmill and Blaine Webster.

By Marianne Curtis The RM of Reynolds is excited to be able to move forward with lagoon upgrades and a truck haul lagoon after the province announced that they would be funding seventy-five percent of the project. On October 1, Lac du Bonnet MLA Wayne Ewasko visited the municipal office in Hadashville to inform council that they’d receive $3.375 million from the Water Services Board for waste water lagoon upgrades and truck haul lagoon. “After years and years of the Lac du Bonnett constituency, not getting their fair dollars, and we are finally seeing our fair share coming in,” said Ewasko. “This funding announcement is about moving forward and getting everything done for the RM of Reynolds and the provincial park and making sure that we have things set up for future growth and development.” Ewasko also announced funding of $4.2 million for the Whiteshell Provincial Park for the South Whiteshell Truck Haul Lagoon. Reeve Trudy Turchyn said the municipality is grateful for the funding and excited to move forward with this project. The next step for council will be to put together and approve a $1.125 million borrowing bylaw, and find a suitable piece of property to locate the new facility. “With the imminent closing of the Pine Grove lagoon, a project of this magnitude would be a larger burden on our rate payers without your support,” Turchyn told Ewasko. “This will be the first time that the RM of Reynolds has invested in such a large project that we have to prepare a borrowing bylaw. Completion of the new lagoon will guarantee proper sewage disposal for all rate payers in the municipality both current and future and open the

doors for future growth in the municipality.” The RM of Reynolds has yet to nail down a location but they are looking at a central location that will be accessible by everyone in the municipality. One councillor noted that this was a “win win” for everyone because a new lagoon in the municipality would benefit local sewage haulers who currently have to dump their loads outside the municipality which ends up costing users. The need for a new lagoon was driven by the imminent closure of the Pinegrove rest area’s sewage lagoon. It has been slated to be decommissioned because of a $1.6 million overhaul needed to its sewage lagoon. The RM of Reynolds is expected to have their new facility in operation by the end of March 2022.

October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

‘We’ Must Supersede ‘Me’ The Canadian Federal scene played out as predicted. The Speech from the Throne was made without any real fear of the government being out voted such as to cause a federal election. Two opposition parties may vote against it on principle but a third one will help it pass by voting for it. This was a foregone conclusion. In reality, political parties are broke and they can’t afford to mount an election. Further, they all realize the majority of the public has no real degree of interest to vote during a pandemic. By now we know that lack of a budget presented is the reality but cash will definitely be in short supply and the hole we are digging will grow deeper. It is already pre-written. The Conservatives will argue for a wee bit of public austerity, but predictably will pressure for more cash directed towards the oil industry. The NDP will plead for more and more money in the unemployment fund. The Greens will push for green jobs. The Liberals will puff themselves up and preach quality daycare and hope the Federal Court will vote and push to force their nascent carbon tax approach on provinces that are not willing to comply. All provinces are also saying they need more health care dollars. A lot of criticism from the west is landing on Trudeau’s feet in Ottawa and his “free spending” government but no one seems to recognize that the provincial governments (conservative and otherwise) are the ones demanding more money and spending. Someone needs to fess up and take on this debt… the provinces are spending freely and deflecting the criticism to the federal government thereby protecting their political behinds. A dollar is a dollar, and spending what you do not have is debt. It’s like one of your kids got a hold of your credit card and racked up a huge bill on top of what you purchased… it is a debt that everyone contributed to and everyone is responsible to work together and find a way to get it under control. Another subject that is provincially administrated, carbon management is a worldwide problem and Canada, as a nation, will be placed in a difficult situation if it can’t control the subject. Case-in-point, how effective is our collective approach to the COVID-19. It is similar, although not as extreme to the American approach of putting the citizen with his God given freedom in charge. In a crisis, in a pandemic such as this one, ‘We’ must supersede ‘Me’.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Community Heroes Part I In the midst of all the bad news going on in our world, I think it is important, from time to time, to take a break from the fear and frustration and focus on something positive. A while back, I asked readers to submit stories of community heroes: people who went above and beyond during these difficult days. I was so pleased to receive your stories, and proud to share a couple of them now. Few groups have been more adversely affected by COVID-19 than Canada’s seniors. Seniors, living in long-term care homes, comprise some 85% of COVID19 deaths. My heart goes out to the families affected by these deaths, illness or the prolonged enforced separation. That’s why I was so glad to hear about some of the community heroes working in our long-term care homes here in Provencher. Ed and Tina wrote to nominate the staff and management at Grunthal’s Menno Home. “We appreciate the staff and

management at Grunthal Menno Home for their kind and compassionate care…They went to great lengths to accommodate outdoor visits with our loved ones. They kept us well informed.” Sarah wrote to nominate Rachel, a nursing student, working in another nursing home over the summer. “Her dedication, selflessness and responsible attitude inspire us, giving up her summer to serve these seniors. She greets her fellow workers and residents with a welcoming smile and listens patiently to their needs. Music is important to these seniors, so she finds the music they like. The Beatles’ “Twist and Shout” is the most popular. With her youthful enthusiasm these seniors sing and dance with her. This provides an atmosphere of relaxation and enjoyment which is so vital to these residents, especially in the uncertain world of today. She does not allow the possibility of contracting the virus to keep her from working, nor does she use it as an excuse to stay away from work… She doesn’t complain about any job, no matter how menial. She loves her family

and maintains strong family ties and values. She is truly an inspiration. She is my community hero.” These are just a sampling of the many stories from our various communities. I know there are many unsung heroes out there. I am so proud and thankful to hear these stories of people making a difference in our community. I am so proud and thankful to serve as your MP. I look forward to sharing more stories in the coming days. For more information on this or any issue please feel free to contact my office toll free at 1-866-333-1933 or at 204-326-9889. Visit me on Facebook at TedFalkMP. You may also write my office at 76 PTH 12N, Steinbach MB, R5G 1T4 or visit my website at tedfalk.ca.

New Safety Measures Announced As of Monday, September 28, public health officials have made the decision to elevate the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System level to Restricted (orange) for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. Individuals residing in and/or visiting these communities will be required to wear masks in all indoor public places, and gatherings will be restricted to 10 people, both indoors and outdoors. All previously existing orders and rules for schools, childcare, retail, museums, theatres, and casinos will remain the same for the time being. These restrictions will remain in place for a minimum of four weeks, or two incubation periods of the virus. Please continue to follow the public health fundamentals, and visit manitoba.ca/COVID19 for up-to-date information on COVID-19 in our province. In more exciting local news, our government recently announced a grant for the Heartland Community Daycare in Landmark. Through the Early Learning and Child Care Community capital budget, our government was able to allocate $286,705 in funding toward the daycare’s capital project. These funds will be put toward the construction of a 2,760 square foot building, creating 32 new preschool spaces to help meet the demands of childcare in this rural community.

Our government also announced the immediate application of safety enhancements to the intersection of the Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 12 and Provincial Road (PR) 210. The following safety measures will be implemented by Manitoba Infrastructure by the end of October: - Red flashing lights on the stop signs for PR 210 traffic approaching PTH 12; - Rumble strips along PR 210 as it approaches from both sides onto PTH 12; - Reduced speed signs to 70 km/h for the eastbound direction on PR 210; - ‘Stop ahead’ sign for the westbound direction on PR 210; and

- Refreshed and enhanced stop lines. Safety is our government’s top priority, and these changes will vastly improve safety for drivers and their passengers, as well as the movement of goods through this area. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my office at ca.lagasse@outlook.com or 204-807-4663.

Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagasse with Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler at the corner of Highway #12 and PR #210 where new traffic lights will be installed by the end of October. Supplied photo

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Flood Assistance for Hard Hit Southeast On October 7, 2020, Manitoba’s fall legislative session will begin with the Speech from the Throne. The Manitoba government will unveil its new legislative agenda focused on protecting Manitobans and safely restarting the economy through the global COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has handed our government new challenges, even greater than the ones before. Our government is focused on protecting Manitobans and helping everyone stay safe and secure. Our Protecting Manitobans Agenda for health care, job creation, education, child care, protecting vulnerable Manitobans and the environment will be set out in a new Throne Speech. I look forward to hearing the Speech from the Throne, getting back into session, and continuing the work of fixing the finances, repairing the services, and rebuilding the economy for all Manitobans. In mid-September, I attended an important announcement for Manitoba where Infrastructure Minister, Ron Schuler announced that our

Progressive Conservative Government will provide Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) programs for three high-water events that hit the province earlier this year. On June 6 to 10 the southeastern area of the province received heavy rains, with some areas recording almost 200 mm of rain within three days. Overland flooding was reported in the Rural Municipalities of Stuartburn, Piney, De Salaberry, La Broquerie, Reynolds and Emerson-Franklin. Particularly hard hit was the RM of Stuartburn where the Rat River left its banks flooding a number of homes causing severe damage. This high-water event washed out many roads in southeastern Manitoba making travel difficult throughout the area. Water crossed many roads and highways in places where no one can remember seeing this before. This high-water event had an incredible impact on our area and I would like to thank all the volunteers, firefighters, community leaders and municipalities that worked very hard to mitigate the damage

earlier this year. I’m pleased that our government is stepping up in offering DFA assistance to those affected. The number of COVID-19 case continues to grow, especially in the City of Winnipeg, causing the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System level for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region to be elevated to Restricted (orange), with new measures being put in place to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Masks will be mandatory in all public places in those communities for people ages 5 and up. Gatherings will also be restricted to 10 people, both indoors and outdoors. I look forward to hearing from you with your questions or concerns. I can be reached at dennis. smook@leg.gov.mb.ca.

Wage Subsidy Program and Refreshing Manitoba’s EMS It has been just over one year ago, September 10, 2019, that I had the honour of being re-elected as the MLA for the Lac du Bonnet constituency. The boundaries have changed, and as your representative I will continue to build genuine relationships, ensure local investments are made and serve all members of our diverse community. I look forward to watching our area grow and prosper over the next few years. I hope all our students had a safe start to the new school year! Many thanks to all teachers, administrators, educational assistants, bus drivers and staff who have been preparing to ensure that everyone is prepared and informed for a safe transition into the school year. Thank you for all your hard work! For any information you may have missed regarding Restoring Safe Schools, at edu.gov.mb.ca/ k12/covid. Our PC government has been working diligently since 2016 to make life more affordable for all Manitobans and that remains our focus as we all face unprecedented financial pressures brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Manitoba households are saving on average $812 this year because of measures taken by the provincial government in Budget 2020 and its COVID-19 response, Premier Brian Pallister announced. “Our focus is to provide Manitobans with better value for their hard-earned dollars and leave more money on everyone’s kitchen tables, especially as we continue to face the unknowns of this pandemic.” Since 2016, provincial government measures have brought a cumulative total of $659.4 million in household savings, which results in an average savings of $1,319 per household. The total includes a variety of measures including: - Reduction of provincial sales tax (PST) rate to 7% from 8%

- Removal of $75 million in PST on home and property insurance - Covid-19 measures: Seniors Economic Recovery Credit, Risk Recognition Program, Manitoba Public Insurance Rebates, Disability Economic Support Program and the Manitoba Bursary Programs. Two new emergency medical services (EMS) facilities will be constructed as part of Manitoba’s commitment to developing a flexible deployment model that ensures timely response to medical emergencies across the province. One location will be in Selkirk and the other in Portage la Prairie. The new EMS facilities will include offices, crew quarters, and space for paramedic training. The construction of new EMS facilities will assist in our efforts to build a more responsive, reliable and sustainable EMS system throughout Manitoba. Other recent investments and initiatives in emergency services province wide include: - Purchasing 65 new ambulances, which will represent a refresh of approximately one-third of the province’s overall fleet when delivered, - Reducing ambulance fees in the past four years by approximately 50 % to $250, making emergency care more affordable and accessible, - Creating an additional 149.2 fulltime equivalent (FTE) paramedic positions since 2016 including 35 FTE positions in the past year, - Declaring paramedicine to be a selfregulated profession. The Manitoba government has expanded its Back to Work Manitoba Wage Subsidy Program as part of its continued commitment to safely restarting the provincial economy. Through the Back to Work initiative, private-sector and non-profit employers can receive up to $100,000 to subsidize 20 employees (up to

$5,000 per employee) hired since July 16. To date, the Back to Work Manitoba Initiative has received more than 800 applications from employers for 4,500 positions and $22.6 million in supports. The Back to Work Manitoba Wage Subsidy application deadline is now Dec. 1. Employers will be required to provide proof of payment of wages by Feb. 1, 2021. Program details and the application form are available online at gov.mb.ca/covid19/restartmb. The lack of investment in infrastructure by the previous NDP government who in back to back years spent less than $100 million on any building or restoration of our highways and bridges throughout the province has resulted in our government having to play catch-up. This season, we have and will continue to see many projects moving forward here in the Lac du Bonnet Constituency. Manitoba Infrastructure is spending at least $55 million on projects throughout the Lac du Bonnet constituency. As your PC government we made a promise to invest over $500 million in Infrastructure this year alone and we are keeping that promise! Please continue to practice the fundamentals and keep safe! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at wayne@wayneewasko.com, or call me 204-268-3282. Also, you can follow me on twitter @ wayneewaskomla and friend me on Facebook.

October 2020

Goertzen Ties to Far Right Politicians Recently, CBC released that Manitoba Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen participated in an organized webinar with far right politicians which included Alexey Komov, known for his work with Konstantin Malofeev, a Vladimir Putin ally who has been sanctioned by Canada and the U.S for funding Russian aggression in Ukraine. This really is a big, global, far-right organization that is dedicated to dismantling public school systems because they don’t approve of certain views. Goertzen met with politicians & policymakers whose leaders are holocaust deniers (Germany), defend torture (Brazil), and Russians who financed the annexation of Crimea. Steven Fletcher was kicked out of the PC caucus for speaking out of turn about Hydro. If Goertzen isn’t fired, this government has no moral compass whatsoever.

Three-Way Stop Questioned Dear Editor: Does the new Ste. Anne 3-way stop make any sense at all? A three-way stop has been created at the junction of Rue Seine Rd, and Rue Charriere Rd. At this junction, there is clear line of sight, in all directions for about 300 yards. This junction is in a 60 kph speed restriction zone. I obligingly stop every time I travel along this route, and I have noted that on every occasion, mine is the only vehicle in sight. This is frustrating, because it seems pointless, a waste of gas, and creates extra pollution with having to start from a stop. Additionally, there is a lack of consistency in the installation of this 3-way stop, because not much further along the same road, at the corner where the RM office is, there is a similar junction. Hwy 210 and Rue Seine Rd. However, this junction is not a three-way stop. There is not a clear line of sight, it is a very busy junction, and it is in a 70 kph zone. Moreover, this busy junction with Hwy 210, appears to work extremely well and safely. How does the new 3-way stop make any sense? Stuart Davies Ste. Anne, MB

October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Why is Mining Company Allowed to Contaminate Our Drinking Water? Dear Editor, Silica sand mining research has already begun in our drinking water with no environmental or health impact study and no strict oversight. Instead the Manitoba Government curiously asks for public input? Why would elected politicians request public input without letting the public know what will happen to our only source of drinking water after it is contaminated? We have already paid for numerous geological and scientific studies and reports that should have made any public official clearly say “No” to the proposal of drilling into our aquifer. Have you even read any of these scientific reports contained in our Government Library? My question to our elected politicians: What amount of short term money is enough to risk the health and safety of every person and animal in eastern Manitoba that depends on the only clean drinking water source available? Letting a mining company drill bore holes and walk away without permanently capping these bore holes into our aquifer under the guise of research to see if it’s safe to do so is ludicrous. Our own public scientists have warned this is not safe and certainly not advisable. CanWhite’s mineral claims cover an area larger than the entire city of Winnipeg and the plan is to continue to punch boreholes into the groundwater aquifer that many eastern Manitoba residents and businesses such as agriculture and manufacturing completely depend on for clean water. CanWhite plans to pull up sand and pump it back into the aquifer after the silica sand has been extracted. During the silica sand mining, air borne silica sand is present and health studies already conducted clearly state that silica sand causes irreversible lung damage. The study of Manitoba’s aquifers goes way back. Even in 1974, according to one Manitoba Government study, “Part 1 Groundwater Appraisal of Municipalities in the Winnipeg Region”, “…the groundwater contained in the aquifers flow.” Yes, our clean drinking water flows beneath our feet. By punching a bore hole into the bed rock, past the top layers of soil, past the sand and gravel protective layers this also makes and disturbs surrounding sediments found in sand, gravel and minerals from the carboniferous (limestone and dolomite) bedrock. Some of those rock layers contain cancer causing minerals that will be introduced into the aquifer. Just by punching a hole through the protective bedrock introduces contamination. Once a bore hole is no longer needed and not permanently capped, the pathway for spring water runoff that includes bacterial contamination, septic fields, lagoon seepage, crop fertilizers and chemical wastes from a number of sources would enter the aquifer. There is not enough money to pay for that environmental disaster. There certainly is not enough money to pipe water from Lake of the Woods to every resident and business in eastern Manitoba or deliver enough potable drinking water. In a thorough 1995 Manitoba Government study, “Groundwater in Manitoba: Hydrogeology, Quality Concerns, Management”, the report pointed out that there is an, “Extensive network of discontinuities consisting of joints, bedding planes,” and that “Ground waters become increasingly saline with depth in most bedrock and some sand and gravel aquifers.” Further the study stated that saline increases from West to East in Manitoba. By fracturing the rock layers protecting the aquifer an additional hazard introduced is that higher saline levels could change access to clean well water throughout the eastern part of the Province. Why does this mining company want access to our clean drinking water? Well, the silica sand can be used amongst other things for the oil and gas industry’s fracking process. This frack-mining process uses blasts of silica sand along with water and chemicals down an oil well at pressures enough to smash rock and keep rock fractures open to extract oil and gas. For many, fracking has ruined groundwater supply. Sincerely, M. Guetre La Broquerie, MB

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Due Diligence Needed for Silica Sand Mines Project A month after a RM of Tache councillor warned residents that CanWhite was planning on testing the area for silica sand, the Manitoba Liberals have called for a review on a project currently before the Clean Air Commission. According to Manitoba Liberal Leader Dougald Lamont there are serious questions about the company’s statements and credibility since the CanWhite sands CEO Faisal Somji was implicated in a widespread BCbased cannabis, cryptocurrency and mining stock scandal.

“We called for a full review of the Vivian Sands project before the Clean Environment Commission with public hearings because Manitobans deserve to know the truth,” said Lamont. “It would very helpful if we could ask questions about these charges and schemes in BC and Alberta before the Vivian Sands project goes any further.” Jon Gerrard, Manitoba Liberal Critic for Sustainable Development said the Pallister government is to blame for failing to do their due diligence. “Manitoba has enormous potential

for resource development, but it has to be done with real integrity and respect for Manitoba’s people and our environment,” said Gerrard. CanWhite sands is looking to develop a silica sand mine east of Winnipeg, a project estimated to be about $80 million. Residents have expressed concern that the process could affect groundwater in Manitoba’s largest aquifer, which is renowned for its water purity. Residents say the company is already not living up to its promise to fill test boreholes,” Lamont added.

Heritage Project Grants Announced On October 2, the province approved more than $130,000 in funds that will be shared by groups, institutions and communities under the Heritage Grant Program. Four projects in Eastman were approved for a total of $18,800. “These grants provide funding support so organizations and communities can carry out projects that might not be possible from their general budgets,” Sport, Culture and Heritage Minister Cathy Cox said. “This funding helps them take on special projects that will further improve the service they provide all Manitobans.”

The Heritage Grant Program has two intakes, January and June. The second wave of approved projects for this fiscal year consists of a wide variety of ideas proposed from museums and communities. Funding has been awarded to four projects in Eastman totaling $18,800. These four projects include a $7,000 grant to the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach for their Mennonites at War exhibition. Niverville Communities in Bloom will see $6,000 for their proposed heritage wall mural and interpretive signs. The remaining two grants went to Pointe du Bois at $4,000 to prepare

A conceptual drawing of the mural being planned for Main Street in Niverville.

the town’s history, and $1,800 for a historic monument in the RM of Alexander. Not-for-profit community organizations, local governments, universities and First Nation’s seeking to identify, protect or interpret Manitoba’s human and natural heritage can apply for up to 50 percent of their project’s total expenses. Funding ranges from around $1,000 to more than $10,000, depending on the size and scope of the heritage projects, which include interpretive signs, murals, bilingual exhibits, book research and writing, and digitization of photograph or sound recordings.

Submitted photo

Disaster Assistance Available to Summer Flood Victims Southeast residents who sustained damages as a result of overland flooding this summer have access to government funding after the province recently announced that they will provide disaster financial assistance (DFA) for three high water/weatherrelated events that hit the province earlier this year. Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler made the announcement in the middle of September. “High water issues started in the spring and the response focused on the Red River Valley,” said Schuler. “Excessive rain events hit two areas of the province in early June and then again at the end of June into early July, creating overland flooding issues. We are able to provide disaster financial assistance programs for all three.” The southeast area of the province received heavy rains from June 6 to 10, with some areas recording almost 200 mm of rain within three days. Overland flooding was reported in the rural municipalities (RM) of De Salaberry, Piney, Reynolds, La Broquerie and Stuartburn, as well as the Municipality of Emerson-Franklin. Lucie Maynard, Chief Administrative Officer for the RM of Stuartburns says council intends on applying to recoup their costs.

“I don’t have a final number for our 2020 flood since we are still repairing some of the sites, but so far we have spent $330,000,” Maynard stated. “The hardest hit was Lonesand for homes where Dwayne Tesarski lost his home to flood waters and then most road washouts/closures was Arbakka area.” “Manitobans are always encouraged to check their insurance policies first; then consider a DFA program application,” said Schuler. “The DFA program should be used as a last resort.” Schuler noted that preliminary cost estimates show at least two of the programs will be substantial enough

for potential cost-sharing with the federal government through the federal disaster financial assistance arrangements. DFA programs provide provincial assistance for certain disaster-related losses when a widespread natural disaster strikes and creates an unreasonable financial burden. Assistance is generally provided for recovery needs of local governments, occupied private residential properties, farms, small business and some notfor-profit organizations. The DFA application deadline for local authorities and those in the private sector is December 10.

Residents who experienced flooding like this Lonesand home are encouraged to apply for disasFile photo ter financial assistance.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

New Bridge Opened Over Joubert Creek By Marianne Curtis An important gap in the Crow Wing Trail is being closed as a new pedestrian bridge officially opens. This $250,000 project over the Joubert Creek in the RM of De Salaberry is the culmination of ongoing efforts to close gaps in the Trans Canada Trail across Canada. Murielle Bugera, President of the Crow Wing Trail Association explained that the bridge was an important missing asset in the Crow Wing Trail that is now filled. “This $250,000 project over the Joubert Creek in the RM of De Salaberry is the culmination of ongoing efforts to close gaps in the Trans Canada Trail across Canada,” stated Burgea. “The bridge being unveiled today is the 6th bridge installed/restored on the Crow Wing Trail. It is also part of a greenway project – something Trans Canada Trail supports and encourages – making use of municipal road allowances closed to cars and trucks. The new trail sections require more maintenance, but the result is a safer and more enjoyable experience.” In 1999, the Crow Wing Trail was registered as the section of the Trans Canada Trail from Winnipeg to the Canada-U.S. Border. The founding municipalities of Ritchot, De Salaberry, Franklin, along with the communities of St-Pierre-Jolys and

Elected officials and funding partners join in with the cutting of the ribbon to officially fill in Photo by Marianne Curtis a gap along the Crow Wing Trail.

Emerson were joined a few years later by the Town of Niverville and Roseau River First Nation. An 1887 provincial map was used to lay out the modern-day route for this ox-cart trail used in the mid1800`s. Municipal road allowances, dikes, bush trails and parks were linked to form a continuous trail. The Crow Wing Trail officially opened in 2006 and since then, association volunteers from these seven local governments have worked together to maintain and improve this 200-km long section of the trail. Eleven partners have come together to support this $250,000 project which also resulted in the creation

of two new greenway sections on municipal road allowances. Funding for this project came in part from Trans Canada Trail for $125,000 and the Province of Manitoba for $75,000 through the Building Sustainable Communities funding. Further, the RM of De Salaberry donated $30,000, Trails Manitoba contributed $15,000 and the Village Connection donated $5,000. Support was also received from KGS Group, Algonquin Bridge, Caisse Financial Group, Canadian Company of Pilgrims, CDEM and the Village of St-Pierre-Jolys.

Niverville Residents Urged to Recycle More Cleanly By Marianne Curtis The Town of Niverville has issued a public plea to residents to clean up their act while recycling or they could be at risk losing the service. According to council, the Town of Niverville’s recycling program is hand sorted in St. Malo at EPIC de St. Malo Inc.-SMILE of St. Malo Inc. EPIC de St. Malo Inc.-SMILE of St. Malo Inc. is a non profit organization that is committed to advocate and promote inclusion in the community and surrounding areas for Individuals with intellectual disabilities. “If this behaviour continues, EPIC de St. Malo Inc. - SMILE of St. Malo Inc. may need to refuse material collected from the Town for the

EPIC de St. Malo Inc.-SMILE of St. Malo Inc. staff sort recycling.

Supplied photos

cycling because “it brings our waste levy down.” “It is a cost recovery system based on what is collected. If the residents recycle more, then taxes go down but what is happening is that the recycling is being contaminated,” Dyck explained. “If a load is collected from a hundred houses, all it takes is one person to not do things correctly. It mixes with the entire load, [and] then it all has to go to the landfill which defeats the purpose.” Residents are reminded that only certain things are accepted in recycling and that most items should be flattened, emptied, rinsed, along with removing caps and labels. In a list acceptable items include aluminum beverage cans and tin cans. Paper such as newspapers, flyers, books, magazines, office paper, phone books, wrapping paper and cardboard are also accepted. So are milk cartons, An example of what sorters have been receiving from Niverville residents; non-recyclable tetra-pack juice boxes, glass and jars, and 1, 2, 5, & 7 plastics. materials and hazardous product like rotten raw meat and animal waste. health and safety of their staff. Let’s do better Niverville!” stated a notice sent by council. Niverville Mayor Myron Dyck confirmed that this is an ongoing issue. Niverville Mayor Myron Dyck says that council encourages re-

October 2020

Traffic Lights Expected by End of October The Manitoba government has completed an initial review of PTH 12 at the PR 210 intersection and has decided to apply immediate interim safety enhancements to the intersection. According to Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler, “Making the intersection of Highway 12 and PR 210 easier to anticipate for motorists will help prevent further incidents.” The review showed that over 12,000 vehicles enter the intersection daily with approximately 10 percent of those vehicles being commercial trucks and trailers. Collision data reported 35 collisions over the past five years and of these, two collisions were fatal, 15 were injuries and the remaining 18 collisions involved property damage. By the end of October a number of interim safety measures will be installed at the intersection. These include red flashing lights on the stop signs for PR 210 traffic approaching PTH 12, rumble strips along PR 210 on both sides of PTH 12, speed reduction to 70 km/h for the eastbound direction on PR 210, stop ahead’ sign on the west side PR 210, and refreshed and enhanced stop lines. In addition to the safety enhancements, an In-Service Road Safety Review of the area will study collision data and motorist interaction with the intersection this fall, the minister noted. “A safety review of this intersection will help us to identify any additional protective features or operational issues, and we look forward to engaging with the community,” said Schuler. The In-Service Road Safety Review is expected to be completed by fall 2021.

October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Burger Days a Huge Success Burger enthusiasts of all ages flocked to fifteen different restaurants over one week in September to sample some of the most unique offerings during the third annual burger event. This year, fifteen local restaurants from Steinbach, New Bothwell and Niverville created signature burgers to tickle the taste buds for the 3rd Annual Burger Week. The mouth-watering burgers were available for a limited time during the week of September 12 to 19. On September 25, three winners were announced. The coveted Best Tasting Burger award was presented to Bigg Smoak of Steinbach for the “Bigg Smoak BBQ Burger”. This burger was in such demand that the restaurant ran out of hamburger during their first day, and a special emergency order had to be placed to feed the masses. The Most Creative Burger Award went to Niverville’s Hespeler’s Cookhouse & Tavern creation called “The Drunken Homesteader”. The Best Presentation award was claimed by Quarry Oaks for the “Back 9 Burger”.

Best Tasting Burger - Bigg Smoak

Most Creative Burger – Hespeler’s Cookhouse & Tavern

Best Presentation - Quarry Oaks

Submitted photos

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Local Drivers Dominate By Marianne Curtis Despite a shorter than normal season, local drivers racing at the Red River Co-op Speedway in St. Adolphe finished the year in top form. In six classes, three out of the top three drivers in each class were recognized after the last race on September 26 as overall points’ leaders. Taking a third place in points in the Super Trucks class was Chris Audette, from St. Adolphe. While he failed to claim a checkered flag, the rookie managed to accumulate 97 points after competing in four out of the season’s five races. Only eight trucks participated this year, and Ile des Chenes rookie Wade Barkley beat out veteran driver Larry Niebel in the same class. “I felt the season went pretty good for how short it was. I had a few bugs to work out in the truck at the beginning of the season, but once that was taken care of all I had to do was learn the truck,” said Audette. “My brother was the guy who set everything up on it and it was a very fast truck. All in all it was a great rookie year and I’m really looking forward to next year.” In the 4-cylinder class, seventeen-year old daughter Mercedes Audette earned herself a second place in points at 123. Audette, who is the only female driver in the class, finished only two points ahead of Landmark native Alexander Farr who claimed 125 points. In the WISSOTA Late Model class, Lorette’s Kevin Sexton placed sixth, and Rick Fawcett from Grande Point placed eighth.

Seventeen year old Mercedes Audette (20) from St. Adolphe finished the racing year in second place overall in points in the 4-Cyliner Class at Red River Co-op Speedway just ahead of rookie Alexander Farr (25) from Landmark. Photo by Marianne Curtis

Nick Audette, from St. Adolphe was the only local driver to make the top ten list in the WISSOTA Midwest Mods in seventh place. Finally, in the WISSOTA Pure Stock class, Chris Thomas from St. Malo finished in sixth while rookie Jaymie Weir from St. Adolphe finished in seventh. Red River Co-op Speedway determines year end leaders by the points scored throughout the seasonal motorsport championship races. Points are usually awarded after the placement in individual races. In addition, there may be bonus points for fastest training laps, fastest race laps, leading laps or other individual criteria. The Audette family, along with many other local drivers from Richer, Steinbach, St. Malo, Lorette, Grande Pointe, Ile des Chenes, and Landmark can be found every Thursday night at Red River Co-op Speedway in St. Adolphe.

Richert Takes Second in France

In spite of the challenging wet weather condition, Niverville native David Richert earned a podium finish in the Ultimate Cup Series at Magny-Cours, France on September 27. With rain and hail falling as cars were driving to the start of the race, Inter Europol Competition made a last-minute dash to switch Richert’s car from dry to rain tires. “I was picking pieces of ice out of the cockpit of my car as the team was changing tires,” Richert recalled. “They only had a couple of minutes to make the switch so a huge thanks to Inter Europol Competition for that effort.” After starting the race in near zero visibility, drivers began the difficult task of keeping their cars on track while pushing the limits. By the finish, Richert was able to advance into 2nd place and earn his podium bottle of champagne. “My goal for the weekend was to get comfortable with the race car again as it has been

a few years since driving,” Richert continued. “It was a challenge as the weather conditions changed every single session but I was very happy with the progress and a good qualifying time. Then to finish 2nd in the wet was absolutely fantastic!” Richert finished Race 2 and Race 3 in positions 7th and 6th respectively. At the end of the weekend, Richert was also presented with the Auto Hebdo Trophy, an award from the French newspaper for a driver whose performance on and off the track has been judged remarkable. Earlier this year, Richert signed a contract with Inter Europol Competition, a Polish owned racing team fresh off of completing last weekend’s famous 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race. He was just a few days away from starting the season until COVID-19 interrupted all plans. The easing of international restrictions has paved the way for competition to resume once again.

Niverville race car driver David Richert made the podium after driving in the Ultimate Cup Series at Magny-Cours, France. Submitted photo

October 2020

Liaison Officer to Raise Awareness of Species at Risk The Tall-Grass Prairies landscape in the RM of Stuartburn has been identified as one of fifteen areas in Canada that requires extra care. With about twenty-five identified species at risk located within about 445,628 hectares of land, the Nature Conservancy of Canada has funded the hiring of a liaison officer to work in the area. Norm Gregoire was recently named as the new Community Liaison for Species at Risk in the RM of Stuartburn. “Originally raised on a vegetable farm in southeastern Manitoba, I moved out of province to earn a diploma in Outdoor Education. I then went on to work as a naturalist and guide throughout Canada and internationally,” said Gregoire. “My main goals are to raise awareness of our Species at Risk and associated programming in the area.” Lucie Maynard, Chief Administrative Officer confirmed the valuable position will benefit the area without a cost to rate payers. . “This position is being funded through the Nature Conservancy of Canada through the Canada’s Nature Fund Community-Nominated Priority Places Program from the Federal Government under Environment and Climate Change,” Maynard stated. Community-Nominated Priority Places (CNPP) for Species at Risk is part of Canada’s Nature Fund. CNPP will support multi-partner initiatives in priority places where there are opportunities to protect and recover species at risk and their habitat through multispecies and ecosystem-based conservation action. Fifteen projects across the country were identified, including the need to reinforce and enhance Species at Risk Recovery with partners in the Tall-grass Prairie Landscape, which is located within the RM of Stuartburn. The Nature Conservancy of Canada is working with the Manitoba Naturalists Society, Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation, government partners, and the RM of Stuartburn to improve habitat and reduce threats to 25 listed species at risk, including Western Prairie Fringed Orchid and the Monarch butterfly. “This is a community-based position so I am looking forward to meeting with you and hearing your opinions on how we can work together on various topics, including how we can best protect our Species at Risk while continuing to grow our strong agricultural roots,” Gregoire continued. “In the coming months I anticipate many meaningful exchanges with locals.” The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Manitoba Region began with its first property acquisition in the Tall Grass Prairie in 1992. Today, the Manitoba Region has a well-developed and integrated approach to conservation in eight natural areas within the province. This approach is based on regional activities focused on conservation science, land stewardship and securement supported by outreach and education programs.


October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Questions & Answers about Manitoba’s Seasonal Influenza Immunization Program Immunization is one of the most important accomplishments in public health. Over the past 50 years, immunization has led to the elimination, containment and control of diseases that were once very common in Canada. Vaccines help your immune system recognize and fight bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. What is seasonal influenza? Seasonal influenza (the flu) is a respiratory infection caused by a virus that can seem similar to the common cold or other viruses. However, the signs and symptoms of the flu are usually more severe than the common cold. A sudden high fever, body aches, extreme tiredness and dry cough are more common with the flu than the common cold. Other common symptoms of the flu include headache, chills, loss of appetite, sore throat and poor feeding if an infant. Nausea and upset stomach may sometimes occur, especially in young children. The flu can also lead to more serious problems like pneumonia and bacterial infections, sometimes resulting in hospitalization or death. The seasonal flu should not be confused by what is commonly known as the “stomach flu”. Other circulating viruses that affects primarily the stomach with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea cause “stomach flu”. What is COVID-19? Is COVID-19 different than the flu? In early January 2020, a novel (new) coronavirus disease, known as COVID-19, was detected in China. Like the flu, COVID-19 is a respiratory infection caused by a virus. Unlike influenza, there is no vaccine or treatment available that protects against COVID-19 at this time. Symptoms of COVID-19 are the same as the flu, and may also include shortness of breath/breathing difficulties, loss of taste or smell, runny nose, conjunctivitis (pink eye) and skin rash of unknown cause. People with COVID-19 and/or the flu, can spread it to others up to six feet/two metres away before and after symptoms appear. Like the flu, some people will develop only mild COVID-19 symptoms, while others, including older adults and those with an underlying health condition or weakened immune system, appear to be at higher risk of getting COVID-19. They may develop more serious symptoms, such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. Some can die from these serious illnesses. How are the flu and COVID-19 spread?

Like other respiratory viruses, both the flu and COVID-19 can spread easily from person to person through close contact by coughing, sneezing or sharing food or drinks. You can also get the flu or COVID-19 by touching objects contaminated with virus and then touching your mouth, eyes or nose. People who have the flu or COVID-19 can spread it to others up to six feet/two metres away. A person can infect others before, and several days after, symptoms appear. For these reasons, it is very important to stay home if you have any flu or COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are mild symptoms. To reduce your risk of getting the flu, consider getting the flu vaccine. It is also important to cover your nose and mouth with your forearm when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 15 to 20 seconds (or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are unavailable). This is very important after coughing and sneezing, when caring for a sick person, after using the toilet and before/after eating. This year, it is also vital that you maintain a 6 foot/ 2 metre physical distance from others outside your immediate household, and limit contact with non-household people to reduce the spread of disease. What do I do if I, or my child(ren), have the flu or COVID-19? There are steps you and your child(ren) can take to reduce the chances of getting sick with the flu or COVID-19, and spreading it to others. This includes: staying home when sick; practicing physical distancing; covering coughs and sneezes; cleaning your hands regularly; and getting immunized with a flu vaccine. If you or your child(ren) get a respiratory infection, it is important to stay home, isolate and contact Health Links – Info Santé or your health care provider to see if you or your child(ren) need testing, assessment and/or medical treatment. They will also give you information on how long to isolate for, as well as information on how to care for yourself or your child(ren) at home. Most people can treat their symptoms and recover at home. If symptoms worsen, or, if you or your child(ren) aren’t recovering as you normally would, contact your health care provider or call Health Links – Info Santé at (204) 788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257. Some symptoms can be very serious and require urgent medical care

and treatment. Call 911 or go directly to an emergency room, nursing station or health centre if you or a loved one is experiencing any severe symptoms, such as: - shortness of breath or difficulty breathing that persists or worsens; - severe weakness; - dehydration, unable to keep any food or liquid down, or 12 hours of no or minimal urination; - drowsiness or confusion; - fever in an infant under three months of age; or - neck stiffness. People who have cold or flu-like symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible if they experience any of the following: - difficult or painful breathing; coughing up bloody sputum (phlegm or saliva) ; - wheezing; - fever for three to four days that is not getting better or is getting worse; - sudden return of high fever or other symptoms after initial improvement; extreme ear pain or discharge from the ear; or - feel severely ill. What is the difference between the different influenza strains? Influenza illness is caused by the influenza A and B viruses. These viruses can cause mild to severe illness in anyone who is infected. Certain populations, such as young children, seniors and those with medical conditions, may be at higher risk for further complications. H1N1 and H3N2 are both types of influenza A viruses. Both strains may affect populations differently and can vary annually. However, generally, the H3N2 strain is more severe in older adults and those living in long-term care facilities. The H1N1 strain typically affects the younger populations more severely. The annual influenza vaccine protects against both H1N1 and H3N2 strains. Influenza B viruses generally are more severe in infants and children. Manitoba’s influenza vaccine for the general population living in the community setting protects against two strains of influenza B. What is the flu vaccine? There are many different strains of flu virus that circulate each year. The flu vaccine does not protect against all of them. Every year, the World Health Organization monitors the global spread of flu and identifies which flu strains will likely cause the most illness during the flu season. Those strains are then used to

create the flu vaccine for that upcoming season. Because the strains can change every year, the vaccine can be different each year. For this reason and because protection provided by the vaccine decreases over time, it’s important to get the flu vaccine every fall. The flu vaccine cannot offer protection against other viral or bacterial infections, including illnesses like the common cold, stomach flus, or other respiratory illnesses such as COVID19. However, getting the flu vaccine may reduce the number of people getting sick and requiring medical treatment in hospital in the fall and winter months. This is when respiratory illnesses generally peak in Canada and put extra pressure on the health care system. Is the flu vaccine effective? The flu vaccine has been shown to be effective against laboratoryconfirmed cases of influenza. Immunization has shown to reduce the number of physician visits, hospitalizations and deaths among those at highest risk of influenza and its complications, including: - people 65 years of age and older; - residents of personal care homes or long-term care facilities; - children six to 59 months of age; - individuals with a chronic health condition (ex: diabetes, asthma, etc.); - pregnant women; - health care workers & first responders ; - regular caregivers of children up to five years of age; - household contacts of anyone at highest risk including those with infants under six months of age and/or expecting a newborn; and - Indigenous peoples. Flu vaccine effectiveness can vary each year. It depends on how closely the circulating strains match the strains that are in the vaccine. No medical intervention is 100 per cent effective but being immunized against the flu is the best way to prevent getting sick from the flu. It is better than not being immunized at all and having no protection, and will help lessen the severity of flu symptoms should you happen to still get sick with the flu. What flu vaccines are available in Manitoba? There are many different flu vaccines approved by Health Canada. Approved vaccines that are part of Manitoba’s Seasonal Influenza Immunization Program are available free-of-charge to all Manitobans. The influenza vaccines offered in Manitoba are inactivated vaccines

and are given by injection (needle) for people six months of age and older. These vaccines are referred to as standard-dose vaccines. The other influenza vaccine available is also administered by injection (needle) and is available for eligible people aged 65 years or older who are at higher risk of developing severe complications from influenza. They are referred to as high-dose influenza vaccine. The standard-dose influenza vaccine offered to people aged six months and older provides protection against four (two flu A and two flu B) flu strains that are most likely to cause illness. The high-dose influenza vaccine being offered to seniors in various settings protects against three (two flu A and one flu B) strains of flu. People 65 years of age and older, living in a closed, congregate setting (e.g., long-term care facility, supportive or assisted living, correctional facility) are very susceptible to complications from influenza. Evidence suggests they do not develop the best protection with the standard-dose influenza vaccine. Although it protects against only three of the flu strains, the high-dose influenza vaccine offered to eligible persons aged 65 years and older, is expected to provide better protection because it contains more of the flu virus per strain. When should people get immunized against the flu? The flu season in Manitoba generally begins in late fall and lasts into spring. It is better for you or your child(ren) to be immunized early in the flu season. This is because flu vaccine takes about two weeks to start working. Don’t wait until people around you or your child(ren) start getting sick before immunizing yourself or your child(ren). However, you should still get immunized later in the season if you or your child(ren) did not get immunized early fall. Who should get the flu vaccine? An annual flu vaccine is available free-of-charge to all Manitobans six months of age and older as part of Manitoba’s routine immunization schedule. Getting immunized against the flu every year is especially important for Manitobans

Dawson Trail Dispatch Q & A About Flu Program Continued from page 10...

who are at increased risk of serious illness from the flu, their caregivers and close contacts. It is especially important this year as we prepare for a second wave of COVID-19 this fall. The more people who are immunized, including healthy individuals younger than 65 years of age, the better because it helps protect people with certain medical conditions (ex: people undergoing cancer treatment) and newborn infants who are unable to get immunized. In addition, people who get sick with the flu may need to be cared for in the hospital. Getting the vaccine may help reduce the number of cases and keep people out of the hospital. This will ensure care can continue to be provided if flu and COVID-19 are circulating at the same time and the demand for care increases. What if I, or my child(ren), have an allergy to eggs? All flu vaccines available in Canada are manufactured by a process involving chicken eggs, which may result in the flu vaccine containing trace amounts of egg protein. Public health officials have reviewed the data and determined that it is safe for people allergic to eggs to be immunized against flu with any of the flu vaccines available in Manitoba and Canada (needle or nasal spray). If you have any concerns, it is recommended you speak with your health care provider. Is there mercury in flu vaccines? Some flu vaccines contain very small quantities of thimerosal. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative to keep the vaccine sterile by preventing bacterial or fungal growth in the vial. The small amount of thimerosal used in a vaccine is proven to be safe and countless scientific studies have proven that there is no association between childhood vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism). Flu vaccines in a vial that has multiple doses contain thimerosal. Single-dose flu vaccines do not contain thimerosal. If you are concerned, speak to your health care provider. Can I get the flu from the vaccine? Flu vaccines cannot cause the flu. Sometimes after getting a flu vaccine, a person may get flu-like symptoms such as chills and aches that can feel like the flu is coming. This is the body’s way of reacting to the vaccine by getting itself ready to fight the flu virus if you got infected. Where can someone get the flu vaccine? To find out the best time and place as well as check for flu vaccine availability, contact your health care provider at your local public health office, nursing station, doctor’s office, pharmacy or ACCESS Centre. For more information on the flu, the flu vaccine or COVID-19: - Talk to a health care provider. - Call Health Links–Info Santé in Winnipeg at 204-788-8200; toll-free elsewhere in Manitoba 1-888-3159257. - Or visit Manitoba’s Seasonal Influenza Program: www.manitoba.ca/health/flu/ www.manitoba.ca/covid19 Article courtesy of https://www.gov.mb.ca/ health/flu/qanda.html

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

October 2020


Visitation Shelters Will Crop Up in Southeast The province has awarded a construction tender to Manitobabased PCL Constructors Canada Inc. for the development and construction of all-season shelters at personal care homes (PCH) to allow residents to safely visit with loved ones. According to Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen the province is trying to act “quickly to restore visits in the spring.” “It was clear that a more comprehensive strategy would be necessary to facilitate visits with

the approaching influenza season and the potential for of a second wave of COVID-19,” said Friesen. A total of $17.9 million is being invested in visitation shelters consisting of single-use shipping containers repurposed and fitted-out for a completely finished visiting facility. Each unit will have a visiting room with space for one resident and up to five visitors. Visitors will enter the visiting room from the outside of the personal care home, while an enclosed link will ensure residents have direct access from the personal care home. Electrical and mechani-

cal systems have been designed to ensure each shelter is functional all year round. In keeping with public health guidelines, systems will be in place to provide required air changes and interior finishes will allow easy cleaning. “While there was no choice but to close PCHs at the start of the pandemic, every effort is being made to maintain access between residents and loved ones,” said Friesen. “These all-season shelters will ensure these muchneeded visits can continue un-

Shelters like these will be installed at personal care homes throughout southern Manitoba to allow families to visit family members. Supplied photo

Local Volunteers Receive Top Honours On September 26, volunteers from Steinbach and La Broquerie were among ten Manitobans honoured by Lieutenant Governor Janice C. Filmon. The Sovereigns Medal for Volunteers was presented to both volunteers by Filmon, on behalf of Governor General Julie Payette. “I am so proud to have these Manitobans recognized nationally for their voluntary contributions within their communities and beyond,” said Filmon. “From the smallest community to the heart of our largest city, Manitobans are known for giving so much of their time, talent and creativity to make a difference in the world around them.” Officially created by Her Majesty the Queen, Canadian honours are presented by the Governor General to celebrate and thank extraordinary people for their tremendous contributions to our country. The Sovereigns Medal for Volunteers recognizes the exceptional volunteer achievements of Canadians from across the country in a wide range of fields and pays tribute to the dedication and commitment of volunteers. Yvonne Savard from La Broquerie was one of the ten volunteers to be recognized for her work with seniors at Le Chalet de La Broquerie. For over a decade, Savard has been helping seniors get around. She also volunteers as the president of Le Papier de chez nous, prepares meals for grieving families in the Paroisse St. Joachim and helps fund activities for seniors in the community with the Southern Health Centre. John Kroeker, a volunteer with Steinbach Community Outreach was also recognized for his work. Kroeker has been a valued member of the organization since its inception in 2009. He volunteers with helping low-income clients file their tax returns and provides the organization with financial and technological assistance. He also serves as treasurer of Soups On, Steinbach, and was a longtime board member of the Steinbach Mennonite Church.

interrupted, while keeping PCH residents and visitors safe.” Helwer noted the outdoor shelters are expected to be operational by November. In addition to the outdoor shelters, work continues to develop indoor visitation rooms at some sites where visitors can easily access the space from outside the personal care home and maintain the same public health requirements as the outdoor shelters.


October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

“Soul Stories” Exhibit Opens Acreages a Hot Commodity

Artist Bev Unger who shares an art exhibit at the Steinbach Arts Council with Olivia Peters speaks to a small gathering about the inspiration behind her artwork.

Artwork featured in the “Soul Stories” exhibit by Bev Unger and Olivia Peters.

The Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) was thrilled to open its first Visual Arts Exhibit of the season. The “Soul Stories” exhibit postponed from last spring, features artists Bev Unger and Olivia Peters. The Opening Ceremony took place on September 23 and due to COVID-19, the event was private, consisting of 19 close family and friends of Unger and Peters. The intimate ceremony allowed the artists to converse with each one of their guests in SAC’s Hall Gallery. Emceed by SAC’s Director of Programming, David Klassen, guests were moved from laughter to tears as they heard from artist Bev Unger as well SAC Board Member Charlotte Barkman and City Councillor Susan Penner. Afterwards, the guests were able to view the stunning and thought-provoking artwork. The exhibit is now open to the public until December 16.

During Pandemic

By Marianne Curtis The Manitoba Real Estate Association (MREA) recently reported that agents have been seeing consecutive months of record sales throughout the province. MREA President Glen Tosh said that spring is typically the busiest season in the real estate market, however following the slowdown in March and April, the summer months have reported the highest activity this year. “Year-to-date sales have surpassed last year and we’re seeing a competitive market for buyers,” said Tosh. Locally, Royal LePage real estate agent Candice Bakx-Friesen said that the southeast has been a hot spot for Winnipeg residents wanting to move outside of the city. “In the southeast we have continued to see the trend of people making the move outside of Winnipeg,” said Bakx-Friesen. “People are looking for greater affordability, a quieter lifestyle, and safer neighbourhoods.”

She noted that another valuable commodity has been acreage lots. “This year I have also sold more acreage lots than ever before. People are looking for a place to put a camper, or build a future cabin,” said Bakx-Friesen. Not only are people looking for country lots to build on, they are also looking at property as a way of investing in low risk and/or highly liquid securities while deciding where to invest in the medium and long term. “Another common theme that emerges when you have uncertainty in the markets is people look to real estate as a place to park money,” Bakx-Friesen continued. “This certainly was the case in 2020. It was an exceptionally busy year.” Province wide the year-to-date residential sales totalled 11,138 which is up 6.6% over last year. However, with 17,865 new listings in Manitoba, availability is down 8.7% compared to last year, meaning 1,697 fewer properties have been placed on the market.

Whiteshell New Home to Two Winnipeg Bridges The provincial government, along with a number of partners are jointly investing more than $325,000 to enhance a trail network in Whiteshell Provincial Park with an adaptive re-use of twin pedestrian bridges that were once installed in Winnipeg.

The trail network uses fixtures from King’s Park in south Winnipeg, the two red wooden pedestrian spans which have been refurbished and installed at Hanson’s Creek and Cabin Lake in Whiteshell Provincial Park in a project spearheaded by Trails Manitoba and Trans Canada Trail. The Manitoba government committed $195,000 towards the $327,650 project. The remainder of the cost has been shared by Trails Manitoba and Trans Canada Trail, as well as through a significant donation from contractor Pier Solutions. Eleanor McMahon, president and CEO, Trans Canada Trail was delighted to have played a role in the project. “We are delighted to have played a role in this wonderful project, which breathed new life into two wooden bridges and reinstalled them in the spectacular surroundings of Whiteshell Provincial Park,” said McMahon. “We would like to thank the government of Manitoba for this important investment, which represents a clear signal of its commitment to and

appreciation of the multi-faceted value of trails in our daily lives from preserving nature and heritage to enhancing the physical and mental health of Manitobans.” Erik Dickson, president, Trails Manitoba added that, “By highlighting investments in our trails and celebrating these achievements, we draw attention to our beautiful province, and promote healthy and active living.” The government’s financial contribution to the project is part of a larger $500,000 investment announced in April for constructing and improving trails in provincial parks. The ministers noted that the government is committed to continue building, maintaining and expanding Manitoba’s trail network in partnership with volunteer and community organizations. Pier Solutions removed the bridges from King’s Park in 2017 before the company refurbished and installed them in Whiteshell Provincial Park. Upon fabrication and completion of the footings, the components of the bridges were transported to a staging area and then brought by helicopter to their new sites.

This beautiful red bridge is one of two refurbished structures removed from King’s Park in Winnipeg, and relocated by helicopter in the Whiteshell Provincial Park as part of the trail Submitted photo system.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

October 2020


CRB CRSB CRCB and October Benefit Payments I was hoping to write about something else for October, but the changes to the Federal support benefits prompt me to explain the new income benefits and what might happen in October for all the benefit programs like Canada Child Benefit, GST credit, and Guaranteed Income Supplement. On September 24, the government released information about the new recovery benefits. There were a few minor changes from previously announced amounts. CRB - Canada Recovery Benefit will be $500 per week (was previously announced as $400) and is available to workers that are selfemployed or those who do not qualify for EI (not enough hours) and still have not returned to work due to COVID-19, or whose income has decreased by at least 50%. You still must be available and looking for work. CRSB - Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit is $500 per week for up to two weeks for workers who are sick or who must self-isolate for reasons related to COVID-19. The CRSB is for employees who

do not have a sick benefit available from their employer; and that is about 50% of workers. I have not seen any details about how often you can apply for these benefits over the next 12 months. CRCB - Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit is also $500 per week for up to 26 weeks per household (parents/caregivers can share the 26 weeks). The CRCB is available if you cannot work because you must care for a child under age 12 or other family member because schools or daycare or other care facilities are closed due to COVID19 or because the child or family member is sick or is required to quarantine. All Three Benefits will be available for one year, commencing September 27, 2020, and will be administered by CRA. Applications will be required, and will be based on the applicant’s attestation that they qualify, subject to possible verification at a later date. The benefits will be paid in arrears, so the first relevant two week period will end on October 10, 2020 and you can apply after that. These

benefits will have some tax withheld. Potential applicants are recommended to sign up at CRA My Account, if you have not already done so. EI Employment Insurance Program - This changed too. The required insurable hours reduced to 120 hours from September 29 2019 (was 420 to 700 hours). The minimum weekly benefits have been increased to $400 (before it was 55% of average weekly earnings). And now the minimum weeks that EI will pay benefits is 26 weeks (it was as low as 14 weeks). Employers & T4s - We have found out how the CERB Canada Emergency Response Benefit will be verified to find out who received it that should not have. As employers, we will be required to add more information when we issue T4s. There will be boxes for income earned during the specific periods when CERB was paid. When you receive your T4 from your employer(s) next February 2021, be sure to review the income reported in the new boxes (57 to 60) and compare it to any periods

Operation Red Nose Cancelled Due to COVID-19 For the first time in seven years, southeast residents will not have access to Operation Red Nose after it was announced that the program has been shut down for the holiday season. Charmaine Gosselin, coordinator for Operation Red Nose St. Malo said they are saddened to not be operating this year, but under the circumstances it was understandable. “The safety of our volunteers and clients is our number one priority, especially during this pandemic. Maintaining social distancing in

vehicles and ensuring a safe environment for volunteers and clients would be nearly impossible,” Gosselin explained. “And while we want to continue to prevent driving under the influence, we trust that many Manitobans will be limiting their social functions this season.” This would have been the Operation Red Nose St. Malo’s third season of operation. “We’ve been looking forward to working with our sponsors again and gathering with the hundreds of volunteers for funfilled evenings, while ensuring safe

rides for south-eastern Manitobans,” Gosselin continued. While the volunteer-run service is free, the donations go toward the community hall in St. Malo. During the 2019 campaign the Operation Red Nose St. Malo collected over $20,000. Last year, Operation Red Nose Steinbach/La Broquerie reported having raised over $18,000. “We fully plan to resume in 2021 as we hope this will only be a one-year pause,” Gosselin concluded.

Businesses Wanted for High School Apprentices By Marianne Curtis For the past decade high school students attending Collège Lorette Collegiate (CLC) have had access to the High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP). With the new school year underway, Paul Turenne, who has been running it for three years, is inviting area businesses looking to take on an apprentice to come forward and sign up. Turenne said the program attracts on average about ten students every semester working at various trades. “We are looking for businesses who are interested in hiring people with whom they can mold at a young age,” Turenne explained. “Students who choose the HSAP are typically hands on, they are motivated to kick

start their career and learn the trade of their choice.” In the past, students have been hired in the skilled trades as a gas-fitter, floor-covering installer, cook, carpenter, concrete finisher, automotive service technician and as a bricklayer just to name a few of the sixty trades available to choose from, he noted. While the program helps the school and students with their education, it will also benefit the businesses who hire these students. They get back twenty-five percent of the wages they pay the student, up to $5,000, per level. The program is open specifically for Grade 11 and 12 students. Those who choose to start an apprenticeship will earn 1 high school credit for every 110 hours worked; up to 8

high school credits. The student can choose to work during semester 1 or semester 2 or during the evening, weekends and or during the summer months. “Typically, in one semester, the student will earn 6 credits. The student must be paid 10% more than minimum wage. All of the hours that they earn over their high school apprenticeship, goes toward their level 1 of that trade. The last perk and possibly the biggest one, is that every 2 HSAP credits they earn, they get 1 year of college paid for,” Turenne added. Businesses interested in finding out more information are encouraged to contact paul.turenne@ srsd.ca or 204-878-5291.

you received the CERB income. If you received income from both for the same period, you may need to repay some or all of the CERB. We don’t know if this will be done via the income tax filing or direct payment. If you already know you need to repay some or all of the CERB you received, we recommend you repay it before December 31 so we can correctly deduct that payment from your taxable income for 2020. And keep the proof of payment in case CRA asks for it. October Benefits The October payments of CCB Canada Child Benefit, GST Credit, and GIS Guaranteed Income Supplement may be adjusted if you filed your 2019 taxes after June 1 2020. The payments you received in July, August and/or September may have been based on your 2018 income if you filed your 2019 taxes after June 1. I hope CRA and Service Canada provide clear explanation of any changes to your benefits. If you filed your 2019 taxes after September 20, the benefits you received July to September may need to be repaid and a new amount will be calculated after your 2019 taxes are assessed by CRA. The Special Disability Payment - For Canadians with disabilities this was announced in June, but was only passed in Parliament at the end of September and needs to be passed by the Senate. We hope the payment will be made in October. This one-time tax-free payment of up to $600 will be paid to Canadians who qualify for the CRA Disability Tax Credit.

The $600 will be reduced by the special payment issued to seniors in July ($300 to $500 per person). The “tax season” finally ended on September 30, 2020 after 7.5 months instead of the normal four months. It’s been a long season and we are very happy it is finally over. Not much time to get all the other work we normally do before the next tax season starts midFebruary 2021. Next tax season may be quite different because of all the new taxable benefits many of our clients will have received in 2020. We suspect there will be fewer and maybe lower tax refunds and more taxes owed once your tax return is “reconciled”, determining your taxes payable versus how much tax was deducted. If your income situation was quite different in 2020 compared to 2019, we recommend you contact us in January or February to estimate your 2020 tax situation in case you want or need to buy RRSPs to reduce your taxable income. Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact Ste Anne Tax Service at 204-422-6631 or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Co-op) or info@SAtaxes.ca.


October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Blessed with Free Will

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Blumenort Plans Fall Festival

Have you ever wondered how the Sovereignty of God and the free will of man fit together? Both teachings are in the Bible and it seems on the surface, that they contradict and couldn’t possibly both be true. The Sovereignty of God says that God is the ultimate ruler over the whole universe and He is in control of everything that happens and no one or nothing can alter God’s plans. In the Bible, Isaiah 43:13 says about God, “there is none that can deliver out of my hand; I will work, and who shall let (hinder) it?” In Isaiah 46:10 God says, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.” To God, Isaiah 40:15 says, “the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance.” In Jeremiah 32:27 God says, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” The obvious answer is “No.” In fact verse 17 answers the question, “there is nothing too hard for thee.” So the Sovereignty of God means God can do what He wants whenever He wants because He wants and no one can stand in His way. On the opposite side is the free will of man. This says that when God made man, He gave man a mind to choose and the freedom to make choices in life. You make choices every day. You choose what to wear, what you eat, where you go and who you go with. You choose to follow God’s way or your own way. This is known as the free will of man and God has given us this privilege. We may not always like the choices we make, but we still make them. In Joshua 24:15 God gives His people a choice, “choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Today you don’t have to get saved and become a child of God. Even if you do, you still don’t have to follow Him. These are all individual choices you are allowed to make. Paul and Silas in jail, in Acts 16:31 told the jailor, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” The jailor made a free will decision to trust Christ. Have you made that decision yet? We often sing a little chorus in Sunday School, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.” Have you decided that? So if God is Sovereign and He does exactly what He wants, yet He gives man a free will to make his own decisions; how can these two apparently opposite modes of operation work? To explain this, you must also understand God is all knowing. Therefore He knows what you will decide even before you do. You make the decision. That’s your job. But God, knowing what you will decide, works with or around your decision to accomplish His will and work. Man can decide to follow God, and please Him and let God use him and bless him in God’s work or we can walk away from God and live our own lives and miss out on God’s blessings now and for eternity. What choices will you make today with your free will? God will accomplish His purpose with you or without you. You have a choice to get in on His blessings or to miss them completely. I trust you’ll make a wise choice.

the fact that Winnipeg and portions of the southeast are now in Orange restrictions.” However, she added, the committee still wanted to do something for the community and have come up with what they believe is a balance between fun and safety. On October 17, the Blumenort Fair Committee is planning to host a parade, possibly a pie silent auction fundraiser, with protocols in place and fireworks. The parade will start 11 am at the Blumenort Fire Hall and go through the newer area of town. Residents living on the other side of town are

The Blumenort Fair Committee is inviting the residents to a COVID friendly event. On October 17, the committee is hosting the Blumenort Fall Fair. According to Karen Hopkins, “As the chair of the Blumenort Fair, I was very disappointed that we had to cancel the fair this year. I know that this was a good decision for everyone’s health and safety, but still disappointing,” stated Hopkins. “I’ve been hoping for most of the summer that we would be able to put on a community breakfast in the fall. This will not be happening due to the increased numbers of positive COVID-19 cases and

invited to come and sit in their cars, or on the school lawn at a social distance. Other activities include a costume contest where the best scarecrows can win gift cards. Judging takes place at the fire hall at 10 am and entries can join the parade. For the pumpkin carving or decorating contest, entries must be brought to the hall by 10 am. Later in the evening head to the Blumenort EMC from 5:30 to 7 pm for a drive-thru Fall Supper. Fireworks will take place at 8 pm at the Blumenort Park, sponsored by the LUD of Blumenort.

ROC Hopes to Boost Recreation with Online Promotion tion process to set them up for a successful relationship with their recreational provider,” McLean explained. ROC Eastman is a local nonprofit charity that helps low income families in both the southern and northern Eastman region with financial and parental supports so they can enroll their children in recreational activities across the region. “We serve all of Eastman, and are constantly looking at building our relationships with the recreation providers within all the Eastman communities,” McLean continued. “Recreation is anything that one does for fun and enjoyment outside of work and we value that [groups] provide a space for children to do just that, whether it be seasonal or full year programming, summer camps,

By Marianne Curtis A regional organization geared towards providing recreation opportunities for low income families is taking advantage of their social media following by offering to promote local recreational providers to help all children get more active. According to Steph McLean, Development Coordinator with Recreation Opportunities for Children (ROC), advocacy for recreation of all kinds is so important to the organization and they are always looking for new ways to promote recreational providers in the region. “Our hope is to be able to help every child that we work with find the ‘perfect’ activity that suits them just right. We also help guide them through the registra-

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daily tours or get away adventures, or simply a fun interactive space for kids.” The initiative was launched back in January but took a pause due to COVID-19 having cancelled all programming. “We took a pause on this series when recreation facilities also had to pause, but we are excited that this initiative is back up and running again,” McLean concluded. ROC invites local recreation providers to submit their programs to their organization for complimentary promotion. Each week, one will be randomly selected and named “Rec Provider of the Week” and as such will be featured on all ROC social media platforms. To be featured, submit program details by contacting steph@roceastman.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Providence Reports One COVID-19 Case On September 30, Manitoba Public Health Officials has advised that one member of the Providence community has tested positive for COVID-19. This community member was last on Providence’s campus on September 25, 2020. Cameron McKenzie, Provost and Vice President Academic said the infected community member is currently in isolation. “Manitoba Public Heath has advised that the exposure risk on our campus is deemed as low, as Providence’s protocols, including physical distancing, the wearing of masks, and regular sanitization efforts, have been maintained in

all public areas on-campus,” said McKenzie. Manitoba Public Health is directing the process of contact tracing as required. Those who may have been in contact with the community member have already been notified. “Providence remains confident that our protocols have served us well,” McKenzie added. “We remain committed to the safety and success of all of our students.” The Otterburne campus remains open for in-person classes, although community members from inside the Winnipeg Health Region, those in the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System level “Restricted/Or-

ange” are encouraged to continue their work and studies remotely. The university is working to ensure all the COVID-19 protocols set in place for the fall term are followed by students, faculty and staff so that together we can effectively mitigate the risks of spreading the Coronavirus within the community. Strict stay-at-home protocols are in place for anyone feeling unwell. Mandatory masks, physical distancing and frequent cleaning and disinfecting are also in effect. The 100-acre campus provides ample space for physical distancing.

Providence Limits On-Campus Learning Due to the regional ‘restricted’ code orange recently implemented by Manitoba Public Health for Winnipeg and surrounding areas, and in keeping with its own COVID-19 protocols and policies, on September 25 Providence has made the decision to limit on-campus learning for commuting students. Vice President of External Relations Samantha Groenendijk informed students, staff and faculty of the change in an email. As per our COVID-19 policies, and in an effort to keep our community safe, all employees and students who regularly commute to campus from the Winnipeg Health Region are

encouraged to work and study from home,” wrote Groenendijk. The campus is closed only to commuters from the code orange regions identified by Manitoba Public Health #RestartMB. The Otterburne campus, however, is still open to students living in residences, and commuters from outside the restricted areas. “We’ve been told that these restrictions will remain in place for a minimum of four weeks, the length of two incubation periods of the virus. Further direction or additional restrictions may be put in place by public health at any time,” she added.

Groenendijk urged all of the affected Providence students and employees to speak to their professors and supervisors for further instructions. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Providence University College and Theological Seminary has made the health and safety of students, faculty and staff a priority. “That is why we’ve decided, for the next four weeks, to take all necessary precautions,” Groenendijk. Students will have access to class lectures online and can complete all their coursework through remote delivery.

Muriel Taylor Hall Officially Finished When Providence students returned to classes this fall, they were pleased to find that the campus’s newest residence Muriel Taylor Hall had received finishes to its exterior. The building, named Muriel Taylor Hall was built to replace Bergan Hall, which burned down a year earlier. It was opened to students last fall, but work to the outside of the structure was not completed. Providence President David Johnson was pleased to finally see this project completed. “It’s a great feeling to have this project completed. The final coat of stucco was added

in early June. The Providence Blue is a stand-out. The contractor fixed small things while students were out of the building. We moved a couple of light switches, re-caulked some windows, did touch ups to paint,” said Johnson. “One of the biggest things to complete was the final grading of the outdoor spaces, creating sidewalks and landscaping.” This was done over the summer. Johnson personally donated his vacation days to place a few saplings around the building as well. “Our hope is that students will enjoy their new residence as it was

The new Muriel Taylor Building, which replaces Bergan Hall, is finally complete.

designed with them in mind,” Johnson added. Muriel Taylor Hall has floor to ceiling windows to allow natural light to flood into every corner. There are designated quiet spots for students to study and pray, and a large open-concept space for students to hang out around a fireplace, cook/eat together in a contemporary kitchen, watch movies on flat screen TVs and play some ping pong. The three-storey 22,500 square foot student residence cost $7.5 million, which was raised through a variety of private fundraising.

Supplied photo

October 2020


Living in a Glass House Romans 2:1- 4… 1) You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2. Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3. So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? 4. Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? (NIV) Why is it that I can be so judgmental when I am far from perfect myself? The old saying that those who live in glass houses ought not to throw stones is hardly ever followed. The truth is that far too often I like to throw stones. I just must hope that the other guy’s arm is not as accurate as mine. Perhaps my thinking is that my sins are safely hidden, never to be found out. God’s judgment will be based on truth. In other words, God knows the truth about me; He knows the truth about us. He knows my heart, and He knows what is going on in my mind. He knows precisely the sins that I have committed and the circumstances surrounding those sins. This is good and bad. It is good I do not have to explain everything to God, but it is awfully bad that He knows everything. And because He knows everything, including the very intentions of my heart, He will be able to judge me based on the absolute truth about me. There will be no misrepresentation to God. Many people believe because they have not yet felt the judgment of God for their sins that somehow God must approve of their attitudes and behaviour. But they do not realize why God is showing them the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience. The reason why God is showing them these qualities of grace, and not judging them immediately, is not because He approves. God desires that His kindness leads us to repentance. To presume upon that kindness is to show contempt for what God is trying to do. This is the truth about us. And God’s judgment will be based on truth. When God looks at me in the judgment, He will be looking at more than my attitude. He will be looking at my actions. It is not enough to say that I believe. I must also behave as if I believe. It is not enough to believe in a standard. I must also live by that standard. God’s judgment will be according to my behaviour. It is because of my stubbornness and an unrepentant heart that I shall be judged. To repent means that I make an about-face. It means that I turn around. It means that I change my behaviour. And if I am too stubborn to do that then I will find myself in deep trouble. In other words, I will be storing up wrath against myself. When I stand before God in judgment, there will be nothing that escapes His notice. All secrets will be known by Him. There is nothing that will be hidden. There is nothing that will be revealed… what a scary thought. Everything I have ever done in secret, every thought I have ever thought, every sinful desire I have indulged in, every evil word I have ever spoken or thought, every sin will be revealed. What a horrible day that will be for many! The good news is that Jesus Christ can change our destiny. When we come to Christ in sincere repentance and faith, he will forgive us for all our sins, even the secret sins, and blot out that sin. The Bible teaches us that He remembers it no more. It will never be brought up against us. The most important thing in life is to know that Jesus can save us from our sins. The second most important thing to know is that we require it. We need to know this. We need to act on it. We need to share it with others. We are all without excuse. But God has made a way to escape. Jesus Christ is the way. To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done. Would you pray this prayer with me, “Lord Jesus, come into my heart? Forgive my sins, for I have many. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have peace in my heart, I really want that peace, joy, and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honour to You Name.” Amen.


October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

C ommunity E vents Ile-des-Chênes Ritchot Senior Services: Office is open Monday-Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@ mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. All programs and activities require preregistration. If you have preregistered for an event but find yourself feeling unwell on the day call or email to let us know you will not be attending. Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Foot Care Clinics – On Wednesday, October 21 with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Pre-register, contact Janice 204-883-2880. La Broquerie Seine River Services for Seniors - Monday to Friday from 9 am - 4:30 pm. Help and support with E.R.I.K. kits and other forms, foot care, transportation services, friendly visitors, homecare services, illness, grief, housing, finances. If you have any questions contact the community resource coordinator, Melanie Bremaud at 204-424-5285 or labseinerss@ gmail.com. Attention local business owners, friends and neighbours: We are putting out the call for help for our seniors who reside in local 55+ Centres and homes by requesting basic necessity donations such as non perishable food items and toiletries. A lot of our seniors do not have family that can help during this time and volunteers aren’t allowed to interact because of social distancing. If you are in a position to help, please do so. We are currently setting up donation drop off points so please keep watching our page for that information! For business owners: we are asking that you set up donation bins for our cause, we will arrange for pickup and delivery by utilizing the services of the seine River school division! Contact Rosalie Stelmack directly on Facebook, “See a need, Fill a need. Pay it Forward Program”. Lorette Thanksgiving Fall Supper – The Notre Dame de Lorette Thanksgiving Supper is Cancelled due to COVID-19. Ritchot Senior Services: Office is open Monday-Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@ mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Community Meals –Full meal including dessert for $8 for pick up a Le Club Les Bles D’or, 1254 Dawson rd. Please reserve your meal one day prior, before 6 pm. Call 204-878-2682 and leave a message. Foot Care Clinics – On Wednesday, November 4 with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Pre-register, contact Janice 204-883-2880. Weekly Meals: Le Club Des Bles D’or is offering weekly meals. Please remember when picking up your meal to social distance. The Club is providing a terrific service and we would like to see them be able to continue. They are located at 1254 Chemin Dawson Road. Phone 204-878-2682. You must place your order one day prior before 6:00 pm by calling and leaving a message. St. Adolphe COVID-19 Emergency Fundraiser - Because of COVID-19, the St. Adolphe Parish has replaced its annual event with an Online Auction in order to raise emergency funds. You are invited to bid on a variety of goods and services until 8 pm on October 17. To place your bid, go to parish-fundraiser.myshopify.com. Each bid will have a picture, a description, its monetary value and will include the donor’s name. Place your bid on the item of your choice. Bids will be updated at regular intervals to show the highest bid and you can rebid anytime until the close of the auction. For information, contact Ann Eastman at 204-470-3761.

Ritchot Senior Services: Office open Monday - Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Foot Care Clinics – On Tuesday, October 27 with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Pre-register, contact Janice 204-883-2880. Ste. Agathe Ritchot Senior Services: Office open Monday - Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Before entering you will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 or exposure. Hand sanitizing and physical distancing measures will be mandatory. Contact ritchotseniors@mymts.net or call 204-883-2880. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. Grocery Delivery – Groceries can be delivered right to your door. Contact 204-883-2880 or email, ritchotseniors@ mymts.net. Foot Care Clinic - On Monday, November 9 at the Community Centre with Ursula Giesbrecht certified foot care nurse. Preregister; contact Janice 204-883-2880. Ste. Anne Seine River Services for Seniors - Monday to Friday from 9 am - 4:30 pm. Help and support with E.R.I.K. kits and other forms, foot care, transportation services, friendly visitors, homecare services, illness, grief, housing, finances. If you have any questions contact the community resource coordinator, Melanie Bremaud at 204-424-5285 or labseinerss@gmail.com. Steinbach Steinbach Area & Animal Rescue 50/50 Raffle – With your chance to win you can help animals in need by purchasing a 50/50 Raffle fundraising ticket before Monday, November 2 at 9:30 am. Tickets can be purchased from the many caring sponsors, Clearspring Animal Hospital, Pet Vet, Southeast Veterinary Hospital, Prairie Picker’s Café, Santa Lucia Pizza or Best West Pet Foods. License LGCA 7811-RF-34857. Minds in Motion – From Thursday, October 15 to Thursday, December 4 at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre, 10 Chrysler Gate. $65 per participant pair. A two-hour weekly fitness and social program for people living with early to moderate symptoms of dementia to enjoy with a family member or friend. Contact 204-320-4600 or mindsinmotion@alzheimer.mb.ca. Interested in volunteering, contact Kathy Diehl Cyr Community Partnership Manager 204-943-6620 ext 203 or mindsinmotion@alzheimer.mb.ca. Vita Drive-by Supper – On Saturday, October 10 from 4:30 – 7 pm at the Vita Community Hall, 224 Main St N. Cost $15. 350 plates guaranteed. Meal includes mashed potatoes, 4 meatballs with gravy, 2 pieces of fried chicken, 3 potato perogies with cream sauce, 3 cabbage rolls, coleslaw, dinner roll, and pumpkin cake. Drive-Thru-Fall Supper Vita & Area Winter Festival Fundraising – On Sunday, October 18 from 4 – 6 pm at the Curling Club, 225 Main Street North. Social Distancing rules will be followed. Menu is Pulled Pork, Baked Potato, Hot Veggie, Coleslaw, Bun and Pumpkin Dessert. Cost is $15 per meal. Contact Lucie at 204-712-5442.

To have your event featured in this listing, please email your events each month to editor@dawsontrail.ca

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Eating Seasonal and Local in the Fall

Fresh food abounds after the summer growing season, which means there is no better time to focus on eating local. Connecting to food, land, community and the farmers who grow it, are just some of the many reasons to focus on local and seasonal eating. Equally fulfilling, gardening, foraging, and raising your own food bring you and your family more appreciation to where food comes from. Although rewarding, eating locally does mean a shift in eating patterns; not all food is available year-round in our diverse climate. There is plenty of variety during the fall months, and so you won’t be able to claim sacrifice by committing to local fare. No one can deny how wonderful it is to get fresh delicious food that hasn’t travelled far from home. Here is a list of just some of the foods available at this time of year. Vegetables – Now is the time to source plenty of root veggies such as garlic, onions, carrots, beets, and potatoes. In this season there is also an abundance of squash, pumpkins, and cabbages. Honey – Many options in flavour and variety make this a great time of year to buy honey in bulk and stock your pantry. Wildflower, Alfalfa, Sunflower, Clover and Buckwheat are just some of the great local options in the autumn. Preserves – There are a ton of local preserves around that have been created in local kitchens, including pickles, dried herbs and spices. It’s time to stock your pantry if you haven’t already. Wild Edibles – Acorns are a valuable source of both food and medicine and now is the time to gather them to use as nut flour in all kinds of breads and cookies. Unshelled, they store for years. Cooler fall temperatures stimulate the flow of energy and nutrients into wild plant roots and tubers, so fall is a prime time to

Burdock Root

Farm fresh honey.

harvest dandelion, burdock, Jerusalem artichoke, sow thistle and wild caraway roots, to name a few. Dandelion, burdock and sow thistle make wonderful beverages with great medicinal properties while Jerusalem artichokes, burdock and wild caraway roots can be used as mainstays, similarly to potatoes or carrots. Pastured Pork or Chicken – The only time of year you can get in on this delicious, pastured meat, make sure to buy direct from a small local farmer and stock your freezer. Beef and Lamb – This is also the time of year that farmers (or your local butcher) may sell a beef or lamb by a whole carcass, a half, or a quarter. Ordering this way, you can get in on local meat at a more economical price, choose from a variety of cuts, and fill your freezer for the long winter. So, whether it’s from the local farmer, your own backyard, the wild, local butcher, or even the grocery store, we hope that you take the time to celebrate local and seasonal food this fall. For more information on local products and producers, contact the

Making fresh-pressed apple cider.


Pastured pork bought direct from a small local farmer such as this one from Green PasSubmitted photos tures Farm.

Stuartburn Emerson-Franklin Local Food Initiative facebook group or sign up to be on the email list.

Envision Launches “Make A Difference” Fundraiser By Marianne Curtis For seven days in September, enVision Foundation hosted a unique fundraiser to kick off its campaign to raise $100,000 to support the construction of a new accessible home in the region. In 2020-21 enVision Foundation committed to raising funds to support the construction of a new accessible home that offers one-level living, a no-step entrance, wider doorways and hallways, and wheelchair accessible bathrooms for people living with a disability. “We invite you to support the construction of this new home by making a donation. Your support will help to break down barriers

and empower people to live more independently,” stated a spokesperson. As part of the “Make a Difference” fundraiser, enVision showcased a number of community difference makers on social media including Damaris Krahn, Merle Gadsby, the Young Change Makers Zoé Bardal, Finley Hiebert, and the first grade class of 1W in Blumenort School, Justine Charette, Dennis Coley, Dusty Buchan, and Barry Piasta from Niverville. Piasta said he was honoured because he “Believes that to be truly part of a community, you have to participate in protecting everyone’s value.” Whether rallying the community together to enhance safety measures,

planning and coordinating events to raise money for those in need or creating safe places for community involvement, Piasta is a tremendous force in his community for making positive change. He was recognized as a man who inspires community to join together to create equality, inclusion and the value of all people by recognizing injustices and stepping up to help fix them. The proposed new accessible home would go to help EnVision Community Living which is a non-profit community-based organization committed to delivering supports and services that provide people who live with disability opportunities for personal growth and development to live the life of their choosing in the community.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Not a Chore... a Task!

FCC Supports Two Local Projects Earlier this month, Farm Credit Corporation (FCC) announced that they would be awarding $1.5 million in grants to 92 community projects across Canada. Eleven projects from Manitoba will share a combined $112,500 in grants from the FCC AgriSpirit Fund. Two out of the eleven projects to receive funding are in Steinbach and Niverville. The Steinbach Family Resource Centre will receive $15,000 to help fund the installation of new energy efficient windows, new insulation for exterior walls and pant for the family centre facility. It was the second largest grant given in Manitoba. The Niverville Arena will receive new doors thanks to a $7,500 grant to the Town of Niverville. “The FCC AgriSpirit Fund supports rural communities at the heart of Canadian agriculture,” said Sophie Perreault, FCC executive vice-president and chief operating officer. “We are honoured to support the projects that help keep these communities as vibrant hubs for rural Canadians.” This year, the FCC AgriSpirit Fund awarded 92 grants between $5,000 and $25,000 for community improvement projects that enhance the lives of rural residents. Over the past 17 years, the FCC AgriSpirit Fund has supported 1,356 projects, an investment of $16.5 million.

Flu or CO Poisoning? That bad headache, dizziness, vomiting and nausea may not be the flu. It could be the first stages of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. CO is a colourless, odourless gas that is produced when wood and fossil fuels burn without enough oxygen. CO can build up due to a faulty appliance, a clogged chimney, inadequate venting, or the buildup of engine exhaust in a garage. It can also happen when fireplaces, wood stoves, kitchen and bathroom fans, clothes dryers, central vacuum systems and heating equipment all compete for air in your home. Know the warning signs: stuffy, stale or smelly air, water condensation on windows, the smell of exhaust fumes, a back draft from the fireplace, or a pilot light that keeps going out. If you suspect CO poisoning, open all doors and windows and evacuate everyone from the house immediately. If you are experiencing health problems from suspected CO poisoning, seek medical attention—let the physician know what you suspect. Then call Manitoba Hydro at 1-888-624-9376 for an emergency inspection. Keep CO out of your home by having your heating system inspected and maintained regularly by a licensed heating contractor. Ensure that external vents are secure and free of snow, insulation, leaves, lint and debris. If you have a wood burning fireplace or stove, make sure it has a fresh air intake duct. Most of all, to help protect your family, make sure you have a working carbon monoxide alarm installed near bedrooms and on all levels of your home. If the alarm goes off, treat the alarm as an emergency and call Manitoba Hydro immediately. Never unplug it or remove its batteries because the alarm annoys you. You could put lives at risk, including your own. For more info visit hydro.mb.ca.

October 2020

Like most people, I have things that I need to get done. There are the regular, everyday chores, the once-a-week chores and there are the chores that should get done but you know that they never will. For me, I have created a whole new category that I call tasks and to me, this sounds so much better than the word ‘chores’. Maybe I’m just splitting hairs but to me, the word chores just sounds like the thing that you have to do is just so horrible. When I call what

I need to do a task, well, then it is not horrible at all, it almost sounds like a quest... like a quest that noble King Arthur may send you out upon to complete. I have found that for myself, despite my best intentions, I recognize that a task needs to be done and that I’m not opposed to doing it but, throughout the hustle and bustle of my daily life, the thought of the task can get mislaid. So, in an effort to keep track of my tasks, I found myself a blank notebook and, when I think of a task that needs doing, I write it into my task notebook. By writing them into my notebook, I keep track of all the tasks that I need to do in one handy convenient place. I even go so far as writing down the date that the task is listed in my notebook. If I see that a task was listed a

long time ago but not completed, it prompts me to get my butt in gear and get it done. Once I’ve completed a task, I use a ruler to draw a nice line through the task and at the end of the line I write in the date that the task was completed. It sure does give a nice feeling of accomplishment when I’m drawing that line! Occasionally, things get written down but at a later date the task is deemed to be no longer needed or wanted, then the task still gets a line drawn through it but instead of a completion date I’ll just mark down the letters NA. When I have a large task to do, you know, something that can’t be done in a single day or a task that just has too many steps to it; then I like to start a nice, clean, fresh page and list the steps for this large, multi-stepped task. Marking each


step down in point form on its own line with its own date can often help me to tackle it a piece at a time and to not feel overwhelmed by the largeness of it. After all, when I only have a half hour, I can flip through my task notebook and see a small something to do and before I know it, the task is done! Saving the large tasks for days when I have more time and completing the short, smaller tasks when time is tight has helped me to become more efficient and to finally, finally, finally finish a few of those things that I’ve been meaning to do for oh, so long. Not only has this task notebook been a boon to me but my wife and kids seem to appreciate the fact that more tasks... not chores... are getting done. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.


October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

RCMP FILES The 2021 memberships are available for $25 per person on October 15, 2020. Join now to enjoy our member’s benefits! Regular Programs: Please read carefully as programs have been temporarily altered. Phone ahead to register for the following programs, as space is limited: Walking - Monday - Friday 8:30 - 9 am. Coffee Corner - Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 am – 12 pm. Pickleball - Monday and Wednesday 9 - 11:30 am. Beginner Pickleball - Monday 1:30 - 4 pm and Friday 9 – 11:30 am. Drums Alive! - Tuesdays 1 – 2 pm. Yoga - Starting again in November on Mondays 1 - 2 pm. PACE - Thursdays 1 - 2 pm. Floor Curling – Wednesday 1:30 - 3:30 pm. Craft Corner - Fridays 1:30 - 4 pm. Games - BINGO Fridays, September 4 and 18, 1:30 - 3:30 pm. Badminton – Tuesdays, October 13 and 27 and Fridays, October 9 and 23 from 24 pm, space limited. Follow the Pickleball (signup) link on our Webpage. Old Time Country Jam - Wednesdays 7-9 pm, space limited. Reserve your spot by calling 204-320-4600. Special Events Foot & Calf Massage - We now have our own foot and calf massage machines for your use. Call to book appointment 204320-4600. New Classic Comedy Corner - Every Thursday 11:45 am - 12:45 pm. Take a step back in time at our new weekly viewing of the classic comedy, “The Golden Girls.” You receive a soup and biscuit lunch with complimentary coffee provided when you sign up for $5. Call 204-3204600 to reserve your spot. Community Resources - Are you or is someone you know in need of help during this difficult time? We are here to help if you need assistance getting groceries, transportation or a meal delivered to your home. Call Carrie at 204-320-4604 if you or someone you know is in need of any of these services or has questions. PPALC Community Calendar Book - Runs from 2020 - April 2021 containing a variety of local business coupons and a place for you to record important phone numbers. Only $10 with over $300 worth of savings inside! All proceeds go towards maintaining the Centre for you and providing the programs you know and love. Call us at 204-320-4600 to arrange for pickup. Meals on Wheels - Getting tired or running out of ideas of what to cook? Our Meals on Wheels Program may be just what you’re looking for. Get a warm, delicious and nutritious meal (including dessert) delivered to your home or now again available at the centre for only $7. To see what’s on the menu daily visit PatPorterALC.com. Ways to Order: Call the kitchen at 204-320-4605 to place an order. You may order a single meal or meals for the week or whole month. To receive a same day meal you must call before 9 am. Payment can be either a credit card payment over the phone or an invoice at the end of the month. Rentals - Looking for a nice place to have your business meeting, family event or celebrations? Give us a call, e-mail or come to the centre and let us know how we can help you. For more info on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities from Monday to Friday, 9 am - 4 pm call Sonja at 204320-4603 or Reception at 204-320-4600.

If you have any information in regards to any item here you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Thieves Steal ORV On August 11, sometime overnight, a 2020 blue/black Polaris General 1000 Side-by-Side with Manitoba Licence plate number of 3L960 was stolen from a residence on Acorn Avenue in Steinbach. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Steinbach RCMP Search for Missing Teen On August 12 Steinbach RCMP received a report of a missing 17-year-old teen from Mitchell who was last seen in the City of Winnipeg. Gina Lisa Hill has made intermittent contact with her family and was last heard from on September 13. Hill is believed to still be in the City of Winnipeg. Hill is described as approximately 5’5”, 145 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. The RCMP are concerned for her safety and are asking anyone with information to call the Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-1234, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Fatal Crash Investigated On September 10 at approximately 5:55 pm, St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP responded to a collision involving a vehicle and a cyclist on Highway 59 near Grande Pointe. A vehicle going north on Highway 59 collided with a cyclist that was also travelling north on the highway. The cyclist, a 57-year-old female from southern Manitoba, was pronounced deceased at the scene. The driver of the vehicle, a 23-year-old male from the RM of Grey, had no reported injuries. Alcohol and drugs do not appear to be factors in the collision.

RCMP Search for Stolen Truck On September 6 at approximately 1:09 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a complaint of a stolen truck from a driveway on Ash Avenue. The theft occurred between September 5 and September 6 between the hours of 11 pm and 10:30 am. The truck is described as a 2001 burgundy red GMC Sierra with Manitoba plate KMS562. If you have any information regarding the above incident or any other information in regards to the above matter, you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Four Charged Over Stolen Dirt Bikes St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP along with East District CREST unit recovered stolen property on September 3. RCMP officers from St. Pierre-Jolys, the East District Crime Reduction Enforcement Support Team (CREST) and the Emergency Response Team (ERT) executed two search warrants, at a residence and a warehouse located within the City of Winnipeg. This was in relation to a break-in that occurred at a commercial property in Ile des Chenes on August 30, where numerous dirt bikes were stolen. Officers recovered some of the dirt bikes, including numerous other items believed to be stolen from multiple locations around Southern Manitoba. Police have arrested four males, three from Winnipeg (ages of 51, 43, 41) and one from Saskatchewan (43-years of age) in relation to these search warrants. The four accused have been released from custody with court appearances scheduled for November 2 in Winnipeg. CREST focuses on intelligence-based investigations into drugs, rural property crime and serious prolific offenders within our communities. There are currently three teams in the province, one in the north, one in the east and one in the west. St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP along with the East District CREST unit continue to investigate.

Mustang Stolen from La Broquerie On August 30 the Steinbach RCMP received a report of a stolen vehicle overnight. The vehicle was described as a 1994 Red Ford Mustang GT with Manitoba License Plate HDW696. The vehicle was parked on Jeanne Drive in La Broquerie and was stolen between the hours of 3 am and 8 am on August 30. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Thieves Grab Aluminum Wire Spools Steinbach RCMP were notified of a theft that occurred at an address located off of HWY 302 in the RM La Broquerie somewhere between August 28 and August 30. The unknown suspect(s) managed to cut through a locked fence and stole four large spools of aluminum and copper wire. Two of the four spools were later located in a nearby farm field and returned to the owner. The two missing spools are described to be aluminum 2/0 wire, valued at approximately $4,500. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Suspicious Male Sought by RCMP On September 17 the Steinbach RCMP received a report of suspicious person in the RM of Ste. Anne. At approximately 3 pm, a male in what is believed to be a purple Pontiac Torrent with round lights approached a female youth walking along Road 210 near the path connecting to the Seine River Crossing. The vehicle pulled up in front of her and yelled at her twice to get into his vehicle. She was able to run away to safety and saw the vehicle drive away on Road 210 towards La Broquerie. The male is described as heavier set, believed to be in his mid to late 40s, with red hair that was below his ears in length, a short red beard and wearing a black hoodie. There were no other similar calls. The Steinbach RCMP are wanting to make the public aware of the incident and if anyone has any information regarding the identity of the person, please contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

SAC Season’s First Fundraiser a Resounding Success Each fall the Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) opens the doors of the Centre for a Corks ‘N Canvas Wine Tasting Fundraiser, a popular event which presents wine representatives who present their wines for sampling and the art of wine tasting. It also features local artists painting live in each studio with their works available for silent auction, musicians entertaining in the hallway, and delicious hot and cold appetizers being served to all guests. This year, COVID-19 restricted larger gatherings of people, and that included groups of wine lovers, but it encouraged SAC to be innovative to reach these wine enthusiasts in a different forum. SAC orchestrated miniature wine tasting events in individual homes to keep the community safe. We had 15 generous hosts within the community graciously open their homes to their ‘Covid bubbles’ of invited friends and family members to enjoy a variety of wines supplied by various wineries, delicious appetizers donated by Country Meat Deli, and original artworks displayed by local artists. The fundraiser exceeded the expectations of SAC. The ticket sale revenue doubled from the previous year. Then that total was doubled with additional donations from the guests. The Corks ‘N Canvas fundraiser raised over $10,000 for SAC. “It was heartwarming to experience the generous nature and positive energy of our hosts, sponsors, artists, and guests,” Cindi Rempel Patrick, Director of Development exclaimed. “Bravo to everyone involved, regardless of this pandemic, our community came together to support the Arts Community once again, and it was definitely win-win for all!” For the Steinbach Arts Council, there is no time more significant than now to find ways to generate funds, so that the Centre can remain open and viable. The revenue will help make up the shortfall from the cancellation of the annual spring Gala and the community musical production. SAC plans to repeat this fundraising event in the winter and spring. For more information contact the Arts Council or if you are interested in being a host for a future Corks ‘N Canvas event.

We had 15 generous hosts within the community graciously open their homes to their ‘Covid bubbles’ of invited friends and family members to enjoy a variety of wines supplied by various wineries (right top), delicious appetizers donated by Country Meat Deli (right bottom), and original artworks displayed by local artists (top).

October 2020


Local Artists Take Part in an Online Juried Show

Despite the global pandemic, the online world will have the opportunity to take in the best contemporary visual art from across Manitoba this September. This year’s Manitoba Rural Northern Juried Art Show will feature 56 artists including three local artists. Manitoba Rural and Northern Juried Art Show highlight the work of artists across the province and this year’s exhibition will replace Manitoba Art Network’s cancelled Manitoba Showcase 2020. The show stems from the desire to bring artists and their art together across geographic and cultural boundaries. Artworks cover a diverse range of media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, ceramics, mixed media and textiles. With this year’s show online, local residents have an opportunity to view the work of three local artists including Candace Lipischak who is a multidisciplinary Franco-Métis artist from the Otterburne area. Self-taught, her work refrains from any categorized explanation. By painting and incorporating many mediums such as antler, recycled tin and miscellaneous parts, Lipischak has found a way of telling a different story regarding environmental and social issues, consumerism, the land, truth and reconciliation, and nature’s powerful force. “Being of Métis heritage, I wanted to commemorate Louis Riel, the father of Manitoba. The depiction of the floral beadwork on tanned deer hide is a replica of his buckskin jacket which is now on display at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Québec,” explained Lipischak. Other local artists participating in the show include Rosemarie Peloquin from St. Pierre-Jolys, George Klassen from Steinbach, and Linda McCallum from Ile des Chenes. Audiences already have access to view the artwork online and purchase works 24/7 with an entirely new and innovative program to Manitoba Artwork’s 2020 programming that will reach a larger audience. Until October 20 the public can vote for artworks in the exhibition. A Zoom launch party will be held on October 22. Manitoba Arts Network will announce the voter’s choice awards based on how many votes were received via public voting through the site. To see these artists’ work along with the many other amazing entries visit artgallery.manitobaartsnetwork.ca.

This piece by Candace Lipischak along with other artists is available for purchase as part of this year’s online version of the Manitoba Rural and Northern Juried Art Show. Submitted photo


October 2020

Celebrating 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

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