Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024

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Fire Fighters Host Fundraising Pancake Breakfast

Submitted photos

Seine Rat Roseau Watershed to Assist Residents with Well Water Testing

Residents of the Seine Rat Roseau Watershed have an opportunity to ensure their private well water is safe. On Thursday, June 27, the watershed will assist homeowners in testing their well water for E. coli and coli form bacteria. This initiative, subsidized by the provincial government, reduces the cost of testing to an affordable $25, including tax.

Each well is eligible for one subsidized sample per year. Only the well owner can submit a sample, and it must be the first sample taken since April 1.

Well owners eligible to have their well water tested for a subsidized cost of $25. Payments must be made by exact cash or cheque, with cheques payable to Horizon Lab Ltd.

To collect a sample, first pick up your water sample bottle and application form in advance from the RM office. It is crucial to collect the water sample on the same day it is dropped off to ensure accurate results.

Water samples should be dropped off at your participating RM office by 10 am on June 27, along with a completed Chain of Custody and SRRWD application forms. Ensure that the payment accompanies the sample and forms, as only those with the correct payment and completed documentation will be accepted.

This testing initiative is an essential step in maintaining the safety and quality of drinking water sourced from private wells. Contaminated water can pose serious health risks, and regular testing helps prevent potential issues.

For further details, residents can contact the Seine Rat Roseau Watershed at 204-326-1030, email administrator@srrwd.ca, or visit srrwd.ca.

Ensure your water is safe by participating in the RM Private Well Water Testing Day on June 27.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
The Taché Fire Department recently hosted another well attended annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser at the Landmark Fire Station. Based on previous event success, the funds raised this year will go towards certified vehicle stabilization struts and the construction of a live fire training structure.

Wildlife Haven’s Baby Shower a Success!

Wildlife Haven’s annual Baby Shower event, held on May 25, was a resounding success despite the chilly weather. Generous donors and attendees came together to support the non-profit organization, which focuses on the rehabilitation and release of injured, sick, and orphaned wildlife.

“The Baby Shower was a very successful event this year! We had so many generous donors who pre-purchased items off our registry, and then many people who brought their donations directly to us at our event,” said Amy Wilkes, Education Program Manager with Wildlife Haven. “Attendance was a bit down from last year, likely due to the weather being pretty cold that day.”

In addition to the Baby Shower, Wildlife Haven is participating for the first time in the One Great Lottery fundraiser. This initiative aims to raise awareness and funds for Manitoba non-profit organizations.

“This fundraiser was created to raise awareness and funds for Manitoba non-profit organizations. People can purchase tickets through our direct link, and the net proceeds from the ticket sales using our link will go towards us,” Wilkes explained. “We are the only wildlife rehabilitation participating in the fundraiser this year.”

While Wildlife Haven has not set specific monetary goals for the One Great Lottery, any funds received will be greatly appreciated and will go directly towards the care of the patients and ambassadors.

“We hope that participating in a fundraiser as well-known as One Great Lottery will help to raise awareness about the work that we do at Wildlife Haven,” Wilkes added. “The more people who are familiar with our organization, the more animals we can help.”

One of the highlights of the Baby Shower was the story of the fox kits currently in Wildlife Haven’s care. The kits were found dehydrated and orphaned, with their mother not seen for five days. Thanks to Wildlife Haven’s dedicated team, the kits are now recovering well.

“The fox kits will likely be in our care until the end of summer or early fall. They will require quite extensive care while at Wildlife Haven,” said Wilkes. “They are currently in an outdoor enclosure which has been outfitted specifically to the habitat requirements for foxes. They will require lots of meat while in care, and once they are more grown, they will start prey training. In order to be released, the fox kits must have the necessary skills to survive on their own in the wild.”

Wilkes emphasized the importance of the fox kits staying together, as it ensures they can develop necessary wild skills through play and interaction with each other.

With the success of the Baby Shower and the ongoing One Great Lottery fundraiser, Wildlife Haven continues to thrive, providing essential care to Manitoba’s wildlife. The organization’s efforts are a testament to the community’s support and the dedication of its staff and volunteers.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Read the Dispatch Online at www.dawsontrail.ca. Past years’ issues are available in the Archives
Wildlife Haven provided a photo of one of the fox kits, noting their hands-off approach to prevent the animals from habituating with humans. Photo courtesy of Amy Wilkes

Surprise! - Main Street Ile Des Chenes Under Construction

In early May, the RM of Ritchot announced that the long-awaited revitalization of Main Street in Ile des Chenes is now underway thanks to the recent funding of $1 million from the Manitoba government.

The $2.7 million project, which is funded by a joint effort between the Manitoba government, the Municipality of Ritchot and developer contributions, will greatly enhance the community’s road quality and safety. Main Street in Ile des Chenes has not seen any significant improvements in nearly 50 years.

There are no doubts that main Street in Ile des Chenes needed to be redone; however some Ritchot residents believed they received little to no notice. In a late April post, Coun-

cillor Shane Pelletier can be seen standing near Main Street with a construction vehicle in the distance saying “What’s this guy doing here? Stay tuned for a much anticipated announcement!” he wrote.

Ritchot Mayor Chris Ewan understood where the talk came from.

“The timeframe between the confirmation of funding and the start work date from the contractor was short,” explained Ewan. He added that ideally, council would like to give residents and business owners more lead time, but they had to take advantage of good weather and provincial funding, so things moved a bit faster than they were anticipating.

“However, the RM did work hard to make direct contact with affected

residents and businesses as soon as they could ahead of the start date and have been sending out regular updates as the project progresses,” he added.

The project is progressing very well, according to Ewan.

“While we do not have a set completion date, our goal is to see the work completed by fall 2024, weather dependant,” he noted. “We know these large projects can cause inconveniences to residents and businesses, but the community as a whole has been patient and understanding. Most are excited about this long overdue project finally being completed, even if road conditions along Main Street aren’t ideal right now.”

Southeast Rotary Club Hosts Jailbreak Fundraiser

The Southeast Rotary Club recently held its third annual Jailbreak Fundraiser, a creative and engaging event aimed at raising funds for community support programs. Conceived by founding member Leonard Klassen and past member Phil Rempel, this unique fundraiser has become a staple in the community, drawing attention and contributions through its innovative approach.

“This is our 3rd year in a row!” exclaimed a representative from the Southeast Rotary Club. “Fundraisers of this type have been held around the district, and even in Steinbach in other ways and other organizations. The Rotary spin on things was a great way to generate publicity and awareness of our Club, as well as support the community’s greatest needs through multiple organizations collaborating, while passionate individuals lend their networking abilities and personal/professional connections.”

Last year’s Jailbreak Fundraiser was a resounding success, raising

$40,000. This year, the event has already garnered $28,000, with the club welcoming additional contributions.

“We welcome additional contributions; all the ‘criminal’ write-ups can be found on our website and people are welcome to look through them and find someone they know - and contribute to their bail!” the club representative added.

Funds raised from this year’s event will be split between the Steinbach Family Resource Centre (SFRC) and ROC (Recreation Opportunities for Children) Eastman, unless donors specify otherwise. The SFRC will use the funds to support the Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program, which helps parents develop positive parenting skills while overcoming personal and family barriers to health. ROC will use the funds to purchase equipment to connect children across the region to recreational opportunities, fostering a sense of purpose and belonging.

“Our Rotary Club is always looking for community-minded, pas-

sionate individuals interested in making a difference locally and around the world to apply for membership,” the representative noted. The event also featured plenty of photos and hilarious videos on social media, capturing the spirit of the day.

A highlight of the event was the participation of Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen, who served as the guest Celebrity Judge, bringing celebrity offenders to justice with enthusiasm and humour. His involvement added a touch of celebrity appeal to the proceedings, further engaging the community.

The Southeast Rotary Club’s Jailbreak Fundraiser exemplifies the power of creative fundraising and community collaboration, making a tangible difference in the lives of local families and children. As the event continues to grow in popularity and impact, the club remains dedicated to its mission of community service and support.

KR Barkman Concerts in the Park - Free Outdoor Concerts Celebrate Community

The Steinbach Arts

“This concert series is unlike any

other at SAC,” says Tara Schellenberg, Performing Arts Coordinator.

“We have a loyal audience that supports local artists in our community, and there’s no shortage of local talent willing to share their music. Bringing community together in the beautiful KR Barkman Park is a highlight each summer!” Everyone is encouraged to bring

a lawn chairs or a blanket to the KR Barkman Park on Thursday, June 6 (Crossfire), 11 (Louden King, Beneath the Surface) and 13 (LMNK, Kites and Lights) at 6:30 pm for the concerts.

To find KR Barkman Park, head southeast down Main Street just past the Steinbach Fire Hall, and look for the gazebo.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! June 2024 Dawson Trail Dispatch
Ritchot Councillor Shane Pelletier posted a selfie along the stretch of Main Street in Ile des Chenes targeted for revitalization. Facebook photo Shane Pelletier Council has scheduled some free outdoor concerts this summer with the KR Barkman Concerts in the Park. The concerts are geared towards the whole family, featuring local performers across a variety of genres – classical, pop, folk, acapella, rock, and more!

Fix the Budget Before It’s Too Late

Last week, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called an election for this summer. In November, our American friends will have an election, and, at some point in the next 16 months, Canadians too will go to the polls.

The issues facing these three nations are very similar: broken immigration systems, insufficient access to healthcare, entitlement programs with dwindling funds, aging populations coupled with low birth rates, crime, stagnant economies, and an inflated cost of living.

But one issue that is foundational and key to solving all the others is public debt. That’s why Conservatives keep saying, we need to fix the budget.

To understand how a country is doing financially we need to look at two numbers, what is a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and how much of that amount is going to cover public debts.

GDP is the monetary measure of the market value of the goods and services produced in/by a country and by extension a good measure of its economic health.

Debt-to-GDP ratio is the metric comparing a country’s public debt to its gross domestic product. By comparing what a country owes with what it produces, the debt-to-GDP ratio reliably indicates that particular country’s ability to pay back its debts.

Put more simply, like a family budget, a government needs to look at two things. What are our revenues (money coming in) and what are our debts (money going out)? Can the revenues cover our debts and still leave us enough to live and meet other expenses?

Canada currently sits at around a 68% debt-to-GDP ratio. In other words, 68 cents out of every dollar generated by Canada’s economy (theoretically) goes to paying for Canada’s debt.

GDP per-capita—a metric by which the total GDP is divided by theoretical share per person— which I have discussed in this column before, paints a much bleaker picture, with experts stating Canada is currently on the road to decades of economic stagnancy.

Canada’s national debt currently sits at approximately $1.2 trillion. It is worth noting that half of that debt was racked up by Justin Trudeau in just 9 years.

As anyone who has ever been in debt knows, debt snowballs quickly. Likewise for nations, it’s amazing just how quickly bad leadership and poor fiscal policies can cripple a nation financially.

For example, the US national debt spiked during the Obama years, following the 2008/9 recession. The rise began to flatten early in the Trump years; however, it spiked again when both the Trump and Biden administrations embraced lockdowns and the costs associated therewith. In fact, like Trudeau who personally doubled our national debt in just eight years, the combined eight years of Presidents Trump and Biden nearly doubled the US national debt, adding a combined $14 trillion.

Likewise in Canada, until the

1970’s Canada’s national debt was relatively low. It was under Trudeau senior that debt and deficits first began to snowball. In 1972, the Trudeau (senior) Liberals wound up in a minority government situation and decided on a strategy to spend their way to a majority—sound familiar?

Between the Mulroney, Chretien, Martin, and Harper years, those governments were able to slowly reign in deficit spending and, as a result, Canada’s debt.

Our previous Conservative Government finally succeeded in getting our debt and deficits under control. We left the incoming Trudeau Government a balanced budget—this despite weathering the worst financial crisis since the great depression in 2008/9.

Let me say that again, Justin Trudeau inherited a balanced budget. But rather than use the strong position we left him to further pay down Canada’s debt (and strengthen

Canada’s fiscal position), like father like son, he chose to spend and started adding record levels of new debt.

Then came COVID.

I am under no illusion that dealing with Trudeau’s debt will be a quick or simple fix. It will take years, likely decades, to correct the dangerous fiscal path he has set us on. But we have not yet reached the fiscal cliff. There is still time to right the ship for Canada.

As with a ship’s rudder, a slight adjustment of the wheel will begin to slowly turn the ship around in the right direction. Only Conservatives have a plan to get us on the path back to balance. We need to axe unnecessary taxes that hurt growth and investment, like the Carbon Tax.

We need to reign in discretionary spending. Not essentials like healthcare, public safety, or entitlements but the billions this government wastes on ideological projects (at

home and abroad) that have no net benefit to the average Canadian. We will do this with a dollar-for-dollar plan. For every dollar of new discretionary spending, a dollar of savings must be found within government.

We need to get rid of the gatekeepers and red tape that keep affordable homes from getting built a discourage investment that brings jobs and revenue, particularly in our natural resources sector.

Canadians can’t afford another 9 years of this Prime Minister who’s just not worth the cost.

Only Conservatives have a plan to fix the budget. We need to do so, before it’s too late.

NDP Blocks Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week Act in Manitoba Legislature

With the Manitoba NDP blocking Bill 217, the Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week Act, it has sparked criticism from Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagassé and his Progressive Conservative colleagues. The bill, introduced by Lagassé recently, aimed to designate the week leading up to Father’s Day in June as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

“It is extremely disappointing that the NDP government caucus decided to play politics with Bill 217,” said Lagassé in a statement. “The Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week Act would have raised awareness about an important issue facing Manitobans.”

Lagassé emphasized the growing mental health challenges men face, including workplace stress, relationship difficulties, and other life challenges. He highlighted the alarming statistic that men account for nearly 75% of suicide deaths, with suicide being the second-leading cause of death among men under 50.

“Like all Canadians, Manitobans need authentic conversations to recognize the mental health struggles increasingly

faced by men,” Lagassé stated. “An awareness week would bring muchneeded attention to these issues.”

Several jurisdictions in Canada already recognize men’s mental health through various commemorations.

The federal government marks June as Men’s Mental Health Month, and provinces such as Alberta, Ontario, and Nova Scotia have partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association to bring attention to the cause.

“The Manitoba Legislative Assembly could have taken a step toward a similar commemoration in our province,” Lagassé noted. “How-

ever, the Manitoba NDP chose not to support the Progressive Conservative caucus in the establishment of an annual week to draw attention to the importance of men’s mental health.”

Lagassé added that the rejection of Bill 217 has sparked debate on the politicization of mental health issues and the importance of bipartisan support in addressing public health concerns. While the bill’s future remains uncertain, the conversation around men’s mental health continues to gain traction both in Manitoba and across the country.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
The bill, introduced by Dawson Trail MLA Bob Lagassé recently, aimed to designate the week leading up to Father’s Day in June as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week. File photo

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

NDP Omnibus Bill Denies Manitobans Their Democratic Say

With the Legislature sitting until June 3rd, as the Official Opposition, our PC members have been hard at work holding Premier Wab Kinew and his NDP government to account. Unfortunately, the NDP have been slow to introduce their legislation. Choosing to instead, introduce a $24-billion omnibus spending bill that rams through significant new legislation and deny Manitobans their democratic right to provide direct input into the law-making process through a public committee.

Bill 37 is full of measures that the NDP didn’t campaign on, like hiking property taxes by $148 million and raising Hydro rates 4% annually. It also includes doubling the vote subsidy which will see their own party receive an increased 50% reimbursement of their campaign expenses.

How is this significant, you ask?

By rolling dozens of new laws into

an omnibus budget bill, the NDP are choosing to ignore the democratic process. These are individual laws that need to be properly introduced so that Manitobans can fully understand the costs and effects on their families and businesses. The NDP have had seven months to introduce these laws and allow legislators to propose and consider amendments following public consultations. This procedural tactic of the NDP is denying the public their opportunity to have their democratic say on this legislation.

MLAs on both sides of the house have had some success in moving some Private Members Bills through the assembly including proclaiming April 26th as Community Foundations Day which was introduced by PC MLA Grant Jackson. Our PC team has been integral to moving these pieces of legislation through the assembly and we are proud to

support these measures. Unfortunately, my Private Members Bill to designate Tyndall Stone as the official stone of Manitoba did not go through.

Most recently, the Manitoba PCs introduced consumer choice legislation to expand liquor retail offerings and services across Manitoba. We have heard from Manitoba businesses and consumers, particularly in rural communities, who would like to see Manitoba’s liquor laws modernized. Bill 213 proposes to open the market through a five-year pilot project.

The NDP have cut the Building Sustainable Communities grants program in half from $25 million to $12.5 million and renamed it ‘From the Ground Up – Safe Healthy Communities for ALL program’.

The new program was launched on April 29 and the deadline for applications was May 31 of this year. Not

The Dark Political Storm Clouds of the Future

Over a hundred years ago, a well known scientist gave his famous Baltimore Lectures on “two clouds” on the horizon that would change the world. The scientist was Lord Kelvin, and the two clouds he referred to were about problems in Physics – two sets of experiments with results that did not match theory. He was correct in 1900 with his prediction that the resolution of these two experiments would lead to two of the greatest ideas in 20th century thought – the theory of Relativity and Quantum theory.

Relativity led to technological breakthroughs that enabled technology such as GPS – what helps us when we get lost. Quantum theory led to the Silicon Age and the phone or computer that you are perhaps using to read this right now.

These breakthroughs were both scientific revolutions in their own right and were huge steps forward for our understanding of the world. Moreover, the ideas that these two theories brought forward changed how people think.

Relativity showed us that different points of view are important, and no one has the ultimate frame of reference for observing the world. Quantum theory taught us to live with uncertainty and accept that perhaps the universe is much different than we could have imagined.

Fast forward to 2023, over a hundred years later, where there are two different kinds of storm clouds on the horizon. We are still grappling with many unresolved paradigms in science, but the storm clouds I am referring to are not scientific, but political. We are on the cusp of huge changes in North America with two important elections coming up. The US election will see a possible second Donald Trump Presidency. And the Canadian federal elec-

tion will possibly see Pierre Poilievre as our Prime Minister.

I would argue that these two changes are revolutions of their own kind, but not in a forward sense but a backward one. The combination of two very right wing governments in control of most of North America poses a threat to us all. We are right now in the calm before the storm. With a wave of conservatism about to hit both the US and Canada, I fear that the changes that we will see will be sweeping and catastrophic. And my fear is that, like other revolutions, be them scientific, or political, these changes will alter our collective way of thinking, and not for the better.

For many years, the idea of progress – that of an altruistic society that lifts up us all – has slowly been accepted as the path forward in the 21st century. The theory of Relativity taught us that no frame of reference is ultimate, and in a similar fashion, the era of progressive politics has made us more empathetic and willing to consider walking in the shoes of others – the marginalized, the homeless, the unemployed, the immigrant.

Progressive governments have not been perfect, but they have done more to lift those out of poverty, address social justice, and try to level the playing field for all than conservative governments. And I would argue that in the next two elections, we should not make the mistake of throwing out the imperfect for far worse options.

There are difficult decisions to be made in the US and Canada as we wait for the storm to hit. It is difficult to live with uncertainty, but Quantum theory has taught us how to accept uncertainty and navigate through it. We can imagine a new world where progressive politics, instead of the politics of division, can lead us forward. I would urge people to imagine a world where we can continue to support progressive governments and try to preserve what we have built up over the last century. We don’t have the prescient abilities of scientists like Lord Kelvin to predict the future. But we can try to avoid the upcoming storms which threaten to wash away what progress we have made.

a lot of time for municipalities and non-profit community organizations to prepare applications. Information on eligibility and how to apply for the program can be found online at gov.mb.ca/grants.

Not only have the NDP cut $12.5 million from the community granting program, but they have also been busy cutting the Green Team grants that support many of our children’s summer camps, local biz improvement zones, museums, municipalities, and other organizations employing many of our young people across the province. We have stood up for these groups in the Assembly and we are holding the NDP to account for these cuts to grants and programs.

I hope that you took some time to enjoy the Victoria Day weekend.

The Lac du Bonnet constituency comes alive in the Spring as many Manitobans and visitors from out-

side the province head out to their cottages and campsites. Seasonal businesses open up their doors and our local communities prosper from the increase in population and tourist activity. We are fortunate to have many community-hosted events in our region to look forward to and I encourage you all to take part. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at wayne@wayneewasko.com, or call me at 204-268-3282. Also, you can follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @wayneewaskomla and friend me on Facebook.

Dear Editor:

is providing the true community news service. I write from our cottage at Moose Lake and have just read a copy of your May 2024 edition. I pick up a copy whenever I can while travelling to the lake.

Dispatch June 2024
Dawson Trail
This is to thank the owners of The Dispatch and to let you know that, given the trend for disappearance of community newspapers in Canada, I am heartened to know that someone Dave Ennis, Winnipeg
Persevering with Community News
Chris Wiebe is a resident of Lorette West, and a Vice-President of the Manitoba NDP. Submitted photo

Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care is reminding people to be vigilant about ticks, take steps to prevent bites and know when to seek treatment.

Blacklegged ticks, often called deer ticks, are a risk to human health because they can transmit diseases like Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and Powassan virus disease. These diseases can all be serious, particularly in older adults, young children or people with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions.

Public health officials recommend visiting a healthcare provider within 72 hours of removing a tick to receive preventative treatment for Lyme disease if:

- The bite was from a reliably identified blacklegged tick; and

- The tick was attached for 36 hours or more, or the tick was engorged (filled with blood).

Blacklegged ticks may be found anytime snow is not on the ground, with peak activity in spring and fall. Due to the

Be Vigilant During Tick Season Warning System Alerts

health risk posed by blacklegged ticks, it is important to be able to distinguish between them and the more common wood tick. While wood ticks are a nuisance, in Manitoba these species do not transmit diseases. Blacklegged ticks have a red-orange body, black legs and a black spot on their back, and are smaller than wood ticks. Adult females are about the size of a sesame seed. When attached and feeding, blacklegged ticks become larger and change colour to grey and brown. Wood ticks are larger, brownish in colour, with white markings on their back.

Photos comparing wood ticks and blacklegged ticks are available at: gov.mb.ca/ health/publichealth/cdc/tickborne/about.

Anyone who finds a tick on animals, humans or in various habitats can submit a picture to have it identified by experts, to confirm if the tick belongs to a species capable of transmitting diseases. For more information or to submit a picture of a tick, visit


Reduce your risk of tick bites and disease exposure by:

- Applying an appropriate tick repellent on exposed skin and clothing, following label directions;

- Wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts;

- Tucking in clothing to create a barrier;

- Staying to the centre of walking trails;

- Inspecting yourself, children and pets after spending time outdoors;

- Removing ticks as soon as possible from people and pets, using tweezers; and

- Keeping grass and shrubs around homes cut short to create drier environments that are less suitable for tick survival.

Milder winters and shifting weather patterns caused by climate change means ticks are expanding their geographical range to more regions of the province, although southern Manitoba remains the highest-risk area.

Caisse Members Can Vote on Merger Now

The future is not the status quo for Manitoba Credit Unions; say the Boards of Directors and leaders of Assiniboine Credit Union, Caisse Financial Group, and Westoba Credit Union.

All three Boards are recommending their members and employees vote “Yes” between June 6 - 19 to a merger that could take effect January 1, 2025. Online voting stations will also be available at various branches for those that can not cast their vote from their personal homes.

Some of the key pressures on financial institutions like credit unions include significant investments necessary for digital banking advancements, growing regulatory requirements, increased competitive pressures from outside the market, and the need to spend more on increasingly complex cybersecurity measures to protect members. All require investments that are hard to sustain for one credit union on its own.

In communications to the combined financial co-operatives’ 970 employees and 216,000 members, the three partners shared that in the last five months they have been completing their due diligence. They are now confident the merger is in the best interests of their

members, employees, the communities they serve, and the greater credit union system. In doing so, they believe they will create a credit union that reflects Manitoba’s diverse communities.

Caisse’s Board Chair Réal Déquier says that in the last few months it has become clear that their future partners value each other’s strengths and uniqueness, including the role the Francophone community plays in the vibrant tapestry of Manitoba.

“This merger is a unique opportunity to serve both English and French-speaking communities across Manitoba like never before,” says Déquier. “Our partners recognize the deep connection our Francophone community and French language services will have in shaping our new corporate identity. That is recognized in the bylaws and the governance model we have developed together for how we will operate going forward.”

Both Caisse Financial Group and Westoba Credit Union have decades of experience working in and for rural and agriculture communities while Assiniboine Credit Union has decades of experience serving urban and northern communities. Together, the three organizations will have the widest distribution of branches of any financial

co-operative in Manitoba and $10 billion in assets.

“Decisions on loans will still be made locally with experts that understand your business and your community. In fact, this will enhance financing opportunities as with greater scale comes greater capacity to finance the needs of our members,” assured Déquier.

If approved by members in a June vote, the merged organization would be the only purpose-driven financial cooperative in the province to carry a French and English name. Assiniboine Credit Union / Caisse Assiniboine allows either the English version or the French version to be used in serving the broad base of urban, rural, and agricultural communities in Manitoba.


Residents of De Salaberry

Residents of the RM of De Salaberry received an alert from the municipality’s warning systems, cautioning them about the potential for overland flooding due to recent heavy rainfall. This proactive measure underscores the RM’s commitment to keeping its community informed and prepared for possible emergencies.

Denise Parent, CAO with the RM of De Salaberry, explained the importance and function of the municipality’s emergency management page and warning systems.

“The emergency management page was created a few years ago as one of a few methods to communicate with the residents and businesses in the municipality,” said Parent. “Warning

systems are used to advise of potential emergencies or if an event happens to keep the residents informed.”

The recent alert was issued as a precautionary measure following significant rainfall in a short period, which raised concerns about overland flooding.

“This was sent out as a precaution due to the volume of rain we received in a short period of time. This creates the potential for overland flooding to occur. The notice was sent as a reminder of this possibility and to be aware of the potential of this hazard,” Parent explained.

The RM’s warning system is designed to provide timely information about emergency situations and guidance on what actions to take if such events occur. This local sys-

tem complements provincial warnings by focusing specifically on the needs and circumstances of the De Salaberry municipality.

“The system is used to communicate any emergency situations that may occur as well as communicate what to do if it does occur. This complements any provincial warnings that may be issued and is more focused towards the municipality,” Parent added. As the RM of De Salaberry continues to experience variable weather patterns, the municipality’s proactive approach to emergency management ensures that residents are well-informed and prepared for potential hazards. The recent alert serves as a reminder of the importance of staying vigilant and responsive to environmental conditions

Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
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Ritchot Mayor Faces Criticism Following Social Media Response

Ritchot Mayor Chris Ewan is under fire from residents and neighbouring community members over his handling of complaints related to construction and road maintenance in the area. Concerns have been raised about his interactions on social media, which some have described as unprofessional and indicative of political bullying.

Mayor Chris Ewan recently posted screenshots of a conversation with an unknown person to him. The screenshots showed the individual sending direct and sometimes rude commentary about road work needing to be done, and insulting the mayor for not seeing the problem or doing the work himself. Ewan responded similarly in fashion, while also indicating he would look into the problem.

A concerned resident of Ritchot, who chose to remain anonymous to prevent potential backlash from the mayor, criticized Mayor Ewan’s behaviour in the online community group post. The post, which has since been deleted, expressed frustration over what was perceived as a lack of professionalism from the mayor.

“No - Chris decided to stoop to a similar distasteful level and try to put a comedic spin on it for social media attention. It’s distasteful and no better than the next,” the resident stated. “A simple reminder of the process of filing complaints is sufficient. Chris chooses to engage on a personal level over a professional level when it comes to many engagements with the community. He is very known for his social media blasting and rude attention seeking comments.”

The anonymous resident also highlighted issues of defamation and unprofessionalism, emphasizing the negative impact on the community’s younger members.

“This was downright unprofessional. As a ‘leader’ and political ‘role model’ this is unacceptable. Chris has posted about ‘political bullying’ and the damage it causes yet he’s only part of the problem. It’s a cry for votes of change yet he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. For the younger and highly influenced members of our community, this shows that bullying is acceptable on social platforms.”

Further criticism came from Daniel Collins, a Winnipeg

resident who frequently uses Industrial Park Road in Ste. Agathe for work. He is the person whose interaction was publicly posted on the mayor personal page as well as the community page. Collins expressed his shock at the mayor’s personal attacks.

“I was shocked by the Mayor’s interactions. I felt everything was fine until he called me a ‘Pathetic Loser’. As a public official, from my understanding, he has a Code of Conduct that dictates he is to be kind and courteous to the public. This, to me, is a breach of that code,” said Collins.

Though Collins admits that he was “prickly” when messaging the Mayor, he shared his frustrations over the poor state of the road, which led to significant damage to his vehicle.

“All I wanted was the road to be gravelled. I recently had to purchase a new car because my old car required $5,600 in suspension repairs. The ‘gravel road’ in question is full of tire-destroying craters. I felt it was a reasonable ask.”

In response to the backlash, Mayor Chris Ewan defended his actions, citing the continuous pressure and

Niverville Announces Summer Road Repair Projects

The Town of Niverville has announced a series of road repair projects set to commence mid-June, aiming to improve infrastructure and enhance community safety. The projects, which span several key areas, are subject to weather and supply chain constraints, preventing the Town from providing specific start dates at this time. However, updates will be provided to affected residents as more information becomes available.

The Town is working diligently to minimize disruptions, particularly regarding parking and access during the annual Niverville Fair. Scheduled repairs will affect 4th Ave. South (1st Street South to 3rd Street South) mid-June to end of July, Errington Way until end of June/July, west section of Church Ave to July/August and southwest

section of Edelweiss Crescent for July/August.

The contractor handling these projects is tasked with providing a written traffic control plan and a pedestrian accommodation plan to ensure safety and efficiency. Residents are urged to respect traffic control signs and delineators. The Town requests that residents notify them if anyone in their home or neighbourhood has mobility concerns, allowing for adequate planning.

Residents of the apartment complexes at 93 and 79 4th Ave. S. can use the 4th Ave. Bible Church parking lot as a through route to access their apartments. While this option will not always be available due to construction stages, it will be accessible for most of the project duration. Garbage collection pro-

cedures will remain unchanged. Residents should place their bins at the usual collection points. The contractor will transport the bins to a designated pickup spot for Bristal Hauling and return them afterward.

The Town emphasizes the need for flexibility and understanding as the projects proceed, given the various factors that can affect access and scheduling.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, residents are encouraged to contact the Town of Niverville at feedback@ whereyoubelong.ca or by phone at 204-388-4600. The Town appreciates the community’s cooperation and patience as these essential improvements are made.

negative feedback he and the Ritchot Councillors face.

“Myself and other Ritchot Councillors are rudely criticized consistently. It’s very frustrating when we are all working hard for residents

across the RM and doing our best,” Ewan explained. “The negative messages we receive definitely take a toll, and while I do my best to keep my cool, some comments hit a nerve.”

Despite the mayor’s defence, the controversy continues to stir debate within the community over the appropriate conduct for public officials and the expectations for municipal services.

Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Over 25
What started off as “prickly” criticism from a resident “hit a nerve” for Ritchot Mayor Chris Ewan. Facebook Screenshots

Niverville Communities in Bloom Launches Green Thumb and Blooming Business Program

Niverville Communities in Bloom is excited to announce the return of their annual Green Thumb and Blooming Business program, running from June 16 to September 8.

This program aims to recognize and celebrate the efforts of residents and local businesses in beautifying their outdoor spaces.

Do you know a green thumb that deserves recognition? Whether it’s your own yard, a neighbour’s garden, a local business, or a family member’s or

friend’s beautifully maintained space, Niverville Communities in Bloom wants to hear about it.

In a special partnership with Scotts Canada, all winners will receive a gift of fertilizer products to help them continue their gardening excellence.

The Town would like to see residents get involved and help recognize the green thumbs in the community who contribute to making Niverville a beautiful place to live.

For questions about the

program or to nominate someone email nivervillecommunitiesinbloom@ gmail.com. Nominations can include yourself, a neighbour, a local business, family members, or friends who have put significant effort into beautifying their yards or gardens.

This initiative not only fosters community spirit but also encourages the enhancement of the town’s aesthetic appeal through gardening and landscaping efforts.

Dedicated Stuartburn CAO Steps Down

After over a decade of dedicated service, Lucie Maynard is stepping down from her role as Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) with the Rural Municipality (RM) of Stuartburn. Maynard, who has been with the RM for approximately 11 years, has decided to pursue new employment opportunities.

“Lucie was with the RM of Stuartburn for approximately 11 years and has chosen employment elsewhere,” said Michelle Gawronsky, Reeve for the RM of Stuartburn. “We wish her well in her future endeavours.”

During her tenure, Maynard oversaw several key projects and initiatives that significantly benefited the community. Notable ac-

complishments include the renovations of the RM office and chambers, the development of a walking path and play structure near the Farmers’ Market, and the review and updates to several bylaws.

Gawronsky emphasized the importance of recognizing and promoting internal talent within the organization, stating, “Good employers always look within for the talents of employees. This gives incentives and recognition to present-day employees for accomplishments that make both the employer and employees shine.”

She highlighted the wealth of talent within the RM, assuring that all internal candidates applying for the CAO position would be considered.

“We have smart, talented, and experienced employees

within our RM, and all applying will be considered,” she said.

Maynard’s official last day will be July 1, following the completion of her remaining vacation time. The RM plans to make an official announcement regarding her successor at that time. Gawronsky expressed gratitude for Maynard’s contributions and wished her the best in her future endeavours.

“Once again, we thank Lucie for her time with the RM of Stuartburn and wish her all the best in the future,” Gawronsky concluded.

Maynard’s departure marks the end of an era for the RM of Stuartburn, but the community remains optimistic about the future, confident in the abilities of its current employees to continue driving progress and development.

Species at Risk Spotlight: Monarch Butterfly

There is no greater symbol of global conservation in the tall-grass prairie than the monarch butterfly. These regal butterflies have been a part of welcoming summer back to Manitoba for many, many years. As the decades have passed, you may have noticed decreased numbers of monarch butterflies, which leads to the question of what challenges the butterfly must deal with throughout their lifetime.

A huge test that the monarch faces is undertaking their epic annual migration. Our eastern population of monarch butterflies starts their journey overwintering for five to seven months in the oyamel fir forests of central Mexico. This is where close to 99% of the entire population overwinters, meaning a single forest fire or storm could have major consequences for the population.

The migration from Mexico to Manitoba is completed by multiple generations over the next few months, with mating and entire life cycles taking place along the way. It takes an average of four generations of monarchs to complete the four-thousand-kilometre migration. The Manitoban-born monarchs will have to complete the entire journey back to Mexico and overwinter as one generation. This means the lifespan can vary greatly, from nine months for the overwintering monarchs to only a few weeks for the

earlier migrators. During this extraordinary migration, the butterflies are susceptible to unpredictable weather events and deal with a much more fragmented habitat than once was on their route.

Another interesting aspect of the monarch butterfly is their dependence on various species of milkweed plants. Using unique glands on her feet, the monarch can check which plants are in fact milkweed and then proceed to lay hundreds of eggs, one at a time, on the milkweed plants. After an average of four days, the caterpillar will hatch.

Over the course of approximately two weeks, the caterpillar will gorge solely on milkweed growing upwards of seven centimetres. They then form a chrysalis, and after three weeks, they finally emerge as the beautiful orange and black adults.

The striking coloration of the monarch is thought to be a warning to potential predators.

Milkweed contains a bitter-tasting chemical that can be toxic to most other species that ingest it. Monarchs have evolved to be able to survive the toxic chemical and, at the same time, store it in small doses in their own bodies. In doing so, potential predators have learned to associate the beautiful colorations of both caterpillars and adult monarchs with a meal that will make them sick. This really is an incredible adaptation of the butterfly, but the total reliance on one type of plant can come with consequences.

With such an array of chal-

lenges monarchs must deal with throughout their lives, it is no wonder that the population is in decline. The latest population figures suggest a decrease of 59% from the previous year. Populations are assessed by measuring how many acres the overwintering butterflies are present on in the oyamel fir forests in Mexico. The acreage dropped from 5.5 acres to 2.2 acres. It should be noted that fluctuations using this type of population monitoring can vary drastically from year to year, but over several decades, there has been an overall decrease.

If you are a butterfly lover and would like to learn about what you can do to help monarchs and other native pollinators, please join me on this month’s Adventures with Nature Norm in the tall-grass prairie. This month’s theme will be focusing on prairie butterflies. All attendees will also be entered to win the chance to join the Assiniboine Park Conservancy team to help release the critically endangered butterfly, the Poweshiek skipperling, back into the wild! With as little as five hundred Poweshiek skipperlings left globally, this is a unique opportunity. For more details, please contact info@ sharedlegacymb.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!
Monarch butterfly. Photo courtesy of Nature Conservancy of Canada


RM of Piney Free Forest Tours Offer

Educational and Immersive

The RM of Piney is excited to announce a series of three forest tours guided by the knowledgeable and experienced Bob Austman. These tours will proceed regardless of the weather, so attendees are advised to dress appropriately. Each tour promises to be an interactive and immersive experience, perfect for those eager to learn about the rich forest resources of the region. Light hiking will be involved, so come prepared for an adventure.

Bob Austman brings a wealth of experience and passion for forestry. Since 1986, he has managed a woodlot in the RM of Piney, bal-

ancing recreational enjoyment with firewood production, hunting, and wildlife viewing. Austman works part-time for Tree Canada, inspecting planting projects, and has served the Manitoba Model Forest as an Education Coordinator and Forest Research Assistant. He is also a board member of the Woodlot Association of Manitoba and represents the province on the Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners.

Registration for these free tours is open to ages 12 and up. All Tours start at the Piney Community Hall.

Participants must provide their own transportation to and from

the touring sites. Space is limited to 15 per Tour so early RSVP is essential.

Forestry 101 - Wisdom in the Woods - Saturday, June 8 from 1 to 3:30 pm.

Participants will delve into the basics of forestry. This tour is perfect for those who struggle to distinguish a White Poplar from a Black Poplar or a hardwood from a softwood. The session will cover tree species identification and their life cycles, exploring both publicly owned forests and private woodlots. Attendees will gain insights into forest management practices and leave with a tree

Niverville’s Emergency Services Receives Funding for Upgrades

The Town of Niverville is excited to announce that the Province of Manitoba will be investing $1 million into an upgrade of the Niverville Fire Hall & Operations Building. The upgrade will take place at the existing Town compound at 309 & 329 Bronstone Drive, which was originally purchased with the understanding that it would also be used to increase future emergency services in Town.

“Continuing to keep the residents of Niverville and their property protected from fire is always a priority for the Town,” said Myron Dyck, Mayor of Niverville. “With Niverville being the fastest growing municipality in the province, fire protection is more important than ever. This investment from the Province of Manitoba into an upgrade of our Fire Hall & Operations building is more than welcome, and with the police station nearing completion

this announcement today will help facilitate the next phase of improving emergency services in Niverville.”

This upgrade is expected to be a multi-phase process, with the Town undertaking conceptual design work in 2024 and an anticipated completion of design drawings in 2025.

Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026-2027. A working committee has been established by the CAO to gather relevant input from the Operations Department and Niverville Fire & Emergency Services regarding this upgrade.

In total, the Manitoba government is investing over $13.6 million in 16 projects to support the capacity of rural municipalities and Northern Affairs and First Nation communities to respond to fires and keep Manitobans safe.

“Investing in infrastructure that supports fire protection and safety is critical to building community re-

silience to environmental emergencies and unforeseen events,” said Municipal and Northern Relations Minister Ian Bushie. “We extend our gratitude to the firefighters of Manitoba who work tirelessly to keep Manitobans safe.”

Through top-up funding to the Strategic Municipal Investment Fund and the Northern Affairs Fund, the province is supporting 16 critical infrastructure projects that will expand and enhance local capacity to respond to onthe-ground emergencies and wildfires.

On top of the announced Niverville funding, the southeast approved projects for 2024 include a new fire engine for the Rural Municipality of Springfield and a fire pumper truck replacement for the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn.

SAC Fundraising Gala Supports Community Impact

The Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) is grateful for the community support that was shown during the annual Fundraising Gala, held in early May.

“With the help of community, we were able to reach our fundraising targets this year. With our silent auction, jewellery raffle, and donations collected, we raised funds that will contribute to the overall health of our organization, ultimately, helping to subsidize over 100 programs, classes, and concerts for our region,” says David Klassen, Executive Director of the Steinbach Arts Council.

Over the course of the last two years, participation has increased. In

the 2023-24 season, SAC estimates that they saw nearly 1,500 registrations in over 100 classes, and hosted 6 world-class concerts, which represents a large increase in community participation.

“Our impact in the community is significant,” said Klassen. “Because of our programming, we are able to bring arts and culture recreation to our community, allowing people to participate in quality, affordable programming without having to leave our city.”

Klassen also highlights the development of culture and heritage programming and opportunities for seniors throughout the last year.

But one of the greatest successes is the ability to develop and strengthen three bursary streams, including financial aid for youth, Summer Arts Day Camp support, and a new bursary program for immigrants to Canada.

“Affordability and accessibility are priorities for SAC. Fundraisers like our annual Gala are critical for us to accomplish that goal within our programming,” he added.

SAC’s event raised well over $50,000, with all proceeds going directly towards making arts and culture programming possible in the region.


identification booklet to enhance their knowledge.

Becoming Fire Smart - Saturday, August 24 from 1 to 3:30 pm.

This tour will focus on the crucial role of fire in forest ecology. By visiting recent burn sites, participants will learn how forests regenerate post-fire. The session will provide valuable information on reducing wildfire risks around properties and understanding daily fire risk assessments. Additionally, there will be a demonstration of the equipment used by the Firetak crew. Each participant will receive a Firesmart™ booklet filled with practical tips and guidelines.

Welcome to National Forest Week - Saturday, September 21 from 1 to 3:30 pm. Join us to celebrate the start of

National Forest Week with a hike through the woods to admire the fall colours. This tour will highlight the myriad benefits forests offer, from physical and mental health improvements to supporting wildlife and biodiversity. Participants will engage in “forest bathing” and learn about the ecological significance of forests. Everyone will receive a bundle of seedlings to start their own backyard “Legacy Forest”.

For further information on these free Tours or to reserve a spot, call Carrie at 204-437-2284 or email carrie@rmofpiney.mb.ca. Please RSVP by the Monday prior to each tour.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an expert and experience the natural beauty and importance of our forests firsthand.

Dispatch June 2024
Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail

School Division Superintendent Resigns

The Seine River School Division (SRSD) Superintendent left work on a Friday only to send a letter to the board of trustees on the following Monday informing them that he would not be back.

When asked if this was something the board had an inkling about or whether it was totally unexpected, Wendy Bloomfield, Chair of the SRSD Trustees would not go into details.

“The letter was received on May 27, but was effective May 24,” responded Bloomfield to Dr. Ryan Anderson’s resignation. “It was for personal reasons.”

She emphatically added that this was “no way related to the current fiscal problems,” and referred to the 3-Year Deficit Reduction Plan submitted to the Province that highlighted a chronology of events that placed the SRSD in the position they face today.

While the “contributing factors” compiled in the submission show some resignations of key administration personnel dating back to January 2020 and various criticism of the former government’s decisions related to how education is funded and taxed, the pivotal point in budgeting errors seems to come into play starting in January 2023 as former Secretary Treasurer Scott Carlton announced his resignation as of June 15, 2023 and new Secretary Treasurer Amanda Senkowski was contracted to start her position on July 24, 2023.

According to the posted informa-

tion, the Province had flagged an accounting error of $500,000 in May, and shortly after Senkowski assumed her role, she discovered some additional issues which, when corrected, changed an expected $3 million surplus into a $1.45 million deficit, almost a $4.5 million error.

While the lengthy chronology hinted towards policy hindrances targeting the former government, and some compliments aimed at the new government, at no time did it zero in on who was to blame.

Bloomfield and the board of trustees are willing to take responsibility but unwilling to go on record issuing blame.

A recent Reddit topic was not as diplomatic. Some commentators blamed the entire process of checks and balances.

“This particular [Superintendent] wasn’t involved in the budgeting issue... but the whole situation just highlights the total lack of accountability on school boards that are supposedly providing governance and oversight on yearly budgets in the tens of millions of dollars.”

Other comments were more personal and targeted.

“Wendy Bloomfield should take some actual responsibility once in her life and resign from the board as it’s under [her] ‘leadership’ that this misspending happened.”

“Any of the old board needs to go. Ryan inherited the mess and took all the blame while the old trustees sat back and did nothing.”

But not all of the comments were


“The Bloomfields have spent their lives doing whatever they can to help people in the community. They built a not-for-profit daycare in the 80’s, they were an integral part of the flood clean-up in 1997, and they put on a Remembrance Day Ceremony every year. They don’t get paid for any of that. They are good people. If you meet them, they are kind and accepting to everyone. I don’t see why you are trying to pin all of this on them, honestly.”

“Sometimes ‘taking responsibility’ means sticking it out when things are going badly. She could have retired after the financial stuff happened earlier this year but she didn’t leave everyone else to clean up the mess. Serving on the school board is not something you do for money, and in a year like this one has been, the hours must be astronomical.”

With Anderson gone, Bloomfield is confident they can finish off the school year with no issues.

“Our Secretary Treasurer and two Assistant Superintendents are very capable and have picked up the tasks that would typically fall to the Superintendent,” noted Bloomfield. “The Board is in the process of arranging for an interim superintendent to start, likely mid summer, and assist with the search for the new superintendent.”

According to Bloomfield, depending on who the successful candidate is, they most likely won’t be starting in the position until January, 2025.

Ste. Anne Area Man Shot During Confrontation

On May 24, at approximately 12:30 am, Steinbach RCMP were patrolling on Highway 52 near La Broquerie after receiving numerous reports of a suspicious male in the area. While patrolling, officers saw a vehicle stopped on the highway and observed a male standing by the driver-side door.

As officers approached, they saw the male was reaching into the vehicle and assaulting the female driver while holding an edged weapon. Police ordered him to step away. He then approached

the officers with the weapon. Despite orders to drop the weapon, the suspect continued towards officers and an officer discharged their firearm. Officers provided medical aid until Emergency Medical Services arrived. The 51year-old male from the Ste. Anne area was pronounced deceased on scene.

The female sustained minor injuries from the assault.

RCMP Major Crime Services has taken carriage of the police investigation. The Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba is engaged and providing oversight.

Following the shooting, Highway 52 was closed with a detour while the investigation took place.

Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Celebrating Over 25 Years of
Chronology of events that placed the SRSD in the position they face today.
Photo by Myriam Dyck RCMP block access to Highway 52 as they investigate an RCMP involved shooting and fatality.

Baby Bottle Drive Fundraiser a Success

The Steinbach Family Resource Centre has announced the successful completion of this year’s Baby Bottle Drive fundraiser, raising an impressive $5,618 to support its various programs and services for local families.

“The baby bottle drive is a fundraising opportunity for groups and organizations who would like to support Steinbach Family Resource Centre,” explained Jo-Anne Dalton from the Centre. “Baby bottles are labelled with our information and a QR code that people can take around with them to friends, family, or to canvas their neighbourhoods, to raise donations and offer a visual representation of the purpose of their donations.”

The baby bottles serve as a symbolic representation of the needs of young children and are an effective way to collect loose change. This year, the initiative saw significant participation from Clearspring Middle School, marking a notable expansion from last year when only a few classes participated.

“Last year was the first year we have promoted this event in a long time. It was done by Stonybrook Middle

and Clearspring Middle School last year, but only a few classes,” Dalton noted.

“As we grew the program, Clearspring Middle School requested to include the whole school this year in their efforts. There were prizes for the top fundraising students, and a friendly competition among classrooms.”

A key contributor to this year’s success was Dawn Gautron, a teacher at Clearspring Middle School, whose efforts helped engage the entire school in the fundraising activities.

“Dawn Gautron, one of the teachers at Clearspring Middle School, has been key in this year’s success!” Dalton remarked. “Otherwise, Steinbach Family Resource Centre’s staff, Executive Director, and Administrator take care of all the materials and fundraising details.”

The funds raised through the Baby Bottle Drive will significantly impact the Centre’s ability to support local families and children. The initiative demonstrates the power of community involvement and the importance of creative fundraising efforts.

In addition to the Baby Bottle Drive, the Steinbach Family Resource Centre is invit-

ing the community to several upcoming events.

“Find us at the face painting tent at Kids in the City! Your donation for face painting supports families in our Centre!” Dalton announced.

“And join us for our Annual General Meeting and Community BBQ at our Centre on June 26th! RSVP by email at family@steinbachfrc.ca.”

The success of this year’s fundraiser underscores the community’s dedication to supporting the Steinbach Family Resource Centre and the essential services it provides. As the Centre continues to grow and evolve, initiatives like the Baby Bottle Drive play a crucial role in ensuring that local families receive the support they need.

3 Father’s Day Gift Ideas for Every Dad

It’s time to celebrate the fathers – and those who play the role of father figure, like grandads, awesome uncles and other inspiring folks – in our lives. Whether yours is the techie type, a sensitive soul or the guy who already has it all, our Father’s Day gift guide has you covered. For the Techie

A drone can be a popular gift for anyone who’s fascinated by the latest technology, loves their toys and tools, or wants to try aerial photography. It’s a rapidly growing hobby. Just know that there are important things Dad must know before fly-

ing one. Does it need to be registered? How far away must it stay from bystanders, other aircraft, emergency sites and restricted areas?

Transport Canada’s drone safety webpages can answer these questions and get you and your Dad up to speed on the rules.

For the Dad Who has Everything

This Father’s Day, why not treat your Dad to some quality one-on-one time? Dive into a fun DIY project together or head outdoors for a refreshing hike.

For the Sentimental Father

Lots of parents love to see their kids dressed up and

looking good. So, maybe indulge them a little by getting all dolled up for your Father’s Day celebrations. To preserve the moment,

consider surprising your dad with a family photograph of everyone in their finest.

Allan Britnell is Editor-inChief of News Canada.

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Celebrating Over 25 Years of
Kardon Scott, Grade 5, Clearspring Middle School, touring Steinbach Family Resource Centre with his first full baby bottle. Submitted photo A drone can be a popular gift for anyone who’s into the latest technology. This Father’s Day, why not treat your Dad to some quality one-on-one time? To preserve the moment, consider surprising your dad with a family photograph of everyone in their finest. Photos courtesy of newscanada.com
Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Years of

Sea Cadets Shine at Annual Ceremonial Review

of the Sea Cadet training program, offered cadets the opportunity to showcase their skills and accomplishments to their families, friends, and distinguished guests.

The ceremony began with a warm welcome to all attendees. This year’s event celebrated the 26th annual review of RCSCC Dawson, underscoring the corps’ enduring presence and growth in the community.

Throughout the past year, cadets engaged in a variety of activities aimed at achieving the five intended outcomes of the Canadian Cadet Program: emotional and physical well-being, social competence, cognitive competence, proactive citizenship, and an understanding of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Cadets participated in sailing, hik-

Special guests included Armand Poirier, Mayor of the RM of Taché, representatives from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #190 in Steinbach, members of the Navy League of Manitoba, and Retired Petty Officer André Sheppard as the Reviewing Officer. PO Sheppard’s distinguished naval career and ongoing commitment to service and mentorship were celebrated during the ceremony.

During the inspection, highlights from PO Sheppard’s career were shared, including his service on both coasts of Canada, his transition to civilian life as a commissionaire, and his dedication to mentorship and com-

munity involvement. Sheppard’s advocacy for representation and diversity, as well as his recognition through honours such as the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal, were also acknowledged.

The ceremony proceeded with the presentation of honours, awards, and promotions.

The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC) Dawson recently held its Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) at the Lorette Arena, marking a day of celebration and recognition for the cadets’ achievements over the past year. ing, marksmanship training, orienteering exercises, and notably took part in the Battle of the Atlantic ceremony for the first time. They also collaborated with the Saint-Pierre Army Cadets for winter training and contributed to the community through events such as a town cleanup, the Taché Christmas parade, and a visit to the Lorette Fire Hall.

Additionally, RCSCC Dawson was presented with an award from the Navy League of Canada, acknowledging a 20% growth in membership over the past year, highlighting the corps’ successful recruitment and retention efforts.

The event concluded with speeches from the Commanding Officer and PO Sheppard, followed by a gift presentation to the Reviewing Officer by the Coxswain, CPO1 Braschuk.

The Royal Canadian Sea Cadets is a free civilian program for youth aged 12-18. RCSCC Dawson’s sign-up night for the next training year is Thursday, September 5, 2024, in Lorette.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Photo by Ginette Perron
Spring Blossoms Add Colour to Communities
Crab apple blossoms on Central Avenue in Ste Anne. Submitted photo

RCMP Reminds Manitobans to Stay Safe on the Water as Safe Boating Awareness Week is Here

Warmer weather is fast approaching, which means the start of boating season for many Manitobans. The RCMP would like to remind everyone the importance of safety and preparedness before heading out onto the water.

As many people take their boats out of winter storage, it is important to ensure it is in proper working order. Boats should be mechanically sound, including all the required safety equipment. Anyone operating a boat with a motor in Canada must possess a Pleasure Craft Operators Card.

Criminal Code Impaired driving laws involving motor vehicles apply equally to operating a boat. Significant skill is required

to safely operate a boat, and the consumption of alcohol or drugs severely impacts your ability to do so.

Many fatalities that occur on Canadian waterways involve people who are impaired.

In partnership with the Canadian Safe Boating Council, here are important safety tips: Wear a life jacket: Always wear a Canadian-approved personal flotation device/life jacket while on the water.

Always boat sober: Whether its prescription drugs, alcohol or cannabis, intoxication and boating do not mix.

Be prepared – both you and your vessel: Ensure your boat has all the required safety gear and sufficient fuel. Always check the weather be-

fore heading out.

Take a boating course: Boaters are required by law to possess a Pleasure Craft Operator Card in order to operate a motorized boat.

Be cold water safe: Cold water can severely impact your ability to swim and stay afloat. No matter your swimming ability, the best chance of surviving an accidental cold-water immersion is to wear your life jacket.

“Having all the safety equipment required in your vessel is so important,” said Sergeant David Portelance, Marine Advisor for the Manitoba RCMP. “It is also important to know exactly where it is, so when an emergency occurs you can access it quickly. We want everyone to have a safe boating season.”

RM of Ritchot Announces Summer Time Adventures Camp

With summer just around the corner, the RM of Ritchot is excited to announce that there are still available spots for the popular Summer Time Adventures in Ritchot (Camp S.T.A.R.). This camp offers a fantastic opportunity for children to enjoy a summer filled with fun, learning, and adventure in both St. Adolphe and Ste. Agathe.

Camp S.T.A.R. is designed for two age groups, ages 5 to 8 and 9 to 13. The program features

a wide array of activities including sports, arts and crafts, science experiments, outdoor recreation, field trips, and sessions with guest instructors. The cost for each camp date is $145 or $165 depending on which camp experience is selected.

Camp Dates and Locations:

July 2-5 at St. Adolphe Arena

July 15-19 at Ste. Agathe Arena

July 29-August 2 at St. Adolphe Arena

August 12-16 at Ste. Agathe Arena At Camp S.T.A.R., children will

embark on a journey of creativity and outdoor exploration. Each day from 9 am to 4 pm, the camp offers a safe and exciting environment with a diverse range of activities. The talented camp team ensures that every camper enjoys a memorable and enriching experience.

Parents are encouraged to secure a spot for their children as soon as possible to ensure they don’t miss out on this exciting summer experience. For more information and to register, visit ritchot.com.

Niverville Recreation & Wellness Unveils Exciting Summer Programs

This summer, Niverville Recreation & Wellness is rolling out a series of dynamic programs designed to engage the community and promote health and fitness. From grappling to ball hockey, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and improve their skills.

Youth Grappling Program

For young athletes eager to learn new skills or become serious competitors, the Youth Grappling program is open to participants ages 5 and up, including adults and requires no prior experience. Classes will combine Olympic-style

wrestling and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, featuring high-energy warm-ups, technique drills, fun skill-building games, and live practice matches.

The program runs from July 4 to August 29, with minimal equipment required.

Adult Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Adults looking to advance their Brazilian jiu-jitsu skills can enroll in the Adult BJJ program. Designed for students ages 15 and up, this program focuses on developing core fundamental skills and exploring advanced techniques and concepts. Emphasis will be placed on sparring (rolling) and dynamic drills. Classes will be held on Mondays and

Wednesdays from 7-8 pm, running from July 3 to August 28. Summer Ball Hockey

Summer Ball Hockey will transform the traditional ice hockey experience into a fun, recreational drop-in program for adults. This six-week program is scheduled for Wednesdays from June 5 to July 10; 7-8 pm. Players can sign up for the season or simply drop in by checking in at the front desk.

For more information on these programs and to sign up, visit nivervillerec.ca. Don’t miss out on these exciting opportunities to stay active and learn new skills this summer in Niverville!

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
“Having all the safety equipment required in your vessel is so important,” said Sergeant David Portelance, Marine Advisor for the Manitoba RCMP. Photo from Manitoba RCMP

RM of Ritchot Announces Exciting Summer Events for Residents

Get ready for a summer filled with music, movies, and fun in the RM of Ritchot. This summer is set to be a lively season for the residents of the RM with a line-up of free, familyfriendly events designed to bring the community together.

According to Danielle Peters, Ritchot’s Coordinator of Community Engagement, the area will be buzzing with activities that cater to all ages and interests. Peters emphasized the community’s excitement about these events, noting that they offer a wonderful opportunity for

residents to enjoy the summer evenings, support local artists, and foster a sense of community spirit.

Homegrown Harmonies: Music in the Park

Residents can look forward to the Homegrown Harmonies: Music in the Park series, a set of free concerts showcasing local talent. These events will feature performances in both French and English, spanning various musical genres. Community members are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy the evening shows from 6-

8 pm. Food and beverage trucks, washrooms, and lawn games will be available on site.

Homegrown Harmonies Schedule:

Thursday, June 13 at St. Adolphe River Park

Thursday, July 11 at Parc D’Auteuil in Ile des Chenes

Thursday, August 29 at Grande Pointe Park

For more information on lineups, food trucks, and rain policies, visit ritchot.com/p/homegrownharmonies.

Blumenort to Host Unique Celebration of Country Music and Heavy Trucks

If you want to watch a live country concert with some top calibre artists and check out some “blinged out” big rigs, you may want to grab your tickets for Country Truckin’. Country artists Doc Walker, Young & Haggard, the Coveralls, Emma Peterson and Jaryn Friesen have all signed on for this newly created event to be held in Blumenort on July 26. Country Truckin’ is a heartfelt fundraiser event to be hosted by PBX Truck Service and was created to bring the community together for a summer evening filled with joy, combining an exciting Heavy Duty Truck Show and Country Concert.

“We’re excited to bring together our community for a day of celebration and giving back,” said Cornelius Petkau, President of PBX Truck Service, organizers and host of the event. “This event is not only a showcase of our passion for trucks but also an opportunity to support meaningful causes that make a difference in the local area.”

chosen as the beneficiaries of this inaugural event as they work tirelessly to make the community a better place. Through this event, PBX wanted to recognize and support the meaningful work these organizations perform in the region.

Country Truckin’ starts at 5 pm, and the public is invited to join in

Mexican delicacies, along with refreshing lemonade and tempting dessert options, there’s something to satisfy every craving.

An incredible Truck Show will be hosted by PBX Truck Service, showcasing the finest big rigs in their class. Guests can explore a variety of trucks, including Working Class, Show Trucks, Antique Trucks, New Trucks, and more. Take your time to review and admire these impressive vehicles up close.

According to Petkau and PBX, their main goal is to raise funds for three incredible charities… ROC Eastman, Headway, and YFC Blumenort. These organizations were

for an unforgettable experience. Guests can indulge in a wide array of delicious foods from various local food trucks. Whether you’re craving a savoury meal or a sweet treat, there’s something for everyone to enjoy from Southern-style BBQ to

Whether you’re a truck enthusiast or simply appreciate craftsmanship, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to see the best of the best on display.

And for those country music fans, get ready for an unforgettable night! The nightlong concert extravaganza starts at 7 pm and goes on until midnight. Tickets for the event are $35 each. You can visit pbxtruck.ca and navigate to the Country Truckin’ page for more information and ticket purchase instructions. The event takes place at 100 Centre Ave in Blumenort at the PBX compound.

Movies in the Park

Another highlight of the summer is the Movies in the Park series, offering free movie nights in various community parks. The movies, selected by community votes, will be announced a couple of weeks before each event. Residents should bring lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy the outdoor screenings, which will also feature concessions, washrooms, and lawn games.

Movies in the Park


Thursday, June 27 in Grande Pointe Park at 9:30 pm.

Thursday, July 25 in Ste-Agathe by the boat launch at 9 pm.

Thursday, August 29 in Grande Pointe Park at 8:30 pm.

For more details on movie selections and rain policies, visit ritchot. com/p/movies-in-the-park.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024

Building Trust at Boundary Trails Health Centre - Dialysis Nursing Offers Continuity of Care

As a young woman Tanya Blatz considered many careers, and among her top choices were dietitian, teacher, or nurse - like her mom. She didn’t know it then, but years later Blatz would discover a job that encompassed all of those roles.

The role of a dialysis nurse includes nursing, educating patients on their kidney conditions and treatments, and extensive instruction on the strict and complex dietary requirements of dialysis patients, commonly known as the “dialysis diet.”

Dialysis nursing was a perfect fit for Blatz, and for the last seven years she has worked as the Clinical Resource Nurse for the dialysis unit at Boundary Trails Health Centre (BTHC), overseeing the unit’s staff and acting as a medical hub for the health centre’s dialysis patients.

“I do anything and everything on the unit including organizing specialty appointments for our patients, attending the weekly nephrology rounds, collaborating with

other members of the medical team like social workers, pharmacists, and dietitians, and even troubleshooting the dialysis machines when they break down,” said Blatz. “I have a wide spectrum of work in this role and I absolutely love it.”

Along with the variety of work, the ability to care for the same patients every week over many years is very rewarding for Blatz and her colleagues. Having that continuity of care can also result in better health outcomes as staff can monitor their patients regularly and notice changes in their health sooner.

“One of the beautiful things about dialysis nursing is that we have the privilege of connecting with our patients and their families on a deeper level,” said Blatz. “Seeing them three times a week allows us to form relationships, build trust, and care for them more holistically, often discovering issues sooner and finding solutions to their medical problems faster.”

BTHC has the capacity to

serve up to 34 dialysis patients each week, with patients coming to the health centre from areas across the Southern Health-Santé Sud region including nearby towns like Morden and Winkler, to further towns like the Roseau River Reserve and Saint Jean Baptiste.

Historically, nurses who were interested in applying for the dialysis course to become a dialysis nurse needed a minimum of five years of nursing experience in other areas, such as long-term care or acute care. This requirement was due to the complex nature of providing care to dialysis patients.

“The patient’s heart affects their dialysis treatment, any acute problems, infections, or chronic conditions affect their dialysis treatment, and their diet and levels of various minerals all affect their dialysis treatment,” said Blatz. “This work requires you to troubleshoot, problem solve, and think critically, and those skills are strengthened with experience.”

Today that five-year minimum requirement no longer exists and newer nurses are eligible to apply for the dialysis course. Blatz recommends dialysis nursing to any student or existing nurse who is exploring the wide range of nursing professions.

“I didn’t know about this role until many years after I entered the workforce and wish I had learned about it sooner,” said Blatz. “Whenever an educator asks to bring students in I never say no because there might be one in the crowd that goes, ‘hey, this looks really interesting’ and decides they want a career in dialysis nursing.”

Submitted photos

Epic Smile St. Malo to Celebrate 50 Years with Anniversary Dinner

Epic Smile St. Malo, a cornerstone of the community, is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a day full of festivities, culminating in a special anniversary dinner. This milestone marks half a century of dedicated service to individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Danika Hunnie, the support services manager for Epic Smile St. Malo, shared the details of the celebratory events.

“The 50th Anniversary Dinner is the last event of our fun-filled day. We will be celebrating our participants all afternoon, beginning with a BBQ lunch that’s open to the community, as well as a carnival for the participants,” said Hunnie. “The public is invited to attend if they would like tours of our facility and to see our amazing Silent Auction Prize table.”

The afternoon festivities will kick off with a BBQ lunch, followed by a carnival. Community members are encouraged to tour the facility and participate in

the silent auction, with tickets available from June 10 to 14 at 112 St. Malo Street (Epic Smile).

The anniversary dinner promises to be a memorable evening.

“Our chicken will be prepared for us by the generous Grunthal Broiler Association, and the sides will be provided by Bigg Smoak BBQ,” noted Hunnie. “We are anticipating a great turnout – we had to open up more ticket sales as our first 150 tickets sold out very fast.” The dinner will feature speeches, easy-listening music, and the drawing of silent auction prizes, all orchestrated by a master of ceremonies to ensure a smooth event.

Reflecting on the organization’s journey, Hunnie expressed gratitude for the community’s support. “We are so grateful to have reached this milestone. We look forward to continuing and expanding our services in the welcoming community of St. Malo.”

Epic Smile St. Malo’s history is rooted in a grassroots initiative by concerned parents and teachers who, in

1974, formed a committee to address the needs of children with intellectual disabilities aging out of the school system. The organization opened its doors to young adults in February 1974 and launched its first residential home in 1976.

“The participants are the ones who keep us going, as well as our dedicated staff members. Supporting the individuals in our programs is incredibly rewarding, and we wouldn’t be here without them,” Hunnie noted.

The public is welcome to join the BBQ lunch and afternoon activities. However, the fundraising dinner is exclusive to ticket holders. Support tickets are available for those who wish to support Epic Smile St. Malo but cannot attend the dinner. These tickets can be purchased for $25 by calling 204-347-5418 ext 6.

As Epic Smile St. Malo commemorates this significant milestone, the community reflects on its vital role in supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities and looks forward to many more years of service and growth.

Hanover School Division Issues Public Apology Over Outdated Educational Materials

The Hanover School Division has issued a public apology following the distribution of outdated instructional materials to Grade 9 students, which included a controversial activity regarding residential schools. The incident has sparked significant concern among parents and the community.

Bob Wiebe, Communications Manager for the Hanover School Division, provided a statement from Superintendent-CEO Shelley Amos, who is currently out of the office. In her written response, Amos explained the circumstances surrounding the use of the outdated materials.

“Teachers access instructional materials from various sources, including provincial documentation published by Manitoba Education. In this instance, a teacher inadvertently used outdated independent study content. The suggested instructional activity was sourced from the provincial document Grade

9 Social Studies (10F): Canada in a Contemporary World (A Course for Independent Study). The teacher accessed an outdated version of the document that was no longer in use and that they had stored in their files,” Amos stated.

The controversial materials included questions about residential schools, prompting students to list both positives and negatives of residential schools. The question also noted that students had not been taught any positives, asking them to come up with their own answers. This approach has been widely criticized given the historical context and the universally acknowledged harm caused by residential schools to Indigenous communities.

In response to the incident, the Hanover School Division issued a public apology on their website, acknowledging the error and the insensitivity of the materials distributed.

“The Hanover School Division deeply regrets the use of outdated materials in our classrooms. We apologize for the distress this has caused our students, parents, and the

community. We are taking immediate steps to review our instructional materials and ensure that all content used in our classrooms is current and appropriate,” the apology read.

The division’s leadership has pledged to improve the vetting process for instructional materials to prevent similar incidents in the future. They emphasized their commitment to providing an inclusive and respectful learning environment for all students.

As the school division works to address the issue, community members are calling for increased awareness and education about the true history and impact of residential schools. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance in educational content and the need for ongoing dialogue and reconciliation with Indigenous communities.

The Hanover School Division’s swift response and public apology aim to restore trust and demonstrate their dedication to responsible and sensitive education practices.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Members of the BTHC Kidney Team. (L to R) Jody, Charity, Tanya, Jolene, Shannon, and Lisa. Tanya Blatz is a dialysis nurse at Boundary Trails Health Centre.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Education Bursaries Awarded to Agape House

The Women of Provencher Conference Committee awarded Agape House with a $1,000 check to provide bursaries to women wishing to further their education or attend training in a chosen career field.

In 2001, the late David Iftody, former MP of Provencher, hosted a conference for women in the Provencher Region in Oakbank which was a ‘first’ in this region, and a big success. Iftody died unexpectedly later in 2001, following a snowmobile accident.

Iftody was known as an advocate for empowering women in becoming leaders, pursuing higher education and serving their community. The successful conference, called Women in Provencher, brought

women together from all backgrounds, cultures and demographics to share their stories and encourage collaboration within the many organizations and worthwhile causes to improve quality of life in the Provencher region.

Funds raised at the conference were targeted towards these ongoing initiatives and Providence College and Theological Seminary in Otterburne began an annual series called the David Iftody Memorial Lectures. The fund is now closed, with all monies being distributed as per its mandate.

The Executive Director of Agape House in Steinbach, Tracy Whitby was thrilled to announce this latest initiative aimed at empowering

women in our community.

“We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of personal empowerment and societal progress. By providing women with access to educational opportunities, we are not just changing individual lives; we are building healthier, more vibrant futures for our entire community,” said Whitby. “We are proud to be part of this transformative journey, where we assist women in achieving their goals and shaping their own destinies. Collaboratively, we can shape a future where every woman has access to the support and empowerment crucial to their prosperity.

Niverville’s Compost Site Now Open 7 Days a Week

Residents of Niverville can now take advantage of the Town’s compost site, which is open seven days a week throughout the summer season. This marks the full-scale operation of the site, which initially opens on a casual basis each spring, depending on weather conditions and staffing resources.

“The Compost Site is open seasonally and usually begins operating on a casual basis at the start of the spring season. This is in part due to fluctuating weather as well as limited resources for staffing,” explained Mikayla Franklin, an administrative clerk with the Town of Niverville. “Once summer students begin their work for the season, the Compost Site can open at full ca-

pacity, seven days per week.”

Niverville’s composting system is designed for simplicity, focusing on the most common types of yard waste that decompose reliably within a year. The site accepts grass clippings and leaves, ensuring efficient composting with the town’s available resources.

“The current composting system the Town uses is based on simplicity, with the Town only working with the most common yard waste that reliably breaks down in under a year. As such, the Compost Site only accepts grass clippings and leaves,” Franklin noted. “Other biodegradable materials need more time and manpower to fully compost, two things the Town would be required to budget wisely for.”

Moreover, other biodegradable materials can attract pests, such as wasps, which has been a concern in the past. Despite these limitations, the town occasionally offers an opportunity to drop off garden waste at the end of the gardening season in the fall. This service depends on various factors and is announced in advance to residents.

Niverville’s commitment to providing a reliable composting service underscores its dedication to sustainable practices and community convenience. As the summer progresses, residents are encouraged to utilize the compost site to manage their yard waste responsibly.

Snowbird U.S. Tax Return

Do you travel to the US for the winter for long periods of time? If so, you may need to file an exception to filing a US tax return that is due June 15 each year.

If you don’t want to face some possible penalties, you may need to file a form called the Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens, IRS form 8840.

Many people think that if you spend less than 180 days in the US, you do not need to file. But that is not completely correct. It depends on how many days you spent in the US in the past three calendar years. If you spent more than 121 days in each of the past three years (2023, 2022, and 2021) you should be filing for an exception.

Closer Ties to Canada

The exception acknowledges that you had a significant presence in the US, but that you have closer ties to Canada.

Here’s how the formula works: calculate the number of days you were in the US in 2023 (for some snowbirds that is often January to March or April and sometimes November and December). Then calculate the number of days for 2022 and for 2021.

It may be easier to record each winter season first: October 2023 to April 2024, October 2022 to April 2023, October 2021 to April 2022, and October 2020 to April 2021. Then look at the actual dates for each calendar year.

Remember to add any additional days you went to the US the rest of the year. Do you go for a few days in the summer? To Fargo or Grand Forks or Minneapolis? Add those days too!

You need to file for an exception if you are considered to have a “substantial presence” in the US in the past three years. If it exceeds a total 182 days, you need to file.

The Formula to Calculate the Days

The formula works like this: you include all the days in 2023, one third of the days in 2022 and one sixth of the number of days in 2021.

You are close to the 183 days if you spent 121 days in each of the three years (2023 – 121 days; 2022 is 40 days (1/3 of 121) and 2021 is 20 days (1/6 of 121). That totals 181. You are very close to having to file; remember the magic number is 183 days.

Why has this not been a big deal in the past? Well, it was harder for the US government to keep track of you. Remember we could cross the border with just our driver’s license and birth certificate. Now we need our passports. And don’t you think they are keeping track of when you came into the country and when you leave?

So, if you think you might qualify as having a “substantial presence” in the US, better get that form completed. You can find it on the US taxation (IRS) website: irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8840.pdf.

If you don’t have access to the internet, or you need some help, give me a call or drop by our office.

June, 17 2024 Self Employed Tax Filing Deadline

Final reminder to those who are self-employed. The filing tax deadline for us is June 17 (June 15 is a Saturday) to avoid any penalties. Of course, the interest on what we owed started accruing on April 30, and at an interest rate of 10% interest. So, get your tax information in soon. I still need to get mine filed before June 15 after I get everyone else’s looked after first!

Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact Ste Anne Tax Service at 204-422-6631 (phone or text!) or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Co-op) or info@ sataxes.ca.

Dawson Trail Dispatch
June 2024
Paula Marsch, Co-chair of the Women in Provencher Committee and Cindi Rempel Patrick, Committee Volunteer present the check to Tracy Savard Whitby, Executive Director of Agape House and Lisa Fast, Outreach and Housing Coordinator. Submitted photo

Falcon Lake/Whiteshell

Mini Mystics, Mediums & Mindfulness – Psychic Fair Market

Saturday, June 8, 1 – 7 pm, at the Community Club, Falcon Beach. For more information contact regenesisboho@gmail. com.

Bingo – Wednesdays at 7: 30 pm, early bird games at 7 pm at the Whiteshell Community Club 20 301 Pr, Falcon Beach. Contact 204-349-2293.


Multicultural Festival – Saturday, July 13. Come celebrate heritage and culture at this unique event. Featuring traditional homemade food, dancing and live entertainment! Tour the museum, indulge in borscht, perogies and cabbage rolls, and enjoy the Ukrainian dance performances. Kids’ activities and beer gardens will be available all day. $15 at the gate. $15 Evening Dance and Perogy Dinner.

Coffee Connections - All adults ages 55+ are welcome to join us at the New Horizon Centre for a time of visiting, while enjoying coffee, tea and refreshments. Join us and bring your friends. There is no cost. Contact Anita Funk 204-371-9134.

Ile des Chenes

Raptor Rendezvous – On Saturdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27, and August 3, 10, 24 from 2 - 3:30 pm at Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre. Free on-site presentation at the Murray Education Centre at Wildlife Haven. Learn all about what has been happening behind the scenes in our Wildlife Veterinary Hospital from one of our very own Wildlife Rehabilitators. Meet a few of our non-releasable wildlife ambassadors and learn a bit about their journey.

Yoga - Gentle yet invigorating morning yoga for women and men 55+, and evening yoga for mature teens and adults at the TC Energy Centre. Contact Juliette at yogaforyoumanitoba@outlook.com.

La Broquerie

Drop-in Community Bike Repair Workshop – Tuesdays, 6 – 9 pm at La Bikequerie Inc, 36016 PR 210, and (the old Southeast Vet Clinic) Come; learn how to fix your bike. Bring a friend! We also have used bikes for sale. Contact Jacinthe Wiebe, 204-346-1515 or labikequerie@gmail.com.


Personalized 55+ Resistance Training Program – On Wednesdays, until June 26, from 11 am - 12 pm. At the Kinsmen Centre, 191 Robert Koop Rd. Cost $80 + GST for the full 8 Week Program. Live One Life Coaching is Partnering with the Tache Senior Services to offer this RT Band Program specially designed for our senior community. To Enrol contact Erin@liveonelifecoaching.com or Call/Text 204-299-2021.

Coffee/Craft Group – Meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 1 -3 pm at Kinsman Centre. Drop in to say hello. Contact Laurie@rmtache.ca for more details.

Lorette Monthly foot clinics - Tache Senior Services hosts foot clinics in Lorette and Landmark. Contact laurie@rmtache.ca for more information.

ommunity E v E nts

Yoga - Gentle yet invigorating morning yoga for women and men 55+ at the Lorette Community Complex. Contact Juliette at yogaforyoumanitoba@outlook.com.

Welcome New Residents - Welcome to the LUD of Lorette.

Have you purchased a home, townhome, duplex, or condo in the LUD of Lorette, in the last year? The Welcome Basket Committee has a free basket of gift certificates, coupons, gifts, and information from local businesses and organizations in the LUD of Lorette. No strings attached. To arrange a visit please e-mail lorettewelcomebasket@ gmail.com.


Adult Card & Board Game Club – Until June 25. Tuesdays 1 – 4 pm and Thursdays 6: 30 – 9; 30 pm at the Recreation Centre. $2 drop-in fee.

Toast & Coffee – On Tuesdays, drop-in for toast and coffee for $2 and a menu is available with prices according to what you order at the Mitchell and Area Community Centre, 130 Ash St. Contact Jane Penner 204-346-2469, jpenner@jantre.com.

Annual Niverville Fair – Friday, June 7- Saturday, June 8. Visit nivervillefair.com/tickets for tickets. Live music, midway, food and entertainment!


New Horizon’s Community Supper - Thursday, June, 6 pm.

Join us for our annual Chicken Barbecue meal for $17.50 at the New Horizon’s Centre followed by music by Island Breeze. Meal delivery available within the community. Take-out is also available. Call Kathy at 204.392.4088 to make a reservation.


Open House Community Green Space Concept Design

Presentation – June 13, 6 – 8 pm at the Curling Club. Bring family and friends. Bouncy Castle and Food Trucks on site.

Piney Piney Kite Carnival - June 23, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm at the Curling Rink Field.

ATV Mud Run and Corn Hole Tournament – Saturday, June 8. Admission to grounds $5 per person, 15 years and under free. Mud Run register at 9 – 11 am, race at 12 pm. ATV classes for youth, adults, Pro and SXS. Cornhole Tournament register at 2 pm. Beer garden, free camping and hot food available. Call Wally Gushulak 431-205-1248

Floor Curling - Every Tuesday 7 pm in the Community Hall. Pickleball - Every Wednesday 7 pm in Community Hall. Archery - Every Thursday at 7 pm in the Community Hall.

Volunteer Drivers Needed – we are looking for volunteer drivers who can help seniors to appointments. If you have a driver’s license and clean abstract we would love to hear from you. Contact Rachel Lachnit resource coordinator 204-437-2604.


Young At Heart Dance – Saturday, June 15. Doors open at 4:30 pm, Dinner at 6 pm and dancing until 11 pm with music by music by Gerry St. Laurent. Tickets are $25 per person, and can be reserved by calling Ron at 431-275-0874.

Chase the Ace - every Saturday night at the Richer Hotel. Tickets on sale from 5 pm to 7:45 pm. Draw is at 8:15 pm. Tickets $1 each. Organized by the Richer Community Club, see Facebook page for more info.

Dawson Trail Museum Open House Celebration. Saturday, June 15 noon toi 4pm. Live music, hot dogs and popcorn on site. Also Farmers Market 10 am to 2 pm on the Museum grounds.

RM of Ritchot Southman Saints Lacrosse. Registration Open - Coach Matt is offering programs to the end of June from U7 to U17. For more information email Matt at saintslacrosse@ shaw.ca.

Services to Seniors - Free Shuttle for residents of the RM the first Friday of each month. Call to book a ride and do your banking and shopping locally or book your doctor’s appointment and we will get you to your appointment. Call 204-425-3701.

Services to Seniors Steinbach Shuttle - Subsidized cost $15/person. Minimum of 8 participants required for the trip to take place. Departure from Shady Oaks at 9:30 am. Call 204-425-3701 to book a seat.


50/50 Fundraiser & Membership Drive – In support of Sarto Community Hall and Ukrainian People’s Home. Tickets $2 each. Draw is on Thursday, June 20 at 6 pm in the hall. We hope to raise funds to install our new sound system and sound panels! Full booklets are $50. Tickets available at Sarto Store, or email sartohall@gmail.com to connect with an executive or board member or email sartohall@ gmail.com to request a purchase with an etransfer with “JUNE RAFFLE” in the memo- we will be sure to fill in your information on the tickets for the draw. We welcome growing our membership and the sense of community. Fee $20 per person by the end of June .We have set up direct e-transfer to make this easier with autodeposit in place to sartohall@ gmail.com.

South Junction

Farmers’ Market – Saturday, June 8, 10 am – 2 pm at the Pine Grove Senior’s Centre.

Farmers’ Market – Every Friday from July 12 to September 6, from 3 – 8 pm at the Pine Grove Senior’s Centre.

Canada Day – A free evening of family fun on Monday, July 1 begins at 8:30 pm, at the Community Club. Local entertainment and Farmer’s Market. Free coffee and juice, Canada Day cookies, mini flags and pins. Hot Dogs for sale at the canteen. 50/50 draw at 10:15pm, 10:30 pm signing O Canada, followed by fireworks.

Exercise for Fun and Health – Mondays and Thursdays, at 9:30 am the Pine Grove Senior Club. Come join us, we have treadmill, exercise bikes, weights and Just Walk Video. Contact Rachel, resource co-ordinator 204-437-2604.

Meet Your Neighbours Coffee Group- Mondays, at 1 pm, Pine Grove Seniors Club, Highway 12 and Prevost St. and Thursdays at 1 pm at the Evergreens Senior Club at the Hall by railroad tracks.


Annual Picnic – Celebrate with us Sunday, June 9 at the Sprague & District Historical Museum at 12:30 pm. Free admission, hotdogs, coffee, juice and dainties. Donations accepted. Enjoy exhibits at 6 buildings and outdoors, enjoy great local music. Don’t forget to bring your camera and lawn chair. In inclement weather lunch will be served indoors. Wheelchair accessible.

Book Sale Fundraiser East Borderland Personal Care Home & Senior Housing Phase III - Wednesday-Saturday, Wednesday, June 19 – Saturday, June 22. Wednesday-Friday from 9 am -7 pm and Saturday 9 am – 1 pm at the Community Hall. Contact Tina at 204-437-2772.

Kids Club – Wednesdays from 7 – 9 pm at the Community Fellowship Church. For all children ages 5 and up.

Sprague Service to Seniors Seeking Volunteers - Seeking individuals to assist and to provide a few services to seniors within our community such as snow removal, transportation for a fee, volunteers in the congregate Meals Programs as well as home cleaning services to seniors for a fee. A criminal record check is required for cleaning services and transportation. Email lgdseniors@gmail.com with your rates and for information, or call 204-437-2604.

St. Labre

St. Labre 200 – Friday, July 5 and Saturday, July 6, 24 teams build their go-cart on Day One and on Day 2, race a 1/4 mile on a dirt track. Both days a Mini-Train and a new BMX Track open to all. Enter at your own risk. On Friday, July 5, a Kids Zone from 10 am - 8 pm. Entertainment with The Revolving Doors 8:30 pm. Saturday, July 6, Kids Zone 9:30 am - 6:30 pm. Rubber Boot Toss, 1 pm – Kids, 3 pm – Men’s, 5 pm – Women’s. Excavator Rodeo July 6, Saturday, 9:30 – 11:30 am and 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Free for anyone to try and chance to win $100 with a $20 entry if you can beat the pro from Townline Excavating. All proceeds go towards Giving Back to the Community. Kid Bike Race Saturday at 10 am for different age groups. Bring your bike and race around the actual race track.

St. Malo

Farmers Market – Saturday, June 22, 9:30 am – 1 pm at the Arena, 22 Chouinard Ave.

St. Pierre-Jolys Toddler Shenanigans – Friday, June 14, 10 -11:30 am, at the YFC. Free coffee, tea and snacks. Caregivers must be in attendance.

Community Feast – Sunday, June 23, 12:30 – 4 pm at the Parish Hall, 1282 Dawson Rd. Hosted by Lorette Métis local in celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day. Free lunch at 12:30 pm (limited tickets, please register in advance. Door prizes, 50/50, Rainbow Auction, kids’ activities, entertainment by Nic Messner with Janessa Roy, Brandi Vezina, Alexandre Tetrault.

3234 Manitoba Horse Cadets – Join us for fun and adventure every Thursday until June, 6:30 – 9 pm at the Community Hall. For ages 12 – 18. Cost is Free. Meet new friends, fun, adventures, leadership, citizenship, community service, drill band, orienteering, and more. Contact Captain Phil Atkinson, phillip.atkinson@cadets.gc.ca. Website 3234manitobahorse.ca.

Ste. Anne

Meat Draw - Every Saturday from 1 – 4 pm at the Ste Anne Hotel. Draws every 1/2 hr. Must be in attendance to win. All proceeds go to the Ste Anne Lions Club.

Ste. Geneviève Library Night - Tache - Every Monday, from 6 - 7:30 pm at the Community Centre.


Steinbach and Area Garden Club - Monday, June 24 Members’ Annual Barbecue and Pot Luck, 6-8 pm at the Mennonite Heritage Village Summer Pavilion. A-L Bring sweets, M-Z bring savoury. Perennial Exchange/Gnome Scavenger Hunt. We ask that you bring your own utensils and plate. You may also bring own beverage, although we will provide water and coffee. Email sagardenclubinfo@gmail.com.

Community Appreciation BBQ – Wednesday, June 26, 5:30 pm AGM, and 6 pm BBQ at the Steinbach Family Resource Centre. RSVP to Family@steinbachfrc.ca.

Steinbach and Area Garden Club - 25th Anniversary Garden Tour & High Tea. Sunday, July 14, tour 8 gardens, 1 – 4 pm, High Tea, 3 -5 pm for $15. Join us for an enchanting afternoon of blossoms, creativity and special art display from talented local artists and live painting sessions. Tickets are limited. Contact a board member or Mennonite Heritage Village at Eventbrite.com.

Chase the Ace Fundraiser - Steinbach and Area Animal Rescue – Mondays at Smitty’s Restaurant. Tickets on sale 6:30–8:30 pm, draw at 8:45 pm. 2 tickets for $5. Progressive jack-pot is at $2,054. Winning ticket receives 10% of nightly ticket sales or 50% if the Ace is drawn. Have fun while supporting animals, maybe walk away with some cash!

Fung Loy Kok Tai Chi - Thursdays at 10 am at the United Church, Christian Ed building, 541 Main St. Develop a mind that is dynamic yet clear and calm and a spirit that is resilient yet light and peaceful. Tai Chi reduces stress, builds strength, flexibility and balance. Start anytime. Contact Veronica Klassen 204-326-1713, vronklas@gmail.com.

Steinbach Sizzlers 4-H Club - Contact Tatiana Tuttosi loonlover06@gmail.com.meetings at Steinbach United Church, CE Building, 541 Main St.

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Group - Thursdays, at 1 pm. Registration required. Contact Maggie@steinbachfrc.ca, 204-346-0413.

Royal Canadian Legion Steinbach Branch - Meets first Tuesday of month via Zoom at 7:30 pm; Ladies Auxiliary meets first Monday of month, 7:30 pm. Steinbach Legion, 227 Main St – Unit 5. Email steinbach190rcl@outlook.com.

Al-Anon – Mondays at 7:30 pm Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre back door, downstairs. Contact steinbachafg@ gmail.com.

Creative Writers Club - Second Wednesday every month at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. This is not a class but rather a writing share group where we hope to foster and encourage our participants’ love of writing. Feel free to bring 5 pages of writing (single sided, double spaced) to share with the group. Our evening will begin with an ice breaker and then move into share time. Coffee and tea will be served. Contact Madison Redekopp email mredekopp@ jakeepplibrary.com.

Steinbach Professional Development Toastmasters Club – On Wednesdays at 12 - 1 pm, Eastman Education Centre, 385 Loewen Blvd. Join us in person or by zoom. All guests are welcome! Contact Mark Hiebert 204-371-5197, email mhiebert@barkmanconcrete.com.

Knit-Wits Fibre Craft Club- First Tuesdays of the month at 6 – 8 pm, Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting, cross stitching and other types of fibre crafting? Join other adults for informal knitting, crochet, etc. circle. All skill levels welcome. Please bring your own project/supplies.

Craft Night - Wednesdays at 7 pm, Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Ages 16 years and up join us for a free event, with coffee and crafting. Our craft for the evening will be a beaded spring wreath. There is limited space available. To sign up, email mredekopp@jakeepplibrary.com.

Book Club - Meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 7 - 8:30 pm Jake Epp Library, 255 Elmdale St. Books are available at the circ desk as well as on our Libby App (free with your library card). Please sign up by email mredekopp@jakeepplibrary.com. Limited space available.

Steinbach & Area Lions Club - Meets second and fourth Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm, South East Helping Hands. Contact 204-326-2313.


Adventure with Nature Norm – Tall Grass Prairie Butterflies with Nature Norm! All are welcome for this free adventure on Saturday, June 8, with two departure times, at 8 am -10 am and 10 am -12 pm. You will be provided binoculars and a set of walking sticks (limited supplies). Starting point at the Prairie Shore Trail, 3km east of Tolstoi on Highway 209. Hope to see you there! Register with Norm Gregoire 204-408-6166, info@sharedlegacymb.ca.


Piney Regional Chamber of Commerce Meeting – Thursday, June 13 at 7 pm in council chambers or via Zoom. Guest speaker Ginni Hibbert Farm Credit Canada, programs for Those Who Produce and Process Canadian Food. Contact info@pineyregionalchamber.ca.

Vita Canada Day – Sunday, June 30 - Monday, July 1. Lawn Mower Races, June 30, registration 3 – 3:45 pm and start time 4 pm, entry fee $15. Contact Barry 204-408-1722 or email vitacanadaday@hotmail.com.

CWE Wrestling Cruel Summer Tour - Featuring Sammy Peppers, June 30, 6 pm bell time at the Shevchenko School grounds.

Market – July 1, 12 – 5 pm. $35 includes 10’x10’ booth and one wristband good for July 1. Tables, chairs and tents not included. Contact Crystal Adolphe, gardentonplants@ outlook.com, 204-392-9801. Canada Day Classic – 6x4 slow-pitch tournament. 3game guarantee. $200 entry fee. Team entry due June 24. Contact Roger Storoschuck 204-905-9252 or Colton Fisher 204-392-3519.

All kids’ activities free with purchase of gate wristband. Bouncers, face painting, balloon animals, Fraser Reptiles (June 30), Petting Zoo (July 1), crafts, colouring, games, barrel train rides, Rachel’s Collies – Tricks, Sand Pile, Nerf Gun Wars, Zorb Balls, Fireworks and more!

Heartland Rodeo – Sunday, June 30 – Monday, July 1. Bull riding, saddle bronc, ranch saddle bronc bareback, tie down roping, steer wrestling, laddies goat tying, ladies barrel racing, ladies breakaway roping, team roping, Jr barrel racing, Jr steer riding and Wild Pony Rage at intermission.

Woodridge Flea Market - Saturday, June 15, 10 am – 3 pm at M.A. Querel Community Park, next to Community Centre. BBQ lunch available. Vendors $10 registration fee, bring your own table, tent, chairs and sell all day. Free public admission.

Métis Mobile Clinic – Friday, June 28, 10 am – 3 pm at the Community Hall, 69 Denis St. Everyone welcome! Blood sugar testing, cholesterol levels, 5-minute health check-in, Call ahead for vaccine and foot care appointments 1-833390-1041 extension 3, email clinicinfo@mmf.MB.ca.

Wellness Wednesdays – On Wednesdays, 1 – 4 pm at the Community Club. Join us for pool, cribbage, darts, pickleball, board games, cards, ping-pong and puzzles. Coffee, tea, pop $2, water $1 or bring your own beverage.

Please email events to editor@dawsontrail.ca

Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Over 25 Years of

Gaslighting for the Masses

We’ve all been gaslit at some point. It’s disheartening to be at the receiving end and more so during an election cycle when this form of political “populism” creeps into headlines.

Being “gaslit”, means you’re on the receiving end of someone who perpetuates lies, manipulates reality, scapegoats and coerces to win at all costs.

According to the encyclopaedia Britannica, the expression “gaslighting” originated from a 1938 British play called “Gas Light”. “It was about a husband who mentally and emotionally manipulates his wife into believing she is crazy by changing the intensity of the gas lamps within their home.”

We don’t need to look back too far in history for examples of momentous course altering gaslighters to know the devastation that befalls a people and a nation.

I’ve wondered to myself, while these gaslighters are spewing their pointless mantra, does this person really think everyone doesn’t see through them? Do they really think we don’t know

that the planet is round; that the sky is blue?

Gaslighting has now evolved into a political art form in an attempt to manipulate millions.

It’s easier than you think when you are grabbing headlines and voters need actionable relief on uncertainties in healthcare, homelessness, government deficits, household debt, high grocery prices, being over taxed, labour shortages, road repairs, clean drinking water, pollution, climate change… the list of our grievances can varies depending on whether we live in rural or urban areas and what province/territory you live in. These grievances are not generationally new, they’ll always rise to the top within every election cycle.

In clinical psychology “gaslighting” is defined as a form of abusive behaviour seen in a narcissist. The abuse comes about because the narcissist has to satisfy their own pathological need for constant affirmation and esteem. The strange thing about a narcissist is they don’t have insight into their own behaviour as being abusive.

Sadly for some, this abuse gradually undermines the recipient’s own ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, or reality from appearance. Gaslighters are darn good at what they do.

Fortunately, the red flags are easily spotted. Signs of a gaslighter include, deny, deny, deny. They use what you love against you so that you lose a sense of your self. Their words are counter to their actions. They use flat-

tery, create confusion, dismiss reality, ignore your opinions. They question factual knowledge and impugn the motives of people who contradict their viewpoint.

Sound familiar?

Just look to the south of us. You have a former president whose lifelong pattern of behaviour is gaslighting. He broke multiple laws in an attempt to subvert a democratically held election. He is constantly threatening and trampling over anyone, including small and big businesses, to get what he wants while all the while “boo-hooing” he is a victim.

Now let’s turn our attention to us and how we can mitigate the effects of gaslighting in Canada?

It all comes down to us. We need to remember it’s not up to the gaslighter to make decisions for us, it’s actually up to us. A political gaslighter’s influence is dependent on our actions and our fears.

I do hope we’ve learned our past lessons to not trust any politician whose “go to” is pandering to extremists or misogynists. We need to recognize their fearful rhetoric denigrates culture and immigration. Their hidden agenda is all about making the 1% happy while using anti-elite buzzwords to stoke fear. One liners like “get tough on crime”, “axe the tax”, and “fix immigration” are misdirection away from actual policy that connects us and uplifts each and every one of us.

Thank goodness we are a democracy.

Ritchot Senior Services June Event Calendar

Group Outing – The Mint & St. Vital Mall –Wednesday, June 5. Tour the Royal Canadian Mint’s Winnipeg location. Every single Canadian circulation coin is produced here, as well as coins for other countries. Get a bird’s eye view of the production floor. Learn about state-of-the art technology, skill and precision to design a coin, about the record-breaking “Million Dollar Coin”, see the 2010 Vancouver medals. Bus picks us up at 10:15 am, tour starts at 11 am. After, we will head to St. Vital Mall for lunch and shopping until 1:45 pm. Bus $5 and Tour $8.50. Lunch @ your own cost. Limited number of seats available so reserve yours soon.

Lunch & Learn World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Tuesday, June 11 at 10 am we observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) and welcome Celine from our local Caisse Financial Group. Learn about financial abuse and how to protect your hard-earned money by recognizing the latest frauds and scams. Wear purple to show support and raise awareness and your name will be entered into a draw to win a prize. After the presentation, lunch is served. Attendance is free, but space is limited. Please register to secure your spot.

Fathers Day Breakfast – Thursday, June 13, 10 – 11:30 am. Join us for a special morning dedicated to the guys! Enjoy a delicious breakfast while spending time

with friends. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required, and space is limited. Don’t miss out on this special celebration!

Coffee – Thursdays, June 6, 20 and 27 from 10 - 11:30 am. Indulge in the perfect blend of activity and sociability! $2 for bottomless coffee and muffin. Ritchot Senior Services, 457 Main Street, St. Adolphe.

Foot Care Clinics - By appointment only. For more information, please contact Janice at 204-883-2880.

Upcoming clinic dates:

Ste Agathe – Wednesday, June 12 and Thursday, June 13.

St. Adolphe – Tuesday, July 2, Wednesday, July 3 and Thursday, July 4. Ile des Chenes – Tuesday, June 4 and Wednesday, June 5.

St. Adolphe Old Time Dance – Sunday, June 23. 1 – 5 pm (last dance until the Fall) at the Pioneer Hall, 345 St. Adolphe Rd. Entertainment provided by Mark Morriseau. Door prizes, 50/50 and cash bar. Lunch provided – tickets only $20. Please reserve your ticket in advance, by calling Jules 204-883-2440.

Green Thumb Club - Join us for some hands-on gardening and quality time with friends. Register your name with RSS, and when the weather is right, you’ll re-

ceive an email notifying you that it’s time to start planting. RSS has several planters that need beautifying, weeding and watering for the summer months. The best part is that in July and August, you’ll be invited to a special morning where we can sit together, admire your work, and enjoy some coffee or tea. Ready to get your hands in the dirt and join us in nurturing our green space. Sign up with RSS today!

Walking Club – Mondays, June 10, 17 and 24 at 10 am. Join the RSS Walking Club! Stay active this summer while exploring the Friendship Trail and Old St. Adolphe Park, while spending time with friends. We start with shorter walks and gradually increase the distance. RSS provides Trek Poles for added stability. To join the club, simply register, and you’ll receive weekly emails detailing each week’s adventure.

Mindful Mornings – Fridays, June 14, 21, and 28 at 9:15 am. Imagine a quiet summer morning, listening to the birds, feeling the sun on your skin, and enjoying the grass beneath your bare feet. Join us for a gentle range of motion workout that includes balance exercises and muscle release techniques to enhance your flexibility, all while learning the importance and benefits of mindfulness. We’ll use trek poles and picnic tables to assist with balance as you find your perfect spot in the sun or shade.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024 Did you Know??... you can list YOUR business card in the Dawson Trail Dispatch Business Directory for as little as $49 a month!! We design your ad for you, no extra charge. Call us today to book your ad at 204-422-8548 or email sales@dawsontrail.ca

The Lost Key Steinbach Musician Nominated for 5 Awards

Hello and welcome to another instalment of My Spinning World. This month, I need to ask you a question. Have you ever lost something? If your answer is that you have, then we are in the same boat because there have been times in my life when I have had something and when I go to look for it, it just can not be found. I have always felt like a fairly organized person but when things that I know I have gone missing, well then I see that as an opportunity to improve.

In the latest event of something’s gone missing, my wife and I (yes, we’ll share the blame on this one) have misplaced a small key. This small key of about an inch in length was not where we’ve kept it for the last twenty years (give or take a couple). When we did some renovations in our home, some of the furniture and all of the knickknacks had to move out of the room. Once the renovations were done, things were put back to their places along with some fresh rearranging. I’m sure that the key was seen at that time and I have a vague recollection that we may have found a new home for the key.

We have no clue where that new home is.

We have searched every room that we can think of where the key may have gotten moved to. No luck. We have searched every nook and cranny, every corner and on every shelf. If there is a corner in our home where we think it could be, we’ve searched there.

We’ve even searched a lot of unconventional locations as well in the hopes of being reunited with our lost key. Under some coffee mugs that we haven’t used in years? Checked. Tucked between the pages of a book? Checked. In the pockets of the jeans I am wearing? Checked. Taped beneath a desk like they do in the spy/mystery movies? Checked!

This key, much like a ghost wolf, is an elusive one and has yet to be found.

I can almost imagine that this inanimate object will be peeking out from its shadow and giggling as I search near it but not finding it.

Little key, you will be found.

It is my hope and prayer that by sharing my tale of hide and seek, my tale of lost and longing, my tale of the woefully lost key, that something of a clue may be jarred awake within my mind and my memory so that the key’s hiding spot will be revealed to me.

Only time will tell.

Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

The Manitoba Loud Music Awards has announced its list of contenders for a multitude of awards and one Steinbach musician has been nominated in 5 different categories.

Jason Bekiaris grew up in Steinbach, having attended school in Steinbach while playing in several bands, over a span of the last 35 plus years.

“I played in the bands Wreckage, Sound Rage, Chemikill, Metal Knight, and Echo 385 before embarking on a solo career,” he noted when asked how he got to this point in his career.

As a single father, raising a little boy, you can imagine there are limitations with the number of shows he is able to perform each year.

“I certainly have more shows behind me than ahead of me, especially since I’m turning 51-years old this September, but my son performed on my last record, he was 6 years old at the time, recording the bass tracks prior to signing a USA label deal,” he added.

Bekiaris started playing guitar at 13-years old, and played his first show at 15-years old.

“I feel music is something that has been my focus for the better part of my life,” he noted. “Growing up in southeast Manitoba, we were limited to the venues to perform, so I spent the better part of my career playing in Winnipeg before venturing across the

USA for several years opening shows for 80s rock artists Judas Priest, RATT, Warrant, LA Guns, Dokken, Firehouse and more.”

There were some bumps in the road though.

“I’ve always written, performed, and recorded music, having a home studio helps, but the Covid pandemic was difficult for everyone,” he reflected. “As an artist, we couldn’t perform shows, or tour, and had to discover new ways to release music and grow an audience. These included a focus on social media, music videos, digital marketing on Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and more.”

With a passion and dedication to his music, Bekiaris not only artistically survived through the pandemic but ultimately realized there were more high points than lows.

“Getting a call, from a USA promoter, asking if we would open some shows for Skid Row in the USA was a moment I’ll never forget,” said Bekiaris. “We also performed live, monthly interviews, and had regular airplay/rotation on 92 CITI FM and Power 97. All of those moments contributed to feeling like the years of Kraft Dinner and Mr. Noodles finally paid off.”

He describes his ‘current’ sound similar artists such as Disturbed, Linkin Park, Halestorm, and Avenged Sevenfold and this genre is

reflected in his most recent recordings.

“I play all the instruments on my records,” he noted.

“These include guitar, bass, and drums, and taught myself to play piano and keyboards by watching tutorials on YouTube, which is a great asset for any musician.”

His talent was noticed, landing him a recording deal.

“I signed my first record label deal with Blue Pie Records USA in March 2023, working with the same label as Dave Evans, the original singer of AC/DC,” he said.

“We have weekly meetings in Canada, USA, and through their head office in Australia as well.”

“This was a game changer for me in terms of my music being distributed across North America, every continent possible, and airplay across the world,” he added. “When I release a new single, I send the track to my label (hear the good, bad, and ugly), along with the artwork, and then they release it for me. It saves an incredible amount of time for any artist and feels really neat.”

Bekiaris is ecstatic following the recent Manitoba Loud Music Awards nominations which include Vocalist of The Year, Guitarist of The Year, Performer of The Year, Song Writer of The Year, and Loud Album of The Year.

“To say I was shocked was an understatement,” he said.

“I’m very blessed, humbled, and thankful for everyone that spent a few minutes sending in their nomination requests.” The Manitoba Loud Music Awards voting period is open from June 1 to 30 at loudawards. com/vote. Fans will be allowed 1 vote per category per day. You can vote often so let’s see if we can’t get southeast Manitoba on the map for the 4th Annual Manitoba Loud Music Awards which will be presented at the Burton Cummings Theatre in Winnipeg on Saturday, September 28, 2024.

Bekiaris has several new releases on the way, covering the hard rock and country genres, and he is recording several new videos. These will be released across his social channels (facebook.com/jasonbekiaris, twitter. com/jasonbekiaris, instagram. com/jasonbekiaris, and youtube. com/MrRetroJay). For tour dates and new music, visit his official website at jasonbekiaris.com.

Sprague RCMP Addresses Concerns Over Unattended Dogs

Constable Mitchell Butler of the Sprague RCMP has issued a statement in response to a rising number of calls regarding unattended dogs in the area.

Property owners are reminded to ensure their dogs are either tethered or kept within a fenced area if they are not personally supervising them.

Constable Butler emphasized the growing concern among res-

idents about unattended dogs.

“Many of these callers are fearful of these completely unattended dogs,” he said.

“The proper course of action is to issue a complaint through the RM of Piney.” Residents are encouraged to log their complaints with the RM office. Once a complaint is received, the RM of Piney will send a letter to the prop-

erty owner. The RM takes these complaints seriously and will act according to their established procedures. Ensuring that animals are well cared for and healthy is of paramount importance.

For more information on the procedures and policies regarding unattended dogs, residents can visit the RM of Piney website at www.rmof-


Constable Butler also addressed situations where criminal aspects may arise from dog owners’ actions. In such cases, residents should contact the RCMP directly.

Constable Butler encourages all dog owners to be responsible and mindful of their pets’ whereabouts and the safety of the community.

Pipeline Returns to Partial Operation as Repairs Continue

Provincial inspectors were on-site when Imperial Oil safely restored service to one of the two fuel lines at the pipeline repair site south of St. Adolphe recently. This repair restores a partial flow of fuel through the pipeline and will significantly

reduce the volume of fuel that has to be alternatively delivered by rail and truck.

Provincial inspectors will continue to monitor the repair operation to ensure all regulations and environmental protection measures are

on Schedule

followed as repairs to the second fuel line are completed in order to return the pipeline to full operation.

The pipeline repair for the second line is on schedule and expected to be completed by mid-June.

Supplies of gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel are stable. The province is maintaining close contact with suppliers and stakeholders to track supply levels and fuel distribution.

0 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Jason Bekiaris Submitted photo


About Us:

Pat Porter Active Living Centre (Serving Seniors Inc.) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the community with various activities with various activities that promote good mental health and an overall healthy lifestyle. We strive to offer programs and events that address your physical, social, cultural, intellectual, and emotional well-being. To learn more visit our website patporteralc.com.

Serving Seniors Inc.

& PPALC AGM 2024:

Please RSVP by June 24. On Wednesday, June 26, Dinner 5 pm, AGM 6 pm and Country Jam 7 pm. Join us for food as we reflect on the amazing things from the past year.

Current Programs:

The majority of our programs are $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Please check daily sign-up for updated hours.

Coffee Corner - Monday to Friday starting at 9:30 am.

Cards - Monday to Friday 1 – 4 pm.

Fun Bingo – Free - Wednesdays June 8 and 12, 4 -6 pm. Country Jam – Wednesdays, 7 – 9 pm.

Fitness Classes:

Beginner Zumba - $3/$5. Sign up online. Fridays at 6 – 7 pm. Except June 14 & 28. Laughter Yoga – Mondays, 1–2 pm. Except June 17 & 24.

Walking – Free - Monday to Friday at 8:30 - 8:50 am and Tuesday and Thursday at 12

– 1 pm.

Fitness Drumming – Tuesdays, 1 – 2 pm. Except June 18 and 25.

Circuit Training – Mondays, 10 -11 am. Except June 17 and 24.

Rockin’ Rollers – Sign up Online. Sundays at 2 - 4 pm. Grab your roller skates/ blades and stroll around our gym to great music. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

PACE – Wednesdays, 1 - 1:45 pm. Except June 19 and 25.

Floor Curling – Wednesday, 1:30 - 3:30 pm.

Yoga with Carrie – Fridays, 9–10 am. Except June 21 and 28.

Pickleball - Registration required at patporteralc.com. Times are subject to change.

Please check sign-up for updated hours.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays, 9 am – 12 pm.

Thursday and Fridays, 910:30 am.

Monday and Wednesdays, 12 – 1 pm.

Fridays, 4 – 6 pm.

Intermediate Pickleball - Monday Evenings, 3:30 – 7:30 pm.

Advanced Pickleball - Monday Evenings, 7:30–9:30 pm.

Beginner Pickleball – Mondays, 1 – 3:30 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 – 4 pm, Wednesdays, 1 – 3:30 pm (1 court), and Fridays 10:30 am – 12 pm.

Badminton - Registration required at patporteralc.com.

Monday and Wednesdays, 12

– 1 pm and Friday 4–6 pm.

Special Events:

Father’s Day Coffee –Wednesday, June 12, 9 – 11 am. Come and celebrate all of the fathers and male role models on us with a good cup of coffee and a snack. This event is free. Please reserve your spot by Friday, June 7.

Perogy Bee - Monday, June 3, 1 – 3:30 pm. We are making cottage cheese perogies. If you would like to be a volunteer and help with rolling, pinching, scooping, and boiling please sign up. This afternoon is a great opportunity to get out of your house, enjoy a conversation and help make delicious food. Call us to sign-up to be a volunteer or to order ahead.

2024 Memberships: Memberships are still available. Get your member discount for programs and events for $30!

Summer in The City: It’s once again time for our favourite Steinbach event: Summer in the City. Join us at the senior’s tent anytime on June 14, 15 or 16!

Wildlife Presentation: Monday, June 24 at 1:30pm.

Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Presents the education team. This jam-packed one hour presentation includes a demo and hands-on activities for the audience to get involved. If this is something that excites you please sign-up at the Centre or via phone 204-320-4600. Only $5/person.

Pancake Breakfast:

$8/plate - Thursday, June 27, 9:30 – 11 am. Join us for a delicious meal of pancakes and sausage. All proceeds go to our Meals on Wheels program.


We have rooms of a variety of sizes and prices. For pricing and room, availability visit our website patporteralc.com, email rentals@patporteralc. com or call 204-320-4600. Meals Program:

A healthy, warm and delicious meal cooked fresh daily and delivered to your door. We have two Meals on Wheels programs running out of Steinbach and Grunthal. Meals may be purchased for $8 for delivery or pickup. A meal includes soup, a main dish, sides and dessert. Please call 204-320-4600 with any questions or to order a meal. To receive or cancel a same day meal, you must call before 9 am.


Accessible Transit: Need a ride to an appointment or other errand? This service is available to residents of Steinbach. Please visit our website patporteralc. com for a full price list. Services are available Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm and weekends. To book a ride, call 204-326-4055. If your call is not answered, leave a message with the answering service. Appointments must be booked in advance to ensure availability.

Love’s Gift of Selfless Sacrifice

Have you ever considered the love and sacrifice of a person, who would give his life for another? Several times we hear of someone who jumped into freezing waters to save another’s life and in the process lost his own.

Many years ago there was a newspaper headline, “Pilot gave his life for his crew.”

A CC130 Hercules crashed twelve miles short of its Arctic destination. Captain John Couch gave some of his clothing to keep others warm in the -22°C temperatures. He worked for hours caring for the

thirteen passengers. Then, he lay down to sleep and never awoke. He gave his life so the others could be rescued. He became a hero to those people and their families because of his selfless sacrifice. There is record of a much greater sacrifice in history. Since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, every human being is born with a sin nature. We don’t have to be taught to do wrong; it just comes naturally. The end result of our sin is death (spiritual). God, in His love and wisdom, sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, (God

in the flesh) to take the punishment for all sin upon Himself. Christ took our place and died on a cross 2,000 years ago, so we don’t have to die spiritually. He died that we may live. 1 John 5:12 says, “He that hath the Son hath life.”

God sacrificed His own life so that you could live. All you need to do is acknowledge your sin before God and let Him put Christ’s death to your sin account. That wipes your sin slate clean and gives you eternal life. The total work of the sacrifice was completed by Christ many years ago. All

Ecclesiastes –What Does It Say?

Ecclesiastes 12:1314… 13) Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. 14) For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. (NIV)

Ecclesiastes uncovers – reveals – makes known the wisdom of life as you and I know it. But we also understand that this life carries with it harsh negatives, like sorrow and death. For us to live wisely means that we need to take death seriously and embrace it as part of our time here in this world.

The wisdom which sees life as something beautiful must also recognize that death is inevitable. The Word of God is an important part of our life – not our own words but God’s. God’s word of judgment and of grace before it we must remain silent and listen. In our approach to God, it is important and necessary to remember the Holiness of God and respect the infinite pre-eminence – difference – between God and life on earth.

All life on earth is creatures of time. God has put eternity into our hearts, and all human life knows that we have not arrived, there will always be a sense that we are not there yet. But the Preacher says… When the man in his old years goes to his home in his old age to die his mourners will follow at his funeral’ They shall return the body to the grave where it will return to dust as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; all is vanity… nothing more to say.

Vanity – the self-importance of all things… that begs us to take a critical eye on the Word of God; for humans are by no means eager to disregard – Ignore religion if it is a modern-day theology – softened – tamed to fit the needs and wants of modern-day humanity. For there is an engrained tendency in humankind to seek to make use of God; in other words, to subjugate God to themselves and their own personal concerns – to treat Him as a co-worker a partner. However, the Word of God is not meant to echo our words, it is God’s own word, His Word of judgment and of grace, and before it we must be silent and listen.

Youth of today and youth of yester years… I remember a great deal of my youth of yester years. Part of my yester years I would rather forget now that I am in my senior years… The writer of Ecclesiastes: I shall take the liberty and name him Solomon because I believe he is the author who advises the youth of his day to enjoy the season of youth while it is their time – before the hair on their heads turn grey and they ultimately come to the end of life like everyone does.

you have to do is accept that sacrifice and make it personal, between you and God. Have you taken that step in your life? Don’t put it off. One day it may be too late!

However, in heaven we will receive a new body, a new body made for eternity. Unlike the ones we currently have, created for this world, our newly resurrected bodies are going to be a forever type . . . the present one is a natural body; the future one will be spiritual.

But in the life to come we will be such that the Spirit can truly fill us, as can never happen here, and the Spirit can truly use us, as is never possible now. Then we will be able to render the perfect worship, the perfect service, the perfect love; that now can only be a vision and a dream… To God Be the Glory Great Things He Has Done.

Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have the peace in my heart that I yearn for. I want peace, joy and happiness that fulfill my heart’s desire. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will honour Your Name. Amen.”

June 2024
Celebrating Over 25
of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch


If you have any information in regards to any item here you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Wandering Bear Put Down in Steinbach

Steinbach RCMP received a call around 4:45 pm on Monday, May 20 regarding a black bear in the area of Biscayne Drive and Alderwood Crescent. Prior to the RCMP’s arrival several more calls came in advising that the bear was now at the SRSS. RCMP were able to locate the bear and attempted to escort it out of town. Unfortunately due to the heavy pedestrian traffic and the bear’s behaviour it had to be put down. Manitoba Conversation was advised and assisted with the removal of the bear.

Drugs, Firearm and Large Amount of Cash Seized in Steinbach

On May 1, as part of an ongoing drug investigation, Steinbach RCMP General Investigative Section and East District Crime Reduction Enforcement Support Team executed a search warrant at a residence in Steinbach.

Officers seized methamphetamine, crack cocaine, psilocybin, 6 kg of illicit cannabis, 45,000 illicit cigarettes, a conducted energy weapon, a firearm and over $140,000 in cash.

A 50-year-old female was arrested at the scene is facing a number of charges under the Criminal Code, Cannabis Act and the Tax Administration and Miscellaneous Taxes Act. She was released from custody with an upcoming court date.

The investigation is ongoing and RCMP anticipate further arrests.

Flat Deck Trailer Stolen

Steinbach RCMP are investigating the theft of trailer, stolen overnight on May 12 along Road 38N, north of Mitchell.

The Trailer is described as a 2015 Flat Deck trailer with a slip tank with 200 L of fuel and a diesel exhaust. It is a black trailer License Plate number X365M with Load Trail lettering on the side.

Whitemouth RCMP Respond to Fatal Collision Tickets Issued to Drivers of ORVs

On May 14, around 4:40 pm, Whitemouth RCMP received a report that a two-vehicle collision had occurred on Highway 11 near Provincial Road 307. When police attended the scene they located a pickup truck and a car in the northbound lane of Highway 11.

Initial investigation has determined that the pickup truck was travelling southbound on Highway 11 when it entered the northbound lane, colliding with the northbound car.

The 30-year-old female driver of the car, from the RM of Lac du Bonnet, was pronounced deceased on scene. The 45-year-old male driver of the pickup truck, from Tyndall, received life-threatening injuries and was transported to hospital, where he remains.

Both drivers were wearing seatbelts.

A RCMP Forensic Collision Reconstructionist and the RCMP Criminal Collision Investigative Team were called in to assist with the investigation.

RCMP Search for Stolen Truck

On May 19 at approximately 9:30 am, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a grey stolen GMC Sierra 2006 with Manitoba plate EST368.

The theft would have occurred between May 18 at 8 pm and May 19 at 9:30 am, in the 37000 of 48 Road N in the RM of Ste Anne.

If you have any information regarding this matter, please contact the Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

Theft from McMunn and Yates

On Wednesday May 15 at approximately 4:10 pm an unknown male stole $2,000 worth of items from McMunn and Yates. The man had been loitering around the store before walking out with a cart full of items. The male also had assistance from a black dodge caravan with a missing fender on the passenger right hand side.

If you have any information regarding this matter, please contact the Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

At 4 pm on Monday, May 20 Steinbach Traffic Services Member conducted a proactive stop on two males from Steinbach riding off-road vehicles on McKenzie Avenue.

Six tickets were issued under the Off Road Vehicles Act: Operate an Unregistered Vehicle x 2; Operate an ORV over a roadway or shoulder x 2; Driver an ORV without a valid license under the Highway Traffic Act and Operate an ORV with a plate that does not match the registration. The tickets issued equalled $985.

RCMP Remind Residents of Off-Road Vehicle Laws

Steinbach RCMP would like to remind the public the laws regarding Off Road Vehicles (ORV).

ORV include All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV), Snowmobiles, Dirt Bikes, Utility Task Vehicles (UTV), Side by Sides etc.

ORV must be registered and insured and can be done at any Autopac agent or MPI Service Centre. ORV can only travel in ditches, trails or on Crown land where designated as permissible. You cannot ride on roadways.

Approved Helmets must be worn at all times. There are some exceptions such as if your ORV has rollover protection and seatbelts which must be worn at all times and specific types of employments.

If you are under 14 years of age, you can only operate an ORV if accompanied and supervised by your parents (or someone 18 years old authorized by parent) at all times and remain in clear view. Only travel in ditches and cannot travel on roadways, shoulders, or sidewalks.

If you have any information regarding this matter, please contact the Steinbach RCMP at 204-326-4452, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1800-222-8477, or secure tip online at manitobacrimestoppers.com.

If you are 14 years and older (without a valid drivers licence) or 15 1/2 years of age (with a valid learner stage driver’s licence) you can operate one unsupervised. In addition, you can operate in ditches but cannot travel on roadways, shoulders or sidewalks.

If you are 16 years and older (with a valid Intermediate or Full Stage drivers licence) you can operate in ditches and where designated as permissible on Crown land or Trails. You can cross a roadway at or within 5 meters of an intersection. Do not ride with passenger unless your ORV is specifically designed to hold more than one person. Be respectful to anyone you come across and keep to the right. Impaired driving laws also apply to all motorized vehicles including ORV.

Keep all vehicles locked. Check on your neighbours. Call 911 if you suspect a crime is in progress or has occured!

Be aware of happenings in your neighbourhood and report suspicious activity to the authorities.

 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024

On June 13, the Seine River Services for Seniors (SRS) will hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Centre de l’amitié, 97 Rue Principale, La Broquerie, starting at 1 pm.

This year’s AGM will feature a unique panel discussion that brings together community leaders and stakeholders to explore transportation options for seniors.

Heather Dean, Chair of SRS, emphasized the importance of this initiative, noting that the goal is to gather various stakeholders to discuss the lived experiences, challenges, aspirations, and data regarding senior transportation.

“We aim to collaborate on developing transportation solutions for seniors who cannot drive due to medical, visual, geographic, or accessibility concerns,” Dean explained.

The panel will include an impressive line-up of participants, reflecting a wide range of expertise and perspectives. Among them are:

- Louise Hutton, Consultant to Age Friendly Manitoba and Board Chair of Transportation Options Network for Seniors (TONS)

- Audrey Harder, Executive Director, Pat Porter Active Living Centre, Steinbach

- Cornie Klassen, Councillor, Town of Ste Anne

- Richard Pelletier, Reeve, RM Ste Anne

- Sarah Normandeau, Councillor, RM Ste Anne

- Ivan Normandeau, Reeve, RM La Broquerie

- Yann Boissoneault, CEO, Villa Youville, Ste Anne

- Jean Gagnon, Operations Manager, Le Chalet, La Broquerie

- Bruce Leochko, President, Paradise Village Resident Association

- Volunteer drivers from SRS, Villa Youville, and Paradise Village

Key topics for the panel discussion include:

- Increasing public awareness of transportation options for seniors

- Improving the coordination of volunteer drivers

- Enhancing recruitment and retention of volunteer drivers

- Addressing the needs of seniors with special accessibility challenges

- Training volunteer and paid drivers in respectful interactions with seniors

- Exploring cars haring as a model for rural areas

- Evaluating the shift in the need for specialist medical visits to Winnipeg and the impact of services such as Cancer Care and haemodialysis in Steinbach

- Assessing opportunities for active transportation, such as walking paths, in the communities.

The gathering aims to foster dialogue and generate actionable insights that can help seniors live independently and with dignity. Dean underscored the importance of community collaboration in meeting these transportation challenges, stressing that input from seniors, their families, municipal councils, long-term care homes, business leaders, and senior organizations is crucial.

The SRS Annual General Meeting and the subsequent panel discussion promise to be significant steps forward in addressing the transportation needs of seniors in the Seine River area. All community members and stakeholders are encouraged to attend and contribute to this vital conversation.

Whitemouth RCMP

Respond to Drowning Seine River Services for Seniors to Address Transportation Needs at Annual General Meeting

On May 12, at 7:55 pm, Whitemouth RCMP received a report of a drowning at Meditation Lake in Whiteshell Provincial Park. A passer-by had located an injured adult female on the shore. The female told the passer-by that her husband was missing.

Officers attended immediately. Investigation determined that the in-

Country Tales: Life is About “Getting Your Goat:

The itchy poison ivy, the biting wood ticks, the scratchy tall grasses is everything scrub brush loves but a beautiful useable yard doesn’t. Nature is stronger than the fresh scent of insect bug body spray. There’s only one creature that can handle these treacherous conditions... fight nature with nature, get a goat.

jured 58-year-old female was canoeing with a 61-year-old male. There was high wind and cooler temperatures on the lake when the canoe capsized. The female was able to swim to shore. The autopsy will be conducted.

Both individuals, from Winnipeg, were wearing lifejackets when the canoe capsized.

Within a few days we installed 5’ x 400’ protective fencing, a fresh water supply and built a shelter from scrap tin. The local feed store provided advice, minerals, kibble and a salt block. Hay is on the way.

A roll of poly saved the back of the SUV for the short drive, highly recommended for any type of “raisin” proofing.

With great excitement two dwarf goats came to their new wooded range. It has ramps built of old snowmobile tracks, toys for entertainment and all the snacks a goat could ask for. We’re now building a winter structure.

Not sure anymore if I’ve put them to work or they have me working for them. “Meh!”

Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024
Celebrating Over 25 Years of
 Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities! Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2024

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